SENATE-Friday, January 24, 1969
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1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 24, 1969 SENATE-Friday, January 24, 1969 <Legislative day of Friday, January 10, 1969) The Senate met at 12 meridian, on the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob After less than a year as Secretary of expiration of the recess, and was called jection, the nominations are considered Defense, Mr. Clifford has now retired, in to order by the Vice President. and confirmed en bloc. typical quiet fashion, to private life. The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward Some day, when the truth is written L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following about this period in our history, the con prayer: U.S. ARMY tribution of this superb public servant Almighty God, unto whom all hearts The assistant legislative clerk pro will become known; and it will be clear are open, all desires known, and from ceeded to read sundry nominations in that no citizen of recent years has made whom no secrets are hid : cleanse the the U.S. Army. a greater contribution to the welfare of thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask his country. of Thy holy spirit, that we may perfectly unanimous consent that the nominations Clifford not only had the vision, but love Thee and worthily magnify Thy be considered en bloc. also the courage, to work to bring this holy name. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob tragic war to an end; and the recent Accept, 0 Lord, this day the love of our jection, the nominations are considered commencement of substantive talks in hearts, the thoughts of our minds, the and confirmed en bloc. Paris would seem a fitting reward for speech of our lips, and the service of our his efforts. hands that when evening comes we may It is my belief that he would have also have the knowledge of some good work U.S. NAVY had the wisdom and the courage to completed, duty faithfully fulfilled, and choose only those weapons systems ac The assistant legislative clerk pro tually necessary for the security of the the serenity of soul which is Thy gift to ceeded to read sundry nominations in those who follow Thee in spirit and in well-being of this Nation. the U.S. Navy. Those of us who know him, know also truth. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask In Thy holy name. Amen. that he would have been sure to satisfy unanimous consent that the nominations himself that the threats presented as be considered en bloc. justification for the tens of billions of THE JOURNAL The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob dollars needed for certain new weapons jection, the nominations are considered systems were real threats; and his sub Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask and confirmed en bloc. unanimous consent that the Journal of sequent decisions would have made more the proceedings of Thursday, January 23, dollars available to handle those prob 1969, be approved. lems at home which must be faced in The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE many fields if the well-being of our Na jection, it is so ordered. SECRETARY'S DESK-AIR FORCE, tion is to continue. ARMY, AND NAVY Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, will the The assistant legislative clerk pro Senator yield? MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. SYMINGTON. I yield. ceeded to read sundry nominations in Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I wish Messages in writing from the Presi the Air Force, the Army, and the Navy, to associate myself with the comments dent of the United States submitting which had been placed on the Secretary's desk. of the distinguished Senator from Mis nominations were communicated to the souri. Senate by Mr. Geisler, one of his sec The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob I know of the great respect that Presi retaries. jection, the nominations are considered and confirmed en bloc. dent John Kennedy had for the distin Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask guished former Secretary of Defense, Mr. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED unanimous consent that the President Clark Clifford. Mr. Clifford was charged with the responsibility, in 1960, for mak As in executive session, be immediately notified of the confirma ing recommendations to President Ken The VICE PRESIDENT laid before tion of these nominations. nedy with regard to the transition from the Senate messages from the President The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob President Eisenhower's administration to of the United States submitting sundry jection, It is so ordered. ths.t of President Kennedy. nominations, which were referred to the I share the confidence and respect that Committee on Foreign Relations. President Kennedy had for Mr. Clifford. (For nominations this day received, LEGISLATIVE SESSION All the members of our family have en see the end of Senate proceedings.) Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I move joyed a very warm personal relationship that the Senate resume the consideration with the Secretary. Not only is he re of legislative business. spected as an individual, but I believe EXECUTIVE SESSION The motion was agreed to, and the that all Americans realize that he has Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask Senate resumed the consideration of served our country with great distinction unanimous consent that the Senate pro legislative business. and great credit. ceed to the consideration of executive As one who at times has expressed res business, for the purpose of considering ervations about policy, and who also has nominations on the calendar. CLARK CLIFFORD-AMERICA'S made some suggestions, together with There being no objection, the Senate FUTURE many other people, about trying to seek proceeded to the consideration of execu a just and lasting peace in Southeast tive business. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, an Asia, I believe Secretary Clifford has The VICE PRESIDENT. The nomina article by Henry Gemmill in today's Wall worked in a most extraordinary way tions on the Executive Calendar will be Street Journal, "Henry Kissinger Looms toward peace, and I think all America stated. as Dominant Adviser in Foreign Policy is in his debt. Field," includes the following: I commend the Senator from Missouri When Clark Clifford became Lyndon John in bringing this matter to the attention U.S. Affi FORCE son's Secretary of Defense, he was clearly of the Senate, and once again, let me say The assistant legislative clerk pro identified as a powerful Presidential crony that I wish to associate myself with and a mighty Vietnam hawk. Then, as he ceeded to read sundry nominations 1n grappled with facts of the war, he found his them. the U.S. Air Force. own mind changing; he became the ardent Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask peace-seeker who swayed the President the Senator yield? unanimous consent that the nominations slowly and partially, while suffering erosion Mr. SYMINGTON. I am glad to yield be considered en bloc. of his intimacy with the President. to the distinguished majority leader; but January 24, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1759 before doing so, I thank the able assist from prot ected, undergroun d shelters. In ad CIA and Armed Forces in Vietnam, he ant majority leader for his kind and con dition, he said, the USSR ls "moving vigor would not hold his present office. ously" to catch the United States in sea structive remarks about the accomplish based missiles. Apparently, Averell Harriman who is ments of a great public servant. It was not Clifford's purpose to throw a a great diplomat and an accomplished I know Mr. Clifford will be especially scare into the American publlc with his negotiator was very close to achieving grateful for the remarks of the assistant revelation that the missile gap is closing. a ceasefire and an armistice in Vietnam majority leader because of the farmer's The outgoing secretary's point was that and had accomplished an agreement devotion to President Kennedy and be the United States and Russia both have a that the National Liberation Front of cause of the stature the assistant major hard choice to make. They must either move South Vietnam, whose soldiers are into a new and llmltless round of arms de ity leader has in this body and in the velopment. Or they can try to negotiate a termed the VC, was to have full repre country. llmlt to the costly and deadly madness. sentation at the peace conference table I yield to the able majority leader. The Soviets have greeted the new admin in Paris the same as the present Saigon Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I istration with an offer to talk about all as mllitalist regime. The arrangement fi wish to join the assistant majority leader pects of disarmament, including intercon nally agreed to was that the NLF, or in extolling the record made by Secre tinental missUes and anti-missile systems. VC, the United States, the Saigon mili tary of Defense Clark Clifford during "When the Nixon government is ready to sit tarist government representatives and down at the negotiating table, we are ready," the Hanoi delegates were to be seated the months that he occupied that most a Kremlin spokesman said. prestigious, difficult, and demanding There should be no delay. The first order around the huge round table which office. of business should be the prompt ratifica would be unmarked by symbols. Prelim I think I can speak on a firsthand basis tion of the non-proliferation treaty. And as inary negotiations, quarrels, Ky's de and say that Secretary Cllfforc. had a soon as it can possibly be arranged, the Unit nunciation of Defense Secretary Clark great deal to do in keeping the war in ed States should press, With all appropriate Clifford, Ky's insulting remarks when he Vietnam from expanding into Cambodia, caution, tor full-scale arms talks With the left Palis in a huff suggesting the United Soviets.