Biostratigraphic Chart of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Region, Jurassic to Quaternary

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Biostratigraphic Chart of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Region, Jurassic to Quaternary United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management BOEM Biostratigraphic Chart of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Region, Jurassic to Quaternary Recent through Oligocene Eocene through Jurassic Time CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Time CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY BIOSTRATIGRAPHY BOEM BOEM (mya) BOEM BOEM (mya) BOEM Planktic & benthic foraminiferal, ostracod (O), BOEM Planktic & benthic foraminiferal Calcareous nannoplanktic CHRONO Calcareous nannoplanktic CHRONO System Subsystem Series Stage Strat Strat System Subsystem Series Stage Strat radiolarian and dinoflagellate (D) regional and Strat (not to regional and local markers regional and local markers ZONE (not to regional and local markers ZONE scale) Code Code scale) Code local markers Code Holocene Q10 Globorotalia inflata 33.89 J3 Hantkenina alabamensis —0.0118— J4 Turborotalia cerroazulensis cocoaensis NJ03 Discoaster saipanensis, Upper Tarantian P PLU J6 Textularia hockleyensis NJ01 Chiasmolithus consuetus ——0.126—— r Q1 Globorotalia flexuosa acme NQ35 Emiliania huxleyi (base of acme) i J14 Subbotina linaperta NJ00 Discoaster barbadiensis U NQ01 Gephyrocapsa oceanica flood a J7 Textularia dibollensis p NQ55 Gephyrocapsa parallela b J12 Globigerinatheka tropicalis NJ07 Cribrocentrum reticulatum Middle Ionian p NQ16 Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "A" PLM o J10 Turborotalia pomeroli EU Q e n 11 Truncorotalia truncatulinoides coil change, right-to-left NQI Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "B" r J8 Camerina moodybranchensis Q5 Trimosina "A" NQ59 Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica increase i J11 Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta ——0.78—— u 26 Stilostomella antillea NQ36 Pseudoemiliania ovata a J13 Globigerinatheka mexicana NCD Micrantholithus procerus P NQ38 Reticulofenestra asanoi n J15 Globigerinatheka barri NJ10 Micrantholithus altus C a Q0 Trimosina "A" acme NQ39 Pseudoemiliania pacifica C11 Nonionella cockfieldensis NJ02 Sphenolithus obtusus l a —37.80— 17 Sphaeroidinella dehiscens acme "A" NQE Pseudoemiliania lacunosa "C" acme C27 Acarinina spinuloinflata NC00 Chiasmolithus grandis e l t NQ56 Gephyrocapsa aperta acme C0 Discorbis yeguaensis NCG Campylosphaera dela a i 16 Angulogerina magna NQ44 Scyphosphaera pulcherima, C1 Eponides yeguaensis b e s 27 Globorotalia incisa NQV Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica (large) C3 Nodosaria mexicana r t i Q6 Hyalinea balthica / Trimosina "B" NQ40 Reticulofenestra asanoi acme B 96 Truncorotaloides rohri r o a 19 Globorotalia tosaensis tosaensis NQT Helicosphaera sellii a C4 Ceratobulimina eximia c L n 36 Sphaeroidinella dehiscens acme "B" NQ51 Lithostromation perdurum r C2 Eponides guayabalensis o Q7 Angulogerina "B" NQW Calcidiscus macintyrei t C14 Truncorotaloides topilensis NC10 Sphenolithus spiniger n e w 99 Uvigerina hispida o C15 Clavulinoides guayabalensis ——1.81—— PLL n e P7 Globorotalia crassula acme, NP41 Discoaster brouweri, n C28 Hantkenina dumblei NC02 Chiasmolithus solitus a M e r P11 Globorotalia