LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates ESTATE


'Ancient title deeds' originally numbered 'Roan' in 1780

LMA/4442/01/01/01/001 Grant of land in East , including 1473 woods and lands near Le Rent and in Combe Latin Crofte, Middelcombe and East Combe fields Parties: John Gate alias Reder, butcher to Robert Tate, John Croke and John Tate, merchants of London 1 document and 2 cover notes Former reference: Roan 1. A/ROA/I/131

LMA/4442/01/01/01/002 Conveyances of land and gardens in East 1488-1490 Greenwich Latin Parties: Thomas Vernon to Richard Cressey and Richard Scrace. Thomas Santon, Roger Barlowe, William Camper and Radulph Gewet to Hugh Pemberton, Stephen Jenyns and Robert Ryppon 2 documents Former reference: Roan 2-3. A/ROA/I/132-133

LMA/4442/01/01/01/003 Conveyances of the Black Bull and other lands 1522-1602 in East Greenwich and Charlton Latin and Parties include: John Clerk, William Saxby, English Richard Fermour, Thomas Semer, Nicholas Golightly, Dionysia Golightly, William Knightley, Richard Williams, William Compton, and John Roan 6 documents Former reference: Roan 4-9. A/ROA/I/134-139

LMA/4442/01/01/01/004 Bargain and sales and bond relating to meadow 1603-1628 in East Greenwich, and ground (endorsement: Bond in Latin 'The Nags Head') adjoining Saint Alfege Church and English Parties: John Leigh and Ann his wife, of Wasshengley, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, to John Roan and Dorothy his wife. Richard Haydon to John Roan 3 documents Former reference: Roan 10-12. A/ROA/I/161 -162,164 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/01/005 Bargain and sale relating to houses and land 1629-1635 next to and Saint Alfege, East Greenwich. Covenant relating to a passage way in East Greenwich Parties: Robert Roan and Jane his wife, to John Roan 2 documents Former reference: Roan 13-14. ROA/A/I/140 -141

LMA/4442/01/01/01/006 Probate Will of John Roan of East Greenwich. 1644 and 194- Includes a typescript copy -196- 2 documents Latin and Former reference: Roan 15. A/ROA/I/2 English

LMA/4442/01/01/01/007 Assignment of the Roan Estate 1676 Parties: Mary Valavine (formerly Mary Wakeman), wife of John, of Saint Martin in the Fields, to Sir William Boreman of East Greenwich. Endorsed assignment: Boreman to Roan trustees 1 document Former reference: Roan 16. A/ROA/I/17

LMA/4442/01/01/01/008 Feoffment of property in Church Street, Brook 1679 Marsh and marsh land next to Rush Mead, East Greenwich Parties: William Bright and Thomas Pattison, bricklayer, to Roan trustees 1 document Former reference: Roan 18. A/ROA/I/19

LMA/4442/01/01/01/009 Feoffments of charitable gifts and property in 1690-1693 Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Lane, Stable Street, The Crown, and The Peter adjoining Starne Stairs, Brooks Marsh, and land near Rush Mead in East Greenwich, and tenement in Lewisham Parties: Thomas Pattison, bricklayer and John Hollamby, barber chirurgion, and Roan trustees. Pattison and John Whitney, barber chirurgion, and trustees 3 documents Former reference: Roan 19-21. A/ROA/I/20-22 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/01/010 Feoffments of charitable gifts and property in 1698 Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Lane, Stable Street, The Crown, and The Peter adjoining Starne Stairs, Brooks Marsh, and land near Rush Mead in East Greenwich, and tenement in Lewisham Parties: Roan trustees to Salisbury Cade, Doctor in Physick and Robert Watson 2 documents Former reference: Roan 22-23. A/ROA/I/23-24

LMA/4442/01/01/01/011 Feoffments and releases of charitable gifts and 1704 Unfit property in Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Not available for general access Lane, Stable Street, The Crown, and The Peter adjoining Starne Stairs, Brooks Marsh, and land near Rush Mead in East Greenwich, and tenement in Lewisham Parties: John Flamstead, Her Majesty's Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics, and Joseph Rawson, clerk and Roan trustees 3 documents Former reference: Roan 24,26,26+. A/ROA/I/25 -27

LMA/4442/01/01/01/012 Feoffment, lease and release of charitable gifts 1715 and property in Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Lane, Stable Street, The Crown, and The Peter adjoining Starne Stairs, Brooks Marsh, and land near Rush Mead in East Greenwich, and tenement in Lewisham Parties: John Flamstead, Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics, and George Moult, clerk and Roan trustees 3 documents Former reference: Roan 27-29. A/ROA/I/28-30

LMA/4442/01/01/01/013 Leases and releases of property including 1723 Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Land, Stable Street, Stern alias Garden Stairs, and Ballast Pits, East Greenwich, Dog kennel, Deptford and property in Lewisham. Includes William Hatcliffe's Charity Parties: Richard Mead, mercer, and James Grove, the elder, carpenter, and Roan trustees 4 documents Former reference: Roan 30-33. A/ROA/I/31-34 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/01/014 Leases and releases of property including 1731 Church Street, East Lane, Marsh Land, Stable Street, Stern alias Garden Stairs, and Ballast Pits, East Greenwich, Dog kennel, Deptford and property in Lewisham. Includes William Hatcliffe's Charity Parties: William Radley and Thomas Moore, carpenter, and Roan trustees 4 documents Former reference: Roan 34-37. A/ROA/I/35-38

LMA/4442/01/01/01/015 Deeds of property including Church Street, East 1743 Lane, Marsh Land, Stable Street, Stern alias Garden Stairs, and Ballast Pits, East Greenwich, Dog kennel, Deptford and property in Lewisham. Includes William Hatcliffe's Charity Parties: John Shipman and Thomas Bewley, coffeeman, and Roan trustees 4 documents Former reference: Roan 38-41. A/ROA/I/39-42

LMA/4442/01/01/01/016 Deeds of property including Church Street, East 1766 Lane, Marsh Land, Stable Street, Stern alias Garden Stairs, and Ballast Pits, East Greenwich, Dog kennel, Deptford and property in Lewisham. Includes William Hatcliffe's Charity Parties: Henry Wall and John Everest, and Roan trustees 4 documents Former reference: Roan 42-45. A/ROA/I/43-46 'Expired leases' originally numbered 'Roan B' in 1780

LMA/4442/01/01/02/001 Lease of a tenement, East Greenwich, in the 1596 occupation of Justice Grymes Parties: John Leigh of Wasshingley, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, Ann his wife, to Robert Stanton, of Ampthill, Bedfordshire 1 document and 1 cover note Former reference: Roan B 1. A/ROA/I/163 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/02/002 Bargain and sale of rent concerning a tenement 1638 with hall, kitchen, buttery, cellar, two chambers, two garrets, garden, yard and well, East Greenwich, formerly occupied by John Roan, in the tenure of Thomas Rainsborowe Parties: John Roan to Robert Roan of Westminster 1 document Former reference: Roan B 2. A/ROA/I/155

LMA/4442/01/01/02/003 Lease of a tenement in London Street, East 1685 Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees to Isaac Skelton, joiner 1 document Former reference: Roan B 3. A/ROA/I/166

LMA/4442/01/01/02/004 Lease of house and 7 acres of land called 1685 Churchfield, and meadow in the tenure of John Benton, fellmonger, East Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees to Abraham Drye, junior, gardener 1 document Former reference: Roan B 4. A/ROA/I/167

LMA/4442/01/01/02/005 Lease of 2 tenements in Church Street, East 1689 Greenwich, in the occupation of Thomas Ansted and Edward Rickman, senior Parties: Roan trustees to Thomas Pattison, senior, bricklayer 1 document Former reference: Roan B 5. A/ROA/I/158

LMA/4442/01/01/02/006 Lease of ground and party wall next to the Grey 1692 Coat School, East Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees to Thomas Taylor, waterman 1 document Former reference: Roan B 6. A/ROA/I/183

LMA/4442/01/01/02/007 Lease of waste ground at the top of Crooms 1702 Hill, East Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees to Thomas Pattison, bricklayer 1 document Former reference: Roan B 7. A/ROA/I/180 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/02/008 Leases and related bonds concerning 7 1724 tenements in Churchfields, East Greenwich, late in the tenure of John Cole, Thomas Standley, Lawrence Allen, Anthony Watts, David Russell, James Marlow and Peter Waggoner Parties: Roan trustees to Sir James Thornhill, Richard Mead, William Radley, and Richard Chapman, victualler 4 documents Former reference: Roan B 8-9. A/ROA/I/173 -176

LMA/4442/01/01/02/009 Lease of a tenement in Churchfields, East 1747-1764 Unfit Greenwich, late in the occupation of Abraham Not available for general access Dry, gardener. Includes a coloured plan showing the garden ground and 'Captain Stratton's House' Parties: Roan trustees and James Straton. Endorsements: assignment of lease from Margaret Straton, widow, to Samuel Rush, merchant. Rush to Mary Brown, widow. Brown to Elizabeth Hammond and Louisa Spratt of Camberwell. Spratt to John Moor, plumber and Joshua Woodcock 1 document Former reference: Roan B 10. A/ROA/I/169

LMA/4442/01/01/02/010 Counterpart lease of a tenement and garden in 1746 Brooks Marsh, Churchfields, East Greenwich, formerly in the occupation of Abraham Dry, junior. Includes plan Parties: Roan trustees and Mrs Mary Colveen alias Calvin 1 document Former reference: Roan B 11. A/ROA/I/177

LMA/4442/01/01/02/011 Counterpart lease of pasture near Armory Mill, 1747 Ravensbourne River, and Rushey Mead, East Greenwich. Includes plan Parties: Roan trustees and Martin Westmore, gardener 1 document Former reference: Roan B 12. A/ROA/I/182 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 7 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/02/012 Counterpart lease of a garden in Brooks Marsh, 1746 East Greenwich, formerly in the occupation of Abraham Dry, junior. Includes plan Parties: Roan trustees and William Letton alias Lutton, junior, gardener 1 document Former reference: Roan B 13. A/ROA/I/179

LMA/4442/01/01/02/013 Leases of the Coffee House, East 1760-1771 Greenwich, formerly in the occupation of Stephen Cockerell, vintner, and Richard Birch, victualler. Includes an interior plan showing the layout of the coffee room and bars Parties: Roan trustees and Thomas Warren, victualler. Lease includes tenements occupied by Robert Shaylor, stationer, and Josiah Watson, stonemason 2 documents Former reference: Roan B 14-15. A/ROA/I/159 -160

LMA/4442/01/01/02/014 Lease of tenement and garden in Brooks 1767-1774 Marsh, Churchfields, East Greenwich. Includes plan Parties: Roan trustees to Richard Hind. Endorsement: surrender of lease by Sarah Hind, widow 1 document Former reference: Roan B 16. A/ROA/I/178

LMA/4442/01/01/02/015 Leases of tenement and garden in 1767-1769 Churchfields, Greenwich, formerly in the occupation of Captain James Stratton Parties: Roan trustees to Mary Yorke, widow. Endorsement: assignment of lease by Yorke to John Edwards, and by Edwards to Roan trustees 1 document Former reference: Roan B 17-18. A/ROA/I/170 -171

LMA/4442/01/01/02/016 Lease of tenement and garden called 1770 Churchfields, Greenwich. Includes plan Parties: Roan trustees to Messingham Shepherd, carpenter 1 document Former reference: Roan B 19. A/ROA/I/172 Papers marked 'Useless' and originally numbered 'Roan C' in 1780 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 8 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/03/001 Nathaniel Townsend v John Roan and Robert 1658 Norden v Nathaniel Townsend: court orders and case papers. Disputes over property in East Greenwich left in the Will of John Roan John Roan, nephew of John Roan, is accused of ejecting Nathaniel Townsend from property leased to him by Elizabeth and Mary Wakeman. Townsend is accused of ejecting Robert Norden from property leased to him by John Roan. Includes accounts of Roan's imprisonment during the Civil War 9 documents Former reference: Roan C 1,3-5. A/ROA/I/3-6

LMA/4442/01/01/03/002 Patent warrant: John Roan is appointed 1640 Yeoman of His Majesty's Harriers by Thomas Potts alias Pott, Master of His Majesty's Privy Harriers 1 document Former reference: Roan C 11. A/ROA/I

LMA/4442/01/01/03/003 Robert Norden v Nathaniel Townsend, 1658 fishmonger, late of London: list of Jurors 1 document Former reference: Roan C 12. A/ROA/I/12

LMA/4442/01/01/03/004 Nathaniel Townsend v John Roan: Townsend 1658 has successfully recovered possession of disputed property in East Greenwich leased to him by Elizabeth and Mary Wakeman . List of Townsend's tenants' signatures 1 document Former reference: Roan C 13. A/ROA/I

LMA/4442/01/01/03/005 Draft notes concerning the leases of Mr Dry 1679 alias Drye, Thomas Phillips and Joseph Hatch 1 document Former reference: Roan C 15. A/ROA/I/168

