algemeiner JOURNAL


Pittsburgh’s American Jewish Schools Seek Healing Jewry After Massacre


On Monday afternoon, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto stood outside the independent Jewish Community Day School (CDS) deep in conversation with a small gathering of staff and parents. In the two days since gunman Robert Bowers massacred 11 worshippers and wounded six others at the Tree of Life synagogue, Peduto told the group, he had seen “a real outpouring of love that’s out there.” “It’s all directions,” Peduto remarked. “It’s the support of the Jewish community from every community, this is everyone pouring in.”

Funeral services for brothers Cecil and David Rosenthal, victims of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, Oct. 30, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Cathal McNaughton.

A thank you card to police from students at the Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh. Photo: Shiri Moshe / Th e Algemeiner. BY SHIRI MOSHE & in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood. Tree of Life synagogue — as “the Th e Rosenthals’ funeral took sweetest human beings you could For the four Jewish day schools serving this city’s BEN COHEN place at the historic Rodef Shalom ever meet.” community of just under 50,000, Monday was the fi rst Temple — a congregation whose In his eulogy, Rabbi Myers opportunity for teachers and students to sit together and try Th e fi rst of the funerals of the roots go back to 1847, the decade — who courageously evacuated and make sense of last Shabbat’s atrocity. Mayor Peduto’s 11 victims of Saturday’s antisemitic when the fi rst groups of Jews began several congregants from the point about the unity of Pittsburgh’s diverse communities in massacre in Pittsburgh took place arriving in this city. Local dignitaries sanctuary as Bowers opened the face of a hate crime that marked “the darkest day” in the on Tuesday afternoon, as almost and uniformed representatives fi re with an assault rifl e — city’s history — as well as the deadliest antisemitic attack on 2,000 mourners bade farewell to of the emergency services joined remembered the devotion with a Jewish community in the United States — was reinforced David and Cecil Rosenthal — the the Jewish community in paying which David and Cecil, both of in their classrooms. tribute to two individuals described whom were intellectually disabled, two brothers murdered during Continued on Page A4 gunman Robert Bowers’ shooting by Rabbi Jeff rey Myers — who served the congregation. spree at the Tree of Life Synagogue knew the brothers well from the Continued on Page A2

How to ShabbatCalendar Parshat CHAYEY SARAH Times for , Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 5:33pm | Shabbat Ends: 6:32pm פרשת חיי שרה Respond to Pittsburgh P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected] www.algemeiner.com

© Copyright 2018 Th e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 Opinion. Special Editorial: #WeAreAllJews Is America Any Different When It Comes to Earlier this year, our colleagues at the and asking our political and communal three leading Jewish newspapers in the U.K. leaders to do the same. published the same front-page headline and The gunman who invaded a sanctuary ? joint editorial voicing concern over rising on Shabbat did not distinguish among his anti-Semitism in Britain’s Labor party. victims. To him, they were all Jews. Today we have found a mournful We are all Jews. Let this horrific massacre Wiesel said, “It often happens like this. Jewish occasion to follow in their footsteps. be a moment of redemption as well as blood is spilled and, temporarily, sympathy For many Jews, the United States has grieving. Let us argue with each other as Hillel DOVID EFUNE for Jews grows; the world warms to them.” The long held a unique role in our collective argued with Shammai — with civility. Let us NEW YORK attack, he feared, would be seen as a matter of imagination. It has been an unprecedented acknowledge our common humanity with unique concern to the Jewish community. He land of promise, of refuge, of freedom, other Americans who have been subject to was right. The outrage soon diminished. opportunity and of safety. unconscionable violence, too. The matter was addressed again in 2015 But after the horrific attack this past Jewish media has a long and proud history in On November 9th, communities around by then-French Prime Minister Manuel Valls Shabbat at the Tree of Life Synagogue in America, and we pledge to continue our mission the world will mark the 80th anniversary soon after another radical Islamist killed four Pittsburgh in which 11 of our brothers and to inform, reflect and bind our communities, even of Kristallnacht, the infamous antisemitic shoppers at a kosher supermarket in Paris. sisters were brutally murdered, we can’t help more necessary in this painful time. pogrom that symbolized the acceleration In an address to the French Parliament but be shaken and concerned for the America Jane Eisner, Editor-in-Chief, of Hitler’s murderous campaign against the just days after the attack, Valls thundered we have come to know and love. Dovid Efune, Editor-in-Chief and CEO, Jewish people. The decimation of European from the podium, “We haven’t shown enough We therefore join together to unequivocally The Algemeiner Jewry was soon to follow. outrage.” Enumerating a number of recent condemn this brutal act of anti-Semitism and Ami Eden, CEO and Executive Editor, 70 On that night, in 1938, my grandmother, antisemitic attacks in France, Valls noted that all deadly acts of hate. We also condemn the Faces Media then only 9 years old, peered out of the the incidents “did not produce the national climate of hate that has been building for some Nadine Epstein, Editor-in-Chief and window of her apartment on Vienna’s outrage that our Jewish compatriots expected.” time now, especially on college campuses and CEO, Moment Magazine Lilienbrunngasse. On the street below she “When the Jews of France are attacked, on social media, where the veneer of anonymity Sue Fishkoff, Editor, J.The Jewish News of witnessed the devastation wrought on the France is attacked, the conscience of humanity is has allowed anti-Semitic cesspools to flourish, Northern California neighboring synagogue. A Torah scroll, attacked,” he continued. “Let us never forget that.” and from irresponsible political leaders who Lisa Hostein, Executive Editor, Hadassah hallowed by Jewish worshipers, lay muddied In contrast, the general American engage in hateful speech and who are abetted Magazine on the ground. It was a scene that remains response to the bloodshed at the Tree of Life by the silence of others. Gabe Kahn, Editor, New Jersey Jewish etched in her memory and she recounts it Synagogue in Pittsburgh signals a widespread, As journalists, we hold a variety of News with crystal clarity to this day. natural and genuine sense of deep solidarity opinions about politics in this country and Janet Perez, Managing Editor, Jewish For , the commemoration with US Jewry. in ; the American Jewish community is News of Greater Phoenix this year will bear added tragic significance. President Trump rightly referred to the diverse, and those differences are reflected on Brett R. Rhyne, Editor, The Jewish In what is being described as the attack as “an assault on all of us,” and flags across the pages of its media. Advocate, Boston “deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the country are flying at half mast. Americans In coming together now, we are not Gary Rosenblatt, Editor and Publisher, the history of the United States,” a synagogue of all stripes attended vigils in the thousands erasing those differences, but rising above Jewish Week of New York in the leafy, peaceful neighborhood of Squirrel and donated funds to the families of the victims. them, to issue a call for solidarity and respect, Joshua Runyan, Senior Editorial Director, Religious denominations from across the Hill, Pittsburgh, was targeted during morning spectrum rushed to voice their support. Cultural Liz Spikol, Editorial Director, Baltimore prayer services on Saturday. The white figures and sports teams too joined the fray, Jewish Times supremacist attacker killed 11 worshipers adding their prominent voices to a growing David Suissa, President, Tribe Media/ and wounded four others. FBI Special Agent chorus of concerned fellow citizens. Jewish Journal in Charge Robert Jones described the crime Jonathan S. Tobin, Editor-in-Chief, scene as the “most horrific” he’d seen in 22 Jewish News Syndicate years with the bureau. For a community that still lives with the collective trauma of a tormented past, the Continued from Page A1 attack presents a paradigm shift. In the past, Mourns the targeting of Jews for murder was largely the “No matter how early we arrived at the thought to be centered on specific geographic Algemeiner Journal synagogue, Cecil and David would be there regions. For many American Jews such attacks already,” Rabbi Myers said. Having only been were of a historic nature, or, more recently, (USPS 927800) is published weekly mostly confined to European countries with Viral logo created by Tim Hindes in the (except for the week of Passover appointed as Tree of Life’s rabbi last year, Myers aftermath of the shooting at the Tree of Life said he had been struck by “the beauty with restive radical Islamist populations. Israeli Photo: Screenshot. and Succos) Synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018. which the congregants treated” the brothers. Jews, as well, surrounded by myriad enemies, Subscription rate $40 per year “If you could open up a picture dictionary faced daily threats. Algemeiner Journal and look up the definition of ‘beautiful souls,’ Now the US Jewish community must There is much soul-searching that remains in the days ahead. There are many 508 Montgomery Street you would see a picture of Cecil and David,” contend with a devastating new reality. Even here, in America, long seen in the Jewish unanswered questions. How was the attacker’s , N.Y. 11225-3023 Rabbi Myers said. He reflected that “there was not an ounce of hate” in the brothers. “That’s consciousness as a place of refuge, a safe murderous hatred allowed to fester among Periodicals Postage something we are missing terribly in our haven, Jews can be massacred in their houses us? How will future atrocities be prevented? Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. society today,” Myers added. of worship. Yet, when American Jews gather to and at additional mailing offices Mourners also heard from David and It affirms that for the ideology of mourn the victims as they are laid to rest in Cecil’s sister Diane and her husband Michael. antisemitism there are few established norms the coming days and when soon after we mark POSTMASTER: Fighting back tears, they painted a moving or constraints under which it can be expected the Kristallnacht anniversary, many will ask Send address changes to picture of two boys with very different to abide. It has endured through the ages and themselves if America is indeed different. Algemeiner Journal personalities, but a common love of helping has proven its ability to transcend geographic It is true that the hatred which has boundaries and political ideologies. It has been plagued the Jewish people lives here too, yet P.O. Box 250746 other people. present on the left and on the right, among it is a society that has also shown a unique Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 “Had Cecil not been handicapped, he would have been the mayor of Squirrel Hill,” his brother- communists, socialists and capitalists. It has capacity to appropriately respond to the in-law commented, drawing appreciative taken on both religious and secular forms and spreading prejudice. American Jews will be Let your voice be heard! laughter from the crowd. “The last thing he said to has remained as venomous throughout. encouraged by the outpouring of support and Where America may find opportunity hopeful that the country will remain a haven [email protected] me is in his thunderous voice was, ‘We’ll be seeing you in Florida for Thanksgiving.’ Thanksgiving will to stand out, however, is in its capacity to for years to come and among the safest the never be the same.” respond to antisemitic crimes. community has ever settled. To advertise in Both David and Cecil “were kind, In March 2012, an Islamist gunman Dovid Efune is the editor-in-chief and thoughtful, innocent — they were pure souls murdered a teacher and three young children CEO of The Algemeiner. the new Algemeiner who carried no ill will towards anyone,” their at a Jewish school in Toulouse in the south e-mail: [email protected] brother-in-law said. of France. Responding to the tragedy, famed HOUSE FOR SALE - Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie As Rabbi Myers chanted the traditional 1 family house, 3 bedrooms or call mourning prayer “El Maleh Rachamim,” pall Wiesel lamented what he saw as the transient For more info: 718-771-0400 bearers wheeled the two caskets carrying the nature of the sympathies expressed to the brothers out of the synagogue, and on to their Jewish community. Text: "2597014" final resting place at Pittsburgh’s Jewish cemetery. Writing for The Algemeiner at the time To 79564 www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 A3 HEAR THE LEADING ADVOCATE OF THE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL AND FIGHTING GLOBAL ANTI-SEMITISM

