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Mh O F Uie-Total -Stored in Els- Aould.!Iw..Wto Regabded As Conaour

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) . . . 1 PAGE SIXTEEN FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1962 T » v / liantlrt^ia^trr lEv^nlng li^raUt Avanga Da|ly VfttPnm Rub For tie Wee|ria*d ' Tha Weathar, J oe Sa, 1N8 FwaeaM ef U. a. IVeaUMr : About Town Hospital Notes MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER fihewete, thimdenhewen \ 13,601 tealght. partial eleariag, adi . Law TTie Covenant Women’s Guild, V blting hOora are I to 8 pjir. (or Headier a t the Audit •9 te W. fioaday partly eleafiy, Trinity Covenant-Church, will meet all aretw, except maternity where ^ AMPLE FREE PARKING Baraaa a t Cbenlatlea ■.yi to n i^ t at 8 at the chuivh. Mrs. they are 8 to 4:80 and 8:80 to 8 at raar of our stora , . . pleaaaat. High M fe SS. James Anderson and Mrs. Ronald pjn.; aad private rooms where Manchetter-—A City o f VUtage Charm Ge^t will provide coffee. Mem­ they are 10 am. to 8 p.m. Visitors bers are reminded to bring rer are r^ueaJMI not to smoke in pa-, TOta LXXXI.n o . 247 , (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) fre.<#unenta and handwork for a tients rooms. No nsore than two r X i MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1962 AdewH dag am Fagis 8) PRICE JiV E CENTS ____ visitors at one time per patient. The Kiwani.s Club of Manchester Patients Today:, 215 ^ Stray Radio Signal will meet Tuesday at noon at the ADMITTED YBST’EUlDA'r: Manchester Country Club. Jay Mrs. Georgina Johnston, 93 Plym­ 68f000 Bu. State News Liennon of Jay Lennon Securities, outh Lane; Richard. MoUoy, 36 Hartford, will be guest speaker. Birch St.; Mrs. Madeline Griffin, 'Wapping; Mrs. Santina Carino, U.S. Grain Probe Shot at Venus Roundup Richard R. Washburn, son of Mr. Wapping; Mrs. Patricia Tarbox, 99 S P E C I A L ^ . U. SRed Ghina Swap -and Mrs. George F. Washburn Jr., Faster St.; Mrs. Christina Poison, 3.1 Pleasant St., recently w’as pro­ 447 Adams St.; Malcolm Elling- moted to specialist four in Heil- wood. RFD 2, Rockville; Mrs. Held Lost Average Wage bronn, Germany, where he Is a Mildred Clarke, 20 Henry St.; Mrs. ^^jst Day Tomorrtdiw! Now Set for Sunday member of the 237th Engineer Agrnes Arey, Pleasant View Dr.. FABULOUSr WASHINGTON (AP) — Battalion. He Ls a gfaduate of Vernon; Kim Strimaitls, Enfield; In State Plants Mrs. Dorothy Malon, Gla.stonbury; Disputed allegations that 68,- Manchester High School, entered CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.f’w hot, wlUr earth measurements the Army in I960, and was sent Gets Scholarship Mrs. Lillian Mason. South Wind­ STORE OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 000 bushels of government $100.94 Weekly sor; Mrs. Anne Boucher, Hartford (AP)—A stray radio signal Indicating temperatures of. myre overseas in 1961. Theodore H. Arnold Jr., son of grain disappeared from Billie than 600 degrees above sero near eson Tpke., Rockville; Frapk Gauthier, MEN'S in. the forced Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Arnold Sol Estes' warehouses have the surface? What fa the compo­ HARTFORD (AP)— The John J. McCarthy, radarman 625 W. Middle Tpke.; Robert Slocm, 9-JO till 5:-45, THURSDAY till 9 PAL the United States today to Sr., 393 Bidwell St., has been 10 Hemlock St.; Mrs. Maris Jen­ started a Republican demand sition of its atmosphere? average weekly wage of fac­ seaman apprentice, U. S. Navy, postpone for 24 hours an at­ Scienlfata believe Mariner I awarded a Marion A. Bills schol- nings, RFD 1, Vernon; Mrs. for a wider Senate investiga­ tory production workers in son of Mrs. Lena McCarthy. 28 tempt to launch a Mariner I will help substantiate a theory Depot Sq.. is attendinng Naval ar.ship to continue study at the Pauline Mlley, East Hartford; !^J j. TROPICAL tion. Mrs. Marie McCarthy. 133 Florence held by most that life does not Connecticut in mid-June was Radarman School at the Naval University of Hartford. Ben. Karl E. Mundt, R-S.D., the spacecraft to investigate exist on Venus because of the St.; Rudolph Eckert, South Wind­ Senate Inveatigationa aubcommlt- 2100.94, the U.S. Labor De­ Rusk Bars Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. He will enter the junior class In mysteries of the planet ov«i-Uke heat. sor; Arthur Gay, Kelly Rd., Ver- KAMKAP DELUXE tM'a aenior TOP member, told partment reported today. Graduates are qualified to navi­ the fall. Four Bills scholarships Venus. Venus today fa 96 million miles reportera Friday: Although this was more than $8 gate by radar, plot air and .surface are offered annually to students DRESS Officials said the' trouble was from earth. At the planned Dec. ADMITTED TODAY: Albert “ Now we hear that although the Above the figure for mid-June 1961, contacts, and interpret radar scope entering the junior clasts who have not serious and that it could be 8 rendexvous date. It will be M Adams, 85 Spruce St.; Mrs. Rebec- I Agriculture' Department claimed It was a drop o f 17 cents frem the presentations. maintained high academic aver­ WAGON GRILL corrected In time (or another million miles away average for mid-May of this year. ca Brown. South Windsor. | that all of the grain in Eatea’ launch try Sunday morning. Tb reach the fast-moving, planet ages during the first two college warehouaea waa there and ac­ The Labor Department said em­ Anderson-Shea Auxiliary'. VFW, years'and have been afctive in ex­ BIRTHS YESTTIRDAY: A| They described the trouble as a at a time when it will be near its counted for, there waa a 68^000 ployment in non-farm industriee will .spon.sor a card party tonight tra-curricular work. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 SLACKS spurious radio signal detected in closest approach point to earth For Peiping budiel . ahortage, ptua additional reached 949,660 in mid-May, an in­ at 8 at the post home. Mrs. John Arnold is studying accounting. Heirtxler. Stafford Springs; a son | the AUaa-Agena B rocket. Mariner I must be aimed ter in ahortagea in other warehouaea crease of 7,320 (Tom a month be­ Vince, president of the auxiliary, 'A dcsin’s list student, he is vice to Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin, ' Such a stray signal' shooting front of Vanus, as a hunter shoots rag. 29.99 with vriiich ha ia connected. fore. Of this total, manufacturing will conduct the party. chancellor of Lambda Phi Alpha 40 Clyde Rd.; a daughter to Mr. | 1 9 * 9 9 .through the rocket during launch! in front of a flying target. Total employment accounted for 411,720 GENEVA (AP) — The social fraternity and treasurer of and Mrs. Albert Pranckua, 19 High | “ Our BUbcommittee could be ac- could upset delicate' electronic transit distance o f ' the space- Elast-West conference on Lam cuaed rightfully of doing Teaa than Jobs, non-manufaeturihg employ­ the accounting society. He is al^ St.. Rockville: a son to Mr. and i our ra^. 12.99 a doublehood with warming oven componoita or give ground track- craft’s high arching route fa 324,- ment 537,940. Mrs. Marvin Lange. 466 W. Middle ; | half a Job If we didn’t inquire into today formally approved a a member of the social fraternity era 'a false reading vriiich could 788,730 mUes. treaty pledging the independ­ cotincil and a brother of Epsilon Tpke. j a motorized spit thia, and do H thorougluy.“ lead to the vehicle's destruction ------Alpha Zeta. the university’s Ihon- BIR’THS TODAY: A daughter | From the etart of the aubcom- by the range safety officer. I Motorist Killed ence and neutrality of that NOTICE mittee'B tnveatlgatlon CSiairman orary business fraternity. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nasslff, 33 j I a 2 poaition chrome plated The postponement announce-1Y T A D ¥ WINDSOR (AP)— Peter Southeast Asian kingdom— Arnold is a I960 graduate of Norman St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. i' NOW John ti. McClellan, tVArk., haa molt came only 90 minutes be- U /\ l\ Ijd llllC llC S Lazeren, 44, proprietor of a local amid recriminations and W« will be closed Satur­ wire grid ^ith tilt and held open the poaaibiUty of an in­ restaurant, was kUled yesterday in Manchester High School. Ernie Chasse. Andover; a daughter fore the scheduled time for warnings exchanged between to Mr. and Mrs. John -Tralnor. 8 , gravy catcher features quiry' into Eatee' amaztag aucceaa launching the 446-pound, gold and a one-car accident. Police said days during July and Ward St., Rockville; a son to Mrs. ! | at obtaining grain etorage con­ silver plated Mariner I payload. Two Missiles Lazeren’s car went off Route 5A the United States and Red Joyce O’Connell. Wapping. a full size storage shelf tracts from the government, col­ Mariner I fa slated to race and struck a tree. China. Man Loses Part lecting millions o f dollars of stor­ August. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: across 334 million miles of inter­ U.S. Secretary of State Dean age (eea in the process. CAIRO (AP)—The United Arab Joseph Newie, Hartford: Carlle I a bicycle type handles planetary space en route to a ren­ Rusk reminded the Oommunfata Of Left Finger A Bouad subcommittee la look­ Republic fired two suc­ Husband Blamed Hunt. Coventry; Frederick L^le,, 9.90 dezvous with the cloud-shrouded HARTFORD (AP)—The traffic that the agreement must be scru- a rubber tire 5” chrome wheels ing into the grain deals, and plana Venus on Dec. 6—140 days after cessfully while President Oamal pulouBly observed if It fa to 89 Finley St.; James Maurer, East to resume its hearings Monday. Abdel Nasser looked on, the Mid­ death of Mrs. Florence P. Cotton, OLLIE'S Richard Molloy, SO, of 36 Birch launching. 40, Efast Windsor, has been blamed achieve Its objective o f ending civ­ Hartford; John Crie Jr.. 481 The Senate group has been con- dle East News Agency reported a Chinese red and charcoal gray The spacecraft fa not intended On the criminal negligence of her il war and taking Laos out of tha St., amputated part of his left in­ Parker St.; Frank Woods, 22 centrating on the Pecos, Tex., fin­ A U T O B O D Y Preston Dr.; Walter Schultz, 375 to Wt the planet tat to whfa: *°***y- husband. cold war. He stressed that Laos’ dex finger yesterday in an indus­ ancier’s cotton acreage allotment Adams St.; William Hanna, 581 within 10,000 miles of It before ’The first ‘ rocket landed on tar­ Coroner Louis W. Schaefer said Prince Souvanna Phouma must 281 Adams S t— MI 9-5028 deals under federal farm aid pro­ trial accident at the' Empire Tool Foster St.; Jeannette Virginia. i • plain .or settling into eternal about get 375 miles away, the agency yesterday the accident, which oc­ unite the country’s armed factiona and Manufacturing Co. on Stock grams. the sun. report said. It gave no detaltahs curred in Blast Windsor June 10, ooallUon government headed by 361 Adams St.; Chester Hanson pleatad Sen. John J. WtUiams, R-DeL, PI- Jr., Coventry; Mrs. Marie Kvadas, During a SO-mlnute sweep to where the two rockets Ipiiaed, was diw 'to Cotton’s Intoxication in a single army if it fa to continue I exploded the new controversy Molloy was operating a power 65 Cooper St.; Robin ChaKst. i across Venus’ sunlit side. Mari­ tat merely said they fired and speeding; to exist. about the grain in a Senate speech press when he caught his finger in Bast Hartford; Dhvid Schwwike, ner I’s delicate instruments will fh>m an “Arab rocket/base.” It ' The United States insisted that • 55% dacron Friday. the machine, a company spokes­ Andover; Mrs. Genevieve Kenny. | try to peer electronically through'“ W t*»e flrst rocket carried aloft the accords provide for integra­ DON'T He disclosed a reiibrt from the Rides for Union ■ 'EM AWAY! man said. The spokesman said the Bast Hartford; Barry Pleasant, j I polyastOr the thick cloud layers that have I U.A.R.’s national colors and tion of Laos’ armed forces, tat in accident was due to a mechanical compttxiller general’s office that concealed the planet's secrets | ^dded that the missile was made WATERBURY (AP) — A Har­ the end this waa not spelled out Wapping; Mrs. Victoria Carron, j 45%' wool 68,000 bushels of grain were miss­ ’Thete’s PLENTY OF WEAR fault of the power press. 172 High St.; George Melxell, i I from “arth’a inquisitive eyes. 7" th* U.A.R. by Egyptian tech- vard profeasor called in to arbi­ in the treaty and deefarationa. ing from 'warehouses known to be trate a dispute between Vickers, left In your shoes when yon The mtfn was admitted to the Hublard Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Ether | wdrstad 24^' Barbecue Crill The findings, relayed by radio' nlclans and engineers, Rusk said the United States, by bring them to this RELI­ Manchester Memorial Hospital owned by Elstes, 39,633 bushels to earth, could answer such ques-| Israel fired a Inc. and the Intanational Associ­ agreeing to sign the accord, does Roberts, 181 Autumn St.; Sean (Tom warehouses in which Estes ation of Machinists haa ruled in Shoe Repair Shop! after treatment in the hospital’s Callahan, Hlllcrest Dr., Rockville; tlons as: Does VenUs have a into epace July 6, 1961, for the not imply recognition of all e ergency room, and is recuperat • charcoal ia believed to have a financial In­ magnetic field? A radiation belt? favor of the union. Integration leader Martin Luther King’Jr., speaking from pulpit to an overflow crowd signers—a reference to Red China Open Monday Mrs. Anna Pranckus. South Wind­ James Healey, the arbitrator, ing there today. terest, and 7,180 bushels from fa- How fast does it spin? Why fa it' (Conttaoed ea Page S7ve) a' -1 Oinimunfat North Viet nam. Closed All Day Wednesday sor; Mariella Brissette. 1 Michael ^. gray, ' clUtiea owned by Coleman D. Me- ordered Vfakene yesterday to pay at a church rally last night in Albany, Ga., tells of his disailpointment In failing to reach Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Marie Jerom e' rag. 19.99 He departed from hfa text to 1 3 * 8 8 Spadden, an Estes’ associate. two months back wages to seven an agreement with Washington and Albany irfficials over the racial problems in the $52,8.58 FOR DISABLED and son. ’Thompsonville; Mrs. madtum register objection to dfatorthig ’of The Agriculture Department re­ suspended unkm leadms. south Georgia city. (AP Photofax.) HARTFORD (AP) Eighteen lo­ Sandra DlGlovannl and son, 466 fact .in some of the Communist SAM YU LYES aray, olive, a complete with hood and plied in a statement that Williams Vickers blamed the leaders (or ■■■ ...... \ ' i ■' "" ♦ ■■ i speeches, especially those of Chen 28 OAK STREET cal homemaker service agencies W. Middle Tphe.; Mrs. Nancy waP drawing “erroneous infer­ Lemnitzer for Norstad tha workers’ failure to cross picket Webster and son, Hartford Tpke.. i'rown, navy, motorized spit^ Yi, Red China’s foreign minister. Same Side As Watkins are to receive $52,853 In state ences from fragmentary facts." Unes set up last November by grants aproved yesterday by the Rockville; Mrs. Patricia Olbrias black Chan charged that the Vaitofl 3 position spit adjustments "The so-called SS.OOO-bushel striking offlee workers. Goldberg Calk *Get Your Walking, Shoes’ States was perpetuating armed Public Health Council of the State and daughter, 148'.s Maple St.; a shortage reported by Sen. Wil­ , The 1AM shop committeemen Health Department. TTie agencies Mrs. Eldith Brlerton and son. East intervention in South 'Viet Nam, liams represents twortentha of $ clahnefi'they tried to get the men and declared the peace in Laoa help disabled and elderly persons Hartford: Mrs.’Carol Beecher and a crank type grid adjustment Buck to enterjtbe fatfiory., but Jta. r*'**" per tamh o f Uie-total -stored in Els- aould.!iw..wto regabded as conaoUr. who are unable to do their owm .son. Wapping: Mrs. Elizabeth tea’ houses,” .tbs statement said. ers woukint fat them tlu ^ Cannata and daughter. East Hart­ 29 «:0 a fire resistant steel bowl dated “as long aa of housework. “ Tula fa’ not eoiMldered a ’short­ Vickers has (Ued a $1 miUioa f^ s Pro m he war are kept alive in' South' Viet ford; Mrs. Gloria Foster and dollar suit against the LAM, N^Sui) W alkout daughter, Storrs. PRCP a chrome plated reinforced age’ in normal grain storage ter- Nam.” The Office of mlnology.’V A s »71 claiming its action was a viola­ He also declared there fa no . ^ i d with handle Inspectors making spot checks tion of a no-atrlke efauss fat Its 'GROTON (AP) — Mediation Justification whatsoever (er the contract. The suit fa still pending Dr. G. A. Caillouette altcoations measure only the volume of the talks In the strike that has shut presence of American forcea in CHOICE ANTIQUES WANTED a i’'steellegs In US. District Court. Racial Showdown stored gndn, not Its weight, imd WASHmOTON (AP) — Cfan. down the nation’s biggest builder Thailand. Sherwin-Williams Private collector will pay highest Vickers fired the seven unlcm Chiropractor n n w g the department said “ A tolerance Maxwell D. Taylor, who stalked of nuclear submarines move to Oien caUed for a new interna- rash pricM for rnmlttiM, Glass, a 5” wheels of at least 1 per cent fa permitted from the Pentagon In a row over leaders Nov. 24 but In late De­ tkmal consultation to consolidate Paints China, Silver, Clocks, Old Jewelry, cember announced that they Washington Monday at the behest 119 Center St. pvpcoTI Y as a matter of courae to allow for Eisenhower defense policy, fa re­ of Labor Secretary Arthur ‘J. ALBANY, Oa. (AP)—A raclafavdiich started six years ago with peace in Lkos and further ease ncturca, etc. I will call anywhere a U.L. constant speed would only be su^nded for two ahowdown—one that Negro lead a bus boycott at >(ontgomery, W. H. (ENGLAND turning as top mlUta^ chief. This Goldberg.' tension in Southeast Asia. Will-Be Closed in New England. W rite In strictest 'I rotisserie motor (Oonttnned on Page Three) time, he haa the strongest White m commander in Eu­ Veteran committeewoman Kath­ protest ef segregatlou Yours for the development of 1 The dimple* were described as erine. Quinn of West Hartford was "Get on your walking shoes.” chair. ’ rag. 3.99 rope in November, after six years said King at the Negro rally. He ' “ It fa within the hand and soul FREE 120,620, 127 black & white film! 2 , 5 9 a full 1 year guarantee eoncave and reflective, and set in of service in that post. Lemnitzer GEN. BfAXWELL TAYLOR elected to ^ce-chalrman to suc­ 4 PBBlsa IN FIBB undulating layers of the atmos­ ceed Mrs. Gertrude O'Donnell of, News Tidbits sized up the racial impaase with of tfae Negro himself.’ ’ AinOL, BtassT’' (AFT '-r A ARE YOU IN a uses faucet water, no filter needed will take hfa place perhaps for these words: * short slaava,'knaa length phere at altitudes Up to 6,(X)0 feet. only a year. Litchfield. .) mother aad three S-year term ' as Army chief of from the AP Wires “ We’ve gone too far now to turn ALBANY, Gs. (AP)—The Rev.' fabled early Radar beams are reflected back Overshadowed by those top- staff. Henry Altobello, former mayor a f f r e S a or out of back." Martin Luther King prefers not to destroyed thetir dve-rooas home 8mm AUTOMATIC FUJICA LIMITED QUANTITY to earth, by the turbulent air, and level changes wap Kennedy's an­ Decker will be supplanted by o f Meriden, was named secretary, * v-nac|f,''pul1ovar W coat styles and as treasurer, the committee exty officials'’ echoed this idew. comment on imcomplhnentaty re­ OB Keltoa St. The dead are U l- TRIPLE TURRET ELECTRIC-EYE give the appearance on a iitidar- nouncement from hfa weekend re­ Geh. Earle G. Wheefar, little Grand Jurora In Texas return Bcope' o f an object moving swiftly picked John P. Kelly, Democratic Although they declined to be marks another Negro minister Uaa BMW, $S; Brace, 1$; Kba, . HOT WATE R ? treat at.Hyamifa Port, Mass., that known here ta t reputedly a bril- four new Indlotoneats aoeuslng * fine combed cotton across the sky. town chairman of,Hartford. quoted by name, several key offi­ made about the governor of Con­ 4, aag'KOUy, S. TTm father, Bicb- Oenn. George R. Decker will re­ farm pramoter Bille Eetm of LAWN CHAISE The Air Force said this appar­ cials have said the faitegratimi necticut. tad"8$, aad a daagbter, lyaa. MOVIE CAMERA Jnat a day fbr ftael * sizasQ, C, D. tire Sept. 80 at the epid of hfa (OoattDMd oa Page Five) theft . . . Leaders of five test here would be a decisive one At, eacaped. A aether sea. Bleb ently was what efiused the unex­ Charge Suspended railroad brotherhoods postpone can fet yon out of tronblel plained radar sightings which sup­ tor King’s nonviolent movement. (Coattaaed on Page Tire) aid St., 18, fa la the Navy. PoUoe NEW YORK (AP) — A charge any oountersetion on railroad’s reported that Begor satwjfad 2 1 , 9 7 porters ef the Flying Saucer theory of felonloua assault against Blydm announced intention to stream­ rtted' In their attenmta to prove soMke aad carried Lyaa oat* of If you live in a typical house, ^Fuming with R a g e . . . Bourbon^ Jackson, former New Haven faite- line operatlMis, including abolish­ the heaoe. The iap4d)y apreadiag you could easily run out of hot a innerspring construction the Blarth was being circled by grationist leader, waa suspended ment of thousands of Jobs. flameo proveated hlaz ftrom go- i88 MEN'S strange spacecraft water several times a week. a Alcoa aluminum yesterday. Police In South Jersey hunt for hig 'back iaelde. He ahoated to ~ / P., J. Eurney of the Cambridge A ccu s^ of heating a man in a Peruvian Junta Seeks S P E d A L t Now you can have all the hot tubular frame prfaoBor who shot court eoa- hfa wife to lead the ehUdres te Uater you need o f one time for SHORT SLEEVED Laboratory devek^iri the dhnpie New Toric rooming bouae, Jackson, aa imetalre perUr- but they . theory from Weather Bureau and atabfa and escaped from station a 2-pc. sectional cushion Old Bliies Deploring 36, was released in hfa own recog­ e«alda>t make It. 11m badfae o f only 9}^* a day. Think o f i t — wagon bringing him to Salem SUMMER Air Force observations. nisance. three were fouad Just taslde On only 9 }^ a day! a 5 position back rest adjustments Harney said that rtnee the early County Jail . . . Maas of cool air U.S. Aid, Recognition Mfg. List Price 126.9A However, since he may be prose­ triggers high winds, heavy rain pecch doer. The yeuag! daagtar, Yes, thanks to Mobilhsat— days of radar, faJae targets— ; lA . a wheel-mounted for easy moving cuted at the district attorney's dfa- and violent thunderstorms as it K ^ . was stin la bed. v s Easy drop-In film loading! ' and an oil-fired hot water heater kmiwn as anvefa—have appeared Oomplets of correct capacity—your family DRESS SHIRTS on radar screens. He added it haa Degree for Kennedy 'pushes through Mldweot fat Ohio LIMA, Peru (A P)—Peru's ruWsurances that should U.S. aid -be With (8) o Singlo frame expoiiiirsa! (OoattMoeil'fai Page ’g n a } VaUey. ABBOSPACE STBnUE LOOffHI can take care o f oU their washing been known for some time that the ing mUitary Junta strove today to resumed, it would rtach the “ peo­ F lA o Shutter release safety FAMILY SIZE create an image of itself as cham­ (AF>—ThmaS seeds at one time. rog. 3.99 ' t false targets are due in pi^ to Houston . (Texas) Post says ple in our country who are hungry Lsnssn! lock and controlled speeds! ■hfirp; dfaeontinultles in tempera-^ WaUer County farmers may have pions of democracy in- an effort and need it.” a t a strike .Msaitsy -JMom can do the fatmily wash. NEW HAVEN (AP)—^ndaimt-^eacribed on page 17 of the Alumni to win U.S. recognition and re­ “ 1 waitt no commitments from moat at the aatloa' AtRomatk: SKILLET ' tun ttnd mofatnre contoit In the ed ta the ire of many Old Orads, paid $44,000 in past two yean Sis can do the dishes at the soma atmospbefe. magazine, raised over |5t million. Hartforid4 Gas for axtea rioe acreage to which sumption of.American aid. the United States, only considera­ plaata aad bases Issaaad atreag time Junior takae bis bath, and the Yale Alumni Magazine printed The alumni fund’s 30-month the county waa not cutlUed. The mUitary chiefs who deposed tion and to be recognized,” he today as aegottats rs la a ie Isb4* 2*39 3 for 7e00 HAmey found, from studying in its July issue President Km- dlteh sfforta ter esataaet agtsa- EASY BUDGET TERMS ARRAlfGED you enjoy a shower. weather reports, th«t condfUons drive for new capital “had once Otgatdsar 'ot UB. Information and imprisoned President Manuel said. “ I know that President nedy*B a p e ^ nt T ale’s 361st com again established a new recoid of Loses Bid for Prado in a bloodleea coup Wednee- aaaata. Fideial lalijnriaHsa st Don’t delay—phone us today. for creeling false targets typical men cement. Service, Sara Lee Fain, dfaa at 7$ Kennedy can understand.. When I 1 4 . 8 8 annual giving b y imfaing $3,722,- Ifay were staggered' by the quick see hfa picture I see in hfa face soaw sort wsa -eresetad..' Tha Find out bow easy K is to switch Yale’s conferral of _a. degree upon in Arcadia, Cfalif. . , . X15 rocket Ualted Aerospaes Wsvfcem aad 85 mm. 20 EXPOSITBE 000,” the article said. U.8| reaction suspending diplo­ that what he wants in the Alliance to a Mcrbilheat-firad water heat­ e completely C< M Page Three) Harvard’k famous son provoked Rate Increase plan altitude record set last Tues­ bteraattoaal fissselstfaa sf Ma- er. •Amrmti f*mUy .f ftm . immersible A third writer, qlaas of '53, re­ day upgraded from $10,00$ feet to matic relations and halting mll- for Progress' is what we want.” angry responses, five of them Uona of dollars in economic and Refdirhig to the White House ehlafats. bath AFLC30 aalsas. white oxford, e controlled heat I printed ns letters to the editor. ferred to Kennedy ae “a pathetic $14,7(1$, Boore thB B 59 m ile B . set aoaa Men day as tbefa walk- C O L O R F IL M a for foolprotrf cooking product of Harvard who regarde ^HARTFORD (AP) — “ Reference military aid. charge that the coup had set back broadcloth or 7 Persons Perish No favorable responaea were to' earnings of other coinpaniM fa Official of flight tagineen union Gen. Ricardo Perez Godoy, the democracy in Peru. Peres Godoy out dtailllae ter asan tbaa m - e it trtee, bakes, roasts, stews, published. individual human freedome in this claima membera bacldug strike eee-smpiqrta to the Mfg. WE GIVE S ifK casseroles, braises, warms merely one factor’’ in deciding Junta leader, appealed to the Unit­ repeated' the military claim that skipdent nation ns mere hindrancee to his agatost Eastoru Alt U b m almost tadustry. Bfaaa mrehag U st 111 Two-Car Crash “Was the President given rate casta, the {State Putrilc UtiU- ed States to recognize )ifa military it was forced to step in aiid nulli­ e guaranteed heavy cast tJuminum determined expeHments toward'a 1$0 per c e n t . . ; About 300 leftist achedeied tofley aad .Saa 8.90 GREEN STAMPS e long life tubular heating elenuint honorary degree merely because planned sodetlet etate.” ties Oommfasions sald yesyesterday regime. i fy the June 10 elections because 1 . 