International Economic Cooperation Between Rosatom and Foreign Companies in the Field of Nuclear Technology

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International Economic Cooperation Between Rosatom and Foreign Companies in the Field of Nuclear Technology Vlada Filipchik International Economic Cooperation Between Rosatom and Foreign Companies in the Field of Nuclear Technology Bachelor of Business Administration International Business Spring 2020 Author: Filipchik Vlada Title of the Publication: International Economic Cooperation Between Rosatom and Foreign Companies in The Field of Nuclear Technology Degree Title: Bachelor of Business Administration Keywords: nuclear power plants, nuclear technology, international cooperation, economic cooperation, nuclear energy, nuclear medicine, Rosatom, International Atomic Energy Agency This research was aimed at identifying and studying international economic cooperation between the Rus- sian state corporation Rosatom and other countries. In addition, the thesis has an analysis of various types of nuclear technologies that exist in the world. The study of both the international and the Russian nuclear technology market was conducted by collecting information from authoritative sources. Based on the collected data, an analysis of the materials was car- ried out. Throughout the study, the consequences of various nuclear disasters were identified that were eliminated or the elimination work is still taking place through the international cooperation of various countries with appropriate skills and knowledge. Moreover, the importance of cooperation between countries in the field of nuclear technologies was revealed, as well as, what impedes the development of these technologies in other countries. The study revealed that the lack of proper knowledge of nuclear technologies and fear of them prevents some countries from developing this business area. After the tragedy in Fukushima, a few countries aban- doned the use of nuclear technology. However, a complete rejection of these technologies is difficult for them, as there is a lack of special knowledge and skills for decommissioning. In addition, this work provides statistics on the age of nuclear reactors in the world, and according to it, more than half of the working reactors will soon require a regular shutdown. One of the areas of business in the market of nuclear tech- nologies and services will receive a fast pace of development of services for the decommissioning of radia- tion facilities and services for the management of radiation waste and spent nuclear fuel. During the writing of the thesis it was revealed that one of the reasons that impede the development of international cooperation between the countries in the nuclear technology market is the insufficient legis- lative framework for regulating and managing the process of approving nuclear power plant projects. Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Question, Challenges and Research Problem ....................................... 2 1.3 Data Collection ................................................................................................... 2 1.4 Reason for Choosing the Topic of Thesis ............................................................. 3 2 International Economic Cooperation .............................................................................. 4 2.1 Definition ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Importance of Economic Cooperation between Countries in Nuclear Industry .... 5 2.3 International Cooperation in Nuclear Industry .................................................... 6 3 Nuclear Technology ...................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Definition ......................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Types of Nuclear Technology ............................................................................ 13 3.3 Benefits of Using Nuclear Energy and Technology............................................. 19 3.4 Myths about Nuclear Energy and Technology ................................................... 21 4 Nuclear Technology in the World ................................................................................. 24 4.1 Nuclear Technology in Russia ........................................................................... 24 4.1.1 Briefly About State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom ...................... 24 4.1.2 Nuclear products, technologies and services of Rosatom ...................... 25 4.2 Competitors of Rosatom ................................................................................... 29 4.3 Probable, Upcoming and Existing Cooperation ................................................. 32 5 Analysis and Findings ................................................................................................... 38 5.1 Current State of Business in Nuclear Technology Market .................................. 38 5.2 Limitation ......................................................................................................... 42 6 Recommendation to Improve Business Collaboration ................................................... 43 7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 46 References ............................................................................................................................... 47 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................................... 55 Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................................... 56 Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................................... 57 Appendix 5 ............................................................................................................................... 58 Appendix 6 ............................................................................................................................... 59 Appendix 7 ............................................................................................................................... 60 List of Symbols IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency INES – International Nuclear Event Scale NPT – Non-Proliferation Treaty – Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons RW – Radioactive Waste NPP – Nuclear Power Plant FE – Fuel Element SNFS – Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage SNF – Spent Nuclear Fuel MW – Megawatt RBMK – High-Power Channel-Type Reactor FNPP – Floating Nuclear Power Plant VVER – Water-Water Energetic Reactor Definitions list All definitions are taken from the official IAEA glossary. (Nuclear Security Series Glossary, 2015; ГЛОССАРИЙ МАГАТЭ ПО ВОПРОСАМ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ/IAEA GLOSSARY ON SAFETY, 2007) Control rods — a movable reactor assembly that acts on reactivity and is used to control a nuclear reactor. Regulating rods are made of neutron absorber material. Emergency core cooling system - a system that ensures the removal of residual heat from the core after the failure of the standard cooling system (for example, in an accident with loss of coolant). Fuel element - the main structural element of the active zone of a heterogeneous reactor, in the form of which fuel is loaded into it. The fuel rods consist of a fuel core, cladding and end parts. Radiation syndrome - a common disease with specific symptoms that develops as a result of ra- diation damage. Depending on the total radiation dose and the time of exposure to ionizing radi- ation, acute and chronic forms of radiation syndrome are distinguished. Radioactive waste - by-products of liquid, solid and gaseous products, formed at all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and not of value for further use (subject to different methods of processing, storage or disposal depending on their activity and half-life of radionuclides). Radioactive waste repository - a facility designed for the disposal of solid or solidified radioactive waste. RBMK - channel high power reactor. Thermal single-circuit power reactor with boiling coolant in the channels and direct supply of saturated steam to the turbine. The "light" water acts as a cool- ant, and graphite is a moderator. Spent fuel - nuclear fuel extracted from the reactor after irradiation and not subject to further use in this reactor. Spent fuel after discharge from the reactor is temporarily located in the stor- age pool. Spent nuclear fuel storage facility - installation or specially prepared site for the safe storage or disposal of radioactive waste, on which control is provided. 1 1 Introduction This chapter is aimed at creating an understanding of the thesis. It includes background of the study, research questions and challenges and research methodology. 1.1 Background of the Study Since the 1950s, the peaceful uses of nuclear fission energy, especially in electricity, have been on an ever-increasing scale, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and geographically. Many nu- clear experts agree on the critical importance of factors such as reliability and safety. In nuclear energy, reliability is determined by the number of accidents and emergency
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