Adam • Old Testament New Testament • Rapture Faith looks forward to the Cross Faith looks back to the Cross If I want to become a Christian, What Must I Do? If I am a sinner (unsaved), I must accept the death of Jesus Christ as the only Sacrifice (payment) for sin, for the sin debt that I owe to God; believe that God proved this by raising Him from the dead; that this pardon CHRIST THE SAVIOR MINISTRY (reconciliation) is offered to me by God as a free gift to be received by simple faith in Jesus; and that God Evangelist Lee McClain (301-318-9203) did this to Him on my behalf! 7005 Woodside Drive, Lanham, MD 20706 EMAIL:
[email protected] | WEB: The bible clearly teaches that the moment we accept, with an inner, heartfelt belief that God sent Jesus HOST: Ask Rev Lee Show, Bowie MD TV the Christ to die for our sins, raised Him from the dead of our sakes we are indwelt with God’s Holy Spirit GOOGLE: Ask Rev Lee and saved from the wrath of God forever (Romans 5:1, 6-12; Acts 17:30,31; John 3:14-18; 1 Peter 1:18-23). Timely Service For Those Untimely Circumstances Dr. B.R. Anderson Charles Edwards Roshawn Anderson Alvin Mills Owner/Financial Manager/ Funeral Director President Public Relations Insurance Consultant 1501 W 14th Ave, Greenville, NC 27834 | (252) 752-2536 | A Biweekly Newspaper REFER YOUR FR November 3-16, 2016 Help us put Greenville & Rocky Mount back to GREENVILLE ROCKY MOUNT 300-D W.