Ozone reassurance Banking on youth New kid on the block Prof says hole in atmosphere's not a threat Pleasant childhood makes for merry old age l'hi Gamma Delta wants a serious reputation


&)7 1:\V Volume g7 . No. 17 Serving the San Jost State I !niversiiv Community Since 1934 Monday, Septciith.r 22. 1986 Stanford cashes in on Spartans' mistakes Costly turnovers spell defeat, 28-10 By Len Gutman Daily staff writer The Stanford football team took a byte out of SJSU on Saturday afternoon, heating the Spartan- 25 10 in the annual "Silicon Bowl." Although the Spartans had 363 yards in total ot tense to Stanford's 302 yards. the big story on Saturday was turnovers The Spartan offense gave up the hiothall seven times. SJSl Mike Perez was 2701 39 for 167 yards hut ihrev, four interceptions. including one on the game's first play from scrimmage to Stanford cor- nerback It v. as the first of three inter- ceptions for Cook on the day "The three interceptions were my three home runs off the pitcher... (,,ok said. Maybe Pere/ should work on a split-finger lastball. After the first interception. the Cardinal took the hall into the end lone. coscrine 21 yards on four play,. capped by a 7 -yard pass piu Ironi John Pan' to Thomas Henly. Stanford 7. SJSUzip

'The first interception tusa set the tone for the first half said . Spartan head coach. That tone was deafening to the Spartans. who after just six plays and 17 yards had to give the hall back to the Cardinal. Stanford then proceeded to march down the field, in an impressive drive which covered 59 yards on 16 plays, for touchdown number two This time it was fullback rumbling in from the I -y ard line. Stanford 14. SJSU zip.

See 'I.( R.SOVIR.S. 1411.:4'ft

It's how you play, but geez . . . By Andrew F. Hamm Daily staff writer The nice thing about being a David going up against a Goliath is that you can take comfort in knowing you put up a good struggle. Yet, as one SJSU alumnus said. "But geez, seven turnovers." That seemed to be the general attitude of the Spar- tan faithful filing out of Stanford on Saturday after the Cardinal defeated SJSU. 2X-10. There was brave talk beforehand about an upset. Fans cited two straight impressive performances hy SJSU against Pac-10 teams, hut unless they were drunk, most didn't sound too convincing. John Duus Daily staff photographer We are going to break (Stanford coach Jack) El- 's record," said Ed Millen. a season -ticket holder passes for a total of Stanford defensive hack Bruce Richardson. 23, the turf. Liggins caught five 55 beat the Spartans 28-10. A crowd of 64,950 and member of "The Atom Club." a General Electric brings Spartan wide receiver Guy liggins. 83. to yards. but the still managed to saw Stanford capitalize on SJSU's turnovers. See FAITHFUL, hack page Moment of silence Police to discipline errant officer Campus ceremony remembers servicemen lost in Vietnam By Oscar Guerra and shoving alter the Pub manager cers. Hai -,y Hunter and VI, kie Ryan By Edward Bellerive Daily staff writer was unsuccessful in obtaining proof claim they were harassed by Me po- Daily staff writer University Police Department tha(they were of legal drinking age. lice responding to the incident in "a A memorial flag raising Friday morning the campus Chief Lew Schatz refused to elab- Schatz said he could not elab- negative and hostile" manner. military's first served as a solemn reminder of the 2,6(8) orate on an UPD orate on the officer's Vietnam. "discipline" offi- identity nor Schatz released a memo that American servicemen unaccounted for in cer faces following a complaint from could he comment on the honor guard hoist discipline said he will have to discipline an Passers-by paused to watch an SJSU Iwo women who said they were the officer faces. air. officer, and several students will several flags high in the early -morning But the women identified the university's Ar- physically harassed in the Spartan have to answer for their actions.'' Members of the Army ROTC and the Pub in May. officer as John Moffitt during a nold Air Society stood at attention near the Fourth Street ga- meeting of the Associated Students The memo came after the find- rage as Old Glory. the Bear and a special banner One of the two women arrested board of directors in May. ings of an internal UPI) investiga- honoring missing servicemen, hung overhead. Ill the incident is scheduled to appear Schatz said the officer is being tion which concluded Wednesday. The platoon of uniformed students saluted the flags in San Jose Municipal Court on disciplined **for an action he took then honored the servicemen with a moment of silence Moffitt. Hunter and Ryan could and Sept. 29 fore pre-trial conference on which was legal but inappropriate.'* a sharp contrast to the bustling rush-hour traffic. not he reached for comment. charges of assault and battery, resist- The incident involved a scuffle The commemorative flag was lowered at the end of the The incident started because the ing arrest and disturbing the peace. May 13 in which the women were to he replaced eventually with a university flag. Set' INCIDENT. hark page day. The incident included pushing arrested by Moffitt and other offi- Friday's ceremonies coincided with a proclamation signid by President Reagan, which designated Sept. 19 as a day to commemorate the missing in action and prisoners of war. Thirty students participated in the ceremony, 16 men Validation stamps out free parking and women wearing the blue of the air society and 14 more in Army green. By Dave Rickard ever, merchants complained that inst and Third streets, and the state office Three air society and two Army representatives com- Daily staff writer of the spots were being taken by sill - building parking garage at Second and prised the color guard which hoisted the flags. The free ride is over for SJSU stu- dents, he said. San Carlos streets. Color-guard members from the air society were AAS dents parking in the downtown city An ad hoc committee of the park- The council's action came on the Major Sam Sato, AAS Major Cristina Soares and 1st Lt. lots. ing advisory commission investigated same day that SJSU and California Thomas J. McNeill. Starting today, they have to ob- their claims, and recommended appro- State University officials and contrac- Cadet Majors Victor Ramirez and Mitchell Poove rep- tain a validation stamp from local mer- val of the validation plan earlier this tors decided that ground breaking for resented the Army ROTC. chants or pay their way. month. the Student Union Recreation and McNeill described the ceremony. The stamp plan, adopted Tuesday The action didn't sit well with Events Center would begin Sept. 29. "It's a sign of mourning, in this case for those miss- Henry Orbach. SJSU traffic and park- unaccounted for (in battle)." Ken P %wired pea& to the Daily by the San Jose City Council, an- Closure of the university lot on ing, ing operations manager. There are no known servicemen from SJSU designated swered complaints by downtown mer- East San Carlos and Seventh streets "That's a low blow," Orhach as MIA or POW, Sato said. ('adet David Kind leads a group of ROTC cadets in a chants that students were monopoliz- and the renovation of the engineering said. He added that he wasn't sure how Lt. Col. Jon Hillhouse, Air Force ROTC director ag- prayer for missing soldiers of the Vietnam War. ing parking places intended for building, tentatively scheduled to many students have been using the city and noted that an SJSU 'alumnus. Dennis Chambers, customers of local businesses. begin Oct. I. will claim another 550 reed, lots, five years and then released by the Vietnam- ing ceremony, is an honorary service group with 154 squad- The city began offering two hours spaces. was held for of free parking in the lots in April. The Perez said the merchants' com- ese. rons nationwide. of MIAs and strategy was designed to attract cus- plaints centered on four of the six lots Perez said the council approved Chambers, the university's only known POW, grad- Past projects to raise public awareness Day 1985. tomers to businesses hurt by the down- offering free parking: Second Street, reduced-rate parking in late November uated through the ROTC program in 1963. Hillhouse said. POWs included a candle -light vigil on Veterans San Jose na- town renovation. said Joe Perez, San across from the Jose Theater: San Fer- 1985 when downtown merchants ap- Chambers returned to the United States in the early The campus squadron is the sponsor for School grad- Jose parking contract coordinator. nando between First and Second pealed to the council that the torn-up *70s and now lives in Los Altos Hills, Hillhouse added. tive Samuel Arthur Sharp Jr.. a Pioneer High

When fall classes began, how- streets: San Fernando between Second See PARKING, hack page The Arnold Air Society, which sponsored the flag-rais- uate listed as an MIA after a May 1967 battle in Vietnam. c1 \ 1986/Spartan Daily Page 2 Monday, September 22,

Maria J Gunter, Editor Suzanne Espinosa, City Editor Cart Scarbrough, News Editor Andrew F Hamm, Forum Editor Thomas Gary Morian, Editor