LMA/4442/01/01/03/006 Memorandum of payments relating to the 167--1679 building of the Grey Coat School, Greenwich, and Hugh Dier alias Dyer's receipt of money for poor boys' clothing 2 documents Former reference: Roan C 18-19. A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 9 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/03/007 Grant of an annuity from property on Black 1691 Heath, Crooms Hill, Greenwich in the occupation of Margaret Trannum, widow. Includes receipt of the lease Parties: Sir William Hooker to Roan trustees 2 documents Former reference: 19a Roan C 20. A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/03/008 Nathaniel Townsend v John Roan: notes 1658 relating to the case papers and receipt for the services of Basil Hearne 2 documents Former reference: Roan C 21-22. A/ROA/I/14,16

LMA/4442/01/01/03/009 Memorandum of accounts relating to repairs of 1677 the bricklayer work at the houses of Mr Turtell alias Turtle, Robert Dier alias Dyer and John Hach alias Hatch 1 document Former reference: Roan C 23. A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/03/010 Nathaniel Townsend v John Roan: list of 1658 tenants and costs of houses sent by Abraham Dry to Basil Hearne of Laurance Lane, London 1 document Former reference: Roan C 24. A/ROA/I/13

LMA/4442/01/01/03/011 Will and probate of John Roan, senior, and 1623-1642 original draft will of John Roan, junior, of East Latin and Greenwich English 3 documents Former reference: Roan C 25-26. A/ROA/I

LMA/4442/01/01/03/012 Draft grant of an annuity from houses in 1684 Unfit Stockwell Street, East Greenwich Not available for general access Parties: Sir William Hooker to the Roan trustees 1 document Former reference: Roan C 27. A/ROA/I/18

LMA/4442/01/01/03/013 Draft lease of 2 tenements and gardens in 1682 Church Street, East Greenwich, in the occupation of John Turtle and Edward Rickman Parties: Roan trustees to Thomas Pattison, senior, bricklayer 1 document Former reference: Roan C 28. A/ROA/I/157 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 10 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/03/014 Draft lease of the Black Bull, Church Street, 1693 East Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees and James Mead, mercer 1 document Former reference: Roan C 29. A/ROA/I/142

LMA/4442/01/01/03/015 Draft lease of marsh land next to River 1681 Ravensbourne, Deptford and Lewisham Parties: Roan trustees and John Benton, fellmonger 1 document Former reference: Roan C 30. A/ROA/I/165

LMA/4442/01/01/03/016 Draft lease of ground and party wall next to the 1692 garden of the Grey Coat School, East Greenwich Parties: Roan trustees and Thomas Tayler, waterman 1 document Former reference: Roan C 31. A/ROA/I/184

LMA/4442/01/01/03/017 Draft lease of a 'mansion house', Church 1681 Street, East Greenwich, formerly in the occupation of John Roan Parties: Roan trustees and John Hatch, husbandman 1 document Former reference: Roan C 32. A/ROA/I/156

LMA/4442/01/01/03/018 Nathaniel Townsend v John Roan: court 1659 memorandum stating that Townsend recovers his lease to property in East Greenwich and receives payment for damages 1 document Former reference: Roan C 33. A/ROA/I/15 Surveys and plans

LMA/4442/01/01/04/001 Survey of John Roan's estate including 1679 Churchfield, East Greenwich: taken by order of the trustees, by Thomas Sparckes and Thomas White 1 document Former reference: 33. Marked 'Survey 1' in 1780. A/ROA/I LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 11 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/04/002 Mr Drye's ground, Churchfield, Greenwich, 167- including the location of ditches, hedges, fruit and rose trees 1 plan Former reference: Marked 'Plan 1' in 1780. A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/04/003 Thomas Phillips' house and ground (formerly 1679 the 'Black Bull'), Church Street, Greenwich, by Thomas White, organist: shows the interior layout 1 plan Former reference: Marked 'Plan 3' in 1780. A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/04/004 Roan Charity property in Church Street, London 1792 Street, Skeltons Lane and Straitsmouth, Greenwich, including the site of the Mitre Tavern and the Workhouse. Shows boundaries only Includes premises leased to Messingham Shepherd, Henry May, John Seton, William Masters and Thomas Halford 1 plan Former reference: A/ROA Deptford

LMA/4442/01/01/05/001 16 Mill Lane, Deptford CP: lease agreement 1876 and receipt of repair work Parties: Roan Governors and George Martin, junior, general dealer, of 12 King Street Broadway, Deptford 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/1-2 Greenwich

LMA/4442/01/01/06/001 Airy Street, Greenwich METB: conveyance land 1941 near 20 Bliss Cresent, including plan Parties: Roan trustees and Charity Lands trustee to the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich 1 document Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 12 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/002 Meadow near Armory Mill, Ravensbourne 1768-1819 River, Greenwich: leases including plans Parties: Roan trustees and Thomas Royall, gardener (land formerly in the occupation of Martin Westmore). Roan trustees and John Watkins, gardener (land formerly in the occupation of Joseph Martyr) 4 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/24-27

LMA/4442/01/01/06/003 Brooks Marsh, Churchfields, Greenwich: leases 1767-1789 of house and garden including plan Parties: Roan trustees and William Letton, gardener. Roan trustees and Sarah Hind, widow of Richard 3 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/21-23

LMA/4442/01/01/06/004 Church Street, Greenwich: leases of the Black 1693-1827 Bull and adjoining house, including plan Parties: Roan trustees to James Mead, mercer. Roan trustees to William King, broker, and assignment from Sarah King, widow to John Cockram, apothecary. Lease from King to George Adams, taylor and assignment by Adams to Edmund Smith, grocer 8 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/3-10

LMA/4442/01/01/06/005 68 Church Street (formerly the Black Bull), 1855-1877 Unfit Greenwich CP: leases and agreements Not available for general access Parties: Roan trustees to Charles William Barber, grocer 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/11-15

LMA/4442/01/01/06/006 69 Church Street (formerly the Black Bull), 1855-1877 Not available for general access Greenwich CP: leases and agreements Parties: Roan trustees to Henry Samuel Richardson, stationer 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/16-20 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 13 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/007 4 Church Street, Greenwich METB: leases 1918-1940 Not available for general access Parties: Roan Governors to Sarah Richardson, widow, of Tressillian Lodge, Brockley, and assignment and lease to Henry Richardson Limited 4 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/143-146

LMA/4442/01/01/06/008 6 Church Street, Greenwich METB: leases and 1897-1932 Not available for general access agreements Parties include: Roan trustees to Ida Barber, widow. Assignment by Barber to Picken Brothers Limited, grocers and provision merchants, of Leytonstone, Essex. Governors to Herbert Thomas Jennings, cutler, and Henry Hough Jennings, cycle dealer 8 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/147-154

LMA/4442/01/01/06/009 Mitre Tavern, Church Street, Greenwich CP: 1792-1844 leases and agreements Parties: Roan trustees to Allen Burton, builder, of Fulham Road, Chelsea. Trustees to Thomas Halford, victualler. Trustees to Michael Countze, victualler. Assignment from Maria Countze, widow to William Smith, builder. Smith to James Stratford Clark and Samuel Small Clark, victuallers of Peckham Rye, Camberwell 13 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/42-54

LMA/4442/01/01/06/010 Claremont Place, Greenwich CP: administration 1852 of the goods of Thomas Martin, senior (died 1848), fisherman, and Thomas Martin, junior (died 1837), mariner 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 14 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/011 Olive Place, Cold Bath Street, Greenwich 1843-1893 METB: lease agreements and assignments, plan of a proposed railway, and lettings of the Corner Pin Beerhouse Parties include: Roan trustees and Matthew John Goodson, victualler. Assignment by Goodson to George Jones, grocer, of High Street, Deptford. Jones to Thomas Purvis, of New Cross Road, Deptford. Purvis to Ambrose Jeal, beer retailer. Conveyance to The London Chatham and Dover Railway Company 19 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/012 20 South Crescent, Cold Bath Street, 1845-1924 Greenwich METB: deeds including plan of the new buildings Parties include: Roan trustees and Matthew John Goodson, victualler, of Saint Paul, Deptford. Agreement between Goodson and William Hourston, ship joiner, of Deptford. Assignment by William Buckwell, bootmaker, of High Street, Deptford, to Walter Henry Hart, engineer, of Pimlico. Hart to Edward Clement Hobday, of Shardelves Road, Lewisham. Hobday to Richard Boucher, of Peckham. Boucher to George William Hooper Adams of Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Adams to James William Tutt, fishmonger, of Blackheath Road. Tutt to Stephen Holman, pavior, of Ravensbourne Street. Letting agreements from Roan Governors to William Edward Burch, monumental mason 18 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/013 South Crescent, Cold Bath Street, Greenwich 1884-1943 METB: leases and lettings including 1-19 South Crescent, the Mission Room, a footway and land near Airy Street 10 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/014 Crooms Hill, Greenwich METB: Board of 1899 Agriculture order of apportionment of rent charge 1 document Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 15 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/015 Devonshire Road, Greenwich CP: deeds, wills 1855-1874 and death certificates relating to land, later the site of the Roan School for Girls. Includes copies of earlier transactions, 1799 Land Tax redemption and coloured plan Parties include: lease and release from Francis Valentine, malt factor, of Mark Lane, London, to Edward Latter, of Bromley. Conveyance from William Griffiths, of Great Cumberland Street, Hyde Park, to Roan Governors 14 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/016 52 Devonshire Road, Greenwich METB: deeds, 1880-1911 wills and related papers, including lease of workshops and stables Parties include: lease from William Edwyn Evans, Colonel, and Caroline Ann his wife, of Portman Square, to Joel Smith, slate merchant. Abstracts of title of Henry Llewellyn Evans, Mrs Winifred Margaret Llewellyn Waller, Alfred James Smith and Thomas Joel Smith. Assignment and conveyance to Roan Governors 21 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/017 East Lane, Greenwich CP: leases 1841-1878 Parties include: Roan trustees to William Garrett, coal and potato dealer. Licence for assignment from Anne Maria Garrett, widow, to Charles Steel, baker. Assignment by the Fourth City Mutual Benefit Building Society, Alfred Elkins, of Graces Road, Camberwell, to Charles Harwood, carpenter, and Agnes his wife, of Maryon Road, Charlton 3 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/129-131

LMA/4442/01/01/06/018 Haddo Street, Greenwich METB: leases and 1911-1955 letting agreements Parties include: Roan Governors and Valentine William Wickenden. William Wickenden, general dealer. Frederick Champion, dealer, of Little Thames Street. Lease to Rose Pierce 7 documents Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 16 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/019 Hog Lane, Greenwich CP: deeds and related 1830-1874 papers including Chancery case papers concerning Roan's Charity Act, receipts of bequests, and appointment bonds of William Howarth, school master, and George Edward Pettett, rent collector Parties include: Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital to Robert Henry Forman. Forman to Roan Governors 19 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/020 London Road, Greenwich: leases including plan 1775-1792 Parties include: Roan trustees to Thomas Sadler, coachmaster. Roan trustees to William Masters, grocer 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/28-29

LMA/4442/01/01/06/021 Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich METB: fire 1890-1929 insurance policies, and lease and tenancy agreements with the Vicar and Saint Alfege Parochial Church Council, including Sunday School premises, 1 and 3 Old Woolwich Road, and Saint Alfege Church Room 9 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I

LMA/4442/01/01/06/022 Roan Street, Greenwich CP: leases of ground 1812-1859 formerly in the occupation of William Letton Parties: Roan trustees to George Williams, carpenter, of Saint Paul, Deptford. Assignment by Williams to Samuel Taylor, carpenter. Assignment by George Byng, sawyer, and Rebecca his wife, of Plumstead Common, to Thorey Howe, sawyer, of Upper Park Street. Assignment by James Marshall, retail beer seller, of Trafalgar Road, to Mildred Taylor, widow 4 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/94-97

LMA/4442/01/01/06/023 Roan Street, Greenwich: lease of garden 1815 formerly in the occupation of William Letton Parties: Roan trustees to Charles Strugnell, shopkeeper 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/98 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 17 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/024 Roan Street, Greenwich: lease of garden 1815-1817 ground formerly in the occupation of William Letton Parties: Roan trustees to John Woodgate, sawyer. Endorsement: under lease from Woodgate to Robert Bruster, carpenter 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/99

LMA/4442/01/01/06/025 Roan Street, Greenwich CP: lease of ground 1823-1845 Parties: Hannah Wilding, widow of Henry, shipwright, to Reverend Charles Parr Burney, George Teer and Richard Best 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/100

LMA/4442/01/01/06/026 4 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1908 acknowledgement by Hiram Long Limited of the Roan Governors' right to obstruct window light 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/185

LMA/4442/01/01/06/027 Roan Street, Greenwich CP: lease of 7 1856 cottages Parties: Thomas Tranter, of Trafalgar Road, to George Gates, builder, of Eton Grove, Lee. Assignment by Gates to Francis William Banks, zincworker, of Blackheath Road 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/101

LMA/4442/01/01/06/028 6 Roan Street, Greenwich CP: lease 1856 Parties: Thomas Tranter, of Trafalgar Road, to Thomas Lambert, grocer, of Union Street 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/102

