Muker Parish Council Minutes – 2016/17

22 March 2016 – Annual Meeting

22 March 2106

12 May 2016

16 June 2016

18 August 2016

29 September 2016

3 November 2016

8 December 2016


The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Tuesday 22 March 2016 at 7.30p.m. in Muker Institute. Councillors Whitehead, Calvert, Porter, Metcalfe, Reynoldson were present. Alison Stringer the Parish Clerk also attended.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Blackie, Cllr Blows

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Cllr Ernest Whitehead was elected Chairman, nominated by Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr Reynoldson.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th March, 2015 where read out. The minutes were approved as a correct record. All were in favour.

MATTERS ARISING: The notice board in Thwaite has still not got a cork backing – this matter was to be discussed in the Monthly Parish Council meeting following the annual meeting.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AT 31.3.15: This showed an opening balance of £2548.62 Incomings of £7064.04 and Outgoings of £6885.11 The balance to carry forward is £2727.55. All were in favour.



The Parish Council meeting was held on the 22nd March 2016. Councillors Calvert, Reynoldson, Metcalfe, Porter, Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Miss A Stringer.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr John Blackie, Cllr Richard Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 February 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Porter and seconded by Cllr Calvert.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign – There had not been any feedback from Highways regarding the sign. It was agreed that if no progress had been made by the time of the next meeting then the Parish Council would go ahead and purchase and erect a sign. b. Parking – Bramble Bottom – Muker – Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Whitehead and Chris Mitchell Owner of Bramble Bottom had met with Ian Beighton a Project Engineer from Highways earlier in the day to discuss the issue of parking and yellow lines. Ian Beighton had explained that to extend the yellow lines even by a few feet would require the adherence to statutory requirements which were both time consuming and expensive. It would be more appropriate at this time to paint a white line in front of the building, which would hopefully deter people from parking and would be more cost effective. However if this did not work the matter could be revisited. The repainting of the yellow lines along the green and other areas within the Village along with signage was agreed at the meeting and would hopefully take place in late April early May. c. Bridge – Signage – the Clerk had written to Highways but no response had yet been received. d. Buttertubs Gritting- Highways Customer Service had explained that that the Buttertubs Pass was a Priority Two road and therefore if there was not a requirement to grit the Priority One roads in the area, then a Priority Two road would also not be gritted at that time. The Parish Council thought that this was unacceptable as Buttertubs is at altitude and often requires gritting when other lower roads do not. It was agreed that a request be made to NYCC to upgrade the Buttertubs to Priority One and to also contact Rishi Sunak MP, Cllr Blackie NYCC and Cllr Blows RDC for their support in this matter. e. Land Slippage – Calverts Houses – Highways had commented that the problems with the road were being monitored. f. Mobile Infrastructure Project – The Clerk had contacted Rishi Sunak MP regarding the cancellation of the MIP and was awaiting a response. 5. Finance: - Orders to pay were raised for: YLCA Membership, Literary Institute and Muker Public Hall for meetings and Parish Clerks Salary. 6. Highways –

