The Isotopic Chemical and Dissolved Gas Concentrations in Groundwater
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TRN: ZASIOOOÏS _RR_3$1. CSIR RESEARCH REPORT 391 The isotopic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Venterstad, Cape Province by J.C. VOGEL, A.S. TALMA and T.H.E HEATON Natural Isotopes Division NATIONAL PHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Council for Scientific and Industrial Rostarch CSIR Reaearch Report 391 UUC 556.314(687 8) ISBN 0 7988 2013 6 Pretoria, South Africa, 1980 1 » CSW «SEARCH REPORT 391 » i » » The isotonic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Venterstad, Cape Province J.C. VOGEL, A.S. TALMA and THE. HEATON Natural Isotopes Division NATIONAL PHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Council for Sctentfffc and Industrial Rsstarch CSIR Httr&i Report 391 HJDC W6 314(667 8) ISBN 0 7966 2013 Í PrrtOfia, South AtrK», 1360 L 1 CSJft ntninh R»port 381 UOC 556 314<M7 8) IS8N 0 79*2013 6 PuM«hwJm1M0by»i« Natawl Ptíywc* naxwch L*borMor> o< t* Counci) lor ScianMc and Induttrwl RwMrcfi P09t*395 PRETORIA Printed by Grtphic An$. CSIR L ABSTRACT Groundwater was collected for a multi parameter in vestigation from 27 boreholes within a radius of 120 km from Venterstad (Cape Province). The samples were analysed for the isotopes carbon-14, carbon-13, oxygen-18, tritium and radon-222, for the dissolved gases nitrogen, oxygen, argon, methane and he3\u^i and for the major ionic species. These data, with those collected during previous investigations of the flooding of the Orange Fish tunnel, are used to discuss the geohydrology of the area. Three water types of different origin were delineated. This project was sponsored by the South African Water Research Commission under contract K5/28. KATURAL ISOTOPE STUDIES OF THE GROUMDVATBR IN THE VENTBRSTAD AREA. CONTENTS: I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 3 III. METHODS 6 Sampling methods 6 Laboratory methods 7 IV. AGB DISTRIBUTION 8 Radiocarbon and tritium 8 Carbon-13 content 9 14 Initial nC concentration 9 Summary 11 V. CHEMISTRY AND OXYGBN-18 13 Chemical differentiation of water types 13 Oxygen-18 content of the water 14 Genetic relations between water types 15 A model for the formation of Venterstad groundwater 17 Chemistry and hydrology of the tunnel waters 18 Summary 20 VI. DISSOLVED GASES 22 Helium concentration vs age of water 22 Non-He migration model 24 Release of He from a fracture zone 25 He and CH, migration 26 Radon concentrations 27 Nitrogen and Argon 28 Methane stripping 29 Oxygen concentrations 29 Summary 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 32 REFERENCES 33 TABLES FIGURES LIST OF TABLES. 1. Borehole locations and sampling details. 2. Age determinations of sampled boreholes. 3. Analytical data of samples taken in 1970-72. 18 4. Major ion chemistry and 0 of samples. 5. Comparison of the three water types. 6. Quantities derived from chemical analyses. 18 7. 0 measurements from the area south of Venterstad. 8. Dissolved gas concentrations. LIST OP FIGURES. 1. Ar^a maps with sample points. 2. Radiocarbon and tritium relation. 3. Piper diagram of all samples. 18 4. 0 content as function of alkalinity percentage south of the Orange River. 18 5. 0 distribution south of Venterstad. 6. C as function of Na/Ca + Mg ratio. 7. Caf Mg and Ca + Mg as function of the alkalinity. 8. Relation between He and CH.. 9. Radon as a function of Helium. 14 ^ 10. Helium as a function of C and ^H ages. 11. Nitrogen and Argon concentrations. 12. Dissolved oxygen content as a function of tritium. 1. I. INTRODUCTION The Orange-Pish Tunnel diverts water from the Hendrik Verwoerd dam on the Orange river for 82 km southwards to the Great Pish and the Sundays rivers. In 1969, during con struction of the tunnel, a fracture zone was encountered approximately 15 km south of Venterr,tad (Pig. 1). The resulting inflow of groundwater,which caused extensive flooding of the tunnel, was calculated as 860 l/s. The geology and hydrology of the Venterstad area, with particular reference to this fracture zone, has been discussed by a number of authors (see Whittingham, 1970 and Olivier, 1972 for references). Country rocks in the Venterstad area are near- horizontal sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Katberg formation (part of the Beaufort group), intruded by a large number of dolerite dykes with a colluvial cover of several metres over a large part of the area (Pig. 1). The fracture zone consisted of a number of open fissures, dipping southwards at 75 . one of which was more than 7 cm wide at the tunnel level, 110 m below the surface. It has been postulated that the fracture zone may represent reactivation of an eastwards extension of the pre-Karoo Doornberg fault zone exposed near Prieska (Pig. 1), Thermal springs occur along the supposed line oi this fault extension, and include the Badsfountain spring