LMA/4442/01/01/06/029 10 and 12 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1897-1911 leases Parties: Roan Governors to George Waite, of Royal Place, builder and decorator. Mortgage from Waite to Henry Dawson, of Carter Street, Walworth Road. Assignment by Waite to Charles Hunwicks Cooper, of London Street 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/186-190 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 18 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

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LMA/4442/01/01/06/030 30, 32 and 34 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1897-1933 lease and letting agreements Parties: Roan Governors to George Waite, of Royal Place, builder and decorator. Agreements with James Gable, hairdresser and Matthew James Polin, hairdresser 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/191-195

LMA/4442/01/01/06/031 39, 41 and 43 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1928 agreement with London County Council relating to Building Grant payments 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/I/196

LMA/4442/01/01/06/032 46 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: lease and 1891-1900 repair work relating to former Grey Coat School building and grounds Parties: Roan Governors to Francis Sales Thomas, civil engineer, of Belle Grove, Welling, Kent, and Robert Henry Stimpson, engineer, of Dalebury Road, Upper Tooting. Amended in pencil for the lease of the Saxonia Electrical Wire Works to Stanley Turner Smith 3 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/103-105

LMA/4442/01/01/06/033 57,59,61,64,66,68,70,72a Roan Street, 1924-1928 Greenwich METB: letting agreement with Mrs Charlotte Louisa Coombes and agreements with London County Council relating to Building Grant payments 3 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/197-199

LMA/4442/01/01/06/034 79 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: letting 1911-1938 agreements Parties: Roan Governors to William Keen and Frederick Horsley, railway employee, of Harvard Road, Lewisham 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/200-201 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 19 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/035 80 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: lease 1860-1911 Parties: Roan trustees to Thomas Lambert, grocer, of Union Street. Assignment by Adelaide Dixon, of Lethbridge Road, Lewisham, to Roan Governors 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/I/202

LMA/4442/01/01/06/036 84 and 86 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1896-1921 lease and assignment Parties: Roan Governors to Benjamin William Cooney, tailor and outfitter, of London Street. Assignment to Walter Harper, potato salesman, of Crooms Hill 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/203-204

LMA/4442/01/01/06/037 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: London County 1923-1924 Council approval of Percy Boothroyd Dannatt's, surveyor, of Nelson Road, rebuilding scheme and new street at Plume Place. Includes coloured street and house plans 1 document Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/038 Roan Street, Haddo Street and Claremont 1936 Street, Greenwich METB: authority given by the Board of Education for the selling of property including plan 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/I/205

LMA/4442/01/01/06/039 Roan Street, Claremont Street, Cottage Place, 1871-1879 Norris's Buildings, Randall Place, Saint Alfege Place and Union Street, Greenwich CP: leases including plans Parties: Roan trustees to James Henry Bedford, builder, of Sterling Terrace, Camberwell 17 documents Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 20 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/040 Roan Street and Royal Place, Greenwich 1894-1904 METB: deeds and related papers Parties: Roan Governors to Alfred Tattersall, builder, of Old Kent Road and George Waite, builder, of Sutherland Square, Walworth. Mortgages to Margarette Easton, wife of William, and John Page Easton of Easton and Cargill Solicitors, Walworth Road. Assignments and mortgages including Ada Love, of Dartford Heath, Ernest George Frost, of Lavender Hill, Rosina Couldery, of South Street, Walter Edgley, of Clapham, Eliza Sarah Reid, wife of Henry, of Beckenham and Arthur Larlham, builder, of Walworth 30 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/041 'Grey Coat Boy', 88 Roan Street, Greenwich 1871-1894 METB: deeds and related papers Parties include: Roan trustees to William Thomas Purkiss of Devonshire Road, Holloway. Assignment by Purkiss to Amos Sevenoakes of Lower Church Street. Mortgage from Sevenoakes to Truman, Hanbury and Buxton and Company, brewers of Spitalfields. Assignment by Charles Addington Hanbury of Brick Lane to Purkiss. Purkiss to Henry Stark Drummond of High Street, Bloomsbury. Mortgage from Drummond to Edward Daun and John Vallentin of The Lambeth Distillers, Church Street, Lambeth 15 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/136-150,162

LMA/4442/01/01/06/042 'Grey Coat Boy', 88 Roan Street, Greenwich 1879-1902 METB: tenancy agreements Parties include: Henry Stark Drummond to Robert William Thomson, Frank Dore, John Henry Turner of Boyson Road, Camberwell, Henry Charles Turner of Mansfield Road, Kentish Town, William Thomas Silk of Elsted Street, Walworth, and Edward Fox of Battersea Park Road. Roan Governors to John Eatten 12 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/151-161 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 21 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/043 'Grey Coat Boy', 88 Roan Street, Greenwich 1895-1938 METB: leases, mortgages and plans Parties include: Roan Governors to John Faulkner. Mortgage from Faulkner to Robert Barclay, Augustus Frederick Perkins and Alfred Henry Bevan of The Anchor Brewery, Southwark. Lease from Barclay, Perkins and Company Limited to George Tom Cole of Church Street, Camberwell. Assignment by Cole to George Archer of Westcombe Park. Mortgage from Archer to William Henry Bishop of Finsbury. Assignment by Archer to Henry John Eatten of Bermondsey. Eatten to Peter Joseph Hagon of City Road. Hagon to Edward William Waitt of Nunhead, Surrey. Waitt to William Andrews of North Kensington 20 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/206-221,229,232 -234

LMA/4442/01/01/06/044 'Grey Coat Boy', 88 Roan Street, Greenwich 1910-1936 METB: tenancy agreements Parties include: Barclay, Perkins and Company Limited to William Roxley Bott of Walthamstow, Arthur William Phillips of Chelsea, Edwin James Jackson of Marylebone, Robert Lacey of East Ham, Alfred Edward Shields of Forest Gate, John Hearn of Peckham, Sam Harry John Boon of Cambridge Heath, Leonard Eade of King William Street, and Roy William Malins of Gravesend, Kent 10 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/222-228,230 -231,235

LMA/4442/01/01/06/045 'Hit or Miss' and 'Roan Arms', Roan Street, 1873-1910 Greenwich METB: leases and abstract of title Parties include: lease from James Henry Bedford of Merton, Surrey to William Newton Roberts. Lease from Walter Culver James of Kensington and Harry Bolton Sewell of Royal Hill to Dennis Donovan of Peckham. Assignment by James and Sewell to the Roan Governors 4 documents LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 22 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/046 'Little Wonder', Roan Street and 'Ship on 1874-1905 Shore', Claremont Street, Greenwich METB: leases, releases and agreements Includes: lease from William James Hales of Stow on the Wold, Gloucestershire to William Chadwick. Release from The Peoples Cooperative Permanent Building Society to Chadwick. Tenancy agreements including William Ernest Wiseman of Claremont Street, and John Lovibond and Sons Limited of The Greenwich Brewery. Agreement with Arthur Larlham, builder, relating to a shed adjoining the 'Little Wonder' 8 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/177-183

LMA/4442/01/01/06/047 School buildings in Roan Street, Old Woolwich 1874-1888 Road and Straightsmouth, Greenwich CP: lease to James Soames, of , and tenancy agreements with the School Board of London. Includes the West and East Branch Girls' Schools 13 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/164-176

LMA/4442/01/01/06/048 Royal Hill and Royal Place, Greenwich: deeds 1832 including copies of transactions from 1780 and plan Parties include: Elizabeth Cumyns, widow, of Kensington, to Daniel Oliver. Daniel Josiah Oliver of Clare Hall, Cambridge and Reverend Daniel Stephen Oliver, clerk, of Clifton, Bedfordshire, to Lancelot Loat of the Paragon, Blackheath. Loat to Joshua Young. Young trustees to William Smith, builder. Roan trustees and William Smith, builder and George Smith, merchant 12 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/30-41

LMA/4442/01/01/06/049 Royal Street, near Royal Hill, Greenwich: lease 1832 and conveyance 'in the matter of the Greenwich Improvement Act' Parties: George Smith, wine merchant, and William Smith, builder to the Roan trustees 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 23 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/050 Royal Place and Church Street, Greenwich 1880-1910 METB: includes the Charity Commission's authorisations of the Roan Governors' plans to raise money for school building work Parties: Roan Governors and the trustees of the National Provident Institution 21 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/051 Saint James Place East and West, Greenwich 1860-1876 CP: leases and mortgage Parties: Roan trustees to William James Hales, boot and shoemaker, of Deptford. Assignment from Hales to William Chadwick, beerseller, of Roan Street. Mortgage from Chadwick to The Peoples Cooperative Permanent Building Society 4 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/132-135

LMA/4442/01/01/06/052 Skeltons Lane, Greenwich: lease of 8 houses 1797 including plan Parties: Roan trustees to John Morris, carpenter 1 document Former reference: A/ROA/II/61

LMA/4442/01/01/06/053 Skeltons Lane, Greenwich: leases of ground 1822-1832 and 8 houses including plan Parties: Roan trustees to William Smith, bricklayer and builder 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/62-63

LMA/4442/01/01/06/054 Skeltons Lane and Church Street, Greenwich: 1812-1827 leases and related papers concerning 2 houses near churchyard and Mitre Tavern Parties: Roan trustees to Michael Bassett, shoemaker. Surrender by Charles Pratt, grocer, to trustees 7 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/57,59-60,87-90 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 24 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/055 Skeltons Lane and Church Street, Greenwich: 1812-1830 leases and related papers concerning house, warehouse and auction room Parties: Roan trustees to Samuel Teulon, cabinet maker and auctioneer. Assignment by Teulon to William Smith, builder. Assignment by Smith to the Roan trustees 7 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/55-56,58,86,91-93

LMA/4442/01/01/06/056 Skeltons Lane, Halford's Row and Roan Street, 1815-1884 Greenwich CP: leases and related papers Parties include: Roan trustees to Thomas Halford, victualler. Surrender by Mary Halford, widow. Assignment by Simmons Hammond to William Scrymgour of Chigwell. Scrymgour to William Bryer Rolls of Old Kent Road, Charles Chappell of North Brixton, and Jeremiah Bell of Woolwich Road. Assignment by Helen Bell to Edward Ensor Barnett, leather seller. Mortgage from Barnett to James Kitson, builder, of Vanbrugh Road. Barnett to the Industrial Permanent Benefit Building Society. Assignment to Frederic Fountain, paper hanger, of London Street 11 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/75-85

LMA/4442/01/01/06/057 Skelton Street (formerly Skeltons Lane), 1815-1877 Greenwich CP: leases and related papers Parties include: Roan trustees to John Tranter, auctioneer. Executors of Tranter to Robert Jackson Coltman and John Dowson, pawnbroker. Assignment by Isaac Tranter, bricklayer, to William Warren, plumber and glazier, of Woolwich Road, Charlton. Roan trustees to Charles Arthur Mackrell, surveyor, of Old Kent Road, and Charles Hudson, builder, of Edward Street 11 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/64-74

LMA/4442/01/01/06/058 Skelton Street (formerly Skeltons Lane), 1875 Greenwich CP: change of name of Skelton Street to Roan Street by the Metropolitan Board of Works 1 document Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 25 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/059 Union Street, Greenwich CP: leases, including 1822-1871 various parish rate and Kent Water Works receipts Parties: Roan trustees to Samuel Taylor, bricklayer. Lease from Mildred Taylor, widow, to Thomas Lambert, grocer 23 documents Former reference: A/ROA/II/106-128

LMA/4442/01/01/06/060 Vanbrugh Fields, Greenwich METB: 1921-1922 conveyance and land certificate including plans of the Roan School site Parties: Cecil Henry Polhill of Howbury Hall, Bedfordshire, to the Roan Governors 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/061 Three houses and gardens in Saint Alfege, 1828 Greenwich: exemplification of a common recovery Parties: Charles Richardson to James Beaumont 1 document Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/062 Roan Charity property in Greenwich CP and 1850-1859 Saint Paul, Deptford CP: releases and conveyances of property in trust to Charles Augustin Smith and Jervis Tucker of Crooms Hill. Includes schedules of occupiers and premises 4 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/47-50

LMA/4442/01/01/06/063 Roan Charity office copies of John Roan's will 1830 (made in 1643) and decrees (made in 1677 and 1679) relating to the Grey Coat School and Roan property in Greenwich, examined in Chancery court proceedings 3 documents and cover note Former reference: 15a,17-17a. A/ROA/I/51-53

LMA/4442/01/01/06/064 Roan Charity: Acts of Parliament relating to the 1773-1829 Feoffees' powers to sell land in Greenwich, and to the 'better management' of Greenwich Hospital 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/54-55 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 26 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/01/06/065 Estate Committee: repairs requisitions relating 1923-1924 to house redecorations and repairs in Roan Street area, Greenwich METB 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/066 Roan Estate cash book including payments for 1918-1932 rates, repairs, fees, salaries and funds 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/01/01/06/067 Greenwich Burial Board: C Crane's accounts 1856 including interment, Vicar, Clerk and Sexton's fees 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA Lee

