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J Si -. " - -; - . ' - - . ^ i HW II GENE RA L RECO RD ! ¦ ; a! ' - i ^V . , i i > of I iBh jj BRITI SH and FOREI GN LITERATURE f 1 ; I H Issued on the 1st and 15th of eaeh Month ~~~ I -H;'j K: 1 ' ' ' ^

¦ 1 SAMP SON LOW, MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON | ^ wh, ' ^^ Hii' ^ " ' i^wm iai c jr^ av> ^ ¦¦A « ¦ i^ j ^aa Mai i«r ^ i^p>^ v^pai j ¦ — » ii ¦ .» '» mk ' ^V ^' 4 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbAm ^^' ' i<^ 1 ' I ^"^ i^fc. .^^ ^ iw •» ^ ^ w% ^ ^ ^ •*• <^r~k ^ ^^ *" * ^^> . ^^ > * ET STRE ^^^ M£' ^ K A , CROWN BUILDI NGS, 188' Fl^Ei , , ; *ET , E.C, ¦ t ^H Ma . l ¦ k V7^j >c- ^ r :. ._!¦* ' r- . 3fcJ ^A' ¦!!> t^ - - Mmml- ImHEBUi ^ ^ .^ Ii ¦ ' ¦' ¦ l . ' . _ „ j_ __ BBtW :5to £^_ __ ... ^--- 1^ Pfl -IJ\, .,, i \__ 'ix ^ iL4 l 'T ^ ?j 'i ^ *^ySSB8SSIJM p T /? I 7!1^1} 1 1 Pl^ Prt Tl ir57tr^ft^^ BiBB3IBi|PSy flM fi 1 Ptl Wff "^ ^ HiffTOj ^'} fi^lTi•i'• Pt PiJ l-r^'l i?^ !^?! Pi ' f? f ^'MPflT ^f ii W ^ f f ^ Wffri'f itS.Prt ' 'ijrfl .'fii ? ^fl W flTiffTO 'IVlPrtv/::" Wfffl^9f ^-' jfl'JMfff Tk^ W»Ea c?<^ :/ '/ ' .: -+4ysm£&:* : ' - /L- *^^ K ^HW|ifeaMi ^--y -- ' ¦*-^^ ig^ ^ ^ S!i^ liM | feMi ii i Mitfii ipi i 11 nP l r ly ^ r i'iiiiMliil li' iiliil li' W^^ ¦¦ r ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ------i - :~Y - r-'--.:r - - f ., ¦ ¦- .,•¦ ¦ ¦ ) ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " "' 1* ' J ' " * ' ¦' '* ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ' - ' " - . ' - . - . ' - - - J- ' ' l \ ,j mB R?sr * - ' ' ' . - ^^^ " ^^^ ^ ^ _ : _ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ^" ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ •• ¦ ¦ - ¦/ ^ ¦ ^ • ' - - - - . . Attfrx' i? - ii The Publifijhers ' Cir cular ^it% ; i887 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - 1 - • •¦ ¦ ¦ ^T "— ' ' " - ... ., . ^. THE LEEDS MlBCi& I ESTABLIS HED -\7JB. 4 A HIGH-CLASS LIBERAL DAILY PAPfeR fWltH AK EXT ENSIVE CIRCULATION .

THE LEEDS MERCURY is the principal medium for news and advertisements in the great and pdpulpus maun- factoring and agricultural districts of Yorkshire and the north-eastern counties. ^ . _*. The latest Foreign, Parliamentary, Commercial, and General News appears in the XjEEDS MERC URY simultaneously with the London papers . i _«^^__ SPECIAL ATTiS lfTIOW " is given in the MERO "CflRY to REVIEWS OF BOOKS AND MUSIC , as well as to general literary intelligence. , PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are inserted every week, and the announcements under this head appear on the same page as reviews and notices of books, thug giving to Publishers' advertisements exceptional prominence. Books &c. for review may be sent to the London Office. * THE WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT of the Home and Foreign/ News of LEEDS MERCURY (published on Saturdays, price Id.) contains, in addition to the ^ the week, many original features, both literary and antiquarian, forming quite a miscellany of useful, pleasaut, and enter- taining reading. * A sheet that has, as it deserves, an extraordinary circulation.'—Litbhaby World. In the Weekly Supplement the Advertisements appear principally on the leader page. Published by EDW ARD BAINES & SONS, Leeds. London Office , 65 Fleet Street, E.C.

^ RM^^ 9^^ Rjj ^^ PVm!^^ i9^^ 3v^^ kM - ^

^^ f TMifXH i^ B^^VCC r V39b4 ^ ' BSn^^¦ Ps^ RSlKPlBPI ^^ P^^ PSH ^ Lfe ' ^^^ ^^ ¦S^ Bi ^^ '^^ r ^^^^^^ MJ- ^^^^ t ^^^ A > '^^:m &Jm^B^^^^^^" ^^ L ** W' :' *: ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^'^^ :' V^Vj" ^^ r^'.^^^^~;> "- '~ ''^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^ ^ ' ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ Ki^ ^^^^^^^^^ l^E ^H '^^^^^^ P^^^^ flKkf ^^^^^^ B^^^^^^ h^^ H' ^' Z ^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m- M ^^^^ H ^ktf '^m ' r^^^^^^ mi^^^^L^^^^^^^^ M ^^^t^^^^^ Bk H^^^ B^V:^ ^^^^^ k ^ T ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ k.'^-^^^^^; ^^^^^^ K ^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^ V^ ^^^ H ^k ^^^ ^^V^^^^^^ PVTN ^V^^ B^L.^^^ ^ " '/J ^ l ^^V'^^^^ B^^^^^ r ^^m\' ^^^^ K|; ^^ ' '; ^^ V ^^^^ Hi |^^^^^^ H E^79B£K?xiwmSRnmSS9i QB0 ^^Sm!Vif ^mwWfm/3^U^MSUMS0 ?lV &j Q^^ #^i^r^^ H ^^^^ HARP ER 'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. JPrice OWE SHILLING. Each number contains 16O Royal 8vo. pages, and about O6 finely execute d "Wood Engra vings . Published on the 20th or 21st of the month for the succeeding month. London : SA MPSON LOW , MA RSTON, SEARLE & RIVIN GKTON, 188 Fleet Street , E.Q.

NOW HJEA1 >Y. Royal 8vo. sewed , price 5$.

¦4 THE ENGLISH JFV>CATALOGUEx- 1886. OF BOOKS Conta ining a complete List of all the Books published in Oreat Britai n anct Ireland in the year 188 6, with their sizes, prices, and publishers ' names. Also of the principal Books published in the United States of America, with the addition pf AN INDEX TO SUBJECTS. A continuation of the London and British . Catalogues.

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTQtf , SEARLE, & RIVING^ON, 188 Fleet Street, B.C.

¦ ' • ' I L ' *i '' ' ¦ ¦ * r "?; *'- ' * ::' ::- *"\i': ^*^w^^* r*«' ^** j ^JLMjsL££ ^fc^ia^fc^M ^MM ^M£iMMftiMiMiiihMMiMi ^BMBfc ^wBW0BMBB ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^ ms §^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ i 1 ¦ v ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ •«¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' i ¦'¦ ' '¦¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ » ¦- ¦!•¦ ' : ¦ •• '•:^' if'.&. ?• .•,>; !-.Sv- .-> -ff ;.• • ' . ' . ' ; K+ "'-; ' " ' ,' ¦ l ' *-^ rf ""' ¦ "' ' ' i ' ' " ;'' ; "'/r i ' i'A» ' i(? «r5 • ' V;c,j.j ' • • ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' •• - ' . ' . "¦ . -^V * * • : ;¦«: • ' '*- • >!•. -c ¦;• . ' " -a ' ! ^ ^^ ^-/V ^1?, ^ ^- ^^: ^ . . ^^jif ^;, ^^^' ..i :SV; ^ ^> ^^^-- . , "V>' i jf v ^mijri S'' ^ rv . ^^^^H\-. ^^. •'. . • . ^^, • ^ ^^. l ^^> : > .f. ^^^'i-fc,i > ^ ^^< ^^^-' . ; ^^j 1* -^j ^ ^ ^m: : Vox. . . ¦ ¦ ,^^ Sa|E « , 0 ¦ { jjo ii89<— I* J ^ **M! * O '; -t ' . • ' 1 " ' ^ ^ ^^ ^ ik ^^ *^' V^itaSflBK ' ^ ^ . ^^ ^ "" "* ^^ TH& v /eo iAK ^ . 3HP^ L^^ ^ ^ AND lateral jdletocli of 2&*it i£f> ant i 5porei0n Hitc cature



-«, mtmm w mm m. v v w - ^^ « ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ » mm ¦ ¦ ¦ EVERY• WORK•» > OF^^ m INTERESTm ^ ^^ w PUBLISHEDm ^^ ^^ im v^ • ^" » h ^ ABROAD• A ^^ % ^ _q # » h ^ - > * I' ¦ f , . I [ Issued on the 1st and IJZth,of each Month] ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ x ¦

¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ° —— - ¦ ¦ « ' PmcElul^x. Sd.ou.. .• A^ i-ppril " ia , 1887x V w/ 'it8S. -SU1-KR SSPOST

Allen (W. H.) & Go 359 Holmes & Son 371 Potter & Co 370 Army and Navy Gazette iv Houlston & Sons 358 Quaritch (B.) 358 Avery & Co. (Aberdeen ) 369 H urst & Blacke tt H5S Religious Tract Society 354 BailUere , Tindall & Cox 358 Hutt '(O 37» Silverlock (H.) 358

VV## ¦ ^ ¦ ^ ¦ W w ~- - i^- d^ifl^^rf ^^t^ v>« ^^ ^v** Ballantjm*i a/ -ne«h* ^^ Pres3.^b ^m ^U | ^ 90 9v 0^ m 9 W m VV ;.99 369^^ " ^* Jone3^* ^^ m^±^**& &^^** Co\ ^^ w 9 9 vwvvwvvvwvvvvvvvvvwv358^^ ^^ * ~ Smith— »^ ^^ ^v« ^«, Elder^ ,v & Co^^ ^^ V VVVWVVWWVVVSVV349^^ Bone & Son 366 Kenny & Co 369 Spaldint ? & Hodge 363 Boot & Son 369 Kitcat (G. & J.) 368 Spicer Brother ? 365 Brien & Co ^. 370 Leeds Mercury ii Spottiswo ode & Co 869 Burg hes (A. M.) 371 Leighton , Son, & Hod ge 366 Stoneham (W. G.) & Co., Limited.. 364— _ Cassell & Co 364, 3 *0 Lockwood (O.) & Co 351 Tan ner ($.. T.) & Co 373 Cerde de la Librairie , Paris 368 London Daily Chronicle ii Taylor Brothers (Leeds) 3fi8 «-i * ¦** ¦ » » W^A^A Dickinson—' *VkMbUUVU &W CoX^^^ # •••••?••• • • • •• ¦• • # 362V ** ^ LovellA*\JV I ^MtA (^Walter),I I » W Mil */^/*i y • Cambridge^^ »

¦ " NOW MJEAJDJ T. The Naval History of the Civil War . By Admiral DAVID D. PORTER , U.S. Navy. wi th steel portrait of the auth or , numerous woodcut portraits of officers , battle plan s, &c. 4to:jdQtl^extra, 840 page s, 25s.

SAMPSO N LOW , MAW^^^^^^^& BIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Str eet, B.C. i: - ^• i*jpf^ ^^ ' Circular # *a6 The Publishersww>WWiW II Sl viiu MMM M M M M M w > l w ww ¦ *n"' - " - 'n""'""*''" ~* "r ~ T ^ " ^ —"T ^" ^^"^ ""*"* **^^* " *** *'^^^'^ **' '"' ^^** * *^^


— .. . . . _ ™ ^ 188 Fleet Street : April 1, 1887. have before us a whole catalogue of such MR. BESANT has again spoken, and his new works, hardly one of which has ever had the words are the words of his old song. It favourable sympathy of public opinion. Opera-

is, as we have said before, a pity that not one tions such as these should surelm*y come within of the successful authors of our time has ,the range of the ' Society's ' philanthropic thought it worth while to come forward and mission. One example came under our notice speak on one side or the other. Mr. Besant only the other day. A well-known publisher is like a Samson fighting against the Philis- informed us that a lady had called upon him tines. His pen, however, is mightier than the with some MSS. ' Do you return the manu- jawbone of an ass, and he seems confident script if unsuitable ?/ inquired the lady. ' Oh, that with the tangible support of distressed yes/ replied the publisher,' we invariably do aspirants to fame, or rather fortune, he can so.' c My reason for asking/ said the lady, in overcome the enemy in the long run. explanation, ' was that I sent my manuscript Since we last spoke on this subject more to a Society and could not get it back again letters have appeared in the daily newspapers. until I had paid a fee for reading, postages, The most important is that of Mr. George M. and so forth ' ! We commend this to the Smith of Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co. This notice of Mr. Besant's Society. we publish in another page. The letter con- We cannot help thinking it strange that tains much that is interesting and practical, no other authors of repute, besides Mr. Besant, so that authors and publishers will alike be have come forward to give their opinions on ready to acknowledge its value. The pro this subject. Possibly they are contented forma account of a book published at 14s. is a with the result of their work ; but if so surely useful contribution towards tlie elucidation of something might be said. A great publishing the question ; but inexperienced writers must house in -Oermany recently celebrated its remember that no two books are alike as to ex- jubilee, and published some interesting corre- penditure and income, und it is an exceptionally spondence with English authors. Anthony good 14s . book which commands a sale of Trollope wrote thus in 1872 from New York : 1,300 copies. We understand that Mr. Smith's 'My dear Baron Tauchnitz,—On.arriving here letter has already had the effect of inducing yesterday I find by the New York Momiwj some authors to request that their accounts be Herald that I had compromised my long law- made out in the form which he has drawn up, suit with you by accepting from you an and some publishers have agreed to accede to enormous sum that made my mouth water. the request—slightly to their own advantage, It is odd that they should now, for a second we understand. time, pick me out as the object of litigation , One object which the ' Incorporated Society as I never had any contention with any pub- of Authors ' might work for is the abolition of lisher ; though, either on my own account , or various societies which have sprung up with that of others, I suppose 1 have had more the advertised purpose of aaving young authors dealings with publishers than any man living.

from the absorbing avarice of -.. .. publishers, V ^^ > . — ^ by offering to publish books in a new and more economical manner than has hitherto Oity of London Directory. — The 1887 in been known. The books, heedless of merit, editionedition orof this work orof relerencereference placesnlaces it its seventeenth proprietors are produced at the expense of the author year, and the , and (Messrs. W. H. & L. Collingridge, of the generally in a very unattractive form. They ^T^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^* WV.W vflr ^^^% w ^^ ^^ r w ^ fla. v^ ^ r JB ^ v^v**^ ^^^^ pvp^ m ^^^^hh^k w 1 * -^ Citya M Press)W announce^^ ^r ^^^ that all changes have are published and never heard of again. ~— We been noted publication. -fc to within a few hours of V ¦ , ^T ? , ^j& Pi3Misb:ei ^ Cir cular > APriii *i8&7 f ^ Excepting natura l corrections and addit ions, are included. Chief amon g the serials we to be no alteration in the useful may mentio n * Ward there seems ¦ ! . & Lock' s Universal I A li 1 . 1 • 1 • • . ar ra ngement of the book , which is now in- Instructor ,' which we have frequentl y taken dispensabl e for those who have a city con- the opportunity of commendin g in thes e . New streets and buildings are . dul y columns, and which affords , at a cheap pric e use- nection_ v .mm • ^ . • 4* . • • • . • , noticed, while the information respecting ful information for all.—Another publica tion Livery Comp anie s, Public Companie s, and for which we have nothin g but praise is * Our City Offi ces seems to have been car efully National Cathedrals ,' which has now reached brhrn ougn also a sixth number. It will be completed , we un- includes the latest changes . derstand ,in twenty -six parts. —'Amateur Work' continues to be ¦¦ ¦¦ -¦ as heretofore , an excellent self- ¦ ¦ , Messrs.^^^ r ^.a^.^ w^^ p ^ '— — Cassell &— — Co. *s SeriaIi Publi-— cations.—This month the Ludgate Hill com- instructor for all persons talking an interest in pany commence the serial publication of two or connected with various form s of mechanical works : * CasselPs History of the Franco- work .—The public ation of ' The Anti quary ' new » ¦ ¦ y m + m m ¦ • m m . Germ an War ,'* an admirable chro nicl* e, ade- in the splendid edition of the Waverley Novels q uat ely illustrated and finel y pri nted , of the stir- issued by this firm has now reach ed a fourth rin g events which transp ired between the two number. In type, paper , and illustrat ion it is nat ions less than twenty years ago ; and Arch- worth y of every commendation .—Other work s deacon Farrar 's ' Life of Christ,' a book so of a serial kind published by Messrs. Ward & ------— m — m AaB Lock and distinguished^^ J by their name may j ^i« ¦ "^ - — « ^ wellf ^^ known as scarcel ^y to need comment from us. Each pu blication will be completed in 24 be mentioned in the * Illustrated History of Eng land ' and ' Popular Histories for the — — — monthl*»» y^/ jparts ^ ,# and readers could hardl y«/ do bette r than take advantage of an opp ortunit y Eng lish Peop le,' both of which ar e carefull y written and profusel y illustrated ; while of whichj y ^^ ^, ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ offers~«^ ^^^^^H ^^P- ^^^' »— them ¦ —¦ * at— -¦- a moderate— - ¦- — , rat- ~~ e the— means of obtaining two such valuable and lighter works we have Ward & Lock 's Family Journal and Sylvia' s Home Journal ¦¦ ¦¦ , important^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ f ^q^ ^^^ ^^p -^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^ works.w — "^— — ~— With- — the- first— - number- — - - of each pub lication , we may add , an admirabl e each after its own fashion offering admirable pres entation plate is included. —^Amongst other -inducements to the fair sex to becom e sub - scribers. excellent ser ial works issued by Messrs. > Cassell we may note ' The Encyclopaedic Dictionary / which has now reached the 39th part , and includes all the words from Harpa BOOKSELLER* PROVIDENT INSTI- _ „ to Hi¦— ppotp— J£- hoidse— , being— » suitabl yq/ illust~ ra ted ^ ^ TUTION. where required ; and the Maga zine of Art, which in the present issue seems to be sin- The 50th Annual Qeneral Meetin g of this gularl y pro lific of interesting articles and Institution was held at their rooms , 56 Old

¦¦ ¦¦ on Thursday evening, ¦ ¦ ¦ -^^ March 10 ^^ »^»^^^^^ -^^ — — h -^— -^— ^—^ ^— ^-^ ^^— - — -^^-- — ^ — — — , —^ ^ p ^i^^pj Bailey, charmin^™ ^™ ^*^P" ^^m ^™ ^^» ^PPi pBPPV^PPb ^PPb P^ gH^k , engravings^*^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^*^ B ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^fc ^^^^ .^^ Among the^ ^^^ former the paper on 'Ra ndolph Caldecott / by Josep h Mr. Chas . James Longman presiding. The

chairman: ,7 in an able speechX. . _ ,/ congratulatedCf Gre— j—y go •— -j may— -.——- w especiallj— — — j be- mentioned- — j and of , ^y , the latter nothing could be more exquisite the members on the satisfactory position held

--- society,%/ J and he trusted for further- ¦+. _in ¦ than ' Under the Charm / painted by Julian byq/ the *v "w ^v _^_ ~ pah ^p. ^ps ^pp^pp* ph ppB ^ ^pp^pp^ppi pph — p^ pt ^A Worms , and etched by Jazinski. The monthl y success. Financiall y, it was very strong, and in

^^^_ mm w _ ¦ ¦ — -- - — -^— — - — -- - — — — — — — — — — — — — ¦ - — — - — ^» - - m -^^^- ^ ^m ^^^ _^ -^ ¦» %/^4fc *p»- -^rv^ vv ¦ with kindre d institutions (many •. %.m V/Ai » «r w .«p> r^ p» ww comparison ^ p^ ¦*^ v*p»*p* «f- a « «r *.*.m, ^ r Jk K^ ^ .^ ^ ^^^ *^ v ^* * ^ *^ ** +** numbers «y ^ CasselVs Family^ ^ Maga- of the Quiver r PI _^ ^^^^ a _ dta ¦^Pf H4^ ^H «^ ^K, #- ^ PP> . PPH P^k ;juie , and Little Folks have also come to hand , of whom have ceased to exist) it was in the first and each fully maintains in its own department rank. This great success he attributed to the the reputation for which it has been so long sound judgment and tact displayed by the ori ginal founders in placin g the Society on so PH mM and worthil y distinguished. ^ pfe PJP* A mm - P* 4h sure and solid a basis , and to the energy of The Religious Tract Society's Serial __- _ — _..__. ^my p^™^^ ^ ^ m* -^^-™»—* ™ - -^pp- -^-' — — — — — — — - — - — — — — —— — — —— — - ° — - r^^ ^ ^_ the direct orat e,j whose increasing care had

—- ¦ ¦ T _ — - -^^- m ¦ ¦ v ^ ~^^m~ ^"^W W ' ^^ -^ ^ ^^ ~ -^ ^ ¦ - — — ^p, Publi cations .—The Sunday at Home fully^ placed it at the present time in the fore- maintain s, both in letterpress and illustration , most position of Provident Institutions. Since the high character that for many years back it the founda tion he was pleased to state that no

ppppg ~— w» ^^^ V^ p^ ^p^ pr ^p^ pv ^p ^ ^^^ -^^ ^* ^^^ V^V * ¦ B ^^^ ^ -^^ ^^ ^^ ^» ¦ ' — - - — ¦ — ¦ ¦ ^^" ^ "^~" — — — — ~~ — has ^ oyed.^^ The Leisure Hour deservedl y enj ____ -¦ 1— .. . . — _ — ._.. _ _-,_w ^_-._ ^^PP ^^ > " pr^v ^w ¦ h — _ — ^--. _ - 9 - — ^ — less a sum than ^50,^ 449 had been distributed contains an excellent series of articles , selected amongst members , widow s, and orphan children , with great discrimination and good jud gment. 4 and during the past year the disbursements in VP-^ ppp ^ *-w- ~ p^^pb PPPpt .Ph ¦ f^pr mm m* ^ppp pvpph ^ ppppjpvp >^ppj ^ Pnv ^PJp^ ¦ w hw ^^w phppi ppb ^ ^v i pi ^v^ p^ p»« ^ ^ pb A Tri p, c across^ fy ^ p^ rppipW ^P ^ r W*m the^ PT * Andes ' and ' A Ramble relief amou nted to £1,452— and tjlis had been round Windsor ,' by C. E. Pascoe , may be Vp*^P ^ p ^V ~^pp » np ^« p^» nr lished^^~ ^^»i^» —-«—_ ¦" — — without- - — — — — -¦— disturbing— -— °— - — — — — -»- — — -^ ^^^pt the— — funded— — — -- accomp^ ^* _ ¦ ^ p^ ' .^fc. ^. .^k~ i^b. M ^PB ^ ¦^ " ^PPl pv mmm ¦ ¦ — — -^^ ~^ mm v pp ^^ ppb plfcplp ^ ^ Pb ^ Plk PB^pppw ^ pp* fk * ^ pfp * ^ p"^ p» p" p" *^mr ^ ppt ¦ ^ » ^ ^itf' ^pr »^ ^ p» ¦ ¦ especiall yj r mentioned.pf ^ ^^^ ^ ¦P' The GirVs Own^ Paperm cap ital of £30,000. Such a long caree r of has a wide circulation which should every usefulness could not fail to impress the trade

ii r p^pt ¦—¦——¦ — —¦ ^ ^ ^ p"»^pp r ^^«p^v aKBpk ^^^ ii '^^ r ^^ ^^ -^—- ii —¦ ¦—¦ -^ » -^^ -™- — ' month bew^m* ^pipt increasing.tn pp» p.^ ^p^ p»^ -^p^ ^pp ^ The contents are genera lly with the integrit y of the officers in the admira bly varied , and the information ranges conduct of th e affairs of the Institution. He |P» pHI mj •m m **•* "—' Wp»J»- ^ .r mi pi ^^ Pk OpTI ^ VrplB* »¦' ¦ ¦¦ *¦ ^ «^ T J» ^^»» r«P* <•• ^ mmt VMpk ^ ""^^ from the purelJ .^ - > ^^ J ^ m ^^ ^ y ornamentalm^ m fl rt 1 Tf III n fl '^pp^' and amusing to mm ^^ m% .A J ^ ^ m ^ ^ IPB 9m\ * ^p ^W ^ however so few had joined dur ing the regretted , , \ t prac tically useful and instructive. The npv -v ^ pr the^ mr p^V^^ ^ p^ pr pastp^v °^» yearM ^ " ^ — ,^M butm ^^ hoped* " ~^ B^ "^ — for"^ ™ —' " better~ ™^ — ^— ^^ ~^T in— — - the Boy' s Own Paper is a pub lication of a simi- future. In conclusion , he thanked the m very

~m -^p— ¦—™ SpTM^ pWpi Bippr Itm M m ^ p> ^ PM ¦ ^ p» » » » ¦ ¦ ¦ lar -P)p> ^^ ^ pp» p*Pta ^ p ^ ^»^ ^ p ^ ^ p*1p— * ¦ ^^ -^^W -w ^H» ^ - ^ kind to the preceding, and equall y well muchrnueh iorfor plact>lacin£f ing him in the chair , aandnd he adapt ed , for the class of constituents to whose wished the Insti tuti on every success , statin g suffr ages it appeals. that should his ad vice and ser vices , be requi red Messr s. Ward , Look & Co. 's Serial at any time they were always read y to be Pu blicati ons.—Thes e are for tihe most part gdgren for tha benefit of the Institution. A distinguis hed by their practical and instruc- most cor dial vote of thanks was afterwards ? tive natu re , thou gh others of lighter kind given to Mr. , 0. J. Longman for presiding. ,+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - V , , , Ill I . I , I I . T it ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - • ; ¦ ;. m Vl j| |]^ ; vfli^&^^ * r. >* y** ^^^^ tM ^^ WWt^f ^^L

t f~ \ f I 3*g The Publishers ' Cir cular April ^|887d ,.. • ¦- ¦ . w> * _ ' --- — - ^ ^^^^^" "' I trovertiblo fact, tEat no publisher could refuse to THE ATTITUDE OF THE ' SOCIETY produce vouchers for the item 1 of an 9 * account fur - OF AUTHORS. nished to an author. The publisher must either be the partner or the agent of the aut hor , chief and in number appeared the w ¦¦ Since our last ii ™ ™ ¦ ""^ —— ¦ ^ -~~ — — — ^ i ~^»" ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ g ^ ™ "^^ ^^ ^^i^ ^ip^i^p» .r^ W either character is bound to verif y his account s.^ If^j^^^ ^ « events whi ch have occurr ed in connection With he were to refuse to do so, an author would only this singular controversy have been the pub- have to app ly to his solicitor; who would obta in lication of letters from Mr. George M. Smith , satisfaction for him. by a very simple legal proces s. As to Lord Lytton 's statement , that the auth or who of Messrs. Smith , Elder & Co. , Messrs. W. seeks legal advice will find that the subjec t is ' so Blackwood & Sons( and other publishers , who entirel y outside the ordin ary experience of solicitor s, protest aga inst Mr. Besant' s genera l charges that no honest solicitor will venture to give him who has contrib uted advice respecting the management of his contr acts, of robbery. Mr. Besant , or the making up of publishers ' accounts / it is to the newspapers a fres h letter repea ting his real ly too astounding , and may be left to speak for previous char ges, declares that his society's itself.

three years of special and silent investigation Messrs^p^PA *^^^^ P ^U^ W^^f ^^fP **^V ^^^r .V Longm^H^IK ^V ^l^p^' ^.^V ^ kfj ^ h ^ ^V ^ ^B an^ ^tV ^^*^^ s^^^^ appear^ ^^ ¦> ^C HV^ ^i^t^ ^ ^i^^i^tK to^W ^ H^ h>^tV^i^ ave^tW ^P ^F ^^^ been.^^^ ^t ^t^* ^^^" ^*^^ so**' ^4 tV much^B^t^tV^tV ^V^B ^t ^ pv ^k^^f^L has resulted in an accumulation of materials impressed with Mr. Besant 's remark s at the first conference, as to have hast ened , in the interva l which gives a knowled ge of various publishing between the first and second meetings , to assur e houses * and their tri cks. ~" him that they would in futur e adopt the practice of Herewith we give the letters written by giving vouchers for accounts ; and this announce - publishers since our last number was printed : ment was recei ved with cheers at the meeting s and has since been referred to in the press as an im- portant step in the direction of curing a seriou s To the Editor of the Times. evil. Mr. John Murray and Messrs. Macmill an &

^m — — —»~ — — — — — — —¦ - — - — — h h ^— — —- *^^—^ »" ¦ Sir-^pv ^m- ^^h ,—The statementsM bearin g^Pgp ^ pk upon^p^^» ^m ^r -^^ ^""^^ the~" ~— relations^^P " ^PP^ W^ *^"~^P° » ^P" -^P"- ^^P»- Co., on the other hand , in their letters to the Times, of authors and publishers , made at the two recent have, confined themselves to pointing qu$ that thei r conferences arranged , by the Incorporated Society books , accounts , and vouchers have always been of Authors , the leading arti cles in the Times and open to authors. : other important journals , and the letters which have The tru e meaning of Messrs. Longmans ' fetter been writte n by Mr. John Murray, Messrs. Long- cannot be very clearl y gathered from Sir Frederick mans , and othe r publishers , indicat e that the subjects Pollock 's reference to it, but the accepted interpre -

discussed at the confe rences have excited a con - — tation would— appearii to be,» tha7 t it is their inten tion— sidera bl e am ount of public attention ; and some at in future to accompany ac counts rendered to authors r least of theoe statements are of such a charact er with vouchers for each item. If that be their inten- that th ey should not be allowed to remai n un- tion, their offer certai nly has the appearance of answered. being a step in advance of the present system ; but , An accusation was deliberately as a means of permanentl y removing the atmosp here V mad e by4/ Mr.

v -^^ v v w - h V^r Walter Besant at the first meeting, an d repeate d by of^^ ^v susp*^ ^~— ^^ ^^ icion^^ m* ^^ which^^ * ^ , however^^^ ^^ w w ^iir w ^^ mm unju^f^*^^ ¦ ^^ m^ stly, ^^ mm w m appears^ V m^ ^^ w* w^ to^0 ^^ Sir Freder ick Poll ock at the second meeting, that surround publishers ' accounts , the plan seems to it is the custom of publishers to render fraudulent me to be illusory . It may be pointed out , to begin accounts to authors. It is true that variou s speakers , with , that a voucher gives no inform ation beyond including Lord Lytton , in the chai r , Mr. Walter what is, or easil y may be, contained in the account.

*^p» ^ p ppp ^pjr pp* —^~^~ pppi — ™ ~~ ~~ — - - — ~— ^m — —^ — — — ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ *^p^ ¦ ^^^ —^^ ~^ppr pppi ^^pr ^m » ppi ^PP" ^p>pp^p^pi ^pppp~ ~^p"^ ^pp^ ppp * pppip ^ p) Besant , and Sir Fr ederickJ Pollock , disclaimed an- It is simply evidence. Mor eover , the mere fact of a

' -¦- tagonism. to publ ishers . But no disclaimer of this publisher¦ seeming~ — — ' ^ "^ ^ to— ~^f- think~ "^ "—* ~-^™ ^w^^— it^^ ~^r necessary^^^ v ^ -^^ ^— ^^^ ^*^ ^k^^ ^^ w tov —^^ - satisfw ^ pr ^tf^v ^p^ ^» p* p^ y. kind can be weighed for a moment against a direct an author that he is not rob bing him , would be

-_- -_- -_- .-____ w-- — -^^ — — — — — — — _ __ — — __ ^r—^ _ ^^™» ^p^v —

^pgpr^p- ^^^ ^^b^pppppp 1 9 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ M ^^ pHPk v^ pg* p*p^ accusation of dishonest dealing,^P ^^ ^ levelled,^ not against calculated to occasion a feeling of discomfort on

particular indivi dual s or tran sactions , but against both— — — sides.-— •- — -r* v And* -~ - ¦ ¦ — — much— • ~-»* ^— i as^— ^ ^» it— ^ pr may^ v ^ b ¦ h surprise.«pr WH ^Pl. B P. ^ ^P» ^ *%* ^p^ somef^pT ^P^ ^»^P»^P^ ^P^ » of^^ ^" publishers nnd their tran saction s generall y. It the gentlemen who, during this contr oversy, have

p» "^p» cannot— ¦ ' —— - — be- —— doubted— — — th— — - - at—-^™ -™- the— accusat—t ^—- ~^m- ^p-w " ^^ v -^^ ion.pf ^ pp" pipbp^ goes¦v ^h w ^p«pr this^*p° ^pw ^p» fp ^ p* expressed their opinions of the relations between

—- — — -- -_ --^ _ — — — -^ ' —r —' —* ¦ • ¦ ^» V ^ i» ^i» ^ »^f^p» ^^ ¦¦ Tpr ^« ^ ^p p ^ i ^ v^ » ¦ ^^ length , for Mr . Besant expressl y speak s of thes e authors and publishers^— g it is nevert heless** pr a^b*^ fact4b ^^ ^I F th^I F at 1 * | ' f ^"^ — ^1 — ^^ i ¦ ~- ^^ - ¦ ¦ -^^—^r r^r^r^ ^^T^H ^.^^^ » ^^^ ^^^ ——^m ^V^^^ nefarious proceedings^t^n as * a custom^" ,^p and Sir Frede-t^H ^^ ^^^ there are many au thors who would feel hurt at a __ ¦ « ¦ 1~fc¦ ¦ 11¦ ¦ .^p^ ^k *|¦ .^B. _ -_ _» 1pW • _* _ _ _ • "1¦ • 1¦ _>VS» _ 1¦ • rick^ t — Pollock^M generalises^ ^m_m~ ~ ^ in like fashi^ on* course of proceeding which would seem to imply a

— — - - - — ^— — - -— — — — — -— ^^ ^pr — v — ~*^m ^>^ v -*pp^ (B i (» -^b H p|. gp^ pk -^ M ^p>^p> ^ p^ ^»- '^ This accusation , in so far as it affects the large wan t of confidence on their part^ ^ , and would^ request-^^ majori ty of publishers , is, I venture to say, abso- their publishers not to conti nu e to trouble them lutely unfounded. That there are publishers who with vouch ers. It is my belief that this custom ,

«~*^^ ¦ — —- — _-m -^p^ ¦ » P » -^^ ¦¦ PB ^..Ik^P ^ PJP^ p^ WV> are guilty of dishones t practices must be admitted. which must' — -^- be-w more^ or less cumbrousPH IV^ ^PF ^ ^P* ^ andV>P^ V*^B ^*^ trouble-^ hrfdPfa ^P ^ P' pj^ ^ ^P« ^^W It would indeed bo impossible to find any consider- some, would , even if at firs t general ly adopted , abl e body of men , in any calling of life, to whom gradually fall into disuse , and voucher s would only tfra same observation might not with equal force be be supp ¦ ^. lied when asked- ~ - -- for—which— — —- * « i—^- — -^ ' 'm ist^ w^ exactl— * >^*^VPi^PW ^pir fapTppHPiy w the^p »

¦krfV raise general charges upon ~ r ^^ — ¦— ^^ —- - ^ —--^ ***-¦¦ ¦'••^ -^ '*¦ ¦ ^ p ^ p. w i ^ Mph '¦W^ pTPji •¦ th e ^p^ plMI ^pp^ tip» strength of excep- While holdingf~^ J the opinion tha t any general al- tion al cases of misconduct. teration is unnecessary , and that the only alteration That the imputation has been made ra shly and that has been proposed is illusory , I regar d it as

-»^p v^ppp — • - — - — — - — ------—^ vi -^^— pF—p- ignorantl y is sufficien tly obvious when it is con- intolerab le that publishers- - - - p ' p _ i h shouldi i ^pppr ^^f^ppj ^>^ be^p ^^ subjected^ p ^r ^ppTpb .*%^" ¦ * ^ ^^ ^ m fp ^^ ^ Q^r ^Wtp^R to^•" ^^^

¦¦V« ¦—- ¦« sidered— r*- — w —w— - — — — in— - the ligh ' h ht— of— - the-— — — — remed— — — — - -r — —* ym suggested.W^^ ^^"^ ^.^^fc ^^^ W^^* ^^r ""^^ ^^ ^^ ^V It>^"^ ^WW is^" W^T these charges . and insinuati ons ; and it seems to me asserted that publishers make ' pecret profits ' on that the choice of every publisher who , agrees in the cost of producing a book , and are enabled to thatthat view reallyreallv lies betweenbetween two alternativealtartm t.ivAa. s. He

-^Tmi ¦ ¦ _ —r- .,_ rm^ r ¦ do~ — -"- so¦—V b^ ym the-" circumstance- ,^--- ^, of- their_ , „ , rendering ¦¦ I ¦ I ¦¦ I -— -» ¦« ^^ ^^ ¦¦ I I I M^^K accoun-^^^" ^^^ ^^ - *^ — ts-^^ I ¦ ¦ must either relinqui sh all busin ess involving the the items of which are not prope rl y vouched for , rendering to authors of accounts mt containing items * ¦ _ _ and it is in substan ce contended that if publ ishers of^^ expenditure« m , which^ wouldp^ p^ obviou^ ^ sly* be^^^ pre - were to be called upon to produce vouchers , authors judicial to the interests of both autho rs and pub-

¦¦ 1 »¦¦ — - — i -— ----- j—jp ---^ ~- . — — - —* -^- ~—- —^ - ¦¦• r^ i- j ^ »^ ^ *iJpF

__ <¦ v number of cases, or he must devise some mode of Mr. Besant founds a grievance upon an almost

¦- ¦ ¦ 1 ^r- - — — — » -— — — 1 — — —' ^J^^^V^*^"^* *^^^ h^h makin g tip and rend ering^^^ his accounts which will,^ impossible condition of affairs. He supposes th at once for4* allv* , remove any possi• bility¦•' »• _ ofi%^*i doubt or 10,000 copies of a book have been pr inted , and questio n ; and this I believe to be practicable , as I every copy sold, and makes a calculati on of the will endeavou r to show. relative profit of author and publisher upon that The system indicated in the appended pro formd hypoth esis. A publisher would indeed bej a bold account should not only give sufficient securi ty to man who printed 10,000 copies of an ordinary book ; sat isfy any author against fraud on the part of his and upon an extraordinar y book , of which he could publisher , but would also insure * to him certai n reckon with certainty upon selling that number , he advanta ges derived fro m a system of cash payments. would assuredl y have to pay the author , in one

¦ ¦ r r w , ^b^v — — —^ ^ip^.v w w shape or other ' ^.^ "—"^ ^ ~ ~ '^" ^^ ^ "^*~ ~"—~" '^" ^^.^^^^ ~^^r ^^^.v HV ^^^ ^t^ M ^^ ^Bi^B ^.^ BJ ^* ^*^™ a much larger sum than Mr. Besan t " ^"^" s The^^^ pa^^ rticular statement which will be found in this accou nt as to the payment of each, item , with illustration supposes. There ar e also some errors I the exception of such smal l matters as cannot be so of facts and figures in Mr. Besant 's calculations of

—¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ ^» — — — -w- -¦—— profit ^h^ j —^ ^^™" ^^r — ^— —— ^^ , but it is hardl ^^ -™~ ^^ ^^^^^ y worth while to discuss them particul arised , or separately^^M pai^^ ^ d^^^^^F, is^^^^^^ absolutel^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ yf dis-^^^^ tinct and unqualified . It is impossible to conceive here. of any publisher venturing t> rend er an untrue ac- So much for the charge of unfairnes s. In regard count in such a form , and I need not enlar ge on the to the imputation that a pu blisher does not ' push ' serious consequence s to which he would render commission book s, it shows an ignorance of the himself liable by doing so. If any author has a internal arrangements of a publisher 's warehous e, doub t on this point , his solicitor will, I think , p ace which is very naturall y to be expected from thos e Lor d l»ytto n, have no difficult y in solving it. who make the charge. It is practically impossible The subjoined pro for tnd account is applicabl e for a publisher to deal in one man ner with one to a book published on the halt-profit system , but book , and in another manner with another book . accounts of books published on commissi on might , Duri ng my experience of more than 40 year s as a of cour se, be kept on a similar princi le. publisher , I have frequentl y heard the expression p * push ' in connection with the sale of a particular The attack made upon the publisher does not , book , but I have failed to understand it in that however , stop short at accusations of fraudule nt sense. I doubt if those who use it, in the sense in -^H^rw^r - — — g- — » —-—•—— — — — - — -^ ¦ ¦ — ^» ¦ ^^« account-keep ing.^^^ He is also-^ assailed^^ " ,w in^ ^-^^ regard-^m ¦ ¦& ^"^ ^^ ^*^W to^^ ^^ which it is used by Mr. Besant_ ,# could_ _ define its_ the purchase of copyrights and the payment -of meaning. What a publisher^ can do to promote the royalties , for want of fairness ; and again , for not sale of a particular book , ia addition to what he conscientiousl y seeking to advance the interests of does^ for all his pu blications alike , must be done by the author in those cases in which he acts as an a liberal expenditure of money for advertising , and — — — ^ —^ —"¦ r r ¦ ^i.^ p ¦ agentf ^ and has^ — — not—-^— '^» "^ a^^^^ proprietaryb«^ ^^^ ^^^ B^r ^^ ^ ^^™ ^ interest^v ^^^^ ^^ ^ar ^^> ^r *^ r ^^ in^^ ^^i^» a^**^^ bookw^^ ^h^ ^^^ ^*^^ K^- __ ^_ ____ ~H <% r *" _ . T» a 9 1 -m * \ so forth ;i and it need hardl y be said that a pub- or , to use Mr . Besant 'a words , he does not ' push lisher would be quite as willing to expend an author 's commission books so vigorousl y as those which are money as his own , it' the author desired it. his own by ri ght of purchase. ' I will -say a few words in answer to each of these charges. With regard , howeyer, to the publication of books on commission , it is, I th ink , open* to doubt As to fairness. In the first place, th ere is plenty whether this mode of publishing does not produce a of competitio n among publishers , which , would in • " I • . t J • • a f+ * . * 4% 'I large~ o number of books- - "whi ch,# for- — the sak e of the ordinary business tr ansactions , almost of itself, be authors and the public , had better not be printed a sufficient answer. An author is no mor e obli ged at all. It is my belief that this , or some cognate

-^- '— — — — -^- — —^— ^" — -*- -^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ W^ ^^ ^PIP iH^tf^ ^p^v v ^ H^ w r*^ to W ^i ^"^ ^^^ J sell a book at any^ particular j_ price , than a pub- _ syste— ^j — m— of publis hingj-^ " ,r involving— - r —a no— — risk to the— pub-M lisher to purchase it at the author s own estimat e lisher , has produced the larger number of dis- of its monetary value ; and in dealing with a com- appoi nted authors , f and is in a great measure modity which has a purel y speculati ye value , there responsible£" for— - the" outcry- J that has~ from^ time to must necessaril y be frequent differences of opinion time been raised against publishers. By these

p i iv b^t — ~*^ *^ ^ » ^^ vv ^.^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^b>^ ^ ^v a^.4^ ^b^ ^r^ pHk ** ^* vr w ^n** v ^«^ ^ ^wt ^m ^k^ d» .a^ ^b^ ^>«^ ^^r as to the price which oug ht to be paid for<^ it.9 Indeed^w ^^ ^^^^ ,^ remark s, I must not , however , be understood to the business of a publisher is of necessity specu- contend that , for various special reasons , the pub- lative in the highest degree , for it is admitted that lication. of- Jbooks of a valuable or popul ar kind on W^^^V^F^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^B1 •* ¦¦ ^^iH^ ^^v^HB ^^B .¦ noth ing" ^T ^^B is^^^ more ^^^ " ^^r diffic^^ ^^ ^^^ ulr^~ t^^ than^.^ —^^-^ to^^P ^^.P foreseeq. ^£V V^ ^V ^^.P ^^^ ^^^F the^^V "^ ^ ^^^^ reception^^^ ^t^F ^^.P ^.^T H^^ ^^^^ ^^*^^B commission may not sometimes be desirable. which a book will meet with ; and it is notor ious tha t many of the most successfu l books have been On the whole, I believe that where it is not offer ed to several publishers before beinsj ultimatel y important to an aut hor to receive an immediat e accepted. If a publisher could calculate with anything pecuniary ret urn for his work , the half-profi t system like certainty on every book yielding him even the y i elds the greatest certainty of a fair division of most moderate profi t , his business would no doubt the pro tit between the author and the pub lisher , of be lucrative. But , in fact , a larg e number of every course provided that the publisher 's accounts are publishe r's fai thfull y made up and rendered . This mode of speculation s invol ve a loss ; and on , stri king the average of his gains and losses, an publ i cation is especially appropria te for medical excessive profi t is roost certai nly not left to him. legal , and other works requiring frequent revision by%l the author . The appropriationI. L J> of one-half of : I affirm , without hesitation , that the average the profits to the publisher may at first sight appear pr ofits of publishers do not represent more than a unduly favourable to him ; and undoub tedl y, in the moderate return upon the cap ital employed in their case of a hook certain to have a larg e tfnd rap id sale, ' business, and that this return is only to be earn ed they are too favourable ; but ia ordinary circu m- by great labour and continuous risk. stances such is not real ly the case * In the first To the suggestion of Mr. Besant that an author , place, the publisher tak es upo n himself the risk of ! before accepting an offer fro m a publisher , would do loss, which , as I have already pointed out , is very i well to consult the Society of Authors , there can be far fro m being nominal. In the second place, he <

no possible X^« •' fc^ ¦ m,mmA MX**, */«*«^ V l#M w*I* Wjpmm**m mmm-m/m^tm^^ ^^- wm . objection from a publi sher 's point of suppr r l iesB XSk* all••*¦. theVUV cap ital for the ventureV|, and manag es ;, view, subject, of course , to the observation that no all the busi ness details of the publica tion. Fina lly, publi sher would be bound , or, as I believe, influenced it must alway s be remembered that , while the pay- ' b~jy theiuq opvr ptUAWinion U ofUi theIAJU Society.&%JKIWJ » monts to the auth or represent clear profit , the The obser vations which I hav e mad e apply alike publisher 's share of the profit haf to bea r a certain i to the purchases of copyri ghts and to the pay- proportion of the general expense of conducting hia ,! ment of royalti eB ; but with regard to the latter , business , ana m a«r , therefore , be subject to a very '11 ' -, ** ' -'L^ i . \\ i C ^ & ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "' ". t .. ¦ M ,;:; I,... , . - i r ., n , i i \\ y ,| -'¦ ' ^' Cg E? j 330 Tlie Publishers ' Circular ^&&#iS87 | '¦ i > •— 1 .— ^ ~ —-—^ ^^ ^^^ ^_ ' • ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ considerab le dedu ction. These few last wor ds : Cr. - ' ¦ ¦, 'I must equall y apply to th e apparent profi ts of pub - 1885. Nov. 10. £ s. dy £, s. . J ' d. lishers , on every trans acti on, and from whatever Number of copiesprin ted 1,500 ' system of publication they may be derived. —I am , Sir , your obedient servant , Presented — CrEORGB M. SMITH. To Public Liibraries ... 5 „ Author and Frie nds 6 . 15 Waterloo Place, March 21, 1 887. _,,.. liiditorsEditors and.and others 39 . ^ 1886. June 30. Pj bo for ma. Account of a Book published at i/ — On hand 185 235 THE PRICE OF FOURTEE N" SHIL LINGS.