8 9 of hfa title," asked a member of students demonstrate in central "We are seeking to preserve fraud in the ballptlng represented wriaa ammbers to reie Free processing iadaded! e .complete with cover and.jncipa WAWANO, Wta. ( A P )-A two- The President’s quip, *T now in rejecting the Hartford Gas (Com­ book , . cooking gutdacon haiidta the Claes of '18, “or because of pany’s request for an increase. > Japan city of Nagoya against gov­ democracy,” he dOclared. a threat to democracy. ear eoUfaian at the crest of p^hill ■omething really great he had ac­ have the beet of both worlds—a ernment-sponsored public hearing At" a press conference Friday Perta Godoy said the military But labor c o m p l e t e c o m m a n d e r Each case must be decided on the oaatii OB a country road fat northeastern complished, or because Tale be­ Harvard education and a Yale de­ on poaslbfa rcvfaioB o f Sdpam’a “ b o - night and an earlier interview, the complained to Prado .tat he ig­ 8 mm. BOLL COLOB ' gree”' was viewed as “incredibly its merits, the PTO added, point­ turned, daww. ■ . MORIMTY Wfaconafai early today killed seven lieved in and wanted to piit her ing out that, earnings aiid im flta war” eonstttatloa, and 38 persopa eneral indicated that if President nored them. “ There was nothing CAMERA OUTFIT SPECIAU atamp of approval on hfa pn>- nide” by this alumnus. > injured. ’~' pereoas—six fat one ear and one fat estimated for the year seemed ade­ g:ennedy refused to recognise the else for us to do,” said the Junta TV o;E i^ wr gramar and theoriesT" Another-'' old grad, class eff '08,* Actor Tod Henderson, who ap- Junta it 'would be only “ to cause leader. The Junta nullified the MOVIE FILM^ the other. There-were no sorvlv-. quate; and comparable to thoee of HABTFOBIk S ity n (A T )-'* BROTHERS ore. He concluded It was for the said the honor ^bestowed on Ken- [fasired in more than 300 aUent mov- us trouble.” elections in a maneuver to block tSiiid reason j nhdy wps.a source of “eonelderable iM, a m to Saata PWd, Calif., bonw He expressed hope Washington the poasible election to the presi­ TTlwrelers BreaietaMfig Mfg. K IN G S IZ E t V t r a y T A B L E S Hie Shawano County Sheriff’s ‘^ T p TC afao noted piat the Carp, said tsday thaBapfHtaaas 5 . 8 8 ^Another letter said few Fresl- distress’ to him. at 74 . . . Three national televfaion irould extend recognition once it dency o f Victor Raul Haya do la Uat Offlee Identified the dead ia: conqpany’s stock offerings, had.re- hare aBeeutsd ap affiar a t free Walter Qrlmm, 48, and hfa wife, denta 'Tuve diRilayed the arro­ TTie. editors of the alunml m sg»- oeWad good pubtte raspopae. * networks will carry portion of learned what he called the .true Torre o f the loftfat, tat avoyrfdly a 2 mOs a f dim, L70 time for Aght M l 3 -5 1 3 5 44; John R e(^e, SI, hfa wife, 4«; gance o f this man in danltiig w|th rtne inade no comment. Tbe Hartford company sought to President Kennedy’s Monday newa intentions of the military take­ antl-Oommunfat, Popular Remllu; balhs and hattsrifs!' Frea processiag Imladsi t w ith Dsasedw • short flimead and Oecar Meblberg, 88, and hfa matters of grave public crisis, such Also printed in the current Issue show'-a lower average eantaga oonferenoe that fa to be relayed to over. He said'the. Junta'had no tionary Alliance Party (APRA). as the sted price situation.” Europe fay Telstar, Mbiting com- Paul W. Merehey, 3 0 M 1 S C m i w S t . or button rag. 8.99 ^ ’wifo, 48, all U v ^ in the rural waa the baccalsureste address .by rate oaqipared to that of all CM- plans to seek assistance elsewhere Long hated by the military, area around the vUlage of Marion - TTie author of this protest, a Tide president A . W hitney Grfah necOcut gas compuiies, to support municationa satelUtc. : i ' while it tries to vHsdn Its case with''Haya was Uie tront runner In the downcollara a fabulous value in your choice of 3 patterns •A on the EBiawano-Waimaea County member of tha class of *47,. went wold. Three dead and two children lay ' p ri^ s B ffa l balloting, tat fatted to OPEN DAILY 10 AM. to 10 P.M. M o b ilh e a f its request for a rafae.ip the mht- Washington- weaH b$ oMrrted • 'a tubular brass legs line; and DOtoh P h i^ , 3S, who on to say that he bad “serious In the speech, 'Griswold de­ imum monthly ebihge' from $1.75 fajured hi wake o f powerful wlud Peres Godoy charged that the got the third of the total vote re­ ACRES OF FII S PARKING a lizas H to I t depoasd civilian government had quired tor glocUaa. The Junta has aad w n o redi 4 king size trays Uved In Marloni concent for the aucoeas of the scribed a "p<^mlar image” of the to $1.00 for resUtantlal customers. ttat -Bweeps eur eff Mgkwuy in U 7 M AI I ^ S T . — EAST HARTFORD a ffiertff'a nff^e said the two malnder of the ertisjuid pd^tcee “Americaa aliunnua” as: '-"T ^ Tha company'also aaked tor a Britton, Mich., afama it against a been rifahotihig-off U.S.' Alliance ' ' ' ' BOW Koetkiits tor aaxt • oompleta with caater moiuited itoraga nek and atand -. 1' program,and a t the ilu n iiil fund.** traa and faavaa it aptada dpwli hi for prebrtaj^fimds. He aal4 he JiBW I tlM laraOlatkBi at a Irer ^ aitfi fi^l'IW iiifi sm tim m . flamhaaMTMPi. eouM fpM ItaBad Btatta see •w ^IhrebQt M F 8A •' I ■; !.-. .1 •■ M ■ 11 r : t-. ' V I

T ■■•"a BAC® TWO MANCHESTER EVENING- HERALD, MiW^CHESTER, CONN.; SAVuimAY, H, ' MAKCHESTEB SVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN;, SATURDAY. JULY 21, 1962 PAGE T H R U Hat B o y le Marine State News Sheinwold on U.S., China Swap 165, 0(00 j0«. Named Goldberg, Calls Weather Mediators, in Why Rebels Saluteii Roun l e a d in d ic a t e s , * South dfalsr . :es. ta h&os Pact U’S. Grain A L Women’s Historian wmDBOR LOCK* (AP)—The WH^T TO^BXPECIT Both tides vuhwahta T7.8. Weather Bureau'.* marine ad- •By Alfred SiMlnwold NORIH N-Sub Walkout Stars Eind Stripes ▼leory for today: .«lenthined from Page One) Miss Barbara'Wallen. 147 War-1 The opening lead often Indicates B Q 10 - (CoRtfamed from Page One) , Held Lost anoke Rd.. was elected historian Tide* will “be high along the, Con- how the opponents are going to V A • (OonUnued from Page One) cretion within the sU months. Bter. Ung Van Khiem, also ac- last night of the Department of secUeut shore today from 1:30 Jackson’s SUtus was likened by defend. Consider'this when mak­ O.QITS'I Connecticut, American Legipn WALLAND. Tenn. (A P)-ln Amer-| In«ead of doing it aw ‘"jury, 1 Bjn. to 3’ p.m. Low tide at Old Say* ing your own plan of play- ,4IK19 54 • ctued the United States of stirring hy UQefceel A. PeMi. M.D. (Oeattaaed from Page Ooe) union and management negotia­ lea's war of brother against broth-1 proposed ^ t we salute it.' court officials to that of a man on ‘ EAST up trouble in Southeast Asia. Auxiliary, at its annual convention tors. to Washington aaid: "Your brook today will be at 9:30 p.m. probation. The thimp was Weet’e beet WEST IS 'VOUR V oO P PRESSURE at the Hotel Bond. Hartford. er a hundr^ years ago. a detach-1 "Then, following my leadership, ^ Bunaet today is at 8:19 p.m. and opening lead since R put West in A 9 8 7 In contrast with these two (3om- TMS SAME “OT.M ABMS 1 shrinkage and errors of measure.” participation in ' thia eztrenfely mtnt of Confederate cavalry onceifoey rode in single file, fermtog a 0)nvicted' in New Haven of giv­ V K to 7 4 Then why. Williams denumded, Miss Wallett, daughter of Mr. sunrise tomorrow at 5:37 a.m. ing false evidence to police after position to lead another trump muhirt speakers, Soviet Foreign and Mrs. J. F. 'Wallett. has been, a critical Uidustry requires that you- saluted the U.S. Stars and Stripes around the pole, and we Beating weather for Long Island Ms wife shot him in e domestic later. The defense thus threatened 0 A I 4 • 10 » 4 Minister Andrei A. Gromyko used is the. department seeking to col-1 d^o n strate a high level of re- -and thereby unknowingly saved ^ r hats reverently ' Bound to Montauk Point and Block to prevent declarer from ruffing A I 4 2 A A Q 10 t glowing language to express Ms lect from MeSpadden'a bondsmen 1 member of the Manchpater aumii- .^ponaibility in working toward an tlieir lives. bowed dur heads.; Tears streamed quarrel; Jackson, a Negro, had SOUTH for at least part of the shortage, I aiY for more than 25 years, join- Island: been ousted recently as president a heart in dummy. ^ satisfaction with the Laos agree­ immediate settlement of this dis­ This odd and little''-knownHttle^known Incl-jIncl- , Southwest winds about 10 knots South paid no attention to this B A K J 4 4 I 2 ment. as reported bv the comptroller!‘"8 ■ “" '“r member. She has pute.” dent, documented by Miss Inezj men as we stood in this attltiule of the New Haven Chapter of the V I 5 2 general* * aei-ved as president of the Man- before the old flag. picking up to 15 to 30 knots this Congress of Racial BkjuaUty. threat. He cashed the ace of hearts He told the delegates they had The strike began after mem­ Burns, a local historian, happened, afternoon shifting to northwest 10 and led a low diamond from dum­ O K S made it possible "to dispel the Williams and the department Chester unit, has Hilled several de- bers of 11 craft Iqcais, represented early in that long ago civil strife j "After a brief silence the circle • to 15 knots early tonight and run­ my, hoping to get to his hand with * 7 “clouds of war in yet another cor­ both noted that losses are covered partment chairmanships, and ha.s by the Metal Trades Council of that tore the nation asunder. was broken and. forming twos, wt payments being withheld from 1 been chairman of the Manchester ning . northwest about 10 knots , hUaning Bc^y Found the king. ^ Soolh West Narih Esrt ner of our planet, to arrest Mood- New London County, turned down Turbulent Tennessee—the_ last; went on. We knew nothing of iu>y- e Sunday. Fair this morning vari­ West won with the ace of dia­ 1 A Pstt 2 O Fsm shed in Lm s .” B m s, plus possible reimburse-! ®fofo„*^®mmitt^. a company offer of 1.4 cents an sute to Mced;‘"rrTm" th'r uilfon! ""* ‘he news 'TRUMBULL (AP.l — Nlpe-year- 2 A 2 A PSM from his . grain storage Mrs. C. Russell D4y of Nor­ able cloudiness this afternoon and old Brian Kleran, object of an In' monds and contlnusd hla defense ''The main thing today,” he walk won 181 to 144 over Mra. i hour more over the next tw o and the first to be r e a d m itte d - 1 “U*- » lu ‘ "g the flag went,fast- - evening with scattered ^diowers tensive search that lasted all by leading another trump. Now 3 A !*■>* • (S All PsM aaid, "is that -yet another hotbed bonds. years. was divided in loyalty. I f ‘h*" ‘raveled, and appeared Opening lead '—AO of \yar' danger in Southeast Asia Ruth Profit of Cobalt, for the of­ he known spontaneously all and thunderahovl-ers. Possible ac­ Thursday night and much of Fri' South had to loae two hearta. one fice of president. The sentiment in the slave-hold- ‘ ‘° companied by brief strong gusty day, was making up for lost sleep diamond and a club. Down one. has been removed and that an ing flatlands was pro-Southern, j Important step has been taken Other officers: Mrs. Martha "We were never treated with winds. Fair tonight and Sunda.v. and missed meals today. Should Look Ahead Williamson of Washington, chap­ But many of the tradition-minded . .. , . __. . VMMlity 5 miles or more except South should foresee this de­ ly later, looking for gwne or slam along the road of strengthening Cranddll Gets 6 Cubans Share mountalners. whose successors ho.spit^ty and k i^ e s s by Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. John in that suit. the peace in this area.” lain; and Mrs. C.', Theresa Shana­ had fought valorously for *ny people. They prepar.^ us din lower in heavier showers. Kleran Jr. and grandson of writer fense from the start. He should han. W'aterbury. outgoing presi­ Marine observations: win the flrat lead in dummy and For Shelnwold'a 36-page book­ Souvanna himself found the ac­ Legion Spotlight dependence in the Revolutionary ners of the best they had, fed our John Kleran, wandered into a let, “A Pocket Guide to Bridga" cords not perfect. The agree­ Top Post on , dent. national executive commit­ horses, took us into their homes, . Block Island -r- Wind southwest wooded area near the Swimming lead a diamond at once, leaving tee women. Miss Barbara Wallett War. were strongly pro-Union . at 10 knots, temperature 05, vM- the ace of hearts untouched. send 50c to Bridge Book, Man­ ment, he said, is “ not utopian but Bitterness developed when Con­ and Were lavish in their acts of pool in Beach' Memorial Park chester Evening Herald, Befit 3318. rather based on the realistic view District vice presidents are Mrs. HARTFORD (AP)—Anti-Castro kindness. But they did not bring . bility 7 miles, cloudy. Thursday afternoon. West wins -with the ace of dia­ ORPINAHlUV, 'yS S , BUT IN" Cubans, a silver spoon and achol- federate troops stationed in these out their guns, and we could not Montauk Point — Wind south­ monds and can gain nothing -by Grand Central Station, N. T. IT, of the situation in my country.” A FEW RARE PISORPERS Building Unit Sadye Ducas of Bristol; Mrs. Jen­ Grace Hallissey and Sandra Lee foothills of the Great Smoky Skin-divers were .sent to search N. Y. He pledged that Laos would nie Mead of Milford;' Mrs. Edith arships shared the spotlight last find them." west at 8 knots, temperature 04, leading a second trump. Declarer TWEHE l» A BIG PlFFBR- Nowicky of Hartford, M i c h a e 1 night at the annual convention of Mountains were ordered to di.sarm the waters of Pinewood Lake and ((Copyright 1963, General atrictly adhere to the treaty and ENCE IN THE TWO ARMS. Hubbard of Trumbull: Misa Helen Creagan of Hamden; Barbara L. What Lt. White didn't know at sea 3 feet, visibility 6 miles, haze. overtucee and - draws the last Truman A. Crandall last night the Department of the American the local populace. The angry the time was .that armed moun­ an abandoned quarry, and police Features (forp.) carry out a promise to integrate q p Jeliifl of Stafford Springs: Mrs. Pitney of South Glastonbury; Bar­ Westhampton. L.I.—Ivind south­ trump, than cashes the queen of Ha>kh Cugiuki thsM K I M iolfiariQR was elected chairman of the build­ Legion. 'Vnountaineers. who cherl.shed their taineers had lurked in ambush on west at 0 knots, temperature 73 combed the/dense woods. diamonds and rulfl ' a diamond. the rival armies. ,kkw»iiauRaWtQWQlaaiQfwt»i«Ra»urQ Grace Ward of New London; Mrs. bara Richmond of Washington squirrel rifles as a constitution­ '"outh Viet Nam's Foreign Min­ ing committee to succeed (Sdmoure Justine Dennis of Torrington and 'The six Ciubans. freed in April each side of the gap aa the Con- Vlstbility 3 miles in fog, partly At about 3 o’clock yesterday af­ When the suit breaks favorably. Dogfighting Fouf^t ' Depot, and Velerie LaPlant of with 54 other wounded prisoners, al right: began holding Union rat­ concluded ternoon. Brian emerged from ths South makes an overtrtek. If dla- ister Vu Van Mau registered some N. Cole, who resigned recently Mrs. Betty Budzinack of Crom­ Bristol. lies and ^te^ flal^^^^^ “P' • tfoudy; reservations to this view. wore yellow shirts as a badge of New H a t^ —Wind south at 8 woods near the homS of Mrs. Wil­ mrnids broke badly, South would from the committee for business well. Past presidents of the auxiliary honor recalling their ill-fated in­ which they defiantly new Old I “'r »‘“0 ' by ze^ng: DEJNVER — Tha American Hu­ He said "The balance in Laos The presentation of scholarships afterwards learned that hnota temperatiue 71, visibility 3 liam Hamilton, who was out work­ lead a club and try to promote a mane Association, battling a re­ i rea.«ons. '•’.eaented scholarships also to vasion at the Bay of Pigs. ing on her lawn. She promptly took club trick in dummy. In either will be conatantly menaced by the was another feature of the wom­ Harriet Hull of Goshen and Don­ Lekrning that a Confederate of-! mNes in haze, partly cloudy. vival of dogfighting in soma areas, presence in the Laotian coalition The I A Republican, he began his. While in prison they had been Stratford Point — Wind south­ Neir Dozer for New Refuse Area him into the house and called po­ case, the see of heart# ie the en­ has posted s 3100 reward for in­ en’s parley. Winners were Mieses ald Cotton of Windaorville. ncer. a Lt. White, was to lead hla' lice. va» try to dummy's trick. government of representatives of 1 three-year term on the coii|prilttee j given the yellow ahirta to wear aa troops on a gun-seizure mission, a : wmiM west at 13 Imots, temperature 70, A new buUdoser with bucket and scraper attachment lifts in its Jaws an old auto at the town formation leading to tha eoaviotion a political faction whose idology is ! in November 1960. and has served a sign of disgrace, but now they ' visibility 3 miles, fog. cloudy. refuee disposal area. The new ^ulpment, operated by James Haiisen, 41 Fulton Rd., sanitation sm- Brian was found to be in good If West returns a heart after of dogfight sponsors. Doctor Says local judge warned him that he i ?''* condition mcspt for mosquito taking the ace of diamonds. South in all points incompatible with the ; as Its secretary. Crandall has been wear them proudly. would encounter the SUrs andl^zve ^ e n left Jo tell ow aide of a StratfoRl Shoals—Wind south at ploye o t ths public works department, with Cheeter Langtry, deputy director of pubHe works on the requirementa of neutrality." employed aa an engineer at Pratt Gov. John N. Dempsey, appear­ contest, and instead 3 knots, temperature 73. sea calm. ruiwlng board, will be uaed to dear a 10-aere tra c t. for a new .refuse diaposal area. The doier bites and an empty stomach. will eventually get a heart ruff Democrats Want Electorate Stripes noating from a pole in , ' *«ngumary for hie tenth trick. He wins with (Canadian Foreign Secretary Black Teeth, Sore Mouth and Whitney, division of United ing with Hartford's Mayor Glynn, narrow mountain pass. _had___ ...u led i. us to a most kind and vMMUty 10 milee. cloudy. will dig a trench. 400 feet long and IS fast desp, on land wsst of the sewage beds. fHU from ths Howard Green, whose country Is Aircraft Oorp. in East Hartford, presented Earl S. Crooks, depart 'Nmif !•! 1F1A DHk vAti nAt tA hospitahle treatment, Batons Neck-W ind southweet trwidi excavation will be used to eover the preeant refuse area whl<^ will be closed when the new the ice of hearts, cashes the queen “Qima at NavarsM ” May Be Doe to Denttfrlce Call* for Statement of diamonds and ruffs a diamond represented on the three - power By HAROLD T. HYMAN, M.D, for 19 years. ment commander, with the spoon, I "As we saluted the flag, without at 13 knots, temperature 71. sea section becomes operative In about a month. (Herald photo by Oflara). HARTFORD (AP)—SUt# Son Hartford Gas Wtrf.: “C any On Notm’* control commission charged with Robert Lappen. also a Republi­ To Decide on Firehouses aa a token of thanks for the I knowledge we stood inside of ' southwest 1 foot, visibility 7 miles. _ ' » high. Then he ruffs a heart in Written for Newspaper Enterprise John M. Lupton of Weston, Repub- dummy and leads another dia­ seeing that the accords are car­ Aean. can. was elected secretary. n..p,. ppPIle-WfllPJ V..- r S w |'!!.T.P -P.dy.t. > Moody. who were mlnore. Ae a former CXI.J37M ^BI:FC licsn candidate for congrosaman- mond (whether,or not the suit has ried out, also w-arned that "any Q—For several weeks. I , have Oandall was born in Ithaca. ' Apparently the Republican ma-'{ "The Democrata are unalterably tures. icAve It undisturbed vnu will ■ ^ ded for us to spring that trap ^Get Your Walking Shoes’ teeicher, he eaid, he might be pre­ at-lsrge. called last night for ths Loses Bid for broken) to discard, the singleton violation of the provisions of these N.T., and received * bachelor’s de- jority of the board of directors is opposed to the consti-uctlon of More thanks were brought by 1 trip. ‘‘"y ®‘- judiced In their favor. Fitzgerald issusnes of a “simple and direct elub. agreements could destroy" the been using a new tooth paste in­ gree in engineering from Clark­ not going to let the electorate de­ only one firehouse, and to building fer to that banner.' ordered the minors’ cases returned statement" by Preelderit Kennedy DaUy Question pact. tended for relief of sensitive teeth. son College, Potsdam. N.Y., in cide its own fire protection, said it out of surplus which the Re­ al Foundation for the U«8|oii8 tt. you will have to get You can ride through that aame to county court and eontlnuod denouncing "the unalterable aims R ate Increase Britain's Foreign Secretary About a week ago my teeth began 1943. He and his wife have four Democratic Director William Col­ publicans themselves set up for continued support of the March mountains." mountain gap today and see OM case* of nine adults arrested with Partner opens with one dia­ of dimes. Glory flying—and everybody sal­ of commimiem." mond. and tho next player paasea. Lord Home expressed pleasure at turning black and my mouth be­ daughters, Barbara. 17, Betty lins today, in a broadside barrage. storm drains." said Collins. Later Lt. White recalled: Negroes Promise them. (OMttoned -from Page Ose) Tou hold: Spadea Q 10; Hearta A'; what he called a complete accord. Jayne, 15, Julie, 10 and Jan, 5. and "We (the Democrats I are in fa­ "I always look with a critical utes it now. But ot course, you Lupton said such a statement came roughened and sore. Cbuld "I said nothing to the men about WESTOWN At Lake Providence, La., State supported by Congress, would Diamonds Q 8 T 3 3; Clubs K. J. The agreements approved today they live at 58 IVhite St. vor of having the three recom­ eye to reports by so-called ex­ it, and aa we went up the narrow can still see the Stars and Bus, PHARMACY Judge Frank Voelker Sr. restrained minimum-rate consumption level of 9 5 4. What do you say? Wf e the fruits of 14 months of this be due to the new tooth paste? Crandall has scheduled a com­ mended flrehousea placed o n ^ ref­ perts. Nevertheless, one must look too. They haven't forgotten that U.S. District Judge Mwin F. Hunt­ "launch a new era in our foreign Or am I developing a vitamin de­ Beckwith Speaker defile, suddenly we came to the banner either. 4M Hartford R d_M l 9-W40 policy . . . an era in which wo 100 instead of 300 cubic foot. Answer: Bid two clubs. Tou negotiations here, in Laos and mittee meeting for next Friday at erendum for the electorate in the with care at the reports bj’ ex­ opening, and Utere floated at the er from issuing final voter regia- Revenue is expected to increeaa piM to raiae diamonds Vigorous- places. - - I ficiency ? 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Build­ fall.” he said. perts over a period of 11 years,” top of a tall pole the Stars and Racial Showdown tratiem certificates, to 38 Bkud would be motivated by an honest 7:40 B:S6 'A —If the new dentriflce oon- The reports Were made by the At Air Base Rites determination to defend the rM ' through sale of gas to the Hart- The delegates Included the for­ ing to discuss the joint meeting "But the meeting Tuesday night Stripes in all its grandeur, Tb Bwintain oar continuity Carroll Parish Negroee. foixl Steam Service Company, a SUN.: “OkU” 4-B: “Tights’! f^l eign ministers of 12 nations. taina sodium perborate, your com­ with the board of directors Tues­ on the firehouses is only an infor­ New England Fire Rating Asso­ Wood ‘Dry Rot’ The Louisiana attorney general's based on our judgment as ite plaints may be due to the presence ciation. Clyde u . u "I looked around and I'saw a of aicdkal aerrkc wt arc (CbsiHm s H from Pag* Om ) men.” wholly owned subsidiary. The speech - making ceremony day on the proposed new central mal meeting. No decision can be number of the men with their Georg* Lawrence, a young Negro office contended Hunter over­ Operations during a rate teat .One Complete Show Eve. at 7 preceding Monday's actual sign­ of thia ingredient. firi^ou.se. made. TTie Republicans are using j "Three reports have recom- land St., national commander of guns raised aa if to shoot. I halted Called Misnomer minister from Brookl^, N.T. stepped his judicial bounds in that Lupton spoke at a meeting of period, however, repSeted a low ing brought the United States and Q—I recently had a six-hour At last night's meeting, com­ delaying tactics." he said. , mended three firehouses. The lay- the Yankee Division Veteran's As­ Ths Rev. Mr. King, a loader In he was In effect a judicial officer the Connecticut 0>mmlttee for the Doors Open At 4:80 the squad and made them a little Open All Day On the stage at the rally in a point, the PUC noted, which will the Soviet Union together on a glucose tolerance test . From a mittee member Dr. Gordon Camp­ Mayor Harold A. Turkington, man alone can't decide the loca- sociation. will give an address of speech, telling them to lower their WASHINGTON—"Dry rot” la a ths fight of southern Negroes for Hartford church, while the Rev. performing the admlnistrativo duty Freedom of Captive Nations. Ends TonigM-^“Mr. HeMfs. point of agreement that smaller faating level of 105 mg., the con­ bell criticised the committee for said at a recent meeting that the | tion of firehouses based on den- dedication tomorrow at 3 p.m. at of an executive officer. soon be left behind by edvaneea. guns. That was the flag under misnomer, according to the Unit- integration, was scheduled to ad­ Mr. Lawrence was speaking was VaoaHon"—“4 Black Horseif* nations viewed as a good omen tent of my blood rose to 155 in an failure to respond to his letter directors should concentrate on sitv of buildings.' population, the Otis Air Force• ^ s e . Cape Cod, which we were born, and under ed States Department of Agri­ SUNDAY dress a>rslly in Hartford, Ck>nn„ At the same time, the Attorney hour and then fall to 75 aftar five building at least one firehouse, the Gov. John N. Dempsey and his Re­ Man. Diet at l^e el / 3 1 W httIi for other Blast-West di.sputes. asking that the firehouse value of property. Maas. Beckwith1 yvill represent the which our fathers had fought, and culture. winch says wood decay is Thursday night, but instead came publican opponent in the November General's office filed an objection The pact called for a free, in­ hours. Could I have hypoglycemia building be constructed with one at the Center. The mayor "We should give groat weight to Yankee- Divisi^ at Joint dedica­ In federal court at Shreveport, FITZWrLUAM, N. H. (AP) — Manhole Cover m a n s f ie l d z :a or hypoinsulinism because the fall i many of them died. caused by a fungus that cannot to this d ty bMauaa of a tense election, Joim Alaop. A heart attack has been ruled the Gregory Fpek Robert dependent and neutral Laos and blast-proof walls to withstand also said the to\^-n might not have these reports. tion ceremonies wRh veterans of "While we were Mgaged in ef- operate in dry wood. rscial situation here. The Rev. Mr. Lawrence launched La., oontctuling there was valid piroged the coalition government Is so great? I was told it should stand atomic attack. Hdu'ever, to i.ssue bonds for the construc­ "The only attenUon the Repub­ the U.S. Al^ Force. reason to disqualify each of the cause of death of Chester 'W. Hlg- hi Batchnm STARTS SUNDAY only be 30 mg. As I have an I forts to establish a new govern­ The seeds that cause wood rot One of those who went to Hart­ into en impaaaloned speech in bee, Stamford, Ck>nn., whose car Struck by Car “THE m o la of Prince Souvanna. Phouma to re­ Crandall said that several recom­ tion. which would mean the elec­ licans pay to the studies is they Governor'^ Volpe of Massachu- ment, and were fighting under a are present everywhere—in the ford in Ms place was the Rev. 38 ''Negroes approved by Hunter. anxiety neurosis with palpitations, torate would not vote on the proj­ provide an excuse to delay making Read Herald Advs. which he said the Negro in tM veered into a tree off Rt. 119 yoe- . COUNTRY” “YHUNDER main neutral. mendations concerning the con­ setts will open the ceremonies I new flag, still that wras the flag of air, in room corners, on kitchen The fMeral judge's action followed A damagad manhole sever A CLIVAX SO STARTLING' The treaty not only had a strong dizziness and easy fatigue. I was struction are being weighed, and ect. a decision. after y i invocation by the Rev. North le being denied hie f& the first procee^ng of lU kind terday. Higbee w u alone in the In eolor ROAD” wondering if I might improve if our fathers, and let us honor it for shelves. These seeds, or spores, rights. H* urged ths audience: car at the time of tho aocldont. popped up on Hartford Rd. yester­ Impact In Washington and Mos­ all will be discussed at the next The town might pay for the fire­ "The people should decide how Laurence Brock. YD chaplain. its history and for the memory of from the fungi which cause wood under the Civil RlghU Act of 1960. ,4»44-B:lB 3:05-7:96 I went on a high protein diet and committee meeting. house out of current income, the many firehouses are to be built, “If the Governor hasn’t don* The Segregationist Citizens day and was struck by a «"g cow, but was of prtme interest to cut out sweets. Gen./Charles Sweeney will repre- the blood'poured out so freely by decay wherever there is a vestig* right by you, then give John Alsop car which then went out of contrM divided Viet Nam, neighboring mayor said, and in any event the and they should have the oppor­ sent the Air Force. lour brave ancestors in its defense. of moisture. Council of Great New Orleans put Man HonifS Self A—These findings are within project will not coat so much as tunity to vote in a November ref­ PLUMBIMI e chance." four morfc Negro “Reverse Free­ momentarily. «UN1DAY Thailand, Red China and India. It WASHINGTON, Conn. (AP) — The cover flew up in front of a A Great Family Show calls for withdrawal of all foreign normal limits. May I luggeet that the 3855,000 it ig estimated to cost erendum, not wait two years,” said The minister also praised Alsop dom Riders’’ on a bus for New medically you are out beyond your now. Collins. Water Heaters for having donated more than England, providing each a one­ Goorge Quiat, 49, was found hangod car driven by ^larl of Etut ~ WaH DBmd 1 Presents troops from Laos within 75 days depths. Why don’t you concentrate HEATIMI 31,000 to ths Rev. Martin Luther way fare and 35 expense money. in his home here yesterday. Dr. Hartford. Tosi ak-enred to dodge Hayley MUM Donald Crisp of the signing, except for a small on rtforta to control your anxieties Obituary H anM ifien King's campaign to win ^equal Three were heading for Concord, John Simonda, medical examiner, the cover, but an unidentified mo­ ■Maureeii la French contingent training the and let your doctor handle techni­ rights for Negroes. j ruled the death a sylridA Mrs. torist foUowtng him struck it. O'Hara hi Laotian army. Ddhaoddifiers N. N , and, one for H y^ni* Port, The inrtdsat occurred at MxxR ”Gragr F iia n United States has several cal matters? Raffaele Deoadle AI>out Towti Flying Saucers Alsop, he said, is “a .man who Maes. Quiat said her hUMiand Ti'iut been "The Parent Bobby" AIR GONOmONINR despondent lately. 