additional copies are $1 each, Vol. XXX No. 9, March 4 – 10, 2010 One Copy Free payable to the publisher Letters to the Editor Five Minutes for Fluvanna Prayer Suggestions: These are serious times for 1. Wisdom – for our citizens and Fluvanna Fluvanna. I’ve asked myself, who county leaders would want the job of county admin- 2. A spirit of cooperation REVIEW istrator or school superintendent? 3. Pray for our leaders by name: Gene Ott, John Gooch, Mozell General: Fluvanna Review is published weekly The obstacles are too big, the job is Publisher/Editor: C.M. Santos Booker, Shaun Keeney, Joe Chesser, by Valley Publishing Corp. Founded over 25 too hard, it’s just not worth it to any-
[email protected] Don Weaver, Tom Muir, Barbara years ago, it is the one paper that covers one. The same could be said for our Gibbons, Camilla Washington, Advertising Manager: Katie Cabrera Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free, elected board of supervisors and
[email protected] additional copies are $1 each payable in Bertha Armstrong, Douglas Johnson, school board. No one would blame advance to the publisher. Brian Phillips ______________ (any- Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason them for throwing in the towel and Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the one else who comes to mind). Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle subscription price of $115 per year or $60 per walking away. The fact is we need Prayer changes things.
[email protected] 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with these people to be effective leaders Donna Douma Designer: Kathy Zeek your name and address to: Subscriptions for us.