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Special 30th Anniversary Issue SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY VOL. XXX FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1966 N O 2 4 c v ° J L m a s THE GEORGIAN Sdition VO L. 1. NO. 1. MONTREAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1936 5 CENTS Drama Department In MR HALL WISHES REGISTRAR SHEFFIELD Rollicking Riot PAPER EVERY SUCCESS STUDENTS’ATTENDS MEETING Moliere’s “Squire Lubberly” It is with great pleasure that I OF ADULT EDUCATION When the Department of the naissance, the creators of Harle accept the invitation of the Edi Drama of Sir George Williams COUNCIL quin, Colocmbina and Pierrot, is torial Board of this paper to make College presents its next produc extremely evident in Moliere's Mr. Sheffield, Registrar and a statement to the students of the tion— Moliere's Squire Lubberly— dramatic style. Moliere, who tra Bursar of the College, attended it will do so with the spirit of the College. Sixty-three years ago the velled for some time in his youth the annual meeting of the Can coming holidays in mind. Here is with these strutting players, cre first classes which have gradually a gay and rollicking comedy ated many of his characters and FORMED adian Association for Adult Edu developed into the College were Moliere’s beat manner. Scheming plots after the style of these held. These classes were organized cation, on the 23rd and 24th of lovers, practical jokers and players whose masks were so cap to meet definite needs of young At a meeting of student repre November. Thus the College was country buffoon between them tivating to Renaissance audiences. people. This has been one of the sentatives from four schools of again represented at one of Am provide the means of constant The plot itself seems to have been guiding principles of the develop Sir George Williams College held erica’s major Educational meet laughter. The group undertaking taken from one of the traditional ment of the institution ever since. on Nevember 16, a Students’ Coun this production are doing every scenerio8 of the Commedia Del ings. During this period of sixty- cil was set up and organized. thing possible to insure the gaiety Arte, and every character in the three years, however, the needs The objects of the Canadian As The purpose and function of a of manner that the play requires. play will be found among these of youth have developed and be sociation for Adult Education In a spirit of holiday humour they m asks. come more complex. To say that Students’ Council is that of co (formed in 1934) shall be to pro boisterously burlesque doctors, All in all this should prove a we are living in an unsettled and ordinating the many and varied mote the development and im lawyers, lovers and all. In some vastly diverting and interesting changing world is so true that to extra-curricular activities cf the provement of Adult Education in extent the theatre itself is bur repeat it seems platitudinous. production. Students of the College various Schools and organizations lesqued. A beautifully satiric cur should be particularly concerned However, we should not ignore Canada and to operate with sim tain designed by James Buchanan about the play as it is the first the fact merely because it is true. in the College, and to discuss and ilar associations in other coun pokes delicious fun at the nymphs production of the Student’s Asso It would be easy for me to tell deal with matters of policy pro tries. It shall undertake to pro and goddesses one sees so often ciation group of the Department you that if you work hard you gram which affects the Student vide for the gathering and dis reclining on the cloud painted sur of the Drama. will undoubtedly be rich and suc face of many theatrical drop cur Body as a whole. semination of information con T he ca st: cessful. I do not do this for two £ tains. Mr. Clarke’s settings, in The need for such an organi Allan King, Bazil Starke, Si reasons; namely because I am cerning adult educational field in black and white, burlesque the zation has been felt for a num mone Bourcheix, Rita Shane, Ruth not sure that it is true and, se Canada and other countries; to typical settings of the Parisian Golfman, Martin Rothman, Murray condly, because I am not particu ber of years, and last spring at a conduct a continuous study of the stage of Moliere's time. The cos Diamond, Olaf Meyer, M. Mosco- larly interested in your being meeting of students in which the work being done in this field and tumes with the bright hues and vitch, Hugh Burritt, William Bar “successful” as the world gen to publish, from time to time, the flowing periwigs add the spice of constitution of the Undergraduate nard, Inez Pearce, Sidney Selig, erally judges success. results of such study; to cooper colour to the ensemble. Society of the Day Division was Jack Claaper, Norman Manson, What I do wish to say is that ate with adult educational organ To those for whom an evening Kenneth Walley. the primary purpose of education, drawn up, another suggested con izations and efforts in the Domin of laughter is not enough excuse as I see it, is to help one adjust stitution was drawn up for a Stu ion of Canada; to encourage ad to visit the theatre there is fur himself to a complex world in or dents’ Council. Partly as a re ult education and to serve as a ther interest. Students of the sult of this, and partly as a re clearing house for information; to theatre and Literature should be der that he may do something for that world. Of course this ad sult of the intensification of ac secure and accept donations of particularly interested in this MR WOO T O . justment is primarily a personal tivities in four of the Schools this money or other assistance for the play. Here the influence of the matter. An educational institution Fall, the present Student Coun furthering of the above ends; to Commedia del Arte, those delight cil came into being. invest any funds of the Associa ful improvisors of the Italian Re- cannot adjust you to life as a den tist would fix your tooth your The constitution drawn up last tion, and to do all other things ADDRESS SOCIAL part being to “grin and bear it.” Spring was adopted, and elections that are incidental or conductive At beet the institution can fur were held. John Kidd, President to the attainment of the above ob Professor Clarke nish a part of the environment in of the Undergraduate Society of jects. SCIENCE CLUB which one does his own growing. the Day Division was elected Among the confusing cross President of the Council, and To Address Canadian currents of present thought is a Peggy Smith, President of the Art Mr. Wesley Woo, student at definite trend against what is of McGill University and specialist School, was elected Secretary- FATE DF CAPITALISM ten called “idealism.” This does Treasurer. Clinton Davis of the Authors Association in Sociology, will address the So not mean, that the world does not Evening Faculty of Arts, Science cial Science Club of the Day Divi need ideals. It means, rather, that “What the Producer Wants sion of the Faculties of Arts, Sci and Commerce, and Ken Crone of T O BE D E C I DE D the world is tired of ideals which from the Playwright” is the sub ence, and Commerce, on Tuesday, the Day Business School Boys are removed from reality. It is ject of an address to be delivered December 15th, 1936, at 1 pjn. were the other two representa easy to be cultured, forceful and tives. by Professor Douglass Burns His topic will be about the rela BY DEBATING SOCIETY altogether admirable in our imag Clarke to the Drama Department tionship of the Occidentals and Since that meeting Ken Clone inations. It is simple to make an of the Canadian Authors Associa Orientals in Canada and the con has moved down to St. James ideal social order if we remove it, This much discussed topic will tion in the early part of January, sequent problems that arise. Street, and is succeeded by Joe in our minds, to some other world be the subject of the first debate 1937. Mr. W. Woo has been making a K osalle. where there are no real problems of the Debating Society, in the iMr. Clarice who, for a number study of these problems for sev It is expected that as the other to face and solve. It seems to me Abner Kingman Hall at 11 a.m., of years has been in charge of eral years and has many interest Schools in the College organize, that the greatest -need of our age, on Friday, Nov. 18, 1936. The sub the Department of the Drama at ing things to say regarding them. they will be represented on this and perhaps of every age, is peo ject for this debate is:— Sir George Williams, is considered All students interested in this Council, and will add their ple who adopt ideals that they “Resolved that the preservation one of the leading authorities on ever increasing problem are urged strength, prestige and assistance can handle and make them real in of capitalistic society is desir this subject in Eastern Canada. to attend. to this body. their own lives and their own able.” Just last summer he was chosen On Saturday, November 28th, spheres of influence.