3:15 near ^iurfield St. > Trap” hundr^ military advisero In ^ engaged to a man who Raffaele Donedlo. 88. of 117 E. has put his money where Ms mduth A man who described himself as Water department worker* re­ ((n Color) The Eighth District Fire Depart­ Air Clesiiera ' the Supreme Commander of the On Color) and Communist North ^ d ru g ^ d ict when he was Center St., widower of Mary Diane ment will have a department drill placed the .cover which was brbkon, S:Ba-4i60.0:4B 4:15-9:08 has an estimated 10,000 troops, teens and got into bad com- Donadio, died yesterday at Man­ On Radar Eeld When asked hefe yesterday what White Supremacy League of Okla­ Facet Court Action possibly by a heavy veMrte. • Monday at 6:30 p.m. at fire head- Heat I^aMya .“he thought of these remarks made homa said at Burbank. Okla., that Plus—Top Hit Comedy pany. He is just finishing a cure chester Memorial Hospital after a HARTFCHID (AP) — Ralph A. Withdrawal will be supervMed | ^ married as long lllneis. ' quarters. Main and Hilliards Sts. b y ' his atand-in at the Hartford ho is planning to send a group of ^ “Weekend WHh Lain” and wants to be married as soon W at^ Pwape rally, the Rev. Mr. King dseUned Malito, a Putnam p h a r m a e i s,t by the International Laos Control as he is discharged from the hos­ Mr. Donadio was born May 22. I ‘Sky Dimples’ Negroos to a northern atate. faced possible court action today Cjommission, composed of Canada, The Walther League. Zion Evan­ ^ W ^ £ /y j pital. He is sure that if he has a 1874, in Sarachena, Italy, and had to bMome involved in the crossfire. But Jesse Donovan, a 22-yoar- in ths wake of a finding that h6 gelical Lutheran Church, will have Water ‘T don't have enough definite Qki ell fielder worket, refused to India and Poland. home and wife.'he will be O.K. I lived in this country for 31 years. a picnic-meeting tomorrow at 4 (Continued ffom Page One) Ott-StRYtCE, tiie. knowledge on that to make a som- provide any details. However, in had been selling drugs without a The commission, which ha.s no want to help him because I love He was a retired shoemaker and p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W ater Sofi " license. State Consumer Protec­ power to enforce the treaty him vbry much. But my parents lived in East Hartford before com­ )y were found in the Kansas re­ ment,” he said. Now Orleans. Citizens Council Di­ rm . Howard J. Hansen. 21 Bremen Rd., gion. On other racial fronts: rector George Singelmainn said the tion Commissioner Attillo R. Free- SATURDAY IS terms, was expected to have say I’m just "asking, for trouble.” ing to Manchester. He wss^a mem­ I rain or shine. Officers will be Zane Coa^rtil In Washington, President Ken­ destihatlon woUI be Concord, N. H. ainelli said yesterday that the case trouble carrying out its task and WTiat do you think? ber of St. Leone’s Society, Hart­ I elected before the picnic. On certain hot. cloudle.ss. mid­ CKNEitAL BUDOnUO OEALERa nedy's special counsel, Theodore C. In a legal development at New may be turned oyer to the circuit policing the rugged border area A—Rather than presume to ad­ ford. summer days the radarscope SHADY fiLEK ICE CSEAM teth ,S o m B B court. Malito will be denied a H- TWIN LOBSTER against re-entry of foreign troops. vise you. let me give you the facts Survivors include two sons, I might be cluttered with false tar­ Sorensen, said that his personal Orleans, the 5th U.8. Circuit Court Cadet 1st C. Robert Donovan of gets. Kbowb far Quality Prsduets aad Berries prediction la that the Chief Bxeeu- of Appeals re-aseumed jurisdiction cenae for the current year, Fraasi' ToMgbt—AU Ooler as I know them. In a follow-up Frank Donadio. with whom he the U.S. Air Force Academy. Colo., We MAKE OUR OWN lee Cream at SHADY GLBN. We use fresh nelli said. Mallte is the owner of m O I I T ONiU Oenrse J4 study of 1,912 addicts living in made his home and Vincent Dona­ Harney found that the pattern heavry cream, pure flavors, buttered, aelted nuta and FRESH B A linaB B i' tlve will shortly issue an executive in the case of James Meredith, the Andover aon of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Don- order prohibiting the use of feder­ 3S-ysar-old Negro seeking to enter General Productf Oorp., Putnam, I f l E I I I Dinner # New York City, who had been dio, both of Manchester; a daugh­ I ovan, 85 Alton St., returned home of this clutter was quite similar to FRUITS whenever possible. KEEP thia list for future reference. al funds for segregated houeng. ths whit* University of Mlsslaelp- manufacturer oil cough medicine. cared for at the U.S, Public ter, Mrs. Anna Maria Lauritta of ^ today for a 28-day leave. the distribution^ of certain types of Enjoy SHADY GLEN ICE CREAM often for dessert. Health Service Hospital in Lexing­ Italy; 14 grandchildren; 13 great­ I clouds' over Florida. Sorensen made the etatSment in pi. Driver Arresteid I The Florida cloud pattern de­ reply to a question at a briefing The ApfMliato Court recalled s Would Ditcard Track Nr* ami Mrs. SIRLOIN STEAK S JI ton, Ky„ over 90 per cent became grandchildren and several nieces Merrill H. Adams and Stephen 5 re-addicted, usually within six and nephews. velops from a condition known as session for Democratic congras- maodato issued Tuesday direct­ WASHINGTON (AP) — T h e On Liquor Count Adams, both of 80 Grandview St., Bernard Cell Circulation. Harney eional candidates. The President ing VM. Dtstriot Judge Sidney months after leaving the hospital. The funeral will be held Mon- will be ho.sts tomorrow from 2 to / HERSHEY NUT / BUTTER PECAN bankrupt New Haven railroad has In the view of a prominent au­ (iay at 8:15 a.m. st the John F. ■suggested that this kind of circu­ has aaid he will sign such an or­ to issue an injunction order­ asked Interstate Commerce Ocm AfBer Ton’ve Bnjoyed A OeiWeas Mes2— Joseph Krozel. 53, of Andover 5 p.m. at the Lutz Junior Museum. A light chocolate ice eream fillad with Mqde with buttered eeuoe and eriap, toast­ ing tbs imlvaraity to aoospt Mers- thority: •nerney Funeral Home. 219 W. lation also was present in the Kan- ed Buttered pecans. der “at the approp^te time,” but mission approval for the abandon­ Lake Rd., was arrested on Rt. 6 "Hospital treatment can start a _ sas area even though no clouds ex- almond nuts. there, has been no official indica­ On Wednesday UB. a reu it ment of IT sections eg track M Center 81., wrlth a solemn high The committee arranging the | |,ted - Judgs Ban Osmeron' of Meridian, in Andover last night and charged patient on the way to recovery but Maas of requiem at St. James' tion how sweeping it will be. Oohnecticuj., Massachusetts, and STAY far DANOINO! with driving under the influence of it cannot, provide a life-long im­ West Side oldtimers reunion will | ' ______V ^'ROZEN p u d d in g / BUTTER CRUNCH Misa, bad stayed the mshdato so liquor or intoxicating drugs.v Church at B. Burial wriU be in St. meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Made with rum, rsisins .and cherries. Made with the aame buttered aenee end The Senate was the scans of a the stats could appeal to the UB. Rhode Island. The sections in munity that protects the patient James’ Cemetery. I minor dvll rights sklrmirii. rs- Connecticut are between Portland Musk by Mic "T H R E fS O M r The arrest was made shortly af­ from relapse. Hospital treatment West Side Rec. crunchy candy. Supnm* Court and WilUmantlc. Ellington and ter 11 o’clock by Trooper Robert Friends may call at the funeral ! JecUng amendments to a money 11m CMcago Commission on can initiate rehabilitation but it home tonight from 7 to 9 and to­ Time of V«»ur Life ✓ STRAWBERRY " ' bill. Bouthem Senators did not Weetway, UnionvHIe and ColUna- FanMrfng e Hubbard of the Colchester State must be completed after the pa­ Made with FRESH FRUIT strawberry. / COFFEE Human RelatioM. rolsaasd a re­ morrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Bolton Made wtth PURE coffee concentrate . . . bother to apeak in opposition. port rtspwing that btoek-huating viUe, ^anohviUe and RidgeA^ BUI N tm aratt And Ba asMsn Hera Polico Troop. tient returns to the community." I The proposed antl-«egregatl two worship lerv- Johnson Funeral Home. 105 Oak aa possible members of an expand- ; Have no qualms about bringing Four integrationists — £’h r o e equivalent of about 83. ear, was traveling south and had i Qy,. savior Lutheran St.. Windsor Locks, with a re­ equipment for hobbies and valu­ Vanilla ice cream with pure milk choco­ Pistachio nuts. lAIT IVMIT TIRiM. . ed town committee and tho.se will I late fudge rippled throu(^ it. . I Negroes and a whits youth—wore strong admiratien for ah Anur- The hub of a typical center will OO.IHT—'HLUE DBimr* just passed over the crest of the | (^^rch tomorrow. TTie early serv- quiem Mage' at St. Catherine's be' contacted in the near future to [ ables can. and should be! stored / DUTCH APPLE « T MTMMT M m n n i fined 360 each on chargee of dis­ hUl, whMt tt met the other car, a in the hotel vault. Hobby equip­ ican experlmsnt hi higher oduoa:- be .two or three dormItory-ike Outd Bnaidea Da WW ice is at 9 a.m. Sunday school la Church, Broad Biook. at 9. Burial ascertain whether they would be. /STRAW'BERRY RIPPLE Spiced apple. Different . . . and reel good. Im im t 9 mg • WQt • mtim orderly conduct,''during a Sit-in huildinga surrounded by such tara- Studs Tsnsarrow 3- PJW. Cent. • Btattneea Dng|r 3 F jM. 1961 model, coming up the grad*. conducted during this service. The will be in St. (Tatherine's Ceme­ interested in serving. ment such as developing appara­ ! demonstration ' at a men's club tion that (stakes R poasiUs for an ities as campsites, skiing areas, second service is s t 10:15 a.m. A tery. Broad Brook. Thi committee went on record j tus, books, typewriters, filing Vanilla ice cream wth cooked strawberry swimming pool in Cairo, 111., July Shown Snndny At 2:14-5:S0-9BB sauce rippled through it. /PEACH •nglnssr sr scientist to worlt to­ swimming pools, yacht harbors, DEOAUIXE ANNOYED nursery for pre-schoolers is avail­ EYiends niay (mH at the funeral M opposing establishment of a cases, sewing machines and. the Luscious served with fresh, ripe peeehee. SUH-RA PATIO CO. BU 9-2S27 IS. ward an advanced dsgrs* la Me aquariums, botanical gardens, ath­ PARIS (AP) — Presldeat able during both services. The Rev, )iome tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 branch office in Bolton. The com­ like are usually welcome. Tell the However, Police Magistrate Bd- Charles 4e OaioOe appeared to­ Walter L. Abel is the pastor. Serv­ / BANANA FUDGE ROYALE BViO^StDE AVE. field while still on the job v letic fields, and hiking patha. The A LOST LEGEND LIVES AGAIN! to B p.m. mittee haa been working to have a manager that you want them and Made wtth fresh, ripe bananas crushed / v a n il La ^ EAST HARTFORD ______ward J. Fitagerhld refused to hear expressed by a touring gsoup of centers will accommodate BOO to day to be slightly annoyed at ices are held at 'the Wapplng Ele- full-fledged post office here. Let­ make arrangements for them to Made with PURE vanilla. Light and fto* chargee sgainet five demonetratore 3,000 guests. M-6-M rawm A 6E0R6E ML PMOUCTKW the rapidity wtth which the menUtry School. All are w’elcome. Mra. Stanley F. Trask Sr. with, sugar and rippled through with pure West German snginean. ters were read by Mrs. Jones be taken to your room. milk chocolate fudge. vorsome. A qtokasman for Bh* study United Stotee is seeking to (Ul The Youth Group of the church Mrs. Marion Heim Trask. 38. which she haa received from con­ Reduce your weekly and month­ group said at a lunebeqn hsU Oeo. LanrU Norstnd’s poet as w’ill be guests of Miss Marie Kuehn of ‘76 Oak St.. Bast Hartford, gressmen and post officials. In ly bill by discuaaing a discount / RASPBERRY RIPPLE / BLUEBERRY yesterday at Travelsra Insurance sapm ne Aliied commander in at Lord’s Point. Stonlngton, to­ wife of Stemley F. TYask Sr. and some a branch post office was with the managw. Rates are flex­ Luscious served with fresh, ripe hlue- A n A n T U Europe. Noroted’s resignation morrow. All youths are to meet at | sister of Alfred J. Heim of He­ mentioned, but the committee ible. Managers want to find ways ’. Vanilla Ice cream with cooked raspberry Co; that their visit to Hss Hart­ wag aanoonced Friday and fruit rippled through tt. berries. ford Graduate Center of Rena- T m L O S T the Wapping ESementat^ School I bron, died. thia morning at her plans to work for a full-time of- to fill every room. siithia a few hours the White parking lot at 6:45 a.m. They will! home. i fice. / MAPLE WALNUT sealer Polytechnic Instltuti* -wai House named Oen. Lyman L. • attend worship at Groton, The | "—Survivors, besides her husband | in other business, the commit- Consider hidden expenses of / BUTTERSCOTCH RIPPLE LIGHTNING ARRESTER on* of the highlights of thsir fivs- CONTINKNT downtown hotel living. For in­ Vanilla ice cream with a heaty butter­ Mad^e with PURE Vermont Mepla Synip Lemailxer to become the new three Youth Counselors will be ui East Hartford and brother in tee voted to back Selectman Dr. and I crisp, toasted buttered walnuts. wsek visit to ths UMtsd States. mm ANTHONY H^L U.S. commander in 4*hief In U«- : providing transportation. | Hebron, include her mother and | Bernard Sheridan In his efforts to stance, you'll have to come to scotch sauce rippled through tt. In Germany it is hapoartU _ SzveM j f Me JOYCmYLOR -JOHN DAW, repe. The move put Lemnitzer in ' Oadet Paine i five children, ail of East Hartford, aecuhe a recreation area at ^Iton some decision about tipping wall­ f roticts ieostly jlectrical appliaHcis for those enghteera who hava B-B. Fair and Pier 0M ,iine to guooeed 'Norstad aa the I Cadet Daniel M. Paine, smi of i and four brothers of East Hart- Lake for the use of the town. ers and chambermaida. If you degreaa to achieve advaaead de­ ■OnKBT TAYIBB North Atleatie . Treaty Organi­ I Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord L. Paine o f; ford. Amston and Windsor. tipped only 50 cents a day,; you OTD oBaagfiB PLliS THIS ACTION HIT AT A:4S and 7:25 Pontirelli Team Beaten grees without, taking a leave of _ “Pa»nr oSi," zations supreme commander in 60 Ash Rd.. Wapping. Conn., is; The funeral will be held; Mon­ The Ponticelli baseball team was would spend more than 3180 a FRESH FRUIT SHERBETS • For Farm and HdNnt absence from their Company and 'Flat Bebert'Httebasi Xnrope. Traditioanlly the twe learning to fly an Air Force T-3Siday at 8:15 n.m. et NewkiVk and defeat^ by Coventry 6-4 Thursday year. A good policy to follow is (Made Wtth Freeh Fruit Jaiees) Ihtal enrolling full-timS in a univeral- “TBK apimCBB’’ ere heid by one Americea jet trainer aa part of the summer i Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Bum- night at the Bolton School. Joe to tip modestly at ChristmEia time ty," a ^wkCsman for the gfcup Start, AuSar - FRESH FRUIT LEMON FRESH FRUIT ORANGE Cost ------PMjjriC” •Ifieer. mthough rnlee ef the training he is receiving at Otis Air side Ave., East Hartford, with a Tracy and Dave Southeriin pitched and let it go at that. There is no Incindlng • N o w t o w Cost I IB-natimi orgaalzatton give the Force Base. Maas. Oedat Paine, a solemn high Maw of requiem at for Ponticelli's and Jefl Maxwell need to be concerned about thia FRESH FRUIT STRAWBERRY AND-RASPBERRY 'InafallatioB “We found at this RPl GraduaBs member eqontiies n choice.ae to member of the Air Force Reierve St. Rose Chuiich. East Hertford. caught. Brian Pender pitched and practice being unethical. Remem­ • Atioraf Contlniiovf Cantor that advanced deg.rea SttidF who will held the top military Offlen- Training Corpa unit at at B. Burial will be in St. Mary’e Tom PSpanos caught for Coventry. ber: a tip is not an obligation, it $15.00 work is being don* by mors than Union College, SchenecUdy, N. T„ Cemetery. Rest Hartford, is a reward for service. 500 snginsars and scisntlaU who la undergoing four weeks of Indoc-i Friends may call at the funeral Maaoheeter Evening HeraM Bol- If you have any medical proty Sat QUAUTY Flow of Eloctricity work in tMs stats,’’ h* continusd. " NEW LINER IN TROUBUC trinatlon In various phases of oper-; home tonight from 7 to 9 and to- toa correapoadent. Grace McDer- lems, tell the hotel manager about "What a Valuable addition this LONDON (AP) — Brttaia’s ations at this base. , morrow from 8 to 6 and 7 to B aaott, Mepbene Mitchell 3-4566. them. In thia way the staff will be AjfflMr htSoftiMiHoR wpuld lie' to our edueatlonal pro* ■sweet passenger Hner, the 24,- I; ------■ '»p.in. -1 informed and ready to give you m VARIETY g rim In Germany.” RRYNNER Os*fon Northern wna re- Manchester Evening Herald parted today to hevW engine y SHPat Cools Camel immediate help, in case you need The study group arrived Thurs- R-:.i South Windsor eorrespendit leui- Monk** Time Differ* it. - ' . ^ evening frmn Detroit wnd tienMe an hhr wnidea voyage va Rata,' telephi s MI 4*1759. SALISBURY, Southern R No- At Shady filaa continued on to ysetsrday MORENO ■ ra id the werld. The BlB-ndl- You’ll find life in a downtown Mm User, which M t 8e«thnna]r- ATHENS — On S5-mile-I o n g desia — A camel stores food as hotel is about as invigosating' aa MEER aEOTROMOS aftornibon. ‘Thsy will rsturn Tuea- • I bIc I b G ra v e y a rd Mount. Atbos in northern Greece fat in his hump, and thia help* him day to Hartford for a visit with m ysterious island tiqi IB daye age wtth her oapoc- any lodging could possibly be. You CAUL COLOR kyOCtUXE Mg. a t 1,413 pnseragers, wU he three moneaterlea keep vastly beat the heat. Because the fat is are in the heart of the city imd You T>»te TR* QlwMtT Unitsd Alraraft Corp. IONA, Scotland—The “grave-' different Unie schedules. At one, hot distributed all over the body, Can Ml I47S2 Preceding a tour of Constitution lOBiUHSdmtnBAndSUpeRyHOaDOnMamweeau itwo days late arriving at Cape can take advantage of all the Thwn,' thele Shaw SavllI **lia------s re- yard of kings" on Iona ^nteina 13 o’clock mesne noon. At.anoth* aa Ip humans, presplration is a city'a attractions. Plaza, the group lunched at Trav­ STARki WED.: 3 JVBBV LEWIS LAFF BIOTS Cb-HU—osier the graves of 60 raonarchs of er, which followe (the Turkish sys* more efficient Cooling device in the Sbo' was dno next eemel. .K camel can sweat'away If you are a homebody and I t A elers and mot Chef Kurt Rsin- “THE SAD SACK” and “DEUOATK DEUNQUBNT” Comedy Of The T e u ay. One bi«akdown\ ro­ Scotland. Ireland and Norway. Hie tepi,, 13 o'clock means sunset. At like to get out and see the slgbl Airvour* hardt, a native a t Germany, whs r i » r , . se rapair work S-mOe-long island was a beach­ the third, which adheres to the krter ef his body weight, yi-' had pr spars d a Qieeia) prinlad OOBaNa AT WUBBBHIBBB” anekmt Perataa ayalera. 13 s ’alaek wltk 13 par cent. tor a downtown hotel M net Um Tnaadny We' head a t westani Christiaaity In Bor you. the SaaiUi Oratnnr. t T' f V 1/1 -V. ■■

. ^


MANCHEST6R UVENIN6 HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY H , IM t IMANCBESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER/ OONN, SATURDAY. JULY 21,< 1962 PAGE FIVE PAGE POUB 3 : and their peoples with anmlty •Wpndert of the Universe toward thq^^tors. Connecticut £o0ttitt9 ll^raUi Ttot, we presume, leaYas every­ body feeling sad and resentful and PDBLUiHitiD BY IBB Space Station Idea fi^AT.n INC. virtuous, and leaves the actual sit­ Yankee Churches MsecbMlet C<)nn. uation of the captive natlens them­ TBOMAB r FkROUSON selves about where it was—In a By A .H . O. rtrst Church of Christ Beiantiat WALTER R rERODSON Bt. Mniy’a Epiioopnl Omrek i Church of the Assunptioa < Not a New Concept PubUahen sort of diplomatic limbo from Ghuroh aad Park Sts. Adams S t and Thompson Rd. Mnsenie Temple Eouiwlcd Oetobar i. IWI which, some time, will emerge the tlMrs were momenta during the TIm R«v. Neatonag Rev. Joseph FaTrell, Pastor 11 ajn „ Sunday Service, Sunday prevent the k>M of tha atmosphere, Bt*i7 BTbnlnc_ BsccM Democratic State Convention when Rev. Frauds T. Butler, Aastotaat iBlatable Spam Btotian BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY eventual cure and remedy, per­ School and.nursery. n e fabric of the wislls would ba and Houdar* BotarM ~ ' at tba it aeemed to lie that neither Con- TlM-Baiv. gelni D. Hnghes ly Provide ArUSelal Gravity doubled, and between the layers a at Ifanctaeatar Coon, aa haps more as a matter of evolution Beidsr Asststant Masses at 7, 8, 8,10:16 and 11:30 8 pju., Wednesday meeting. MaU Mattar than of revolution. greeaman-at-Uirfe Frank Kowal­ Reading Room hours at 749 Rg DR. L M. LEVITT, Director quick-setting plastic would be in­ H m Bev. WUHan F. OsnBsr »lIl a.m. jected to give the doughnut rigidi­ BDBBCRIPTION RATES Perhaps'^t was because we get ski nor former Governor Abe Rib- Jnnlbr Assistant - Main St., excepting legal holidays, H m Fels Planetarium Payabla tn Adyanea St. Bartholomew's Chureh Monday through Saturday, Ij. am. Of The Franklin Institute ty. The atmospheric pressure in Carrier such a feeling of dead end bitter icoft wan the c«itral character in­ the station would be dropped to aar ...... <15.60 <23.00 7:80 a.m., Roly Cmnmunibn. Rev. Philip Bussey, Pastor to 4 pjn. How will spacemen react to CAKE BOX BAKERY Turn Heads With A ness from the normal Captive Na volved, but that that role was be­ “Life will be the subject of the about eight pounds per square inch, ■Ontha T.76 U.00 ing enacted by Democratic Nation­ 10 a.m.. Family Service. Morning space and weightlessness when the MANCHESTER niraa 1Montha A90 6.50 tions Week observation of tha Prmyor with sermon by the Bsv. Masses at 7, 8? 0:18 and 10:30 Leeson-Serinon for Sunday, July which is about half of the pressure New Summer Hairdo tea Month ...... a . l . S O al and State Chairman John Bai­ \ 22. capaMllty of sustaining men in on the surface of the earth. The re­ Footurfaig a compltta Waakly laaaaaaaaa 8C ^.8 tragic plight of these peoples that Mr. Nostrand. Summer choir. a.m. Colne in and have one of our atylists ley. .And we do not mean by this Nursery in children's (duqiel. The Golden Text is from Revela- qiace for periods up to a week is duction in preasure would necessi­ AUTO PARTS MEMBER o r we found one sample of a different statement merely that Bailey was Rn* of create new summer glamour for your DaUy, 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer .in S t James* R. C. Church Uon 22: 17. realized? WiU they be able to live tate a higher oxygen content than THE ASSOCIATED PRESS approach somehow more hopeful the leader who was running the Scriptiuml selections will include in the air on earth, and this may be ‘110 BROAD SJ_ hair. Expert shhping and coloring. . . . Tlia Aaaoctatad Praia U azeluilrair Memorial Chapel of the Nativity. Msgr. John F. Hannon, Pastor normally? Will they be subject to "HOME lAKEO" goods anttUad to tha uaa ot rapubllcatioB oi and stimulating. show, or picking the strategy. We Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Holy Oom- Rev. James T. CConneU Psalihs 38; -7-9. a hazard. Even the furniture in 'all news dtipatchaa credltad to It a mean that he was the central and Correlative passages' from "Sci­ debiUtoting Illnesses which wUl the apace station would be Inflated Atwnys At Your Servlee For Also Wedding, . Aaalvcmary not otherwlaa credited in tbii papa This different approach came in munion. St. James Day. Rev. Joseph H. McCann impair their usefulness and effi- e MACHINE SHOP SERVICE and alio the local newi published bera. most absorbing figure because of Rev. John D. Regan ence and Health with Key to the and made rigid by a quick-setting Cakes, and cakes for all eeea- the sermon in which the Rev. Peter what he had at stske. What he Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, ctoncy in spac® ? At the moment, a EQUIPMENT, sions is our specialty! AH rMti uf republlcation ct spaetal— Ooneerdla Lnlheraa Oiarch plastic. In this fashion, the total e PARTS (new and rebuilt) dlipatcbea herein are also reserved. Chase,' canon pastor of the Cathe­ had at stake was something less include p. 246: the answers to these questions are weight of the assembly would be 40 PitklB Bt. Masses at 6. 