November 15, 1974

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November 15, 1974 -53=** e ^Br&eze VoLLI Madison College.Harrisonburg.Va.,Friday ^November 15,1974 No. 20 Debaters Expand; 2 Divisions Now Cross-Section of Students By JENNIFER GOINS opportunity to meet Inter- Intercollegiate debate has esting people." evolved from a bawdy battle Madison's coaches, John of wits, which too after re- Morello and Eaiie Malman, sulted In a battle of fists, both former debaters, state Into a highly structured game their motives for debating In of verbal ping-pong. Twen- terms of a three-fold goal. tieth century debate Is less They see debate first as an emotional, more stylish and educational opportunity that success relies on careful ar- teaches students how to re- gumentation rather than brute search arguements, present force. them logically, and defend Madison's five-year old them heartily. Secondly, de- debate team has grown from a bate helps students achieve a fledgling group of four stud- greater form of current ents with one coach, to a awareness. Finally, debate twelve member squad with has social value, it offers the two coaches. Madison's team student a chance to travel has two divisions, with nine meet Interesting people, work members In varsity and three with people, and exchange new members In the novice divi- Idee*. Tournament Upcoming sion. To sophomore Roger Wells, debate Is a game that satis- DEBATORS PREPARE FOR Madison's fifth son Halls. Although debating requires up to Traditionally, Intercolle- fies his InteUectual curiosity and largest annual tournament, which Is be- fifteen hours of work a week, tne rewards giate debate Is a year long and takes his mind off bis ing held this weekend In Jackson and Harri- a debater gains are tremendous. activity. A national topic Is classes. "I like to argue (WILEY PHOTO) chosen during the summer by debate coaches and argued by and In order to argue weU debaters from late September you have to work." Most to early April. The topic Is debaters though, agree with usually a current Issue that Arthur Van Lear, a sophomore SGA Money Explored has two clearly deferrable Communication Art major sides and Is broad enough to who feels debate Is worth- By STEVE WILSON ttee feels that It Is not possi- about five per cent of the total The Student Government ble , with tbe SGA's limited allow for creativity In anal- while because "... It teaches budget, in unappropriated you to think logically, and to Association will not finance funds, to finance these clubs." ysis. This year's topic is funds. Resolved: That the Power of be able to express your Individual elubs this year. Jones explained. The unappropriated funds The SGA's Finance commi- The SGA, In 1974-75 has the Presidency should be sig- thoughts clearly. Debate helps will be used for " pioneer nificantly curtailed. you become an effective com- ttee, after considering many an approximate budget total- projects ", according to BUI clubs requests for money, ing $133,500. The resolution Is support- municator." Helsey SGA treasurer. ed and attacked in four ten has denied all such requests, Out of that money the SGA Helsey said that the money according to Warren Jones, finances the Campus Program minute constructive speeches In the course of the de- would be used for what ever the and four five minute rebuttals. bate season, the Madison Finance Committee chairman. Board, The BREEZE, Blue- SGA Senate decided on. "Clubs are individual acti- stone, WMRA radio, Honor Conseqently, the pace of a debater can expect to parti- These would be things si ch debate Is furious, and to the cipate In approximately ten vities of students for their own Council, "Chrysalis" and the as a student legal aid system, fulfillment and enjoyment. Be- Student Government's opera- untrained listener the sense of tournaments a year, travel a bad check committee and the speech can get lost in to six different states, and cause there are over one hund- ting expenses. money for sending delegates red clubs the Finance commi- The SGA Is left with $6715.05, the onslaught of words. debate in competition sixty to a model United Nations or All debaters are reulred to eight times. In terms of Senate, Helsey said. to argue both sides of the preparing for tournament, the Several SGA funded organi- Issue. This means that a de- debater can expect to spend zations had their budgets bater must train bis mind to between ten to fifteen hours a I World Briefs 1 trimmed this year. The money be totally objective when ana- week researching, filing evi- for CPB, The BREEZE, Blue- lysing an issue, or else pred- dence, and practicing. Miners Strike estimates made by govern- stone and WMRA radio was Julce may interfere with the This weekend, Madison ment analysts. appropriated last year. Tbe