Tony Pribyl, Advertising Director Published for the University Brian Katz, Retail Sales Manager and the University Community Cyndi Metter, National Advertising Director by the Department of Journalism Shawn Carroll, Special Sections Manager and Mass Communications Katherine Briganti, Art Director Michael P. Fox, Production Manager Richard Hart, Marketing Manager Since 1934 Jeff Ogden, Co-op Advertising Manager Doublespeak is political art form "If thought corrupts language. then language cor- rupts thought." George Orwell, appendix to "I " With elections, campaign speeches and fund-raisers coming up, it is time to prepare for the forthcoming barrage of political rhetoric that voters have to wade through to make an intelligent decision. For the most part, elected offi- cials will not break any promises this year but it will seem Dan like they have to some people. Kier Political language is a mastered art form and is a very powerful tool tor public persuasion. Political veterans an- swer controversial questions so easily hut avoid committing themselves by using non-committal, obscure language. Many of us have heard campaign speeches in which a poli- civic, symbolic, broad language that enables the user to tician uses phrases such as "broad political reforms" or avoid real commitments. A prime example of present-day "increased police protection. ' doublespeak is President Reagan's Star Wars speech. Rea- What does "increased police protection" mean? It gan told us of an "intensive research and development pro- could mean an increase in the number of patrolmen by 15 or ject" that will be the defense weapon. A BIRD IN 'THE HAND more squad cars. On the other hand, it could mean hiring The president r .ver told us that when the Strategic De- one more officer. How are we, the voters, suppose to know fense Initiative is in operation, it will enable the United what the politician means by this? A politician who re- States to launch the first nuclear strike without a chance of sponds to a question of crime in the city with an answer like retaliation from the Soviet Union. Why call it a defense ini- Letter Policy "I will look into increased police protection without sub- tiative when it can be used as an ultimate offense threat. In Quintessence stantially increasing the tax base," is avoiding the question What is "intensive research and development?" Is it The Spartan Daily encourages readers to write and avoiding commitment. mean millions, billion, or trillions of tax dollars poured into letters to the editor for publication on this page. This When voters go to the polls in November. votes will be the system? Reagan never told us what he thinks Star Wars is a page that gives you an opportunity to air your cast for candidates and their platforms. Inevitably there will is hut he gave us a very broad, patriotic, vision of a far-off be candidates who are are not totally informed on all issues technological miracle. views on important issues. Craig confronting them. In some cases a politician will respond to Political language is crafted by campaign managers Deliver the letters to the Spartan Daily office, Quintana unexpected questions by using non-committal, bureaucratic who are trying to gain as much public support as they can Dwight Rentel Hall, Room 208, or to the Student language that the voting public does not understand. within a very short period of time. The language is crafted Union Information Desk. writer's Some voters will he duped because, to them it will ap- to offend as few people as possible, while addressing issues All letters must bear the name, major, pear their candidate has made a commitment to reforms, of public concern. telephone number and class standing. Telephone numbers and anonymous letters will when actually they have avoided the issue using what As voters, we must know where our candidates stand Trickle Down revisited not be printed. George Orwell, in "1984," calls doublespeak. In Orwell's on controversial issues and, if this means repeatedly asking The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for political nightmare, politicians controlled people's thoughts a candidate where he or she stands on an issue, then that is never been overly concerned with economic is- libel and length. and avoided any kind of social responsibility for their ac- what we must do. Campaigns are supposed to be an oppor- Iesues and didn't take part in the great debate raging The opinions appearing on the forum page are tions by using doublespeak. tunity for voters to learn about social issues and an opportu- user Reaganomics or the economic recovery. But the opinions of the individual writer. Doublespeak is a kind of "word pollution" that is nity for voters to voice their opinions in..the form of the a week ago, with the aid of the president's announce- The editorials appearing on this page are the being used by politicians today, according the Alfred R. vote. Politicians who consciously avoid issues by using opinions of the editorial board of the Daily. ment, it all came clear. Ferguson's article "Newspeak. the first edition." doublespeak are making a mockery of our political system Urine: That's the ticket. Present-day political language tends to be in non-con- and their constituents. The Trickle-Down Theory took on a whole new connotation with Reagan's call for mandatory drug testing of federal employees in "sensitive positions.'' Government estimates vary greatly, but some sas Television Reagan's drug of choice for U.S. public millions of federal employees could soon be told to as- sume the position --giving their all and dropping First lady Nancy Reagan has repeatedly told children sons have included: their pants for God, country and the drug lab. Not to of all ages to "just say no" when offered drugs. Drugs "Superman," parts I and II, with the president play- mention the American way, whatever that was. often mentioned are heroin, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol ing the leading man who recovers from an assassin's bullet Urine: The heart of supply side theory. and other mind-altering chemicals. in the first show and survives cancer in the sequel. The president said people in government should But there is a 75-year-old who needs to take his wife's "Invasion Grenada." which was rereleased with a set an example for the rest of the nation to follow. Ev- advice when it comes to his "drug of choice," the electro- new title "Grenada: Rescue Operation." erybody watches the feds, the logic goes, so Ameri- nic variety called television. Edward "National Lampoon's European Vacation," touring ca's civil servants should serve as role models for the I.ike a drug pusher selling the quick-fix, Ronald Rea- Bellerive in Germany at conflicting tourist attractions in Bitburg and drug-crazed masses. gan has perpetuated the "all style with little substance" Bergen-Belser. In keeping with the previously announced cru- image of television concentrating on the momentary feel- The mini-series, "Watts Wrong in the Interior" and sade against drugs, the president boldly declared: ing at the expense of actual reality. the situation comedy "Leave it to Deaver." both favorites "This is the federal government's way of just saying Reaganvision may be the correct term for the commod- of the director, were eventually cancelled despite several at- 'no' to drugs." ity sold to the electorate which operates on the mental tempts to salvage them. "NO" inexactly the answer most federal em- wavelength of quick sell, easy plot, gixxl times and happi- by television. Gardener is forced into reality. Gardener's Reagan's acting background has set a precedent for ployee unions are expected to give. A day after the ness forever after. A large portion of the audience is buying image based on television exposure masks his actual inno- presidential power power multiplied by the nature of yellow order was announced, the National Treasury it. cence. He succeeds because of others' ignorance. television. Employee Union filed a lawsuit against it. The union Television has been welcomed into 97 percent of Similiar to Hans Christian Anderson's fable, "The The idea that the camera never lies is true in the same which represents some 120,000 workers including, homes across the nation. Today. more than 1(() million tele- Emperor's New Clothes," no adult acknowledges the real vein that the gun never kills. The lie or misconception is ironically enough. the Internal Revenue Service -- vision sets exist in the United States. Americans spend more nakedness of the person. perpetuated by the human factor: the photographer, editor. claims the order violates Fourth Amendment guar- than seven hours a day - nearly a third of their time "Being There" is fictional but the current administra- printer or viewer. antees against "unreasonable search and seizure." viewing the electronic device. tion is a prime-time example. The president's connection Pearl G. Aldrich's book, "The Impact of Mass Attorney General Ed Meese, the guy who turned I.ike any drug swallowed on an empty stomach, tele- with television is as legendary as some would say of his cur- Media," gives ads ice to he a responsible viewer: out the most authoritative index to American porn, vision, absorbed with a passive mind, dominates the senses rent political policies. "You on your part can learn to detect manipulative de- said the order constituted "a generous program to help and dulls the intellect. Thus, audiences m. ho are not tuned Reagan once hosted the weekly dramatic series named vices, misleading, and unfair emotional appeals, then give the worker who has a drug problem." into the system are susceptible to a mood -altered state. General Electric Theater on Columbia Broadcasting Sys- such techniques the weight they