LMA/4442/01/01/07/001 'Harrowfield', 101 Eltham Road, Lee, 1876-1938 Greenwich METB: conveyances, flat letting and related papers including Roan School playing field, Eltham and a Chancery case relating to John Passeys Charity Parties include: Trustees of 'The Fifteen Penny Lands' Charity to George Thomas Mackley. Lease from Mackley to John Horace Bowden, electrical engineer, of Poplar. Conveyance from Mackley trustees to Roan Governors. Lease to Arthur Herbert Hope, schoolmaster of Roan School for Boys. Lease to Alfred David Bowles, chief marine engineer, and Dolphin Frederick Wood, decorator 18 documents Former reference: A/ROA SCHOOL LIBRARY: DEEDS

LMA/4442/01/02/001 Coopers Street, Ash next Sandwich, Kent: 1770 lease of house and land in the occupation of William Harden Parties: James Edwards, husbandman, of Deal, Kent, to Giles Chandler, yeoman, of Preston next Mingham, Kent 1 document Former reference: Accession B03/018 from school library LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 27 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/01/02/002 East Street, Petworth, Sussex: marriage 1884-1913 settlement of R Gould and A Bagshaw Parties: Richard Clements Gould of Petworth, Sussex, and Agnes Mary Bagshaw of 22 Seafield Road, West Brighton, Sussex to Samuel Horace Bagshaw and Thomas William Dalton Gould, solicitor, of Stourbridge, Worcestershire 1 document Former reference: Accession B03/018 from school library GOVERNORS


Minutes, accounts and reports

LMA/4442/02/01/01/001 Orders of the Feoffees of the Roan Estate: 1682-1716 includes admissions and clothing of pupils, school rules and property leases. At back: decrees of the Royal Charities Commissioners relating to the management of the Roan Charity school and lands 1 volume

LMA/4442/02/01/01/002 Minutes (copy) : meeting concerning the laying 194- of new Roan School for Boys foundation stone in 1876 1 file

LMA/4442/02/01/01/003 Minutes 1898 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/004 Minutes 1899 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/005 Minutes 1900 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/006 Minutes 1901 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 28 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/007 Minutes 1902 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/008 Minutes 1903 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/009 Minutes 1904 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/010 Minutes 1905 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/011 Minutes 1906 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/012 Minutes 1907 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/013 Minutes 1908 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/014 Minutes 1909 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/015 Minutes: School Management Purposes 1909 Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/016 Signed minutes 1910 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/017 Signed minutes: School Management Purposes 1910 Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 29 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/018 Signed minutes: including School Management 1911 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/019 Signed minutes: including School Management 1912 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/020 Signed minutes: including School Management 1913 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/021 Signed minutes: including School Management 1914 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/022 Signed minutes: including School Management 1915 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/023 Signed minutes: including School Management 1916 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/024 Signed minutes: including School Management 1917 Purposes Committee 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/025 Signed minutes: including School Management 1918 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's and Surveyor's reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 30 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/026 Signed minutes: including School Management 1919 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's and Surveyor's reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/027 Signed minutes: including School Management 1920 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's and Surveyor's reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/028 Signed minutes: including School Management 1921 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/029 Signed minutes: including School Management 1922 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/030 Signed minutes: including School Management 1923 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/031 Signed minutes: including School Management 1924 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/032 Signed minutes: including School Management 1925 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 31 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/033 Signed minutes: including School Management 1927 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/034 Signed minutes: including School Management 1928 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/035 Signed minutes: including School Management 1929 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/036 Signed minutes: including School Management 1930 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/037 Signed minutes: including School Management 1931 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/038 Signed minutes: including School Management 1932 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/039 Signed minutes: including School Management 1933 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 32 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/040 Signed minutes: including School Management 1934 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/041 Signed minutes: including School Management 1935 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/042 Signed minutes: including School Management 1936 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/043 Signed minutes: including School Management 1937 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/044 Signed minutes: including School Management 1938 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/045 Signed minutes: including School Management 1939 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/046 Signed minutes: including School Management 1940-1941 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 33 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/047 Signed minutes: including School Management 1942-1943 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's, South East Emergency School for Girls Headmistress's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/048 Signed minutes: including School Management 1944-1945 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's, South East Emergency School for Girls Headmistress's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/049 Signed minutes: including School Management 1946-1948 Purposes Committee, annual accounts and the Headmaster's, Headmistress's, Surveyor's and medical reports 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/01/01/050 Minutes: including the Governors' annual 1992-1995 reports to parents 1991/92 and 1994/95 1 file

LMA/4442/02/01/01/051 Clerk's notices of meetings 1927-1929 1 file

LMA/4442/02/01/01/052 Annual balance sheets and accounts 1914-1950 1 file Former reference: Some A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/01/01/053 Annual balance sheets and accounts 1951-1969 1 file Former reference: Some A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/01/01/054 Bound Headmaster's and Headmistress's 1878-1910 annual reports including examinations and inspection reports by the Board of Education and University of London 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 34 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/01/01/055 Headmaster's annual reports (incomplete) 1914-1967 including figures of boys evacuated and newspaper cutting of prize distribution at Ammanford, South Wales 1 file

LMA/4442/02/01/01/056 Headmistress's annual reports (incomplete) 1914-1962 including a memorandum on the admission of pupils 1 file

LMA/4442/02/01/01/057 Headteacher's report including the school's 1993 response to the death of Stephen Lawrence, a student of John Roan School joint Sixth Form 1 file CLERK AND SURVEYOR

Orders, contracts and policies

LMA/4442/02/02/01/001 Orders of the Board of Education relating to 1899-1922 Roan Schools Foundation administration and estate schemes Three documents (A/ROA/I/56-57,61) were returned to the solicitors in 1974 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/56-63

LMA/4442/02/02/01/002 Orders of the Charity Commission relating to 1874-1948 Roan Schools Foundation administration and estate property schemes 34 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/64-96. A/ROA/II/184

LMA/4442/02/02/01/003 Orders of the Board of Education relating to 1911-1938 staff retirement payments at the Roan Schools 9 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/97-104

LMA/4442/02/02/01/004 Rules and regulations concerning scales of 1911-1938 tuition fees and correspondence from the London County Council relating to the fees of out county pupils 26 documents Former reference: A/ROA/I/105-130 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 35 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/01/005 Building contracts and London County Council 1876-1936 grant relating to the erection of the Roan School for Boys at East Street, the Roan School for Girls at Devonshire Road, and the Roan School for Boys at Maze Hill, Greenwich METB Builders include: Andrew Killby of Bishopsgate Avenue, London, Henry Bridel of George Street, Thomas Dawson Long of Czar Street, Deptford, and Bovis Limited of Upper Berkeley Street, London 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/01/006 Clerk, Surveyor and rent collectors' 1874-1946 appointment, service agreements and report on the Clerk's and Secretary's duties Employees include: Thomas Dimriddy, surveyor, George Edward Pettett, retired schoolmaster, of College Place, Albert W G Batchelor, clerk, Percy Boothroyd Dannatt, surveyor, of Nelson Road, and Manley Martin Jennings of Maze Hill 5 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/01/007 Agreements with teachers concerning pension 1920 schemes and policies 3 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/01/008 Contracts of service of Thomas Robert Norman 1910-1946 Crofts, Headmaster, Mary Kingsland Higgs, Headmistress, and various Assistant Teachers 38 documents Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/01/009 Insurance policies: includes an inventory of 1936-1954 playing field buildings and accounts of a minor school burglary 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/01/010 Blackmore Memorial Prize financial certificate 1912-1917 and trust deed of the Dean Fund set up by Joel Woodhouse Dean of Delta House, Tunnel Avenue, Greenwich 2 documents Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 36 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates Correspondence

LMA/4442/02/02/02/001 Estimates including the costs of school 1929-1939 buildings and playing field upkeep, proposed rebuilding schemes including Roan Street and Plume Place, Greenwich METB and Roan Estate accounts 1 file Former reference: Green file 5. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/002 Reconditioning of houses in Roan Street, 1935 Greenwich METB including plans showing new sculleries and bathrooms 1 file Former reference: Green file 7. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/003 Rebuilding schemes: demolition and rebuilding 1934-1936 at Plume Place, Roan Street and Watton Place, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 11. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/004 112 South Street, Greenwich METB: proposed 1937 rent of land for tennis courts or playground 1 file Former reference: Green file 20. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/005 Receipts for minor repairs at 101 Eltham Road, 1951-1953 Lee and premises in Greenwich METB including final war damage repairs 1 file Former reference: Green file 30. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/006 Town and County Planning Act 1947 forms: 1925-1951 includes an annotated plan of the Roan Estate, Greenwich METB, showing land sold 1 file Former reference: Green file 39. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/007 Roan Estate war damage: includes detailed 1940-1945 descriptions of exterior and interior damages to each property 1 file Former reference: Green file 40. A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 37 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/008 Roan Estate war damage: Henry Richardson 1944-1949 Limited, printers and manufacturing stationers, 4 Church Street, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 40A. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/009 Roan Estate war damage: repair claims and 1947-1951 expenditure 1 file Former reference: Green file 41. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/010 Roan Estate war damage: repairs at 11-17 1943-1944 Royal Place, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 42. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/011 Roan Estate war damage: repair accounts and 1951-1952 licences 1 file Former reference: Green file 43. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/012 'Harrowfield', 101 Eltham Road, Lee, 1950-1955 Greenwich METB: includes the rent of flats and disagreements between tenants concerning the garden 1 file Former reference: Green file 47. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/013 Roan Estate war damage: Roan Street, 1942-1949 Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 48. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/014 Saxonia Electrical Wire Company Limited: sale 1925-1948 of land in Roan Street, Greenwich METB, including plan 1 file Former reference: Green file 52. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/015 Roan Estate war damage: repairs at Roan 1941-1946 Street, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 53. A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 38 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/016 Roan Estate war damage: repairs at 1-5 Roan 1944-1946 Place, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: Green file 54. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/017 6-34 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: tenant's 1947-1948 complaints of dilapidation, demolition work and sale to Saint Alfege Parochial Church Council, including plans 1 file Former reference: Green file 55. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/018 Mission Hall, Coldbath Street, Greenwich 1942 METB: War Damage Commission forms 1 file Former reference: Green file 55A. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/019 14,22,24,91 Roan Street, Greenwich METB: 1945 tenants' complaints of discomfort following war damage to their houses 1 file Former reference: Green file 56. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/020 Roan School for Girls, Devonshire Drive, 1941-1948 Greenwich METB: war damage repairs including schedules with detailed descriptions of the damage, and reference to a bomb hole in the playground 1 file Former reference: Green file 57. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/021 Roan School for Girls, Devonshire Drive, 1944-1948 Greenwich METB: war damage claims and repairs including workmen's timesheets and materials accounts of William Mills and Sons Builders and Contractors Limited of Woolwich Road 1 file Former reference: Green file 58. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/022 Roan School for Girls, Devonshire Drive, 1946-1948 Greenwich METB: war damage repairs including specifications for each room and the grounds 1 file Former reference: Green file 59. A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 39 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/023 Roan School for Girls, Devonshire Drive, 1949-1954 Greenwich METB: building repairs and plans of proposed modernisation 1 file Former reference: Green file 60. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/024 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1941-1947 METB: war damage repairs, specification, accounts and claim for refund 1 file Former reference: Green file 61. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/025 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1946-1957 METB: war damage repairs and redecorations 1 file Former reference: Green file 62. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/026 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1946-1949 METB: war damage repairs and contractors' invoices including repairs specification after military occupation 1 file Former reference: Green file 63. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/027 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1949-1950 METB: repairs and redecorations 1 file Former reference: Green file 64. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/028 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1950-1957 METB: various repairs. Includes a colourful advertisement for 'Murac' oil finish wall paint, showing 1950s domestic interior, school boys and dirty walls 1 file Former reference: Green file 65. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/029 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1946-195- METB: war damage repair specifications 1 file Former reference: Green file 66. A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 40 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/030 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1940-1944 METB: military occupation of school premises and inventory of fixtures and compensation damage claims 1 file Former reference: Green file 67. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/031 Roan School for Boys and Roan School for 1948-1951 Girls, Greenwich METB: London School Plan proposals for school extensions involving premises at Vanbrugh Fields including plans 1 file Former reference: Green file 68. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/032 Playing field, Park Road, Lee, 1935-1951 Greenwich METB: includes bridge over the River Quaggy, war damage improvements of tennis courts, pavilion, farm buildings and Nissen huts. Includes plans 1 file Former reference: Green file 70. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/033 1-20 Bliss Crescent, Lewisham METB: war 1940-1946 damage and sale including Airy Street, Greenwich METB to the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich Includes purchase of land from the lease of Seth Bower, mason, of 20 Bliss Crescent, and plans for a housing site 1 file Former reference: Green file{?}. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/034 2-16 Haddo Street, Greenwich METB: war 1942-1948 damage and decision to demolish the premises 1 file Former reference: Green file{?}. A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/02/02/02/035 Percy Boothroyd Dannatt, surveyor's file 1939-1949 including tenants and building repairs at Roan Estate property (arranged alphabetically A-Z) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 41 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/036 'Roan Exhibition': Clerk's correspondence with 1919-1921 the school Heads concerning the conditions under which the university bursary was awarded to the highest achiever at school leaving 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/037 Roan Estate: Clerk's correspondence including 1938-1948 war damage and the sale of property in Roan Street and Coldbath Street, Greenwich METB 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/038 81 Maze Hill, Greenwich METB: M M Jennings, 1947-1956 Clerk's correspondence concerning war damage repairs 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/039 General: Clerk's outgoing indexed 1943-1944 correspondence including staff salaries, retirements and resignations, the withdrawal of pupils, war damage and evacuation 1 file Former reference: 1-499. A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/040 Evacuation of the Roan Schools: Clerk's 1939-1941 correspondence including schemes, travelling itinerary, expenses and circulars of reception at Carmarthen, Wales 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/041 South East Emergency Secondary School for 1940-1945 Girls (London County Council), Greenwich METB: Clerk's correspondence including evacuated Roan School for Girls accommodation, staff, air raid shelter, and proposed public 'Cleansing Centre' for gas attacks 1 file Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 42 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/02/02/02/042 Evacuation Scheme: Clerk's file including 1940-1943 teachers' allowances, teachers address lists in Ammanford, Wales, and education expenses (arranged alphabetically A-Z) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/043 Pupils: Clerk's file relating to scholarships and 1941-1945 fees (arranged by surname A-Z) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/044 Hard Cases Fund: Clerk's file relating to 1939-1945 Not available for general access applications made by pupils' parents for grants and scholarships (arranged by surname A-Z) 2 files Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/045 London County Council: Clerk's file including 1956-1958 application for grant aided status, Roan School for Girls inspection 1956, and reorganisation of the school library 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/02/02/02/046 War Memorial Pavilion: Clerk's file relating to 1955 the Roan Schools Foundation's loan to the Old Roan Association 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III ROAN SCHOOLS


