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' - i ^V . , i i > of I iBh jj BRITI SH and FOREI GN LITERATURE f 1 ; I H Issued on the 1st and 15th of eaeh Month ~~~ I -H;'j K: 1 ' ' ' ^ ¦ 1 SAMP SON LOW, MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON | ^ wh, ' ^^ Hii' ^ " ' i^wm iai c jr^ av> ^ ¦¦A « ¦ i^ j ^aa Mai i«r ^ i^p>^ v^pai j ¦ — » ii ¦ .» '» mk ' ^V ^' 4 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbAm ^^' ' i<^ 1 ' I ^"^ i^fc. .^^ ^ iw •» ^ ^ w% ^ ^ ^ •*• <^r~k ^ ^^ *" * ^^> . ^^ > * ET STRE ^^^ M£' ^ K A , CROWN BUILDI NGS, 188' Fl^Ei , , ; *ET , E.C, ¦ t ^H Ma . l ¦ k V7^j >c- ^ r :. ._!¦* ' r- . 3fcJ ^A' ¦!!> t^ - - Mmml- ImHEBUi ^ ^ .^ Ii ¦ ' ¦' ¦ l . ' . _ „ j_ __ BBtW :5to £^_ __ ... ^--- 1^ Pfl -IJ\, .,, i \__ 'ix ^ iL4 l 'T ^ ?j 'i ^ *^ySSB8SSIJM p T /? I 7!1^1} 1 1 Pl^ Prt Tl ir57tr^ft^^ BiBB3IBi|PSy flM fi 1 Ptl Wff "^ ^ HiffTOj ^'} fi^lTi•i'• Pt PiJ l-r^'l i?^ !^?! Pi ' f? f ^'MPflT ^f ii W ^ f f ^ Wffri'f itS.Prt ' 'ijrfl .'fii ? ^fl W flTiffTO 'IVlPrtv/::" Wfffl^9f ^-' jfl'JMfff Tk^ W»Ea c?<^ :/ '/ ' .: -+4ysm£&:* : ' - /L- *^^ K ^HW|ifeaMi ^--y -- ' ¦*-^^ ig^ ^ ^ S!i^ liM | feMi ii i Mitfii ipi i 11 nP l r ly ^ r i'iiiiMliil li' iiliil li' W^^ ¦¦ r ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ - - -- - -i - :~Y - r-'--.:r - - f ., ¦ ¦- .,•¦ ¦ ¦ ) ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " "' 1* ' J ' " * ' ¦' '* ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ' - ' " - . ' - . - . ' - - - J- ' ' l \ ,j mB R?sr * - ' ' ' . - ^^^ " ^^^ ^ ^ _ : _ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ^" ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ •• ¦ ¦ - ¦/ ^ ¦ ^ • ' - - - - . Attfrx' i? - ii The Publifijhers ' Cir cular ^it% ; i887 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - 1 - • •¦ ¦ ¦ ^T "— ' ' " - ... ., . ^. THE LEEDS MlBCi& I ESTABLIS HED -\7JB. 4 A HIGH-CLASS LIBERAL DAILY PAPfeR fWltH AK EXT ENSIVE CIRCULATION . THE LEEDS MERCURY is the principal medium for news and advertisements in the great and pdpulpus maun- factoring and agricultural districts of Yorkshire and the north-eastern counties. ^ . _*. The latest Foreign, Parliamentary, Commercial, and General News appears in the XjEEDS MERC URY simultaneously with the London papers . i _«^^__ SPECIAL ATTiS lfTIOW " is given in the MERO "CflRY to REVIEWS OF BOOKS AND MUSIC , as well as to general literary intelligence. , PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are inserted every week, and the announcements under this head appear on the same page as reviews and notices of books, thug giving to Publishers' advertisements exceptional prominence. Books &c. for review may be sent to the London Office. * THE WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT of the Home and Foreign/ News of LEEDS MERCURY (published on Saturdays, price Id.) contains, in addition to the ^ the week, many original features, both literary and antiquarian, forming quite a miscellany of useful, pleasaut, and enter- taining reading. * A sheet that has, as it deserves, an extraordinary circulation.'—Litbhaby World. In the Weekly Supplement the Advertisements appear principally on the leader page. Published by EDW ARD BAINES & SONS, Leeds. London Office , 65 Fleet Street, E.C. ^ RM^^ 9^^ Rjj ^^ PVm!