Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: a Troubled National Union Stephen W
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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02215-7 - Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union Stephen W. Day Index More information Index Abd al-Aziz Abd al-Ghani, 66, 84, 135, 145, partisans of, 120, 133–35, 137, 138, 141, 155, 168, 179, 287 142, 168, 174, 175, 177, 180, 191, 210, Abd al-Nasser, President Gamal, 38, 62, 114 227, 228, 288 Abd al-Rabo Mansour Hadi, 134, 169, 288, return to Aden, 175 290, 294, 298, 299, 306, 307 al-Alimi, Rashad, 259, 270 Abd al-Raqib Abd al-Wahhab, 91 AQAP(al-Qaeda on the Arab Peninsula), 3, Abu Luhum, Muhammad, 301 206, 244, 245, 251, 253, 257, 261–66, Abu Shawarib, Mujahid, 62, 126, 212, 218, 271, 274, 286, 289, 293, 294, 298, 302, 227, 252 303, 304 Abyan. See Yemen’s mid-southern region 2009 attacks in US, 3, 58, 256–61 ACC (Arab Cooperation Council), 115 2009 declaration of support for Adam Saif, 152 al-Hirak, 251 Aden. See Yemen’s southwest region formation in 2009, 244 Afghan mujahideen, 133, 196, 198, 208, 245 targeted by Obama administration, 4, Afghanistan, 4, 15, 101, 102, 113, 177, 196, 258, 262, 263, 294, 298 202–07, 216, 225, 243, 244, 246, 254, Arab uprisings in 2011, 1–2, 4–6, 273–76 256, 260, 262 assassinations. See political violence comparison with Yemen, 23, 196, ‘Asir, 29, 30 197, 200 al-Attas, Haider, 210, 234, 289, 299, 301, agriculture, 10, 25, 27, 47, 50, 53, 159 307 al-Ahmar, Abdallah bin Husayn (Shaykh), al-Aulaqi, Anwar, 58, 257, 258, 294, 298 94, 95, 99, 103, 110, 125–27, 132, 149, authoritarianism, 278 156–58, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 177, denial of, 144 184, 185, 200, 205, 210–12, 221, 222, 237, 260, 286, 299, 307 Ba Awm, Hasan (YSP member in al-Ahmar, Hamid, 221, 284, 287, 299 Hadramaut), 180, 229, 246 al-Ahmar, Sadeq, 149, 260, 284, 286–88, Ba Awm, Hasan Salih (GPC member in 292, 299, 307 Hadramaut), 172 Akhdam, 44, 272 Bakil tribe, 13, 21, 31, 34, 37, 44, 47, 61, Ali Muhsin al-Ahmar, General, 89, 102, 67, 68, 86, 88, 94, 95, 104, 138, 103, 113, 137, 177, 198, 218, 284, 288, 131–47, 191, 216–17, 241, 278, 299, 293, 299, 307, 308 304–05, 307 2011 defection by, 282 shaykhs of, 35, 42, 60, 62, 68, 70, 84, 86, president’s plot to assassinate, 218 91, 92–98, 113, 126, 149–51, 274, 282, Ali Nasir Muhammad, President, 51, 73, 74, 287, 305, 307–10 76, 77, 80, 133, 141, 175, 176, 234, al-Baneh, Susan 242, 265 246, 253, 289, 300–02, 307 Bashraheel, Hisham, 238, 248, 264 327 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02215-7 - Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union Stephen W. Day Index More information 328 Index Ba Sindwa, Muhammad 135, 136, 299, 307 formation of the CYDA, 67–68 Ben Ali, President Zayn al-Abidin, 1, 275, transformed into local councils, 69, 99 276, 287, 291 corruption, 6, 15, 76, 153–55, 169, 193, Ben Ghanem, Fareg, 166, 168, 169, 179, 213, 230, 298, 303, 304 181, 182, 186, 209, 210 “kleptocracy” in Yemen, 213 Ben Omar, Jamal 291, 294, 298, 302 in courts, 153 al-Bid, Ali Salem, 46, 73, 75, 77, 84, 107, in real estate, 157–59 114, 116, 127, 132, 133, 143, 149, 