School Council

LMA/4442/03/01/01/001 School Council: minutes 1988 1 file Correspondence and related papers

LMA/4442/03/01/02/001 Old Roan Club: rules 193--194- 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 43 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/02/002 Roan School for Boys: report on evacuation 1939 describing the difficulties faced by the school, and list of the boys evacuated to Ticehurst, Sussex CC 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/003 Roan School for Boys: War Memorial 1939-45. 1945-1962 Includes letters from families of Old Roan Boys who died in the Second World War, draft Roll of Honour lists, commemorative leaflet, re-siting of Memorial trees, opening of Pavilion and Fund correspondence 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/004 Roan School for Girls: letter from Rudyard 2003 Kipling to Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress relating to hearing 'Sir Joseph Barnsby's setting of the 'Recessional'' Copy of original framed letter 1916 kept by John Roan School 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/005 Roan School for Girls: letters from Joel 1916 Woodhouse Dean of Delta House, Tunnel Avenue, Greenwich, to Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress instituting the Dean Fund including newspaper cutting 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/006 Roan School for Girls: letter from Mary 1928 Spalding Walker, former Headmistress, to Mary Kingsland Higgs, Headmistress concerning a miniature of her painted by Mabel C Byerley, pupil 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/007 Roan School for Girls: war damage repairs 1944-1947 including list of the contents of the building 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/008 Roan School for Girls: pupils' contributions for 1973-1977 magazine articles including the school during the Second World War, memories of Dora Cogan and the Centenary 1877-1977 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 44 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/02/009 Roan Schools Foundation: Roan Exhibition 1931-1953 prize regulations and Clerk's report 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/010 Roan Schools Foundation: Youngman 1923-1924 Memorial Fund including subscription list and Reverend G Mallows Youngman appeal 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/011 Reorganisation of the Roan and Charlton 1975-1976 Schools as a Mixed Comprehensive: notices to parents and objections of the Roan Schools Foundation Governors 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/02/012 Reorganisation of the Roan and Charlton 1975-1980 Schools as a Mixed Comprehensive: reports including Governors' minutes and submission of a staff statement to the Governors 1 file School inspection

LMA/4442/03/01/03/001 Roan School for Boys: inspection reports by the 1919-1938 Board of Education in 1919 and 1938 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/03/002 Roan School for Girls: inspection reports by the 1920-1956 Board of Education, Ministry of Education and London County Council in 1920, 1924, 1928, 1933, 1938 and 1956 1 file Finance

LMA/4442/03/01/04/001 Fees book: Roan School for Boys 1944-1945 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/002 Fees book: Roan School for Girls 1944-1945 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/003 Account book (indexed): includes various firms 1916-1939 supplying stationery, fuel, and equipment for the school field 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 45 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/04/004 Account book: school games and field 1931-1938 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/005 Roan School Dramatic Society: accounts of 1933-1939 school play costumes and refreshments, venue correspondence, tickets and brochures 1 file Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/006 Cash book: Roan School for Boys and Girls, 1954-1959 including payments for dinners, estate, games, meals, needlework and domestic science 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/007 Account book: Roan School for Boys, including 1953-1956 salaries, equipment, repairs, fuel, travelling and dinners 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/008 Account book: Roan School for Boys, including 1956-1957 salaries, equipment, repairs, fuel, travelling and dinners 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/009 Account book: Roan School for Boys, including 1957-1959 salaries, equipment, repairs, fuel, travelling and dinners 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/010 'School Management Account' book: Roan 1945-1949 School for Girls, including salaries, equipment, repairs, fuel, travelling and dinners 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA

LMA/4442/03/01/04/011 Account book: Roan School for Girls, including 1952-1956 salaries, equipment, repairs, fuel, travelling and dinners 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA Staff LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 46 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/05/001 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1938-1944 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/002 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1948-1952 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/003 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1952-1953 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/004 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1953-1956 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/005 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1956-1958 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/006 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1958-1960 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/007 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1961-1963 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/008 Minutes: Roan School for Girls 1963-1966 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/009 Minutes: reorganisation of the Roan Schools, 1977 including the Governors' discussion paper on the new staffing structure, organisation of the curriculum, and plan of the new buildings, Westcombe Park Road, Greenwich LB 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/05/010 Register (numbers 1-100): Roan School for 189--1945 Boys. Includes staff member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/011 Register (numbers 1-100): Roan School for 189--1965 Boys. Includes staff member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties Duplicate of LMA/4442/03/01/05/010 containing updated information 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 47 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/05/012 Register: Roan School for Boys. Includes staff 1937-1975 member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/013 Register (numbers 1-100): Roan School for 1895-1947 Girls. Includes staff member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/014 Register (numbers 1-100): Roan School for 1895-1953 Girls. Includes staff member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties Duplicate of LMA/4442/03/01/05/013 containing updated information 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/015 Register (numbers 101-200): Roan School for 1926-1964 Girls. Includes staff member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/016 Register: Roan School for Girls. Includes staff 1958-1978 member's appointment, leaving, birth date, education, teaching posts and duties 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/017 Assembly book: G C Carter's Spring Term 191--194- morning religious services 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/05/018 Assembly book: Roan School for Girls building. 1980-1982 Announcements given to pupils 1 volume Visitors

LMA/4442/03/01/06/001 Visitors book: Roan School for Boys 1933-1987 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/06/002 Visitors book: Roan School for Girls including 1888-1937 letters of visits from the Board of Education 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 48 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/06/003 Visitors book: Roan School for Girls (only one 1959 page filled) 1 volume Hope Memorial Fund

LMA/4442/03/01/07/001 Minutes: includes promotional brochure and 1931-1933 newspaper cuttings concerning the school's acquisition of Arthur Herbert Hope's Boys Camp near Whinlatter Pass, Braithwaite, Cumberland CC 1 volume Sports

LMA/4442/03/01/08/001 Roan School for Boys: Roan School Cricket 1909-1914 Club match cards listing Seasons 1909 and 1914 2 cards

LMA/4442/03/01/08/002 Roan School for Boys: Roan School Football 1916-1917 Club match card including annotated results 1 card

LMA/4442/03/01/08/003 Roan School for Boys: Athletic Sports events, 1929-1943 lists of officials, fixtures, results, reports and newspaper cuttings including sports held during the evacuation to Ammanford, South Wales See also LMA/4442/03/03/03/014 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/08/004 Roan School for Boys: trophy awards including 1970-1980 trophy index for athletics, swimming, basketball, football and cricket cups and names of the winners 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/08/005 Roan School for Girls: hockey and netball 1905-1954 match results 1 volume Library archives

LMA/4442/03/01/09/001 Lists of the Roan Schools and combined John 198--199- Roan School archives formerly held by the library 2 volumes LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 49 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/09/002 Archive enquiries: correspondence and 'The 1984 Leys Fortnightly' magazine from The Leys School, Cambridge relating to William Henry Balgarnie, former Roan pupil and inspiration for James Hilton's 'Goodbye, Mr Chips' 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/09/003 Archive enquiries: correspondence including 1984-1991 photograph identification of staff and pupils from Roan School for Girls, boys blazer badges, school song music score and American Roan family 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/09/004 Archive enquiries: correspondence including 1990-1997 family history, newspaper cutting of vandalism of the Roan School for Girls empty building and Old Roan Association research 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/09/005 Archive enquiries: correspondence relating to 1998-1999 requests for pictures of school buildings 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/09/006 Archive enquiries and management: 1999-2002 correspondence including photograph identification of Roan School for Boys school masters, 'friendsreunited' enquiry, library minutes and cataloguing work 1 file Former reference: 20000.72361

LMA/4442/03/01/09/007 'John Roan School Archives', report by Caroline 2002 Warhurst, Greenwich Local History Library, relating to the future of the collection 1 file Plans and related papers

LMA/4442/03/01/10/001 Blackheath, Greenwich CP: Metropolitan 1866 Unfit Commons Act 1866 coloured plan showing the Not available for general access heath and positions of gravel pits and roads 1 plan LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 50 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/10/002 Roan Estate, Greenwich: copy of Thomas 192--194- White's plan showing Abraham Dry, John Hatch and John Turtle's houses in Church Street Includes tracing of property near the Grey Coat School leased to William Dry in 1750 1 plan

LMA/4442/03/01/10/003 Roan Estate, Greenwich: plans and tracing 192--199- showing property and the changing positions of Roan Schools since 1677 2 plans

LMA/4442/03/01/10/004 Roan Estate: coloured plan by Percy Boothroyd 1925-1936 Dannatt, surveyor, showing property in Greenwich, METB including land sold to the London County Council 1 plan

LMA/4442/03/01/10/005 Playing field, Kidbrooke Park Road, Lee, 1954-1960 Greenwich METB: plans for the reconstruction of the Pavilion and rebuilding of a cottage 2 plans

LMA/4442/03/01/10/006 Roan Schools: inventories of furniture and 1907-1912 school appliances in the Boys School, East Street, and Girls School, Devonshire Road, listing items in each room 2 volumes

LMA/4442/03/01/10/007 Roan School for Boys, East Street, Greenwich 1876 CP: printed drawing and plan of the new building by Robert Walker, architect 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/10/008 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 192- METB: printed drawing and plan of the new building by Sir Banister Fletcher and Percy Boothroyd Dannatt, joint architects 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/10/009 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1926 METB: coloured elevations and floor plans of the new building by Sir Banister Fletcher and Percy Boothroyd Dannatt, joint architects 9 plans on linen Former reference: A/ROA/I LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 51 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/01/10/010 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 192--194- METB: site and annotated floor plans of the new building showing the use of the rooms 4 plans

LMA/4442/03/01/10/011 Roan School for Boys, Maze Hill, Greenwich 1959-1964 METB: new Biology Department, Chemistry Workshop, classroom, science and kitchen extensions. Includes development plan proposal for the enlargement of the school 25 plans

LMA/4442/03/01/10/012 Roan School for Girls: London County Council 1934-1935 schedule of school accommodation and estimate for repairs 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/10/013 Roan School for Girls, Devonshire Drive, 1992 Greenwich LB: illustrated brochure produced by Humphreys Skitt and Company inviting offers by informal tender for the freehold interest of the former school buildings 1 file

LMA/4442/03/01/10/014 John Roan School, Westcombe Park Road, 1979-1981 Greenwich LB: plans for the new reorganised Roan and Charlton school. Includes re -arranged library 11 plans

LMA/4442/03/01/10/015 John Roan School, Westcombe Park Road, 1982 Greenwich LB: article on the reorganised Roan and Charlton school (The Architects' Journal pages 34-48). Includes pictures of the new building and pupils in classrooms 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/01/10/016 John Roan School, Westcombe Park Road, 1982 Greenwich LB: Architects' Journal photograph prints of the new building and pupils in classrooms, science and gymnastics action shots 1 file PUPILS


LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/01/001 Grey Coat School: register. Some entries 1705-1736 Unfit include details of birth, parents' names and Not available for general access occupations, education and apprenticeship. Accounts relating to Roan Estate rent payments and repairs, teachers' salaries and boys' clothing Also includes Churchwardens' payments made to poor widow pensioners from charitable gifts including Sir William Hooker, William Stanton and William Hartcliffe. Entries list names, ages and deaths. Also the Roan Feoffee's instructions to the taylor concerning the boys' clothing 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/002 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1877-1899 (numbers 12-2150) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/003 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1891-1908 (numbers 1-2130) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/004 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1901-1914 (numbers 1-300) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/005 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1908-1915 (numbers 301-600) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/006 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1910-1916 (numbers 601-897) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/007 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1913-1916 (numbers 898-1191) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/008 Roan School for Boys: register (indexed) 1910-1928 Not available for general access (numbers 559-1499) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 53 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/01/009 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 1807 1919-1928 Not available for general access -2011 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/010 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 2230 1923-1934 Not available for general access -2650 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/011 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 2651 1926-1936 Not available for general access -2760 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/012 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 2761 1927-1936 Not available for general access -2880 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/013 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 2881 1928-1940 Not available for general access -2980 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/014 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 2981 1929-1940 Not available for general access -3080 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/015 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3081 1930-1940 Not available for general access -3180 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/016 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3181 1931-1940 Not available for general access -3299 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/017 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3301 1932-1940 Not available for general access -3420 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 54 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/01/018 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3421 1934-1940 Not available for general access -3530 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/019 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3531 1935-1940 Not available for general access -3670 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/020 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3671 1936-1940 Not available for general access -3800 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/021 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3801 1937-1941 Not available for general access -3950 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/022 Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 3951 1939-1941 Not available for general access -4060 (incomplete) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/023/A Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 197 1908-1960 Not available for general access -1014, 3242-5287). Includes list of boys evacuated and those attending the South East Emergency School 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/023/B Roan School for Boys: register (numbers 197 1908-1960 Not available for general access -1014, 3242-5287). Includes list of boys evacuated and those attending the South East Emergency School 1 file

LMA/4442/03/02/01/024 Roan School for Boys: register 1952-1982 Not available for general access 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/025 Roan School for Boys: register including mixed 1975-1994 Not available for general access boys and girls admitted to John Roan School 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 55 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/01/026 Roan School for Boys: registers including 1883-1932 Not available for general access elementary and non-elementary admissions, pupils examination results, and school leavers' careers destinations 2 volumes Former reference: Admissions 1883-1902 was referenced A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/027 Roan School for Boys: School of Science 1900-1906 register (indexed) (numbers 1-796) 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/028 Roan School for Boys: parents' printed 1941-1944 Not available for general access agreements with the Governors concerning school rules and fees (numbers 4134-4531) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/029 Roan School for Boys: application forms for 1902-1930 Not available for general access admittance signed by parents 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/030 Roan School for Boys: application forms for 1903-1907 admittance signed by parents 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/031 Roan School for Boys: application forms for 1917-1921 Not available for general access admittance signed by parents (numbers 1500 -1599) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/032 Roan School for Boys: sanction forms for pupils 1922-1925 Not available for general access attendance 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/01/033 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1878-1899 (numbers 1-1650) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/034 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1890-1908 (numbers 1-1780) 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 56 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/01/035 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1899-1914 (numbers 1-300) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/036 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1908-1919 (numbers 301-600) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/037 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1914-1923 Not available for general access (numbers 899-1197) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/038 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1917-1929 Not available for general access (numbers 1198-1495) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/039 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1920-1934 Not available for general access (numbers 1496-1793) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/040 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1923-1934 Not available for general access (numbers 1794-2082) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/041 Roan School for Girls: register (numbers 1255 1918-1933 Not available for general access -2082) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/042 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1922-1938 Not available for general access (numbers 1708-2292) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/043 Roan School for Girls: 'record of students' 1936-1946 Not available for general access (incomplete). Admissions of Category A and B pupils including examination results and sporting activities 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/044 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1947-1985 Not available for general access (numbers 3829-6403) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/01/045 Roan School for Girls: register (indexed) 1978-1986 Not available for general access (numbers 6404-6641) 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 57 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates Punishment and log books

LMA/4442/03/02/02/001 Roan School for Boys: punishment book 1963-1979 not available for general access 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/02/002 Roan School for Boys: punishment book 1972-1978 not available for general access 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/02/003 John Roan School: log book including pupils' 1986-1987 not available for general access descriptions of incidents and confessions of crime including shoplifting 1 volume Awards and examinations

LMA/4442/03/02/03/001 Roan School for Boys: examination returns 1914-1936 (University of London) and returns relating to school numbers and staff timetables (Board of Education) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/03/002 Roan School for Boys: examinations for 1926-1927 scholarships (London County Council) 1 file Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/03/003 Roan School for Boys: school forms showing 1926-1941 those holding awards 1 volume Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/02/03/004 Roan School for Girls: 'honours' listing 1879-1918 examination results (indexed by name) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/03/005 Roan School for Girls: 'scholars' including Roan 1881-1908 Foundation, Stanhope, Boreman, Mackin Saint Nicholas Deptford and London County Council scholarships 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/03/006 Roan School for Girls: Special Place English 1935 examination paper 1 document Donated former pupils' material LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 58 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/02/04/001 Edgar Harold Bush: school report card 1887 1 document Former reference: Scrapbook volume 1

LMA/4442/03/02/04/002 E C E Bush: latin, geography and algebra 188--190- exercise book 1 volume Former reference: Scrapbook volume 1

LMA/4442/03/02/04/003 M C Jackson: Roan School for Girls bill for 1904 tuition and stationery 1 document

LMA/4442/03/02/04/004 George Frederick Franklin and Elsie Violet May 1915-1987 Franklin: examination and prize distribution certificates including the Roan Exhibition higher education award Includes letters relating to the gift 1 file

LMA/4442/03/02/04/005 F A Hall: Roan School for Boys school reports 1934 2 documents

LMA/4442/03/02/04/006 W J Lowe of Bexley Heath, Kent: Lowe's 1935-1943 Midshipman's Journal including accounts of course tuition on the HMS Collingwood, drawings, and photographs of 'The Frobishers' group and Lowe. Also includes Roan School for Boys school report 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/02/04/007 Lesley Clarke: Roan School for Girls 1950 1950-2003 Prizegiving programme and Pitman's Shorthand Certificate. With letter of gift 1 file PRINTED MATERIAL

Prospectuses, information booklets and hymn books

LMA/4442/03/03/01/001 Schemes of the Roan Schools Foundation 1938 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/002 Prospectus: Roan School for Boys, including 1938 draft 1 volume Former reference: Scrapbook volume 1 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 59 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/01/003 Prospectus: Roan School for Boys 1939 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/004 Prospectus: Roan School for Boys 1954 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/005 Prospectus: Roan School for Boys 1957 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/006 Prospectuses: Roan School for Girls 1928-196- 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/01/007 Prospectus: John Roan School 1989 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/01/008 Prospectus: John Roan School including 1994-1995 additional information for parents 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/01/009 Prospectus: John Roan School including the 1996 'John Roan News' and additional information for parents 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/01/010 Roan School for Boys: 'Our Staff, by one of 1885 them'. Verses detailing the teachers' personal characters, by H J Henchie 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/01/011 Roan School for Girls: 'Rules' 1895 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/01/012 Roan Library: catalogue 188--190- 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/013 School songs: 'Heres to old John Roan...' and 190--196- 'Carmen Roanum' English and 1 file Latin

LMA/4442/03/03/01/014 'Media Resources. An introduction': includes 1979 details on the use of the library 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 60 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/01/015 'Central Park Consortium. Sixth Form 1987 Handbook': information for students on courses and careers 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/016 'The Hope Memorial Camp, Cumbria': includes 1989 the head teacher's welcome and opening of the outdoor pursuits centre 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/017 'Scholae Roanae Alumni': Roan School for 1917-1980 Boys annual calendars and lists of form pupils and staff (incomplete) 33 documents

LMA/4442/03/03/01/018 Detention and exeat cards: Roan School for 196--197- Boys 2 documents

LMA/4442/03/03/01/019 Exercise books and Roan School for Boys 191--192- record book used for timetables, progress, conduct and health. Includes general school and health rules (unused) 3 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/01/020 School prayers: Roan School for Boys including 1886 annotated copy 2 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/01/021 School prayers: composed by pupils at Roan 1959-1960 School for Boys 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/01/022 School hymn books including hymns selected 1918-198- and arranged by J Amesbury, music master 4 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/01/023 'Year of the Child Poetry, by pupils and staff 198--199- from the Roan School for Boys': illustrated booklet 1 volume Magazines and newsletters LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 61 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/02/001 Old Roan Association: 'The Old Roan 1986-2000 Chronicle' (volumes 6-16, 18) 12 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/002 Old Roan Association: 'Old Roan Newsletter' 1985-1989 (numbers 4-6, 8) 4 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/003 Old Roan Girls' Association: 'News Sheet' 1971 (number 18) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/004 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1912-1916 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/005 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1917-1921 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/006 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1922-1926 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/007 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1927-1931 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/008 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1932-1936 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/009 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1937-1944 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/010 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1944-1954 ) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/011 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' (bound 1954-1959 ) 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 62 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/02/012 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1913-1920 (unbound) (numbers 5,7,17,19-20,22,24-26) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/013 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1921-1927 (unbound) (numbers 29-30,32,34-38,41,47) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/014 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1928-1939 (unbound) (numbers 49,51,57,76-82) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/015 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1939-1945 (unbound) (numbers 83-92) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/016 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1945-1950 (unbound) (numbers 93-102) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/017 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1950-1955 (unbound) (numbers 103-112) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/018 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1955-1960 (unbound) (numbers 113-122) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/019 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1960-1965 (unbound) (numbers 123-132) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/020 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1965-1970 (unbound) (numbers 133-142) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/021 Roan School for Boys: 'Roan Magazine' 1970-1975 (unbound) (numbers 143-151) 9 volumes LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 63 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/02/022 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1904-1909 (bound), including a handwritten contribution to the Gazette, 'Sonnet: Our School' 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/023 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1919-1925 (bound) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/024 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1920-1927 (bound) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/025 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1928-1934 (bound) including the school 'Jubilee' issue 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/026 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1934-1939 (bound) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/027 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1925-1940 (bound copy presented to Mary Kingsland Higgs, headmistress in 1944) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/028 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1919-1926 (unbound) (numbers 47-61) 15 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/029 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1927-1934 (unbound) (numbers 62-76) 15 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/030 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1934-1939 (unbound) (numbers 77-87) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/031 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1940-1945 (unbound sheets) (numbers 89-98) 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 64 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/02/032 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1946-1955 (unbound) (numbers 99-108) 10 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/033 Roan School for Girls: 'The Roan Girls' Gazette' 1956-1968 (unbound) (numbers 109-121) 13 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/034 Roan School for Girls: 'The Magazine of the 1970-1976 Roan School for Girls' (formerly 'The Roan Girls' Gazette') 6 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/02/035 Roan School for Girls: 'Centenary Magazine 1977 1877-1977' including school histories and reminiscences 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/036 John Roan School: 'John Roan News' 1986-1999 (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/02/037 John Roan School: 'Roan Ranger: the 1985-1986 newsletter of the John Roan School Parents Association' (Issues 1-4) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/02/038 John Roan School: 'The Roan Rattler', an 1988-1996 unofficial newsletter 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/02/039 John Roan School: 'The Elizabeth Roan School 198--1996 Bulletin: the collected works of Elizabeth Roan from IBIS to OFSTED and beyond', an unofficial staff newsletter edited by Jim Upton (bound) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/02/040 'Stadtteilschule Gesamtschule Horn 1990-1994 Jahreschronik': John Roan School's twin German German school year book 1990/91 and 1993/94 2 volumes Events programmes and invitations (see also LMA/4442/03/02/04) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 65 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/03/001 Service of Commemoration on Founder's Day 1929-1995 order of service programmes (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/002 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1878-1910 Roan School for Boys (First to the Thirty-third prizegiving) (bound) 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/03/003 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1910-1938 Roan School for Boys (Thirty-third to the Sixty -first prizegiving) (unbound) (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/004 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1940-1943 Roan School for Boys (Sixty-second to the Sixty-fifth prizegiving) Roan School for Girls (Sixty-first to the Sixty-fourth prizegiving) (unbound) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/005 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1944-1979 Roan School for Boys (Sixty-sixth to the Hundred-and-Second prizegiving) (unbound) (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/006 Prize Day and Open Days programmes: Roan 1970-1977 School for Boys 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/007 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1879-1899 Roan School for Girls (First to the Twenty-first prizegiving) (unbound) (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/008 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1900-1919 Roan School for Girls (Twenty-second to the Forty-first prizegiving) (unbound) (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/009 Annual Distribution of Prizes programmes: 1920-1938 Roan School for Girls (Forty-second to the Sixtieth prizegiving) (unbound) 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 66 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/03/010 Prizegiving programmes: Roan School for Girls 1951-1976 (unbound) (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/011 Annual Distribution of Prizes invitation cards: 1915-1970 Roan School for Girls (incomplete) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/012 Annual Presentation of Prizes in the Upper 1980-1981 School programmes: John Roan School (First to the Second prizegiving) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/013 Presentation of National Records of 1999 Achievement to the 'Class of '99' programme: John Roan School 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/03/014 Annual Athletic Sports programmes: Roan 1914-1966 School for Boys (incomplete), including South London Secondary Schools Athletic Association 7th Inter-Schools Sports Meeting See also LMA/4442/03/01/08/003 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/015 Roan School for Boys: programmes, invitation 1926-1928 card and proposed list of invitations for the laying of the foundation stone and opening of the new buildings at Maze Hill, Greenwich METB 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/016 Roan School for Boys: order of services and 1948-1956 invitation for the unveiling of the tablets in commemoration of Old Roan boys who died during the Second World War 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/017 Roan School for Boys: programme for the 1957 Hobbies and Activities Exhibition 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/03/018 Roan School for Boys: service programme and 1969 prayers on the presentation of Memorial Furniture by the widow of H W Gilbert, headmaster 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 67 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/03/019 Roan School for Boys: Saint Philip's College, 1977 Birmingham v Roan School, official programme for the national final of The English Schools Football Association Under 19 Individual Schools Championship 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/03/020 Roan Schools: programme of Handel's 1977 'Messiah' 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/03/021 Roan Schools: Centenary 1877-1977 1944-1977 programmes, poster and newspaper cuttings of past Roan events sent by Marguerite E Barnsdale, former Headmistress 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/022 Roan Schools: ticket for the Roan Boys and 1978-1980 Girls Parents Association Barn Dance and programme of the John Roan School Parents' Association Dinner Dance 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/023 Roan School for Girls: newspaper cutting and 1878-1927 invitation cards for the opening of the new school in 1878 at Devonshire Road, Greenwich CP 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/024 Roan School for Girls: draft invitation lists, 1927-1928 programmes, hand-painted Jubilee Alphabet, hymn music score, speech, cuttings and correspondence relating to the Jubilee 1878 -1928 celebrations including the production of 'Iolanthe' 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/025 Roan School for Girls: programme, invitation 1937 and newspaper cutting of the opening of the Girls School building extension 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/026 Roan School for Girls: order of service 194--196- programme commemorating the Life and Work of Miss Mary Kingsland Higgs, Headmistress 1 document LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 68 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/03/027 Roan School for Girls: invitations, programmes, 1958 correspondence and newspaper cuttings of the Eightieth Birthday Celebrations including the staff play performance list for 'The Happiest Days of your Life' 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/028 Roan School for Girls: Summer Concert 1971 programme 1 document

