Disciplinary Board Reporter, Volume 28

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Disciplinary Board Reporter, Volume 28 DISCIPLINARY BOARD REPORTER Report of Lawyer Discipline Cases Decided by the Disciplinary Board and by the Oregon Supreme Court for 2014 VOLUME 28 January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014 PREFACE This Disciplinary Board Reporter (DB Reporter) contains final decisions of the Oregon Disciplinary Board, stipulations for discipline between accused lawyers and the OSB, summaries of 2014 decisions of the Oregon Supreme Court involving the discipline of lawyers, and related matters. Cases in this DB Reporter should be cited as 28 DB Rptr ___ (2014). In 2014, a decision of the Disciplinary Board was final if neither the Bar nor the Accused sought review of the decision by the Oregon Supreme Court. See Title 10 of the Bar Rules of Procedure (www.osbar.org, click on Rules Regulations and Policies) and ORS 9.536. The decisions printed in this DB Reporter have been reformatted and corrected for typographical errors, spelling errors, obvious grammatical or word usage errors, and errors in citation formatting, but no substantive changes have been made to them. Because of space restrictions, exhibits are not included but may be obtained by calling the Oregon State Bar. Those interested in a verbatim copy of an opinion should contact the Public Records Coordinator at extension 394, 503-620-0222 or 800-452-8260 (toll-free in Oregon). Final decisions of the Disciplinary Board issued on or after January 1, 2014, are also available at the Oregon State Bar Web site, www.osbar.org. Please note that the statutes, disciplinary rules, and rules of procedure cited in the opinions are those in existence when the opinions were issued. Care should be taken to locate the current language of a statute or rule sought to be relied on concerning a new matter. General questions concerning the Bar’s disciplinary process may be directed to me at extension 319. DAWN EVANS Disciplinary Counsel Oregon State Bar CONTENTS Oregon Supreme Court, Board of Governors, State Professional Responsibility Board ............................................................ iv Disciplinary Board 2015 ........................................................................................................... v 2014 .......................................................................................................... vi List of Cases Reported in This Volume ............................................................. vii Cases ............................................................................................................ 1–322 Table of Cases ................................................................................................. 323 Table of Rules and Statutes ............................................................................. 327 iii Justices of the Oregon Supreme Court Thomas A. Balmer, Chief Justice Richard C. Baldwin David V. Brewer Rives Kistler Jack L. Landau Virginia L. Linder Martha Lee Walters 2015 Oregon State Bar Board of Governors Richard G. Spier, President R. Ray Heysell, President-elect James C. Chaney Guy B. Greco Theresa M. Kohlhoff Johnathan E. Mansfield Audrey T. Matsumonji Vanessa A. Nordyke Travis S. Prestwich Per A. Ramfjord Kathleen Rastetter Joshua L. Ross Kerry L. Sharp Simon Whang Charles A. Wilhoite Timothy L. Williams Elisabeth Zinser Sylvia Stevens, Executive Director 2015 State Professional Responsibility Board Whitney Patrick Boise, Chairperson Ankur Hasmukh Doshi Blair Henningsgaard E. Bradley Litchfield Justin N. Rosas Elaine D. Smith-Koop Richard A. Weill Valerie Wright Nathaline J. Frener (Public Member) Randall Green (Public Member) Johnathan E. Mansfield (BOG Contact) iv 2015 DISCIPLINARY BOARD State Chair Duane A. Bosworth Nancy Cooper Lisanne M. Butterfield Lisa M. Caldwell State Chair Elect Dylan M. Cernitz Robert A. Miller Craig A. Crispin Region 1 Sean C. Currie Carl W. Hopp, Chairperson Courtney C. Dippel J David Coughlin David W. Hercher Paul B. Heatherman Charles J. Paternoster Jennifer F. Kimble David A. Rabbino John E. Laherty Kristina M. Reynolds Ronald L. Roome Ulanda L. Watkins Max S. Taggart Frank J. Weiss Steven P. Bjerke (Public Member) Rita Cagliostro (Public Member) John G. McBee (Public Member) Joyce E. Ironside (Public Member) William J. Olsen (Public Member) JoAnn Jackson (Public Member) Region 2 Jonathan Levine (Public Member) Robert A. Miller, Chairperson Charles H. Martin (Public Member) Jet Harris Virginia Anne Symonds (Public Member) Chas Horner Michael Wallis (Public Member) Meg E. Kieran Mary Beth Yosses (Public Member) Debra E. Velure Region 6 Carrie A. Bebout (Public Member) James C. Edmonds, Chairperson George A. McCully (Public Member) John T. Bagg Region 3 John L. Barlow John E. Davis, Chairperson Sydney E. Brewster