7. D.C. a. A letter had been received regarding the Parish Precept, Clerk to contact Cllr Blows to clarify the content. 8. NYCC:- a. Information had been received regarding changes to Household Waste Sites mainly changes to their opening times and also new charges for the disposal of tyres. Clerk to display posters on notice boards. 9. YDNPA: a. Planning Application – Greenses Farm – A planning application for changes to the garage had been received – No Objections. 10. YLCA: a. Revised Financial Regulations – N/A b. Petition to give local councils right to appeal planning regulations – It was agreed that the Parish Council would sign the petition along with individual councillors. Clerk to forward link for petition. c. Sector Led Body for Audit – a third correspondence had been received from YLCA – The Council agreed to opt into the scheme. d. Local Government Act 1972 – Section 137 Expenditure Limit – The limit is now £7.42 per elector.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Richmond Rotary Club – a letter had been received asking villages whether they would like to enter a best kept village competition – Clerk to place letter on notice boards. b. Cllr Reynoldson asked whether a date had been set for repairs to be made to Thwaite Bridge. At present no date had been given by Highways. c. Cllr Reynoldson raised the issue of a Telegraph Pole which has been erected in Thwaite. He was concerned not only about the location of the Telegraph Pole, which had been badly positioned but also the loose cables lying in and around areas in Thwaite, which was a safety issue. Previously cables have always been placed underground, why had this not been the case for this installation. Cllr Reynoldson to write on behalf of the residents of Thwaite. Parish Council to write to the Pole Objection Team regarding this matter. d. Cllr Metcalfe raised an issue regarding chairs, tables and signs once again being placed outside the Old School Gallery in the road. The Parish Council had previously written to them requesting them to remove the tables and chairs and keep signage to a minimum. Whilst the Old School Gallery had removed the tables and chairs following the letter they have now placed them back in front of the building. The Parish Council were concerned that people are sitting in the road and passersby are being forced into the road. Clerk to contact Highways and RDC regarding this matter. e. Cllr Metcalfe brought to the Councils attention issues regarding the recycling area in Muker in particular the grass cuttings and rotting vegetation. Clerk to contact RDC. f. Cllr Porter raised concerns regarding the Crowtrees road following recent repairs and the volume of water running down the side of the road which in places is more than a foot deep. Clerk to contact Highways. g. The condition of the notice board at Thwaite was discussed, in particular after wet weather. Cllr Reynoldson to check its current condition and report back to the next meeting.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 12 May 2016. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 12 May 2016. Councillors Reynoldson, Metcalfe, Porter, Blows, Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Miss A Stringer.

1. Election of Officers – Chairman – Cllr Whitehead – (Prop Cllr Porter – 2nd Cllr Metcalfe) Vice Chair – Cllr Calvert – (Prop Cllr Metcalfe 2nd Cllr Reynoldson) – Treasurer – Cllr Calvert – (Prop. Cllr Reynoldson 2nd Cllr Porter) 2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr John Blackie, Cllr Calvert 3. Declaration of Interests: None 4. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22 March 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe and seconded by Cllr Porter.

5. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign – There had not been any feedback from Highways regarding the sign. Clerk to contact Ian Beighton of Highways b. Parking – Bramble Bottom – Nothing to report. Cllr Whitehead commented that Highways will not carry out the white / yellow line work until the road is free of salt. c. Ivelet Bridge – Signage – Highways had responded stating that a new sign was being purchased and would be erected. d. Buttertubs Gritting- NYCC Highways had written to the Parish Council stating that they will review the Priority grading of the Buttertubs in their annual meeting in August. Rishi Sunak MP had contacted Highways on the Councils behalf. Cllr Blows stated that the Hawes and Abbotside Parish Council were in support of the Parish’s request to upgrade the Buttertubs as was the Upper Dales Partnership. It was also noted that this was a problem of altitude and not just prioritisation, Highways had been informed of this. Cllr Metcalfe stated that the “golden hour” regarding ambulance response times could be affected if the Buttertubs could not be passed. e. Mobile Infrastructure Project – Cllr Whitehead read out a letter from Rishi Sunak MP detailing his efforts so far and his continued commitment to improving broadband and mobile phone coverage for rural areas. He explained that the Government had recently signed a landmark deal with the four main mobile networks which would mean that 98% of people will be able to get 4G mobile coverage by 2017. Cllr Blows discussed that Keld would be receiving superfast broadband by the summer of 2017. Cllr Porter discussed the issue of not having a landline since 6 April as it had been cut off when BT had been working on the Broadband upgrade and that others near Oxnop were also affected. Cllr Blows to raise this with Chloe Lewis at RDC. f. Telegraph Pole Thwaite – both Cllr Reynoldson and the Parish Council as a whole had written to BT and YDNP regarding the erection of the telegraph pole in Thwaite. YDNP Planning Dept had contacted the Parish Council and were making a site visit to look at the pole, however they stated that BT do not currently require any type of consent or prior notification to erect equipment to be used for fixed line broadband. BT had not responded. g. Old School Gallery – Muker – Both NYCC Highways and YDNP were looking at the issue of tables and chairs outside the property. Clerk to contact Cllr Blows regarding RDC. h. Muker Car Park – recycling area. It was noted that residents of Muker had cleared the area around the recycling bins. The Parish Council would like to extend their thanks to Charles and Jane Hepworth and Mike and Jackie Pope. i. Crow Trees Road – Cllr Porter stated that there was no change - Clerk to chase Highways. j. Thwaite Notice Board – Cllr Reynoldson to check the notice board – Cllr Whitehead to look at the cork backing. 6. Finance: - a. The Chairman read the Annual Governance Statement. All were in favour. b. The Financial Report for the year ending March 2016 was circulated. All were in favour. Clerk to pass on to K Pellatt for Audit. c. The first instalment of the Parish precept had been received from Richmondshire District Council

