recipe index

A aïoli basil aïoli Issue 9, 44 crispy school prawns with lemon aïoli Issue 40, 124 crunchy olive polenta fingers with garlic aïoli Issue 34, 60 grilled steak with roasted garlic aïoli Issue 38, 78 hand-cut chips with aïoli Issue 27, 101 lamb with lime aïoli and spicy chickpea salad Issue 52, 112 lemon and dill aïoli Issue 9, 44 mint aïoli Issue 24, 30 paprika aïoli Issue 37, 30 polenta chips with lemon aïoli Issue 52,100 prawns and chips with green olive aïoli Issue 30, 112 red wine marinated octopus with aïoli Issue 21, 93 roast garlic aïoli Issue 9, 44 roasted garlic and horseradish aïoli Issue 2, 94 whole baked fish with lemon salt and aïoli Issue 46, 118 almond apple and apricot jam almond cake Issue 20, 166 apple and almond tart Issue 29, 120 asparagus with almond butter Issue 52, 118 basic almond cake Issue 20, 166 broccolini with almond butter Issue 20, 88 cake with rosewater syrup Issue 4, 114 cakes with sugared apple icing Issue 29, 122 chocolate sandwiches Issue 4, 160 coffee almond cakes Issue 46, 142 coffee bean and almond biscotti Issue 33, 112 cookies Issue 10, 158 creamy mushroom and almond pasta Issue 38, 98 crushed almond and basil pasta Issue 33, 62 fig and almond preserve Issue 15, 139 filling Issue 8, 134; Issue 13, 136 filo stack Issue 20, 132 flaked almond pastry Issue 35, 34 flat-roasted chicken with almond and mint Issue 37, 118 free-form strawberry and almond tarts Issue 34, 143 ginger and almond biscotti Issue 48, 182 honey and almond snacks Issue 17, 100 and jam tray pastry Issue 36, 164 lemon and almond syrup cake Issue 21, 168 lemon syrup almond cake Issue 20, 166 maple-glazed nectarine and almond bread Issue 49, 148 and maple topping Issue 38, 36 milk sorbet with almond and honey pastries Issue 40, 152 nectarine and amaretti tart Issue 49, 54 orange and almond cookies Issue 20, 90 orange and almond fingers Issue 17, 37 and orange blossom cupcakes Issue 41, 94 and orange cake Issue 28, 86 pavlova stack Issue 43, 60 peach and almond cakes Issue 13, 101 peach and almond cakes Issue 25, 74 pear and almond tart Issue 39, 104 pear tart Issue 8, 134 pistachio and almond cakes Issue 44, 141 plum and almond pie Issue 38, 124 raspberry and almond scones Issue 41, 74 raspberry and almond slice Issue 20, 166 raspberry and almond cake Issue 24, 122 roasted butter beans with sage and almonds Issue 33, 106 roasted cauliflower, sage and almond risotto Issue 44, 106 recipe index

shortbread Issue 9, 118 strawberry and passionfruit almond kisses Issue 47, 107 toasted almond mascarpone figs Issue 30, 82 toasted almond praline Issue 52, 61 trout Issue 30, 146 truffle biscuits Issue 30, 122 wafers Issue 9, 182 and white chocolate macaroons Issue 36, 151 white nectarine and almond tartlets Issue 13, 136 anchovy antipasto tart Issue 37, 144 and artichoke pasta Issue 33, 61 buffalo mozzarella crostini with sage and anchovy butter Issue 52, 98 caramelised onion and anchovy tarts Issue 34, 100 caramelised onion, olive and anchovy bread Issue 52, 94 chilli and anchovy flatbread Issue 34, 66 dressing Issue 17, 221; Issue 19, 14 fried white anchovies Issue 44, 74 garlic, bean and white anchovy bruschetta Issue 44, 74 green beans with anchovy butter Issue 40, 139 and lemon tagliatelle Issue 31, 62 olive and anchovy pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 pesto and anchovy pizza Issue 47, 150 spinach, garlic and anchovy rigatoni Issue 16, 166 tomato and anchovy bruschetta Issue 27, 47 tomato and anchovy polenta rounds Issue 42, 127 tomato and basil pizza Issue 44, 74 tomato and basil salad with anchovy dressing Issue 35, 106 vinaigrette Issue 10, 98 white anchovy potato salad Issue 21, 31 white anchovy toasts Issue 51, 29 white anchovy winter salad Issue 51, 29 antipasti platter Issue 11, 144 bruschetta Issue 20, 150 cheesy sticks Kids’ Issue 2, 66 rustic antipasti Issue 9, 113 apple almond cakes with sugared apple icing Issue 29, 122 and almond filo stack Issue 20, 132 and almond tart Issue 29, 120 apricot jam almond cake Issue 20, 166 baby apple upside-down cakes Issue 2, 72 baklava with vanilla syrup Issue 2, 74 bacon-wrapped pork fillet with caramelised apple Issue 28, 52 baked caramel apples with ice-cream Issue 20, 154 banana and passionfruit crumble Issue 9, 126 basic apple crumble Issue 9, 122 blackberry apple pie Issue 22, 32 and blackberry crumbles Issue 29, 30 butterscotch pudding Issue 10, 86 cakes with red wine syrup Issue 15, 38 caramel apple pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 caramel apple puddings Issue 44, 93 and caramel dumplings Issue 45, 92 caramelised apple and pork terrines Issue 36, 72 caramelised apple stuffing Issue 1, 99 caramelised apple toasts with balsamic duck Issue 27, 93 caramelised turnips and apples with barbecued pork Issue 16, 115 and celeriac salad Issue 2, 70 and cherry strudel Issue 10, 32 chicken, pork and apple terrines Issue 50, 100 cider punch Issue 35, 41 and cinnamon bread Issue 14, 158 cinnamon apple pastry Issue 35, 34 recipe index

cinnamon baked apples Issue 9, 152 cinnamon cake Issue 22, 152 and cinnamon pies Issue 33, 89 cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes Issue 44, 138 classic french apple tart Issue 2, 70 crackle pork with caramelised apple stuffing Issue 1, 99 cranberry, apple and sage relish Issue 30, 72 crumble semifreddo Issue 43, 144 currant and hazelnut baked apples Issue 44, 70 and dark chocolate wonton parcels Issue 38, 86 date strudel Issue 22, 79 duck marylands with caramelised apples Issue 33, 130 duck poached in apple juice Issue 2, 70 effervescent pimm’s and apple, Issue 4, 158 and elderflower fizz Issue 42, 123 fennel-crusted pork with apple mash Issue 52, 38 fruit toast with caramel apples Issue 39, 144 galettes Issue 44, 70 hazelnut and currant baked apples with sticky marsala sauce Issue 38, 98 high-top apple and sultana pie Issue 38, 120 honey dried apples Issue 17, 182 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 jellies Issue 46, 142 and lemon crush Issue 31, 84 lemon tea Issue 44, 70 little apple pies Issue 2, 74 mint and apple lamb with a crunchy salad Issue 37, 47 and mint granita Issue 35, 79 muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 62 onion and thyme stuffing Issue 44, 70 pancakes with cinnamon sugar Kids’ Issue 4, 58 pie cupcakes Issue 27, 136 pimm’s and apple punch Issue 30, 95 pork, apple and prosciutto steaks Issue 20, 63 pork and apple slaw Issue 37, 61 pork, apple and thyme meatballs Issue 50, 150 pork chops with sticky apple sauce Issue 13, 62 pork cutlets with prosciutto and apples Issue 2, 70 pork fillet and apples with creamy mustard sauce Issue 22, 121 pork with warm apple salad Issue 44, 70 pudding with butterscotch sauce Issue 32, 95 purée Kids’ Issue 3, 22 quince-glazed pork with thyme-roasted apples Issue 50, 147 rhubarb and cinnamon pan pies Issue 50, 108 roasted apple and onion relish Issue 12, 92 roasted pork with salted apple salad Issue 40, 106 rocket and parmesan salad Issue 9, 106 and rockmelon punch Issue 30, 176 rum, ginger and apple fizz Issue 50, 52 and sage chutney Issue 15, 139 apple sauce Issue 42, 162 sausage, lentil and apple salad Issue 43, 129 slow-roasted pork belly with cinnamon-spiked apples Issue 48, 174 sorbet and raspberry-sugar apple Issue 29, 68 spiced apple refresher Issue 32, 95 stewed apple and coconut cobbler Issue 32, 118 and sultana crumble Kids’ Issue 3, 22 sumac pork with apple and celery salad Issue 47, 47 tarte tatins Issue 52, 134 teacup apple bread and butter pudding Kids’ Issue 3, 22 toffee apple Issue 2, 72; Issue 32, 89; Kids’ Issue 7, 134 tray apple pie Issue 16, 31 vanilla apple crush Issue 34, 83 vanilla custard cake Issue 2, 72 vanilla-glazed rosy apples with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 9, 178 recipe index

vanilla porridge with honeyed apples Issue 44, 128 vanilla and ruby grapefruit soda Issue 41, 90 apricot almond pastries Issue 11, 98 banana and apricot nectar smoothie Issue 11, 90 breakfast pancakes Issue 19, 27 custard sponge fingers with sugar-crusted Issue 24, 80 granita Issue 31, 72 honey frozen cones Issue 17, 110 jam drop friands Issue 35, 92 jelly with buttermilk panna cotta Issue 47, 106 lemon yoghurt with blistered Issue 25, 122 oaty apricot biscuits Issue 20, 35 slice Issue 31, 131 tarts Issue 13, 138 yoghurt swirl Issue 13, 120 artichoke anchovies and artichoke pasta Issue 33, 61 baked ham and artichoke pizza breads Issue 45, 30 caramelised lamb and artichoke salad Issue 36, 49 char-grilled artichoke and chicken salad Issue 48, 82 chicken, bean and artichoke salad Issue 46, 37 crumbed artichokes with white bean dip Issue 40, 124 crushed pea and artichoke crostini Issue 49, 50 deep-fried anchovy olives with marinated artichokes Issue 27, 143 dip Issue 48, 82 and feta bruschetta Issue 47, 40 and ham spring pizza Issue 35, 79 harissa, artichoke and bocconcini bites Issue 51, 129 jerusalem, caramelised onion, goat’s cheese and thyme gratin Issue 22, 90 and lemon dip Issue 48, 137 lemon, sage marinated artichokes and olives Issue 24, 52 lemon thyme dip Issue 12, 68 olive oil crostini with bocconcini and artichoke Issue 17, 156 pan-fried scallops with artichoke hearts Issue 9, 138 pasta with roast cherry tomatoes, artichokes and capers Issue 10, 58 potato and artichoke mash with garlic butter Issue 9, 30 prawn, artichoke and lemon baked risotto Issue 33, 68 prosciutto, bean and artichoke salad with chilli-baked ricotta Issue 50, 131 and prosciutto sandwich Issue 48, 82 purée, beef fillet with prosciutto Issue 21, 114 smoked ham, mozzarella and artichoke pastries Issue 42, 82 spinach, lemon and artichoke pizza Issue 47, 148 warm artichoke salad Issue 39, 74 warm garlic and thyme artichokes Issue 48, 82 and white bean purée crostini Issue 27, 48 arugula (see rocket) asian barbecue marinade Issue 1, 118 baste for roast chicken Issue 2, 102 with pork dumplings, oyster mushrooms and black fungi Issue 14, 104 chicken and corn Issue 51, 110 chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 crispy prawns Issue 29, 30 egg with chilli pork and asian greens Issue 15, 64 ginger asian greens Issue 32, 128 ginger with asian greens Issue 45, 58 ginger gai larn Issue 50, 39 greens and snow peas, prawn soup with Issue 2, 139 greens sauce Issue 13, 30 greens with oyster sauce Issue 8, 80 lime dipping sauce Issue 36, 30 noodle soup Issue 22, 121 pork parcels Issue 8, 121 rare beef, pink grapefruit and crunchy peanut betel leaves Issue 36, 94 sticky asian chicken Issue 43, 124 recipe index

sticky asian pork neck Issue 39, 114 sticky asian pork spare ribs Issue 45, 112 sticky ginger pork with asian greens Issue 52, 40 vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 wilted asian greens Issue 46, 130 asparagus with almond butter Issue 52, 118 bean, bacon and poached egg salad Issue 17, 221 barbecued asparagus Issue 43, 134 barbecued asparagus with honey-mustard dressing Issue 41, 32 barbecued chicken breast with asparagus and lemon mustard dressing Issue 25, 41 breakfast tomatoes with asparagus Issue 19, 121 char-grilled asparagus, zucchini and chickpea salad Issue 49, 139 char-grilled asparagus and feta salad Issue 13, 64 chicken and asparagus salad Issue 41, 32; Issue 43, 119 chicken with bacon-wrapped asparagus Issue 20, 63 creamy asparagus soup with char-grilled bug tail Issue 27, 93 crispy fish with asparagus Issue 49, 37 and goat’s curd sandwiches Issue 47, 105 grilled asparagus with chilli and lemon breadcrumbs Issue 49, 50 grilled asparagus and prosciutto with hollandaise Issue 4, 104 haloumi with asparagus and caper dressing Issue 52, 100 haloumi and asparagus salad Issue 1, 139 ham and asparagus salad Issue 48, 78 and herb pasta Issue 46, 86 lemon and asparagus chicken Issue 37, 146 and mint pasta Issue 35, 64 pan-fried asparagus with mustard dressing Issue 40, 138 peach and asparagus salad with mint dressing Issue 19, 58 peppered beef fillet with asparagus and horseradish cream Issue 12, 150 poached chicken, fennel and asparagus salad Issue 47, 132 potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 32, 70 prawn and asparagus salad Issue 42, 60 prosciutto wrapped asparagus with chervil mayonnaise Issue 34, 28 and ricotta pizza Issue 41, 32 and ricotta tarts Issue 29, 65 roasted fish, potato and asparagus with dill butter Issue 47, 29 salad with tuna and eggs Issue 13, 156 salmon, brie and asparagus fingers Issue 41, 81 shaved asparagus and parmesan salad Issue 41, 32 soft-poached eggs with sweet potato hash browns and asparagus Issue 34, 73 steamed chicken and asparagus with parsley mayonnaise Issue 29, 40 with tarragon dressing Issue 30, 99 tarragon and speck asparagus salad Issue 52, 82 tarragon roasted asparagus Issue 34, 129 turkey and asparagus salad with caper dressing Issue 12, 106 and zucchini risoni salad Issue 41, 61 and zucchini stir-fry Issue 17, 134 aubergine (see eggplant) avocado bacon and avocado stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 and basil salad Issue 37, 62 chicken and avocado squares Kids’ Issue 6, 72 chicken guacamole roll-ups Kids’ Issue 3, 40 chilli lemon guacamole Issue 35, 112 cream crostini Issue 27, 50 crunchy chicken and avocado cones Kids’ Issue 7, 32 dipping sauce Issue 31, 28 dressing Issue 31, 28 guacamole Issue 31, 28; Issue 49, 117 lime and chilli dip Issue 12, 70 and mint leaf salad Issue 12, 96 prawn and avocado cocktail Issue 30, 108 prawn, avocado and fennel salad Issue 48, 51 prawn and avocado salad Issue 37, 146 recipe index

and rocket salad Issue 31, 28; Issue 25, 71 salsa Kids’ Issue 4, 69 smoked trout, crispy bagel and avocado salad Issue 29, 65 and tomato dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 B bacon (see also pancetta) angel hair pasta with bacon, chilli and coriander Issue 28, 52 asparagus, bean, bacon and poached egg salad Issue 17, 221 and avocado stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 baked bacon and pea risotto Kids’ Issue 7, 45 baked eggs with streaky bacon Issue 38, 141 baked fish with bacon crumble Issue 28, 50 baked mushroom, bacon and spinach risotto Issue 39, 54 baked potato with bacon and beans Kids’ Issue 2, 132 baked ricotta and bacon breakfast loaf Issue 51, 136 bean and egg pie Issue 28, 135 braised red cabbage with bacon and garlic Issue 22, 107 burger Kids’ Issue 6, 47 cabbage, bacon, potato and parmesan gratin Issue 22, 90 caramelised bacon and fennel salad Issue 28, 50 and cheese croutons Issue 28, 24 char-grilled bacon cheeseburger Issue 37, 95 cheese and bacon damper scones Issue 50, 100 cheese and bacon space sticks Kids’ Issue 7, 73 cheesy bacon-wrapped sausages in buns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 cheesy bacon meatloaf Kids’ Issue 6, 18 chicken, bacon and corn frittata Kids’ Issue 3, 50 chicken, pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 chicken and crispy bacon pitas Issue 14, 62 chicken and bacon pie Issue 28, 132 chicken and bacon pies Issue 39, 74 chicken with bacon-wrapped asparagus Issue 20, 63 and chive dunking dip Kids’ Issue 3, 78 clam and bacon Issue 39, 92 clam and with garlic bread Issue 46, 106 crispy bacon and cauliflower pasta Issue 33, 58 crispy bacon, pea and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 6, 17 crispy honey mustard bacon salad Issue 37, 54 egg and bacon breakfast pie Issue 20, 120 and egg pies Issue 14, 168 and egg roll Kids’ Issue 3, 38 egg and spinach pie Issue 46, 33 and feta bean dip Issue 30, 30 fettuccine with bacon, mustard and broccoli Issue 14, 172 fettuccine with chilli and crispy bacon Issue 14, 168 and grain mustard mayonnaise sandwich Issue 14, 174 green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 grilled breakfast baguette Issue 2, 150 hash browns with poached eggs and bacon Issue 10, 98 hearty vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 147 leek and bacon quiche Issue 27, 56 lemon chicken with bacon and potato mash Issue 28, 52 little baked potatoes Kids’ Issue 4, 69 maple lamb with bacony carrots Kids’ Issue 6, 18 mincy fried rice Kids’ Issue 2, 62 mini meatloaves wrapped in bacon Kids’ Issue 4, 46 mushroom, sage and bacon frittata Issue 51, 68 onion and cheese loaf Issue 16, 34 and onion mash Issue 33, 32 pan-fried cherry tomato and bacon penne Issue 22, 64 pasta with crispy bacon, cabbage and thyme Issue 10, 60 and pineapple burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 and pineapple foldovers Kids’ Issue 3, 93 recipe index

potato, bacon and chicken pie Issue 16, 120 potato, bacon and Issue 8, 34 potato, pea and bacon soup Issue 2, 59 potato and broccoli soup with crispy bacon Issue 14, 172 potatoes with broad beans, bacon and sage Issue 10, 100 potato soup with crispy bacon Issue 51, 122 ricotta and bacon cakes with roast tomatoes Issue 28, 50 risotto with maple-glazed bacon Issue 51, 83 roast chicken, bacon and spinach rolls Issue 34, 86 roasted haloumi, bacon and tomato salad Issue 46, 45 roast sweet potato and bacon salad Issue 35, 126 and rosemary roasted lamb Issue 46, 118 and snow pea shoot salad Issue 47, 76 and snow pea shoot salad with basil dressing Issue 29, 84 spicy tomato and crispy bacon pasta Issue 10, 130 spinach, bacon and lentil pasta Issue 44, 27 spinach, bacon and Issue 51, 112 and thyme stuffing Issue 12, 65 and tomato bread puddings Kids’ Issue 7, 48 veal terrine with duck breast Issue 36, 72 wrapped maple pork with figs Issue 50, 147 wrapped pork fillet with caramelised apple Issue 28, 52 zucchini and bacon soup Issue 28, 40 baguette grilled breakfast baguette Issue 2, 150 ham and brie baguette Issue 35, 32 ham and mustard baguette Issue 48, 78 pot of prawns with grilled baguette Issue 9, 138 prawn and watercress baguette Issue 12, 160 prawn and rocket baguettes Issue 36, 198 rare beef, cheddar and mustard baguettes Issue 29, 83 spicy lamb and caramelised onion baguette Issue 46, 46 tomato and chive veal baguettes Kids’ Issue 4, 50 baked beans and cheese omelette Kids’ Issue 2, 132 french toast Kids’ Issue 2, 130 baked potato with bacon and beans Kids’ Issue 2, 132 bean and cheesy mince tortillas Kids’ Issue 2, 129 bean and tomato pasta bake Kids’ Issue 2, 130 bean and vegetable crunchy top gratin Kids’ Issue 2, 128 cheese fingers with baked bean dip Kids’ Issue 3, 42 egg and bean pots Kids’ Issue 2, 129 maple baked beans Issue 44, 127 sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 132 simple baked beans Issue 2, 114 stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 balsamic beef Issue 37, 141 beef steaks Issue 13, 64 beef and balsamic with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 beetroot and balsamic relish Issue 15, 139 and blue cheese steak Issue 49, 127 and caper marinade Issue 31, 108 caramelised apple toasts with balsamic duck Issue 27, 93 caramelised balsamic tomatoes Issue 37, 54 chicken Issue 11, 141, Issue 37, 61 crispy snapper with warm balsamic vegetables Issue 35, 49 dressing Issue 2, 51; Issue 11, 112; Issue 15, 164 duck and fig on crispy gow gees Issue 30, 174 glaze Issue 42, 165 glazed steak and mushrooms Issue 51, 35 green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 greens Issue 46, 128 honey and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 lemon and balsamic marinade Issue 43, 68 recipe index

marinade Issue 25, 26 mushrooms Issue 8, 144 mushroom and goat’s curd salad Issue 50, 128 onion dressing Issue 43, 68 onion and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 21, 64 oven-baked balsamic and parmesan risotto Issue 16, 170 pancetta, mozzarella and balsamic sandwich Issue 19, 96 pork Issue 37, 157 pork belly with caramelised figs Issue 43, 100 preserved lemon and balsamic snake beans Issue 33, 100 quail in fig balsamic with roasted beetroot Issue 21, 33 quick balsamic glaze Issue 51, 34 rare aged balsamic beef with mozzarella Issue 40, 95 roasted balsamic beetroot Issue 45, 50 roasted balsamic potatoes Issue 43, 68 roasted beetroot and carrot Issue 9, 33 rosemary and balsamic lamb Issue 43, 125 strawberries Issue 2, 51 thyme, chickpea and chorizo Issue 21, 90 tomato and feta salad with sticky balsamic dressing Issue 43, 68 tomato and pita bites Issue 21, 120 tomatoes with crisp lavash Issue 13, 109 white balsamic glazed figs with prosciutto and mozzarella Issue 30, 100 white balsamic and herb dressing Issue 43, 68 banana apple, banana and passionfruit crumble Issue 9, 126 apricot nectar smoothie Issue 11, 90 barbecue duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 basic banana ice-cream Kids’ Issue 4, 25 blueberry bread Issue 1, 134 bread Kids’ Issue 7, 141 cake with passionfruit icing Issue 21, 170 caramelised banana and coconut cake Issue 49, 148 chocolate banana pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 cinnamon muffins Issue 9, 156 coconut pancakes with banana and passionfruit Issue 49, 86 and coconut pudding Issue 28, 70 and date bread Issue 29, 80 ginger and garlic whiting wrapped in banana leaf Issue 31, 85 love heart banana cake Kids’ Issue 3, 122 and maple syrup smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 pancakes Issue 2, 46 pancakes with golden syrup Kids’ Issue 4, 58 quick raspberry and banana ice-cream Issue 37, 78 roll with honey yoghurt Kids’ Issue 3, 42 sticky pork ribs wrapped in banana leaf Issue 36, 90 teacup banana puddings Issue 17, 113 barbecue (see also char-grilled) beef and corn Issue 37, 151 chicken breast with asparagus and lemon mustard dressing Issue 25, 41 chicken burgers Issue 45, 34 chilli squid with mint and rocket salad Issue 36, 200 chips with basil salt and garlic mayonnaise Issue 25, 41 classic barbecued pork ribs Issue 45, 112 corn cobs Issue 31, 97 duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 glazed meatloaf Issue 45, 36 ham and salami cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 lamb rack with caramelised vegetables Issue 27, 113 octopus salad Issue 25, 111 pork lettuce cups Issue 11, 110 potatoes and lamb with anchovy vinaigrette Issue 10, 98 salmon fillets with herb and corn salad Issue 25, 42 smoky barbecue chicken kebabs Issue 36, 162 recipe index

sticky barbecue and ginger ribs Issue 50, 140 sticky barbecue prawns Issue 37, 143 sticky barbecue ribs Issue 31, 112 sticky barbecue steak with coleslaw Issue 25, 52 barramundi ceviche with pernod dressing Issue 21, 31 crispy skin barramundi with lemon risotto Issue 40, 132 green peppercorn steamed barramundi with lime and chilli broth Issue 15, 104 steamed barramundi on sweet potato Issue 29, 37 thai-style sweet and sour barramundi Issue 40, 57 basil aïoli Issue 9, 44 avocado and basil salad Issue 37, 62 bacon and snow pea shoot salad with basil dressing Issue 29, 84 butterfried chicken with oregano and basil dressing Issue 19, 31 char-grilled beef with roasted capsicum, bread and basil salad Issue 49, 46 cherry tomato, basil and mozzarella pizza Issue 47, 147 cheesy lemons with basil oil Issue 45, 100 chickpea soup with basil meatballs Issue 38, 152 chilli and basil noodles with tuna Issue 19, 142 chilli beef and basil salad Issue 49, 62 and chilli marinade Issue 25, 26 chorizo, basil and olive foldover pizza Issue 47, 148 classic tomato, basil and chilli spaghetti Issue 22, 67 coconut and basil chicken Issue 35, 98 couscous stuffed zucchini flowers Issue 35, 106 creamy lemon and basil spaghetti Issue 35, 104 crispy goat’s cheese, tomato and basil salad Issue 35, 128 crispy prawn and basil parcels Issue 48, 62 crushed almond and basil pasta Issue 33, 62 crushed tomato and basil pasta Issue 29, 136 dressing Issue 11, 104; Issue 14, 162 eggplant and basil bruschetta Issue 27, 46 grilled bug tails with kaffir-lime leaf and basil Issue 13, 33 grilled cheese and basil polenta Issue 40, 68 grilled eggplant and basil bean dip Issue 30, 30 ham, basil and ricotta fritters Issue 29, 60 ham, cheese and basil toasted sandwich Issue 47, 80 ham salad with basil buttermilk dressing Issue 30, 64 herb gnocchi with basil oil Issue 28, 60 lemon and basil olives Issue 27, 112 lemon couscous stuffing Issue 2, 102 lemon and garlic roasted chicken Issue 49, 30 and lime beef rolls Issue 37, 70 lime pesto Issue 19, 129 lime sugar Issue 11, 98 marinated buffalo mozzarella with preserved lemon and crispy basil leaves Issue 34, 117 mayonnaise Issue 12, 106 oil Issue 35, 102 parmesan stuffing Issue 12, 65 pea and basil soup Issue 28, 38 pine nut and basil pasta Issue 37, 151 and pine nut pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 pine nut stuffing Issue 10, 116 and prawn curry Issue 28, 105 prawn, zucchini and basil rice Issue 44, 32 quick basil pesto Issue 50, 68 ricotta, basil and parmesan spaghetti Issue 22, 67 ricotta and basil ravioli Issue 22, 94 roast capsicum and basil pizza Issue 35, 64 roasted tomato, basil and goat’s cheese tart Issue 40, 64 rough chop basil pesto Issue 35, 104 scallop skewers with basil and dill sauce . Issue 37, 129 soft-boiled egg with basil mayonnaise sandwich Issue 19, 96 thai basil and beef salad Issue 35, 106 recipe index

with tomato and basil Issue 30, 108 tomato, basil and tuna tarts Issue 19, 143 tomato, basil and mussel spaghetti Issue 36, 214 tomato and basil risoni with ricotta Issue 41, 61 tomato and basil salad with anchovy dressing Issue 35, 106 tomato-roasted wood-fired bread with basil and dill dressing Issue 49, 104 with basil oil Issue 15, 66 beans asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 asparagus, bean, bacon and poached egg salad Issue 17, 221 bacon, bean and egg pie Issue 28, 135 bacon and feta bean dip Issue 30, 30 baked beans (see baked beans) barbecue kebabs with noodles and beans Kids’ Issue 7, 28 bean and fennel salad Issue 8, 104 beef, black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 17, 74 black eye bean and tomato salsa Issue 35, 119 borlotti beans (see borlotti beans) breakfast chilli beans Issue 20, 32 breakfast chorizo and beans Issue 32, 58 broad beans (see broad beans) cannellini beans (see cannellini beans, white beans) cheese and olive crumbed chicken with tomatoes and green beans Issue 27, 58 cheese fingers with baked bean dip Issue 27, 42 cheesy bean pies Issue 50, 84 chicken, bean and artichoke salad Issue 46, 37 chicken and bean curry Kids’ Issue 2, 62 chilli beef with snake beans Issue 52, 39 chilli beef and snake bean stir-fry Issue 41, 118 chilli coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry Issue 17, 70 chilli pumpkin and bean stir-fry Issue 48, 38 chorizo and beans Issue 50, 84 chorizo, eggplant and cannellini bean soup Issue 15, 66 and chorizo pasta Issue 50, 84 couscous-coated chicken and bean salad Issue 35, 128 creamy salmon and caper bean dip Issue 30, 30 crispy skin chicken with warm bean salad Issue 21, 33 crispy skin tarragon chicken with beans Issue 33, 75 crumbed chilli chicken with winter slaw Issue 33, 47 crunchy bean salad Issue 37, 75 fava beans (see broad beans) flat bean Issue 14, 44 garlic, bean and white anchovy bruschetta Issue 44, 74 garlic butter green beans Issue 42, 170 with garlic and sherry dressing Issue 52, 120 green bean and olive salad Issue 37, 62 green bean salad Issue 9, 77 green bean salad with tarragon dressing Issue 24, 96 green beans with anchovy butter Issue 40, 139 green beans and eggplant with chilli and lime Issue 8, 74 green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 green beans with french vinaigrette Issue 34, 109 green beans with tarragon butter Issue 21, 115 grilled eggplant and basil bean dip Issue 30, 30 haloumi, tuna and bean salad Issue 19, 144 ham, carrot and snake bean stir-fry Issue 30, 60 lamb loin with black bean and garlic sauce Issue 30, 48 mexican bean pockets Issue 16, 66 mexican tortilla cups Kids’ Issue 4, 46 mushrooms and beans with lime sour cream dressing Issue 12, 210 pan couscous with chorizo and green beans Issue 20, 67 pan-fried chicken with oregano-buttered beans Issue 32, 49 and pasta soup with autumn greens Issue 38, 154 pea and bean orecchiette Issue 27, 144 pork, black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 46, 46 recipe index

pork and black bean stir-fry Issue 49, 133 pork with chorizo, green beans and olives Issue 22, 118 potato, schnitzel and green bean salad Issue 43, 37 preserved lemon and balsamic snake beans Issue 33, 100 prosciutto, bean and artichoke salad with chilli-baked ricotta Issue 50, 131 refried beans Issue 49, 117 roast pumpkin, green bean and ricotta salad Issue 9, 168 roasted butter beans with sage and almonds Issue 33, 106 roman beans with cherry tomatoes and black olives Issue 33, 104 salmon and baby beans with lime and pepper butter Issue 11, 68 salmon with bean purée and smoky lemon dressing Issue 52, 108 sardines with baby green beans and crispy breadcrumbs Issue 33, 100 sausage and bean soup Issue 28, 34 scotch fillet with garlic beans and soft polenta Issue 10, 128 simple baked beans Issue 2, 114 snapper with char-grilled beans and caramelised limes Issue 25, 44 soy and chilli pork with snake beans Issue 46, 118 speck and maple beans with thyme toasts Issue 51, 90 thai chicken and bean curry Issue 42, 70 tomato, chicken and bean soup Issue 45, 58 tuscan bean salad Issue 46, 90 two beans and olive salad Issue 31, 62 warm bean and mushroom salad with roasted garlic dressing Issue 38, 78 warm bean salad with lamb cutlets Issue 20, 153 white beans (see cannellini beans, white beans) béarnaise sauce caper béarnaise Issue 10, 128 scotch fillet steak with béarnaise sauce Issue 27, 68 beef (see also steak) bacon and pineapple burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 bagel crisps with rare roast beef Issue 2, 153 balsamic beef Issue 37, 141 balsamic beef steaks Issue 13, 64 barbecue beef and corn Issue 37, 151 basic burger Kids’ Issue 2, 116 basic roast beef Issue 15, 126 basic saucy beef mince Kids’ Issue 7, 36 basil and lime beef rolls Issue 37, 70 bean and cheesy mince tortillas Kids’ Issue 2, 129 beefy pasta bake Kids’ Issue 7, 36 and balsamic with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 and black bean Issue 32, 128 black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 17, 74 braised beef and mushrooms with cheese croutons Issue 51, 136 burger Kids’ Issue 6, 46 burritos Issue 37, 149 cajun-style beef with herbed rice Issue 38, 56 and caramelised onion Issue 37, 137 carpaccio Issue 39, 83 carpaccio with parmesan cream Issue 46, 108 carpaccio with parsnip chips Issue 20, 129 char-grilled bacon cheeseburger Issue 37, 95 char-grilled beef with marinated capsicum salad Issue 43, 34 char-grilled beef with roasted capsicum, bread and basil salad Issue 49, 46 char-grilled beef skewers with yoghurt Kids’ Issue 4, 48 char-grilled steak and warm potato salad Issue 32, 47 cheeseburger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 cheesy bolognese rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 48 cheesy steak sandwich Issue 13, 62 chilli beef and basil salad Issue 49, 62 chilli beef noodles Issue 37, 144 chilli beef with snake beans Issue 52, 39 chilli beef and snake bean stir-fry Issue 41, 118 chilli jam beef Issue 43, 129 chilli and kaffir lime beef skewers Issue 37, 129 recipe index

classic pepper-roasted beef Issue 51, 60 coconut noodles Issue 25, 98 coconut red beef curry Issue 28, 110 corned beef Issue 44, 62 corned beef in broth with salsa verde Issue 44, 66 corned beef hash Issue 44, 66 corned beef pies Issue 44, 66 with crispy wontons + mango slaw Issue 52, 98 eggplant and beef bolognese Issue 44, 48 fillet with mushroom sauce Issue 40, 136 fillet with oregano and marjoram Issue 2, 92 fillet with porcini mash Issue 21, 33 fillet with prosciutto and artichoke purée Issue 21, 114 fillet with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 19, 129 garlic beef skewers with rocket tabouli Issue 43, 46 garlic and mustard beef skewers Issue 37, 124 ginger beef patties with lime noodle salad Issue 47, 36 and ginger stir-fry Issue 25, 55 goblin pie faces Kids’ Issue 4, 110 green curry beef salad Issue 25, 52 green vegetable stir-fry with seared sirloin Issue 14, 168 grilled beef skewers and green onion pesto Issue 36, 50 grilled beef tacos Issue 49, 114 and guinness pies Issue 10, 124 and haloumi burgers Issue 14, 66 horseradish beef Issue 37, 157 horseradish beef with mushrooms Issue 43, 136 japanese beef stir-fry Issue 27, 116 lemongrass beef Issue 49, 128 lemongrass and coconut braised beef ribs Issue 45, 112 mexican tortilla cups Kids’ Issue 4, 46 mincy fried rice Kids’ Issue 2, 62 and mushroom risoni Issue 39, 74 moroccan beef Issue 43, 120 mustard-crusted beef with thyme butter Issue 45, 49 mustard roast beef Issue 39, 114 and onion kebabs Issue 25, 55 onion and red wine pie Issue 20, 123 and oyster mushroom noodles Issue 30, 48 pan-fried steak with parmesan mash and pan gravy Issue 16, 166 parmesan and basil beef salad Issue 25, 56 pasta bake with crunchy ricotta topping Kids’ Issue 4, 46 peanut beef with bok choy and beans Issue 37, 47 pepper steak Issue 37, 139 pepper steak sandwich Issue 35, 62 pepper steak with stringy potato pancakes Issue 15, 102 peppered beef fillet with asparagus and horseradish cream Issue 12, 150 peppered beef rib roast Issue 10, 82 perfect steak Issue 27, 64 pesto beef skewers Kids’ Issue 6, 34 Issue 43, 107 pink peppercorn beef with pickled green onion Issue 29, 94 pink peppercorn red wine beef Issue 33, 130 pot-roasted beef with gremolata Issue 50, 77 pot roast with white wine and red onion Issue 15, 130 and potato pie Issue 28, 132 prosciutto and caramelised onion roasted beef Issue 51, 60 prosciutto wrapped beef Issue 34, 28 prosciutto-wrapped beef with caramelised onions Issue 15, 130 prosciutto-wrapped beef rounds Issue 45, 41 quickest bolognaise ever Issue 22, 64 rare aged balsamic beef with mozzarella Issue 40, 95 rare beef, cheddar and mustard baguettes Issue 29, 83 rare beef, cheese and prosciutto burger Issue 41, 136 rare beef, pink grapefruit and crunchy peanut betel leaves Issue 36, 94 recipe index

rare roast beef and rocket pressed sandwiches Issue 14, 35 rare beef with radish, oregano and lemon Issue 38, 84 red wine beef skewers and parsnip strips Issue 13, 64 red wine seared beef carpaccio Issue 15, 92 roast beef and roast tomato relish sandwich Issue 15, 90 roast beef fillet with soft polenta and mushroom sauce Issue 14, 98 roasted beef and sweet potato salad Issue 50, 132 roast beef fillet with white wine potatoes Issue 15, 130 roast garlic beef Issue 37, 152 roasted worcestershire beef Issue 13, 33 roly-poly pasta Kids’ Issue 4, 90 rump steak with herbed butter Issue 27, 68 salad with coriander salsa verde Issue 46, 120 salad with wasabi dressing Issue 49, 127 salt-roasted coriander and garlic beef Issue 40, 112 scotch fillet steak with béarnaise sauce Issue 27, 68 scotch fillet with polenta chips Issue 40, 135 seared beef fillet with horseradish cream Issue 40, 86 sirloin steak with red wine sauce Issue 27, 68 smoky beef rib eye Issue 45, 112 soft tacos Issue 38, 70 spaghetti bolognese Issue 38, 70 spice-rubbed steak Issue 36, 59 spicy beef with herby couscous Issue 43, 118 spiced beef pastries Issue 17, 218 spiced beef wraps Issue 1, 142 spicy beef tortillas Issue 52, 66 spicy ginger beef salad Issue 25, 107 spinach and mushroom stir-fry Issue 16, 166 steak sandwich Issue 19, 93 steakhouse classic Issue 36, 60 sticky beef marinade Issue 27, 38 sticky beef noodles with bok choy Issue 50, 70 stir-fry Issue 37, 160 stock noodle broth Issue 16, 170 stove-top pie Issue 16, 170 thai basil and beef salad Issue 35, 106 thai beef salad Issue 25, 54; Issue 37, 45 thyme and garlic rib roast Issue 15, 130 tomato and mushroom pot pies Issue 39, 54 and tomato pasta Issue 25, 52 vietnamese beef soup Issue 15, 68 warm chilli beef salad with coriander pesto Issue 28, 68 white bean and parsley beef tarts Issue 30, 176 yorkshire puddings with rare beef and caramelised onions Issue 46, 96 beer caramelised onion and beer relish Issue 15, 142 chilli-beer battered fish Issue 29, 30 and chilli prawns Issue 49, 137 beetroot baby beetroot and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 15, 34 and balsamic relish Issue 15, 139 balsamic roasted beetroot and carrot Issue 9, 33 blini with goat’s curd Issue 42, 76 cake Issue 14, 136 and caramelised onion tarte tatin Issue 38, 108 carrot and beetroot fritters Kids’ Issue 3, 72 chickpea and tuna salad Issue 48, 54 crispy duck with spiced beets Issue 38, 111 crispy pork belly with lentils and baby beets Issue 52, 114 crispy potato pancakes with beetroot and horseradish cream Issue 46, 98 crispy potato, trout and beetroot salad Issue 50, 131 crispy salmon with beetroot and fennel salad Issue 51, 33 cucumber and goat’s curd in beetroot leaves Issue 8, 100 double beet salad Issue 2, 94 recipe index