Shomer Eretz Yisrael Speaker of the Knesset MK Yuli Yoel Edelstein A man who withstood the horrors of The Soviet Union and then helped Thomas & Debbie Herman millions of immigrants enjoy the Builder of Eretz Yisrael dream of a life in Israel. AMERICAN FRIENDS OF

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Call Today: 718-482-4134 or 718-268-8291 • Fax: 718-482-2750 • beteldinner.org A4 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 World News. Netanyahu Spokesman Israeli Minister at Vigil: Eviscerates Iranian Antisemitism ‘Not a Foreign Minister Over Distant Memory,’ but a Pittsburgh Tweet ‘Clear and Present Danger’

BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN minister of a tyrannical regime that is the world’s #1 sponsor of terrorism, that swears Ofi r Gendelman, Israeli Prime Minister every day that it will destroy my country & Benjamin Netanyahu’s Arab media spokesman, kill its 9 million citizens, that bombed the rebuked Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Jewish center in Buenos Aires & helped Assad on Monday in a sharp Twitter exchange on the murder hundreds of thousands of Muslims.” Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Zarif tweeted, in an apparent dig at US President Donald Trump, “Extremism and terrorism know no race or religion, and must be condemned in all cases. Th e world deserves better than to have to live with weaponized demagoguery.” “Th oughts and prayers with victims of terrorist attack on Pittsburgh synagogue and their loved ones,” Zarif added. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Gendelman shot back, “Says the foreign

Continued from Page A1 cards for the police offi cers, fi rst responders, Diaspora Aff airs Minister Naftali Bennett addresses a memorial vigil for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, Oct. 28, 2018. Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld. Target nurses, and doctors — as well as for 70-year- old Daniel Leger, a nurse and hospital chaplain “In general, we feel like Pittsburgh is a BY ALGEMEINER STAFF “We stand together, as Jews from all who was critically injured in the attack. communities united, as well as members of all really safe place to live,” Mark Minkus, who “He lives right there,” Weinberg said, heads the middle school at CDS, explained Antisemitism is a “clear and present faiths,” Bennett declared. “Together we stand. pointing toward a nearby window. “We are Americans, Israelis. People who are together to Th e Algemeiner. But that sense of security just ready to hear what people need.” danger,” a top Israeli government minister said was brutally interrupted by the shooting at on Sunday, at a memorial vigil for the victims saying, ‘No to hatred.’ Th e murderer’s bullet Pittsburgh’s Jews have always been does not stop to ask: are you Conservative or the Tree of Life Synagogue, as demonstrated proud of the tolerance that prevails in their of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. by the words of a student who spoke at a Diaspora Aff airs Minister Naftali Bennett Reform, are you Orthodox? Are you right wing community, and that has been an additional or left wing? It has one goal, and that is to kill huge community vigil on Sunday night. “She source of strength for teachers and students. fl ew to Pittsburgh in the wake of Saturday’s said, ‘I’m a diff erent Jew than I was yesterday,’ shooting, in which 11 Jews were murdered innocent people. Innocent Jews.” “It’s a remarkably unique community, “Nearly eighty years since Kristallnacht, which really struck me,” Minkus refl ected. with Reform, Conservative and Orthodox by a white supremacist. On Sunday, he met “I think that everyone’s world changed on with local offi cials and visited the Tree of Life when the Jews of Europe perished in the intermingling, I don’t think you fi nd it fl ames of their houses of worship, one thing Saturday, and this safe haven experienced anywhere else,” Rabbi Yossi Rosenbloom, synagogue, where the attack took place. something it had never experienced before. At the vigil, held at the Soldiers & Sailors is clear,” he went on to say. “Antisemitism, Jew education director at the Chabad-affi liated hating, is not a distant memory. Antisemitism Th at has certainly been shocking not just for Yeshiva Schools told Th e Algemeiner as he Memorial Hall, Bennett told a crowd of more than the kids, but for the adults who live and work 4,000 people, “Today, we stand in the shadow of is a clear and present danger. From Sderot stood in the school’s bustling hallway. “I think to Pittsburgh, the hand that fi res missiles in the community as well.” we all realize that the attack wasn’t against one death. In the shadow of evil. In the shadow of On Tuesday morning, the eighth grade a cowardly, terror attack on Jews who were in is the same hand that shoots worshipers. denomination, it was against being Jewish.” We will fi ght against the hatred of Jews, and students at CDS will lead a remembrance A Pittsburgh native himself, Rosenbloom synagogue to pray. Th e deadliest antisemitic vigil at the impressive Holocaust memorial attack in the history of the United States.” antisemitism wherever it raises its head. And is proud that his school continues to thrive 75 we will prevail.” that sits across the street from their school. years after its creation. One of the Tree of Life He continued, “But today, I met the Th e “Keeping Tabs” sculpture takes the shape people, and the leaders of the community “Freedom will overcome. Unity will victims, 87-year-old Melvin Wax, was among defeat division. Love will defeat hatred. Light of the Star of David, and is made of glass the original crop of students that attended the here in Pittsburgh, and I didn’t see death. I blocks fi lled with six million aluminum “tabs” saw life, strength. I saw a warm community, will defeat darkness. Am Yisrael Chai,” Bennett school, he noted. concluded. collected and counted by CDS students over “I’m aware that there are a lot of neo-Nazis of love and unity. I saw the Tree of Life, which nearly a decade — the perfect location for and white supremacists in Pennsylvania, but will never be uprooted by hatred.” what Minkus called “a show of solidarity and I never imagined that this would happen unity against all forms of hate in the world.” — never,” Rosenbloom remarked. Yet he is Indeed, studying has helped adamant that the school’s spirit, and that older students to contextualize Saturday’s of the community more broadly, won’t be Pittsburgh Rabbi Regrets attack. “We have diffi cult conversations all the broken. “Th e kids have been great,” he smiled. time, the students are used to it,” said Jackie “But we do want to get back to normal.” Goldbloom, a middle school teacher at CDS Not Being Able to Save Until that day comes, Pittsburgh’s Jews who leads the Holocaust curriculum. can count on the solidarity of the outside Still, the emphasis as the school world. In the halls of the Hillel Academy, Noa day began on Monday was a return to More of His Congregants and Eliraz — two Israeli teenagers who are normalcy as quickly as possible. Rabbi Sam currently spending a year with Pittsburgh’s Weinberg, principal and education director Jewish community — were preparing cards From Massacre at Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh, said he was for the police offi cers and fi rst responders encouraging his students “to learn, to pray, wounded on Saturday, as well as coordinating to do acts of kindness for people who might messages of support from around the globe. need it, and to keep going.” “We asked people in Israel to send a replied, “Wow. Big question. I just don’t know. With the younger children especially, BY ALGEMEINER STAFF picture of themselves with the sign, ‘We are Th e wounds are too open to answer that. I Weinberg elected not to emphasize the with you Pittsburgh,'” Eliraz explained, “and Th e rabbi of the Tree of Life synagogue in have to really think about that. Can you really antisemitic nature of the attack, symbolized we got more than 4,000 photos in response.” Pittsburgh where 11 Jews were murdered by forgive everybody for all evil is one of those by Bowers’ blood-curdling cry of “All Jews She said that Saturday’s attack had taken a white supremacist gunman on Saturday has big theological questions and right now I can’t must die” as he opened fi re on worshippers. her by surprise. told an interviewer that he regrets that he was answer it.” “I don’t think they could understand “We thought here it was a nice and quiet unable to save more people. it,” he explained. “You don’t want kids to feel place,” Eliraz said. “It’s crazy. It can happen “I could only save some,” Rabbi Jeff rey Myers scared to be Jewish.” anywhere, no one can know.” said in a conversation with “CBS Th is Morning” Weinberg added: “I discussed the fl ip “Th e diff erence between Israel and here, is co-host Bianna Golodryga. “Th e people in the side, that just like there are people who hate that here they’re not used to it,” Noa said. “Th ey back of the sanctuary I could not save.” Asked whether the shooter — 46-year- us because we’re Jewish, there people love us need the support from Israel, from all around old Robert Bowers, who was arrested at because we’re Jewish, and we’re all one family.” the world, so we’re trying to help them.” Weinberg said the students had made the scene — could ever be forgiven, Myers www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 A5 World News. Israeli Diplomat Calls for ‘Strong’ European Response to Iran After Revelation of Thwarted Denmark Attack