Dr. Leaving^j sold as under ... 1,* 2 6 5 1885. £ s. d. £ s. d. (25 copies as 24). Amount of Messrs. A. B. & Co.'s At Trad e Sale 200 as 192 account for Printing 1,500 at 9/4 ... 89 12 0 copies ...... 106 9 4 To Trade , &c. 1,065 as 1,023 at ... 511 10 0 Less discount allowed for Cash 10/. payment 8 per cent...... 8 10 4 1,265 601 2 0 Cash pai d to Messrs. A. B.& Co. _, ~ Less allowance to cover bad on J anuary 12th , 1886, by debts and sundries , 5 per cent. 30 1 0 chequ e on Messrs. — & Co.... 97 19 0 r, 571 1 0 Amount of Messrs . C. D. & Co/s account for Paper .-.. *N ... 60 15 9 £571 1 0 Less discount allowed for Cash paym ent 5 per cent.... ^.. 3 0 9 1886. Jul y 1. Cash paid Messrs . O. D. & Co. By Half Balance , broug ht forward ... "£131 9 4 on August 10th , 1885, by — cheque on Messrs. — & Co 57 15 0 To the Editor o£ih **Ewasa. Amount of Messrs . E. F. 's & Co. Sir ,—After Mr. John Murray 's concise and prac- account for Binding 1 ,350 tical note we had not intended joining in the con- copies...... 43 4 0 troversy regarding the statements made by Mr. Less discount allowed for Cash Besant and : - othe rs at the recent conference of the payment 6 per cent ... 2 11 10 Incor porated Society of Authors , as we felt that Cash paid Messrs. E. F. & Co. letter met tlie point and said all that was necessar y on February 1st, 1886, by for his fellow-craftsm en. But having read in the Cheque on Messrs .— & Co 40 12 2 Tiroes of yesterd ay the admirable letter by Mr. G eorge M._ Smith_ ,j we cannot - refra^__ in from — _ expressingj^._ _ jf-^ our— ^ Amount paid for Advertise- thank s to him for stating so clearl y and at such ments as per accompany ing len gth the case of the publishers. list, showing the actua l cost On re ading the remarks of Mr. Besant and some of each advertisement (less of the othe r speak ers at the meetin g referre d to , the discount where allowed) with pr incipal feeling we experienced was one of sur pr ise the date of its appearance ... 65 4 6 that such should be . assumed to be the attitude of

-- —— -— authors toward s publishers . our -~~ In the cours e of — — — — - ¦¦ t^ - — ^m — ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^PP'^P' ^PP^P* ^ m^ Postages , Printing_F^^ ^B ,fc trade^^^ ' cir-^P ^ ^^ ^^^ culars , carriage of copies to experience we hav e so seldom had any evid ence of Author and friends , proportion the antagonism which Mr. Besant seems to assum e as existing between authors and publishers that we ¦ ^— — — ~— ¦ ¦ v ¦ ¦ of^"^ paper»^p^ — — ¦ ™ ^p"~ ^»^~ and^1 pri ™ ntingpb^^ppi ^p«* •¦> pppppp VMpVm Cata-^*p^ ^^p '^ ^^ ^^^ p" logues , and Newspapers , con- should fain hope that the impressi on conveyed must taining Reviews, &c. ... 3 5 10 be very much exaggerate d—and certai nly, if instance s pro ving the contrar y were wa n ting, they could 264 16 6 easily be found in the published memoirs of many _--— -- ~T ^ — — ^- - — ^ ^^ —^ — ^^ W~ — — Allowance to cover extra dis~ authors of distinction ,f which furnish amp^ le proof ¦ j " counts allowed to Agents , of the friend ly relations and implicit confidence tha t ! : Wholesale Book sellers arid have existed between them and their publish ers . of I Exporters , 6 per cent, on Indeed , we fear it is the less desirable class ; amount of Sales ...... 30 1 0 authors "who , throu gh easil y understood circu m- stances , necessar ily gravitate downw ard s to the less ; Interes t on £ash advanced desirable class Of publishers , of whom , we fear , it i o5 per cent. ...,,...... 13 4104 10 _ would be idle to deny the existence. That it should ; . : 43 5 10 ever be supposed that a publisher 's accounts were not open to the inspection of his clien ts , or tha t ! - 18$6. J vme $0. 30a 2 4 vouchers could not be furnished if desire d , seems to ! ; r Bala pce, h«lf to Author , carried us scarcel y necessa ry to be insisted on when we had ; forward ...... 131 9 4 not imag ined it could be doub ted, and we are suro * all respectable members of the publishing profess ion Balance , half to Publis her ...131 9 4 . w ill ,,be only too hap py to affoi^d all informat ion ' ' ' '' " ' :: ' " ' " ' ' j pM ..W PPP| . .. ^ "" ^^ W» -^^ IB W — ' r -"~ ^^" ~~ T^ ¦ ' "^ ~ T —^" -^^ ~^— ^—^M -~~ ..V P ^ — ~ —T -^. f— ^^. r^V ¦ ¦ " ^^ ^ .F >^ BP .P.^BP' Pf ^ PIP. ^PBPB ^ ^ .T^Pl ^ ^^ *- ~~- . ^^ ; . , , ; . . , — — 26? 18 8 wliicli would make their transacti ons -with^ *f author s < ¦ . / " ' ¦¦ 1 : entirel y intelligible and satisfactory. But we think ; fc • ' ;;- * ¦% i :- \ \ , :.\ . \ ; ;; . . , . . . . . v . o the practical knowledge evidently wanting in .the - ¦:... 1886. Oct. 1. : " • • . • , - < ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - , Incorporated Society of Autho rs << might beth ^ir, easily I ; • * */ _ * wer e t^ney start !| i To Cash ,*per cheque ..t . .. .*.. ¦ • ' :.} c£J131 9•. » 4 ^icqu ^rea to publi glnng on own ¦ ¦ . < ~ > " w; .1 v . ,. • « ¦• , ¦ • , .. , -• • , -. i '» )" :• , ) ; rr-:""" - ** •—1=. account , and by tfye investment of heavy cap ita , the ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' " m ' ¦ .. = ./,. ,: , - . . ai ===?% April ir :i8»7 ^p ^ ^t#>lisliers' Gifeula ^ • 33*

¦ v * ¦ _ conducting of a large establishment , and the pleasant the author (£16. 13s. 4<£.) and : £100 for paper ,

Va> — pastime of dealing with? prin *te£s, ^paper-makers , printingWA lMVlUb) , binding,Ml.a *Vlt«4« gy and«JV«LA ^* advertising.«W^«m * V^VA«4bt TheAUV result^ ^#*i# V*A */ there-WUiWA V

l-BBr ¦«^B»BB> -- - "» — ; - - - — , i , - n -— — — ' 1>S ^^ y . SbbJ * ' bookbinde rs, aidv ^rtislng^^ agentsf ,* arid , unsuccessful fore is—author 's prof it, £16. 13s. 4rf. ; publisher s aut hors, iget that insight into the other side of the /oss, £50. These are not figures of the imagination ; , ¦' , I question which their recent lucubrations show too they are , alas ! figures of stera reality. Should the

r ¦— m^^ » ^m ^pbp *^b>0bp ¦ r ' • ^^ ¦ ™ m , . - — » — —~ — ^~ - — » "^ — — — — — — —j — ^ "We ^ y y book be 9^^ a failure , on the other hand and ^ clear ly they^ requir e.—- are , Sir , your^ obedient , should ! serva nts , Wi. Blackwood & Sons. the full 1,000 copies be sold, the author (at a ten- .-______. 45 George Street , EcUnburgh , March 25. jfpenny mf royalty)v •/# would— receive £41— — . 13s. 4d.,9 and— i the publisher £25. says e THe following, th Pall JMal l Gazette, Mr. R. B. Marston writes as follows to comes from , the head of a well-known firm , of the Pall Mall Gazette :— :— publishe rs In the name of publ ishers generall y I ask Mr. I once heard a well-known and successful author Besant to give the reasons why * the Society of say to a young novelist , who complained of being Authors has not yet thoug ht it wise or expedient to * robbed ' by his publisher , * That is a remark you. publish a a account of the cases which have been ought never to make ; it is an implication that you broug ht before them ... some heartless beyond , are a " duffer. " It wouldrit pay any pub lisher to belief. . . . Most of them are cases of unhappy j , rob a successfu l autho r. For my own part I have ladies to whom the few pounds which their modest had dealings with all sorts and conditions of pub- success should have brou ght the m, but which are lishers for about thirty years , and I have never Tjeen withheld by secret or fraudulen t profits , would have badl y served by any of the tribe. ' The words I been of— the_-_ greatestC3 _ hel__ tp.- The successful- _ writer— italicised put the matter in a nutshell. Authors— very soon gets out of the hands of the sharks , and I am speaking more particu larl y of novel- writers — learn s to protect himself in a fashion/ Does Mr. who are a source of profit to their publishers are so Besant seriousl y think that any action his society i few that no publisher would commi t an act of com- can take, shor t of exposing them , will stop these mercial suicide by giving th em cause even to sup- dishonest publishers ? My firm never objects to

¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ — ~ ™ — ¦ ™ ¦ m v — —^*~ ~^^h ~^™~ v^^r ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^MBBm v^^* ^^^ ^"^^^ ^BP^ ^^^^ ^m^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^F BV ^B^» ^^^^^B » ^B^™ ™ -^^ ^^v^^v ^^pp* ^^m ^^p ^^^P ^^^ '^^^ _ _ _~ v v " ¦ ¦ ~ — ^^ ~^ — — — — pose th ey were being robbed of a fraction of their show an author ledgers, ^v^Bj or accounts ,J but we should ri ghts. It is only from the small and unprofitable have to give up publishing if we were compelled to fry the * bitter cry ' against the dishonest publisher show every author everything which he or she might

bm r comes.~ — ¦— -¦— —™~ ^ Mr.^^™" --^^^—w^^ bp Besan^^ p^^_~ ~^ ^ m ^.^b p* ^^^^ ^b t p , whob1 ¦ ^^ p ^bi -^b p* isBB. v]v one^p^ ^^^™ ^^p. of-^^ ^mm the-^r -^^^— "^» most^^^p>^.* ^bf vw ^^ success-bpbv ^p"^™ "^^ "^.» ^.v v^.r w^^ wish to see. Dishones ty cannot be prevented by ful , if not the most successful , of living novelists , checks of thi s kind , or by showing vouchers or sure ly knows thi s is the case, and it would real ly auditing accounts : such a system would quickl y have been no harm if he had touched upon the fact. prove a protection for fraud : the honest publisher If he had addressed to the Society of Author s the would be honest ^still , and [ the dishone st one would words quoted in the opening of this letter he would make secret arrangements with dishonest printers , have done more real service to his craft than b _» , , and the Society of A* fc/y paper-makers binders , &c holdingV ^ ^B out to the^m rising^ a generation^ of novelists^k A the^ Authors might audit his accounts without being a pros pect of a golden age whea a publisher 's office bit the wiser. I do not ask my docto r or lawyer , or

shall be an al most forgotten Golgotha. butcherV^F ^ ^^ » ^^^ ^^B^ ^^ b^BK ^B^ F ^^B ) or^^^ ^^^ bake~^B" ^^*^» ^^"^^^ ^^» r*^^ ,^B for^^^ ^^^ ^"^^ an^^^^~ ^^ ^^ audited^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ -^—^^ . account.—* — h h h -. — ^^ I— — own~— ^ T — — On two pojnts I agree with Mr. Besant : (1) that certain inventi ons—on the sale of which I can the • first best ' system of publishing is when the only get a 10 per cent, royalty, by the way—I publi sher buys the book ri ght out ; and (2) that believe the firms who work the m for me are honest ; ? the next best is the ' royalty*/ «/ system.»/ * Half-profitsXT ' I have never asked to see their book s, or to have are a nuisance , becaus e no mortal author ever^ can an audited account «f sales. I do not know any

be induced to believe he is being treated fairl y ; businessW^^ ^^ 'v W ^^ B..B 1 ^BB* ^W "^^ p where^ ^ ^.V^B^ ^> ^a^M ^B ^ the^.V ^^ .^^ B ^^^ accounts^**^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^' ^ ^^^^* ^^^^^ ^^~ ' with^* w ^^^ ^^ customers— ^^ ^^ — ^^ — are— and for a similar reason novels should never be audited , for the simple reason that it cannot be done publis hed at the author 's expense. Indeed , if a where there are a great number of different accounts ,

« W ^^ M " — — — ~ ^ r novel is worth y of paper and pr int , it is worth y of rendHB» ^B» ^^^™ ^^^™ ered^ ^HB ^P '^^^^ half-yearl.^ ^^ ^" ^» ^^ ^ ^ ^P^ ^ ^» ^." *^ yV probablBV .^ '^^ "'^^ ^"^^^ ¦ ™ ¦ y.¦ ^^ My firm has hun- being issued at the ri sk of t he- much-abused pub - dreds of accounts with authors , and pays a large lisher. staff of experienced clerks to keep these accounts.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Mr. Besant indul ges in some figures concerning Ampv ^P ^^ WW ^V^B^ I.BBv toBJP ^^^F payBa^^ ^P^*^BI V an^^ «^V .4 auditor^m ^^ ^v^ ^ W^H ^^ ^^^ ^BB^ ^BV to^^^ ^^^ pH^^ leas©^ ^-^^ ^^ the^ 1 ¦ 1 ^^^ author^^ ' ~^ ¦ ~^ ¦ ~ ?—~ If the- — royalti es on 65. novels which pro voke criticism. He author pays him, my clerks will, to satisfy him , says a 6s. novel brings in to the publisher 4s. a hav e to go all over the work again. Am I to pay

ttW *¦¦ *¦¦ BBHV F 1 ¦ ¦¦ B»^ ¦ copy. [Mr. Besant has since backed out of this rash forOBJ ^BP theB^ ^p ^ timeBf B. ^ — ^t ^¦ * soB^pT ^B "" los^B* ^^ .^PP t^^ to^B" "^" » me?^~m^m ^ r ^ Disputes¦¦ " — —' ^ "^ ^" '^ between" ~^ ~~ " the~~ statemen t.] Thi s is quite a. mistake. The ' sale ' auditor , acting as paid agent for the author , and pr ice of 6s. novels is 4*. 2d. ; and nowadays they myself will arise. How ma,ny months of this in-

WB»^V --_^ ¦ W m ¦ BB W*BF .Bk ¦ m BB) ^.B^ ^PP' B ™ ^ ^» BH » » »».¦» ^~r -^^ — -^ . .BBBBP ^^ , - — ar e usuall y ' subscribed ' at 4s. Th king discounts quisitorial^ ^T ^B» .Bpl *« ^P*^" »^ business , which up^jp«njj__ f^ul 0f£^ ther business or and the odd bookhook in thethft dozen into accountaccount,, the profession al man is asked to submit to, should I actual sum per copy which the-publisher receives is survive ? At its best, publishi ng is a most

-¦ 1 1 ¦!¦ ¦ ¦ a fra ction und er 3s. 4d. As a general rule l Od. a speculativ~*0 BBp* ^BF' ^mr BbW »"B¥ **^P' BB*bBB- BB e^ip' business*^B^ ^P" Bb» ^Bbp» JB. * .-¦¦ ^B^ FB.B" P ^^ ;W anBBl^ BB*^ autho^ '^'^ »-^ -^- r— of—' reputeg^ — ^ knows- copy is the royalty paid on 6s. novel s (the firm of his value to a farthing, and in nineteen cases out

which I am a member has sometimes given Is. per of^B*' dBBf twentyVBBT W B/ ^B^ *VBPBI Bf ¦ an^B*B» «HB author^fc*BB" ^P>BBI ^BF PPfB ^IBT" *VB^ tI'llBBJBx»f BB no' ' ^^» repute™^ ~~ ^T^ — — is not worth— coPy» but this scarcel y pays, even when a fairl y anythi ng—to a publis her. I hav e said nothing large sale may be reckoned upon) , leaving 2s. 6^. to about metho ds of publishi ng, because if an author

BPfc.B^BfciBBBBF»BBB| ^|^ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ W*% ¦ ^^v « — —r —^ — -»- ———w -~- - — — —— the publisher for production and profit. Supposing, does^BIP»- ^ BBF ^^" .4* notfl*>^t ^B ^ "^ make an^B>BBI B*BhBB« arranBrfBJrf BB) fBB| ^^ W gement^~ ^ ^ which is satis- •^ ¦¦ k — —— v«.»«^ p«s VAly \^Ww l^ IAAMt* Mfck f M" MV« -.- » then,j that the cost ofVA paperr"" *>**^ J»i ,• binding , and printingA** f" % factory to him, and which h© cannot enforce if an edition of 1,000 copies is £75 (I am taking Mr. he believes it is violated , it is his own fault. I dis-

¦ » ¦—^ •• »».¦ • ¦» »T.P»—»mp - P1M 1 WWO ¦*!• » ¦ ¦ vrPBBir ——m- rr -^ — —- —- — —¦ Beaant ^ *- m , ¦b *' af« >••) *~* J "f ^^ j ' generally\J s own figures), and that the modest sum of like the half-profifes system, because it ^

WMVM «/*-*S-» £25^ is— **" spentW onV^ «-* advertising«JWV* V V/JL l/«fc ^** JiC ^ theVMV bookPW V«fc ^, the grand• M>lAVf lands me in all the loss, because authors do not ^ total of the publisher 's profit stands at 6d. per copy . believe in it, and because it leads to endless disputes. fc»*AW

BBf -BB PBaT -w -— ^———y ^ . -** ¦ w\/ «jiff A ft WAV A Uf A U# AV l> • J^ ^- rfcJ ^^ VWA* Jft% ^Jb •• ¦.¦¦ >BBBBBj BJh*S* U *» ¦M ^ ¦ ¦IM'BMB ¦ •*¦ «B >BJ * ^^* > WT «B ^— ——-B-W B—— —— . . - — ——¦ Then , to go a little fart her , supposep*»V* | ^ the book for An author^^ ^ may^J not^ questionuJ J that I ha;ve spent what some reason prove s a failure (publishers cannot I say I have , but he teels himself at perfect liberty foresee or foretell everything]), aud ithe sale stops at |» criticise the ^ man ner in which I have spent it. If 400 copies (very frequentl y it does), the publisher the book has been a failure , then the paper wa» : too receives i?66. 13s. Ad. He rnvs .400 tennences to tarn , the bind ing too quiet , and tne papers in wmett. I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • , ,, , ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' v ' ' ¦ „..¦ ¦ ¦ - ,¦ ¦ ¦ :¦ ..¦,.¦ "' ' W ' ' ' ' '' ' 1 . • . : , ,... y.t ^Lt. ^^^-^iiifi lfBj at t . J . : . . I 33a 3$te Publi shers ' Circular >^p^ t^ i«a^

" ¦ - \ I adv ertised were . ' not a bit of good/' Publishin g libraries , ovdychi demand , »re. entitled tor books on. Commission is not satisfactory either for aut hor printed upon , the paper of which the 'larges t »m0^m -»-^^— or^F» publisher,J^ *m»W^m± ~^r *» • unless«>»*»^«^M *^* the.VA*^^' workIf «^«» • » has^^ m.W> ^ a«v veryV ^*m+ W largeft and—- nnnnriumper'hfir of copiesconiaa of such books -or editioediti^n ns« permanent sale.. The royal ty system is by far the shall be printed for sale.. As an int erval of most satisfactory : the author knows exactl y wha t t welve monthmontn s is allowedanowea afteralter pupubonclicatatioion n,. he is getting. Alth ough we have never been asked cheap editions may therefore be sent to to do so, I am sure , my firm would not object to give the se thei r own guarantee as to number of copies sold, libraries.^m^m n^ ^^ ^*^m*dfe^^M^^v ' |i and also a guarantee from the printer as to the You are in error. * A copy of the whole of

^^^ p ^ h ¦ ih ¦ ~—^r number of copies printed. "We have long volun- every^ ^^ Mp H ^V ^p bookW^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^— , and^^^—^^ —^-^^^ ~— of^^^r ,f a-^^^^ ny^^m^^* m second^"^^ — — — or— subsequ~- ^—^ h ^— ^^ ent^^^r ^^^^^^ ^^0 I^v teered these guara ntees in the case of advertisers edition of every book containing additions and I

'^^f- ^m ^^^^^^^^ ^^^>^b ^^^ ¦ ¦ ^ ^ ^^^ —^ — — —¦— — — — L - — — —¦- ~^ v v » • ^umr ^^ v w ^v « ^» ^^ h^» t. t »* vw ^fc^ *w tr ^r ^» v w ^»*^ h ^fc^^^"^ » ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^p ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ within ^^^^ v^^ who^^ advertise^^ *• * ^^ ^^ in• ^ our^ ^ ^^ magazinespp% ^^^"^ ^ ^^ ^^ and^ other^* • • works-^^ ^ *-^ , alterations ,' must be delivered * one but here agai n there is no absolute check : th ere month after demand made there of in writin g must be trust in honesty somewhere : we have to as aforesa id.' The * interval of twelve month s ' « ¦• -mr w w+ * ~^r »• ^v^» » » ^h «r ^^- A f ~ «w ^^fc ^» • mr V ^r ^» V ^» ^^» — w ^» trust^ ** our-^ printers«* ^^ to print^^ ^ *^ and»* deliver^^ the^*^ ^^ exact** is the time allowed to the libraries to claim ir>. number of copies we order ; but if they liked to run Yours very»r trul y,mf * L the risk of printing mor e and selling copies to dis- ] honest booksellers the chances are tha t we should E. B. Nicholson . never find it out. The royal ty system is best, - Bodleian Library, Oxford. | because it can be graduated so that an author shall might be get his fair proportion of — - [Our intent ion was to show that there J profit. \ exception s to the general custom followed by The most curious paragrap h we have seen publish ers , who now send all their book s regu- larl yv withouturUhon t demand.demand - "WeWe cannot saysav how this in connection with this controversy has sud- custo m has been so free ly accepted by the Trade. denl y come befor e \ us in the New York Librari ans, too, we fancy , would be glad to be

^^ b ^P ^^ » ~< *~ M ^ " — — ~ — ^ Publis hers' Weekl y as a quotation fro m the Tfi^^^ liuvftd^B ^^^ V ^^ ^"^^ fro^^ ^B* ^^ m^ ^VB^r th«^V ^ ^H ^B^ accession^Btf^V ^^^ ^^r ^^ W^^ ™^^ ^^ *^^^ ^^*^^ of^^* ^^^ roanv^" ^^ useless letter of the London correspond ent of the books.—Ed. P. a] New York Tribune. English authors will be glad to hear that their ri ghts are champ ioned so honestly and powerful ly on the other side of the Atlantic. The London correspondent !Dotef and Il ew of the Tribune takes an abnormal interest in f English publishers , if not in Eng lish literature , The National Society's Depository is pub- and his words from a trad e point of view lishing a new series of Scri pture prints, , , suitable for schools, the aim being to offer ate always worth y of notice . greater attractiveness in design and colour , \ * The Society of Authors / this impartial Ameri - in troducing, as far as possibl e, the dignity can critic remarks , * has at la*t ou tgrown the natura l and reli gious feeling of the earlier painte rs , timidi ty of a young organisation , found the courage but avoiding the simply archaic features which of its opinions , and taken a completely new depar- perplex the children of to-day . The pictures «.« ~ r~ ~ x.-» _r i^»*,9 who11 \# presided» a x^*^ &^»« ac* m +* a\.m crowdedv/Jk \ *r if \a v ^ a 4 ' The Blessing of the Children ' and ' The meeting at Wi llis s Rooms, kept the bea ten t rack in Adoration of the Shep herds ' are now ready. •« tni ¦ his polished address. It was Mr . Walter Besant /\ .* -•* ^ y, mm * * v into• i ->«¦ ictures also read are the * Flight -m^ Other p «h. m. M*m, who* w a- * ^^ struck9^ va» ^i^^^at^ the^r ^^ ^^- riew»m ^^ v v note^^ ^/ .p He^ setik^ ^^ ** forth^ v^ • »*»^ unflinch* ¦• • • * »^ ^b/ > • - ingly a catal ogue of those singular practices by Egypt' and the * Entombment. ' which publishers secure to themselves an unfair The has determine d '

m tm «¦ «r r p,^ proW^ ^ ^ ^ portionm^ ^^ ^* ** ^^ ^*H of^h^ ^ik the^^b w ^r profitsB^ «* ^^ ^ ^ ^^ of^^ a^ book.^^ ^* ^^ ^ ^ ^ He^^ ^ ^# showed^^ ^^ y 9 ^^ ^^f^ to bring "but a gro up of * Jubilee ' Pray er I how they set apar t secret profits , withhold accounts , Books. These may be had in different sizes and present to the author fictiti ous statements of the the cost of his book. He showed not less clearl y and in different colours of leather. On that even where all is aboveboard the publisher side is embossed a tasteful * Jubilee ' design. takes for his services in introducing the book to the The Prayer Books are very elegantl y produce d. public more than twice or thrice what he allows the The very popular illustrated handbook ,

v ^ ^ v 1 author^»"v —^v ^r *^<** ^r **~ forw ^^ ^ writing* ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^1 it.^^ He^^^ ^^^ ^^ announced^^^^ ^^^ ^^ "V .*^> ^i^ ^l^ ^ ^^q. thatV I^V VpAV ^^ the^ IV^H ^ ^ v So-w^ ^f ^^^ • London of To-day, ' by Mr. Charl es E. Pasc oe, ciety hen ceforward would no longer be content wi th is now in its third year. The new edition— protecting i ndividual s against inj u&tice , but meant well up to date—has just been by : to establish a new princi ple on a new basi s of deal- published ing as between authors and publishers. He carried Messrs . Sampson Low <& Co. the audience wi th him enthusiastical ly on these and In view of the Jubilee Mr. , , this year , -^- -~— -r- -~~- ~^mw norant o r m on other points . One or two papers ^_ ¦ i ¦ ¦ i — - — — - ^m ~ - w — — - — — - — - ~ — _- m^ —^ . , g f ^v ^v ^^^ r ^B^^ p ¦¦ ^^ m ^ T.^ Preston— ^^ , F.R.Hist.S.^ , has comp^ ^^v ^^^ h^ v^v iled^^^^r ^^VW ,W^M and^^^ ^" ^^ the re al merits of the question , come feebl y to the Messrs. Whittak er & Co. will publish , a record rescue of the publishers , but Eng lish authors now of the Georg ian Jubilee . The book will conta in know what to aim at and whom to look to for pro- tection. ' auth enticated details of all the more import an t -¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦- ¦ ^^^ - ^^^^ p^^ h ^h nip addresses— — — — - -— — — — presented_^BJ^ " ~ — — ' —^ "— — to^"^ the^^~ ^" ^^^ King,^^^^^ v^n ^^v ^p^K besides^^^r r^^r ^mm ^^ r ^^ ^^^ w^^ an— II exhaustive account of the celebratio n of that | great national festival collected from all pa rts I THE COP YRIGHT ACT. of the kingdom. I To the Editor of the Publishers ' Circular . The first -articl e in the Art Jour nal (Virtue & Co. ) for Apri l is devoted to* a con- I Deaj r. Sir ,—You say of the four libraries , sideration of the unique position which the ; besides the J iriti ph Museum , which are pri vi- President of the Society of British Artists, .J. McNeilJMLcJN eil WhW matteristler, holdsholds in the art worlworld. d, Itxv Iv L , ; i -^fll ^^^^^^^^'^^^^'^ i^mmmmmw '^^' m^^mm^m ^m^^^^ mm^aMfmmi ^^m^^mmmmmMfmmm^ ^mmtmim ^mwm^im^mmm^mKmmmwtm^mmwm^mwmmmmmmwmmm ^ , . _^_ C^' ' r • jm^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^ &^mmm^^^^^^ 1 April - j ir&Uy' ^Pfee fftiMisher^ Ciifcaalar S31 - ¦ • ¦ • 1. ' . V = , . ' . . - . . . . n . ' i is almost the fir st published account of the A collection of Pa ul Heyse's ' StQries,' ^

author of ' Arrangements and * Noc- BK «« B« Bt ps translated BB> by John Phili is an nounced a3 us ' BB\ 4 . ¦ § * TL 'BB1 , B1-i ¦ _ BB) famo ^ ^ ^bV BBWKIB BA Bl . . tu rnes V which has been ^written by anyone in shortly to^ be published by Mr. Elliot Stock. full sympath y, with Mr. Whistl er 's work and

A penny ra ~>3rBk establ ished' in has beenM^«> enjoying the full confidence of the artist. It B^B*> A BSBVB1BBV A A ^B«BK.B1 .A BVB*-X- . B* bw^v~— ,-- — , .______— ._ -— -—- JPpst — ~ - and — — — — — - —- — Jamaica. The title is I'he Jamaica »^~— — - ^ j— -^ — ^^ p^^ g . is illustrated, likewise, by^ some pictures which -_ ._ _._ ^ ______— _. ^__ _ — — — - — — ^.— — — — — — — have been frequentl y talked of but seldom it is publi shed byj Messrs . J. W. I^err & Co.,j ,j adequa tely presented , and^ the author has been of Kingston . Number one, now before us, in his task by Mr. Whistler himsel f ; promises well for the success of the first penny aided» ^ ^Bt B> VB JBh _ B% — BM MA ^Bi^BJ ^B and the pupils of the master ,- Mr. Jacomb paper in the island . and Mr. Mort imer Menpes contri bute ™ , Hood, BV) a BB> ¦ Bl ' BK BK _ J *¦ ' ^ ^ . ^k ' The Queen 's Birthday Book ' wilj shortl y towards the peculiarl y characteristic nature of be. pub lished by Messrs . Griffith , Farran, the article by sketches in the Chelsea studio Okeden & Welsh . It is compiled by Miss and an etched portrait. Dunbar , the compiler of the - * Shakespeare

_ _ _ _ — — - - — y — —.._ — — j — __ — _ __— ___— — _ _ _ — — — „ ._ Birthday Book ,' from Wither 's * Emblems , ^ ' 1 Messrs . Griffith , Farran,^ Okeden & Welsh are about to bri ng out a series of diagrams and other sources of a like kind. The birth-

_ - _ _^ _ _ _ — -— days and other anniversaries of the members , cutting^^ out^ needlework - for the use of * , for ^ ^Bl ^& ^h ^ ^^ ^^ a .p ^ — %? • Xi v » t and of' the «K royalBl •/ familBB y are specially noted • BBl B X»h Bl ^ ¦ A , «¦ ^* .B« — — teache rs in schools, candidates for certificate s, ^ and pupil teachers . They will consist of Her Majesty the Queen has been graciousl y twenty-eight patterns of useful garments, and pleased to appro ve the book and accept the drawn to -inch scale, including four three - dedication. It will be issued in two forms — yard diag rams^ , and rules for cutting out other in the ordinar y two-shilling birth day book garments of various ^izes, by M. Waite , Needle- shape, and in a sumptuous q uarto edition to work Superintendent of Board School, Brad- sell for hal f a guinea , with thirteen photogra phs

------j - y Her. J Majesty— hers elf j ford. ' selected b^ ^ and with the royal autog rap hs. The Hon. Emily Lawless , it is stated , w ill write the ' Story of Ireland* for the * Story of Messrs . Har per ask us to say that Mr. Iieslie Stephen is in error in stating, in his the Nations ' series published in this country fc by Mr. T. Fisher Unwin . article on Car lyle in the Diction ary of Nationa l Biograp hy,' that Carl yle's , ' later ' Ellis's Irish Educational Directory and books ^were-appropriated by American pub - Scholastic Guid e for 188? ' has just been pub- lishers without recompense to the author. * lished by Mr. E. Ponsonb y of Dublin. The Messrs . Harper tell us th ey agreed to pay

-^v^v writer , Mr. W. E. Ellis , has , as heretofore , Mr.^B^ v ^^ p ^ ^^ v Carl^^ ^^v —— y_ le¦ '^" r £200^— ¦ -^^ — for— -^— the—— » early- — ym sheets™~ — ^ of

------— been very•/ successful in the arrangj ;,ing - c^ of his * Frederick the Great ' ; but the payment materials , and in collating^ particulars respect - exceeded that amount by j£50. For the ing the most recent chan ges. The * Directory ' volume containin g i The Earl y Kings of gglivesV OO an(%XX authenticCbUUllC/AX lUAs resume/OO H//Ht/ ofUl educationalC/VA U^CVUXV^XXCbX Norway ' and ' Joh n Knpx ' they gave Mr. matters in Irelan d at the ' present time. J Car lyle £4Q ; and for the earl y sheets of the ' Irish Jou rney ' they paid £100. As to the The story of Mr . Thomas Stevens ' amazing 4 Remini scences,^ they arranged with Mr. and adventurous journey is about to be told in Carlyle in 1870 to pay a royalty upon the

a book 7 Around the Worl J L on a Bicycle.»/ ^ ¦ ^^ pj^^^ ^^P^ ^^^W ^^^ ¦ ^"^ ^^p' ^^™ »^^ ¦ —^— ¦ w^ ¦ ^^ ^ - — m ^^f~ —^ "^ ^~— — — ^-^ — — ^^— ^m ^ ^^ — — — — "^ — ~ — — — — — — , Ml p ^v ' ' ^ ^^ J nil -i n • i -it t n fii ••¦ -¦ i i i • sales of their library edition , and an advance , The work , which will be fully illustrated , is on account of such royalty, of £250 for the

promised immediatel y a, ¦

-.__ .. v v ^p^^p1 *^^^ ^— ^^ — ^^ — — ^^ — —. Thre e new seri al stories will commence in was ignore^^^Jp'^K d bya * Mr. Froude and his American the April part of London Society, which is now pub lishers . Messrs . Harper have neverthe-

p " ¦ ¦ »¦ H"*^ " ' ^^— —~ ™— "^ — ' f less^^ • pai d to Mrs.K * 1 M. A. Carl yb^ le a royalty* ,f bJ publis hed by Messrs . F. V. White & Co. ; Mrs . 11 • % *1 /*- j1 T*T "I • 1 • • Alexander begins 'A Life Interest / Hawley on all copies sold of the library edition , in Smart 'A False Start ,' and Miss Beatrice May accord ance with the ori ginal arrangement. — Butt * Faith : a Woman with a Past. ' A then& wm. « ' The Romance of the Wool Trade ' is the At present Messrs . Marion & Co., of Soho title of a work which Mr. James Bon wick is Square, have on view a lar ge portrait of Her BT B1PB ^tW ^ VI im~- I H ^P» -^ P^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ — -- f *------^ MajJH esty the Queen^ ^^J ,T byB\# Mr. (aruid o Schmitb. ^b; — b ^^ — — ' —™ ^^™— ^^ ^^ — ^^ — ^^ ^—^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ¦ ^ ^ ^^*^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^p ^^ i^ ^ ^w- ^w^ ^^^ ^^"^^ .v ^^ ^m prep aringm m ^F and essrs Griffi th , tm BB «¦ BB B\ 4B B\ «B Mi«« . , Farran IW ^MI m BH , Okeden^^ ^ &^K Welsh will publi sh in one volume , The work is of high artistic merit. crown octavo , 400 to 500 pages, cloth. It Messr 3. Ward & Downey announce the aims to instruct manufactmanufacturersurers, farmerfarmerss, wool- publication very shortl y of a new novel by

,-- ¦—™ ¦¦ -.- brok ers , and tra cers of the United King dom SaraB ^^^ ^pr^pr^^v vvr^r hp^^^» T^^^^ ytler.m* ^^ ¦ " ^ The-¦— ' ^-^ same" —~ ^— — ' -^ firm- - have— —^ in~-r— -— the— — ---

¦• ¦• — - ^^ - *~- ¦ IV V^BI ^ VTBTHV ^ 1 »» ^^ > m ^ ^ -^r M -^ ^ ^ — ^ ¦ P -J i ¦ ''^ ^ » ^-^ I ¦ I " ^ ^ I *1 "^ ^ ¦ ^B V I V » W ^ B^ ^^ ^^ in thei ^ wool of Australasia _ story _ ft ¦ _ B^ Bl ^Bl . Bl ¦ ^ ^h , as well . as to ^ ^ press a new novel by Mrs . J. E. Panton , and give narratives of the rise and progress of their a story by Frank Barrett entitled ' The Great own woollen factories. : Colonists, on the other Hesper.' - -^- ^m han d,^B are^^ — • »¦ ¦ to~w -^^ ld^^v the-^^ "^ w^" ^^ v pastj ^^ - ^^^r^ v ^^ oral^bv ^^7/ ^^^r ^^ history^^ w^^ v^^ w^v ^B^ ^w^ V^v w of^VB^ >*V theirvpwim ^B^ ^VBIBI owniw' V w BIB P^B settlements. An ar ticle wHich is sure to attract consider - 'd ¦ ¦ attention is * The Come iei Francaise , by able Bl Bta — i J m Bm Bm Bl . - m A I 4i ' *m * ¦

! • ¦ ! • ¦ ~-~~ - ^ BHr ^BT !¦¦«• ¦ ^VBlBa 1BT tfB>«B ^ V»r ^ I * w ^IT ^**H^ V ^B« ^^ ¦ ** *^ ^B** V ^T M «^ ^^ ^ *1^B) «¦ «>¦> W ^h^ ^ Bl B% s of newB* edition in this month' num ber rev isedBBVB1 , of t e .^Bh* avourit e 9 *tt A , ¦ h f , A ^K B% A Theodore Child A^ ^ guide-book, 'Appleton's European Guide/ injha rper rs Magazine (Sampson Low & Co.). w-^-^^ "v< ^»T-y; — ~~ —¦ »bwii W b#m vv m^m^m wi p/iw M*« ¦ *! »» ¦ jt*» " two vol ' umes, will be issued in Apirili »% ¦> by* ^ J ' Utessrs.•¦-» ••"^^ iS*»P ^** ^»^»; 1 Not 6nly is\ tk paper most interestingly , Samp son >Lo.w &. Co. ^ " written, fotj t it^^laikctions ' are * furtlier e|t7 K i . . i __ ___ ± ' __ >>^^""^*'"*"^* >****" ' >M*1 l»*»'-^* » ^' W^»-- ^" » ^«« ^" »B *B ^i^B» ^B^B»> B y>B»BM ^__ ^ BbMb—^ ! ^ _ ^^^^^ "^ "^* » **^-** »»- * ¦ B ||B ^^ J «-«—---«-««--» *l»»»«.>B»»»—l««««—- -—»—------—- ^ P WS^^ ^^^ j ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ i^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ M

I 334 The Publisher s'^ Circular % |ii i, iss* ¦ ¦ —-^_^______^__ :______-——_—— \ han ced by a series of very charming and ori ginal offer was 2,000 fra ncs per mon th for

¦— —-—r —— ¦ ——¦ —¦- —¦— —¦- ¦—' —— —— ¦—-—__— —r w—^ ——- —— ——r dfil uvi. +.fil v ATTftmifftrl . illnsf/ra/H onH. Thft ot.h er —- i _ j —'¦ —( —p —> ' ^ b ^ »_* ^^ i_*^_> Wr4b ^b delicately executed illustrations. The other the first year , 3,000 fr ancs per mont h for^fc ^^ JL theBJ I 1 r * cont ents of this issue are also good, and the second year, 4,000 for the third , * and 6,000 entire number seems to be one of more than francsira ncs perner montnmonth torfor the laslastt two yearvesira s !I average interest. - r i The gain to the amateurs of operat ic music * A Crystal Age ' is the title of an anony - nashas not bbeeeenn ccommensurateommensurate with this enore-n rwrvwMia mous published mous' novel to be shortly by Mr. TV *« ¦¦ *« ¦¦ m MB ^_*^_» _. _^_Bk _ - _. _. «& _k _. ^ _b outlay ; for Italian opera has been seriously Fisher Unwin. The construction will be found crippled, if not vitall y inj ured , by such lavish to be on entirel y fresh lines, an d seems to expenditu re.

