THE WORLD TODAY On the Inside SecretContacts to ExpandTalks —Bunnie Gail Olsen will be lucky enough to have a PARIS (DPI) High diplomatic sources said the United States date with a fighting Irishman. Page 3. had secret new contacts with the Hanoi delegation in Paris Thursday —Richard Bizot tells of the trouble many had in in an effort to get expanded talks on a Vietnam peace started trying to write-in their votes in . Page 4. quickly. There was speculation President-elect Nixon might visit —Violence erupts at San Fransisco State and in Paris or send an observer team. Prague. Page 2. American sources said North Vietnamese diplomats acted in a —Don Hynes relates his view on the election of businesslike manner in the discussions held on neutral grounds in a private Paris residence. . Page 3. Both Hanoi and U.S. source told UPI they were keeping in —James Mavor speaks on the discovery of Atlantis. continued contact “ to work out procedural matters for expanded Page 4. negotiations which were postponed this week when South Vietnam refused to send a delegation to Paris. Diplomatic observers said the perseverance with which the outgoing Johnson administration was pressing ahead reflected Washington’s firm belief that Saigon ultimately will agree to attend the Paris negotiations. Xuan Thuy, the North Vietnamese chief negotiator, was reported to have spent much of Thursday studying the impact of the election of Republican Richard M. Nixon to succeed Johnson. Diplomatic sources said they believed that Nixon might visit Paris THE but refrain from going to Saigon where he was invited Thursday by President Nguyen Van Thieu. Informants said that if he did ultimately go to Saigon, as he had suggestcdduring his presidential campaign, Nixon almost certainly would advise the Saigon leaders to go to Paris rather than encourage OBSERVER them in their present boycott. Serving the Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College Community The Saigon government has objected to the presence of a separate Viet Cong delegation at the Paris talks that would also include the VOL. Ill, NO. 42 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 United States and North Vietnam. It wants Viet Cong representatives to be included in the Hanoi delegation. Hartke Predicts HHH to Aid Nixon Riehle Defends Judiciary The Notre Dame Student ‘I have the final power because against himself, Ahern Senate met for three hours last every disciplinary matter recommended that halls be INDIANAPOLIS (UPI)-Sen. Vance Hartke, who predicted two night, hearing testimony from handled here has been handled allowed to choose the numerical years in advance that President Johnson would not seek re-election, Dean of Students Rev. James L. by .the Dean of Students. It was makeup of their boards. The forecast yesterday that President-elect Richard M. Nixon will offer Riehle on the new Campus Stay Senator contended also an important position to Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. thought that every decision of Judicial Code, being unable to thdxludicial Board would be sent that a student be allowed Hartke predicted Nixon will form some type o f coalition act on Central Agency recruiting government and that it would include a cabinet-sized position for to the Dean of Students in order complete choice of counsel, thus here next week, and endorsing a elimination current provisions the man he defeated in Tuesday’s close election, provided Humphrey to help with transition from the petition to aid starving Biafra. limiting counsel to accepts the offer. old system to the new.” undergraduate students. Earlier in the day, Hartke stopped in the UPI bureau and an aide The Dean of Students stressed Junior Stay Senators Mike Besides adopting its house suggested he tell UPI Statehouse reporter Hortense Myers of his that he would have “ no reason” Kendall and Bib Rigney rules, the Senate heard strong “ prediction.” Hartke said at that time it was not a prediction, but a to override decisions of nay introduced a resolution on next pleas from Rossie and Graduate “ suggestion” to the president-elect. Later, at lunch at the week’s CIA recruiting censuring student judicial board. student Dick Escobales in favor Indianapolis Press Club, he restated the idea as a prediction. the intellingence agency as Admitting that the new system of a petition condemning world The Indiana Democratic senator, who sat comfortably on the “ violating the principles of and is not pe rfect as now governments for ignoring