deserve in forming opin- The chief of the Meese police demonstrated his 'Being There:* first as a book and second as a film, tem. Now, the actor directs a weekly pathetic serial called ions. making decisions, casting votes and spending humanitarian concern. saying workers would "in all illustrates a human existence of television addiction. Peter General Dynamics Tallow produced with Credit By Senate money." likelihood remain on the job during drug treatment." Sellers portrays Chauncey Gardener, a character who funding. The individual will need to "say no" to this electronic He qualified that, adding the follow-up to a positive knows the world vicariously through the tube. He wakes to "Death Valley Days" aired during the '60s, is now drug by pulling the plug. Reagan has reached his goals and test would be at the whim of the employee's depart- television, eats to television, works while watching tele- broadcast as "Dutch Voids Deficits" in the '80s. survived through television and as a beneficiary. is not ment head. They could be fired. vision and sleeps to television. After 40 years of operating Other programming highlights during the past six sea- likely to include this medium on his drug hit list. That's not going to pacify the worker's groups, the American Civil Liberties Union or any of the oth- ers lining up against the order. Obviously, the wisdom just hasn't trickled down to them yet. "Government employees do not check their nghts at the office door," said Rep. Don Edwards, D- San Jose. Edwards is chairman of the House Judiciary sub- committee on civil and constitutional rights and gets worked up about orders threatening personal free- doms. Don is a nice guy, hut a little too concerned with civil liberties for effective model setting. After all. aren't federal workers ours to fold, spindle and muti- late as we see fit? Besides, there are many in and outside govern- ment who think the president didn't go far enough. The lab tests have proven to he inaccurate in many in- stances. If innocents are being tagged as users, then just think how many junkies are getting away. That's why testing needs to be supplemented with strip searches, random shakedowns, wire taps and close surveillence off the job. Only then can we fulfill the president's dream of a drug-free America. And then there's the problem of this "sensitive position" stuff with regard to which employees are tested. It's ambiguous. If it applies to who goes (so to speak), then that weakens the footing of the crusade. Test 'em all, any- time and anywhere. As for a second reading: The posture an em- ployee takes while urinating into a cup is of no con- cern to the crusade. No specific style should be dic- tated to preserve the individual freedom of this most senstivie of personal acts. Just as long as they render a sample without mak- ing too much of a mess, tbings will be just fine. Pos- ture, in this instance, makes no difference. Craig Quintana Is an assistant city editor and an avowed yellow Journalist. In Quintessence ap- pears every Monday Independent of whether he has something to say. Ceampuo Spartan Daily/Monday, September 22, 19/i6 Page .1 Physics prof says hole in ozone Happy babies now, happy people later presents no immediate danger CHICAGO (AP) - Society can develop happy, well-adjusted citizens at a relatively low cost by concentrat- By David Rickard enhanced videotape, Hamill showed atmosphere continued, he said. 'We've shown we can how the ing resources on fostering happy, well - pally staff writer ozone layer that encircles the earth has "Unfortunately, industry was not as social!) steadily de- adjusted babies, experts in infant men- help kids at any stage A mysterious depletion in the ozone layer creased above Antarctica in the last 2(1 years. conscious as the people. and usage went up and tal health say. over Antarctica presents no immediate danger, Ozone is a toxic gas believed to be formed by up," he said. "We've shown we can help kids of development.' according to an SJSU physics professor. the collision of an atom of oxygen, it molecule of Freon, still widely used for refrigeration, is at any stage of development," said Deborah Holmes, In a lecture last week in Duncan Hall, physics oxygen and another catalytic particle, the most plentiful of the harmful chemicals. "It's such as ni- Deborah Holmes. a Loyola University Prof. Pat Hamill talked about the possible causes trogen. The gas is found in the stratosphere, amazing the ridiculous usages to which it's put," Loyola University psychologist which psychologist. "What we're proposing (tithe "ozone hole," which occurs every October. ranges from eight to 33 miles above he said. the earth's to show is how much easier, saner and His presentation was the latest in a series of surface. Hamill advanced the theory that polar strato- safer it can he at the earliest stages -- lectures sponsored by the Meteorology Depart- Because ozone absorbs ultraviolet light from spheric clouds, which are found as high as 20 on:' he said. before you have to undo all the bad." ment. the sun, very little of the harmful radiation miles above the surface, absorb the chemicals and 'We can look at other things and passes She is co-chairwoman of a four- Speaking to an audience of 30 teachers and through. release them during evaporation, damaging the see the savings - a program in Colo- day conference of inembers of the In- students, Hamill related the latest information Too much exposure to ultraviolet light has ozone. rado where monitoring family prob- ternational Association for Infant about the annual drop in the ozone cover above been linked to skin cancer, but scientists are uncer- 'Let's call them 'chemical factories.' " he lems cut into child abuse, a study in Mental Health, meeting in Chicago. Antarctica. Ozone protects the earth front most of tain about the possible effects on the climate. said. "The chemicals are released in the spring Michigan where kids with solid pre- the harmful ultraviolet H am i I I said. during evaporation, which leads to the ozone de- Established in 1979. the organi- schtxd experience thrive in the class- Although scientists disagree about the cause Some researchers claim the ozone depletion pletion." zation of doctors, psychologists, room, hoss support groups for hand- of the sudden decrease. Hamill said it does not yet will raise global temperatures and melt the polar The seasons are reversed in the southern nurses. therapists. social workers and icapped parents cut . . the number represent a threat to the rest of the planet. ice, leading to widespread flooding of coastal hemisphere, with October corning in the spring- academicians from seven nations at- (of children) surrendered to adoption "The decrease presents no current danger to areas. time, he said. tempts to bring the latest advances in or foster care.** people, because Antarctica is a very small place," After researchers suggested in the mid-1970s The phenomenon occurs in October because medicine and psychiatry to bear on The organizations leaders believe he said. "But when you start measuring changes that flourocarbons destroyed the ozone layer, the of stagnant air that allows the chemicals to linger. task of raising children that raising children is becoming more this dramatic in the atmosphere it is notable." government banned the use of aerosol cans con- he said. Starting in late November. winds blow Conference seminars ranged front difficult for many people. Using overhead projections and a computer taining the gases However. their escape into the through and push the chemicals ass is hos; to identify abuse and better pro- "Even taking out better reporting tect s ictints to making predictions be- of such incidents, we know from the fore birth of an infant's likelihood for higher number of child abuse cases success in school by evaluating its par- and related problems, there is more Smokers are more prone to strokes, experts say ents and the environment it is horn stress on families.' ' said Barthel. into. "We have more and younger (API Cigarette strokes, hut the test research goes a all men of Japanese ancestry who lived those who continued to smoke 'We've made great strides for- mothers whose children are horn not smokers are far more likely than non- step farther to see what happens when on the island of Oahu. During 12 years throughout the period, there three ward and taken a great interest tim he only with a higher biological risk (be- smokers to suffer strokes, one of the they quit cigarettes. of follow-up. 171 smokers and 117 times that many. or 33 strokes for maintenance of life, but not the quality cause of poor prenatal care), but also nation's leading causes of death, but "We have evidence that people non-smokers had strokes. every LOW people. However, for of that life.'' said Dr. Richard Barthel. with higher environmental risks like they can reduce their risk significantly who stop smoking can reduce their in- When the researchers took into people who quit smoking by the sixth association president. malnutrition." by giving up the habit, a new study cidence of stroke." said Dr. Robert D. t:an't the exact account differences in the men's age. year of follow-up. there were 23 'We say what The organization focuses its ef- concludes. Abbott, a biostatistician at the be- Na- blood pressure and other characteris- strokes. costs are. hut we can get some idea forts on tracking development of nor- tional Heart, Lung