ability to argueratlonally. will host its fifth and largest Without a contract with Chrysalis, Honor Council and the coal Industry, the nation's Miller said at a news Madison debaters repre- annual tournament. This wUl conference Monday that "It the SGA had their budgets re- sent a cross-section of student be the first year that Madi- coal worker went on strike viewed this year. The entire at 12:01, Tuesday. won't be vary long until the interests, their majors rang- son has Included a Junior effects (of the strike) will budget was approved by the ing from physics to pre-med, varsity division in the tourna- The 120,000 United Mine SGA Senate on October 15, Workers "will mine no coal be felt." and from psychology to home ment schedule. Twenty Fort! Reconsiders 1974. economics, and have varying schools from seven states until they have a contract The Campus Program that they can work under President Ford has ap- motives for participating in are expected to attend. Visit- proved new agreement that Board originally requested debate. ing schools wUl include repre- safely and live under decen- $56,680 but only received tly", said UMW president , gives access to all tapes and Sophomore Linda Jones de- sentatives from Ohio Univer- documents from the Nixon Ad- $52,150. bates because she enjoys the sity, Duke University, George Arnold R. Miller, and It Is a According to Finance Com- "virtual certainty" that die ministration to the Watergate InteUectual stimulation it of- Washington University and the Special Prosecutor's office to mittee records the CPB used fers. H.T.Vaught, an account- U.S.Naval Academy. strike will last two weeks or very little money for postage, more, when those conditions use In criminal cases. ing major, debates so that he The tournament wUl con- If approved also by the telephone expenses and simi- can learn both sides of die sist of eight rounds of pre- are met. lar items durirg the 1973-74 federal Judge presiding over national policy Issues. To liminary debates with the top A two-week coal strike school year. would Idle some 150,000 wor- the Presidential Papers case, Junior Pat Fitzgerald, debate eight teams in each division This year's request for kers In the railroad, steel, this agreement will nullify offers "a chance to play with advancing to the final rounds. one announced by Ford In Sep- such items was more than a the 'big boys' ( such as Har- Debates are open to the and other basic coal depen- 100 per cent Increase. dent Industries; a four-week tember that gave final cus- vard, Princeton, and Yale )and pubUc and will be held In Jack- tody of the document to The Finance committee felt occassionaUy win," His part- son and Harrison Hails. walk-out, 400,000; and an that the CPB did not demon- eight week stoppage, more Nixon. ner, Renee Wenger, finds de- Schedules wUl be available in than 1.5 million according to , . (Continued on Page 3) / V (Continued on page 6) bate a "challenge and an Harrison lobby. PAGE 2,THE BREEZE, Friday, November 15,1974 w«*nr Editorial and Feature Pages Pages 2,3 Rats: Serious Stuff Last week we published a humorous account of one man's run-in with a rat at Showalter Apartments. However, while It is nice to find humor In such sit- uations, we feel that It Is Important to underscore the serious elements as well. Rats are a severe health hazard because of the *TUE SADTWtUG ABOUT tKECTlONS.SON, IS THAT THE BEST MAM 0<X6HT MMf/Q WIN.. many diseases they carry. There Is nothing at all *™eSAD-MNG *g)U yg^^TWgs HE poESNT EVEW ENTER THE RACE. " funny about being bitten by a rabid rodent. Ask anyone who has suffered through the long, painful .guestspot series of rabies shots necessary to treat the Illness. Nor Is there anything humorous about living in dread 9 of that wild thrashing noise In the living room, not 'My Gut Reaction or ten feet away. Rats and field mice have been reported in every building at Showalter and the Administration has been pitifully slow in dealing with this serious problem. Day in the Life (Student) Rats are practically running rampant in building 1, where students are forced to set traps in the space First, I must offer a dence ball president gramm' i/ Do you hear what above the celling in order to kill the pests. Even brief introduction so tnat you I'm saying?" the newly completed building 7 has reported incidents will know where I'm coming Pro.Ass.:"l called you here of mice in the building. from in this essay. You this afternoon to relate to "Yes, I bear what you're say- One major reason for this alarming condition is might want to be sensitive you about the educational pro- ing but I don't quite under- the shoddy workmanship evident everywhere at Show- to what I have to say so gramming you plan to Initi- stand .
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