7, 8, 0, 10:15 and not available except for the one e ACCESSORIES 245 SPRUCE S T ^ M I 8-8878 rwi aerrlea client of N E A. Serv- dral Church Of St. John the Divine tangible than- what was Involved Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor 11:30 a.m. held to modest limits. Ica Inc. for Kowalski and Riblcoff. It was Trinity Covennat Chnroh experience of Maj. Gherman Titov The design of the space station e SUPPLIES Open Dally 1(1-7; Sundays 8-18 88 EAST CENTER 8T. '•O- Pobllihera Rapreientatlvei. Tba down in New York City, led that Hackmatack S t near Keeney who became nauseated after six e Du Pont Paint, Supplies Julhii Mathewi Special Arency—New less tangible, and, at the same b am.. Holy Communion. Churdi S t Bridget’s R. C. Oiurch must take into account the haz­ TEL. Ml 8-5008 churdi’s observance of Captive Rev. K. EJnar Rank, Pastor . , . ards of space. It must absort> Open Saturdays UntU 6 P3I. (CLOSED MONDAYS) Tork. Chicaito. Detroit and Boston. time, ipore Inesci^iable. If either School and Nursery. Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor American space scientists have MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU o r Nations Week. ' Kowalski or Ribicoff lost a nom­ some of the Xrays, gamma radia­ CIRCULATIONS 10:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. Rev. Staiyley E. Hastlllo been aware of the potential hM- He dared say, even in such ination, they could blame it on Church Sebool and Nursery. Rev. Dranls B. Hussey 9:16 a.m., Sunday School for all. tion and ultraviolet radiation in age groupa kindergarten through ard at weightlessness to orbiting space. It must be equipped to Tha Berald PnnUnt Company be., context, that the oppressed must BaUey. But what Bailey had at Noon. Church picnic at Camp astronauts, and studies desigpied HCATING PROfLEMS? MANCHESTER HIGH GRADE aaaumea no financial teaponalbUlty tor stake was his pride, and circum­ Brae-Marr. Evening Vesper Serv­ Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. adult maintain an equabto temperature CaU MI 8-7498 or MI 8-4785 GLASS typoeraphlcal errors appearlny In ad­ keep from hating their oppressors, 10 a.m., Churchtime Nursery for to provide relief for them, if nec­ vertisements and other readlnjt matter stance had dictated that he could ice. so that the men ' can live in a sF o r Ante WfatoshleMs that Christians were supposed to children under Grade 2 level. essary, are under way. shirtsleeve environment It must ta Tha Manchester Evenlna Herald. preserve it only by the full per­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.r\.. Vesper Emanuel Lutheran Oiurch At this time the only known MANCHESTER OIL CO. e F«r Store Fresto aaS PRINTING love their enemies. formance of certain precision Service. 10:16 am.. Morning Worship. also have a minimum thidueas of ■U sizes of wtndows Display advertlBtnit ctosina boam: Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Pastor Sermon; “Keeping Life's Appoint- way to avoid weightlessness, if walls with the outer wall acting INCORPORATED SiAFOOD For Monday—1 p.m. Friday. “We cannot settle the world' tasks. Strangely enough, if he LeMoyne C. Boleman, Intern this becomes a factor in man's S^Honr Prompt Senioe • Far TsUe Taps JOB AND COMMERCIAL ^ r Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. succeeded, he got no particular po­ Community Baptist Church menta" as a meteroid bumper to absorb CHOICE VARIETY For Wednesday—1 p.m. Tuesday. UlB," he said, “without settling 5 p.m.. Vesper Hour in “Cove­ efforts to live in space, is to in­ the impact of these tiny space bul­ PRINTING For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. sitive reward. If he failed, he was 585 E. Center S t 8 a.m.. Morning Suffrages troduce a pseudo-gravity which Woodcock Service Prompt OPEN ■ A.M. to 6 P.M. For.rhlday—1 n.m Thursday. our own first Hatred and fear are nant Acres.” Message by the lets. It must also possess a life FUEL and RANGE OIL Pnoopt and EflMeat Prlattag the one participant in convention Rev. Alex H. Blsesser, Minister 9:15 a.m.. Divine worship. will be equivalent of gravity on Quality RATUROAT 8 AM. to NOON Of All Kinds For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday the enemies today. We cannot events who had no alibi,'\who pastor. Picnic supper. support system to provide an at­ Sales, eervice and bistaUatlan Service is of prime imporUfoce Classified deaduna; 10;S0>.ra.a ___ Chureh School for children, kin­ the earth. The scientist has, for mosphere with the proper gases. on all make burners. tioning or refrigeration esn be a day of publication except Saturday — fight for Justice and right with a would not be privileged to blame 0:30 a.m.. Morning WM-shlp. dergarten to age 10, and nursery many years, been aware that businessee that have air condition­ • a.ra. It must regulate the humidity. In We Give Top Vnine Stamps costly item and particularly so if tinge of hatred tn our hearts:' somebody else. liance Repairs, 19 only the hose wears out. This saves When it cornea to the installa­ give immediate attention to any PONTIAC atancea inaide any of our good and fear are the enemies today' In Connecticut, and in this part­ 0:30 a.m., Sunday School regis­ The Gemini or space ve­ XJU uiuL R iidrQ JU A Maple St., can completely recon­ you money as a new attachment sermon series: "Hilltbpabf Hope." American children, faces smeared fortable that they will be unaware tion o f refrigerators or air condi­ calls for seri’ice. Adding these REPAIRS neighbors. When the army took is because they are the factors icular situation, however, the tration and classes for all ages. Children's message. Nursery for hicles cannot be spun readily. of it. . Hiis could well be the in­ dition It for you. Not only that would coat considerably more. ABC things together, it is no wonder AND Bhren if they were apun it wouldn’t Window Coverings m rm cjn H f M ir tioning, the Woodcock Refrigera­ over Id Peru the other day our which, on both sides of the cold state primary law and the cir- 10:45 am., Morning Worship. pre-school children. with warpaint and cake crumbs, flatable concept of the space sta­ but it can be electrified and made Appliance Repairs servicea all tion Co. welcome all Jobe, large or that Woodcock Refrigeration Co. cumstwees of the chief contest at Sermoiv “ Portrait of the Good do too m u ^ good. The radius of into a portable if you so desire. makes of vacuum cleaners and 19 Mopio St>4M 9-8879 State Department Was in action, war. dictate those actions and jioli' streamed out of the American tion. Window Shades 250 TOLLAND ST. small. While they have done many ia selected each time. this convention had set up the re­ Shepherd," by the Rev. Mr. Ran­ turning is much too short. Only a Next week we wiN discuss ths 0 How much will this cost? ABC stock replacement psrta, including In order to attract cuatomera TEMPEST with formal disapproval, backed cies by the one side which gener Church of the NazaretM legation in Budapest after a eos- supermarkets and shopping cen­ REPAIRS ON— quirement that Bailey, for a real­ som. Nursery during service large' wheel-shaped space statlcm rigid space station. e Vertical and Venetian Blinds EAST HARTFORD Appliance Repairs will be glad to vacuum cleaner bags. If your clean­ ters, Jack Woodcock, owner of the today a store must be air condi­ ates more action and policy, on the Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Fellow­ 288 Main S t tume party. can serve aa a housing for astro­ up almost Immediately by qiedflc ly convincing demonstration of (Copyright 1962, General Fea­ Drapes and Hardware BU 9-6333 give you an estimate and you wiU er is not doing the job you think it company, emphasises that the tion^. More and more business OReen tremen­ tering heat, no one wants to shop Pontiac, Inc. ed local party organizations in 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service. Lasswitz, in Germany, proposed so, take all the hard work out of AN work gaorootosd change on record. What the speed ^>ecial captivities are spawned. the state to refrain from endors 9:46 am., Bible Classes. the party began, the police scru­ R. A. PEARL, Prop. Invalid Needs people are sewing today that a floor waxing by renting a floor dous for it is now t)ve second larg­ in a hot, stuffy store; therefore, •78 Mala 8t.—Tel. Ml f-2881 Message by the pastor. tinized every small, jabbering this in his book "Auf Zwel Plan- had to mean, inevitably. Is that we ing candidates, and that, none­ 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. With high school or college grad­ good sewing machine is a must. polisher from ABC. The polisher est in the Hartford Metropolitan the answer is the installation of Sermon: "The Problem of Bible face, and one by one let the chll' eten.” In the 1920's, the Aus­ One that is electrified makes sew­ makes short work of producing area. There la always s reason fof air cwiditioning. Woodcock Refrig­ were set up, and waiting for such theless, a number of local organ, Message by the pastor.' trian, Count von Pirquet, develop­ uation behind them, thousands of izations had defiantly endorsed Miracles.” _ dren pass into Budapest’s girls will be out looking for their ing s breeze and s portable ma­ gleaming floors and .insures a hard, auch rapid expansion and the rea­ eration Co. will be pleased to give a possible development in Peru, On, Or Off, The Land? Wednesday. 7:30 p.m, Prayer Square. ed the potential of the space sta­ Kowalski. And it was in the fore, 7 p.m.. Evening Worship. Guest and Praise service. very first jobs in June. CAMPING chine means that you can sew any polished surface that will last and son in this esse is the quality of an estimate on the cost of any Refugee for 6>/] Years tion. In 1952, Dr. Wernher von CAR LEASING where you wish, where it is the the work done by the firm. Those proposed work. It is not necessary DON WILLIS and ready with the point of view We can’t help the occasional ground, of course, that the polit' speaker. Braun, who is now director of the Almost everyudiere that these last, needing only a light buffing CUNLIFFE ws WM« going to take and the ics of the whole nation — Dem Wednesday, 7 p.m.. Midweek The Roman Catholic primate of young, inexperienced girls apply EQUIPMENT coolest and where there is the best occasionally to restore the lustre. employing Woodcock Refrigeration to close down your business to in­ feeling that there is some weird Center Congregattonal Church Hungary was not among them. Marshall Space Flight Center, in light' Why not stop in at ABC Co. found that the work was han­ stall air conditioning; it can be formula for expressing it. This ocratic and Republican alike — Service at 17 Chestnut St., Col­ a series of articles in a national for work -there will be other appli­ ABC specializes In the repairing MOTOR SALES instUict governing our time which United Chnroh of Christ He still was inside the legation, and RENTALS Tents, Cots, Sleeping BagA Appliance Repairs and talk with of all kinds of small electrical ap­ dled quickly and efficiently and the done with aa little upset as possi­ GARJIGE was watching to sec what happen chester. 11 Center St. magazine, proposed a highly cants after the same job. EXPERT AUTO BODY aad would seem to mean that we have forces us to rush toward wrong di' Thursday, 7:80 p.m.. Midweek where he sought refuge 6H years Air Mattresses, Stoves Lester Sichel, the owner? He pliances. and here again it is fool­ prices charged were reasonable. ble. Because of their wide experi­ ed to the national chairman, when Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Minister sophisticated space station at the When the educational back­ First In Manchester. New cars, Only fully trained and experienced ence and training. Woodcock Re­ PENDER REPAIRS 18 Main St., Tel. Ml 9-4531 decided, under the Kennedy admin­ rection solutions for our problems. he had to reach back into Con- Service at Orange Hall. ago, after the Hungarian revolu­ Lanterns will be happy to explain how your ish to dispose of a waffle iron, Rev.. Lnurenoe J. Vincent, tion. no>v prohibitive altitude of 1,076 ground is about equal what is go­ full maintenance, fully insured machine can be modernized. men are employed by this firm, a frigeration Co. can install air istration, not to let ourselves drift After World War I, as those old necticut affairs. miles. '' ing to tip the scales in favor of the toaster, deep fat fryer, electric iron ENAMEL and LACQUER Associate BlJnlstor Ever since, Mlndsienty has to reduce your problems and MANCHESTER Lester Sichol knows everything or any one of the many different most Important factor in the auc- conditioning with a minimum SpocioliziRg Ir Into tolerance of political condi­ enough to remember can testify, Perhaps with more assistance Zion Evangelical Lutheran However, as long as it was im- “ lucky” girl who is hired? cessful installation of refrigeration amount of inconvenience. Once in­ REFINISHINOS from Kowalski than he had ex Church lived in two rooms on the third practicable to launch large pay- It won't be luck in most cases. worries. For full Information there is to know about sewing ma­ appliances until you have checked tions which must inevltaUy imder- there was a popular song which 9:16 a.m.. Church Service. Ser­ SURPLUS SALES CO. chines for he hsis worked on both with ABC Apliance Repairs. Many and air conditioning. With Mr. stalled you may be aure you have ■RAKE SERVICE pected, Bailey controlled the con. (Missouri Synod) fl jr of the five-story corner loads. the space station was an Chances are it will be one of three call 169 N. MAIN ST. Woodcock, the three other men REASONARLE PRICES mlne, from one extreme or an­ mon: "A Life That Is Saved." Nur­ building in the center of Budapest. industrial and domestic machines times a small repair job will put it the finest job that money can buy FREE ESTIMATES wanted to knowjiow, with all the vention for Ribicoff by even more Cooper and H l^ Sts. sery for young children in Kinder­ intriguing but unrealizable things or a combination of ail at Depot Square have a combined experience of 40 when Woodcock Refrigeration other, the footholds democracy attractions the city offered, than the required 81 per cent. The Rev. Paul O. Prokopy, Pastor The cardinal is likely to remain dream. Now that the Cl three. since 1933. You are sure of ab­ in perfect shape and at Just a frac­ FroRt End AKgRmMit garten room. Paul OodoB Pontiac Open DaUy to 9:00 P»M. solute satisfaction when the work tion of the cost of purchasing a years in this field, thua you are does the work. RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. ' has about the hemisphere. We To the losers, the methods by there until Hungary’s Communist has been' successfully fired and sure of any work done by them. would ever be able to keep regime gives assurances for his The "lucKy" girl will appear to INC. J. FARR—Ml S-7111 is doiie here. By the way. shut­ new applismee. Incidentally, if the To keep your home comfortable Jast Abora the Traffic Clreia GWitral Rapoir Woiii have i^parently decided that we yoiing people down on the farm. which he did this probably aeemed 9 a.m., Sunday School continues St. John’s PoHsh the firing schedule is increasing, be eager for a chance to work and 378 MAIN STREET tles and bobbins for older machines When a firm considers the in­ this summer, the Woodcock Re­ very oppressive and ugly, aind through July. safety and resumption, of his post the idea, once more, has a certain cord on -your electric, iron gives stallation of air conditioning or TEL. Ml 8-8818 can't run an Alliance for Progress Now, after World War n , we National Catholic Church as head of the church in Hungary serious about the big step she is Phope MI 9-2881 are carried here. During the out. this can be fixed very easily. frigeration Co. recommends Fed- some of their spoken words man. 9 a.m.. Divine worship. Text: Rev. Waiter A. Hyszko, Pastor fascination. about to take—entering the busi­ summer months ABC Appliance refrigeration they naturally check dera Air Conditionsrs. among democracies if the x>oten' have the Committee for Economic aged to express their own violent Numbers 6:22'-27. Theme: "The —which it may never do. Hot weather calls for electric to see what reputation a company The obvious approach to the ness world. We Urge You To Support PORTABLE TV RENTALS Repairs are closed on Mondays. fans and should yours require For expert air conditioning, re­ tlal democracies become autocra- feelings. But one of the placards Lord Bless You and Keep You!” Hungarian Premier F r e n c ereett'on of a large space station has .Next item to be checked is frigeration and service, call 'wood' Development reporting- after Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Muennich says he is- satisfied to The "lucky" girl will look as The Lutz Junior Museum Do you And that you have to go checking, ABC is the place to go. dss. We have apparently decided exhaiuUve study of our farm prob' they had prepared, reading “ A 4 p.m.. Young People's Society would.be to inflate a large dough­ though she is ready to go to work Motorola and Zenith Sales what service a refrigeration com­ cock Refrigeration Co. at MI TOURMNE Convention of Sheep, Bailey the picnic-meeting at Hansen's, 21 leave Mindszenty in the legation and Sen-Ice back over the rugs t'wo tor three While touring this summer should pany offers. The loss of sir condi­ 4 -i m . that the people of Latin America lem and recommending that we do Second Congroipatioiial Church until he dies. nut-shaped affair with the Inside immediately—that is, she will be times with your vacuum cleaner in you find an attractive jug or vase, Shepherd," came unintentionally Bremen Rd. of the doughnut providing the liv­ are going to be watching us to much more about getting people Friday, 7:30 p.m., Church Coun­ 385 N. Blain St. For the regime, Mindszenty’s dressed and groomed appropriate­ We Service All Makes of TV, order to pick up all the specks? If ABC will make it into a most at­ PAINTS closer to the relatively unostenta­ ing quarters for the crew. The ly for a working gifl—rather than see whether we are against oppres­ away from the farm. We need, the tious prodding, nudging, and psy­ cil. Rev. Felix M. Davis, Minister voluntary confinement is a bless­ CUSTOM MADE Radios and Phonographs this is the case, it is possible that tractive lamp at a moderate co.st. Mrs. Richard Piiuiey, Goodyear Aircraft Corp. has built like a school girl, out looking (or ^Fuming with Rage •. • Bourhon^ sion and dictatorship, or merely chological persuasion Bailey was 8 p.m.. Voters msstlng. ing in disguise. It means Mind­ CANVAS AWNINGS the brushes need replacing and You are aure o t satisfaction and report insists, to get at least two Associate Minister szenty does not have to be pub­ and exhitiited a magnificent model a job as casually and as haphaz­ ABC Appliance Repairs will re­ fine service when you take your F o r,lo st RoMiltt eertatn specific brands of oppres­ million people "off the land." employing, along with his power of a space station. The National ardly as though she were out win­ to give assurance of comfortable Calvary Church licly tried and imprisoned in a MODERN place them for you. They also re- work to ABC Appliance Repeira. sion and dictatorship. Now we happen to think—or (AsaembUea of God) 9:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. country which still is ardently Aeronautics and Space Admin­ dow shopping. future nights inside the patronage Nursery for children during serv­ istration scientists have also built The “ lucky” girl will give the One cannot applaud and wel- perhaps we should be rmbre strictly fold. M7 E. Middle Tpke. Catholic. T V SERVICE PAUL'S ice. Guest minister, the Rev. Constant Guard models to test the design feature impression that she not only wants Old Blues Deploriiig some this apparent determination honest and say we happen to feel Having won, having proved, to 'Bie Rev, Kenneth L. Oustalaaa, 405 CENTER STREET Lemnitzer for Norstad Pastor Robert Guiliano. chaplain of Man­ This may be . one of the reaaons of an expandable space structure. a job—she is ready to go to work PAINT SUPPLY OB tbs part of Washington not to —that the right approach for this his own saitiafaction, and for the chester Memorial Hospital, will In all models there must be and expects to really work for a Corner of Griswold 0nd Itself keeping close company eyes of the outside world, that for the day and night details of 645 Main Street country would be to get more peo­ 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Class- preach, "Choose Your Rut Care- police guarding the gray, steel- hub which is rigidly fastened to pay check. She will give that, im­ TEL. MI S-8205 with hemisphere dictatorships any it could be done, having accom­ the center of the doughnut by hol­ pression Iwth by the way she an­ Tel. MI 9-0300 ple back on the land and keep them plished what his personal pride es for all ages. MUy " ______shuttered legation. The Commu­ Degree for Kennedy more without also making the ob- 11 a.m„ Morning Worship. nists seem more anxious to keep low arms. The reason for this hub swers questions and the questions there. In the spirit of the old World insisted he must try to accom­ is that if the apace station is rotat­ she asks. '' Gen, Taylor Back servatiOB that such conduct on 8 p.m., Christ's Ambaasadora South Methodist Church him inside then to arrest him. War I song, rather than deliber­ plish, Bailey could and did relax. Rev. Lawrence F. Almond ing rapidly it will prove difficult There is a world of difference youth service. Mefuiwhile Mindsaenty's life — (Continued from Page One) our part calls for occasional quick ately to set out to deprive an ad­ During the final negotiations of 7 p.m.. Family Gospel Service. Rev. Ray C. Hollis Jr. to rendezvous and transfer person­ between wanting a job and want­ The the convention, when he went up­ he is 79—is bound up Inextricably HOB NOB shooting front the ^P> ditional 2,000,000 Americans of the "The Big Blast," a Gospel Film nel and supplies to the doughnut ing to go to work. The girl who SEE US FOR: RESTAURANT Irascible member of the old guard Radio Today stairs to see Kowalski when Ko­ 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning Wor- with the lives of the 18 U.S. State itself. To attempt this^ would be Just “ wants a job" is likely to Berube's State Depsirtment will have to be bleaainga of some contact. with in color. Department and military person­ a Aluminum Roll Up Awninga As Pentagon Chief who neither dies nor surrenders walski would not come down, ■hip. Sermon: "Making Life Sig­ act dismayed or disinterested TEMPTING FOOD TYPEWRITER SERVICR better Informed and much wiser nel and their famiHes who live like working on the rim. of • Venetian BUnda that soil which. In the end. must when he was trying what angles nificant.” by the Rev. Mr. Al­ when told' what 'skills the job will COURTEOUSLY SER'VED fuming with rage—and perhaps W D E C ~ im 479 Middle Tpke. E. The Salvation Army in Budapest and are headed by rapidly rotating wheel. The solu­ • Storm Doors Call Ml 4-1111 than mere newspaper people if it forever nurture us all. could be tried to bring about 661 Main St. mond. Nursery. tion is to have the supply vs- require of her. The only U ^ g she • Combination Windows (Oonttaoed from Page One) a little bourbon—at his football X:00 Bishop's Corner. Maaeheater peace, he encountered a Kowalski Charge d’Affaires Horace G. Tor- Businessmen’s Luncheon 3:06 Celn’s Mutiny Is always going to be sure of its We are not sure how well this Blajor E. Walter Lanile _ 10:46 a.m.. Kindergarten. hlclsa dock at the center of ro­ seems to want to know about the Served Daily 12 noon to 2 pjn. tickets, or the coach, and dashing 8:06 Reynor Shines FOR REPAIRS, REBUILT TYPEWRITERS demand that, even if renomination bert of Waahlngtoh, D.C. MiNiciMstar Awning Co. liant officer. Wheeler now is Nor- l:00 News, Stfn Off target and its aim. country is going to make out, in Officer In charge tation, that is, the hub. While job she is applying for is what the off sulphurous letters to his uni­ REPLACKMENT ROYALS. UNDERWOODS. as cOhgreaeman-at-large were de­ Gospel Hall ' sgation personnel are subject­ 195 WEST CENTER ST. DINNERS SERVED stad's deputy and for all practi­ Playground WTIC—IDM One can study reports frmn this will rotate a few revolutions hours are, how much it will pay, versity beginning, ‘I waa shocked l:00 Conn. Fsrm Forum ON ALL TYPES OF U C. SMITHS Etc. the .end, if it keeps trying to shape livered to' Kowalski, the latter 9:30 a.m., Sunday School for all 415 Center St- ed to spot surveillance by police. and what she can expect in the Telephono Ml 9-3091 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday cal purposes the operating head to discover that’ and ending ’un­ l:l6 Peru as much as possible, and per minute, the axis will remain EstabUahed 1949 Your Home Dri:oratnr its answer to all questions and would still be conceded the ri(^t ages. They cannot move more than 25 stationary to permit docking. way of vacations and time off. 6 PJ4. to 8 PJW. of U.S. forces in Europe. less something is done about this l:80 Saturdov Matinfe We Handle Stationery Along come to an easy conclusion that not to take orders from Bailey. miles around Budapeat without Notes 3:00 White at Red Sox problems on the basis of what may '>'10:45 a.m.. Holiness service. 10:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread. Details of Construction So if you want to be the- ''lucky” Wednesday N I^Is FamUy Nits Rumors of Lemnitzer and Deck­ at once I shall no longer con­ 6:l6 Monitor With Office Sfachlae SnppHes Bailey reportedly agreed to this fiPng their exact movements two certainly it is a regrettable and seem to be some scientific, ram- Music by Citadel Band. Sermon 12:16 p.m., Sunday School. Many of the details of the erec girl who gets the job don’t .count er’s departure liave been in the tribute or remain, sincerely «:00 Nows. Sports and Weather Year Mall List ^ Desired condition, with a little smile he by Maj. Lamie. 7 .p.m.. Gospel meeting. days in advance. They are limited Manchester Shopping Parkade wind for months. Both Eisenhow­ yqui'S.’’ 8:30 Mcmltor undemocratic thing for the army putable theory about what is best in their contacts with Hungarians tion of the Inflatable apace atatlon on being lucky. You'll need to West Middle Tpke.—BH 8-0728 The fourth week of playground 7:06 Keyboard Kintplna A. J. BERUBE, Prop. explained outside, later, by asking 2 p.m.. Hospital visitation. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Prayer- and Bi­ have been reaolved 1^ the Good­ make your luck by making a fa­ er administration appointees, they One of ths letters to the edi­ 7:30 Monitor to be Interrupting the constitution­ for the economy as a whole. We and, except in small ways, cannot activities has ended. Attendance tor began: waa quite dis­ MI 9-8477—Bll S-8S42 whether anybody thought he had 8:16 p.m.. Prayer service. ble meeting. year engineers. They would choose vorable impression. were said to be considered by I0:l6 Just Jaxx al processes of government, aii'd know that having the economy as been giving Kowalski orders or 7 p.m., Service in Center Park. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Street put across the American story to T uriipike Kennedy administration officials and weather so far this season are mayed ...” ll:l6 Sports Final a nation still highly pro-American. a fabric which would be airtight to Newspaper Enterprise Aaen. ll:30 Sfarlifiaht ht Serenade■ .that such army action Is certainly a whole a balanced,, well-adjusted, Kowalski taking them during the Music by (Titadel Band. Sermon meeting. as rather plodding and un­ exceptional. Another end^: ” ... my con­ 1:00 Sign Off)fl WOODCOCK by Maj. Lamie. Similar restrictions exist— on 5 ,0 0 0 W UAY--ei« the first thing to be condemned in past four years. In any case, pres­ Friday, 8 p.m., Bible study. AUTO BODY imaginative. The event of tha week was tributions will cease." efficiently organized machine is in other American embassies and Their replacement by Taylor Accompanying the president’s 1:00 Bobbin Along REHtieEltA'nON CO. Peru and perhaps the worst thing tige and pride being back full at CANS and BOTTLES 3:30 Mete at Cinrinnali VIC’S PIZZA SHOP turn Important to the happiness of the brim again, the difficult test legations in eastern Europe. But and Wheeler will all but clear the Carnivals, which were held at commencement address waa a ci­ 4:30 Saturday with Randy that could happen in Peni. the ordinary human bieings who having been met and passed, Bai­ Hungarian concern that Mind­ OF aervice chiefs of men who were Bowers and West Side play­ tation, also printed tn the Alumni 7:30 Saturday Party 168 W. Middle Turnpike Area Churches szenty might escape or be smug' Magazine, describing Kennedy as 9:00 News and Sports " Phone MI 9-8708 But when one studies sdl the may live within it. But we also ley undoubtedly had a few mo­ ICE COLD BEER put on that highest military panel grounds, in spite of a few rain­ 10: 00. Radio Tonight ments at the end of the conven­ gled out puts an additional burden WRECKER by former President Dwight D. courageous and resourceful "in a 1:30 Sign Off k A Upholstery sonfualon, the cross-Edliances, the think that perhaps, sometimes, PLUS drops the evening’s activities were tion when he might have conceded Bt. John’s Ohorch Rockville Baptist Charoh on the Americans here. ( ? # JeJh i. Saach.? Eisenhower. ’The only one left is in full swing. ’The children en­ time of peace that is not peace WPOF—141# P AND IV I Shops PIZZA Shifting records of the politicians 1:00^IsOU Terri there ought also to be a direct ap­ suiythlng to anybody. Rt. SO, Vernon Mindszenty is in excellent Vj» and V4b Gen. David M. Sboup .who has and war that is not war." curating in Peru one comes to the 86 Union St. joyed many games of skill and 3:30 Connecticut Ballroom RE-UPHOLSTERINO SPAGHETTI proach to the happiness, the good The Rev. James L,. Grant, rsotor Bev. Wintiirop W. FansworlJi, health and mentally alert. But he BARRELS about 17 months left of a 4-year "You have brought to the White 7:00 Dale Kelly TAKE TIME TO REFRESH YOUR SPIRIT chance. As in the past It has 13:00 Johnny Argo Show / old dilemma familiar in such cases. living of the individual first, to Pastor can have no Hungarian visitors. term aa commandant of the Ma­ proven one of the most popular House," the citation said, "a spirit e Modern Farnltare RAVIOU \ which has opened our eyes to wjNP-^im Granted that the army take-over see how that would be achieved if, 8 a.m„ Holy Communion. The If the legation let them in, it rine Corps. Shoup reportedly rates programs of the season. 1:00 CBS News aad Antiqaes OPEN DAILY A Thought for Today Rev. O. ^ w e ll Crocker, celebrant. could be accused of allowing ATTEND FAMILY WORSHIP high with Kennedy. prospects of new achieveiinent' in 1:10 CBS—It’s New is dictatorial and evil, does any­ perhaps, we could ever manage to 9 a.m., Church School. ClaMea VICHI'S Softball games were played aS 1:15 Showcase of Music e Store Steels aad Beeths Sponsored by the Manchester 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and for all ages. Mindszenty to organize political Last summer, Kennedy installed our own country, in the world, and 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 PJ«. body know just what the altema- scheduled... Keeney won over in the infinite reaches of space," 3:00 Washington at Yankees e Cnstom Fnraltnra bend the economy around' that Council of Churches Sermon. ' 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. Ser-jof religious resistance to the re- PACKAGE STORE Adm. ’ George W. Anderson aa Nathan Hale 9-8; Charter Oak 6, '4:30 Showcase of Munir SUNDAYS tivs might be, and how it would way. Could we not, perhaps, make mon: "Foundation." gi"'*- • 80 BISSELL ST. chief of Naval operations and It concluded: "Yale honors you • :30 CBS—European Diary Slip Covers,aad Draperies Valley I; Green 10, Waddell 6; in your lonely task and confers 6:56 3por Made to Order 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. "'bave to be evaluated aind judged? the economy fit the happiness of Wapphig Community Church 8 p.m.. Evening Gosjiel hour.' Mindszenty keeps himaelf busy. NORTH METHODIST Gen. Curtis E. LeMay aa Air Waddell 12. Bowers 2; Valley 6, 7:00 CBS Weo . CLOSED MONDAYS Slvery parson Is free and de­ Force chief of staff. upon you the degree of doctor of 7:10 Showcase and News Complete Selectiea ot Blaterials K la not fair or proper to ask the individual, now and then, in­ Congregattonal Old-fashioned hymn sing. Message: therefore, learning English, study- West Side 3; West Side 6, Ver- pendent. . The Rev. ROy R. Hotcheon, "The Three-fold Sin of Apostasy.” ing world affairs and keeping - U . The tall, slim, straight-backed laws." 7:80 C M —In New York FREE ES’TIMATES auch questions. Absolutely, it is stead of cnaking the individual con­ God creates each person a s . an planck 0. Among the other recipients of 7:65 CBS News and Sports . Minister ° S9hedule of religious' devotions. Suburbia ffhylor has been Keimedy’s clos­ 8:00 CBS—The World Tonight better to take chances, if they individual, not as a puppet to be Tournament winners were: honorary degrees at the exercises Showcase of Jaxi 20< N. Btoin St., Maachester form t(| the dictates of the econ­ TalcottvUle Congregational (3iurA He celebrates maas on Sundays est military adiiser since June of 3:15 MI 9-d824 have to be taken, with the process' n^ahipulated. CHURCH u ;last year, when the President Checkers, Mary Beth Kvart, June II were former Secretary of 11:30 Showcase and News omy? ' ; 9:80 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. Robert K'Shimoda, Mlnletto and holy days fpr the Oathoilc Sign Off Each person has a will. He can called the 4-star general out of Joe Czerwinski, Evelyn Nash, State Dean Acheeon, pianist Ar­ 13:16 as of democracy than with the Why not,, instead of campaign­ Sermon: "The Drama of the Sea- members of the American com­ ^00 PARKER STOEET Today Ostrinsky make certain decisions In life, take sens." 10 a.m.. Morning worship serv- munity. From time to Ume. other retirement after the Cuban deba­ Alan Little, Andy Kearns. tur Rubinstein, Sen. Prescott S. processes of an army junta. ing to get 2,000,000 off the farms, certain steps to - bring those de­ , RUCOMdDULUXRHHNSiRie ■niE BIAGAZINE OF Pick-up sticks, Peggy McDon­ Bush, R-Oonn., Gustave Weigel, loe. Chaplain Leonard HolrHoimberg,' Western diplomats of the Catholic PLE.A8ANT PLACES cle. Ws merely point out the fact campaign to find seme way for cision to fulfillment, and fesi re­ 9:S0 A,M. # You May Come Dreased 1 In that role. Taylor went on a ald and David Frost. noted Jesuit theologian, and. Eu­ UAR Launches DEALES IN WAS1E UsMed Melbedlst Ohareh Fueet minister. Mr. and Mrs. faith attend the servicea. A MONTHLY FEATURE OF tiiat, even when it does the right making the land provide a good sponsible for the results... Bottpa Roger Spencer, greeters, Leonard He takes a daily exercise walk t66 MIDDLE TURNflKE. WE8T, special mission to South Viet Nam Jacks, Betty MacDonald, Sandy gene Carson Black, stated clerk of MATEMAU Sunday | Informally . . . But Do Come! J YOUR HOMETOWN DAH.T the United Pre.sbyteriari (Jhurch, MANCHESTER thing, the State Department still That’s freedom... Rev. Abram W. Bangro, ftetor Baylias, deacon o t the day. around an Inside courtyard, eats MANCHESTER last faU and came back with rec­ MacKay, Linda Merrill and Denise life to r a few more millions? Why At the same time, each person NEWSPAPER Mattarelli. U.S.A. ^ Two Missiles has to gamble. It could Ipse, and hla meals at a basement snack ommendations that led to this MEMORIAL CO. must human living ever be the is dependent iqxm God for con­ 10 a.m., Worship and sermoa MSitV isuu country's''Ug-scale effort to help ' Horseshoe: Steve Kslsted, Kent SCRAP NCTAL be in trouble for a long time with Bacred Heart Church bar. At ni|^t he returns to hla Opposite Baot Oeasetery victim, be at the mercy of the. bril­ stant recreative powers . . . de­ "The Inner LlghL" Nursery for Rt. SO, Vernon third-floor room where a steel ’ ilanrlfpBtpr the 'Vietnamese turn back ' the Ougb, Daniel Armentano, Leon (OontiauM from Pago One) military regime in Peru. It could liant, clever technology of which pendent' upon God for sunshine and small children. Rev. RaI|A Kelly, Paster door is c l o ^ gently behind hint, Communist guerrilla offensive. Dion, Richard Oetway and Paul Crash from Rear RA6S m 4 ir o n Win, and be' in even worse trouble. water . . . dependent upon God for 12 pjn.. Group aaaembles at and locked. Mltehdl 3-7043 €upntn9 IfpralA Taylor—long an advocate of a Serrell. announced , purpose of gathering Quality man is capable? Why can't man. forgiveness . . . fliat's dependency We wlU net buy aay aewipaper church for transportation to WU- Uaeswi at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. strong army—played a major ’The program for next week will weather data. during June If he is that Clever, force his tech­ Umantic camp meeting trip. Call Now! part, too. ia planning the big mili­ Brings Warning Over 10 Yeare Include a Treasure Hunt on Mon­ Israeli authorities said the rock­ 781 PARKER ST. nology' to produce for him, and ifo man is an island! tary buildup last year when the et fired from a secret launching “ A Unge Of Hatred?" Ohnroii Bt. Maurtee au rah Get Our Summer day. Marshmallow Roast on ’Tues­ CoN Ml 9-S807 TeL 30 S-57SS or Ifl S-8879 make economically feasible, the Rev. Paul C. .Kaiser, Pastor Union Oonnegational BoltonT Auastaaa were threatening war to Three cars were in collision yes­ pad on the Mediterranean shore Qmcordia Lutheran Church ' RowvUlo, Conn. day, a Doll Show on Wednesday, terday at the Green when two Ws suspect that people now Hv- kind of living man ndg^^ moat en­ Berv. Beriiard-I* MoGurk, Paster force thereat out of Berlin. movies at Center Park on Thurs­ reached a height of 50 miles as A ADfETIlriPrep. Bear. Fanl J. Bowman, Paater GOMMEflCIAL ■mere waa some opinion here drivers slowed down at an inter­ felg in this country who were joy? "s p e c ia l s o n day, and the Friday night dancee, planned. AND that Lenmitser may aerve in .Eu­ section and the third driver did The missile, propelled by solid Harrtsoa S t, Btaacheeter • a.m.. Morning Worship. Sor- at 7. 8:30. 10 and 11:80 at Robertson tennis courts. tbemaelves once citizens of, or who Which, after all, is the master? London First Used a.m. CUSTOM MADI rope about a year. nntU he reach­ not, according to police. fuels developed in Israel, weighed have dose tlas with, any of the men: "Poaco 1 Loavo With You,” es .64. The NATO council will The accident occuired at about between 550 and <00 pounds. Is­ by tho Rov. AWaon Ray Hoqis. HiW STRIM. Onteal Bhiropeap nations now held meet in Paris next Tuesday to 5 p.m. a ahott distance east of the rael sclenUsts said they planned Postal Date Stamp Bt. Fimacls of Assist Chnrefc AWNINGS. iwme Norstad’s ancceaeor. There point where E. Middle ’Tpke. and as sataiites by Soviet Ruisla need Sontk Windsor Worm-Chewed Log later to dispatch rockets to higher Army or Mines Bt. George’s Rplacopal Olnireh seems Uttle doubt it will be Lem- E. tenter St. converge. altitudes with electronic measur-, WATKINS-WEST lltUs prcmiptlng to hope and pray « t . 44A Boltea Bnv. James F. Glynn, Pastor PAINTING Look— 16 Colors To Mrs. Barbara Alta Sherivood. LONDON—Tbs first post-oMos Rear. RaypMnd R. Yaakanskas nitser. . Wall Wood Prize big devices. Oapare for the eventual freedom again of date sUmps issued diming the Tho Rev; Edward W. Johneoa, Choose Fran! Mnt tor it . . k coien It kilch Taylor, approaching 61, has been RFD 2, Manchesttf, and Gerald ’The Israeli government stressed e ^ t . For Bulgarians Vlear Insumnce Oovemge For tbslr sountrtes, to resent the cap- ralonlal period tn. North Amer­ quMtios oa eolorT.. . *ktt tt - • • km kdeW given high miarks aa a Mldler- Arthur Ouimeite, ’ 32, pf WilH- that the venture was devoted en- FUNERAL Maaaes at 7, 8, 9. 10:15 and 11:80 Yonr Protoetlon OTTAWA—Hie pesky teredo, a mantic,. blowed down at , that In- Ml 3-6563 tM ty'in which they are being held, MUNICH — Many young Bul­ ica wars: New York, 1758; Phila>- 8188,888 Oenpenanllon CALL IS Ik KBirt Mp « imr uaX pkniini kb. scholar. Fldcnt in several lan- tlrriy to meteorological research. delphia, 1'787; Boston, ‘ 1789; Al- 8 am.. Holy Communion, ITio Also Special Prices On guagaa, hy was considered by a wood-boring ahlpworm that looks tersecUpn, but Andrew Joseph SERVICE e P M o r to witertain certain natural hu­ garians who.don’t want to serve in Rev. Eugene C. Dixon, celebrant 88B8A88 PnUte UnMMty Combination Doors ’n like a naked clam, riddlM.loge that bany, N.Y., 1774, and Charleston, $25,800 Property Dninage aome as a more logical successor Belancilc.' 53, of 28 Cottage St., Second Try Wind* ^ man emotions toward the system their rauntry*s army will be able S. C., 1774. 10:15 ajn„ Homing Prayer. St. Bemard’s cpraroh Wtadowsl to Noratad than Lemnitzer. are rafted by sea or stored in salt failed to do so. poUce said. HU ORMAND J. WEST flg Ufa and th^ nation and the pep- to work in minoa Instead A Na­ These stamps were the result S7 Bt Bemard’a Ter., Rockville EotnbBahed IMS jr/IJnhnscn?AmCa water and has long been fought by car hit Mrs. Sherwood’s and then RoekvIUe MelfeedM Oinroh Hav. Patrick J. Bfaheney, Paater WASHINGTON—Andrew H e k - gla whiefa are holding them cap- tional. Aaseinbly decrM published of an Inventim - introducejjl by 48 Tenrs o r Serrteo 7 2 ^ £ u NS t J MANCHESTER—PHONE MI ^ 5 0 1 LaAybiiKs H elpful forestry induatriea Ouimette’s. Director in the official gazette provides that Henry BiBion, who was ap^ntsd 142 Grove Bt Free Estimates— But a Ciuiadtasi company now Is Belancik was warned for fol­ •on the election of lSi4 evw Hra. though lie polled more populkr optkMit similar 'to u s wartime Postmaster Gmeral of the United Rev. Lanrenee >1. HUL Paater at 7, 8, 9, 10 aiid 11a.m. | Easy Terms! BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK ttfiming tha riddled logs into deco­ lowing too closely. 148 E. CENTER ST. Moat e< the obaervance of Cap- WM DICKSON EUZABBTH. N. J.—Ladybugs voter than any other candidate. HU Britiah "Bevin boys” measure. Kingdeun b y . Charles n ln‘ 1 ^ - Were called 1>eetles o t the Bleeeed rative wood' for use in paneling All three vehicles -had been tlva Nations Waek reflects such Radio Free Europe experts here Other cities that used date stamps ' 9:30 am.. Morning Worship- BeRin OBngregatlonal Chnrek dens, restaurants and recreation traveling east and all three driv­ noaroat rival, John Quincy Adama Maarksatof’s OMrat Sermon: “Murder will Out” by Bolton Center' 1 I SON Lady" in the Middle .Agea Now- won ths election in the House ef IlMUiKhU and amotieas, and, i says the decree rsfUcts a labor early were: Upndon. 1681: "Dublin, Adaye they are gardenen’ food rooms, with ths result that the ers had stqmed for m m »t,a t '-and TracUng Cg. sliortage t ^ has dogged the Bul­ 1672; Bdinbuigh. 1888; ^ Exeter, Rev. Mr. HiU. BILLTUNSKY E. Canter o L and WooiferUca RspreasBtatjvas. But in 1828 Jack- w m i riBM Bmihr and Inavltably, blands pity. Phano MI 8-6M8 PAINTS Msnd% aatliig hoidaa o t haimlia price^ tendo-cbewed logs l^ eky- garian mloiiig ladustiy for savaral 1688; Bristol, 1706, and Quabse Monday, 7:18 Prapar aRd Ml f-909S , ■------,


BUGGS bUNNY t)UR BOARDING HpUSE iH th MAJOR H(>f)PLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLf r H / USt A 7W4T NAIL CAME ‘ PON'T HESITATE T CALL 1^^ ' > . - / ■ 'a/0or/t THWOUOH THE WALLI vAsor ANVOTMnr ■ X ars NAIL ITS MWVUNSISHTLY, PROBLli^MS! ir X ____ B U R I^ D E H A * T M ^ Aiwymt to PrbvfcM Pimlt Herald Angle \ WHAT Al»E W » f =sv' \M VfliUSOINS /Jl/rLLB C mwMw YOU TH AT 3. ROGER L e b d n o n ’ By EARL YOST TO PO lff,\ R1«HT « OSt^ULV c a l l e d BAHNUM B3RH-/I SPORTS EOrrOB ABOUT |T» S IO E < W ELL. IF H E S TH E BIRO WHO \j ^ ^ H AdOSS 7 Ontioa (>b.) J- Amaio Pitches C(5lS THAT MUSEUM OF SCREWBALL \ ILtbUMB't 8 Epoch YoutUul A1 Shemuin, head Angels Still Alive Streak Slugging Mays IN'JENTIOH&.HeCeRTAlNLyCAMETD captUi 9 Surety aoaoh o f th4. foothall QlanU, took hrUrm e BK9HT0IOUT HOOSiSu o u ^ raTO bBO/A o V a CONTRAP-||c o NTRAP-VI D.‘J 7 fiu«ountoyJ» lO ^ u t^ I tern tone out from training camp rou- i Four-Hit Ball; TlOM ■«-*«>«c/sD T*n_ie H E PLACEDi /NCOP Ll/^k.\/nOHOtJOR/y ^ ^Ccui la the _ UEeminine tino toda.y to oonalder some of the BASEBALL AMV BUbOt 18 Handled - nickname ) BUT TELL ME.WHV ALL THAT 8 U ^ »lM d x probletna facing hia N F L eastern Keeps Giants in Race ladings im n e m t o i? ' ■ UPencUend: WNtgotUte W. Pet. INE5S ABOUT SOlNS IhJTO/ UNooee 19 Cutting divinitm chnmploM Uiis aeaieon. L. I. L. in Action PROtXJCTlOM WITH TH E , 18 Streofhold' implement After a week of sizing up the Fire A Police . X*.*-- * 2 .818 m a j o r s INVENTIOWr 17 Philippine tree ^ Deipot new tnlent here at Fairfield Uni- NEW YORK (A P)— Woiidrous Willie Mays, a notorious Greefi Manor , X .-..1 1 3 .786 23 Cuban - By HOWIE HOLCOMB 18 Peiircbed h iM W W veraity, Sherman feeU hie most im- streak hitter, is o ff on a home run binge. And it couldn’t come Pontlcelli'i I .. 5 .615 aoMutical nota municipality N E W Y O R K (AP)aded single in blanking last night before'300 ftma CAUGHT IN A I HAVE FOUND \ HOW? /THE DOOR DOWN LEFT AFTER ALL / 31 Conjunction t6 make improvements during the The Tribe staged S mild threat BoMraote .48 48 .511 win over A A T last night at d is r - TT 14 3-0 going Into the fifth) left them *14 The victory kept the Giants just the. ninth. Dick Farrell (6-12) at Henry Park, Rockville. MESS UKE TH IS .\A WAV OUT.» > v J/OR SOMETHING/ 32 Operated iMKt few weekn," says the NFXi’a in tha ninth Yrtten Chuck Esaeglan UI1CMM •ssa*e«e.47 48 .490 I0*/| struck out 12 in going the distance ter Oak. 33Pariiian leeton the most active dleeenters to any homered. They had two men on one game bsck of Loe Angeles, 8-2 The victory enabled the Ameri-. 34 Deputies i T 18 Coach of the Year. notion of a New York Yankee DetroHN,^....., .44 47 .484 11 for the victory. Moore homered In each of the C The development of a reserve and the tying run at the plate be­ Boeton .44 43 .478 lU/i victors over the Chicago Chibs. Of first and third frames and each cans to advance to the second 87Fooled rises runaway. equal importance, it gave the .Stan Musial had a double and 40 Detonation t7“ 19 SA p e n s iv e lineman is high on Sher. fore the Angela finally anuffed Kansas C ity ^ .,. .42 54 .433 151/, time there was a man on base. round of the District 8 Tourna­ Although the Yanks powered Giants a little more edge over the single, driving in two runs and ment., and lifted the Mdivehaster 41 Now Zealand naan's priority lUt,...Since 1956, the them out. Bob Botz, an ex-New Washington .83 87 .887 «14 Art Huntington also homered for rrot their way to their eighth straight, third-place Pirates, now 2ti games pulling to within two of Mel Ott'a UtUe League aystem’a'. overall S z r 24 CKante have gone with the same York Met who didn't make the Friday’s ResnIta National League RBI record. He the winners while Gary Sullivan tum’aeoniort forward line of Andy Robustelli, beating Washington 3-3, the An­ Club In spring training, Yvas the back of San Francisco and 2*4 be­ banged a two-run shot over the tourney. record to .500. Lost night 48 Hohammed’i w Boston 8, Chicago 4 also advanced to tie with Tommy RoMy Grier, Dick Modzclewakl and gela still are hanging in there winner. New York S, Waahlngton 2 hind the Dodgers. fence for the A ’a. the Nationals dropped a toughie tp aoB-in-law ■i • • • Davit for the league batting lead Rockville, 6-5. 44 Continually r Jim Katcavage. But Sherman only 3^ games back In second Minnesota 7, Baltimore 8 (It ) Roman Mejlaa’ two-run ninth in­ Down 7-2, the A ’s loaded the H Si at .349. Minnie Minoeo came In as 47Dia(sla^ knowB .lt is pure folly to expect place. TANKA-8 ENATOB»t- Detroit 18, Kansas City 8 ning ringle brought Houston a 4-3 bases in the seventh and Bob Game f l i g h t 48 Particular decision over St. Louis, Cincinnati a pinch hitter in the eightA his The. Americans' are matclied U Qieae veterans to go on indefinite­ The Yankee triumph served to Mantle'a Itth homer and Hec­ Los Angeles 8, Cleveland 8 first appearance with the C^ards Ward cleared the sacks with a ilRetla tor Lopes' sixth gave the Yanks beat New York 3>1 and Ml)waukee grand slam home run. against Windsor’s National Leogaa ly. emphaaize again hflMcy Mantle’z Today’s Games since he suffered a concussion and •tlfaeUBg S4 X u all their nins and broke Waah- and Philadelphia split a pair. The Na.ssiff ...... 203 200 X 3tars Tuesday at 6 pjn. at. tha program .. "An Injury to one of them r i^ t role an their meat valuable play­ Chicago (Plaarro 8-8 or Bauman broken wrist when he crashed into X— 7 -7 I 4 now could put us in a hole,” eays er, ■ regardless of any poll. The ington’e flvo-game w>ttt*>'K Braves took the first 7-5 and the A. A 1...... 002 000 4—6-5-2 Windsor field. Tonight at the same CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 85 Fort part U u 2-3) at Boeton (Conley 8A) a wall May 11. He struck out. SeAbaoniUon the New York field boss. Mick contributed n two-run homer streak. Whitay Ford waa the win­ Detroit (Jones l-t or Aguirre 7-4) Phlle the nightcap 3-2. • • • Romano and Moore; Savino and hour, the local International Afl- 87 Ethereal saltt and two singlea ner over Steve Hamilton al­ at Kanaos a t y (Pfiator lA ) * • • Sullivan. Stars will oppose the Tri-VUlaga 48 r BRAVB8 -PHILS— DOWN ,1 BaeebaM HnU of Pamer Jackie While Mickey was out of action though WMtey complained of Cleveland (Ramos 4A) at Loi G1ANT8-P1RATE8— Stars at Broad Brook. PRIS('!I.I A S POP BY AL VERMKKR Roy McMillan’s three-run homer 1 Brasilian o r ST RobtauMm comments that the nntire with a pulled leg muscle and a tiredness after seven Innings and Angeles (McBride 18-8) Mays' homer, which came with BEC 'SOFTBALL Slender Joe lY ogi) Amaio was diamond American League is paying for Ita damaged knee, the Yanks crawled gave way to,a pinch hitter. Mar­ teltlmore (Flaker 2-8) at MIM' one on in the first inning, waa hU capp^ a decisive six-run Milwau­ . For the Second game In a row the big man for the Americana HEY!! DON’T a Empower U last night. Ha held Vernon to four R“ i^rtaiglitedneae because moat of along at a 15-15 pace. Since hla shall Bridgas finished. aeeota (Pascual 14-8) 27th of the season, giving him the kee second inning as the Braves the Teachers were forced Into over­ ENCOURAGE IT/ iCjmuB » • • snapped Philadelphia’s . five-game time to maintain their perfect rec­ scattered hits, two of scratch *ra- 4BMent HT %} £ e beat Negro playera are in the return they have gaOloped at a 39- Washington (Rudolph 8-8) at New major league lead. He also doubled 8 Indian TWlNS-fMUOLE^ and scored twice. winning string In the opener. L«fty ord. Last night at Mt. Nebo the riety, and In addition, ignited the J i National League. ! ____20 level (.600). During that period York (Terry 12A) second-inning scoring splurge. 8 Pithy . Writing In Pageant, RobbiBon|of recuperation MantleTantl' has hit Ttiey were all act to put the The Pirates, who hsd won 22 of Jack <^rtia shut out the Phillies leaders ta llM five times in the 1 M is what has happened since he 372. For the entire s e ^ n his on- goat's homa on Battey of the NATIONAL LEAGUE 28 starts going into the game, on four hits after relieving Lew eighth to whip Boland's, 13-8. Amaio only walked one, hit a bfoke the color line 15 years ago. base average Is a gaudy .514. In TYVlns because he dropped an W. L. Pct-> GH. could have taken over second place Burdette In the third inning. The Teachers tied the count In batter and fanned nine. He was in Re points out that because ofiearly i 249 appearances at the plate he easy pop foul by Jerry Adair in Los Angelea . .64 84 .658 — with a Victory. A crowd o f S7,'f06— Art Mahsffey (13-91 allowed, the seventh on Dick Danielson’s control all the way. Only in the double and an error. Dave Turk- failure to acknowledge the Negro | has reached bane 128 times. His the eighth. Adair than singled and San Franclsee 68 35 .648 1' the largest at In two only five hits, including a homer by fifth and sixth did Vernon muster B Y F R A N K O’N E A L scored an unearned run that tied .58 86 .621 years—waa on hand to watch the Hank Aaron, and struck out 11 in ington’s two-run single waa the threats. In the fifth with one out SHORT RIBS ballplayer, the American League' season average is A46. Pittsburgh . * 4 big blow in the extra frame.: ne longer dominates inter-league Eku-1 Battey, a goat in the the score at 5-5. However, Bat­ .58 43 .558 try. winning the second for the Phils. the hit batter and Marty Rhodes’ I St. Louis .... •'/l Tony Brezinaki got the M^otort solid double put men on second and oompe&ion. They’ve lost two of eighth inning when his error per- tey came up in the 10th after 41 .654 19 Willie stopped their fun with his He scored the tie-bresklng run dnctiMiatt . .. .51 drive off Pirate starter Vernon off fast with a three-nin homer In third with one out. But Amaio S0RRy,V0UI?E the last three World Series and mitted Baltimore to Oe the ncore, Harmon lOllebrew walkfid and .450 16 after tripling in the fifth. Milwaukee . .. .47 48 Law and Willi# Mc(3ovay produced • • • the first. bore down to fan two pinch hittara N0T1UE MAN R5R1HE dDB.NOU have won only one of the laet seven 1 emerged the hero with a tw o -r^ Bob Allison sacrificed, 'moving Philadelphia . .45 S3 .464 181/, pinch runner Orlando Martinea to what proved to be the winning run REDS-METS— Monday night wlnda up league ending that trouble. ARC MUCH 't » IHPRCSSIONABLE. AU-Star gaunes. j homer In the 10th that gave the Houston ...... 86 58 .876 *«!4 with his solo homer in the fourth. play with Egg 'n You meeting the He rated the Bed Sox as an ex- Minnesota Twins a 7-5 decision second. Battey hit his seventh .85 82 A6I 281/, Gordie Coleman's 19th homer of In the sixth after two w ere.