AVEBAOB DAILY dRCtrLATTON tor the Moatb of March, 1BS8 THE WEATHEH Fereeaet of u. a. Weather Sanaa, Hartford 6.1-54 Member of the Andtt Oeaeralty fair toolght and Bureau o f Cireulatioos Wedueeday; aot m eeol on the eeaot tonight. DS MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVn„ NO. 176 (Oaaeifled Adverttelag on Page U ) I V MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS LAFOLLETTFS Took Twenty Years to Get This Medal JAPS 12 MILES CAU STIRS UP FROM RAILS AS BRITAIN TO INCREASE 3D ?km TALK CIVILIMSFLEE I' Congress Members Take Di- INCOME TAX TO HELP Farm Folks Gear Oat Of vided Portions On Time- Sochow Area; 8tli Army liness Of Any New AHgn; PAY COST OF ARMING Division Believed Advanc- ment On PoHtical Lines. ing On Road To Peiping. May Have June Wedding Levy Is Raised From 25 To Wagblngton, April 26.— (A P ) — 27 1-2 Per Cent; Higher Governor Philip La Follette’o call Shanghai. April 26— (A P )—Japa- for a meeting of liberal* at Madtoon, nese, driving forward savagely only Dades On Tea And Oil Wl»., Thu.'sdry night Is exciting 12 miles from ths east-w-est Lung- ____. lively Interest amonx leglslatora hal railway, their objective In four k '.'•f-f 'i vL-.'-.’-'V - j seeking to ascertain the potential months of fighUng. reported to- Also Annonneed; Chancel- strength of a national third party. day the entire Suchow area was be- Although thei e Is . little expectation ing evacuated by Chlneae civilian* lor Presents Highest that a new party wodd have ooun- A Japanese army spokesman aald trywlde Influence In thl* year'* Con- aerial observation showed all roads gressional elections, members of In the section choked with Chinese Peace-Time ^ g e t h Congress are divided over the guea- farmers carting their belongings southward and westward. In appar- tlon of whether the time la ripe for a political realignmenL ent expectation of a rapid Japanese History Of The Emphn; advance upon Suchow, the strategic Senator Norris flnd-Neb) assert- ed today that third party aavoeates Junction of the Lunghai and north should hang back until It la de- south Tlentsin-Pukow railway. London, April 26.— (A P )- 4 A t the same time a wide shake- termined whether President Rooee- The British government joltad velt will seek another term.- up te the Japanese naval command the nation today by honaHoy- “The President doesn’t want a In ^ ln e e e waters waa announced. Transferred to unldeiitlfled posts the income tax from 26 par third term,- Norria aald, “but If a coalition of OemocraU and Republl were Vice-admiral Klyoshl Hose cent to 27 1-2 per cent to cans In Congress succeeds In block- gawa, oommander-ln-chlef of - the pay the costs o f the staggeriBs German machine third fleet in Chinese ing his measrios, the |<eop1e will In- rearmament program. sist that he run again. throughout the Shanghai opera- tions; Rear Admiral Tadao Honda, Sir John Simon, chanceDof "I think the formation ol any Adler. Sullivan’s war-time capUln- Se^aJ^t SulUvan presentation are (I to r)................. Col. Julius- Ochs- former naval attache to the Japa- third part> ahould wait untU we see represenUngthe French Belle. of the exchequer. In his annu- nese embassy In China, who Issued whether we will have to run the In the United States. Maurice O. Roux,-president'of French war veterana al budget speech before « . many of the navy’s statements and President for another term.’’ shocked House pf Commong* Talks of Roosevelt Pledge explanations at the Ume of the sinking of the U. 8. Panay. and announced the income taE Representative O'Connel. (D- Mont) has ^on’.ei.ded that the Madl- Rear Admiral Denshichl Obkochi would be raised from five ghfl.- eon conference would offer an op- commander of the special naval lings in the pound to five sh it landing party In CTilna. Their sue portunity tor liberals to pledge sup- CONGRESS GROUP FAVORS PENNSY’S POLITKS lings sixpence (from *1.26 to ceasors were not named. port to the President for a third Chlneae Counter .Attacks *1.37 1-2 in *5.00). term. He said that 11 Mr. Roosevelt was not renominated by the Demo- SniL IN TURMOIL With 200,000 Japanese troops Presenting the budget bfll INCREASE IN UQUOR TAX pouring from southern Shantung for the 1938-39 fiscal year (ba- crats, It would be "very wise" for liberals to p ace him at the head of province Into northern Klangsu ginning April 1). Sir John aor province, and a half million Chlneae a new ticket. nounced the government’* to- Senator O'Maboney (D-W yo) said Votes To Retain House Ap- Latest Charge That Two opposing them, Generallaslmo the time Ij ripe for a new party. Chlang