the sidelines this election while his colleague, Sen. , open society and a Christian constructed, Riehle contended plight of the breakaway West perspired through a rather close victory over his Republican u n iv e rs ity ” and calling on “ This is something that has Afrecan state of Biafra and challenger, saw a Nixon coalition government ahead. Student Body President Richard developed out of the minds of four or five of us who are pleading that the U.S. He said Nixon probably would realize he cannot govern Rossie to request University government “ allocate transport effectively without some type of understanding and cooperation authorities that the CIA interested in this. It is certainly planes to facilitate rescue work with the Democrats for the good of the nation, largely because the interviews be cancelled. Stay not a perfect document. This is and to move vitally needed food Democrats will control both houses of Congress beginning in Senator Kendall contended “ The the judicial system at Notre Dame now. . .The students have and medicine to places where it January. CIA has participated in coups, asked for the right of judicial can be used.” Hartke suggested Humphrey might be offered the post of U.S. has operated independently control. I have no doubt in their Rossie and Escobales ambassador to the United Nations. But he would not predict from our foreign embassies, and ability to handle it. I do explained that more than one whether Humphrey would accept such an offer. used student organizations question their willingness to million Bicafrans have thus far including NSA for its operations. handle it. You have asked for starved to death as the isolated It operates free of the control of Woman Slaps Kiesinger In Eye this responsibility, so now it is state is bcscigcd by Nigerian government. As a Christian up to you guys to make it troops and cut o ff from food BERLIN (UPI) - A woman fired for calling West German University committed to work.” supplies. Escobales maintained Chancellor Kurt Georg Kicsinger “ An old Nazi” slapped him in the Christian and American values Following Riehle’s “ If this continues one million eye yesterday while he sat on a convention platform. we cannot simply let this go statements, Stay Senator Steve more will starve to death by the The incident occurred at the West Berlin convention of Kiesinger’s on.” Ahern, Chairman of the Student end of December and within a Christian Democratic party. The woman, Beate Klarsfeld, 29, was Life Council, recommended month the starvation rate will be quickly seized and charged with assault and slander. Conservative Lyons Senator several changes in the Code 25,000 a day. Food supplies lie A few hours later a judge sentenced her to a year in prison. John Rank moved to head off which the Senate will consider just o ff the coast on an island, Mrs. Klarsfeld had entered the convention hall with a phony press consideration of the rcsilution next week. These include but there is no way to fly them pass. During the meeting she got up, walked down the aisle, jumped through parlimentary procedure, putting on paper the jurisdiction in.” The Senate by consensus since the Senate was in onto the platform and hit Kiesinger in the left eye. of the Dean fo Students over endorsed the mercy petition, Last April, the woman had interrupted Kiesinger during a speeck committe of a whole to consider suspension cases, as well as the which is to be circulated on only the Campus Judicial Code. by shouting “ Nazi Kiesinger, Resign!” right of a student not to testify campus next week. The silver haired chancellor never has tried to hide his Aided by Holy Cross Senator membership in Adolph Hitler’s National Socialist Nazi Party. During Mike Mead, he succeeded. World War II Kiesinger was deputy head of the Foreign Office’s However, at the urging of Stay YAF to Oppose Hayden The Young Americans for Misener of the duty. radio department. Senator Rigney, Student Body President Rossie later called a Freedom solidified its Under its new leader, the special meeting of the Senate campuposition in a series of YAF’s first decisive step will be Students Battle Police In Japan Sunday night to consider the motions and decisions made at a the staging o f public opposition meeting last night in the to Tom Hayden, who is slated to TOKYO (UPI) - Helmeted anti-American students battled riot CIA recruiting. Commerce Building at 7:30. speak at Notre Dame on Sunday police last night in an attempt to storm the official residence of Following