LMA/4442/03/03/03/029 Roan School for Girls: art work for Prize Giving 1979 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/030 John Roan School: programme and leaflets of 198--199- the Ordinary Level Theatre Company's performance of 'The Good Person of Sichuan', by Bertolt Brecht, at the school 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/03/031 John Roan School: Sports Day programme 1999 1 document Reports and published history books

LMA/4442/03/03/04/001 'Greenwich: its History, Antiquities, 1834 Improvements, and Public Buildings', by Henry S Richardson, Includes the Grey Coat School and other charity schools 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/04/002 'The Underground Passages, Caverns, etc., of 1914 Greenwich and Blackheath', by John M Stone, a lecture given at the Greenwich Antiquarian Society 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/04/003 'The Greenwich Parish Registers 1615-1636-7: 1920 Transactions of the Greenwich and Lewisham Antiquarian Society'. Includes Roan family entries 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 69 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/04/004 History of the Roan School: research notes 1928-1941 made by J W Kirby, Assistant School Master, and Honorary Secretary for the Greenwich Antiquarian Society. Includes correspondence and newspaper cuttings on the publication of his work 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/005 History of the Roan School: typed translation of 197--198- J W Kirby's research notes and added notes 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/006 'History of the Roan School (The Greycoat 1928-1929 School) and its Founder', by J W Kirby, Assistant Master. Includes book order form and Kirby's annotated copy 2 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/04/007 Roan School Tercentenary 1643-1943 account 1943 of the Roan Schools history 1 file Former reference: Scrapbook volume 1

LMA/4442/03/03/04/008 'The Building of the New Wing (1906-7)': 194--195- account for the Roan Girls' Gazette by Gladys M Davis, former pupil from 1902-1909 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/009 'Some Notes on the History of the Roan School 194--195- for Girls' (used in K S Binnie's 'The Story of the Roan Schools') and 'The School in Exile 1939 -1945' by Margaret Hough. Also numbers of evacuated pupils, Ammanford, South Wales and examinations 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/010 'Mary Higgs of Oldham': biography of Mary Ann 1954 Kingsland (1854-1937) by Mary Kingsland Higgs, Headmistress 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/04/011 'The Story of the Roan Schools 1643 to 1956', 1956-1982 by K S Binnie with a contribution by Margaret Hough. Includes an update article by D M Evans on the formation of the John Roan School 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 70 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/04/012 'The Roan School for Boys Founded 1677' by K 1967 S Binnie: booklet prepared for pupils 2 volumes

LMA/4442/03/03/04/013 School history compiled for the Roan Schools 1977 Tercentenary, including an inventory of the archive collection and letter concerning the Duke of Edinburgh's being unable to visit the school 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/014 'The Year of Preparation: turning full circle': 1977 article in Inner London Education Authority's 'ILEA Contact' Issue 30 (pages 22-25) by Dr Alfred Taylor on school history and the abolition of academic selection 1 volume

LMA/4442/03/03/04/015 Notes on the Roan Coat of Arms and school 197--199- badge, and list of headmasters 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/016 Account of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 19 1989 November 1989, by Frank Hornblower, teacher 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/017 'A Brief History of My War': draft account 199- serving in the Royal Air Force, by Mr Baker, former pupil 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/04/018 'To London With Love', by John Smith Weems 1995 (signed copy): includes account of visit and impressions of the John Roan School (page 12) 1 volume Newspaper cuttings

LMA/4442/03/03/05/001 Extracts from J W Kirby's history of the Roan 1930 Schools (South Eastern Advertiser) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/002 Articles including the theft of William James 1932 Potter, Headmaster's car (The Kentish Mercury (page 13) 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 71 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/05/003 Roan School Tercentenary (The Kentish 1943 Mercury) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/004 Ann Cummins, physical education mistress, 195- - 196- Roan School for Girls (signed) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/005 'The Roan School spans our split society': 1963 article on the activities of Roan School for Boys including classroom scenes (Evening Standard) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/006 'Head cuts Alan's hair so he can sit his GCE': 1966 article on Alan Broughton, Roan School for Boys (Daily Mirror) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/007 'Focus on the Roan School: where boys want to 1971 work': article including photographs of classroom activities, the headmaster, and the school Scout Troop (Kentish Independent) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/008 'Roan lads land a great treble': football team's 1977 winning the Under-19 Championship and London's Palmer Cup (Daily Mirror) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/009 'A new Roan in prospect: old grammar school is 1977 due for a big change': proposed reorganisation as a comprehensive school (Kentish Independent) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/010 John Roan School pupils' participation in the 1987-1988 BBC Television's 'Survival Challenge' and opening of the Sixth Form 'Mirrors' breakfast bar (The Mercury) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/011 Hope Memorial Camp, Braithwaite, Cumbria: re 1989 -opening and unveiling of the memorial stone (West Cumberland Journal, Keswick Reminder) 1 file LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 72 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/03/05/012 Articles including Larry Allen, pupil's 'Autovision' 1990 - 1991 system invention for road safety (Auto Express, Greenwich and Charlton News Shopper, The Mercury) 1 file

LMA/4442/03/03/05/013 Articles including pupils' ideas for Greenwich 1991 town-planning, vandalism and future of the former Roan School for Girls building, and the integration of bilingual children (The Mercury) 1 file PHOTOGRAPHS, FILM, DRAWINGS AND SLIDES

Grey Coat School

LMA/4442/03/04/01/001 Dr Thomas Plume, first Chairman of the School 18---19-- Governors, Vicar (1658-1704) of Saint Alfege, Greenwich, and Archdeacon of Rochester 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/01/002 Painting of the Grey Coat School building in 187--195- Access by appointment only. 1846 Please contact staff 1 glass plate negative and photograph copy

LMA/4442/03/04/01/003 Grey Coat School stone tablet 'Erected 1808' 197--199- 'Set in 1835' 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/01/004 Grey Coat School and badge 187--193- 2 drawings Roan School for Boys

LMA/4442/03/04/02/001 Pupils outside Australia House, Aldwych, 192--193- Westminster METB 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/002 W J Potter, Vice Master and Headmaster 193- 1 printed photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/003 Masters and pupil form groups (some named) 1937-1938 including 'Remove A' outside front school entrance 5 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 73 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/02/004 W J Potter, Headmaster and Masters outside 1938 the front school entrance 1 photograph Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/04/02/005 Rodney House group, winners of the first Mills 1947-1948 Cup award 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/006 H W Gilbert, Headmaster, Master and Prefect 194--195- groups 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/007 H W Gilbert, Headmaster, Master and pupil 1958 groups: including Orchestra, Football, Cricket, Athletic and Volleyball Teams 34 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/008 H W Garstang, Headmaster, Master and pupil 195--196- groups outside the front school entrance 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/009 School Year staff and pupil group 1958 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/010 School Year staff and pupil group 1962 Unfit 1 photograph Not available for general access

LMA/4442/03/04/02/011 School Tercentenary staff and pupil group 1977 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/012 Roan School for Boys, East Street, Greenwich 1905 METB: sent to A R Black, former pupil 1 postcard Former reference: Scrapbook volume 1

LMA/4442/03/04/02/013 School library showing pupils studying 193- 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/014 Unveiling of the Second World War Memorial 194--195- Roll of Honour 2 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 74 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/02/015 School buildings and grounds: including the 195--1989 Prefects' Room 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/016 H W Gilbert, Headmaster, staff and pupil form 1952 groups: including Chess Club, Football Team and the Orchestra 1 album of 26 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/017 School building front entrance, War Memorials, 1952 library, school hall assembly, and art, science and woodwork class room activities 1 album of 24 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/018 Athletic cross country running event, 1952 gymnastics, and catering staff in the kitchens 1 album of 27 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/019 Playing Field, Kidbrooke Road, Lee, Greenwich 192--193- METB: pupils and the school pavilion 2 photographs Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/04/02/020 School Pavilion, Playing Field, Kidbrooke Road, 195- Lee, Greenwich METB: re-opening ceremony speeches including H W Gilbert and spectators 4 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/021 Cricket Team: First and Second Eleven 1938 - 1939 3 photographs and 2 prints

LMA/4442/03/04/02/022 Football Team and pupils on a country ramble 1914 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/023 Football Team: Association First 1937 Eleven with H W Gilbert, Headmaster 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/02/024 Football Team including H W Gilbert, 1947-1948 Headmaster, P T Westmarland, C Milne, and 'Tommy' Holt, Deputy Head 3 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 75 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/02/025 Football Team match between Roan School 1977 and Saint Philips, including action goal shot, and Roan players holding the Cup and celebrating in baths 11 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/025/A Football Team match between Roan School 1977 and Saint Philips Sixth Form College, filmed by D Johnson, Midlands Today 1 film

LMA/4442/03/04/02/026 Hockey Team groups 193- 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/02/027 Camping group in countryside: pupils include 193--194- Stan Little 1 photograph Former reference: from archive correspondence file LMA/4442/03/

LMA/4442/03/04/02/028 Hope Memorial Camp, Braithwaite, 192--1988 Cumberland: group outside Hut A and the Memorial Stone to Arthur Herbert Hope, former Headmaster. Includes note of gift from Harry Walter Charles Elliott, former pupil, and his school badges 2 photographs and 6 badges Roan School for Girls

LMA/4442/03/04/03/001 Mary Martha Blackmore, Headmistress 188--189- 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/002 Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress, and her 1900 Unfit staff Not available for general access 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/003 Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress, staff and 1900 Unfit pupils Not available for general access 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/004 Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress, and her 190--1918 staff 3 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 76 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/005 Netball Team group 1908 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/006 'Haslemere April 1920': house and garden 1920 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/007 Staff and pupil form groups in classrooms and 1921-1922 under fig tree, netball and exercises in the playground, and front of the school buildings 21 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/008 Sports Day: action shots of field events and 1924 pupil groups 36 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/009 Picnic at Keston, Kent CC 1924 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/010 Playground 1924 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/011 'Empire Children's Gift. Second bed' for Angas 1925 Convalescent Home, Cudham, Kent CC: speech made by Rear-Admiral Mansell. Includes newspaper cutting 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/012 Mary Kingland Higgs, Headmistress, staff and 1925 form pupil groups. Includes the Tennis Team with Miss G M Richardson, Cricket and Hockey Teams, and Sixth Form with Miss Brown 18 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/013 Mary Kingland Higgs, Headmistress and staff, 1927 staffroom, library, gymnasium, chemistry classroom scenes with pupils, playground and school buildings 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/014 Staff and pupils, including Miss G M 1927-1928 Richardson and the Tennis Team 3 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 77 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/015 Jubilee Celebrations 1878-1928: Mary 1928 Kingsland Higgs, Headmistress and staff, and luncheon table with cake 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/016 Mary Spalding Walker, Headmistress, by Mabel 1928 C Byerley 1 framed miniature