7. Highways – nothing to report

8. Richmondshire D.C. a. The Chairman read out an e-mail received from RDC regarding a new round of Area Partnership Funding which has been released. Applications looking to support any community orientated project, which can demonstrate a local need, are welcome with a maximum grant of £500. Deadline for applications 2 September 2016. Please see RDC website for further details. 9. NYCC:- nothing to report 10. YDNPA – nothing to report 11. YLCA: a. A Request for Information had been received from Auckley Parish Council regarding the installation of Defibrillators – Clerk to contact with information. b. Governance and Accountability – a new edition has been published. The revised publication is a practitioner’s guide to proper practices to be applied in the preparation of statutory annual accounts and governance statements.

12. Correspondence/AOB: a. The Chairman read out a letter which had been received from Hambleton, Richmondhire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group regarding the future of the shuttle bus service between the Friarage Northallerton and James Cook. A public engagement period is taking place between 3 -17 May 2016 and an online questionnaire is available. Cllr Blows made the point that regardless of the health authority boundaries he is endeavouring to ensure that the upper dales with their particular geographical requirements are taken into consideration in any re-evaluation of service provision for example the current review of Darlington’s A&E service. b. The Chairman read out an e-mail which had been received from the Dales Police Team regarding the attempted theft of an honesty box on Reeth Green c. Cllr Porter queried what was happening with the landslip at Rowleth. Cllr Blows said he would contact Melbecks Parish Council to see if they had any information.

13. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 16 June 2016. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 16 June 2016. Councillors: Metcalfe, Porter, Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss A Stringer and Mr Nick Turner.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Blackie, Cllr Blows, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Reynoldson 2. Declaration of Interests: Cllr Whitehead item 9a , Cllr Metcalfe item 9a, Cllr Porter item 9b 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 May 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe and seconded by Cllr Porter.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign – Ian Beighton of Highways had contacted the clerk to say that the sign was now ordered. The meeting agreed that the Parish could erect the sign. Clerk to contact Highways. b. Parking – Bramble Bottom – Nothing to report. Regarding the Yellow lines the large poles had been removed on the roadside / beckside and the parking restriction signs had been replaced. However it was noted that the restrictions were from mon – fri. They should be every day. Clerk to contact Highways. c. Old School Gallery – Muker – The meeting acknowledged that the chairs and tables had now been removed. However Cllr Metcalfe noted that different chairs had been placed there. d. Crow Trees Road – Cllr Porter stated that there was no change – Clerk had contacted Highways to reiterate that the issue was near Crowtrees and not crosstop. e. Thwaite Notice Board – ongoing f. Landslip Rowleth – The Chairman read out an e-mail from Cllr Blows stating that Highways had appointed a contractor to do the works. 5. Finance: - Nothing to report

6. Highways – a. The Parish Council had been informed of two road closures – B6270 at Low Row will be closed from Monday 27 June – Friday 1 July (inc) 2016 between the hours of 9.30am -3.30pm for Bt Openreach work. b. The B6720 at Eddy’s Bridge near Stainton will be closed from Monday 4 July – Friday 8 July (inc). This is for roadside drainage work. For further details please access NYCC Highways interactive map on : c. Ivelet Bridge – it was noted that the sign at Ivelet Bridge had been erected. Cllr Metcalfe felt that it was not sufficiently informative and could have been better placed. d. Trees Bridge – Cllrs were concerned about trees on both sides of the bridge obstructing the view of road users. Clerk to contact Gunnerside Estate e.