An Israeli diplomat called on Tuesday for a “strong, united European response” to A woman casts her ballot at a voting station on the morning of Israel’s municipal elections, on Oct. the Tehran regime after Denmark revealed 30, 2018, in Efrat. Photo: Gershon Elinson/Flash90. it suspected an Iranian intelligence service had tried to carry out a plot to assassinate an Iranian Arab opposition fi gure on its soil. Israelis Across the Country Vote “Now it’s offi cial,” Israeli Ambassador to Members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Denmark Benny Dagan tweeted. “Iran’s death Corps march in a parade in Tehran, Sept. 22, in Municipal Elections squads have been operating on European soil 2011. Photo: Reuters / Stringer / File. for quite some time.” Andersen said the arrested Norwegian citizen had denied charges in court of helping a foreign intelligence service plot an BY JNS.ORG Voting will also take place at 27 prisons assassination in Denmark. and jails. Voting at Israel Defense Forces’ Arabs are a minority in Iran, and some Israelis headed to the polls on Tuesday bases began Saturday night and will end on see themselves as under Persian occupation to vote in municipal elections, with 863 Wednesday, allowing more time for soldiers and want independence or autonomy. candidates vying for mayoral positions and who are engaged in fi eld missions. Danish Foreign Minister Anders 3,400 people campaigning to be elected heads Four Druze municipalities were set to Samuelsen said on Twitter that the reported of regional councils. hold elections in the Golan Heights for the attack plot was “completely unacceptable.” Voting booths opened at 7 am for a fi rst time, but candidates in two of them “Th e government will respond to Iran and record 6,653,808 eligible voters to cast ballots. received threats from Arab sources, causing is speaking with European partners on further Communities with fewer than 350 all the candidates to drop out. measures,” Samuelsen said. residents will be able to vote until 8 pm, with all Seventeen Israeli municipalities have On Sept. 28, Danish police shut two major other ballot boxes open until 10 pm—11,000 just one candidate running for mayor, A Norwegian citizen of Iranian bridges to traffi c and halted ferry services ballot boxes in total at 4,000 polling stations including Modi’in-Maccabin-Re’ut, Rehovot, background was arrested in on Oct. from Denmark to Sweden and Germany in across the country, guarded by 16,000 police Mevaseret Zion, Givatayim, Ma’ale Adumim 21 in connection with the plot and extradited a nationwide police operation to prevent a offi cers, as well as Border Police, and run by and Nazareth Illit. to Denmark, Swedish security police said. possible attack. thousands of volunteers. Even in those elections, voters will be Th e Norwegian has denied the charges A few days earlier, the Norwegian In a bid to raise municipal voting rates able to cast a vote for or against the single and Tehran also rejected the allegations on suspect had been observed photographing from the traditional 50 percent, Israel’s Interior candidate. If the candidate receives more Tuesday. and watching the Danish home of the ASMLA Ministry closed schools and public facilities votes against than for, the elected city council Th e attack was meant to target the leader leader, police said. for the fi rst time since 1986 in an eff ort to members will choose the town’s mayor. of the Danish branch of the Arab Struggle In November 2017, Ahmad Mola Nissi, encourage a higher turnout. Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz an Iranian exile who established ASMLA, (ASMLA), Danish intelligence chief Finn was shot dead in the . Th e Borch Andersen said. Danish security service then bolstered police Doctor: First Three People to ASMLA seeks a separate state for ethnic protection of the ASMLA leader in Denmark Arabs in Iran’s oil-producing southwestern and two associates. Treat Pittsburgh Synagogue province of Khuzestan. Last month, Iran summoned the envoys “We are dealing with an Iranian of the Netherlands, Denmark and Britain over intelligence agency planning an attack on a Sept. 22 shooting attack on a military parade Shooter at Hospital Were Jews Danish soil,” Andersen told a news conference. in Khuzestan in which 25 people were killed. “Obviously, we can’t and won’t accept that.” Iran accused the three countries of Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman harboring Iranian opposition groups. BY ALGEMEINER STAFF massacre of 11 worshipers took place, said. Bahram Qasemi dismissed the accusations. Another Arab opposition group, “We’re not here to judge you. We’re not here “Th is is a continuation of enemies’ plots to the Ahwaz National Resistance, and the damage Iranian relations with Europe at this Islamic State militant group both claimed Th e fi rst three people to treat Pittsburgh to ask, ‘Do you have insurance or do you not critical time,” Tasnim news agency quoted responsibility for the parade attack, though synagogue shooter Robert Bowers at have insurance?’ We’re here to take care of him as saying. neither has provided conclusive evidence to Allegheny General Hospital were Jewish, people who need our help.” European countries are trying to save a back up their claim. the president of the hospital revealed in a Th e 46-year-old Bowers — who was 2015 nuclear deal between the Tehran regime Last week, diplomatic and security television interview that aired on Monday. wounded in a gunfi ght with police before and world powers after President Donald sources said France had expelled an Iranian “We are here to take care of sick people,” he was arrested — appeared in a federal Trump withdrew the United States from the diplomat over a failed plot to carry out a bomb Dr. Jeff rey Cohen, who is also a member of courtroom on Monday and was ordered held pact and announced the reimposition of attack on a rally in the Paris area by an exiled the Tree of Life synagogue where Saturday’s without bond for the deadliest attack ever on America’s Jewish community. sanctions on Iran. Iranian opposition group.

of Pittsburgh, following Saturday’s massacre experience with such attacks, and after each European Jewish Security of 11 worshipers by a white supremacist terrorist attack we understood better how to gunman at the Tree of Life synagogue. prepare for the next one to try and prevent it or Body on Pittsburgh Massacre: “Th e security doctrine you see in Europe at least lessen its impact.” is the result of decades of evolution,” said Kantor feels that American Jewish life will ‘American Jewry Is Only Now at Revach. “It was built on lessons from terrorist not be the same from now on, stating, “Given the attacks monitored over decades and adjusted new reality the American Jewish community is constantly. It’s pretty comprehensive.” facing, we are off ering our assistance with how Beginning of Long Journey’ “American Jewry is only now at the to protect our communities and to deal with beginning of a long journey,” he added, “but they any future crises.” do not need to reinvent the wheel as we can assist “Attacks on the Jewish community in BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN beginning of a long journey” to ensure their them in shortening this journey dramatically with places like France, Belgium, and Denmark security against antisemitic violence. our knowledge, experience, and expertise.” in recent years have taught us hard lessons EJC President Moshe Kantor stated that about how to balance security needs while Th e European Jewish Congress’ Security In a statement issued by the EJC, SACC European Jewish communities were poised to aid continuing to ensure Jews feel safe and secure and Crisis Centre’s CEO said on Tuesday CEO Ophir Revach commented on the group’s their American brethren, saying, “Unfortunately, and Jewish life continues as normally as that American Jews were “only now at the decision to off er its expertise to the American Jewish community, and particularly the Jews the European Jewish community has a lot of possible,” he added. A6 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018

181021Q-ISEFBleedAlgemeiner2pageAd Tuesday, October 23, 2018 3:41:05 PM www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 A7

181021Q-ISEFBleedAlgemeiner2pageAd Tuesday, October 23, 2018 3:41:06 PM A8 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 Impressions.