—^ — — r _F ~_F ~ ~ Wh —fc^-%^- ~ ¦ reverse-—• _ —k *> a^V favourite^ .«W^^ notionW—_^>—' _b—to of_r -h. writV « 4to —h V^^-— ers•*—' who»— _fc_»*—^ havA—fc«i

¦' m —1—1—t r — ~ J -----»- -.- -.— ~ i.— mag— —»-" *~^~fc ine—^ a—^W soc»^^^ ~_ i—ItV—»—alp s•*« t—**_ de la Li• brairi• • e, ParisTPV • , on the 22nd— III

~k^fc ^_fc&_t a m»w» «¦ ** ~ —ip tab ¦ — r — ^ t, ^ w Corn hill for April contains , as usua l, a jarge ultimo*- «^ ^—*" , at^^ a meet_k^^ —^ —^ Tr iT nii ¦ gf_j ^ organ^-^ ^ — — i^ se#»^ » d^ . » by t^A*h^^he SocietyF^^\«^\^ —LV_/ I , \Z IBI des Amis des Monuments Parisiens , on the _¦ - ^^ ~ - - ¦ ^^ -^ -fc- ~ - — ~ ~| ~ ~ ~ "^" ~ ~ ~ | fc ^^^ «^ T* T *¦ T 1 *1 prop|^ |^ ortionV^_• T B of fibtion.T1 ^f Mr._. '• «• * • H.•——__*• Hider_ i Haggard'- *-JUj J~. " » s¦*—' story , ' Jess/ is broug ht to a not over- agree- Theatres of Paris -

abl e conclusionam by the heroine turning mur- ^_ . Considering that the French p ^A . ^a . lay writer ^^ ^ -^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^a has deress ; an d a fur ther instalment of ¦far man v v p.fl.rs hftfin +,Ha nurvflvnr nf Hrn.Tinn.fio ^ i The for many years been the purveyor of drama tic Gaverocks ,* by the author of ' John Herring, ' provender to this and other countries , it seems is gieriVen.ven. The latter reads hard and artincialartificial . re markable that the firs t building speciall 4 y No. 222 ' is the tale of a prisoner mesmerist V»cons.on sftructed ,riiof ,eH for theatricalili ea.f,rir »a] performancesnflrfft rm an ^ fifl in

fc » » ¦>—^ —HI * ¦ —mT ^ >«i Pawr^r —k4- ^ ~V ~» —^_ ¦<— ^ hrffc A V who^^ perW~r «^* fJb orme*^ j ^ d some won* V ^-^ —k^ d^- erf ul^.* i—¦ frea~^*«val_k~ks>^ wTV ithA* Paris was not erected until the last centur y, his gaolers , an d other interes ting contents may and that the stage was not relieved from all

-~^ *¦ — — - - ~ ** ~r —1 —1 _r j— —>* x* —t^»' —w—.¦* m* ^—— _.__«. <_,__> r t~ r mi * —_r «> ^ r _ r a^ v^«—k^^_. be mentioned, * in A Literary^ —^^ y Jub ilee^ ' and resfvritttivfi lficrisla.iir»n until t,hfi v«a.r i ftfU ' ¦ ¦ restrictive legislation until the year 18G4 "T ~ - •—¦—i _ ' ¦¦ -i , 4* PensionV • ers in• the1 i Tower Hamlets« .'• under the Second Empire. y Mr. Edmund jDowney's * House of Tears Madame Augustus Craven , the author of has been translated into Hussian. So far as * Tie Hecit d' une Sceur / has just written a we know, this is the first occasion on which a pamp hlet , addressed to the readers of that wor k by an English publisher has achieved work , and entitled 6 Robert de Mun. ' such distinction . c The Hev. Henry Ward Beecher 's will,' M. Camille Flammarion , the editor of La N'' n.f.ti.nrp.. has inst. iasnPtH a. Tworlr of r»onaiHftral )lft _fa Nature , ust issued a work of considerable P«—' ,i *••» —¦— » V ¦—— ~>^ —to M.Wfc _k PI—' ~^ ¦ » saysPk^^^V V a New^ * York correspondent—^ ^^ ^^ m ^ ^— ' ^4k ^* ~« ———— ^ ,A * is^»«— to^^ ^— beVh^ ^^ —i 1 • A ^ ¦ * ¦ • • • . ¦ ~i interest at the presen t time, when military k^pt a pro foun d secret , an d it is not known who will be his literary executor. It is known ballooning is attracting so much attention. It —k»t_p —b^^« . «^ _b «s_b—a^ _•—^u^kPt^ ^^^ ^ —l. i ht — i^fc^^p t_ r ¦¦ ^ » if ¦ ¦ ^* r m anra —i_r _T ¦ r f*-*i>jv •—¦ that his * * Life of Christ " must remain un - is entitled^^^ ' Histoire* des Ballons ,' comprj- ise! finished. He is said to have prepare d some in t wo octavo volumes, with seventy-two illus- mater ials for the autobiograp hy which he had trations+.ra.f.ion«. , fourteenfonrt.Aftn beingViftinor colouredf»r»l cmrfiH p-nllatesat-fta.. intended to begin at once when stri cken with 4 li'Illustration will publish its special 7 ' —* _k jfc i—•—b v_'»_k_k«— _*¦—^ jw ~ ^_^ a i - pa ra lysis. Salon»\y>w* ^ * number on^^ ^** Aprilf—^rffc ^—^ 30^_^ , co^ \^j|nsisting *>^* Ptf * ¦ n r mm. of^—' •*" fort—> ^-'*> ** y- f a contain ng no ewe t an •01 eight pages , nd i f r h nineteen photogravures 6f the princi pal pic- r»Ti turest.nr es in thet.li fi forthcomingfnrt -.h r^ nTnino r ExhibitionT^vViiV >if.i .-

~^v« ^ -^»^^ — ~ —^_k «««>w ^ Continental Note^ AAju work* v ^—*:••— ^— offc special>^ v^^ v^ ^juw ^ interest_hi >—i ^ *^ to^ v^ militarr t n ~ » -— yi rea ders , by General Wimp tf en, one of the beat

JL. «.« Jk, M. Maurice Strakosch M.A.M. Jib -k Jk. _.J_J. -LjLJk JU v , _L V>*> -«>. well known to the **%tM.A>» ^ k. *¦/ V JL Ck A-VA^^*** -»-J ^W I- generaV* ls in .the* French^^ Armyft/ under^ Nap^ 1 ' o- I C-* habihn.hifAi.Astues of operaonfira houses on bothV*r»t.h sidesnirl p>n the+.T-i«> At-Af.- leon III. , is an exhaustive history of the I lantic , has just published * Souvenir s d' un battlenattl ft otof SedanSfida/n ,. whichwV»inh decidedHftniHftH thetn« fatefa/ho of the ¦|i Impresario .' The book is full of vari ed inci- Second Emp ire. It is called ' La JBataille de dents in the lives of contemporar y singers. Sedan : les ve'ritables Coupables. 7 Of Adelina Patti it is related that when M. F. Vieweg lias just published the con- only six years of age she could sing almost all V. VX JLV ^ JLUCU cVil uUUXXlding g parJ^CVJL tV> of tU11Vhe thU1JL11ir dV*. voV lume(AAJL of\J i. LapUfVTO.orte uv 's- the most dimcultdifficult operati c piecesnieces she hadharl heard ;r * Bibliograp hieme Contempora ine : Histoire Lit- and in 1850, when eight years old, she ma de t^ra ire du 19 Sifccle. ' This work form s a her first public appearance at a char ity concer t i -in 2STew York . sequel to Bru net's Manuel du Libraire .' the Between her twelfth and fifteenth years Jules Simon has just issued , throug h well-known house of Calmann LeVy, a new JfattPatt i made a tour in the JbJastEast Indies ;: and on rifcM. •«< ^_^ -j»> ^ k^ h _^- —^ ri^^ kb ^ ^_^i_fc*ta^ r^ -^^ «>^ r ~ — rfh_b _,—.—-- » v ». ^—^ •*• ^ *^ g_r j^ a«a v^^f a —r p^ ^ 9 ^ a. —^ title wor k of no slight political*V—¦ inte rest. The ¦¦ ¦¦ her return to New York in. 1859 her success _ ^ ^A ~** .W. ^^ F* A . . _t was so great that Strak osch tore up an agr ee- is * Nos Hommes d'Etat. ' ment liehe nadhad made with her ,. aandnd decidedrl e^irlerl tot.n Nine designs by Louis Boulanger from give her half the profits after paying all scenes in Sterne 's * Sentimental Jo urn ey 9 ai>t} expenses. Under this revised agreement , about to appear in Paris. They will be rep ro - which lasted so long as Strakosch continued ducedHii riftH min facsintilefao.RinTilft ocvnn ChinCJ Viinaa paper-nn.-rvftr. , an.ndnfl tnethe her agent , the Diva received 25,000 franc s edition is limited to 100 numbered cbpies. (£1,000 sterling ) for each night of her engage- ment at San Fran cisco three year s ago . It The BQrseriblatt of the 9th ult . ha d an

¦ ¦ 4 m h> - — — — •- ^ -¦— • ~w^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ¦ r *^ '^^^ w^m*p^ nv ma;v^^ be of interest *to note that Strakosnh 'a article descriptive of the present condition ot April i, 1887 r The tPublishers^ Circiilar 33$ I i the pap er-maki ng and printin g industries of Messrs. S. C. Gri ggs & Co., Chicago , have Ja pan , as represented at the exhibition of in press a novel from the pen of the late Dr. Ja panes e literar y productions now being held Benjamin F. Taylor , author of ' Between the in Leipzig. Gates ,' * World on Wheels ,' &c , entitled * Theop hilus Trent ; or , Old Times in the Oak Juliu s Rodenberg is-about to bring out a icting scenes and incide^ nts of seri Openings ,' dep new es of his ¦¦ ' Bilder aus dem Berliner _^ ¦« » ¦ pioneer^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ life^^ ^^fc ^^ fort^ k ^ ^ ^ k ^^ yw yearsW ^i^ •«• ™ ^«* ago"*^ .• The^^ ^~" same—~- —— — "—' firm Leben .' an nounce the * Poetry and Philosop hy of Prince Bismarck this day (April 1) cele- Goethe / a series of essays edited by Marion V. bra tes the seventy-secon d anniversary of his Dudley ; and ' Maste rs of the Situation , or bir th, an event which occasions the production Some Secrets of Success and Power ,' by W. J. of a multip licity of memoirs of the great Tilley. Chan cellor who has done so much to found The authorised biograp hy of Ralph Waldo and consolidate th e new German Emp ire. Emerson , by J. E. Cabot , is alread y in the press of Messrs . Houghton, Mifflin & Co. , of The wives of th ree well-known members of Boston. It comprise s two volumes. the German book trad e— viz. Frau Paul Parey, Frau E. A. Seemann, and Frau W. Spemann The American Magazine^ which is to suc- —have issued an addre ss to jbhe lady relatives ceed the Brooklyn, will make its first appea r- ¦ ^ -w OV —LJ • —.*«».*-*»% * »•¦»—-•*—.—. -^*- —-—¦ v »—- « — g— "»™—— of German booksellers , soliciting their co- anceC^A—•V V*' t1/AXJ.Mhis month.JL **-^ ^ &<*• • The-•- —v—. magazine is to be popularj ^ operation in the working of a magnificent in its character , and will be edited by Mr. W. Booksellers * Banner , which is to be unfolded O. Wvkoff.Wykott , formerlyformerlv otof ttnehe NewJNe w YorkY orlc Tribune. and carried in procession at the opening of the Unlike its predece ssor , the American Magazine

'BfcH — — " — "^~ -"^ " ^B- ™ ¦ ^B^ — HBT ^^ B^ ^BV BHBI ^^ BB» «B» ^B'^B ^B» ^Bk B^Bk Bj ^B' BBBBBBBT ^T BB new German Booksellers' Exchange^^ at LeipziW"^ "^"^ ^"* g••" * will be illustrated. Mr. W. J. Rideing will next year. contr ibute to the first num ber an art icle on * Literary Life in Boston ,' which will be illus- l Oi trated with por tr aits ; an d the same number will contain the open ing chap ters of a new !Q novel by Mr. Edgar Fawce tt. Hmei^ican ew# and !Qofef> ' Pr inciples of Art ,' by J: C. Van Dyke, at one time jedit pr of tfye Studio, will shortl y be Messrs . Ticknor & Co. 'a (Boston) spring issued by Messrs . Fords , Howard & Hulbert ,

— — — -» — •"- ¦ bb. ^ W announcem ents include— * Last^a«v *M ' MenlorialA JkA V^ «• AP^jr s of^^^ New York . The work is divided into two Henry Wads wor th Longfellow, 3 gathered and parts , the first treating of ' Art in History, ' edited bvby Hishis brother.brother , theth« Rev.T? mr SaSarhnmue ^ll its causes, nature , development, and different Longfellow, which will contain more letters stages of progress ion ; the second trea ting of

— -¦» ¦" ¦» ¦ - - - — — ¦ ri n» J— ^™* — ^rf» ^mr an. ^ -> n ^ ^^ b*b» Th**W*> >^ ^w ^ Ijf Va^ A mot ves of the poet ,7 various reminisce nces of* per- (modern) ' Art in Theory / its aims , i , sonal friends , tributes , a chapter of tableT and man ner of express ion...

-¦— -" ¦ ——- ¦"• ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ I ¦¦ »b »- ¦ > ¦ Pa# talk and " ¦*•" 1— Bli B^^ ^m. ^(^ *M< ^ » ^H^ rf>> >¦¦ * 0 4,Jk ^b "^ A I VaT aaWbTbi ^^ P bits of unpub lished verse. A biblio- New Yor k will issue soon grap hy and an index will complete the The Century Co., , «*«^ —— ¦ ¦ &v« ^-^w ^rr *r — — —-— — — — — — — — theirT_ r n ^ _i* m ^1 warv* %>w*, book^^ ^-^ ^—r ,_ ' Battles^ ** and the Lead ers" of volume. Other works promi sed by this R. U. Johnso n and firm ar e * Ameri can Liter ature the Civil War ,' edited by and Oth er C. C. Buel , by subscri pt ion only. They are — —. -— y --¦¦ •¦*», -» -- ^-«V» II .&•&.*> :.«-. PapersJL7 ,' b*Jy th e-•* late--* ^» Edwin 'P.* WhiV » AAXppL/ kTAWJle, witff A I/A*h • » ^ _ bI ¦¦ » bbbj* -^b.« aBBh^_^^^ _. _ ^^ ^^ . -_ book form Dr. C. S. an intro ducti on by J. G. Whittier ; * Due also about to publish in ¦ * ¦ -M, — — — ¦ — Robinson_^» MS ^-r f ^r A A *^v ^^ **«• si^F recent«• ^^ ^^ ^^ w" ^* lectures"•• ^^ ^^ *" ^*^ ^™ ^" *^" to^^ his congregationr» m\ ¦—» ¦«-•¦ ¦¦¦«¦ <¦ ' North— — — ,7 ' a book«-' ""-" ^—¦-»*». of«-». ^-».--> ^ *- ^s***.-..*. VA -~U V ^S *,j •" -¦-• f' V V*JL AAA Europf^ ean travel , byJ Matur in Pharaohs of M. Ballou ; ' Li on Egypt under the title of ' The ghts and Shado ws of a Life/ by the Bondage and the Exodus.' ¦ « - >/AA Madelei—• ne -^ "—' Vinton» —.•¦>.¦. ¦v-.-bi Dahl... ¦»- grenjj ^ ;A and*hW.V.T.--*»•¦» theW-tx-W^M? following.•¦ VA«k\>^ II JL *.* Cm novels : ' The Confessions of Claud ,' by Edgar Mr. William Cushing, of Cambri dge, Mass., Fawcet t ; * The Devil's Hat ,' a story of the oil has read y for immediate publ ication a book 1 ¦»¦ » -»JU«.»_/ JL. JLJ ULJULX regO ions*^7, b" ya/" Melville-"• «-*-' Ph illips^SO , literUUV1W1 aryJ editorQUJ. I/U4, ofV* of ' Anonyms ,' a compan ion volume to his the Phil adel phia Press ; 4 Two Gentlemen of ' Initials and Pseudon yms,' comprisin g the Boston/ a story of j ?opks and pam phlets , trw^New England life i and titles of some 20,000 *L SteadfastC*A - If a ,'b« 1 y Rose-w^ Terry Cooke.*s * •¦ witwifhh the+Ti« namena.rrm« s ofdi thet.hft authors , iollowed.followed bvby biogra phical notice s, or re fere nces to Mr. George F. Dawson 's authentic ' Life of brief ^r-_ f AJlAAVAiWAM M/AJfcv^fc Pseudonyms-*. **r ^^ ^m, -w«. v -.— w — — — r—^, ' and— — an index- - of — ... v vi» vf J.J.JL oiiyj. ' Initial s and Gener^ al u^AM U. A. . -l-<\-/^ivi.x VT vi v K- MU. W John A. Logan will shortl y be*V pub- where their wor ks are lished by Messrs. Bedfor d, Clark e & Co. , auth ors giving the pages Chicago , as a subscr iption book. It will be named. iuiiyfullv illustrated. ated , andanH havehnvn ana.n intrint.Tv oduction -irhinH rYn bYi-vy Messrs . Harper & Brothe rs, New York , Mrs . Logan. announce for publication another book from the author of * Upland Mr. John T, Wheelwri ght' s forthcoming Dr. Charles Abbot t, jkm. mj jm, ¦ ¦•'•» ¦ -¦*——> U/AAVb ATriKtwW \AV f| m ^ s ** •*+^m* - **** < » / w -^- — Wan• -- i der- < »T and Meadow / entitle d Waste Land book ,7 "• <•• v*»**M. v/* IUI.U VVUVU1.J^ ilV XXX VlJkO A ChUd of the Century / now in the stud ies of the natural history of pr ess of Messrs. Charles Scribner 's Sons, New iwgs,' being t/JLAv y Vv/ULAJLUJL V CtiJL V/ UaAVA CrosswV/AVUM »T jicks ^ ^v ^** .^^ Cr-^-^ •• eekwv~~,y one-«- —-r. ^- of— -^ xork, will be a stor y of political and social life the countr y around at Washington the affluents of the Delaware. Dr. Alfred . C. . Pr ofessor George T. Lad d' s N. J., has pr epared a work Elements of Physiological Psychology ' will Stokes of Trenton , pu galled ' Microscopy for Beginners / which this "« onsjtiea at once by the same hrm , who y. will issue simultaneously * Agriculture in. Some> fi-rm will publish simultaneous l of its Relations to Chemistry / by Pro f. F. H, The ' complete novel ' in the curren t issue bto rer , of Harv ard . of JJi ppin cqpVs Magazine is • uougias xj uane ^ ' ircular " 336 The Publishers C • **MM*M ' ¦ ¦ ' ' . ¦ i , / . The Gentleman pass ed into his hand s in i lS58- TJn dere \>y Edgar Fawcett, author of . 9 flfc^ of Leisure / &c. In the same num ber there Stevens care it nourished and became one of appears a chapter of literary auto biograp hy, the best mediums for . the dissemination of viz. Will Car leton 's ' Experie nces of a Public pure , lively, and entertaining fiction. ^ .Thej Lect urer .' r essays, too, became a strong feat ure in . the»

¦ ¦ Heral d z several of the best of mode— rn—~ -"^ ^»^*j t, , * ' Engl ish ^* A translat ion fro m the Ital ian of Edmo ndo essayists contributing to its columns . ^^ We

c »»¦»¦¦¦»- -^» ] ¦ ¦ \4V Mm rim*i>*ff r ^ ^j»-v^jfc. ¦v ^ •¦™ < ^— — is ^#m<« v ^^ ri _ r ^^ «^ ^mr ^fc ^^ » ™ •* a ^ « ^.^ ^ ^h» h b »**¦ ^b ^^ ^t ^ ar ^^* v ^^ ^^ ^^ ^*4 ^v ^b mB ¦ 1.1% de A^ m* icis' C^^ uorey / by^"^ J Miss^ I. F. Hapgoodi ^ 7 ,* ihave before us Ifp. 1, a broadsheet , of ?7ic to be published at once by Messrs . T. Y. Faf iily Herald ,, founded by the late Mr. Crowellfirnwfill

the — -- — Icelandic Love-Story / translated from ment and ^product ion has 'A., perlo rce ,J be^^ e^rn **» Danish of Jon Thordsson Tho roddsson , who adapted to the days we live in ; and not un-

*- -*¦ r^v -^ -^r i ¦ — h —^—- — ^ » j ^» — — — — — — ^- — — - —m , — ^ — —- -^ ¦ ^i^r^^^^^^ dep icts almost every phase of life in cont em- successfull^ y,^ for The Family Herald^ still^^ m^v«^ ^B a^^^i n^^^^^ - ' pora ry Iceland . tains its almost universal popularity. In, 18 03, Mr. Stevens , in conj unction with Mr. IO> T. Hug hes (' Tom Brown ') and Mr. J. ( A M. Ludlo w, started The Reader , a Reviewof Science, Literature , and Art. The deceased gentleman was at one time chai rman of the" Board of Ob^fua^ Directors of the Bri ghton Aquarium in th e fortunat e days of that institution . Mr. "Viscountess Stran gford. —This estimable Stevens was an amiable man ; in conversatio n! lady will be remembered in literary circles agreeable— ^^^h^k — — — — — - to all who had the— — h pk — leasure-^m~ ^^ -^r ' i™ ~*~ ~— —^^^ ^^r of^^^ ^^ as the author , jointl y with her sister , of knowin g him . Thoug h an octogen arian in

4 m ^^ ¦! ,J he was a youth%M in sp^L r J ' ^^ ^ IJ gyptian Sepulc hre s and Syrian Shrines. ' y^ ears i it, and retaine d ii ¦ «« #ftd ¦ HerI ¦ ^^ . - - , humanBib ^ ^ ¦ ^ ^& — e^^ mission— - - » ^u « ^^ M fc sd ^ in* ^^ times«^» V ^^^^^ ^^ of^V 4* war^K^ff^ ^^ ^^ are^^k ^A ^^^ his liveliness and his faculties to the last. known to the world. La dy Stran gford died on The deceased gentleman was buried at Nor- board the s.s. Lusitania while on her way to wood Cemetery on the 29th ult . Port Said to establish a new hosp ital for British Seamen. John Duff Grant . —On March 24, at hi s< residence , Upper Tollington Park , aged 42,

John— — Duff Grant j i — - — —~ m w -^^ «¦ v im p^ v » ^ ^r^^ fc , for twenty-six^ ^ 1 —It is with much regret — — — years with W. L. CoiiUNS . Messrs . Hamilton , Adams &. Co. Enteri ng that we chronicle the demise of the Rev. the house as a youth , Mr. Grant rose William Lucas Collins , the editor of ' Ancient , on the retirement of the late Mr. Richardson in 1877 y Classics~^^^r ^^^^V^V ^»^^ W^^ ^"^™ ^^^ ^^^"^ for™^^ ^^"^ ^^^" Eng^^^^^"^^^ ' ^^H^^h lish^^^" ™ i i ~ - — Readers/¦ — ~— — — - ^-^ •* — — Mr.— — - ~~ Collins^— ^ — ~~

— — — -~ ""^ "^ -~ ^ » '^^ ¦ t ^f' ^v^v..^ ¦* » ..> ^b>^« ^^^pl^Ba i«»F I to he the head of the counter ,,^ ' and ' Our dep artment was also the author of ' Etoniana which position he held up to the tune of his Public Schools. ' death.aeatn. RespectedJttespectea bvoy all whowijo Jtnewknew him ,. iiihiss death , after a very short illness , has caused Pros per Fau g ere. —M. Faugere died on deep regret among those - associat ed with him

-^w^^ps -— ._. .. ^p^H— -^m —— —- -^ — — _ . _ — MaTch^h^^^v^ W -^^^ ^^ -^w 19^^^^ ^ ^ , aged 77.^j ^ He was the first to in business , and his loss is dep lored by a publish a trustworth y edition of Pascal 's widowwiuow andana threetnree childrencniiaren *. * Pense'es/ and was also the editor of * Madame

¦ r^ p* ' —- — ^— - — — —- -^-- — —^^ ™ • ^^ «^ ^fc ^ **tr ^fc^ ^h«*^ p ^^ r w ^ Roland's Memoirs . C. J. Peterson. —The late Charle s Jacobs^^ Peterson was known princi pall y as the f ounder , "Wiiaiam Stev ens .—On the 24th of March publisher , and editor of the magazine bearing died Mr. William Stevens , the proprietor of his nam e, but he had also in earlier years beer * the widely-circulated periodical , The Famil y editoriallveditorially connected withwitn triethe (JasketCasket,, the Herald. Mr. Stevens, who was the youngest Saturday Evening Post, JSTeaVsGazette , and th e son of the founde r of the firm of Stevens & MvenJEveninaing JbtuuetinBulletin. In additioaddition n to thethft llarear g -e Sons, the eminent law pu blishers , was born in amount of literary work don e by him on thes e 1807. He was appr enticed to Messrs . Davison , periodicals , and on Peterson' s Magazine, he the printers , of Whitefriars . Subsequen tly, published numerous works of history and Mr. Stevens for many years carried on business fiction . He was th e author of * The Military i as a printer in Bell Yard , Temp le Bar , during Heroes of the Revolut ion/- ' The Military j

which period he is credited with having in- Heroes-- of the— -~- War----- of— ,—_ 1812v^-v ^ -—— —' and^v ^ ..v w ^—'¦w of^s^ 1 ^.v thev^ *• •* ^h^ War* • ^^^ troduced music-type printing. . One of the with Mexico/ * Grace Dudle y ; or , Arnold at

,— ¦ ¦ — --- — — — H - ^-^ ^ .h works which emanated from his press was the Saratoga^ J / * Cruisin g inr . th^^ ^^,— e^^^ Law-i^ .^^ st ^^ War» t Wm M / ' The^^"^ "^ celebrated, but half forgotten , * Murphy 's Naval Heroes of th e United State s/ 4 The Almanack / containing the prediction of the Valley Farm / ' Kate Aylesford : a Story of -——¦ , — ^"^ ^^ '^ f ——• ¦ ' ¦ ---- -—- —~ -mr mm tm m *m^r-m^m'mti ¦MMH 'BMl ^Mrw ^ ¦ ~ — great frbst of 1838. During his long lifetime the Refugees/£ '^ ' Mabel ;j or , Darkness and Mr. Stevens was, as might be expected, largel y Dawn / ' The Old Stone Mansion .' Mr. ¦¦ -' ¦—-w ¦ ¦ ¦ it^v v<-v #• •• interested in many literary vent ures. Along Peter^^ — ™ "^ s•""" on^^ ~— a• v lso aw-v ddedw v«* awv c-^i^ onti^^ «tA ^W»rf»«hn uati^^ m ^ VAo^AA*n, froxn^^ ^^^ with Douglas Jerrold he started Dougl&s 1840 to 1856,- to Charles von Rottec k' fr mTenrmlcl?& W"e,eld/u Ne.'wxiOGLne. which cnn f,a.inari Jerrold s ^ Weekly JSewspaper'r-, which contained ' History of the World. * In fact, few peoplo Jerrold 's celebr ated series of articles . *. Th e ha ve an idea of the extent of the labours ol Barber 's Cft air.' .

Hobe bt Hunter. —We regret to chronicl e Mrs. Trumpet' s Telescope, and the Use She made ¦ ^p- ^^»> of Tt. • and ntii TaIa*. "hv A Inn Mair. author f^ a ^.^ ^ - ^ — ^ ^ — ^^ —~^ * — -^ ^^^^^»*^ -^p^v^^^BBa -^^ -^p v^^ -^^ .^^^^b^ — r ^^m ^m Ai* author ^^^ bv Alan Mair , the^ death of •Mr. . Robert Hu nter , senior , a of It; and oth er Tales, par tner in the old an d respected firm of of ' Golden Girls ,' « Children 's Children ,' &c. J ohnatone,. Hunter & Co. , publishers , Edin- with illustrations . burgh. Mr. Hunter died at Mary field , The Imperial Librar y :—- ,, Bonnyri gg, on the 15th of March. Golden Girls : a Picture Gallery , by Alan Muir ,

V author of • ChiWren *s Children / * La dy Beauty ,' * ' ¦ ¦ t . I •O* &c.% a new edition , revised ' by the author , with a Frontisp iece by F. W. Burton . A Noble Nam e, and How it was Upheld, the last Novel by the author of ' J ennie of the Prince 's,' Ti^ad^ CC^ange$ &c , a new and revised edition. r In consequence of the closing of the trade Soldiers ' Stories and Sailors' Yarns , a Book of depot of Salvation Army publications in Mess-tab le Drollery and Reminiscen ces picked I).. X» **k. mm 1 1 ^" ^.#*4»^v*» ^k *-^ mm «t w^^ • ¦ i^_^^ . »«>U .*-». ¦ «. m «. I .*-*. ^*. ^ma *« y^— m j-^E Ashore and Afloat by Officers , Naval , Pat ernoster* * Square ^ up , the wholesale agency of Mili tary , and Medica l, second and cheaper the whole of' the Salvation Arm y books and edi ti on. -w-^v _ —¦ per^ ~_r — — iodical- — — s has— been— — transferred— — — — — — — — —^^ to-^^ ~^v Messrs-^^^^—-^^^^^ ^^^r ~—^m -^^ —^^^ ~ ¦ .^ J.™ "^ Child re n's Children ; a Story of Two Gen erations , Snow & Co., 2 Ivy Lane , Paternoster Row, € who will in future supp ly the trade. by Alan Muir , author of * Lad y Beauty ,' HaTold Saxon ,' &c , a new edition , revised by the f Mr. T. Thatcher , bookseller , College Green , author . Bristol , has purchased the entire stock and The Cookery Primer , for School and Home Use, goodwill of the old-establ ished bookselling, a Careful Collection of Recipes for very Cheap stat ionery, an d newspaper business of R. W; Wholes ome Dishes, fit for Hard-wo rking Bingham & Co. , 8 and 9 Broad Street , ^Bristol. Thri fty People, with a variety of Hints for ¦ Mr. That cher will continue the business in Hard Times , by Agnes C. Ma itland , author of conj unction wit " ' Rudiments of Cookery, ' and Exami ner to the h his own establishment at Northern Union of Schools of Cookery, crown College Green. 8vo. Is. Messrs. F. V. White

— -w -^^™ — m p -— — ~ - —— — ^— — — — — ^— — — ^— — — — — ^^ — Miss Alice Zim- Mrs . Nye having V"^^ ! retired. We* taki e this oppor-m M edited , with introduction by tunit y of wishing Mr. Nye every success. merri : Wal t Whitman 's Specimen Days, with a new pre face by the Author. • Mr. C. Wilkes, who man ages the adver- Can ter bury Poets Series :—April volume , Popef , tisement depar tments of the Christian Com- edited by J. Hogbe n ; May volume, Heine, monwealth Sunday School, Union , Christian _ , ^b ^^k^^k ^B^kA grath — Mrs . Kate Freili ^M ^Bk ^ ^m ^ ^^ ^ ^ pelected and edited by Million,

»O i SPRING ANNO UNCEMENT8. Hr. Joh n Hogg. l^evievpf , &»q. The Town and Countr y Librar y :— From Mr. J. "W, A.rro.wsnx lth Bristol. — • Th e Wan ted a Wife, a Srriry of the 60th Dra goons., ^ and other Tales , by John Strange ' Winter , Lovely Wan g,' by the Hon. Lewis Wing ifield. The aut hor of ' Booties' Baby/ * Houp-la !' ' Cavalry author has worked a little bit of Chinese life into Life,' * Army Society/ &c. ; Angelo J. Lewi s, a yer/ amus ing story. Mr. Hung , merchant o£ and W. W. Fenn with illustrations by F. W. Foocfeawt _is, financ ially speaking, in very sore Bart on. * straits.fltrAit.n. His onlynnlv chance of extrication is tnin tnethe money-bags * of Mr. Wang , to wh >se son , Wang- . The Queen at Home (Windsor , Osborne , Bal- Yu, Hang 's daug hter is betrot hed. At the

moral a Collection of I?alace Anec- H* rtmtt ¦——"»¦• —" —— — — , Mentone), ^~m —-*r Vl/Vlllllfi | V^ Wk ^mm** •^^ • # F •^ ¦•^• ¦J taken ill™^, and"" " opening of the siory,- Wang-Yu is dot es and Royal Reminiscenc es, with Portrai rs. itothing wilt content him but a sight of his eweet- *>> ¦ A Profe ssional Secret ; and other Tales , by W. lieartliAAPt ;' upounnn whom^rhom., after the fashion otof tn©the . W. Fenn, -with illustrfttion fiv • Celestials , he has not yet set eyes. The idea of

¦ ¦ ¦ ' 'V' ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦" • " ¦¦ ¦ «»' ^- i SfpfprrS^-iiE^^ ^338 \ The Publishers' Circular rjQ^i0:Mkr

the girl visitin g her . sick swain is out of the studied , the book should' have an educatio na l j . question —not only would it be gross ly improper , value of not a littje importancer The au thor is I ' . but Gran , the head of the Hu ng menage, stead- well .known as a skilful teac her.. « , fastl y sets her mind against it ; and the poor - -

....^P^ "^ ^ P- ^P BbB «V ^^ ^ PP^> ^^ P^H P^MP VPV V ^PBBBBV , ^^ P^PBBBB* ^^ »" — . ~^^' — ~ — ' - „ — ' ^^ ^*~ ^ ^."^P. ^ p^ merchant is at his wits' end to know what to do. From Mr. Jolm^^ Hogg.f| ^ ^J^ » —' Grol&en! Grirls : a pictur^ e The thoug ht occurs to him to send his son Chu , Graller y,' by Alan Muir , is a book which attracte d dressed up as a girl , in his daug hter 's stead ; and not a little attention on its first appearance ; its from this iece of manoeuvring the chief compli- , , »~ taste and p pph ppk inality, ^pppppppi PPpkP» ^PM^ pppb A Pk ori • *. A Ppp ~^^^^^^Ph ^^ characteristics being g quiet cations arise. ' The Lovely Wang ' is the title ^drollery. A n«w edition , revis ed by the author , ? given, to a femal e member of the family, who is veiy welcome. makes matters worse by falling in love with the supposed girl . However , matters eventuall y come From the same.—Mr. Hogg's * Town and Countr y righ t, and a highly ingenious and read able story Li brary ' has been supplemented by a Tolume of is broug ht to a close. j short stories appearing under "the title of * Wanted

»p» w^viph ^ pv ^ h—pv ¦ 1 t v ^ p-^ '•-' • ¦^ p ' W ».*» ^atVit ^pW ¦ p» ^ .. r ^^^ ^ pv^ki pB Mpa ^^ v > •> , p»— ^» - ^^ tw ^^b a Wife!'* bvy * Joh n Strange^7 ^Winte:c ' Like all Prom Messrs . Geor ge Bell & Sons .—' The this talented author 's work this little story keeps Buchholz Fami ly,' by Julius Stinde. In this the read er amused and interested. It relates the -little work (alread y well known to thousands outcome of a pract ical joke of some young subs of read ers), the English translation whereof is against their crotchety , colonel. In his name I by L. Dora Schmitz , Dr. Stinde has given , they publish an advertisement ' Wanted a Wife I' i through the mouth of an unaffected homely -which mischief unexpectedl y brings the colonel Berliner , an admirabl e descr iption of German back to an earl y, but unforgotten love. The middle-class life. Frau Buchho lz, whose lette rs other stories call for no special remark. to a supposed editor form the bul k of the work , ^ an ome of er strikes to the point at once, d s h «^jb r ^ p^ p^ pb m.m -%*•• From•.— ^ ^p »^™ Messrs.«* tkva#MA m^ m Hurst^> p«>^pk w &^m '** Blacfcett.*m^ ^*mm ^^ «p ^^^ •» *pr • ^ pW am. * ^^ third» »^ edition^ a^ -^ .^ .* «/•VM 1 _ . _ —The criticism s and descri ptive sketches are remark - of Mr. Fitzg-erald Mol loy's ' Life and Adventures abl y searching and lifelike ; and they lose none of of Peg Woffingto n ' is before us. This interesting "their point , but rath er gain in effectiveness by book , which offers so many grap hic pictures of a ^"^ the plain unpretending mann er in which they romantic« Ph periodA «Ph , well^ ^ deserves^P» the^k success it^ has^k are delivered. By ai hundred almost imperceptible achieved. Mr. Molloy is a vivacious writer , and ways, which require to be car efully studied to see knows well what materi als to gathe r in forming the painstaking labo ur the author has put into an entertaining book. his work , we gai n here a knowledge of Berlin life that is almost marvellous . Throug hout the book , From the same. —' Knight- Errant / by Edna Lyall. ft .K too, are touches of the driest humou r, imparted p^M • 4 _ ^»^B ^ has^^^^^ -^^ pp^ ^ pr never^^^^^ -^^ ^ ^^ ^ ,f l we™ ^ ^PP > y the book would be remarkable. Carl and thi nk , executed a mor e, fascinating and Wilhelmine Buchholz , Dr. Wrenzc hen, Frau ennobling Bergfeldt , Uncle Fritz , the Krauses and Weigelts , picture than that of the Italian , Carlo Donati ,

— —¦ — " —- — ™ W V H H W ^B -^^-^". ^ PV^ ^ » ^^^ ^^ ^P.' HtpV .^^ ^^ P^ are people with whom the reader should speedily the hero of this novel ,^ who, in order to pro- become acquainted. If he (or she) can peruse , tect his sister , goes upon the stage , and by so for instance , the sketch entitled * A Polter- abend doing renounces all he holds precious in life, (or Wedding-eve) on the Third Floor ' without namely, the hope of- marry ing the "beautiful humorous exhilar ation , we shall have very little Francesca Britton . The story is charming ly faith in the literary taste of our countrymen written th roughout . As with the chief charac-

— — — m ~ ^ ^~ w w ~~ — ' ^ ^^^^— ^^^ ¦ ¦!¦ 1 ™ ^^^ ^^ ^ ppv ^^^ ^"^^ ^^p» ^ ^ p^ p^ ppt ^ p ^ ^pip> ^^^ ter s, so with, the minor personagep^ r' ^^^^^™ ^ ^^ p^^ ^ ^ l ^P ^^ sP^^^ in^^ these^•p" p ^^ Pf j again. To us the work has been a source of the I greatest deligh t, and we look for ward to many t hre e Volumes, all are delightfull y in keeping another quiet hour spent in its company. and admirabl y dep icted : during the entire narrative there is not a single discordant note Fro m Messrs . Diprose & Bateman .—Reader * or false effect. The resul t of Miss Lyall's en- will be pleased to see that Mr. Edward Wal ford , deavour is not only a novel that is interesting ; it Vft^ ~ — - "" — ^ ^ ^.^ ^^ ^^^^ — ^^ -^p^ 1 ^ p v ^p* pjp»^p> pa i^»^»^»».ppp pBap p^appi .ippt ^^ p. the editor of the ' County Familie s,' has written is one con veyingp^ pV I M a high^^ ^ M moral lesson, firml y but^"^ ^"^ unobtrusivel y worked into the plot, and no read er, ^ ~— '^^ ^ — *^ ^ -" ~» ¦» 4to .» ^^ hrf ^ ^^ ¦^T fcg'* ^ ¦ ^i* HHT 1 — » a ' Jubilee^^ Memoirtm^^m^^ ^T ~ ^^ ^^ of^^ Her^^ 4^ Maj esty^ ^ W Queen^^ ^^ ^^» ^^ ^"^ y Vi^ c-^^ toria. ' Mr. Walf ord has a good knowledge of the we imagine , can peruse this stor y without benefit. p^ppr ppjpj v ^ pr PJP^ p.v period of Her Maj esty 's happy rei gn, and his sty le Our best— — —r ¦=— tham ~ nks- — h are~^*v — 1 ¦ h dueh 1 -«—^h -^b ^ to^v ^^* the^B^ p. ^^^ PJBP ^p ^ pr authoress^ p^ p^ p^ ^ p^ p^ pp ^ ppp ^ pj ^ pr ^p^ pa forpf ^p »^ ^-^" having, at a time when the majority of our fiction being anecdotal and gossipy, t he reader may rel 3' upon good entertainment . There is none of the is characterised by vulgarity of style and loudness of conception , shownpB us that it is still possible to fine wri ting or exemplary lessons which have in a pB ^ pi I .K PPPh ^Pk ^PB i^Ph _ > ^^ ' measure deadened other works on this subject. wr ite a novel that shall be all womanly and pu re, appealing to the higher and better side of human From the some.—• Beware ! (A Voice from Shadow- nature and disti nguish ed by extreme refinement ,

¦ ¦ • ¦ ^ ^ ™— m H m V *^ ^ w tf^n^ ^^^ m^ ^w^a^ ^mt^ ^«V ^ ^^ ~ n m ^v Vvv n n m ^^^to ^^ ^ v> ^i^«i «^r vv ^^^ ^^ ^tar W^*^ % while at land), ' by DougP* ^ las Dal ton , auth or of* False Steps/ the same time deeply interesting from is a weird and mysteriou s story with a ' wrong * first page to last. This Miss Lyall has done, pm» — - —-- - - — —- — - ¦ -— ppn ¦ ippp pwp. »ip»- pppphv ^pp-.pppp ' vm »» awpvpj »y ¦ —— and a retribution , a woman 's sufferings , and a and to all— rea^- -^ -|y dersw ^ "-^ ~^ of^ ." "w " good^»— ^pp ' ^ honestr work^ .^ wev v ^ p*- wouldv ^^ r p» •¦ rascaFs punishment. Mr. Dalton is dreary but heartil y recommend these th ree volumes. Since interesting. the days of Mrs. Gaskell we rememb er no story that we have read with greater pleasure. From Messra . Griffl tli, Farran & Co.— • A Manual of Handwriti ng/ by F. Betteri dge. Mr. From Messrs. A. SpottisiKroode J ^ones & Co.— Bafct erid ge, who is the headmaster of a large We are disarmed of everyth ing but praise when Board School in Bradfo rd , has in this book given 1 .A A _ A 00K A . . ¦¦ A we learn tha t ^K ^Pk ^h ' Old Cranks the Cathe- 4ft ." Gander / by junior teachers some admirable lessons in the rin© Elinor .>**¦¦. tt Aft Cro^ IPh.^ wtherpH pk ak pPk ^ ^ph _ ^ ^L .^^^. ^^^ VkLpBWf , with illustrations by^* Mar- ap. a. .p. pA A ^ ^ pp h IpSI _^ mode of tuition in handwriting. Attentively caret h.lsie Urowt;be r, was writte n bV a child Tfe -I ^ ^ April i iS8* . . .-¦- 3.. . .,., . , , ¦ ; ¦ ¦ •; ' ' ¦' ' 3^- * . ..j ' ... i ,... ' .. ,.. , ' . . , -¦... . l. .... ' i.. . . . V I .. s twelve year s of -age, tbe>artist being only two years I island by the mighty Napoleon was thoug ht) to , older . Under such circumstan ces the book may - be imminent , and one of the pub lic" personages be characterised as a most excellent and extra- sympatheticall y introduc ed is BLoratio ,' Lord , ordinary production , but we confess to an inno- Kelson.

—— v — — - — — —¦ ^ r- — — w — ^^ p ^h —^— ^^ bpv ^p^v^^b * bjb * ' ¦ ^ w w ^^ ^«>.bp ^B^ «bp "^B^ "^ » "" ¦ —~ •* -^r cent«^ ^v desire to knowr what par^trt ^bbb* m re -™ Crowthers i - .* _ _ _ i _ _

in BB^BBP ^f BBBBt BJBBP V^pB' BBpBBBBBBB> took the From.¦BBB ^HBI -^^ ^"^^" Messrs.BBBMBBBB ~BBB^ BBBB/ r ^.P BB BBJ MacmillanpBBJBBBB, Bfl. ^ ^^^^^bBBj &^B'-BBB' Co.^BV B |P BB> The ¦ ¦ ^^— ^^ "Wood-• ^^ —' ' —^ and ^ere mat ter. Anyhow it is an ^.K BBk ^ ^^ ^^^^ _ _ ^ ' _ ^^^b^^.^ _ .M BV1 ' . ¦ admirable littl e stor y for children , and an ad- landers ,' by Thoma s Hardy, is, perhiap is, as * I

ditional~^»^» — — — pointBB^ — in—~^ — —~ its-^^ —^ —~ favour°"^^*- —^^-^^ -~ -^^ *• ^^ ^b^v is^^m B'^B' the^BP 1 ^^ ""^^B ^*P" exceptionall^BP 1 ^^^^^ ^BB* ^BP" B>^^ ^^ ^^™ ^B^" VBBB^P ^^^^" ¦ ~-^» yb powerful a novel as thi s gifted author has- ever produced. And yet it is not an agr eeable story. -\ moral that it MM good *V _ conveys. ^^ B^ % K A # A. ^*A A True to nature it may be, but not to theA^ nature From the Lang ensclieidt 'sclie Verl ags-Buch. - one loves to think of in connection with hum anity. ha ndlung, Berlin. — ' Vocabul ai re Militaire , It is not what is termed a sensationa l story, and Sammlung militar ischer Ausdriicke .' This glossary yet every incident is forcible in conception and

—' ~- — — — ——— - — --- —- —— — ^^ g ^—' ¦ ^^» ^^^ ^^^^^^bb — — ^ ^.r ^m «¦» ^B» mjbhbbb bbjt ^B^ ^•^bp 1 bb ^.bb jib.pbp 1 B^p ^B* ^bb^ b.bp' »^B" ^^ ^~^^ of German military^ terms , with explanations in grap hic in portrayal. Some may think it hard French , is an opportun e production. that the bad man should prosper while the good man is a. son of misfortune ; but after all, the bbv -¦b*' ¦¦bW <^r —*¦>¦ ¦¦M ^ c bbbb»bbb.b Fr«•• •¦• ^«» om • Messrs.» — —» v SampsonBBBp*>- BWBB.BaB.Bv ^^ r h^f ^b ^m LowW w &*M ^ r Co.™ *^ ^b»» • So»" ^' »»<*» the¦ * ¦ » m ¦*» —— bbj ^Bh B^fe4 Bjp^B.Bt A _ .^ _ . — _ a. ^b ^ relation of events is vivid and complete. It will World Wags/ by-th e 'Auth or of ' A Lone Lassie ,' certainl keep the reader 's attenti on closely y._ . «K .k *K ^H ^ ^K BK .Bh ^ BBt B * ' Songs of Many Seasons ,' &c. This is an exceed- attached throug hout, and should be in demand ingly lively novel , wantin g, perhaps , in a close, for a long time to come. clear ly defined plot , but readable on account of *

BBBB »»W ¦ ¦ ¦ »»' •»• ¦BBPBBT.B ^ .aB *V.« ion & Co.* — ' —A Comp^— lete to last. The lover element forms a highly promi- Treatise on the Art of Retouching Photograp hic nent feature throughout *the three volumes, and Nega tives and Clear Direct ions how to Fini sh and

¦># ~ V- W^dBJf ¦ I ~^ ¦ "— ~^ for this reason the story shoul d probabl y find Colo^^^* ^Jp bV* ' .P* ur^**B p» sk Photograp^ .B^ ^^ ^^ ^ BP» ^* ^p T JlpB^BHa hsV «* - ^.^ ,W ' b^BB ^ yf/ RobertV » ^^ -^B- ^BT" ^^ '^^ Johnson.^^ ^— ^" The^ more favour am ong the fair sex than in the ranks lengthy title of this volume fully .explains its of the masculine ' order , but it is certai n, we purpose. A wqrk of the kind has long been should think , to command a wide circle of wanted by photograp hers —professionals and ama- admirers . Occasional ly, the writer^ displays a ten- teurs—and Mr. -Johnson , th e author , wha , we dency to over-exag geration , as in the portraitures believe, is the chief retoucher to Messrs . Downey,

BB ¦ ^"^ BjpBP ™ H T Bfe> V T B/ T I*jrfBM BBfc ^gfe .. > .p^k^BJ ~ ~ VpB* .¦¦ SP* BT BT ^.v ^^ ^BB ^^PBB «BV ~ ^~~ -^^ ^ H ^^^ B ^ '^^ ——- — «- - — — of Violet Ashton and Lad y Mary Miller , but , this lias^ | f provedBp ^ p B^p himself well qualified to write a clear apart , the novel is one of great merit and may descri pti on of the various processes which make confidentl y be relied upon to furnish a pleasurable modern photograp hs so perfect in finish. Mr.