duck rolls with beetroot relish Issue 12, 35 and feta salad Issue 40, 142 feta and mint salad Issue 52, 122 feta and sweet potato salad Issue 31, 42 fried beetroot bruschetta with ashed goat’s cheese Issue 14, 132 goat’s cheese and beetroot bruschetta Issue 40, 64 homemade preserved beetroot Issue 38, 108 honey and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 layered beetroot and potato bake Issue 30, 97 moroccan beetroot, cinnamon and parsley salad Issue 9, 155 orange balsamic beets Issue 1, 128 oven-roasted duck liver salad with baby beetroot Issue 9, 140 pickled baby beetroot Issue 52, 85 pickled baby beets with goat’s curd semolina Issue 38, 114 pumpkin and beetroot salad Issue 43, 122 quail in fig balsamic with roasted beetroot Issue 21, 33 relish Issue 12, 35; Issue 38, 114 roast beetroot and cabbage with pork steaks Issue 22, 110 roast beetroot and pumpkin salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 20, 88 roast beetroot salsa with crispy flat bread Issue 16, 9 roasted balsamic beetroot Issue 45, 50 roasted vegetable and beetroot salad Issue 38, 111 rosemary-roasted chicken with beetroot and feta Issue 44, 48 and sweet potato fritters with sumac salt Issue 38, 112 taro and beetroot chips Issue 39, 130 warm beetroot, chickpea and spinach salad Issue 22, 139 and yoghurt dip Issue 12, 68 bell pepper (see capsicum) berries bircher muesli Issue 1, 133 blackberry (see blackberry) blueberry (see blueberry) buttermilk and berry pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 champagne cocktail Issue 36, 117 compote Issue 30, 28 crumble Issue 9, 126 cupcakes Issue 36, 112 chocolate and berry squares Issue 31, 118 cranberry (see cranberry) free-form rhubarb and blackcurrant pie Issue 28, 95 mint and coconut salad Issue 24, 120 mixed berry and coconut pastry Issue 35, 34 mixed berry clafoutis Issue 36, 108 mixed berry semifreddo Issue 24, 167 mulberry jam Issue 36, 110 port-soaked berries with honey toasts Issue 17, 160 raspberry (see raspberry) red with sour cream tart Issue 24, 122 rosewater pavlova with fresh berries Issue 36, 112 strawberry (see strawberry) tartlets Issue 13, 140 tray-baked berry meringue Issue 49, 146 biscotti cinnamon and cherry biscotti Issue 48, 182 coffee bean and almond Issue 33, 112 dipped in chocolate Issue 34, 130 ginger and almond biscotti Issue 48, 182 biscuits almond truffle biscuits Issue 30, 122 almond wafers Issue 9, 182 anzac biscuits Issue 2, 45; Kids’ Issue 4, 79 biscotti (see biscotti) bitter chocolate peppermint biscuits Issue 16, 146 blue cheese biscuits with quince paste Issue 4, 28 brown sugar biscuits with caramel filling Issue 8, 176 brownies (see brownies) recipe index

butterscotch biscuit layer cake Issue 46, 138 caramel wafers Issue 8, 176 chocolate chip shortbread Issue 30, 160 chocolate-filled biscuits Issue 8, 37 cookies (see cookies) cranberry and pistachio shortbread biscuits Issue 48, 68 cranberry and pistachio slices Issue 24, 148 fennel and parmesan biscuits Issue 46, 142 fig and oat biscuits Issue 14, 33 frosted snowflakes Issue 36, 144 giant iced ginger biscuits Issue 44, 95 ginger snaps Issue 34, 141 gingerbread buttons Issue 24, 148 gingerbread man Kids’ Issue 4, 84 honey drop biscuits Issue 17, 178 honey snaps Issue 17, 178 ivory towers Issue 42, 208 jewel biscuits Kids’ Issue 4, 103 lemon and walnut biscuits Issue 17, 95 macaroons (see macaroons) oaty apricot biscuits Issue 20, 35 orange and almond fingers Issue 17, 37 orange pleated biscuits Issue 34, 141 pistachio amaretti Issue 40, 101 pistachio and lemon bites Issue 22, 82 ringmaster’s cheese and tomato biscuits Kids’ Issue 2, 76 rum and raisin pillows Issue 34, 138 sesame glass biscuits Issue 46, 142 sesame and pistachio snaps Issue 30, 124 shadow puppet animal cookies Kids’ Issue 4, 72 snowballs Issue 42, 215 snowy mountains Issue 42, 209 spiced maple biscuits Issue 51, 87 spoon-dent biscuits with lemon curd Issue 33, 144 spoon-shaped malt biscuits Issue 33, 140 sugar-dusted spice biscuits Issue 12, 130 sugared macadamia biscuits Issue 36, 172 sugar ornaments Issue 42, 193 walnut biscuits Issue 8, 100 white chocolate macaroons Issue 17, 142 yo-yo biscuits with creamy passionfruit filling Issue 37, 105 yo-yo biscuits with lemon icing filling Kids’ Issue 4, 82 blackberry apple and blackberry crumbles Issue 29, 30 apple pie Issue 22, 32 steamed pudding Issue 32, 147 blini basic blini Issue 42, 72 beetroot blini with goat’s curd Issue 42, 76 egg and salmon brunch blini Issue 42, 76 ricotta blini with marinated feta Issue 42, 76 smoked chicken blini sandwiches Issue 42, 76 blood orange campari with blood orange Issue 10, 168 and cinnamon-infused vodka Issue 10, 170 citrus jelly slice Issue 35, 143 cooler Issue 42, 130 crush Issue 30, 176 curd tartlets Issue 40, 150 orange, mandarin or blood orange curd Issue 11, 128 pine nut cake with blood orange syrup Issue 46, 90 spritzer Issue 36, 41 syrup cake Issue 35, 143 blue cheese baked blue cheese pears with prosciutto Issue 8,136; Issue 14, 56 recipe index

balsamic and blue cheese steak Issue 49, 127 biscuits with quince paste Issue 4, 28 caramelised onion and blue cheese tarts Issue 4, 100; Issue 46, 106 chervil and blue cheese tarts Issue 21, 31 crispy blue cheese and quince pastries Issue 15, 177 fresh figs with blue cheese and prosciutto, Issue 21, 62 golden leek and blue cheese tart Issue 9, 104 mushroom and onion soup with blue cheese toasts Issue 44, 45 onion soup with blue cheese sandwiches Issue 20, 107 pan sandwiches Issue 10, 172 pear and blue cheese crunchy salad Issue 34, 60 pear and blue cheese fritters Issue 36, 80 potted blue cheese with muscatels and port jelly Issue 52, 132 pumpkin, blue cheese and sage gratin Issue 22, 90 soft polenta with blue cheese and sage Issue 8, 144 tart with prosciutto Issue 15, 92 witlof and blue cheese salad with quince dressing Issue 21, 109 blueberry banana and blueberry bread Issue 1, 134 butter cake Issue 20, 164 buttermilk and blueberry sticks Issue 13, 119 lemonade Kids’ Issue 3, 72 muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 pancakes Issue 2, 46 pies Issue 36, 107 rosewater pavlovas with blueberries Issue 43, 60 scones Issue 29, 30 and vanilla layer cake Issue 21, 170 bocconcini and chilli salad Issue 28, 22 crispy polenta-coated bocconcini Issue 38, 82 grilled ham, rocket and bocconcini salad Issue 1, 110 harissa, artichoke and bocconcini bites Issue 51, 129 lemon-marinated bocconcini Issue 1, 128 marinated bocconcini Issue 12, 160 olive oil crostini with bocconcini and artichoke Issue 17, 156 oregano steak with tomato and bocconcini salad Issue 41, 52 pan-fried bocconcini with oregano and prosciutto Issue 9, 100 pan-fried chicken with tomato and bocconcini Issue 20, 64 and prosciutto wrap Issue 16, 68 red oak with bocconcini and prosciutto Issue 11, 112 and tomato melts Issue 21, 68 wrapped with crispy prosciutto Issue 24, 50 bok choy peanut beef with bok choy and beans Issue 37, 47 shiitake mushroom stir-fry with bok choy and soba noodles Issue 14, 102 sticky beef noodles with bok choy Issue 50, 70 sticky pork with bok choy Issue 20, 64 borlotti beans braised borlotti beans with char-grilled polenta Issue 33, 100 creamy speck and borlotti bean rigatoni Issue 45, 135 lamb racks with borlotti beans Issue 40, 128 and parmesan soup Issue 38, 151 salad Issue 8, 34 soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 brandy chicken, thyme and brandy pâté Issue 46, 111 and cinnamon custard Issue 36, 122 cinnamon panna cotta with brandy syrup Issue 30, 162 custard Issue 12, 96 custard pots with fairy floss Issue 30, 99 and date crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 duck, brandy and sage pâté Issue 34, 80 infused with cumquats and vanilla Issue 10, 167 and orange pudding with custard Issue 22, 36 recipe index

mustard and brandy gravy Issue 39, 70 pepper and brandy pâté Issue 15, 181 raspberry and brandy custard trifle Issue 12, 96 snaps Issue 10, 32 syrup Issue 42, 179 thyme and brandy pâté Issue 10, 52; Issue 15, 124 and vanilla bean custard Issue 1, 102 bread ale bread Issue 22, 32 apple and cinnamon bread Issue 14, 158 bacon, onion and cheese loaf Issue 16, 34 baguettes (see baguettes) baked ham and artichoke pizza breads Issue 45, 30 baked ricotta and bacon breakfast loaf Issue 51, 136 balsamic tomato and pita bites Issue 21, 120 balsamic tomatoes with crisp lavash Issue 13, 109 banana and blueberry Issue 1, 134 banana bread Kids’ Issue 7, 141 banana and date bread Issue 29, 80 barbecue ham and salami cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 basic dough Issue 14, 155 basic flatbread dough Issue 34, 62 basic sweet dough Issue 14, 155 bocconcini and tomato melts Issue 21, 68 borlotti bean soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 breakfast loaf Issue 31, 80 brie and crispy bread salad with cranberry dressing Issue 31, 69 brown sugar rhubarb bread Issue 2, 154 bruschetta (see bruschetta) bubble pizzas Kids’ Issue 4, 90 butternut pumpkin and feta loaf Issue 32, 107 caesar salad Issue 35, 32 caramelised eschalots and goat’s cheese flatbread Issue 34, 66 caramelised onion, olive and anchovy bread Issue 52, 94 char-grilled beef with roasted capsicum, bread and basil salad Issue 49, 46 char-grilled capsicum, bread and tomato salad Issue 36, 160 char-grilled mushrooms with crispy lavash Issue 22, 139 char-grilled spinach and feta flatbreads Issue 47, 48 char-grilled vegetable and crispy bread salad Issue 19, 60 cheat’s tomato, basil and bread soup Issue 2, 56 cheese and chive soup buns Issue 14, 160 cheese and tomato bread and butter puddings Kids’ Issue 2, 108 cheesy breakfast bread and butter puddings Issue 20, 86 cheesy corn loaves Kids’ Issue 3, 75 cheesey scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 54 chicken and mushroom cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 chilli and anchovy flatbread Issue 34, 66 chocolate bread and butter pudding Issue 32, 147 chocolate loaves Issue 14, 160 clam and bacon soup with garlic bread Issue 46, 106 coconut bread Issue 17, 34 corn bread Issue 2, 29 cornmeal tortillas Issue 49, 118 crispy Issue 27, 113 crispy starfish Kids’ Issue 2, 81 crostini (see crostini) crumbed lemon and chive mussels Issue 36, 211 curd cheese with crispy bread and salad Issue 35, 158 date and pecan buns Issue 14, 162 farmhouse bread with roast garlic Issue 9, 30 flatbread Issue 31, 33, 34 flour tortillas Issue 49, 118 garlic and herb roasted chicken with crusty bread Issue 44, 116 garlic and parmesan bread Issue 27, 106 garlic and rosemary oil flatbread Issue 34, 66 gingerbread man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 recipe index

goat’s cheese and beetroot bruschetta Issue 40, 64 gruyère and ham french toast Issue 16, 70 ham, cheese and pineapple swirls Kids’ Issue 2, 112 hawaiian cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 harissa, artichoke and bocconcini bites Issue 51, 129 herbed damper Issue 13, 109 jam buns Issue 14, 158 lemon and chilli bread salad Issue 30, 77 lemon honey toast with ricotta Issue 17, 180 lemon mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 maple-glazed nectarine and almond bread Issue 49, 148 marmalade bread and butter pudding Issue 45, 126 mint flatbread with green onion pesto Issue 41, 106 olive and rosemary breads Issue 14, 160 onion bread Issue 14, 158 parmesan flatbread Issue 46, 87 parmesan toasts Issue 16, 170 pedestrian crossing bread Kids’ Issue 3, 107 petri fairy bread Kids’ Issue 6, 114 pizza dough Issue 19, 85 poached egg and prosciutto bagels Issue 14, 62 port-soaked berries with honey toasts Issue 17, 160 prawn and sesame toasts Issue 36, 79 preserved lemon and crispy bread salad Issue 31, 55 prosciutto, oregano and parmesan bread Issue 14, 162 prosciutto wrapped sticks Issue 24, 52 raisin bread Issue 9, 106 raspberry-chocolate pull-aparts Issue 39, 138 rhubarb bread and butter pudding Issue 28, 96 roast beetroot salsa with crispy flat bread Issue 16, 96 roast pumpkin and red onion stuffed rolls Issue 16, 34 rolls (see rolls) rosemary and parmesan flatbreads Issue 46, 126 sage butter and garlic breadcrumb spaghetti Issue 22, 64 salmon gravlax and rye bread with crème fraîche dressing Issue 10, 26 sardines with baby green beans and crispy breadcrumbs Issue 33, 100 sauce Issue 33, 89 sea salt and parmesan grissini sticks Issue 25, 34 skillet corn bread Issue 35, 112 smoked trout, crispy bagel and avocado salad Issue 29, 65 soda bread Issue 10, 106 soda pan bread Issue 45, 92 spatchcocks with redcurrant glaze and bread sauce Issue 51, 136 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spiced lamb pitas Issue 40, 124 spring onion tray bread Issue 29, 93 steak with roasted tomato and bread salad Issue 39, 46 sultana loaf Issue 29, 107 swirly bread shells Kids’ Issue 2, 82 teacup apple bread and butter pudding Kids’ Issue 3, 22 tomato counting soup Kids’ Issue 4, 90 tomato, ricotta and spinach bread Issue 49, 106 tomato-roasted wood-fired bread with basil and dill dressing Issue 49, 104 walnut and fig bread Issue 38, 96 breadcrumbs brussels sprout pasta with crispy breadcrumbs Issue 45, 27 caramalised onion and crispy breadcrumb pasta Issue 42, 54 crispy breadcrumb pasta Issue 29, 138 grilled asparagus with chilli and lemon breadcrumbs Issue 49, 50 oregano and lemon stuffing Issue 10, 116 sage butter and garlic breadcrumb spaghetti Issue 22, 64 sardines with baby green beans and crispy breadcrumbs Issue 33, 100 and thyme stuffing Issue 10, 116 breakfast baked ricotta and bacon breakfast loaf Issue 51, 136 classic big breakfast Issue 44, 128 recipe index

bresaola eggplant and mozzarella bruschetta Issue 50, 40 salad Issue 50, 40 brie and crispy bread salad with cranberry dressing Issue 31, 69 ham and brie baguette Issue 35, 32 salmon, brie and asparagus fingers Issue 41, 81 brioche caramelised jerusalem artichoke on toasted brioche Issue 16, 111 crunchy brioche with peaches and plums Issue 31, 122 eggs with crispy brioche soldiers Issue 47, 80 grilled brioche with pâté and fig Issue 42, 127 marmalade brioche baked custard Issue 50, 58 peach brioche ice-cream sandwiches Issue 42, 114 raspberry and ricotta brioche Issue 47, 108 rhubarb brioche fingers with vanilla custard Issue 52, 130 roasted mushroom brioche Issue 46, 111 summer pudding Issue 36, 108 sweet honeyed ricotta with brioche Issue 35, 154 swiss cheese, spinach and ham brioches Issue 34, 70 broad beans (fava beans) crushed broad bean, feta and mint dip Issue 48, 132 and goat’s curd salad Issue 35, 76 minted broad bean mash with spiced lamb Issue 33, 106 poached chicken and broad bean salad Issue 8, 100 potato gnocchi with broad beans and tarragon burnt butter Issue 33, 106 potatoes with broad beans, bacon and sage Issue 10, 100 and spicy chorizo soup Issue 51, 120 zucchini and broad bean salad with garlic-herb dressing Issue 47, 118 broccoli autumn broccoli and spinach salad Issue 14, 170 and cauliflower with cream and mustard Issue 8, 79 creamy broccoli soup Issue 51, 119 fettuccine with bacon, mustard and broccoli Issue 14, 172 fettuccine with broccoli green sauce Issue 14, 170 with horseradish dipping sauce, tempura Issue 22, 110 lemon and broccoli pasta Issue 52, 38 lemon and broccoli soup Issue 34, 46 penne with broccoli and leek Issue 9, 170 potato and broccoli soup with crispy bacon Issue 14, 172 ricotta and parmesan chicken with lemon butter and broccolini Issue 11, 72 rocket and broccoli pasta Issue 2, 139 soup Issue 2, 56 warm lemon and oregano broccolini Issue 9, 116 broccolini with almond butter Issue 20, 88 chicken broccolini stir-fry Issue 45, 34 green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 lamb chops with olive and broccolini risoni Issue 44, 46 paper-wrapped salmon and steamed broccolini Issue 21, 120 stir-fried cabbage and broccolini Issue 52, 120 stir-fried lemongrass broccolini Issue 37, 26 broth (see soup) brown sugar biscuits with caramel filling Issue 8, 176 caramelised waffles with brown sugar Issue 24, 80 and cinnamon mince pie Issue 36, 178 custard tart Issue 8, 180 fig tarts with brown sugar mascarpone Issue 20, 154 panna cotta with expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 plums Issue 34, 70 rhubarb bread Issue 2, 154 semolina porridge with brown sugar and figs Issue 50, 100 sponge with caramel and cream Issue 8, 174 brownies recipe index

brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 56 candy cane brownies Issue 48, 192 cheesecake swirl chocolate brownies Issue 51, 146 chocolate Issue 28, 117 chocolate brownie and raspberry trifles Issue 36, 162 chocolate brownies Issue 4, 148 choc-coconut brownie pops Kids’ Issue 7, 60 coconut brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 double chocolate brownie semifreddo Issue 43, 142 layered muddy chocolate brownies Kids’ Issue 3, 72 rainbow choc-iced brownies Kids’ Issue 7, 141 raspberry brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 rocky road brownie Issue 25, 86 triple chocolate brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 brûlée (see also crème brûlée) eggnog Issue 36, 178 brûléed caramel chocolate slice Issue 8, 174 maple brûlée tart Issue 51, 89 bruschetta antipasto bruschetta Issue 20, 150 artichoke and feta bruschetta Issue 47, 40 basic bruschetta Issue 1, 46; Issue 27, 50 bresaola, eggplant and mozzarella bruschetta Issue 50, 40 cabbage and chickpea soup with bruschetta Issue 38, 154 char-grilled capsicum and onion bruschetta Issue 27, 50 chicken and rocket bruschetta Issue 12, 208 crab bruschetta Issue 29, 93 crushed cherry tomato and ricotta bruschetta Issue 37, 74 eggplant and basil bruschetta Issue 27, 46 fennel bruschetta Issue 52, 31 fried beetroot bruschetta with ashed goat’s cheese Issue 14, 132 garlic, bean and white anchovy bruschetta Issue 44, 74 garlic and goat’s cheese bruschetta Issue 21, 64 grilled vegetable and feta bruschetta Issue 37, 48 haloumi and red onion bruschetta Issue 16, 66 kale, chilli and lemon bruschetta Issue 45, 64 mozzarella, prosciutto and rocket pesto bruschetta Issue 2, 150 mushroom and sage butter bruschetta Issue 27, 50 pickled cauliflower bruschetta Issue 51, 101 porcini and mixed mushroom bruschetta Issue 46, 68 prosciutto and haloumi bruschetta Issue 27, 48 roasted capsicum and chicken bruschetta Issue 43, 33 roasted capsicum and herb bruschetta Issue 46, 106 roasted garlic and tomato bruschetta Issue 43, 133 smoked trout and fennel bruschetta Issue 42, 34 tomato and anchovy bruschetta Issue 27, 47 tomato salad and tapenade bruschetta Issue 12, 148 zucchini, feta and chilli bruschetta Issue 43, 51 brussels sprouts brussels sprouts Issue 14, 44 pasta with crispy breadcrumbs Issue 45, 27 and potato gratin Issue 45, 27 roast pork loin with chestnuts and brussels sprouts Issue 38, 100 rosemary chicken, brussels sprout and fennel salad Issue 50, 132 warm brussels sprout salad Issue 45, 25 warm salad of brussels sprouts Issue 14, 138 with pancetta Issue 8, 76 bug tails butter pepper pasta with crispy capers and bug tails Issue 15, 102 char-grilled bugs with coconut salad Issue 25, 97 creamy asparagus soup with char-grilled bug tail Issue 27, 93 grilled bug tails Issue 1, 99 grilled bug tails with kaffir-lime leaf and basil Issue 13, 33 burgers bacon burger Kids’ Issue 6, 47 recipe index

burgers Issue 25, 85 bacon and pineapple burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 barbecued chicken burgers Issue 45, 34 basic burger Kids’ Issue 2, 116 beef burger Kids’ Issue 6, 46 char-grilled bacon cheeseburger Issue 37, 95 char-grilled capsicum and lamb burger Issue 41, 136 char-grilled chicken and mozzarella burger Issue 41, 130 cheese burgers and galaxy star chips Kids’ Issue 4, 93 cheeseburger Kids’ Issue 2,120; Issue 25, 85; Kids’ Issue 6, 47 chicken burgers Kids’ Issue 3, 52 chicken and corn burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 chilli and lemon chicken burgers Issue 37, 95 crumbed chicken and cheese burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 deluxe cheeseburger Issue 41, 126 fennel and haloumi chickpea burgers Issue 48, 44 and galaxy star chips Kids’ Issue 4, 93 lamb burger Issue 37, 144 lamb and feta burgers with minted yoghurt Issue 49, 44 lamb and mint burger Issue 43, 131 mexican burgers Kids’ Issue 6, 22 pineapple, ham and mushroom burger Issue 30, 62 pork and pineapple burger Issue 41, 136 rare beef, cheese and prosciutto burger Issue 41, 136 roasted tomato, eggplant and haloumi burger Issue 41, 130 rustic fish burgers and dill pickle mayonnaise Issue 44, 89 salmon, lime and caper burger Issue 41, 130 smoky chilli chicken, chorizo and feta burger Issue 41, 126 spicy pork burger Issue 49, 133 burger with the lot Kids’ Issue 6, 47 butter almond butter Issue 20, 88 anchovy and herb butter Issue 44, 74 asparagus with almond butter Issue 52, 118 basic chocolate butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic vanilla butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 brown butter and garlic oysters Issue 15, 181 buffalo mozzarella crostini with sage and anchovy butter Issue 52, 98 burnt butter Issue 16, 111 char-grilled salmon with herb butter Issue 29, 52 chervil and chive Issue 34, 30 chilli buttered popcorn Issue 51, 41 chilli and tarragon Issue 31, 97 chive and parsley butter Issue 42, 153 cinnamon butter Issue 17, 178 cookies (smart cookies) Issue 1, 117 coriander and chilli butter pork Issue 49, 133 crispy sage and brown butter pasta Issue 32, 34 cumin and paprika Issue 34, 30 dijon and oregano butter Issue 42, 153 garlic butter Issue 12, 104; Issue 34, 30 garlic butter green beans Issue 42, 170 garlic and chive butter Issue 19, 28 ginger and coriander Issue 34, 30 gnocchi with burnt sage butter Issue 44, 105 green beans with anchovy butter Issue 40, 139 greens with crispy sage butter Issue 48, 158 grilled lobster with lemon and parsley butter Issue 36, 191 grilled mushrooms with garlic parsley butter Issue 40, 138 herb butter Issue 12, 104 icing Kids’ Issue 4, 119 lemon butter Issue 12, 104 lemon butter snapper with wilted spinach Issue 34, 98 linguini and scampi with lemon garlic butter Issue 34, 106 marmalade bread and butter pudding Issue 45, 126 recipe index

mashed potato with porcini butter Issue 52, 120 mustard-crusted beef with thyme butter Issue 45, 49 orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 153 oregano Issue 28, 56 oregano brown butter Issue 2, 84 oven corn with garden butter Kids’ Issue 3, 78 pan-fried fish with brown butter and parsley Issue 47, 30 pan-fried trout in sherry butter Issue 45, 91 parsnip and brown butter soup Issue 33, 92 pepper butter Issue 12, 104; Issue 15, 106 peppercorn Issue 34, 30 pork cutlets with spiced butter Issue 50, 144 potato gnocchi with broad beans and tarragon burnt butter Issue 33, 106 rhubarb bread and butter pudding Issue 28, 96 roasted fish, potato and asparagus with dill butter Issue 47, 29 roasted turkey with orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 154 roasted garlic butter Issue 42, 153 roast garlic Issue 31, 97 roast lamb with parsley butter Kids’ Issue 4, 36 rum butter Issue 13, 30 rump steak with herbed butter Issue 27, 68 sage, pine nut and garlic butter Issue 9, 170 sage pork with mustard butter Issue 50, 148 sage brown butter Issue 15, 37 sage butter Issue 22, 64 steak with café de paris butter Issue 39, 30 steak with horseradish butter and rosemary chips Issue 52, 108 steak with peppercorn butter Issue 49, 128 tarragon butter Issue 21, 115 teacup apple bread and butter pudding Kids’ Issue 3, 22 thyme butter Issue 2, 102 veal and caper butter Issue 37, 152 white wine and butter steamed mussels Issue 29, 38 buttermilk and berry pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 and blueberry sticks Issue 13, 119 chicken, egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 and chive chicken Issue 43, 136 chocolate buttermilk layer cake Issue 50, 156 cucumber salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 46, 128 ham salad with basil buttermilk dressing Issue 30, 64 orange blossom and buttermilk sorbet Issue 29, 120 pancakes Issue 2, 46 panna cotta with vanilla-poached raspberries Issue 48, 120 puddings Issue 11, 122 sorbet Issue 11, 124 butterscotch affogato Issue 27, 74 apple and butterscotch pudding Issue 10, 86 apple pudding with butterscotch sauce Issue 32, 95 apricot jelly with buttermilk panna cotta Issue 47, 106 basic butterscotch Issue 8, 37 biscuit layer cake Issue 46, 138 bites Issue 30, 122 chocolate butterscotch tart Issue 27, 96 cupcakes Issue 27, 129 glazed chocolate bundt cake Issue 50, 158 sauce Issue 10, 86 schnapps with mandarin Issue 10, 167 spiced pear butterscotch pudding Issue 39, 100 walnut tarts Issue 32, 81 whisky and butterscotch cake Issue 44, 138 C recipe index

cabbage bacon, potato and parmesan gratin Issue 22, 90 braised red cabbage with bacon and garlic Issue 22, 107 butter-roasted cabbage Issue 10, 84 and chickpea soup with bruschetta Issue 38, 154 creamy lemon cabbage Issue 14, 139 crumbed chilli chicken with winter slaw Issue 33, 47 fennel and cabbage coleslaw Issue 22, 107 garlic and vinegar roasted cabbages Issue 39, 118 haloumi, cashew and chinese cabbage salad Issue 2, 140 love hearts with honey soy slaw Kids’ Issue 4, 93 parmesan and pasta layer bake Issue 22, 107 pasta with crispy bacon, cabbage and thyme Issue 10, 60 pork cutlets with mustard cream sauce and sauerkraut Issue 10, 30 ricotta and pancetta cabbage rolls Issue 22, 110 roast baby cabbages Issue 22, 110 roast beetroot and cabbage with pork steaks Issue 22, 110 savoy cabbage and pecorino salad Issue 40, 142 schnitzel with cabbage salad Issue 43, 37 stir-fried cabbage and broccolini Issue 52, 120 thyme pork with cabbage-and-ham mash Issue 39, 45 tofu and chinese cabbage stir-fry Issue 17, 72 wilted cabbage salad Issue 14, 132 cakes, savoury chicken and sesame cakes with sweet chilli Issue 25, 107 chilli and lime fish cakes with cucumber salad Issue 49, 62 chilli plum chicken cakes Issue 30, 179 feta and coriander cakes Issue 31, 55 fish cakes with garlic and caper mayonnaise Issue 51, 129 lemony fish cakes Issue 49, 137 prawn and lime cakes Issue 25, 71 ricotta and bacon cakes with roast tomatoes Issue 28, 50 sage and prosciutto corn cakes Issue 48, 150 spicy corn and crab cakes Issue 52, 98 thai fish cakes Issue 37, 159 cakes, sweet almond and orange cake Issue 28, 86 almond cake with rosewater syrup Issue 4, 114 almond cakes with sugared apple icing Issue 29, 122 apple and apricot jam almond cake Issue 20, 166 apple and cinnamon cake Issue 22, 152 apple and vanilla custard cake Issue 2, 72 apple cakes with red wine syrup Issue 15, 38 babas with lemon syrup Issue 1, 126 baby apple upside-down cakes Issue 2, 72 baked ricotta cakes Issue 29, 83 banana cake with passionfruit icing Issue 21, 170 basic almond cake Issue 20, 166 basic butter cake Issue 20, 164 basic chocolate Issue 20, 164 basic chocolate cake Kids’ Issue 4, 118 basic melt and mix chocolate cake Kids’ Issue 7, 124 basic melt and mix rainbow cake Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic melt and mix vanilla cake Kids’ Issue 7, 124 basic pound cake Issue 35, 68 basic vanilla butter cake Issue 4, 87 basic vanilla cake Kids’ Issue 4, 118 basic vanilla cake recipe Kids’ Issue 2, 93 beetroot cake Issue 14, 136 big top circus tent Kids’ Issue 2, 75 blood orange syrup cake Issue 35, 143 blueberry and vanilla layer Issue 21, 170 blueberry butter Issue 20, 164 boiled fruit cake Issue 4, 88 brick and cement cake Kids’ Issue 3, 108 recipe index

butter cake with whipped chocolate icing Issue 16, 142 butterscotch biscuit layer cake Issue 46, 138 butterscotch-glazed chocolate bundt cake Issue 50, 158 candied lemon cake Issue 45, 104 candy-filled chocolate cake Kids’ Issue 7, 117 caramelised banana and coconut cake Issue 49, 148 cheesecake (see cheesecake) choc chip butter Issue 20, 164 chocolate cake Issue 20, 188; Issue 29, 104 chocolate cherry fondant cakes Issue 50, 156 chocolate and hazelnut coffee Issue 20, 164 chocolate brownie Issue 20, 164 chocolate buttermilk layer cake Issue 50, 156 chocolate cake with orange syrup Issue 1, 128 chocolate chip pound cake Issue 35, 72 chocolate freckle cake Kids’ Issue 3, 126 chocolate layer cake Issue 21, 167 chocolate madeira petits fours Issue 52, 43 chocolate mousse cake Issue 50, 164 chocolate mud cake Issue 20, 164; Issue 50, 163 chocolate-orange marble cake Issue 44, 141 chocolate stout cake with peanut butter frosting Issue 50, 163 chocolate swirl cake Issue 22, 82 chocolate torte Issue 22, 36 christmas cake (see christmas cake) cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes Issue 44, 138 cinnamon and vanilla madeleines Kids’ Issue 2, 82 cinnamon teacakes Issue 29, 107 classic baked cheesecake Issue 11, 171 classic birthday cake Kids’ Issue 3, 122 classic lamingtons Kids’ Issue 7, 138 coconut cake Issue 21, 173; Issue 44, 142 coconut and cranberry loaf Issue 35, 72 coconut angel cakes Issue 16, 144 coconut butter cake Issue 4, 87 coconut cake Kids’ Issue 4, 80 coconut and raspberry angel food cake Issue 48, 166 coffee almond cakes Issue 46, 142 coffee cake with mixed toffee nuts Issue 38, 103 cointreau mixed berry trifle (steve & maz’s) Issue 24, 100 crushed fig friands Issue 15, 119 cupcakes (see cupcakes) cups of cake Kids’ Issue 6, 126 custard sponge fingers with sugar-crusted apricots Issue 24, 80 daisy angel food cake Issue 21, 168 espresso cakes Issue 11, 171 farmhouse cake Kids’ Issue 4, 127 flourless chocolate cake Issue 10, 144 fluffy ginger cake Issue 48, 108 frangipani cake Kids’ Issue 6, 102 frozen raspberry tiramisù Issue 24, 118 ghost cake Kids’ Issue 4, 114 ginger cake Issue 8, 37 ginger cake with hazelnut and spice Issue 12, 130 grandma’s christmas cake Issue 42, 179 handbag cake Kids’ Issue 4, 123 hazelnut upside-down cake Issue 8, 178 heavenly chocolate cake Issue 42, 215 honey cream sponge cake Issue 17, 180 honey jumble cakes Issue 17, 178 hopscotch cake Kids’ Issue 3, 127 jam crumble tea cake Issue 9, 26 jam ripple cake Issue 2, 124 jelly monster Kids’ Issue 6, 129 layered chocolate cake Issue 28, 117 layered vanilla cake with whipped white chocolate cream Issue 4, 87 recipe index

ice-cream volcano Kids’ Issue 4, 25 lemon and almond syrup cake Issue 21, 168 lemon cake with passionfruit syrup Issue 2, 30; Issue 9, 50; Issue 50, 17 lemon cheesecake slice Issue 11, 130 lemon curd layer cake Issue 47, 108 lemony peach cake Issue 42, 114 lemon syrup almond cake Issue 20, 166 light fruitcake Issue 12, 178 lime and mango coconut cake Issue 17, 110 lime and yoghurt loaf cake Issue 11, 142 little figgy christmas cakes Issue 42, 180 little pink coconut cakes Kids’ Issue 4, 103 little plum cakes Issue 22, 79 little zesty lemon cakes Issue 16, 131 love heart banana cake Kids’ Issue 3, 122 lumberjack cake Issue 29, 112 madeira cake Issue 52, 43 magic mushroom cake Kids’ Issue 3, 115 maple and date syrup cake Issue 51, 84 marble cake Issue 2, 124 marble surprise cake Kids’ Issue 3, 125 melt-and-mix white chocolate cake Issue 4, 84 mini gingerbread cakes Issue 22, 83 mini raspberry sponge cakes Issue 52, 52 moist almond cake with dessert wine syrup Issue 9, 178 muddy chocolate cake Issue 4, 84 muffins (see muffins) numeral cake Kids’ Issue 7, 114 orange cake Issue 29, 107 orange and poppy seed butter cake Issue 20, 164 orange and poppyseed cake Issue 11, 172 orange butter cake Issue 4, 87 orange cakes with clove syrup Issue 10, 146 orange syrup cake Issue 35, 72 party pool Kids’ Issue 6, 130 passionfruit slice Issue 17, 102 peach and almond cakes Issue 13, 101 peach and almond cakes Issue 25, 74 pear and honey cake Issue 14, 36 petits fours Issue 14, 86 pine nut cake with blood orange syrup Issue 46, 90 pink butterfly cakes Kids’ Issue 7, 63 pink marble cake Kids’ Issue 7, 141 pistachio and almond cakes Issue 44, 141 pistachio cakes Issue 36, 143 polka dot cake Kids’ Issue 7, 118 polka dot present cake Kids’ Issue 4, 128 rainbow cake Issue 41, 93 rainbow layer cake Kids’ Issue 7, 115 raspberry and almond Issue 24, 122 raspberry cake Issue 17, 142 raspberry cakes Issue 35, 72 raspberry crush sponges Issue 24, 118 raspberry ice-cream layer cake Kids’ Issue 7, 107 raspberry marbled cheesecake Issue 2, 122 raspberry sponge layer cake Issue 30, 98 record cake Kids’ Issue 6, 90 rhubarb and hazelnut cake Issue 22, 83 rice crackle cake Kids’ Issue 6, 134 rich raspberry and chocolate dessert Issue 21, 102 ripper rocket cake Kids’ Issue 6, 125 rock cakes Kids’ Issue 4, 84 rosewater pavlova with fresh berries Issue 36, 112 rum and currant loaf with rum butter Issue 13, 30 rum and raisin cake with muscatel syrup Issue 50, 158 slices (see slices) recipe index

scary spider Kids’ Issue 6, 133 sombrero cake Kids’ Issue 7, 92 sour lemon cake Issue 44, 142 spaceship smash cake Kids’ Issue 7, 78 speedy skateboard Kids’ Issue 6, 137 spiced coffee cake Issue 44, 138 sponge cake Issue 14, 52 sponge fingers with warm liqueur raspberries Issue 21, 109 sponge kisses with cream Issue 35, 163 spotty birthday cake Kids’ Issue 6, 76 sticky currant buns Issue 44, 86 sticky orange and vanilla upside-down Issue 32, 118 strawberry heart cake Kids’ Issue 7, 116 strawberry kisses Issue 14, 86 strawberry and passionfruit almond kisses Issue 47, 107 stripy lemon cake Kids’ Issue 3, 125 summer fruit cake with orange icing Issue 30, 159 summer nectarine cakes Issue 25, 24 teapot cake Kids’ Issue 4, 104 teepee cake Kids’ Issue 4, 124 tiramisù Issue 45, 52 toffee-crusted fig and date cake Issue 44, 142 treasure chest Kids’ Issue 2, 86 vanilla cake Kids’ Issue 6, 124 wedding cake cookies Issue 4, 146 whisky and butterscotch cake Issue 44, 138 white angel cake Issue 42, 215 white chocolate cake with roses Issue 21, 168 white chocolate-filled layer cake Issue 16, 144 white chocolate mud cake Issue 16, 146 white chocolate and vanilla fudge cakes Issue 48, 126 whole orange cake Issue 16, 131 yoghurt and passionfruit syrup cake Issue 37, 100 campari with blood orange Issue 10, 168 cooler Issue 1, 176; Issue 30, 95 dressing Issue 12, 116 grapefruit Issue 34, 37 negroni Issue 47, 90 and ruby grapefruit Issue 12, 222 sparkle Issue 4, 154 vanilla panna cotta with sparkling campari jelly Issue 46, 140 candy (see confectionery) cannellini beans (white beans) dip Issue 2, 114 fish stew Issue 2, 111 polenta-crusted veal with white bean salad Issue 41, 54 rosemary and pancetta spaghetti Issue 2, 113 sausage and cannellini bean stew Issue 2, 113 steak with cannellini bean mash and rosemary oil Issue 2, 113 capers balsamic and caper marinade Issue 31, 108 béarnaise Issue 10, 128 butter pepper pasta with crispy capers and bug tails Issue 15, 102 chicken and caper pasta Issue 45, 37 and crispy pancetta pasta Issue 35, 64 creamy salmon and caper bean dip Issue 30, 30 dill and caper dressing Issue 13, 110 dill and caper mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 dressing Issue 12, 106 fish cakes with garlic and caper mayonnaise Issue 51, 129 fried haloumi with mixed caper salsa Issue 40, 42 gherkin and caper mayonnaise Issue 49, 73 haloumi with asparagus and caper dressing Issue 52, 100 haloumi, capers and parsley sandwich Issue 19, 96 recipe index