^^ i9^^ 3v^^ kM - ^ ^^ f TMifXH i^ B^^VCC r V39b4 ^ ' BSn^^¦ Ps^ RSlKPlBPI ^^ P^^ PSH ^ Lfe ' ^^^ ^^ ¦S^ Bi ^^ '^^ r ^^^^^^ MJ- ^^^^ t ^^^ A > '^^:m &Jm^B^^^^^^" ^^ L ** W' :' *: ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^'^^ :' V^Vj" ^^ r^'.^^^^~;> "- '~ ''^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^ ^ ' ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ Ki^ ^^^^^^^^^ l^E ^H '^^^^^^ P^^^^ flKkf ^^^^^^ B^^^^^^ h^^ H' ^' Z ^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m- M ^^^^ H ^ktf '^m ' r^^^^^^ mi^^^^L^^^^^^^^ M ^^^t^^^^^ Bk H^^^ B^V:^ ^^^^^ k ^ T ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ k.'^-^^^^^; ^^^^^^ K ^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^ V^ ^^^ H ^k ^^^ ^^V^^^^^^ PVTN ^V^^ B^L.^^^ ^ " '/J ^ l ^^V'^^^^ B^^^^^ r ^^m\' ^^^^ K|; ^^ ' '; ^^ V ^^^^ Hi |^^^^^^ H E^79B£K?xiwmSRnmSS9i QB0 ^^Sm!Vif ^mwWfm/3^U^MSUMS0 ?lV &j Q^^ #^i^r^^ H ^^^^ HARP ER 'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. JPrice OWE SHILLING. Each number contains 16O Royal 8vo. pages, and about O6 finely execute d "Wood Engra vings . Published on the 20th or 21st of the month for the succeeding month. London : SA MPSON LOW , MA RSTON, SEARLE & RIVIN GKTON, 188 Fleet Street , E.Q. NOW HJEA1 >Y. Royal 8vo. sewed , price 5$. ¦4 THE ENGLISH JFV>CATALOGUEx- 1886. OF BOOKS Conta ining a complete List of all the Books published in Oreat Britai n anct Ireland in the year 188 6, with their sizes, prices, and publishers ' names. Also of the principal Books published in the United States of America, with the addition pf AN INDEX TO SUBJECTS. A continuation of the London and British . Catalogues. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTQtf , SEARLE, & RIVING^ON, 188 Fleet Street, B.C. ¦ ' • ' I L ' *i '' ' ¦ ¦ * r "?; *'- ' * ::' ::- *"\i': ^*^w^^* r*«' ^** j ^JLMjsL££ ^fc^ia^fc^M ^MM ^M£iMMftiMiMiiihMMiMi ^BMBfc ^wBW0BMBB ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^ ms §^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ i 1 ¦ v ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ •«¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' i ¦'¦ ' '¦¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ » ¦- ¦!•¦ ' : ¦ •• '•:^' if'.&. ?• .•,>; !-.Sv- .-> -ff ;.• • ' . ' . ' ; K+ "'-; ' " ' ,' ¦ l ' *-^ rf ""' ¦ "' ' ' i ' ' " ;'' ; "'/r i ' i'A» ' i(? «r5 • ' V;c,j.j ' • • ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' •• - ' . ' . "¦ . -^V * * • : ;¦«: • ' '*- • >!•. -c ¦;• . ' " -a ' ! ^ ^^ ^-/V ^1?, ^ ^- ^^: ^ . ^^jif ^;, ^^^' ..i :SV; ^ ^> ^^^-- . , "V>' i jf v ^mijri S'' ^ rv . ^^^^H\-. ^^. •'. • . ^^, • ^ ^^. l ^^> : > .f. ^^^'i-fc,i > ^ ^^< ^^^-' . ; ^^j 1* -^j ^ ^ ^m: : Vox. ¦ ¦ ,^^ Sa|E « , 0 ¦ { jjo ii89<— I* <Y ^ .- 4.K&¦ ; - \j>J ^ **M! * O '; -t ' . • ' 1 " ' ^ ^ ^^ ^ ik ^^ *^' V^itaSflBK ' ^ ^ . ^^ ^ "" "* ^^ TH& v /eo iAK ^ . 3HP^ L^^ ^ ^ AND lateral jdletocli of 2&*it i£f> ant i 5porei0n Hitc cature CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF .1 AL L NEW WORKS PUBLISHED _^_ IN GREAT BRITAIN AND' • -«, mtmm w mm m. v v w - ^^ « ¦ ¦ > ¦ ¦ » mm ¦ ¦ ¦ EVERY• WORK•» > OF^^ m INTERESTm ^ ^^ w PUBLISHEDm ^^ ^^ im v^ • ^" » h ^ ABROAD• A ^^ % ^ _q # » h ^ - > * I' ¦ f , . I [ Issued on the 1st and IJZth,of each Month] ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ x ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ° —— - ¦ ¦ « ' PmcElul^x. Sd.ou.. .