How to Respond to the Unspeakable Tragedy in Pittsburgh

BY ELISHA WIESEL We as Jews have survived for thousands of challenges of how and for whom to create paths to years and have tens of thousands of opinions. How citizenship cry out for creativity and collaboration. Adapted from remarks delivered at Ansche will we work together to confront hatred when we Fight that deaf ear and that cold-heartedness, Chesed community vigil on New York’s Upper disagree on so many things? We will work together and do it without compromising for an instant on West Side on Oct 27th, 2018. because our disagreements are how we will make seeking for this to be a country that is secure and How to respond to unspeakable tragedy? progress. Because those disagreements put us in prosperous. Even an event as tragic as this threatens to positions to fix different things. And if you somehow find yourself caught in divide us rather than unite us. If you march for progressive values, then it is the center – God help you, then expect hatred from I read the news articles on my Facebook feed: your prerogative and your responsibility to fix the all corners – but it is your prerogative and your From the Corbyn left in England, a whisper that the Jews bring this on themselves for having failed to make peace in Israel with our Palestinian neighbors. From the NRA followers right here at home, a suggestion that more guns will fix the problem. From the Jews on the liberal extreme, I find an online comment suggesting that their Republican brethren are kapos – yes, that word is used – and are to blame for the shooting. And from some in Israel, a sad belief that American Jews seem to think this is different from what Israel lives with every day, and a sad disbelief to see what appears to be a condolence letter from Hamas sent to American Jewry. How to respond to unspeakable tragedy? And I think to myself: How would my father respond? He didn’t fight or lower himself into the muck with those who had only nasty things to say. He didn’t debate Holocaust deniers, or A woman reacts at a makeshift memorial outside the Tree of Life synagogue following Saturday’s right-wing nationalists, or anti-Zionists whose shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Oct. 29, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Cathal total preoccupation with Israel exposed them as McNaughton. antisemites. He showed up. He shone a light. He became a progressive left. Those shouting from across the aisle responsibility to build bridges and create spaces light, by how he lived. of social media will never achieve that, but you can. where well-meaning and thoughtful people can He was kind and gentle to others. He listened. You are associated with movements whose leaders come together to find solutions. He spoke. He put questions to those who needed to declare that supporting women’s rights and the Make this world better exactly where you find hear them. And he lived as a Jew. rights of our African-American brothers and sisters yourself in it. Do so precisely where you are in your Which is what we can say about our brothers to not be terrorized by the police are inextricably politics, where you are in your faith – do you, after and sisters in Pittsburgh. linked with the fight against a safe and secure Jewish all, think the shooter stopped to see if there was a They lived and died as Jews, davening (praying) homeland, movements where the Magen David mechitza (room divider between women’s and on Shabbos. (Star of David) is barred from Pride parades. Fight men’s sections) in the Tree of Life synagogue? – They died because they were Jews, because that antisemitism, and do it without compromising and make this world better where you are in your they clung to Jewish values in a time where values for an instant on seeking for this to be a country that everyday life. are adrift, and because they lived those values. is blind to skin color, sexual orientation or gender. Show your children that you are committed They faced the death of the Jewish people that is If you are on the conservative side of policy, to Jewish values. Observe one more mitzvah (good assimilation and they stood against it, continuing then it is your prerogative and your responsibility deed). Talk to one more person whom you are to worship despite their dwindling numbers. to for God’s sake fix the nationalist right. Those tempted to yell at. And go to shul (synagogue) next They led with compassion and included two shouting from across the aisle of social media will Shabbos and keep those values alive. developmentally disabled brothers – counted never achieve that, but you can. You are associated Elisha Wiesel is an American businessman among the deceased – fully into their service. And with movements where assault rifles are seen and the only child of Jewish writer, activist, and they and their fellow congregations in Squirrel Hill as our national inheritance, where racists hear a Holocaust survivor . put the very important question on the table of our call to action even as leaders insist none has gone obligation to those seeking refuge in this country. out, where the trait of compassion for the stranger They welcomed HIAS and for this they were killed. is in danger of being extinguished – even as the www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 A9 Legal Notice.