herb and caper couscous salad Issue 36, 55 lemon, caper and chicken tartlets Issue 21, 66 marinated zucchini, salmon and caper salad Issue 47, 118 mayonnaise Issue 13, 66; Issue 14, 155 pot crab with lemon and caper mayonnaise Issue 39, 90 salmon, lime and caper burger Issue 41, 130 smoked salmon and caper spaghetti Issue 22, 68 smoked trout, caper and ricotta linguine Issue 17, 159 steak and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 tomato and caper pasta Issue 19, 121 tomato soup with crispy capers and oregano Issue 22, 140 veal and caper butter Issue 37, 152 white wine and caper pan-fried salmon Issue 36, 204 capsicum (bell pepper) cabanossi and capsicum pizza Kids’ Issue 3, 88 char-grilled beef with marinated capsicum salad Issue 43, 34 char-grilled beef with roasted capsicum, bread and basil salad Issue 49, 46 char-grilled capsicum, bread and tomato salad Issue 36, 160 char-grilled capsicum and lamb burger Issue 40, 136 char-grilled capsicum and onion bruschetta Issue 27, 50 char-grilled veal cutlet and capsicum salad Issue 31, 70 chorizo and capsicum tacos Issue 49, 118 chorizo, capsicum and tomato macaroni Issue 10, 56 and pesto pizza Issue 43, 124 pine nut-crusted haloumi with roasted capsicum Issue 40, 123 prosciutto, cheese and capsicum foldovers Issue 21, 93 red capsicum and tomato dip Issue 12, 72 roasted capsicum Issue 31, 31 roasted capsicum and chicken bruschetta Issue 43, 33 roasted capsicum and herb bruschetta Issue 46, 106 roasted capsicum, rocket and tomato salad Issue 19, 118 roast capsicum salad Issue 37, 157 roasted capsicum and basil pizza Issue 35, 64 roasted capsicum and chorizo spaghetti Issue 40, 60 roasted capsicum, goat’s cheese and olive pizza Issue 8, 92 roasted capsicum and ricotta pasta Issue 43, 33 salami and roasted capsicum pizza Issue 8, 92 seafood soup with roast capsicum and garlic Issue 27, 108 zucchini and capsicum kebabs Issue 19, 28 caramel apple and caramel dumplings Issue 45, 92 apple pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 apple puddings Issue 44, 93 baked caramel Kids’ Issue 4, 26 baked caramel apples with ice-cream Issue 20, 154 basic caramel Issue 52, 60 caramelised crepes Issue 20, 132 caramelised pears in port and orange sauce Issue 22, 142 caramelised pineapple Issue 43, 89 caramelised plums Issue 38, 32 chocolate and caramel slice Kids’ Issue 4, 81; Issue 51, 146 chocolate caramel tart Issue 46, 140 chocolate slice Kids’ Issue 4, 26 crème caramel Issue 52, 61 dumplings Issue 22, 82 filling Issue 8, 176 fruit toast with caramel apples Issue 39, 144 mousse with caramel wafers Issue 8, 176 pear pie Issue 38, 124 poached meringues and caramel custard Issue 33, 140 popcorn Issue 16, 98; Kids’ Issue 4, 22 sauce with strawberry ice-cream Issue 24, 118 self-saucing pudding Issue 8, 174 semifreddo with salted maple pecans Issue 43, 147 sherry caramelised pears Issue 36, 129 recipe index

soft salted caramels Issue 52, 85 soft salted caramel cups Issue 48, 192 wafers Issue 8, 176 carpaccio beef carpaccio with parmesan cream Issue 46, 108 beef carpaccio with parsnip chips Issue 20, 129 carpaccio-style tuna with lemon pepper dressing Issue 27, 140 with crispy capers and spinach Issue 24, 128 tuna carpaccio with citrus miso dressing Issue 52, 100 tuna carpaccio with olive salsa verde Issue 34, 96 carrot and beetroot fritters Kids’ Issue 3, 72 chicken with parsnips and carrots Issue 38, 72 and ginger soup Issue 51, 110 ham, carrot and snake bean stir-fry Issue 30, 60 honey pork and carrot stir-fry Issue 17, 76 maple lamb with bacony carrots Kids’ Issue 6, 18 maple syrup-roasted carrots Issue 38, 36 pickled carrot Issue 43, 112 roast carrot and zucchini salad with orange dressing Issue 16, 96 spiced lamb cutlets with carrot and sesame salad Issue 52, 37 sweet carrot tart Issue 14, 136 sweet carrots Issue 14, 139 cashew nut beef, black bean and cashew nut stir fry Issue 17, 74 chicken salad, plum and cashew nut Issue 31, 70 chicken salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 19, 56 duck salad Issue 37, 155 pork, black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 46, 46 cauliflower broccoli, cauliflower with cream and mustard Issue 8, 79 creamy cauliflower soup Issue 51, 102 creamy cauliflower and tarragon risotto with prawns Issue 52, 112 crispy bacon and cauliflower pasta, Issue 33, 58 crispy skin chicken with cauliflower purée Issue 40, 137 crispy skin fish with cauliflower purée and oregano butter Issue 51, 94 garlic and thyme braised cauliflower Issue 51, 102 gratin Issue 22, 107 and parmesan soup Issue 32, 49 pickled cauliflower bruschetta Issue 51, 101 pot-roasted cauliflower Issue 9, 30 roasted cauliflower, sage and almond risotto Issue 44, 106 roasted cauliflower, speck and chickpea salad Issue 50, 128 sage and raclette pizza Issue 51, 98 speck and chilli pasta Issue 51, 100 tarragon chicken, cauliflower and fennel salad Issue 51, 102 tempura cauliflower Issue 51, 98 celeriac (celery root) baby beetroot and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 15, 34 baked celeriac Issue 39, 26 celery salad with orange dressing, pork, spinach and celericac Issue 19, 61 charred lemon thyme salmon with warm celeriac rémoulade Issue 39, 87 chicken, celeriac and walnut salad Issue 39, 26 crisps with grilled garfish Issue 16, 111 garlic chicken with creamy celeriac salad Issue 47, 132 gratin Issue 34, 129 lemon-crumbed schnitzel with celeriac remoulade Issue 50, 140 and potato soup Issue 39, 26 purée Issue 39, 26 and sage fritters Issue 39, 26 salad Issue 46, 128 shoestrings Issue 39, 130 soup with black olive crostini Issue 16, 112 warm chicken and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 16, 114 celery recipe index

cucumber, celery and mint salad Issue 48, 166 sumac pork with apple and celery salad Issue 47, 47 celery root (see celeriac) cereal sweet reindeer clusters Issue 42, 200 ceviche barramundi ceviche with pernod dressing Issue 21, 31 snapper and coconut Issue 30, 178 snapper ceviche with tequila dressing Issue 35, 112 champagne berry champagne cocktail Issue 36, 117 cocktails Issue 27, 122 pink grapefruit and champagne sorbet Issue 35, 144 white peaches in pink champagne jelly Issue 42, 113 char-grilled beef skewers with yoghurt Kids’ Issue 4, 48 bugs with coconut salad Issue 25, 97 butterflied prawns Issue 30, 108 capsicum, bread and tomato salad Issue 36, 160 capsicum and onion bruschetta Issue 27, 50 chilli salsa Issue 31, 94 creamy asparagus soup with char-grilled bug tail Issue 27, 93 eggplant and rocket salad Issue 9, 116 eggplant and zucchini salad Issue 11, 160 fennel and haloumi salad Issue 25, 44 fish in clam broth Issue 10, 112 ham and couscous salad Issue 30, 62 lemon chicken with vegetable crisps Issue 10, 130 limes Issue 36, 30 salmon with herb butter Issue 29, 52 scallops with lemon soy sauce Issue 36, 207 snapper with char-grilled beans and caramelised limes Issue 25, 44 spicy pork cutlets Issue 30, 97 tomato basil sandwiches Issue 12, 32 veal cutlet and capsicum salad Issue 31, 70 cheddar ham and cheddar roll-ups Issue 1, 47 quince relish and aged cheddar sandwiches Issue 8, 37 cheese antipasto with cheesy sticks Kids’ Issue 2, 66 and bacon damper scones Issue 50, 100 bacon, onion and cheese loaf Issue 16, 34 bacon and cheese croutons Issue 28, 24 and bacon space sticks Kids’ Issue 7, 73 baked bean and cheese omelette Kids’ Issue 2, 132 baked bean french toast Kids’ Issue 2, 130 baked taleggio and potato gnocchi Issue 50, 116 barbecue ham and salami cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 bean and cheesy mince tortillas Kids’ Issue 2, 129 bird’s nest tarts Kids’ Issue 2, 26 blue cheese (see blue cheese) bocconcini (see bocconcini) braised beef and mushrooms with cheese croutons Issue 51, 136 breakfast loaf Issue 31, 80 brie (see brie) brie with bitter toffee Issue 15, 86 bubble pizzas Kids’ Issue 4, 90 caramelised onion and blue cheese tarts Issue 4, 100 cauliflower, sage and raclette pizza Issue 51, 98 cheat’s caramelised onion and gorgonzola pizzas Issue 51, 134 cheats croque monsieur Issue 50, 43 cheddar (see cheddar) and chive soup buns Issue 14, 160 and chutney muffins Issue 17, 95 cheeseburger Kids’ Issue 2, 120; Kids’ Issue 6, 47 cheesy bacon-wrapped sausages in buns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 recipe index

cheesy bacon meatloaf Kids’ Issue 6, 18 cheesy bean pies Issue 50, 84 cheesy bolognese rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 48 cheesy breakfast bread and butter puddings Issue 20, 86 cheesy chicken french toast Kids’ Issue 3, 49 cheesy chive and onion toasties Issue 20, 32 cheesy corn loaves Kids’ Issue 3, 75 cheesy cottage pies Kids’ Issue 7, 36 cheesy crumbed chicken drumettes Kids’ Issue 7, 103 cheesy crumbed fish and chips Kids’ Issue 6, 101 cheesy enchiladas Kids’ Issue 6, 28 cheesy garlic pizza Issue 47, 148 cheesy ham filo cups Kids’ Issue 4, 99 cheesy ham and mash fritters Issue 48, 78 cheesy ham and pineapple pizza scrolls Kids’ Issue 7, 48 cheesy hot dogs on a stick Kids’ Issue 6, 90 cheesy lamb chops with mash Kids’ Issue 7, 28 cheesy lamb pockets with mint salsa Issue 49, 130 cheesy lemons with basil oil Issue 45, 100 cheesy mini corn cobs Kids’ Issue 7, 88 cheesy mushroom jaffles Issue 28, 80 cheesy oregano chicken rolls Issue 39, 142 cheesy pasta shell bake Issue 27, 60 cheesy pineapple schnitzel and mash Kids’ Issue 6, 36 cheesy risotto balls Issue 46, 82 cheesy scone sticks Issue 39, 87 cheesey scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 54 cheesy steak sandwich Issue 13, 62 cheesy steamrollers Kids’ Issue 3, 105 cheesy tuna melt Issue 16, 70 chervil and grilled haloumi warm salad Issue 31, 56 chicken and cheese sandwich Issue 27, 62 chicken, chutney and cheese foldovers Kids’ Issue 6, 36 chicken and mushroom cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 chilli-crumbed mac ’n’ cheese Issue 45, 141 crumbed chicken and cheese burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 curd cheese with crispy bread and salad Issue 35, 158 deluxe cheeseburger Issue 41, 126 egg and cheese french toast Issue 11, 98 feta (see feta) fingers with baked bean dip Kids’ Issue 3, 42 four-cheese tarts Issue 24, 48 four-cheese toasted sandwich Issue 9, 100 gingerbread man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 goat’s cheese (see goat’s cheese) green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 grilled cheese and basil polenta Issue 40, 68 grilled cheesy leek toast Issue 39, 144 grilled prosciutto and lemon thyme cheese Issue 35, 158 gruyère (see gruyère) haloumi (see haloumi) ham, cheese and basil toasted sandwich Issue 47, 80 ham and cheese hearts Kids’ Issue 7, 59 ham, cheese and pineapple swirls Kids’ Issue 2, 112 ham and cheese scrolls Kids’ Issue 3, 98 ham and cheese squares Kids’ Issue 6, 72 hawaiian cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 herb and three-cheese penne Issue 22, 68 lemon and parsley risotto with brie Issue 9, 100 lemon and spinach pasta Issue 10, 60 mascarpone Issue 13, 40 mascarpone filling Issue 13, 138 mozzarella (see mozzarella) mushroom and camembert melt Issue 16, 66 mushroom and pecorino pizza Issue 47, 150 with mushrooms and taleggio Issue 27, 144 recipe index

and olive crumbed chicken with tomatoes and green beans Issue 27, 58 olive tapenade with baked cheese Issue 34, 95 pan-fried curd cheese with lemon Issue 35, 158 pan-fried goat’s cheese with quince paste Issue 27, 75 pan-fried veal with soft polenta and blue cheese Issue 33, 47 parmesan (see parmesan) penne with gorgonzola and sage Issue 9, 166 pineapple, ham and cheese jaffles Kids’ Issue 4, 70 and pineapple chicken schnitzel Kids’ Issue 3, 50 and polenta stuffed chillis Issue 35, 121 port potted stilton with cornichons relish Issue 13, 34 potato, dill and gorgonzola pizza Issue 47, 148 prosciutto, cheese and capsicum foldovers Issue 21, 93 prosciutto and taleggio pizza Issue 47, 150 puffed cheese omelette Issue 44, 128 rare beef, cheddar and mustard baguettes Issue 29, 83 ricotta (see ricotta) ringmaster’s cheese and tomato biscuits Kids’ Issue 2, 76 roast lamb loin with mini goat’s cheese yorkshire puddings and port glaze Issue 27, 96 roasted sweet potato and cheese frittata Kids’ Issue 7, 27 sage and parmesan crusted chicken with lemon mash Issue 20, 140 savoy cabbage and pecorino salad Issue 40, 142 silver beet and gruyère gratin Issue 32, 107 smoked cheddar and ham squares Issue 36, 82 smoked chorizo and cheese empañadas Issue 35, 116 smoked ham and cheese toasties Issue 44, 127 soufflé with parmesan crust Issue 38, 141 spicy chorizo and chickpeas with manchego Issue 40, 121 swiss cheese, spinach and ham brioches Issue 34, 70 three-cheese and caramelised beetroot pasta Issue 33, 62 three-cheese frittata Issue 32, 66; Kids’ Issue 6, 49 three-cheese panini Issue 2, 150 three-cheese polenta with lamb cutlets Issue 27, 56 tomato bread and butter puddings Kids’ Issue 2, 108 tomato, goat’s curd and basil Issue 1, 77 tomato counting soup Kids’ Issue 4, 90 tuna, cheese and spinach pan sandwich Issue 13, 157 tuna bake with crunchy cheesy topping Kids’ Issue 4, 39 twice-baked cheese soufflés Issue 9, 136 walk-the-plank toasted sandwiches Kids’ Issue 2, 89 white balsamic glazed figs with prosciutto and mozzarella Issue 30, 100 and wild fig compote Issue 34, 130 cheesecake basic cheesecake Issue 17, 118 blackberry and white chocolate cheesecake Issue 17, 122 cheesecakes with crushed raspberry Issue 15, 120 classic baked cheesecake Issue 11, 171 easy vanilla cheesecakes with marinated raspberries Issue 42, 86 lemon cheesecake slice Issue 11, 130 lemon mascarpone cheesecake Issue 45, 100 lime and coconut cheesecake Issue 17, 122 passionfruit cheesecake slice Issue 37, 105 raspberry and ginger cheesecake slice Issue 49, 146 ricotta cheesecake with moscato figs Issue 43, 98 roasted strawberry cheesecake Issue 17, 122 swirl chocolate brownies Issue 51, 146 vanilla and macadamia crumble cheesecake Issue 17, 122 cherry apple and cherry strudel Issue 10, 32 chocolate cherry fondant cakes Issue 50, 156 cinnamon and cherry biscotti Issue 48, 182 lemon and cherry macaroons Issue 14, 86 and maple syrup waffles Issue 28, 86 sour cherry compote Issue 21, 133 white chocolate and sour cherry cookies Issue 10, 158 recipe index

white chocolate and sour cherry nougat Issue 8, 118 chervil blue cheese tarts Issue 21, 31 and chive butter Issue 34, 30 and grilled haloumi warm salad Issue 31, 56 jerusalem artichoke and chervil ravioli with burnt butter Issue 16, 111 poached salmon in tomato and chervil broth Issue 32, 78 prosciutto wrapped asparagus with chervil mayonnaise Issue 34, 28 chestnut chestnut Issue 22, 42 roast chestnut soup with porcini oil Issue 22, 32 roast pork loin with chestnuts and brussels sprouts Issue 38, 100 chicken asian baste for roast chicken Issue 2, 102 asian chicken and corn soup Issue 51, 110 asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 and asparagus salad Issue 41, 32; Issue 43, 119 and avocado squares Kids’ Issue 6, 72 baby chickens with rosemary potatoes Issue 9, 140 bacon and corn frittata Kids’ Issue 3, 50 and bacon pie Issue 28, 132 and bacon pies Issue 39, 74 with bacon-wrapped asparagus Issue 20, 63 baked on mushrooms and sage Issue 9, 170 baked thai chicken cakes Issue 4, 28 baked with lemon and rosemary Issue 1, 122 baked with spinach, tomato and mozzarella Issue 16, 70 balsamic chicken Issue 11, 141, Issue 37, 61 barbecued chicken breast with asparagus and lemon mustard dressing Issue 25, 42 barbecued chicken burgers Issue 45, 34 barbecued chicken tortilla Issue 43, 128 barbecued harissa chicken Issue 42, 38 basic chicken soup Issue 45, 54 basic poached chicken breast Issue 13, 124 basic white wine and oregano chicken Issue 14, 114 basil, lemon and garlic roasted chicken Issue 49, 30 basil and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 bean and artichoke salad Issue 46, 37 and bean curry Kids’ Issue 2, 62 breasts baked with lemon and feta Issue 11, 162 broccolini stir-fry Issue 45, 34 burgers Kids’ Issue 3, 52 butterfried chicken with oregano and basil dressing Issue 19, 31 buttermilk and chive chicken Issue 43, 136 caesar Issue 37, 159 and caper pasta Issue 45, 37 caramelised apple and pork terrines Issue 36, 72 caramelised onion and prosciutto chicken Issue 43, 134 carnival chicken cones Kids’ Issue 4, 90 cashew chicken salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 19, 56 celeriac and walnut salad Issue 39, 26 char-grilled artichoke and chicken salad Issue 48, 82 char-grilled chicken and mozzarella burger Issue 41, 130 char-grilled chicken salad Issue 13, 66 char-grilled chicken sandwich Issue 49, 125 char-grilled chicken with tomato and olive salsa Issue 49, 44 char-grilled corn and spiced chicken salad Issue 43, 29 char-grilled lemon chicken with vegetable crisps Issue 10, 130 cheese and olive crumbed chicken with tomatoes and green beans Issue 27, 58 cheese and pineapple chicken schnitzel Kids’ Issue 3, 50 and cheese sandwich Issue 27, 62 cheesy chicken french toast Kids’ Issue 3, 49 cheesy crumbed chicken drumettes Kids’ Issue 7, 103 cheesy oregano chicken rolls Issue 39, 142 and chickpea salad Issue 13, 128 recipe index

chilli chicken and peanut stir-fry Issue 47, 34 chilli chicken pasta Issue 47, 50 chilli chicken with snow pea salad Issue 49, 62 chilli and coriander chicken Issue 11, 68 chilli coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry Issue 17, 70 chilli coriander chicken Issue 35, 32 chilli and feta pasta Issue 43, 46 chilli gow gees Issue 24, 156 chilli and lemon chicken burgers Issue 37, 95 chilli paste chicken Issue 1, 48 chilli and plum chicken Issue 37, 137 chilli plum chicken cakes Issue 30, 179 chilli soup Issue 28, 38 and chive sandwiches Issue 52, 52 chorizo and zucchini fritters Issue 42, 84 chunky tomato and chicken soup Kids’ Issue 3, 88 chutney and cheese foldovers Kids’ Issue 6, 36 classic roasted chicken Issue 44, 113 club sandwich Kids’ Issue 7, 40 Issue 20, 146 and corn burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 and corn stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 and corn wonton soup Kids’ Issue 2, 62 coconut, chicken and Issue 29, 94 coconut chicken and mint salad with crispy noodles Issue 41, 102 coconut and chilli chicken rolls Issue 37, 70 coconut, lime and chicken soup Issue 15, 68 coconut and lime salad Issue 43, 82 coconut and basil chicken Issue 35, 98 coconut and lime chicken fritters Issue 36, 49 coconut simmered Issue 24, 78 coq au vin Issue 9, 82 coriander chicken with roasted eggplant and chilli Issue 37, 50 and corn toasties Kids’ Issue 3, 42 couscous-coated chicken and bean salad Issue 35, 128 couscous salad Issue 45, 34 creamed corn polenta with crispy skin chicken Issue 51, 57 creamy chicken and mushroom pan pie Issue 45, 42 creamy chicken pasta bake Kids’ Issue 7, 45 creamy mushroom and chicken soup Issue 45, 58 crispy bacon pitas Issue 14, 62 crispy chicken salad Issue 19, 56 crispy chicken with eggplant chips and coriander dressing Issue 52, 114 crispy chicken with green onion pesto Issue 29, 96 crispy chicken with pea salad Issue 25, 95 crispy chicken with preserved lemon mayonnaise Issue 19, 136 crispy chicken with prosciutto-wrapped leeks Issue 34, 109 crispy chicken salad with citrus-roasted olives and fennel Issue 49, 52 crispy chicken with tarragon salt Issue 40, 106; Issue 52, 94 crispy chinese chicken Issue 17, 192 crispy five spice Issue 24, 160 crispy fried chicken Issue 2, 29; Issue 19, 82 crispy polenta chicken strips Issue 25, 83 crispy rice paper chicken parcels Issue 34, 83 crispy-skin chicken Issue 9, 74 crispy skin chicken with cauliflower purée Issue 40, 137 crispy skin chicken with roasted garlic, parsnip and potato mash Issue 38, 78 crispy skin chicken with warm bean salad Issue 21, 33 crispy skin tarragon chicken with beans Issue 33, 75 crispy southern fried chicken Issue 44, 113 crispy soy and chilli chicken with noodles Issue 49, 123 crumbed chicken and cheese burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 crumbed chilli chicken with winter slaw Issue 33, 47 crunchy chicken and avocado cones Kids’ Issue 7, 32 crunchy parmesan chicken salad Issue 35, 49 recipe index

crunchy wonton chicken salad Issue 34, 58 demolition balls Kids’ Issue 3, 104 with dried fig and orange stuffing Issue 15, 34 dukkah-crusted chicken with lemon hummus Issue 49, 124 dumplings with sweet chilli Kids’ Issue 4, 50 drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 50 easy roast chicken dinner Issue 20, 140 egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 and fennel salad Issue 37, 155 and feta with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 filo pies Issue 2, 104 five-spice chicken in rice paper Issue 8, 122 flat-roasted chicken with almond and mint Issue 37, 118 and gai larn stir-fry Issue 50, 39 garden tea triple layer sandwiches Kids’ Issue 4, 100 garlic chicken Issue 37, 136 garlic chicken with creamy celeriac salad Issue 47, 132 garlic chicken pot roast Issue 44, 116 garlic and chilli chicken couscous Issue 35, 64 garlic and herb roasted chicken with crusty bread Issue 44, 116 garlic and plum drumsticks Issue 43, 131 garlic-roasted chicken with tomatoes and olives Issue 51, 36 garlic and sage roast chicken Issue 33, 89 garlic and thyme roasted chicken Issue 50, 62 ginger chicken and snow pea broth Issue 1, 92 ginger chicken soup with asian greens Issue 45, 58 ginger and chilli chicken skewers Issue 40, 123 ginger-poached chicken noodles Issue 43, 38 with goat’s cheese, polenta and red onion dressing Issue 15, 162 grandma’s chicken and barley soup Issue 44, 116 gravy Issue 2, 100 green curry chicken pie Issue 16, 120 and green pea pies Issue 20, 120 grilled chicken tortillas Issue 1, 140 grilled chicken with rocket and potato salad Issue 12, 206 grilled cinnamon chicken Issue 9, 152 grilled thai chicken salad Issue 1, 60 guacamole roll-ups Kids’ Issue 3, 40 haloumi and preserved lemon skewers Issue 37, 129 harissa chicken with lentil mash Issue 51, 34 hairy monster fingers Kids’ Issue 4, 109 herb and caper couscous salad Issue 36, 55 herb and lemon roasted chicken Issue 50, 77 herb and pancetta poached chicken Issue 52, 65 herb and pine nut crumbed chicken Issue 50, 70 and herb spring rolls Issue 40, 123 herby mustard chicken with olive oil mash Issue 40, 60 hide-and-seek rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 26 hoisin chicken stir-fry Issue 37, 64 honey and rosemary chicken Kids’’ Issue 2, 65 honey and ginger chilli chicken Issue 25, 40 honey baked Issue 1, 26 honey mustard chicken sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 52 honey and sesame chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 individual chicken frittatas Issue 28, 83 Kids’ sushi Kids’ Issue 2, 62 lattice-crusted chicken pie Issue 14, 36 lavash wraps with lime-marinated chicken Issue 12, 206 leek and mushroom pie Issue 16, 120; Issue 38, 53 and leek pasta bake Issue 33, 61 leek and risoni soup Issue 9, 56 lemon and asparagus chicken Issue 37, 146 lemon, caper and chicken tartlets Issue 21, 66 lemon chicken Issue 37, 143 recipe index

lemon chicken with bacon and potato mash Issue 28, 52 lemon chicken couscous salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 47, 138 lemon and chilli chicken skewers Issue 43, 124 lemon and chilli marinated chicken Issue 44, 116 lemon and garlic roast chicken Issue 17, 159 lemon and garlic chicken Issue 33, 124 lemon and ginger chicken stir-fry Issue 41, 118 lemon and ginger steamed chicken Issue 29, 40 lemon and honey roast chicken Issue 27, 28 lemon and marjoram chicken Issue 46, 122 and lemon pilaf Issue 49, 124 lemon and rosemary roast chicken Issue 20, 86 and lemon soup Issue 17, 37 lemon, thyme and white wine chicken Issue 46, 36 and lemongrass rice salad Issue 37, 26 lemongrass chicken Issue 43, 108 lemongrass chicken skewers with honey dressing Issue 19, 126 lemongrass chicken and mango salad Issue 25, 108 and lemongrass patties Issue 43, 127 lemony chicken and rice soup Issue 45, 58 lime and chilli chicken Issue 39, 45 lime and chilli chicken dumplings Issue 15, 177 lime and chilli chicken nachos Issue 25, 86 lime and chilli chicken noodle stir-fry Issue 36, 30 lime and chilli chicken with smoky corn Issue 43, 119 and lime stir-fry Issue 12, 208; Issue 20, 144 liver pâté Issue 21, 66 maple and mustard chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 maracas skewers Kids’ Issue 7, 87 and mash Issue 46, 37 and mint salad Issue 35, 38 miso soup with tofu Issue 51, 107 and mushroom cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 mushroom and leek filling Issue 8, 65 and mushroom macaroni Issue 22, 64 and mushroom skewers Kids’ Issue 3, 54 mustard-crusted chicken skewers Issue 13, 110 with mushrooms and tarragon Issue 44, 113 nacho pizzas Kids’ Issue 2, 111 name a-pies Kids’ Issue 4, 90 niçoise salad Issue 52, 65 noodle and coconut salad Issue 30, 46 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 oregano chicken Issue 37, 139 oven risotto with chicken and feta Issue 20, 140 pad thai with lime and peanuts Issue 30, 50 pan-fried chicken and zucchini salad Issue 31, 62 pan-fried chicken with oregano-buttered beans Issue 32, 49 pan-fried chicken with tomato and bocconcini Issue 20, 64 pan-fried lemon and garlic chicken Issue 48, 52 with pancetta parcels and tomato salad Issue 46, 120 pancetta-wrapped chilli chicken with rosemary potatoes Issue 20, 140 parmesan and polenta chicken Issue 31, 99 with parsnips and carrots Issue 38, 72 parsnip and onion pie Issue 16, 120 and pea bolognese Kids’ Issue 3, 54 and pea tartlets Kids’ Issue 3, 83 and peach salad with lemon pepper dressing Issue 13, 99 peanut pad thai Kids’ Issue 2, 65 pears with smoked chicken and witlof Issue 8, 138 peg legs Kids’ Issue 2, 90 penne with chicken, golden onions and sage Issue 10, 56 penne with shredded chicken, rocket and lime Issue 12, 210 pepper-roasted chicken with honey mustard dressing Issue 47, 50 with pesto and mushroom crostini Issue 14, 115 recipe index

pineapple, chicken and ginger stir-fry Issue 43, 64 pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 pasta with chicken and fennel Issue 2, 104 plum and cashew chicken salad Issue 31, 70 plum and ginger chicken noodles Issue 42, 56 poached chicken and broad bean salad Issue 8, 100 poached chicken, fennel and asparagus salad Issue 47, 132 poached chicken noodle salad Issue 41, 52 poached chicken and spring onion salad Issue 11, 108 poached chicken soup Issue 25, 97 poached chicken with coconut milk Issue 12, 150 poached chicken with rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 polenta-crusted chicken Issue 37, 160 and porcini pies Issue 32, 96 pork and apple terrines Issue 50, 100 pot stickers with wasabi dipping sauce Issue 34, 58 potato, bacon and chicken pie Issue 16, 120 potato and lemon chicken salad Issue 10, 100 potato salad Issue 36, 66 prawn and tomato paella Issue 49, 38 preserved lemon and harissa chicken Issue 49, 124 prosciutto and parmesan chicken with tomato salad Issue 43, 44 quesadillas Issue 49, 123 rice paper rolls Issue 19, 78 ricotta and chicken pasta Issue 37, 62 ricotta and parmesan chicken with lemon butter and broccolini Issue 11, 72 with risoni, corn and feta Issue 13, 128 risoni and herb soup Issue 41, 62 risoni and lemon soup Issue 51, 120 roast chicken Issue 2, 100 roast chicken, bacon and spinach rolls Issue 34, 86 roasted chicken breast with Jerusalem artichoke confit Issue 16, 114 roasted chicken with garlic and lemon Issue 8, 164 roasted chicken with herb sauce and sage salt Issue 44, 106 roast chicken with honey sweet potatoes Issue 28, 48 roasted chicken and potato salad Issue 47, 132 roasted chicken and pumpkin with pesto dressing Issue 50, 69 roasted chicken and sweet potato salad Issue 51, 67 roasted chicken, tomato and crouton salad Issue 47, 138 roast chicken and vegetable pies Issue 44, 93 roast lemon and garlic chicken Issue 27, 103 roast pumpkin and feta frittata Issue 32, 70 roasted capsicum and chicken bruschetta Issue 43, 33 roasted rosemary chicken with lentils Issue 46, 122 roasted sweet potato and rosemary chicken Issue 22, 140 roasted squash, onion and chicken salad Issue 17, 134 roast sweet potato, garlic and chicken fettuccine Issue 39, 58 and rocket on bruschetta Issue 12, 208 and rocket pasta Issue 37, 147 and rocket sandwiches Issue 4, 101 roll up, roll up chicken Kids’ Issue 2, 75 rosemary chicken, brussels sprout and fennel salad Issue 50, 132 rosemary-roasted chicken with beetroot and feta Issue 44, 48 spatchcocks (see spatchcocks) sage and chilli chicken Issue 49, 124 sage and parmesan crusted chicken with lemon mash Issue 20, 140 salt and pepper chicken Issue 37, 157 salt and szechuan pepper chicken Issue 13, 85 sandwiches Issue 49, 73 sandwich with rocket mayonnaise Issue 19, 93 satay chicken Issue 17, 70 satay chicken skewers Issue 49, 123 saucy chicken mince Kids’ Issue 6, 26 with scented rice pilaf Issue 14, 115 schnitzel Issue 2, 51 recipe index

schnitzel club sandwich Kids’ Issue 7, 46 seaweed salad Kids’ Issue 2, 81 and sesame cakes with sweet chilli Issue 25, 107 sesame chicken Issue 37, 155 sesame-coated spinach and ricotta chicken Issue 11, 39 simple chicken and corn soup Issue 2, 58 and slaw fingers Kids’ Issue 7, 40 slow-baked tomato and olive chicken Issue 44, 113 slurpy chicken noodles Kids’ Issue 3, 52 smoked chicken and baby rocket sandwiches Issue 17, 142 smoked chicken blini sandwiches Issue 42, 76 smoked chicken and fennel salad Issue 42, 130 smoked chicken, feta and dill quiches Issue 41, 81 smoked chicken and snap pea salad with coconut dressing Issue 19, 56 smoked chicken salad with pine nut and garlic dressing Issue 37, 50 smoked paprika chicken and lemon bake Issue 32, 62 smoky barbecue chicken kebabs Issue 36, 162 smoky chilli chicken, chorizo and feta burger Issue 41, 126 smoky grilled chicken and crispy fennel salad Issue 35, 128 and snow pea fried rice Kids’ Issue 7, 26 and snow pea rice paper rolls Issue 47, 76 soup with bok choy Issue 2, 58 sourdough pan sandwich Issue 2, 153 soy and pepper chicken Issue 13, 66 soy chicken Issue 32, 132; Issue 37, 151 soy and ginger chicken Issue 44, 31 soy ginger chicken Issue 13, 128 spice-roasted chicken Issue 50, 62 spiced chicken skewers Issue 37, 130 spiced grilled chicken and sweet potato Issue 13, 62; Issue 17, 62 spiced plum chicken Issue 49, 43 spicy chicken burgers with mango chutney Issue 14, 66 spicy char-grilled chicken tacos Issue 49, 118 spicy chicken and corn parcels Issue 31, 94 spicy chicken, corn and couscous salad Issue 48, 51 spicy chicken dumpling soup Issue 51, 116 spicy chicken and mint salad Issue 41, 106 spicy chicken and mushroom couscous Issue 44, 46 spicy chicken, pumpkin and roasted garlic rice Issue 46, 45 spicy oregano chicken Issue 45, 33 spicy roasted chicken Issue 49, 122 with spinach and white bean salad Issue 13, 152 and spinach risotto Issue 2, 104 spring rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 65 steamed chicken Issue 37, 146 steamed chicken and asparagus with parsley mayonnaise Issue 29, 40 sticky asian chicken Issue 43, 124 sticky chicken lettuce cups Issue 47, 136 sticky chicken parcels Issue 28, 68 sticky chicken skewers Kids’ Issue 6, 98 sticky chicken wings Issue 36, 34 sticky chilli chicken Issue 31, 45 stir-fried chicken and gai larn with oyster sauce Issue 2, 140 stir-fry chicken omelette Kids’ Issue 3, 96 stock Issue 45, 54 sumac chicken and watercress salad Issue 52, 37 sweet chilli chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 sweet and sour chicken and pineapple skewers Kids’ Issue 4, 37 sweet chicken lettuce cups Kids’ Issue 3, 78 sweet soy and ginger chicken Issue 20, 146 tangy chicken noodles Issue 1, 47 tarragon chicken, cauliflower and fennel salad Issue 51, 102 tarragon and pancetta roast chicken Issue 35, 60 teriyaki chicken noodle salad Issue 47, 132 thai chicken and bean curry Issue 42, 70 recipe index

thai chicken and noodle salad Issue 13, 128; Issue 47, 136 thai coconut chicken Issue 11, 69 thyme and brandy pâté Issue 46, 111 thyme and garlic roasted chicken Issue 39, 114 toasted chicken sandwich Kids’ Issue 6, 28 tomato, chicken and bean soup Issue 45, 58 tomato and mozzarella pasta salad Issue 47, 138 tomato and olive salad with preserved lemon Issue 47, 136 tomato and olive simmered chicken Issue 20, 144 tomato and steamed lemon chicken salad Issue 29, 40 tortillas Issue 12, 166 twice-cooked five-spice chicken Issue 48, 58 and veal terrine Issue 32, 90 vietnamese chicken roll Issue 37, 151 vietnamese chicken salad Issue 2, 104 vietnamese poached chicken coleslaw Issue 12, 166 warm chicken and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 16, 114 winter herb roasted chicken drumsticks Issue 33, 48 yellow chicken curry Issue 38, 53 zucchini and basil rolls Issue 37, 88 and zucchini spaghetti Issue 14, 115 chickpeas (garbanzos) balsamic, thyme chickpea and chorizo Issue 21, 90 beetroot, chickpea and tuna salad Issue 48, 54 cabbage and chickpea soup with bruschetta Issue 38, 154 char-grilled asparagus, zucchini and chickpea salad Issue 49, 139 chervil and grilled haloumi warm salad Issue 31, 56 chicken and chickpea salad Issue 13, 128 chilli chickpea patties Issue 14, 62 chilli dip Issue 21, 68 chilli roasted pumpkin salad Issue 31, 52 chorizo and haloumi skewers with chickpea salad Issue 49, 33 chorizo and herb chickpea salad Issue 31, 52 and chorizo salad Issue 37, 139 creamy tuna and chickpea salad Issue 37, 57 cumin-crusted lamb with chickpea salad Issue 35, 52 felafel pita pockets Kids’ Issue 7, 39 fennel and haloumi chickpea burgers Issue 48, 44 feta and coriander cakes Issue 31, 55 and harissa fritters Issue 42, 38 lamb cutlets with chickpea stuffing Issue 31, 55 lamb with lime aïoli and spicy chickpea salad Issue 52, 112 lemon couscous salad Issue 35, 38 pan-fried snapper with black olive and chickpea salsa Issue 31, 56 pan-fried snapper with chickpea and zucchini salad Issue 42, 54 patties Issue 48, 43 patties with zucchini and feta salad Issue 48, 44 pea and herb falafel balls Issue 35, 91 pita pockets with hummus Issue 48, 44 preserved lemon and crispy bread salad Issue 31, 55 preserved lemon hummus Issue 35, 86 quick-simmered chorizo, zucchini and chickpeas Issue 15, 166 roasted cauliflower, speck and chickpea salad Issue 50, 128 roast tomato, chickpea and white bean salad Issue 19, 61 roast tomato and chickpea pasta Issue 31, 56 soup with basil meatballs Issue 38, 152 spicy chorizo and chickpeas with manchego Issue 40, 121 sweet potato and chickpea soup Issue 15, 64; Issue 51, 115 tomato and chickpea lamb Issue 32, 46 tomato, salami and chickpea soup Issue 51, 107 tuna and chickpea salad Issue 37, 151 warm beetroot, chickpea and spinach salad Issue 22, 139 zucchini and chickpea fritters Issue 47, 120 chilli and anchovy flatbread Issue 34, 66 recipe index