7. Richmondshire D.C. – nothing to report 8. NYCC:- nothing to report 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application – Gunnings Barn – No Objections b. Planning Application – Mill Bridge Barn – Low Oxnop – for a local occupancy dwelling – The Parish Council had no objections to the application and overall was in favour of this type of development. c. Local Plan – Housing Development Boundaries – the Chair read out an e-mail regarding the local plan. 10. YLCA: - nothing to report

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Dog Fouling Keld– an e-mail had been received from a Keld resident regarding dog fouling in and around Keld. It was agreed that a dog waste sign be placed on the existing bin. Cllr Whitehead stated that the area around the bin was overgrown and the weeds would be cleared. Clerk to contact RDC regarding sign. b. E-mail – Superfast Broadband – Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail which had been received from Superfast North explaining how people in the area can access superfast broadband. To check what speed is available to them people should enter their telephone number into the broadband checker at: and then contact their service provider to place an order with them. To check who is offering superfast broadband they should enter their postcode at: . Not all service providers will be offering superfast broadband. c. Cllr Whitehead raised the issue of the post box at Keld. BT had recently replaced the pole at Keld and in doing so had removed the Post Box, which had not yet been replaced. Clerk to Contact Royal Mail. d. Cllr Whitehead wished to place on record his frustration and disappointment that there was no polling station within the Parish for the forthcoming referendum. Clerks to write to the returning officer.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 18 August 2016. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 18 August 2016. Councillors: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Blackie and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss A Stringer and Mr Nick Turner.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 June 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Whitehead.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign –The sign has still not been replaced. It was noted that the sign can only be erected by NYCC on the grounds of Health and Safety reasons. b. Parking Restrictions Muker – Highways are sending a contractor to replace the Mon – Fri restriction signs with 8.00-6.00pm signs. It was noted that the Yellow Lines from the Institute up into the top of the Village had not been repainted and that parking restriction signs had been placed on common land on the beckside. Clerk to contact Highways. c. Thwaite Notice Board – Cllr Reynoldson had looked at the Notice Board and reported that the back of it was rotten and needed replacing. Cllr Reynoldson to obtain a quote for a replacement. d. Dog Fouling Keld – A sign had been placed on the bin and the weeds had been cut back. Parish council to monitor situation. e. Post Box Keld – the post box had been replaced albeit in a different position. f. Polling Stations – Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail from the Returning Officer regarding there being no Polling Station in Muker Parish for the recent European Referendum. The Returning Officer confirmed that Muker Public Hall would be used in the future if it was available. Clerk to reply to the Returning Officer g. Trees Gunnerside Bridge – a response had not yet been received from Gunnerside Estate.

5. Finance: - Nothing to report

6. Highways a. Capital Highways Scheme – Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail outlining NYCC Capital Highways Scheme 2016/2017. The only work included in the plan in Muker Parish was surface dressing at Satronside. 7. Richmondshire D.C a. Queens Award for Voluntary Services – The Chairman read out an e-mail regarding this award, which recognises groups who volunteer within communities. If anyone within the Parish would like to nominate a community group for the award they can go to . Deadline for applications is 16 September 2016. 8. NYCC:- a. The condition of Thwaite Bridge and Hoggarths Bridge was discussed. Clerk to contact the new NYCC Highways Manager Richard Marr. b. Cllr Reynoldson raised the issue of a deep rut on the side of the Buttertubs Pass where a lorry had gouged out the side of the road. Clerk to contact Highways.