*/ Chicago ...... Jack Sanford (12-6) got the vic­ Teachera. The Eggs need to win to tired, Joe (Talaci ripped a bed hop ample of what can happen. H ie | over Baltimore. The Twins tlght- homer near the left field foul pole New York ... .24 67 ,264 861/, the season, with one on In the sec­ off loser Hal Broim. Ray Moore tory, but needed help from Don tie Armv A Navy for third place. single to center and pitcher Harold ohib wwB the last to take Negroes 1 ened their hrtd on third place, Friday’s Results ond, was all the backing Joey Jay Teachera 301 102 15—13 15 4 s 1W3 fc, WIA. In. TM. U «. ,>t, QH, waa tha erinner. Larsen in the seventh. needed In pitching Cincinnati past Wilde bunted to third. He beat it —and not one has ever been a regu- j trailing the Yankt by 6H. Los Angeles A Chicago 2. The Piratee' Roberto Clemente Boland 501 011 00— 8 10 2 In addition to Battey’a homer, the New York Meta. Frank out and Ed Kowal'a throw waa lar. ■niey have sHpped badly, Robin-1 Detroit broke out a prolong- Milwaukee 7-2, Philadelphia 5-A Extended hla hitting atring to 17 Dooman and Turkington; Pede- BONNIE RY .lOE CAMPBELL the Twine also had one by Zollo Thorasa’ homer leading off the wild. But O la ci went too far. area son says and I* Is due to their fall- [ batting slump with eU homem San Francisco 6, Pittsburgh A games with a double and single. monte and Vlot. t' A P(l OB#* Veraelles. Jackie Brandt and sixth prevented a ahutout. caught off third, chased down the SHwMf, I*. ure to go after aY'allabie N egro! and 10 runs and ' CtncinnaG A New York 1. • • • line and tagged out, ending the kaiiniAvm len-rame loclng ftrMak by batter- Brooks Robineon homered for the Houston 4, St. Louis A OHintCH SOFTBALL Orioles. DODGBRS-CUBB— game. _ ■ ( S i n g that there have been Jng Kansw City. 1^3. • • • Today's Games The Dodgers' Tommy Davis Championship honors were Wilde was anything but! He major advancements in the Inst 15 ncored San Franclaoo (O’Dell 11-8) at drove In four runs with two singles Eight Teams Set clinched by CIvitan last night on didn't walk a man, fanned 11 and TIGERS-A’S— the strength of a 8-8 extra inning 7-21 Norm Cash hit two of Detroit's PIttaliurgh (McBean 10-8), against the Chiba and became the allo\Ued only two harmlees hits New York (Miller S-7 or Ander­ win over North Methodist at Char­ dices that sHlI exist agtinrt ^ ^ six homers, his 24th and 25th. The first major leaguer to reach 100 For Hoop W arfare after the second. son 8-8) at ancinnatt (Pnrkey ter (5ek. S T o f f l e i l t 'M ^ e m ^ d play-l Y*«trzemskl. L « Clinton nnd Car­ first was hit off loser Diego Segui runs hatted In this season. The But the big one was enough. It % CtasthfMiA.aw.rMaaf.uA^M'' 14-S). Chibs got off to a 2-0 first inning Best hitters for the winners were roll Hardy helped the Red Sox and tha second off Bob Giggle, a Eight teams—all that will be went Hkc this. ers are onl.v Interested In a win­ Los Angeles (Drysdale 18-4) at lead, but Ron Falrly’a two-run Bubs'K eeney (double and triple), bomb Chicago, 8-4. It was the drive over two fences In right accepted—hava reglaterad for the BIk iBnlnir y ning team. One manager who was Chicago (Ellsworth 5-18). homer tied It and Davis put It out Bud Leroy (double and single) A fter Kowal fanned leading off, Humph White Sox’ fourth straight defeat. field that traveled about 460 feet. Rec Department-sponsored Senior while Mike (Cavanaugh. Bernle Au­ bronght up In the South, Robinson • » • Chico Fernandez got his 12th, Mllwaakee (Willey 1-4) at Phi­ of reach. Willie Davis’ theft of sec­ Amaio blooped a single to center. A ond wea the Dodgers' 100th stolen Summer Uasket.bell League. No gust, Bob Willis, Busz Weir and relates, Yvas taught as a kid that Dick McAuliffa his fifth. Bill Bru­ ladelphia (Hamilton 6-7). new regiatrationa will be taken, Bob^Baaqetta followed with an­ a Negro must know his place. To­ ANOELS-INDIANS— SL Louis (Jackson 8-8 and base this season. Stan Wllllsma (9- Jerry Chappell swung beta for the other “ hump-backed liner" Gint © o y LOT The Angels lianded the Indiana ton his 10th and Bob Farley his Rec officials have announced. MethodlsU. Cavanaugh and Au­ day, he ndmlta, "If he can run and Simmons 8-5) at Houston (Kem- 5) got the victory, but had to have fell In righi for tbe second hit and HE , their eighth straight defeat be­ f i ^ . Jerry Lumpe homered for One additional junior team is gust homered. throw and hit, his place is some­ the A's. Don Mossi went the merer 6-1 and Johnson (H 2 or help from Ed Roebuck In the Jim Nichols loaded the base with VCNOWS! fore 23,663 fans who were treat­ eighth. being sought to complete a six- Playoff schedule: Monday — St. where on my ball dub.” route with an eight-hitter for his Golden 5-6). Mar>’’a va. Methodists; Tuesday — a wrong-field iHce to left. The most serious problems fsc- ed to a big thrill in the fifth­ team Junior Division League. Then Dick McKeon put the 7-2! inning explosion. It yvSs the In­ eighth victory. The eight senior teams compet­ Winners vs. C en ter (hngos: Ing Negro ballplayers today Is the • • • Wedneeday — Tuesday winner va. Americans In the scoring column Ml c35i#pRt_ off-the-held baseball jobs. A few dians' longest losing streak .since ing this season include Moriarty with a line shot off the first baee- their present statistician began RED SOX-WHITE SOX— Brothers, Spruce St. Market. In­ CIvitan. ‘You’ll lik* Jimmy, Dad! H* has a vary short raach!” bocome scouts, but otherwise man's glove. The ball endeff up J U D D S A X O N BY KEN BALD and .lERRY BRONDFIEI.D ClAdQ CLANS CtAKS kMping recorda in 1947. Yastrsemaki hit two homers for dians, McIntosh Boat, Harmac's. Clvltan 208 020 02—8 13 2 there’s little place In the baseball the Red Sox. the first time he had Methodist 004 000 81—8 11 1 in right field with Amaio and Bfis- world lor a retired Negro bsllplay- Willie Tasby’8 three-run homer Boland Motors, Conran's Stars rttia scoring. THERE THey ARE NOW/ ______U i in the third gave Sam McDoweU, done that in hia brief major league and Bolssonault All-Stars. R en even to and Wlerzblckt; 1 AND I THOUSHT career. He also added a double Chappell. Garden (5) and Bolin. Chuck May dropped another a ^ Other than the fHibs’ new recalled Friday morning from Salt Junior teams already aigned gla Into, center scoring .Nic<^ with WEREN'T SETTING L,ak$ Ci^y. a comfortable working and knocked in three runs. (Jlinton AlONG TOGETHER.' B Y R O U S O N roach dohn OlNoil and Oeae Rak­ up are ICast Catholic, Jayvees, the third run. Barry London's LITTLE SPORTS margin. But it wasn’t enough. tripled with the bases loaded and Manchester Merchants, Lancers DUSTY SOFTBALL er, who baa managed In the Hardy hit a two-run homer. Don . 'ffriuidlnga bouncer waa played to the plate r»ah»aaCaty» I DOdSTDNISHT* a t t : Sam ran into a wild atreak In the and Fletcher Glass. The Junior Di­ but too late and McKeown talliad minora, there are no Negro man­ SchWall won hla fourth with W. L. Pet. TM-Wa»idl' fifth and the Angels kept vision la for boys 14 through .16. run number four. Xlay brought' agers or coaches and only one um­ ninth-inning help from Dick Ra- swinging sgainst a long atring of Any other Interested teams are M a iT o o i...... 11 * , in the fifth and final score when pire. Emmet Ashford, of the Pa- datz. .Tobn Buzhsrdt lost his ninth. successors. Lee Hiomas’ homer asked to contact Wally Fortin gt 'Farrells ...... 10 4 .714 Gary Ktnel lined a hard shot back cllle Coast League. On the sports Moriartv’a ...... i'Q scribe side, except for Wendell the East Side Rec Center befbro 10 5 .8 6 6 at Wilde. H ie latter' managed to I $mith of the Chicago ^American Monday evening. B. A. C lu b ...... 6 7 .461 gkt a glove up but the ball bounced Highway ...... 3 11 .214 and Bob Teague of the New York All managers in both divisions off and dropped behind him. Re Times, there are no Negro base­ Five Strokes Behind Leader^' are reminded they afe to attend Ool. Board ...... 8 12 .200 couldn’t make a play in'time. ball writers on any metropolitan an important organization meet­ The offense ended as suddenly Battle for first place last night > newspaper. ing Monday night at 8;I5 at the as it started. Wilde settled down, 7-2/ Robinson sa^s that he would East Side Rec. at Robertson Park found Mai T ^ l fanned Ray Kelley, and Kowal % like to see Negro youngsters get Palmer Not Out Yet Both divisions . are tentatively outlasting Farrell’s. 18-10. The again, thus ending the frame and. bonuses comparable to others; he scheduled to opeil Tuesday night. winners hold s half-game edge, as It turned out, the scoring for B. C. BY JOHNNY HART would like to see more Negroes in Don Ckiwles of the Recreation De­ having completed tkelr schedule. the night. the American League and Ie see partment Staff will ba eommiasion- Tarrell’a rauet beat the BA’s Mon­ May. one of the smallest on the BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE VJOiMEM CAW COMB- UP Negro and white ballplayers who In Bid for PGA Title er for both divisions. day night: to gain a tie. If the field, waa ths only playsr to collaet J M A D E IT m y s e l f . Restauranli crew wine Monday, It more then on# hit. In addition WE HAD ▼ BUT 1 threw ' FROM THE MOMENT WE LEFT YOU / BUT WEYf GOT TO BE CAREFUL, 1 L WONDER WHERE ELFINA WITH t h e d u m b e s t id e a s ! are congenial rooming together. TROUBLE \ A TANTRUM AT THAT FILLING STATION, I'M SURE ... ITS A60LF BA&. Also, Robinson ..stated, " I would will play Mai Tuesday night. A BA to his key single (n the second, his THEY ARC FOLLOWING MC. ANO HER MOTHER HAVE win would give’ the crown to Mai. WITH THE \ ANPTHEVWEREI NOOHS FOLLOWEPUS. a l c ^ nke to see Negroes free to live NEWTON 8QUQARE. Pa. 340-pound former pro football fiy to center fell behind the Ver­ been/ Xyiremacy “ Bergin la combining with better made the grade. HEV, RODNEV! MV UNCLE WANTS ME TO ...H E CAN'T POSSIBLY s t a n d ) bled his way around to a sec­ Springfield's Jerry Humiston, last M ea n w h ile the crowds, Baseball fans have'been known to overcome many (ibstacles ABOUT PLAyiNS PRACTICE MV VIOLIN, BU T MUCH MORE OF THIS! ond straight 69 for tha 36-hoIe year's track champion: which have been softlng rec­ in order to watch and/or participate in their favorite sport iS O M E I I sh o u ld a Tt b e to o lo n g . i According ' to the time trials, lead. He’s the only pUyer who Of Americans in Track Meet ords gsvery day of this tourna­ NATIOI^AL LEAGUE Greco and Jocco Maggiacomo of beat-par on each of the first^ but none had a greater one than 11-year-old Bobby Whalen, ment, aren't counting Palmer Once again on extra Inning eras Poughkeepsie should be consid­ two rounds. a graduate of Bowers School and. until recently, centerfield- out any more than Palmer him- STANFORD, Calif. (A P )—Rua-Bcompetitlon so high that'he be- needed and NossifTa exploded for Ford's 138 total put him ■ ■ ■ ‘ farm'i: ------~ ered the favorites. , Their com­ iMlf. He isn't out of reach of er for Qjrrentl Insurance, a sla posed the greatest threat ever lieves 11 men's world records are six riuia in the seventh to trounce bined qualifying time of 29.64 was just one stroke ahead of Cary team in the Manchester 1 Little oper In danger. Middlecoff, a Iwo-ttme Nation­ the leaders and the P alm er to supremacy of the Medics last night at'Buckley, the beet of the field and rates League system. He finally made It o.k. and Those in jeopardy Include the 11-5. al Open champion; stubby finish In golf new is as famous American men as the world’s this duo the pole position tonight. as tiiie garriabn finish in horse Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert returned home yesterday, hla fa­ high jump, where Russia's Valeriy Paul Smyth was the big gun. - Another strong team will be Gary Player of South Africa, Whalen, 75 Avondale Rd., he re­ greatest dual meet teams opened Brumel could surpass his own and Georga Bayer, the 6-5, races waa yaara ago. ther's birthday. , getting five hits in as man/ trips, that of Buddy Krebs of East Hart- cently returned, from a three-week His parents have expressed their their two-day meet this afternoon. msrk of 7-4*4 snd the broad jump l/in Pavelaek came up with .a > ford and Bobby Bard of West- sojourn at Grace-New Haven Com­ heartfelt thanks to the mwiy Man­ Drawn by the great internation­ where Ralph Boston of U^e USA grand slam homer andt Jim. Welrii , -^eld. Krebs has won the "500’’ munity HoipiUl where he under­ chester friends and neighbors who al competition and the opportunity and Igor T»r-Ovaneayan duel. Bos­ had two safeties for theMcdica. *f

•\ ^ ,


WfUitwp— To Boy -Laiid Fpr Sale 71 H bibw b F o r .Sale 72 He F « r 8 * k 7 2 Housed F«r Sate' 72 H oiIs m Sb Ic 72 Bmta— ^rrtcoA Offotod ^ E P B OUGHTA HE A LAW B Y P a GALY ^ EHORTBN A r t k lM P m S bM 4 8 Honsahold Ceada 51 W B B U T , S K U . or triuto a a t l ^ WALNUT STREET—3-famUy 4-8, I—EAfT HARTFORD -g room VERNON $ll,9S0j-8 room ranch, MANCHESTER — Ridltag Park. TREE lUEMOVAti, pniaiiir'uiA M LAWN MOW BRfr-Tor», JneobaeB, A GOOD BUT on cheats, 4ieds, .aad'tisen fumiture, china," gUim, ABOUT 900 feet frontage of Imiue- 99-18S tiw'Iheded lot, concrete Caps, basement garage, aabastoa 8 yaara aid, excellent condition, • room Cm **’ 4 finiahed, flre- hlMrioir. ChU rra ak c Tnmii*. m Beleiui, in d '3oodall. Reel and Perle’s in a dressers and i^ipliances.' Credit Bilvar, piotiira fra aiss' add d d $ bedrooms, buUt-ir oven and plsce, hew furnace, just painted CLASSIFIED •A06S \ ' rolAry, IS-M’'-. Part« and service. terms available. We alao buy used trial land. Cau Ml 9-3391. and am aaiu drive, 3-Qtr garage; ahingl*s, aeeda aoma radacorating coins, old doUs and guns, hdhby inSiM, sailing for . only $18,700. range, aluminum Btprma, nice rec qutai(ie, new kitchen ' enUneta, '' ThiiMA • Used mowers and tractters Trade furniture. Roger's Furniture, full cellar, aluminum atorm* uid coUaettoos, atUc dentaata or whols acieene, new exterior aiding and Shoim ^ appotaitment enly Call room and bar, attached garage, nice grounds,. very eoAvenient. A COSMA APPLIANCE S tlM ct-R t- '' i» 4 ifr s o u a i\ in your old machine. Capitol Spruce St. Ml 9r3514. Bg JEAN BPBADf WILSON ( ptirt all makta r«frlt«ratort, .Twr BOM catataa. FunUturs Repair Seririce, Boosag Fbr Sale 72 root. investmeiit in qiuot lo­ the R. F. M m ock Oe.. MI $-S3U. large let with 8 acre* admtional home we are proud to ritow, real Equipment Oe., It Main St. Hours T a lc o tti^ , CoonT Tel. M l $-744$. AP ‘Newataotores Writer freeiart, wathing machlnea. Ary- ON THAT 7A daily, T-t Thursday, 7-4 Sat- DESK, Governor Wlnthri^, ma^. cation. Robert Wolvcrton Agincy, Barbara Woods. MI $-1793, Jehaa- land in rear, good Iqcailen, im- clean. Tongren Agency, MI na Evans, MI $ $$$$. 8-4331. ADVERTISING «rt, rantet. oU and xaa bu'mtrt. ' eoMhuriND iwday. hogany, $85. Lounge chair and iTJORENOB B T.-T Htoss home la M l 9-39U. f mediate occupancy, J e r ^ Fay Perle Mesta to A newcomer on AMICMNSmm AgMcy, MI $-7039. MI t-0056. All work guarantaad. ^pcover, |30. Kitchen aet, IIB. execUmt oonditkMi tnalde end out, JacUs Kennedy'a crowded band­ ■ AAK fr ANT' eaCloeed pondi, one-car garaga, ROCKVILLE — T room older Co­ H—EAST HARTFORD— Immacu­ FLAT STONES for Walls, patida, Three table lamps, $8 etch. Stu­ ' R o o b m WithoBt Bonrd 5t wagon, but ahe'a there, nAverthe- CLASSinED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS LAWN MOWERS aharpanad and MATMillUrieAL priced (or quldi ealk. tUJOO. lonial. 3-story garage and two late $4 room Jlaach, icembtna- Lots For Sslo . 7S / ^UMDO^I and bouae frcata. Com er Route dio couch and cover, $80. Bed­ tiona througbout, full basement, leas. And ahe’a back In the swing : repaired, aalei and aann'ca, pick 14. and t. Notch Road, Bottca PhUbrt^ Agency. Ml 9Md8. room outbulldiag. T(Ma. On con­ 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. A N P M f ^ room set, mahogany,. tTjft, MI f u r n i s h e d room. Parking. Pri­ covered remr patio, near FOreat TEN ACRES cleared state road, of things as Washington’s "Roat-, I up and dallTery. Ice akatea aharp- IIMIBPlATr Notch Quarry. TaL MI i« t I 7 ■8-9181. venient ' Orchard Streep. Bargain ened, precition ground. L A M vate antrahee■nuwjice onoand anower,shower, busoua MANCHESTER— 4 bedroom home, at $14,500. Glenn Roberts A i^- St. Selling tor $18,900. CaU the R. '$3,500, Andover. Four Bolton lota ess with the Mostes'.’’ lias, nowl;newly rediicorated. Oentla- SO. WINDSOR (ifith water, Notch, $3,900. PI COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. I Equipment Corporation, Rouu tt, SORBBND LOAM for the beat in excellent cloeet and storage epace, ey. Realtors, Ml 4-1531’. , F. Dimock Cb'- MI 9-8345. Bar­ Indeed, the capital crowd is in man. MI $-$061. ^ bara, Woods, Ml 9-7793, Johanna .$;8090.. HOHmAT Tkni nUDAT IO:M AJI.—8 A T tr«D A t • A JL ' V a m ^ Conn. TR s-7(0t. Manchea- lawns from our screening plant large endooed porch. 3-car ga- ON HISTORIC a Uuy over Mn. Mesta’s So-called > ter ekcnahgc. Call Bntarpnaa IMS. G a ^ e Orlffing, Inc., PI 2-7888. LOOK W HAT-< $19,700.------'. PhUbriiilbrick...... Agency. i% ikiCRHS, Inunactdats 7 'too __ Evans, m 94WSS. triumphal return and the reports AMDOVe R—F uimithed room for Cblooial, 1 4 'baths, targe cabinet PORTER Street Section—Reaiden-. rant, C. H. Stiena, Routs 8, PI MAIN STREET tial lota, AA ton* city water and ed end to her toud with rival pojf PLEASE READ YOUR AO SHARPENING Service— Sawa, FLUORESCENT lights—Ten l-fodt 3299 B U Y S kitchen, exceHent bem , treba, only IV-SOUTH WINDSfMt- 8 room ty-glver Gwen Cafritz. S-Trft. CUSTOM BUXLIT 8 room Raw*, $l7,t00. Carlton W, Hutchins. MI McCarthy built aplit Isvel, finMi- sewer. Phone MI 3-4373. ______**WMt A l«” « • l«lw * Uw plion# m o eno- knive.i, axea, ahearii, ekatea 3-bulb'lights with louvers.. Solid 18 rooms, 4 fireplaces, 8-car Nothing, not even Mrs. Meata's latgt living room with Brepiace, 94083 ad rac ttwm with bar, 1 4 baths, m o Im o *. Th« odTMtlMr aliMUl twM hit th .lh t riR S T DAT »T rotaiy blades. Quick service. Capl- «MU.ir /M PBfBtJM B mahogany wall cases and ‘ shelv­ AT NORMAN’S garage. lot l38xM$, aluminum ISO' X 300’ (appraximafely) lot, inkiatance that ahe has never' left tol Equipment Co., S Main St., formal dhmig room, (amtty riaa $ twin siaed badroonu, waU to APPKAB8 hhd lUEPOKT BRROBS hi Mnw ftr Um MSt IhMr- 8 ing. , Dewey-Richman, 767 Main. ___80 ROOM, centrally lo­ combinations, oil hot water Birch Mountain Road Ext., Bol­ Washington and has not been Mancbester. Hours daily 7-8. i S o i M P / . kitchtn 3 bedrooms. IH baiha. fl$,00a-SPACIOUS 5 room Caps, wall carpeting included, one half ttM. Tht Hm «M It rw poo irtii* tar m O? ONE meorrMt «r FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ll. dall MI 9-6315. heat, t hatha, newly painted, ton MI 3-D40. (juarreiing with Mrs. Cafritz, Thursday 7-t. Saturday 7^, Ml WATER TYPE lawn roller, t post recroation room (oith flrapiaea, ?;laased' in porch, minutes’, walk acre lot, attaritod garage, aelling iM trtI f Mr u r ■orerttoeoMOt «»4 th«a tn l; to Hit « t « o t of m T H a s io rom achools and Center, extra lot low tax $408, near achools, bus daunts this in the least. 3-7958. jacks. Sump pump, never used. FOR RHBfr—Front room, centrally encloaed braawway. attaebad ga- for $31,500. Can the R. F. Dimodt JENSEN s t r e e t —Two A-tone m o A' 'jHtrUna. E m i t wMrh At Itttwi Mm ta iot t f PUMTOSJ optional. MI 9-4719. . .at door. Many, many axtras. As for Jackie, well, the ex-min­ MI 3-4l3i. M pc double dreaaar located.^ Parking. 59 58 Birch Street. * 'rage, laadecutod yard 91x198. Co., MI 941345. Barbara WcSk^ lota, 55x190 each, utllitiea, close ' M —I ht ttrru AiA hy •tatalw gtA " tottrllta r m M P M T bedroom enaembte Riquire ister to Luxembourg has as much BULLDOZER, truck shovel, .back- piosrr ANwwt Phone li ' 6 9 - ^ . . . Marion B. RMertaon. Raaltor. Ml MI 9-7703, Joitonna Evans, MI -to echool*. churches, and shopping hoe. drainage aeptic tanks, drain $-at6t. BOLTON — Large. 4 room ranch, 9-085$. right to change her mind about vuM H O f/'tm y beautifully landscaped,,., oversized center. Charles PonticelH Agency, fields and wells. George H. .Grif- TWO new aluminum Mnatlon 10 pc decorator cowrerttbie LARGE attract ire room next to people ss she has to change the c o j j p ftr r rr living room set garage, 4% mortgage may be MI 9-9644. Hng, Inc. Tel. PI 3-7888. iN »PB *n« w doors. MI B-8836. shower, free gentleman. Vn—Mancheatar, Spring St. area, spelling of her name, or her poli­ '“L ”SSSSJS;d" “ d i a l m i 3-2711 •LW.PINO/ M l 9-8854. assumed by ; quslQied buyer. 8 room GambolaU built randi, West Side Realty tics. SCREENED sand./Stcsto, gravel, 17 pc dinette EXCELLENT Hayes Agency, MI 3-4808. larga Uvlag room with (Ir^lace, Perle Meets M A M RUBBISH Removal - In­ \ ’ M I 9 - ^ 2 Resort Property For Sale 74 Now Ways dustrial. commarcial,. residential. loam, top BoU. eorge H. Orif- A'nRACnVB furnish^ bedroom, 3 big bedrooms, dining room, fing, Inc., Serening Plant, An­ MANCHESTER—4 room Cepe Vfiflt rmvwwTOV r Airw e heiress of the Skirvin hotel ment, and ever so many mors sf Manchester routes. Cleaning at­ All new—all guaranteed gentlifman, near Center. Ml .kitchen and dan, walk-out baaa- TOVra^Y LAKE^ beau^ I f^nUIy from Oklahoma yeas born tics, cellar.1. yards. Cardboard, dover. PI 2- “ BUYS aluminuto storms, screeAs snd ment, large beautifully wooded the miUing-around kind. ' ' Free delivery—Free lay-a.wair M647. ■ \ siding, ameslte drive, {parage and ^J^^*..*^***^:^* ; Republican and Pearl. But in later metal drums available. Reliable Instant Credit lot, seUing (or $31,900. Cau the THREE bedroom Oolonial for only Changing Scene TROUBLE REACHING OUR ADVERTISER? FOUR -ataiidard. cellar windows JUST $3,000 CASH DOWN— patio, living room with fireplace, M7.500. Another top value. Tiled lawii maintenance. MI 9-9787. NTCELY FURNISHED comer R. F. Dimqck Oo„ MI 9418W. avaiiaoie.avallable*Sdl t.aii kn°l897o""*”*^”*■m i s-wm. _____. manufacturer husband "'‘“'Winery George “t*’aahlngton always changes." and on^ large alqminum case­ room, tllB bath-shower, TV, pri- $172 a month, including taxes, S bedrooma, deh qr dining room, Barbara Woods, MI 9-7701^ Jo­ beth, neat new kitchen. Separate the Dolly Madison of the Truman BUSINESS M EN!! Metropolitan ment ;idindow. Reasonable. MI -vats home. M l $-7118. insurance. Lovely 8 bedroom work-aaving kitchen, oil hot watar hanna E-vana, MI 9-8801. dining room, <^n stairway, flre- CRYSTAL LAKE Waterfront — 3 **e«t» died, the widow decided to era say* about its society. "This M-Hoir Aiiwtriig StnriM Life Insurance offers Creditors In­ 3-SOl: NORMAN’S FACTORY 2 bath spotless, qtlit with huge heat, all city utiUtiea, solid value l^ace. Porch enclosed, garig$, bedroom coItG^G completely fur- i a distinct chan^ In her lift administration is very gay. but for $ , . Robert Wolverton surance, Sole Proprietors, Part­ ^ FURNITURE WAREHOUSE WANTED •— Gentleman to share family room, bne year old. 18 800 V m —Mancheatar. Two .family, 9-8 plenty'.y of trees...don’t find them nished. includes 18 fooi Flberglaa: *>y writing her checks In favor of I don’t think the change has been nership. Corporation, ■ Group Painting— Papering 21 { Help Wanted— Featale 36 H elp W a n ted — >HAld 36 TAKE NOTE single house at the Center with Agency. MI $-381$. duplex, eeparate oil heating aya- Ukete thiat h . tor $17,500 very often, boat. For Indlvidiial attention i i*>e Democratic party, and signing FrM it Htrali Rawlars with 4x8 box attached, J U ^ $8,800 CASH DOWN— too drastic. BIsenhower’a was very Health, Life, Weekly Indemnity. Forest cor. Pine, Manchester miMe;'age man. Ml 3-7383. tema, axcellent rental return, Vacant, too; T. J. Crockett, call B. A N. Agency, Janet M. i tkem Perle. warm and cordial." • Red” Farmer, Ml 3-2105, EXTERIOR and interior painting. WE HAVE immediate openings SALESMAN-MANAGER sell. Call MI 9-8595. Open dally 9-9, Sat. 9-8 $154 monthly. Including taxes, VERNON—Home and business good condition, centrally located, Realtoj^, MI $-1577. Bychoiaki, MI 9-5993, “ Roger M. Although Perle stuck to Oil* Paperhanging. Wallpaper books, j for females On light machine op-! ONE FURNISHED ROOM. <>U insurance. Nice duplex 8-8, 2- combination. 6 mom ranch near As for blonde Gwen (Mrs. Mor­ Want tatamtotlaa an aae af ear etoaalAed advartlaaneawr Ma MI 3-1628 ariling (or $17,900. Call the R. F. Negro, MI 3-9737. spelling, she switched her al­ LAWNS AND gardens cared for Wallpaper' removed. • Oeilinga, Arationa. both day (8-4:30) and for contact work. Credit CUSTOM MADE lined draw MI 94)601 Or inquira 138 Bissell esr garage. Is a good invest­ Vsmon Circle. Trmnendoua pob- $S$,'90tl(^And ona of ths better buys legiance to Richard Nixon during ris 1 Cafritz’ and her much ooh-ed antwar at «ha tetapkoaa hatedr Simply eaS, tba drapes for picture window, beau­ Dimock Co.. MI 9-S3a. B a m ,, about soirees. Mrs. Mesta betrays and Shrubbery trimmed. Ml Floors. Good clean workmanship, night (4:30-11) ahifta. Must he 18 tipn needs local man to Street. ment. alMlttles. Bus line. Tongren Agm Woods, MI 9-T703, Johatma to ToeriC. Multi-level split of eight the last Praaidential election. Dur­ 9-8533. Fully insured. Reasonable rates, qr over. Eiqperience not neces-' Business and Profeaalonal tiful shade o f , raspberry red, or, MI 8-8331* large rooms, tour bedtooma. not a tinge of jealousy. length 54", one or two pair. Rea­ 21" Sylvania TV, mahogany drop- $8,000 CASH DOWN — $147 Evans, MI 9-889$. Suburban For Sak 75 ing this heated' campaign wide MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE I.«o Pelletier, MI 9-6328 or M l. sary. Iona Manufacturing, Re-1 mile- radiua. If you hi film baths, two car garage and publicity was given to Mrs. Mes- “ Ch yee, we're friends. Thera STEPS. SIDEWALKS, stone walls, 9-5082. i gent Street, MI 3-3111. 1 Specialties Food Pli sonable. MI 4-1021. leaf table, cot with mattress, monthly, including taxes, in­ RANCH — 8 bedrooms, attached ona atorage room. Immaculate. HIGH ST.. COVENTRY — 4 bed­ never wa.* iLfeud In the first place M l 9-OSM Books, cheat of drawers, Tuco bed- AiNurtmento— Fl«t»— ta’s concern Uiat a young bouf­ fireplaces, flagstone terraces. surance buys this lovely 6-5, garage, screened porch, cloaed in Big lot, lovely setting, M id bri^. room C a ^ on 80x330 lot. Walk to fant-haired girt who sometimes as far as I'm concerned. That Work dona at reasonable prices. PAINTING AND paperhangtolg.' WOMAN to operate folding shirt ^ p J r ' m i * I BANNING JAM. <^lng p r ^ boards. M l 3-6538. Tencaieiits 63 completely redecorated interi­ yard. Owner. MI $-9806. and leave y e v aaeaaage. Tea'll hear troai ear ada irttaae la Jlf Only 5 Or 8 yeara old. T. J. stores, school, lake. 3-S777. went barelegged and enjoyed the was just so much newspaper Ml 3-0T96. Good clean workmans! High' or and exterior with ameelte Oockett. Realtor, MI 8-1677. Sinatra clan might take over the talk." Hma witheat apeadiag all evening at Hm tolepbana. Bonabla rates. 30 years in Man "ont and m u T t ^ T c a r . High' carriage. Drawing sVand. MI TWO ROOM, first floor apartment, drive, 2-car garage. Excellent HOIX2BTER STREET—5 bedroom COLONIAL P»y. Apply New System Laundry, Commission - Bonui arrangement I THREE PIECE aeit. White House. And the ex-minister to Lux­ Chester. Raymond Fiske. MI 44 Harrison St. advancen^nt 3-6476 after 8 p.m gas stove and electric refrigera­ investment. home,, large living room with din' MANCHESTER—$18,800. Ideal for (^portunlty. good for cottage. 9-9928. ing area, new heating system, 3- ...oharm dto|dayad in this six Farms For Sak 76 "Yee, I was worried," candidly embourg is still interested in di­ MASON STONE work, sidewalks, 9-9287. tor ’furnished. AduKs only. MI retlrad couple or newljrweda. plomacy. atepa, patiog. Call MI 9-5451. aw qualifled man. FARMALL TRACTOR, Model H, $4,800 CASH DOWN — Lovely ear garage, shaded lot, $17,900. room ovsraiied Cape CM hpmo admits the expensively dreesed P ctaon ala Automobiles For Sale 4 WOMAN to clean offic* Wednes- '^**'*31 Ooay cape with impraaalve living / "Every woman should be a EXTBRlOR-tNTBRIOR painting, day afternoon or Sundays. Write '^nte pox c /o Herald. push button starter, runs . like THREE PIECE walnut bedroom 4 apartments, 4 rooms each Philbrfck Agency, MI 9-8484. with attached breeaeway and matron with iron gray hair and ------new; 2 wheel tractor-rototiller; : set bronze dinette table and six . garage. Situated in the finest room, neat dining room or bed; diplomat in her everyday Me. In ■LBCTROU ni Salsa a M Sarviea. I960 floor sanding and reflnishtng vision orkera. Appiv Conn. S t a t e ------:— ------for 2 bedrooma up. See it today! mileage. 