Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-07-19
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N-Talks The Weather l Cltar to partly cloudy todav .... tonltht with Continue wlcltlv scattered thundenhowers. Little tem oil' peraturl chlngl. High. In 101 north to 90s See Story, Page 3 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CUy toUth. Uahliabed in 1888 10 Cents Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, July 19,1963 • 9,000 Burglary I~ Chemistry Dept. Platinum Tools Are Missing WASHINGTON 1M - President Kennedy tackled the recurring bal· From Safe 8J1C1H)(·payments problem Thursday with an unexpected solution - a request that Congress tax Americans on purchases of foreign stocks Campus Police Ask aJKI bonds. FBI To Assist Kennedy asked that his revolutionary plan be made retroactive to Friday on long-term investments In Investigation and stay in effect until Dec. 31, offset the fact that tnterest rates Iy TOM IRWIN 1965. in the United States are lower than Assistant City Editor By asking the July 19 date, the those abroad. More than $9,000 worth of plati President obviously acted to pre· His aim is to discourage Ameri num metal and wire has been vent aggravation of the problem cans from investing abroad and stolen from a sale in the Chem by any rush of overseas invest to discourage foreigners from bor istry BuUdlng. The theft of the val ment while Congress is studying rowing in the United States. uable metal instruments occurred the plan. A signal that the bold proposal between July 8 and July IS, accord It probably will serve also to will run into trouble was raised ing to campus police chier John H. stem immediately the flow of gold by Rep. Thomas B. Curtis <H·Mo,) HaMa, who releaesed the informa and dollars out of the country even a member of the House Ways and tion Thursday. U Congress rejects the plan. Means Committee which will be Campus police and Federal Bu· Foreign :stocks traded on the the first to consider it. He told reau of Investigation agents were [ New York StocK Exchange declined newsmen he wiU fight the tax as called at 1: 10 p.m. Tuesday after sharply In apparent reaction to the an "artificial wall." Chemistry Department authorities proposals. Instead, Curtis said, the United decided that the platinum had not Kennedy described his plan as States should seek to keep invest been misplaced or, hidden by prank an "interest equalizattpn tax" to ments at home by improving the sters_ fiscal and business climate here Hanna said there were no signs and enabling U.S. goods better to of forced entry to tbe S-foot, 7-lnch compete in world markets. safe, located in the lecture prep Campu, Polici Chief John H. Henna holds a pl.tinllm cruclbll 3 Americans House Speaker John W_ McCor· room m, aod that other instru- slmUar to one of the iMm, stolen in thl $9,039 thlft of pl.tlnllm mack CD-Mass.) described the tax ments in the safe had not been Instrument$ from a Chlmi,try Building 111ft. pian , plus other proposals put The Scene touched. The theft may have oc- _Photo by JOI Lippincott curred at a time when the safe _______________________ forth by Kennedy in a special mes. John E. Tener, curator of Instruments at the Are Slain sage to Congress, as "meaningful, Campus Police and FBI Igents Ir. Inve,tlgatlnt was open but unattended, Hanna important and needed supplements Chemistry Building, show. the drawer In the ,aft the thlft. added. to our national economic pro- __'_ ro_m_ w_ hi_ch_ P_la_t_in_u_m_ in_s_tr_u_m_e_nt_' _ w_er_._ sto_ le_n._______ -=~_ -P_h_ot_o_b_y_J_OI_LI_pp_l_n_cott_ Hanna said since the amount or gtams." World's Crucial Situations In Viet Nam the then exceeded $5,000, and since Aside from the tax plan, other USM· t RI I VI it was reasonable to suspect tbat SAIGON, South Viet Nam 1M - steps outlined in Kennedy's mes- .., eXlco St a es 19 ht ers lews inter-state transportation of the Three U.S. servicemen were slain sage are of an administrative na· stolen goods might be Involved, Discussed by Marquis Chi las Thursday in a Communist ambush ture and require no congressional S t B d I h the FBI was asked to assist in the 011 "Bloody Route IS" bringing to investigation. 8y GARY SPURGEON frontatlon with formidable opposl-. 