9. YDNPA – nothing to report 10. YLCA: - nothing to report 11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Yorkshire Water – Keld Sliplining Works – An e-mail had been received from Yorkshire Water regarding the final section of the project, which would be completed in September. Cllr Blackie commented on how well the overall upgrading project had gone. Cllrs agreed that there had been very little disturbance throughout the project. Clerk to write to Yorkshire Water commending them on the installation. b. Central Dales Practice – Medication Home Delivery Service – correspondence had been received from Hawes Medical Centre regarding their new prescription home delivery service. Deliveries in Upper will be made on Friday Afternoons. Anyone wanting a home delivery must ensure that they are at home to take delivery and a medication delivery slip must first be completed. c. Emergency Services Darlington Memorial Hospital – Cllr Blackie informed the meeting of the NHS – Better Health Programme and the proposal to reduce the number of A&E Services such as 24/7 A&E Emergency Services and 24/7 Consultant – led Maternity and Paediatrics Services in the area. There are currently four in the area – NorthTees/ Stockton, Darlington, Durham and James Cook. The proposal is to reduce this number to two, with a possibility of three. The remaining services will not attract any additional resources. A consultation will take place during November. d. NHS – Transforming our Communities Consultation – Cllr Whitehead read out correspondence from the NHS regarding a consultation regarding the Rutson Ward at the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton. The PC would support the presence of wards such as the Rutson Ward. e. Gas Bottles Thwaite – Cllr Reynoldson raised an issue regarding the siting of gas bottles at a private residence in Thwaite and the positioning within a public right of way. Clerk to write to the residents in question. f.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 29 September 2016. 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.40pm. MUKER PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 29 September 2016

The Parish Council meeting was held on the 29 September 2016. Councillors: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Blows and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss A Stringer and Mr Nick Turner.

1. Apologies for Absence: 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18 August 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Calvert, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign –Councillors expressed their concern at the length of time it was taking to replace the sign. Clerk to write to Highways stating that the Parish Council will source and erect a sign themselves. b. Parking Restrictions Muker –Clerk had not received any feedback from Highways regarding when they were scheduled to come and change the signs. c. Thwaite Notice Board – Cllr Reynoldson provided a quote from Dales Reyno-Vations to repair the notice board. The meeting agreed the quote. Clerk to contact Dales Reyno-Vations. d. Trees Gunnerside Bridge – It was noted that the Trees had now been cut back and a good job had been done. e. Thwaite and Hoggarths Bridge – The Clerks had received an e-mail from the new Area Manager Richard Marr stating that he was looking into these matters and would inform the PC of progress. f. Buttertubs Rut – Clerk to re-contact Highways g. Gas Bottles Thwaite – A letter had been sent to the residence in question. h. Cllr Blows informed the meeting of discussions which had taken place at the Area Partnership Meeting on the 21 September. With a presentation from the Better Health Programme regarding changes to Health Services in the area and the possible downgrading / closures of A&E in the area.

5. Finance: - a. Audit – Annual Return – The Annual Return had been received from PKF Littlejohn and would now be displayed for Public perusal. b. The Precept had been received : £613.58 6. Highways a. Winter Gritting – Cllr Blows and Nick Turner informed the meeting of the discussions which had taken place at the Area Partnership meeting with the New Area Manager for Highways Richard Marr. NYCC Highways had stated that they would not upgrade the Buttertubs pass to priority One, however Richard Marr had given an assurance that irrespective of whether Priority one routes e.g. the B6270 in Swaledale and the A684 in require gritting the Buttertubs would be gritted when needed. Local residents are asked to monitor the conditions during the Winter and feedback to PC or their local District or County Councillors any concerns about gritting with dates and times. b. Grass Cutting – Cllr Metcalfe expressed concern regarding grass cutting on the road side. Clerk to contact Highways.

7. Richmondshire D.C a. Baby Changing – Muker Toilets – Alison Stringer raised the need for a baby changing unit, particularly in the height of the Summer and in particular for tourists visiting the area. Cllr Blows to raise this matter. 8. NYCC:-

