Muker Parish Council Minutes – 2013/14

1 October 2013


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 1st October, 2013. Councillors Porter, Metcalfe, Reynoldson, Calvert and Gardner were present with Councillor Whitehead presiding. Councillor David Crapper and Ms Jill Armstrong from Melbecks Parish Council joined the meeting for the Ambulance presentation. The Clerk was Ms K Scott.

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Councillor John Blackie

2. Appointment of Parish Clerk: Cllr Whitehead proposed the appointment of Ms Kathy Scott as Parish Clerk. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Gardner. All in favour.

3. Yorkshire Ambulance Service: Cllr Gardner introduced the guest speaker, Mr Dave Jones, from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. Mr Jones advised the Council on the benefits of a static site for a defibrillator. Due to the lack of mobile phone coverage in the Upper Dales, Mr Jones advised that First Responders was not a viable option for our area. The benefits of a static defibrillator were outlined. The defibrillator is designed for lay people to use and to go in public places for safe, general, emergency use. Training would be provided for a core team of local people and a day’s training for anyone interested in learning more. The members thanked Mr Jones for his information and support. Following the presentation, Mr Jones, Ms Armstrong and Cllr Crapper left the meeting.

The meeting discussed the benefits, costs and possible funding support. Cllr Gardner will pursue funding options. Cllr Metcalfe proposed that the Parish purchase two defibrillators one for Muker and one for Keld. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Calvert. All in favour.

4. Declaration of Interests: None.

5. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 24th September 2013 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record on the proposal of Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr Metcalfe. All in favour.

6. Matters Arising:

Highways Thwaite flooding: Cllr Reynoldson stated there had been an improvement, but the area was still flooding and the Clerk should contact Highways again. Cllr Reynoldson will advise Highways where the problem lies.

Highways Ivelet Bridge: Cllr Gardner is trying to find out who authorised the bat survey. No work has been done and it is not understood why a bat survey has been requested when the work needed is on the parapet and not underneath the bridge. Cllr Gardner will continue to pursue the matter. NYCC Bus services: Cllr Gardner is in the process of organising a public meeting, as the proposed reduction in service doesn’t allow for anyone travelling to and from work, school or college and limits time available in Richmond to 1 hour. Cllr Gardner will advise on progress.

7. Finance: a. The Chairman has received the VAT refund of £274.47 b. PKF Littlejohn the Parish Council Auditors report has been received and the feedback form completed. c. The Clerk to advise PKF Littlejohn of her appointment

8. Highways: a. Cllr Whitehead requested that the Clerk contact Highways as the re-painted lines in Muker village where both the wrong colour and too wide. Also, all the lines need replacing in the village, not just those done to date. b. Cllr Metcalfe stated that the re-surfacing at Banty Hill on the Buttertubs is too smooth for frost and icing conditions. Cllr Gardner agreed and has already contacted Highways. c. Cllr Metcalfe is concerned about the overhanging trees at Scarr House Bridge and Muker Bridge which are obscuring road visibility. Cllr Gardner to take this matter forward.

9. District Council: a. Two street lights are not working in Muker village. The Clerk to contact RDC. b. Cllr Gardner has received a letter requesting parishes to comment on switching off street lighting between midnight and 0500 in order to save money. In , councils have been given three options; a. Lights to remain on unchanged b. Some lights to remain on, others to be switched off c. No change As there are very few street lights and those that are present are at key points, the Council agreed that all lights should remain switched on. Clerk to write to RDC. c. Register of Electors will be published on 16 February 2014. Clerk to reply to RDC with the Council’s preferred method of receiving its copy. d. European Parliamentary Election will be held on 22 May 2014 noted. e. A copy of the Casual Vacancy Procedure received and noted. f. The Clerk was requested to complete the Review of Polling Districts and Places feedback form as per the members’ views. g. The Notice of a Community Governance/Parish review of Parish Arrangements was noted.

10. NYCC: Nothing to report

11. YDNPA: a. Scarr House Farm planning granted b. Tree Felling at two sites has been granted c. Council noted that representatives from Parish Councils are invited to Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-2030 forums in Grassington on 28th October and Bainbridge on 30th October 7-9pm.

12. YLCA: Nothing to report

13. Correspondance/AOB: a. Cllr Gardner advised the meeting that The Friarage Hospital consultation regarding Maternity and Children Services will take place in Hawes on October 17th 2014. b. The Chair read correspondence from Mrs Diana Hartley regarding a memorial seat. The Clerk is to write to Mrs Hartley for further clarification. c. The Chair read the invitation to meeting the Police Commissioner, Julie Mulligan who is coming to Hawes on 8th November. d. The meeting noted the poster and leaflet from Health Watch. The Clerk to put the poster on Muker noticeboard. e. The Chair read correspondence from Great North Air Ambulance requesting financial support from the Parish. The meeting agreed this was down to the individual and voluntary fund raising. f. Cllr Gardner asked the Chairman to advise the Muker Parish Tour de France committee that he was available to attend their meetings and offered support. The Clerk to advise Ms Alison Stringer, the Secretary of the Tour De France Committee.

14. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next Parish Council Meetings will take place at 7.30pm on 29th October 2013, 3rd December h2013, 14th January, 2014 and 11th March, 2014.


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 14th January, 2014. Councillors Porter, Metcalfe, Reynoldson and Gardner with Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Ms K Scott.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert

2. Declaration of Interests: None.

3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on3rd December, 2014 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record on the proposal of Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr Metcalfe. All in favour.

4. Matters Arising: a. The Clerk had received a response from Highways concerning 7 items that had been raised at the last meeting:

Water on Crow Trees Hill: a words order has been issued and raised for the grips to be cleaned out which should alleviate the issue of water running down the hill.

Condition of the road Satron village to Hill top: Work has been carried out on this road and the Highway officer has since been out and inspected its condition. Cllr Porter said that a good job was done.

Provision of salt heaps on Crow Trees Hill & Butt House Lane: These requests have been added to the schedule for salt heap replenishments.

Drainage issues B6270 Pry House Farm & Thwaite Hill: A works order had been issued and this will be chased up.

Angram village signs: There has been some confusion as Highways were waiting on confirmation from The Council and the Council thought that confirmation had already been given. The Clerk will contact Highways to clarify.

b. Defibrillators: Subsequent to our application, Cllr Whitehead received notification that our application had been successful. The Clerk to process the necessary paperwork by 10th March. The Council will view possible sites later this evening.

c. Street Lighting: The light near the phone box is still not working.

d. Cllr Porter reported that a resident is concerned about the wall beside the beck opposite The Institute is slipping into the beck.

5. Finance: Cllr Whitehead read out a letter from RDC concerning the parish precept and council tax. No action required.

6. Highways: a. Buttertubs 3 cars came off the road during the recent snow. 2 at Banty Hill and 1 at Raikes Hill. There had been a lot of water running down and then icing up, no gritting had been done. Unfortunately, the Wensleydale side had no snow and had 2 inches. The lack of gritting, too much water on the road and the overly smooth new surface contributed to this serious situation. Action is needed. The Clerk to contact Highways. b. Tree Cutting: Cllr Porter stated that last year’s tree cutting stopped at Muker and overgrown branches are causing damage to cars and buses. Trimming the trees is insufficient; they should be cut from the bottom. Cllr Gardner will pursue the matter.

7. Richmondshire District Council:

Cllr Whitehead read out information regarding Winter Weather Agent – the contents was noted.

Community Opportunity Fund grant. The Clerk to contact The Muker Insitute committee as this building is in need of some refurbishment and could qualify for a grant from this fund.

WW1 commemoration grant. The war memorial in Keld needs some attention.

Tour De France Grant. This information will be passed to the Muker Parish TDF committee.

Cllr Whitehead attended the meeting in Richmond, chaired by William Hague regarding hospital services. No new information came to light at this meeting.

8. NYCC: The meeting noted the information regarding the reduction in Bus Service subsidies

Cllr Gardner outlined the work he had done for the meeting held in December regarding providing an effective bus service in the dale. There was general agreement in principle to his idea that provided a workable, realistic service.

9. YDNPA: Cllr Whitehead read out a letter outlining the YDNPA’s position the change of use of agricultural building to commercial use. Full planning permission will be required.

The Chair read out a document on protecting green spaces within the parish. The Clerk to send a copy of this document with the map and form to complete to each of the moor committees.

10. YLCA: The Council noted the correspondence and information sent by YLCA. No action required.

11. Correspondance/AOB:

Welcome to Yorkshire had issued an invitation to a meeting at their offices in February regarding the Toue De France. This will be passed to the TDF committee.

The Clerk showed some posters and correspondence regarding setting up an oil co- operative. The posters will be placed on the notice board to see if anyone is interested.

Cllr Porter asked if there had been an update on Ivelet Bridge and what was it costing to keep the scaffolding up without any work being carried out. Cllr Gardner will investigate.

The Council asked Cllr Gardner to look into the issue of a number of black sheep being out on the road near Strands.

Cllr Gardner asked if we had responded to the request for comment on keeping streetlights on overnight. The Clerk confirmed we had.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next Parish Council Meetings will take place at 7.30pm on 25th March (please note change of date), 13th May and 24th June. Meeting closed at 9.15pm