VyUUOVU O IT V1H. C7 U.V ULVi W w*u» wvv» wtiw ^w evening's entertainment . JohnsonV 's work should be appreciatedr V byJ the classes, for whom it is inten ded. - From the same.—' Sprin ghaven : a Tale of the Great War / by Richard Doddri dge Bl a ckmore. From12LUIU. Messrs.JXLC9B»X ». MarJV.»X 'PVUpon &Ob FLamma£ UUUUiai rioniuu , Paris.x auo. — In this enchanting novel Mr Blackmoro has 4 Sap ho,' par Alphonse Daudet , is now add ed to T

V iB - ^ ^ — — —~ — — ~ ^ again given us one of those penetrating and bVAVb.*** a^BB^-BbaTBTM"* J^ V B^BBVbbVAB BJ^Bp B* MftV ^ pTfOB ^ T ^^^ ^*' i ^"** ^^ ***»*" "" "" " "*— *"' ^— ^ Messrs. Marpon^ & i^lamniar ion's series of illus- powerfu l studies of life which we have been trated novels in theof smal l octav o form. The led from the excellence of his previous works eD^aving fl consist head-p ieces, tail-p ieces,

,- B^ flB«r B' V — ^^ — — ~—' ~ -—' -^ -_— — to ViVBH*^B B«> «V BiBl B*^.>^BP * .^B* B> B^ - B*,^ .« bV^^ B^ sV^^B. *Sp expect from his pen. One littl e imper- and artisti^ c • bits ' in the delicate manner which fection , however , we may point out. The is now popu lar. Student life in Paris has character of Cary l Came , the villain, upon alway s been a favo urite subject of fiction . ' Sap ho ' whose actions the chief burd en of the plot rests , gives pictures of it which are probab ly as 1W \S +m^ is somewhat unintell igible, and it seems hard to truel/I. l*O asat) thoseUXKVJBU of" ^X MurgexUTA. IA1.KC were*->*. in times-*jM.m^m.~t^ ~t>fv»«. understan d how bri ght Dolly Darling—charming simpler manners *. The reading pub lic will and lovabl e for all her faults — shoul d hav e suc- doubtless welcome the han dy pictorial edition of cumbed to his influence , to say nothing of his * Sapho.' power over Dan Tugweli. Cary l Came is sup- •*¦•*• •¦ —-¦ -- posed to be a soft-spoken , plausible villain, but Fromm, JL, ^^^ »•» "*p"»c f ge«M "« ^ &¦¦ •.*»- Sons¦ ' ' has— — come— —

—- _____ surel— — y such ¦ - lausibility- — — — — — _» as he— — is possessedr " — — of_-. and Bret Harte 's ' Luck of Roaring Camp, and other ^ p as depicted in the book woald have taken nobody Sketches ,' in the neat little volum e form which —— «k^ Bar Jk^B-i.^ •*- ¦ •¦ -— — — — —— -»^ — — — — in. Moreover , the motive for his treacherous thiskL_*• •-»» enterprising*•* ¦ - ¦ *• V/*. ¦ -" ¦ • *** **™ |^ house.fc-T- "*.^ ««* ¦*.** is* now• ¦ publishingy-*" *•* ¦• — under ' Among condu ct is not verif y p& lain ,9 and such as is gC? iven the title * Routledge 's Pocket Library. does not seem very ade quate . When we turn to editions of well-known works issued . by this firm other portions of the book , however , our attent ion may be mentioned ' Macaulay 's Essays ,' in a neat is at once ri veted, and we have noth ing but the and complete form , excellentl y pri nted ; ' The warmest of praise. Many of the cha racters are Works of William Shakspeare / edited by Charles in Mr. Blackmore 's best style and the descri pti ve Knight , and adorned with -mwaer ous suitable and

¦ ¦ ¦¦ «^~ ¦ __¦ - - » ¦ ¦ ¦—- »_ • ¦ ^i "- _- ^~- «S* ^^ •—h ~ *r ¦»•»_.¦ *_ ¦ a* «¦— m^ f «•• »fc_ ' ^h • •¦ • ¦ ¦ ^f w_»- m _¦ ••¦ ¦ ** ¦ »V« —r ¦ — w —i»n —- - "P »»¦ —¦ — ~ W ' "»^ •*• s Edition " le Peop^*F bP^ _ _ _ th e _ ^ ...m .V ^ _ , well-designed illustrations ; BBfcBB*." pieces are remarkabl e for thei r beauty and fidel ity ^ — • of touch . The scene in AdTmiral Darl ing's stud y, of G. Barnett Smith 's ' Life 4>f Her Majesty when Dolly firs t realises the nature of the man Queen Victoria. ' All the above volumes are she has trusted , and asks her fath er 's aid, publ ished at a shilling, so as to be well within only to see the poor old man brutall y shot , the reach of every body, and are in the highest is most powerfull y described l ; and we pity the degree worth y of wide notice. Oth er works re- reade r whose nerves are not all set quivering c«ntlp.rfmtl yv pubrm KIJshftfl lished b"hvy thithiss enterprisingftnt.er nrisi n er house , to and i his heart -beats quickened by the intensi ty which we may draw attention , are ' Eugene of the subsequent incidents , which are so thrill- Aram ,' by Bnlw er Lytton , in the admirabl y com- -*»w- VUAtlVM --*-» w «-¦ - - -— — «p^» ^B^_—— Bf ¦ ™ ^ ^^ P^ i« BBP ^V ^ ¦B' *B» ^^~-^r PHBBI ^BB^ ^BB* ^^_^BP ^^^ ^^»^ ^B " » B^ ^^^ »^^^P^ »^r-»^ p^^w -^pw p^r ^^»^^»^ - — -^^r ^^^" ^ ^^ ^ ~ L/<|>Vt> UUXAVA. IT VAA—LfJL. JL A-b UV^V*. X^ -» ^~ -*^ ^ ingly related.^.^ ^^B^ The three volumes^^^ abou nd with pact and well-printe d edition of Lord Lytt on's quaint character studies , and among the se novels, now in course of issue ; ' The Poems of I Zebedee Tugweli , hard and sturd y as a bit of oak, Edgar Allan Poe,' equ ally neat in form , and well I

¦ ¦ — — ^^ ~" ' ¦ « ¦" ^_ ^^~ ^^¦B^P' ^BB . ¦¦ B^i* i" — 'Wt ^BP^ ^B ^BBJ ^^"^ i^i^ BBB ^BP^ ^^»^^ ^^r ^B> B^^> ¦» ^P^ TT ¦^¦^•^^ BB* •'^ ^^^'^B^ ^^^^ *^ *^T ^^ ^ ^ ^ - ^~ ^~ .^^ ^-. - — wonderfull y Faith Darling,B^^^^ V ^F so delicatel y contraste d with her adapted for the bocket ; and the sister Dolly, and Joshua ^Twemlow, the parson of fun ny ' New Pilgrim's Progress / by Mark Twa in,

—BBBJBK BVBP 1 B^BT m ^- — - — ¦ ¦ V^ ^V V B^^^^ ^^ ~—» BVbPBBI^B^" ^.P ^BF" ¦ IB B^H BB1 B^^^ ——BJ " ^BP» r ™ ^B" ^"^ P^^ ^P^ ' ¦ ^^" »-"^ *"^ """~ » ' VJ ^F ^B^ volume of Rou tledge s Spring hav en,^ are the best. plot of the story^^ .which forms the latest _ ¦ ¦ Tl^e. __ ¦_ deals_iv with•> *¦_ the time. •> previous* i.to the. • battl*¦ e of*iv. £ Veil-known World Library , edited by the Rev. X raia lgar, when an invasion of our tight little H. R. Haweis, M.A. I j I ¦ ¦¦ , , . ^, ^_-- ,— fflft ' r " ' ^dt ^ S^^^ ^ ^ ^P^ P^¦ ^ ^W^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B^ SI ^^ Rf HlSlP ^ plI M^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ i ¦ ; ¦ ¦¦ ' pm*. . . ?m&imp ^ t&?w!8fm'? ' ^ipipispr -¦¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ < i ¦ ¦ v ii .. ' —^w ^^^ v ^^^^H^i^^iH^nB^^^HHpHBH^M^IHlBHWHMM^iMll ^ ^ i ^ lH ^HP^ R ^^'^^ H^M ^ iB ^M B From The Society for Promoting Chr istian rules of life and occupa tion that people usually - 1 Htnowledg re.—Good work is undoubtedl y bei ng ; most thor oughly neglect. . — ¦ i performed by this society in thei r issue of the 5 ' Library of Fiction/ a class of pub lication that From the same.—' The- Child' s Lent Manual ,' by ( should rap idly hav e a restraining influence over the Rev. Clement Ren ^ Sbarpe , is, a little, book >

— ¦—w^ -¦- , -w • vh w w wj^j»i r»^ fc ¦ b^^r#& ¦ ~i much . of the unhea lth****y-# and* • ••^ pernicious•« iin r ^vw penn^^^^*t*^"^J y containing suggestions for the observance of Xent, literature at pr esent published . We ha re from ' with a collect for dai ly use, jand readings for : ti me to time favourably commented on the seri es every day in Holy Week.' There is much in the as the various numbenumbersrs made their appeaannfiarance. rance , little volume that calls for appro val. and we are now pleased to see that the firs t six I storiesstones have been ,collectedo.nHp otnrt into onenn a mlvolume lime, - Fro m . the same. —' William Tyndale 's Vow ; or the bound in a particularl y smart and attract ive . True Story of a Great Li fe,' by Frances E. Cooke , cover. It is long since we hav e come across a pleasantl y sets fort h, in a for m that should inte res t volume of stories so thoroug hly wholesbnae and young people, the leadi ng features of a good main 's interesti ng in character , and its extremel y moderate life. The perusal of such a work cannot fai l to be price should place it within reach of all. producti ve of beneficial results , and should sti mu- late the reader to a closer acquaintance with the From Mr. Elliot 6tock.—E very volume of the subject. Gentlema n's Magazine ' Library ' makes its value ' moremor e appaaDDa rent. The . new volume relatesrelRtes to From the same. —' The Young Tea-Planter s Com- * Romano-British Remains/ a subj ect which under panion,'by F. T. R. Deas. This little work , in the editorshiedi torshio p of Mr. LaLf iwrenxf rrp ino.A ce Grommefrnmrn p is mouldedmntilfled tt fe form of a treatise on the management of a tea- into a ver y comprehensibl e shape. When we pard en in Assam , should be especially usefu l to remember the stor e of facts rela ti ng to Roman the class for whom it is inte nded , namel y, young anti quities in Bri tain preserved in the older men who propose to follow the occupation of tea- volumes of the Gen tlema ^s Magazine, we aTe not planti ng: in Assam . It contains a vari ety of ex- surprised that the subject should be sufficient to ceedipgly interesti ng and use ful information and fill a couple of volumes or part s, the firs t of which muicbuyany hiuiuuitghly practicaluinuv'\<»i suggestions.o »-»ei^^ouiv»-«cj . It^.v shouldc^ai'v ia^-va is now on our tabfr. Archseo Lpgy has adva nced also prove of considerable value to yonng planters , considerabl y as a science since these descr iptions alread y started and they should glean many appeared : its battles have been fought, and the excellent ideas from its perusal. . combatants are fairlfairlvy united. StillStill,, hhowevowever, ttherheree are some who do not believe in the ages of Stone , From the same. —Much sympathetic obser vation * Sonnets round the 1 -vw. of nature is expressed in — —— — — -——~« .—_ vm^ *-w«^» If AM. ¦ Bronze ,y and Iron , and who-K* wiW M ll»JL notA A V W credit^ A *_^^-» A W that» ff IT" V any British anti quity of real interest can be traced Coast ,' by the Rev. H. D. Rawnsley. Ma ny to periods readers will be alread y acqua inted with the anterior to the Roman invasion. The , new volum e of the ' Gentleman 's Magazine Li bra ry ' ¦ author through his pre vious volume of ' Sonnets gives a rich feast to the anti quary , and will at the Engli sh Lakes. ' The pr esent work is besides saveSave him manytti ati v an hour offl.iv»h-h, characterised by an equal amount of poetic which is sometimes weary enough although it also feeling, gracefu l diction , and happy delicacy. It will well repay thoug htful perusal. has its share of fascinat i on . The first part # krt v ^ —¦ — -v -—» —¦ ¦»•— h —— • #«t *^^ %# ¦ ~ ¦ par^ ticularises— -' —^ the^ loca•» ^^v^Bb l discoveries-lm *«>rf ^«%^ v ^^^ • ^*«^ inA &A various• • ^ * >^ »*fc*^ counties , the arran gement being al phabeti cal. Fro m the same. — ' The Gospel of St. John : a Bedfordshire to Somersetshire are described. The Verbati m Tran slation from the Vatican MS./ by subjects include Roman l ife in Britain , Romano- F. A. Paley, M.A., Ll.D. This is a peculiarl y British continuity, [Evidence of the Conflict with scholarl y book , the value of wjiich for theolog ical the English , and results of the conflict. The students can scarcel y be over-esti mated. In nes t instalment , it is promised , will contain the many respectb it differs considerabl y fro m Canon .

-^pp .RRt pjp ^^ p. — v -^pp ^pb^ ^^pr ^^ ^r vp ^ pr v ^ w ^ p^ p. a A ^ p ^ V ^P-^Pb ^b' " I ¦ P. V ^^ pB ^ p ^ P^ ^| pp ^a^v ^ ~v ¦Ip ' * *^P" V P" mm^— *^^— rem ainder of Eng land up to Yorkshire , , Westcott^^ 's well-known^^^ ^ edition^^^ ^ ^ of the^ Gospel, and and Scotland , with chapter s on stat ions, road s, more than once the author very forcibl y disp lays &c , also histori cal cotes. General notes will the courage of his opinions. It is possible that

i* r -w ¦¦ also be given and an index to the whole of the the^ v* p vr p' followers^m ^p^ ^ *^ ^k^ w w ^. *w nipr of^^ Bi p^ia the^ ^pb ^ pfe ^ p ^ r orthod^rp*^ ditt v «k*#v ^ *r ^v*^ ox^-w ribbip^ school.*a^ v i^».B ^«pr may«*«* ^ — ^ w ,seer ^ ^^^ ^* - ^ contents. somethin g to cavil at in the presen t volume ; the departures from what they have for long con-

v ¦ ¦ ¦> ¦^»49 BIM^ ^ pv- ^fw*w -^kk* ik ^^kkv ^kr From Messrs. Swan Sonnen schein & Co.— s*v idered^feri f' a ^ pV ^ V"B the^ rB b ^k^ trueV * * ^ ^ ' line•* ¦> ¦ •« ^^ of^^ thoug^^ ^ki^ 4>"V flP"V ht^k' may^B«Vdl k> ^kw m aroune^ ^ «lk t hei. ^ r^v ' Revenged / by Mrs. Edit h L. Chamberlain. displeasure . Thoughtful students , however , whose This is hard ly a satisfactory stor y, for with the minds are unfettered by traditions , will welcome majori ty of the characters it is impossible to have this volume with pleasure , and will cordiall y much sympath y, and the best of them , George thankthan k the autauthor hor forfnr thethft earneearnest st labour , so Misselbrok e, is mur dered ait the close of the manifest in every page, he has bestowed upon it. narrative , leaving the read er in doubt as to whom Dr. Paley s work .should undoubtedl y command a Mary Gardiner will marry . But despite certai n wide amount of attention . raultsfaults of construction ,, and a want , of condensa-ftondfinHH. - tion thro ughout , the authoress has furnished a Fro m Mr. Herm. *Weissb aoh , Wwimar. -— • En-

«»k1^ lk»^ ¦» tale that is pleasantl y interesting wi t hou t l>ei ng cycl-^Rk- f ^^ ^ opadie^-^ »» "^^ 'k Bk ^- ^^ des^ " -^^ v^^ buchhandlerischenI w ^ r^ ^^^ ^ «« w ^v ^^ ^ »^ ^tr Mkk «k .^« T ^kvk- r^»^ b ^kkr ^ Rkpi ^ Wissens.-, ¦• w ikVT^r -^ .v ^ —• »^k» v ' ThisRF^^ »»^^ ^ ^— feverishly sensational , and no doubt it will is the firs t part of the firs t division of a cyclo- attract a considerable cumber of readers . paedia devoted to bookselling. TJ ie first division

VhRT v k it)RB> ^ occup^^ ^^V 'V^ MtRT iedk-^ ^RP H II. with^ ^ PV k.«P RVRV VRk the^RV V* Vt ^kRT the^R^ «¦ RH. ^RIrT oretical^ ^^ «R» V^ k1* ^HT ^hk iR ^ fllRt partM ^^ ^^ ^^ ,V and^^^^ PMI ^*JW the^RR- k^.^« W- Fro m the same. —' Homo Rule " Wrinkles " for sheets before us chiefl y t reat of the studies which Xrfidies,' by Aunt Betsy, contains some sound are to prepare the young man to pursue hid

-*~^ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦» r wholesom e advice , which is none the less useful calling,R» "^- ^^ IV* ^ lff« | M V and» ^™» k ip withv w ¦« a^ k ¦¦ a history^^ ^ k Vi ~ " ^» kf". W of^^ - *^ book.V^ '^RW ^^ 1 ^". productionH^ k- ^.^ '^^ ^»^ W^ P ^ RJT ^" ^^ ""^ ^ *^ because particularl y simple. It is the ordinary anterior to the discovery of pr inting.

• * i • • r .• !'>;, ' • ^Sifei ils ¦ ¦ ¦ - ^ - ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ^ ¦ ¦^ • • ¦ ¦ ' • - ;¦ ' ^ v: - ¦ ' 1 ' ¦ ' • ' . - .W '.' S: ^ :'T-y. V- .. . . ; • ^ i . ¦iii. 1ti: i ^ - to/ ;. ^ \ ^ : - i. :. ^ i/ : . .:• . v^, • • •' . 'St.. v-

1 ' x-^-,.. . . . j - .. - , ¦ , . —» . . . , . . ..„ , .jr . .„.. ,..». .. . .¦... 1>-..^ .. ;~ -,- .-- - -. . . .- ^. . . . ^ , _ -, v - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - « . I- ¦ . i! , : Index to the Books publislied between Mar oli 18 and 31. The Words in Italics are those under which the Title* are given Alphabetically in f ull, with the Publish er' s Name.

Accumu lators, Mana gement, -Safcmwmj \D.) 2nd edit. 2s. Dutch Picture s, Sala (G. A.) new edit. 2s. 6d. \ 1 ' ' - ^jr - — — j — — — — A a vice to xouxi -SLeny uoopew ,) new euro , ah. Earl of Chatha m j ) ' Advice to Younggr Men Cobbett \v*(W.) new edit. Is. , Macaulay (Lord^ ed. & 3d. iEnignaa Vitas, Wilson (J.) 5a* " Egypt , Cob flict of Bast and West, Bowen (J. E.) 5s. < ^E^>, Fables, Oroxall & Townsend, Is. Emigrati on Guide , Bannow (Waldemar ) Is. 6d. African Farm, the Story, 7wi (Ralph) new edit. 2s. Engines and Engine Ru nning, Rose (Joshua) 7s. 6d. Almanack , Mowing and Oarsman 's, 1887, Is. England and Wales, Letts, County Atlas, new edit. 17s. 6d. Almanac , Natal, for 1887, 7s. _ English Library , Dicks, vol. 10, Is. 6cL Amar yllis at the Fair , Jefferies (Richard) 7s. 6d. En glish Lite ratur e, History, 'M eiklejohn, Outline , Is. 6d. Anecdotes*: Perdy9 2 vols. 2s. each. Epistles, Catholic , Gloag (Paton J .) 10s. 6d. Animals, Domestic, Uses and Abases , Smith (W.) 2s. Eugene Aram , Lytton (Lord) new edit. Is. 6d. & Is. Anti gone, Sophocles, -with Notes and Analysis, Is. Fairy Prince Follow-my-Lead, Reader (Emily E.) n. e. 2s. 6d. Arcad y, for Better or Worse, Jessopp (A.) 7s. 6d. Favilla , Tales , Essays and Poems, Corr (T.) 7s. 6d. Architecture , Castellated and Domestic , McGibbon, 42s. Fictio n, Lib^-ary, 6d. Arithmetical Examples , Britannia , Han dbook , 9d. First Lad y in the Land , Bulley (E. A.) Is. Arithmetic , Mental , Fifty Examinations , Is. 6d. Five o'clock Tea, Allen (M. L.) new edit. Is. 6d. Articles , Thirt y-nine, Browne (Bp. ) 13th edit. 163. Foreign Office* List , 1887, 6s. Art Signification and Princi ples, Waterhouse, 5s. Fou ndation Truths , Ridgeway (C. J.) 2nd edit. Is. 6d. Atlas, Competitive Outline , 2s. 6d. Fre e to Serve , Garrat t (Evelyn R.) new edit. 2s. Atlas , Modern , Bacon, 5s. French Girl at our School, Dixon & De Morgan , 2s. 6d. Augustine, Confessions , I.-X., translated , Is. - Fri ends of the Famil y, Dostoievsky (F.) translated , 5s. Aural Sur gery, Short Contributions , Dalby (W. B.) 3s. 6d. Fritz of the Tower , Lobenho ff er (L.) Is. 6d* Babies' Crawlin g Rugs, Windsor (Emma S.) 2s. 6d. Gardening, vol. 8, 6s. 6d. Bag of Diamonds , Fenn (G. Manville ) Is. 6d. & Is. Garfleld , Log Cabin to White House , Thayer, n.e. 3s. 6d. & 2s. Barnab y Rudge, Dickens, new edit , illustrated , 3s. Gebir and Count Julian , Landor (W. SO 6d. & 3d. Bauer, Caroline , and the Co bur gs, 2nd edit. 2s. 6d. Geometr y, Descripti ve, Binn s (W. 8.) 2s. Belgravia, voK.61, 7s. 6d. _. Geometr y, Practical School , Ross (W. Gordon) 2s. Bello Gallico, de, Ccesar, by Walpole (A. S.) 6s. German Accidence, Ott o (E.) & Wright , 2s. 6d. Bibl e, Engli sh, How to Stud y, Girdlestone (R. B.) Is. 6d. German Grammar , Conversational , Naf (O. H. & C.) 4s. 6d. Biography, Dicti onary of National , vol.10, 18s. & 12s. 6d. Gilchrist , Anne, Life and Writings , 16s. Bradford , Halifax , Wakefield , White, Dir ecto ry, new edit. 20s. Girl in the Brown Habit , Kennard (Mrs. B.) 3s. 6d. Brain and Spinal Cord Anatomy, Whitaker (It.) 4s. 6d. Godlinessjmd Manliness , Diggle (J. W.) 6s. Brain , Spinal Cord , dec, Diseases, Suckling, Diagnosis, 8s. 6d. Golden Girls, a Pict ure Galle ry, Muir (Alan) 4s. 6d. Britain , Con quest in 1888, Oopcevic (Spiridion) Is. Golden Tress , Boisgobey (F. du) Is. British Empir e, Campbel l (Sir G-.) 3s. Golf , Stewart (J. L.) Qplf iana % Miscellanea , 4s. 6d. Browning, Mrs. B. B., Poems, 2s. Greece , Easter Vacation in, Sandys (J . 33.) 3s. 6d. Buchholz Famil y, Stinde (Julius ) new edit. 2s. Gulliver ' s Travels , Swift , illust r ated, 3s. 6d. Calendar , Coll ege of Prece ptors, for 1887, 2s. 6d. Harrow School Sermons , Welldon (J. E. O.) 7s. 6d. Calvar^* * y, FootstepsY7f_ ^. -A ~.-A AAA. •. to^M. , 2A««s. 6d.49^3 Hebrew Grammar , Lowe (W. H.) 2s. 6d. Canadian People, Bryce (Or,) Short Histor y, 7s. 6d. Herbert ^ Geor ge, Engli sh, Poem s, Is. Captain Trafal gar,a Stor y, Laurie (Andre ) 5s. Heroid es, Ovid , I.-XIII., literally translated , 2s. Carlyle , Goethe, and Corres pondence , 9s. High Life in France under the Republic , Murray, n, e«JJ s. 6d. History of Our Own Times, McCarthy, n. e. 2 vols. 7s. 6d. Catalogue , English , of Books pub lished in 1886, 5s. ^ ea. Children , Disease, Smith (E. ) Clinical Studies , 2nd ed. 7s. 6d. Holines s, Ryle (Bp.) 3rd edit. 7s. 6d. Christian. Choir , Sankey (Ira) words 'only, Is., 9d., 6d. Holy War , Bunyan, new edit. 2s. 6d. & 2s. Christian Ori gins, a Study, Antiqua Mater , 7s. Home Rule , the Case for, McCarthy (Justin H.; 5s. _ , Keble (J.), new edit. Is. Hope of the Forresters , Came (W.) Is. 6d. Christian— Year ^ r Christ , Life in, Croome (Caroline Ii.) Is. 6d. House Pro pert y, Hand book , Tarbuck (B.) 4th edit. 5s. Christ or Satan ? Edwards (Henry) 5s. Huf ne, by Pr ofessor Huxley, new edit. Is. 6d. & Is. Hygiene Ele e ts, Campbell (J.) Church Dictionar y, iSToo* (W. Pf ) by Hook & Stephens , 21s. , m n 2nd edit. 2s. 6d. Cin q Mars , De Vigny (Alfred ) by Oger , 3s. 6d. Imitation of Christ , Kempis, new edit. Is. Clouds , A ristopha nes, tran slated , 2s. Independent Minister , Autobiography, 4b. In One Town , Down ey (Edward ) new edit. 3s. 6d. - r , (G.-. P.) 5s. Coins,0 English^^ Pattern , Guide Crowther Communion , Holy, Bidgeway, Is. 6d. In Possession , Lo wndes (Cecilia S.) Is. 6d. & Is. Composition , Short Stories for, Is. I nsects , In jur ious,'Or merod (Eleanor A.) Report of 1886 , 1b. 6d. Concord ance, Cruden , Complete , new edit. 3s. 6d. I n the Name of the Tzar , Dayne (J. B.) 6s. , Civilisation Qeige Creation or Evolution , Curtis (0. T.) 10s. 6d. I ranians Easter n, ^ r (W.) 12s. Critical Miscellanies, Carlyle (T.) new edit. vol. I., 8s. Jail Not es, Jotti ngs , Horsley (J. W.) 3s. 6d. Cycli ng, Bury (Viscount ) & Hillier , 10s. 6d. Jests and Anecdotes, American, Is. Oyr opa3dia, Xenophon , Pitt Press , 6s. K night Errant , Lyall (Ed na) 3 vols. 31s. Cd. Dante, Divina Comme dia , Hettin ger (P.) 10s. 6d. Ladi es* Dress Book , Barnel t (Edith A.) 2s. 6d. Dante , Stnd y, Introduction , Botta (Vincenzo) 7s. 6d. Last Man in London , North (Delaval) Is.

¦- -~- ^¦------' # mf Dateless Bar gain, Pirkis (0. I*.) 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Latin Grammar , Candidates ,* Reed (S. Percy)f 3s. 6d. Day in Athens , Plato, translation , 3rd edit. 3s. 6d. Laura ' s Impulses , Is. Dead Souls, Gogol (Nikolas V.) translated , 2 vols. 8s. 6d. each . Letter-Writer , New , 6d. Deat hj or Dishonour , Boisgobey (F. du) 2s. 6d. & 2s. Levellin g and its Application , Holloway (T.) 6s. Detectives, Bival, Lyn ch (I*. Ii.) 6d. Life in the Mississippi, Twain (Mark) new edit. 2s. Dethrone d, a Stor y, Seymour (Mrs. ) 5s. Ligaments , Sutton (John Bland) 4s. 6d. Dir ectors, Director y, Skin ner , for 1887, 7s. 6d. Lily and ttio Cross , Nesbtt (E.) 2s. Divine Corcvedy, Dante, Line for Line in Terza Rima , 10s. Linnceus , Throu gh the Fields with , Caddy (Mrs. ) 16s. Divorced Princess , Pont-Jest (R. de) Is. Lisle, Lieut., Memoir by Oxenham , 3rd edit. 7s. 0d. Doctor, Recollections of a Coun try , 2a. 6d. U 2s. Little Kate Kirb y, Robinson (F. W.) 5s. Dra ft and Bills of Exchan ge, Wordsworth , Tables , 3s. Livep, Three Gre at , Cooke (France s E.) 3a. 6d. Dramatic Year , 1887, Is. * - - Loclchart , Memoirs of Scott, new edit. vole. 7, 8, 3a. each. ; T/i1% Tflj k /d TWn wrli Dr . Phillips , Dauby (Frank) 7s. Od. LordT* w**^4 Johnn , Fenn>*%<*% (G. Manv^ rille)l^ k \ Id.1^ 1 Iml ; Duelling Bays in the Ar my, Douglas $W.) 7e. 6d, Loving a Dream , 4&c., Gibbon (Charles) 2s, "* IX ^ r * ^ q ^ f^^^^ ; :^^ >3^.j<^^ ^;y^ ;-> .^ frvr ^fffrffiffifrj ^

' 342 The Publishers Circular A^iilvi^^

Lovely Wa ng, a Bifc of China , Wingfield (Lewis) Is. Shakesp eare, with Glossar y,<&c, vol. 3. Is. Love Set, Splendid Rally, Is. Shareholder 's Handbo ok, Pixley (F. W.) 2nd edit. 2s. 6d. Macaulay, Essays from the Edinb ur gh Keview, Is. Shareholder 's Legal Companion , Palmer (F. B.) 6th e. 2s. 6d. Madam' s "Ward , Is. 6d. & Is. Shells, British , Sowerby (G. B.) Index , new edit. 35s. Mademoiselle de Mau pin, Gantler (Theo.) translated , 10s. 6d. Sher idan, Dra matic Works , 2s. ; paper , Is. Major Gaha gan, Adventures , Thackeray, Is. 6d. & Is. ^Sisters of St. Mary, NiMH (H. D.) 2s. 6d. Manchester Cotton Manufacturers , Autobiograph y, 3s. 6d. Skin , Diseases, Anderson (T. McCall ) 25s. Mancheste r Slums, Afternoons in th e, 3d. Solomon 's Cross , Ropes (Mary B.) Is. Mar garet Catohpole , Cobbold (R.) new edit. 6d. Sonnets Round the Coast, Rawnsley (H. D.) '5s. ' Marl owe, Chr. , Work s by Ellis (H.) 2s. 6d. Sonnets, Three Hundred Chosen, Main, new edit. 6s.

ryinV g and Giving- - «^ - -W , Sauer (C. M.) . tfd. Mar »_* in Marriage ,J Molesworth ^ 7s. 6d. Spanish Reader 3<*

r W^^^T M ^F ^fc^ ^^ ^^ ^ "^^"^^^^ -^ ^» t ^^^" "^r" ~~" ™ ^^ ^p 6d. Materia Medica, Or gan ic, Southall (W.) 4th edit. 6s. Sport. All Round,^ Dykes^ (T.) 10s. Meteorolo gy, Elementary, Scott (R. H.) new edit . 5s. Squibs , Oliver (Edwin) la. Boisgobey, Is. Midland Grammar ,w Evans,r Standard IV.-VII.,- j 2d. each. Steel Necklace and Cecilia's Fortune , Mignon , Forrester (Mrs.) 2s. 6d. & 2s. St. John 's Eve, Gogol (Nikolas V.) tr anslated , 3s. 6d. King (Alice) 6s. I Moses, Life and Times, Rawlinson (G.) 2s. 6d. Stran ge Tangle , Mr. Fox's Pinch for Pride , Clark (Frances ) Is. Sweet of the Year , Buxton (H. J. Wilmot ) 4s. Musical Notes, an Annual Record , Klein (Herman n ") 2s. Talks with Pocrates , PlatoV.) , 3s. fid. Musical , Theatrical &c , Sketches , Mason (R. O.) 5s. Taras , ^o^o? ( Nikolas translated , 3s. 6d. Myth ology of Greece and Rome, Seemann (O.) new edit . 5s. Tatler , «teele 's, Isaac BickerstaflE , papers , 6d. & 3d. Norfolk , Three Weeks in, Clarice (J. F. M.) Is. 6d. & Is. Testament , Old , Sermons , Woodford (Bp.) 5s. Nursery, Favour ite Rhyme s, 2s. 6d. —> Testamen tnm Novum , cum Lectionib us, Scrivener, 7s. 6d. Overseers and Vestr y Clerks ' Manual , Owen (H.) 8th eflit. 5s. Thames , Bird's Eye View, Lon don to Oxford , 3s. 6d. & 2s. 6d. Oxford , Lays of Modern , new edit. 2s. Thames . Ma p, Taunt (H.W.) newed. 8s. 6d. ; with Photo s, 15s. Peck' s Bad Boy. Peck (G. W.) 6d. Thou ght , Science of , MUller (F. Max ) 21s. Picture-Frame Making, Lukin (James ) Is. Thou ghts , Thirty Thousand , vol. 5, 16s. Pilgrim 's Pro gres s. New, Twa in (Mark) 6d. & 3d. Thoutie , Three Days at , BUchojff (E.) 2s. 6d. PHocereus Senilis, Moxon (Walter) 3s. 6d. Three Chimes, Ridley (M. L.) new edit . 3s. 6d. Pinemthrou gh, Professo r , Is. Throu gh Str ess and Strain , fcesZie (Emma ) Is. Poe, Edgar A., Poems , new edit. Is. ' , • Trade , International , Bastable (C- F.) 3s. 6d. Pope, Poetical Works , selected jby Hughes , Is. Travels , Sport and Politics , Huntly (Marquis of) 12s. Practitioner 's Handbook , Fof hergill (J. M.) new edit. 16a. Turf , Ruff ' s Guide . Sririn g edit. 5a. Princess of Jatedom , Gibbon (Charles ) 2s. 6d. & 2s. TurneTurner r and Fitter 's Handbook.Handbook , Greenwood (T.) Is.is. 6d.ea. Pumps and Pum pin g Machinery, Colyer , Part 2, 12s. 6d Two Charms , Pask (Arthur T.) Is Pu pil Teacher 's Questions , Year II., IV., Guide , 4d. each. Two Fates and a Fortu ne, Crow (Louisa) 6d. Pyrotechnical Treasur y, Kentish (T.) 2nd edit. 5s. Valley of Vision, Tidy (Ch arl otte E.) 3s. 6d. Queen , Our Gracious , Walton ( Mrs. ) Is. Victoria, Jubilee Memoir , Is. Rert gauntlet , Scott (Walter ) new edit. 3s. & 2s. Victorian Trium phs, Press (W. H.) Is. and 6d. Reformation , Coming, Twentieth Century, If . Victoria, Queen and Empress , Pike (G. H.) Is. Revolution in Turner 's Lane , Rutherford (Mark) 7s. 6d. Victoria, Quean , Life, by G. Barnett Smith , 2s. and Is. River Rhymes , Sea Sonars , &c., 10s. «d. Vocal Or gans , Hygiene, Macken zie (M.) new edit. 6a Rome, Fifty Years in the Church , Chiniq uy (C.) 3s., 6d. Wanderer , Loose Rein , 12s. 6d. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel , Life by Joseph Knight , 2s. 6d . & Is. Wanted , a Wife, Winter (J. S.) Is.

Italmr y, v ,» ) Analysis, 3s. 6d. Russia and ' Tchay and Chianti Badde ' eyi * (W.^ S.)* 5s. Wealth of Nations , Smith (Adam Sand , Geor ge, Enfance , with "Notes , Joel , 2s. Wee Wine , a Novel, Care y (Rosa N.) 6s. Schoolboy, Sunday Letters .to , Montagu (E. L.) Is. Woffl ngton , Peg, Molloy (J. F.) 3rd edit. 6s.

School Life,w Pugh9r (S.-^ S.)" His Masters ,7 a Story,mj W 3s. 6d. Woodlande rs, Hardy (Thomas) 3 vols. 3ls. 6d. Science , Modern , and Thought , Laing (S.) 7s. 6d. Woodland Tales , Stinde (Julius) 3s. 6d- Scottish Nationality , &o., Papers , Ker (J.) 2s. 6d. Wood Turn er 's Hand y Book , Hasluck (Paul N.) 2s.

«» «^ ^ vr W^^ ^t^^B ^^ « w ^^m m m Jfc ^^'H ¦ ^ -v »*^ h v v. -* v^ m * ^ m v. ^ ^ riBf WWW 4* l^#9 Screw Thread s,^ Hasluck ( Paul N.) Is. World of Thou ght , a Novel, 6s., also 2s. Self-Will and God' s Will , Funcke (Ott o) 2s. 6d. Year-Book , Englishwoman *st for 1887, Is. 6d. JShakspere , edited by O. Knight , Illustrated , Is. Year-Book , Statesman st for 1887, 10s. 6d. SEW WORK S PUBLISHED FROM MARCH 16 TO 31. ? •* The occasional Wotes in italics after the titles are only given in cases of short or obscure titles appear ing for the f irst time They are not intended to be gene ral , or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books ; the sole object being to i explain the title-page, or to give such additional informxtion concerning the nature of the work as may appea r to be required. All books are in cloth when not otherwise described.

.JEsop 's Fables. Translated into English by Samuel Anti qua Mater : a Study of Christian Origin s. Post 8vo. Oro'xall ; with New Applications &c. by the Rev. Geo. F. pp. 320, 7s. 6d TrUbner [1155 Townsend. 12mo. 13 Wara e [1150 Aristo phanes—Nubes (The Clouds) . Literally Translated Afternoons in the Manchester Slums. By a Lady. by T. J. Arnold. 12mo. pp. 54 , sewed , 2a. . . Cor nish [1156 Reprint ed fro m the Health J ournal. 12mo. pp. 32, sewed , 8d Heywood [1151 Atlas— The Competitive Examinations Outline Atlas. 4to. . sewed , 2s. 6d Phili p [1167 Allen (M. I-.)—Five o'Olock Tea , containin g Receipts for Cakes of every Descripti on, Cooling Drinks , &o. New edit. Augu stine (81.)—Confessions, Books I.-X. A Revised 12mo. pp. 78, Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is . . Paul [1152 Translation. 8vo. pp. 228, Is Griffith [1158

Autobio.. gr aphy of a Manc hester Cotton Matin- American Jests and Anecdotes. Collected from ^1 t ^^n^ 9 a "WT^ m tmr^ mt a* «m mm a * m^. various sources. 18mo. (Edinburgh , Paterson ) pp. 250. la. , facturor ; or, Thirty Years' Experience of Manchester. By Simpkin [1153 H. 8. G. Post 8vo. pp. 240, 3s. 3d Hey wood [1169 c*. Autobiogranu iiUMHU^l phyjj rju, .r ofv»* anc»u IndAUUV|IVUUVUIi ependent MinisterJWM.M.MJLiOli *DM. :q toDU Anderso n (T. M'Call ).—A. Treatise on Diseases of the is now for the Bkin , with special referen ce to their Diagn osis and Tr eat- ^v hioh added first time a Second Pa rt , con- ment , includin g an Analysi s of 11,000 consecutive Cases. taining six cha pters , as also a New Preface to the First With Plate s and numerou s other Illustrations.Illustration s. 8vo. pp.dd. 650650., Part. Post 8vo. pp. 414, 4s Williams

^ April 1, *S8£ / The Publishers ' Circular 343 "^"—^ — "^^^^" ^ ^—^ ¦^— - ¦ ^ mm —^^—*^ . _. . .. ¦ ¦¦¦. . ^^ —— "^—^— — —**"^""" >^ ^ ' ' . - I - . Badrtele y (W. St.)—Tcha y and Chianti ; or, 'Wan der ings Came ("W.)—Th e Hope of the Foresters. Poat 8vo. pp . \ in Russia ' and Italy. Post 8vo. pp. 260, 5s Low [1162 200, Is. 6d Bible Christian Book Boom ^ 190 A religious story. Bannow CW«)—Guide to Emigration and Colon isation : an Appeal to the Nation. 12mo. pp. 118, sewed, Is. 6d. Cnlni qny (C.)—Fifty Tears in the Ohuroh of Borne. New W. Soot fc [1163 edit, corrected and revised , with Introductor y Note by Bev. Gk B. Badenooh. 8vo. pp. 592, sewed. 8s. 6d. Barnett (Edith A.)—The Ladies' Dress Book ; or. What to Protestant Literature Depositor y [1191 "Wear and How to Wear it. With. Illustra tions. Post 8vo . 2s. 6d Ward & [1164 Clark (Frances )—Mr. Fox' s Pinch for Pride , rilustrated , ¦ I*. t,. by B. H. Moore. 12mo. pp. 74, sewed, Is... .G-riffith [1192 Bastable (C. F.)—The Theor y of International Trad e, with , How the Fox deluded the other animals, and was punis hed some of its Applications to Economic Policy. Post 6vb. accordingly. (Dublin , Hodges) pp. 180, 3s. 6d Simpkin [1165 Clarke (J. P. M.)—Three Weeks in Norfolk. Being a Bauer (Caroline ) and the Cobnrgs. Transla ted and Portion of the Biver' s Log. With ^lustrations from edited by Charles Nisbet. 2nd edit , post 8vo. pp . 402, Picture s by Edward H. Fahey. 12mo. pp. 52, la. and Is. 6d. 2s. 6d Vizetelly [1166 Wyman [1193 1 Belgrravia. Vol. 61. 8vo. 7s. 6d Chatto [H67 Cobbett (IV.)—Advice to Young Men , with Intro duction by Henry Morley. Post 8vo. pp. 272, Is. (Morley*s Universal Binns (W. 8.)—A Trea tise on Elementary and Advanced Library) .Routledge [1194c ¦ ¦ DescO^VOVX-ri ptive*J v» v "%* Geometr^mM ^r\rmrjyi -»»¦ jf y, -y tow*-r whichto a#avu is.&« added*m\Jl\A\ + u. aCw ChapterVJlflC/UvX onVil Cobbold (R.)—History of Mar garet Catchpole , a Suffolk Graphic Arithme tic intended for Candidates preparin g for ni m ^ A . ^ A' ^ m ^ m ¦ ^^ ^A ^^ ^% ^ ^^ ^ the Governm ent Science Exami nations , the Military Girl. Author 's complete edit. 8vo. pp. 190. sewed, 6d. Boutledge [1195 ¦ ¦ Tfl - — » ¦ - - -~ TT" ir- - TiT dJLV&tAl AQO * VU. %*^f WI_S. ^> M\1A ¦ ¦ Examf inationsr forM. ^V*. Admission to the RoyalXW J CWL EngineerinU «% lUI^VJ. M jjK g Dollege for Students in Technical School *, and to meet the College of Pre ceptors ' Ca lendar for the Year Wants of the .Engineer ,,.the Buil der , and the Architect. 1887. 8vo. 2s. 6d Hodgson [1198 Post 8vo. pp. 160, 2s. Simpk in [1168 Colyer (F.)—Pumps and Pumpin g Machinery. Part 2, Bird' s Eye "View of the Thames from Lond on to pp. 64, 12s. 6d Spon [1197 Oxford. With Guide. 3s. 6d. and 2s. 6d Bacon [1169 Comin g Reformation of the Twentieth. Centarv. BischofF (E.)—Three Days at Thoune. Post 8vo. pp. 142, 8vo. pp. 44, sewed, Is. Simpkin [1198 ; 2s. 6d. London Literary Society [1 170 i Cooke (Frances E.)—Three Great Lives. Illustrat ed with Boisgobe y (F. dn)—Death or Dishonour (Jean Coupe-en - num erous Plates. Post 8vo. 3s. 6d Sonnen schein [1199 Deux) : a Stor y of Devoted Love and Famil y Pride. Life of Savonarola , Sir Thomas More, and Bishop Author ised Copyright Translation . 2 vols. 12mo. is. each ; Latimer. 1 vol. 2s. 6d. ; boards , 2s J. & R. Maxwell [1171 Corr f T. J.)—Favilla : Tales , Essays, and Poems. Post 8vo. Boisgobey (F. dtO—The Golden Tress. (Novels , "Vol . 23). pp. 482, 7s. 6d Paul [1200 12mo. pp. 188, sewed, Is. Vizetelly [1172 .AJi ^3 \j auiq x^ii. ^ j . j_ kj oo« Croome^^ M ^rx# « (Caroline\ ^*c*«m !¦•MmMmj)—Life iniu Christuui io u :• Twentyvr til u j r Lessons#&ao Boisgrobey (F. dn) — The Steel Necklace , and Cecile' s for Bible Classes. Post 8vo. pp. 100, Is. 6d. Fortune. Sensational Novels, "Vol. 21.) 12mo. pp. 108, Church Extension Associati on [1201 Is "Vizetelly [1173 sewed, Cr ow (tonis a)—Two Fates and a Fortune : a Novel. Botta (V.)—Intro duction to the Study of Dante. Being a^ WWithith "twetv€r"twelve -T;ilustr ^llustration8at ioti8 bybv John ProctorProctor. . 8vo. pp. 110808,. New Edition of Dan te as Philosoph er , Patriot , and Poet . sewed, 6d. (Dicks9 English Novels) Dicks (" 1202 .. With an Analys is of the Divine Comed y, its Plot and Episodes. Post 8vo. pp. 412, 7s. 6d Slark [1174 Crowther (G-. F.)—-A Guide to English Pattern Coins in MM. VU1 %J9M. kjll V V> « «4IJk&X« w «/^>X .M-^V* GoldVJf * 'AU ,f Silver.• CopperV-" *^Tf*T\JM.,f and Pewter^ . ^> ,J from EdwardFT \M. I.JL ¦ to1/Vr Bo-wen (J. E. )—The Conflict of East and West in Egypt. Victoria. With Illustration s. 8vo. pp. 60, 5s. Post 8vo. pp. 200, 5s Putnam [1175 L. U. Gill [1203

db ook of Examples— 19 l>\# liu n Britanni a Han Arithmetical Crn>^« UdUCMen ' s Comple\/UUXMlvl>Ote Concordance^»» V*X*»>" ^* uailVD to th ^ OldVTIU andCI>XA VA Answers to. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 4d. ; Parts 5, 6, 7, 6d. ; 1 vol. New Testaments. Portable edit. roy . 8vo. pp. 754, 3s. 6d. 9d. . J. Marshall [1176 Morgan & S. [1204 i Browne CBp. of Win ch ester ).—An Exposition of the Curtis (Q. T.)—Creation or Evolution : a Philosophica l Thirt y-nine A rticles. Histo rical and Doctrinal. 13th edit. Inquiry. Post 8vo. pp. 572, 10s. 6d Ward &_£*_ [ 1205 8vo. pp. 878, 6s "Longmans [1177 (SirW. Brown ing: (Mrs. E. B.) — Poems. Post 8vo. pp. 820, 2s. Dalby H2i)—Short Con tribution s to Aural Surg ery . (Excelsior Series} , Routl edge [1178 Bepublished from the Lancet , between 1875 and 1886. 8vo. pp. 74, 3s. 6d Churchill [1206 Bryoe (GL )—A Short Histor y of the Canadian People. Post 8vo. pp. 1532, 7s. 6d Low [1179 Damant (Mary )—Peggy : a Tale of the Irish Bebellion . Or. 8vo. 7s. 6d W. H. Allen [1207 Bulley (E. A,)—The First Lad y in the Land. 12mo. pp. 96, Is Wells Gardner [1180 Danb y (F.)—Dr. Philli ps : a Ma'da Vale Tdvll. Post 8vo. A life of the Queen. pp. 240, 7s. 6d. ( Vizetelly *s One Volume Novels) VizetelTy [1208 Bnnvan (J .)—The Holy Wpr. New edit. With Illustrations. By H. Fitzcock. 12mo. 2s. an d 2s. 6d Nisbet [1181 Dante 's Divin e Com edy. Tra nslated Line for Line in JU theV»»*? Terza» V>* Xilt BimaJLV&KA ' U* ofV* theV KJLV * Ori^-^ «. *pK ginal» a JLJICHJL ,) withWiUU NotesX1VUOO by¦ J FredericI CUO1 XUA, k and miller (a. I..)—Cycling. "With ¦^B^^B ^^Mi^K ^^P^^M. ^ ^K . ^^ ^^ m » ^^ * ~_- ^^^*^— .^ Bur y (Viscount ) K. H. Haselfoot. 8vo. pp. 658, 16s Paul [1209 numerousuumuruuH IllustratiLiiu»bru>vi ons<>u» b?uv Viscountv uuuuuu Buryx>ury anduuu Joseii une phuu Pennell . Post 8vo. pp. 456, 10s. 6d. (Badminton Library) Dayn e (J. B.)-*In the Nam e of the Tza r : n Novel. Post Longmans [4182 8vo. pp. 806 , 6s Black woods [1210 Bnx ton (H. J. "Wilmot- )—The Sweet of the Tear : a of 8yo. pp. 216 4s Skefflngton [1183 Dickens (C.)—Barnaby Rudge : a Tale the Rfota of Novel. Post , 'Eighty. Illustrated. 2-voTsriBmo. 3a.. ..Chapman [1211 Ca ddy (Mrs. Florence ) — Through the Fields with pp. Dicks' En glish Library of Standard ^Tor bs. Vol. 10, Linnaeus : a Chapter in Swedish Histo ry . Post 8vo. 4to. sewed 720. 16s Longman s [1184 , Is. 6d r Dicks [1212 I The autho r' s travels in Sweden, with much chat about Dictionary of National Biogra phy. Edited by Leslie I Linnaeus as to the things he saw, his life, adventures, ou grlas CW.)—Duelling 1 Days in th e Arm y. Post 8vo. pp. 291 7s. 6d „ Ca rlyle (T.)—Critical and Miecellaneous Bssays, ^ ,8 vote"". , Ward & D. [1217 Vol. 1 (Works , Ashburton edit. Vol. 15), 8vo. pp. 486, 8a. Downey

¦ ' ¦ ' ' "

¦ ' ¦ • "' » . • . , . Dramatic Year , 1886. With Descriptions and Illustra- Gogol (N. V.)—St. John's Eve. Translated from the tions of all the most important New FlaTS of the Year, Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. Post 8>o . pp. 380, 3s. 6<1.