LMA/4442/03/04/03/017 Mary Kingsland Higgs, staff and form pupil 1929 groups, including Netball, Hockey and Cricket Teams, and countryside picnic 22 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/018 Staff and form pupil groups, including Miss G M 1930 Richardson and the Tennis Team 15 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/019 Sports Day, Special Gymnastic Class and 193--193- picnic 6 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/020 Mary Kingsland Higgs, staff and Sixth Form 1931 pupil groups, including countryside ramble 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/021 Prize Giving: pupils assembled in the hall 1932 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/022 Interior of the school including the Gymnasium 1933 and Science room, and pupils in the grounds, and pupils at 'Lecture on Pageant' 8 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/023 Sixth Form picnic: Mary Kingsland Higgs and 1934-193- Miss Massingham. Miss G M Richardson. Staff and pupils on the roadside near Westerham, Kent CC 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/024 School buildings and playground 1934 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/025 M Jelleyman with her art painting 1935 1 photograph LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 78 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/026 Founder's Day service 1936 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/027 Sports Day including events and spectators 1937 13 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/028 Sixth Form picnic: Mary Kingsland Higgs and 1937 staff (named) 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/029 Evacuated pupils at Ammanford, South Wales 1941 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/030 South East London Emergency School: girls 1943 working on the London County Council's farm at Joyce Green Hospital, Dartford, Kent CC 7 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/031 South East London Emergency School: girls 1946 visiting ship 'Glenogle' and entertaining Captain Baron at the school 14 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/032 Pupils in the Dining Hall, Library, Gymnasium, 1947 choir, cookery class, and outside the school, Devonshire Drive, Greenwich METB 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/033 Marguerite E Barnsdale, Headmistress 194--195- 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/034 Marguerite E Barnsdale, Headmistress, staff, 1949-195- Sixth Form, Hockey and Netball Teams 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/035 Pupils in Form 5G Summer Term (named) 1949 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/036 Hockey and Netball Teams 1950 6 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/037 Staff, pupils, Cricket, Hockey and Netball 1951 Teams 1 album of 14 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 79 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/038 Staff, pupils, Hockey and Netball Teams 1952 1 album of 14 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/039 School Pavilion, pupils in art, chemistry, 1952 cookery, music and science classes, school plays, Assembly, Dining Hall and catering staff 1 album of 28 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/040 Pupils in the Library, Gymnasium and playing 1952 netball in the playground 1 album of 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/041 Prefects, Hockey and Netball Teams, and 195--195- outdoor party 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/042 Eightieth Birthday Celebrations 1878-1958: 1958 pupils with birthday cake and exhibits and studying 4 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/043 Eightieth Birthday Celebrations 1878-1958: 1958 staff play 'Happiest Days of Your Life' 11 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/044 Marguerite E Barnsdale, Headmistress and 1962 staff 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/045 School buildings, including detail of the School 1968 Roan Crest and pupils in the playground 11 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/046 Senior pupils making speeches 197- 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/047 Staff and Sixth Form Netball match 1972 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/048 Upper Sixth Form in the school grounds and 1973 Susan Johnson, pupil, playing the recorder 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/049 Netball and Hockey Teams 1975 2 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 80 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/050 Prize Giving ceremony 1975 26 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/051 Staff and Lower Sixth Form Christmas Party 1976 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/052 Chemistry class, Sixth Form pupils in the 1977 Library, boarding the School Bus for the Playing Field, and Mrs Pat Meehan, Secretary 4 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/053 Pupil groups (named) (Forms IB, IC, ID and IL) 1978-1979 24 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/054 Pupil groups (named) (Forms IF, IH, IL and IR) 1979-1980 4 folders of 29 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/055 Mrs Jeffery, retired member of staff, in a 198- Television audience 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/056 School journeys: postcard relating to exchange 1920 pupils in France 1 postcard

LMA/4442/03/04/03/057 School journeys: pupils and staff on a visit to 1926 Calais, France 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/058 School journeys: pupils and staff on a visit to 1936 Denmark 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/059 School journeys: pupils and staff on a visit to 1938 Germany 30 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/060 School journeys: pupils and staff on a visit to 1939 Swanage, Dorset CC (some named) 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/061 School journeys: pupils and staff on a visit to 1947 Canterbury, Kent CC 3 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 81 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/062 School journeys: pupils on a visit to Bayeux, 1947 France, including netball match, visiting French and fishermen and traditional costumes. Includes English written accounts by pupils and a newspaper cutting on the impressions of the visit by Miss Marsh 1 file of 23 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/063 School journeys: staff and pupils on a visit to 1952-1953 the Netherlands 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/064 School plays: 'Historical Pageant' including 1911 Unfit programme of events Not available for general access 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/065 School plays: 'Alice in Wonderland' Form IV 1921 pupils, and 'Minstrel Band' (named) players 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/066 School plays: staff performances including 'The 1926-1927 King's Breakfast' and 'Lillets of the Field' 6 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/067 School plays: School Jubilee 1878-1928 1928 performance of 'Iolanthe' including programme and ticket 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/068 School plays: 'Yellow Sands' staff performance 1930 22 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/069 School plays: 'The Mikado' including 1931 programmes, tickets, expenses and correspondence with D'Oyly Carte Opera Companies concerning the permit for playing at the Concert Hall, Blackheath 1 file of 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/070 School plays: pupils in 18th century costume 1933 7 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 82 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/071 School plays: 'The Gondoliers' performed at 1935 Lewisham Town Hall, including programme and review in The Blackheath Local Guide and District Advertiser 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/072 School plays: 'Mother of Invention' Sixth Form 1949 performance 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/073 School plays: 'Nativity' play 1952 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/074 School plays: 'Lady Precious Stream' 1954 10 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/075 School plays: 'Pride and Prejudice' 1955 2 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/076 School plays: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' 1956 12 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/077 School plays: 'The Rivals' staff performance 1956 12 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/078 School plays: (unknown) play performed by 1956 pupils 9 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/079 School plays: 'The Critic' 1957 12 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/080 School plays: 'The Happiest Days of Your Life', 1958 performed by the staff, including programme with a list of the cast 9 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/081 School plays: 'The Boy with the Cart' 1958 7 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/082 School plays: 'Much Ado About Nothing' 1960 12 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 83 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/083 School plays: 'Dido and Aeneas' with printed 1964 notes on events leading up to the performance by Gillian Tichband 1 album of 13 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/084 School plays: 'Tobias and the Angel' 197- 5 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/085 School plays: 'As You Like It' programme 1972 1 document

LMA/4442/03/04/03/086 School plays: 'The Crucible' 1972-1973 16 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/087 School year group including name chart 1919 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/088 School year group 192- 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/089 School year group 193- 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/090 School year group, including rough proof copy 1934 2 photographs (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/091 School year group 1947 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/092 School year group 1953 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/093 School year group 1963 Unfit 1 photograph Not available for general access

LMA/4442/03/04/03/094 School year group 1967 1 photograph (rolled)

LMA/4442/03/04/03/095 School year group: Centenary 1877-1977 1977 1 photograph (rolled) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 84 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/03/096 School building: National School of Industry for 191--193- Girls branch building, Roan Street, Greenwich, built 1840 closed 1877 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/097 School building: exterior Devonshire Road, 1897 Greenwich METB 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/098 School building: exterior and playground, 193- Devonshire Road, Greenwich METB, before the 1937 extension 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/099 School building: exterior at Devonshire Road, 1934 Greenwich METB 1 file, 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/100 School building: builders at work on the 1937 extension at Devonshire Road, Greenwich METB 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/101 School building: pupils in classroom and 1937 cookery class in the extension at Devonshire Road, Greenwich METB 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/102 School building: exterior showing the extension 1937 at Devonshire Road, Greenwich METB 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/03/103 School building: interior views of the Hall, 1938 Gymnasium, pupils in the Library, Art and Geography Rooms 7 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/104 School building: interior views of the Staff 192--197- Room, Chemistry Laboratory and pupils in the Art Room 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/03/105 School Keeper and his staff. Mr Unstead, 1925-196- former School Keeper and his wife in Adelaide, Australia 3 photographs LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 85 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates Roan Schools and John Roan School

LMA/4442/03/04/04/001 Roan Schools: Mr Icough, Chairman of the 195--1971 Board of Governors 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/04/002 Roan Schools: sponsored walk for the Schools' 1977 Tercentenary and staff and boys in the team 'Its a Knock Out' 6 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/003 Roan Schools: teaching staff talking over drinks 197--198- 1 photograph

LMA/4442/03/04/04/004 Roan Schools: pupils at Old Peoples' Christmas 197- Party 9 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/005 School plays: including 'Hamlet' 197--198- 3 albums of 97 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/006 John Roan School: boys at Maze Hill, 198- Greenwich LB, including drama, the school band, chess, Scouts, school dinners, biology, chemistry and Design and Technology 20 colour slides

LMA/4442/03/04/04/007 John Roan School: school meals (at Maryon 198- Park School?) showing pupils and the clearing up of food off the floors 17 colour slides

LMA/4442/03/04/04/008 John Roan School: staff and pupils at 1980 Braithwaite, Cumbria and new hut 6 colour slides

LMA/4442/03/04/04/009 John Roan School: school trip to France 198- 20 colour slides

LMA/4442/03/04/04/010 John Roan School: new school building site at 1980 Westcombe Park Road site, Greenwich LB 50 colour slides LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 86 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/04/04/011 John Roan School, Devonshire Drive, 1984 Greenwich LB (formerly Roan School for Girls): the last Summer Term exterior and interior views 36 colour slides

LMA/4442/03/04/04/012 John Roan School, Devonshire Drive, 1984 Greenwich LB (former Roan School for Girls): the last Summer Term and 'last day revels' Includes exterior and interior views, boiler room, pupils in classes, D Billington, Headmaster, Mrs S Kennedy, Secretary, Roan Exhibition Prize Roll of names 1882-1979, plaques and School Crest 34 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/013 John Roan School, Devonshire Drive, 1990 Greenwich LB (formerly Roan School for Girls): exterior showing the School Crest 3 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/014 John Roan School: 'Non-Uniform Day' poster 1990 showing pupils outside and working on computers 1 poster, 8 photographs

LMA/4442/03/04/04/015 John Roan School: clock and spinning wheel 199- 2 photographs EPHEMERA

LMA/4442/03/05/001 Roan School for Boys: presented to John 1876 Restricted access: please see Macgregor, Chairman of the Governors, on the staff laying of the foundation stone of the school building in East Street, Greenwich CP 1 commemorative trowel Former reference: A/ROA/III

LMA/4442/03/05/002 Roan School for Boys: used possibly for 18---19-- Restricted access: please see backing for Technical Drawing and Metalwork staff 3 slates

LMA/4442/03/05/003 Roan School for Boys: school with bronze 1960-1967 Restricted access: please see badge staff 1 cap LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 87 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/03/05/004 Roan School for Boys: blazer badges worn up 196--197- Restricted access: please see to 1978? staff 3 badges

LMA/4442/03/05/005 Roan School for Girls: metal Prefect badges 187--196- Restricted access: please see and enamel Monitor badge staff 11 badges

LMA/4442/03/05/006 Roan School for Girls: uniform 192--197- Restricted access: please see 1 beret staff

LMA/4442/03/05/007 Roan Schools: fabric belt with school crest 191--196- Restricted access: please see 1 belt staff

LMA/4442/03/05/008 Roan Schools: wooden shield of the 'twinned' 196--197- Restricted access: please see school at Wolfhagen, Germany staff 1 shield

LMA/4442/03/05/009 Greenwich Park School: 'The Kings Medal' 1916-1981 Restricted access: please see awarded to Edith Alice Maynard 1919-20. staff Includes correspondence relating to the pupil and prize giving at the school 1 medal and 1 file CHARLTON SCHOOLS


Lombard Wall School

LMA/4442/04/01/01/001 Infants' Department log book: school diary 1884-1913 including the opening of the school, staff, visits, accounts of outbreaks of smallpox, diptheria and other diseases, and class subjects taught 1 volume

LMA/4442/04/01/01/002 'Schools': a short history of the school and 1976 analysis of the log book (LMA/4442/04/01/01/001) by Gerald Webber. Includes extracts from Wood Street Elementary School log book 1880-1881 1 volume Wood Street School LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 88 JOHN ROAN SCHOOL

LMA/4442 Reference Description Dates

LMA/4442/04/01/02/001 Boys' Department log book: school diary 1913-1932 including events, prize giving, visits, staff absences, admissions and leaving, and pupil roll attendance Includes the effect of air raids on attendance, newspaper cuttings of school inspection and school play programmes 1 volume

LMA/4442/04/01/02/002 Girls' Department log book: school diary 1913-1931 including events, visits, staff absences, admissions and leaving, and pupil roll attendance 1 volume

LMA/4442/04/01/02/003 Girls' Department log book: school diary 1931-1939 including events, visits, staff absences, admissions and leaving, and pupil roll attendance 1 volume Charlton Central Secondary School for Boys (later Charlton Secondary School)

LMA/4442/04/01/03/001 Boys' Department log book: school diary 1937-1967 Not available for general access including events, visits, staff absences, admissions and leaving, and pupil roll attendance. Also includes Ministry of Education inspection 1961 1 volume

LMA/4442/04/01/03/002 'Charlton Assembly Book: a Selection of 1975 Assembly Aids': prayers, readings and poetry 1 volume