and Blood Institute cause ste have a number of small mal and handicapped infants, and pro- Cigarettes have already been tics, they calculated that smokers had Abbott said he helieses the stroke in Bethesda. Md. pieces of the puzzle the child abuse viding programs and resources to linked with heart attacks. emphysema two to three times higher risk of stroke risk among the reformed smokers will numbers, jus enn Is. delinquency, crime. infants and their families to facilitate and cancers of the lungs, mouth. His research, based on figures than did non-smokers. continue to drop, and it eventually will special ethical lull . welfare and so proper de% elopnient throat, bladder and pancreas. The lat- gathered by the Honolulu Heart Pro- A stroke is an interruption in the approach that of people who never est research demonstrates one more gram, was published in Thursday's flow of blood to the brain. There are smoked. way that smoking can kill. issue of the New England Journal of two basic kinds. A hemorrhagic stroke The researchers said Ws unclear Cardinal supports parents Strokes are the nation's third Medicine. occurs when a blood vessel bursts. A thromboembolic stroke results from a just how smoking could cause striike-. leading cause of death after heart at- Over the past two decades, the They speculate that it could increase tacks and cancer. An estimated blood clot that shuts off the blood death rate front strokes has fallen by flow. the risk of thromboembolic strokes by who protest sex education 500.000 people have strokes each about 30 percent. Experts have attrib- The researchers found that both prompting the blood to clot, and it year, and 156.000 die Because of uted this to better control of high blood raise the risk of hemorrhagic types were more frequent among might NEW YORK (API A Vatican conservative national Catholic weekly, damage to the brain. hoss ever. about pressure, which can trigger strokes. strokes by temporarily raising blood smokers. However, hemorrhagic official recently wrote private letters to The Wanderer, based in St. Paul, 40 percent of survivors require special But Abbott says Americans' success in pressure. strokes, the more lethal of the two, in- several American mothers agreeing Minn. services. such as physical therapy or giving up cigarettes has also probably creased more. with their strong objections to texts on 'Orthodox Catholics get a more speech therapy. played a part in this reduction. "Smokers should be strongly en- During the 12 years of follow-up, couraged to stop." the study con- human sexuality used in Catholic sympathetic hearing from Rome than Fairer also found that studies The study enrolled 3,435 ciga- there were I I strokes for every 1,0(10 cludes, soh,- so doing they can re- schools. they do from American pastors and smokers have an increased risk of rette smokers and 4.437 non-smokers, people among the non-smokers. For iii '' duce then ml slt-ttkC "The hest placed people to put bishops. pressures on the authorities are the par- He was referring to recent Vati- Spartan Daily Princess Diana shames smoker into kicking habit ents.’ Cardinal Edouard Gagnon of can curtailment of the role of Arch- Rome's Pontifical Council on the bishop Raymond Hunthauscn of Seattle. Wash., and the stripping Serving the San Jose State LONDON (AP) - A woman way, Murray Was holding a halt - Family said later, calling it a healthy of the Rev. Charles Curran of the right to University Community who has been smoking for 35 years smoked cigarette. sign that lay people are sounding off. vowed to stop after getting a scolding Reporters who saw the encounter 'l felt so ashamed that They obviously are doing just that teach theology at the Catholic Univer- Since 1934 from Princess Diana. said the princess exclaimed: "What in a gmwing outpouring of complaints sity of America. I threw the cigarette Both had been targets of heavy (UCPS 509480) "I shall never smoke again," have you got there?" to the Vatican about various situations in U.S. Roman Catholicism, appar- criticism by conservative groups, in- said Shirley Murray, 51. a mother of "Nothing," Murray said. down a drain and cluding letters to Rome. Snss,nst Sao to, I All three who had a 40 cigarette-a-day "You're lying," retorted the ently influencing several recent Vati- 1111"111.1 Sis.011V1 .1 Caldontia Newspaper Donald McClane. president of habit. princess. "Where are you going with swore I would never can moves to impose stricter disci- Publisher. ,sociation and the Associated pline. Catholics United for the Faith, a doc- Press Published daily by San Jose State The princess and the smoker it?" trinally conservative organization university, during the college year The came face-to-lace last week at Bromp- smoke again.' When Murray replied, "No- "If it hadn't been for the voice based in New Rochelle, N.Y., said opinion, expressed in the paper are 1101 nec- ton Hospital. which specializes in Shirley Murray, essanly those iii the Ikpartment of Journa- where," the princess said: "Don't tell and clamor of faithful Catholic lay there appears to be a "greater re- chest and lung problems. lism and Mai., Communications. the Urn - lies." smoker for 35 years people, nothing would have hap- sponse" front the Vatican to those versdy Adininisti Anal 01 any student in Diana visited the hospital the day Murray. who admits to suffering pened," said Al J. Matt Jr., editor of a writing "letters ,,t concern." faculty orgarioration 51.111 subscription, ac- after actress Pat Phoenix of the tele- from hoarseness and bronchitis be- cepted on .1 remainder of semester hams opera "Coronation bull academic year, 515 1 -ash .1111.,11.11". vision soap cause of smoking, said later: "I felt so 67. SO Outssnropnrs prim per sops, 15 Street." died front lung cancer and ashamed that I threw the cigarette eents On-campos dein ely pant lin through was nationally mourned, down a drain and swore I would never Assisi:tided Student, al 511 per pant. pat- ASSIGNMENT HONDURAS: ing candled student Phone- balitonal 277- Murray was at the hospital to visit smoke again." 11141. A...kenning 777 -till Printed by her I2-year-old son, who has a toy Princess Diana has never smoked FrickeiParks Pm, building brick lodged in a lung When and is patron of the British I.ung Foun- Postinaster Please semi all address eorrek TEACH TEENAGERS horn ti. Spartan Daily. San Jose Stale Uni- she encountered the prin, , in a hall- dation charity. versity /ne Washington Square. San lo,, HOW TO RESTORE FURNITURE SAN JOSE STATE w FRESNO STATE STAFF SAT. OCT. 4, 1:30 P.M. Editor Mena J Comm FOR A LIVELIHOOD. INIVERSTv V eSE UTAH STATE Advertising Director Tony Prmyi SAT. OCT. 11.1:30 P.M. City Fdltor Suzanne Espinosa Assistant City Editors TAILGATEIM TARTY a Veda Anderson AT Ctaiit SPARTAN STADIUM Specie Student Sten Rates Armies. News Editor F esno St game- win Air Cal KICU 16 TV trips to , Assistant News Editor Vancouver. Canada Homecoming KEEN Bud . ,.. F orum Editor F painter caps to 1st 10.000 See Kevin Sweeney Assistant Forum Editor I von Louse Heismann candidate Utah St game win Amer- Factifts. Sle& Feature Editor Sally Finegan ican Airlines KICU 36 TV trips to Europe Sports Editor Thomas Gary Morton S. 4 Assistant Sports Editor Dale Moon TICKET INFO (408) 277 -FANS Entertainer Editor $heiN 0 Day Special Assignment Editor Clod Hansen Assistant Special Assignment Editor Jon, Uyeda Photo Editor Iris Fong Assfatent Photo Editor Erol Gomm Chief Photographer Ken Lain Retail Advertising Manager Brian Katz National Advertising Director Cynds Metter MULTIPLY YOUR Specter Sections Manager Shawn Carroll Assistant Special Sections Manager Lynn Hunter Production Manager Michael P For klerketing Manager Richard Had EMPLOYMENT Co OP Advertising Manager Jeff Ogden Assistant Co Op Managers Mon Hochdorl Steve Weekly OPPORTUNITIES Art Director Katherina Briganti make nip Reporters Teaching Industrial Arts as sell what they mmmii 11111100.. Andy Bird, Paula Ray Chris Copy your resume at Kinko's. A lot a Peace Corps Volunteer will school administrators design a !Anson Lisa Elmore. Brian Fedrow. Oscar skills in curriculum. You will handle Guerra. ten Gutman. Janell Hall, Scott G of companies would like to know develop your professional Fineman, Gene Johnson Jr . Dan Kier. Sue and beyond. You responsibilities far greater than N1V/11,1/ Mari Marlin Amy L Pahalen, David the classroom Rickard. Frank Wham Russell Kann L S11111111. about you, and our low prices on might be asked to teach wood- you might be offered in a starting (Keg Stryker F C Waiters quality copies will help you reach working to Honduran youth .. position in the United States. Pholateleawas or welding in Morocco .. or auto- When you return, you will find .11.11.1 A Sennett Alan Dog John Duos. AD., them. 11/101 Halle Apra Swift, Denise Wandler motive repair in Western Samoa that educational institutions. inter- national firms and government Artists In addition, develop on -the -lob Elizabeth Barton, Leslie Crow. Colleen Gong. training programsor set up a agencies value someone with Cindy 0110. David Twasumi. Jude Wescoat. chafe Vokoyerna school store where students can your Peace Corps experience