V/V|flT?P vl mmm TT mm j V^i UUV J- •UJ h/& i l0 CV &J *-* c* XWVVX U *-r * ArAMUtMWivr Copies of many of the Play-bills^, and a Record of Dramatic J. & R. Maxwell [1245 Events. Compiled by Paul Ted der. 12mo. pp. 136, sewed, Goj rol (N. V.)—Taras. Translated from the Russian by Is J. & R. Maxwell [1219 Isabel F. Hapgood ; Post 8vo. pp. 290, 3s. 6d. Dykes CT.)—AH Bound Sport with Pish, Fur, and Feather ; J. & R. Maxwell [1246 , also Adventures on the Turf and the Road, in the TTuntintrHunting Golfiana Miscellanea. Edited by J. L. Stewart. 8vo. and Cricket Fields, and o^er Yachting Courses, Links, and (Glasgow, Morison) 4s. 6d .*. Hamilton [1247 Curling Ponds. With fifty-eight Illustrations by Finch Mason, A. C. Havell, R. M. Alexander, C. Cecil Boult, and Gopce^ric (Spiridion) —The Conquest of Britain in 1888 , Cuthbert Bradley. Including twenty-four highly finished and the Sea Fights and Battles that led to it. From the -tinted full-page Sketches. 8vo. pp. 292, 10s. 6d. Fores [ 1220 German of Spiridion Gopcevic. Translated by Commander F. H. E. prowe. 8vo. (Portsmouth, Griffin) pp. 54, sewed, Edwar ds (H.)—Christ or Satan , which Prince Beloved ; Is ., Simpkin [1248 or. the Separation from the Worship of Satan and from the I World, which becometh Saints. Being a Question asked Greenwood (T.)—Turner and Fitter's Handbook. 10th by God through an Evangelist. Roy. 8vo. pp. 254, 5s. and enlarged edit. 18mo. Is. 6d .Simpkin [1249 J. F. Shaw tl221 Guide Series — Pupil-Teacher Government Examination English Catalogue of Books for 1866 : containing a Questions. 2nd Year, 4th Year. - 12mo. sewed, 4d.each. Complete List of all the Books published in Great Britain Simpkin [1250 andCIlXX VC IrelandXXU1OUU inXXX theUtlV Year-A. KsCMM. 1886.*i\JKJ\J• withTV1VU theirVUCXJ. SizesMAAiVO andU L1\4 Pub-A. U K*~ Hard y (T.)—The Woodlanders. 3 vols. post 8vo. 31s. 6d. Ushers* Names. Roy. 8vo. sewed, 5s .Low C1222 Macmillan [1251 Englishwoman's Year-Book for 1887, and Directory Haslnck (P. N.)—The Wood Turner's Handy Book. , WMW A toVVr all[01X Institutions¦ HS7 VM. VU VJLv/AAkJ existingX^^^ AW W&«-«^ for^-^rm. the BenefitJU ^^^* .* V^ «-» W of'•- '^ WomenT v -^r ¦_>„» ^ r m-m. and•vaau Practical Manual for Workers embracing Children. Post 8vo. Is. 6d Hatchard [122 3 at the Lathe, Information on v the Tools, Appliances, and Processes VtA« /AW -»- VTIUU TfCHi \JM. \J\J *• ¦ L«J0W4. Evans (T.V—Midland Grammar for the Standards ; witlr employed| VV* in*. **. WoodT T V^V^V* Turning,Ui UKUg) -with up**'M* wardsUO of 100JL Illustra-M €*— Examinations for Standards IV. V. VI. and VII. 12mo. tions. Post 8vo. pp. 144, 2s. {Handy Books for Handi- sewed, 2d. each Simpkin [1224 crafts) Lockwdod [1252 Favou rite Rhymes for the Nurser y. Post 8vo. pp. Haslnck (P. N.)—Screw Threads, and Methods of Pro- Ci5W-»IJ. *¦ b~a ^ | %/m^^tmmm* UUUAV* 128X.4O, IIB.s. 6dOUi ...... X^.-. Nelson [1225L *'*' « ' ducing««a. «^> % ^-a. them. ., WithTI 1VU numerous'/WJ Tables^L«^/1VQ andWUU completeVAIUI UAVW Direc-^L^*»^^*^ ~ tioos for using Fenn (G. M.)—Lord John ; or, a Search for Gold. 8vo. Screw Cutting Lathes. With nnmerous pp. 32, sewed, Id. {Penny Library of Fiction) Illustrations. Post 4to. pp. 64, Is Lockwood [1253 Christian Knowledge Society [1226 Herbert (G.) —English Poems, with A Priest to the Bag of Diamonds. 8vo. pp. 186, Temple, and his Collection of Proverbs called Jacula Fenn (G. M.) — The Pbst Prudentum. 8vo. pp. 260, Is. {Ancientand Modern^Library Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is \ Ward & D. [1227 I A sensational tale. of Theological Literature) Griffith [1254 selected Hettinger (F.)—Dante's Divina Commedia : its Scope and Fifty Examinations in Mental Arithmetic, .b. ' ' ww&KA a m vajl ^ s V^J. ImK«C«I _K« MA KJV VbMJ Value.^^ •****-*-* . ^* m ^LWA&W ^VK *~ J M. ^ \* w VICWIA by Majesty ' rectors From the German. Edited by HenryJ Sebastian from Questions proposed Her s Ins to Bowden. Post 8vo. pp. 1 456, 10s. 6d. .... Burns & O. [1255 l/\/> v \A. l»M. ^m m. vuty v*Jw»Jfc w v/vtiv ** m.9jm~». • » •.*•*«w k. xs iavj StandardsI.J UGW*4V« UtX V*O I.-A.* to. VII.A.A.* under^* the presentIT Code ;y with numerous Rules and Helps for Solution. Compiled by a Head-Master. Holl o way (T.)—Levelling and its General Application. 12mo. pp. 128, Is. 6d Heywood [1228 8vo. pp. 146, 5s Spon [1256 Foot steps to Calvar y : Meditations on the Passion. With Hook (W. F.)—A Church Dictionary. A Practical Manual a Preface by the Lord Bishop of Lichfleld. 12mo. pp. 194, of Reference for Clergymen and Students. 14th edit. 2s. 6d. Masters [1229 Adapted to the requirements of the present day. Edited 8vo. 6s Harrison [1230 by Walter Hook and W. R. W- Stephens. 8vo. pp. 786. 21s. Foreign Office List, 1887. Murray [1257 Forrester (Mrs. )—Mignon. 12mo. pp. 370, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s. J. ead Souls ; or, TchitohikofTs Journeys. ofox Creation/uj rottuiuxi, Pfanduu - ProemjTxruttuu ofui Genesiwouesi sB, * <*anduu on Drnmmond'JLT QDimonu s» 1 Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. 2 vols. « Natural Law in the Spiritual World.' 8vo. pp. 866, 7s. 6d. I post »vo. pp. 034:, as. ecu eaon J. si ix. Maxwell [1244 Chapman £1272 1 ' ¦ '¦ " ' ¦ ' "* ~ ' ¦ ' - . - . .. . v < i * ApstiL %i«87 SBlie IhibMish ers * Otcular 345 ': t ¦ ¦¦ ------' ¦ ,. ; ...... ; . . , I pp. I*andor (Wi Si)—G^Wf and Count^Tulian. 18mo. 192, Molloy (J. F.)—Iiife and Adventures of Peg Woffinigtoii* >— 66. ; sewed, 3d. {Cassell's NationalLibrary) ..Cassell [1273 Withf l lVU Pictures1. 1QUIUOO ofVU theUUO PeriodJU «3&AVf«JK in-MJJL. which«TAAA«/AA sheDUW lived.^» w »>*» "'3rd p edit."" I—T [1302 Laurie (A.)—Captain Trafalgar : a Story of the Mexican Post 8vo. pp. 362, 6s. Hurst €tal& Rendered into English and Edited by William Montagu (E. la.)—Sundry Letters to a Schoolboy. 18mp. WeetaU. Post 8vo. pp. 280, 5s. Cassell £1274 pp.m>. 8080ris., Is. ..Nisbet [1303 Laura 's Impul ses; or, Principle a Safer Guide than Feel- Moxon (W.)—Pilocereus Senilis , and other Papers. 12mo. ing. New edit. 12mo. Is. .. .Nelsons [1275 pp.i>d. 260260., 3s. 6d. k JLoLow w [1304[1804 I*ays of Mo dern Oxford . By a Don. HTew edit. 12mo. Papers and lectures delivered at Guffs Hospital by Jhe (Oxford,- Shrimpton) pp. 180, 2s Simpkin [1276 Physicianand Lectureron Medicine. Leslie (Emma)—Through Stress and Strain. 12mo. Is. Muir (A.)—Golden Girls : a Picture Gallery. New edit. ( Volume for the Young) Tract Society [1277 Revisedby the Author. Post 8 vo. pp. 338,4s. 6d. Hogg [1305

A^f^m* Max)—The Science of Thought. 8vo. pp. 688, Letter•^«ww»^^ «* Wriwv a ter—Arik& NewAlVTf Letterdh4W WXS& WriterTT i AVvl for*-\M± theWAAx> UseW tW ofwJL. Mtiller (F. Gentlemen ; with Applications for Situations, and copious 21s Longmans [130 6 Forms of Address, Bills, Receipts, and other Useful Matters. Murra y (E, O. G.)—High Life in France under the Re- 12mo. 6d. Boutledge [1278 public. 3rd edit, post 8vo. pp. 338, 2s. 6d. Vizetelly [1807 Letts' Popula r County Atlas of Englan d and Naf (O. C.)—A Conversational Grammar of the German Wales. Mew edit, folio, 17s. 6d Mason [1279 Language. With comprehensive Reference Pages for use in Translation and Composition, and Notes on the History *Librar**"* «** yjr wof Fiction.f Autiun. ,Sixoii CompleteKjumpieije Stories©tones, byoy Mrs.mrs. Riddell, the Author of * Mehalah,' B. L. Farjeon , Geo. and Etymology of German.. Royal 8vo. pp. 170, 4s. 6d. Manville Fenn. 8vo. 6d.. . Christian Knowledge Socy. [1280 Rivington [1308 Lisl e (Lieut. Rudolph de)—Memoir of. By the Rev. Natal Almanac , Directory , an d Yearl y Register , H. N. Oxenbam. 3rd edit, post 8vo. pp. 290. 7s. 6d. , 1887. Post 8vo. 7s. Street [1309 Chapman F1281 Nesbit (E.)—The Lily and the Cross. 4to. sewed, 2s. Lobenhoffer (L.)—Fritz of the Tower : a Tale of the Griffith^^V ^b ^*^m^i*m ^r^»w [1310^> ^— ^^ ^^ -^ Franco-German War. With Illustrations. 12mo. Is. 6d. A religious poem, with illustrations. Tract Society [1282 Nihill (Hi !>.)—The Sisters of St. Mary at the Cross. (A). * Sisters of the Poor and their Work. Some Letters to a Loose Rein By * Wanderer. With Illustrations by Paul [1811 G. Bowers. 8vo. pp. .358, 12s. 6d..... Bradbury [1283 Friend. Post 8vo. pp. 310, 2s. 6d i A sporting tale. North (D.)—The Last Man in London. Post Svo. pp. 128, Lowe (W. H.)—A Hebrew Grammar. 12mo. 2s. 6d. sewed,. Is Hodder [1312 Hodder [1284 A tale. Loivndes (Ceci lia Selby-) —In Possession : a Novel. Oliver (E.)— Squibs. 12mo. pp. 76, sewed, Is. 12mo. pp. 114, Is. and Is. 6d F. White [1285 London Literary Society [1313 Lnkln (J.) —Picture Frame Making for Amateurs ; being Comic and sentimental verses, mostly reprinted from Practical Instructions in the making up of various kinds of * Scraps .* <*m-*^ Frames— •——¦—¦* for...w*. Paintings^m. tMuvAu ^vy, DrawingsA^* mm if uj, Photographs.^XL Wv q *(V|/UD y* andUUvi En-¦'* ¦¦ — Ormerod (Eleanor A.) — Report of Observations of gravingB. Illustrated. Post 8vo. pp. 80, sewed, Is. Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the year 1. TJ. Gill [1286 18861886., with Methods of Prevention and Jftemedy.JRemedy. 10th report, [1314 Lyall (Edna) —Knight Errant. 3 vols. postSvo. 31s. 6d. royal 8vo. pp. 112 , sewed, Is. 6d. Simpkin Hurst [1287 Otto (E.) and ^Wri ght (J O—The Accidence of the German Lynch (L- L.) — The Rival Detectives ; or Dangerous Language : an Appendix to the German Conversation , Grammar. Post 8vo. pp. 104, 2s. 6d Low [1315 Ground. Post 8vo. pp. 154, sewed, 6d.... Waid & L. [1288 r Lytton (Lord) —Eugene Aram : a Tale. Pocket edit. 12mo. Ovid' s Heroide s. Epistles I.-XIII. Comprisin g all the pp. Epistles in the Selections from Ovid, as used at Eton and 374, sewed, Is. and Is. 6d. Boutledge [1289 i, theyil^; PublicUMIIV Schools.KJWAAWJU? * Literallyuxuvxnui v Translatedx i uu giurvv ^ byik' «7 Roscoe*«vwvvw Mongan***W **Q 1|*' " .< McCarthy (J.)—A History of Our Own Times, from the 12mo. pp. 62, sewed, ' 2U. ( Kelly' s Keys to the Classics) Accession of Qaeen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. Cornish [1316 Jubilee edit., with an Appendix of Events to the end of Palmer (F. B.)—The Shareholder's and Director's Legal 1886. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 1,016, 7s. 6d* each..Ohatto [1290 Companion. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 192, 2s. 6d. McCarth y (J. H.)—The Case for Home Bole. Post 8vo. Stevens & S. [1317 pp. 260, 5s Ohatto [1291 Pask (A. T.)—Two Charms ; or, a Hand in the-deuds. An attempt to reply to Mr. Dicey*8 ' England' s ' Case 12mo. pp. 154, sewea, Is Fun Office [1318 against Home Rule.' A sensational story. Macaulay (Lord )—Essays. Reprinted from the Edinburgh Peck (G-. W.)—Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa. 12mo. pp. 158, Review. Complete edit, post 8vo. sewed, Is. sewed, 6d Routledge [ 1319 Boutledge [1292 verbatim Macaula y (Lord)— The Earl of Chatham. 18mo. pp. 192, Perc y (R. and S.)—The Percy Anecdotes. A ReprJt.tfU jUA intIU U of\J ± the%M±M\J original\Zft«Q *A4t«A editionVUA VAVUy, withIIAVM Preface«fe a i*rm «w^/^^ by*^ ^ Johnw -w«*»« sewed, 3d. and 6d. (CasselVs National Library} Timbs. 2 vols. post 8vo. 2s. each. (jOhandos Classics) Cassell [1293 Warne [1320 (D.) and (T.)—The Castellated and Macgibb on Ross Pirkis (C. I*.)~A Dateless Bargain. 3 vola. post 8vo. Domestic Architecture of Scotland, from the 12th to the ..Horst [ 1321 18th Century. Royal 8vo. (Edinburgh, Douglas) pp. 600, 42s. 31s. 6d Douglas [1294 Pixley (F. "W.)—The Shareholder's Handbook. 2nd edit. . Good [1322 Mackenzie (M.)—Tbe Hygiene of the Vocal Organs : a 8vo. pp. 94, 2s. 6d ^ Practical Hand-book for Singers and Speakers. 3rd edit, Plato—A Day in Athens with Socrates. Translations from Mm Mm VK.M^ \^«^^ |^ ^^ «.«**J ^mmm. -\jm, v«4V RepublicAWV ^ l««v **v ^rm •^ »»w ^^* \*m, ^mr edit.•+*-~mm, **w post 8vo. pp. 260, 6s Macmillan [1295 the Protogoras and the of Plato.P^tf^ 3rd -^ — pp. ^ .a. ^k 3s.^^ 6d«h ^ TJnwin.^ M [1323ff* «i ^^ ^^ ^^ Madam's Ward. By tbe Author of'Wedded Hands.' Post 12mo. 162, 8vo. pp. 224, Is*. 6d. ; sewed, Is. (Family Story Teller) Plato—Talks with Socrates abOtrtXife. Translations from W. Stevens [1296 the Gorgias and the Republic of Plato. 12mo. pp.186, ,7 UnwinUnwin [1324 Main (D. M.)—Three Hundred English Sonnets. Chosen 3s. 6d j *. and Edited, with a few Notes, by David M. Main. New Poe (E. A.)—Poems. 18mo. pp. 250, 1«. (Pocket Library) edit. 18mo. 6s.... ,. * A. Gardner [1297 Routledge [1325 Marlowe (Christopher ). Edited by Havelock Ellis. Pon t*Jest (Ren e de)—The Div orced Princess (Divorcee) . With a General introduction on the' English Drama during 12mo. pp. 192, sewed, Is J. & R. Maxwell [132 6 A, the Iteigne of Elizabeth and James I. by J. Symonds. Pope (A.)—Poetical Works (selected) with Introductory Unexpurgated edit, post 8yo. pp. 460, 2s. 6d. (Mermaid Sketch by John Hogbea. Square 16mo. pp. 370, Is. Serifs) .. k Vizetelly [1298 ( Canterbury Poets) "W. Scott [182 7 Mason (R.O.)—Sketches and Impressions, Musical, Theatri- Press ("W. H.)—Victorian Triumphs : a Jubilee Bead Roll. cal, and Social , 1799-1885 ; including a Sketch of the Phil- 12mo. (Stour bridge, Mark & M.) pp. 66, sewed, 6d ., Is. harmonic of New York,York, from the After-DinnerAlter-Dinner Talk of Simpkin [1328 Thomas Goodwin, Music Librarian. 12mo. pp. 286, 5s. A popul ar record of political, social , and mechanical Putnam [1299 progress during 'Her Majesty' s reign. ¦» w*. vu,v A«Jb *?JLJM>Jb ^»lJ ^WMMf Mm mm AMbS ft !>¦¦* i»v*»mv .¦¦w>»*.j \t%jm.jf ^mm. ¦ '- 'J jwaiavh ^iiu^ Meiklej ohn (J.\ • M. D.)-~An**^ • Outline^^ of the History of Professort 1 V1QOPU1 *Pine »*»^>**» nxthrough.¦»*»» V»*f^*»« By Dr.Pelagius. PostJi. vov 8vo.\J v \r. English literature. Post 8vo. pp. 110 , Is. 6d. pp. 180^ «^ ^k , sewed^ , Is.*M , / Sonnenschein^^a ¦ im m [1829^m *A ^^ ^* ^h. Blockwooda [1800 v A kind of satirical scientifictale. Moles -worth (Mrs.)— Marrying and Giving in Marriape^ Pn gh (S. S.)—His Masters : a Story of School life Forty Post 8vo. pp. 29O» 7s. 6d Longmans [130} Tears Ago. With Illustrations. Royal 16mo. 3a. Od. A novel. Reprinted f rom* Longman *a Moffozfrit. * Tract Society [1330 I 346 The Publishers' Circular Ap^Qlpf ? I

Owen (HO—A Manual for Overseers, Assistant Overseers, Scott (Sir W.)—Waverley Novels. New Monthly Issue: JU CollectorsV^VUJ.C\sVlS.I.O ofVt. PoorUUX Bates.MI»W0 , andOUU VT eCOUIstry J ClUtblttO)erks, as(SB tovv their•/m^va-w Bed Gauntlet. Post 8vo. 2s. and 3s...... Longmans [135 7 Powers, Duties, and Reponsibilities. 8th edit, post 8vo. pp. night & Co. [1331 Scott (Sir W.)—WaverleyNovels. Bed Gauntlet. 12mo. 320, 5s. ....K (Edinburgh, Paterson) pp. 436, 2s. Simpkin [1358 Rawlinson (G.)—Moses : His Life and Times. Post 8ro. MVT ¦ ¦ AX| ¦— i m m m ¦ jivwwwi ¦¦ ^ ¦*«gfc>*ji^ pp. {Men of Bible) Nisbet [1332 Scrivener0y ^ x V VUVA (F.V* El; A.)A^bS/ Novum" Testamentum^ Textus^VAVUO 216, 2s. 6d. the r Stephanie! a.d. 1554, cum variis Lectionibuseditionum Rawnsle y (H. IX)—Sonnets Bound the Coast. 18mo. pp. Bezse, Elzeviri, Lachmanni, Tisohendorffi , Tregellesii, ¦» ¦ ¦ -w « 258, 58 Sonnenschein [1333 , Westcott-vt vowww — Hortiir n n_ri ^a i ,j Versionis^^ a^^^^^ .«i» ^ AnglicanaB.^^ j ^^ ^ gy ^-%^^ >w b»^#^ -P^ ost^^^**^ 8vo.«^w pp.mr ^T 702.* ^^ v* IC Descriptive, historical, or sentimental connections with . 7s. 6d,. v ... Whittaker [135» I our coast scenery. Sea Song bxl€L River Rhyme, from Chaucer to Reader (Emily JE.)—Fairy .Prince Follow-my-lead ; or, Tennyson. Selected and edited by Estelle Davenport the Magic Bracelet. Illustrated by Wm. Reader. New Adams. 'With a New Poem by Algernon Charles Swin- edit, post 8vo. pp. 180 , 2s. 6d Longmans [1334 burne. With 12 Etchings. 8vo. pp. 354, 10s. 6d. Bedway P360- Recollections of a Country Doctor. Edited by Mrs. John Kent. 12mo. pp. 340, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s. Seemann (O.)—The Mythology of Greece and Rome- wftjh I J. & B. Maxwell 1 [1335 Special Reference to its Use in Art. Edited by <&. H, Bianchi. With 64 Illustrations. New and revised edit. Reed (S. P.)—The Candidate's Latin Grammar. Post 8vo. Post 8vo. pp. 272, 5s Chapman [1361 pp. 160, 3s. 6d .Ward & D. [1336 v**%** ww»r v^wvkmiv Compiledwrri ^/v«VM' with aw special viewv tow requirementsr T. **• •" orflv'Vvo of»y Can-vbv*v Seymour (Mrs. )—Dethroned : a Story for Girls. Illus- dictates preparing fo r. Examinations, competitive or trated by P. A. Lockyer. Post 8vo. pp. 344, 5s. otherwise. Griffith [1362* Rldgewa y (C. J.) — Foundation Truths : a Course of Shaks peare 's Works. Edited by Charles Knight. With Lenten Instructions. 2nd edit. 12mo. od.pp. 5656., Is. 6d. Portrait and 63 page Plates by Sir John Gilbert. Post 1 W. W. Gardner C133T 8vo. pp. 820, 2s. sewed, Is Boutledge [1363 t, I Bidgeway (O. J.)—Holy Communion Instructions and Shaks peare 's Works. Edited from the best Texts, with Devotions. 18mo. pp. 96, Is. 6d. . Skefflngton [1338 Illustrations and a G-lossary. 12 vols. Vol. 3, 32mo. Is. Cassell [1364 Ridley (M. !¦•)—The Three Chums. NewJ. F.edit, post 8vo. pp. 232, 3s. 6d .^ Shaw [1339 Sheridan (R. B.)—Dramatic Works. Post 8vo. pp. 378, 2s.; sewed, Is. (jCasselVs Red Library) ...... Cassell (1365 Robinson (F. W.)—Little Kate Kirby. Post 8vo. pp. 394,

m w w m w w ¦ ¦ « 5s— — » vwvwwv*¦ * >••«•• •••••• J.^ ¦ &^^V B.^mm Maxwellin %sm <1 TV Vj* ¦ ¦ [1340I A ^ r -*V Short Stories for Com position. With Remarks on m^S V\JA m HI A novel. Teaching^ h VMIVAAAA1K LJ etter-Writing,w M 4AWAMM4 Specimens9^ fj ^^^^* A *A* i i* %f7r of\JM* LettersA4W +t U*»fc ^*%, and>Ts chargevum *qv of an Engine*¦ l^ or Boiler.J+*\J±M.% *M.• WithTT numerousIlUU^OJlvU ^ Arranged on a New and Easy Method by the Rev. F. A. Illustrations and Instructions upon Engineers' Calcula- Basford de Wilson. 12mo. (Oxford, Shrimpton) pp. 166, tions, Indicator Diagrams, Engine Adjustments, and other sewed, 3s. 6d Simpkin [1368 valuable information necessaryfor Engineers and Firemen. Smith (ISO—Clinical Studies of Disease in Children. 2nd Post 8vo. pp. 410, 7s. 6d Low [1342 edit, post 8vo. pp. 330, 7s. 6d Churchill [1369 Ross (W. G-.)—A Manual of Practical Solid Geometry, Smith (W.)—The Uses and Abuses of Domestic Animals. adapted to the Requirements of Military Students and Post 8vo. pp. 194, 2s : Jarrold [1370 Draughtsmen. Post 8vo. pp. 64, 2s Oassell [1343 On the treatment of domestic animals and (he duties we Rossettl (Dante Gab ri el). Life of , by Joseph Knight. owe them ; written principally forthe young . ' 12mo. Is. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d W. Scott £1344 Sophocles — Antigone. The Text closely rendered andi : Rowing Almanack an d Oarsman 's Companion , Illustrated with Short Notes. Preceded by an Introduction, 1887. 32mo. Is H. Cox [1845 and Analysis. (Arranged for Interleaving with Campbell & Abbott's Text.) Post 8vo. (Oxford, Shrimpton) pp. 44,. . Raff 's Guide to the Turf. Spring edit. 1887. 12mo. 5s. sewed, Is Simpkin [1371 Offi ce [1346 Southall (WO —The Organic Materia Medica of the British Ruth erfo r d (Mark )—The Revolution in Tanner's Lane. r OKOtU.m/AUH>lI OOl ^OU. «VU OU1U. y\JO U . PharmacopoeiaX^XXeUUUMjU pUDUli, systeOJ maticallyV^. lCmo*. 9d. andt*»*V» Is. ;, sewOD IV OUed), of the World. With Notes, and Life of the Author, 6d Morgan [1853 John Francis Waller. Illustrated by the late T. Morten. Boy. 8vo. 3s. 6d Cassell [1380 Sauer (C. MO and Roehrloh (W. A.)—New Spanish HHeader.eader. With Notes. Post 8vo. pp.dd. 290290., 38s.s. 6d. Tarbnok (E. L.)—Handbook of House Property. A Popular Low [1854 and Practical Guide to 4he Purchase, Mortgage, Tenancy, Scott (R, H-)—Elementary Meteorology. With numerous and Compulsory Sale of Houses and Land,

J » w ^T^ZT ^-^pjFpf e^ v r April r, 1887 The Publisli ers Circular 347 . \ Thackera y (W. MO— The Tremendous Adventures of Whitaker (J. R.)—Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord. I

¦ M -~—~ wi « - -r ^ ^ p ^^^^ « Ma— jor Gahagan, &c.^^^ r^vw &c.h v ^ w 18mo.^^ ^^ ^^ H ^^^v pp.BT »T9 346^^ ^^ ^^ ,M Is.^^^^V 6d.VV*V ;« sewedM ^^ ww ^^^ »«, is.^fel^^ 12mo. (Edinburgh, Livingstone) pp. 136, 4s. 6d. I Smith & E. [1383 Simpkin [1397 Tna yer (W. M.)—From Log Cabin to White House : the Whit e's General and Comme rcial Director y of Story of President Garfield's life. New edit, post 8ro. 2s.; BradfordBradford., HalifaxHalifax., WakefieldWakefield., &o. &c.&e. 15fch15th edit. roy.rov. 8vo. with Illustrations, 3s. 6d» . Hodder [1384 20s Simpkin [1398 Thirt y Thousand Thoughts : being Extracts covering Wilson (J. )—^Enigma Vitse ; or, Christianity and] Modern a Comprehensive Circle of Religious and allied Topics. Thought. Post 8vo. pp. 250, 5s Hodder [1399 Vol. 5. Roy. 8vo. pp. 610, 16s Paul [1385 Windsor (Emma S.)—Babies' Crawling Hugs and How Tidy (Charlotte EOr-Tbe Valley of Vision. Post 8vo. 1 to Make Them. With a few Hints to Mothers and Nurses pp. 194, 3s. 6d ...Griffith [1386 about Kintergarten Toys find How to Use Them ; Games Mr »vi Tales«. wwwv andwv-«vw allegoriesvvvvvy v> v^vy, with* introductmrwwvw VWWWV|Vrv ion by5f Rev.*Ww V* R.AVV AV«R. and How to Play Them ; Stories and How to Tell Them ; Chope. to which are added some Directions about Ladies' and Twain (Mark)—Life on the Mississippi. New edit. 12mo. Children's Work not generally known. 4to. pp. 70, 2s. 6d. pp. 288, boards, 2s. Chatto [1887 Griffit h [1400 Twain (Mark )—New Pilgrim's Progress. With an Intro- Winter (J. S.)—^Wanted, a Wife : a Story of the 60th duction by the Rev. Hugh Reginald -Haweis. Sq. 16mo. Dragoons, and other Tales. By John Strange Winter, pp. 160, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. (Rouiledge' s World Library) Angelo J. Lewis, and W. W. Fenn. 12mo. pp. 150, sewed, Routledge [1388 Is Hogg [140 1 Victoria — The Jubilee Memoir of Her Majesty Queen Woodford ( Bp.)—Sermons on Subjects from the Old Tes- Victoria. By E. Walford. 12mo. pp. 192, boards, Is. tament. Edited by Herbert Mortimer Lnckock. Post 8vo. Diprose & B. [1389 - pp. 226, 5s. > Rivingtons [1402 Victoria (Queen) —Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Compiled from all available sources by G. Barnett Smith. Wordsworth (J. £.)—Tables for readily Ascertaining People's edit, post 8vo. pp. 436, 2s. ; sewed, Is. the Due Dates of Drafts and Bills of Exchange. New and Routledge [1390 enlarged edit. 8vo. (Sheffield , Pawson & B.) 3s. Simpkin [1403 Victoria Queen and Empress : a Jubilee Memoir, by G-. Holden Pike. Post 8vo. pp. 100 Is Partridge [1391 "World of Thou ght : a Novel. By the Author of * Before > I began to i Speak.' Post 8vo. pp. 228, 2s. ; Library edit. 6s. Vigny (A. de)—Cincl Mars ; ou, une Conjuration sous Simpkin [1404 ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ em^m ^^^^^^ m *«*.• i ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ir «^^ »j -» m^^^^m^m- ^^mtm Louis^— ^^ ^ w m^ XIII. Editedf^\a ^mr^r^^m, with11 Grammaticalin ^ — » T_ f» w » andm *mm^^*m Explanatoryat w^ ^ J Notes, by Victor Oger. 12mo. 3s. 6d...... Hachette [ 1392 Xenopnon's Cyropaedia. Books I. anT-i->ri.n r t 's*^ Life. Post^± ^^ta^ w 8vo.*^ t ^rm 12mo. 6s. (Pitt Press Series) ..Cambridge Warehouse [1405 pp. 64, Is *.. .Tract Society~[T393: Waterhouse (C. H.)—The Signification, and Principles »ifc ¦¦ ¦¦ of^^*> jArtp w :m a*^ Critical^^«k a**»^m««v * Essay¦tJ T.f ^' wj for^^^* Ueneral^i y ^»t w* Header?bi^^^ wi Mix ¦». ,y beingi^^^ « »*>«^ anfcwa* Attempt to determine the Essential Nature of the Fine BOOKS REDUCED IN PRICE. Arts and to distinguish them from other Modes of Human Beddome (R. H.)—Hand-book to the Ferns of British Activity. 8vo. pp. 154, 6s Virtue [1394 India, Ceyloa^ana the Malay Peninsula. Post 8vo. 12s. 6d. Well don (J. E. C.)—Sermons preached to Harrow Boys in . Thacker £1406 the Years 1885 and 18b6. Post 8vo. pp. 302, 7s. 6d. Rivihgtons [1395 Gramma r of the French La nguage . By Author of ' Mademoiselle Mori/ Post 8vo. 2s. National Society [1407 Wingfield (I..)—The Lovely Wang : a Bit of China. 12mo. pp. 192, sewed, 1st (Arrowamith' s Bristol Library) Johnson (J. IT.)—Madeira : its Climate and Scenery. S-mpkin [1396 12mo. 7s. 6d. Dulau [1408

RECENT FOREIGN WORKS . Alban y (Con tessa )—iiettere inedite a TTgo Foscolo, e dell' Hepp (Edg rar ) — Wigsembourg au debut de Pinvasion de Abbate di Breme alia Contessa df Albany, da C. Antona- 1870, recits d'un sous^-prefet. 3m. 8vo. Paris, 3s [1422 Traversa e da Dona Bianchini. Sm. 8vo.8 vo. Torino.Torino, 4s...4s... T140[140 9 Hue (Fernand )—Querin Spranger et Cie, roman parisien. Anrevilly (Jules Barbey) —Le theatre contemporain. Sm. 8vo. Paris.Paris, 3s. 6d T1423[1423 Sm. 8vo. Pa ris, 3s. 6d [1410 Legouve (Ernest )—Soixante ans de souvenirs, deuxieme Beannes (H.)—Impressions de campag-ne 1870-71 : Siege et derniere partie. 8vo. Paris, 7s. 6d [ 1424 de Strasbourg ; campagne de la Loire ; campagne de l'Esc. Sm. 8vo. ParisParis., 3s. 6d T1411 Louise (Konigln v. Frenssen )—Briefe, gesammelt von * Cambon (Victo r , Ing ^nleur ) -De France en Allemagne. A. Martin. Suu. 8vo. Berlin, 3s [1425

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NEW STORY BY THE AUTHOR OF ' KING SOLOMON 'S MINES ' *e.% • . Second Edition, Okown 8vo. 65. J ESS. By H. RIIDER HAGGARD , 1 Autho r of ' King Solomon ' s Mines , ' She : a History of Adventure / &c. FROM THE ' SATURDAY REVIEW.1 * Seldom have vre bemoaned more than now the scant space of necessit y allotted to reviewers Mr. Haggard' s descri ptions of events , of inanimat e nature, and of certain phases of human character , are almost unrivalle d in their virilit y and vigour.' * A work absolutel y indis pensable to every well-furnished librar y.'—The Times . Now read y, price- 12s. Qd. in cloth ; or in half-morocco , marbled edges, 18*. Volume X.

