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' I t ' ” '” " " •V f " .. / V, ) . 1 PAGE SIXTEEN FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1962 T » v / liantlrt^ia^trr lEv^nlng li^raUt Avanga Da|ly VfttPnm Rub For tie Wee|ria*d ' Tha Weathar, J oe Sa, 1N8 FwaeaM ef U. a. IVeaUMr : About Town Hospital Notes MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER fihewete, thimdenhewen \ 13,601 tealght. partial eleariag, adi . Law TTie Covenant Women’s Guild, V blting hOora are I to 8 pjir. (or Headier a t the Audit •9 te W. fioaday partly eleafiy, Trinity Covenant-Church, will meet all aretw, except maternity where ^ AMPLE FREE PARKING Baraaa a t Cbenlatlea ■.yi to n i^ t at 8 at the chuivh. Mrs. they are 8 to 4:80 and 8:80 to 8 at raar of our stora , . pleaaaat. High M fe SS. James Anderson and Mrs. Ronald pjn.; aad private rooms where Manchetter-—A City o f VUtage Charm Ge^t will provide coffee. Mem they are 10 am. to 8 p.m. Visitors bers are reminded to bring rer are r^ueaJMI not to smoke in pa-, TOta LXXXI.n o . 247 , (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) fre.<#unenta and handwork for a tients rooms. No nsore than two r X i MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1962 AdewH dag am Fagis 8) PRICE JiV E CENTS ____ visitors at one time per patient. The Kiwani.s Club of Manchester Patients Today:, 215 ^ Stray Radio Signal will meet Tuesday at noon at the ADMITTED YBST’EUlDA'r: 68f000 Bu. Manchester Country Club. Jay Mrs. Georgina Johnston, 93 Plym State News Liennon of Jay Lennon Securities, outh Lane; Richard. MoUoy, 36 Hartford, will be guest speaker. Birch St.; Mrs. Madeline Griffin, 'Wapping; Mrs. Santina Carino, U.S. Grain Probe Shot at Venus Roundup Richard R. Washburn, son of Mr. Wapping; Mrs. Patricia Tarbox, 99 S P E C I A L ^ . U. SRed Ghina Swap -and Mrs. George F. Washburn Jr., Faster St.; Mrs. Christina Poison, 3.1 Pleasant St., recently w’as pro 447 Adams St.; Malcolm Elling- moted to specialist four in Heil- wood. RFD 2, Rockville; Mrs. Held Lost Average Wage bronn, Germany, where he Is a Mildred Clarke, 20 Henry St.; Mrs. ^^jst Day Tomorrtdiw! Now Set for Sunday member of the 237th Engineer Agrnes Arey, Pleasant View Dr.. FABULOUSr WASHINGTON (AP) — Battalion. He Ls a gfaduate of Vernon; Kim Strimaitls, Enfield; In State Plants Mrs. Dorothy Malon, Gla.stonbury; Disputed allegations that 68,- Manchester High School, entered CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.f’w hot, wlUr earth measurements the Army in I960, and was sent Gets Scholarship Mrs. Lillian Mason. South Wind STORE OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 000 bushels of government $100.94 Weekly sor; Mrs. Anne Boucher, Hartford (A P)—A stray radio signal Indicating temperatures of. myre overseas in 1961. Theodore H. Arnold Jr., son of grain disappeared from Billie than 600 degrees above sero near eson Tpke., Rockville; Frapk Gauthier, MEN'S in. the booster rocket forced Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Arnold Sol Estes' warehouses have the surface? What fa the compo HARTFORD (AP)— The John J. McCarthy, radarman 625 W. Middle Tpke.; Robert Slocm, 9-JO till 5:-45, THURSDAY till 9 PAL the United States today to Sr., 393 Bidwell St., has been 10 Hemlock St.; Mrs. Maris Jen started a Republican demand sition of its atmosphere? average weekly wage of fac seaman apprentice, U. S. Navy, postpone for 24 hours an at Scienlfata believe Mariner I awarded a Marion A. Bills schol- nings, RFD 1, Vernon; Mrs. for a wider Senate investiga tory production workers in son of Mrs. Lena McCarthy. 28 tempt to launch a Mariner I will help substantiate a theory Depot Sq.. is attendinng Naval ar.ship to continue study at the Pauline Mlley, East Hartford; !^J j. TROPICAL tion. Mrs. Marie McCarthy. 133 Florence held by most that life does not Connecticut in mid-June was Radarman School at the Naval University of Hartford. Ben. Karl E. Mundt, R-S.D., the spacecraft to investigate exist on Venus because of the St.; Rudolph Eckert, South Wind Senate Inveatigationa aubcommlt- 2100.94, the U.S. Labor De Rusk Bars Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. He will enter the junior class In mysteries of the planet ov«i-Uke heat. sor; Arthur Gay, Kelly Rd., Ver- KAMKAP DELUXE tM'a aenior TOP member, told partment reported today. Graduates are qualified to navi the fall. Four Bills scholarships Venus. Venus today fa 96 million miles reportera Friday: Although this was more than $8 gate by radar, plot air and .surface are offered annually to students DRESS Officials said the' trouble was from earth. At the planned Dec. ADMITTED TODAY: Albert “ Now we hear that although the Above the figure for mid-June 1961, contacts, and