National Account Executives Nancy Foldvary. Colleen Haack Scott Jas. Mum 25 years of PEACE CORPS kower. Barbara Zeta Open early Open late Open weekends. The toughest job you'll ever love. Marketing Consultants Donna Beck Ken Enornoto Pamela Parsons If you have a major In: Kelvin Sans Sue Szentirmas George Yukon. MATH/SOENCE 295-4336 295-5511 HEALTH/NUTRITION OR Retail Account Executives Destine, OPEN 6 DAYS OPEN 24 HOURS INDUSTRIAL ARTS Chrisiiiie Boom Amy Chan. Duane with the Peace Corps! Jackie Faun, Suzanne Estrada, Lela Garcia, 310 Third St. 481 E. San Carlos St. Sign up for an interview Richard ilaskat, Deane, Hit, Peter Lindberg. interview dates are October 6 & 7 at the Career Planning 41 Placement Christine Marquez, Eric Malsuoka. Lome %m- (across from McDonald's) (between 10th & 11th) Center ane. Dien Mogensen. Lie Novak. Jana Olson. (415) 974-8754 Karen Wagner For Information call epoffao Ric,: 1 Monday. September 22, I986/Spartan Daily SJSU gives away game to Stanford Offense sputters in 28-10 loss

TURNOVERS. front page I nine yards, and one play later Stanford For the game. Muster was all had to punt. over the field for the Cardinal, rushing Perez then went to work on the strength for 62 yards on 16 carries and catching Cardinal defense, and on the six passes (or 84 yards, with two of running back Kenny Jackson's 12- touchdowns. yard run up the middle and a crucial At this point in the game, there third-down pass to wide reciever Guy Liggins for II yards, Perez got the were visions of last season's thrashing of SJSU by the Cardinal. In that game, Spartans down to the Cardinal 33-yard Muster ran for tour touchdowns and line. Things were looking up until Paye threw for one, as the Cardinal pass on the first- heat SJSU 41-7. Perez went back to down play and fumbled the hall. Car- However, there would be no dinal tackle Tony Leiker fell on it. and blowtrut today the Spartans' best drive of the day so The Spartan defense played well far was halted. throughout the game, holding Paye to very next play it was just 271 yards in the air and the Stan- But on the this time sacking Paye on ford offense to a mere 31 yards net on Pauu again, a blitz through the middle that ended the ground. linebacker Sam Kennedy "We played a real good game. with Spartan on Paye's fumble. We were hustlin'." SJSU linebacker falling later. Jackson galloped Barry Kidney said. Two plays lb-yard line, and the Spar- Stanford head coach Jack Elway in from the were on the board. Jackson car- said he felt the Spartan defense played tans for 53 yards on well also. ried the ball 15 times 50 yards "Their defense can make an of- the day and had an additional fense look had, and they did it to us at receiving. left in the half, it was times today," Elway said. With 9:32 The Spartan offensive line was Stanford 14, SJSU 7. chance to brilliant once again. giving Perez all Stanford had another score before the half ended, but Cardi- day to throw and not allowing him to Julie A Bennett Daily staff photographer he sacked for the third consecutive nal place-kicker David Sweeney was just short on a 40-yard field goal at- game SJSU tight end Cortez Thomas is upended by Stanford's Darren Bennett, Si, as Kevin Richardson, 46, rushes in during the Spartans' defeat It was the turnovers that made the tempt, and the score remained 14-7 difference. though. after two quarters of play. 'You just look at all the turn- At the start of the second half, Wayne Woodard after a hit by line- tan one. Muster rumbled in again to overs we had and that was the total ef- Stanford went three plays and had to backer Lloyd Forrest, and marched the make the score 21-10. fect on the game.' Perez said. punt and the Spartans took over on hall down to the Cardinal I -yard line. There was still some hope left Gilbert said he thought the pres- their own 38-yard line. Jackson failed to get in, and then when the Spartans got the hall hack BE YOUR sure of such a big game affected Per- Perez then hit Liggins for 10 on the ensuing play Perez rolled right with 9:58 remaining in the game, but OWN BOSS ez's performance. yards. wide receiver Lafu Malauulu looking for wide receiver James Saxon on the third play of the drive Perez $$ EARN 8,000 $$ "Mike played two great games for completions of 20 and 22 yards, but overthrew him in the back of the threw his fourth interception of the Over the Summer of 1987 against Oregon and Washington and Jackson for nine, putting the Spar- end zone. day. This one was by Stanford safety If you want the Independence of running State." Gilbert said. "Then he gets tans on the Stanford 3-yard line. It looked as if Perez had enough Brad Humphreys, who ran it back un- your own business and financial quite a media barrage this week, and Then, in what might have been room to take the ball in himself, but he touched. 36 yards for a Cardinal independence while you are in college. then playing here before the Mg crowd is the pivotal play of the game. Jackson elected to try and hit Saxon instead. touchdown to put the game away. 28- LoCoat Student Painting is for you!" quite a difficult assignment for a tried to score through the left side of 10. earn as much as $8.000 Or More Over the summer "They just had a good goal-line in your young guy that hasn't played at this the Cardinal defense and fumbled the The Spartans got the ball back operating your own house painting business ball at the goal line. The Cardinal re- stand," Perez said. neighborhood for Summer of 1987 level 101 football) before." one more time hut fumbled it away. opronovidpedainting experience necessary training covered in the end /one and took over The Spartans settled for a 25-yard and Stanford just ran out the clock to As the first quarter came to a at the 20. field goal by Sergio Olivarez on the notch its third straight victory over the If you are interested in this opportunity, then Lo-Cost close, the Spartans knew they had to "I thought I was in the end zone first play of the fourth quarter, and the Spartans, bringing the series record to Student Painting has a house painting business do something to turn the momentum of before I fumbled," Jackson said. score was 14-10, 35-7-1, in favor of the Cardinal. available for you in your area. Apply nor for the the game around. The referee disagreed, and Stan- The rest of the fourth quarter was "Our football team put forth a opportunity! That's when Spartan linebacker ford dodged a bullet that would have all Stanford. starting on a drive follow- great effort and we're proud of that," CONTACT: Business Bldg.. Rm 13 Yepi Pauu established his presence on tied the game at 14 apiece. ing the Spartan field goal. Gilbert said. "Stanford's team is very Applications accepted NOW Dec. the field. Late in the third quarter, the Spar- Paye and company drove the hall powerful, we have to be perfect to beat All positions will be filled by January 1987 On the third play of the second tans recovered another Paye fumble in 75 yards on 10 plays, and after an in- them." quarter. Pauu sacked Paye for a loss of Cardinal territory, this time by tackle terference call put the hall at the Spar- Tyson to fight Berbwk for heavyweight title NEW YOKIS t AP) Mike Tyson was in New York last Ty son, a native of Catskill, N.Y., CAN YOU TOP THESE Tyson was asking for questions when week to formally announce his chal- has won all 27 of his fights includ- he got one he didn't want to hear. lenge to Trevor Berbick for the World ing 25 by knockout in a brief pm- "What if you lose!' Boxing Council title Nos 22 at the fessional career spanning just 18 "Who said that'?" the unbeaten Las Vegas Hilton. months. SUMMER ADVENTURES? 20-year-old heavyweight replied at a These SJSU students new to three exciting locations . news conference recently. "I want to and the Army ROTC paid for the experience! see the person who said that." No one stood. 'Anyway. , that is a negative question, and I'm not a negative per- GET FISHY WITH US . . . "I flew from Seattle to Alaska to son.' TN min Najd- I don't see me los- attend the Army's Northern War- me For Monday Night Football fare School. For 3-1/2 weeks, I MARTINI JOSEPH trained in military mountaineer- Senior ing and glacier/cold weather op- Aeronautical Big Screen TV. erations. It was a rigorous pro- Operations gram, 2 for 1 Draft Beer but I enjoyed the experience and the beautiful $1.00 Shots of LSATE, Schnapps Alaskan scenery." $1.50 Chili Dogs and a Draft Beer Free Appetizers (hoed) KAPLAN Every Monday Night STAND ii ORAN EDULADDWA CENTER LID Including Thursday Night The world's leading Telecasts test prep organization elanwew ENROLLING NOW! Visit us at our center 300 Hamilton Ave Palo Alto. CA 9030 Ccli'e PACIFIC "I spent part of my summer in Or call 115 days evermqs or even weekend, ...... -..-...... =,,gat wo. Arizona gaining hands on expe- Our phone number rience in Army nursing. I was a (415) 327-0841 177 W . Santa Clara St., San Jose, CA 298-7222 team leader for 25 patients on a (408) NANCY BALM EDIANO medical surgical pediatric ward. do Senior I'm certain that this training has * ******************************************* Nursing enhanced my medical skills and is a step forward to my future as BOX OFFICE OPENS TODAY a nurse." . NOW IN THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE . THE EFFECT OF G41141/4 Mq5 ON .* 1111114111-1 -THE-11)00111 ailkilGOLE5 .: . . "In July I graduated from ROTC . . basic camp at Fort Knox, Ken- * * TOM LEE tucky. I developed many valu- * Sept. 26, 27 * Senior able skills including rifle * * Mechanical marksmanship, repelling, and * Oct. 1, 2, 3, 4 * Engineering land navigation. Basic helped * * me gain responsibility and self- * UNIVERSITY * confidence, as well as a group * * of good, close friends." * THEATRE * * 8:00 p.m. * * * For more information see Captain George Jicha * Tickets available at University Theatre Box Office * Room 308, Mac Quarrie Hall or Call 277-2985 * 5th & San Fernando * * * * Mon.-Fri. 1-5 p.m. and 6:30-8:15 Shownights * * ******************************************* Spartan Daily/Monday, September 22, CaMEED:WEO