angel hair pasta with bacon, chilli and coriander Issue 28, 52 autumn spicy rice Issue 32, 58 avocado, lime and chilli dip Issue 12, 70 baked ricotta with chilli and oregano Issue 46, 87 barbecued chilli squid with mint and rocket salad Issue 36, 200 barbecued pork and chilli parcels Issue 42, 130 basil and chilli marinade Issue 25, 26 basil noodles with tuna Issue 19, 142 beef and basil salad Issue 49, 62 beef noodles Issue 37, 144 beef with snake beans Issue 52, 39 beer battered fish Issue 29, 30 beer and chilli prawns Issue 49, 137 bocconcini and chilli salad Issue 28, 22 breakfast chilli beans Issue 20, 32 buttered popcorn Issue 51, 41 char-grilled chillies Issue 49, 117 char-grilled chilli jam steak Issue 48, 40 char-grilled chilli salsa Issue 31, 94 cauliflower, speck and chilli pasta Issue 51, 100 cheat’s chilli jam Issue 52, 38 cheese and polenta stuffed chillis Issue 35, 121 chicken and sesame cakes with sweet chilli Issue 25, 107 chicken, chilli and feta pasta Issue 43, 46 chicken chilli soup Issue 28, 38 chicken dumplings with sweet chilli Kids’ Issue 4, 50 chicken gow gees Issue 24, 156 chicken pasta Issue 47, 50 chicken and peanut stir-fry Issue 47, 34 chicken with snow pea salad Issue 49, 62 chickpea chilli dip Issue 21, 68 chickpea patties Issue 14, 62 chive polenta Issue 15, 167 coconut and chilli chicken rolls Issue 37, 70 coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry Issue 17, 70 con carne Kids’ Issue 3, 84 coriander chicken Issue 11, 68; Issue 35, 32 coriander and chilli butter pork Issue 49, 133 corn, chilli and prawn fritters Issue 43, 30 clam pasta Issue 29, 135 classic tomato, basil and chilli spaghetti Issue 22, 67 and coriander mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 crab Issue 28, 105; Issue 43, 134 crab and chilli gnocchi Issue 40, 135 creamy fig and chilli pasta Issue 43, 98 crispy pancetta and chilli pasta Issue 32, 105 crispy soy and chilli chicken with noodles Issue 49, 123 croutons Issue 28, 24 crumbed chilli chicken with winter slaw Issue 33, 47 crunchy golden chicken Issue 37, 159 cucumber and chilli prawn salad Issue 12, 148 cucumber relish Issue 19, 78 cumin, chilli and coriander lamb Issue 49, 43 dipping sauce Issue 12, 168 egg noodle soup with chilli pork and asian greens Issue 15, 64 eggplant and chilli pickle Issue 15, 142 fennel and chilli salt Issue 39, 130 and fennel olives Issue 34, 96 feta and crispy pancetta crostini Issue 27, 46 fettuccine with chilli and crispy bacon Issue 14, 168 fresh chilli sauce Issue 49, 58 garlic and chilli chicken couscous Issue 35, 64 garlic and lemon chilli marinade Issue 31, 108 and garlic prawns Issue 30, 110 garlic prawns with chilli Issue 21, 95 recipe index

ginger and chilli chicken skewers Issue 40, 123 green beans and eggplant with chilli and lime Issue 8, 74 green peppercorn steamed barramundi with lime and chilli broth Issue 15, 104 grilled asparagus with chilli and lemon breadcrumbs Issue 49, 50 honey and ginger chilli chicken Issue 25, 40 honey chilli dipping sauce Issue 13, 64 jam Issue 12, 182 jam beef Issue 43, 129 and kaffir lime beef skewers Issue 37, 129 lemon and chilli bread salad Issue 30, 77 lemon and chilli chicken skewers Issue 43, 124 lemon and chilli fish burrito Issue 43, 43 lemon and chilli lamb Issue 37, 160 lemon and chilli marinated chicken Issue 44, 116 lemon and chilli prawn skewers Issue 49, 135 lemon and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 lemon guacamole Issue 35, 112 lemon hummus Issue 11, 162 lemongrass and chilli prawns Issue 37, 130 and lemongrass prawns Issue 49, 93 lime and chilli chicken Issue 39, 45 lime and chilli chicken dumplings Issue 15, 177 lime and chilli chicken nachos Issue 25, 86 lime and chilli chicken noodle stir-fry Issue 36, 30 lime and chilli dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 lime and chilli chicken with smoky corn Issue 43, 119 and lime prawn salad Issue 30, 44 linguine with chilli, tomato, rocket and lime Issue 12, 206 mango, chilli and lemongrass salsa Issue 49, 70 marinated pork spare ribs with salted lemon Issue 35, 119 mayonnaise Issue 13, 30 mince tacos Issue 49, 114 and mint octopus Issue 43, 124 mixed pea and chilli fried rice Issue 24, 162 mushroom and chilli noodle soup Issue 28, 67 mushrooms Issue 28, 22 mussel pot Issue 31, 82 and oregano potato snacks Issue 16, 98 pancetta-wrapped chilli chicken with rosemary potatoes Issue 20, 140 pasta with eggplant, chilli and basil Issue 10, 60 paste chicken Issue 1, 48 and pepper crust (for a cocktail) Issue 11, 186 pickled chillies Issue 49, 117 and plum chicken Issue 37, 137 plum chicken cakes Issue 30, 179 pork cutlet with coriander and chilli butter Issue 25, 44 pork and peanut stir-fry Issue 49, 62 pork salad Issue 1, 58 potato salad with barbecued chilli Issue 13, 110 prawn, chilli and coriander pasta Issue 42, 59 prawns with chilli peanut crust Issue 10, 52 prawn skewers with tomato salad Issue 48, 38 prawn and snow pea salad Issue 1, 92 pumpkin and bean stir-fry Issue 48, 38 quail and spinach salad Issue 27, 149 red lentil, chilli and mint soup Issue 9, 56 ricotta, ham and chilli pasta Issue 48, 78 roast chilli paste Issue 31, 112 roasted chilli fennel Issue 52, 31 roasted eggplant and chilli pasta Issue 33, 62 roasted pumpkin salad Issue 31, 52 roasted pumpkin seed, chilli and coriander dip Issue 48, 137 rocket, lemon and chilli pasta Issue 50, 17 rocket and parmesan pasta Issue 2, 110 sage and chilli chicken Issue 49, 124 recipe index

salmon and chilli broth Issue 29, 45 salt and pepper lotus chips Issue 36, 93 and salt-crusted onion rings Issue 20, 107 sauce Issue 28, 24 shoestring chips Issue 15, 178 sichuan and chilli salt prawns Issue 36, 196 simple chilli fish Issue 1, 48 slender eggplant with chilli Issue 8, 80 smoky chilli chicken, chorizo and feta burger Issue 41, 126 and snow pea fried rice Issue 17, 218 soy and chilli pork with snake beans Issue 46, 118 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spicy chicken and corn parcels Issue 31, 94 spicy chilli pork soup Issue 38, 152 spicy fish taco with green chilli Issue 35, 121 spicy goat’s cheese pizzas Issue 31, 62 spicy lime salmon skewers Issue 36, 202 spicy plum pork stir-fry Issue 36, 52 spinach and ricotta ravioli Issue 34, 60 steak rolls Issue 39, 142 sticky chilli chicken Issue 31, 45 stir-fry, stir-fry Issue 1, 48; Issue 28, 22 sweet chilli chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 sweet potato, chilli and snow pea stir-fry Issue 51, 36 and tarragon butter Issue 31, 97 tomato and chilli pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 tomato crab Issue 36, 188 tuna with chilli-ginger glaze Issue 49, 94 warm chilli beef salad with coriander pesto Issue 28, 68 wasabi-crusted salmon with rice noodles and chilli Issue 29, 52 white bean salsa Issue 24, 52 zucchini and chilli pasta Issue 38, 54 chinese cooking wine (shaoxing) chinese roasted duck Issue 21, 132 chinese soup with pork dumplings Issue 2, 58 soy marinade Issue 36, 34 steamed soy, lemon and coriander fish parcels Issue 36, 34 sticky chicken wings Issue 36, 34 vegetable stir-fry Issue 36, 34 chips celeriac shoestrings Issue 39, 130 chips Issue 12, 36 cheesy crumbed fish and chips Kids’ Issue 6, 101 crispy chicken with eggplant chips and coriander dressing Issue 52, 114 curly fries Kids’ Issue 6, 88 baked fish and chips Issue 17, 192 barbecued chips with basil salt and garlic mayonnaise Issue 25, 41 beef carpaccio with parsnip chips Issue 20, 129 cheese burgers and galaxy star chips Kids’ Issue 4, 93 chilli shoestring chips Issue 15, 178 chilli wonton chips Issue 42, 130 fish and chips Issue 43, 120 grown-up fish fingers and chips Issue 12, 36 hand-cut chips with aïoli Issue 27, 101 hand-cut chips with fennel and lemon salt Issue 42, 101 hand-cut potato chips Issue 47, 56 herbed polenta chips Issue 51, 57 lemon and garlic grilled lobster with chips and salad Issue 21, 102 parmesan and rosemary crisps Issue 40, 98 pepper steak with rosemary chips Issue 25, 52 polenta chips with lemon aïoli Issue 52,100 prawns and chips with green olive aïoli Issue 30, 112 roasted rosemary polenta chips Issue 40, 67 salt and pepper lotus chips Issue 36, 93 salt and vinegar chunky chips Issue 30, 150 spicy wok chips Issue 1, 178 recipe index

steak and chips Issue 9, 136 steak with horseradish butter and rosemary chips Issue 52, 108 sweet potato and yam chips Issue 39, 130 taro and beetroot chips Issue 39, 130 taro chips with lime salt Issue 49, 93 wasabi swede crisps Issue 39, 127 wood chips and dips Kids’ Issue 2, 31 chives bacon and chive dunking dip Kids’ Issue 3, 78 buttermilk and chive chicken Issue 43, 136 cheese and chive soup buns Issue 14, 160 cheesy chive and onion toasties Issue 20, 32 chervil and chive butter Issue 34, 30 chicken and chive sandwiches Issue 52, 52 chilli chive polenta Issue 15, 167 creamy mushroom and chive soup Issue 51, 112 crumbed lemon and chive mussels Issue 36, 211 egg and chive squares Issue 48, 108 lemon and chive veal schnitzel Issue 43, 36 mini ham and chive rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 39 omelette Issue 2, 81 oregano and chive lamb cutlets Kids’ Issue 3, 86 and parsley butter Issue 42, 153 pork and chive wontons Issue 44, 36 potato, parmesan and chive fritters Issue 29, 60 potato, pea and chive frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 potato, smoked trout and chive soup Issue 28, 40 potato and chive soup Issue 16, 168 potatoes cooked in foil with garlic and chive butter Issue 19, 28 salmon and chive parcels Issue 46, 98 seaweed salad Kids’ Issue 2, 81 sour cream and chive dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 sour cream and chive potato bake Issue 20, 86 tomato and chive veal baguettes Kids’ Issue 4, 50 tuna and chive sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 32 chocolate almond chocolate sandwiches Issue 4, 160 apple and dark chocolate wonton parcels Issue 38, 86 baked chocolate fudge Issue 28, 120; Issue 46, 138 baked chocolate custard cups Issue 50, 59 baked custard with chocolate Issue 10, 144 baked mocha tart Issue 33, 118 balloon cups Kids’ Issue 7, 9 banana pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 basic chocolate butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic chocolate cake Issue 20, 164; Kids’ Issue 4, 118 basic melt and mix chocolate cake Kids’ Issue 7, 124 and berry squares Issue 31, 118 biscotti dipped in chocolate Issue 34, 130 bitter chocolate peppermint biscuits Issue 16, 146 bread and butter pudding Issue 32, 147 brioche french toast Issue 2, 153 brownies Issue 4, 148; Issue 20, 164; Issue 28, 117 brownie and raspberry trifles Issue 36, 162 brûléed caramel chocolate slice Issue 8, 174 buttermilk layer cake Issue 50, 156 butterscotch-glazed chocolate bundt cake Issue 50, 158 butterscotch tart Issue 27, 96 cake Issue 20, 188 ; Issue 29, 104 cake with orange syrup Issue 1, 128 candy cane brownies Issue 48, 192 candy cane cookies Issue 42, 200 candy-filled chocolate cake Kids’ Issue 7, 117 caramel chocolate slice Kids’ Issue 4, 26 and caramel slice Kids’ Issue 4, 81; Issue 51, 146 caramel tart Issue 46, 140 recipe index

cheesecake swirl chocolate brownies Issue 51, 146 cherry fondant cakes Issue 50, 156 chip cookies Issue 10, 158; Kids’ Issue 3, 62 chip pound cake Issue 35, 72 chip shortbread Issue 30, 160 choc chip butter cake Issue 20, 164 choc-chunk christmas cookies Issue 48, 182 choc-coconut brownie pops Kids’ Issue 7, 60 choc-espresso-filled doughnuts Issue 33, 117 choc-malt marbled cupcakes Issue 2, 124 choc orange Issue 48, 182 choc-orange cupcakes with orange whipped icing Issue 27, 130 choc-topped maple honeycomb Issue 51, 84 choc-top microphones Kids’ Issue 6, 87 cinnamon boulders Issue 42, 215 cinnamon-infused hot chocolate Issue 51, 41 coated sponge fingers Issue 10, 146 crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 chocolate crème brûlée tarts Issue 40, 100 christmas pudding Issue 30, 160 classic chocolate sundae Issue 31, 30 classic lamingtons Kids’ Issue 7, 138 coated ice-cream bombs Issue 46, 142 coeur à la crème Issue 52, 132 coffee and chocolate cups Issue 28, 86 coffee and chocolate self-saucing pudding Issue 32, 114 crackles Kids’ Issue 6, 71; Kids’ Issue 7, 140 crème caramels with hazelnut toffee Issue 46, 56 cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 125 dark chocolate and orange muffins Issue 8, 114 dark chocolate ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 dark and white chocolate cookies Issue 47, 162 dipped shortbread Issue 22, 79 dominoes Issue 42, 208 double chocolate brownie semifreddo Issue 43, 142 double chocolate cookies Issue 28, 120 double chocolate cupcakes Issue 41, 148 double chocolate mousse Issue 34, 130 double chocolate semifreddo Issue 1, 161 double chocolate trees Issue 42, 209 doughnuts with chocolate fudge sauce Issue 50, 108 drinking chocolate Issue 1, 115 dunking marshmallows Kids’ Issue 4, 72 éclairs with chantilly cream Issue 47, 72 espresso mascarpone Issue 12, 152 espresso tuille cones Issue 2, 163 fig slice Issue 10, 143 filled biscuits Issue 8, 37 filled crepes with cinnamon crust Issue 34, 138 filling Issue 11, 172 freckles ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 flourless chocolate cake Issue 10, 144 flourless chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate glaze Issue 16, 144 freckle cake Kids’ Issue 3, 126 frozen tiramisù Issue 34, 110 fudge Issue 30, 124 ganache tart Issue 52, 59 ginger chews Issue 47, 166 ginger and chocolate shortbread fingers Issue 48, 68 ginger truffles Issue 45, 52 glaze Issue 11, 172 glaze icing Issue 20, 166 and hazelnut coffee cake Issue 20, 164 and hazelnut panforte Issue 12, 182 and hazelnut pastries Issue 27, 78 and hazelnut tart Issue 2, 96 recipe index

heavenly chocolate cake Issue 42, 215 hot chocolate fudge sauce Issue 28, 122 ice-cream volcano Kids’ Issue 4, 25 jaffa ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 jar shakes Kids’ Issue 2, 31 kugelhopf Issue 10, 32 layer cake Issue 21, 167 layered chocolate cake Issue 28, 117 layered espresso jellies Issue 52, 87 layered muddy chocolate brownies Kids’ Issue 3, 72 lined cones Issue 1, 164 little fudgy chocolate hugs Issue 4, 112 loaves Issue 14, 160 madeira petits fours Issue 52, 43 madeleines Issue 2, 30 malt brownies Issue 11, 144 malt swirls Issue 10, 158 meringue tarts Issue 16, 142 milk chocolate and macadamia cookies Issue 10, 158 milk chocolate ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 mini chocolate puddings Issue 30, 126 mini chocolate soufflés Issue 14, 86 mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing Issue 50, 166 mini molten chocolate pots with candied orange slices Issue 21, 34 mini steamed cinnamon chocolate puddings Issue 9, 156 mint chocolate cookie crush semifreddo Issue 43, 142 and mint coolers Issue 31, 121 mocha macaroons Issue 33, 117 molten chocolate puddings Issue 28, 122 mousse Issue 10, 146; Issue 27, 96; Issue 28, 120 mousse cake Issue 50, 164 mud cake Issue 20, 164; Issue 50, 163 mud pies Kids’ Issue 2, 31 muddy chocolate cake Issue 4, 84 and muscatel semifreddo Issue 9, 180 and oat s’mores Issue 39, 92 orange marble cake Issue 44, 141 panna cotta Issue 14, 122 peppermint crackles Issue 47, 162 peppermint fudge Issue 2, 122 peppermint ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 peppermint slice Issue 51, 145 peppermint stars Issue 24, 150 pistachio macaroons with choc coffee centre Issue 21, 34 and pistachio slice Issue 30, 141 plum and chocolate clafoutis Issue 32, 118 plum puddings Issue 12, 136 poached pears with rich chocolate sauce Issue 8, 138 popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 port and date slice Issue 2, 163 quince and chocolate petit fours Issue 46, 64 rainbow choc-iced brownies Kids’ Issue 7, 141 raspberry-chocolate pull-aparts Issue 39, 138 and raspberry pavlovas Issue 43, 60 refrigerator choc slice Kids’ Issue 4, 82 rich raspberry and chocolate dessert cakes Issue 21, 102 risotto Issue 16, 31 rocky road ghosts Kids’ Issue 4, 113 rum and raisin cake with muscatel syrup Issue 50, 158 sandwiches Issue 10, 160; Issue 51, 43 santa’s rum ’n’ raisin choc puddings Issue 42, 198 sauce for ice-cream Issue 10, 146 self-saucing chocolate puddings Issue 39, 78; Issue 45, 123; Issue 50, 47 snap cookies Issue 16, 37 soufflé Issue 10, 144; Issue 20, 98 spiced chocolate mousse Issue 36, 176 recipe index

spoon madeleines Issue 33, 144 sprinkle cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 122 steamed rocky road jar puddings Kids’ Issue 4, 75 strawberry ice-cream choc bites Issue 25, 88 stout cake with peanut butter frosting Issue 50, 163 swirl cake Issue 22, 82 swirl scone loaf Issue 41, 74 tiramisù tarts Issue 17, 160 topped honeycomb Issue 32, 96 torte Issue 22, 36 treasure chest cake Kids’ Issue 2, 86 triple chocolate brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 triple chocolate cookies Issue 10, 158 triple-chocolate triangles Issue 47, 166 truffles Issue 1, 104; Issue 12, 132; Issue 28, 117 turkish delight rocky road Issue 30, 126 turkish delight white christmas Issue 36, 97 velvet martini Issue 33, 39 whipped chocolate icing Issue 16, 142 whipped chocolate pastries Issue 20, 132 whipped dark chocolate cream Issue 4, 92 whisky truffles Issue 33, 144 white chocolate (see white chocolate) white rum and chocolate truffles Issue 36, 146 chorizo autumn spicy rice Issue 32, 58 balsamic, thyme chickpea and chorizo Issue 21, 90 basil and olive foldover pizza Issue 47, 148 and beans Issue 50, 84 bean and chorizo pasta Issue 50, 84 breakfast chorizo and beans Issue 32, 58 broad bean and spicy chorizo soup Issue 51, 120 and capsicum tacos Issue 49, 118 capsicum and tomato macaroni Issue 10, 56 caramelised onion and haloumi pizza Issue 49, 134 cheat’s chorizo paella Issue 39, 64 cheat’s one-pan paella Issue 17, 10 chicken, chorizo and zucchini fritters Issue 42, 84 chickpea and chorizo salad Issue 37, 139 chorizo Issue 14, 44 creamy linguine with chorizo, pea and feta Issue 32, 60 crispy chorizo and sage salad Issue 32, 62 eggplant and cannellini bean soup Issue 15, 66 goat’s cheese and parsley pasta Issue 15, 162 and haloumi skewers with chickpea salad Issue 49, 33 ham and haloumi oven omelette Issue 30, 64 and herb chickpea salad Issue 31, 52 lentil and goat’s curd pasta Issue 45, 138 one-pan chorizo, olive and feta polenta Issue 51, 56 onion and chorizo frittata Issue 20, 108 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 pan couscous with chorizo and green beans Issue 20, 67 poached eggs with buttered spinach Issue 32, 60 polenta and chorizo terrine Issue 46, 82 pork and chorizo in white wine tomato sauce Issue 15, 162 pork and chorizo pie Issue 28, 134 pork with chorizo, green beans and olives Issue 22, 118 potato, kale and chorizo soup Issue 45, 64 quick-simmered chorizo, zucchini and chickpeas Issue 15, 166 roasted capsicum and chorizo spaghetti Issue 40, 60 roasted vegetable and chorizo frittata Issue 44, 38 roast parsnip and garlic potato salad Issue 32, 60 salad Issue 15, 167 sausage and rice soup Issue 38, 151 smoky chilli chicken, chorizo and feta burger Issue 41, 126 recipe index

smoked chorizo and cheese empañadas Issue 35, 116 smoked paprika chicken and lemon bake Issue 32, 62 spicy chorizo and chickpeas with manchego Issue 40, 121 and sweet potato bake Issue 14, 36 and tomato mussels Issue 49, 137 warm chorizo and thyme lentils Issue 38, 62 warm roast potato, red onion and chorizo salad Issue 15, 166 christmas cake (see christmas cakes) candy cane brownies Issue 48, 192 choc-chunk christmas cookies Issue 48, 182 chocolate christmas pudding Issue 30, 160 classic cloth-wrapped christmas pudding Issue 48, 150 cloth-wrapped christmas puddings Issue 1, 102 double chocolate trees Issue 42, 209 eggnog (see eggnog) marshmallow snowflakes Issue 48, 192 mince tarts Issue 48, 110 mini christmas puddings Issue 36, 122; Issue 42, 174 panettone (see panettone) peppermint candies Issue 36, 151 pudding Issue 42, 172 santa’s rum ’n’ raisin choc puddings Issue 42, 198 semifreddo christmas puddings Issue 48, 174 snowballs Issue 42, 215 sugar ornaments Issue 42, 193 sugar plum fairies Issue 42, 191 sundae Issue 30, 100 trifle Issue 48, 158 turkish delight white christmas Issue 36, 97 white christmas Issue 42, 214 white christmas blondies Issue 12, 184 christmas cakes (see also fruitcake) basic christmas cake Issue 24, 66 grandma’s christmas cake Issue 42, 179 light cranberry christmas cake Issue 24, 70 little figgy christmas cakes Issue 42, 180 melt and mix christmas cake Issue 24, 70 nana’s christmas cake Issue 48, 112 nutty christmas cake Issue 24, 70 pear and almond christmas cake Issue 24, 70 chutney apple and sage chutney Issue 15, 139 chicken, chutney and cheese foldovers Kids’ Issue 6, 36 ham and chutney sandwiches Issue 48, 108 rhubarb chutney Issue 15, 142 tomato chutney Issue 42, 168 cider fruity apple cider punch Issue 35, 41 onions with pork, sticky Issue 20, 109 roasted pork shoulder Issue 33, 124 cilantro (see coriander) cinnamon apple and cinnamon bread Issue 14, 158 apple and cinnamon cake Issue 22, 152 apple and cinnamon pies Issue 33, 89 apple pancakes with cinnamon sugar Kids’ Issue 4, 58 apple pastry Issue 35, 34 apple, rhubarb and cinnamon pan pies Issue 50, 108 baked apples Issue 9, 152 baked cinnamon custard Issue 33, 92 baked custard Issue 15, 38 brandy and cinnamon custard Issue 36, 122 brown sugar and cinnamon cupcakes Issue 41, 142 brown sugar and cinnamon mince pie Issue 36, 178 butter Issue 17, 178 recipe index

candy canes Issue 24, 150 and cherry biscotti Issue 48, 182 chocolate cinnamon boulders Issue 42, 215 chocolate filled crepes with cinnamon crust Issue 34, 138 cookies Issue 9, 156 cream Issue 9, 158 custard Issue 9, 158 and ginger marinade Issue 31, 111 and honey milk with marshmallow bombs Issue 20, 35 ice-cream scoop pecan and cinnamon cookies Issue 33, 144 infused hot chocolate Issue 51, 41 leaf cookies Issue 2, 86 malt and cinnamon warmer Issue 16, 31 malt thins with cinnamon-sugar Issue 47, 164 maple and cinnamon-roasted pears Issue 51, 87 mascarpone Issue 9, 178 mascarpone and rhubarb cinnamon tart Issue 52, 59 pancakes Issue 2, 46 panna cotta with brandy syrup Issue 30, 162 panna cotta with poached rhubarb Issue 14, 122 scrolls Issue 8, 122 slow-roasted pork belly with cinnamon-spiked apples Issue 48, 174 sugar Issue 9, 158 sugar-coated maple apple cakes Issue 44, 138 sugar and cinnamon fritters Issue 33, 91 sugar cookies Issue 1, 104 sugar popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 sugar puffs Issue 47, 72 syrup Issue 9, 155; Issue 42, 179 teacakes Issue 29, 107 and vanilla madeleines Kids’ Issue 2, 82 white chocolate and cinnamon crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 white wine jelly Issue 9, 152 cinzano citrus margarita Issue 11, 186 citrus syrup Issue 27, 38 sweet Issue 34, 37 citrus doughnut puffs with citrus syrup Issue 41, 96 margarita Issue 11, 186 tuna carpaccio with citrus miso dressing Issue 52, 100 clafoutis mixed berry clafoutis Issue 36, 108 plum and chocolate Issue 32, 118 clams and bacon chowder Issue 39, 92 and bacon soup with garlic bread Issue 46, 106 broth Issue 10, 112 char-grilled fish in clam broth Issue 10, 112 chilli clam pasta Issue 29, 135 chowder Issue 51, 116 garlic and lemon paper bag clams Issue 42, 97 grilled clams Issue 8, 194 paella with clams Issue 1, 72 pot of clams and pipis Issue 13, 109 spaghetti vongole Issue 37, 141 cocktails (see drinks) coconut angel cakes Issue 16, 144 banana and coconut pudding Issue 28, 70 and basil chicken Issue 35, 98 beef coconut noodles Issue 25, 98 berry and mint salad Issue 24, 120 bread Issue 17, 34 brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 recipe index

butter cake Issue 4, 87 cake Issue 21, 173; Kids’ Issue 4, 80; Issue 44, 142 caramelised banana and coconut cake Issue 49, 148 caramelised mango cheeks with coconut semifreddo Issue 25, 120 chicken, coconut and lime salad Issue 43, 82 chicken and mint salad with crispy noodles Issue 41, 102 chicken, noodle and coconut salad Issue 30, 46 chicken and leek soup Issue 29, 94 chicken coconut soup Issue 20, 146 and chilli chicken rolls Issue 37, 70 chilli coconut chicken and green bean stir-fry Issue 17, 70 choc-coconut brownie pops Kids’ Issue 7, 60 coconut Issue 21, 42 cupcakes Issue 17, 142; Issue 41, 150 crab and coconut salad Issue 4, 27 cranberry and coconut muesli bars Kids’ Issue 6, 61 and cranberry loaf Issue 35, 72 custard tarts Issue 24, 164 dunking marshmallows Kids’ Issue 4, 72 ginger-coconut rice with palm sugar Issue 49, 94 ice Kids’ Issue 6, 102; Kids’ Issue 7, 141 jam coconut slice Issue 51, 146 jam scones Issue 41, 74 lemon and coconut pots Issue 25, 98 lemon curd semifreddo with coconut wafer cones Issue 52, 130 and lemon curd tarts Issue 52, 58 lemongrass and coconut braised beef ribs Issue 45, 112 lemongrass-coconut dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 and lemongrass soup with prawns Issue 51, 115 and lime noodles Issue 37, 143 lime and coconut cheesecake Issue 17, 122 lime and coconut custards Issue 17, 113 lime and chicken soup Issue 15, 68 lime and mango coconut cake Issue 17, 110 and lime chicken fritters Issue 36, 49 little pink coconut cakes Kids’ Issue 4, 103 and lychee jelly Issue 25, 98 macaroons Issue 24, 144 martini Issue 33, 39 meringue sandwiches Issue 31, 118 mixed berry and coconut pastry Issue 35, 34 mussels with green garlic, lime and coconut Issue 40, 38 oat and coconut crisps Issue 47, 162 pancakes with banana and passionfruit Issue 49, 86 pancakes with caramel sauce Issue 8, 178 pan-fried salmon with coconut sambal Issue 25, 95 panna cotta with pomegranate jelly Issue 40, 149 and passionfruit semifreddo Issue 37, 106 passionfruit tart with coconut pastry Issue 13, 136 peach and coconut crumble Issue 42, 113 peach and coconut granola Issue 31, 80 pineapple and coconut muffins Issue 43, 64 pineapple and coconut splice Issue 19, 106 and pineapple granita Issue 13, 120 plum and coconut crumble Issue 38, 32 poached chicken with coconut milk Issue 12, 150 popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 prawn, coconut and lime soup Issue 9, 54 puddings with lemon syrup Issue 35, 146 and raspberry angel food cake Issue 48, 166 raspberry and coconut slice Issue 19, 31 red beef curry Issue 28, 110 red curry vegetable and coconut soup Issue 2, 56 rhubarb and coconut crumble Issue 28, 95 and rice salad Issue 37, 151 recipe index

rice with stone fruit and vanilla honey Issue 42, 113 scallops with green mango salad Issue 24, 132 simmered chicken Issue 24, 78 smoked chicken and snap pea salad with coconut dressing Issue 19, 56 smoothie Kids’ Issue 6, 98 snapper and coconut ceviche Issue 30, 178 sorbet Issue 43, 89 soup Issue 37, 152 squid with tomato salsa Issue 25, 97 steamed salmon with lemongrass and coconut rice Issue 50, 80 stewed apple and coconut cobbler Issue 32, 118 sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 136 sweet potato and crispy rice noodles Issue 25, 108 thai coconut chicken Issue 11, 69 toasted coconut crab and herb salad Issue 21, 114 vanilla-coconut yoghurt sorbet Issue 48, 124 wafers Issue 13, 88 wasabi-coconut prawn stir-fry Issue 41, 114 whole coconut fish Issue 43, 136 coffee affogato Issue 45, 78 almond cakes Issue 46, 142 baked mocha tart Issue 33, 118 cake with mixed toffee nuts Issue 38, 103 cappuccino sundae Issue 31, 30 choc espresso-filled doughnuts Issue 33, 117 and chocolate cups Issue 28, 86 chocolate and hazelnut coffee cake Issue 20, 164 chocolate-layered espresso jellies Issue 52, 87 and chocolate self-saucing pudding Issue 32, 114 crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 crème caramel Issue 46, 56 espresso granita with coffee liqueur Issue 33, 112 espresso sabayon with toffee glass Issue 40, 152 espresso semifreddo sandwiches Issue 43, 142 expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 granita Issue 25, 130 hazelnut-spiked coffee with vanilla cream Issue 51, 48 ice-cream coffee Issue 17, 102 icing Issue 42, 182 irish coffee custards Issue 16, 142 kisses Issue 33, 112 mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing Issue 50, 166 mocha macaroons Issue 33, 117 pear and espresso panna cotta Issue 39, 106 pine cones Issue 42, 209 pistachio macaroons with choc coffee centre Issue 21, 34 short black cupcakes Issue 27, 130 spiced coffee cake Issue 44, 138 syrup panna cotta Issue 33, 112 tiramisù cupcakes Issue 52, 132 tiramisù tarts Issue 17, 160 vanilla coffee custard Issue 33, 118 velvet martini Issue 33, 39 coleslaw chicken and slaw fingers Kids’ Issue 7, 40 crunchy coleslaw Issue 37, 95 crunchy green slaw Issue 42, 101 crunchy pork cutlet with autumn slaw Issue 38, 114 crunchy pork cutlet with slaw Issue 46, 120 fennel and cabbage coleslaw Issue 22, 107 fish and coleslaw tacos Issue 49, 114 sticky barbecue steak with coleslaw Issue 25, 52 vietnamese poached chicken coleslaw Issue 12, 166 compote recipe index

berry Issue 30, 28 cheese plate and wild fig compote Issue 34, 130 sour cherry Issue 21, 133 spring fruit compote with yoghurt Issue 35, 166 cones carnival chicken cones Kids’ Issue 4, 90 chocolate espresso tuille cones Issue 2, 163 chocolate-lined cones Issue 1, 164 movie cones Issue 25, 80 confectionery butterscotch bites Issue 30, 122 chocolate dunking marshmallows Kids’ Issue 4, 72 chocolate popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 chocolate-topped honeycomb Issue 32, 96 chocolate truffles Issue 28, 117 christmas peppermint candies Issue 36, 151 cinnamon candy canes Issue 24, 150 coconut ice Kids’ Issue 6, 102; Kids’ Issue 7, 141 honeycomb Kids’ Issue 4, 26 lemon sherbet with raspberries Issue 43, 54 petri fairy bread Kids’ Issue 6, 114 pink gin and tonic lollipops Issue 41, 94 rainbow galaxy sandwiches Kids’ Issue 7, 74 rocky road boulders Kids’ Issue 3, 107 rosewater lollipops Issue 30, 122 turkish delight (see turkish delight) white rum and chocolate truffles Issue 36, 146 cookies (see also biscotti, biscuits) almond cookies Issue 10, 158 basic cookie dough Issue 10, 152; Kids’ Issue 3, 58 butter (smart cookies) Issue 1, 117 charming cookie jewellery Issue 42, 196 chef’s special cookies Kids’ Issue 7, 104 choc-chunk christmas cookies Issue 48, 182 chocolate candy cane cookies Issue 42, 200 chocolate chip cookies Issue 10, 158; Kids’ Issue 3, 62 chocolate and hazelnut cookies Issue 15, 116 chocolate and oat s’mores Issue 39, 92 christmas trees Issue 24, 146 cinnamon cookies Issue 9, 156 cinnamon leaf cookies Issue 2, 86 cinnamon sugar cookies Issue 1, 104 coconut macaroons Issue 24, 144 dark and white chocolate cookies Issue 47, 162 double chocolate cookies Issue 28, 120 dress-me-up gingerbread people Issue 42, 191 drop cookies Issue 12, 178 funny faces Kids’ Issue 6, 75 gingerbread men Issue 48, 185; Kids’ Issue 7, 135 heart cookies Issue 4, 108 honey beehive cookies Issue 10, 160 honeycomb cookies Issue 10, 158 ice-cream scoop pecan and cinnamon Issue 33, 144 jam daisy drops Issue 47, 164 jam drops Kids’ Issue 7, 138 ladybird cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 112 malt thins with cinnamon-sugar Issue 47, 164 milk chocolate and macadamia cookies Issue 10, 158 mint chocolate cookie crush semifreddo Issue 43, 142 oat and coconut crisps Issue 47, 162 oat and raisin cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 62 orange and almond cookies Issue 20, 90 peanut butter cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 62; Issue 47, 160 polka dot cookies Kids’ Issue 7, 138 shooting star cookies Kids’ Issue 7, 74 skillet fruit-and-spice cookie Kids’ Issue 2, 26 recipe index

snap cookies Issue 16, 37 snowflake wreath Issue 24, 142 spiced brown sugar cookies Issue 12, 98 star cookies Issue 30, 145 traffic light cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 104 triple chocolate cookies Issue 10, 158 triple-chocolate triangles Issue 47, 166 vanilla angles Issue 24, 142 wedding cake cookies Issue 4, 146 white chocolate and sour cherry cookies Issue 10, 158 coriander (cilantro) angel hair pasta with bacon, chilli and coriander Issue 28, 52 beef salad with coriander salsa verde Issue 46, 120 chicken with roasted eggplant and chilli Issue 37, 50 and chilli butter pork Issue 49, 133 chilli and coriander mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 chilli coriander chicken Issue 35, 32 crab and coriander sandwiches Issue 42, 127 crispy chicken with eggplant chips and coriander dressing Issue 52, 114 cumin, chilli and coriander lamb Issue 49, 43 fennel and coriander rolls Issue 34, 66 feta and coriander cakes Issue 31, 55 and garlic pan-fried squid Issue 36, 200 and garlic pork Issue 35, 52 ginger and coriander butter Issue 34, 30 lime and coriander potato snacks Issue 16, 98 mint and lemon fish Issue 49, 36 pot-sticker pork and coriander dumplings Issue 22, 98 prawn, chilli and coriander pasta Issue 42, 59 red radish with coriander salt Issue 30, 99 roasted pumpkin seed, chilli and coriander dip Issue 48, 137 rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 salt-roasted coriander and garlic beef Issue 40, 112 sesame and lime tuna skewers Issue 37, 124 smoky coriander salt Issue 39, 130 spicy coriander hummus Issue 30, 30 steamed soy, lemon and coriander fish parcels Issue 36, 34 thyme and coriander veal ribs Issue 45, 110 warm chilli beef salad with coriander pesto Issue 28, 68 corn asian chicken and corn soup Issue 51, 110 baked lime and green onion corn Issue 43, 30 barbecue beef and corn Issue 37, 151 barbecue corn cobs Issue 31, 97 basic corn fritters Issue 29, 56 bread Issue 2, 29 char-grilled corn and spiced chicken salad Issue 43, 29 cheesy corn loaves Kids’ Issue 3, 75 cheesy mini corn cobs Kids’ Issue 7, 88 chicken, bacon and corn frittata Kids’ Issue 3, 50 chicken and corn burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 chicken and corn stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 chicken and corn toasties Kids’ Issue 3, 42 chicken and corn wonton soup Kids’ Issue 2, 62 chicken with risoni, corn and feta Issue 13, 128 chilli and prawn fritters Issue 43, 30 chowder with green onions and ham Issue 28, 34 cornmeal tortillas Issue 49, 118 crab and corn parcels Issue 27, 122 crab and corn salad Issue 31, 99 creamed corn polenta with crispy skin chicken Issue 51, 57 fritters with lime mayonnaise Issue 31, 97 lime and chilli chicken with smoky corn Issue 43, 119 oven corn with garden butter Kids’ Issue 3, 78 paprika barbecued corn Issue 37, 30 recipe index