a film clip in behalf of the Studentsfor a Prime Minister Eisaku Sato. Fr. Riehle spent more than comparing governments based Democratic Society. “ In About 4,300 club carrying Zengakuren students wearing one hour being questioned. on freedom with those bases on a d d itio n ,” stated Narucki, protective headgear fought 12,500 police before they were repelled Under questioning from Student , regimentation, the YAP bore “ we’ re going to establish by water cannon and tear gas. o y rest en ichard Rossie, down to the business of electing permanent committees and The students tried to storm Sato’s residence to demand the early e ean o Students explained a permanent chairman. The distribute specific assignments to return of Okinawa to Japan, the end of the Japan-U.S. security pact, lis ina power of review over unanimous winner was senior members in cry soon.” A and to protest the anti-riot act applied by the government against amp us J u d ic ia l Board B0b Narucki, who relieved campus-wide appeal for new them during the Oct. 21 rioting. ecisions. According to Riehle, tem porary chairman Tom membership is also in the works. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 PAGE 2 THE OBSERVER Czech Anti-Russian Students Riot in Prague

injuries. its invasion Aug. 20. PRAGUE (UPI) — Thousands Wenceslas Square in Prague, it the streets, stopping traffic and was met with a roar of jeers . The day also saw -two Dubcek and other of jeering, shouting, whistling shouting anti-Soviet slogans. pro-Soviet demonstrations in Czechoslovak leaders attended a young people destroyed Russian In both cities, demonstrators Police and Czechoslovak soldiers Prague. Some 500 sympathizers reception to mark the flags in the streets of Prague and ripped to shreds or burned tried to defend the crimson grouped around the heavily anniversary given by Soviet Bratislava yesterday. They Soviet hammer and sickle flags Soviet banners with water hoses guarded Soviet embassy to Ambassador Stephan clashed with police in both cities which had heen posted to mark and mild use of billy clubs, but present a resolution. At Olsany Chervonenko. With Dubcek was as they carried their the 51st anniversary of the youngsters kept climbing up Cemetery a crowd of 500 Josef Smrkovsky, president of dem onstrations against the Bolshevik Revolution, Nov. 7, flagpoles or into buildings to pro-Soviet Czechoslovaks Czechoslovakia’s National Soviet bloc occupation into the 1917. In Prague, at least two yank down the flags. Demonstrators jeered when cheered Soviet officers and Assembly. second day. small flags were chewed and T h e anti-Soviet “ Russians go home! Russians Soviet jeeps raced through the defiantly chanted “ Long live the eaten by demonstrators. demonstrations in Prague were go home!” the youths shouted. streets of the Slovak city. The Soviet Union” directly into the An estimated 300 Prague conducted by mobs of high Only a few Russian jeep soldiers made no move to stop faces of Czechoslovak leaders. police clashed violently with the school age boys and another patrols appeared in both cities. the disorder. Some tugged and yanked at rampaging youths. Police tried crowd of university students. The Red army soldiers took no An undetermined number of Communist party leader to restore order with water hoses They swarmed separately action against the demonstrators were arrested in Alexander Dubcek, whose and billy clubs. through the capital during the dem onstrators. When one both Prague and Bratislava. liberalization drive led the In Bratislava, the capital of afternoon and evening. Russian jeep wheeled into Slovakia, 10,000 youths lined There were no reports of serious alarmed Soviet Union to launch Militants Bomb, Set Fire to San Francisco State SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) The blazes, which broke out Despite the chaos and officers from the San Francisco All classes were cancelled Militants exploded a bomb and in restrooms and faculty offices, confusion, classes—which were police department. Wednesday afternoon and the set several fires yesterday as were quickly contained. Damage cancelled Wednesday Police arrested a suspect in camus put under heavy police violence flared for the second from the bomb, planted in the afternoon—resumed under the the bombing. He was Paul threatened and ejected anyone straight day at strife torn San e d u c a tio n b u ild in g , was watchful eye of campus Okpokam, 28, a bearded drama who protested. Francisco State College. described as minor. policemen and plainclothes student from Nigeria, who was O n e news service apprehended while carrying a photographer was assaulted and T package tightly wrapped in his film confiscated, windows masking tape with a fuse were smashed in several CAMPUS INTERVIEWS MON. NOV. 11 attached. buildings, a typewriter was At each entrance to the thrown out a first floor window campus and classroom buildings, into a bed of hydrangeas, fire circulars were distributed urging alarms were set o ff campus wide students to join a boycott called and at least two minor fires; by the Black Students Union to were set by arsonists. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS protest, among other things, the A task force made up of firing of an instructor who is a about 19 members of the police Black Panther. tactical squad and about 20 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS “ The strike will continue until other policemen locked up the our demands are met,” read a buildings. mimeographed sheet distributed guard when an estimated 150 by Students for a Democratic negro students and o ff campus Society. SDS is supporting the sympathizers in v a d e d Professional You will find expanding horizons and career fulfillment at demands of the Black Student classrooms, ordering teaching to Development IMPCO. All the knowledge you have gained at school will Union. halt immediately and physically find practical application; working with top engineers your technical competence will rapidly increase. Your assign­ Nixon Victory Leaves ments will be broad in scope, with total project involve­ ment. You will assume increasing responsibility in machine design, project engineering, manufacturing or sales as Young Reps. rapidly as you can demonstrate capabilities. Some assign­ ments require special interest and background in fluid Richard N ix o n ’ s narrow gratification at the results, mechanics, machine control logic, metallurgy or indus­ victory in the race for the saying “ Dick Nixon is the first trial engineering. Presidency produced jubilation President in over 30 years to be among campus Republicans and elected on Republican somber reliction among those principles. I’m also extremely IMPCO, a . . . is an international leader in the design and produc­ who supported Vice President pleased with the large number of subsidiary of tion of machinery for the pulp and paper, and plastic . Yesterday new Republican Senators and molding industries — a solid 70-year-old company with morning, as Nixon’s election Governors.” Ingersoll-Rand became a certainty, the Notre outstanding growth rate and modern well-equipped facil The narrowness of the Dame Young Democrats issued a ities in a spacious 63-acre site. Presidential contest plust the statement on the results. While razor-thin margins in several wishing the President-ellect large states prompted “ every success in the next four Living is Both at work and in your personal living, New Hampshire considerable speculation on years,” the YD’s strongly easy in offers room to breathe, room to grow. No state sales or what might have happened has contended “ This is still our, income tax, low insurance rates. Incomparable recreation the Democratic Party nominated New Hampshire country and we’re not about to someone other than Humphrey area in your backyard, yet Nashua is only one hour give up on it.” In an obvious for the White House. While on from the cultural and entertainment centers of downtown reflction on Nixon’s running the GOP side Kelly saw Boston. mate, the statement concluded Reckefeller as a bigger winner with the words “ We shall all than Nixon, Nau took the pray fervently for Mr. Nixon’s position that the late Robert There's much A company representative will be on campus. continued good health during Kennedy could have swept the more to tell the next four years.” Monday, November 11 election. Nau contended “ I think Mike Kelly, President of the it’s obvious now considering the Notre Dame Young Republicans Please contact your Placement Director incredible closeness of the vote in and a former Romney and for interview appointment. such states as California, Ohio, Rockefeller supporter, expressed and Illin o is th a t Senator THE POOL ROOM Kennedy would have swept to a 201 N. Michigan necessarily clearcut victory and I 10 a.m.-12 p.m. think as much as I can tell now Special rates on that Nixon may well have a Thursday for N.D. and dismal four years, perhaps as gj im PROVED St. Marys students. dismal as Johnson’s.”