interpret radar scope entering the junior clasts who have not serious and that it could be 8 rendexvous date. It will be M Adams, 85 Spruce St.; Mrs. Rebec- I Agriculture' Department claimed It was a drop o f 17 cents frem the presentations. maintained high academic aver WAGON GRILL corrected In time (or another million miles away average for mid-May of this year. ca Brown. South Windsor. | that all of the grain in Eatea’ launch try Sunday morning. Tb reach the fast-moving, planet ages during the first two college warehouaea waa there and ac The Labor Department said em Anderson-Shea Auxiliary'. VFW, years'and have been afctive in ex BIRTHS YESTTIRDAY: A| They described the trouble as a at a time when it will be near its counted for, there waa a 68^000 ployment in non-farm industriee will .spon.sor a card party tonight tra-curricular work. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 SLACKS spurious radio signal detected in closest approach point to earth For Peiping budiel . ahortage, ptua additional reached 949,660 in mid-May, an in at 8 at the post home. Mrs. John Arnold is studying accounting. Heirtxler. Stafford Springs; a son | the AUaa-Agena B rocket. Mariner I must be aimed ter in ahortagea in other warehouaea crease of 7,320 (Tom a month be Vince, president of the auxiliary, 'A dcsin’s list student, he is vice to Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin, ' Such a stray signal' shooting front of Vanus, as a hunter shoots rag. 29.99 with vriiich ha ia connected. fore. Of this total, manufacturing will conduct the party. chancellor of Lambda Phi Alpha 40 Clyde Rd.; a daughter to Mr. | 1 9 * 9 9 .through the rocket during launch! in front of a flying target. Total employment accounted for 411,720 GENEVA (AP) — The social fraternity and treasurer of and Mrs. Albert Pranckua, 19 High | “ Our BUbcommittee could be ac- could upset delicate' electronic transit distance o f ' the space- Elast-West conference on Lam cuaed rightfully of doing Teaa than Jobs, non-manufaeturihg employ the accounting society. He is al^ St.. Rockville: a son to Mr. and i our ra^. 12.99 a doublehood with warming oven componoita or give ground track- craft’s high arching route fa 324,- ment 537,940. Mrs. Marvin Lange. 466 W. Middle ; | half a Job If we didn’t inquire into today formally approved a a member of the social fraternity era 'a false reading vriiich could 788,730 mUes. treaty pledging the independ cotincil and a brother of Epsilon Tpke. j a motorized spit thia, and do H thorougluy.“ lead to the vehicle's destruction --------- Alpha Zeta. the university’s Ihon- BIR’THS TODAY: A daughter | From the etart of the aubcom- by the range safety officer. I Motorist Killed ence and neutrality of that NOTICE mittee'B tnveatlgatlon CSiairman orary business fraternity. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nasslff, 33 j I a 2 poaition chrome plated The postponement announce-1Y T A D ¥ WINDSOR (AP)— Peter Southeast Asian kingdom— Arnold is a I960 graduate of Norman St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. i' NOW John ti. McClellan, tVArk., haa molt came only 90 minutes be- U /\ l\ Ijd llllC llC S Lazeren, 44, proprietor of a local amid recriminations and W« will be closed Satur wire grid ^ith tilt and held open the poaaibiUty of an in restaurant, was kUled yesterday in Manchester High School. Ernie Chasse. Andover; a daughter fore the scheduled time for warnings exchanged between to Mr. and Mrs. John -Tralnor. 8 , gravy catcher features quiry' into Eatee' amaztag aucceaa launching the 446-pound, gold and a one-car accident. Police said days during July and Ward St., Rockville; a son to Mrs. ! | at obtaining grain etorage con silver plated Mariner I payload. Two Missiles Lazeren’s car went off Route 5A the United States and Red Joyce O’Connell. Wapping. a full size storage shelf tracts from the government, col Mariner I fa slated to race and struck a tree. China. Man Loses Part lecting millions o f dollars of stor August. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: across 334 million miles of inter U.S. Secretary of State Dean age (eea in the process. CAIRO (AP)—The United Arab Joseph Newie, Hartford: Carlle I a bicycle type handles planetary space en route to a ren Rusk reminded the Oommunfata Of Left Finger A Bouad subcommittee la look Republic fired two rockets suc Husband Blamed Hunt. Coventry; Frederick L^le,, 9.90 dezvous with the cloud-shrouded HARTFORD (AP)—The traffic that the agreement must be scru- a rubber tire 5” chrome wheels ing into the grain deals, and plana Venus on Dec. 6—140 days after cessfully while President Oamal pulouBly observed if It fa to 89 Finley St.; James Maurer, East to resume its hearings Monday.