• A^ i-ppril " ia , 1887x V w/ 'it8S. -SU1-KR SSPOST Allen (W. H.) & Go 359 Holmes & Son 371 Potter & Co 370 Army and Navy Gazette iv Houlston & Sons 358 Quaritch (B.) 358 Avery & Co. (Aberdeen ) 369 H urst & Blacke tt H5S Religious Tract Society 354 BailUere , Tindall & Cox 358 Hutt '(O 37» Silverlock (H.) 358 VV## ¦ ^ ¦ ^ ¦ W w ~- - i^- d^ifl^^rf ^^t^ v>« ^^ ^v** Ballantjm*i a/ -ne«h* ^^ Pres3.^b ^m ^U | ^ 90 9v 0^ m 9 W m VV ;.99 369^^ " ^* Jone3^* ^^ m^±^**& &^^** Co\ ^^ w 9 9 vwvvwvvvwvvvvvvvvvwv358^^ ^^ * ~ Smith— »^ ^^ ^v« ^«, Elder^ ,v & Co^^ ^^ V VVVWVVWWVVVSVV349^^ Bone & Son 366 Kenny & Co 369 Spaldint ? & Hodge 363 Boot & Son 369 Kitcat (G. & J.) 368 Spicer Brother ? 365 Brien & Co ^. 370 Leeds Mercury ii Spottiswo ode & Co 869 Burg hes (A. M.) 371 Leighton , Son, & Hod ge 366 Stoneham (W. G.) & Co., Limited.. 364— _ Cassell & Co 364, 3 *0 Lockwood (O.) & Co 351 Tan ner ($.. T.) & Co 373 Cerde de la Librairie , Paris 368 London Daily Chronicle ii Taylor Brothers (Leeds) 3fi8 «-i * ¦** ¦ » » W^A^A Dickinson—' *VkMbUUVU &W CoX^^^ # •••••?••• • • • •• ¦• • # 362V ** ^ LovellA*\JV I ^MtA (^Walter),I I » W Mil */^/*i y • Cambridge^^ »<W *^* ^^ « Bk V^ • • • • • • 368*^ " ¦- Un-* ».• winW • *m Brothers~ — A »^ h^ ¦*••• • »••••••• * * • ¦ 368^r -v^^ - Eason & Son (Dublin) 369 Low (S.) & Co. .. 352, 355, 356, 360, 361 Vickers (George) 370 Electrotyp e Agency 366 Maomillan & Co 350 Vickers ( Henry ) 370 Fisher & Son 366 Mar yborough & Co 370 Virtue & Co 367 •*•••••«•»•• - - w • » \*\J \JLM.\JMJk±J[ t/IV iU^VJL O1AM4A A^AWWMVAW ••••••••••*•••-** » '^ T AMV VVAl^ W 'X ^^^ » • • • • • • rn^vv Pro wde (Henry J) •••••••••••*•••«•• 348 Marshall Brothers .,*^ 370 Vizetelly <fc Co 357 Oalp in (J.) 367 \ferritt & Ha toher . 369 Waterston & Sons iv Gilbert & Bivington 369 Morris & Co 368 Whittaker & Co 357 Glaisher (W.) 373 Muir (J.), Mancheste r 362 Whittin gha m (Charles ) & Co 364 folding (G.) 370 Newman (Geo.) S72 Whittingham (W. B.) & Co 368 Harp er's Monthl y Magazine ii Olyet t 379 Williams (H.) 370 Harp er 's Young People iii Partridge & Co 36* Yorkshire Post .r iv aey wood & Son (Manchester) .... 370 Fenny Library of Fiction Iv xorKshire weeKly Jf ost iv Phillips (S. O.) iii ¦ " NOW MJEAJDJ T. The Naval History of the Civil War . By Admiral DAVID D. PORTER , U.S. Navy. wi th steel portrait of the auth or , numerous woodcut portraits of officers , battle plan s, &c. 4to:jdQtl^extra, 840 page s, 25s. SAMPSO N LOW , MAW^^^^^^^& BIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Str eet, B.C. i: - ^• i*jpf^ ^^ ' Circular # *a6 The Publishersww>WWiW II Sl viiu MMM M M M M M w > l w ww ¦ *n"' - " - 'n""'""*''" ~* "r ~ T ^ " ^ —"T ^" ^^"^ ""*"* **^^* " *** *'^^^'^ **' '"' ^^** * *^^ OO3STT3 Q 3STi3?S _. ' UTBBARY INTELLIGENCE 326—340 BOOKS PTJBLISHaJD IN GREAT BRITA IN BOOKSELLEBS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION 327 PROM MAR CH 16 TO 31 342—347 THE ATTITUDE OF THE ' SOCIET Y OP ' BEOENT FOEEIGN WOBE3 .....' . m AUTHORS ' 328—332
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