158, 174, 175, 182, 207, 210, 246, 248, Dahbash, 152, 154, 158, 304, 307 253, 307 television series, 151, 152 Bin Laden, Osama, 3, 26, 102, 177, 196, al-Dal’. See Yemen’s southwest region 205–08, 221, 225, 244–46, 261–64 decentralization, 240, 299, 301, 306, 310 Bin Shamlan, Faisal, 43, 134, 135, 156, 169, Ben Ghanem’s proposal in (1997), 169 192, 220–25, 228, 233, 240, 307 demands of Shafi’i under Zaydi imam, 35 “blowback” from Cold War, 196, 200, 201 demand of YSP (1993), 123 Brennan, John, 256, 257 experiment in PDRY, 80 Britain, 36, 39, 198, 204, 205 proposal in document of pledge and colonial rule in south Yemen, 38, 50, 111, accord, 146 197, 229, 246 Salih’s promise in (1994), 147 Burrowes, Robert, 7, 213 Salih’s proposal in (1998), 182 Bush, President George W., 18, 19, 193, 197, Salih’s proposal in (2008), 228 198, 202, 204, 224, 226, 262, 310 Demands of Our People, 35, 37 democracy, 1, 16, 70, 274 cabinet affairs. See government (cabinet) failure of, 223, 240–41 Canadian Occidental (Canoxy), 105, role in unification, 114–15, 118–24 148, 181 “divide and rule” tactics, 97, 173, 176, 177, Carapico, Sheila, 16, 115, 135 191, 210, 237, 304, 307 Chaudhry, Kiren, 66, 70, 83, 84 document of pledge and accord, 126, 127, child soldiers, 292–94 146, 301, 306, 310 Christianity, 24, 48, 202 Dresch, Paul, 7, 13, 95, 96, 100, 150 civil society, 15, 16, 126–27, 191–94, 228–31 economic crisis, 155, 203, 223, 226, 293, shrinking of, 158 298–99 civil war (1962–1970 in YAR), 63, 66, in PDRY, 85 90–91 in YAR, 83 “Seventy Days” battle in Sanaa, 90, 91 economic elites civil war (1986 in Aden), 51, 73–75, 80, 104, general business interests, 116, 135, 156, 114, 135, 141, 232, 314 178–79 civil war (1994), 6, 7, 21, 59, 96, 128, Hadrami merchants, 90, 155, 156, 172, 219 131–34, 246, 250, 272, 303 Hayil Said Anam group, 84, 102, 156, 166 and southern secession, 127, 132 highland tribal businessmen, 84, 97, 145, cause of, 127–28, 130–34 148, 155–57, 159, 182 costs of, 129 merchants, 49, 66, 70, 91, 92, 94, 95, 102, divisions within the YSP, 128, 133 104, 145, 159, 166, 219 Clinton, Hillary, 4, 254, 274 Salih’s early ties to, 91 Cold War, 22, 23, 43, 101, 196, 197, 199 economic indicators consequences in Yemen, 200, 311, 312 currency exchange rate, 154 constitution, 173, 223, 274, 288, 310 income, 105, 154, 159, 276 amendments (1994), 134, 184 poverty, 6, 104, 166, 208, 255, 276, 279, amendments (2001), 187–88, 209 292–94, 298 amendments proposed in (1993), 123 unemployment, 155, 219, 269 amendments proposed in (2010), 273 Egypt, 11, 29, 30, 102, 111, 115, 145, 162, contradicted in (2000), 186 204, 208, 311, 312 pre-unity draft, 115 2011 uprisings, 1–2, 4–6, 278–80, 282, referendum in (1991), 108 287–76 cooperative movement in YAR, 65 Gamal Abd al-Nasser era, 38–39, 56–58, closure by Salih, 69–70, 80 62, 64, 89–91, 197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02215-7 - Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union Stephen W. Day Index More information Index 329 ancient, 23–27 origin of, 69, 81 elections. See local elections, parliamentary unconvincing performance by (1993), 121 elections, presidential elections use of patronage by, 187, 296 Ethiopia, 23, 