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By Leslie Stephen . [Ready. HUME. By T. H. Huxijby, F.B.S. [Rea dy. SCOTT. By R. H. Hutton . [Ready , SHELLEY. By J. A. Symonds. Way- GIBBON . By J. Cotter Morison. [ Ready- GOLDSMITH. By Wm. Black. [June. And the i ^est of the Series in due course. NEW HISTORICAL ATLAS AND GENERAL HIS TORY. ! By Robert H. Labbkkton. New Edition , Revised and Enlar ged. 4to. 15s. ENGLAND UNDER THE ANGEVIN KINGS. By Kate Norgate. I, With Maps and Plans . 2 vols. 8vo. 32*. CLASSICAL SERIES. -NEW VOLU M E. C-ZESAR.—THE GALLIC WAR. ¦ Edited, after Kraner, with Introduction | ' and Notes by the Rev. John Bond , M.A., and A. 8. Wal polbj, M.A . Fcap. 8vo. 6.?. 1 PRESENTATION EDITION . THE HEROES ; OR , GREEK FAIRY TALES FOR MIT I ; CHILDREN. By Oha bois Kingsj ^ey. ' With Illustrations. Extra doth and gilt edges, crown 8vo. 7s. Qd. MAQMILLAN & CO., Bedford Street, London. .__ '~^£ ^J^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M.^BMB^^Mi^M^BM^tMMfc^BjIJMBBB^BBMM^fc^BiWBiBM^MWMWiWlBWMW^MWEWWBBBHiMiMi^^BM^^MtJBMtBWBiMB^^MBE^^MBBB^^MB^JMMJhB^^BMW^J^BM^M^fcJ^MJ^JMMB^^MJ^MJ El! ¦ ¦ ¦ *ii : ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ • ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦>¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' C n ^m ^^ ^0*^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^?- ;*-a? •ivW '? :'.y¦> fV*'rr 1 1 " ?- -tr i-*s'^v• - 7* i> ' -. -> ?- - .-~ -T^.^. ^-y^w.*^^ .'.¦/^..^y^ ;, , •».. *.-' - ¦¦>- ..-. »' - •;. *-; ,-, .. • ^¦> »: i.'-.1 *--y ; «. - 1.. .. - . . r .^/.v..- »?,•-; •- - ¦i «. • -^. • ^ r ^^^ ^^^T^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ TT ^ S^ ^^^ r ^ lTT ^ T ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ i ^^^ ^T ^ - ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ T^^ rT ^ TfST ^^^^ Jy. '^ ? - ji * ^ *- ^ ^ ¦ . ^ ¦ J I^ * ' "" ¦ ¦ ¦ ' *¦ ¦ - - ¦ . • * ri % J* - ' .. - ' . \ «V . .w O • ¦ ¦ 1 . . Apni i, 1887 The Pu blishers ' Circular 35I\ . 1 CRO SBY LOC KWOO D & CO. 'S NEW LIST . MB. BUTTON'S NEW WORK. ^P " A COMPANION VOLU ME TO ' THE WORKS' MANAGE R'S HANDBOOK. ' The Practical Engin eer 's Han dbook , being a Treat ise on Mod ern En gines and Boilers , Marine , Locom otive, and Stati onary . Contain ing a Large Collection of -Rules and Practical Data relating to Recent Practice in Designing and Constructing all kinds of Engines, Boilers , and other En gineering Work ; the whole constituting a Comprehensiv e Key to the Board of Trade and other Examinations for Certi ficates of Competency in Modern Mechanical E ngineer ing. By Walter S* Hutton , Civil and Mechanic al Engineer , Author of * The Works ' Mana ger's Handb ook .' With upwards of 370 Illustrations , medium 8voc abo ut 500 pages , strongl y bound. [Ntarl y ready. The Works' Manager 's Handbook of Mode rn Rules , Tables , and Data , for Civil and Mech anical Eng ineers , &c. By Walter S. Hutton , C.E. Third Edition , Revised , with Additions. Medium 8vo. . 15s., cloth. [Jus t pub lished. \ * The author imparts his information clearly and briefly, giving nothing bat the most recent practical data.'—Iron. : 4 Contains a great deal of that kind of information which is gained only by practical experience, and is seldom written ; ! in books.'—Thbs Engineer. - ; Facto ry Accounts : their Principles and Practice. | A Handbook for Accountan ts and Manufacturers. With Appendices , Glossary of Terms , an d ¦• Copious Index ; containing also several Diagrams , and a large number of Specimen Rulings. j By Emilb Gabckb and J. M. Fells. Demy 8vo (250 pp.) 10s. %d. cloth , bevelled. [J ust ready. ~ \ OUTLINE 0F CO NTENTS. Chap. I.—Int roductor y. Cha p. II. -^-Labour. >Ch ap. III. —Stores. Cha p. IV.—Prime Cost. Cha p. V.—Stock . Cha p. VI.—Fixed Ca pital. Cha p. VII.—Surve ys. Cha p VIII .—Conclusi on. Appendix A.*—A Symb olic Nomencl ature of Machine Details. Appendix B.—The Income Tax Acts in their Bearing on the Profits of Man ufacture . Appendix . C_ .— The Rating of Facto ries contain- ing Machinery . Appendix D.^—Notes on the Law of Fire and Boiler Insura nce. Appendix E.— ! Factory and Workshops Acts . App endix F.—Tabl e for Determining Amorti zation of Leases, &c. Han dybooks for Handicrafts. A New Series of Technical Ha ndbook s for the Workshop. ! Each Volume to comprise about 144 pages, with about 100 Illustrations , crown 8 vo. The Meta l Turn er 's Hand ybook : a Practical Manual for Workers at the Foot Lathe. By Paul N. Hasluck , A.I.M.E ., Author of ' Lathe Work ' &c. With upwards of 100 Illustrations. Cro wn 8vo. 2s. cloth. _} [ Ready. The Wood Turner 's Hand ybook : a Practical Manual for Workers at the Lathe. By P. .N Hasltjck , A.I .M. E. Wi th upward s of 100 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 2s. cloth. [Beady. The Watc h J obbe r's Handybook : a Practical Manual on Cleaning, Repairing, and Adjusting. By P. N. Hasluck , A.I.M. E. With upward s of 100 [J ust read Illustrations. Vo in y. 1$^ * Several other lumes prepa ration. Orna mental Interiors : Ancient and Modern. By J. Moyr Smith. With Designs by H. W. Batley , Owen W. Davi s, Lewis F. Day, J. T. J ackson , F. Margetson , the late B. J. Talbeit , &c. Super-roy al 8vo. with 32 full-page Plate s and numerou s smaller Illustrations , price 18s. cloth , gilt top. ~ ~~~~[J ustpublished. i Contains some true criticism and a good many good examples of decorative treatment. There .are a great many descriptions or various *' treatments " of interiors given, which may be read with interest and with advantage.'—Builder. ' This is the most elaborate and beautiful work on the artistic decoration of interiors that we have seen. We desire to see it very widely read and appreciated.'—Liverpool Albion. Our Temperaments : their Study and their Teach- ing. A Popular Outline. By Alexander Stewar t , F. R.C.S. Edin. Large 8vo. with 30 Illus- trations , price 15#. cloth , gilt top ' Tlie volume is heavy to hold, but light to read. Though Mr. Stewart has treated his subject exhaustively, he writes at the same time in a popular and pleasant manner that renders it attractive to the general reader.'—Punch. 1 * It is a delightful volume that is set before us, full of curious lore and suggestive thought.'—St. Jamks'b Gazette. Handbook of Hous e Pro pert y : Its Purchase, Tenan cy, Valuation , and Erection. Wi th Elucid ations of Fine Art. By E. L. Tabb uck , Architect. Fourth Edition , Enlarged. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. cloth . {Ready. * This is a well-written and thoughtful work. We commend it to the ¦careful study of all interested in questions affecting houses and land.'—Land AghJnts' Record. .*£ "" , ' CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO., 7 Sta tioners ' Hal l Cou rt , Lud gate Hill, E.G. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ! " ! ! " l ¦ ; - ' "; " •" ; - ' -^s^ ^W^ ^sS P * 352 The . Publi shers Circular April V*8$7 I




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HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE : Being a Collection of Letters of Business, with Orig inal Invoices, Account Sales, Insurance Accounts, Market Reports, and Prices Current, all of recent date : Illustr atin g the C6ubse of Mercantile Operations in and with Forei gn, chujixy Transatlantic Countries. By Gk D. A. and L. McGoun. In Two Parts . Crown 8vo. 367 pages , price Five Shillings. • The Student and Beginner may learn much from a wbrk like the present/— Daily Chronicle . *" A Handbook of Comm erci al Correspondence " has been compiled with great care by G-. D. A. and Ij. McGroun , and to yout hs entering on business careers it will doubtless prove of value. ' ' Pall Mall G-azette. SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLB & RIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Street , E.C. EDITIONS OF JULES WORKS, THE ONE-SHILLINGGro wn 8vo. Illustrated , stiff covers , with Illust ratio ns, price 1*. per volumeVERNE'S, sold separately . *M. VERNE'S BOOKS ARE EXTREMELY CLEVER , AND DESERVE ALL IMAGINABLE SUCCESS THEIR SENSATION IS AT ONCE TERRIBLY THRILLING AND ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. '— Times. ASK FOR LOW 'S AUTHOR'S COPYRIGHT EDITIONS. ao .ooo Lea gues under the Sea (2 Tola.). The Mysterious Island (3 vote.) : Around the World in Eighty Days. 1* Dropped fro m the Clouds. Hector Servadac (2 vols.). 2. Abandoned . Fro m the Earth to the Moon and a Tri p Round It 3. Secret of the Island. (2 vols.). Marti n Pajs. The Fur Countr y (2 vols.). The Child of the Cavern . The Adventures of Thre e Englishmen and Three The Begum 's Fortune. Rus sians. The Tribulations of a Chinaman . Michael Stro goff (2 vols.). The Steam House (2 vols.) : Dick Sands , the Boy Captain (2 vols.). 1. Demon of Cawnpore. Five Weeks in a Balloon. 2* Tigers and Tra itors. A Floatin g City. The Giant' s Raft (2 vols.) : The Blockade Runner s. 1. 800 Leagues on th e Amazon. Dr. Ox's Experiment. 2. The Cr yptogr am. A Winter Amid the Ice. The Green Ray. Survivors of the * Chancellor * (2 vole.). Godfr ey Morg an. A (tota lled List of the various Oloth Editions, from 2s. to 105. Gd., suitable for Presents or Frizes , post-free on applica tion. SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEA RLE & RIVINGTON , J 88 Fleet Street , E.G. I -4g]fo ^ ^^ gsi^gsasz ^ : ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "' " ¦ ¦*" : " - " " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' " " " ' ' ¦ ¦ - • - • i . . . . i \[\ r\¦ - l r April i, 188? t The Publish ers' Circular 3S3 f HURST & BLACKETT'S PUBLICATIONS. ¦ ¦ ¦ ii ¦¦!¦¦¦ ¦¦ , » i - ¦ ¦ i ^ i — ¦ i . i ¦ ¦ ¦ n . ..- m f v EDNA LYAL L'S NEW NOVEL. Now ready at all the Libraries. In 3 vols. Crown 8vo. [ KNIGHT-ERRANT. BY EDNA LYALL, ( I Author of Donovan,' 'We Two,' * In the Golden Days.'

EONA^ LYALL 'S NOVELS. EACH IN ONE VOLUME . Crown Svo. 6s. j DONO VAN : a Mod ern Englishman , * This is a very admirable work . The reader is from the firs t carried away by the gallant uncbnve ntionality of the author. '• Donovan " is a very excellent novel ; but it is something more and j better. It should do as much good as the best sermon over written or ~ delivered extempo re. The j story is told w ith a grand simplicity, an unconscious poetry of eloquence which stirs the very depths of ; the heart . One of the main excellences of this novel is the delicacy of touch wi th which the author ; shows her most delightful characters to be after all hu man beings , and tiot angels before the ir time.' i Standard . j WE TWO . ' ' This book is well writ ten and full of interest. The story abounds with a good many light touches, and is certain ly far from lacking in incident .'—Times. • * " We Two " contains many very exciting passages , and a great ^ deal of information. Miss Lyail | is a capabl e writer and a clear-headed thinker/— A-THEn jettm. I ' A work of deep thoug ht and much power. Seri ous as it is, it is now and then bri ghtened by rays of genuine humo ur. Altogether this story is more and better than a novel.*—Mqbnino Post. IN THE GOLDEN DAYS. * Mi ss Lyal l has given us a vigorous stu dy of such life and character as are reall y worth reading j about. The central figure of her story is Algernon Sydney ; and this figure she invests with a singular || dignity and power . He al ways appears with effect, but no liberties are take n with the facts of his life. | The plot is adapted witk great felicity to th em. His part in it , absolutel y consistent as ife is with | historic al trut h, gives it rea lity as well as dignity. Some of the scenes are- rem arkabl y vivid. The | ' one reads. —Spectator. escape is an admirable narrative , which almost makes one hold one s breath as ' J WON BY WAITING. NEW AND REVISE D EDITION. j ' ' The Dean 's daughters are perfectly real characters—th e learned Cornel ia especial ly—the little | impulsive Fr ench heroin e, who endure s their cold hospitality and at last wins their affectio n, is j thoroug hly cha r ming, while throu ghout the book ther e runs a golden threa d of pure brotherl y and j sisterl y love, which pleasan tly reminds us that the mak ing and marring of marriage is not, after all , j the sum total of real life/—Aoajdemy. \ <"Won by Waiting " is a very pleasing and well-written tale ; full of grap hic descri ptions of French and English life, with incidents and charact ers well susta ined. '—Fb bbman. ^ [London : HURST & BLACKBTT , Publishers, 13 Great Mar lboroug h Street. r iiiiiiFy^:^~^' f » ^fl^H ^EI^^ M ^^^ MiM ^^ MflM ^Mtt ^V^V NVlttMttM ^MBtfl ^MiiWHM ^Vi^HVPHtaBflBHHMAMItfMBVV ^VVMSOMMHMVMMMBMHM ^HMHHMHHnHBMMVMfliSMHMnMMVHMHMMttPtfMV iBM^H ^H^

I' 1 • _^_ f ****' ' ' ~ 1*1 354 The Pu blisher s' Circula r Ap*a i, i$$7 ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ .... _ - ¦ - " ' ' ¦ - — ' . \ ®I>e Religious ^xact giocieig. NEW BOOKS. r JUBILEE BOOKS. How to Stud y the En glish Bible. By R. B. Our Gracious Queen : Jubilee Pictures and G-irdlestone , M.A., Principal of Wy cliffe Hall , and Stories from Her Majest y' s Life. By Mrs. O. P. Hon. Canon of Christ Church ; Author of ' Synonyms Wa lton , author of * Christie's Old Or gan/ • Peep of the Old Testament ' &c. Cr. 8vo. Is. 6<2., cloth bds. Behind the Scenes/ &c Revised and Cheap Edition . This is a clear and comp rehensive guide to the study of Profu sely Illustrated , and beautifull y pr inted in small the English Bible. It gives in compact for m a lar ge amount Quar to . ' Is. in attractive cloth boa rds. of helpfu l information which caiinot fail to make the read- The great success of the lar ger Edition with Coloured ing of the Bible more inter esting ; and at the same time it Pictures (at 3*.) warran ts the hope that in its cheap er keeps the great end of Bible read ing, viz. spirit ual benefit , form this very interesting stor y will find a much wider steadily in view. , circle of readers amon gst the youthful subjects of « Our HiS Masters . A Story of School Life Fo ^ty Gracious Queen .' Her Majesty graciousl y expressed her Years Ago. By S. S. Pu gh, Author of • Max Victor ,' approval of this book in its lar ger form , and suggested several il em .,, ,, 'My Schoolfellow, Val Bownser ,' &c. With Illustra- ^S ^ 7 , n. . . , tions. Imperial 16mo. 3s. 6d., clot h boards , gilt edges. ETtae 3s. Ed ition , with^^ ' Coloured^ ^ Picture s, may still ^be ^had.] A lively story of schoolboy life from this well-known Queen Victoria. By Emma Lesilib. 48 pp . writer. It is full of incidents and scenes well calculated to Illustrated . One Penn y. For distribution at Jubilee catch the attention of the young reader. Celebrations and for general circul ation. _ _ Free to Serve. By Eyelyn R. Garratt. New uc A Kl - p.-.- .- o c d i c o Edition , reduced in priced Illust. Cr. 8vo. 2*., cloth bds. — I H t A IX tUUU I L OLKILO. FritZ Of tlj ie Tower. A Tal e of the Franco - Each in cloth boards , 1*. 6y C. Battson. 6d. per packet ; 1^. 13. Paradise Regained. By John Milton. 1 panelled , and with bevelled gold edges . ,^ t» ^» t, ct ah in A» ao 14 Practical i Social« i 1 Science.« - B Preben--^ -. rii i^ otih aii Lm * ( a ;<™ a «iww« , ' Jy Clir l n Sam eBiens as above d HABRY jONb8, M.A. withi?K Scriptureo t ? Texts.m. *Hr For use atf all? seasons. 6d. per -T / - --. . " -T . . . , packet ; Is. panelled, and with bevelled gold edges. 1 5. N atural HlStOry NOt6S and Anecdotes. I^OECEIN 'X 1 BOOKS. Australian Pictures. Drawn with Pen and Pencil . Bs. William Tyndale. By Demau s. Bevised edition . 8*. Mahomet and Islam. By Sir W. Muir. New edit. 5s. The Hand y Natural History. By Rev. J. a. Wood. 8*. Cur Deus Homo ? By Ansejlm. 2s. The tiospel In South India . By Rev . S. Mather . 3*. 6d. y and Its Uses. By J. Muu ito. 3«. Qd. Ppe eS he Refopmation - By Oanoa Pennin g- Electricit ? oN>N 2!°«rf Present Day Tracts. Vol. 8. 2s. 6d. Short Biogra ph ies for the People. Vol. 3. 1*. 6d. 6d. Life of Charles Wesley. By Rev. J. Tblford. 3*. Scottish Pictu res. By Pen and Pencil. New edit. 8*. The Reformation in France. By R. Heath. 2s. 6d. Christ and the Heroes of Heathendo m. 3«. Qd. Our Pets and Companions. By M. R. Martin . 2s. SwallowTai ls and Skippe rs. By Dahley Dale. ls. Gd. The Child 's Book of Poetr y. "2s. Bible Work for Little Fin gers , is. 6d. RECENT STORY -BOOKS. The Old Manuscri pt. By B. M. Moggrid ge. 5«. Ida Nieolari. By Eglanton Thorne . 3s. 6d. The Mart yr 's Victor y. By Emma I*ksl.ib. ds. Qd. The Head of the House. By E. Everett Green . 5*. Nearl y in Port. By M rs. Ooopnn. 2s. Live in the Sunshine. By Mrs. F. West. 2s. The Clevelands of Oaklands. By Mrs. Sha dwell. M ^ddalena. By Julie a utter , a*. Qd, ElsieV Auntie. 2s. 6d. Maggie Dawson . By h. b. Buroh. 2s. Geoffre y Orme 's Victor y. By Alice Lan g. 2s. 6d. Youn g Sir Richard. By-H. Fred Charles . 5s. Three Little Fiddlers. By Nellih Hbllis. 2s. Qd. Untrue to his Trust. By Henr y Johnson. 5*. Seven Years for Rachel. By annb Bbale . 3s. Qd. Coral and Beryl. By Eglanton Thornw . 8«. c^.( London : 56 PATERNOSTER ROW. T . r " ^ ^ ^S ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ 0W ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ m ^ ^^^ 1 . " ^ ' April i, 1887 Tire PkWislter s' Circ ular 355 SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & CO. 'S PUBLICATIONS . [ 1 _ 1 ~ * — NEW NO VELS, The THIRD EDITION is now ready of S PRI N O H A.V E N. By R. D. BLACKMORE, Author of ' Lorna Doone.' In 3 vols. .. SECOND EDITION OF MR. JOSEPH HATTON'S NEW NOVEL. THE OLD HOUSE AT SANDWICH. By Joseph Hatton, Author of ' Three Recruits ' (6*.), ' Journalistic London ' (12«. 6d.), * North. Borneo ' (18*.), <&c. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 12s. At all Libraries. < It is impossibleto missthe fascination of interest, of stirring change and novelty, of lifelike incident, of exciting adventure, in. Mr. Joseph. Hatton's singularly vivid novel.'—Daily Telegraph. NEW NOVEL BY RICHARD JEFFEREBS. NOW READY. AMARYLLIS AT THE FAIR : a Novel. By Richard Jepferies, Author of * The Gamekeeper at Home,' * G-reen Ferae Farm,' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 7s. 6d. At all Libraries and Booksellers', in 3 vols., 18*. SO THE WORL D "WAGS : a Tale of Town and Travel. By the A uthor of • A Lone Lassie,' ' Songs of Many Seasons,' &c. In 3 vols. crown 8vo. 18 5.

NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION OF ME. JOSEPH THOMSON'S POPULAR WORK. THROUGH MASAI LAN D : a Jourciey of Exploration among the Snowclad Volcanic Mountains and Strange Tribes of Eastern Equatorial Africa. "By Joseph Thomson, F.R.Q-.S., Author of • To the Central African Lakes and Back/ New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. Illustrated, 7s. Gd. ' [Just ready. NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK OF ART. NOW READY. THE NORFOLK BROADS. —LIFE AND LANDSCAPE ON THE NO RFOLK BROADS. Illustrated with 40 beautiful Plates from Nature, executed in Platinotype, with General and Descriptive Text. By P. H. Emerson, B.A., M.B. (Caotab), and T. F. Gooda ll. The Work consists of twenty-one sections, each containing from one to five plates, with accompanying Text . The | Plates, with one or two exceptions, measure 12 by 8 inches , and are mounted on fine plate paper, with a plate mark, and the text is printed on best white folio paper. The whole is handsomely bound, and has a Gilt Vignette of one of the Illustrations on the Cover. Oblong folio , gilt top, price Six G-uineas. A limited EDITION DE LUXE, with the Platinotype Plates mounted on India Paper, bound in best vellum, morocco back, gilt top, £10. 10*. ' " Life on the Norfolk Broads " is the name of a really beautiful book The text is descriptive and pleasantly descriptive, of the scenes reproduced from nature by the process called platinotype. *^ We have seldom, perhaps never, seen such successful studies of landscape made by any mechanical process It is quite worth keeping, purchasers may be assured.'—Daily News. PARADISE POUND.—TH E CRADLE OF THE HUMAN RACE AT THE NORTH POLE. A Study of the Prehistoric World. By William F. Warren, S.T.D., LL.D., President of Boston University. With Original Illustrations and Charts, 8vo. cloth extra, 12$. 6d. *

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' The story is one of Mr. Blackmore 's best. A .fine touch of romance reveal s the author of " Lorn a Doone " on almost every page . . . . The portraits of Nelson and Napoleon are marvellousl y true and lifelike/—Saturda y Review. ' " Spring haven " is one of the best of Mr. Blackmore 's stories. '—St. James 's Gazette. • Th ere; is a breadth , and vigour in Mr. Blackmore 's treatment of his subjects which sets him apa rt from the ordinary novelist. . . . Mr. Black more 's pictures are vividly and faithfull y coloured , an d his story is true in tone. '—Mo rnin g Post. ' The re is much to commend as well as amuse in " Springhaven. " '—Spectator . • There is full measure of those qualities wh i ch make Mr . Black more al way s so wholes ome and refre shing to read. '—Worl d. • Nothing shou ld preve nt the acceptation of " Spring haven " by thoug htful readers as a very strikin g contribut ion to conte mporaneous literature. As a work of art it quite sustains its author 's* ri ghts to be looked upon as a sta ndard author . . . . Mr. Blackmore 's story deserves to be read by all sorts and condition s of men , as it is a long time since such interesting historical matter has been embodied in the pages of such readable fiction. ' —Whitehall Review.

London : SAMPSON LOW , MAR STON, SEAfrLE & RIVIN OTON , 188 Flee t Street , E.C. LOW'S STAN DARD NOV ELS. In small post 8vo. uniform, cloth extra , bevelled boards, price Six Shillings each, unless where otherwise stated. JBy R. 2>. SLJL CJKM OMJE. JBy WILLIAJU: BLACK. IL O R 3V A. I> O O IV E : j± DAUQHTEB .A. JlsrOIE OIF1 ZEIXIMIOOIR, ZE&OM-A - JP m r _^ Twjecnty- Fifth "Edition. C^ ^ H^ JE JL * j Ei * Also an Edition, charmingly Illustrated, 21*., 31«. 6<2., and 35*. Nineteenth Edition. Alice Lorrai ne. Cradock Wowell . Clara Vau gban. Cri pp s the Carri er. Three Feathers. Kilmen y. Erema : or, My Father 's Sin. In Silk Attire. Mary Anerle y. i«ad y Siiverdal e J a Sweetheart. Christo'well : a Dartmoor Tale. Sunrise. Tomm y Upmore. **y T^Treok of the • OrosvenorV ^f^t^J^FSlk™The Tra mpet-Ma ior . John Holdswortfi. (Chief Mate ). Far from the Maddin g Cr owd. a strance Vovum The Hand of Etkelberta. ± Sailors SweeSfeart A Laodioean Two on a Tower. S aSSS? **** f llX e ThlTad^ &*? *£? ? J? ? 4£l -Kro+i^ Little Loo : a Tale of South Sea. The Return of the Native. a Sea. CDueen TAnir »« Cournmirfflhintship. The Ma yor of Oasterb rid ge. [Nearly read y. My Watch Below. JBy GJEO tt&E WA. CJ>ONA.X,I>. " By JUMS. SJEJECSCJEM 8TO WM . Mar y Marston. Guild Court. Old Town Folk . The Vicar ' s Dau ghter. We and our Neighbours. Adela Cathoart. Stephen Archer. Poganuo People. Weighed and Wantin g. Orts. ny j ^MS.JB. M. CMOMJS M. JBy MIt8. J T. M. JBXJ >J>J E?ZiX. Some One Else. Daisies and Buttercu ps: a Novel of the Upper jgy jtjeJlN XNGXILO TV, Thames. Don John. Sarah de Beran ger. The Senior Partner . John Jerome : his Thought s and Ways. 6s. A Str uggle for fame. Elinor Dr yden. Diane. JBy MJRS. CA.SJBLJEJO JBOJEJT. JBy JKZ8S COX,EttII>GE. A Gtol den Sorrow , An En glish Squire . Ou t Of Court , 1 j £y j ^jsjt, E, ^XJLJLXu ^T, JMC.Jl. JBy JPttJLNJKi JR. 8TOOCTOJST, Author of A Stor y of the Dra gonades. 'X twdder Grange.* j &y &O&JBJPJBC^ JBCA.TTOJDT. The Late Mrs. Null. Three Recruits , and the Girls they Left JBy C. F. WO OXiSON. Behind Them. Anne. Bast Angels. By X*EWX8 WA.XjLA. CJSS. For the Maj or. fo« Ben Hur : a Tale of the Ohrlat . II London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, 1JB8 Fleet Street, !J3.q.

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* • ¦ - * ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' . V. - - - - . \ . * | | April i, i88r The Publishers ' Circu lar 357 WHITT AICER & CO.'S LIST.

NEW EDITIONS FOR 1887. One Volume, demy 4to. with 25 Doable and 40 Single Plates- Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, an d mce *2. 10*. Knightage for 1887. Oomprieing aU the Titled Classes, Illustrations of Badgesand Orders, Tables of Precedence, TFP.HNI LU11 111UM IfiA IL OQft-UnM U N \J\J L M11ANCIU UUP.ftl L ILL.U FfiF L ' entIiists} ios. of theed. Or ders of Knighthood* , &o. Fcp.v 8vo. cloth ¦*¦¦¦¦ **.*¦*% «%. __ ? Its character as a book ol reference may be regarded as Rlluwii-umviwi I niNHR thoroughly established. '—The Times. Being a Treatise on the Design and Construction of Applied t\~,jv, mm«, -v' st Science and Art Buildings , and their suitable Fittin gs and DOU S r' aPliamen^ ^tary isOm^«~»~««_«^— p&nlOn * Sanitation, with a Chapter on Technical Education. 61st issue, 1887, neatl y bou nd, 4*. 6d. [Just published . Printed at the Chiswiok Press in antique style on antique EDWARD C00KW0RTHY ROBINS , F.S.A. paper -with good margin , fcp. 4to. Large Paper Edition , \ Readyshortly limit ed strictl y 14 400 copies. Full Prospectus on application . THE JUBILEE OF GEORGE Nitrate of ~^^^Soda : its Importance . THF1 A 1 1-* THIRn1 I 1.1 lA L/ j and Use as Manure . A Prize Essay by A. Stutzer , 25th October , 1809. A Record of the Festivities byon th e Ph.D., President of the Agricultural Experiment Station , occasion of the Georgian Jubilee. With the Congratulatory Bonn. Sewed , 2a. 6d. Aaa^sea. compi.ea from auth^tic soloes on Com plete Handbook the Manage - 1 nOMAS rKtSTON , ment of Accum ulators . By Sir D. Salomons , Bart., Fellow Royal Historical Society; Author of l A History of the M~k. Second Edition , Bevised and Enlarged. Cloth , 2s. Yeomen of the &uard y *

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Ready this day, containing 530 pages , and with an etched portrait of MASSIKO-ER , forming the Fro ntispiece , the second Half -crown Monthly Volume of the MERMAID SERIES , being an Unexpur gated Edition of THE BEST PLAYS OP PHILIP ^MASSINGE R. With a Critical and Biographical Essay and Notes, by ARTHUR SYMONS. Now ready, with an etched full-length Portrai t of Alleyn, the Actor , from the Picture at Dulwich College, a Second Ed ition of The BEST PL AYS of CHRISTOPHE R MARL OWE. Edited , with Critioal Memoir and Notes , by HAVELOCK ELLIS, And containing a General Introduction to the Series by J. A. SYMONS. THE MERMAID SERIES : THE MARLOWE VOLUME. Objections having been made in various quarters to p assages having reference to certain religious opinions attributed to Marlowe, contained in the Appendix to the above work, the Publisher s beg to announce the issue of a new ed ition in which the p assages excepted to have been supp ressed. Booksellers and others desirbus of being f urnished with cancel pages in lieu of pages 429, 430, and 431 of the first edition are requested to app ly to the Publ ishers, 42 Catherine Street, Strand. A NOVEL OF JEWISH LIFE. In crown 8yo. Is. 6d. Dr. PHILLIPS : a Maida Vale Id yll. By Frank Danby. ' A very remarkable book. A most finished piofcure of modern life under an aspect which can hardly fail to be as new to most read ers as it is str iking in itself.'—Pictorial Would. In crown 8vo. picture cover , with man y Hum oro us Illustrations. KINO- SOLOMON'S WIVES ; or , the Phantom Mines, By Hydbr Ragged. NBSW WOBK BY THE AT7THOB OF * THE IBONMA8TER. » In crown 8vo. tas tef ully bound , 9s. 6d. CIpbUT * AND SUNSHINE (NOIR pt ROSS ) : Two Love Stor ies. By Gocor ges Ohnet. , Translated from the French Edition by Mrs. Helen Stott. ^ VIZBTBLLY & CO., 42 datherine Street, Strand. ' ¦ 358 The Publi shers ' Circular Apte.^. h«8> JUST PUBLISHED. PBIGti 6NE SJ&LLINGK Old Cranks the Gander. A STORY OF MISCHIEF AND MYSTERY FOB CHIL DREN. By OATHEEIIO ] Elil -tTOB. OBOWTHBB. With. IUustrations by MAKGASET ELSIE OROWTHER. London : A. SPOTTISWO ODE JONES & CO., 168 Fleet Street, E.C. A ¦ - - THE CO MME RCIAL ANNUAL DIRECTORY , 1887, For Spain, her Colonies, Portugal, and the Spanish American States, Comprising, amongst other useful information, Officia l, Court, Law, Trades,, and Street Directories. 1 vol. of upwards of 2,500 pages , containing' over 400,000 Names and Addresses , price 20*. net, A useful work for all who desire to save time, and indispensable for the Distribution of Circulars, &c. Everyone ought to have this book in his office however small his business may be. Chief Offices—Madrid; C. BAIIXY-BAI^LIERE'S LIBRARY, Plaza de Santa Ana, num. 10; London ; BAILUuJRE, TINDALL, & COX, King William Street, Strand. Advertisement Agent : Q-. E. Pubi, i>b Lob^l, 181 Queen Victoria Street^ E.C. Thomas Bewicks Woodcuts.

THE MEM ORIAL EDITION OF THOMAS BEWICK' S WOBKS , in 5 vols. royal $vo., is now nearly completed. The Edition is limited to 750 ,copies. THE BIRD S, 2 vols., THE QUADRUPEDS , 1 vol., and iESOP'S FABLE S, 1 vol., are ready. Vol. V. comprising BEWICK'S ZjIFE, edited by Dobsok, is in preparation. Price of the Five Volwmes, &±%. lOs.

BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 Piccadilly, London.

THIS DAY, SEVENTY-FIFTH EDITION, MAKING A TOTAL OF ONE IWCII ^IL-IOIV COPIE S!! Enquire Within upon Everything- Price HALF-A-CROWN; or, Presentation Edition, extra gilt, gilt edges, 3s. 6c?. * ? The unp aralleled, success achieved by this HooH is a striki/ng * proof of its sterling "meri ts. London : HOULSTON & SONS, Paternoster Square, E.C. TAYLOR BROTHERS, PUBLISHER S OF CHROMO SHEET ALMANACS, AS USED BY GROCERS, Fif ty Choice Designs. Sample Set 5s. allowed off £5 order. OFFICE CALENDARS FOR STATIONERS , &c , ON SUPERFINE ENAMELLED CARDBOARD. Sample Set Is. 6d, post-fre e, EXAMINATION CERTIFICAT ES FOft SCHOOLS. Samples now ready.

0^ Chromo Lith ographe rs and Letter pre ss Printers to the Wholesale Trade. 0* THE STEAM COLOUR-PRINTING WORKS, LEEDS.

t. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ • •:¦ J- ¦ •¦ - -- - - ¦" ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ « *¦ • .. " ' ¦ ' "• • ' ' ¦:. -" • ¦•'• . " • • ¦>" " • ¦¦ " • ¦ ;- vT ' ¦ : * *r' .v-^'. • • ¦ ¦ • - , . • ' ¦ , • , • .• . . <• . ' -+- - . ?- ..^:-^¦ *v~- • .-vr . . - . • ;>- . ," -^'r-f"^-'*'. ¦ ¦ • '¦:« ¦ -;• ¦ ;& > •??."& ¦; $! ?• . V .;, . •¦^t ;. - > . , • . ; - r. . .. C-. . . ¦ . .v • - - 'v- ? :t: ^ ? 5 *" 5S£i : ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ ' : ' ; ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' ¦ " . .. . - ^ ' : • ¦ - • ¦<¦ ¦ ijvv - . it . . . . • . <, April i, $$&T Tk& Publisher s' Circulstr 3|9 W. H. ALLEN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS.

J OU RNALS IN HYDRABAD AND KASHMIR. By Sir BiCHAB» Tbmp£e, G.C.S.I., C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D. Edited by Gapt. B. G. Temple. With Ma ps, Chromo-litho graphs, and other Bitu txa- taons from Sketches by the Author. 2 vols. demy 8vo. 32*. ^ THROUGH THE LONG DAY; or, Memorials of a Literary Life during Half-a-Centur y. By CHARt ^a Macka y, LL.D ., Author of ' Eger ia,' ' Studies from the Anti que,* &c. 2 vola. crown 8vo. with'Portraits , 21s. MY HUNDRED SWISS F LOWER S. By Mrs. Peatten. With 4 Chromo- litho gra ph s, 100 Illustration s by the Authoress . Crown 8vo. 12j. plain ; 25s. coloured. [If earty ready * HIST ORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the Foundation of Virginia to the Reconstruction of the Union. By Per cy Gre g, Author of ' Acr oss the Zodiac ' &c. 2 vols. 8yo. "with Ma ps, 325. ] NAVAL REFORM. From the French of M. Gabriel Chabmbs. Translated I by J. B. Gordon-Cummin a. Demy 8yo. 12*. OLAV THE KING AND OLAV KING AND MAR TYR. By John FUL.FOBD Yicar y, Author of ' An American in Norwa y ' &c. Crown 8vo. 5*. SKETCHES OF SOME DISTINGU ISHED ANGLO-IN DIANS. By Colonel "W". F. B. Laurie , Retired Royal (Madras) Artillery, Author of ' Orissa , and the Temple of Ja ganneth ,' * Narrative of Second Burmese War ,' &c. Crown 8vo. 7s. Qd. COLONIAL FRANCE : its History, Administration, and Commerce. By Capta in O. B. Norman , late 90th Light Infantr y and Bengal Staff-Cor ps, Author of ' Armenia ; or, the Cam paig n of 1877/ ' Ton kin ; or , France in the Far East.' Demy ^vo. with Ma p, 15*. WILLI AM THE THIRD. By W. H. Tqrriano. 2nd edit. fcp. 2s. 6d. HISTORY OF IttDIA UNDER VICTORIA , from 1836 to 1880. By Ca ptain Lionel J. Trotter , Author of * A Histor y of the Brit ish Empire in India ,' * Warren Hastin gs r a Biography / &c. 2 vols. demy 8vo. 30a. — RANCH LIF E IN CALIFORNI A. Extracted from the Home Correspon- dence of B. M. H. Crown 8vo. with Illustrations, 2s. 6d. THE HAUNTED HOMES AND FAMILY TRADITIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. By Jo hn H. In gram. New and Cheaper Editi on. Crown 8vo. 6*. ADVANCE AUSTRAL IA ! An Account of Eight Years1 Work, Wandering, and Amusement in Queensland , New South Wales, and Victoria. By the Hon. Harold Finch-Hatton. New and Chea per Edition. Crown 8vo. Is. 6d. LEAVES FRO M MEMORY 'S LOG BOOK. Edited by E. A. Montbe sob. - Crown 8vo. THE ROYAL KALENDA R AND COURT CITY REGIST ER for Englan d, Scotland , Ireland , and the Colonies for the Year 1887, 5s. ; or with Index , Is. THE INDIA LIST, CIVIL AND MILITA RY. Ja nua ry 1887. Isaued by permissio n of the Secretary of State for India. 8vo. 10*. Hd.

THE EMINENT WOMEN SERIES. Edited by JOHN H. INGRAM. Crown 8vx>. 3«. 6d. each. Already Issued : Georg f© Eliot , Bv Mathim>b Blind. Harriet Martineau. By Mrs. FBirwicK Mii.LHiB. I George Sand. By Bertha Thomas. Mary Wollstoneeraft Godwin. By e*iza- | Mari a Edg reworth. By Helen Zimmern. beth Robins Pennell. I Emily Bronte . By A. Mary F. Kobinson. Rachel. By Mrs. A. Kjnnabd. Mary Lamb. By Annie Gilchrist. Madam e Roland. By Mathlllde Blind. Margar et Fuller. By Julia Ward Howb. Susanna Wesley. By Eliza Clarxb. Elizabeth Fry. By Mrs. E. R. Pitman. Margaret of Angroulfime, Queen of Countess Of Albany. By Vernon Lbjk. Navarre. By A. Mar y F. Robinson. I ACJEKS. ^II>I>OI SrS. KT y JMjrm. -A.. Kenii ard* 1 —= -- London : W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S.W. [ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • * » ¦ ¦ * • - " • ¦ ¦ : • t. - ( ** . , , > ^' 369 The Publish ers ' Circular j ^ a 1, 1887 !_ ^ !_ ^ ' !!______^^^^*^ ^ )M^ i \ 1 I — _ ^— UPRIGHT PENMANSHIP. AS RE QUIRED IN THE GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. r JACKSON'S NEW STYLE YERTIOAL WEITING COPY BOOKS.

"1TESSRS. SAMPSON IiO W, MARSTON & CO. have much pleasure in announcing tha t they have il-L completed arran gements for the immediate production of the above series of COPY BOOKS. j The Pla tes are being engrave d on Copper by -the best Engraver of the day, and the Copy Books will be prod uced in the ver y highest style. The F*lbst Sjekies will consist of Sight Books, of which the , following is a descri ption :— 1- First Size : Easy Text-Hand ; right lines, simple curves , easy letters , and short easy words. ' 2. First Size : More Complex Letters , easy words , more difficult word s, involving all the alphabet. 3. Second Size : Small Text-hand ; short sentences , simple j definitions of familiar words. 4. Second Size : Pro per names ; Girls' names in upper lines, with one uniform capital letter. Boys' names in lower lines, with one uniform capital lett er. 5. Third Size : Small Round- Hand ; Introduction to Small- Hand in Geogra phical series. 6. Third Size : Introduction to Small- Han d ; figure practic e, dates given twice in each line. I 7. Fou rth Size : Small-Hand (Bold) ; Proverbs and Maxims , I two rul ings on each page. Full and partial guiding lines. 8. Fifth Size : Small-Hand (Finishin g) ; Definitions in the Arts and Sciences. Thre e rulings in each page. Full , partial , and no guiding lines. PRICE TWOPENCE ^ EACH.

OPINION OF THE PRESS. j * There is much to be said in favour of upri ght instead of sloping" penmansh ip. We are not prep ared to say whether Mr. Jackson , th e compiler o$ this seri es of copy books in verti cal caligrap hy, is correct in his conte ntion that the upri ght style is most in harmony with physiological princi ples, but the re cannot be a qu estion that it is more consistent than the old obli que writing with the training of the hand in dra wing and shorthand ; and both the artist and the shorthand writer would have reason to be I thankful for being from the beginning taug ht to write in the upri ght positi on. Ma ny artists dri ft into j upri ght penmanshi p naturall y, and , while many shorthand wri ters do the sam e, every man who has to wri te phonogra phy feels that he has been placed at a disadvantage by having been taug ht to slope his penmanshi p fro m the ri ght to the left. Mr. Jackson claims for this method over sloping writing the advanta ges of legibility , speed of penmanshi p, and artistic superiority. He says that with its ad van- , tages it has no disadvantages ; it is more easily taught , more quickly acquired , and covers less grou nd , while there is greater 1 bodily ease and lees fati gue at the work . The author certainl y makes out a stro ng case for his system , and he teaches it logically and systematicall y. His infant exer cises—th e *' stroke s and pothook s " of his system—are uprigh t, and there is practicall y no difference but the differenc e of size between his largest handwriting and his smallest. The exercises are really very att ractive. The writing is, indeed , quite beautiful . There are in it all the elements of freedom , speed, perfect legibility, I and grace. All the worl d knows that a large number of people write verticall y, and yet there has been no vertical teaching in our schools.> The copy-books are admirably got up.' I From the School Board Chronicle , Fel>. 12. i Lond on : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildin gs, 188 Fleet Street , E.C. I Apra i, 1887 Tl*e Publish efs' Citeulatr 3at ,—,— « v' ' ' : : ' ' KC UPRIGHT I* El IV M A. 3N* ^ 11* . A.8 JRe qtiired. in the Civil Serviee JHocaminatiot is* ; More Legible, More Economical, More Natural , and More Easily Written than Sloping Hand. JACKSO N'S NEW STYLE VERTICA L WRITING \

IN A GRADUATE D SERIES OF BIGHT BOOKS. PRICK TWOPENCE EACH . ENGRAVED ON COPPER * BY ONE OF THE BEST ENGRAVERS OF THE J >AY. Throu ghout the entile series one uniform style and one method of construction are observed , thus avoiding 1 thos e bewilderin g inconsistencies -which so retard the pu pil's pro gress in the ordinary systems of wri ting. The books have been most car ef ully compiled by JOHN JACKSON, F.E.I.S. , F.S.Sc., Principal , Commercial and Grammar School, Belfast , Auth or of ' A Practical Arithmetic on an entirely New Method ,' for Schools and Colleges, &c. SPECIMEN LINES. { Thes e specimens being necessarily printed from, woodcuts are qf course not f air samp les of the copper-plate engravings in the books.) j ajvw. torte , noXiy, txmw, 'kOAMJO, f WJJ/Yh, WYUUMW , 0 ~ 0 ' JkrfW , ia/ vntd . |^ja£|uv , ^eAd. ( Jj drtt/vwrv , ostfree on receipt of Six Stamps. JACKSON'S U.P. PEIsrsT PRELIMINARY NOTICE. In response to the numerous inquiries f or a Pen suitable for the New Up right Writing , Messrs. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & CO. are having a Set of Four Pens manufactu red , specia lly adapted f or the above style, numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Nos. 1 and 2 will sell at Is. 6d. per gross ; No. 3 at 2s. p er gross ; and No. 4 at 2s. 6d, per gross. They are of the best steel and workmanship, and have been designed and tested by Mr. Jackson himself. No. 1 Pen will be suitable f or Books 1, 2, 3 and 4; No. 2 Penfor Boohs 5 and 6; No. 3 Pen for Boohs 7 and 8; No. 4, Corresponding Pen. Booksellers and School Stationers are requested to order early. SA.MPSON LOW , MABSTO N, SEABLE & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E.O.

* .- . ¦• - m ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "" ¦ ¦ * ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦:: ¦¦:¦¦ ¦;. • ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' :/¦ . ., t:. .:: .;- . : , ,- , ~ .\>; .- .. • ., ;,; \, - ;- ' ^ ¦ 'l ;• v . v ? v -- Wfr" 7 - ^ g|| ^ p ^ p ^ a 36* The Publishers ' Circu lar ^ a i||i || ^ I 4- . '$OPTH * gSK ' n<)TE., " _— . A TUB-SIZED PAPER , f—.—.—_—,—. \ ——. Pbices : SUPERFIN E- FINISH: , ^ CRE AM LAID , Five Quire Box ... Retails @ Is. * PURE QUALITY , 1OO Court Envelopes , boxed to matc h „ @ Is. £2 lbs. WEIGKHT , I CABINET . packed in a neat f Cardboard Box, with 6O Sheets Paper } Customer 's Name 6O Court Envelopes ...... - „ @ Is. Printe d in Gk>ld, 1 Blottin g Pad j on Steel Blue Enamel. / 1 FODR ^ LINES FOR PRINTE RS.' SOUTH E8K , TRENT , *AVIEMORE * ... Writin gs. STRATH ENDRIOK ...... Printing. ONE OF THE LARGEST PRINTERS IN LANCASHIRE SAYS :— . ¦ ' Sinee using: these four good regular lines, my customers have been much better pleased. Job goods, however cheap, are never satisfactor y.' Samp les an,

MILLS 400, 401, 402, 403, 614, 693.

Who lesale ani> Export Manufacturers op Printin g, Plate , and Litho Pap ers ; Han d and Machine-made Writin gs & Pr intin gs; Tinted Writin gs, Cartrid ge, & Blottin gs ; Tissues and Copying Pa pers ; Enamel Pa pers ; Cards , White and Coloure d ; Envelo pes and Note Pa pers.

LONDON WAREHOUSE : 65 OLD BAILEY , E.G. V'^ ' ^ i^¦ V ^^^ l&Siwffc? ^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ lV ¦ ¦ •• • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦•y^y--. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' -¦ ¦ • '• ' " •¦ ¦• - " ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ " **¦¦ " ' '' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ' '' " " ¦ ' ' ¦' ¦ " " ' ' "' ¦ • - .: • • ' . ; ¦ - . ' *¦ ' " " ¦ ~ -'" v ' Jr: ¦ ' *" -j/^' . . . ¦ .;- ,- ;• " ¦? : . ¦ ' ¦:¦ ¦ • . - ¦ " <¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ . ' . ' '" v : . ' ' . - ; •#' « sfe .?j j. . : . . : r . •** . V : ^ ? Ko ^ April i, 188* Tlie Publishers' Cireiilar V 363

Telegraphic Address, ' SPALDING/ LONDON. ] [Telephone No. 2520. SPALDIN G and HODGE, 145 , 146 , & 147 DEUEY LANE, *•+ LONDON , W.C. *+ USfyolesale Stationers 8c Ulanuf a ctuxet&.

a *

Hold the Lar gest Stock in the World of every description of Papers.


PRINTINGS, of every Qual ity and Price. PLAT E, WOODCUT, MAP, and DRAWING PAPERS. LITHO ANTIST RETCH. Reg i sters perfectl y. WHITE and TINTED WRITINGS, of the Best Known Mills. LO FT-DRIED MACHINE-MADE WRITINGS, E. S. and T. S.


&C. &G. &C.

¦» ? ?????? ¦? ¦??????????????? ¦??? ^?•»??????? ???????????? <»????? ¦»??¦»?????? ?* *>??,»? ???? ^???? ^?^????? « SPALDING & HODGE, Emport Stationers and JMa/¥irufactuireTS9 145 , 146 , & 147 DRURY IL ^NE , LOND ON, W.C . SP il ft iS iliPi,.,, !^^ - ^^,., • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ • ¦* • ¦ " ¦ ¦ • ' - • ¦• ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - >/ ¦< • - '¦ . y >>- -a- -j: - . ** . • ; . ?: . ^ , ^ ^% .g l lllll ^ «\ iMmM^^mmmW ** ^^ ^ ¦ TflDE EARL OF DERBY isays, * ^> appears . -to be¦;. §|]ght ^and Jan. 31, The new process strong, and the book- opens as ld8Y :— ' ¦ few i of bookbinding appears to him both - ' - j^^ books open now-a- days/ h handsome and convenient , and the Rt. Hon. W, E. GLADSTON E book opens more easily than is | generall y the case.' r Jan . 14, 1887. : '* PELL I8FPBT ' BOO KBiNDINC. WILLI AM G. STONEHAM & CO., LIffl., Bookbinders and Bound Booksellers , PEARTREE COURT (opposite Ray Street), FARRINGDON RD., Send, f or Catalogue. LON DON , E.C.

The TiMis , Jan. 31, 1887 : Publishees ' Ciecdlab :— ' Simple an d tastefu l, the bi nd- ' There is strength in the work - ing is pleasant to eye and hand manshi p and beauty in its accom- alike.' plishment. '


i RINTING Lfef^^5S|| -—CHARLES WHITTIJSTGHAM AN£> CO., OF THE CHIS WICK PitESS (Established s?Sp), 21, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, ^ lll ^ W j?y£ B^SS^ London, have pleasure in offering their services as General LetterpressPrinters , jy&i&zL/wK Ha ving a large and experienced staff, and also a unique and beautiful collection of initia l letters9 head and tailpieces\and ornamental borders', in addition to large f ounts of type, both modern and old style, and an assortment of foreign and English hand and machine-m ade papers at their command, they are able{ to undertake the best class of bookivork and editions de luxe. Specialfacilitie s are offered for Catalogues {illustrated or otherwise), legal, ~and ^ other work* Sampleso f types, initials, and ornament s a? 'e available for inspection at their office, and advice is respectfully offered as to the printing of catalogues of libraries or private collections. Telephone JVo *., 2704 / telegram, " Whittingham % London."

m- TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , Ac. For Sale.—Electrot ypes of upwards of 150,000 Wood Engravin gs. Specimens an d Terms upon app lication to CASSELL & COMPANY (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard , Lud gate Hill, London , E.C. N.B.—Examine this Stock before orderin g new subj ects.