m AC HinER Y inc. The Observer is published daily durirg the college semester A SUBSIDIARY OF except vacations by the students of the University of Notre sigersoll -rand comrany NASHUA • NEW HAMPSHIRE 03060 Dame and St. Mary's College. Subscriptions may be purchased for $10 from The Observer, Box 11, Notre Dame, Ind.. 46656 An Equal Opportunity Employer Second class postage paid Notre Dame, Ind. 46556 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1968 THE OBSERVER PAGE 3 D o n Hynes Nixon & LBJ Men Consult

WASHINGTON (UPI)- One leading Republican National Democratic Party of Representatives of President mentioned in speculation about Alabama which ran a slate of Johnson and his successor, Nison’s cabinet choices, Gov. electors pledged to Humphrey. Toyland Richard M. Nixon, began post Nelson A. Rockefeller of New I f these votes were included, election consultations yesterday York, said he would consider a Humphrey’s total would be on on orderly transfer of federal m a jo r position in the 29,730,272 popular votes, or government control Jan. 20 to a government if Nixon offered it. 3,869 more votes than Nixon’s !lt was a hot summer night. I was down in front of the Cafc-au Republican administration. 29,726,403. go-go on Blccckcr Street in Greenwich village, with my woman, “ But I do not know what the While the President elect With contests in Alaska and Susie Q. We were waiting to sec the Butterfield Blues Band and final answer would be,” rested with his family at Key about two hundred people were waiting in line on the sidewalk. Rockefeller said in Lisbon, Maryland still undecided, Biscayne, Fla., Franklin Lincoln, Portugal. N ixon’s electoral vote total The line was about six or eight deep, and stretched for about a 60, a member of Nixon’s New One of Nixon’s guests at Key remained at 299—or 29 more block. The crowd was a cross-section of assorted young people, high York law firm, met with Charles Biscayne was Lt. Gov. Robert than the 270 vote majority schoolers, college students, young businessmen, hippies, radicals S. Murphy, a special counsel to Finch of California, his chief required for election. Humphrey straights, blacks, whites, and greens. I was towards the back of the Johnon on transition problems. p o litic a l adviser. Finch is had 181 electoral votes, and line, and had been waiting for an hour or so. The air was heavy and They were joined by William understood to be interested in third party candidate George humid. I was sweating, and wishing that I was inside with the Blackburn, a Johnson aide, and urban affairs, it was understood, Wallace had 45. air-conditioning. William Harman, 27, a Nixon and could be a conandidate for In Illinois, which gave Nixon People were jostling each other, some cutting in front of others, law associate. Secretary of Health, Education the boost he needed for victory and tension just naturally tends to build up in that type of Presidential Press Secretary and Welfare, Housing and Urban 15 hours after balloting ended atmosphere. All the repressed anxieties of the day seemed to come George Christian said Nixon has Development, or Transportation. Tuesday night, Mayor Richard out, not because of who or what the guy was next to you, but just an open invitation to see the Senate Democratic Leader Daley o f Chicago, the state’s because he was next to you, a body, and he was generating heat. President but “just when he will Mike Mansfield and Republican Democratic boss, refused to Suddenly I heard a cheer coming from the front of the line. There be here and what he desires, I Leader Everett M. Dirksen concede Illinois’ 26 electoral was more of the crowd babble, and then another cheer, only louder. just don’t know.” proposed in interviews that votes to Nixon. The “ yeahs!” soon grew closer together, and still louder, and were The President was exptccted Nixon appoint a “shadow separated by occasional “ ohs!” with lots of laughter. I was to brief Nixon on the Vietnam cabinet” to work as high aides Daley told a news conference wondering what was causing the cheering, but whatever it was, it had hegotiations after his successor’s under existing department heads it was “ conceivable” that gotten hot, sweaty New York people waiting in a line to laugh, and Florida holiday, but Christian in the two months before the mistakes were made in the' that really had me amazed. said he knew of no plans for inauguration. townships of Cicero and “ This would keep the Berwyn, two heavily Republican After a while, I realized that the center of the cheering, and Johnson to send Nixon to Saigon or to Paris, site of the Nixon team from coming on the suburbs he said ballots had been whatever was causing it, was moving towards me. Very