Penny Lee Austin Philip Alan Johnson William Francis Paul E. Levy Joan Marie Michelsen Robert C. McCann Josh Soper Yvonne Ana Tamayo Thomas W. Pyle (Public Member) Fadd E. Beyrouty (Public Member) April L. Sevcik (Public Member) Dorothy A. Fallon (Public Member) Paul Mark Gehlar (Public Member) Region 4 Richard M. Miller (Public Member) Kathy Proctor, Chairperson William G. Blair Region 7 Marcia Buckley Kelly L. Harpster, Chairperson Eddie D. Medina Willard H. Chi Allen Reel Andrew M. Cole Loni J. Bramson (Public Member) Deanna L. Franco Joseph M. Fabiano (Public Member) S. Michael Rose Terry Donahe (Public Member) Region 5 Joan J. LeBarron (Public Member) Ronald W. Atwood, Chairperson Bryan D. Beel v 2014 DISCIPLINARY BOARD State Chair Duane A. Bosworth Pam Yee Lisanne M. Butterfield Lisa M. Caldwell State Chair Elect Dylan M. Cernitz Nancy Cooper Craig A. Crispin Region 1 Sean C. Currie Carl W. Hopp, Chairperson Courtney C. Dippel J. David Coughlin David W. Hercher Paul B. Heatherman Charles J. Paternoster Jennifer F. Kimble David A. Rabbino John E. Laherty Kristina M. Reynolds Ronald L. Roome Ulanda L. Watkins Max S. Taggart Frank J. Weiss Steven P. Bjerke (Public Member) Gail C. Gengler (Public Member) John G. McBee (Public Member) Joyce E. Ironside (Public Member) William J. Olsen (Public Member) JoAnn Jackson (Public Member) Region 2 Jonathan Levine (Public Member) Robert A. Miller, Chairperson Charles H. Martin (Public Member) Jet Harris Virginia Anne Symonds (Public Member) Chas Horner Michael Wallis (Public Member) Debra E. Velure Mary Beth Yosses (Public Member) Carrie A. Bebout (Public Member) Region 6 George A. McCully (Public Member) James C. Edmonds, Chairperson Region 3 John T. Bagg Megan B. Annand, Chairperson John L. Barlow Penny Lee Austin Sydney E. Brewster John E. Davis Philip Alan Johnson William Francis Paul E. Levy Joan-Marie Michelsen Robert C. McCann Thomas W. Pyle (Public Member) Yvonne Ana Tamayo April L. Sevcik (Public Member) Fadd E. Beyrouty (Public Member) Dorothy A. Fallon (Public Member) Region 4 Richard M. Miller (Public Member) Kathy Proctor, Chairperson William G. Blair Region 7 Eddie D. Medina Anthony A. Buccino, Chairperson Simeon D. Rapoport Willard H. Chi Allen Reel Andrew M. Cole Loni J. Bramson (Public Member) Deanna L. Franco Joseph M. Fabiano (Public Member) Kelly L. Harpster Terry Donahe (Public Member) Region 5 Joan J. LeBarron (Public Member) Nancy M. Cooper, Chairperson Ronald W. Atwood Bryan D. Beel vi LIST OF CASES REPORTED Volume 28 DB Reporter (Includes summaries of Oregon Supreme Court stipulations and decisions that also appear in the Advance Sheets) In re Allen ....................................................................................................................................275 Violation of RPC 1.3, RPC 1.4(a), RPC 1.4(b), RPC 1.16(c), RPC 1.16(d), and RPC 8.1(a)(2). Stipulation for Discipline. 6-month suspension, all stayed, 3-year probation. In re Andersen ................................................................................................................................52 Violation of RPC 1.3, RPC 1.4(a), RPC 1.16(a)(2), RPC 1.16(d), and RPC 8.1(a)(2). Stipulation for Discipline. 6-month plus 1-day suspension. In re Ballard ...................................................................................................................................22 Trial Panel Opinion. Dismissed. In re Barker ..................................................................................................................................119 Violation of RPC 1.3, RPC 1.4(a), RPC 1.4(b), RPC 1.7(a)(2), RPC 5.5(a), and ORS 9.160. Stipulation for Discipline. 1-year suspension. In re Bertoni .................................................................................................................................196 Violation of RPC 1.4(a), RPC 1.4(b), RPC 1.5(c)(3), RPC 1.15-1(a), RPC 1.15-1(c), RPC 1.15-1(d), RPC 1.16(d), RPC 8.1(a)(2), RPC 8.4(a)(2), and RPC 8.4(a)(3). Stipulation for Discipline. 6-month suspension. In re Bowman ...............................................................................................................................308 Violation of RPC 8.4(a)(2). Stipulation for Discipline. 180-day suspension, all but 30 days stayed, 2-year probation. In re Calheim ...............................................................................................................................157 Violation of RPC 1.8(j) and RPC 1.16(a)(1). Stipulation for Discipline. 90-day suspension, all but 30 days stayed, 2-year probation. In re Cobb ......................................................................................................................................41 Violation of RPC 8.4(a)(2). Stipulation for Discipline. 30-day suspension. In re De Muniz
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