1986 Page 5 Spartaguide Bloom County Berke Breathed Dry Toast Peter Stein YOU 7&-EfereP I6- I IT 13 TRUE OR/f/r/se awe?? MY ACV a-3 mir MOT ate. //WV. I The A.S. Personnel Selection Committee will be ac- La' )a I NIX WA3 AN PARK. cepting applications and interviewing for immediate vacan- ,:,-- ,.. MOTHER WEAVER 5 AWNS cird'PE we./ uNfORTGRAVE cies on several A.S. 771A1' AfY ir P4P -70 64abe MIZAZWIAT1ON committees from 2:00 to 6:(X) p.m. if I, today and tomorrow in the lip V CAR Associated Students Office. For II '/ rylifiegf gi more information, call Victoria Johnson at 277-3201. i r i kko.400 , goof-a tOMIXTli The Women's Intercollegiate team will LJ {11261 re* hold a team tryout meeting at 3 p.m. today in Spartan com- plex, Room 9. For more information. call Tina Krah at 277- , 4'i, --, 3141. /- i The Community Committee for International Student, will sponsor "Conversation-In-English-Groups" Irom 10 4P447 a.m. to noon today and tomorrow and from 1:30 to 3:30 4 ( 1 today. For more information, call the International Center at b The Real World Manuel Ruiz 277-369(1. David Fankushen will discuss "Jewish Bio-Medical Ethics from Birth to Death" at a meeting of the HiIlel Jew- ,.%,%., ish Student Association at noon tomorrow in the Campus Christian Center. For more information, call Sandra Silver li N) at 294-8311. I Circle K Service and Leadership Club will hold their rurr Hitting all the bars, Lyle stays on the wagon weekly meeting at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Student 1014.--47Z. - Union Pacheco Room. For more information, call Kelly at - 268-4705. Jacqueline Rentice, modem artist. sI, ill 1/1k.,011 "Nieto- 'tree. Campus Crusade for Christ will present "Tuesday ories, Totems and Legends" from 5 to 6 p.m. tomorrow in Night Live" from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Stu- the SJSU Art Building as part of the A.S. Program Board's dent Union Council Chambers. For more information, call "Humble Artist" lecture series. For more information. call Dan Ryder at 294-4249. Andy Slean at 277-2708. School Daze Wanda Folk


LIFEGUARD ANNOUNCEMENTS NEEDED, SJSU Swim 760 S 11th St From $600 mo. Enroll now, Save your t.th, eyes Club Must have current cart Hrs. cl.n, quiet living 2795076 and money too For information ADULT (XXX) CLASSIFIED MAGAZINE M-F, 4.5prn Call Mary st 779-4335 and brochure see A S Office or FREE. Call 255-0724 (recording) 1920’ CLASSIC -1 bdrrn apt iv bonus LOOKING FOR PART TIME work? call (408)3714811 to get your copy. 245r0 FREE room Must be clean. quiet 8, Togo. al 900 N First St is hiring sober 551 5 6Ih St Single-1475. RESEARCH PAPERS 15.276 AVAIL- for day lima positions Please cell double 5495 Call Robert at 253- TYPING ABLE, Catalog $200 Research, 267-4570 or Inquire within 0989257.2077 AARDVARKS DON T TYPE but I do! 11322 ideho. #206XT Los An. LUNCH SHIFT WAITRESS needed Theses, dis.rtations. reports gel. 90025. Toll-free hol line MINATO Jape.es cusIn Cali PERSONAL Eight peg. minimum, eix months 800-351-0222. rat 33 VISA MC or Mac at 998-9711 Ito. disk storage On-line word COD. BACKACHE?, Free examination 8 processing. ask for Joys at 264- CHECK (Ka McDONALD’ NOW HIRING, Premium care as part of research protect 0104360 WEEKLY Up, mailing circu- 1029 6001,5 HERC pay hours flexible around school If you have had low back pain to lar*? NO quota& boa., Sincerely schedule Two-flve days. 10-35 more than 6 months & are 20-55 A BEAUTIFUL PAPER every time Ex- interested rush WI-addressed hrs wk interviews M-F 3-4pm yr old please call Palmer Col- perience.] professional word pro- envelope Network-COW. Contact MA. or Lucy at 365-3095. lage of Chiropractic -West at 14081 cessing papers. theses re- P0L111072. Crystal Lake. II 60014 Isaac Newt Sheila Neal 15475 Los Gat. Blvd 244-8907, act 401 sumes. office overflow, mailings, newsletters Student Discounts. AUTOMOTIVE OFFICE ASST? Fl., hrs evenings II FEMALE COMPANION WANTED to Guaranteed work Only 10 min- UNDER5rAN.:. weekends Varied duties In retail live with sincere handicapped I PONT BUGS FOR SALE., Son Jo,., best ute. from campus Words and HERE YE? AN MAY6E WE credft office Cell Debby at 296- rnan Please call Brian st 298- THINK mEN BUGS All guaranteed,. 100% more (Pamela) 923-7810. WE EVEAYONE SHOW) 7393. Russell'. Furniture 2308 UNiL.IBERATEP \AULD RATNER nancing. OAC Call VW Restore ABSOLUTELY, ACCURATE, AC- APPEARS rHAF6E HELLO SALLY. Hers s to another fan- BEACH ! Non It 297-8200 PART & FULL TIME RETAIL HELP! Ns- .HE ptON'T WEAR 5200 discount on COUNTABLE for telephone. that SrARAEciii E./ lbExScrepT APMISSiON. tional firm preparing for 11.110 semester together Good vehicle purchase o univ I D toots typing hot.t top.--try HER -roe WHAT Kith"- Christmas work and se luck with your Mudies and move F IS IT TRUE you can buy peps for 544 Tony-296.2087 St 50 per page ---- srATENIENT 15 break wore If accepted you will back horn. Who knows? Love --. J t4A51r1l(TtUr through The US Government, double spaced All work guar- earn 5825 starting! Part We (20) Sal Met the facts today! Call 1-312. anteed Trust Tony 296-2087 earnings per week equal $185 HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT ASSOCIA- YOU. 742-1142. ext. 8115 Thanks )zr ) FA, , Full (40) earnings per week equal TION,, Shabbat dinners. parties. Lrt-t1’ ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL '113 BUICK SKYHAWK Odr. sc. cruise. $375 No experience is needed be Sunday brunches. lectures. Tues. \.4) word processing P J s word pro- at, pb, pa, at. frn, etc $4950 00. cause of our Intenive on the lob day Lunch and Learn. Israeli ceasing offers quality guaranteed call 279-0570- trebling program Good rnath nd dancing, holiday celebrations reeding work at competitive rates Experi- '50 TOYOTA TERCEL. 74k miles, 5 skills are a plus. Some For information call Hiliel at 294- ev.ing and w.kend enced in the.., term papers, speed. beige, 2 dr runs well, sm. positions 8311 group are available and some flexibility projects, resumes. manu- frn stereo iv auto reverse tape NATIONAL GAY -BI contact club 18 . is allowed during flnel exams In scripts letters Located In North player Good gas mlleusge. c. men end worn. Conlidental, low addition. If you San Jose. only minutes from clom- Thick Crust Eric Kieninger $1200 Call Melanie John at 226- quit.ry, corporate rates Send SASE to NGCC. P0 p. Call P scholarships are awarded. Inter J at 923-2309 6364 Box 287819. San Jose. Ca nahips are possible. and you may ACADEMIC WOAD PROCESSING All CAJON , STAN / MOVE YO, T 77 VW RABBIT" Automatic trans. 95159 earn 2.3.4 credits per quarter or formats 8. group projects wet. Cull yo)’’s new brakes. now Ikea Ru. I &DT A NoT CNE Comm' semester During your winter, NEED 100 OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE to cow Spell check every time, free .k()T Sluff! good 11250 bo 277.8063 spring and especially summer try nets herbal streIght control pro- disk Morage Databa. capability '70 OPEL GT LEMON. $100000 Call breaks lull time work is available gram No drugs. no exorcise Standard .1 micro cassette tran- Robert .1 280.0190 drive awy Call today for information and an 100% guaranteed Call (406) 245- scription Word proc trng on interview or call Monday through 7503 SAMNA 8, word perfect '75 FIAT WAGON. runs well 5600 Call Friday between 10 AM-2 PM 1408/ solhvere His M-F, 930.530 Re- 356-7500 PROFESSOR s EXAM FILES available 275-9885 11 the line is busy. tor Engineering (8 required serve Ow now for your upcom- 71 VW 411 SEDAN Runs good. inte- obese be petWnt and try again courses In CE. EE. ME and Met ing thesis. dissertation or man., rior & exterior 011 condition An equal opportunity company Engri. EIT, Calculus. 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San Jose Call rate, literate, B A in history Wang Classified Greet fundraiser, Call Lance 253- 247-74116 for appointment Word Pr...Ong. spelling errors DISK TO DISK CONVERSIONS . ... 8282. 5-7pm, beet or Wye rnee corrected Long manuscripts wel- IBM MS-DOS CP M ALTOS WORSHIP AT CAMPUS Christian Cen- sage come Will pick up. deliver Also tuetion, sentence structure. and Professional, confidential end de- PUT YOUR WORDS in their beet per. prooseieng w turas otMntIon to Portables-OSBORN- TRS-110 ter Sundey-Lutheren 1045 arn ROCK STARS Legacy Ia good origi. available critical reading. assis- formatting (Turablen. APA. etc) pendable weld. at AFFORDA- spectIve Experienced proles. &Hell 62 pg for students. 