9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application – Gunnings Barn – a application had been received and no objections b. Planning Consultation – Nine Standards Rigg – To pave an area near nine standards on the Coast to Coast route to prevent damage to the peat. The Parish Council had no objections and was supportive of promoting the Coast to Coast Walk. c. Planning Application – Scarr House – No Objection d. Trees in Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Conservation Area – The Chairman read out a letter which had been received from the YDNP informing the PC that they had no objections to the removal of two Scotch Pines at a residence in Angram. e. Planning Application – three day trial – No Objection f. Planning Application – Crowtrees Farm – roofing over sheep pens- No Objection g. Old School Gallery – The Parish Council noted the response from YDNP regarding the placing of tables and chairs outside the property. 10. YLCA: - nothing to report 11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Letters had been received from the following charities: Friends of Garget Walker House, Upper Dales Frieworks Committee, Hambleton & Richmondshire Citizens Advice, York Disabled Workers Co- operative requesting donations from the Parish Council. Clerk to contact charities stating that The Parish Council does not make donations. b. – Cllr Metcalfe raised the issue of water on the road at Satron. Clerk to contact Highways and the Gunnerside Estate.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 3 November 2016. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 3 November 2016. Councillors: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Porter, Cllr Blows, Cllr Blackie and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Mr Nick Turner.

1. Apologies for Absence: Alison Stringer, Cllr Reynoldson 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29 September 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Calvert, seconded Cllr Metcalfe.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign –A response had been received from Highways detailing the specification of the sign, Cllrs were aggrieved at how long this process had taken and Councillors agreed to purchase and erect their own sign. b. Parking Restrictions Muker –The Chairman read out a response from Highways regarding the yellow lines and parking signs within the Village. c. Thwaite and Hoggarths Bridge –Cllr Blackie highlighted a shortage of skilled labour, he is pursuing this matter and trying to push for both bridges to be repaired at the same time. d. Buttertubs Rut – Ongoing e. Grass Cutting – Clerk has contacted Highways f. Baby Changing Facilities Muker – Cllr Blows is looking into this matter with a view to using the Disabled Toilet, due to restricted room in the Ladies and Gents. A site visit will take place.

5. Finance: - a. Invoice for Grit Bin replenishment in Thwaite – Cheque has been raised.

6. Highways a. Winter Gritting – The Chairman read out an e-mail from Highways and a response from Rishi Sunak MP regarding the Buttertubs Pass. It was again noted that even though the roads up both Wensleydale and Swaledale may not need gritting the Buttertubs Pass due to its altitude will need gritting. Highways agreed to do this at the Richmondshire Area Committee meeting on the 21 September 2016 and it was minuted as such. Cllr Blackie requests that all residents monitor this situation i.e. that the Buttertubs Pass is gritted when it needs to be, if it has not been gritted when it should be then he would like to be informed of this. Residents can contact him on e-mail: [email protected] telephone no: 01969 667123. Cllrs unanimously agreed that in pursuing this matter the Parish Council is not in any way criticising the Gritter drivers. Discussion also took place on the use of the Hawes and Gunnerside Grit stores. The Council believe that the Hawes Grit store has now been filled.

7. Richmondshire D.C a. Budget Consultation – An e-mail had been received regarding the RDC Budget Consultation – anyone can complete the survey regarding the RDC Budget at The consultation closes on the 16 December 2016.

8. NYCC:- Nothing to report

9. YDNPA – a. YDNP Plan- Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail regarding changes to the plan. b. Dales Young Rangers – An e-mail had been received from YDNP regarding the launch of two new Dales Young Ranger group. They are currently recruiting young people to get involved. To find out more please contact Rachael Alderson – [email protected] c. Planning Application – A Planning Application had been received for Gill Head Satronisde – No Objections d. The YDNP – Election of Richmondshire Parish Representative – Cllr Blackie informed the meeting of the full list of candidates. The Council agreed to vote for Henry Allen Kirkbride.

10. YLCA: - a. Removal of Phone Boxes – The list of phone boxes to be removed that the Council had received was incomplete. Cllrs would object to the removal of any phone boxes, in particular whilst ever there is no mobile phone signal in Upper Swaledale. The Council would reconsider on a case by case basis.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. A letter had been received from the Red Cross requesting a donation – Clerk to contact charity stating that The Parish Council does not make donations. b. An e-mail had been received from the Police and Crime Commissioner who is currently conducting a survey – “Be safe Feel safe” the survey can be found at: c. NHS Advocacy – The Chair read out an e-mail from Cloverleaf advocacy who offer a complaints advocacy service regarding the NHS for anyone living in . d. Battery for Defibrillator - It was agreed to purchase batteries as and when necessary. Cllr Blackie agreed to provide funding for this. e. A letter had been received from Richmondshire Today a local online news service – the Council agreed to send a copy of the minutes to them.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 8 December 2016. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 8 December 2016. Councillors: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Porter, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Blackie and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr Nick Turner

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3 November 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Calvert, seconded Cllr Porter.