be sold subject to provisions of filed Notice of formation of 101 Mersereau NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, P.C., 100 Judgment Index No 506966/2014. Zvi LLC. Articles of Organization filed COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY Storch, Esq., Referee YCHC190 with the Secretary of State of NY, BANK, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST 11530, Attorneys for Plaintiff AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2 SSNY on 09/19/2018. Office located JOSEPH CAMPISI, RYAN SARACO, AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 in Richmond County. SSNY has been et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT designated for service of process. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly SUPREME COURT – COUNTY COUNTY OF KINGS, U.S. BANK SSNY shall mail copy of process to: dated June 06, 2016 I, the undersigned OF KINGS U.S. BANK NATIONAL NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN 101 Mersereau LLC, 421 Home Ave, Referee will sell at public auction at the ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any Kings County Supreme Court, Room BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE lawful purpose. 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New CSAB MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS- Notice of formation of limited RMAC TRUST, SERIES 2016-CTT, AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2/9/16 York 11201, on November 29, 2018 THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES liability company(LLC) Name: TML Plaintiff, vs. KATHY R. JONES, ET AL., at 2:30PM, premises known as 1934 2007-1, Plaintiff against WILLIAM CONSULTING,LLC.Articles of organi- Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment Notice of formation of limited liability PROSPECT PLACE, BROOKLYN, NY A. STALLONE, et al., Defendants. zation filed with the secretary of state of Foreclosure and Sale and Order to company(LLC) Name: SUPERNAL 11233. All that certain plot piece or Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure of New York(SSNY) on 02/09/2018 Amend Caption duly filed on October LLC. Articles of organization filed parcel of land, with the buildings and and Sale entered on November 29, Office location: Kings county. SSNY 31, 2017, and Order Pursuant to with the secretary of state of New improvements erected, situate, lying 2017. I, the undersigned Referee will has been designated as the agent of CPLR 2004 Extending the Time to York(SSNY) on 09/18/2018. Office and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, sell at public auction in Room 224 of the LLC upon whom process against it Set Sale, Ratify Sale Nunc Pro Tunc location: Kings county. SSNY has County of Kings, City and State of New the Kings County Courthouse, 360 may be served. SSNY shall mail Copy and Amendment of Caption filed on been designated as the agent of the York, BLOCK 1465, LOT 30. Approxi- Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the of the process to: The LLC 2015 Foster August 22, 2018, I, the undersigned LLC upon whom process against it mate amount of judgment $524,555.47 29th day of November, 2018 at 2:30 Ave. apartment #53 Brooklyn, NY Referee will sell at public auction at the may be served. SSNY Shall mail copy plus interest and costs. Premises p.m. premises described as follows: 11210 purpose: All lawful activity Kings County Supreme Court, Room of the process to: The LLC 22 N6th will be sold subject to provisions of All that certain piece or parcel of land, AJ; 9/28; 10/5/12/19/26;11/2 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY Street,APT 4I Brooklyn, NY 11249. filed Judgment for Index# 5843/13. together with any improvements on November 15, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., Purpose: all lawful activity EDWARD MARK RAPPAPORT, ESQ., thereon erected, situate, lying and Notice of Formation of EJ 18th Avenue premises known as 1239 East 88th AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney being in the Borough of Brooklyn, City LLC. Art. of Org. filed Secy. of State Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite and State of New York, designated of NY (SSNY) on 9/6/2018. Office plot, piece or parcel of land, with the AVENUE VENTURES, 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 57876 on the Tax Map of the City of New location: Kings County. SSNY Desig- buildings and improvements thereon LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 York, for the Borough of Brooklyn, as nated as agent of LLC upon whom erected, situate, lying and being in the on 10/02/18. Office: Kings County. said Tax Map was on May 27, 1981, process against it may be served. SSNY Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, SSNY designated as agent of the LLC BERGER FINK LLP filed Cert. of Regis- for Block 7949, Lot 235, being more shall mail copy of process to: The LLC, City and State of New York, Block 8067 upon whom process against it may tration with the SSNY on 8/14/18. particularly bounded and described as 7302 18th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11204. and Lot 23. Approximate amount of be served. SSNY shall mail copy of Office location: Kings County. SSNY follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Purpose: any lawful activity. judgment is $518,052.84 plus interest process to the LLC, 132 Greenpoint has been designated as agent of the northerly side of Preston Court distant AJ; 10/5/12/19/26; 11/2/9 and costs. Premises will be sold Avenue, Suite B-1, Brooklyn, NY 11222. LLC upon whom process against it 527.85 feet Westerly from the corner subject to provisions of filed Judgment Purpose: Any lawful purpose. may be served and shall mail process formed by the intersection of the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Index # 4095/2013. Jeffrey R. Miller, AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 to: The LLP, 26 Court St., Penthouse, Northerly side of Preston Court with COUNTY OF KINGS NATION- Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski Brooklyn, NY 11242. Purpose: Law. the Westerly side of East 56th Street; STAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Ste. Notice of formation of limited liability AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 RUNNING thence Northerly at right AGAINST THAKOR MADHOO, et al., 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for company(LLC).NAME: REQUIRED angles to Preston Court and part of the Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment Plaintiff. Cash will not be accepted. SAFETY LLC .Articles of organization NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME distance through a party wall 165.73 to of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2 filed with the secretary of state of New COURT KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ land now or formerly of the right of way November 27, 2017 I, the undersigned York(SSNY) on 10/09/2018. Office INVESTORS, LP, Plaintiff against of the Long Island Railroad Company; Referee will sell at public auction at the SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF location: Richmond County. SSNY has RODNEY LIVINGSTONE A/K/A THENCE Westerly along said land of Room 224 of Kings County Supreme KINGS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plain- been designated as the agent of the RODNEY LIVINGSTON A/K/A the Long Island Rail Road Company Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, tiff -against- HARVEY B. PACHT A/K/A LLC upon whom process against it LIVINGSTONE RODNEY A/K/A 20.01 feet to a point; THENCE South- New York 11201, on November 15, HARVEY PACHT, et al Defendant(s). may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy LIVINGSTONE A/ RODNEY, et al erly at right angles to Preston Court 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure of the process to: Required Safety LLC Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 165.34 feet to the Northerly side of 205 HALE AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY and Sale entered herein and dated 229 Colony Ave., Staten Island, NY Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main Preston Court; THENCE Easterly to 11208. All that certain plot piece or March 14, 2018, I, the undersigned 10306. Purpose: all lawful activity Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 the Northerly side of Preston Court parcel of land, with the buildings and Referee will sell at public auction at AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant 20 feet to the point or place of BEGIN- improvements erected, situate, lying the Kings County Courthouse 360 to a Judgment of Foreclosure and NING. Said premises known as 21 and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Sale Entered May 9, 2018 I will sell at Preston Court, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234. County of Kings, City and State of New NY on November 15, 2018 at 2:30 COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE Public Auction to the highest bidder at (Block: 7949, Lot: 235). Approximate York, BLOCK 3960, LOT 6. Approxi- p.m. premises situate, lying and being BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 amount of lien $ 303,103.81 plus mate amount of judgment $651,242.34 in the Borough of Brooklyn, County AS TRUSTEE FOR SH1 ASSET Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, interest and costs. Premises will be plus interest and costs. Premises will of Kings, City and State of New York, SECUITIZATION CORPORATION NY 11201 on November 29, 2018 at sold subject to provisions of filed be sold subject to provisions of filed known and designated as Unit No. 136 TRUST 2006-HE2, MORTGAGE 2:30 PM. Premises known as 1092 East judgment and terms of sale. Index No. Judgment for Index# 512152/2015. in the condominium known as "The PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, 54th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Block 500904-14. Steven Z. Naiman, Esq., LEONARD C. SPECTOR, ESQ., Brook Club Condominium", together SERIES 2006-HE2, Plaintiff AGAINST 7757 Lot 72. All that certain plot, piece Referee. Eckert Seamans Cherin & Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney with a .5989% undivided interest in YVEROSE LAMOUR SEVERE or parcel of land, with the buildings Mellott, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite the common elements. Block: 8060 INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINIS- and improvements thereon erected, Bank Street, Suite – 700 White Plains, 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 57525 Lot: 1180 Said premises known as TRATRIX TO THE ESTATE OF JEAN situate, lying and being in the Borough N.Y. 10606 (914) 949-2574 AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2 8110 AVENUE L 3, UNIT NO. 136, SEVERE, MITCHELL SEVERE, HEIR of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 BROOKLYN, NY Approximate amount TO THE ESTATE OF JEAN SEVERE, and State of New York. Approximate NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT of lien $333,455.75 plus interest & SHEILA SEVERE AS HEIR TO THE Amount of Judgment is $725,267.19 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY JPMORGAN costs. Premises will be sold subject ESTATE OF JEAN SEVERE, WANDA plus interest and costs. Premises KINGS COUNTY PNC BANK, CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA- to provisions of filed Judgment and SEVERE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE will be sold subject to provisions of N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TION, SUCCESSOR IN INTREST Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside OF JEAN SEVERE, et al., Defendant(s) filed Judgment Index No 21583/10. TO NATIONAL CITY BANK, BY PURCHASE FROM THE for any reason, the Purchaser at the Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- Shmuel Taub, Esq., Referee RSHC106 Plaintiff against FIVEL SOFER, et al FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE sale shall be entitled only to a return sure and Sale duly dated September AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) CORPORATION AS RECEIVER OF of the deposit paid. The Purchaser 04, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK shall have no further recourse against will sell at public auction at the Kings NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 F/K/A WASHINGTON MUTUAL the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the County Supreme Court, Room 224, COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant BANK, FA, Plaintiff against JESSIE Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE to a Judgment of Foreclosure and LOZADA, et al Defendants Attorney 2351/2014. STEVEN J. BAKER ESQ., York 11201, on November 29, 2018 at ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs.Sale Entered June 8, 2018 I will sell at for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such & Crane, Referee David A. Gallo & Associ- 2:30PM, premises known as 804 EAST GLEN R. EDMONDS, ROCHELLE Public Auction to the highest bidder at LLP 28 East Main Street Suite 1800, ates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 40TH, BROOKLYN, NY 11210. All that JOHN-EDMONDS, ET AL., the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Rochester, NY 14614 Attorney (s) for Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn certain plot piece or parcel of land, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Heights, NY 11577 File# 5025.1838 with the buildings and improvements of Foreclosure and Sale duly filed on NY 11201 on November 29, 2018 at Foreclosure and Sale Entered March AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2 erected, situate, lying and being in the August 21, 2018, I, the undersigned 2:30 PM. Premises known as 715 East 27, 2017 I will sell at Public Auction Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Referee will sell at public auction at the 5th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218. Block to the highest bidder at the Kings Notice of formation of limited liability City and State of New York, BLOCK Kings County Supreme Court, Room 5399 Lot 72. All that certain plot, piece County Supreme Court, 360 Adams company(LLC) Name: Enjoy My 5014, LOT 62. Approximate amount 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY or parcel of land, with the buildings Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY Kakes & Katering,LLC . Articles of of judgment $786,570.66 plus interest on November 29, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., and improvements thereon erected, 11201 on November 15, 2018 at 2:30 organization filed with the secre- and costs. Premises will be sold premises known as 429 Decatur situate, lying and being in the Borough PM. Premises known as 167 Euclid tary of state of New York(SSNY) on subject to provisions of filed Judgment Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11208. Block 04/25/2018. Office location: Bronx for Index# 500864/2015. STEVEN plot, piece or parcel of land, with the and State of New York. Approximate 4129 Lot 23. All that certain plot, piece County. SSNY has been designated NAIMAN, ESQ., Referee Gross Polowy, buildings and improvements thereon Amount of Judgment is $428,191.23 or parcel of land, with the buildings as the agent of the LLC upon whom LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle erected, situate, lying and being in the plus interest and costs. Premises will and improvements thereon erected, process against it maybe Served. SSNY Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, be sold subject to provisions of filed situate, lying and being in the Borough shall Mail copy of the process to : The 14221 58003 City and State of New York, Block Judgment Index No 6496/13. Joel Eliot of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City LLC 106 marcy place apartment 2C AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 1677 and Lot 48. Premises will be sold Abramson, Esq., Referee PNNC039 and State of New York. Approximate bronx, NY 10452. Purpose: all lawful subject to provisions of filed Judgment AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 Amount of Judgment is $328,267.43 activity Index # 1597/15. Philip L. Kamaras, plus interest and costs. Premises will AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2/9/16 Esq., Referee Berkman, Henoch, Continued on Page A10