slowly, yet job cold,” Mansfield said. “ They held up for 12 hours after the pcrceptably, it was proceeding from the front of the line down the talks. Nixon has offered to go to both places if Johnson tonight it would at least be aware o f what polls closed. “ A careful check block. I was on the inside of the line, next to the buildings, so I was going on while the Johnson may turn up very interesting couldn’t sec too far ahead. The cheering continued, and after a while would be helpful in moving the talks o ff dead center. Lincoln, a men would still be making the results,” Daley said. Cook the “ it” arrived, about three rows ahead of me, and within seeing decisions.” County Treasurer Edmund distance. former assistant defense secretary in the Eisenhower The nationwide popular vote Kucharski, a Republican, said The “ it” was a young fellow, about eighteen, with Dylan-type administration, quietly was extremely close. The latest Daley’s charges were figures from the computerized “ completely absurd.” He said hair, a tee-shirt and jeans, with bare feet. He was holding a dart conferred with Defense News Election Service showed the mayor had “ lost his cool” board in his hand, and he was giving people shots at it with darts. Secretary Clark Clifford at the Nixon with a popular vote When he got to my row I finally saw what had brought such cheering Pentagon a few weeks before the because the Democrats failed to margin of 49,251 over carry Illinois for Humphrey, had and laughter, such relief to the crowd. Pasted onto the dartboard election about the changeover Humphrey. But the NES total lost the governorship and the was a picture of Lyndon Johnson. As the dart would strike the problems. Clifford performed board, the crowd would cheer, the volume depending on the did bot include in Humphrey’s attorney general’s post, and had the same chore for President total a bloc of 3,120 votes cast failed to gain Dirksen’s Senate strategic location of the hit, and the guy holding the board cheered elect John F. Kennedy in 1960 fo r him by the dissident seat. the loudest, because lie was having the best time of all. The fellow as leaison man with the outgoing made sure everyone got a turn, and as the people in my row threw Eisenhower administration. their darts, Susie and I “ ycah” -ed or “ oh” -ed. and we laughed. I got BunnieLlsonHopstoND Lincoln said his first order of A representative from likewise attend a small cocktail my turn to throw too, and I wasn’t over-whelmed with a passionate business would be talks with Playboy, Gail Olson (also mown party Fri. night in his honor. All hate or a burning desire to destroy the man, but I threw my darts, Budget Bureau officials and with and I threw them with pleasure, and for some strange reason, it sure as Miss August 1968) will appear transportation will be freely John Macy, chairman of the at Notre Dame next weekend to provided in a chauffered Cadillac made me feel good. Civil Service Commission, on date the winner of the “ Million limosine. fillin g an estimated 2,200 Richard Nixon is going to be President of the United States for Dollar Weekend” drawing. The Key chains will be available in appointive federal positions, as the next four years, and he hasn’t exactly been noted as the Pied drawing will be held on WSND’s the Tom Dooley Room, La well as swift clearance of Piper of this country’s youth. Toymakers of America, take heed of Nightbeat show Thurs. Nov. 14. Fortune Student Center Tues. Nixon’s 11 member cabinet. this little parable. You might start thinking about dartboards. The contest is sponsored by and Wed. Holy Cross students Holy Cross Hall (ND) and is a will also sell the chains in the first in Notre Dame history. Off-campus office and outside HHH May Run Fo Originally, Junior Mike Mead, of the dining halls. Holy Cross asked Vice President If the weekend proves for Student Affairs Rev. Charles financially successful, a similar WAVERLY, Minn.(UPI) - future and independently Many obser feel Sen. McCarraghcr CSC for permission contest may be run over the After more than a quarter of a agreed! that it was more than Edward M. Kennedy o f to hold a Playboy raffle. M ardi Gras weekend, with century as a major figure on the possible that Humphrey would Massachusetts, the ramaining McCarragher refused but allowed between two and four playmates American political scene, Hubert seek the Senate seat from brother of the Kennedy clan, for the sale of American Express coming to ND. Humphrey has conic to the end Minnesota, or try for the may well decide to seek the Key Chains. Each chain, costing of the road. Governorship in 1970. presidency in 1972 and certainly $1, will enter a student in the Profpssor Donald Kepner o f