24, 47, 272, 307 Gulf Cup games, 273 executive affairs. See government (executive) al-Habilayn, 39 al-Fadli, Shaykh Tareq, 113, 177, 198, 246, funeral in, 231 250, 252, 260, 262, 263, 293 repeat of history in, 228–32 declaration of support for al-Hirak, start of 1963 southern revolution in, 39 245–48 Hadramaut. See Yemen’s eastern region “failed state” theory, 13, 15, 252, 253, 258, Halliday, Fred, 7, 58, 74–76, 91, 127 302, 303, 304, 311 al-Hamdi, President Ibrahim, 64, 67–69, federalism 38, 123, 289, 301, 309–11 91–95, 126, 277 Federation of South Arabian Emirates, 38 Hasan al-Amri, 91 FLOSY (Front for the Liberation of South Hasan, US Army Major Nidal Malik, Yemen), 56 3, 257 foreign aid, 4, 62, 76, 213, 254, 255 Hashid tribe, 13, 18, 21, 31, 34, 37, 44, 47, Free Yemeni movement, 63 61, 62, 67, 86–88, 92, 94, 104, 138, “Friends of Yemen” group, 4, 254, 311, 312 147–49, 151, 184, 191, 216, 261, 278, 299, 304–05, 307 GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), 5, 115, shaykhs of, 35, 42, 60, 62, 68, 70, 84, 88, 219, 289 93, 94, 98–100, 113, 126, 131, 212, and Yemen’s future, 310–11 234, 282, 286, 307–11 diplomacy in 2011, 284–87, 290–92, 307 Himyar, 23, 24, 33, 34 financial aid to Yemen, 254–55 al-Hirak, 3, 227, 234–33, 249, 253, 261–63, government (cabinet), 134, 191 267, 272, 276, 299, 301, 305, 306, assassination attempts in (2010), 270 308, 310 balance of representation, 108, 117 2010 warfare against, 264–66 balance of representation (1994), 135–37 casualties among, 266 balance of representation (1998), 179 origin of, 227–30 dissolution in 2011, 282 role played in 2011 uprising, 280, 283 north-south division in, 186 statistics about (2008), 238 PDRY balance of representation, 63, 64, suspected ties to al-Qaeda, 242–46, 251, 75, 77, 81 259, 271 YAR balance of representation, 62–65, al-Hudayda. See Yemen’s west coast region 82, 84 human rights, 18, 230, 276, 291 government (executive) abuse of, 103, 143, 213, 235, 240, 252, assassination attempts (1992), 112 264, 296 balance of representation (1990), 116–17 report by Yemen Observatory on Human balance of representation (1993), 122–23 Rights, 238 Salih’s cancellation of presidential torture cases, 103, 257, 265 council, 135 Hunt Oil Company, 52 government (parliament), 104, 118, 146, Husayn, President Saddam, 115, 116, 203 168, 170, 185, 186, 191, 209, 211, 220, al-Huthi, Husayn ibn Badr al-Din, 214–18, 259, 273, 274 304, 307 balance of representation, 118, 162, al-Huthi rebellion and wars, 2, 5, 227, 164, 211 241–42, 251–52, 291, 305 presidential deception of, 259 casualties among, 3, 241–42, 265 ruling party defections from (2011), 282 original “believing youth” group, 214–16, speaker of, 94, 100, 166 307 weakness of, 94, 223, 268 GPC (General People’s Congress) 69, 81–83, Imam Ahmad, 38, 39, 72, 89, 91 299–300 Imam al-Hadi ilal-Haqq, 31 alliance with Islah, 122, 135, 145 Imam Yahya, 34, 35, 37, 40, 60, 61, 98, electoral dominance, 162–64, 185, 188, 112, 147 189, 211, 222, 235, 241 imamate, 33, 34, 37–41, 60, 61, 65, 72, 96, motives in unity, 114–15 100, 217 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02215-7 - Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union Stephen W.