A10 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 Tradition. Legal Notice. On Judaism and Islam LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Rena Cohen, Albert Pokras, Beatrice of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated ERECTED, SITUATE LYING AND Brown, Peter David Halper, Barbara August 16, 2018 I, the undersigned BEING IN THE BOROUGH OF Shroyer, Fern Collier, Sherry Collier, Abraham’s servant is returning Referee will sell at public auction BROOKLYN, COUNTY OF KINGS, Estate of Seymour Collier, HRA-OLA- with the woman who is to become at the Room 224 of Kings County CITY AND STATE OF NEW YORK LRLU, Attorney General of the State of JONATHAN SACKS Isaac’s wife. As Rebecca sees Isaac Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Premises will be sold subject to New York The unknown distributees, in the distance, we are told that he is Brooklyn, New York 11201, on provisions of filed Judgment Index # legatees, devisees, heirs at law LONDON “coming from the way of Be’er-lahai- December 06, 2018 at 2:30PM, 504524/2014. Philip Kamaras, Esq. and assignees of ALAN HALPER, ro’i” (24:62) to meditate in the field. premises known as 1384 EAST 55TH - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 deceased, or their estates, if any there The placement is surprising. Thus STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11234. All Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, be, whose names, places of residence that certain plot piece or parcel of land, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys and post office addresses are unknown far we have situated the patriarchal The language of the Torah with the buildings and improvements for Plaintiff. to the petitioner and cannot with family at Be’ersheva, to which is, in Erich Auerbach’s famous erected, situate, lying and being in the AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ due diligence be ascertained. Being phrase, “fraught with background.” Abraham returns after the binding Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, the persons interested as creditors, Behind the events that are openly of Isaac, and Hebron, where Sarah City and State of New York, BLOCK Notice of formation of limited liability legatees, distributees or otherwise in told are shadowy stories left for us dies and is buried. What is this third 7852, LOT 65. Approximate amount company(LLC) Name: SAMPA the Estate of ALAN HALPER, deceased, to decipher. Hidden beneath the location, Be’er-lahai-ro’i, and what is of judgment $298,030.13 plus interest RESTAURANT LLC.Articles of who at the time of death was a resident surface of Parshat Chayei Sarah, for its significance? and costs. Premises will be sold organization filed with the secretary of 63-47 76th Street, Middle Village, NY subject to provisions of filed Judgment example, is another story, alluded The second is the extraordinary of state of New York(SSNY) on 11379, in the County of , State for Index# 505116/2017. AARON 09/18/2018. Office location: Kings of New York. SEND GREETING: Upon to only in a series of hints. There are final stage of Abraham’s life. In TYK, ESQ., Referee Gross Polowy, county. SSNY has been designated the petition of LOIS M. ROSENBLATT, three clues in the text. chapter after chapter we read of Continued on Page A12 LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle as the agent of the LLC upon whom Public Administrator of Queens The first occurs when Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY process against it may be served. County, who maintains her office at 14221 57563 SSNY shall mail copy of the process 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 to:Henrique Stangorlini 226 montrose Queens County, New York 11435, as LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ave Apt 1A # 1A Kings #047 Administrator of the Estate of ALAN SUPREME COURT – COUNTY Brooklyn,NY 11206 . Purpose all lawful HALPER, deceased, you and each of OF KINGS U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., Continued from Page A9 VARTOLO LLP 85 Broad Street, Suite activity you are hereby cited to show cause AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/30; 12/7 before the Surrogate at the Surrogate’s Notice of formation of limited liability 501, New York, New York 10004, PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff Court of the County of Queens, company (LLC). Name: LEMON Attorneys for Plaintiff. against MARIE C. JEAN-LOUIS, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT to be held at the Queens General NAILS & SPA,LLC . Articles of AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a KINGS COUNTY JPMORGAN CHASE Courthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin organization filed with the secretary Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Boulevard, Jamaica, City and State of of state of New York (SSNY) on HANDY GIRL PROPERTIES,LLC entered on September 12, 2018. I, Plaintiff against MARLAN ALLEN, et New York, on the 6th day of December, 08/23/20018. Office location: Kings Authority filed with secretary of state the undersigned Referee will sell at al Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 2018 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, county. SSNY has been designated of New York(SSNY ) on 10/05/2018. public auction in Room 224 of the Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main why the Account of Proceedings of as the agent of the LLC upon whom Office location: Kings county. LLC Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY the Public Administrator of Queens process against it may be served. formed in Nevada on 09/17/2018. Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 6th day of 14614 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). County, as Administrator of the Estate SSNY shall Mail copy of the process SSNY has been designated as the December, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure of said deceased, a copy of which is to: Jessica C Alulema 90-23 149th St., agent of the LLC upon whom process described as follows: All that certain and Sale Entered May 23, 2017 I will attached, should not be judicially Apt. 5 K Jamaica, NY 11435. Purpose: may be served SSNY shall Mail copy plot, piece or parcel of land with the sell at Public Auction to the highest settled, and why the Surrogate all lawful activity of process to: Registered Agents inc. buildings and improvements thereon bidder at the Kings County Supreme should not fix and allow a reasonable AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 90 State St. STE 700 office 40 Albany, erected, situate, lying and being in Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, amount of compensation to GERARD NY 12207. Address of the LLC 515 E. the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Brooklyn, NY 11201 on December J. SWEENEY, ESQ., for legal services STATEWIDE FUNERAL SERVICE 7th St., Apt. 2 K Brooklyn, NY 11218. Kings, City and State of New York. Said 6, 2018 at 2:30 PM. Premises known rendered to petitioner herein in the LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY Certificates of form on file with premises known as 1120 Clarkson as 863 Dumont Avenue, Brooklyn, amount of $38,763.37 and that the on 10/05/18. Office: Kings County. Nevada secretary of state 101 North Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11212. (Block: NY 11207. Block 4060 Lot 41. All that Court fix the fair and reasonable SSNY designated as agent of the LLC Carson St. suite #3 Carson City, NV 4650, Lot: 10). Approximate amount certain plot, piece or parcel of land, additional fee for any services to be upon whom process against it may 89701. Purpose: all lawful activity of lien $ 932,105.81 plus interest and situate, lying and being in the Borough rendered by GERARD J. SWEENEY, be served. SSNY shall mail copy of AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 costs. Premises will be sold subject of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City ESQ., hereafter in connection with process to the LLC, 1814 East 22nd to provisions of filed judgment and and State of New York. Approximate proceedings on kinship, claims etc., Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Purpose: NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME terms of sale. Index No. 511267-15. Amount of Judgment is $713,136.24 prior to entry of a final Decree on Any lawful purpose. COURT COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Philip L. Kamaras, Esq., Referee. plus interest and costs. Premises will this accounting in the amount of 6% AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Stern & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for be sold subject to provisions of filed of assets or income collected after AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN Plaintiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza Judgment Index No 507895/2013. the date of the within accounting; NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION INTEREST TO WACHOVIA BANK, 485 B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, Jaime Lathrop, Esq, Referee XCHJC005 and why the Surrogate should not fix Supreme Court of New York, KINGS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS NJ 08830 (732) 582-6344 AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 and allow an amount equal to one County. WILMINGTON TRUST, TRUSTEE FOR GSR MORTGAGE AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ percent on said Schedules of the total NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT LOAN TRUST 2005-8F, MORTGAGE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT assets on Schedules A, A1, and A2 IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE COUNTY OF KINGS WILMINGTON plus any additional monies received BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR SERIES 2005 8F, Plaintiff AGAINST OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, subsequent to the date of this account, MFRA TRUST 2014-2, Plaintiff, ETTY SALAMON, YEHUDA KINGS U.S. BANK, NATIONAL D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT as the fair and reasonable amount -against- ELIECER TORRES; ARTURO SALAMON, et al., Defendant(s) ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE payable to the Office of the Public TORRES; NEW YORK CITY PARKING Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure THE HOLDERS OF THE CSFB FOR VENTURES TRUST 2013-I-H-R, Administrator for the expenses of said VIOLATIONS BUREAU; BOARD OF and Sale duly dated March 14, 2018 MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP., Plaintiff AGAINST Kirk Gibson, et al., office pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); MANAGERS OF THE SCHAEFFER I, the undersigned Referee will sell at ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment and why the claim from NYC Human LANDING NORTH CONDOMINIUM; public auction at the Kings County TRUST 2005-8, ADJUSTABLE of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Resources Administration in the CRIMINAL COURT OF THE CITY Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams RATE MORTGAGE- BACKED August 06, 2018 I, the undersigned amount of $455,086.22 should not be OF NEW YORK; KINGS SUPREME Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Referee will sell at public auction at the paid; and why each of you claiming to COURT; NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT on December 06, 2018 at 2:30PM, SERIES 2005-8, V. JOSEPH C. FERRIS; Room 224 of Kings County Supreme be a distributee of the decedent should ADJUDICATION BUREAU; NEW premises known as 1152 53RD ET. AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, not establish proof of your kinship; and YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11219. All IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a New York 11201, on December 06, why the balance of said funds should CONTROL BOARD; MIKE BLACK; that certain plot piece or parcel of land, Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as not be paid to said alleged distributees MRS. BLACK (FIRST NAME with the buildings and improvements August 17, 2018, and entered in the 729 MACON STREET, BROOKLYN, upon proof of kinship, or deposited REFUSED), Index No. 20760/2013. erected, situate, lying and being in the Office of the Clerk of the County of NY 11233. All that certain plot piece or with the Commissioner of Finance Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Kings, wherein U.S. BANK, NATIONAL parcel of land, with the buildings and of the City of New York should said and Sale duly dated, September 20, City and State of New York, BLOCK ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR improvements erected, situate, lying alleged distributees default herein, 2018 and entered with the Kings 5668, LOT 26. Approximate amount THE HOLDERS OF THE CSFB and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, or fail to establish proof of kinship. County Clerk on September 26, 2018, of judgment $996,479.39 plus interest MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP., County of Kings, City and State of Dated, Attested and Sealed 29th day of Jeffrey R. Miller, Esq., the Appointed and costs. Premises will be sold ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE New York, BLOCK 66, LOT 1493. October, 2018 HON. PETER J. KELLY Referee, will sell the premises known subject to provisions of filed Judgment TRUST 2005-8, ADJUSTABLE Approximate amount of judgment Surrogate, Queens County JAMES LIM as 440 Kent Avenue, Unit 14A, for Index# 514510/2015. AARON RATE MORTGAGE- BACKED $1,065,650.42 plus interest and BECKER Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court Brooklyn, New York 11211 A/K/A Two TYK, ESQ., Referee Gross Polowy, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, costs. Premises will be sold subject GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) Schaefer Landing, Brooklyn, New York LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle SERIES 2005-8 is the Plaintiff and to provisions of filed Judgment for 459-9000 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite 11211 at public auction at 360 Adams Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY JOSEPH C. FERRIS; ET AL. are the Index# 2427/2008. Aaron Tyk, Esq., 200 Lake Success, New York 11042 Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on 14221 58403 Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney This citation is served upon you as November 29, 2018 at 2:30 P.M. All that AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ Referee will sell at public auction at for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite required by law. You are not obliged to certain plot, piece or parcel of land, the KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 57696 appear in person. If you fail to appear it situate, lying and being in the Borough NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT 360 ADAMS STREET, ROOM 224, AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 will be assumed that you do not object of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE BROOKLYN, NY 11201, on December to the relief requested unless you file State of New York known as Block: BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY 6, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as File No.: 2016-4626/A CITATION formal legal, verified objections. You 2134; Lot: 1272 will be sold subject to AS TRUSTEE FOR GSSAA 94 CELESTE COURT, BROOKLYN, NY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF have a right to have an attorney-at-law the provisions of filed Judgment, Index HOME EQUITY TRUST 2006-8 11229: Block 8946, Lot 922: ALL THAT NEW YORK BY THE GRACE OF appear for you. Accounting Citation No. 20760/2013. The approximate ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL GOD, FREE AND INDEPENDENT AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 amount of judgment is $999,811.56 SERIES 2006-8, Plaintiff AGAINST OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS To: Peggi Cohen, Avraham Cohen, plus interest and costs. FRIEDMAN HAZEL-ANN RODERIQUE, et al., www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2018 A11 Social.