M essrs . S. W. PARTRIDGE Sc CO- ARE OFFERING FOR SALE T! JO* JES C5 "OP Hi :O T "3kT 3E* " ^^ J£5 of 36 9 OOO Engravings of JHti gh-Class JMEev it. MJL , CO MMU NICATIO NS SHOU LD BE ADDRESSED TO S. W. PARTRI DGOE & OO. (Cliche department ), 9 Paternoster Row, London , E.O , •

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ K4 " I ^~t : ' :: '" ' ¦ : "" 'lv "" A^^ ^ 'Z^' r ' . . vT "' j | ^ • -¦¦ ¦ .. . - . . r - ¦ ¦¦ ' ^ ' ^ ^^- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ i ^ [ - i . SJN&I R BI1©T)*ERS, 19 N EV BIH DGE STREET, . LONDON, E.C.


MACHINE-MADE. Writings and Account Book Papers. Loft-Dried, Tub and Engine-Sized. Tinted Writings ', Cartridge, Blottings , and - Tissues.

FINE AND COMMON PRINTINGS. JUt &ttaliiie «?. FINE PRINTINGS , Highly Glazed and Soft-Sized for Dry Printing and Woodcuts. CO LOURED PRINTINGS and PAMPHLET COVERS. ¦ v • * , • - NEW S in Webs and Reams. . , CHRO MO , ENAMEL , and SURFAC E-CO LOURED PAPER S. ENVELOPES , CARDS, and PASTEBOARDS , White a*jd Coloured. ¦ BROWN and PACKING PAPERS or every descri ption. MIL LBOARDS and STRAW BOARDS. .., .,,, ,,. ^ i . ^ - -^ ^ .,- .-.-,, ^ m^ . ^^ : : ¦ The publishers' , <3irctilar *- ' a^^ :' 36#., - . ' " f . _ _ ' — ' — . ^ — i — ,v

¦ ¦ ¦ , i; .. - — —~_ —— r ' , . ^^i

^M^S WHOLESALE BOOKBINDER S, \ ^ ^^^^^M * 1S62. 1851. yg Fleet Street , LONDON ,-76 Fleet Street.

Publishe rs• Booksellersand Trade in town and country are herewith informed , ^ that this f irmexecute rapidly, punctualy, l and in f irst style, all orders fo r Plain, Elegant and Ornamental Binding; original designs by good artists. Additional steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estimates and samples by return post when p racticable. ! v •

¦ ' 1 , . - . . Jg&fll TOT ISPS ^""A tiHH SHrKTFFi rv£ iii K / ) TVin T a g Bookbinders^f^y^y ^r ^^^ M^^ ^F ^^^yr^^' ^ tr^ ^r ^r ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ '^ '^ ^r ^ir^^^y^y^wwy^ ^ 'w^m ^^ 'w^^^ , 5^. 7WK$ ?WWW W0^Kg, (^H URCH GNTRY, (JARTER LANE, E.G. LEIGHTON, SON, & HODGE, ~ |~tS£3J r aphIc WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS, telephone ADDRESS : ' niimrfR LEI6 DGE ) l5n don° 16 UEW-STREET SQUARE , FLEET STREET, E.C. . 2737

Ii., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS , PRINTEKS , AUTHORS , &c that they execut e in the best style and on the most reason able terms every description of "Wholesale^ Bookbin din g, either in Cloth , or Leather. Their Stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive and varied , and their powerful Machine ry and Steam -power give them unrivalled advantages in the rap id execution of large orders. L., S., & H. have a separate Departme nt for Account-Book Bindin g, and are prepared to under- tak e every descri ption of work , including the supp ly of Pa per , Rulin g, Printing, Perforatin g and Pa ging of Books for Commercial purposes . Applications for Estimat es will meet with prompt attention . THE "SSSST ELECTRO TYP E AGENCY , 19-23 LUDGAT E HILL , LONDON, E.C. (Establish ed 1873), Invite a call from Publishers of Magazin es and Periodicals , or from Auth ors bring ing out Illustr ated Works , Ac, to inspec t all the latest Illustrations in the English and Forei gn [Newspapers and JBooI^s, from -which Electros can foe obtained —at the vend ors' ori ginal pr ices, ranging from 6rf. per inch upward *. One Year' s Copyright, or sole use, (riven xoitH nil Mlectro ** American Branch : Este s & L Ainu at , Boston , U.S.A. Continental Agent : A. Twibtme ybr, Leipzig. Telegra phic Address :"] Paris Agent : F. Schlutkr , 27 Rue Gue*ne*gaud , Paris. • iEUEOXRAGT , I4ONDON. J 'lD ' IPnir TBHUBrHO™«™r£ NJ B *r«WO. JJSoV.i «ao SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ILLUSTRATED LOND ON NBW8. j ¦ rrv y-r- be) SSS5£5j£S5Si r ^'rr - r- ii'rifT/i'r"' ^'!?,- irai nn;- / i t i -v ;]i'iyaiaMi ^ ii ^ r y n i»««MMi ^ ««ifri«»a.i ^ ri»ww£fiatt ^^ ¦ ¦" 1 ¦ ¦ }: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ - ¦ i < • ' • ' v : ' ¦ ; " ' '¦ ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' "•^¦ ¦ " .• -iff*-¦ " ¦f- "' "V': . ¦¦¦ *-"; i'V¦ . ' •T^ ¦ ' ¦ w ¦ ' " " '' - " ¦• ' ' • " ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ¦: . . .- .rj ^y-^j; .? ; ¦ ';,:- ' . > ^:;• \ -^ ?;.: ' ¦ ^" ^" r1 ^' . "-' • - - • ' «" ,, . . ' - - • >r. * .^ ; y . * . , * ;. .. . ^ . . ** '^ . . s/.;: . . _ . \ W i$f^r^j April , 13^i; 11 ^ f |Pi#K ^ier ^ €l«?citila ^ ?* ' ' • f' • • 36^ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ... . .; . „;: -i ¦ ¦ ¦•-¦ • ¦ - -^ ¦ . .

N .: J €>«N GJ LLPI N ,


EVERY DESCR IPTION OF Dews ' Prin tings ? and UJritin gs.

t , * |T *

\ ^^^h^^^^Vri^^^^ta^^^^^i^^^^^ki^^^^Vt^^^^Vi^^^^V^^^^Vfei ^^^ll^^^^V^^^^Vh^^^^V^^^^^Bi^^^^H^^^^^B^^^^Vi^r^^h^^^^^Mi^^ ^^H^^^^B^^^^^ta^^^^Vi^^^^^i^^^^h^^^^V^^^^^brf^^^^ta^^^^v^^^^V^^^^^toi^^^^^rf^^V^i^^^^^^^


Authors and Pnblishers desirin g Illustra tions may see Proofs of Several Thousand at %l£f)e <|lrf §OUmaI Oiflice , 294 City Road , London. ft Among many others a large selection of Iiandscape subjects A\ of interesb in 1 G8E|IT BRITAIN, AMERICA, \ ^ J^ ASIA, AFRICA , INDIA, ITALY , V« WlMf FRANCE, GERMANY, ROME, wllll^- ?.'i t «a #^5|\ SWITZERLAND , THE RHINE , S^^ .^ E HBra SPAIN, NORWAY, &c, &c. ^ ^^^^ r 1|A I. , IBBJ ImI High-class Wood Engravin gs of ^ ' ' ^^^^^ K- X the most important Works of 'Wf^^l N '' IiPMHmR xx ^

\^ *\ %i Hf. '" — Numero us Historical t V P ^W ^% ^*""***^ -JS ~ and, Miscellaneous Wo od, ' ^^^ ^ - *5 \\ ^ \V Wv\^

t ¦ . V -— , I » W^ . . JUrf Omce VIETUE 3 , ^^ C Sourn al : J. S; & CO., Limii«jh>, 294 City Boad, London. L ¦ . ' ' ^T^^ ^ItafetSr¦ . ¦ ' ' •J-68 * 1%. .. ; ' s^^:. . . -. . - - . ¦¦Atil&MlRl ' ^ ¦ ^ ¦ '^^ w^mmm M:. ' G3P BUjglNEjgjgr + (m ^DS • <*©

r Ufrttt f ers &c. :

i w. b. whitt ii4ghawi & co., THE ORESHAM PRESS * ' ea » tr ade aR AOBOHXJROH >5Sr!&n. PR1 _i I i ^ ^ S ^ V NT^RS. STRBBT. j ^OT Q Unwin Brothers, i Printer *, WOKKS - JZ£ ^at!~m?i!v eij;Toc£ &, ; office of this. Journal , t 188 Fleet Street , E.C. NOTICJE. Intending A.dveTtlaprs must dis~ Electrotyper and Stereotype r, ' — 79 KNIGHTRIOER ST., DOCTORS' COMMON S, E.C. I. " tinctti/^ ' under stand that tinder vto circumstances (MO 92 BLACKFRIARS ROAD, 8.E. .' can, one of tnese spaces he Had , for a, less period, La^a^^ .a^w^^a^^^^^^^^ .^^^^^ . ^ . ^.^^ a^^^^ .a^^ tha n, 12 months.

^Odkbin5 crj5 .

* * G-. & J. KIT CAT , BOOKS• BOUND i * 1p 9, gn everp st&le of igSinftinfi, ublishers' ^3oofebm5crs From a single Tolume to any quantity, in cloth lettered to SO H-A-TTOJtsT Q-J*^ttJDJE21Sr . morocco elegant. LONDON , E.C. Established , over SO Years* W- MORRIS & CO. • 2 MCLEAN'S BUILDIN GS, 1 Designs supplied , and Estimates on app lication . NEW-STREET SQUARE , E.C. 'SSteccn ait cous.

I Searches and Extra cts made from . NOTICE , TO BOOKSELLERS. Old Records and Anti quarian Books, Booksellers who wish their Firms to appear in the new and Topogra phical Books reported. ANNUA1RE DE LA LIBRAIRIE FRAN ^AISE, which will be published very shortly by the OteacLE db l a Ljbrairib at Paris, a&talter ao^rII , are requested to send inform ation without any delay. 14 Alexandra Street , Informatio n to he giver\: Name or Firm' s JSfame, Date of CAMBRIDG E. Founda tion, Agent in Paris. Solicitor and Member of thb Ijncori orated d Law Socibty. • Cerole de la Ubrairie , 111B St. Germai n, Paris. [EXPORT ONLY.] I Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, Sl Rivington , C3- ELECTROTYPES. Export l$oofc$eHers & , MESSRS. SAMPSON LOW, MARST9N fXI ^ublte^ws 188 E1X,DS ^3 STZR^ IE I 1 & .CO. have prepare d a List of Works from LO NDON , which they are billing to supp ly selections of Undertake the Collection and Despatch of Indent s Electros , This List they will he happy to forwa rd of Books and Stat ionery of every descri ption. to any bond f ide purchaser. —Address , 188 Fleet CA.TA.XOGXTJE8 JFOJfc tF ^LJJJDJE7Z >. Street , E.C. ' I • ¦ I ' ' ¦ . ,. ,. ,. . , , » i ¦ . . . -, ¦ ¦ i . . ^ | |5 ¦ ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ " ' - • ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦' - ¦ ¦ JJ' ¦>- jj" ¦ " j' T'T : !&<¦ |^, . ^ - , : > . i • • . • *' 'T ^ ; i ' .I . . . ( > ( . ¦ <*£ ¦ '' 9& ¦+¦ > ¦ n U0I NEg$ GA^DJ ^¦ | ^t> . ; ' ! printers. tf/Vw PRINTERS && PRINTERS Q To TM ^ ^ 0° r\ ofa ° ° y oo^* *>/ cf ^ I acabm g*> pufili^nrtf $unUrc& ^ctmitate ^ ^ S £W§ _ _. Ifew-street Square * Or^ ^P^ New-street Sauare <* O^. f 5 Y IQBPOJSr M ST LOK JOF ^Q. I ^o^ # . ^ «^ !Kk!? S 1*1 A ft dii taofiso ^ rs^s* ^ . Bte tesaSS aO3V. 8PBOIAL FACILITIES FOB ORIENTAL LANOTJA QES. W^BHMMBVMBMB ^MMMMftlBMBH ^BVBMNBMMB ^BBM ^B^VatfMHMIlB ^^ BMNHB ^BM ^aB^B^BWaMftV ^B^B^B^BHHIBaMHBaMaBiMHB 1 CHARLES EASON & SON , JOHN AVERY & CO. , Ld lgtintev$ printers , Jttt$oQtap bei&9 gnaxavevs^ y, AND *gSooftbinbers , ^rc, I ]V[DE^ M7*]V[UR; ^C¥a ^E^S. .A. IB JB3 JEZ, ID JE1 JE1 3ST . | All Olasses of Account Books, Catalo gues, ' Every description of BOOK PRINTING executed Price Iiiats , &c , Indexed , and Printed by special with TASTE , DESPATCH , and at very Machiner y. LOW 1PRICES. | Designs and Estimates for Printing or Bookbindin g on I 80 MIDDLE ABBEY STREET, DUBLIN. application. ' KEPriVY & CO.-, ^gpoQvapfy ical 'ggTitsic anb genera ^oofe "gSSorfe. tt l | DP ZEfc X 3^T 3EL3E3 S 25 CAM O EN ROAD , L O NDON , N.W. , (Telegrams— ' Kknnico , Xondon. ') BALLANTYNE PRESS FIRST-CLASS BOOK & PERIODICAL. WORK. EDINBURGH; Machines np to and includin g Four -demy Perfectin g. | Hot Rolling by Gill's Machine (Price List on application >. | CHANDOS STREET, LONDON. PAPER BINDING, ETC. \

! ESTABLISHED 1848. MERRI TT & HATCH ER , ' ALF RED BOOT &, SON, ' ;; ydtfer j twfl ¦* %\\ \nx!^\xi i PRI NTERS TO THE TRADE Printers and Lithographe rs, Grocers' Hall Court, Poultry, E.C. ; • E.C. 2 4 OLD BAILEY, - Very Law Estimates for Long Numbers. ' Telephone No. 6586. ,. , . Tel^phon ^ No. .1,709, I ¦ 370 , Tfate^llbllBM^ :' ^ S^^Rgr @ ZB TTS HETIHj SJS ' O^A-3E^¦ " IED ¦ ¦ - • '!. ! OP ./¦ WHOI jE f &JkJLdlEl ^£te$ipK$£xf mabuxl, unto Utaga^itte %Qtxds ^ * I 3 Amen Corner , E. MARLEOROTTGH & CO. . Pater noster Row, E.C. i MAR SHALL BROTH ERS, SI Old, JBa iley, JE.C. \ WHOIiESALB ^Booksellers anb ^uBIis ^ers. rrj suELH/cs oa sr app licatioit . No Commissi on on Miscellaneou s Orders.

Established 1837. j EST-AJBIilSHE D 182O . —* - GEORGE V1CKERS, WHOIiESALB Sm> EXPdBT HENRY WILLI AMS, BOOKSELLEtt JVEWSA.G-&XT i 48 OLD , BAILEY, 41 , i For the Supply of ANGEL COURT , 172 STJ UWD, LOND O N ! W.C. Daily and Evenin g Papers despatche d pep earl y Patlj ? "gJCemspcrpers per firs t iraift s, Mornin g Trains. Countr y Trade supplied 'with Newspapers , Books, WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS , PERIODICALS , 'Periodicals , and . Ma gazines, on best terms. and MONTHLY MAGAZINES. No Commission on Miscellaneous Orders. / All Orders despatched same day as received. Terms on JHiscetla neow8 Orders Carefull yr Completed,, Jtc. application. TEJ DEZ/ liMfll S O I5T APPLI CAT IOlSr . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS ; ' PSEUDONYM,' LONDOH. St G. GOLDING, ' ^-cv f r ^ & & /^ ~g&f) olezale^oo^ ¦ ""^ w—¦¦¦ ^^ ¦¦ ^^^^™ "i'"^ ™™ I MILL No. 13. ^~^B^r ^tffliBIHIBkhMB- > ^^^^^ ^H ^^ BV^^ ^^ ^^^ HBBMHHBh^ ^rfHHUUlB"B^ ^^ ^riHHUIB^^ ^mmi ^HRi ^^^ ^B^ B^^ H^Btai ^ ^S^HBBhk ^&£j^^ ^^^ HHH ^ ^^^ mH ^I^^ ^ ^H^^^^^ ^B^B^B^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ViH ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ om^^^^^ ^^^^ F H dLLIZTS MIZ,tis, ZD^-ZRAArZE ILsr , XiA-lsTO ^-Siai He/ ^]. BOOK PAPERS, FINE PRINTINGS, COLOURED PRINTINGS, N EWS AND FINE NEWS IN SHEETS OR REELS, I LONG ELEPHANTS, CARTRIDGES, E. S. WRITINGS; \ AI-SO i CHROMO, ENAMEL, SURFACE COLOURED AND GUMMED PAPER, MLA.TN TXJ ^'-A.O T TJXMETfcS . Samples anil JPvices on app lication. London Agent : V. Y. BOWATER, 28 Queen Street, C!Ileapside? E,C. y : April 'n rig? Tl e ^*!^i^iE^£EdSse6i? ^t ' _ C^feiw^iia3»j r : - *t$0i " .^^^^—^^^^^ ^^^ MJ- . ' ¦-¦.-¦-,,,. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -. ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦' ' • ** • • ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ - ., - ¦...... - . . . . . _ . ^ — -- -— \ ^ Messrs. HOI jIC& S & SO2^ Mr , A. M. BTJBG KHE^, $%hxmi tit %t$aun t&xit& 1 VALUER St AGGQUNT/M^T TO BOOKSELIiBRS, STATIONBRS, PRINTERS, NEWS- To Publishers , Booksellers, Stationers,] Printers, 8fc. PAPER, PROPRIETORS, &o. la PATBRNOSTEB ROW , 6 6a PATERNOSTEB BOW, Is instructe d to Sell the following Businesses:— Are instructed to sell the foll owingbusinesses :— BOOKSELLING , LIBRARY, &c— -M Fashi onabl e South Coast Town. Lead ing Busi- T)OOK £ELLING , STATIOJSTERY , and ness with large connection. Splendid premi ses in best X> PRINTING BUSINE SS, With excellent Weekl y position. Rent £100. Returns £2,000 a year at good N ewspaper attach ed. In capital marke t town. Eastern pro fits. Good Stock and elegant fixtures. About Counti es. Establi shed about half a century. Returns £1,200 requir ed. abo ut £3,500 a year. The newspap er alone produced over ,£250 profit last year . All at valuation , .£1,500 to QTATIONERY , PRINTIN G, and LO CAL .£1,800. *J NEWSPAPER (Conservative). First-class pro- perty. Pleasant Midland Town. Fine corner premises. TMDOKSELLIN G, STATIONERY , ami Rent £80, long lease. Returns amount to nearly £3,000 ±> PRINTING BUSINES S.—In excellent market a year. Very good connection of long standing. town ( Som ersetsh ire) . Established 40 years. Premise s Abou t £1,500 required. ( in best position in town. Returns over £2,000 a year , at good profits. AH at valuatio n, about £ 1,000. STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS. — Fashionable and flourishing South Coast Town. BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY, Most attractive and well-situated premises. Rent LIBRARY , and FANCY BUSINESS.—Situated £180. Twelve rooms and handsome shop. Returns in in the most attractive Town within 40 miles of London . 1886, £2,406. Net profit nearly £600. Excellent Stock. Splendid pre mises, in finest position. The Business £2,000 required. A very first-class business. has not chang ed hands for 40 years. A very . fine old STATIONERY , LIBRARY , &c— t>elight- Business, and which offers excepti onal advantages in ful health resoit in the West of England . Mag - the future. About £950 required . - nificent premises. Rent £300 all let off. Profits net average £600 for last thre e years . About £3,000 QTATI ONERY and FAN CY BUSINE SS.— required. A most favoura ble opening. Lar ge and U A high-class and very genuine concern , situate d vajuable connection. Suitable for a good man of busi- in the most fashionable health resort/ South Coast. ness; ; success certain. Net profits average over £550 a year , after pay- ment of all expenses. Propri etor retiring, having Ac. made enough to do so. .£1,000 will be accept ed in ^STATIONERY Prospe rous West-end, BOOKSELLIN locality. Very superiorG, pre-— cash , and balance by instalments. mises. Rent only £80. Fine well-fitted double-fronted shop . Thorou ghly sound business. Returns nearl y BOOKSELLI NG, STATIONERY , a^d £1,600 a year ; valua ble agencies attached. Abou t ] -L* PRINTING BUSINESS, with Weekly Newspaper £750 required for all ; aigood and safe opening. attached . Situated in one of the loveliest district s in England . The pro perty has changed hands only once ANUFACTUR1NG BUSINESS. — in 60 years. Net profits about £700 a year. About Lar gely used speciality, Contracts all over the £1,900 requi red, part of which ma}" remain . Wor ld. Present returns at large profits exceed £8,000 a year. About £2,000 req uired. A gentleman for , long connected with the business and having a tnorough STATIONERY NEWS , and FANCY knowledge of the trade and connection would be will- ^ BUSINE SS.—Situated in one of the best resi- ing to join the incomer and invest £1,000 in the Fi rm . denti al subu rbs of London. In same hands 12 years. Rent £28 (exceptionall y low). Returns about £1,300 i^TATIONERY , P RINTING , &c. — De- a year (proof) . About £550 requir ed . A very de- ^ ligbtful town in Devonshire. Very advantageous sirab le openi ng. premises in finest position. Old-established business. Rent only £50 ; taxes £15. Returns over £1,000 a BOOKSELLIN G and STATIONERY year. Proprietor retiring through bad health. About BUSINESS, with MUSIC and PIANOF ORTES. £600 required. A rare and good chance for a practical - An old-established Business in excellent South Coast man. Town. Splendid premises , in excellent position . Pro fits about £300 a year. About £600 required. A T>OOKSELLIJSTG , STATIONERY , and tfrea t bargain . JL) FANCY.— Fashionable neighbourhood close to Kensington Gardens. One of the best shops in the PRINT ING BUSINESS.—In West End neighbourhood. Large dwelling-house. Good shop- •*¦ of London. In same hands over 30 years. For ping thoroug hfare. Rent £160; long lease. Profits many years past the Business has produced full y nearly £600 a year net. AbouJL-£l ?000 required. A £400 a year, net profit. The purchase-money will sound concern, very safe. not exceed £600. ' STATIONERY and FAN CY. — Pleasant r *J town in Gloucestershire. Good premises in main TJRINTIN G and STATIONER Y BUSI- street. Rent only £50. Returns for 1886, £635. -*- NESS.—In excellent cathedral city, West of Proprietor desirous" to go abroad ; will accept £300 for England. An old-established Business, doing a good all ; a cheap offer. trade. About £800 required. If desired a half-share partnership could be arranged. . IJVANCY GOO DS, &c.—Important Town on Sussex Coast. Prominent premises in best OTATION E UY, LIBRARY , and FANCY street. Rent £100, lease. Returns , at very large pro - ?y BUSINESS.—In excellent position , not far fro m fits, £1,500 to £1,600 a year. For sale in conseq uence Kensington Garde ns. Established over 30 years . Re- of Proprietor having a wholesale business , which takes turns last year over £2,100 (proof) , at good profits. his whole atte ntion. £450 required. Very cheap ; a \ Business rap idly increasing. About £1,000 required. rare chance for a pushing man.

' Monthly Register ' -jaf over 150 businesses for Dis- ( £ ~ * Monthly Register ' of Businesses for Disposal for - posa/, for warded post -free on app lication, to Messrs. warded post-free on app lication to Mr. A. M. IJuRGHES, Holmes & Son, 66a Paternoster Row, E.C, lA Paternoste r Row, JCondon, i£,&

¦ ¦ - ¦ ' * • - • , •!« ¦ ' ^~ '^Wj f t- "'^ ' ^^ ' ; " Tlie PuM 8h^vCir ^lar ' . 372 ~ ¦ ¦ -V - ¦ ¦ ¦ f T ^,.. ^: , , .;• ^^. *- .S " S• " 1 • • ¦"** ' ' • • "•¦¦ •¦ ¦ ' " I" '' " • *" ' ; ' ? " - ' ' ' ' ' ¦ - ¦ ' • . , , • Now ready, pr ice ONE SMILIiJENG. : »" HARPER'S MA GAZHfE - for April. c6ntaining— Frontispiece. By Alfred Parsons.—The Southern Gatewa y of the Allegha nies. of Li By Edmund Kibkb. With 13 Illustrations.—W^rka : a Story Russian fe. Part IV. By Kathleen O'JMeara .— The Com£die Pran ^aise. j By Theodore Child. With 18 Illustrations. The Stubble field Contingents : a Story. By RjcHARD Malcolm Johnston. With Illustrations. —Springhaven : a Novel. Part XIII. ( Concluded.) By R. D. Blackmorb. With Illustrations. How "W orking Men Live in Europ e and America. By Lee Meriwether .—April Hopes : a Novel. Part III. By WiiIliam: Dean Howells, &c. \ London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON,"SEARLE & HIVINGTON, 188 Fleet Street, E.C.

MR. GEO. NEWMAN, TRADE VALU ER JUNIOR ASSISTANT, aged 18 , requires And AUCTIONEER of over 30 years'experience, y a SITUATION in the Bookselling, Stationery, offers/his services in all matters of Sale, Transfer, or Fancy Business. 3£ years' experience. — C. Feaks, or Partnership. His intimate knowledge of the Co vent Nursery, Mill Road, Cambridge various branches enables him to render very valuable ^ assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser on moderate TO COMMERCIAL terms. Valuations for Probate at exceptionally low STATIONERS and -*- BOOKSELLERS.— Wanted by an fixed charges, any part of the kingdom. Assistant (21) RE-ENGAGEMENT in the Bookselling and Offices removed to 102 London Wall, E.C. Stationery or Fancy Trade. Five years' experience \ - in high-class trade; good salesman ; town or country ; highest references ; disengaged.—Address, E. H. EAST ANGLIAN NOTES AND Spalding, Brackley, Northants. QUERIES.'—WANTED, the Metal Blocks used in blocking Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of the First late Mr. Tymms of Lowestoft. —Reply MIDDLE-AGED MAN of large expe- Series for the A to Pawsey & Hayes, J pswich, Publishers of the rience is open to an ENGAGEMENT as Nev Series. Manager or , Confidential Assistant. First-class references.—Address, R. W. M., c/o Mr. Hagyard, Scarborough. TMPORTANT to BOOKSELLERS and J- Business or In- STATIONERS Commencing ST A TIO NE RY, BOOKSELLING, creasing Stocks—T. Thatcher, College Green , Bristol, *J . having purchased at a very low fi gure the entire FANCY, &c— R E-ENQAGEMENT desired by Assistant, age 26. Eleven ' Stock, in excellent condition and speciall y well years experience in comprehensive, of a first-class Book- two first-class houses. Practical Relief StampiDg sel ected and and - Stationer, is offering same at liberal Copperplate Printing. Highest references. sel ler and Address, Beata, reduction from usual cost price. 21 Bath Parade, Cheltenham. S TATIONERY and FANCY.—Wanted, TMPORTANT OFFER.—Capi tal LEND- ^ by Young Lady, 18, SITUATION as Improver. -L ING- LIBRARY, comprising over 2,000 Popular Address, B., 118 White Ladies Road, CliftoD , and Standard Works, for SALE cheap.—Mr. Bristol. College Green, Bristol. Thatcher, r TO PUBLISHERS.—TRAVELLER wants T»O BOOKBUYERS.—CATALOGUE of ¦¦ - a third Commission from a good house. Start* JL RARE OLD BOOKS and REMAINDERS at at once.—J. C, 10 Perth Road, Finsbury Park, N. greatly reduced prices Free.—W. JE. Goulden, Athenaeum Library, Canterbury. 50,000 Volumes in Stock. STATIONERY and BOOKSELLING.—A ^ Young Man, age 22, requires a SITUATION as Assi stant in the above. Six years* good ex- REMOVAL. — EDWARD AVERY, perience ; fi rst-class references. — T. H. £elby, Bookseller, Removed from Camden Town to 407 Strand, Ldndon. 53 Greek Street, Soho Square, London, W. PRINTERS and STATIONERS. — The BOOKSE LLERS ' ASSISTANTS WANTING •*- friends of a Youth just left school, age 1/5, well educated, desire to APPRENTICE him to the SITUATIONS. Printing and Stationery. Full particulars to- Mr. Weldon, 62 Tufnell Park Road, Holloway, T3OOKSELLING and STATIONERY. London, N. X> .Advertiser (24) desires RE-ENGAGEMKNT as Second (or Third) Assistant in good' Retail shop, London or Country. Good book-keeper and corre- YOUNG ' MAN, 20, seeks employment spondent. Has Bad a little experience in Circulating A of a respectabl e character. Has had two years' Library. Good appearance and address ) good experience in a Publishing office. Good character references ; moderate salary.—Apply No. 27: Pub- and references.—Address, P. G. M., c/o Messrs. | | Ushers' Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street, EC ' Sampson Low. & Go,, 188 Fleet Street, London , E.C ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦< «¦ •». i« v ¦ ' • ¦*¦) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . < • mi . -^ " ^ ¦• • •*« • ^ m*^** ! /i




BOOK S - FOR- SALE . ' n —^ I Advertisements are inserted under this headin g at Zd, p er line, prepaid.

Colwell J. y D 'vize* Gfrdlestone , E. D , 17 Goldney Road, Bristol Notes* of G&sea in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts , Knowled ge. A complete set of this magazine in its weeklv 1841-50, 7 vols. cal f form , in 207 NISToa..os., from Nov. 44., 1881188i,_ to Oct.Oct 16lfi., 1885.1&85. I Knight's Pictorial Histor y of En Brian**, original edit , with Good condition portraits , in publ isher 's cases, 1847, £3 Wiltshir e Archaeolo gical Ma gazine, complete, unbound , Lovell , W., Alexandr a Street, da mbridge »%« ¦ ¦ ¦ <¦ va ^^ a~ - " ~ »J ^^ ^ *** X" '•» '• mm^smm uy m. ^*. , T < w*l_ f f» A4WUVIVU) 111 a V. || ^rf V 68 part s, £12. 12*. Old Ma p* of Kent , Herts Middlesex ,J London , and West- minster , on linen, 2s. §

, pub. V»t-«/» Dore 's Bibl e, in parts , complete 17s. 6«7* 6d. Buchana n's Scotland , 6 vols. 8vo. hal f-calf , port ., 1839, 12*. Old Plan of Paris and Faubourgs and Environn , 1766, 2s, 6d. ; Grevill e's Flora Edinensis , 8vo. boardsi 1824, 6.?. Plans of Castilla , Valencia , Cataluna. Esbremadura , Mur cia, i Gibbon 's Rome, port , and maps , Librar y edit. 8 vols. 8vo. and Ara gon, by Dufour , 1836, 2s. Qd. each scored calf , 1825, 20j. \ Barnard' s Scenes in Switzerland , 26 plates , Atla s foli o, half- Neville, W. % Park Terrace , Covent ry ' momuruccorocco.. 1843xoto v(Macle-U(i.i*uican»u) Hogarth' s Works , 150 steel engravin es. 1 vol. Walton 's Lives, Major 's " edit,^ larg e paper , India proofs, Lan pford' a Staffor dshire and Warwicksliire , ongra yuags, newly bou nd , olive morocco full extra , 1825 4 vois. -j. Seeman 's (Dr. ) Viti or Fitian Islands in 1860- 1 , 8vo. cl. 7s. 6a. Kaye' s Lives of India n Officers , 2 vols. RKMA.INT3EPJS. INCLUDING BOOKS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF LITERATURE. . s. * CATALOGUES post -free upon app lication. W. GLAISHER , WholesalerBookseifer^ 265 High Holborrr, London. ! BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE - Uote.—It mutt be distinctly understood that lists cannot be inserted f or others than subscribers except at a charge of 6d. per line, prepaid. Books in Print are not Advertised f or, but must appea r in (fie ordinary Column Advertisements and at the same rate. <

4. 5., Publishers* Circular Office, 188 J7«r« * Street , ff.C. Baker , J. * & Son, Clifton Hf Harpnr *a M agazin e. May, Jun e, and Aug. 1881. Several Peacock' s Tales, 4 in 1 rol. If copies of each HI Battford , B, T.% 52 High Holborn , London HI Abram «fc Sons, Middle Temple Gat*.% London Cam pbell's Philoso phy of Rhetoric II Any Old Books published at Middle Temple G at e Civil Engineers* Minutes . Vol. 87, and vols. as f amed I Abraham, H., Taunton < Journal of Qas Lighting. Vol. 19 I Kemp Lay Out a Large Garden Ma xwell's (Clerk ) Life. 1st edit. I 's Hovr to Texier 's Bvaantine Architecture | Bteere 's Sermons. Vol. 1 VioUet-le-Du n, Dicttonrlaire dn mobilier. Vol. 4 itaT , J,t A Co., Frankf ort o/3f., Ger many Gmelin's Chemistr y: Vols. 13, 14, 17, 18, and Index South Kensin gton Museum. All the catalo gues Portfolios of Art. A set Bell A Brodf utt, Edinbur gh Gajlvln'a Letters , edited by Constable . DieffenbaorTa Cha th am Isiandn: 1840 Young's Travels in France Dillon's Fate of La Perous *, 2 vols. 1810 PaloEKratogra phicalSociety. A set * Bay's Wreolrbf the « Minerya. » 1831 Robi nson's Kastern Car pets Cruise of tha ' Mar y Ira. ' 1867 Cabier et Martin , Melan ges d'Aroheolo gte Bennett' s Whaling¦ Voyage to the South¦ Seas, 9 vols. 1840 . I . . •• . ¦ ¦ ¦ • . ¦ ¦ > . ¦¦¦ . •• : -^ " ' ' ¦ ....!'¦ _ ' \ BW*~ ¦' "" ' ' " ' ' ^ —" fffi '' ' ' r* ^ CT f W !V -----' f "' " ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "'' ' " ' '" U l ' ir T ^f fglgiT a I- . .3M . ' ®^ dPuBlslets'- CSreiilir • . " fSlIj llil I ^ ^^^ * ^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' . _—^^^^M ^^M^_^—^.fc^Z^^J^ 1— '-^M——¦ -^^— . - -^ ¦ ¦ _^- ^^^_^^^^fc^^^^^^^^^fc^^Mj^^^^a^^^^^^ a^i^^^^J^^i^fcMj^fc^hla^^^^^^^ . m-^*A—11 ¦^¦V, - ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ' * ^B^MBi^HMMtf^^^M^MMB^B^BHI^^B^H^^p^ ^^^p^^^^^^^^^^fl^MM^^^^^^^^^fc^M^^j^MM^I^^^^^^^^^^^taB^taM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BI^HM^BMBlMMi^H^BMBH^B^Bfll^M^BMi^MH^^PH^i^^MflBBlBMl^^W^Bi^HMflM^MSBHBBM^MBi^BMMM^i^BlMMH^WWW^fcBi^^^^^^^^ ^ " " j BOOKS WANTED TO? WJRGSASE^^mUmieck - : —^

Bain, Bookseller, 1 Hayinarket, 8.W. Burns & Oatet (Limited), 28 Orchard Street, W. r ;.\ r * ; Ha ynes Pa per -maker s Calculator ^sx***' s Scienk/vAy&iwvce of Memorauwv&uvAj y Simplifiedfsj a ^ ¦¦¦ ^.ynaa%? ^% and Explained.j lm^^£ samuli.&v *>* Peera ge of Ireland , 2 vols. 1768 (London ) r Babex's. (Emperor ) Memoirs , 4to. 1826 ' v " Bentl ey's Standard -{Libra ry. Ori ginal red doth. edit. !; ' Alpine Journal. Vol. 10 to Marria ge and Hector <^'Hallora u "- ~ Ty tier's Elements of General History, 3 vols. 8vo. ^Geological Journal of Ireland. Vol. 7, or Farts 1, 2, 3 —- UniversalHistory, 6 vols. 8vo. Hill's Plant ation of Ulster Swift (Jonathan) Closing Years of his Life, by Wilde —4- MacDonnella of Antrim . Mountmorris * Irish. Parliament , 2 vols. 8vo. 1792 Madden's Unit ed Irishmen. 2nd Series. Vol. 1 Hutto n's (H. D.) Prussia and Ireland , a pamphl et (Dublin ) —21 -V* - 3rd Series. Vol. 8 Petrie's Collection , of Ancient Music of Ireland Kilkenny Archaeolo gical Journal. 1849, 1850, 1851, or any Irish -En glish Dictionary, 1 vol. 1849 (Dublin) Newport Salop i Bennion & Home, , l Bailey 's Festus, a Poem • ¦ Williams' (J. Bickerton ) Life of Phili p Henry - ** - - . I * CJiap man, J. C, 36 Coney Street, York Bickers A Sons, 1 Leicester Square, London , W.C. Seebohm 's Bird s Annual Register. 1857, 1858, 1859 : Jack son's Old Pa ris, 2 vols. Collins, C , Bristol House, Harlesden, London. N.W. Old Regime, 2 vols. Mart el's Account of the Glaciers or Ice Alps in Savoy. 1741 W allace's Nat ural Selection Peasant s of the Alps > Swiss Cottage s i Blackwell, B. H , 50 <6, 51 Broad Street , Oxford ' ~~^ " Sports man's Dictionaery. 1^80 ; ¦. liolyo^ke's History of Co-operatio n br eakin g- , ¦ Stapleton's Can nin g and his Times Hutchinson 's Dog- Courtho pe's Paradise of Birds Collins, W, P., 157 Great Port land Street, London , W. • Cobbett' s Rural Bides, 1 vol. Hooke's Micro gra phia. 1665 or 1667 I WWligui/right' sb ArabicArauiu vituuGrammar. iuur. 2nd

¦" ¦ Cooke 's Fr esh water -Algae, 2 vols. ¦I/Vyw) * w •% *. »•*> A/UCU'f O*CV« **/Kr %s%*tW%/ WVUH>I V XVvU'wM ^ v*v«#«^-%w * ^f ^*^" *V 9 * Boyce, ¦ W¦ .% The Laurels ¦«. /«4 , Seven ¦ Sisters¦¦¦¦ «¦ Road , Finsbur¦ __ y Park, N. —_ • ^ ^ « « a • « « » ^ .. . __9 *S W Dillwyn's British ConfervaB Smith' s (Albert) Cnristo phe r Tad pole, Adventures of Mr. 1858 Ledb ur y, Scatter good Famil y, and Pottleton Xegacy, Brown 's Atomic Theor y. Vols. 1, 3, and others about

¦" ¦¦ • ---- r ~ ~ >gji" j i r ~ ¦ r tt ~ Tf* ir *** withw avaa thet ori^ r ^ ^ f ginal ^ ^ illustrations ir Colwell, J., Devizes lW v»«* p UVL1VAIWUU O ^UWUO »ta' x'>'^** "-»^*» Vols. 6^* ,J ^ ^-f ; , Colchester Strickland' s Queens of^' 'T Scotland. 7. 8 Brackets E. As S., 5 High Street Blackie's Imperial Dictionar y. Old edit. Last two divs. ' Sunday at Home. Part for Jan. 1884 Oliver Twist. 1838. Vol. 3 Brear , Thos., ds Co. {Limited), 17 Kirkgate, Bradford Old and New London. Vols. 5, 6 FarjeonJk' iVLJVVTU 'skJ LoA4V vWe 'sO ViT ^.Vvm^A^ctory Comb ridge, C, 18 Graf ton Street, Dublin . - . Figuier's Primitive Man Old Catholic Missals Bright, F. J. , 10 »H AVIVV SubjJ ^V*VJWVO* ects. No.\*m 8\J (Vulgar\ W UAg Errors)A V^JL W f Froude 's Remains. Part 2, Vol. 2 Corni sh, J. E., 16 St. Ann' s Square Manchester Mores Catholici , 12mo. Vols. 2, 8 Busk's History of Mediaeval Popes^ and Emperors , 4 vols. Crosb y's Baptists. Vol. 4 Nicholl' s Autogra phs of Remarkable Persona ges, folio Beeohe r's Eyes and Ears Bumpus, E., 5 350 Oxford Street, London , W. Davies, J., Grand Pump Boom Library, Bath Proscotfs Phili p II., 8vo. (Bentley) Say and Seal. Complete edit. (Bentley) Peru , 2 Tola. 8vo. (Bent ley) Queen. J an. 9, June 26, 1886 Miscellaniod (Bentley) . ., Milligan Bate s* Naturalist on the Amazon , on the Revelation Day, J., A Son, 16 Mount Street, W* Bumpus,'T. B., 2 George Yard , Lombard Street, E.C, FoTlt^.Jfr.rdfs SpaiC3_»<_rw 184fi.tOAR Vol.TT-vl 2n Mor ris ' Seats of Noblemen and Gentle men , 6. vols, Aunt Judy. Vol. for 1863 Campbell' s Chancellors , 7 vola. 8yb. Badminton Librar y. Any vols. large pape r, or otherwi se Wright 's Caricature Histor y of %he Pour Georges GreviUe Memoirs, 3 vols. 1st Seriea Ruskin ' B Stones of Venice, 8 vole, 1886. ; Lar ge ,pai>er Coleridge's (Mies ) No vela. Ori ginal edits. ———-!— Modern Painters , ,5-vols. Yonge s ' (Miss) Novels* Ori ginal edits. ¦¦ I , Dra per's Modern Europe , 8vo. Sewell'a (Miss) Experience of Life. Old edit. • , • » 1

\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&^^^t^ftUtttf^tf^^^tt^t^^f^ttt^tK^^f^t^^^^^^f^tt^t^^t^Kt^^^t^l^^tt^^

4 ^v£j_2J» ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^i^HMMBWM> ^WWJifiMlfr ^lMPWMMyMtWJWE ^WMME ^^ te k ^ M £ : ; Apxn %,>*m : r WmM^aM ^^^t&Mt _ ^j ^ ' BOOKS WANTE D TO PURCHASE— c^i^m^^ .