8525 cash. Take over 528-7287, insurance. unfinished, fireplace, recreation fully landscaped lot (130x310), FOR THE AVID NIMROD stM .was a little girt and ahe a«em- band, the people she shops Arana, Amau. M Hsary It TsL Ml Offered 13-A Clean workmanship. No job too SEWERS Wanted Immediately—I g ’’■g PP >' SALE-8x10 rreen wall teiit Call Mrs Lord, 528-8687, Mt everybody. pavmenta, 8850 balance. MI small. John Verfaille, Ml 9-5TM. Work at.at home doing simple sewsew- Main r OR^ "I'lo .^een. w wi tent room, garage, aweepiw viSwa, 1 4 this home offers a modem ad to me at the time to be *0 very Street, Manchester. with bug bar: also, portable ice G.E. ELECTRIC range, excellent FOUR ROOMS, second floor, heat­ acres, only $17,900. (torlton W. kitchen with built-in stove and 041306. TR 5-8811. Barrows A . "Some women are bora dip­ 9-5058. WASHER REFRIGERATOR re­ ing. We supply material* and’ Wallace, 96 B. Onter St, Man- young, much too young to handle PAINTING and wallpapering, wall­ pay shipping both ways. Good _Z- cheat. Both A-l condition. MI condition.. Call MI 9-3988, any- ed, individual thermostat newly Hutchins, MI 94)132. reirigerator, 13x3S Uving room, 90 scree of high eleveted lend euch a tremendous job. / lomats, but diplomacy can be ac­ pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, 9-0175. ! time. ]. D. REALTY (diestcr. MI 94)tot. AutomobilcB For Sale 4 { paper removed. Wallpi^r books rate of _pay^ Piece work. Ap-\y decorated. Woodland Street, fireplace, wall to wall carpet­ with 1,500 foot frontage, 9 room “But ehe’e matured, ^ e's grown quired. Sometimes you have to guaranteed. Phone MI 9-4637. Pot- Salesmen Wanted 36-.A I • adults Phone MI $-3171. AfUr t 470 MAIN ST. MI S-5.139 5-5 DUPLEX—Convenient to buses ing, formal dining room, $ apt- house, lerge beniB, end the be burned before you learn . . . . terton'a, 130 Center St. on request. Ceilings. Free estl- i ply. Dept. AD-344. Box 7010. Ade; MAHOGANY office desk: bov’a G.E. STOVE in excellent con*- MANCHESTER 'up practically oversight,’’ Mn. n e e d CAR? Tour credit turned^ Auto Accessori^i— Tires 6 matei. Call Roger. Ml 8-0931. -j laide Post Office, Toronto, On- AMBITIOUS MAN MI 8-$470. and center of town. $ bedrooms eioua bedrooma, 1 4 ceramic deer eome up to the front Maata adds, with a tone of izniaae- Oh my yea. I've been burned I.,arge New 20" bicvcl* with training wheels,’ tion, approximately 3 years old, MANCHESTER—Ranch, largo Bv down? abort on down payment? ------tario, Canada. , Vnrli rnmnvatinr, each tide, ceramic baths, amesite baths. In thla fine reaidenUal porch to eat the apples. Ex­ ment. "Being a First Lady Is many timea." , REWEAVING of bums, moth holea. ______York corpoiation has opening in TR 5-8659. fair price. Ml 9-9388 after 8:30. t$ WETHERELL. BT. — $ 4 rooms ing room, modemn kiteli< $ bsd- Large s. *F*rm'S*u*"for r amoug ror servic* ror ' FREE__ ESTIMATES._____. Prompt__ ^ terv- ‘ FIRST__.______CLASS TOOL___ MAKERS— ^____ SALESMAN ti—. interested r-.ii in real es and W. Middle Turnpike; 1 10 aa.m.-9 p.m. Saturdays aJ^I day. large treed lot, quiet street, mod­ ter 8 p.m., aj^ Ml 9-6737. Bree-Burn Realty. House there. Q—How do members of tjie S7tli tate. full time. Call Mr. Green, conatruction. Hayes Agency, MI old, 3 bedrooms, 1 4 baths, dining ^ k e . MI 9-8093. EARLY’S DRIVING School—<71 as7- 30 years. Phone Ml 9-4537. Potter- ice on all types' of electrical wir Top , Wages, all fringe benefits. I Meyers Piano, 91 Center Street, $ 4 ROOM apartment, furairiiad ern bath, copper toumbing. Must However, Washington is on har GonArress' compare in age twith ing. Licensed and insured. Wilson only experienced men need ap­ MI 9-8464. TWO ELGIN outboard motors — 3-4808. room, family room, bMutiful be sold. Inquira Watt Side Raal- NORTH END — With $8,000 (or WISH SOMEONE to handle yeui P resident-elect Kennedy? room and on-the-road inatructlon. ton’s. one 3 h.p. and one 12 h.p. Both Manchester. (Off street park|^ oy unfumiah^, oil heat, adults, mind now. And tee’s frankly pua- 1954 RAMBLER, station wagon. Electrical Co,, Manchester. MI piv. K F A D Manufacturing, modern kitchen, 1-car garage, ty, MI 9-4843, anytime. leas) you can assume the $13,000 reel astatsT Oali um at Ml SdSM A—The average coqgreaamaa Is Dual-controlled cars- For infor-, in excellent running condition. next to store). ressonable rent. New Bolton $13,600 ATTRACTIVE S badroom $38,900. Fhilbrick Agency, MI sled over the fanfare over her ao- $145; 1958 Oldsmobile. all power. AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol­ 9-4817. Glastonburv. ME 8-7376. 334 Charter Oak St. Ml 3-4497, i mortgage on thla neat ranch. 8sr proinpt and eoufteous servlee. esHed homecoming. 10 yeara older. mation call MI 9-8875'. I Call MI 9-1329. Road. MI $-8889. ' ranch, large kitchen, eecamlc 9-8484. HARTFORD ROAD —. ■ room 1 >ree bedrooms, full basem ent... $435. Wescott’a, Parker St., MI ster 3 piece living room set; sofa Help Wanted— bath, 3 {deture windows, collar, Joe^ Berta, Bfokai. "I've, never been aWey really. 9-3933. BARBER, wonderful opportunity. | ranch, a deluge home for only eli the trimmings. Combina- Q—Do liidians receive pubHe an- LARSON'S—Connecticut's hrat B-i and 2 chaira $145. Choose from Male or Female 37 1958 30 H.P. Mercury outboard Antiques MANCHESTER—New two (amUy, 1S4' frontage, trees. Carlton W. VERNON —8 room Ciqie. Estab­ Oh, I've been oqt of ^Waahtaigton, group of fine fabric*. Work done Bonds— Stocka Pay $15 weekly for chair, like' $18,800. Joeeito Berth, Broker, tiona, amesite, etc. Asking $15,900 CASH for your home, land, equip­ sistnnee under the* Social Security 1980 CHEVROLET Impala, white r.enaed driving school trained— ' motor, good condition, plug con­ $ rooms, first floor, $125. Call Hutchins. MI 94083. lished neighborhood. Fireplace., but I’ve been. in, too.- I haven’t, Certified and approved is now of­ by expert craftsmen on our prem­ Mortgages 31 being in busines.* for yourself. Ap­ HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Eng­ evenings, 248-0282, MI 9-0330. ...G ood buy here. *T. J. O o ck ­ ment, merchen’dise Hquidatioo, A ct? ■ with red Interior, fully equipped. ply between 4-6 p.m., 113 Main trol box and cable* Only $250. GREEN velvet Vietbrian love- . Amesite drive. Vacant. Tongren ett. Realtor, MI 3-1577. anything of value. F(Dr quick ac­ dmie much entertaining during the fering classroom snd behind ises. All work fullv guaranteed. lish, Secretarial subjects, Green- MANCHESTER—3 family 5-5, bus past eix months but I haven't had A;—Yee. Call after 8 p.m. MI 9-7185. St". After 7 call PI 2-7816, aeat good condltioii, reasonable. ANDOVER CENTER — $-room Agency, MI 3^21. VERNON — Immaculate $ room tion call American Auction Oi>., wheel instruction for teen-agers. 1 Mill Fabric Salesrciom, 175 Pine CASH A V A IL A B ^ . If yoi) have port. L.I., High School Salary line, city water and sewer. Ton aqy place to entertain in. You real estate equity, cal1/Ua for Call MI 9-9641.^ ^lartment tor rent. fumMied or ranch, 3 years old, paneled liv­ OPEN FOR INSPECTION MI 8-8847. Q—^In muoic what la a keynote? 1955 PLYMOUTH, standard. 8 cy ­ MI 9-8075. St., exclusive Cheney Fabric $4.8ri0-$8,600. Apply R. Neidicli. 14-FOOT Penn Yan with 10 h.p. gren Agency, MI $-8331. ANDCVER —5 4 room Cape, 10 ing room witti fireplace, dining Caii’t do oval- an apartment, in a salearoom. in Manchester. MI funds. $2000 requires only $44.50 Sup. Prin., Greenport, N.Y. Mercurv motor and trailer. 122 unfurnished. MI 3-7541. acres. Barn. Vacant Ihccellent Sunday 2-6 P.M. A —The first note o f the aealo. linder, good running condition. MORTLDCK’S Driving School—Of­ per month, including/repayment. BIRCH MOUNTAIN Road, Bolton room, Utchm with buUt-iB oven Mw days." M l 9-1853. 3-7322. Budget terms arranged. I ASSIST.ANT BUILDING ------...- . ...------I 3'treet. MI 9-3501. spot for growing family. Tongren fice. 443 Mam St , Manchester. Frank Burke, 348-M97 days, or AVAILABLE AUGUST l^-S rooms —7 room cuatom built ranch, and range, 8 bedroome. emple B ZONE LOT wanted. Oali MI Having sold the famous old house Q—Wbat was the name of itte Agency, MI 8-6831. closet M>sce, beecmetit gerege, 118 Chambers Street 9-4391. where politicking was as pertinent 1958 KARMANN Gia. radio, lug- Learning correctly ’’May Save HAROLD tt SON Rubbish Rem ov-' 529-5533 evenings. INSPECTOR (SANITARY) Situations Wanted- FOR SALE — 5 h.p. Wizard out- erald Advs. on first floor, 4 rooms bn second modern kitchen, one toll bath, S magic semrd wMch Bt. Gterge slew floor, automatic hot water fur­ eluminum storms, oil beeeboerd Manchester ad her parties as on Capitol HUI, gage rack, one owner, 88 Bran­ Your Life, ” Driver education ■! Cellars, attics, yards, and Female 3 8 1 board motor Good condition, MI;;^’ half .baths, family room 30x23, 3- BOLTON—$18,500. 5 room Cape. 22 the dragon? SECOND m o r t g a g e s available. FOR TOW'N OF beet, lerge wooded lot, -yery does - $15,500 Mrs. Meats had carpenters knock ford St., Manchester. classes. Member Connecticut Pro­ weekly pick-up or barrels. -----9-4695, nished, cloae to bus and ahop- car garage, large lot with trees, foot living room, fireplace, alum­ A —Ascalpn (iKimetimee siieUed Harold Hoar, Ml 9-4084. { (Consolidate yoiir obligations into, SOUTH WINDSOR I^ng. No children. MI $-7094. $33,500. Phllbrick >gency, MI to scImmms, sbopplng, churches the walls out of four apartments fessional Driving Scb(x>l Assn. MI inum aiding, igarage, acre lot, Dtractiom': E. Middle Tpke. to Legul Noticta Askelon)* excellent eondi- 9-7398. one monthly payment. W* are In WOUIJ5 LIKE TYPING to do at FOR SAI.E OR TRADE — JB-foot 9-8484. end bus, cito weter. Immediete to* make one huge, circular oue. 19U RENAULT, LOVELY sseend floor 9 room treee. Carltiin W. HutchUia, MI Broad, north on Broad to Cham' tioa, low mileai ;e. Call between RUBBISH removal, incinerator a position to loan any amount on SALARY RANGE: home. Ml 9-98.33 boat and trailer, $100, Wisconsin 9-5183. oeeupency. raced right. Excel­ AT A COURT. OF PROBATE h«ld This was painted beige and white I^W hat are the six true graiB apartment in excellent reaiden- lent finenqtog. Jerry Fey Agen­ bera. Signs, ’- Pole? ABOVE MINIMUM RATE Write Box F, c/o Manchester WATCTANDjewelry repairing at HOME HEATING front shaded lot. Alumtnum ticularly described in said appileattan can entertain 35 to 30 aitdown A—On December 14, 191L ' condition, $225. MI 3-1770 from Connecticuf^i largest. Auto­ no rent pn main thorbughfare. plastered. waUs, aelling at bank name ’ your - terms. Beachlar- on tile, it i* Building— Contracting 14 Herald. reasonable prices, .prompt s«, THREE ROOM ^mrtment. Cen­ House has tour rooms and bath screens and storm windows. guests at a time in Iter new apart- matic and standard shift, dual Call Hartford JA 5-2103. Additional benefits include ^^aiaal, $81,000. FMlbrick Agen­ down, four rooms plus up. SmlUi, R ealton, MI 9-990, MI ORDERED:—Thai the foregoing ap-. ice, 2 watchmakers', Manchester- SURVEY tral East Hartford business Very convenient to school, bus ptlCallon be heard and determined at Q—Why dose an Egyptian apeak 1957 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, Belve­ controlled, fully insured, pick-up ri? *\ frv r Paid V'acation, Holidays, Sick cy, MI 9-8484. New heating system. Neete 8-6969. dere, 8 cylinder, push button au­ service. Older and nervous stm remodeling, ter's oldest established jeweler. block. Second floor., Unheated. and ahopptog. the Probate office In Manchester Id o t :‘‘golBg up" when ha is going aiming, cement floor*: also, I Leave, Social SecuriW, Group Dogs— ^Birds— Pets 41 F E. Bray. 737 Main 8t„ Btata ParUiig. Adults. $40. M l 9<308. redecorating. ROLUNG FARX — 9 room C ^ . said Diatrict. on the 2nd day of .Au­ tomatic transmission, good condi­ dents our specialty. Pay as you Help Wanted— Female 35 PORTER St.—L u g e otoonlal home, If it's for sale—call Gale. gust. A.D. 1*82. at eleven o’clock in Legal Notice South? listhrooms tiled. Cali MI 9-4291 Life. Insurance. Blue Croea and Theater Building. Call Harry Van Camp Located at 480 Vernon Street. convahient to Buckley School, 8 tke forenoon, and. that notice be gtren tion. reasonable. ^ 9-7245. go. take only the number of lea- CMS. The man we are looking PROFESSIONAL clipping, groom THREE BEDROOM dui^ax on 6 bedrooma, 34 Mtha, 3-oar gn- Now vacant, A—To go "up" in Egypt is to DICTAPHONE tranacriptlopiat, ex- bedrooma, 1 4 baths, dining room, DONALD S. GALE REALTY to all persona Interested in M id es­ AT A (X)URT OF PROBATE held go south, because going up megita son* needed. Call for free booklet for must have considerable : ing, bathing, all breeds. Poodles a ' Lska St., $86 monthly, appliances raga, large landscaped yard. tate of the pendency of M id appliea- Gt Hmncb^itFr. within and for tho Di»- 1955 (CHEVROLET, 2^oor Hard­ r; ; ri' perlenced, for permanent position living room with paneled fire­ CO., REALTORS following the course ^ the NUa MI 3-8552 Roofing— Silling 16 with East Hartford , manufactur­ knowledge of the construction I specialty. The Poodle Salon, Household Go4)ds 51 furnished. MI $9139. Shown by appointmant. Msrion E. OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 Uon and the lime and place ot heari trict of Manchoot^r. on the 19th day of top. 4 way powered, very clean. j MI 9-9798 or Ml 9-0500. ______Robertson,. Realtof. Ml $<9M. place well, buitt-ins, end extra Inc thereon, by publishing a copy ot July. 1993 River upstream. $395; 1955’ Ford station wagon. 1------ing company, electric typewriter, ’ and installation of aeptic tank atorage space. Rear entrance re­ Multiple Listing Service this order in eome newspaper having Proaont Hoo. John J. Wallett, Judso. A. A DION. INC, V systems. If you have at least MODERN 8 room untorniehed a circulatiiHi in M id district, at least Birtatr of Louloo / T. wUton. Into 8-passenger, automatic shift, good I 40-hour week, small office liber­ :Bb'ARDm 6^"G'r(X>l.n;rg”GI^^ ^ .^ 001® BOLTON—6 room ranch, acre cently encloaed. Owner, MI 398-0818 Q—How long oan seals remain painting. Carpentry. Afteratlons al benefits.. Call 289-2717. Noble tt ' five, years’ experience In build­ apartment, second floor, beat, hot seven days before the day of aald of Manchoatm*, hi Mid IMiitrtct. do- condition. $496‘ Tim Moriarri’ t Garage— Service— Storage 10 and addition*. Ceiling*. Workman; your dog a country vacation. MI water tornlshe^ $110. MI 9-4286. wooded lot plastered walls: T. J. Crockett 9-8881. bearing, to appear if they aee cause caaaod. -v. under water.? Flying A Service: 810 Hartford rrm —— ------:::------Weatbrook Manufacturing (^ . ing construction arid some ex- 3-6427 ceramic bath, garage, tool shed, Bve. and Sundays ^ 1-4371 at M id time and ptam and . ^bv heard *nif adminUtrairiz ^ v i n c ozhibUfsl ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. Roberts Ml 9-7590, 524-0154. Realtor 4T b«r admlniatratlon account with Mid A —Ten--to SO mlnutpe. K o tii GARAGE FOR RENTt 148 Cooper perierice 'with the construction, assume 44% mortgage. Hayes RURAL SETTING —On one-half 53$-4418 — 347-8780 — 538-8380 rclallTC thereto, and make .return to Ml 3-4860. inspection or supervision of FIRST FLOO^ 4 rooma. One thie couil. I Mtate to thla Court for allowancr. it Hill Street. Good for car or stor­ GERMAN SHEPHERD, black and room. Call MI 8-8367 between 6-7 Agency, MI 3-4803. MI 3-1577 acre W with beentitol tiroes. 8 JOHN J. WAI4 .ETT. Judge. la age, $7. Glastonbur>’ 833-9057. R.N OR L.P.N. full Or part-time. septic tank installation* you FOR SALE- Sectional sofa, good S3« N. MAIN ST.— MI $-525$ bedroom Colonial, large living HOLLISTER ST. — Beauty of a Q—Who is the patron aalBt af BID WELL HOME ■ Improvement brown, one year old. G(x>d with condition. Paid $300, moving — p.m. ORDERED Ihnt the 3rd day of Au- Venon Haven, TR 5--2077. may qualify. children. MI 9-6489. i $3,100 ASSUMES mortgage, 8 room room with (Irepbuie, aunporch, I 4 colpiiial.. .standard 8 rooms with AT A COURT OF PROBATE held guM. 1982.’ at eleven o’clock, fore­ England 7 Company—all types of siding and will sell for $85 Cal] MI 3-7382. at Mancheiter, within and for the Dis­ noon. at the Probate Office in the A —St. George. Culetias For Comfort FIVE ROOMS, first floor, centrsl, ranch, garage, basement, near MANCHESTER — Ranch. 8 Mg baths, 3-csr' garage, oil heat, 15 141 bMhs luid garage.' AND, this roofing, Aluminum clapboardk a'TOYS TOYS! TOYS! Immediate' Application forma and addi­ trict of Manchesler. on the l*th day Municipal Building in Mid Manches­ good location, adults preferred, bus, M5,500.,.Carlton W. Hutchins, room s include 8 bedrooms, dining minutes drive from Manchester, hOiM hes aluminum aiding, fire- of July. 1*62, . . ter. be and the aame la anigned for Colorful Trims! iqiecialty. Unexcelled workman openings to earn $70-$100 weekly, I tional Information obtainable . CATS ONLY boarded. Fenroa Cat­ Preaent Hoo. John J. Wallett. Judge. a nearing on the allowance of Mid ship. .Vti 9-6495. M30. MI 9-7137. MI 0-5f$3. room, living room with fireidace, priced under $30,000 for immedi- p i ^ , lot with plenty of trees, full or part-time displaying; from the Town Manager, tery, TR 5-913t. ata sale. MI 9-3S75. AND a very realistic price. Own­ Estate "o f Frank Rinaldi, late ,of administration account with amid ea- Royal’s fabulous line of toys- and stepeaver kitchen, oil hot Manchesler. In M id District, deceassd. tate, ascertainment of heir* and or­ Toivn Hall. South Windsor, or MANCHESTER—7 room split level, water heat, aluminum atorm* and ers m oriu, must sell Let's look The administratrix having exhibits der of diatrilMition and thia Court di- jewelry-cosmeticg and houseware ! State Personnel Department, FREE - Cute tiger kitten to good VERNON—Five room ranch, large Roofing and Chimneya 16-Aj 1 4 hath*, rec room, garage, cov­ screens, garage. Built 1954. it over. ‘T. J. Oockrtt, Realtor, her administration account with Mid recti .that notice ot the time and place items. Applications now being ac-: State Office Building. Hart­ home, 8 weeka old female. Ml MANCHESTER Funiiahed Apartments 63>A ered patio, half acre of jparklike lot, shade treee. more in before estate to this Court for allowance, tt aarisned for Mid hearing be given to $18,900 Robert Wolverton Agency, Ml 3-1577. alt' person* known to be iniereated WHEE! WATER’S ROOFING—Specialising repairing cepted for dealers *od two mana-' ford, or any office of the Con­ 4-1857. grounds. Hayes Agency, Ml 8-4803. school starts, attached breese- 1 TWO ROOM furnished or unfur­ MI 9-2813. '" o r d e r e d that the *th day of Au­ therein to appear and be heard there­ roote of all kinds, new roofs gut-1 gers. MI 3-5247. ! necticut State Employment 18 ENSIGN ST. wey, garage, completod rec 15 VICTORIA RD. — 7 room Colo­ gust 1982. at ten o’clock, forenoon, on by publlabing a copy of thi* order nished apartment, bath, heat hot OLD COLONIAL—Beautifully re­ in some newapaperlbaving a circula- ffOT~-jffOT,.,AND ter work, chimneys cleaned ra-' Service. The last daft for fil­ VERNON—Delightful 8 room Cape room, nicely decorsM. Qtoct nial, 78-foot frontage, 1 4 bathe, at tha Probate Office In the Munt^ TWO blond fluffy kittens to be wM«r. Apply Marlow’s. 887 Main. stored 4 bedrooma, 16 muiutes street, excellent neighborhood. hot water oil heat, convenient pal Building In Mid Mancheiter be «0n In Mid Diatrict,. at least seven paired AJuminum siding » ,L P N —NIGHT duly, part-Ume. Call ing application* is August 7. 5-Room Cap* Cod hcu.-^e in quiet neighborhood. in better than brand new condition. and the name in aasigned for a hear­ davs before the dmyAit m M heariiu, given away. MI 3-6919. from Manchester, large modern Joseph Lombardo, MI 9-9845. locsuion, owner, $16,990. MI THERE’S A LOTI years experience. Free estimates. MI 9-2358. 3 full hatha. Price $18,508. Made­ ing on the allowance of aald adminis------and bv matling------on or before July 20. Call Howley, Ml 3-5361. MI 3-0783 Oil hot water heat. Attractively priced. family aUe kitchen with huge line Smith, Realtor, MI 9-1843. 3-7443. (ration account with Mid oatate aa- ji*] hv certifiedlifted mall, a copy of this BEAGLE—Black with white. 11 rustic (ieldatone fireplaiib, 1 4 REDUCED — ’ Transferred' owner cerUInment of heirs and order of die-1 order to Ethel C. Duncan. S Little 8l SERVICE STATION manager with month* old, good with children. Biisin«M Loeatioiw must seU this modern ranch, 5 tribution, and this Court dIrecta that i n*ncheeter. Conn.; WlIHam D. WII- O P E N H O U S E bathe, 3-zone heat, patio, 3-car MANCHESTER — Ypurs before TWO FAMILY house to setUe es­ nollce at the time and place aasigned *on. 30 Cole «t.. Msnche»ier. ^ n . : Now! For ody 'TV ic RN-'NIGHT DUTY, part-time. Call experience, excellent pay. fringe Free. MI 3-7526. Fm* R en t 64 rooms, basement rec room and KdOlO-1 T Kepair serv.ces -8 p.2358. benefit*. Apply Fitzgerald An- garage, ideal location tor horses, school starts. A five room ranch tate. Inquire 58 North Street for Mid hearing be ftv^n to all per- Ruby Wi Haaen. Tumblebrook Drive, “TT $26,500. Phllbrick Agency, MI on nicely shaded fenced in lot, laundiy romn. 1 4 baths, high as- aons knosni to be Interested therein to Venion, Oonn. _ _ _ _ day for fuel...lio( wiUer ----- I nex. TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1 to 3:30 P.M. week of July 33...... JOHN J. WALI.ETT, Judge. Route 83, 'Talcottville. STORAGE AREA,, or suiUble'for 9-8484. low down payment with mini; sumaMe mortgage. beautiful appear and be heard thereon by pub- TV SERVICE--A11 makes Honest, BOOKKEEPER experienced^ for ----- Article* For Sale 45 small business. C u l MI 8-3457, '9-0 il(ilting a copy, of this order in aome Economical High quality parts full-time work in private home or MACHINISTS~ WANTED for e.\- mum upkeep. Joseph Lombardo, grounds, rare opportunity. Cali BOLTON CENTER -T- Eight room newspaiper having a rlrrulatlon In Mid for all— an the tiaiel only. STARKWEATHER ST. — E xo^ Guaranteed 90 days. Famou* for panding *hop presently located in IXiAM SALE—$14 load only $12.50. MI 9-9345. today — Beechler-Smitb, Real- house settled among some big DUtrfot______leant aeven daya before in store for active pharmacy.: 249-1611 Uonal older heune, 8 rooms, mod­ the day of M id hearing and ‘bv mall- 2810-H service since 1981., Phon« MI South Windsor but moving t o ' Aluo gravel, fill, ton , MI 9-9953, MI 8-9990. treee. This is a home that HAS 1992. by cer- Plca»c contact at once. P. O. Box stone and white Real Eetate Dept. Ext: 522 MAIN IpKEET office, ground ernized, $14,500. Joseidi Barth, $18,500 — Falrty priced' 5 room ihx on or bMore Juty 10, t** NOTICE V yea Inre in b ^tpieal booisi*' 9-4537 Potterton's, 190 Center St. j 206. Manchester, Comi. larger plant in Manchester. Ap-1 sand. MI 8-8603 floor, iwal (or insurance, ac- TO BE 8EE34 to be appreciated. lined mall, a copy of this order to 80S Main St. Htfd. Mr. Bentley Broker, MI 94)320. home in the beat of condition. SOUTH WlNDdOR—On Pin* Tree Johanna M. Rinaldi. W Djirkln 8t.. BOLTON ZONING BOARD you could easily run eat of hot pi'.’ ■ Mteo Specialties, 25.3 Chspel etonam. real estate, etc. Call Lehe, neat 9 room randi, car­ Roams are not too large, tut ade­ Manchester. Conn., IndlvlduAlly and M water several times a week. ANTS^NAES—All typea, expertly t h INK! Aimo*t one-half of a n , 19x19 family room, dining room quate. All on one floor. Two fire- installed, rotor system* a apecial-, R d„ South Windsor. 289-1402. TOILAND — Clean' country liv­ combination with mahy extras port, hot water heat full boas guardian ad litem for pt*” * k- 5(®a!" OF APPEALS Afoic you can have all, tke hot Avon Representative’* business ing. New 5 room ranch, $11,990. tooces. porch, full basement, at­ di Ma«garet Ann Rinaldi and Frank irtie Zoning Board of Appeal* of.- ty. Call MI 3-2587 for free estl-' come* during the Christma* sell- i STORft #eit RiafT. 1.000 sq. tt.. and buiit-lns. Only one Mock to '■ ment, etorma. exeelleiit jrarA EdWard Rinaldi, minor*:-Joaephine M. water you need at one,time fat Th($ ConnoeHeut Bank Cape, $13,390. Joseph Barth, Wonderful for young family. tic TWo car garage plus barn In Coccomo. 142 Bingham St.. New Brit­ th^ Town of Bolton will hold a I mates. ing Reason starting in Septem­ CARPENTERS WANTED {denty of parking, corner Adams bus. and ah;K^thg. Beechler- rear. About an acre, all land­ only 9 }^ * m day. 'Think o f K— Broker, MI 9-0930. ______s Smith, Realtors,m , MI 9-8952, MI Price $16,400. FHA or VA fi­ ain Conn: Marie T. CdHIer. 88 Dur­ public hearing in the auditorium | ber. If you start now you w ill! AND TRUST COMPANY and Hiniazd. sttoable for -many scaped beautifully. T. J. Crock­ kin St.. Banebsater, •nly a day! TEIKVISION antennas and rotor' JUNIOR Apply e« Job, $3$ Mala Street, 3-9969. nancing available. G{enn Rob­ JOHN J. . WALLETT. Judge. of the Town Hail. Thursday. Aug. system* installed ar,d repaired. have a valuable customer* list and ' nuiposes. MI 9-0394. erta Agency, Raaltore, MI 4-U31. ett, Realtor, MI 3-1677. a, 1962 at 8 p.m. to hear and act Yes, thanks to MohilhsBt'” Serving Manchester and surround­ the experience needed to service , or 72 Maple Street, 'or eaH Jeha upon the following appeals: and anthl-fired hot water hrotar the ever-increaaing demand for CSkCA, 1750 Oolanial — 8 rooms, ing areas. Modem T\' Service. 405 ACCOUNTANT R. Weanergren Oe., M l S-$S0S, STORE, 346 N. Mkin St., good completely rtnovisUi, new pias­ SOUTH WINbSOTt — $ 4 «t»ni No. $02— HUjtop Motors Inc., own­ o f correct capacity—year family Center St., Ml $-3905 our products. Oill today. er Anthony and Crescent can lake care o f si/tfa te washing after • pjn; spot tor anirthlng. M I-941389, 9<. BOLTON ter, wirlM, toriMoa, plumbing. 8 ranch, lot 100x300, oil hot water OPEN HOUSE NOTICE 289-4922. Goon potential for recent grad­ heat, half block to achools. and Decianti* and agent at­ needs at one time. CONNIES TV and Radio Service, bAtiu. dinwaahar, fflspoaal, latch SUNDAY, JULY 22 - uate Or other newcomer to the doon, 18 acres, pond. Cartten W. ahopping, 10 mUee to Hartford. ZONING BOARD _ torney John F. Shea Jr^ Mom van do the tamily Hash. Available all hour*. ’ Satisfaction ^pularity. reqiiext approval ,of loca­ Pilgrim M'lls is e.'itending shop­ accounting field. If you're CEOTER Hutchins, MI 9 ^ 8 8 . Assumable high mortgage, $ 4 ^ - OF APPEALS . SiS can do the dishre at tkeaaiaa guaianteed. Call Ml 9-1315. short on experience and long Houses For Rent 65 ^ 2 TILL DARK tion for conducting a li­ ping hours from 10 a.m. . 9 p.m. BOLTON Buy direct and save. Owner. MI Vnriancea-excepJtlon granted time Junior takes his bath, and on ability and have the drive Attractive 3-bedroom ranch, 4-0068. censed new and used car starting August. More sales NEW 3 bedroom ranch, stone (ire- VERNON—Young 54 room ranch 191 Porter Street — 8 room Ook>- Lela Tybur, nursery adieBI ex­ you enjoy a shower, j help -wanted, full or part-time. and thoroughness needed to extra closets, 14x30 U -v^ on beautifully landscaped , lot nial, 8 bedrooms, 8 baths, tension. 118 Proepect St. sales and a limited car Movinir— Truckini;— EXCELLENT CONDITION '^ace, knotty pine kitchen. gk> repair business at for­ Don’tdelay—phote UBtoday. Apply Manager. Pilgrim Mills, move up with a top concern, ^ rrol ' buy tat the k>w price room with fireplace, bookcaae, with trees overiOoWng the val­ b r i c k CAPE.