parmesan and polenta chicken Issue 31, 99 roast baby corn salad Issue 31, 94 sage and prosciutto corn cakes Issue 48, 150 simple chicken and corn soup Issue 2, 58 skillet corn bread Issue 35, 112 smoky fish with char-grilled corn salad Issue 41, 51 smoky grilled pork with barbecued corn salad Issue 37, 46 spicy chicken, corn and couscous salad Issue 48, 51 spicy chicken and corn parcels Issue 31, 94 spicy corn and crab cakes Issue 52, 98 spicy salmon with corn and tomato salad Issue 47, 48 and tomato relish Issue 47, 106 and tomato salsa Issue 19, 82 and zucchini fritters Kids’ Issue 7, 27 cos lettuce (romaine lettuce) caesar salad Issue 35, 32 chilli coriander chicken Issue 35, 32 ham and brie baguette Issue 35, 32 salad with tarragon dressing Issue 13, 34 salmon cocktail nibbles Issue 35, 32 tomato and feta salad Issue 35, 32 courgette (see zucchini) couscous couscous Issue 36, 54 baked couscous with tomato and pesto Issue 33, 50 basil and lemon couscous stuffing Issue 2, 102 char-grilled ham and couscous salad Issue 30, 62 chicken couscous salad Issue 45, 34 coated chicken and bean salad Issue 35, 128 fish with couscous salad Issue 49, 37 garlic and chilli chicken couscous Issue 35, 64 haloumi and couscous cakes with smoked salmon Issue 24, 58 harissa pork with herbed couscous Issue 42, 53 herb and caper couscous salad Issue 36, 55 herb and prosciutto meatloaf Issue 28, 80 honey and garlic lamb kebabs with couscous salad Issue 47, 47 lamb and couscous soup Issue 28, 40 lemon couscous and tuna salad Issue 1, 60 lemon couscous salad Issue 35, 38 meatballs with lemon and herb couscous Issue 39, 62 mushroom and couscous parcels Issue 46, 130; Issue 52, 33 olive and couscous salad Issue 19, 81 pan couscous with chorizo and green beans Issue 20, 67 and parsley-crusted fish Issue 36, 56 pea and couscous salad with mint pesto Issue 1, 88 pork fillet with mixed herb couscous Issue 22, 116 pumpkin couscous Issue 14, 139 roasted vegetable couscous salad Issue 36, 56 spiced sweet potato couscous Issue 11, 160 spicy beef with herby couscous Issue 43, 118 spicy chicken, corn and couscous salad Issue 48, 51 spicy chicken and mushroom couscous Issue 44, 46 spicy garlic prawn couscous Issue 52, 65 spicy prawn and tomato couscous Issue 50, 80 stuffed zucchini flowers Issue 35, 106 tabouli Issue 35, 91 veal and sage meatloaves Issue 39, 48 vegetable and couscous salad Issue 37, 158 crab blue swimmer crab with garlic dressing Issue 24, 96 bruschetta Issue 29, 93 chilli crab Issue 28, 105;Issue 43, 134 and chilli gnocchi Issue 40, 135 chilli tomato crab Issue 36, 188 and coriander sandwiches Issue 42, 127 recipe index

and corn parcels Issue 27, 122 and corn salad Issue 31, 99 and coconut salad Issue 4, 27 crispy five-spice crab Issue 36, 189 lemon crab salad with prawn crackers Issue 34, 84 lemongrass crab triangles Issue 43, 82 lime crab sandwiches Issue 21, 68 pasta Issue 37, 155 pot crab with lemon and caper mayonnaise Issue 39, 90 ricotta and rocket cannelloni Issue 22, 94 salad with lime and chilli dressing Issue 24, 93 spicy corn and crab cakes Issue 52, 98 steamed crab with dipping sauces Issue 36, 188 toasted coconut crab and herb salad Issue 21, 114 cranberry apple and sage relish Issue 30, 72 and balsamic relish Issue 1, 100 brie and crispy bread salad with cranberry dressing Issue 31, 69 chicken, pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 coconut and cranberry loaf Issue 35, 72 and coconut muesli bars Kids’ Issue 6, 61 crush Issue 48, 185 grapefruit and cranberry punch Issue 29, 82 gravy Issue 12, 104; Issue 30, 140 pistachio and dried cranberry nougat Issue 12, 182 pistachio biscuit slices Issue 24, 148 and pistachio shortbread biscuits Issue 48, 68 and pistachio toasted muesli Issue 34, 70 and pistachio white chocolate Issue 30, 126 relish Issue 42, 155 sweet reindeer clusters Issue 42, 200 turkey and cranberry pies Issue 48, 107 turkey, leek and cranberry pie Issue 12, 106 turkey and cranberry sandwiches Issue 48, 108 turkey and cranberry stars Kids’ Issue 7, 39 turkish delight white christmas Issue 36, 97 and vanilla yoghurt popsicles Issue 42, 104 virgin punch Issue 48, 185 vodka crush Issue 48, 185 white cranberry apéritif Issue 34, 37 white wine spritzer Issue 36, 41 cream avocado cream crostini Issue 27, 50 chocolate éclairs with chantilly cream Issue 47, 72 cinnamon panna cotta with brandy syrup Issue 30, 162 clotted cream Issue 35, 160 coeur à la crème Issue 48, 120 Issue 28, 36 creamy asparagus soup with char-grilled bug tail Issue 27, 93 creamy lemon and basil pasta Issue 11, 162 creamy lemon and basil spaghetti Issue 35, 104 creamy lemon semifreddo Issue 1, 164 creamy linguine with chorizo, pea and feta Issue 32, 60 creamy mushroom gnocchi Issue 28, 60 creamy mushroom pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 creamy salmon and caper bean dip Issue 30, 30 creamy zucchini soup Issue 9, 56 lemon cream pots Issue 45, 100 lemon cream profiteroles Issue 47, 72 mushroom and thyme creamy pasta Issue 32, 47 orange and cream hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 parmesan crisps with salmon pearls and lemon cream Issue 34, 106 passionfruit cream profiteroles Issue 35, 146 passionfruit meringue fool Issue 35, 163 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 recipe index

quince cream Issue 46, 64 scones with clotted cream Issue 35, 163 sponge kisses with cream Issue 35, 163 vanilla cream cupcakes Issue 41, 148 vanilla and vodka jellies with chantilly cream Issue 48, 126 whipped vanilla cream Issue 28, 28 crème brûlée basic vanilla crème brûlée Issue 21, 156 brandy and date crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 chocolate crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 coffee crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 crème brûlée Issue 16, 58 ice-cream Issue 32, 144 passionfruit crème brûlée Issue 52, 130 with passionfruit topping Issue 25, 122 white chocolate and cinnamon crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 crème caramel basic crème caramel Issue 46, 52 caramelised orange crème caramels Issue 46, 56 chocolate crème caramels with hazelnut toffee Issue 46, 56 coffee crème caramel Issue 46, 56 crème caramel Issue 32, 143; Issue 52, 61 crème caramel with frangelico Issue 8, 174 whisky crème caramel Issue 46, 56 crème fraîche dressing Issue 10, 26 green vegetable salad with lemon crème fraîche dressing Issue 36, 130 crêpes caramelised Issue 20, 132 chocolate filled crêpes with cinnamon crust Issue 34, 138 stacks Issue 16, 102 spring herb crêpe with smoked salmon Issue 17, 221 zucchini crêpes with smoked trout Issue 17, 130 crostini artichoke and white bean purée crostini Issue 27, 48 avocado cream crostini Issue 27, 50 basic crostini Issue 27, 50 buffalo mozzarella crostini with sage and anchovy butter Issue 52, 98 celeriac soup with black olive crostini Issue 16, 112 cherry tomato and fennel crostini Issue 27, 50 crushed pea and artichoke crostini Issue 49, 50 garlic, chopped tomato and basil crostini Issue 11, 144 with goat’s cheese and balsamic dried tomato Issue 2, 150 with pesto and mushroom crostini Issue 14, 115 with prosciutto Issue 8, 194 mixed olive and ricotta crostini Issue 27, 50 olive oil crostini with bocconcini and artichoke Issue 17, 156 parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 tomato and fennel soup with parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 croutons bacon and cheese croutons Issue 28, 24 braised beef and mushrooms with cheese croutons Issue 51, 136 caramelised mushrooms, crispy croutons and goat’s cheese croutons Issue 32, 78 chilli croutons Issue 28, 24 endive salad with pesto croutons Issue 41, 81 garlic croutons Issue 28, 24 herbs croutons Issue 28, 24 parmesan croutons Issue 28, 24 pesto lamb with crouton salad Issue 42, 56 roasted chicken, tomato and crouton salad Issue 47, 138 tomato and fennel soup with haloumi croutons Issue 45, 42 tomato and herb salad with parmesan croutons croutons Issue 12, 92 tomato soup with cheesy croutons Issue 27, 56 crumble apple, banana and passionfruit crumble Issue 9, 126 recipe index

apple and blackberry crumbles Issue 29, 30 apple crumble semifreddo Issue 43, 144 apple and sultana crumble Kids’ Issue 3, 22 baked fish with bacon crumble Issue 28, 50 basic apple crumble Issue 9, 122 berry crumble Issue 9, 126 hazelnut crumble Issue 12, 130 jam crumble tea cake Issue 9, 26 peach and coconut crumble Issue 42, 113 pear and maple crumble Issue 9, 126 plum and coconut crumble Issue 38, 32 plum and granola crumbles Issue 50, 43 rhubarb and coconut crumble Issue 28, 95 rhubarb crumble slice Issue 51, 146 rhubarb and vanilla crumble Issue 9, 126 cucumber celery and mint salad Issue 48, 166 chickpea and feta salad Issue 11, 164 chilli cucumber relish Issue 19, 78 and chilli prawn salad Issue 12, 148 crispy prawns with cucumber dipping sauce Issue 28, 67 dill pickled cucumbers Issue 2, 26 fresh tuna, mint and cucumber rice paper rolls Issue 36, 90 gin and pineapple crush Issue 48, 98 and goat’s curd in beetroot leaves Issue 8, 100 haloumi and cucumber salad Issue 37, 161 iced mint and cucumber gin Issue 47, 106 mint and cucumber lamb salad Issue 13, 62 pickled cucumber Issue 9, 106; Issue 21, 114 ; Issue 25, 34; Issue 43, 112 prawn sushi with pickled cucumber Issue 43, 86 rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 30 salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 46, 128 salt-pickled cucumbers Issue 40, 111 sandwiches Issue 1, Issue 22, 77, 152 seared scallops with cucumber salad Issue 4, 28 sesame and cucumber noodle salad Issue 12, 160 smoked trout, cucumber and pea salad Issue 52, 40 tomato summer salad Issue 31, 84 and yoghurt dip Issue 19, 81 cumin chilli and coriander lamb Issue 49, 43 crusted lamb with chickpea salad Issue 35, 52 and paprika butter Issue 34, 30 pepper and cumin spiced pork Issue 50, 70 roasted lamb with pumpkin mash Issue 32, 102 salt lamb rump Issue 49, 130 and sea salt rub Issue 31, 112 cupcakes almond and orange blossom cupcakes Issue 41, 94 apple pie cupcakes Issue 27, 136 atomic cupcakes Kids’ Issue 6, 117 basic cupcake recipe Kids’ Issue 2, 93 bat cupcakes Kids’ Issue 4, 114 berry cupcakes Issue 36, 112 brown sugar and cinnamon cupcakes Issue 41, 142 brown sugar cupcake pavlovas Issue 43, 60 butterfly cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 102 butterscotch cupcakes Issue 27, 129 candied lemon cupcakes Issue 41, 146 choc malt marbled cupcakes Issue 2, 124 chocolate cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 125 chocolate sprinkle cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 122 choc-orange cupcakes with orange whipped icing Issue 27, 130 clown face cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 75 coconut cupcakes Issue 17, 142; Issue 41, 150 recipe index

cow cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 98 cups of cake Kids’ Issue 6, 126 daisy cupcakes Issue 4, 30 double chocolate cupcakes Issue 41, 148 fairy cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 101 flourless chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate glaze Issue 16, 144 flower cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 101 flower cupcakes with meringue icing Kids’ Issue 7, 64 flower pot cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 102 flowerbed cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 102 flowering teacup cupcakes Kids’ Issue 4, 104 giant cupcake Kids’ Issue 4, 120 honey and golden syrup meringue cupcakes Issue 41, 150 ice-cream sundae cupcakes Kids’ Issue 6, 88 in bloom Kids’ Issue 3, 116 lei cupcakes Kids’ Issue 6, 101 lemon meringue cupcakes Issue 8, 114 letter & number cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 121 love heart cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 120 mini sombrero cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 91 octopus cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 97 orange blossoms Issue 42, 209 petit fours cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 123 pig cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 98 pink choc cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 122 pink tea cupcakes Issue 29, 104 pirate face cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 89 raspberry trifle cupcakes Issue 27, 126 red velvet cupcakes Issue 41, 148 reindeer cupcakes Issue 42, 198 rocky road cupcakes Issue 27, 136 rose cupcakes Issue 27, 126 shark cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 98 sheep cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 98 short black cupcakes Issue 27, 130 space invader cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 77 starfish cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 97 strawberry cupcakes Issue 41, 142 sugar-sanded cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 119 tiramisù cupcakes Issue 52, 132 toadstool cupcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 101 vanilla cream cupcakes Issue 41, 148 vanilla cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 104 /125 vanilla cupcakes with pistachio praline whipped icing Issue 27, 129 with raspberry cream Issue 11, 40 curd blood orange curd tartlets Issue 40, 150 lemon curd frozen yoghurt Issue 35, 144 lemon curd semifreddo cups Issue 43, 144 lemon curd squares Issue 51, 149 lime curd Issue 11, 128 orange, mandarin or blood orange curd Issue 11, 128 passionfruit Issue 29, 30 passionfruit curd Issue 4, 104; Issue 11, 128; Issue 37, 105 pineapple curd Issue 11, 128 raspberry curd Issue 11, 128 scones with passionfruit curd Issue 4, 104 spoon-dent biscuits with lemon curd Issue 33, 144 currants and hazelnut baked apples Issue 44, 70 hazelnut and currant baked apples with sticky marsala sauce Issue 38, 98 rhubarb and currant tarts Issue 14, 86 ricotta, orange and currant fritters Issue 35, 154 rum and currant loaf with rum butter Issue 13, 30 sticky currant buns Issue 44, 86 curry recipe index

basil and prawn curry Issue 28, 105 chicken and bean curry Kids’ Issue 2, 62 coconut red beef curry Issue 28, 110 egglant and tomato curry Issue 28, 108 fish and pea curry Issue 49, 37 green curry beef salad Issue 25, 52 green curry pork pies Issue 34, 56 green marsala curry paste Issue 28, 100 green thai curry paste Issue 28, 100 kashmiri lamb curry Issue 9, 155 lamb curry Issue 28, 105 lamb, potato and pea curry Issue 45, 41 madras curry paste Issue 28, 100 one-pan fish curry and jasmine rice Issue 20, 63 red curry pork pies Issue 20, 118 red curry sweet potato soup Issue 51, 109 red curry vegetable and coconut soup Issue 2, 56 red thai curry paste Issue 28, 100 salmon fresh herb curry Issue 28, 110 steamed ocean trout green curry Issue 29, 38 thai chicken and bean curry Issue 42, 70 thai prawn curry Issue 37, 137 vegetable curry Issue 28, 106 custard apple and vanilla custard cake Issue 2, 72 baked chocolate custard cups Issue 50, 59 baked cinnamon custard Issue 33, 92 baked custard with chocolate Issue 10, 144 baked lemon rice custard Issue 50, 59 baked pear custards Issue 39, 106 basic choux pastries with custard Issue 47, 68 brandy and orange pudding with custard Issue 22, 36 brandy and vanilla bean custard Issue 1, 102 brandy and cinnamon custard Issue 36, 122 brandy custard Issue 12, 96 brandy custard pots with fairy floss Issue 30, 99 brown sugar custard Issue 42, 176 brown sugar custard tart Issue 8, 180 cinnamon baked custard Issue 15, 38 cinnamon custard Issue 9, 158 classic custard Issue 42, 176 classic baked vanilla custard Issue 50, 54 coconut tarts Issue 24, 164 espresso sabayon with toffee glass Issue 40, 152 irish coffee custards Issue 16, 142 lime and coconut custards Issue 17, 113 little custard pies Issue 38, 120 marmalade brioche baked custard Issue 50, 58 japanese steamed egg custard Issue 38, 136 poached meringues and caramel custard Issue 33, 140 raspberry and brandy custard trifle Issue 12, 96 raspberry custard Issue 42, 176 rhubarb brioche fingers with vanilla custard Issue 52, 130 rhubarb custard with crackable crust Issue 33, 144 sherry and vanilla custard Issue 30, 159 spiced custard Issue 24, 96; Issue 42, 176; Issue 45, 123 spiked custard Issue 42, 176 sponge fingers with sugar-crusted apricots Issue 24, 80 star anise and cassia bark custard Issue 36, 176 sugar and spice baked custards Issue 50, 58 tart Issue 30, 162 vanilla coffee custard Issue 33, 118 vanilla custard fingers Issue 52, 52 vanilla custard slice Issue 51, 145 vanilla custard tarts Issue 29, 120 recipe index

vanilla-spiked egg nog custard Issue 48, 126 winter trifle with spiced custard Issue 28, 70 zabaglione Issue 27, 120 D dates dates Issue 22, 43 banana and date bread Issue 29, 80 brandy and date crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 date and pecan buns Issue 14, 162 honey ginger pudding Issue 36, 172 maple and date syrup cake Issue 51, 84 and orange scones Issue 41, 74 scones Issue 29, 112 sticky date pudding Issue 45, 123 sticky date puddings and toffee sauce Issue 52, 134 toffee-crusted fig and date cake Issue 44, 142 dessert wine infused peaches Issue 13, 100 jelly Issue 9, 180 peach parfait Issue 13, 100 poached pears Issue 34, 120 syrup Issue 9, 178 zabaglione with almond wafers Issue 9, 182 dill and caper dressing Issue 13, 110 and caper mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 creamy smoked trout and dill dip Issue 48, 137 crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 and lemon mayonnaise Issue 14, 35 goat’s cheese and dill quiches Issue 17, 148 lemon and dill smoked salmon pasta Issue 48, 34 lobster, dill and kipfler potato salad Issue 36, 192 pickled cucumbers Issue 2, 26 potato, dill and gorgonzola pizza Issue 47, 148 roasted fish, potato and asparagus with dill butter Issue 47, 29 salmon and dill bites Issue 51, 43 salmon and dill cakes with lime mayonnaise Issue 14, 6 salmon and dill triangles Issue 48, 108 and salt-cured salmon Issue 40, 111 smoked chicken, feta and dill quiches Issue 41, 81 smoked trout and dill dip Issue 42, 34 spinach, feta and dill pies Issue 47, 105 scallop skewers with basil and dill sauce . Issue 37, 129 steak and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 tomato-roasted wood-fired bread with basil and dill dressing Issue 49, 104 dip artichoke dip Issue 48, 82 artichoke and lemon dip Issue 48, 137 artichoke and lemon thyme dip Issue 12, 68 avocado, lime and chilli dip Issue 12, 70 avocado and tomato dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 bacon and chive dunking dip Kids’ Issue 3, 78 bacon and feta bean dip Issue 30, 30 baked mozzarella and tomato dip Issue 39, 76 beetroot and yoghurt dip Issue 12, 68 cannellini bean dip Issue 2, 114 caramelised onion hummus dip Issue 48, 137 cheese fingers with baked bean dip Kids’ Issue 3, 42 chickpea chilli dip Issue 21, 68 chilli and lemon hummus dip Issue 11, 162 chunky tuna dip Issue 24, 48 creamy salmon and caper bean dip Issue 30, 30 creamy smoked trout and dill dip Issue 48, 137 recipe index

creamy sweet chilli, lime and herb dip Kids’ Issue 2, 82 crispy prawns with cucumber dipping sauce Issue 28, 67 crumbed artichokes with white bean dip Issue 40, 124 crushed broad bean, feta and mint dip Issue 48, 132 cucumber and yoghurt dip Issue 19, 81 eggplant dip Issue 19, 81 feta and lemon dip with crispy pita Issue 42, 82 garlic yoghurt dip Issue 48, 132 grilled eggplant and basil bean dip Issue 30, 30 guacamole Issue 31, 28; Issue 49, 117 hummus Issue 12, 68 mint yoghurt dip Kids’ Issue 2, 26 parsley dip Issue 12, 68 pea, feta and lemon dip Issue 36, 159 red capsicum and tomato dip Issue 12, 72 roasted garlic and white bean dip Issue 36, 159 roasted pumpkin seed, chilli and coriander dip Issue 48, 137 salt cod and potato dip Issue 50, 118 smoked trout and dill dip Issue 12, 70; Issue 42 smoky eggplant and garlic dip Issue 48, 132 sour cream and chive dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 spiced red lentil dip Issue 24, 52 spinach and goat’s cheese dip Issue 12, 72 Issue 37, 112; Issue 48, 132 tuna and lemon dip Issue 12, 72 white bean dip Issue 42, 63 white bean, lemon and cherry tomato dip Issue 30, 30 white bean and semi-dried tomato dip Issue 12, 72 doughnuts choc espresso-filled doughnuts Issue 33, 117 with chocolate fudge sauce Issue 50, 108 iced doughnuts Kids’ Issue 6, 87 puffs with citrus syrup Issue 41, 96 warm sugared doughnuts Issue 4, 114 dressing (see also vinaigrette) anchovy dressing Issue 17, 221; Issue 19, 146 asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 asparagus with tarragon dressing Issue 30, 99 avocado dressing Issue 31, 28 bacon and snow pea shoot salad with basil dressing Issue 29, 84 balsamic dressing Issue 2, 51; Issue 11, 112; Issue 15 164 balsamic onion dressing Issue 43, 68 barbecued asparagus with honey-mustard dressing Issue 41, 32 barbecue duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 barbecued chicken breast with asparagus and lemon mustard dressing Issue 25, 41 basil dressing Issue 11, 162; Issue 14, 104 beans with garlic and sherry dressing Issue 52, 120 beef salad with wasabi dressing Issue 49, 127 brie and crispy bread salad with cranberry dressing Issue 31, 69 butter lettuce salad with herb dressing Issue 40, 142 campari dressing Issue 12, 116 caper dressing Issue 12, 106 carpaccio-style tuna with lemon pepper dressing Issue 27, 140 chicken, egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 coconut dressing Issue 19, 56 crème fraîche dressing Issue 10, 26 crispy chicken with eggplant chips and coriander dressing Issue 52, 114 crispy duck salad with plum dressing Issue 25, 107 crispy whole fish with tamarind dressing Issue 43, 107 cucumber salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 46, 128 dill and caper dressing Issue 13, 110 dressing for potato Issue 12, 164 dressing for spinach Issue 12, 164 ginger dressing Issue 19, 126 green beans and broccolini with bacon balsamic dressing Issue 30, 138 recipe index

green olive dressing Issue 1, 78 green onion pancakes with ginger dressing Issue 29, 93 green vegetable salad with lemon crème fraîche dressing Issue 36, 130 haloumi with asparagus and caper dressing Issue 52, 100 haloumi with radicchio and pomegranate dressing Issue 52, 108 haloumi salad with caramelised onion dressing Issue 44, 55 ham salad with basil buttermilk dressing Issue 30, 64 harissa dressing Issue 42, 38 hoisin dressing Issue 11, 110 honey dressing Issue 19, 126 honey mustard Issue 19, 56; Issue 20, 88 horseradish dressing Issue 36, 204 horseradish dressing Issue 9, 140; Issue 14 35; Issue 15, 34; Issue 16, 114; Issue 19, 56 hummus dressing Issue 11, 160 iceberg and radish salad with garlic dressing Issue 47, 54 lemon chicken couscous salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 47, 138 lemon pepper dressing Issue 13, 99 lime sour cream dressing Issue 12, 210 mustard sour cream dressing Issue 12, 212 orange dressing, Issue 16 Issue 19, 61, 96 oregano and basil dressing Issue 19, 31 oysters with red wine and eschalot dressing Issue 36, 185 pancetta-wrapped oysters with Worcestershire dressing Issue 36, 184 pan-fried asparagus with mustard dressing Issue 40, 138 parsley and lemon dressing Issue 11, 39 peach and asparagus salad with mint dressing Issue 19, 58 pear and fennel salad with hot mustard dressing Issue 48, 174 pepper-roasted chicken with honey mustard dressing Issue 47, 50 pernod dressing Issue 21, 31 pink grapefruit dressing Issue 36, 94 prawn noodle salad with lime dressing Issue 25, 44 preserved lemon dressing Issue 19, 136; Issue 35, 38 prosciutto-wrapped lamb with spring salad and mint dressing Issue 52, 110 quince dressing Issue 21, 109 quince salad dressing Issue 46, 64 radish and fennel salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 52, 120 red onion dressing Issue 15, 162 red wine vinegar dressing Issue 21, 129 roasted chicken and pumpkin with pesto dressing Issue 50, 69 salmon with bean purée and smoky lemon dressing Issue 52, 108 salmon with miso dressing Issue 40, 86 salmon and soba noodles with mirin dressing Issue 30, 48 sesame crusted fish with campari dressing Issue 34, 118 sesame dressing Issue 2, 140 sesame rice with salmon and miso dressing Issue 48, 33 simple lemon dressing Issue 52, 36 snapper ceviche with tequila dressing Issue 35, 112 steak and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 steamed vegetables with honey sesame dressing Issue 29, 36 sumac lamb with eggplant and tahini dressing Issue 43, 44 tarragon dressing Issue 13, 34 thai salad dressing Issue 27, 38 thick sage dressing Issue 9, 170 thyme and olive oil dressing Issue 8, 104 tomato and basil salad with anchovy dressing Issue 35, 106 tomato and feta salad with sticky balsamic dressing Issue 43, 68 tomato-roasted wood-fired bread with basil and dill dressing Issue 49, 104 tuna carpaccio with citrus miso dressing Issue 52, 100 tuna with sesame and teriyaki dressing Issue 40, 86 warm bean and mushroom salad with roasted garlic dressing Issue 38, 78 warm honey dressing Issue 14, 114 warm prawn and spring onion salad with wasabi dressing Issue 29, 96 white balsamic and herb dressing Issue 43, 68 yoghurt and garlic dressing Issue 14, 62 yoghurt dressing Issue 13, 62 zucchini and broad bean salad with garlic-herb dressing Issue 47, 118 recipe index

drinks affogato Issue 45, 78 apple and elderflower fizz Issue 42, 123 apple and lemon crush Issue 31, 84 apple, vanilla and ruby grapefruit soda Issue 41, 90 bellini mix Issue 12, 168 berry champagne cocktail Issue 36, 117 bittersweet vodka fizz Issue 4, 158 blood orange and cinnamon infused vodka Issue 10, 170 blood orange cooler Issue 42, 130 bloody mary Issue 27, 179; Issue 44, 81 blue sky Issue 1, 68 blueberry lemonade Kids’ Issue 3, 72 brandy infused with cumquats and vanilla Issue 10, 167 bubbly moscow mule Issue 12, 219 butterscotch schnapps with mandarin Issue 10, 167 campari and ruby grapefruit Issue 12, 222 campari cooler Issue 1, 95; Issue 30, 176 campari sparkle Issue 4, 154 campari with blood orange Issue 10, 168 champagne cocktail Issue 27, 122 chilli and pepper crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 china rose Issue 1, 176 chocolate jar shakes Kids’ Issue 2, 31 cinnamon and honey milk with marshmallow bombs Issue 20, 35 cinnamon-infused hot chocolate Issue 51, 41 citrus margarita Issue 11, 186 classic champagne cocktail Issue 12, 234 classic shaken margarita Issue 11, 186 classic vanilla milkshake Issue 28, 28 coconut martini Issue 33, 39 coconut smoothie Kids’ Issue 6, 98 coffee and chocolate cups Issue 28, 86 cola spider Kids’ Issue 6, 84 coloured sugar crust (for cocktaiils) Issue 11, 186 cranberry crush Issue 48, 185 cranberry virgin punch Issue 48, 185 cranberry vodka crush Issue 48, 185 cucumber, gin and pineapple crush Issue 48, 98 drinking chocolate Issue 1, 115 elderflower and lemon cooler Issue 49, 77 espresso granita with coffee liqueur Issue 33, 112 festive punch Issue 48, 112 fig martinis Issue 40, 98 fizzy jelly drinks Kids’ Issue 6, 114 fizzy strawberry daiquiri Issue 12, 218 flirtini Issue 1, 176 frangelico and lime Issue 10, 172 french 75 Issue 52, 80 french 2002 Issue 4, 155 frozen yoghurt and strawberry milk Issue 36, 108 fruit tea Issue 12, 184 ginger ale Issue 2, 26 ginger and lime pimm’s Issue 34, 37 grapefruit bianco Issue 9, 113 grapefruit campari Issue 34, 37 hot chocolate (see hot chocolate) hot toddy Issue 9, 158 ice-cream coffee Issue 17, 102 iced mint and cucumber gin Issue 47, 106 iced tea Issue 27, 38 iced vodka tea Issue 41, 43 icy eggnog Issue 42, 44 island cooler Issue 49, 86 kir royale Issue 4, 158 lemonade Kids’ Issue 6, 75 recipe index

lemon and lime crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 lemon martini Issue 12, 220 lemongrass cooler Issue 48, 185 lemongrass and mint iced tea Issue 37, 26 lemongrass and sake cooler Issue 48, 185 lime and ginger crush Issue 43, 84 limoncello Issue 34, 37 make-your-own flavoured milk Kids’ Issue 4, 74 malt and cinnamon warmer Issue 16, 31 mandarin buck’s fizz Issue 12, 220 mandarin vodka with citrus crust Issue 27, 179 mango mist Issue 4, 154 mexican mojito Issue 35, 41 milkshakes (see milkshakes) mint julep Issue 38, 43 mint and lime crush Issue 42, 127 mint refresher Issue 34, 37 mulled citrus wine Issue 10, 171 mulled wine Issue 39, 37 negroni Issue 47, 90 orange crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 passionfruit cloud Issue 4, 156 passionfruit cordial Issue 37, 106 peach and sake lemonade Issue 42, 130 peach sherbet Issue 12, 222 pear and ginger cocktail Issue 8, 100 pernod with pink grapefruit Issue 10, 168 peartini Issue 52, 71 pimm’s (see pimm’s) pink gin and tonic lollipops Issue 41, 94 pink potion Kids’ Issue 7, 63 pomegranate caprioska Issue 46, 73 punch (see punch) raspberry and lime caprioska Issue 1, 175 raspberry and mint mojito Issue 35, 41 raspberry mint soda Issue 11, 40 raspberry sunset Issue 4, 153 rum, ginger and apple fizz Issue 50, 52 sangria Issue 12, 222 sidecar Issue 38, 43 slushies (see slushies) smoothies (see smoothies) sparkling red wine and peach cocktail Issue 36, 127 spiced bloody mary Issue 11, 186 spritzer (see spritzers) strawberry sorbet Issue 4, 157 summer kiss Issue 1, 176 summer limeade Issue 30, 28 sweet cinzano Issue 34, 37 tall lemongrass and lychee vodka Issue 48, 185 vanilla apple crush Issue 34, 83 vanilla thickshake with marshmallow snowman Issue 12, 98 velvet martini Issue 33, 39 vodka rosé Issue 27, 176 vodka tonic with mint syrup Issue 27, 176 watermelon spider Issue 12, 220 white cranberry apéritif Issue 34, 37 white peach bellini Issue 4, 154 white sangria Issue 30, 178; Issue 40, 49 duck balsamic duck and fig on crispy gow gees Issue 30, 174 barbecue duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 brandy and sage pâté Issue 34, 80 caramelised apple toasts with balsamic duck Issue 27, 93 cashew duck salad Issue 37, 155 recipe index

chinese roasted duck Issue 21, 132 confit with red wine vinegar dressing Issue 21, 129 crispy duck noodles Issue 32, 132 crispy duck salad with plum dressing Issue 25, 107 crispy duck with spiced beets Issue 38, 111 egg roll with crisp duck and plum sauce Issue 13, 85 five-spice duck rolls Issue 37, 70 five-spice tamarind duck Issue 41, 117 and leek terrine Issue 21, 133 liver pâté Issue 21, 129 marylands with caramelised apples Issue 33, 130 orange roasted duck Issue 21, 130 oven-roasted duck liver salad with baby beetroot Issue 9, 140 pan-fried duck breast with pomegranate sauce Issue 21, 130 pink peppercorn braised duck Issue 21, 132 and pistachio terrine Issue 15, 37 poached in apple juice Issue 2, 70 and noodle soup Issue 51, 119 roasted duck with caramelised figs and marsala glaze Issue 52, 110 roasted duck with sage and garlic potatoes Issue 50, 118 rolls with beetroot relish Issue 12, 35 sesame pancakes Issue 24, 160 and shiitake mushroom mini pies Issue 20, 118 and shiitake mushroom tart Issue 52, 94 with slow-braised lentils and sage Issue 40, 98 slow-cooked duck pasta Issue 15, 92 and snow pea pancakes Issue 42, 129 and snow peas Issue 1, 92 spiced confit duck Issue 40, 111 steamed duck dumplings Issue 48, 60 sugar, soy and cassia grilled duck breasts Issue 9, 152 veal terrine with duck breast Issue 36, 72 wonton duck salad with red wine glaze Issue 46, 108 wontons in spiced broth Issue 21, 130 dumplings apple and caramel dumplings Issue 45, 92 caramel dumplings Issue 22, 82 chinese soup with pork dumplings Issue 2, 58 cocoon Kids’ Issue 3, 116 fried dumplings Issue 41, 66 ginger fish dumplings Issue 49, 137 hearty vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 147 lamb shank + dumpling pies Issue 51, 63 lime and chilli chicken dumplings Issue 15, 177 pork and water chestnut dumpling soup Issue 13, 85 pork dumplings Issue 14, 104 pot stickers Issue 41, 66 pot-sticker pork and coriander dumplings Issue 22, 98 prawn and bamboo shoot dumplings Issue 22, 98 rhubarb dumplings Issue 28, 96 spicy chicken dumpling soup Issue 51, 116 spicy dumpling soup Issue 41, 66 steamed duck dumplings Issue 48, 60 steamed salmon dumplings Issue 12, 118 veal camping stew with herb dumplings Issue 20, 35 vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 149 E egg asparagus, bean, bacon and poached egg salad Issue 17, 221 bacon, bean and egg pie Issue 28, 135 and bacon breakfast pie Issue 20, 120 bacon and egg pies Issue 14, 168 bacon, egg and spinach pie Issue 46, 33 recipe index

and bean pots Kids’ Issue 2, 129 bacon and egg roll Kids’ Issue 3, 38 baked bean and cheese omelette Kids’ Issue 2, 132 baked bean french toast Kids’ Issue 2, 130 baked eggs with streaky bacon Issue 38, 141 basic egg pasta Issue 22, 94 boiled egg Issue 14, 54 and cheese french toast Issue 11, 98 chicken, egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 chinese fried rice Issue 32, 132 and chive squares Issue 48, 108 creamy scrambled eggs with smoked salmon Issue 44, 124 crispy bacon, pea and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 6, 17 with crispy brioche soldiers Issue 47, 80 crispy potato flip Issue 20, 35 crispy sage potatoes with fried eggs Issue 44, 102 devilled quail eggs Issue 14, 90 eggplant and beef bolognese Issue 44, 48 eggy fried rice Kids’ Issue 3, 30 florentine Issue 44, 128 frittata (see frittata) gingerbread man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 goat’s cheese and dill quiches Issue 17, 148 grilled breakfast baguette Issue 2, 150 ham and egg pies Issue 37, 139 hash browns with poached eggs and bacon Issue 10, 98 japanese steamed egg custard Issue 38, 136 and lettuce ‘sushi’ Kids’ Issue 7, 40 mayonnaise finger sandwiches Issue 47, 76 meringue (see meringue) onion and chorizo frittata Issue 20, 108 parmesan scrambled eggs with prosciutto toast Issue 50, 43 peas and prosciutto frittata Issue 20, 66 poached egg gratin Issue 38, 136 poached eggs Issue 32, 37 poached eggs with buttered spinach Issue 32, 60 poached egg and prosciutto bagels Issue 14, 62 ricotta and parmesan bake Issue 46, 31 ricotta, pancetta and pumpkin bake Issue 35, 62 roasted garlic pasta with quail egg Issue 40, 97 roll Issue 13, 46 roll with crisp duck and plum sauce Issue 13, 85 salmon brunch blini Issue 42, 76 sausage and egg pie Issue 9, 26 scrambled eggs Kids’ Issue 3, 30 soft-boiled egg with basil mayonnaise sandwich Issue 19, 96 soft-boiled eggs with soldiers Kids’ Issue 3, 30 soft egg salad with anchovy dressing Issue 17, 221 soft eggs with peppered toast Issue 38, 136 soft poached eggs with sweet potato hash browns and asparagus Issue 34, 73 soft scrambled eggs with caramelised witlof Issue 38, 141 soufflé (see soufflé) and spinach pie Issue 37, 149 spinach and egg salad Issue 37, 137 stir-fry chicken omelette Kids’ Issue 3, 96 sumac steak and eggplant wraps Issue 45, 29 sweet potato and pasta frittata Issue 17, 100 sweet potato and spring onion pan omelette Issue 17, 221 toasted egg sandwich Issue 37, 158 tuna and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 3, 30 white pepper tuna with chinese omelette Issue 15, 108 eggnog brûlée Issue 36, 178 icy eggnog Issue 42, 44 semifreddo Issue 12, 132 recipe index