89 the number of Americans killed aC~:'most signUicant of these is e oun cry On Civi Rig ts Hit Curator of Instruments John E. ManagIng Editor tion. in the South Vietnamese war. the plan, starting Monday, for the A t Tener, who discovered the theft, "I don't suppose you could ima "I feel that what individuals say The three - two captains and a said platinum metal instruments gine anolher moment in the history across the continent wili have an Bergetnt of the sI'Ccial forces - Unitedto $500 Statesmillion to inb!gin foreign drawing curren up- greemen In RFK Plea to Senate are used by the Chemistry Depart of this planet with the uncertain influence.' were distributing medical supplies cies from the International Mone- WASHINGTON i.4') - Mexico and ment because of the metal's high to villagers in Binh Long Province, tary Fund. tbe United States announced Thurs- melting point (3191 degrees Fahr ties, the hope and the fear of our Commenting on civil rights, 70 miles north of Saigon, when they This is the first lime this coun- day an historic agreement to reo WASHiNGTON i.4') - Atty_ Gen . got under way when the Senate enheit) and its extremely high reo time." Childs said he believed that some were waylaid. try has exercised this privilege. turn to Mexico an area in EI Paso, Robert F. Kennedy told the Sen convened, forcing a recess in the sistance to chemical bonds. Marquis Childs, veteran Wash ate Judiciary Committee Thursday hearing until next Wednesday. Er- form o[ legislation would pass Con. The Army in Washington ident Kennedy said these currencies will Tex., which has been in dispute for that those who preach states' righla Among the instruments stolen ington columnist, imparted this gress during the present session. Ified the victims as: be used by the U.S. Treasury to nearly a Clllltlfry. in told Kennedy he was "not try. are not "seaking the protection of ing to filibuster" but he said were electrodes, dishes, crucibles, view in a lecture at the Union and Capt. Lawrence E. Hackley, son buy foreign -beld dollar. that other- The shifting Rio Grande , which crucible covers, plates and wire, "I think the odds are against a the individual citizen, but his ex "some of us see this bill as a very in an afternoon press conference southern filibuster. The leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Brennie E. Hack· wise might be used to purchase changed its course in 18&' and ploitation." weighing a total of 2640 grams ley, Roanoke, Va. drastic assault on the principles of Cabout 6 pounds) and valued at Thursday. for the .bill is confident aod I feel American gold . created the whoie problem, is to constitutional government and tbe Capt. Robert K. Mosier, husband In pleading before the Southern $9,039. "r feel that we are in one of the they have a fairly effective be rerouted in a concrele-lined, dominated group for passage of private rights of individuals." of Kyung Mosier, Ft. Bragg, N.C., $6-million channel, paid for SO-50 by strategy." M· USA the Administration's civil rights "I understand ," Kennedy said_ Authorities, Including Chemistry most amazing moments in history and son of Mr_ and Mrs. George ISS •• • Mexico and the United States. Department Chairman S tan 1 e y This strategy will be to get the R. Mosler, Route 2, Grady, Ala. program, Kennedy said : Ervin told newsmen he does not because of the Chinese·Russian bill passed through the House prob- This will bring an increase of Wawzonek, were baffled as to who M.-Sgt. Jack D. Goodman, son of "The time is long past - if in know how long his questioning will would want to steal the instru split, because of the racial via- ably by the end of August, and then 437 acres in Mexico's national ter· deed it ever existed - when we take, when Kennedy returns next Mr. and Mrs. David S. Goodman, ritory, re-establish th e river as tbe ments. Platinum costs $4 per gram lence," he remarked. to get it through the Senate with- Route Still Winning should permit the noble concept of wee~, but he noted that the bill has 2, Bonifay, Fla. boundary between Texas and Mex· and is about S~ limes more ex· Childs explained that hurnan be- out hearings or amendments, he ex· U.S. military authorities said Red MIAMI BEACH, Fla. !II _ Miss states' rights to be betrayed and seven dUferent sections and con ico and end the diplomatic head corrupted into a slogan to hide the tains "an awful lot of legal gob· pensive than gold. ings are once again beginning to plained. guerrillas opened fire with small U.S.A., Marile Ozers of Chicago, ache knQwn as the Chamizal affair, Childs [eels that President Ken bald denial of American rights, of bledygook. " Authorities agreed it would be influence the course of events. He nedy's current racial policy migIJt anns as the three-vehicle convoy was one of 15 Miss Universe f1nal after the name of the disputed more dUficult for someone to dis· drove liP the road near the village ists selected Thursday night from civil rights, and of human rights." One section he does not expect noted that this may lead to a better lose blm four o[ five southern area.