which is only 2 km east of the tunnel. A total of 1,6 x 10 nr of water was pumped from the flooded tunnel and, after grout-sealing of the fractures, water levels in surrounding boreholes largely recovered within 7 months. This suggests the presence of a large, permeable and potentially important groundwater reservoir in the Venterstad area. 2. The task assigned to the Natural Isotope» Division of the NPRL in the framework of the overall project was to develop and evaluate isotope techniques as an aid to the determination of the water potential of groundwater bodies in South Africa. In ttie specific instance at hand the aim was to determine whether the groundwater associated with the fracture zone south of Venterstad could be identified and evaluated. The originally formulated five year research programme was subsequently reduced to a preliminary survey of one year's duration. Despite the limited extent of the operation, the insight into the ground water situation in the region could be substantially deepened and several significant conclusions could be drawn. The approach adopted was to analyse a large variety of parameters on the sane sample and to derive information on the history and dynamics of the underground waters by inter- | preting the observed interrelationships. More specifically, k the correlation of different measured quantities with the age * 14 of the groundwater as revealed by C end tritium analyses has been studied. The following parameters were measured: the isotopes i 14C, 5H, 222Rn, 226Ra, 4He, 1S0, 13C; the dissolved gases N2f Op, Ar, CH., HpS; the pH, the major element chemistry and, in more detail, the carbonate chemistry, pH and alkalinity were measured in the field to eliminate storage problems. Two field trips were undertaken in 1977 and 21 boreholes and springs were sampled in all. Three boreholes were sampled twice to check for variability. Initially USJ was made Of the chemical and geological survey of van der Linde ar.d Hodgson (1976, 1977) in the selection of sampling points in order to ensure that different types of water be collected. Additional information was available on samples previously dated by us, some of which have been published (Olivier 1972). II. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. As stated in the introduction, the survey conducted in the Venterstad area was of lxaited extent and duration. Nevertheless, several important conclusions can be drawn from the results. 1. Host of tL» boreholes in the region tap groundwater, a | substantial portion of which is less than 20 years old (Ch. IV). This water is, therefore, superficial and of local origin. The » short residence time suggests that the reliability of this 9 source will be influenced by temporal variations of ) recharge. 2. In addition to this shallow calcium/magnesium bicarbonate I water (Type I), two further water types can be identified on I the basis of the major dissolved salts (Ch. V). These sodium bicarbonate (Type II) and sodium chloride (Type III) waters I range in age from 800 years to 7 500 years and are often warm, I indicating deep circulation. I By a consideration of the absolute concentrations of the dissolved ions as distinct from the relative composition, it is I shown that the three water types are genetically unrelated. • Final proof that Type III water has a different origin from I either of the other two types is brought by the stable isotope 18 composition [ 0 content) of the water (Ch. V). I This finding has practical implications. The older water * types II and III are at present only represented by a few > boreholes, but these have high yields. There are thus two deep seated water resources in the region which are virtually I untapped, but liave considerable potential for irrigation or 1 town supplies, if fully developed. Since these water bodies i are not directly related to the shallow phreatic aquifer, their utilization will have little effect on this water source. J 4. 3. Helium and radon have been used in other parts of the worla to locate active fractures. The survey of these two isotopes failed to reveal the presence of a localized anomaly in the vicinity of the assumed fracture zone south of Venterstad (Ch.VlX The radon contents of the samples were relatively uniform throughout and merely reflect the radioactivity of the rocks near the sampled boreholes. Unexpectedly high helium concentrations were encountered, but these were not restricted to one locality, although they may be associated with individual fissures in the host rock. The close correla tion with methane does suggest accumulation of gas derived from depth in those instances where high concentrations occur. 4. The helium data clearly separate into two groups (Ch.VI) Low helium concentrations are associated with the superficial groundwater which is less than 20 ye?rs old, while the older water types contain 2-3 orders of magnitude more helium.