53 pg Over 500 Disk formats Catholic 4:00100 800 per, Please nsl rock n roll band looking for tance In rewriting Dan 0 Rear. Former English menu, highly de- BLE RATES,. Fres disk storage Monte word proc.sing papers. for professionsis Resumes 510 $1400 a disk Word Pro- call Campos Ministry at 296-0204 singer Cr.the and talented Is 978-0277 pendable Willow Glen Area, easy Pam. 247-2661 (Sent. Clara). See theses, resumes Spectalist in Save your work on the IBM PC for ceseors-Mag Tspes for worship,counseling.program later must No previous .p or equip to locate Call Mrs Morton SJSU Fall 86 Directory of Messas technical. scientific protects use Grammar. punctuation Prompt Service and study opportunities Rev BARBE'S WORD PROCESSING Have PU & Delivery (Marshal horn IIAM-8PM at 266. for additional coupon savings SI 7543 page Cali Vicki I 281. A spelling checked printed - In needed Call Ste. at 225- lob will process Experienced in Creative Data Senr- Natalie ShIrseFr Bob Leger.Sr 9448 3058. IBM area publicMions quality Erickeon 5745 Rick-265-6743. A message theses. manuscripts. papers. re- FREE 4-PAGER w every 4 papers, Ices 4406066-6080 Joan Panelia, Rev Norb Word Processing 377-5293 ENTERPRISE WORD PROCESSING grammar & spelling QUALITY TYPING SERVICE tor all SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS AIDE caring hob., sumes, professional beck -up included. IBM XT COMPATIBLE. 2566. 2 drives, TYPING for childr. 2-5 yrs Near campus work Reasonable rates Located Term papers. r.earch papers. $2 pg Margaret. 492-7008 your typing needs Student rates DONE REASONABLE rates monftor. keyboard. MOP 5895 No experience necessary Call SERVICES conveniently Call Barbe at 929 theses & dissertations (Campbell. ranging from St lo St 75 per page Call Pert! 11 248-5633 6406. 20MB hard disk drive. NEED THAT FORGOTTEN PAPER 293-2288 4370 Turablan, APA 3rd ad I. screen. Quick turnaround Disk slorege TYPING typed fest? Let me help! SERVICE tor students and in- monitor. keyboard, $1095 Dot BARE IT ALL!! Stop shaving, waxing. plays. reaumes. cover & follow-up Term pa- for 30 days Call 14081 945-4967 TAP TEACHER rwed40 to twh chi'. BECK SECRETARIAL Student pa- pers. Afters. reports, fInas, re- structors Dependeble, matrix printer. 5240 Letter qua). tweezing. Let me permanently re- lettere. manuscripts (books, ant. Ask for Amanda or leave meseage Valley pers. resumes, business typing swerch manna. work Reasonable rel.. Ity. $295 One block from campus drone classes at Blossom move your unwanted hair (chin. papers fast and profes- Oil cies. short stories). transcription machine SI SO Wei only. 281-7172 needs. word processing Willow sionally! FREE grammar pg Assignment. 10 pgn 404 S 3rd St. 02, corner of San studio Ado bikini, tummy. moustache, back. Free SPEL-CHEK, minor edit (if Glen area Cell Ilse at 267-8234 spelling assistance Reasonable RESUMES. COVERLETTERS. and and over will Ita accepted only Salvador PC-COM, 295-1606 TEACHERS 11 AIDES for pre.hool shoulders. e101 15% discounts to requested), proof. disc !storage rates Call Marcie at 294-6347 business correspondence Assis- Call (400) 7381976, Sonnyvele SJ area 6 ECE units preferred students and loculty Call before BLOSSOM HILL SANTA TERESA Student faculty discounts Quick LG area Long range assignments St (work leave nwesagel or 026-1274 tance with voesbulary, witence FOR SALE (408)723-1131 Christmas. 1986 8 get your AREA Feel. accurete typing and turnaround 246-5825 before 10 prn It requested can be submitted by mail vr your oppt at 1 2 price Unwented hair word processing avelleble seven structure, and low TELEMARKETING RADIO TIME PART E %CELL ENT TYPING SERVICE Term remittance BEER DISPENSER-2 taps. stores 2 disappears with my care Gwen C days a week Limited pick-up 8 PROCESS IT WRITE!' Faculty and stu- Call 266-9446 TIME We are looking for a feet papers theses, resumes. dls.r. Iregs includes all ac. Cholgren. R E Call 5593500. for delivery 365-1012 dents can rely on accurate RESUME I TYPING We use IBM XT WORD PROCESSING-RESUMES the- outspoken people to sell all time Unions etc for students and lac. ceiteories Cell BJB eve 258- sppt . 1645 5 Bascom Ave #C. timely production ol newsletters. COMPUTER. Word Star and letter sis and term papers Ressonable Thls position requires a good CALL LINDA FOR PROFESSIONAL ulty We also do tape trenscrip. 3166 HAIR TODAY GONE TOMORROW reports resumes, publications, twenty printer Resume 55 up rates 01111115 se,vice able to do voice and strong doeire to melte word processing. Reports, Don and bookkeeping Free Osta FUTONS!! products AUTOMATIVE EXTERIOR REFI. manuscripts. correspond... Typing. St 50 pg. double space bold lace and rIght mergIn 10.181. Chanty cotton money Cali Mrs Green It 377. theses. dls.rtstIons. group pro- storage Call 245-1769 etc Will aid In gremmer spelling- block from campus PC. canon Call 259-9446 Not net from Create your own living & sleeping 3800 NISHER, Body tech 10 yrs expo, Imre resumes Guaranteed quick One EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for your punctuation For prompt 7 day #2, corner of SJSU space with our futons, pillows Very ressoneble rates The reflec- return. Per page and hourly rat. COM, 404 S Ird St . TELEPHONE SALES-part time Sell personal legal business, word response, leave message for and frames Custom Futons & Pil. tions on you, Call Scott Coop De TrimscrIptIon available Almaden. San Salvedor PC-COM, 295.1606. ZEE. TYPING and Secretar41 Set, subscriptions to the Mercury- processing needs Term papers, Pamela W1408)2754253 low. Plus, 302 El Pea. Shopping al OW 358-4298 Brenham area Frr.5 disk storage SUCCESS ENTERPRISE PROFES- ic. Fast, accurete work avell- News Guaranteed 54 50 hr plus reports. resumes cover letters Center (al Saratoga & Campbell Prot Steno Typing Service (408) PROFESSIONAL TYPIST -term papers. SIONAL typing II business .env. able seven days week Located commIselon Shifts 9AM-1PM or EE's 1E91, .. IS THAT DESIGN protect theses dluertations monuals Av..), San Jose, 376-5646 10% 264-4504 theses. Mc Accurate, prompt. Ices Fast reasonable, & near uni- In the Blossom Hill Unlit Tams 4 30PM-8 30PM. Mon .Fri plus due & you have no resources for All acedernIc formals APA discount on Futons with this ift1 52 25 dbl some per page Sara- versity Call 408(292-4047 area Limited pick-up end deliv- Sat Call today (408) 983-1600 ideas or what to build? SHI Elec- EDITING WORD PROCESSING, 266. Spelling grammar, punctuation toga area. call Joan at 741.5880 ery Call 365-1012 I SELL ONLY ONE model and size tronics is committed to offering 9448 Emphasis on correct punt- All work guaranteed THESES REPORT PAPERS Wo d UTILITY PERSON clew 6 maintain assistance (23") of bike, but you can own low cost electronic (component) rental vehicle floal PT, 25- new 12.s9ee0 for less than 585 computer Information needs for 40 hrs wk Close to campus MliC Bicycle SW. offers low. the student Call Days 942.7736, 55 hr. Monarch Rental., 11116 coal transportation needs for the Eves 283-4780.0k for Joe Print Your Ad Here 1st St student 30 day guarantee All IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY will con- (Count approximately 30 letters and spaces for each line) sale. fInsi Call Day. 1142-7736, WORK FRIDAY MORNINGS making sult with SJSU student Ica 30 min. Ad Rates Eves 293-4760 8.6 100 Joe calls from your honw to local ut. FREE Practice limited to all Minimum three lines on one day benks to get Interest rat. IFivift THREE JAMES TAYLOR tickets at aspect of immigretion end natu- 111111111111114171111 55 par hr Call (800)521.7825 Shoreline, Oct. 14th, $16 50 .ch ralization law Oftl0, located Each within 10 minules Call 13.1. at 297-7393 HOUSING from campus Extra Call Robert Ng It (406) 269 8400 One Two Three Four Five 111111111 WHY BUY SEMINAR COURSES, Bor. AFFORDABLE HOUSING. STUDENT for en appointment Day Days Days Days Days Day row them from usi Reel Estate. DISCOUNT Fully furnished, se- Motivetional, Sales 8, Business LEARN TO FLY, Flight instruction 3 Lines $355 $435 $4.75 $500 $5 20 $ 90 cure end safe rooms. FREE utili- home-study courses Hundreds available at comparable rates 4 Lines $435 $5 15 $5.55 $5 80 $600 $1 05 ties and housekeeping servi. to choose from, We II also accept Brain Schiff. certified Might In Reasonable rates-shared or sin- 5 Lines $5 15 $600 $635 $660 $680 $1 20 eny used courses for credit lo- etructor (408)277-8156 gle avsliable Walking cliatance to 6 Lines $595 $680 $7 15 $740 $760 $1 35 ward the annual Ia. UNLIMITED San Jose State 0111. 72 N 5th PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL for Each Additional I inp Add 5 80 borrowing The Senn., Library ST. 9964234 men end women Spec41 rate with 924-2222s 132 faculty or student ID Private Print Name mai COZY COTTAGE for 2. walk to SJSU confidential Weekdays. evenings Semester Rates (All Issues) 2-car carport $485 mo incl HELP WANTED Seturday Sunnyvale Electroly. 5-9 Lines $4600 10-14 Lines $6300 $300 sec dm, 745-7488, 279. els Center. Koll Busines Perk et 15 Plus Lines $6000 Address Phone 6112 CASHIER COMPUTERIZED GAS STA Hwy 101 & N Fairoaks A. 1406) Phone 277.3175 to SJSU 2 bdrrn .pl. T1ON 3-11p.., kl-E Clo. to cam- FOR RENT Walk 734-3115 off-street eke 1450 mo. $200 7ip pus. 56hr., Monarch Rentals. PRESTO CLEANING A SERVICES City & State WWII, 2794075. 1717 N. 151, 51. ...PPP/ Homes, offlces. carpets & gen. WANTED. FEMALE to GREAT STUDENT JOBS, PT ev. $15- ROOMMATE oral (408) 264-3098, 269-6025 share quiet 4 Wm. hou. In Enclosed is 5, Lines__ $1010 . 