Deighton, Bell A Co., Booksellers, 18 Trinity Street. Cambridge Fooks, Shorland, %2 The Mall, Clifton , Bristol ' «#W VU j J. JL AWJ^WW v M *f .* . AAWA y V/t*A«AVAAVftQVaU*4V« AVV f *m ^ 90 ww * «r ^ —1 t~i ~ ti m ~~n. ¦ ijfiMy i r*i viiv jk a irovnv ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦wiri'MBn 1 Pricke tt's Barn well Priory;^ 9 Cambri dgeshire. 1837 Letter^ to Rev.* • H. M'Neile m *>^^^^ Library^^m.mjm^ :m Fishing,^ a^»&«-A *^ ^^ y 2^w vols.w ^rmum Lr . P.• Coquetd ale's Fishing Songs ^ Hnnting. L. P. Dickens' (C.) Barnaby Rud gre. 1st edit. Hay 's Bri ghter Britain , 2 vols. 1882 Haiiburton 's (Judge) Attach e, and other Work « Fairley ' e Collier y Mana ger's Calculator Idle's (0.) Hints on Shootin g and Fishing. 1865 Ceylon in 1884 (Haddon & Son) Leighton ' s (A.) Romances of Old Edinburgh Newcastle's Fisher 's Garlands. Repri nt Gait, J., & Co,, 2 Corporation Street, Manc hester xvvovvv w ti j.wuio ouva ¦ p vu Fergus on's Northmen in Cumberland Roscoe's (W.y • C.)\smj Poems and Essays'jp oajf ,y 2^ vols.io. Sala's (G. A.) Accepted Addresses George , E., 231 Whitechapel Road, E. Scott' s (Sir W.) Life, Jby Lockhart. 1862. Vol. 3 ( Black) Strickland' s Queens of Scotland , cloth . VoL 7 Simeon's (C.) Stray Notes on Natur al History Bourrienne 's Napoleon, 8vo. cloth. Vol. 1 (Rev. C.) Memoirs. 1847 Cunningham 's Walpole , cloth. Vol. 8 ( Bentle y). £1 given Stephenson 's (Geor ge) Life, by Smiles, demy 8vo. D'Arblay 's Diary, brown cloth . 1842. Vol. 6 Young 's (John) The Christ of History Decameron , boards. 1822. Vol. 2 Guizot 's Memoirs of my Own Time , 8vo. cloth. Vol. 4 Downing % W., 7±New Street, Birmingham — Stuart' s (Alex.) History of the Stuarts George ' s Sons, W., Bristol

J ~ - J ¦ ¦ fTilll 'IITII Illustrated London News. Jul y to Dec. 1876 Ollivant'^w^AA^A V 1T T T s** Some'^ r»»»~>i Account"" *~."mT ^f of^^ «- Llandaff¦ Cathedral.^«/«<« W m«. X/%A- *¦*••• 1860^ V^ V ^^ Montaigne th e Essa yist, by St. J ohn Library of the Fathers. 38, 40 to end Stirling 's (Napier) Memorials of Dundee, 3 volg. Thomson 's History of Chemistry Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 3 vols. 1874. Vol. 2 Punch. Vols. 19, 20, 21 Pennant' s Whiteford and Holywell Drake," R. 7., Eton .A- T| r*. w» AWW */«.UliniMWUVI MOU ¦ , .—" .--^ »* -^ ^ r V 111* 11 y *^ IS • M. 11 ^ I Gilbert A Field, 67 Moorgate Street London Life of Pere Rayignan'"Q ^, translated (Washbo nrne) Vanity Fair. Cartoons of Sir Robe rt Harve y, Mr. Selhy, Peaks , Passes, and Glaciers ' Old Time's Coach ,' Earl Coventry, and Earl Cadogan Field' s (James) Poems (Americ an) Stephe n' s Law of Evidence Howitt' s Northern Heights of London Drayton , 8.,

Reid 's Policeman s Manual AjM ' Soundih/v ** * Cassell' s Mia gazine. March 1884 Lectures on Light Eaton & Son, Worcester Floatin g Matter in the Air Lea's Catechisin gs on th e Life of Oar Lord. Two copies Grant , J., 25 & 34 George TV. Bridge, Edinburgh ¦» u.& StricklandObTIVIkJU llU 'sB Queensy UCCIIO of\JM. England.jL UL±fSl€»l-l \Jtm 1844.UTI. Vol.» w»*.. 4 .(Colburn)-\ w«a ^ »«/ - Edmonds Jc Spark , Aberdeen Adams' Gifts of a Grandfather , and Sequel Jamieson 's Ballads, 2 vols. 1806. Vol. 1 Monthl y Review. Vols. 97, 100 ; also, New Series, Vol. 3, Zeller 's Aristotle and Vol.Vol. 2., 1R36 Jebb' s CEdi pus Coloneus Notes and Queries. 3rd Series. Complete 4fch Series. Vols. 1 to 10 Edmonds , W. C, Bookseller, 420 Brixton Road, 8. W. Davy's (Humphry) Chemical Philosophy. 1812. Vol. 2 or Art Journal. 1876. Parts preferred both Grant, JR., A Son, 107 Prinas Street, Edinburgh Gleanin gsfrom Gladstone Edwards , F., 93 High Street, Marylebone. W. _ Hereward the Wake , 2 vols. cloth. 1866 Blackburn 's Animal Sketches .. Rawllnaon 's Herodotus , cloth. Vol. 3 Tom Thumb Leoky's Morals , 8vo. 1869. VoL 2 Griffith , Farran , A Co., St. PauVs Churchyard, London, E.C. Coleri dge's Poems , cloth . 1844. Vol. 1 (Pickerin g) Bampton Lectures. 1781, 1783, 1786, 1794, 1797, 1803, 1806, Kingsley 's Life, cloth . 1st edit. Vol. 1 1818ifiiR , 18311R31., 18501850., 11862.862, 11866866., 1868.1868, 1871.1871, 1877,. 1883.1883, 1886 Gard iner ' s History of England , 1603-16 , 2 v.8vo. G ood pric e Castellani on Diamonds and Prec ious Stones Edwards , J. TT. P., 133 Richmond Place , Chester Gun, R.. 6 Prince of Wales Road, N. W. Hemingway 's Chester , 2 vols. 8vo. Trevor 's Life and Times of William HI. 1835 Journ al of the Cheshire Archaeolo gical Society. 2 to 5 Book of Family Crests La Fontaine 's Tales , in En glish British Dir ectory. 1793. Vol. 4 and Index voL Sydney Morcom, a Novel, 2 vols. Ori gin of Surnames Old Price's Remains. Odd parts American Scra p Book. 1861^58. Vols. lt« 3 Hagyard, J., 31 St. Nicholas Street\Scarborou gh Eland , H T S.% 236 High Street, JSxef rr 1 7th 1867 edit. Caldec ott' s 0-ra phio Pictures. 1st Series Shipley's (Orb y) Divine Litur gy. Cassell 's Magazine. Dec. 1884 to Jan. 1885 Magazine of Art. Nov. 1882 Hardin g A WiUby* 6 Hyde Street, New Oxford Street, W.C. Fan nin dt Co., *1 Graf ton Street, Dublin Dublin University Magazine. Vols. 7,8(1836); Vol. 27 (1846) Posthumou s Works of Sir Th. Browne. 1712 Md dioal Press imd Circular. Jan. to June 1862 Bygones. Quarterly No., Oct. to Dec. 1877 WoodallJf WUIMA anCftl ^ du Venablea. v v**»*vavk j* Oswestr*.rft? ww **«v v« yj Fawn, J., 4: «%>m, 18 Queen' s Road Bristol 1 ^ Wakerman 'a Handboofc of Irish Anti quities Prsete rita. Large paper. Part* i Neale's Litur giesof St. Mark, James, &c., Gree k and Eng - Lib rary of the Fathers. 22 to % lish. 1859 ... . ! .. - . . ' . .. ¦ ¦ -- i - 11 ¦)¦ m i 1 i rr I, . 1 h i i ) . . . 11 1 1, 1 . . i . . ij fr JMUL % ' _ __^_ ^^^ _ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j ^^ jj ^^^ jjj ^^ j ^^^^ ji ^^ h^ i^j ^^^^^^^^^^ j w •¦ ^ ((( ^ ¦¦ ^^^ CMwmp ^'^^'^^^'^^^^'"'^^'"^'^^""^^' ^^'^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ! f " ' ' ^^ PB ^ I^^^^ ^ r ^^^^^ g^^^^^^^^^^^^ H g^gsg^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ K S 1 ? j. ' H • Thfe rPuBHglikrs^C&fetflMr^ 376 ' ' ' "' l ' ; ¦ - ' 1 ¦ 1 1 i 11 ' .!¦. - - ^ipt^sfef- - - - .: .:-. ! * . « «r . r BOO KS WANTED TO VXJRCSASE^cdnUkueM. _ . -- i Hawkins, T., Bridge Library,Newbury King, C , Torquay Bully's Sensation and Intuition Petti grew *s Life of Nelson. Vol. 2 Any Books by Geor ge Wither r Fron tispiece (La Belle J ennin gs) and Title- page to Jame son's I #¦ AnnesleJl r ff-"lTf^ |- fj y 'sW ("Lo1 «^ v*rd •• * Private^u ««rMVW JournalsV VU&UCV1O of«^A. the*/ £-lV Affairs^^ unriA O ofVI Sicilvo^KAW** V BeautiBeauties es of CharlesCha rles II.,. rov.roy. 4to. 1833 I 1 Valencia 's (Viscount) Private Journal s of the Affairs of Sicily King, H. S., A Co., 65 Cornhitt, London % I Heath, J. «/"., Richmond, Surrey "Paterson,1. CI Vy&OVU 's«7 ScienceWU1VUW ofV«- FinanJfc" imwiivv ce Ih Old East India Arm y Lists L-avis' Monogra ph of Earth quakes of Ischia I Ellas' Hellenic Pron unciation of Greek I 11 Herder , B., Publisher , Ft 'fiburg, Baden Gdldzither *s. Mytholo gy amon g the Hebrews I II Duns Scotus , Opera omnia , 12 partes. 1639 (Xugduni) Boeckh 's Public Econom y of Athens I Dnns Scoti Sura ma Theolo gica S. Thomas Aq., ed. Monte- fortinus. Romas , 1728-38 Lachlan , F. C, 14 Canohbur y Terrace, N. I i Cobbold' s (Rev. R.) Works. Any I Hipsseman , R. W., Bookseller, Leipzig, Germany Lamb' 8 Works. Any 1st edits. I jaauttouaruiu.Mahabharata. SanskritDttuttKrib text (Calcutta)njtucuuta ,; Hillingdon Hall , boards. Vol. 1 I ' .English translation (Cal cutta ) Fiore et Zephy r, 4to. 1836 • I Shaw's Encyclopaedia of Ornament Secret Histor y of the Court of England , bds, 1832. Vol. 2 I ¦W ~ ~ WV V or^^ 4h ksHT of^^* Ar T rt*^ in*«»» thew»«-*^ Colle^^^^ mm *mfc ^^^mtio **rn*^ of«^ •. H^ Jb en¦ »Tdmde ^S4br sUVUon Vicar of Wakeneld , 2 vols. 1766 I Tonche 's Handbook of In itial lett ers Catalo gue of Limoges Enamels (Blenheim Palace ) Camley A Co., 1 A 3 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, S. W. I Nineteenth Centur y. Aug. 1830 I Higham, C., 27a Fartin gdon Street, E.C. _,. Words worth' s Work s, 6 vols. fcp. 8vo. 1813. Vol. 6' Langley, Miss. Lovejoy' s Library, Read ing I Cruiks hank' s Old Sailor 's Jolly Boat, 8vo. Arn old on Tran slatin g . 1861 I Hood 's Comic Annual. 1842 v I Hirschf tld Brothers, 18 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Philli ps' Luck y Youn g Woman . Vol. 1 I Thieblin 's Spain and the Spaniards , 2 vols. Diar y and Letters of Mada me d'Arbl ay. 1842. Vo». 6 I Cb esneau 's English School of Painting . 1885 Reports of Chu rch Congress : Swansea and Plymouth I Fleming's Vocabular y of Philoso phy. 1876 Cruiksha nk' s Comi c Almanac. 1835 and 1847 I Bnr gh's Practical Bules for the Pr oportions of Modern E«¦-• ngines*«g m laww Lawrenc e, A. J., Bookseller , Rug**y I . Modern Compound Engines. 1874 Bryan's Dictionar y of Painters and Engravers I Todhimter 's Calculus of Variations! ) 186 1 Sweet's British Flower Garden. 1823-25. Vol. 2 to (Simpkin) I :— Researches in Calculus of Variations. 1871 Manual of Militar y Law I Clark' s Earl y Roman Law English Catalo gue of Books. 1881 Leiqhton, J. A J. 40 Brewer Street. Qold*n Square, W. I Dalton 's New System of Chemical Philosophy Proude 's Histor y of England. Vols. 9 to 12 I Bartholomew Hospital Reports. Vols. 13 to*21 Gre ville Memo irs. 1st Series I Vanity Fair . Ori ginal edit , but not first I Hodges, Figgis, A Co., 104 Oraf ton Street, Dublin Rud ge's Gloucester I Vir gil*a Georgics, translated by Butt Smith's Dictionar y of Christian Antiquities. Vol. 2 I Caird' s Philoso phy ot Kant Christian Biography . Vol. 3 I Proceedin gs of Civil Engineers. Any previous to 1839 Barrow 's (Isaac) Theological Works Lockrwood (Crosby) A Co.. 7 Stationers *'Hall Court, London, E.C. I Scrivener 's Int. to-Crit. of Greek Testament Adams * Rheu matic Gout I rge Selwyn Warneck' s Modern Missions I Geo and his Contem poraries , edited by Jesse Amos' Ruin s of Time 1 Prior 's Universal Tra vel ler. 12mo. King's Gnostics 1 —— Voyage Bound the World , 12mo. Mysteries of Udolpho. Old edit. I Sunda y at Home. Aug. 1883 Butler's Amaran th . 1881 i Buskin 's Praeterita. 1st small edit. Part 1 Villari' s Savonar ola. 2 vols. ¦ British Essayists. Vol. 20, Rambler 1 Holdich, C. W., & Annan dale. Queen Street, Hull Vol. 24, Ad venturer 1 Beeton' s Boy's Own Ma gazine. 1859, 1860. 1861, 186 2 Wallace 's Amazon fl Memoirs of Alexander Ralei gh. Is. 6d. (Black). New (I Autobio gra phy of J S.. MU1 , by W. R. Bro wn, M.A. 1874 Keith' s Treatment of Tumours ( Hodder) ^ Pre nder gast' s Cromwellian Ireland [I Greville Mem oirs. Reigns of Geor ge IV. and William IV. Houssa ye's Philosophers and Actresses , 2 vols. 11 Turnbull' s Treatment of the Eye by Pru ssic Acid Longmans A Co. ( Foreign Dept.), 39 Paternoster Rote. E.C. 11 Naville' s Store City of Pithom (Exploration Fund , Vol. 1) II Howell, E., Church Street, Liverpool Muspratt 's Chemistr y. Last edit. Lord, S. W.. 12 Gloucester Road, South Kensington, W. || Tbe Portfolio. 1884 Bedloe's Poems, 2 vols. [I patter 's1 War Medals Reichcnbach on Odic Force Lovell, W., Alexandra Street, Cambridge [I Dodington's Diary n %rf ^k Iredale, A., Torquay MilesJ IK A *^- »* ' Deverel*h^«^ « ^^* Barrow^ ¦^• ¦WJb A, % ^ »» ', _ mIB Quiver. March 1883 ; Nov. 1884 (2 copies) ; Bee. 1881; Roberts ' Lyme Regis [I

- - r+* jm-r*i~f **smA%r\/ V Mayf T TJ 188J *.\ ^** '5 ;y Dec. 1885 (2\ ** copies)V^'I/AVVJ Lyme Regis and Chflrmoubh [I Cassell' s Ma gazine. Part 98 Warne 's Dorse tshire {I Sept. 1885 West 's Cr anborne Chase II Pike's Some Tro pical Rambles D'Aubigne's Reformation. >. Vol. 5 Ao^, Mars' on , Searle. A Rtvington ( Export Department), I 188 Fleet Street, E.C. [I Curt ius' History of Greece. Vol. 1 only 1 Jarrotd & Sons, Norwich M Fla gs and Signals of all Nations Low, Mars ton, Searle A Rtvington (Foreig n Departmen t), I Gulliver's Travels. Old edits. 188 Fleet Otrent, E.C. I May 's Constitution al Hist ory, 8 vols. 1878 Tre verne n and Hosier 's Reports of the Expedit ion to Abys- I Burke 's Peera ge. 1886 sinia , 2 vols. with Atla« I Comicvvwmav Histaaamw oryv« j of«^a> England.j ui *»|^ acjvk«%« * EditJUiVA.^v« , deVIU luxeAUAV Lennard's Trav els in British Columbia. 1862 I Le Neve's Monumenta Anglicana Mayne's Four Years in British Columbia. 1862 Macfie 's Vancouver 's Island. 1866 J ohnston , J,, 16 Linthorpe Rood, Middlesbrough ' Herschel' s Essays Dix,on's ( Hep worth ) Great Conquest Encvclo pcedia Metro politana. Last edit. Dunraven 's (Lord) Grea t Divide Adams' Pompeii Keay, H, W., 72 Terminus Road, Eastbourne De Morgan 's Essays on Probabil ities. 1838 - Stanle y's Dark Continent , 2 vols. Origi nal edit. St. Nicholas. Vol. for Nov. 1886 to May 1886 nuu Y BJt-*ell'V* so (Lo^jai vnuumuwthian ) / Iroj l»v»»*n and Steelui.cn Tjla«>\rade. *v. 1887J «Jt> # Johnson 1852 Kerby A Co,, Booksellers, 440 Oxf ord Street, London, W, 's Dictionary,¦ Peroian, Arabic , and English. MoNab'a Chri stian Consolation , the Way Home, &c. 1860 ( London ) • — ¦* • Jones ' (Bence) Life of Faraday, 2 vols. Crowe and Cavalcaselle'a Italian Painting w^- vwuvj. Homer^avmkvb 'sa Odyssey,vvij ooojf , by Butchej^u r andnuu Lang.4-M»IIK» 21#.4K. ' Berjeau' a (J. P.) Earl y Dutch , German; »nd EngU»^ Browning 's Red Cotto n Nightcap Country Printers * Mar ks. 1869 Jahr's Logarithms '• , Kramers, It. A., & Son, Booksellers,Rotterdam Watson's Body of Divinity ¦ II Curtis ' Constitutional History of the United States lsaaaeie y'B w niriwind. i860 , II ^ ' ^^^ E ^ M H^i^l^fWMBM ^HMHMnM ^BMIMWaMMPMMMHaMllMHanHHMMMMnaMaiMMHpMHM HIM ^^ { , LJ -M ¦ ¦ H^ Pfr*"" " " ' ' "" ''' i ' li nn .11 1 ¦ - J ' ^ ' ^ ' " ^r ^C. ' ..v ' 'iinrn - miiwATi r ,, , - i, vir , „ > „ ,, „ • , n r , •-> ¦ f " P 3 ,JIT " * T '" i ^ ^ ' ; 'CJww - ^iffM i , i T n SSS5£BBJ rj* ^^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ' Apr il i, i«8r. l3hfe" Eablfi ?lielf»* .Carc tilar 37K .

^ ¦ " ' * * * *¦¦ ™ ^ . ¦ — ¦ ¦ .-• - ._ » ^ ^ mm~-m-—m—HMBMIIIiala — ' ' . \ \ _ ^ t i BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —botitiaue d: I

, r^tr , Marston Searle & Rivington- v(Foreign Depar*~ tment) MathewSy C. E» % Exeter ^ " . t«J Fleet Street B.C. •kr« 'U4V«WJUU T J," UA &V OV* ^V/V^ ¦ A. »Vtlll ^V« Jfc ^^ i l m »w/ 188 . Bombas te* Furioso. 1837 CThomaa\ ' 1*. Dramas^ ) Drew's Practical Meteorolo gy. 2nd edit. 1860 Satan in Search of a Wife, 12mo. sewn. 1831 (Moxon) fc BirdJJJ &V* 'sW Watervv «« ¦*«*» Barometer.*^ l * w 186AVU.V.6 , ' . • Morris * Birds, roy. 8vo. 1851.- Vols. 2, 3, in parts , unbound Bnchan's Hand y Book of Met eorology. 18S7 prefer red Memoirs of Dundee. 1714 (Londo n) \ Dundee's Letters (Bannatyne Clab ) 3£eeHann B. is J, F., 32 Gay Street. Bath . Printed by Mr. Josephus ' Works. Editions of 1620, 1632, 1655, 1700, 1705, Smytbe,pmj vuwf Methven)»*wm.% ^w * w ^^ m.* » Pr m's Millennarianisra. 18« (Niabet) 1708., 1741.1741, 17501750 Kola^'s Time of the Millenniu m Investigated . 1831 (Boon) Annual R egister . 1796 to 1800, 1803 to Mai thus * Political Economy, edited by Case man . 1853 Temple Bar. 1870. Vol. 28 Bro drick' s English Land and Engli sh Landlords Baskerville Greek Testament Button 's Twent y Years of Finance Almanacks prior to 1737 Spencer 's Social Stati cs Thackeray 's Works. 1st edit ?. A set or any " Acland 's (Thos. Dyke) Practical Science in Agriculture Midland Educational Co. (Ltd.}. Corporation St., Birmingham -¦- dfJ Fullert on on the Reputation of Cur rencies £\^ *.MtJ» (VU >^l «f\^AAf WO-&V ^ |XVU9 \yoil r DickensA^ * Cartoons.%f*i*rKJ Pa rtV ^ w*V ith Sidnei^^ ab%- *^_&«^ y^J Carton«t , or^ r ^ the plateBa^A ^VaV ^^ Bre tt' s Letters of J. Valdes to Julia Gonzaga O'Connell *8 (Dan.) Life and Speeches , by his Son, 2 vols. Gibbon 's Report of Carnesecchi Smith' s (W. C.) Raban Jam es Thorn. Treatise by J. Eclnrand *. 1853 Hall' s Graptolitea McDonnel's Lectures on Sur gery. 1871-75 Grant 's Half-Hours with the Sacred Poets (J. Blackwood ) .Toan nis Wallisii Grammatica. 6th edit . 1765 (L ondon) Bra asey's British Navy. Vole. 4. 5 Milne, A. ! Vols. 1 to 5 Bentley's Miscellan y. Part 3 Analys is of the Hunting Field Noordhoff, P., Boekhandel , Gronihgen , Netherlands Sowerb y's Botany Levi (Leone ) on Taxation Bosweli's Johnson , by Croker Leslie's Financial Reform Bewick's Birds. 1804. Vol. 2 Norton, TF., Cheltenham Newman 's Lives of the English Sainte. Odd parts Oreville Memoirs , 3 vols. 1st Series , 8iro. Part 39 JUIUglI«UUt . V \SAs Memorials of Oxford Knight'AV UlgUU sO PictorialA. I^IA/IIML England. . Vol. 2^ ) luptoti y J. A /€., Booksellers, Burnley ^ Lancashire Herbert' s (Daniel Poem3 Chambers ' Journa l. 1848 Waterways of England »? v/ Tales from Blackwood . New Series. Vol. 2, double Wilkestt iin,uo ' Essayxj oa ^j r onvit Woman«jL «ft«i«. Murray 's (P. A.) Travels in North America ,, 2 v. (Bentley) Nutt, D., 270 Strand , London . W. C. Wealeyan Methodist Magazine. Feb. 1882 Kelly on the Revelation , Greek. 1860 _ __ ? 14* EcJUvV^lVOcle8 YorkshJU VflK^O ire«-* Sontts*U>V&A *^a Anglo-American Bible Revision, Abbott. 1S80 Ligbtfoot 's St. Clement of Borne (Macmillan ). Good price Martin and Trlibuer 's Curren t Gold and Silver Coins. 1865 Myste ry of Money. 1863 (Walton & Maberl y) Webster 's Basque Legends. 1877 Beecher ' 8 Evolution and Religion, 2 vola. Several copies Prate's (Anne) Ferns. 8vo. Og le ds Murray, 16 Forrest Road , Edinburgh Art Union. 1839 and 1842 Donnex/uiauv 's** Protestant-a. • vwuwmmv Theolog-». iftWAVQ y_j Gos3e's Romanc e of Natural History. 1st Series Smith' s Life cf St. Columba Scott' s Novels. Ori ginal 3-vol. edit. Rob Roy, Monastery, Mai AlUter, J. F. TF"., L ^eds Libra ry Qaentin Durward , Red Gauntlet , Black Dwarf , Legend Little Dorrit. Any Nos. in original prree n covers of Montro3e , Waverley Carlyle's Latter Day Pamphlets. Any of the original Noa. Pfwj rfi, JET. 2*., Bridgewater Mc Cormick, P., Bookseller, 12 Essex Quay, Dublin Tennyson 's Maud , red cloth . Cabinet edit. Boxiana Palmer & Howe.lZ , 75, & IT Princess Street, M'a nchester Fistia na Burns ' American Woollen Manufacturer Lanig an's Ecclesiastical History of Ireland , 4 vols. Calvert' s (Grace ) Dyeing and Calico Pr inting Liguori 's History of Heresies. 1847. Vol. 1 ( Dublin ) Fairbairn 's Princi ples of Mechanics Massillon 's Conferences , boards. 1825. Vol. 2 Holland' s Cotton Spinner 's Guide Afac Lehose, J,, & Sons, Glasgow Howell' s Essays on the Disk and Differential Motions Life of John Law , of Lauriston Lan gewald's Latest Method of Self-Acquirement of Weaving ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ i i . ACt l/AVO w M-M% Jm vuv j uvvo j l^^ ¦ . mitkrtm Spencer 's Social Stati cs Tables to Layu y Out Lots for Wrarpsvj A.^ ft* UVt Jfc Illu-•-»• *. UUUl strated (* UVVI LondonJ ^VJIAVhVrXA News.W V f U« Jan.%M C«AhA« 2«j, 9V), and Christmas^«^ajl ^ AW I/U4MW No.^ 1 \^» 1886VV^VT Menzies * New Met hod of Wool Washing Queen. Jan. 2, 1886 Brompton Road S. W. Napie r's History of Partiok Parsons , E.t 45 , ¦-» fc^yfc Jfc * B a V W « MantegnaOXJLCwJLA V\Jg JUCW ,y TriumX AAMLIAJ ph(/ !« Csesarisx-^ *. *fc»j, folio.*w**V 1599 « Mncmillan & Bowes, Cambridge Viollet- le-Dac's Dictionnalre du mobiller. Vols. 5, 6 Stuart' s Anti quities of Athens (Bohn ) Westall' s Illust rations to Scott' s Poems. Inlla proofs Emer ton 's Analysis of Adam Smith Whyte-Melvi lle's Marke t Harboro ugh. 1st edit. Newton 'a Fluxions , 4to. (Oolson) Pawson *4AV/AJ^ rib«J« AX^ V -*-| Principla. * 1687^^ Field . April 27, 1879 Poet ry of the Anti -Ja cobin , 4to. 1801 Standard. April 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 1875) Tyndall' s Address to the British Associat ion at Belfast Leicester JournalJour nal. , March 1.1, 2828., 2929., AnrilApril 4.4, June 28.28, 1879 Maggs, U. y 169 Church St., Paddtngton Oreen t London, W. Leicester Advertiser. March 22, 29, April 20, June 21, 1879 Comic Almanac. 1847 Jones ' (Owen) Gram mar of Ornament Diderot et d'Alemberb , Encyclo pedic Pearson , J., & Co., 46 Pall Mall, S.W. Gold smith' s Citizen of the World. 1st edit * The Bee. 1759 . . 4 ^ 1 p _ _ . _ _ . Owen's Win gless Birds of New Zealand Ly^g * tton.4 '• s_ Disowned<• , 4A vols.. • —i 1st<• M- edit.— Jl & A. Uncut^V — A. Holana Oaahel. Fart 19 ' —^ Works. . 1st edit s. Uncut. Any „ Combe's Wars of Wellington inVII or j ^Batttn^X>U\>UU Searcluoff3ttttEA!U. .Ul aU Wife.VF U.O. 1831.JL QO& * PerfectJC «31.L«3UU «JL imperfectJL.lU |lt3I. «.«3UU Marks'Brothers , 107 AK^A Street, Bamst apU fever 's Maurice Tieroay. v 1st. edit. :.. < ¦ < ; • King sley's (O. ) Misoellanies , 2 vols. . .Horace Templet on , 2 vols. 1st edib. 1849 ¦¦ ¦ ¦_ ._ p z^_ ^ ^ — , - L - _ . - . > ;, -\ j 'gr- c w^^^^^^^^^w^^^^^^^^w^^ W^^^^^^^^^ S

' ^' Hi ' BOOKS WANTED TO PUR CHASE ^c0W fi««^- : —: -i—r— „ . - . '¦ &&Haymar &et '¦ % ) Piekering& Chatto, , London* JB.W. Sabin, W. W.&& Weinhgm ^ t \. N Anthropo logical Reviewv 1863. " Vol. 1 - Knox 's Gtame ^Bir ^u 18 ' ¦ ' ¦- * '• •-^ l^ ^ - ^f ^ ' i '! ¦¦¦¦ ' t' m\m n*T r« T^ 'r» T n ra n Inn ri ¦ **a4* dhJ flL 5^ // ¦¦ • ¦¦ 4MUV IIW I4y f " ' ¦ : ¦ * 's Paracelsus. .1st edit. ^ -^ jy I X fVIO* . JLff V*K ( '' • " ? • - Brow ning : Emil y Monta^gu, 4 Vols. 1764 : ulj -V \ .;; , • v . ——-Men and Women , : 1855 r Cruikshank' s Ben Brace , Baron Munchausen ^ * ¦ ¦¦ ' Grii• pm's i -<——— Rfn g Aiid the Book. 1868 Tales, 2 vols. . *• ¦ ' "' •: " " '; * '•" ;-. ., - ^ ¦ .;> WU«VVOUC ;CI Antiqua.AAtVl ^UOa Vols;, T VIOi JLj ^ ' Collect anea 1, 2 Ainsworth's Rookw ood, G-uy¦ Fawke3, Mls&e%Daug hter lYoude's England, 8yol Vpls. 5, 6, 9, 10 -— - Ma gic Spell . * • r ' Hood's Comic Annual. 1830, 1839, 1842 Blue Stocking Bevels Richardson 's Sir Charle s Grandison. 175*. Vols. 5, 6 Polly andOn Danger of Methodism. 1809 Sterne 's Tristram Shiidy. Vols. 2, 7, 8, 9 g^port Attorney -General. 1812 Histor yof the 4th Light Dra goons Ultra Crepidarius ' . Ballad Society. 1882 to 1886 inclus ive Christianism. 1844 Notes and Queries. Vol. 8, Series 6 Wishing -Cap Pape rs. 1874

f fcHVff If 1 f | VJ*vt.V& AHTUMf XOV \/V»AV« f •¦• m^^^^ rm^m *^a^^^^^ a ^^^^^ ^A «^«>&4 ¦#VUIUU4 VU V SVtlVL ^L ivUwMvl • n^k.Alice & 4 in ^^ A Wonderland.a v m m m. 1st edit.a ¦ ¦ ^k ¦ , Fairest Scenes fro m Beaumont and Fletcher. J^Vf/V1855 David Copperfield«^ , cloth (not* parts)^ . 1st^ edit}.** 1 Cambridge Essays. 1856 (Parker)- ' i , * . r Pickering,W. & E., Bath Salisbury, J., 4 PaternosterRow; London, E.C. 1 All-the Year Bound. Vols. 2, 3, 4 Adam 's (F.) Free Schools in the United States O'B yroe 's Naval Biographical Dictionary Cunningham 's Archaeological Surv ey of India. Vols. 13 to 18 s Medals of Creation Records of the Pas t. A complete set Mante ll' 1| ¦¦yy i The•a. ^a.-^ r Linnet. About" ~ Tr ~ —- - -- 1749.* . ¦ ^ EV Hugo , Les Travailleurs de la Mer, Legende des Siectes. 1862. " The Ballflnch. About 1749 Ponsonby, E , Bookseller, 116 Graf ton Street,, Dublin Jo urnal of the Royal Asiati c Society. XIV., 1, 4 | Ducarel' s Lambeth}; St. Cath erine 's Hospital ; Tour -t^fM?ough " Seeley & Col, Essex Street, Strai td,, W. Ndrmand y, 1754 ; List of Editions of the Bible ; Auction Tindal' s Continuation of Rapin's History of England , 8ro. Catalogue of Books, 1786 ^ Siegle, Aug.. 801 Z^me Street, E.C. V ^ Skey's Heraldic Calendar , 8vo. Burke 's (E. ) "Works and Correspo ndence , 8 vots. 8vo." Delamot te's Allusive Arms , 4to. 1803 Erskine (Lord ) - 's Speeches, 8vo. Bagot's Memorials , 4to. 1824 Gordonuuxuuu 'so Intxuu -rest-i oa u Tables4.aui oa Anderson 's House of Hamilton. 1825 Times.- 1870, ' Robertson 's (Q-.) Account of Families in Ayrshire 187f Nlchol' s piterar y Anecdotes. Vol. 6 only Simpkin, Marshall, ACos.,4 Stationer s' -Hall Court, London , E.C. i^r«. ¦ Berry 's Encyclopaedia Herald . Vol. 4, Supplement Manningmmm mmm ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »p 'si<7 Bnle-^m* i^v« of Paith.J -' uiiv&* *¦ — Meyrick' a Moral Theology of the Church of Borne ' IiiberjLduer -jjMunerum a.unerum , Hiberniaeznuei iixfct;, folio.iuuu. 1'852xouis ^ Moseley's Notes of a iNaturaUst in the ' Challen ger.' 1879 Brother Pladdu s . . . . (MacmiUan 3 {- Evans ' Bible Characters Gore 's Hint8 Walke r's Anal ysis of Beaut y Forbes ' Considerati ones Modestas. Vol. 2 (Anglo-Cath. Lib.) Ii'Abbesse , par Renan , translated into English Holber g's Jou rney to Underground World , tr. into English Slark , J. & A., 41 Fishf .rgate, Preston Hanle y's Cali phs and Sultans Twain's (Mark) An Idl e Excursion s Kingsley's Mystery of the Island I Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand , London Le Fanu 's Morley Court Herve y's Book of Christmas , Illust. by Seynaoiii*. 1837 Dumas * Watchmaker. Not Is. edit . The Christmas Book in the Olden TimeTime,, its Customs and their Ori gin. 1859 Smith, W., 97 London Street, Reading Beaumont and Combe on Gastric Juice and Physiology of Richard son, H.% 4 Church Street, Gr eenwich, S.E, Digestion •*- v^w**»« Gent'XJfdJgXt sO \ (Thomas¦*- *Jl ^^"* »«*J ) / Poems it' s Book for a Corner (Bohn) De Mor gan's Bud get of Paradoxes • nedy's Birds of Berks and Bucks ^ ^a\ of Colonel Johnston . Circa 180- Ridgwap, W., 169 Picca dilly, W. jeijrey's Van Diemen 's Land 'MacLe nnan 's Life of Drummond , Irish Secretary ^ Smith, W. H., & Son ( Book Dept.i, 186 Strand , London Rimell, J., A Son, 91 Oxford Street, London , W. Magazine of Art. Nov. and Dec. 1883 Olio an d Euter pe. Vol. 1 Smith, W. J Nbrtf i Street, Brighton k/v»*-vw» ^^ -«» » +,J± OnceYufa JLy*J aOf Week.Tl wwAJfe * 4-* Series. Vol.* 5 ij Kj. Alisonuiiouu 'sp Eurojuuiu pe ^t, demyuoui j i 8vo.V Vols.v uio. 7I , 8o, continuationWXl bJLULtUiliLUUI Jesse's Richard III., bound Butler 's Hudibras , Brass ey's Histor y of the Navy 8vo. Baldwyn's edit. Vol. 3 Supp . Dispatches , white cloth. Vols. 9, 11, 12 Dibdin 's Literary Life Wellin gton's Le Keux 's Camb rid ge, 4to. cloth. Vol. 2 * liytton 's Novels. Or iginal edits. Any, except Maltravers , James Pelha m, Student , Bienzi . Strange Story, Siege of Ctaranad a, ' Agincourt and*Forest Days, roy. 8vo. ori ginal cloth Chillin gham , Monthly Packet. Vols. 3, 9, 34 Night and Moniin ?, Eugene Aram , Deve- Knox 's Game Birds renx, Harold , Labfc Days of Pompeii , Parisians . Caxton iana Lodge's Portraits , green cloth. Bohn 's edit. Vol. 4 Sotheran , H.t & Co., 49 Cross Street, Manchester Sportin g Ma gazin e. 1st Series. Vols. 19, 21, , 86, 38 King's Gnostics ^6 UJiAU ¦ ¦ | | Jj tJfc y B 1x?i*- " OJJU« *PS«**4***V^t . ^# *jm, M.j «#v^ ^a^' x^ % ^« av vv y *r m*u» uv v a^^ v • Farmer_ 's Ma gazine.j-t Ju_ ly_ to J_Deo. f > _ 1835Vt ; _*Jan _ . to June ¦ 1837 Sta nhope's Life of Pitt , 4 vols. 1 m immm m *^ n • + *wmm am Dickens' Works , 80 vols. post 8vo. red cloth. Illustrated Howitt' s Boy's Country Book _. librar y edit. Pickwick , 2 vols. ; Mutu al Friend , 2 vols. ; Irving 's Bracebrl dge Hail , by Cald ecQtt. 1st edit. Grea t Expectations , 1 vol.; "Uncommercial Travell er , Old Christm as. 1st edJ it. 2 vols.; Child' s Eugland i 1 vol..; Edwin Diood, 1 vol. ; Curtis ' Botanic al Ma gazine , 53 vols. 1st Series Chris tmas Stories , 1 vol. Waverle y Novels. 1860. Vols. 1.1, 2.2, 1313., 1818., 1919., 2222., 3939., 40 Alpine Journa l. Vols, 11, 12 Punch , original cloth. Vols. 1 to 40 --¦- . 1822 ' — Alken 's¦ Sporting ¦ Repository_ ^_ JX (M'liean).JO TT Imperfect_ _ ma 's Illust'm 'm m i rations_!-•___ offf theA. T_ ArchitectureA of Venice.J Pt.»W™k *_ 1* Sotheran, H., <€? C04, 86 Piccadilly, London, W. Buskin Catlin 's North Americ an Indians , plates, folio Robson A Kersloke, 23 Coventry Street, W. Motle y's Dutch Republic , 8vo. Vol. 1 Burne y's Histor y of Music , 4 vols. 4to . 1776 Zoological Society's Proceedings. 1659 and 1861 Dickens* MiEtf fcin Ohuzzlewit. 1844. Uncut Cprnwallis ' Corres pondence , 3 vols. 8voi The Old Eorest Ban ger Kinglake 's Crimea , 8vo. Vols. 8, 4 Rofllde' e ("Wlnwood) Savajye Africa " " Sotheran , H., & Co., 185 •& 136 Strand, London. W.C. Bo'othb y' B (Sir Broo k) Fables in Verse . Buckle's Histor y of Civilisation , 8vo. Vol. 2 8titrtr *#. .flT-» 10 WM %4 " AngasMMMWi QVP**' * l V ff MW^4MMVIVAM «- i yWll W V arimal di'a Memoirs , cloth. Vol. 1 • \ * New Zealanders . Imperfect copy****JMfjJ Paris Sketch Book, cloth. Vol. 1 T Berry 's Heraldry, 4to. Vols. 3, 4 - Bryant's AncidzitMythology, Heads of the People , oloth. Vol. 2 < 1 . 8vo. Vol. 5 Orui kebank' s Table Book. Parts 2f 11, 12 v Collins Peerage. 1812. Vote. 2, 4, ,0, 7 Legends and Lyrics, 4toi. 1st edit . - Colliiison' 8 Somerset . Vol. 2 ' v tife+ X+*. ofA« Mrs.ibTwa Jordan.T mtrtan BunoTtTmninirYi pmbYi&a ^s edit.AcHi: ImperfectTmTWi 'f pp .t. D'Abrantes * Napoleon , 8vo. Vo^. 1 - VHnltiy B'air . ;Pa«t » Illjanlcl laat , * Dibdin 's Bibliotheca Spenceria ha ; Vbl ; 2. ' Imporfect copy to page 5 Frontispiece and HnmUton 's English School ot Paint lngf) Vol. 3 4 \ Onr Str eet. Commen cement ' , , • ..r ^.Vigne'tte ' .i- •; •>*' \; .... ' • Lyjujnasandsay y'asWor vvqrjsa.ks. '^1806.auo. Vol.vol. 2z, ^- i - " " 1 — , i " ' ' ' V ' m ! v; ^ ' x ¦ ^ k , ¦ft P^aiWlflllilt gM ^IiM ^ -^^s^z.=-^xi~MSm 111 ¦ 1 • - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -,¦ ¦¦ - :-; . - ¦ .--o' &.v-Livr.: ^ : . • .*• - • - .¦nyr.-^ - -s- • -. . *• »¦ •• - " . • .. - ' ' ' . - ...... < ¦¦••Vf^: v -a . .. , . .»- i.y:i |v:>f 1ii;; . :. ;. . . >->7./- . ; , ,;, .; . ,;:-> „ - ,; :, :: , -> .; ? ? ^ . .;/( _ y ¦ • • ¦ ^ ^ ; a- ¦ ¦< - ¦ - - • : : : . - ' ¦.^ .^ - T-—, ^.,£? ,; ¦>-... si-J ^W' r " v- ,1 » w-: _ ->;. .*'V- < i«;: vAfciyfci- - . ' ¦ . ' ., . • ¦ ¦ wow I: . ¦* i\ . i 3¦ f. |i^ §t<£* «ii ^ *.,• *'' ¦ ,::Jk 3-T- • :-**J ^ r* 4-^^ | 5V| -^ .¦ ¦ • . t. ¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦ . . • ¦ • ' ' ' ' ' " ¦ - ' ¦ :: * . "* *' * •; • ' ¦ W¦ i i . • • f . . .. > * - . - •;» ;

Wake B. T., ^f cl ^ ^ perlw^ , \i\ ' f 'AsVMamtnft.As^Meflaiiiia ^ PartaS 13 Fo?^*^(€Feo.) J ournal, 2 yols. 1836: .Vol. 1, •; . > '- .» . ^nTSar i^ ^^ ^ F^W^IS*. ju^' v ¦ ¦; ^¦ ».^ *»^^f ."^^*^ . -^w* - > ^*^^' y. f *,«iwnM »ivfty. / ^v >#u« (<^v" : y- ^ \j ^ ' j t^\j*. ^u, ; pictures que America. Part 27 (2*. 6W«i W** 8^^f, 9,J 10.^V« 13^ v Waddall' s West Indies and Central Africa Trollo pe's Orley Farm. Parts V2r 13, 14 Marryat' s (F.> Sybil's Friend .. . ¦ \ 11 Me Barrington 's Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation Stacy, E. 8.^ cklenburg Street * W.C. Segur 's Napoleon's Campaigns in Bussia Derb y's (Lord) of Homer , blue cloth. Vol. 1 . \ The Newcomefl. Part 19 Waters, €?. E., Bookseller,'97 Wesfbo urne Grove, Bayswater \ Edinbur gh Phrenological Journal. Vols. or parts Chalmers ' Shakspeare , 8 vols. Svo. illustr ated I Boaden s Mrs. . ' Vol. 1, with port. - . . ' n~ Jordan boards. ..BV .BBB^ , ^^*^ to * .A ^B ^h ^.Bd A .^kBBl.Bh « ^ Knapton 's Descri ption of Holland. 1740 , Hunt' s (L.) Book of Sonnets. . Chea p T Lower's (Sir W.) Residence of Charles II. in Holland , folio. i Contemporary Keview. Vols. 13 to 17, or par ts 1660 Siechert, O. E.% 26 King William Street.Strand , W.C, ( ' 'I «k> ^ ¦¦¦!¦¦¦¦! Watson, J., Bookseller, Elgin Stephenff^X *«^* Ji^ hB ^k. 's"* fL.)\ 4^ 1^* Fr^ V^^^ ee Thinkin¦ ¦>¦¦ J»% g. « 187^fc^^ « 3-vv ' ^ ~ Emmarmel , or the Titles of Christ , by the Bev. Octaviu s ¦Williams ' Sanskrit Dictionary ! Stubbs ' Begistrum Sacrum . Anglicanum Winslow , D.D. (John F. Shaw & Co., London) « Steven * & Sons, 119 Cha/nckry Lane * London, W. C. Wesley, W.. A Son, 28 Essex Street, Strand , W.C. Hansard' s Parliamentary Debates. ,. A complete set-to 1885 Edwards ' Botanical Register , 33 vols. j Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafalga r Square , London. W. C. Loddi gre' s Botanical Cabinet , 20 void. 8vo. 6r 4to. Life of Colley Gibber , by himself , 4to. 1740 ^ Andrews ' Botanist' s Reposit ory, 4to. 1804. Vols. 5-10 : "" Westwood' s Thesaurus Entomolo jaricus, folio Ha yward' B Essays ^, Complete ..... -^ £. Gospel History Sowerb y's Popula r Concholo gy, 12mo. (L. Reeve & Co.)} Martin 's Christ' s Presence in the Grant' s (R.) History of Physical Astronomy, 8vo. i * The Shadow of Calvary » - - - - « Reign of Terror, 2 vols. boards. 1826 i . / TF7 ^iffow, j !., Exhibition Handbooks. Complete* Borrow 's Wild ^ales, 3 vols. ' " Contem porar y Review. 9Peb. and Sept. 1869 British Medical Journal. I860 . i Sutton, R. ST., 25 Princess Street,Manchester Dure 's "Urinar y Or gans. Mst edit . ; Bunyan 's Life and Death of Mr. Badman Chadwick' s Ma gic Lantern. 1st edit. , Jamea ' ^he Olive Branch Martin 's Philoso phia Britannica. 1st edit. * Sandford' s Woman as She Ought to Be " G-rey 's Parliame ntary Governmentr / —— Ph ilosophical Grammar. 3rd edit. ; '1 Clarke 's Microsco pe. , 5th edit. . Merivale ' s Lectures on Colonisation Gould 's Companion to the Microsco pe. 1st , 2nd , 4th , 7th , Tavlor A Son, 9 College Street, Northampton 12th. 14th edits, and any after -- ! ¦ ¦" mm Miscellanea Oenealogica et Heraldica. Vol. 2, or after "P*:> "*" > Hehnholtz-ii~ * n ¦¦ ¦ n > rm 's**r Tdne* vmvi. 1st**. **%* English^m *f^**m+jmm edit.--*/-+j ^^mrm ;t Stier 's The Bisen Lord . " j Hogg's Microsco pe. 5th , 8th , and 9th edits . J ibbes ' Practical Histo logy. 1st edit. T/te C^7y Literature Company (Ltd.), 2 NewiriQton, Liver ^i f | ; Novum Testamentum , with Greenfield' s Lexicon ^ T Harris and Power 's PBysical Labora tory. 1st edit. Treasury of Scri pture Knowledge , demy 8v[O. (Bagster) Adams' Micro graphia. 3rd edit. ' ^e Electrotype Agency. i9 I+udgate Bill, B.C. " Williams A Nof gate, 14 ^Henrietta Street, Covent Garden , W. C. IllustratedTlloatrated London News.News. VokVols. 1-191-19., 6363., 64.64, 66.66, 6767,, 7373., 7474,, Morris ' Curse of Cruelty 75. 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