praehirsuta NP50 Calcidiscus macintyrei increase i C16 Orbulinoides beckmanni NC11 Sphenolithus furcatolithoides G i P3 Cristellaria "S" a C5 Operculinoides sabinensis r e d 39 Menardella exilis NP42 Discoaster brouweri "A" n C12 Morozovella lehneri l d EM 21 Menardella menardii coil change, left-to-right C13 Acarinina bullbrooki a l y P12 Menardella pertenuis NP43 Discoaster pentaradiatus 024 Radiolarian acme A s E e P8 Lenticulina 1 C17 Turborotalia frontosa NCK Sphenolithus radians i o 20 Menardella miocenica C29 Acarinina pentacamerata NC13 Sphenolithus furcatolithoides increase a —41.20— c 23 Bolivina imporcata / "P" NP44 Discoaster surculus C30 Hantkenina nuttalli n e L 22 Textularia crassisepta / "P" u C9 Igorina broedermanni NC14 Discoaster wemmelensis 40 Ceratobulimina pacifica NP45 Discoaster asymmetricus n t C31 Globigerinoides higginsi NC15 Blackites gladius ——2.59—— P 24 Cassidulina laevigata carinata acme / "L" NP46 Cycloperfolithus carlae T e e C6 Cyclammina caneriverensis NC16 Nannotetrina fulgens i 41 Haplophragmoides emaciatum t C10 Morozovella aragonensis a 25 Saracenaria "H" NP47 Discoaster tamalis i NC05 Chiasmolithus gigas U c 43 Menardella multicamerata a C32 Morozovella caucasica NC06 Discoaster sublodoensis p e e 101 Siphogenerina lamellata acme P n C8 Haplocytheridea stenzeli (O) NC08 Discoaster lodoensis p —47.84— n P9 Dentoglobigerina altispira = Valvulineria "H" PU C19 Acarinina soldadoensis NXQ Discoaster kuepperi e z a r 45 Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina r C20 Morozovella quetra P i 32 Arenaceous fauna l C21 Acarinina angulosa NXR Toweius magnicrassus l a 44 Cibicides grosseperforatus 025 Radiolarian acme B NC07 Rhabdosphaera inflata n P1 Textularia 1 NP01 Sphenolithus abies e NXN Chiasmolithus californicus —-3.58—- i t o P5 Buccella (Eponides) hannai acme o NWA Toweius crassus 98 Cibicides marsi NP02 Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica C22 Morozovella rex / subbotinae NXP Tribrachiatus orthostylus c P16 Globorotalia plesiotumida g Y C23 Morozovella formosa formosa Z i e 30 Globorotalia margaritae NP40 Pseudosphenolithus abies "B" acme p C24 Acarinina wilcoxensis NXS Toweius callosus a e L n L 46 Globigerina druryi / bolli r X16 Morozovella lensiformis NXT Toweius pertusus n o o 31 Globigerina nepenthes n e NX02 Discoaster multiradiatus e c a w w P13 Uvigerina rustica NPP Sphenolithus abies "B" s X4 Cytheridea sabinensis (O) NXB Tribrachiatus contortus EL l PL e e e P2 Buliminella 1 NP08 Amaurolithus tricorniculatus i X17 Planorotalites chapmani NX04 Toweius eminens i r r 34 Siphotextularia jugosa / "J" a X18 Morozovella aequa NXU Tribrachiatus bramlettei a r n n 35 Sigmoilina "P" / cf. schlumbergeri NPY Dictyococcites antarcticus X19 Morozovella edgari NXV Prinsius bisulcus P10 Sphaeroidinellopsis multilobata X20 Subbotina velascoensis NXW Fasciculithus involutus 37 Globigerinoides mitra NPA Ceratolithus acutus y X21 Rzehakina epigona NXX Discoaster mahmoudi P14 Globorotalia plesiotumida acme NP26 Discoaster quintatus C25 Morozovella acuta NX03 Chiasmolithus bidens —-5.33—- R1 Textularia 6 026 Radiolarian acme C NXZ Cruciplacolithus frequens R15 Textularia "X" X3 Morozovella velascoensis NXY Prinsius martinii 42 Bigenerina irregularis / 6 X6 Discorbis washburni NX06 Ellipsolithus distichus 48 Menardella menardii coil change, right-to-left NRW Discoaster quinqueramus X22 Apectodinium