the could use his powers in the Maybe. The chances Humphrey would WSND drawing. Mead contacted Rutgers University School of When Richard M. Nixon seek another presidential Senate to advance that cause. head “ Playboy” Hugh Hefner to Law and Dean A. Kenneth Pye moves into the White House nomination appeared to be Similarly, Sen. arrange for the rights to Miss o f the Duke University School next January, Humphrey will remote. The Vice President of Maine, Humphrey’s running Olson to campus. of Law arc scheduling interviews leave the public office for the himself has pointed out that mate in 1968, may very well The winner of the drawing fo r prospective students on first time since he became the four years from now he would strike out on his own after will obtain, besides Miss Olson, Monday, November 11th and crusadingmayor of Minneapolis be 61 and that his age would winning nationwide acclaim for two free 50 yard line tickets to Wednesday, November 13th 25 turbulent years ago. work against his getting the his campaign this year. the Georgia Tech game, two free respectively. Sign-up list and Humphrey, nursing the front row tickets to the Lou Under normal circumstances, Democratic nomination. further information are located disappointment of his defeat, Rawls concert, and dinner for Humphrey would retire to that Despite this, several factors outside Room 34 f has make little mention of what two at the Wooden Keg. He will special political limbo reserved could work in Humphrey’s O’Shaughncssy. he plans to do in the years for former aspirants to the White behalf if he decided to make one ahead. In his concession House who never made it. more run for the White House. StCW3Tt statement Tuesday, he said, “ I But the Vice President, who Among Humphrey’s advantages intend to continue my Sandwich can be stubborn politically as are that he has control of the DiamondsI dedication to public service, and well as personally, may very well party organization and that the Service to the building of a responsive balk at becoming a revered elder people he has appointed and will N.D. men buy their loved ones and vital Democratic P a r t^ ^ ^ ^ diamonds from a diamond im­ statesman o f the Democratic name to the Democratic Available in every porter. You can too. Showings party. National Committee arc his Slmerls hall on campus personal selections and the thru appointment only in a Even as the very late returns OPEN TO*SERVE ND Stewart Sandwich kept trickling in, some of thousands who worked for his completely private office. Call STUDENTS WITH BEER, Service 234-3351 for your appointment Humphrey’s oldest and closest campaign could be expected to LIQUOR AND MEALS. 925 Blaine after 5:30. political allies were willing to remain loyal to the Vice You Must Be 21 And 232-2625 speculate on the vice president’s President. Shnw l.D .’s— PAGE 4 THE OBSERVER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 Opinion Voters Denied Chance to Write-in Choice By Richard Bizot

Having established in the courts in each precinct had a supply to be used in prescribes penalties for failure to record responsibilities under the law. When recent weeks that the write-in vote is legal case the machines broke down (and at them. informed of their responsibilities, they in the State of Indiana, on Tuesday least some of the machines had broken John E. Doran, president of the St. tend either to become hostile or (November 5) the New Politics Party down, so far as write-in votes were Joseph County Election Board, has incommunicative, or else to become both made spot-checks in precincts around the concerned—by the officials’ own claimed that it would be impossible for hostile and incommunicative. Officials at state to test compliance with the law. (In admission). One precinct official went so election officials to determine whether higher levels, who are presumably familiar^ three counties—Marion, Monroe, and far as to deny that paper ballots were i the write-in votes were cast in this5 with the laws, demonstrate a willingness Shelby—the election boards had agreed available in his precinct. election or in a previous one, since the (which at times appears to be an eagerness) to ignore-and thus to beforehand to make provision for In most of the precincts where the rolls of paper have been in the machines violate-the law. write-ins.) write-in effort was denied, the would-be for some years. The New Politics Party The argument that county election Attempts to write in were made in voters encountered hostility; in one or contends, to the contrary, that the boards did not have ample time to make two cases they were even threatened with determination would be immediate and provision for write-in votes is a