vanilla-spiked egg nog custard Issue 48, 126 eggplant (aubergine) and basil bruschetta Issue 27, 46 bresaola, eggplant and mozzarella bruschetta Issue 50, 40 char-grilled eggplant and rocket salad Issue 9, 116 char-grilled eggplant and spinach sandwich Issue 19, 93 char-grilled eggplant and zucchini salad Issue 11, 160 and chilli pickle Issue 15, 142 chorizo, eggplant and cannellini bean soup Issue 15, 66 coriander chicken with roasted eggplant and chilli Issue 37, 50 crispy chicken with eggplant chips and coriander dressing Issue 52, 114 dip Issue 19, 81 feta and eggplant meatballs Issue 37, 112 fritters with spiced yoghurt Issue 30, 77 green beans and eggplant with chilli and lime Issue 8, 74 grilled eggplant and basil bean dip Issue 30, 30 pasta with eggplant, chilli and basil Issue 10, 60 roasted eggplant and chilli pasta Issue 33, 62 roasted eggplant and ricotta pasta Issue 49, 30 roasted tomato, eggplant and haloumi burger Issue 41, 130 slender eggplant with chilli Issue 8, 80 smoky eggplant and garlic dip Issue 48, 132 sumac eggplant chips Issue 39, 128 sumac lamb with eggplant and tahini dressing Issue 43, 44 and tomato curry Issue 28, 108 warm eggplant with lemon and parsley Issue 10, 82 elderflower apple and elderflower fizz Issue 42, 123 and lemon cooler Issue 49, 77 eschalots (french shallots) caramelised eschalots Issue 40, 141 caramelised eschalots and goat’s cheese flatbread Issue 34, 66 oysters with red wine and eschalot dressing Issue 36, 185 F fairy floss brandy custard pots with fairy floss Issue 30, 99 persian fairy floss Issue 21, 43 fennel baby fennel with leek and parsley Issue 8, 74 bake Issue 14, 139 baked fennel with goat’s cheese and silver beet Issue 2, 29 baked side of salmon Issue 12, 120 bean and fennel salad Issue 8, 104 bruschetta Issue 52, 31 and cabbage coleslaw Issue 22, 107 caramelised bacon and fennel salad Issue 28, 50 char-grilled fennel and haloumi salad Issue 25, 44 cherry tomato and fennel crostini Issue 27, 50 chicken and fennel salad Issue 37, 155 chilli and fennel olives Issue 34, 96 and chilli rub Issue 42, 158 and chilli salt Issue 39, 130 and coriander rolls Issue 34, 66 crispy chicken salad with citrus-roasted olives and fennel Issue 49, 52 crispy fennel squid Issue 43, 51 crispy sage fish with fennel and potatoes Issue 27, 120 crispy salmon with beetroot and fennel salad Issue 51, 33 crumbed sardines with fennel and onion salad Issue 27, 147 crunchy fennel salad Issue 35, 91 crusted pork with apple mash Issue 52, 38 goat’s cheese wontons with caramelised tomato and fennel salad Issue 33, 73 grilled parsnips and fennel with garlic mayonnaise Issue 16, 115 and haloumi chickpea burgers Issue 48, 44 recipe index

haloumi and fennel with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 ham and lemon spaghetti Issue 30, 60 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 kingfish, chilli and fennel carpaccio Issue 40, 86 kingfish with skordalia and pan-fried fennel Issue 15, 86 lamb and fennel with white bean purée Issue 27, 76 lemon and fennel paper bag fish Issue 52, 112 and mozzarella salad Issue 17, 37 mustard, fennel and onion relish Issue 30, 72 and onion soup Issue 15, 68 and parmesan biscuits Issue 46, 142 pan-fried salmon with fennel salad Issue 29, 50 pasta with chicken and fennel Issue 2, 104 pea, fennel and mint spaghetti Issue 10, 56 pear and fennel salad with hot mustard dressing Issue 48, 174 poached chicken, fennel and asparagus salad Issue 47, 132 potato, fennel and lemon thyme tart Issue 38, 82 prawn, avocado and fennel salad Issue 48, 51 prosciutto and fennel salad Issue 20, 129 radish and fennel salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 52, 120 ricotta and fennel meatballs Issue 27, 140 roasted chilli fennel Issue 52, 31 and rocket salad Issue 21, 120 rosemary chicken, brussels sprout and fennel salad Issue 50, 132 rosemary and fennel lamb Issue 49, 130 and rosemary roasted pork Issue 38, 65 salmon with fennel and lemon risotto Issue 46, 120 salmon and fennel salad Issue 36, 204 salmon, potato and fennel salad Issue 42, 53 seed scones Issue 33, 92 smoked chicken and fennel salad Issue 42, 130 smoked trout and fennel bruschetta Issue 42, 34 smoky grilled chicken and crispy fennel salad Issue 35, 128 tarragon chicken, cauliflower and fennel salad Issue 51, 102 tomato and fennel soup with haloumi croutons Issue 45, 42 tomato and fennel soup with parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 veal and fennel salt Issue 37, 142 veal, pork and fennel meatballs Issue 34, 86 warm steamed potato and fennel salad Issue 29, 40 watercress and fennel salad with mint dressing Issue 11, 138 feta artichoke and feta bruschetta Issue 47, 40 bacon and feta bean dip Issue 30, 30 beetroot and feta salad Issue 40, 142 beetroot, feta and mint salad Issue 52, 122 beetroot, feta and sweet potato salad Issue 31, 42 butternut pumpkin and feta loaf Issue 32, 107 char-grilled asparagus and feta salad Issue 13, 64 char-grilled lemon, spinach and feta pizzas Issue 45, 104 char-grilled spinach and feta flatbreads Issue 47, 48 chicken, chilli and feta pasta Issue 43, 46 chicken and feta with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 chicken breasts baked with lemon and feta Issue 11, 162 chicken with risoni, corn and feta Issue 13, 128 chickpea patties with zucchini and feta salad Issue 48, 44 chilli feta and crispy pancetta crostini Issue 27, 46 and coriander cakes Issue 31, 55 creamy linguine with chorizo, pea and feta Issue 32, 60 crushed broad bean, feta and mint dip Issue 48, 132 cucumber, chickpea and feta salad Issue 11, 164 easy marinated feta salad Issue 1, 48 and eggplant meatballs Issue 37, 112 green olive crusted veal with feta mash Issue 34, 100 grilled vegetable and feta bruschetta Issue 37, 48 lamb and feta burgers with minted yoghurt Issue 49, 44 recipe index

lemon couscous salad Issue 35, 38 and lemon dip with crispy pita Issue 42, 82 and lemon lamb Issue 49, 130 marinated feta Issue 27, 28 mint, chilli and garlic Issue 24, 76 one-pan chorizo, olive and feta polenta Issue 51, 56 oven-baked feta cannelloni Issue 16, 96 oven risotto with chicken and feta Issue 20, 140 pasta with peas, garlic, rocket and feta Issue 8, 167 pea, feta and lemon dip Issue 36, 159 penne with lamb fillet, baby rocket and feta Issue 10, 58 potato, yoghurt, feta and mint salad Issue 17, 34 quick marinated feta pasta Issue 1, 48 ricotta blini with marinated feta Issue 42, 76 roast cherry tomato, feta and olive bites Issue 15, 178 roast pumpkin and feta frittata Issue 32, 70 rosemary-roasted chicken with beetroot and feta Issue 44, 48 semi-dried tomato and feta stuffing Issue 10, 116 silver beet, dill and feta risotto Issue 2, 140 smoked chicken, feta and dill quiches Issue 41, 81 smoky chilli chicken, chorizo and feta burger Issue 41, 126 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spiced lamb and feta sandwich Issue 48, 54 spicy lamb and feta filo Issue 21, 62 spinach and feta pastries Issue 44, 29 spinach and feta pies Issue 37, 115 spinach, feta and pine nut baked risotto Issue 33, 68 spinach, lemon and feta turkish sandwich Issue 49, 139 spinach, marinated feta and potato pie Issue 36, 159 spinach and feta pasta Issue 17, 222 spinach, tomato and feta pasta Issue 46, 34 sumac marinated feta Issue 35, 87 tomato and feta salad Issue 35, 32 tomato and feta salad with sticky balsamic dressing Issue 43, 68 tomato, olive and feta salad Issue 37, 118 warm mushroom, pancetta and feta salad Issue 38,56 witlof with zucchini, mint and feta Issue 30, 99 zucchini, feta and chilli bruschetta Issue 43, 51 zucchini fritters with feta and pancetta salad Issue 46, 108 fig and almond preserve Issue 15, 139 bacon-wrapped maple pork with figs Issue 50, 147 balsamic duck and fig on crispy gow gees Issue 30, 174 balsamic pork belly with caramelised figs Issue 43, 100 with balsamic and vanilla syrup Issue 2, 94 char-grilled pizza with fig, mozzarella and caramelised onion Issue 43, 97 cheese plate and wild fig compote Issue 34, 130 chocolate fig slice Issue 10, 143 creamy fig and chilli pasta Issue 43, 98 crushed fig friands Issue 15, 119 dried fig and orange stuffing Issue 15, 34 fresh figs with blue cheese and prosciutto Issue 21, 62 fresh figs with prosciutto and parmesan crisps Issue 43, 100 and ginger sabayon Issue 49, 148 and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 43, 97 grilled brioche with pâté and fig Issue 42, 127 haloumi, fig and pomegranate salad Issue 43, 97 honey-dried figs Issue 9, 106 and honey mille-feuille Issue 8, 106 lamb shanks with figs and pistachios Issue 2, 81 little figgy christmas cakes Issue 42, 180 martinis Issue 40, 98 marinated figs Issue 38, 86 marsala fig tarts Issue 34, 141 and marsala yorkshire pudding Issue 32, 118 recipe index

and mozzarella salad Issue 49, 52 muscat figs Issue 31, 127 and oat biscuits Issue 14, 33 pears and figs in muscat Issue 8, 136 with peppered mascarpone and prosciutto Issue 4, 27 and raspberries with rosewater syrup Issue 52, 134 rhubarb and fig compote with vanilla yoghurt Issue 20, 86 ricotta cheesecake with moscato figs Issue 43, 98 ricotta and fig croissants Issue 50, 43 roasted duck with caramelised figs and marsala glaze Issue 52, 110 semolina porridge with brown sugar and figs Issue 50, 100 tarts with brown sugar mascarpone Issue 20, 154 toasted almond mascarpone figs Issue 30, 82 toffee-crusted fig and date cake Issue 44, 142 toffee figs Issue 43, 97 tray-roasted marsala figs Issue 21, 115 walnut and fig bread Issue 38, 96 white balsamic glazed figs with prosciutto and mozzarella Issue 30, 100 white peach and fig granita Issue 42, 113 white peach granita with fresh figs Issue 25, 130 fish (and seafood) baked fish and chips Issue 17, 192 baked fish with bacon crumble Issue 28, 50 barramundi (see barramundi) blue eye with lemon and pine nuts Issue 9, 166 braised calamari Issue 20, 129 bug tails (see bug tails) cakes with garlic and caper mayonnaise Issue 51, 129 cannellini bean and fish stew Issue 2, 111 caramelised fish clay pot Issue 43, 108 caramelised onion and fish pies Issue 20, 123 celeriac crisps with grilled garfish Issue 16, 111 char-grilled lime swordfish Issue 13, 110 char-grilled sardines Issue 21, 93 char-grilled zucchini with crispy whiting Issue 17, 130 cheesy crumbed fish and chips Kids’ Issue 6, 101 cherry tomato roast fish Issue 25, 72 chilli-beer battered fish Issue 29, 30 chilli and lime fish cakes with cucumber salad Issue 49, 62 and chips Issue 43, 120 clams (see clams) and coleslaw tacos Issue 49, 114 coral fishcakes Kids’ Issue 2, 82 coriander, mint and lemon fish Issue 49, 36 coriander, sesame and lime tuna skewers Issue 37, 124 couscous and parsley-crusted fish Issue 36, 56 with couscous salad Issue 49, 37 crab (see crab) creamy tuna and chickpea salad Issue 37, 57 crispy fish with asparagus Issue 49, 37 crispy fish rolls with caper mayonnaise Issue 14, 66 crispy fish sandwiches Issue 1, 26 crispy fried whitebait Issue 10, 110 crispy sage fish with fennel and potatoes Issue 27, 120 crispy sardines with lemon and mint Issue 37, 116 crispy seafood with herb dipping sauce Issue 46, 122 crispy skin fish with cauliflower purée and oregano butter Issue 51, 94 crispy skin fish with preserved lemon Issue 49, 137 crispy skin fish with preserved lemon salsa Issue 19, 136 crispy whole fish with tamarind dressing Issue 43, 107 crumbed fish Issue 25, 34 crumbed fish with smashed potatoes Kids’ Issue 7, 46 crumbed sardines with fennel and onion salad Issue 27, 147 crunchy herbed fish and potatoes Issue 51, 70 crunchy parmesan fish fingers Kids’ Issue 4, 39 recipe index

deep-fried anchovy olives with marinated artichokes Issue 27, 143 easy fish pie Issue 46, 38 fisherman’s pie Issue 39, 87 garfish with green olive mayonnaise Issue 24, 93 garlic fish with lemon risoni salad Issue 36, 52 garlic pipis Issue 39, 87 ginger, sesame and green onion fish Issue 11, 72 ginger fish dumplings Issue 49, 137 ginger and fish stir-fry Issue 17, 76 ginger and garlic whiting wrapped in banana leaf Issue 31, 85 ginger scampi with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 30, 148 grown-up fish fingers and chips Issue 12, 36 Kids’ sushi Kids’ Issue 2, 62 kingfish, chilli and fennel carpaccio Issue 40, 86 kingfish with skordalia and pan-fried fennel Issue 15, 86 lemon and chilli fish burrito Issue 43, 43 lemon and garlic grilled lobster with chips and salad Issue 21, 102 lemon and fennel paper bag fish Issue 52, 112 lemon and fish pie Issue 28, 134 lemon and ouzo simmered squid Issue 37, 116 lemon and parsley fish Issue 37, 158 lemon and tarragon fish stew Issue 45, 96 lemony fish cakes Issue 49, 137 lime tuna Issue 37, 146 lobster (see lobster) miso, udon noodle and fish soup Issue 2, 58 mussels (see mussels) one-pan fish curry and jasmine rice Issue 20, 63 oysters (see oysters) pad thai Issue 9, 81 pan-fried fish with brown butter and parsley Issue 47, 30 paper bag seafood linguine Issue 45, 135 paprika rubbed fish Issue 37, 28 parmesan-crumbed fish with crushed pea risoni Issue 46, 29 and pea curry Issue 49, 37 pie Issue 10, 110 prawns (see prawns) prosciutto wrapped fish Issue 34, 28 red mullet with cherry tomatoes and garlic crumbs Issue 37, 115 roasted fish, potato and asparagus with dill butter Issue 47, 29 roasted fish with white bean and parsley salad Issue 43, 52 rustic fish burgers and dill pickle mayonnaise Issue 44, 89 salmon (see salmon) salsa verde fish Issue 11, 69 salt cod fritters Issue 40, 112 salt cod and potato dip Issue 50, 118 salt-crusted fish Issue 10, 106 sardines with baby green beans and crispy breadcrumbs Issue 33, 100 scallops (see scallops) seafood baskets Kids’ Issue 2, 89 seafood chowder bake Issue 51, 132 seafood parcel Issue 43, 134 seafood soup with roast capsicum and garlic Issue 27, 108 sesame crusted fish with campari dressing Issue 34, 118 shellfish chowder Issue 10, Issue 15, 58, 106 shrimp (see prawns) simple chilli fish Issue 1, 48 skordalia with crispy fish Issue 27, 105 smoked salmon (see smoked salmon) smoked trout (see smoked trout) smoky fish with char-grilled corn salad Issue 41, 51 smoky squid and chilli pork stir-fry Issue 41, 118 snapper (see snapper) soy and ginger steamed fish Issue 47, 30 soy-grilled fish Issue 1, 142 recipe index

spicy fish taco with green chilli Issue 35, 121 spicy thai fish salad Issue 49, 137 squid (see squid) steamed soy, lemon and coriander fish parcels Issue 36, 34 thai fish cakes Issue 37, 159 trout (see trout) tuna (see tuna) whiting tied with lime Issue 19, 28 whole baked fish with lemon salt and aioli Issue 46, 118 whole coconut fish Issue 43, 136 whole fish baked in lemon butter and bay Issue 10, 110 five-spice caramelised pork with five-spice broth Issue 47, 34 chicken in rice paper Issue 8, 122 chinese five-spice roasted spatchcock Issue 46, 118 crispy five-spice crab Issue 36, 189 duck rolls Issue 37, 70 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 pepper and five spice bouquet Issue 15, 106 pork Issue 37, 151 pork with noodle salad Issue 1, 142 pork with sticky mushroom rice Issue 52, 114 pork with thai broth Issue 12, 150 roasted pork belly Issue 50, 144 tamarind duck Issue 41, 117 twice-cooked five-spice chicken Issue 48, 58 frangelico and lime Issue 10, 172 sabayon Issue 2, 163 french shallot (see eschalot) french toast baked bean french toast Kids’ Issue 2, 130 cheesy chicken french toast Kids’ Issue 3, 49 chocolate brioche french toast Issue 2, 153 egg and cheese french toast Issue 11, 98 french toast Issue 28, 28 gingerbread man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 gruyère and ham french toast Issue 16, 70 maple syrup french toast Issue 38, 36 peppery prosciutto and mozzarella french toast Issue 39, 142 nectarine french toast Issue 1, 133 friand apricot jam drop friand Issue 35, 92 crushed fig friand Issue 15, 119 frittata (see also omelette) asparagus, potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 32, 70 chicken, bacon and corn frittata Kids’ Issue 3, 50 frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 48 grated zucchini frittata Issue 32, 70 ham frittata Issue 48, 78 individual chicken frittata Issue 28, 83 leek, ricotta and mushroom frittata Issue 39, 53 mushroom, sage and bacon frittata Issue 51, 68 paprika fried potato frittata Issue 21, 95 pea, pancetta, leek and onion frittata Issue 32, 70 potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 50, 115 potato, pea and chive frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 roasted pumpkin and cherry tomato frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 roast pumpkin and feta frittata Issue 32, 70 roasted sweet potato and cheese frittata Kids’ Issue 7, 27 roasted vegetable and chorizo frittata Issue 44, 38 smoked trout and zucchini frittata Issue 42, 34 spinach frittata Issue 37, 161 three cheese frittata Issue 32, 66; Kids’ Issue 6, 49 fritters recipe index

basic corn fritters Issue 29, 56 beetroot and sweet potato fritters with sumac salt Issue 38, 112 carrot and beetroot fritters Kids’ Issue 3, 72 cheesy ham and mash fritters Issue 48, 78 chemistry concoction fritters Kids’ Issue 6, 113 chicken, chorizo and zucchini fritters Issue 42, 84 chickpea and harissa fritters Issue 42, 38 coconut and lime chicken fritters Issue 36, 49 corn, chilli and prawn fritters Issue 43, 30 corn fritters with lime mayonnaise Issue 31, 97 corn and zucchini fritters Kids’ Issue 7, 27 eggplant fritters with spiced yoghurt Issue 30, 77 ham, basil and ricotta fritters Issue 29, 60 ham and sweetcorn fritter Issue 1, 110 herb and spinach fritters Issue 29, 60 lamb, pea and mint fritters Issue 29, 60 lemon and zucchini puffs Issue 35, 76 my mum’s roast lamb fritters Issue 14, 114 parsnip fritters Issue 33, 30 parsnip fritters Issue 16, 112 pear fritters Issue 39, 101 pear and blue cheese fritters Issue 36, 80 potato, parmesan and chive fritters Issue 29, 60 ricotta fritters Issue 40, 58 ricotta, orange and currant fritters Issue 35, 154 root vegetable fritters Issue 17, 192 sage fritters Issue 44, 102 salt cod fritters Issue 40, 112 smoked trout noodle salad with ginger fritters Issue 52, 94 sugar and cinnamon fritters Issue 33, 91 zucchini and chickpea fritters Issue 47, 120 zucchini fritters with feta and pancetta salad Issue 46, 108 zucchini and horseradish fritters Issue 41, 36 frozen yoghurt frozen mango cups Issue 19, 130 honeydew and vanilla frozen yoghurt Issue 19, 106 lemon curd frozen yoghurt Issue 35, 144 and strawberry milk Issue 36, 108 fruit caramelised fruit Issue 27, 38 classic fruit punch Issue 35, 41 coconut rice with stone fruit and vanilla honey Issue 42, 113 do-it-yourself fruit dippers Kids’ Issue 2, 31 fruity apple cider punch Issue 35, 41 galettes Issue 11, 168 grilled summer fruit with meringue ice-cream Issue 49, 146 hazelnut fruit crumbles Issue 4, 104 mince tarts Issue 30, 159; Issue 42, 184 non-alcoholic fruit punch Issue 35, 41 poached fruit in passionfruit syrup Issue 37, 100 salad with kaffir lime syrup Issue 31, 72 skillet fruit-and-spice cookie Kids’ Issue 2, 26 spiced fruit and nut roll Issue 12, 136 spring fruit compote with yoghurt Issue 35, 166 sticky fruit pastries with orange blossom syrup Issue 34, 89 summer fruit cake with orange icing Issue 30, 159 summer fruit macaron slice Issue 37, 91 summer fruit salad Issue 13, 110 summer simmer fruits Issue 31, 86 tea Issue 12, 184 toast with caramel apples Issue 39, 144 tropical fruit smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 fruitcake (see also christmas cakes) boiled fruitcake Issue 4, 88 light fruitcake Issue 12, 178 recipe index

fudge baked chocolate fudge Issue 28, 120; Issue 46, 138 chocolate fudge Issue 30, 124 chocolate peppermint fudge Issue 2, 122 doughnuts with chocolate fudge sauce Issue 50, 108 hot chocolate fudge sauce Issue 28, 122 white chocolate and vanilla fudge cakes Issue 48, 126 G galettes (see also tarts) apple galettes Issue 44, 70 fruit galettes Issue 11, 168 mini pear galettes Issue 8, 138 potato, goat’s cheese and rosemary galettes Issue 4, 27 potato, onion and gruyère galette Issue 50, 120 garbanzos (see chickpeas) garfish celeriac crisps with grilled garfish Issue 16, 111 garfish with green olive mayonnaise Issue 24, 93 garlic basil, lemon and garlic roasted chicken Issue 49, 30 beans Issue 10, 128 beans with garlic and sherry dressing Issue 52, 120 blue swimmer crab with garlic dressing Issue 24, 96 borlotti bean soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 braised red cabbage with bacon and garlic Issue 22, 107 brown butter and garlic oysters Issue 15, 181 bulbs Issue 20, 42 butter Issue 9, 30; Issue 12, 104; Issue 34, 30 butter and char-grilled prawns Issue 24, 93 butter green beans Issue 42, 170 cheesy garlic pizza Issue 47, 148 chicken Issue 37, 136 chicken with creamy celeriac salad Issue 47, 132 chicken pot roast Issue 44, 116 chilli and garlic prawns Issue 30, 110 and chilli chicken couscous Issue 35, 64 chilli oil Issue 8, 144 coriander, rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 coriander and garlic pan-fried squid Issue 36, 200 coriander and garlic pork Issue 35, 52 creamy pancetta and roasted garlic pasta Issue 38, 78 crispy garlic pasta Issue 37, 159 crispy skin chicken with roasted garlic, parsnip and potato mash Issue 38, 78 croutons Issue 28, 24 crunchy olive polenta fingers with garlic aïoli Issue 34, 60 fish cakes with garlic and caper mayonnaise Issue 51, 129 fish with lemon risoni salad Issue 36, 52 ginger and garlic whiting wrapped in banana leaf Issue 31, 85 and goat’s cheese bruschetta Issue 21, 64 grilled steak with roasted garlic aïoli Issue 38, 78 and herb roasted chicken with crusty bread Issue 44, 116 lamb and garlic meatballs Issue 39, 61 lamb loin with black bean and garlic sauce Issue 30, 48 and lemon chilli marinade Issue 31, 108 lemon and garlic chicken Issue 33, 124 lemon and garlic grilled lobster with chips and salad Issue 21, 102 lemon and garlic prawn pasta Issue 31, 43 lemon and garlic roast chicken Issue 17, 15 lemon and garlic roasted spatchcocks Issue 49, 123 lemon-garlic tuna steaks Issue 29, 66 and lemon lamb patties Issue 49, 131 and lemon paper bag clams Issue 42, 97 lemon and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 recipe index

and lemon mash Issue 32, 81 linguini and scampi with lemon garlic butter Issue 34, 106 mash Issue 33, 32 mushrooms Issue 27, 104; Issue 43, 134 mussels with green garlic, lime and coconut Issue 40, 38 and mustard beef skewers Issue 37, 124 oregano and garlic roasted lamb Issue 37, 115 pan-fried lemon and garlic chicken Issue 48, 52 pan-fried lemon and garlic scallops Issue 36, 208 and parmesan bread Issue 27, 106 and parmesan kale Issue 45, 64 pipis Issue 39, 87 pizza Issue 8, 92 and plum drumsticks Issue 43, 131 potatoes cooked in foil with garlic and chive butter Issue 19, 28 potato mash Issue 8, 167 prawns Issue 27, 103; Issue 36, 198; Issue 43, 119 prawn and garlic pasta parcels Issue 52, 82 red mullet with cherry tomatoes and garlic crumbs Issue 37, 115 ricotta parcels with crispy garlic crumbs Issue 41, 106 roasted chicken with tomatoes and olives Issue 51, 36 roasted garlic Issue 38, 74 roasted garlic butter Issue 42, 153 roast garlic beef Issue 37, 152 roasted garlic pasta with quail egg Issue 40, 97 roast garlic and pepper oysters Issue 27, 103 roast garlic butter Issue 31, 97 roast garlic mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 roast garlic potato salad Issue 28, 83 roasted garlic and tomato bruschetta Issue 43, 133 roast lemon and garlic chicken Issue 27, 103 roast parsnip and garlic potato salad Issue 32, 60 roast tarragon and garlic pheasant Issue 22, 36 roasted garlic and autumn vegetable pasties Issue 14, 35 roasted garlic and vegetable foldovers Issue 39, 76 roasted garlic and ricotta pasta Issue 34, 100 roasted garlic and white bean dip Issue 36, 159 roasted pumpkin with garlic and sage Issue 32, 102 rosé lamb Issue 33, 124 rosemary and garlic lamb skewers Issue 50, 69 and rosemary lamb Issue 37, 137 and rosemary oil flatbread Issue 34, 66 and sage braised pork neck Issue 50, 140 sage butter and garlic breadcrumb spaghetti Issue 22, 64 and sage roast chicken Issue 33, 89 seafood soup with roast capsicum and garlic Issue 27, 108 skordalia with crispy fish Issue 27, 105 smoked trout and garlic potato croquettes Issue 21, 90 smoky eggplant and garlic dip Issue 48, 132 spicy chicken, pumpkin and roasted garlic rice Issue 46, 45 spicy garlic prawn couscous Issue 52, 65 spinach, garlic and anchovy rigatoni Issue 16, 166 and thyme braised cauliflower Issue 51, 102 thyme and garlic rib roast Issue 15, 130 thyme and garlic roasted chicken Issue 39, 114 and thyme lamb with roasted tomatoes Issue 44, 56 and thyme roasted chicken Issue 50, 62 and vinegar roasted cabbages Issue 39, 118 vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 warm garlic and thyme artichokes Issue 48, 82 warm tomato, garlic and parsley pasta salad Issue 19, 58 and white wine mussels Issue 48, 46 yoghurt dip Issue 48, 132 yoghurt and garlic dressing Issue 14, 62 garlic chives recipe index

prawns Issue 24, 160 scallop and garlic chive gow gees Issue 32, 132 gelato gelato baguettes Issue 31, 122 pawpaw with passionfruit gelato Issue 12, 152 ginger ale Issue 2, 26 and almond biscotti Issue 48, 182 asian greens Issue 32, 128 beef and ginger stir-fry Issue 25, 55 beef patties with lime noodle salad Issue 47, 36 cake Issue 8, 37 cake with hazelnut and spice Issue 12, 130 carrot and ginger soup Issue 51, 110 cinnamon and ginger marinade Issue 31, 111 chicken and snow pea broth Issue 1, 92 chicken soup with asian greens Issue 45, 58 and chilli chicken skewers Issue 40, 123 chocolate ginger chews Issue 47, 166 chocolate ginger truffles Issue 45, 52 and chocolate shortbread fingers Issue 48, 68 coconut rice with palm sugar Issue 49, 94 and coriander butter Issue 34, 30 crunch slice Issue 51, 148 fig and ginger sabayon Issue 49, 148 fish dumplings Issue 49, 137 and fish stir-fry Issue 17, 76 fluffy ginger cake Issue 48, 108 gai larn Issue 50, 39 and garlic whiting wrapped in banana leaf Issue 31, 85 gingerbread man Kids’ Issue 4, 84 green onion pancakes with ginger dressing Issue 29, 93 honey and ginger chilli chicken Issue 25, 40 honey and ginger dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 honey ginger pudding Issue 36, 172 lemon and ginger chicken stir-fry Issue 41, 118 lemon and ginger steamed chicken Issue 29, 40 lime and ginger crush Issue 43, 84 lime and ginger sorbet Issue 19, 106 lime and ginger salmon salad Issue 31, 43 and lime pimm’s Issue 34, 37 lychee and ginger granita Issue 48, 62 mini gingerbread cakes Issue 22, 83 mint and lime granita Issue 13, 119 and mirin oysters Issue 48, 166 mushroom and ginger stir-fry Issue 41, 117 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 pear and ginger jellies Issue 17, 110 pineapple, chicken and ginger stir-fry Issue 43, 64 plum and ginger chicken noodles Issue 42, 56 poached chicken noodles Issue 43, 38 poached salmon and soba noodles with ginger broth Issue 46, 48 pork and ginger meatball stir-fry Issue 40, 57 pork noodle stir-fry Issue 22, 116 pork parcels Issue 37, 70 prawns Issue 37, 151 prawns with snow pea shoots Issue 13, 86 prawn spring roll skewers Issue 30, 176 raspberry and ginger cheesecake slice Issue 49, 146 rum, ginger and apple fizz Issue 50, 52 scampi with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 30, 148 sesame and green onion fish Issue 11, 72 sesame and soy ginger pork Issue 46, 106 sesame tuna and ginger noodle salad Issue 31, 69 smoked trout noodle salad with ginger fritters Issue 52, 94 recipe index

snaps Issue 34, 141 soy and ginger chicken Issue 44, 31 soy ginger chicken Issue 13, 128 soy and ginger ribs Issue 43, 131 soy and ginger steamed fish Issue 47, 30 spicy ginger beef salad Issue 25, 107 steamed ginger scallops Issue 36, 208 steamed red snapper Issue 13, 88 sticky barbecue and ginger ribs Issue 50, 140 sticky ginger pork with asian greens Issue 52, 40 strawberry and ginger punch Issue 25, 82 sweet potato salad with ginger dressing Issue 19, 126 sweet soy and ginger chicken Issue 20, 146 syrup Issue 42, 179 teriyaki lamb Issue 49, 131 thai ginger and mussel soup Issue 51, 120 tuna with chilli-ginger glaze Issue 49, 94 vegetables and green tea soba noodles Issue 30, 50 gingerbread buttons Issue 24, 148 dress-me-up gingerbread people Issue 42, 191 house Issue 48, 89 man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 men Issue 48, 185; Kids’ Issue 7, 135 mix Issue 48, 185 upside-down pear and gingerbread slice Issue 39, 105 glaze balsamic-glazed steak and mushrooms Issue 51, 35 chocolate glaze Issue 11, 172 flourless chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate glaze Issue 16, 144 glazed pears Issue 17, 180 maple glaze Issue 42, 165 maple-glazed ham Issue 48, 158 marmalade glaze Issue 42, 165 mustard honey glaze Issue 1, 106 orange marmalade glaze Issue 22, 116 plum and onion glaze Issue 22, 116 port glaze Issue 21, 34 quick balsamic glaze Issue 51, 34 quince-glazed leg of lamb Issue 10, 118 roasted duck with caramelised figs and marsala glaze Issue 52, 110 sugar glaze Issue 12, 130 tuna with chilli-ginger glaze Issue 49, 94 vanilla-glazed rosy apples with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 9, 178 wonton duck salad with red wine glaze Issue 46, 108 gnocchi baked gnocchi Issue 28, 60 baked taleggio and potato gnocchi Issue 50, 116 basic gnocchi Issue 28, 56 with burnt sage butter Issue 44, 105 cheat’s ricotta, spinach and mint gnocchi Issue 41, 105 crab and chilli gnocchi Issue 40, 135 creamy mushroom gnocchi Issue 28, 60 herb gnocchi with basil oil Issue 28, 60 potato gnocchi with broad beans and tarragon burnt butter Issue 33, 106 prosciutto and spinach gnocchi Issue 28, 60 pumpkin gnocchi with oregano brown butter Issue 2, 84 vegetable gnocchi bake Kids’ Issue 6, 34 goat’s cheese/curd angel hair pasta with pesto and goat’s curd Issue 42, 86 asparagus and goat’s curd sandwiches Issue 47, 105 asparagus, potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 32, 70 baked fennel with goat’s cheese and silver beet Issue 2, 29 balsamic mushroom and goat’s curd salad Issue 50, 128 balsamic onion and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 21, 64 beetroot blini with goat’s curd Issue 42, 76 recipe index

and beetroot bruschetta Issue 40, 64 broad bean and goat’s curd salad Issue 35, 76 caramelised eschalots and goat’s cheese flatbread Issue 34, 66 caramelised mushrooms, crispy croutons and goat’s cheese Issue 32, 78 caramelised onions stuffed with goat’s cheese Issue 15, 164 chicken with goat’s cheese, polenta and red onion dressing Issue 15, 162 chorizo, goat’s cheese and parsley pasta Issue 15, 162 chorizo, lentil and goat’s curd pasta Issue 45, 138 couscous stuffed zucchini flowers Issue 35, 106 crispy goat’s cheese, tomato and basil salad Issue 35, 128 crostini with goat’s cheese and balsamic dried tomato Issue 2, 150 crumbed goat’s cheese Issue 15, 167 cucumber and goat’s curd in beetroot leaves Issue 8, 100 deep-fried goat’s cheese parcels Issue 15, 181 and dill quiches Issue 17, 148 field mushrooms, spinach and goat’s cheese Issue 20, 63 fig and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 43, 97 fried beetroot bruschetta with ashed goat’s cheese Issue 14, 132 garlic and goat’s cheese bruschetta Issue 21, 64 green coral salad with goat’s cheese toasts Issue 11, 112 grilled lamb and goat’s cheese salad Issue 40, 63 herb and goat’s cheese pasta Issue 46, 108 jerusalem artichoke, caramelised onion, goat’s cheese and thyme gratin Issue 22, 90 lentil and goat’s cheese salad Issue 37, 139 marinated goat’s cheese Issue 15, 167 and mozzarella mini pizzas Issue 47, 147 mushroom and goat’s curd omelette Issue 38, 136 mushroom, pesto and goat’s cheese rolls Issue 39, 144 mushroom and sage tart with goat’s curd Issue 52, 80 mushroom tarte tatin with goat’s cheese Issue 42, 123 pea andgoat’s cheese tarts Issue 1, 90 pear with goat’s cheese and prosciutto Issue 20, 150 pear and goat’s curd parcels Issue 9, 104 and pear pastries Issue 46, 96 pickled baby beets with goat’s curd semolina Issue 38, 114 polenta and spinach bake Issue 15, 162 potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 50, 115 potato, goat’s cheese and rosemary galettes Issue 4, 27 potato and goat’s cheese salad Issue 43, 122 pots with walnut toast Issue 12, 164 pumpkin, spinach and goat’s cheese pie Issue 20, 118 pumpkin and goat’s cheese ravioli Issue 22, 97 quince-glazed steak with goat’s curd polenta Issue 52, 110 quince and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 46, 64 roast field mushrooms with goat’s cheese and spinach Issue 14, 104 roast pumpkin and goat’s cheese salad with preserved lemon dressing Issue 19, 136 roasted capsicum, goat’s cheese and olive pizza Issue 8, 92 roasted spatchcock with goat’s curd semolina Issue 40, 132 roasted tomato, basil and goat’s cheese tart Issue 40, 64 roasted tomatoes with goat’s curd Issue 52, 100 rocket, goat’s cheese and lavash salad Issue 12, 148 spicy goat’s cheese pizzas Issue 31, 62 spinach and goat’s cheese dip Issue 12, 72 with goat’s cheese Issue 2, 56 tartlets Issue 52, 52 tarts Issue 51, 43 toasts with wilted kale Issue 51, 132 tomato and goat’s cheese baked sandwich Issue 16, 68 tomato, goat’s curd and basil Issue 1, 77 tomato and goat’s curd tart Issue 49, 104 tomato salad with goat’s curd and olives Issue 19, 121 veal cutlets with goat’s cheese and lentil salad Issue 38, 61 wontons with caramelised tomato and fennel salad Issue 33, 73 wrapped in vine leaves Issue 15, 94 zucchini and goat’s curd tart Issue 47, 122 recipe index

gow gees balsamic duck and fig on crispy gow gees Issue 30, 174 chicken and chilli Issue 24, 156 chilli, spinach and ricotta ravioli Issue 34, 60 green curry pork pies Issue 34, 56 green onion and prawn broth Issue 34, 56 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 lobster ravioli with tarragon sauce Issue 36, 192 scallop and garlic chive gow gees Issue 32, 132 soy tuna with sesame crisps Issue 34, 60 sugar-cured salmon on crispy gow gees Issue 27, 93 granita (see also ices, sorbets) apple and mint granita Issue 35, 79 apricot granita Issue 31, 72 coconut and pineapple granita Issue 13, 120 coffee granita Issue 25, 130 espresso granita with coffee liqueur Issue 33, 112 ginger, mint and lime granita Issue 13, 119 lime and lemongrass granita with pawpaw Issue 25, 130 lychee and ginger granita Issue 48, 62 mango and lime granita Issue 49, 93 orange granita with passionfruit Issue 25, 130 oysters with lemon and vodka granita Issue 42, 97 peach and cointreau granita Issue 13, 119 pineapple granita Issue 25, 129 pink grapefruit granita with honeydew melon Issue 25, 129 strawberry granita with mango Issue 25, 129 watermelon granita with rockmelon Issue 25, 130 white peach and fig granita Issue 42, 113 white peach granita with fresh figs Issue 25, 130 granola basic granita Issue 11, 56 clusters Issue 45, 92 nectarine granita Issue 25, 24 peach and coconut granola Issue 31, 80 plum and granola crumbles Issue 50, 43 with strawberries and sheep’s milk yoghurt Issue 11, 98 grapefruit apple, vanilla and ruby grapefruit soda Issue 41, 90 campari and ruby grapefruit Issue 12, 222 and cranberry punch Issue 29, 82 grapefruit bianco Issue 9, 113 lychee and pink grapefruit slushie Issue 30, 178 milk jellies with candied orange zest Issue 35, 143 pernod with pink grapefruit, Issue 10, 168 pink grapefruit and champagne sorbet Issue 35, 144 pink grapefruit granita with honeydew melon Issue 25, 129 quick grapefruit jam Issue 17, 34 rare beef, pink grapefruit and crunchy peanut betel leaves Issue 36, 94 gratin basic potato gratin Issue 22, 86 bean and vegetable crunchy top gratin Kids’ Issue 2, 128 brussels sprout and potato gratin Issue 45, 27 cabbage, bacon, potato and parmesan gratin Issue 22, 90 cauliflower gratin Issue 22, 107 celeriac gratin Issue 34, 129 garden vegetable Issue 27, 60 jerusalem artichoke, caramelised onion, goat’s cheese and thyme gratin Issue 22, 90 lemon thyme spatchcocks with lemon gratin Issue 45, 96 pancetta and potato gratins Issue 48, 158 pancetta, potato and leek gratins Issue 36, 119 parsnip and sweet potato gratin Issue 22, 90 poached egg gratin Issue 38, 136 pumpkin, blue cheese and sage gratin Issue 22, 90 roasted parsley lamb with creamy potato gratin Issue 46, 122 silver beet and gruyère Issue 32, 107 recipe index