— Solid brick cepe $U,900: . Ernret Scranton, used ter M- Storaxc 20 let u* hear from you. Send rage, aert lot, (umishAd or un- shetvea, carpeting. Interier re­ (olth abed dormer.* Buflt in i t il. mer Ansaldl Feed Store i Find out how easy it is to switch Cheney Hall, Hartford Rd., n(x>n range, 4 rooms, inehidtaig 2 bed­ *15,800 tomiahed, lease, Andover Lake. ley tastetoUy deco(rated with at­ cense. extentlon,' 179 ToUand Tpke. till 9 p.m. your detailed resume to Box E, rooms, fall haaement, deep lot cently radecqrated. Lot hM tained garage. Joaeph Lombar­ One room , unfinished to>- Boae- 8 Parker Street — 6 room Raiudi Murray Schwartg, sign exten­ on Rt. 44-A between Wll-1 to a Mobiliieat-find watar hast* MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ PI 3-7584 or 637-8318. liama Road and Fiano’s: ing Company. Local and long dis­ Herald. . with tree*, garage, Odontal de­ 1. R Fii\ished Rooms shade trees with nice view. do. MI 9-9345. ment garage, beautiful aetting. with garage, $18,900. sion, 105 Main St. cor. Neat ae a pta. Priced at $13,700. * . Thia home hoe all the extroa, Sherwood Hill. aideUne vari­ Restaurant. This is a i tance moving, packing and stor­ 2. 4 Bedrooms Alao, other properties sind 8 fam ­ general business xone.; SECURITY PART-TIME sen’lce atatlon. Few oni.T $13.$$$ with low down pay­ DUPLEX — $4, very good eondi* very clean. Owner transferred. ance. 30 Pine HIU St. age. Regular service throughout Soinnier HMnes For Rent 67 T. J. Oockett, Realtor, in 8-1677. ily homes may be seen. ' Plot plan is on file. | 8298 New England states and Florida. evenings and weekends. Expert-' ment and low monthly reat. OaB $. Large Mtidem Kitchen tion. S bedrooma .each aide, sep­ Alice Lamenzo. nuraeryl ateooi Ml 3-8563. RECEPTIONISTS ence preferred. Over 18. MI COVENTRY LAKE-Lakeside cot­ arate oU twrnen, ahimieum •Kteiiaion, 19 Jean Road. | N«. 899—George Negro tor ap-i (or year sppointmeat now. Paul Piano Agency SOUTH WINDSOR — $ 4 room John PonticeUi A Son, Buildera l2V$-38Vk These charming, versatile motifs 4-8910.______^ 4. Modern Bath tages—a few open dates. Call MI atorm windows. Ooriier lot. Cm -' Xriiold Neiaon. pony ring varl- (, proval ot location tor| .MANCHMTBR~Package Deliveir. Women — earn money in your venient to shopping, buses, end ranch, '88x84, attaebad ; garage conducting a( retail gaao- i I Ideal for aU your chore*, indoors I J " .5 colorful trim (combining em- spare time. We now have open­ $d980. ______1 0 8 -0 4 5 8 I MI 2-9616 MI 8-6578 ance. 737 Lydali St. f «nd out. And created expressly for j broiderv with piece* of fabric, bia*- Ught trucking and package deliv­ Bee sure to see thie raised ranch 5. Oil Hot Water Baseboard Radiation Verplank School. (Jail’ Owner, with patio, oil bat water heat, John Hanley, sideline variance, ' line Station »nd general i ings for security recf^plioniats GIANT'S NECK Haighta—4 room MI 8-8887. fireplace, air ceoditiaaer, built-in auto repair business oh a the shortfr, fuller Figure. Twin tape snd ric-facr use them on tot’s ery. Refrigerators, waahera and with d rooms, 2 baths, foil base­ R. J. WROBELSKI, Broker 32 Diane Drive. w n A IV E stove moving . specialty. Folding in the Manchester area. 4, 6. 6. All Rooms Redecorated , ipodem cottage, heat hot water, oven and range, large corner high lot south of the Bolton ■ pockets are handv. clothes, aprons, guest towels, ment and 2-rar garage. The MANCMESTBR—4 bedroom Itog- M I 3-2573 John March, Beatrice Lipp. and panels, etc.! chairs for rent. MI 9-075‘i. and 8 hour shifts. Uniforms SEPTIC TANKS utensils, sleeps 7. $70 per week. NO BASEMENT, country 7-room lot. toxea $399.45. Muet aeU. to- D ^ry on Rt. 85. This iaj eitEEN STAMPS No. 82$$ with PATT-O-RA-MA .-furnished, pleasant working Idtehen hirlade* ballt-to oven 7. One Aere Of Land liah Colonial, axcJlient locatlen, Ruth Hitchcock, lot frontage and Pattern No. 2810-H has hot-iron AND Mrs. Carter. Pi 3-8143. house, new . forced hot air fur­ qulre Weet Side Realty, MI 9-4843, a gensral business zone.; to In sizes 12>*-, I4i*. 16’*, I8’i. ronditions. — Must have trane- and mage: living rbem has flre- good condition, rae room, .14 VERNON, $17,900—Colonial Ranch area, variancee; 848 and 854 Hille- transfer for 13 motifs of various THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. j nace, iqiriito fed weU, aluminum anytime.*' Plot plan is on file. i aotk. 314. 2 4 4 . 2 $ 4 . Bust 33 to poi-tation and ,be U.8. citizen. ptoce of eoarse. Hall and' etalr $. Immediate Occupancy baths, (oyer, fireplace, air condi- '■...Large living room with’ firfc- towii Rd. sizes: color chart; full directional Moving, \packing. storage, local : u i o B ' CHAFFEE — Lakefront. storm wlh(Iowa and doors, light­ 158 Main S:t. Cote., addition to Intersoted' persons may appear Apply in person. Room 104, PLUGOED SEWERS earpettng stay alao.' Issmedtote Uened Uving room, MiiR-to ga­ MANCHESTER-Beautiful 9 room plaea and buul-in bookcaaea. 8 47, 8iza’ 1 4 4 ’ 35 bust. 4 4 .yards for appliq'uf and enlbroidery. ! and long distance. Agent* (or 9. YA, FHA Or ConTenlional 'Financing Available hleeps $,• modern, conventoncee, ning rods, larga barn, plenty Itellding exception. 158 Main )L sad te heanl at this 'meeting or J5 Lewis Street., -Hartford, or ocmpaiie,v, .Mortgage ma.v he raga Storms apd screens, waU euetom built wUt level. FeoturofS bedtooma. Family site kltcdien 6 Of S5-4^h.______"To order, send 36c in coins to; I Lyons \wn Line*, Inc., world-wide t August !$-». $M. «Vt.,|B0 wa*k- abade treba, 3-car garage. Spring *1%e above ’Will te effective Jo^ Submit written' communlcaUona, MORIAITY To'^Pder, 'send S5c in cpins to; | j ^ ° Cabot The .Manc*heste ™Eve-K Free estlmatea. Ml 8-5187. call 247-83.50 between • 9 a.no. MaehiRt CIm r d A aosnW d. Priced at $22,5A0. Va­ 10. Only $1100 Needed For Down Payment and ly; M l 941710. ' ______landaesqwd lot, full price, $84,900. HUl Rd., Storra, $8,500. Box 77A, include hot water oil heat. Adi' with abundant Fine cabinets, for­ BOLTON ZONING Call the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, as, 1968. and 5 p.m. Monday thro’jgh septia ‘taakii. Dry Wellsl Sevrar cant, eaq be shown aaylhme. RFD IJ Storra, Omn., or call HA plaster bouse, 14 baths, picture mica counters.\^Screened porch. BOARD OF APPEALS » M (Thr ^ i ^ e e t e r j ^mg Herald. 1130 AVF.. OF AMER^ , Closing Costs Realton. MI 3-9990, MI 94514. Attached garage.^Quality through­ Notice filed in oftfee e< T m Btorald). 1150 Ave. of : icA S .' NEW YORK . N. V. '‘ .Saturday..’ ’ - Unee liiiitalled—^ l l a r Wator- $-4058 after 5 Ip.m. weekdaya, tomk Uteben, formal diningroom, - Julius gtrong. BROTHEK 86 Paint inx— Papering 21 out. Cast iron blteboard heat, Clerk, J u ly '19. 1998. AaMrwM. New lark $8. N. Y. p^r ist-claas mailing add 10c for preoftni^ Dene. Btuineai Property For Sak 70 VERN0N>—Three badroom ranch Saturdays or Sundays anytime. ^ rec romn with fireplace, 3-car Boning Board of Appeals Chairman V Call, lohn H. Loppen, InCn garage, large abode trees. Kgta plaster walls. Partlqily finished Byron H. Shinn, For lat-clasai mailing add 10c each patterp. Print Name. Address EXTERIOR SPRAT and bniali 'WOMEN with car$ for market re m MANCHESTER — Tolland Tpke.. on oversized lot. Quiet locatioa on walkout recreation room. Call Roger B Bagiey, M I3 -$ 1 3 5 for aach pattern. Print iiame, ad- w-uh Zone and Pattern Jfumber. : paintUig. commercial, industrial,! searc^h interviewing. Day and eve Realtor—MI g-StOt'’ 1 C8lliM R. F. DIM0GK G0: S424S dead end road. Ideal tor ebUdn GREEN MANQB- — l^maculab location with view. Spacious tot; SeereUdry McKINKEY BROS; Mehard Dlaaaek I Barbara Weoda I Jehanna Byans 10 acres. Industrial sons. 40v000 Priced belcw owner’s coot. Mr. Wagner. MI 9-5108. TR 64811 dtato wits zone, Style No. and size’. Send 50c for the new. big-siZe ’62 residential and trim Jobs. T" ■ ■ /ning assignments. No sMUng. Weekends Plenaa Oafl Priced wail bdow impraiaal. 8 badroom ranch, garage, OBted Bt BMtoa. Cteto, B te M ai N I-3 1 * / MI $ list I MI t-net I MI s-8d$g aquara toot building, loading plat- toum etorma, extras, Voetait. Ml SdSn. Bonwwa A Waltoee. 69 E. Omtar Raady for you now—spring and Album filled with lovely designs, guaranteed, 'free eatlmatss. ' Reply Winona Interviewing' Serv­ Sewerege D bpM ol Co. MI $-7446—« ■ g - n i t Chotoe ef flnanctog. Lost houea


, \ . li. EATURDAY, J^LY t l , i ^ P A O X T E N ^vrnUtg H^ralb, $

About Town Hospital Notes ./• PEnmey-Himt Tbuirists FUmV'Of Oonnecttcut Valley Oirl VMttng boars are S ta S pju. for Business ScouU from. Manchester and '- all areas, except maternity where Due Home on Sunday roundlng towns at the they ate S to 4:80 aad S:M ta S Itouttdup-at Button Bay State Park p,m.{ and private, reosna where In VemuBit will be shown on _..e three dozen members of the Phinhey-Hunt Educational W .TO-TV Caiannel 8 tonight at 6:15. they are 10 a.in. to S pjn. VM tois Films will show the scouts get> are requested not to smoln hi po^ W , Man^Mtelr High School girls and teachers^wtth so^aa ting off a bus, pitching tents, «ook -1 tlenta rooms. No more .thaa twa others from^.surrounding towns, have compete the first ing and gathering timber for camp three-quarters of their 10,000-mile, month-long jouiPey from visttors at one time per patient. tablet... coast to coast and l ^ k agiagain. Pra-f In the Mojave’s aridity, th« « • Pattents Today : S16 vtooaly reported trlpS\|o the Seat­ Manchester W ATES will meet tle Fciid’s' Fair, San F iM d sco and perience seemed doubly rewarding. Tuesday at the Italian American ADMITTED TESTBRDAT: Ken­ Los___ Angeles____ have been s«t( iC c^ed While lunching picnic stjds Club on Eldrldge S t Weighing in neth Graveline, New H ^ ire n ; by the Mstward Journey through along the new Indian Route 1. in will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Norman Oilles and Miulelle Gagnon, Willi- the. Mojave Desert of SoaUjem Monument Valley on the Na'vajo Beaudet, teacher at wapping Ele- mantie; Mrs. Agnes Secor, 120 Osllfomis to Las Vegas, the sttc- Reaervation, th e . girls wers mentary School, will riiow slides Walnut St.^ Mrs. Lillian Custer, ceeaful traverse o f the high places thrilled to have Navajo Tribal of B u r ^ . 29 Bilyue Rd.; Lynn Elderkin, De­ of. the Colorado Rockies-.after the Ranger E. AlUaon stop to chat; troit, Mich.; William McLellim, bi^th-taldng scenery of Monu­ Allison, a fullrblooded Navajo in George W. Heasriian. 60 Dudley 20 Emily Dr., Vernon; Francis'No­ ment Valley in Arizona and Utah, qnte of his name, showed the S t, is attending summer session lan, Upper Buther Rd., Rockville; with the tour at this writing in the girls the modernitv of the Na'frac classes at Stout State College, Fred Ramsdell, 129 - Union St., Ureat Plaiha of Kansas., jo tribal organization. Menomonie, Wis. Engaged Rockville; James Cobb n,. Colum­ The teen-aged girls making up yinother indian provided a dif­ bia; Mrs. Norma Swiatkiewics, 307 thk tour are how seasoned travel­ ferent eiqierience in Cortes, Colo., The engagement of Miss Bar­ N. Main St; Susan Stepanskt 42 lers, tsklng advantage of the op- for Frances • McClean; Franny Powers Promoted bara A. Kildish of Manchester to Otis St.; Alberto Salazar, 84 portdoltiee offered them to explore opened the door to her motel room Louis J. Mn^nskl of East Hart­ Tracy Dr.; Mrs. Celeste Bucko, the country and its people. Some at a knock from ..the outside to Ir- V, find a thoroughly spirited Indian ford has bein announced by her WUllmantic; Mrs. Jeaime Tefft, _ ot return trip to To Colonel Rank Broad Brook; Emidio R a n i e r I. gentleman weaving back and parents, Mr. and ■ Mrs. John A. date TOllhw: Manchester Motel; Anthony Sal­ n ifi gins are unable to imder- forth on the patio step, invlUng STORKS—John E. Powers, di­ Kildish, 28 Union St. vatore, 166 High St.; Robert Quey, stand Oil Hunt and Paul Phinney, her to go for )i ride, ipparenGy rector of placement and student Her fiance is the son of Mr. 78 West St.; Mrs. Lorraine James, the tour dlredtm’s, who have been on his pony. Fraimy, protecting aid at the University of Connecti­ and Mrs. Loula J. Musinski, Bast 27 Deerfield Dr. regaling them '-.^th tales - of the her roommates, Diane Deerlngton, cut. has been promoted to the rank Leigh Behnke, And! Sandals Hartford. ADM ITTED TODAY: Miss broUing Mojave .Desert crossings of colonel in the Connecticut Na­ Miss KUdish is a 1958 graduate Ju<5r Johnson,’ very seriously tdW tional Guard, thi! Adjutant Gener­ Michele Naboeuf. 98 Walnut S t of past years: the\coldest weather Manchester High School, a the West has ever skeh has worked the buck that he was behaving al's office has announced. graduate of Hartford Hoq>ital BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son badly, and that he should report A native of Manchester, Powers to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kowalski, to the girls’ sdvahtage, giving School of Nursing, and is on the them 90-degree weathhr In a 126- himself In to the motel office. She received his Army commission un­ nursing staff at Manchester 8|e- South Coventry; a son to Mr. and showed him the route to the of- der the University's ROTC pro­ d(legres area. moiial Hospital. Mrs. Alton Chadwick, Regan Rd., L i Las V'egaa’ electric gambling flee, and the befuddled redricin, gram when he graduated in 1929. Mr. Musinski iS a graduate Rockville. wove off, uncertain «s fo why ha During World W ar II he rose td atmosphere, the restrictlonB on Skist Hartford High School and BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to had come in the first place. the rank of major and held posts teen-agers’ participation in casino served with the U.S. Army. He Mr. imd Mrs. Robert Saliourin, activlUes seems to have put' little A t the Great Sand Dunes Na­ as commanding officer of the tional Monumrot campout in Colo­ Providence and Springfield Re­ is emtdoyed at the U. S. Post Of­ East Hartford; a daughter to Mr. dampering cm the girls. L'ols fice, East Hartford. and Mrs. Roland Lue, 149 Pros­ Smith’s maturity permitted her'to rado, the girls formed a huge cruiting and Induction Districts, MHS In the grandeur of the and personnel staff officer in the A Dec. 1 wedding is plann^. pect St, Rockville. imperscmate Mrs. Hunt smd be adr c ^ te d throughout the Fremont St. dunes, while majorette captain War Department. DISCHARGEID YESTERDAY Marilyn S t Pierre led a long Prom 1948 to the present he has Mrs. Helen Gulley, W ip in g ; Rich­ casino center. Her operation of the Aaron Cook, proprietor of Cook’s Service SUOon. aocepU an award from N. William KnigM (left) cheer for the, school, the cheer served as stgCf officer and man­ ard Stevenson, Notch Rd., l^lton; slot machines for Jane Bockus, Car, Power Mower for the service the atation has given members of the American AutomofeUe Association In the past sounding somevriiat thin in the power procuTMnffit specialist with Jonathan McParUand, South .Wind­ with Jane’s money, resulted In, a 22 years Knight Is a director of the AutomobUe Club of Hartford, an affiliate of the A A A . Look­ 314 prcffit for Jane, a claim few 8,006 foot alUtude. Not to be out­ the Adjutant General's staff of the sor; Mrs.' Eleanor Grandahl, Wap- Damaged by Fire ing on are William Halligan (second left), the club’s road service manager, and Bert Monroe, Ms adult gamblers in Las Vegas can done, Judy Johnson and Ann Connecticut Nationad Guard. ping: Joseph Zlnker, 95 High St. Ekdhinger of Blast Hamptem H M i Before joining the UofC stsiff in assistant ’The broiwe plaque commemorates Cook’s service to disabled motorists. make. Generous Jane, told that Eighth District firemen were Rockkville; Lisa Gagnon, Vernon successful gamblen always tip S ^ ool drew BIEHS in the sands. 1946, Powers had been employed Ave., Rockville; Susan Cochran, 22 called out twice last night. JOINS FINANCE FIRM well, bought Lois an Ice oream Inrbued with her own school spirit by the Windsor school ssrstem for Valley View Lane, Vernon; Richard room In It to store curlere and district representative for Luther­ Canto Akin sang her alma mater, 13 years. During his tenure at At 7 o'clock, they put out a pow­ WllUam C. Pickles, son of Mr. bobby pins. an Brotherhood, fraternal life hi' cone. Lourie Jr., 65 Clinton S t; Laura Frances MoClean, of West Hart­ but forgot most of the words. Windsor he was a coach, director er mower fire at the home of Har­ Lanxierl, 115 Hemlock St.; Mrs. and Mrs. James T. Pickles. 19 The more expensive of the two surance society, and is serving in Cheryl Starkweather has found of physical education, head of the can openers tilts the can Ud after the Manchester headquarters area. ford, kept up a family tradition In ry Eich, 150 Avery St. The belt Elsie McNally, Talcottville; Fred­ Chestnut St., recently left the Bal­ Las Vegas. Her two older sisters the perfect way to beat the dark science depsulment and assistant rick Crowley, Steele’s Crossing Rd., it Is cut off so that contents that -i, ----- . ■ burned and the mower was dam­ boa Insurance Co., Los Angeles, In past yesrs have both been asked and coM of mountain campouts; principal. Bolton; Allison Fries, 71 Mountain cling to the lid drip back Into the R o ^ r t B. A d a ^ of Wapj^ng,' y ,, ooWen Nugget Casino, aged. where he was vice president and she sets up her writing materlida St., Rockville; Leonard Ducharme, can. who has been with Connecticut In the well-appointed rest-rooms Cause has not been determined is now senior vice presidrat with since they were under the legal RI!1> 2; Mrs. Mary Martens, Laur­ General Life Insurance Co. since of the national parks And bats out in a fire that did slight damage Federal Finance Corp., In Wash­ age at that time. Fiances, who to a car at 7 ;45 which was parked el, P.O., L.I., N.Y.; Paul McDer­ RETIREMENT PARTY 1964, has been appointed regional her coirespondence te a large list ington, D.C. He and his fami­ David Preston, who Is retiring seems to lULve been accg;>tahle fo OPEN A ll DAY in front ot 95 Starkweather St. The mott East Hartford; Miss Laura reinsurance manager. the ckslno watdidogs, had to ask of friends and relatives. It hM be­ Russell, Oyster Bay, Lil., N.Y.; ly lived In Manchester nine from Pratt and Whitney Alrcrratt and Whitney Aircraft have :^ulpment. son, 40 Liberty S t become menabers of the firm’s Mrs. Nancy Phinney, gracious City, Kan. A Kansas cloudburst chaperone for the tour, with Diane with thunder and Ughtning poured Quarter (Jentury Club. ’They are Savings deposit gains of the George Nutter, 144 Vernon St. a Dearington and Nancy Begg, blos- two' Inches of rain on W yatt BINGOAND state’s 71 mutual savings bariks some out In CaUco sunbonnets Elaip’s stamping grounds in the derign t^lect engineer; Arthur set a new record In the first half M. Gustaffon, 47 Princeton St, made of the rnaterial from which space of a few hours. ’The girls DANCim EVERY SATURDAY NIBHT of this year, eclipsing the 1961 the town got its name. Both the watched the • metelogical dis­ DORDON DLEANERS senior technical aseistant; Harold gadn for the same period by near­ pretty girls and Mrs. Plnney play from*'the safety of their mo­ 8 O'CLOCK M. Kyle, 111 Benton St., a group ly 30%. Md LAUNDEREnE supeivlior; J < ^ B. Madigan, 42 Were tlw cynosure of all eyts as tel windows in some awe. 'When lom Rd., an expediter; and Alvin tourist and local traffic passed the lightning sent a shower o f sparks Work has begun in Btost Hart­ ^qwo< 381 East* Conter Street O. Brown, 87 CSmpAeld Rd., work­ tour’s wagons in the remainder o f from a nearby ganoUno aign, SuAa ford on the new office and labora­ scream set decibel records for the : Bdiii ing leader in engine mschsnics. the dny's travel, Under New Managenent tory buildings that Will double the Nancy Arnold delighted the midwest. facilities of United Aircraft Re­ A fter a flour mill and P'ain ele­ 5-Honr Cleaning ^rriee Snggeattan A w s(d % , group lirith a series of Impromptu [[i!- > P u r TEL. ■ TEL. search Laboratories. 'When the sermoiu on the evlto of practical­ vator tour In Newton, Kan., the Wash, Dry, Folded Laundry Two Mancheeter men lia v e .^ ^ ; work js completed next spring, the M I 8-0061 HELLO THERE M l 3-0061 celved awards totaling 32,206 ly everything as the tour’s four group ate lunch in the municipal present building will house' the 1-Day Service— 8c Lb. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, dlvi' station wagons drove eastward. piurk, which' produced Mr. Arthur United Aircraft Weather System Holmes, a former Manchesterite, Pick-Up and Delivery Sion of United Aircraft, suggest' ’There sems to have been little ef­ O nter, now located in the Park- who asked to be remembered to Pizza-Ray 5 Anniversary Ing Improvements in operations. fect from Nancy’s moralizing ' A nyw here ade. the P etn ltis fam ily o f Green Rd. Arthur R. Raymond, 24 Ridge comedy, but the miles passed LARGE PIZZA>-5 ITEMS and shopping. M I 3-0486 SL, was awarded 31.456 for devis­ quickly. $2.00—SPECIAU-^2.00 ing a way to save argon gas dur­ Baird Machine Co. of Stratford Pizza Party ’The' easy crossing of the Mo­ The previously mwUoned Dodge BATUBDAY ONLY DURING THE MONTH OF JULY ing wading. Walter R. Hsll, 128 will introduce and demonstrate Its jave BtlU produced 90-degree de­ Green Manor Rd., was given 3780 Baird SprinGenerator spring-msdC': City storm drove aie girls from sert sunshine, and Louise Ebig- their motel swimming pool, but MQUTH W ATERING COLD GRINDERS OR for suggesting a better way to Ing machine at Graritmoor on land, Joau Rousseau (of North mark parts subjected to ^ g lo the Berlin ’Tpke. In Newington didn’t dampen enthusiasm. A giant TRY OUR HOT OVEN BtEATBALL OR SAUSAGE Tuesday amd Wednesday from 10 Haven), Joan lAikas, and Linda pizza party developed in a {Uaza Notice Gary E. Hohl treatment which tended to erasd Lauen (also of’North Haven) re' markings.. a.m. to 4 p.m. ’The machine elimi­ parlor next door, where the glrto GIVE YOUR FA5H LY A TR E A T AND working at Pratt and Whitney nates the need for two machines minisced with longing of the Aus munched and watdied a damaging Raymond is a third shift toad- tin. Minn., motel pool where the Aircraft in East .JHertford. He is man in D1226. Hall Is a second In spring production; .a conven­ hailstorm pile up small drifts of CALL PCEliA-RAY’S—180 SPRUCE ST. WE HAVE DAILY quartet removed the travel dust by the son of Mrs. Dorothy C. Hohl shift employe in D646. tional coller and end looper, the July Ice on the tour’s can. DEUVERY TO THE and the late John M. Hohl. firm n y a plunging Into the pool fuUy cloth­ ’lYie tour moves eastward toward ’The German firm deals in ultra­ NA’nONWIDE AOENt ed. Linda Lassoi claimed to have home through the Hallmark Greet­ sonic nondestructive liutruments Joseph Banning of 94 W. Mid­ Mrs. Jeremiah Squires, 82 Ox­ been pushed, but enjoyed the ing Card Company’s plant in Kan­ used in testing forgings, castings, dle ’li>ke. has been appointed an ford St. has won a tiansistor radio whole affair anyway. Embarrass sas City, and then speqjls'to New ROTH BOLTON bar stock, tubing, plate, sheet arid agent' for Nationwide Insurance in a promotional contest con­ ed by the clinging of their wet Ebigland, with brief for Am­ weldments. The Stratford division Companies In / the Manchester ducted by the Coca-(Jola Bottling clothes, the glrlB ^ y e d In 'the ish country and oth«- exploring. ’The girls vrill be back home some­ will handle sales and service of area. He has men employed by Co. of Hartford. ’Top prises were pool until after fuh8et,.when the time late Sunday afternoon. FAIRWAY STORES the instruments in the United the Manchester Auto Parts Co. trips to Europe. dark permitted A safe emergence. AREA States and Mexico. since 1949. He la a graduate of Bulkeley High School in Hartford NEW IONA PRODUCTS OPEN MONDAYS and a veteran' of. the Marine LENOX Pour new products were Intro­ Corps, having served from 1948 to ALL YEAR! duced by Iona Manufacturing Co. 1946. of Manchester in the National' He has been a Manchester resi- 975 MAIN STREET 706 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST PHARMACY Housewares/Manufacturers Asso­ . DOWNTOWN •TURNPIKE PLAZA” deitt for seven years. 299 E. CENTER ST. ciation show recently at Chicago. Banning will handle all types of BIANCHES1EB Next to Popular Blarket ’The prooucts which will be on the market soon are a portable (haiirsnee. ASHFORD TEL. Ml 9J0S96 WE GIVE WORLD GREEN STAMPS! hair dryer, a knife and scissors 1 He la married to the former sharpener, a can opener and knife Gencvlewe Burlingame of Weth- sharpener combination unit, and enfteid and the couple has three an electric can opener. children. ’The five-pound luggage-Uks BRIEFS The Bank that gives you PACKAGED SAVINGS hair dryer provldM^vmta for dry- hig the fingernails on both hands Bernard R. Johnson o f 42^ at the same time and there ’ is Miqfito S t has been appointed a OFF ROUTE 44-A 24 MI^ES EAST Too Busy to Save? OF MANCHESTER

Bank MAJOR BRANDS Offers You 40% DISCOUNT! CHOICE BUILDING SITES Mail NO DOWN PAYMENT— 1* MONTHS TO PAY SBM Pays Postage Both Ways A T TH IS PRIV E O UT Savings Bank o f Manchester is as n eu aii your 136x11 1 M . 7jH x 14 1 ( M CHARMING mailbox. You can make deposits using SBM’s LIBERAL convenient poatage-paid combination .envelopes 170x15 133 IStiU 1M 4 SUMMER I THIS and deposit slips. Stay on your regular savings t J lx M I UYINQ schedule this summer— earn the big 4 * divi­ 7.13x15 1M3 14 11 TERMS! WEEKEND dend— hank by mail with SBM. 743x151243 SsSIxU 14J 5 SPOT Member of Federal IMpoaH " , ...... - k - . laauraaoe dorp. P lu s I k i , cchui|t6 MANT COTTAGES UJIDIR CONSTRUCTION — AS U rn Cany Gnanuitce a SEVBlAi FOR SALE ;1. II lanchester DISCOUNT ASHFORD LAKE — »:THE FLACE FOR YOU! \ MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH 7RS'> la-.lla-,1 C-C III. nl.r r SI. l/Z Manch' -.ti-i i^arkarlr ARTHUR,,A. KN O F^ Agent, Cor. t- L- nox SI ^ Wr.-il Miud/ • Turnpike STATION r H ‘ ' P ‘ n / ► S 6 to 8 BOTH BRANCHfS OPTN FRIDAYS lo 8 p m. 436 CENTER S T R E E T -^ 9-0980 876 M A ^ ST.,r« MANCHESTERMANCRESTER , ' III 3-6440—MI 9•6938 iMWAVS PUMTT OP MH PAMCMSi a&i lU LY 21 then ]U LY 27 :ek c0Ai'^mcu>«ris-t«-a»-4»4a


you’ve got to have youreett and for what ing. Y didn’t thm, | do Telstar Sends Miroad Vic Damone^ars, ■ Maturity ia iiso a vital tacthr, Damone bellevea. “When yov’re young. It’s pretty ensy to let vdl Hosts ‘L iv^ Ones’ those auperleUvee go to your'lieed.^ News Parley, Concert And when that happens.—you’re to truoble.’’ . 'i, X nr 3rou’re m “Ha«el bm or not,*to .a movie contraot and he made . Bleven yeeirs.after his Mocambo idve television coverage' of ee Tha ramota'. piiskups for '4 ^ tt* aummer repiaeement. “Tlie four ftlma “Rich. ToUng and Pret­ debut. Damone ,pn>ot—then khhwn as toe news conference and a concert et ordinated in New York. HrUpa' asr host, promises some pleasant and “Kismet" ArUstieaUy, the Clolaten—and shme that April night Mount Rpahmore In South Dakota there the program will be tranai-. 4irersion for the next eig;ht weeks. pictures were nothing to shout to IMO, he has been making come will be tiicluded In the Atoerican mitted by television lines to- the I Becinnin; this Thursday. "The about but they did. well at the true all the glorious things that broadcast Monday, July 23, which ground atation a t Andover, ICaine, 1 lively Ones” will present contem­ box is week’s gpiest stars cuit booated to even greater prom­ ( elusive contract with Chmtol end ican networka ' and Buropean ellite will then re-broedcaat it to I ^11 include I?epa—