Israeli Gold Medal Judoka Dedicates Abu Dhabi Win to Pittsburgh Massacre Victims

BY ALGEMEINER STAFF Th e Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood.Photo: Reuters / John Altdorfer.

Th e Israeli judoka who won a gold medal at the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam judo tournament has Jewish Celebrities Share dedicated his victory to the 11 Jews were slain this past Shabbat at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. “I send my condolences to the families of the Messages of Solidarity, murdered and wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” 26-year-old Peter Paltchik — who competed in the under-100 kilogram category — wrote in an Israel Heartbreak Following Pittsburgh Hayom op-ed on Tuesday. Synagogue Shooting Th e judoka also called the playing of “Hatikva”

BY SHIRYN GHERMEZIAN Beauty and the Beast” actor Josh Gad wrote about attending services at Tree of Life when he went to A number of Jewish actors and actresses posted school in Pittsburgh and added, “I don’t know what to on Twitter messages of solidarity in the aftermath of say anymore or how to say it. Words have clearly lost Saturday’s deadly shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, in all meaning because we are doing NOTHING to stop which 11 people were murdered. incocent masses of people in schools, Churches and Actress Amy Schumer said her heart was “broken” now Temples from being killed in droves.” Israeli judoka Peter Paltchik ‘s gold medal. for the victims and everyone aff ected by the shooting at Broadway star Ben Platt said the following in a Photo: Screenshot. the Tree of Life congregation in Pittsburgh, while Israeli political message: actress and “Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot wrote on — Israel’s national anthem — after the win was “most Twitter, “All of humanity is connected to the same tree certainly a moment I will never forget.” of life. My heart is broken and goes out to the families in Paltchik was the second Israeli in 24 hours to win Pennsylvania. May we all be free to embrace each other, a gold medal at the tournament in the United Arab spirit and soul.” Emirates — the other being , in the under-81 Actress and “Girls” creator Lena Dunham asked kilogram category. people to pray for the Jewish community. She wrote, “I don’t talk about my Jewish faith a lot, but it’s a huge part of my life, family and heart. It is painful & tragic to see a place of prayer cleaved by bigotry & hate, yet again. Please return our shalom to us with prayers & active support of the Jewish member of your community.” “Big Bang Th eory” star Mayim Bialik shared the following message:

“Seinfeld” actor Jason Alexander said he had “no words” following the attack, adding, “Or rather, there are words that would bring change, but our leaders don’t have the courage to say them. So, all we can do is say prayers. Israeli judoka Peter Paltchik ‘s gold medal. #TreeOfLifeSynagogue — our hearts continue to break.” Photo: Screenshot. Actress and singer Bette Midler shared her “deepest and sincere sympathies” to the families of those who died in the synagogue shooting, adding, “Th is horror is escalating day by day. If only we had LEADERSHIP that would actually take steps to stop it.” Actor Henry Winkler, famous for his role in “Happy Days,” wrote a message to members of the Tree of Life synagogue who were aff ected by the shooting. Winkler said, “MAY THE TREE OF LIFE , in your community, grow stronger and taller and in peace .. We Winklers , like the rest of the country , are heartbroken for ALL of you.” Israeli judoka Peter Paltchik ‘s gold medal. Photo: Screenshot. www.algemeiner.com Opinion.

