Congressional Record—Senate S590
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S590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 22, 1997 I would like to comment on a very forced to burden themselves with an in- Senators did submit more than 200 important provision contained in this creasing debt load when they go in such questions, all of which were an- bill which will make higher education search of their first job. This can be swered in writing by Ambassador more affordable. For the past several avoided with passage of S. 1. Albright. years, I have worked to allow the earn- Mr. President, in an effort to build on The committee still has an out- ings invested in State-sponsored tui- the accomplishments of last year, I standing document request concerning tion savings accounts to grow tax-free look forward to working with Senator Somalia, and we fully expect that the when used for higher education ex- COVERDELL, the sponsor of this legisla- administration will cooperate and com- penses. This bill also will cover room tion, and the Senate Labor and Fi- ply with that request, as the adminis- and board cost. These changes will help nance Committees to help families tration has promised to do. families offset the rising cost of edu- meet the rising cost of higher edu- In any case, this past Monday, Janu- cation by rewarding those who save. cation. ary 20, after members had spent several days examining the written responses For the past several years, I have f worked to eliminate the tax on edu- to questions, the committee met in a cation savings. In 1994, I first intro- CONCLUSION OF MORNING business meeting to consider the nomi- duced S. 1787, to make a family’s in- BUSINESS nation. By a vote of 18 to nothing, vestment earnings tax-free when in- unanimously, the Committee on For- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning eign Relations favorably reported the vested in a State tuition savings plan. business is closed. Again, in the 104th Congress, I intro- Albright nomination. duced a similar bill, S. 386. Both bills f There are Senators who support this nomination but who, nonetheless, have were endorsed by the National Associa- EXECUTIVE SESSION honest disagreements with Ambassador tion of State Treasurers and their Col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Albright on major foreign policy lege Savings Plan Network, which rep- the previous order, the hour of 12 noon issues. As I mentioned in the hearing resents the individual State programs. having arrived, the Senate will now go On July 9, 1996, Congress passed myself, while I do not doubt that Am- into executive session and proceed to many of the reforms proposed in S. 386, bassador Albright is sincere, on some the consideration of the nomination of issues I believe her to be sincerely as part of the Small Business Tax Re- Madeleine Albright to be Secretary of wrong. Some of those differences were lief Act of 1996. This legislation was State. discussed during the hearing, others in signed into law by the President on Au- private. And we will continue to dis- gust 20, 1996. f While we made important gains last cuss them after she is confirmed, which NOMINATION OF MADELEINE I am certain she will be. year, we need to finish what we started KORBEL ALBRIGHT, OF THE DIS- Notwithstanding our differences, and fully exempt investment income TRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE SEC- Mrs. Albright is a lady who under- from taxation. This legislation does RETARY OF STATE stands Congress. She understands the that. It also expands the definition of important role that Congress must qualified education expense to include The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report Executive Calendar play in developing U.S. foreign policy. room and board. Such costs make up However, my support for the nominee nearly 50 percent of annual college ex- No. 1. The legislative clerk read the nomi- should in no way be misconstrued as an penses. endorsement of the administration’s The facts are clear; education costs nation of Madeleine Korbel Albright, of the District of Columbia, to be Sec- conduct of foreign policy. It would be are outpacing wage growth and have insincere of me if I pretended other- created a barrier for students wanting retary of State. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wise. Many Americans, among them to attend college. According to the myself, hope that in the area of foreign General Accounting Office, tuition Chair recognizes the Senator from North Carolina. policy, the next 4 years will not costs at a 4-year public university rose produce a sequel to the travail of the 234 percent between 1980–94. During this Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, am I cor- rect there is a 2-hour time agreement first 4 years. same period, median household income After 12 years of Ronald Reagan and on the nomination? rose only 84 percent. It is no wonder George Bush in the White House, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is fewer families can afford to send their United States had once again become correct. children to college without financial the undisputed leader of the free world. Mr. HELMS. I thank the Chair. I assistance. Our friends followed us, and our en- As tuition costs continue to increase, yield myself such time as I may re- emies, the enemies of freedom, thanks so does the need for assistance. In 1990, quire. to Presidents Reagan and Bush, feared over 56 percent of all students accepted Mr. President, today the Senate will and respected the United States, be- some form of financial assistance. fulfill its constitutional duty on the cause we were strong. The emphasis Today, it is increasingly common for nomination of Madeleine Albright to was on our constitutional requirement students to study now, and pay later. serve as Secretary of State of the as a tripartite Government, to make In fact, more students than ever are United States. The Senate Committee sure that this Nation would lead the forced to bear additional loan costs in on Foreign Relations met for more world as a strong, strong democracy. order to receive an education. In 1994, than 6 hours on January 8, to consider Many of those important gains have Federal education loan volume rose by this nomination. During that hearing, been neutralized by a foreign policy too 57 percent from the previous year. On the committee heard from then Sec- often vacillating and insecure; a for- top of that, students have increased retary of State Warren Christopher, eign policy that has responded to world the size of their loan burden by an av- who presented Ambassador Albright, events, rather than shaping world erage of 28 percent. and I think that is the first time in his- events. And it is quite revealing when So, not only are more students tak- tory that an outgoing Secretary has this administration, as it often does, ing out more loans, they are taking out presented to a committee the nominee boasts that the invasion of Haiti was a bigger loans as well. This year, nearly to succeed him. In any case, Secretary great foreign policy accomplishment. half of college graduates hit the pave- Christopher presented her, and the Mr. President, sending American sol- ment with their diplomas in one hand nominee, Mrs. Albright, was questioned diers into harm’s way on a tiny Carib- and a stack of loan repayment books in extensively by all members of the com- bean island with no vital interest at the other. mittee on a broad range of national se- stake to replace one group of thugs I believe we need to reverse this curity issues. with another group of thugs does not trend by boosting savings and helping At the conclusion of the hearing, it seem to me to be much of an accom- families meet the education needs of was agreed to keep the record open plishment. In any event, the Haiti ex- their children before they enter col- until the close of business on January cursion, at last count, has cost the lege. If we continue to ignore this prob- 10, so Senators could submit written American taxpayers more than $2 bil- lem, more and more children will be questions to the nominee. And twelve lion. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:20 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S22JA7.REC S22JA7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY January 22, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S591 From there the list goes on and on: Moreover, she assured the committee The point is this: Republican or Dem- from Bosnia, where the United States that she would ‘‘never advise using ocrat—it doesn’t matter—none of us subcontracted to the terrorist regime American forces where other means are should be willing to stand by and allow in Iran our responsibilities to help the available, where there is not the sup- America to enter a new millennium Bosnians defend against genocide; to port of Congress and the people, where with antiquated foreign policy institu- China, where vacillation led Beijing to there is not a possibility of or where tions built, let’s face it, to fight the believe it could get away with bullying there is no exit strategy, and where cold war. And mark my words, if I have Taiwan; to Somalia, where an uncer- there is not the likelihood or the re- anything to do with it, we will not do tain United States policy resulted in ality of winning.’’ End of quote, Am- so. the tragic and unnecessary deaths of 18 bassador Albright. Mrs. Albright assured the committee American Rangers; to Iraq, where our Actions speak louder than words, of that she will keep an open mind as she CIA Director himself admitted that course, and we will be watching her discusses this matter, and others.