homomorphum (D) acme /PETM NX05 Fasciculithus tympaniformis M —55.96— e 47 Globorotalia juanai NR30 Discoaster quinqueramus acme T X23 Bathysiphon spp increase NX10 Ericsonia robusta s R14 Globorotalia primitiva NRE Discoaster berggrenii h NX11 Heliolithus cantabriae s R22 Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens NRY Reticulofenestra rotaria a X8 Planorotalites pseudomenardii NXA Heliolithus riedelii i R2 Robulus E, n X24 Acarinina mckannai n R16 Textularia tatumi NRX Discoaster berggrenii "A" e NX12 Fasciculithus billii i R17 Bolivina denticulata U t X7 Morozovella angulata NX13 Fasciculithus ullii a 59 Reophax davepopei, p i NX14 Fasciculithus janii n 60 Sphaeroidinellopsis disjuncta p a X25 Trifarina herberti NX07 Heliolithus kleinpelli LU 49 Siphogenerina lamellata increase P e n X26 Subbotina triloculinoides NX15 Prinsius martinii increase —59.24— R4 Bigenerina floridana / "A" NR12 Discoaster berggrenii "C" MUU a r T9 Gyroidina aeris NXC Discoaster diastypus —-7.25—- 54 Globorotalia acostaensis coiling change, right-to-left l X9 Igorina pusilla pusilla NXD Chiasmolithus danicus NR08 Discoaster neohamatus, T10 Gyroidina brevis NT02 Neochiastozygus saepes e Selandian NR04 Discoaster calcaris T11 Morozovella conicotruncana NXE Cruciplacolithus tenuis o R24 Globigerina nepenthes acme A X10 Planorotalites compressa NT03 Cruciplacolithus edwardsii 55 Planulina renzi c NT04 Fasciculithus chowii —61.61— U R23 Sphaeroidinellopsis kochi NR02 Discoaster loeblichii e X11 Vaginulina longiforma, p R5 Cristellaria "K" NR21 Discoaster bellus n T5 Vaginulina midwayensis Nt05 Neochiastozygus eosaepes p R13 Uvigerina carapitana NR06 Catinaster mexicanus e X12 Parasubbotina pseudobulloides e R6 Amphistegina "E" L X13 Praemurica uncinata r R25 Globigerina nepenthes acme B NR07 Minylithus convallis o T3 Praemurica inconstans NT06 Hornibrookina edwardsii R7 Cyclammina 3 NRZ Reticulofenestra gelida acme w Danian T7 Praemurica trinidadensis NT07 Cyclagelosphaera alta T LL R12 Melonis pompilioides increase NR01 Discoaster prepentaradiatus e T8 Globocontusa daubjergensis —-8.90—- o R19 Cibicides trincherasensis, NR16 Discoaster prepentaradiatus increase r T6 Robulus pseudocostata N r 57 Globorotalia lenguaensis, T13 Parvularugoglobigerina fringa t 65 Bolivina thalmanni T14 Discorbis newmanae NT08 Neobiscutum parvulum e o R8 Discorbis 12 NR09 Discoaster bollii 97 Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina NT09 Neobiscutum romeinii n —66.04— o i 61 Globoquadrina dehiscens M G10 Contusotruncana contusa NK07 Micula decussata, a 62 Cibicides crebbsi NR00 Discoaster hamatus a NK02 Watznaueria barnesae, g n 53 Robulus 15 NRV Catinaster calyculus a G0 Abathomphalus mayaroensis NK00 Micula prinsii R9 Textularia "L" NRA Catinaster coalitus s G1 Gansserina gansseri 56 Cibicides inflata NRC Discoaster exilis t G28 Globotruncana linneiana NK03 Nephrolithus frequens FAD e MLU r R10 Cibicides carstensi, NR33 Discoaster exilis increase G29 Rugoglobigerina pennyi i n R20 Bigenerina 2 c G11 Globotruncana lapparenti, 69 Paragloborotalia mayeri h G2 Rosita fornicata e R18 Globorotalia siakensis NR25 Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis t G30 Pyramidina szajnoche NK04 Reinhardtites levis R11 Uvigerina 3, NRG Coccolithus miopelagicus i G3 Globotruncana ventricosa NK06 Tranolithus orionatus M R21 Cibicides
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