3 nts wk Sun-Thur Call PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH for writ Campbell near Pru.yard with 2 277-9206 ME, 3-Spin SJSU an. ors. scholars. and public official. Circle &Classification: fernles and liwher 5275 - nual fund telernerketIng Specisilzing In historical, politi Announcements Help Wanted Personals ehere util Cali 377-1654 cal, biographical toplc Student SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER Classified Desk Located Outside 0811208 JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! ideal for .to Services WNTD 1 student In available For free into Automotive Housing dents Joln our marketing shift ROOMMATE diacounis OR CASH TO Hours 9 00 A M to 3 30 P M lerge duplex nr Blossom Take new and renew.' magazine shore write CLO, 6003-8 Motors Lane, Travel For Sale Lost & Found Hill $325 I 2 utls Call Torn at Columbia, MD 21045 SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline' Two days prior to publication orders by phone Mon thru Weds Typing Computers 972-8744 after 9pft. Stereo 8 Sal II Sun Outstanding eernIng RUNNERS, ATHLETES. Deep nest01 San Jose State University Consecutive publication dates only potential Call 375-8060 GRAD student, SERIOUS FEMALE muscle work for an Woe compet- No refunds on cancelled ads bth, nice hme, likes effl- San Jose, California 95192 KITCHEN HELPER 8 WAITRESS CAIN room itive edge and Increased 5325. 629-9041 Call Richard et 272-8348 needed evenings Japanese town quiet kids clency restourent Call 287-5944 SJSU. 2 bdrrn. 2 be carport. mount! STUDENT DENTAL OPTICAL PLAN Cearmnpm Page 6 Monday. Sevember 22. I 986/Spartan Daily Spartan faithful see red Students to lose free city parking PARKING, front page I streets discouraged customers from Councilwoman Susan Hammer said students shopping downtown. Merchants returned in April to took undue advantage of the free parking. over stumbles, fumbles ask for more assistance, he said, at which time the council voted to allow FAITH1 I I Ito PH page I 'flue fumbles and interceptions just killed two free hours of parking. Ile denied that reduced revenues campus parking crunch. He suggested (SJSI,).'' Spartan fan Tint Alvaret said. They should transit, car pools employee club that has more than no seas iii ticket hold- Councilwoman Susan Hammer. were a factor in the withdrawal of the students use mass ers. have thrown down field more, they had nothing to who represents the downtown area, tree parking. and park -and -ride lots. lose." Coming into the game. !Away had won Inc straght said the students took undue adkantage Pere/ said there was "nothing il- The school currently operates a games in the Stantord-SJSU series, three while coaching SJSU junior Ltivinski Jones said Gilbert is too con- of the free parking. legal" in the students' use of the lots, park -and -ride lot at the corner of 12th kw the Spartans. servative to coach for SJSU. 'The plan was intended primarily adding that complaints by the mer- and Keyes streets, which holds 250 "Of course if we win, Stanford is just going to hire "When (Gilbert) coached at San Diego State Uni- to benefit the merchants.' she said. chants also cited abuse of the free lots cars. The opening of a new lot at the

Claude (When away anyway." Millett said. versity, he had a lot of talent that covered for the team's Perez said revenues from parking by office employees and construction corner of Seventh and Humboldt Most "State" tans, as they were called Saturday. mistakes he can't do that here.'' tees went down when the city offered workers. streets will probably he delayed until sat in the far right-hand corner of the north end tone. Although knowing it would be a struggle, the way the free time, bum that it had been an- GI hitch recommended that sill Oct. h because of mechanical prob- Each sack of Stanford quarterback John Poe and SJSU lost Saturday only made being a Spartan fan that ticipated. dents take steps to ;illeviate the on lems on the shuttle bus, he said. there were three brought wild "high fives" and danc- much more frustrating. ing, while each turnover brought even wilder moans of "The way they were playing, I thought we'd get frustration. them this year," said SJSU alumna Babes LaLiberte. "I Studies primary goal for new fraternity Alters', ard second-guessers were every where came all the was from San Diego to see this game." Ih Janell Hall ruin three fraternities that v.,inted it part> a lot,- he said. -But this one Daily staff writer he established at SJSU. The two not seemed to offer me more. And ii ex- There's a new traternity on cam- chosen were Kappa Alpha and Beta citing to be one of the founding lathers pus that says it doesn't want to gel Theta Chi. ol this chapter because we'll get to set Police chief disciplines officer stuck with a " party' ' image. 'Last spring, the Interfratemity it up the way we want it.** Phi Gamma Delta, the campus's Council made a decision to expand. - The fraternity will be classified as newest fraternity, wants to promote an said Jan Muzos. IFC adviser. "We felt a colony for up to two years, and will "academic and community service we had the room and opponunity for not reach chapter status until it fulfills in aftermath of Pub incident oriented group," said Jeff Downey, a this move.' ' requirements set by the group's na- graduate adviser for the fraternity. She said that the IR' followed its tional organitat ion . INCIDENT, front pop, / did not know what they had done that "We want to stress that this is not formal expansion process in which na- The requirements are based on manager of the Pub thought that a was against the rules, but that they had another social club." Downey said. tional fraternal organizations that do scholastic standards. community activ- woman was underage, and she refused Chief Schatz said been appoached in a "negative and "Our first objective is to get the guys not already ekist on campus were con- ities. intramural and intrafratemal to produce an identification card. the hostile" manner. through school, as well as involved in tacted and asked to send literature on sports. financial stability and organiza- May report stated. Officer Moffitt's The women also said they had community service and public rela- their groups. tional administration, such as com- When Moffitt arrived, the man- conduct was legal but been subjected to physical abuse by loons. We can have fun without drink- An expansion committee re- plete records and tiles. ager again asked Ryan, one of a group the officers. ing and partying." viewed the material and then selected "The fraternity is enthusiastic of women in the Pub, for her identifi- inappropriate. Maria N. Smallwood. an Afro- Tom Jackson, another graduate the three hest groups. These groups about being at San Jose State." cation. She produced one. hut accord- American Studies professor had be- adviser, said they would like to get In- sent representatives to make presenta- Dow no said. "We are very impressed ing to the officer, the picture Was not come involved with the girls because trafraternity Council approval for tions to the IFC. Then the ekpansion with our first pledge class.'' of the officer has been named in other in- higher academic requirements. committee chose the group that they her. Wells, said he was just a "few The group held an organizational The officer then told Ry an she cidents, and she cited an event which 'We want all the members to felt best met the needs of SJSU. inches" from the pair when Hunter meeting lOr the pledge class Thursday could not remain in the Pub and involved a residence hall director, who have at least a 2.5 grade point aver- Greg Trench. a Phi Gamma Deka was restrained. While Hunter's hands night to elect officers and plan events "gently grabbed her elbow to show is black. age,' Jackson said ' Fraternity mem- pledge, said he decided to join the fra- were clasped behind her hack, the offi- for this school year. her out,- the officer said in the report. cer "brought her already handcuffed During the meeting, Sinallw ood bers already must hake a 2.0 average. ternity because it presented a good Ii v, as not clear in the report what hands up to her neck." described the officer as ' 'an iwkadent hut we'd like to get it higher." image to hint. The group presently has II happened next. hut pushing and shov- Wells. a friend of Hunter, said waiting to happen . Phi Gamnia Delia was selected "A lot of other fraternities like to pledges and one active member. ing did occur between Moffitt, and one Hunter went to a doctor as a result of or both of the women according to the arrest both the police report and an e)ew Schatt said the officer's actions, mess. which included holding Hunter by her According to the report, another hair, were needed because she kk as friend in the group. Hunter, reacted by spitting at him during the alterc-at lii swinging it the officer. Schatz 's memo also stated tkk The scuffle broke out before an- procedures intended to present a other flit:CI aro %ed never at the Pub Free checking has lar incident are planned by the depart arrested tor disturbing ment: a 40-hour instructional Nock on the peace and I esisting arrest Hunter de-escalation techniques for officers. was arrested on the same charges and and a training session in cultural also for assault and battery on a peace awareness covering the Afro-Ameri- officer. can. Hispanic, and Asian cultures been so much fun. Schatz said there were two under the direction of Steven Millner, women who were underage. hut they chairman of the Afro-American Stud- were not arrested ies Program. IP He said the ink estigation revealed Wells. an SJSU student and for- that the Undlqdrl %%MIMI in ihe group mer employee of the Pub, said he had were not arrested because the officers checked the identification cards of the wanted to "cool the situation down." women when they entered the Pub. A witness in the Pub during the Hunter told the A.S. hoard in incident, former employee Frank Mak that she and her friends in the Pub

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