gravy basic gravy Issue 39, 66 chardonnay gravy Issue 36, 119 cranberry gravy Issue 30, 140 cranberry gravy Issue 12, 104 gravy Issue 42, 156 honey-mustard turkey with gravy Issue 48, 150 mint gravy Issue 39,70 mustard and brandy gravy Issue 39, 70 pan-fried steak with parmesan mash and pan gravy Issue 16, 166 pan juice gravy Issue 10, 82 pink peppercorn and horseradish gravy Issue 39, 70 red wine gravy Issue 39, 70 simple roast gravy Issue 38, 100 gruyère fresh pear slices with aged gruyère Issue 4, 30 and ham french toast Issue 16, 70 layered ham and gruyère lavash Issue 2, 153 potato, onion and gruyère galette Issue 50, 120 silverbeet and gruyère gratin Issue 32, 107 H haloumi with asparagus and caper dressing Issue 52, 100 and asparagus salad Issue 1, 139 and couscous cakes with smoked salmon Issue 24, 58 and cucumber salad Issue 37, 161 baked haloumi and tomato in vine leaves Issue 4, 30 baked in vine leaves Issue 37, 112 beef and haloumi burgers Issue 14, 66 capers and parsley sandwich Issue 19, 96 cashew and chinese cabbage salad Issue 2, 140 char-grilled fennel and haloumi salad Issue 25, 44 chicken, haloumi and preserved lemon skewers Issue 37, 129 chorizo, caramelised onion and haloumi pizza Issue 49, 134 chorizo and haloumi skewers with chickpea salad Issue 49, 33 chorizo, ham and haloumi oven omelette Issue 30, 64 fennel and haloumi chickpea burgers Issue 48, 44 fig and pomegranate salad Issue 43, 97 fried haloumi with mixed caper salsa Issue 40, 42 herb spring vegetables with fried haloumi Issue 11, 70 with lemon and herbs Issue 43, 136 lemon spinach with pan-fried haloumi Issue 34, 46 pan-fried haloumi Issue 9, 77 pan-fried haloumi with oregano Issue 49, 33 pan-fried haloumi and zucchini salad Issue 17, 156 pine nut-crusted haloumi with roasted capsicum Issue 40, 123 prosciutto and haloumi bruschetta Issue 27, 48 with radicchio and pomegranate dressing Issue 52, 108 and red onion bruschetta Issue 16, 66 roasted haloumi, bacon and tomato salad Issue 46, 45 roasted tomato, eggplant and haloumi burger Issue 41, 130 salad with caramelised onion dressing Issue 44, 55 steak and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 tomato and fennel soup with haloumi croutons Issue 45, 42 tuna and bean salad Issue 19, 144 warm mushroom and haloumi salad with red wine vinaigrette Issue 14, 100 ham (see also prosciutto) artichoke and ham spring pizza Issue 35, 79 and asparagus salad Issue 48, 78 baked ham and artichoke pizza breads Issue 45, 30 barbecue ham and salami cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 basil and ricotta fritters Issue 29, 60 bird’s nest tarts Kids’ Issue 2, 26 recipe index

and brie baguette Issue 35, 32 carrot and snake bean stir-fry Issue 30, 60 char-grilled ham and couscous salad Issue 30, 62 and cheddar roll-ups Issue 1, 47 cheese and basil toasted sandwich Issue 47, 80 and cheese hearts Kids’ Issue 7, 59 cheese and pineapple swirls Kids’ Issue 2, 112 and cheese scrolls Kids’ Issue 3, 98 and cheese squares Kids’ Issue 6, 72 cheesy ham filo cups Kids’ Issue 4, 99 cheesy ham and mash fritters Issue 48, 78 cheesy ham and pineapple pizza scrolls Kids’ Issue 7, 48 chorizo, ham and haloumi oven omelette Issue 30, 64 and chutney sandwiches Issue 48, 108 circus potato scallops Kids’ Issue 2, 72 corn chowder with green onions and ham Issue 28, 34 crispy ham panini Issue 1, 110 and egg pies Issue 37, 139 egg and bean pots Kids’ Issue 2, 129 fennel, ham and lemon spaghetti Issue 30, 60 frittata Issue 48, 78 gingerbread man ham and cheese french toast Kids’ Issue 4, 93 grilled ham, rocket and bocconcini salad Issue 1, 110 gruyère and ham french toast Issue 16, 70 hawaiian ham sandwiches Kids’ Issue 7, 39 hide-and-seek rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 26 how to glaze, carve and store Issue 1, 106 layered ham and gruyère lavash Issue 2, 153 and lettuce nori rolls Kids’ Issue 3, 96 maple-glazed ham Issue 48, 158 mini ham and chive rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 39 and mustard baguette Issue 48, 78 mustard glazed ham (tom & di’s) Issue 24, 100 orange and mustard glazed ham Issue 42, 165 pea and ham brunch bake Issue 30, 64 pea, spinach and ham soup Issue 51, 116 pie Issue 1, 110 pineapple, ham and cheese jaffles Kids’ Issue 4, 70 pineapple, ham and mushroom burger Issue 30, 62 prawn and ham fried rice Issue 30, 62 ricotta, ham and chilli pasta Issue 48, 78 and ricotta omelette Issue 47, 42 and rocket quiche Issue 48, 107 salad with basil buttermilk dressing Issue 30, 64 and seeded mustard pasta Issue 17, 74 smoked cheddar and ham squares Issue 36, 82 smoked ham and cheese toasties Issue 44, 127 smoked ham, mozzarella and artichoke pastries Issue 42, 82 split pea and ham soup with mint Issue 10, 130 and sweetcorn fritters Issue 1, 110 swiss cheese, spinach and ham brioches Issue 34, 70 thyme pork with cabbage-and-ham mash Issue 39, 45 and tomato quiches Kids’ Issue 2, 65 and tomato relish toasted sandwiches Issue 17, 98 walk-the-plank toasted sandwiches Kids’ Issue 2, 89 harissa artichoke and bocconcini bites Issue 51, 129 barbecued harissa chicken Issue 42, 38 char-grilled harissa t-bone Issue 49, 128 chicken with lentil mash Issue 51, 34 chickpea and harissa fritters Issue 42, 38 dressing Issue 42, 38 lamb Issue 43, 134 pork with herbed couscous Issue 42, 53 preserved lemon and harissa chicken Issue 49, 124 recipe index

hash browns corned beef hash Issue 44, 66 with poached eggs and bacon Issue 10, 98 soft poached eggs with sweet potato hash browns and asparagus Issue 34, 73 vegetable hash browns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 hazelnut blood plum and hazelnut tart Issue 13, 138 chocolate crème caramels with hazelnut toffee Issue 46, 56 chocolate and hazelnut coffee cake Issue 20, 164 chocolate and hazelnut cookies Issue 15, 116 chocolate and hazelnut panforte Issue 12, 182 chocolate and hazelnut pastries Issue 27, 78 and currant baked apples with sticky marsala sauce Issue 38, 98 currant and hazelnut baked apples Issue 44, 70 ginger cake with hazelnut and spice Issue 12, 130 hazelnut filling Issue 13, 135 hazelnut fruit crumbles Issue 4, 104 hazelnut sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 135 hazelnut toffee Issue 8, 178 hazelnut upside-down cake Issue 8, 178 rhubarb and hazelnut cake Issue 22, 83 spiked coffee with vanilla cream Issue 51, 48 and vanilla soft meringue Issue 34, 143 heart cookies Issue 4, 108 herb anchovy herb butter Issue 44, 74 asparagus and herb pasta Issue 46, 86 and caper couscous salad Issue 36, 55 butter Issue 12, 104 butter roasted turkey Issue 36, 120 char-grilled salmon with herb butter Issue 29, 52 chorizo and herb chickpea salad Issue 31, 52 couscous, herb and prosciutto meatloaf Issue 28, 80 creamy sweet chilli, lime and herb dip Kids’ Issue 2, 82 crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 crispy herb potatoes Issue 46, 128 crispy seafood with herb dipping sauce Issue 46, 122 croutons Issue 28, 24 crumbed lamb Issue 49, 130 crunchy herbed fish and potatoes Issue 51, 70 and goat’s cheese pasta Issue 46, 108 haloumi with lemon and herbs Issue 43, 136 herb-crumbed lamb chops Issue 41, 58 crusted veal loin Issue 11, 34 damper Issue 13, 109 fresh herb pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 fresh lemon and herb pasta Issue 17, 218 fried herbs Issue 9, 48 garden herb pasta Issue 17, 37 garlic and herb roasted chicken with crusty bread Issue 44, 116 gnocchi with basil oil Issue 28, 60 herbed lamb racks Issue 39, 30 and lemon roasted chicken Issue 50, 77 mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 mop-up scones Issue 10, 112 and olive-roasted potatoes Issue 46, 90 and pancetta poached chicken Issue 52, 65 parmesan and herb baked ricotta Issue 15, 178 pea and herb falafel balls Issue 35, 91 pesto Issue 47, 39 and pine nut crumbed chicken Issue 50, 70 polenta chips Issue 51, 57 pork fillet with mixed herb couscous Issue 22, 116 red wine and herb lamb shanks Issue 51, 63 ricotta and herb baked chicken Issue 20, 144 recipe index

roasted capsicum and herb bruschetta Issue 46, 106 roasted chicken with herb sauce and sage salt Issue 44, 106 rump steak with herbed butter Issue 27, 68 salmon fresh herb curry Issue 28, 110 and salt-crusted pork rack Issue 50, 147 shanks on herb and mustard mash Issue 14, 116 and spinach fritters Issue 29, 60 spicy beef with herby couscous Issue 43, 118 spring herb crepe with smoked salmon Issue 17, 221 spring vegetables with fried haloumi Issue 11, 70 steak sandwich with herb mayonnaise Issue 47, 54 and three-cheese penne Issue 22, 68 toasted coconut crab and herb salad Issue 21, 114 tomato soup with macaroni and herbs Issue 28, 40 veal camping stew with herb dumplings Issue 20, 35 vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 white balsamic and herb dressing Issue 43, 68 winter herb roasted chicken drumsticks Issue 33, 48 hoisin chicken stir-fry Issue 37, 64 dressing Issue 11, 110 peanut dipping sauce Issue 43, 112 sesame-crusted pork noodle salad Issue 13, 86 sticky hoisin pork with steamed greens Issue 38, 66 honey and almond snacks Issue 17, 100 apricot and honey frozen cones Issue 17, 110 and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 banana roll with honey yoghurt Kids’ Issue 3, 42 baked chicken Issue 1, 26 baked ricotta Issue 1, 132 beehive cookies Issue 10, 160 bourbon, soy and honey pork ribs Issue 45, 114 cinnamon and honey milk with marshmallow bombs Issue 20, 35 chilli dipping sauce Issue 13, 64 coconut rice with stone fruit and vanilla honey Issue 42, 113 cream sponge cake Issue 17, 180 dried apples Issue 17, 182 dried figs Issue 9, 106 drop biscuits Issue 17, 178 fig and honey mille-feuille Issue 8, 106 and garlic lamb kebabs with couscous salad Issue 47, 47 and ginger dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 ginger pudding Issue 36, 172 and golden syrup meringue cupcakes Issue 41, 150 hugs and kisses Issue 4, 108 jumble cakes Issue 17, 178 lemon and honey roast chicken Issue 27, 28 lemon grass chicken skewers with honey dressing Issue 19, 126 lemon honey toast with ricotta Issue 17, 180 milk and honey pies Issue 11, 124 milk sorbet with almond and honey pastries Issue 40, 152 mini honey hot cakes with cinnamon butter Issue 17, 178 mustard chicken sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 52 mustard turkey with gravy Issue 48, 150 peach and honey ricotta pastry Issue 35, 34 pear and honey cake Issue 14, 36 pears in sugared vine leaves Issue 2, 86 pepper-roasted chicken with honey mustard dressing Issue 47, 50 pistachio, honey and raspberry layered yoghurt Issue 29, 124 and pistachio wafers Issue 31, 118 pork and carrot stir-fry Issue 17, 76 port-soaked berries with honey toasts Issue 17, 160 raspberry and honey smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 ricotta Issue 1, 47 recipe index

roast chicken with honey sweet potatoes Issue 28, 48 roasted oranges Issue 10, 143 roasted parsnip soup Issue 51, 107 roasted pistachios Issue 17, 182 roasted spatchcocks Issue 29, 84 and rosemary chicken Kids’ Issue 2, 65 and rosewater yoghurt Issue 1, 134; Issue 17, 182 and sesame chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 snaps Issue 17, 178 steamed vegetables with honey sesame dressing Issue 29, 36 sweet honeyed ricotta with brioche Issue 35, 154 thyme and honey veal cutlets Issue 43, 134 vanilla porridge with honeyed apples Issue 44, 128 vinaigrette Issue 2, 92 wafers Issue 15, 119 warm honey dressing Issue 14, 114 honeycomb bombe Alaska Issue 40, 149 chocolate-topped honeycomb Issue 32, 96 choc-topped maple honeycomb Issue 51, 84 cookies Issue 10, 158 honeycomb Issue 2, 26; Kids’ Issue 4, 86 soufflés Issue 46, 138 horseradish apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 beef Issue 37, 157 beef with mushrooms Issue 43, 136 cream Issue 12, 150 Issue 13, 64 crispy potato pancakes with beetroot and horseradish cream Issue 46, 98 crusted lamb chops Issue 41, 36 dressing Issue 9, 140; Issue 14, 35; Issue 15, 34; Issue 16, 114; Issue 19, 56; Issue 36, 204 and onion steak sandwich Issue 25, 56 peppercorn and horseradish rub Issue 31, 110 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 pink peppercorn and horseradish gravy Issue 39, 70 potato salad Issue 49, 73 salmon and potato salad with horseradish pesto Issue 49, 29 sauce Issue 41, 36 seared beef fillet with horseradish cream Issue 40, 86 smoked salmon, potato and horseradish salad Issue 48, 34 spicy tomato and horseradish mayonnaise Issue 49, 73 steak with horseradish butter and rosemary chips Issue 52, 108 steak and onion salad with horseradish dressing Issue 19, 56 tarragon and horseradish rub Issue 42, 158 tempura broccoli with horseradish dipping sauce Issue 22, 110 tuna and horseradish vol-au-vents Issue 14, 90 zucchini and horseradish fritters Issue 41, 36 hot chocolate creamy hot chocolate Issue 14, 36 dark hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 double hot chocolate Issue 44, 90 fudge sauce Issue 28, 122 grown-up hot chocolate Issue 16, 98 malted hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 mocha hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 orange and cream hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 white hot chocolate Issue 32, 36 hummus caramelised onion hummus dip Issue 48, 137 chickpea pita pockets with hummus Issue 48, 44 chilli and lemon hummus dip Issue 11, 162 dip Issue 12, 68 dressing Issue 11, 160 dukkah-crusted chicken with lemon hummus Issue 49, 124 preserved lemon hummus Issue 35, 86 recipe index

spicy coriander hummus Issue 30, 30 I ice-cream baked caramel apples with ice-cream Issue 20, 154 basic banana ice-cream Kids’ Issue 4, 25 berry ice-cream pudding Issue 24, 94 butterscotch affogato Issue 27, 74 chocolate and berry squares Issue 31, 118 chocolate-coated ice-cream bombs Issue 46, 142 chocolate and mint coolers Issue 31, 121 chocolate freckle topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 chocolate sauce Issue 10, 146 choc-top microphones Kids’ Issue 6, 87 coconut meringue sandwiches Issue 31, 118 coffee ice-cream Issue 17, 102 crème brûlée ice-cream Issue 32, 144 crispy ice-cream cups Issue 36, 97 dark chocolate topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 frozen tiramisù Issue 34, 110 frozen yoghurt (see frozen yoghurt) gelato baguettes Issue 31, 122 granita (see granita) grilled summer fruit with meringue ice-cream Issue 49, 146 honey and pistachio wafers Issue 31, 118 ices (see ices) jaffa topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 lemon curd ice-cream Issue 11, 130 mango ice-cream slice Issue 25, 74 milk chocolate topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 mixed berry semifreddo Issue 24, 167 movie cones Issue 25, 80 mud pies Kids’ Issue 2, 31 paint bucket sundaes Issue 27, 109 panettone ice-cream sandwich with muscat syrup Issue 12, 132 peach brioche ice-cream sandwiches Issue 42, 114 peppermint topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 quick raspberry and banana ice-cream Issue 37, 78 raspberry ice-cream choux sandwiches Issue 47, 72 raspberry ice-cream layer cake Kids’ Issue 7, 107 raspberry ice-cream sandwiches Issue 48, 112 rockmelon ice-cream wedges Issue 19, 106 rosewater and pistachio (lucy & danielle’s) Issue 24, 111 sandcastle cake Kids’ Issue 2, 82 scoop pecan and cinnamon cookies Issue 33, 144 semifreddo (see semifreddo) sorbet (see sorbet) strawberry ice-cream choc bites Issue 25, 88 strawberry ice-cream with caramel sauce Issue 24, 118 sundaes see (also sundaes) sundae cupcakes Kids’ Issue 6, 88 vanilla ice-cream finger sandwiches Kids’ Issue 4, 99 vanilla ice-cream with turkish delight Issue 12, 36 vanilla peaches and ice-cream Issue 19, 130 volcano Kids’ Issue 4, 25 white chocolate and raspberry cups Issue 30, 82 ices apricot and honey frozen cones Issue 17, 110 buttermilk and blueberry sticks Issue 13, 119 coconut and pineapple granita Issue 13, 120 cranberry and vanilla yoghurt popsicles Issue 42, 104 ginger, mint and lime granita Issue 13, 119 jasmine tea and mint sorbet Issue 13, 88 kiwifruit ices Issue 13, 119 recipe index

mango and strawberry layered popsicles Issue 13, 119 orange and passionfruit ice cups Issue 19, 106 pawpaw and lime frosty Issue 19, 111 pawpaw and passionfruit popsicles Issue 13, 119 peach and cointreau granita Issue 13, 119 pineapple and coconut splice Issue 19, 106 raspberry icy poles Issue 13, 119 raspberry semifreddo popsicles Issue 43, 147 rocket icy poles Kids’ Issue 7, 77 strawberry and cream bars Issue 13, 120 icing almond cakes with sugared apple icing Issue 29, 122 basic butter cream icing Issue 42, 182 basic chocolate butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic vanilla butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic vanilla icing Kids’ Issue 2, 93 basic white icing Kids’ Issue 3, 135 butter icing Kids’ Issue 4, 119 choc-orange cupcakes with orange whipped icing Issue 27, 130 chocolate glaze icing Issue 20, 166 citrus icing Issue 42, 182 coffee icing Issue 42, 182 flower cupcakes with meringue icing Kids’ Issue 7, 64 giant iced ginger biscuits Issue 44, 95 lemon icing Kids’ Issue 4, 82; Issue 27, 38 meringue icing Issue 4, 92 mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing Issue 50, 166 passionfruit icing Issue 21, 170 perfect white icing Issue 20, 166 ready-to-roll icing Kids’ Issue 4, 119 spiked icing Issue 42, 182 summer fruit cake with orange icing Issue 30, 159 vanilla icing Issue 28, 28 vanilla cupcakes with pistachio praline whipped icing Issue 27, 129 vanilla madeleines with lemon icing Issue 52, 132 whipped vanilla icing Kids’ Issue 6, 125 J jaffles cheesy mushroom jaffles Issue 28, 80 pineapple, ham and cheese jaffles Kids’ Issue 4, 70 jam (see also marmalade) almond and jam tray pastry Issue 36, 164 apple and apricot jam almond cake Issue 20, 166 apricot jam drop friands Issue 35, 92 blood orange marmalade Issue 16, 134 buns Issue 14, 158 char-grilled chilli jam steak Issue 48, 40 char-grilled spatchcocks with spicy tomato jam Issue 49, 106 cheat’s chilli jam Issue 52, 38 chilli jam Issue 12, 182 coconut jam scones Issue 41, 74 coconut slice Issue 51, 146 crumble tea cake Issue 9, 26 daisy drops Issue 47, 164 daisy tarts Issue 41, 90 drops Kids’ Issue 3, 62; Kids’ Issue 7, 138 jewel biscuits Kids’ Issue 4, 103 muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 mulberry jam Issue 36, 110 peanut butter and jam stacks Kids’ Issue 3, 40 pear and strawberry jam pastry Issue 35, 34 plum jam Issue 38, 32 plum and onion glazed pork fillet with snow peas Issue 22, 116 recipe index

quick grapefruit jam Issue 17, 34 raspberry jam shortbread sandwiches Issue 48, 68 red wine onion jam Issue 13, 33 rhubarb and vanilla jam Issue 28, 92 ripple cake Issue 2, 124 scones with baked strawberry jam and cream Issue 24, 122 strawberry and passionfruit jam Issue 31, 132 swirls Issue 10, 158 tarts Issue 4, 112; Issue 29, 110 japanese beef stir-fry Issue 27, 116 japanese spinach salad with sesame dressing Issue 2, 140 jasmine tea and mint sorbet Issue 13, 88 jelly apple jellies Issue 46, 142 apricot jelly with buttermilk panna cotta Issue 47, 106 chocolate-layered espresso jellies Issue 52, 87 cinnamon white wine jelly Issue 9, 152 citrus jelly slice Issue 35, 143 coconut and lychee jelly Issue 25, 98 dessert wine jelly Issue 9, 180 dessert wine jelly with gold leaf Issue 9, 180 eyeball jellies Kids’ Issue 4, 113 fizzy jelly drinks Kids’ Issue 6, 114 jumping jellies Kids’ Issue 7, 91 milk jellies with candied orange zest Issue 35, 143 milk jelly with rosewater syrup Issue 11, 120 jelly monster Kids’ Issue 6, 129 peaches in rosewater jelly Issue 13, 96 pear and ginger jellies Issue 17, 110 potted blue cheese with muscatels and port jelly Issue 52, 132 raspberry and shiraz jelly Issue 30, 28 raspberry jelly and panna cotta bites Issue 31, 121 rosewater and milk jelly Issue 29, 124 slimesnakes Kids’ Issue 4, 113 sparkling framboise jelly with raspberry sorbet Issue 12, 36 strawberry jelly tea cups Kids’ Issue 7, 60 tropical jelly cups Kids’ Issue 6, 98 vanilla panna cotta with dessert wine jelly Issue 9, 180 vanilla panna cotta with sparkling campari jelly Issue 46, 140 vanilla and vodka jellies with chantilly cream Issue 48, 126 white peaches in pink champagne jelly Issue 42, 113 jerusalem artichoke caramelised jerusalem artichoke on toasted brioche Issue 16, 111 and chervil ravioli with burnt butter Issue 16, 111 roasted chicken breast with jerusalem artichoke confit Issue 16, 114 roasted Jerusalem artichokes and witlof Issue 40, 141 soup Issue 10, 26 K kale chilli and lemon bruschetta Issue 45, 64 garlic and parmesan kale Issue 45, 64 goat’s curd toasts with wilted kale Issue 51, 132 pancetta and kale risotto Issue 45, 64 potato, kale and chorizo soup Issue 45, 64 roasted pumpkin and kale spaghetti Issue 45, 138 kebabs (see also skewers) barbecue kebabs with noodles and beans Kids’ Issue 7, 28 beef and onion kebabs Issue 25, 55 honey and garlic lamb kebabs with couscous salad Issue 47, 47 lamb kebabs Issue 19, 81 lemongrass chicken skewers with honey dressing Issue 19, 126 orange marmalade glazed pork kebabs Issue 22, 116 oregano lamb and mushroom kebabs Issue 49, 130 recipe index

smoky barbecue chicken kebabs Issue 36, 162 zucchini and capsicum kebabs Issue 19, 28 kingfish with skordalia and pan-fried fennel Issue 15, 86 tuna sashimi with sesame dressing Issue 24, 134 kumara (see sweet potato) L lamb bacon and rosemary roasted lamb Issue 46, 118 balsamic lamb cutlets with asparagus and tomatoes Issue 24, 78 barbecued lamb rack with caramelised vegetables Issue 27, 113 barbecued potatoes and lamb with anchovy vinaigrette Issue 10, 98 basic roast lamb Issue 14, 114 burger Issue 37, 144 burgers with yoghurt and garlic dressing Issue 14, 62 caramelised lamb and artichoke salad Issue 36, 49 char-grilled capsicum and lamb burger Issue 41, 136 cheesy lamb chops with mash Kids’ Issue 7, 28 cheesy lamb pockets with mint salsa Issue 49, 130 chops with olive and broccolini risoni Issue 44, 46 coriander, rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 and couscous soup Issue 28, 40 cumin, chilli and coriander lamb Issue 49, 43 cumin-crusted lamb with chickpea salad Issue 35, 52 cumin roasted lamb with pumpkin mash Issue 32, 102 cumin salt lamb rump Issue 49, 130 curry Issue 28, 105 cutlets with chickpea stuffing Issue 31, 55 cutlets with pea and feta salad Issue 25, 44 cutlets with pears and parsnips Issue 8, 138 cutlets with pesto potatoes Issue 47, 40 cutlets with thyme Issue 1, 144 easy-carve leg of lamb with thyme and lemon Issue 10, 118 and fennel with white bean purée Issue 27, 76 and feta burgers with minted yoghurt Issue 49, 44 feta and lemon lamb Issue 49, 130 and garlic meatballs Issue 39, 61 garlic and lemon lamb patties Issue 49, 131 garlic and rosemary lamb Issue 37, 137 garlic rosé lamb Issue 33, 124 garlic and thyme lamb with roasted tomatoes Issue 44, 56 ginger teriyaki lamb Issue 49, 131 greek lamb salad Issue 1, 58 grilled lamb and goat’s cheese salad Issue 40, 63 grilled lamb salad with preserved lemon Issue 35, 126 harissa lamb Issue 43, 134 herb-crumbed lamb Issue 49, 130 herb-crumbed lamb chops Issue 41, 58 herbed lamb racks Issue 39, 30 honey and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 honey and garlic lamb kebabs with couscous salad Issue 47, 47 honey mustard lamb Issue 37, 159 horseradish-crusted lamb chops Issue 41, 36 kashmiri lamb curry Issue 9, 155 kebabs Issue 19, 81 lemon and chilli lamb Issue 37, 160 lemon spinach with pan-fried haloumi Issue 34, 46 with lime aïoli and spicy chickpea salad Issue 52, 112 loin with black bean and garlic sauce Issue 30, 48 maple lamb with bacony carrots Kids’ Issue 6, 18 marinated butterflied leg of lamb Issue 10, 118 and mashed potato pie Issue 28, 128 mint and apple lamb with a crunchy salad Issue 37, 47 recipe index

and mint burger Issue 43, 131 mint and cucumber lamb salad Issue 13, 62 mint and honey mustard lamb Kids’ Issue 6, 32 mint and mustard roast lamb Issue 21, 109 mint lamb Issue 37, 151 minted broad bean mash with spiced lamb Issue 33, 106 minted lamb leg Issue 41, 105 minted lamb pot pie Issue 50, 78 minted lamb and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 my mum’s roast lamb fritters Issue 14, 114 olive and oregano lamb burgers Issue 14, 64 onion and lamb simmer Issue 20, 109 and onion soup Issue 14, 114 oregano and chive lamb cutlets Kids’ Issue 3, 86 oregano and garlic roasted lamb Issue 37, 115 oregano lamb and mushroom kebabs Issue 49, 130 oregano and lemon lamb Issue 43, 134 oregano and lemon lamb chops Issue 41, 58 pan-fried mustard lamb Issue 31, 42 parmesan-lentil mash with lamb Issue 38,62 patties and tomato salad Issue 28, 48 pea and mint fritters Issue 29, 60 penne with lamb fillet, baby rocket and feta Issue 10, 58 pepper and maple syrup crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 pesto lamb with crouton salad Issue 42, 56 pesto lamb cutlets with wilted spinach Issue 20, 66 pistachio and lemon crusted lamb Issue 34, 129 preserved lemon crusted lamb cutlets Issue 19, 136 prosciutto-wrapped lamb with spring salad and mint dressing Issue 52, 110 and pumpkin pot pie Kids’ Issue 3, 86 quince-glazed leg of lamb Issue 10, 118 racks with borlotti beans Issue 40, 128 racks with pine nut crust Issue 9, 166 red onion and pine nut stir-fry Issue 17, 72 red wine and herb lamb shanks Issue 51, 63 red wine and tomato lamb shanks Issue 33, 124 roast lamb leg with softened grape sauce Issue 9, 30 roast lamb loin with mini goat’s cheese yorkshire puddings and port glaze Issue 27, 96 roast lamb with parsley butter Kids’ Issue 4, 36 roasted pumpkin, lamb and lentil salad Issue 50, 132 rosemary and balsamic lamb Issue 43, 125 rosemary and fennel lamb Issue 49, 130 rosemary and garlic lamb skewers Issue 50, 69 rosemary lamb with roasted potato and white beans Issue 42, 63 rosemary-roasted lamb chops Issue 51, 68 and rosemary skewers Issue 37, 129 rosemary-tied lamb shoulder Issue 39, 116 sage and prosciutto crusted lamb cutlets Issue 15, 94 salad Issue 43, 122 and salsa verde Issue 37, 160 shank + dumpling pies Issue 51, 63 shanks with figs and pistachios Issue 2, 81 shank pies with paris mash Issue 50, 115 shank pasta Issue 51, 63 shanks with tomato, rice and thyme Issue 8, 162 skewers with hummus dressing Issue 11, 160 skewers with lemon and olive salsa Issue 45, 100 slow-cooked lamb shank pasta with pesto Issue 45, 142 spiced lamb Issue 37, 154 spiced lamb chops Issue 41, 57; Issue 43, 131 spiced lamb cutlets with carrot and sesame salad Issue 52, 37 spiced lamb and feta sandwich Issue 48, 54 spiced lamb pitas Issue 40, 124 spiced lamb rack Issue 49, 129 spiced lamb with roasted parsnips Issue 39, 46 recipe index

spicy lamb and caramelised onion baguette Issue 46, 46 spicy lamb, snow pea and iceberg salad Issue 19, 60 spicy lamb and feta filo Issue 21, 62 spring lamb cutlets with potato, pea and tarragon salad Issue 29, 66 sticky hoisin lamb Issue 35, 50 sticky lamb shank pie with malt vinegar peas Issue 40, 136 sticky mint lamb rack Issue 43, 122 sticky oregano lamb ribs Issue 45, 114 slow-roasted spring lamb Issue 46, 90 sumac lamb with eggplant and tahini dressing Issue 43, 44 three-cheese polenta with lamb cutlets Issue 27, 56 tomato and chickpea lamb Issue 32, 46 tomato-simmered lamb shank pies Issue 20, 120 traditional roast leg of lamb with rosemary and garlic Issue 10, 114 tunnel-boned leg of lamb with sage and parmesan Issue 10, 118 warm bean salad with lamb cutlets Issue 20, 153 warm lamb and roasted vegetable salad Issue 14, 114 with white bean puree Issue 13, 155 and yoghurt turkish bites Issue 30, 170 zucchini and lamb roast Issue 17, 134 zucchini and mint lamb Issue 37, 157 larb basic pork larb Issue 36, 62 noodle salad Issue 36, 64 pork larb Issue 37, 139 tangy larb cups Issue 36, 64 vietnamese larb rolls Issue 36, 64 lasagne fresh olive and tomato lasagne Issue 27, 75 ricotta, spinach and tomato lasagne Issue 2, 139 spicy spinach and ricotta lasagne Issue 51, 70 tray lasagne Issue 46, 88 vegetable lasagne Kids’ Issue 3, 84 lavash char-grilled mushrooms with crispy lavash Issue 22, 139 wraps with lime-marinated chicken Issue 12, 206 leek baby fennel with leek and parsley Issue 8, 74 and bacon quiche Issue 27, 56 braised baby leeks Issue 29, 93 and cherry macaroons Issue 14, 86 chicken, leek and risoni soup Issue 9, 56 chicken, mushroom and leek filling Issue 8, 65 chicken and leek pasta bake Issue 33, 61 coconut, chicken and leek soup Issue 29, 94 crispy chicken with prosciutto-wrapped leeks Issue 34, 109 duck and leek terrine Issue 21, 133 golden leek and blue cheese tart Issue 9, 104 grilled cheesy leek toast Issue 39, 144 and mushroom pie, chicken Issue 16, 120; Issue 38, 53 name a-pies Kids’ Issue 4, 90 pancetta, potato and leek gratins Issue 36, 119 pea, pancetta, leek and onion frittata Issue 32, 70 penne with broccoli and leek Issue 9, 170 potato and leek pies Issue 10, 30 potato and leek soup with porcini oil Issue 50, 115 ricotta and mushroom frittata Issue 39, 53 turkey, leek and cranberry pie Issue 12, 106 wrapped pink peppercorn terrine Issue 36, 72 lemon (see also preserved lemon) and almond syrup cake Issue 21, 168 anchovy and lemon tagliatelle Issue 31, 62 apple and lemon crush Issue 31, 84 apple lemon tea Issue 44, 70 artichoke and lemon dip Issue 48, 137 recipe index

artichoke and lemon thyme dip Issue 12, 68 and asparagus chicken Issue 37, 146 babas with lemon syrup Issue 1, 126 baked lemon and basil risotto with veal Issue 8, 164 baked lemon rice custard Issue 50, 59 and balsamic marinade Issue 43, 68 basic lemon soufflé Issue 20, 94 basic preserved lemons Issue 19, 132 basil, lemon and garlic roasted chicken Issue 49, 30 and basil olives Issue 27, 112 blue eye with lemon and pine nuts Issue 9, 166 breadcrumb, oregano and lemon stuffing Issue 10, 116 and broccoli pasta Issue 52, 38 and broccoli soup Issue 34, 46 butter Issue 12, 104 butter snapper with wilted spinach Issue 34, 98 cake with passionfruit syrup Issue 2, 30; Issue 9, 50; Issue 50, 17 candied lemon cake Issue 45, 104 candied lemon cupcakes Issue 41, 146 candied peel Issue 16, 128 caper and chicken tartlets Issue 21, 66 carpaccio-style tuna with lemon pepper dressing Issue 27, 140 char-grilled lemon chicken with vegetable crisps Issue 10, 130 char-grilled scallops with lemon soy sauce Issue 36, 207 cheese, lemon and spinach pasta Issue 10, 60 cheesecake slice Issue 11, 130 cheesy lemons with basil oil Issue 45, 100 and cherry macaroons Issue 14, 86 chicken Issue 37, 143 chicken with bacon and potato mash Issue 28, 52 chicken breasts baked with lemon and feta Issue 11, 162 chicken couscous salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 47, 138 chicken and lemon pilaf Issue 49, 124 chicken and lemon soup Issue 17, 37 chicken, risoni and lemon soup Issue 51, 120 and chilli fish burrito Issue 43, 43 chilli and lemon hummus Issue 11, 162 and chilli bread salad Issue 30, 77 and chilli chicken skewers Issue 43, 124 and chilli lamb Issue 37, 160 and chilli marinated chicken Issue 44, 116 and chilli prawn skewers Issue 49, 135 chilli lemon guacamole Issue 35, 112 chilli marinated pork spare ribs with salted lemon Issue 35, 119 and chive veal schnitzel Issue 43, 36 citrus spritzer Issue 36, 41 and coconut pots Issue 25, 98 coconut and lemon curd tarts Issue 52, 58 coconut puddings with lemon syrup Issue 35, 146 coriander, mint and lemon fish Issue 49, 36 couscous and tuna salad Issue 1, 60 crab salad with prawn crackers Issue 34, 84 cream profiteroles Issue 47, 72 cream pots Issue 45, 100 creamy lemon and basil pasta Issue 11, 162 creamy lemon and basil spaghetti Issue 35, 104 creamy lemon cabbage Issue 14, 139 crisp-skin snapper with preserved lemon and spinach salad Issue 12, 148 crispy chicken with preserved lemon mayonnaise Issue 19, 136 crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 crispy sardines with lemon and mint Issue 37, 116 crispy skin fish with preserved lemon salsa Issue 19, 136 crumbed lemon and chive mussels Issue 36, 211 crumbed schnitzel with celeriac remoulade Issue 50, 140 curd Issue 11, 126 recipe index

curd cups Issue 29, 80 curd frozen yoghurt Issue 35, 144 curd ice-cream Issue 11, 130 curd layer cake Issue 47, 108 curd puddings Issue 11, 130 curd and raspberry trifles Issue 42, 104 curd semifreddo with coconut wafer cones Issue 52, 130 curd squares Issue 51, 149 curd tarts Issue 11, 130 dill and lemon mayonnaise Issue 14, 35 and dill smoked salmon pasta Issue 48, 34 easy-carve leg of lamb with thyme and lemon Issue 10, 118 elderflower and lemon cooler Issue 49, 77 fennel, ham and lemon spaghetti Issue 30, 60 and fennel paper bag fish Issue 52, 112 feta and lemon lamb Issue 49, 130 field mushroom and lemon winter pasta Issue 33, 61 and fish pie Issue 28, 134 frangipane and lemon tart Issue 52, 58 fresh lemon and herb pasta Issue 17, 218 garlic and lemon chilli marinade Issue 31, 108 garlic and lemon lamb patties Issue 49, 131 garlic and lemon mash Issue 32, 81 garlic and lemon paper bag clams Issue 42, 97 and garlic chicken Issue 33, 124 garlic fish with lemon risoni salad Issue 36, 52 and garlic grilled lobster with chips and salad Issue 21, 102 and garlic roast chicken Issue 17, 159 and garlic roasted spatchcocks Issue 49, 123 and garlic prawn pasta Issue 31, 43 garlic tuna steaks Issue 29, 66 and ginger chicken stir-fry Issue 41, 118 and ginger steamed chicken Issue 29, 40 green olive and lemon pasta Issue 52, 98 green vegetable salad with lemon crème fraîche dressing Issue 36, 130 grilled lobster with lemon and parsley butter Issue 36, 191 haloumi with lemon and herbs Issue 43, 136 herb and lemon roasted chicken Issue 50, 77 and honey roast chicken Issue 27, 28 honey toast with ricotta Issue 17, 180 icing Issue 27, 38 and lavender shortbread Issue 4, 148 lavender sponge with lemon curd Issue 11, 40 lemony chicken and rice soup Issue 45, 58 lemony fish cakes Issue 49, 137 lemony peach cake Issue 42, 114 and lime crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 linguini and scampi with lemon garlic butter Issue 34, 106 little zesty lemon cakes Issue 16, 131 marinated bocconcini Issue 1, 128 and marjoram chicken Issue 46, 122 martini Issue 12, 220 mascarpone cheesecake Issue 45, 100 meringue cupcakes Issue 8, 114 meringue pie Issue 41, 96 meringue tarts with ice-cream Issue 21, 120 and mint gremolata Issue 8, 114 mint and lemon potato salad Issue 11, 70 mousse with vanilla meringue Issue 46, 138 mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 and olive oil iceberg salad Issue 19, 81 and oregano marinade Issue 25, 26; Issue 31, 109 and ouzo simmered squid Issue 37, 116 oregano and lemon lamb Issue 43, 134 oregano and lemon lamb chops Issue 41, 58 recipe index