Kal-Sbek'a commanders or- tal needs as 944,898,000 Such a trend has been developing dered counter-attacks on both sides pounds (*4,721,990,000), ait T <teU haa b«en set tor the wedding of Marshall Field, for 20 years, he said, and a "realign- proved Proposal To Raise LATE NEWS Democratic Leaders De- of the Y1 river—on the outskirts of Plhslen, 12 miles north of the Lung' jr . and Miss Joanne Bass, pictured above, whose long rumored engage- increased of 81,500.000 pouniJA ment of the prllUcal parties Is over- m e ^ ^ recently officially confirmed by Mias Baas' parents. It te u n to- (*407,500,000) over the prevt ■ due.” hal and on the west aide of the river, against Tancheng, 18 mUea stood tost It ^11 take place In June after commencement at Harvard, oua year. O'Maboney said a third party Uvy To $225 A Gal- manded Million Dollars. F L A S H E S! north of the fallway and on the east where Mr. Field Is a senior. Mias Boas te the daughter of former <3ov- The chancellor ^ s o announce might wield Influence in the 194U •Ida of the river. wnor Itobert Ferklna Bass and Mrs. Baas of Peterborough, N. H. Her alertlons, but asserted ih«t none' lon; Other Taxes Backed. fiance te a great-grandaon of MarohaU Field, founder of the famous ed an increage in the duUea or could now predict what form a neW AMERICANS FREED PhtMdelphIa, April 26— (A P ) — North of Taierbchwaag »»m*her Chicago dry-goods firm. Cliteeae force was restetteg Japs T he higher tax oa organisation might take. A charge that two Demoqratlc Nasaan. Bohamaa, April 26. _— naae determined to avenge their dC' tea will reach into the pocket^ A blghly-pL-ced Republican, who party leaders demanded a milllon- Washington. April 26— (A P ) — A (A P )—Forrester Scott, Philadelphia feat of April 6 by retaking that I book of virtually every family declined -o be quoted by name, laij-j-er, and Stanley Boyntoig an dollar "kickback" from Architects compromise draft of Senate and battle-scarred town. Japanese ar- in the land, rich or poor. The argued that the La FoUette meeting aviator, were acquitted bv a directed on the State’s huge building pro^ tillery and aglatlon waa blazing “*“'■*<1 comple- verdict today of charges of a t t e ^ t - Indicates a drift of progressives gram entered Pennsylvania’s Demo, wide trail of destruction. Their ob- higher income on oil taxea also away from the President. tlon today after decisions by a Joint *<I kidnaping, SPANISH REBELS REPORT cratlc primary row today on the will hit most of them, conference committee to increase t The two . nn.. t • .. jective waa Sinanchen or Yunh->. Recalls f.a Follettea’ Course heels of a Federal inquiry Into Junction of the Lunghai and Grand other Bombahells He recalle Uovernor La Follette’s the liquor tax and eliminate a pro-i In g ^ a re h claims of "political coercion." posal to tax future Federal aecurl- » « » « • two ^ n a l, as well as the terminus of Simon dropped several recent speechet criticising adminis- J^ghters, Eve and Zoe, and fly with The latest charge from Attorney other ties Issues. the branch line for which the battle ADVANCE ALONG COAST bombshells, Including ths dlacloaai* tration recovery policies, an address them back to the United S ta fei The General Cliarlea J. Marglottl, Inde- A member r e tr ie d that the com. o f Talerhchwang waa fought. Sin- that the government oecratly p w by Senator Robert M. La FoUette children had been bronght here by pendent candidate for the Democra. mlttee had voted to retain a House- anchen la 28 miles east of Yunho. chased early this year huge stxiefce (Prog-W ls) apposing President s former wife, now Mrs. Harry tic gubernatorial nomination, who approved Increase from 82 to 82.26 Llark Boden. Yunho waa the center o f elaborate ^ wheat, sugar and whale olL out- Roosevelt’s naval expansion bill, and per gallon In the hard liquor tax. Annonnee They Ha?e Pnl- * • • (Continued on Page Ten) forUfleaUona and natural defenses FRANCE WORKING fleient to lost through “ the early the vote of most t^’lsconsln progres- The levy haa been variously esti- and la 40 miles east of Suchow. months" of a poasll le war.- FOUR DIE IN CRASH sives In tbu House against the gov- mated to provide between 8i9,000- To Cut Off Dead Port The chancellor presented the na> ernment reorganization bill. 000 and 830.000.000 a year. Yerized Go?emment De- Newport, Ark., April 28.— (A P )— OccupaUon of either town would tlon with the largest peacetime bud- Senator La Fpllette, who said A Senate bill proposal by Senator TO CHECK HITLER get In Its history.
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