speak, his administration continues its work to reenact sanctions and clear a way out of the Politicizing the Massacre of Eleven Iran deal, not only for our own nation but for our allies in Europe and across the world. President Trump also signed into law the Pittsburgh Jews Must Stop Taylor Force Act, which finally sought to put an end to the Palestinian Authority’s sadistic practice of handing out actual monetary rewards to those who have killed Jews. Believe it or not, throughout to run for the presidency in 2020, seemed to express their hate-riddled thoughts. the Obama administration, the Palestinian to do so when he tweeted, apparently to the Both extreme left and extreme right have Authority was giving out enormous sums to president, that “words matter” and “silence is shown horrible strains of antisemitism. SHMULEY BOTEACH those serving prison sentences for murdering complicity.” Famed economist and New York We must also blame nations like Iran that ENGELWOOD or attempting to murder Jews in Israel. In the Times columnist Paul Krugman suggested that openly call for and fund violence against Jews last year, the Palestinian Authority allocated Trump was to blame, at least in part. Speaking across the world. We must also point to those over $315 million — or eight percent of its entire sarcastically, Krugman tweeted a link to the who’ve offered them support. I will not politicize overall budget — to their outrageous system of story with the caption, “but none of the white the murder of 11 Jews, so I will not point fingers terrorist welfare. All this from the hundreds of supremacist terrorism has anything to do with or name parties. But dare not forget that the This past Saturday, the Jewish day of rest, millions of dollars the PA receives annually from Trump, oh no.” The Washington Post, also, Iran nuclear agreement was negotiated by the a middle-aged man burst into a baby-naming the United States in foreign aid — or received, featured an op-ed on its homepage titled “How United States all while the mullahs threatened service at a Pittsburgh synagogue. What considering Trump has finally begun to cut it. Culpable is Trump for the Shooting?” The Israel with complete annihilation. Will those followed was the deadliest antisemitic attack In fact, if Robert Bowers had been a author of that piece, GQ’s Julia Ioffe, tweeted who negotiated it expect us to overlook their in American history. Eleven men and women, Palestinian and his eleven victims Jews living “a word to [her] fellow American Jews: This agreement with Iran, despite the nation’s who had come only to celebrate and pray, were in Israel, he and his family would have been president makes this possible. Here. Where funding and execution of arguably the deadliest gunned down, their blood pooling around their collecting their terror-pension for the rest of you live. I hope the embassy move over there, antisemitic attack in modern history at the scattered prayer books. A heroic team of local their lives. And until the passing of the Taylor where you don’t live was worth it.” AMIA in Buenos police officers charged the Shul under heavy Force Act, would have thanked us for the cash. To politicize the murder of 11 Jews — let Aires, which left 85 dead and hundreds more fire. Though many sustained severe injuries, Ultimately, though, what makes the alone the worst antisemitic attack on American wounded? Do the parties who were in power the massacre was finally brought to an end. accusations of antisemitism against Trump soil in our nation’s history — is lamentable. then assume we will forget that it insisted on The gunman was captured and should, in my especially unfair is the fact that beyond just Antisemitism and its tragic incarnation in this forking over billions of dollars in cash to this opinion, face the death penalty. having Jewish friends and associates, he is devastating attack are caused by those who international standard-bearer for antisemitism, In the days since the attack, President the first president of the United States to have actually hate Jews and call for violence against while never once condemning those mullahs for Trump has unequivocally condemned the Jewish children and grandchildren. them. Sadly, there has never been a monopoly their unspeakable sins in both word and action? slaughter as an “antisemitic act of pure evil.” The Even Trump’s worst enemies would admit on antisemitism. It stems from both the extreme As a Jew I am extremely grateful to president declared “the widespread persecution that he loves and deeply cherishes his daughter left and the extreme right. President Trump for the unparalleled support of Jews” to be “one of the ugliest and darkest Ivanka, who is herself an Orthodox Jew. He It was the hard left that first accused the he has shown Israel in the Oval Office. But that features of human history,” and one that he supported her decision to join the Jewish people Jewish state of genocide and the IDF of being did not stop me from publicly and strongly vowed to fight. “It will take all of us working through the strictest processes of conversion, the Gestapo, and they have for years depicted criticizing the president for his failure to together to extract the poison of antisemitism before throwing her a kosher wedding. Through Israel and the Jews within it as oppressors and insufficiently condemn the white supremacists from our world,” the president went on, asking his daughter, Trump now has three Jewish murderers who deserve the waves of terror that in Charlottesville. There was nothing but evil Americans to “unite to conquer hate.” grandchildren who attend Jewish schools. His they are repeatedly forced to endure. Witness on the neo-Nazi side. The shooter, 46-year-old Robert Bowers, son-in-law Jared Kushner and Ivanka regularly Jew-haters like Nation of Islam leader Louis But if we are to criticize serious failure, announced his arrival at the synagogue by attend synagogue themselves. Farrakhan, who just last week employed the worst as we must, then we must similarly laud screaming “all Jews must die.” He allegedly later For Trump, the looming threats facing Nazi verbiage by calling Jews “termites,” directly significant success. told police officers that Jews were committing Jewish community centers have become, if implying the need for their extermination. In defending Israel, Trump has exceeded “genocide against his people.” Pretty ironic that. anything, entirely personal. We dare not forget Students for Justice our expectations. A racist Jew-hater claiming the Jews are guilty As yet more Jewish blood is absorbed into in Palestine, who hold tributes to terrorist He and his soon-departing Ambassador of genocide just one week before the 80th the earth, we cannot allow these events to be “martyrs,” such as Dalal Mughrabi, who carried to the UN Nikki Haley brought the fight for anniversary of Kristallnacht. sharpened into spears to be hurled against out the greatest antisemitic attack in Israel’s Israel at the UN to the highest bar yet. He On social media, Bowers had frequently political opponents. That would only deepen history, murdering 38 Israelis, seven of whom moved the American embassy to the Jewish attacked not only Jews but President Trump for the divides within a nation that desperately were under the age of six. people’s eternal capital in Jerusalem, which his closeness to Jews, to whom he referred in the needs to heal. We must instead take a moment Then we could point to the extreme right neither Bush nor Obama did, despite the most grotesque terms. “Trump is surrounded to reflect upon who are the ones truly spreading and the growing number of neo-Nazi filth who latter’s promises to do so in 2008. by k****,” the rancid killer lamented, “there is no hateful gospels against the Jewish people, and marched in Charlottesville to the chant of “Jews President Trump has already made #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation.” do everything in our power to ensure that will not replace us.” We could certainly blame the decision to remove our nation from the Despite these facts, however, many they are weakened, silenced, and eventually the festering scourge of white-supremacist disastrous nuclear agreement signed with Iran, people have come close to blaming Trump brought down. for the shooting. Joe Biden, widely expected scum, who have increasingly turned to violence which he called out as a “rogue state.” As we

Continued from Page A10 who told her to return. It is indeed she who married a woman named Fatimah. This time, Islam gives the place its name, meaning “the well when Abraham visited, again not disclosing his the love and faithfulness Abraham and Sarah of the Living One who sees me” (Gen. 16:14). identity, the woman gave him food and drink. had for one another. Together they embarked The Midrash thus says that Isaac went to Be’er- The Midrash then says “Abraham stood and on a long journey to an unknown destination. lahai-ro’i in search of Hagar. When Isaac heard prayed before the Holy One, blessed be He, and Together, they stood against the idolatry of that his father was seeking a wife for him, he Ishmael’s house became filled with all good their time. Twice, Sarah saved Abraham’s life said, “Shall I be married while my father lives things. When Ishmael returned, his wife told by pretending to be his sister. They hoped and alone? I will go and return Hagar to him.”¹ him about it, and Ishmael knew that his father prayed for a child and endured the long years of Hence the sages’ answer to the second still loved him.” Father and son were reconciled. childlessness until Isaac was born. Then Sarah’s question: who was Keturah? She was, they said, The name of Ishmael’s second wife, life draws to a close. She dies. Abraham mourns And Abraham expired, and died in a none other than Hagar herself. It is not unusual Fatimah, is highly significant. In the Koran, and weeps for her and buys a cave in which she good old age, an old man, and full of years, for people in the Torah to have more than one Fatimah is the daughter of Mohammad. Pirkei is buried, and he is to be buried beside her. We and was gathered to his people. Isaac and name: Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, had seven. deRabbi Eliezer is an eighth-century work, then expect to read that Abraham lived out Ishmael, his sons, buried him in the Cave of Hagar was called Keturah because “her acts and it is here making an explicit, and positive, the rest of his years alone before being placed Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of gave forth fragrance like incense (ketoret).” This reference to Islam. beside “Sarah his wife” (Gen. 25:10) in the Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre, indeed integrates Abraham’s second marriage as The hidden story ofChayei Sarah has “Cave of Machhpelah” (Gen. 25:9). the field which Abraham purchased of the an essential component of the narrative. immense consequence for our time. Jews Unexpectedly, however, once Isaac is children of Het. There was Abraham buried, Hagar did not end her days as an outcast. and Muslims both trace their descent from married, Abraham marries a woman named and Sarah his wife. (Gen. 25:8–10) She returned, at Isaac’s prompting and with Abraham – Jews through Isaac, Muslims Keturah and has six children by her. We are Ishmael’s presence at the funeral is Abraham’s consent, to become the wife of her through Ishmael. The fact that both sons stood told nothing else about this woman, and surprising. After all, he had been sent away former master. This also changes the painful together at their father’s funeral tells us that the significance of the episode is unclear. into the desert years before, when Isaac was story of the banishment of Ishmael. they too were reunited. The Torah does not include mere incidental young. Until now, we have assumed that the two We know that Abraham did not want to Beneath the surface of the narrative in details. We have no idea, for example, what half-brothers have lived in total isolation from send him away – Sarah’s demand was “very Chayei Sarah, the sages read the clues and Abraham looked like. We do not even know one another. Yet the Torah places them together grievous in Abraham’s sight on account of pieced together a moving story of reconciliation the name of the servant he sent to find a wife at the funeral without a word of explanation. his son” (Gen. 21:11). Nonetheless, God told between Abraham and Hagar on the one for Isaac. Tradition tells us that it was Eliezer, The sages piece together these three Abraham to listen to his wife. There is, however, hand, Isaac and Ishmael on the other. Yes, but the Torah itself does not. What then is the puzzling details to form an enthralling story. an extraordinary midrash, in Pirkei deRabbi there was conflict and separation; but that was significance of Abraham’s second marriage and First, they point out that Be’er-lahai-ro’i, Eliezer, which tells of how Abraham twice visited the beginning, not the end. Between Judaism how is it related to the rest of the narrative? the place from which Isaac was coming when his son. On the first occasion, Ishmael was not at and Islam there can be friendship and mutual The third clue to the hidden story Rebecca saw him, is mentioned once before in home. His wife, not knowing Abraham’s identity, respect. Abraham loved both his sons, and was is revealed in the Torah’s description of Genesis: It is the spot where Hagar, pregnant refused the stranger bread and water. Ishmael, laid to rest by both. There is hope for the future Abraham’s death: and fleeing from Sarah, encountered an angel continues the Midrash, divorced her and in this story of the past. Shabbat Shalom