4. Matters Arising: a. Muker Sign – The sign was now in place. b. Thwaite and Hoggarths Bridge –Cllr Blackie is continuing to pursue this matter. c. Grass Cutting – Highways have inspected and concluded that it did not meet their criteria for action. d. Buttertubs Rut – Highways have inspected and found that it did not meet their criteria for repair. e. Baby Changing Facilities – Cllr Blows is continuing to pursue this matter with RDC. f. Winter Gritting – Buttertubs Pass – There had been no complaints so far regarding the gritting, people are reminded that if they have any issues regarding the gritting of the Buttertubs Pass to contact Cllr Blackie, but again this is in no way a criticism of the Gritter Drivers. g. Removal of Phone Boxes – Cllr Blackie informed the meeting that he had been in contact with BT regarding a number of phone boxes within Wensleydale and Swaledale, which were either earmarked for removal and/or were currently not working. He asked the Parish Council to inform him of any boxes within the Parish which were not working. The Phone Box in Thwaite had been found not to be working and the door did not shut correctly. Ivelet was still to be checked. RDC are opposing the closure of many boxes including any that might be indicated in the Upper Dales. Cllr Blackie was himself opposing all closures of phone boxes and in particular where there was no mobile phone coverage. However Cllr Blackie also noted that BT had apparently had detected a phone signal at Ravenseat. h. Defibrillator Batteries – Grant money had been obtained. Further to contacting Cardiac Science the Electronic Pads needed replacing, Clerks to order.

5. Finance: - a. Parish Precept – The Parish Council agreed to request an increase of the precept to £1700.00

6. Highways a. Cllr Porter raised the issue of water running down the road at Ivelet, Highways carried out works a few years ago to redirect the water, which had proved to be very effective. Unfortunately the work needed to be revisited. Clerks to contact Highways.

7. Richmondshire D.C a. Toilet Charges – Charges for public toilets were being rolled out within RDC. A discussion took place regarding the need for such charges, but the opinion was that whilst ever people were being charged for the services then the money collected should be used to ensure that the toilets are both cleaned and maintained to a proper standard.

8. NYCC:- Nothing to report

9. YDNPA – a. Planning Applications had been granted for Crow Trees. SSSI Arkengarthdale and Nine Standards Rigg. b. Planning Application had been received for Roofing over Sheep pens at Usha Gap – No Objections – The Parish Council fully support this application which, helps farming and helps the environment. c. The YDNP – Election of Richmondshire Parish Representative – Henry Allen Kirkbride had been elected.

10. YLCA: - a. The Chairman read out an e-mail regarding Dependant Carers Allowance for Parish Councillors and completed a questionnaire. b. An e-mail regarding the increase in YLCA Membership had been received. The Parish Council agreed to continue their membership.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. NHS Draft Sustainability Plan – Communication had been received regarding the NHS Plans, Cllr Blackie stated that the Consultation will start in June. b. NHS Step Up Step Down Beds - Communication had been received regarding the facilities at Sycamore Court Bainbridge. There were two beds which were available for either respite care, convalescence or as an alternative when it was felt that a patient may benefit from care away from home for a short period of time but not necessarily requiring a hospital admission. It was felt that this service was extremely beneficial to those that need it. c. Superfast Broadband – A letter had been received from Superfast North Yorkshire regarding the roll out of superfast broadband in Keld, which was scheduled to be upgraded by the end of Summer 2017. Cllr Whitehead asked whether the service would reach Angram and other areas around Keld, as Mukers broadband was able to reach Thwaite. Cllr Blackie said as he understood it depends on the technology that is used, so will not be known until nearer the time. d. Cllr Reynoldson raised the issue of the litter bin at the Guide Posts at the foot of the Buttertubs Pass, which has gone missing. Clerks to contact RDC. e. Cllr Blackie informed the meeting about the closure of HSBC Bank in Hawes and the removal of the Cash Machine. This had already caused problems within Hawes putting great pressure on the remaining cash machine at Barclays and in particular the Post Office. It was felt that the situation would only deteriorate, particularly at the height of the Tourist Season. Cllr Blackie is currently pursuing this matter with a view to having a cash machine installed and filled by HSBC free of charge as is the case in Masham. Cllrs believed that this would have a severe impact on both residents and tourists within the Upper Dales and that the inability for people to obtain cash in Hawes would clearly have an impact on other businesses within the surrounding area.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 26 January 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 26 January 2017. Councillors: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Reynoldson, and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Miss Alison Stringer

