The Isotopic Chemical and Dissolved Gas Concentrations in Groundwater
TRN: ZASIOOOÏS _RR_3$1. CSIR RESEARCH REPORT 391 The isotopic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Venterstad, Cape Province by J.C. VOGEL, A.S. TALMA and T.H.E HEATON Natural Isotopes Division NATIONAL PHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Council for Scientific and Industrial Rostarch CSIR Reaearch Report 391 UUC 556.314(687 8) ISBN 0 7988 2013 6 Pretoria, South Africa, 1980 1 » CSW «SEARCH REPORT 391 » i » » The isotonic, chemical and dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater near Venterstad, Cape Province J.C. VOGEL, A.S. TALMA and THE. HEATON Natural Isotopes Division NATIONAL PHYSICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Council for Sctentfffc and Industrial Rsstarch CSIR Httr&i Report 391 HJDC W6 314(667 8) ISBN 0 7966 2013 Í PrrtOfia, South AtrK», 1360 L 1 CSJft ntninh R»port 381 UOC 556 314<M7 8) IS8N 0 79*2013 6 PuM«hwJm1M0by»i« Natawl Ptíywc* naxwch L*borMor> o< t* Counci) lor ScianMc and Induttrwl RwMrcfi P09t*395 PRETORIA Printed by Grtphic An$. CSIR L ABSTRACT Groundwater was collected for a multi parameter in vestigation from 27 boreholes within a radius of 120 km from Venterstad (Cape Province). The samples were analysed for the isotopes carbon-14, carbon-13, oxygen-18, tritium and radon-222, for the dissolved gases nitrogen, oxygen, argon, methane and he3\u^i and for the major ionic species. These data, with those collected during previous investigations of the flooding of the Orange Fish tunnel, are used to discuss the geohydrology of the area. Three water types of different origin were delineated. This project was sponsored by the South African Water Research Commission under contract K5/28.
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