specious arrest, although they were merely trying certain, if election officials would trouble argument. If Marion County, by far the to exercise a right guaranteed by Indiana themselves to look at the rolls. most populous county in the state, was law. In several instances officials argued, Write-in votes have never before been able to guarantee the write-in to voters in presumably out of ignorance, that cast by the proper procedure—that is, iby means of gummed labels—in St. Joseph1! each of its more than 900 precincts, then write-in votes are illegal in Indiana. any county was capable of making that P recinct officials almost invariably County. In past years a few people have guarantee. It is absurd that citizens refused to identify themselves; some who literally “written in”-that is, by by writing directly on the paper roll-and should have to take legal action to ensure claimed to be officials were not even that election officials comply with the wearing badges. such votes are not only invalid, they are obviously distinguishable from gummed laws that have been on the books for But voters did succeed in casting labels. Moreover, the New Politics Party’s years. write-in votes on machines in at least five .candidates, Dick Gregory for President, The final-and greatest-absurdity is precincts in St. Joseph County, including Mark Lane for Vice President, and the the refusal by election officials to count RICHARD BIZOT the polling place in the Notre Dame Rev. William A. Dennis for United States votes cast in the proper manner and in more than a dozen precincts in St. Joseph Fieldhouse. These votes were cast in Senator, have never been candidates for accordance with the laws o f the state. Do County. In over half o f the test-case accordance with the procedures these (or any other) offices in Indiana in we have to go into the courts to force precincts voters were told they would not established by the Indiana Election Code. previous years. election officials to count our votes9 be able to cast write-in ballots. Some (The proper procedure for writing in is to Our spot-check indicates that Indiana We’ve heard a lot about “ law and precinct officials simply refused to affix a gummed label, on which is printed erection laws are complied with or order” this year; it has been invoked time unlock the write-in apparatus on the the candidate’s name, onto the roll of ignored almost according to whim. There and again in an effort to squelch the voice voting machines; others claimed either paper at the top of the voting machine.) is irregularity from county to county, of dissent. But the law has been that the mechanism for write-ins was not These votes were not recorded from by precinct to precinct, and conveniently ignored, by some of those in working order or that the machines election officials, despite the fact that- even-within a given precinct-from hour who have squawked loudest for “ law and were not equipped with the necessary roll ss29-5110 of Burns Indiana Statutes to hour. Officials at the precinct level order,” when it suits their purposes. And of paper. In all cases, the officials refused (1949 Replacement) specifically directs frequently demonstrate an abysmal again, you’ll notice, it is in the interest of to provide paper ballots, even though the o ffic ia ls to record them—and ignorance o f the law and of their squelching dissent. Oceanographer Tells of Lost City of Atlantis By Dave Stauffer

Over 150 students were in the surviving pottery was found in royalty inhabited the island he still has hopes to become The lecture its e lf was engineering auditorium last the 300 chapels which are means the island was important; re-involved soon. For the time presented by SUAC, and evening to hear James W. Mavor, scattered throughout the island. and if it was important it could being he plans to study the Chairman John Mroz said he was leading researcher for the A 30 minute film was then possibly have been the center of effects of eruptions in the pleased with the turnout, but Oceanographic Institute in ru n which showed the a great civilization; i.e. Atlantis. Mediterranian area and also the expressed hope that more Woods Hole, Mass., present his excavation work done on the Mavor noted several extent of the ancient Minoan students would take advantage findings in exploration of the 1967 trip, plus various scenes of difficulties which have hampered culture. of future educational lectures. Aegean Sea island which he Thera island life as it is today. his research and findings. One of believes is the long souught Mavor explained that the major these is that the present island of Atlantis. town of Thera has a population inhabitants of Thera ship out the & * # 1 tfCfUC’ V