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Blows, Cllr Porter 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8 December 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Calvert, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

4. Matters Arising: a. Thwaite and Hoggarths Bridge –nothing to report. b. Baby Changing Facilities – RDC has fitted a baby changing unit in the disabled toilets in Muker. c. Removal of Phone Boxes – None of the phone boxes in the Parish are to be removed. d. Defibrillator Batteries – The Electronic pads had now been replaced in all three defibrillators. It was agreed to order two batteries. e. Water running down the road at Ivelet – Highways had undertaken a site visit and reported that it did not meet with their criteria for repair. f. Bin – Guide Posts – Gary Hudson of RDC had investigated the missing bin and had said that it had been taken away for repair.

5. Finance: - a. Order to Pay – Cardiac Science – A cheque was raised to pay for three sets of Electronic Defibrillator Pads.

6. Highways Cllr Calvert raised the issue of an area of road several hundred yards west of the Tan Hill turn off on the B6270. Wooden posts had been hit by a vehicle and had been damaged. The road narrows at this point and Councillors felt that it was a dangerous stretch of road, which required more adequate barriers or at best the wooden posts to be repaired. 7. Richmondshire D.C a. Parish Precept – A letter had been received from RDC regarding the level of precept set.

8. NYCC:- Nothing to report

9. YDNPA – a. Local Plan –An e-mail had been received stating that the National Park had adopted the Yorkshire Dales local Plan on the 20 December 2016. b. Local Plan – Article 4 Direction – The YDNP have made an article 4 direction which if confirmed will remove ‘permitted development rights’ that would otherwise allow light industrial premises to be converted to dwellings without full planning permission. There is now a 6 week consultation within which interested parties can make representations. Full details can be found on the YDNP website. c. Planning Consultation Birkdale Farm – A retrospective planning consultation had been received there were no objections from the Parish Council. d. Planning Permission had been granted for Gill Head farm Satronside.

10. YLCA: - a. WW1 Beacons – The Chairman read our correspondence regarding: ‘Battles Over’ A Nations Tribute and WW1 Beacons of Light 11 November 2018. 1000 WW1 Beacons of Light will be lit at 7pm on 11 November 2018 and will represent the ‘light of hope’ that emerged out of the Great War. If anyone has any interest in the Parish taking part in this initiative please contact the Parish Clerks Alison or Nick at: [email protected] or Tel: 01748 886409.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. NHS Better Health –A series of public meetings are to be held regarding Maternity and Child Services at which an overview will be given of current thinking regarding these services and to gain the public’s views regarding how to improve such services. The nearest meeting to the parish is at the Fountain Hotel in Hawes, 6-8pm on Monday 20 February. b. Letter – Unsafe Tree Muker- Cllr Whitehead read out a letter from a resident of Muker regarding their concerns about a tree on the Beckside. This matter is to be passed to the Muker Moor Committee. Clerk to contact Muker Moor Secretary. c. Defibrillator – Tan Hill – A request had been made regarding placing a defibrillator at the Tan Hill Pub and the Parish Council have been asked whether they could help in applying for a grant for funding for the defibrillator. Cllrs were in agreement that this was a good location to have a defibrillator due to its isolation and the number of people passing through and agreed to help in applying for a grant if possible.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 16 March 2017. 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.