oysters with crisp lemon and eschalot Issue 12, 32 paella with watercress and lemon Issue 30, 112 pan-fried curd cheese with lemon Issue 35, 158 pan-fried lemon and garlic chicken Issue 48, 52 pan-fried lemon and garlic scallops Issue 36, 208 parmesan crisps with salmon pearls and lemon cream Issue 34, 106 and parsley fish Issue 37, 158 and parsley risotto with brie Issue 9, 100 and parsley stuffing Issue 1, 100 parsley and lemon dressing Issue 11, 39 pasta with lemon, garlic and basil Issue 11, 164 pea, feta and lemon dip Issue 36, 159 pepper dressing Issue 13, 99 perfect white icing Issue 20, 166 pistachio and lemon bites Issue 22, 82 pistachio and lemon crusted lamb Issue 34, 129 polenta chips with lemon aïoli Issue 52,100 pork patties with parmesan and lemon crust Issue 12, 160 potato and lemon chicken salad Issue 10, 100 potato, fennel and lemon thyme tart Issue 38, 82 potato parcels with lemon and thyme Issue 34, 118 prawn and lemon pasta Issue 37, 155 prawn, artichoke and lemon baked risotto Issue 33, 68 and prawn risotto Issue 27, 58 prawns Issue 27, 28 preserved lemon (see preserved lemon) rare beef with radish, oregano and lemon Issue 38, 84 red onion, thyme and lemon relish Issue 30, 72 ricotta and parmesan chicken with lemon butter and broccolini Issue 11, 72 roast lemon and garlic chicken Issue 27, 103 roast lemon thyme turkey Issue 30, 140 roast pumpkin and goat’s cheese salad with preserved lemon dressing Issue 19, 136 roast tomato, lemon and herb risoni salad Issue 11, 3 roasted baby potatoes Issue 40, 139 roasted chicken with garlic and lemon Issue 8, 164 roasted lemon onions Issue 1, 128 rocket, lemon and chilli pasta Issue 50, 17 rocket and lemon crusted veal cutlets Issue 8, 104 and rosemary, chicken baked with Issue 1, 122 and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 and rosemary roast chicken Issue 20, 86 sage and parmesan crusted chicken with lemon mash Issue 20, 140 salmon with bean purée and smoky lemon dressing Issue 52, 108 salmon with fennel and lemon risotto Issue 46, 120 salmon with lemon cream sauce Issue 12, 116 salt Issue 10, 112 sherbet with raspberries Issue 43, 54 shortbread Issue 47, 164 silverbeet with lemon and garlic Issue 8, 79 simple lemon dressing Issue 52, 36 smoked paprika chicken and lemon bake Issue 32, 62 soufflé Issue 32, 144 sour lemon cake Issue 44, 142 spicy tuna and lemon pasta Issue 37, 58 and spinach pilaf Issue 37, 143 spinach, lemon and artichoke pizza Issue 47, 148 spinach, lemon and feta turkish sandwich Issue 49, 139 spinach with pan-fried haloumi Issue 34, 46 spring vegetable pasta Issue 35, 50 spoon-dent biscuits with lemon curd Issue 33, 144 steamed soy, lemon and coriander fish parcels Issue 36, 34 sticky lemon pork stir-fry Issue 17, 74 stripy lemon cake Kids’ Issue 3, 125 sugar-dusted peel Issue 16, 131 sumac marinated feta Issue 35, 87 recipe index

sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 135 syrup almond cake Issue 20, 166 syrup tarts Issue 47, 58 and tarragon stuffing Issue 12, 65 tangy lemon tart with a burnt sugar crust Issue 25, 119 and tarragon fish stew Issue 45, 96 tart Issue 35, 144 thyme and lemon spritzer Issue 35, 86 thyme spatchcocks with lemon gratin Issue 45, 96 thyme and white wine chicken Issue 46, 36 tomato and steamed lemon chicken salad Issue 29, 40 tuna and lemon dip Issue 12, 72 tuna salad with lemon mayonnaise Issue 11, 162 vanilla madeleines with lemon icing Issue 52, 132 veal with preserved lemon and mint Issue 8, 114 vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 vodka and lemon-marinated tomatoes Issue 49, 104 and walnut biscuits Issue 17, 95 warm eggplant with lemon and parsley Issue 10, 82 warm lemon and oregano broccolini Issue 9, 116 white bean, lemon and cherry tomato dip Issue 30, 30 wilted spinach with cream and lemon Issue 40, 141 whole baked fish with lemon salt and aioli Issue 46, 118 whole fish baked in lemon butter and bay Issue 10, 110 yo-yo biscuits with lemon icing filling Kids’ Issue 4, 82 yoghurt with blistered apricots Issue 25, 122 and zucchini puffs Issue 35, 76 zucchini and mozzarella salad with lemon vinaigrette Issue 52, 118 lemongrass beef Issue 49, 128 chicken Issue 43, 108 chicken and lemongrass patties Issue 43, 127 chicken and lemongrass rice salad Issue 37, 26 chicken and lemongrass soup with rice noodles Issue 9, 56 chicken and mango salad Issue 25, 108 chicken skewers with honey dressing Issue 19, 126 chilli and lemongrass prawns Issue 49, 93 and chilli prawns Issue 37, 130 and coconut braised beef ribs Issue 45, 112 and coconut dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 coconut and lemongrass soup with prawns Issue 51, 115 cooler Issue 48, 185 crab triangles Issue 43, 82 lime and lemongrass granita with pawpaw Issue 25, 130 lime and lemongrass marinade Issue 31, 108 mango, chilli and lemongrass salsa Issue 49, 70 and mint iced tea Issue 37, 26 pineapple and lemongrass salad Issue 43, 64 pork Issue 43, 137 prawns Issue 43, 111 and sake cooler Issue 48, 185 steamed salmon with lemongrass and coconut rice Issue 50, 80 stir-fried lemongrass broccolini Issue 37, 26 syrup Issue 37, 26 tall lemongrass and lychee vodka Issue 48, 185 and-vanilla poached nectarines Issue 42, 116 lentils chorizo, lentil and goat’s curd pasta Issue 45, 138 crispy pork belly with lentils and baby beets Issue 52, 114 duck with slow-braised lentils and sage Issue 40, 98 and goat’s cheese salad Issue 37, 139 harissa chicken with lentil mash Issue 51, 34 red lentil, chilli and mint soup Issue 9, 56 red lentil and white bean soup with crispy pancetta Issue 50, 77 roasted pumpkin, lamb and lentil salad Issue 50, 132 recipe index

roasted rosemary chicken with lentils Issue 46, 122 sausage, lentil and apple salad Issue 43, 129 spiced red lentil dip Issue 24, 52 spinach, bacon and lentil pasta Issue 44, 27 spinach, bacon and lentil soup Issue 51, 112 veal cutlets with goat’s cheese and lentil salad Issue 38, 61 warm chorizo and thyme lentils Issue 38, 62 warm spinach and red lentil salad Issue 1, 56 lettuce barbecued pork lettuce cups Issue 11, 110 butter lettuce salad with herb dressing Issue 40, 142 chicken, egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 chinese pork in lettuce cups Kids’ Issue 6, 32 cups with tuna and lime mayonnaise Issue 11, 34 egg and lettuce ‘sushi’ Kids’ Issue 7, 40 green coral salad with goat’s cheese toasts Issue 11, 112 with green olive dressing Issue 1, 78 ham and lettuce nori rolls Kids’ Issue 3, 96 hide-and-seek rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 26 iceberg and crispy onion salad Issue 11, 110 iceberg lettuce Issue 19, 37 lemon and olive oil iceberg salad Issue 19, 81 iceberg and radish salad with garlic dressing Issue 47, 54 parmesan cos salad Issue 30, 99 red oak with bocconcini and prosciutto Issue 11, 112 spicy lamb, snow pea and iceberg salad Issue 19, 60 sticky chicken lettuce cups Issue 47, 136 sweet chicken lettuce cups Kids’ Issue 3, 78 lime asian lime dipping sauce Issue 36, 30 avocado, lime and chilli dip Issue 12, 70 and baby cos prawn cocktail Issue 12, 92 baked lime and green onion corn Issue 43, 30 baked peaches with lime sabayon Issue 13, 100 basil and lime beef rolls Issue 37, 70 basil and lime sugar Issue 11, 98 basil lime pesto Issue 19, 129 char-grilled limes Issue 36, 30 chicken, coconut and lime salad Issue 43, 82 chicken and lime stir-fry Issue 12, 208; Issue 20, 144 chicken pad thai with lime and peanuts Issue 30, 50 chilli and lime fish cakes with cucumber salad Issue 49, 62 chilli and lime prawn salad Issue 30, 44 coconut and lime noodles Issue 37, 143 coriander, sesame and lime tuna skewers Issue 37, 124 and chilli chicken Issue 39, 45 and chilli chicken dumplings Issue 15, 177 and chilli chicken nachos Issue 25, 86 and chilli chicken noodle stir-fry Issue 36, 30 and chilli dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 and chilli popcorn Issue 1, 178 and chilli prawns with green mango salad Issue 1, 122 citrus spritzer Issue 36, 41 and coconut cheesecake Issue 17, 122 and coconut custards Issue 17, 113 coconut, lime and chicken soup Issue 15, 68 coconut and lime chicken fritters Issue 36, 49 and coriander potato snacks Issue 16, 98 corn fritters with lime mayonnaise Issue 31, 97 crab sandwiches Issue 21, 68 creamy sweet chilli, lime and herb dip Kids’ Issue 2, 82 curd Issue 11, 128 filling Issue 11, 172 frangelico and lime Issue 10, 172 fruit salad with kaffir lime syrup Issue 31, 72 recipe index

gin and lime olives Issue 12, 160 ginger beef patties with lime noodle salad Issue 47, 36 and ginger crush Issue 43, 84 ginger, mint and lime granita Issue 13, 119 ginger and lime pimm’s Issue 34, 37 and ginger salmon salad Issue 31, 43 and ginger sorbet Issue 19, 106 green beans and eggplant with chilli and lime Issue 8, 74 green peppercorn steamed barramundi with lime and chilli broth Issue 15, 104 grilled bug tails with kaffir-lime leaf and basil Issue 13, 33 lamb with lime aïoli and spicy chickpea salad Issue 52, 112 lavash wraps with lime-marinated chicken Issue 12, 206 lemon and lime crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 and lemongrass granita with pawpaw Issue 25, 130 and lemongrass marinade Issue 31, 108 lettuce cups with tuna and lime mayonnaise Issue 11, 34 linguine with chilli, tomato, rocket and lime Issue 12, 206 macaroons Issue 1, 126 and mango coconut cake Issue 17, 110 mango and lime granita Issue 49, 93 mayonnaise Issue 19, 146 mexican mojito Issue 35, 41 mushrooms and beans with lime sour cream dressing Issue 12, 210 pawpaw and lime frosty Issue 19, 111 penne with shredded chicken, rocket and lime Issue 12, 210 pineapple with basil and lime sugar Issue 11, 98 poached chicken with rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 prawn, coconut and lime soup Issue 9, 54 prawn and lime cakes Issue 25, 71 prawn noodle salad with lime dressing Issue 25, 44 prawn skewers Issue 37, 86 prawns with lime mayonnaise Issue 48, 166 rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 salmon and baby beans with lime and pepper butter Issue 11, 68 salmon and dill cakes with lime mayonnaise Issue 14, 64 salmon, lime and caper burger Issue 41, 130 salt Issue 10, 30; Issue 36, 112 and sesame marinade Issue 25, 26 snapper with char-grilled beans and caramelised limes Issue 25, 44 sour cream dressing Issue 12, 210 sour cream, lime and garlic sauce Issue 12, 212 spicy lime salmon skewers Issue 36, 202 sticky roasted ocean trout with caramelised lime Issue 42, 99 summer limeade Issue 30, 28 taro chips with lime salt Issue 49, 93 lime tuna Issue 37, 146 vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 wasabi and lime mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 whiting tied with lime Issue 19, 28 and yoghurt loaf cake Issue 11, 142 yoghurt panna cotta Issue 35, 166 lobster crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 dill and kipfler potato salad Issue 36, 192 grilled lobster with lemon and parsley butter Issue 36, 191 lemon, garlic and parsley grilled lobster Issue 48, 166 and radish salad Issue 17, 148 ravioli with tarragon sauce Issue 36, 192 salad Issue 12, 32 lotus root lotus root Issue 36, 36 salt and pepper lotus chips Issue 36, 93 lychees coconut and lychee jelly Issue 25, 98 and ginger granita Issue 48, 62 recipe index

mango and lychee spritzer Issue 36, 41 and pink grapefruit slushie Issue 30, 178 tall lemongrass and lychee vodka Issue 48, 185 M macadamia cheesecake, vanilla and macadamia crumble Issue 17, 122 sugared macadamia biscuits Issue 36, 172 macaroni chicken and mushroom macaroni Issue 22, 64 chorizo, capsicum and tomato macaroni Issue 10, 56 grown-up macaroni cheese Issue 9, 104 spinach macaroni cheese Issue 39, 48 tomato soup with macaroni and herbs Issue 28, 40 macarons almond and white chocolate macaroons Issue 36, 151 baked pears Issue 8, 136 choc coffee centre and pistachio macaroons Issue 21, 34 coconut macaroons Issue 24, 144 lemon and cherry macaroons Issue 14, 86 lime macaroons Issue 1, 126 macaroons Issue 9, 142 mocha macaroons Issue 33, 117 summer fruit macaron slice Issue 37, 91 madeleines chocolate spoon madeleines Issue 33, 144 cinnamon and vanilla madeleines Kids’ Issue 2, 82 sage and polenta madeleines Issue 44, 105 vanilla madeleines with lemon icing Issue 52, 132 vanilla and rosewater madeleines Issue 41, 82 malt and cinnamon warmer Issue 16, 31 and vanilla smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 malted bedtime puddings Issue 16, 102 spoon-shaped malt biscuits Issue 33, 140 thins with cinnamon-sugar Issue 47, 164 mandarin buck’s fizz Issue 12, 220 butterscotch schnapps with mandarin Issue 10, 167 orange, mandarin or blood orange curd Issue 11, 128 vodka with citrus crust Issue 27, 179 mango beef with crispy wontons + mango slaw Issue 52, 98 caramelised mango cheeks Issue 49, 70 caramelised mango cheeks with coconut semifreddo Issue 25, 120 chilli and lemongrass salsa Issue 49, 70 frozen cups Issue 19, 130 green mango salad Issue 1, 122 green mango noodle salad Issue 49, 70 ice-cream slice Issue 25, 74 lemongrass chicken and mango salad Issue 25, 108 lime and chilli prawns with green mango salad Issue 1, 122 and lime granita Issue 49, 93 lime and mango coconut cake Issue 17, 110 and lychee spritzer Issue 36, 41 mist Issue 4, 154 and papaya salad with lime syrup Issue 49, 86 seared scallops and green mango salad Issue 30, 170 sorbet Issue 49, 70 spicy chicken burgers with mango chutney Issue 14, 66 sticky sweet rice and mango sandwiches Issue 31, 122 strawberry granita with mango Issue 25, 129 and strawberry layered popsicles Issue 13, 119 and toasted coconut semifreddo Issue 1, 164 recipe index

and vanilla yoghurt smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 yoghurt smoothie Issue 49, 70 maple syrup almond and maple topping Issue 38, 36 and apple cider vinegar braised pork Issue 51, 90 bacon-wrapped maple pork with figs Issue 50, 147 baked beans Issue 44, 127 banana and maple syrup smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 brûlée tart Issue 51, 89 caramel semifreddo with salted maple pecans Issue 43, 147 cherry and maple syrup waffles Issue 28, 86 choc-topped maple honeycomb Issue 51, 84 and cinnamon-roasted pears Issue 51, 87 cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes Issue 44, 138 and date syrup cake Issue 51, 84 french toast Issue 38, 36 glaze Issue 42, 165 glazed ham Issue 48, 158 glazed nectarine and almond bread Issue 49, 148 glazed pear meat loaf Issue 51, 67 glazed pork Issue 49, 133 hazelnut granola muesli Issue 1, 130 lamb with bacony carrots Kids’ Issue 6, 18 and mustard chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 and mustard pork Issue 38, 65 oat clusters trail mix Issue 50, 47 pear tarte tatin Issue 32, 114 and pepper crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 pumpkin and maple soup Issue 38, 36 ricotta hotcakes with maple butter Issue 44, 130 risotto with maple-glazed bacon Issue 51, 83 roasted carrots Issue 38, 36 roasted parsnips Issue 33, 30 roasted pears Issue 39, 100 speck and maple beans with thyme toasts Issue 51, 90 spiced maple biscuits Issue 51, 87 sticky maple syrup drumsticks Kids’ Issue 3, 48 and thyme roasted pumpkin Issue 38, 100 maple syrup vinaigrette Issue 38, 36 margarita citrus margarita Issue 11, 186 classic shaken margarita Issue 11, 186 marjoram lemon and marjoram chicken Issue 46, 122 marinade asian barbecue marinade Issue 1, 118 balsamic and caper Issue 31, 108 balsamic marinade Issue 25, 26 barbecued chicken marinade Issue 37, 30 basil and chilli marinade Issue 25, 26 cinnamon and ginger Issue 31, 111 garlic and lemon chilli Issue 31, 108 golden syrup marinade Issue 45, 68 lemon and balsamic marinade Issue 43, 68 lemon and oregano Issue 31, 109 lemon and oregano marinade Issue 25, 26 lime and lemongrass Issue 31, 108 lime and sesame marinade Issue 25, 26 marinated feta Issue 27, 28 olive oil, lemon and oregano marinade Issue 1, 118 red wine marinade Issue 25, 26 soy marinade Issue 36, 34 sticky beef marinade Issue 27, 38 marinated bocconcini Issue 12, 160 marinated butterflied leg of lamb Issue 10, 118 recipe index

marinated feta Issue 1, 48 marinated goat’s cheese Issue 15, 167 marinated olives Issue 1, 46 marinated squid and lemon salad Issue 1, 122 marjoram, pumpkin and marjoram soup Issue 32, 107 marmalade (see also jam) blood orange marmalade Issue 16, 134 bread and butter pudding Issue 45, 126 brioche baked custard Issue 50, 58 glaze Issue 42, 165 glazed pork Issue 43, 131 orange marmalade glazed pork kebabs Issue 22, 116 pork Issue 37, 149 sticky marmalade pork with pears Issue 51, 33 marsala fig and marsala yorkshire pudding Issue 32, 118 fig tarts Issue 34, 141 green marsala curry paste Issue 28, 100 hazelnut and currant baked apples with sticky marsala sauce Issue 38, 98 poached pears Issue 51, 27 roasted duck with caramelised figs and marsala glaze Issue 52, 110 sabayon Issue 2, 96 tray-roasted figs Issue 21, 115 marshmallows cinnamon and honey milk with marshmallow bombs Issue 20, 35 dunking marshmallows Kids’ Issue 4, 72 eyeball jellies Kids’ Issue 4, 113 rocky road ghosts Kids’ Issue 4, 113 snowflakes Issue 48, 192 snowman Issue 12, 98 steamed rocky road jar puddings Kids’ Issue 4, 75 vanilla marshmallows Issue 36, 144 mascarpone blistered plums and vanilla mascarpone tart Issue 25, 120 brown sugar, fig tarts with Issue 20, 154 caramelised waffles with brown sugar Issue 24, 80 chocolate espresso mascarpone Issue 12, 152 cinnamon mascarpone Issue 9, 178 figs with peppered mascarpone and prosciutto Issue 4, 27 garlic, thyme and mascarpone polenta Issue 40, 67 lemon mascarpone cheesecake Issue 45, 100 mashed potatoes Issue 34, 109 poached pears with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 8, 138 pumpkin and mascarpone risotto Issue 32, 102 and rhubarb cinnamon tart Issue 52, 59 smoked salmon and green onion mascarpone baskets Issue 30, 170 soft polenta with mascarpone and thyme Issue 8, 144 toasted almond mascarpone figs Issue 30, 82 vanilla-glazed rosy apples with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 9, 178 mash bacon and onion mash Issue 33, 32 basic mash Issue 33, 32 cannellini bean mash Issue 2, 113 cheesy ham and mash fritters Issue 48, 78 cheesy lamb chops with mash Kids’ Issue 7, 28 cheesy pineapple schnitzel and mash Kids’ Issue 6, 36 chicken and mash Issue 46, 37 crispy skin chicken with roasted garlic, parsnip and potato mash Issue 38, 78 cumin roasted lamb with pumpkin mash Issue 32, 102 fennel-crusted pork with apple mash Issue 52, 38 garlic mash Issue 33, 32 garlic and lemon Issue 32, 81 garlic potato mash Issue 8, 167 green olive crusted veal with feta mash Issue 34, 100 harissa chicken with lentil mash Issue 51, 34 recipe index

herby mustard chicken with olive oil mash Issue 40, 60 lamb and mashed potato pie Issue 28, 128 lamb shank pies with paris mash Issue 50, 115 lemon chicken with bacon and potato mash Issue 28, 52 mascarpone mashed potatoes Issue 34, 109 minted broad bean mash with spiced lamb Issue 33, 106 mustard mash Issue 33, 32 olive mash Issue 33, 32 olive oil mash Issue 46, 128 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 parmesan-lentil mash with lamb Issue 38,62 parmesan mash Issue 33, 32 pea mash Issue 1, 92 porcini mash Issue 46, 68 potato Issue 45, 50 potato and artichoke mash with garlic butter Issue 9, 30 potato with garlic-basil oil Issue 40, 141 potato mash Issue 10, 96 pumpkin, sage and parmesan mash Issue 9, 170 spinach soup with creamy mustard mash Issue 38, 152 thyme pork with cabbage-and-ham mash Issue 39, 45 mayonnaise basil mayonnaise Issue 12, 106; Issue 19, 96 caper Issue 13, 155 caper mayonnaise Issue 14, 66 chilli Issue 13, 30 chilli and coriander mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 corn fritters with lime mayonnaise Issue 31, 97 dill and lemon mayonnaise Issue 14, 35 dill and caper mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 egg mayonnaise finger sandwiches Issue 47, 76 fish cakes with garlic and caper mayonnaise Issue 51, 129 gherkin and caper mayonnaise Issue 49, 73 ginger scampi with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 30, 148 grain mustard mayonnaise Issue 14, 174 herb Issue 29, 24 lemon mayonnaise Issue 11, Issue 12 lime mayonnaise Issue 19, 146 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 pot crab with lemon and caper mayonnaise Issue 39, 90 prawns with lime mayonnaise Issue 48, 166 preserved lemon mayonnaise Issue 19, 136 prosciutto wrapped asparagus with chervil mayonnaise Issue 34, 28 roast garlic mayonnaise Issue 29, 24 rocket mayonnaise Issue 19, 93 rustic fish burgers and dill pickle mayonnaise Issue 44, 89 sour cream mayonnaise Issue 12, 206 spicy tomato and horseradish mayonnaise Issue 49, 73 steak sandwich with herb mayonnaise Issue 47, 54 steamed chicken and asparagus with parsley mayonnaise Issue 29, 40 tuna Issue 13, 156 wasabi and lime mayonnaise Issue 29, 24; Issue 49, 73 wasabi mayonnaise Issue 19, 129 wholegrain mustard mayonnaise Issue 39, 30 meatballs chickpea soup with basil meatballs Issue 38, 152 feta and eggplant meatballs Issue 37, 112 lamb and garlic meatballs Issue 39, 61 with lemon and herb couscous Issue 39, 62 meatball pizzas Issue 39, 62 pork, apple and thyme meatballs Issue 50, 150 pork and ginger meatball stir-fry Issue 40, 57 ricotta and fennel meatballs Issue 27, 140 saucy meatball pasta Kids’ Issue 7, 45 spaghetti with spring meatballs Issue 29, 136 recipe index

sub Kids’ Issue 3, 98 tomato soup with meatballs Issue 51, 119 veal and olive meatballs Issue 49, 127 veal, pork and fennel Issue 34, 86 meatloaf barbecue-glazed meatloaf Issue 45, 36 cheesy bacon meatloaf Kids’ Issue 6, 18 maple-glazed pear meat loaf Issue 51, 67 melons apple and rockmelon punch Issue 30, 176 pink grapefruit granita with honeydew melon Issue 25, 129 rockmelon sherbet Issue 37, 92 watermelon granita with rockmelon Issue 25, 130 meringue baked peaches with vanilla meringue Issue 48, 126 caterpillar meringues Kids’ Issue 3, 112 chocolate meringue tarts Issue 16, 142 coconut meringue sandwiches Issue 31, 118 coffee kisses Issue 33, 112 flower cupcakes with meringue icing Kids’ Issue 7, 64 ghost meringues Kids’ Issue 4, 109 grilled summer fruit with meringue ice-cream Issue 49, 146 hazelnut and vanilla soft meringue Issue 34, 143 honey and golden syrup meringue cupcakes Issue 41, 150 icing Issue 4, 92 lemon meringue cupcakes Issue 8, 114 lemon meringue pie Issue 41, 96 lemon meringue tarts with ice-cream Issue 21, 120 lemon mousse with vanilla meringue Issue 46, 138 mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing Issue 50, 166 nectarine meringues Issue 25, 24 orange blossom meringue hearts Issue 36, 143 passionfruit meringue fool Issue 35, 163 poached in vanilla milk Issue 11, 120 poached meringues and caramel custard Issue 33, 140 pomegranate and meringue trifle Issue 52, 130 roasted strawberry meringues Issue 29, 122 rose marbled meringues Issue 2, 62; Issue 11, 122 ruby meringue swirls Kids’ Issue 7, 135 tray-baked berry meringue Issue 49, 146 milk chilled spiced milk Issue 11, 122 chocolate jar shakes Kids’ Issue 2, 31 classic vanilla milkshake Issue 28, 28 cinnamon and honey milk with marshmallow bombs Issue 20, 35 meringues poached in vanilla milk Issue 11, 120 and honey pies Issue 11, 124 jellies with candied orange zest Issue 35, 143 jelly with rosewater syrup Issue 11, 120 rosewater and milk jelly Issue 29, 124 sorbet with almond and honey pastries Issue 40, 152 strawberry mousse milkshakes Kids’ Issue 4, 100 striped milkshakes Issue 1, 29 vanilla thickshake with marshmallow snowman Issue 12, 98 mince bean and cheesy mince tortillas Kids’ Issue 2, 129 brown sugar and cinnamon mince pie Issue 36, 178 chilli mince tacos Issue 49, 114 fruit mince tarts Issue 30, 159 mince and ricotta pie Issue 28, 135 mint aïoli Issue 24, 30 and apple lamb with a crunchy salad Issue 37, 47 apple and mint granita Issue 35, 79 asparagus and mint pasta Issue 35, 64 recipe index

barbecued prawns with snow peas and mint salt Issue 41, 108 beetroot, feta and mint salad Issue 52, 122 berry and coconut salad Issue 24, 120 bitter chocolate peppermint biscuits Issue 16, 146 cheat’s ricotta, spinach and mint gnocchi Issue 41, 105 cheesy lamb pockets with mint salsa Issue 49, 130 chicken and mint salad Issue 35, 38 chilli and mint octopus Issue 43, 124 chocolate and mint coolers Issue 31, 121 christmas peppermint candies Issue 36, 151 coconut chicken and mint salad with crispy noodles Issue 41, 102 coriander, mint and lemon fish Issue 49, 36 coriander, rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 crispy prawn skewers and mint sauce Issue 52, 100 crispy sardines with lemon and mint Issue 37, 116 crushed broad bean, feta and mint dip Issue 48, 132 cucumber, celery and mint salad Issue 48, 166 and cucumber lamb salad Issue 13, 62 flatbread with green onion pesto Issue 41, 106 flat-roasted chicken with almond and mint Issue 37, 118 fresh tuna, mint and cucumber rice paper rolls Issue 36, 90 gelato baguettes Issue 31, 122 ginger, mint and lime granita Issue 13, 119 gravy Issue 39,70 and honey mustard lamb Kids’ Issue 6, 32 iced mint and cucumber gin Issue 47, 106 jasmine tea and mint sorbet Issue 13, 88 julep Issue 38, 43 lamb Issue 37, 151 lamb and feta burgers with minted yoghurt Issue 49, 44 lamb and mint burger Issue 43, 131 lamb, pea and mint fritters Issue 29, 60 and lemon potato salad Issue 11, 70 lemongrass and mint iced tea Issue 37, 26 minted broad bean mash with spiced lamb Issue 33, 106 minted lamb leg Issue 41, 105 minted lamb pot pie Issue 50, 78 minted lamb and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 minted peas Issue 42, 170 and mustard roast lamb Issue 21, 109 pea and mint pasta Issue 37, 151 pea and mint soup Issue 32, 91 peach and asparagus salad with mint dressing Issue 19, 58 peppermint chocolate stars Issue 24, 150 peppermint ice-cream topping Kids’ Issue 4, 24 pesto Issue 1, 88; Issue 24, 30; Issue 30, 150 pesto pasta Issue 29, 136 potato, yoghurt, feta and mint salad Issue 17, 34 prosciutto-wrapped lamb with spring salad and mint dressing Issue 52, 110 raspberry and mint mojito Issue 35, 41 refresher Issue 34, 37 roasted sweet potato and mint salad Issue 31, 82 slushie Issue 24, 30 smoked trout, potato and mint salad Issue 41, 105 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spicy chicken and mint salad Issue 41, 106 sticky mint lamb rack Issue 43, 122 sugar Issue 11, 40 summer potato and mint salad Issue 37, 76 tabouli Issue 24, 30 tuna, rocket and mint pesto sandwich Issue 19, 93 warm peas with ricotta and mint Issue 40, 142 witlof with zucchini, mint and feta Issue 30, 99 yoghurt dip with vegies Kids’ Issue 2, 26 zucchini and mint lamb Issue 37, 157 recipe index

zucchini and mint pesto pasta Issue 52, 68 miso chicken miso soup with tofu Issue 51, 107 udon noodle and fish soup Issue 2, 58 salmon with miso dressing Issue 40, 86 salmon with sesame salt Issue 41, 117 sesame miso steaks Issue 49, 128 sesame rice with salmon and miso dressing Issue 48, 33 soup with mushrooms and tofu Issue 9, 54 steamed tofu and gai larn with miso Issue 29, 36 tuna carpaccio with citrus miso dressing Issue 52, 100 mocha baked mocha tart Issue 33, 118 macaroons Issue 33, 117 mojito mexican mojito Issue 35, 41 raspberry and mint Issue 35, 41 mousse chocolate mousse cake Issue 50, 164 double chocolate Issue 34, 130; Issue 27, 96; Issue 28,120 lemon mousse with vanilla meringue Issue 46, 138 spiced chocolate mousse Issue 36, 176 strawberry mousse cups Issue 17, 150 white chocolate mousse with cocoa snaps Issue 40, 152 mozzarella baked mozzarella and tomato dip Issue 39, 76 bresaola, eggplant and mozzarella bruschetta Issue 50, 40 buffalo mozzarella crostini with sage and anchovy butter Issue 52, 98 char-grilled chicken and mozzarella burger Issue 41,130 char-grilled pizza with fig, mozzarella and caramelised onion Issue 43, 97 cherry tomato, basil and mozzarella pizza Issue 47, 147 chicken baked with spinach, tomato and mozzarella Issue 16, 70 chicken, tomato and mozzarella pasta salad Issue 47, 138 crumbed mozzarella with olive tapenade Issue 52, 78 fennel and mozzarella salad Issue 17, 37 fig and mozzarella salad Issue 49, 52 fried mozzarella and olive finger sandwiches Issue 46, 96 goat’s curd and mozzarella mini pizzas Issue 47, 147 lemon mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 marinated buffalo mozzarella with preserved lemon and crispy basil leaves Issue 34, 117 marinated zucchini and mozzarella parcels Issue 47, 122 pan-fried sandwich Issue 15, 90 pancetta, mozzarella and balsamic sandwich Issue 19, 96 peppery prosciutto and mozzarella french toast Issue 39, 142 polenta, mozzarella and tomato salad Issue 50, 133 prosciutto and rocket pesto bruschetta Issue 2, 150 smoked ham, mozzarella and artichoke pastries Issue 42, 82 spinach and mozzarella veal Issue 37, 148 tomato and mozzarella salad Issue 37, 144 veal with roast tomato salad Issue 34, 45 white balsamic glazed figs with prosciutto and mozzarella Issue 30, 100 zucchini and mozzarella salad with lemon vinaigrette Issue 52, 118 muesli autumn bircher muesli Issue 38, 32 bars Kids’ Issue 6, 60 bircher muesli Issue 1, 114 cornflake muesli clusters Kids’ Issue 6, 61 cranberry and coconut muesli bars Kids’ Issue 6, 61 cranberry and pistachio toasted muesli Issue 34, 70 maple hazelnut granola muesli Issue 1, 130 poached pears with muesli and yoghurt Issue 8, 138 roasted bircher muesli Issue 17, 178 tropical muesli bars Kids’ Issue 6, 61 muffins apple muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 62 recipe index

banana muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 banana cinnamon muffins Issue 9, 156 blueberry muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 cheese and chutney muffins Issue 17, 95 dark chocolate and orange muffins Issue 8, 114 jam muffins Kids’ Issue 6, 63 pineapple and coconut muffins Issue 43, 64 raspberry and white chocolate muffins Kids’ Issue 7, 138 mushrooms asian broth with pork dumplings, oyster mushrooms and black fungi Issue 14, 104 baked mushroom, bacon and spinach risotto Issue 39, 54 balsamic-glazed steak and mushrooms Issue 51, 35 balsamic mushrooms Issue 8, 144 balsamic mushroom and goat’s curd salad Issue 50, 128 and beans with lime sour cream dressing Issue 12, 210 beef, spinach and mushroom stir-fry Issue 16, 166 beef and mushroom risoni Issue 39, 74 beef and oyster mushroom noodles Issue 30, 48 beef fillet with mushroom sauce Issue 40, 136 beef fillet with porcini mash Issue 21, 33 beef, tomato and mushroom pot pies Issue 39, 54 button mushroom pasta Issue 17, 222 braised beef and mushrooms with cheese croutons Issue 51, 136 and camembert melt Issue 16, 66 caramelised mushrooms, crispy croutons and goat’s cheese Issue 32, 78 char-grilled mushrooms with crispy lavash Issue 22, 139 cheesy mushroom jaffles Issue 28, 80 chicken, leek and mushroom pie Issue 16, 120; Issue 38, 53 chicken and mushroom cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 chicken, mushroom and leek filling Issue 8, 65 chicken and mushroom macaroni Issue 22, 64 chicken, pea and mushroom soup Issue 8, 167 chicken and mushroom skewers Kids’ Issue 3, 54 chicken with mushrooms and tarragon Issue 44, 113 chicken and porcini pies Issue 32, 96 chicken baked on mushrooms and sage Issue 9, 170 chicken with pesto and mushroom crostini Issue 14, 115 chilli mushrooms Issue 28, 22 and chilli noodle soup Issue 28, 67 and couscous parcels Issue 46, 130; Issue 52, 33 creamy chicken and mushroom pan pie Issue 45, 42 creamy mushroom and almond pasta Issue 38, 98 creamy mushroom and chicken soup Issue 45, 58 creamy mushroom and chive soup Issue 51, 112 creamy mushroom gnocchi Issue 28, 60 creamy mushroom pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 duck and shiitake mushroom mini pies Issue 20, 118 duck and shiitake mushroom tart Issue 52, 94 fettuccine with mushrooms, lemon and prosciutto Issue 14, 100 field mushroom and lemon winter pasta Issue 33, 61 field mushrooms Issue 20, 42 field mushrooms with spinach and goat’s cheese Issue 20, 63 five-spice pork with sticky mushroom rice Issue 52, 114 garlic mushrooms Issue 27, 104; Issue 43, 134 and ginger stir-fry Issue 41, 117 and goat’s curd omelette Issue 38, 136 grilled mushrooms with garlic parsley butter Issue 40, 138 grilled mushrooms with tomato and basil salad Issue 1, 140 grilled polenta with balsamic mushrooms Issue 8, 144 grilled polenta with mushrooms and ricotta Issue 51, 56 horseradish beef with mushrooms Issue 43, 136 leek, ricotta and mushroom frittata Issue 39, 53 lemon mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 miso soup with mushrooms and tofu Issue 9, 54 mixed mushroom baked risotto Issue 33, 68 recipe index

and onion soup with blue cheese toasts Issue 44, 45 onion and mushroom orecchiette Issue 20, 108 oregano lamb and mushroom kebabs Issue 49, 130 and pecorino pizza Issue 47, 150 pesto and goat’s cheese rolls Issue 39, 144 pineapple, ham and mushroom burger Issue 30, 62 polenta with mushrooms and taleggio Issue 27, 144 porcini and mixed mushroom bruschetta Issue 46, 68 ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 50, 78 risotto with radicchio Issue 14, 102 roast chestnut soup with porcini oil Issue 22, 32 roast field mushrooms with goat’s cheese and spinach Issue 14, 104 roasted mushroom brioche Issue 46, 111 roasted sage and pancetta mushrooms Issue 44, 106 sage and bacon frittata Issue 51, 68 and sage butter bruschetta Issue 27, 50 and sage tart with goat’s curd Issue 52, 80 salt and pepper tofu with mushroom noodle broth Issue 52, 108 sauce Issue 14, 98 sauteed mushrooms with chive omelette Issue 2, 81 shiitake mushroom stir-fry with bok choy and soba noodles Issue 14, 102 speck and mushroom risotto Issue 44, 89 spicy chicken and mushroom couscous Issue 44, 46 spinach and mushroom wafer omelettes Issue 1, 134 and spinach in parmesan butter Issue 8, 76 steamed miso tofu with green onions and shiitake mushrooms Issue 11, 72 tarte tatin Issue 15, 90 tarte tatin with goat’s cheese Issue 42, 123 and thyme creamy pasta Issue 32, 47 veal cutlets with sherry mushrooms Issue 50, 103 veal, mushroom and mustard pasta Issue 39, 30 warm bean and mushroom salad with roasted garlic dressing Issue 38, 78 warm mushroom and haloumi salad with red wine vinaigrette Issue 14, 100 warm mushroom, pancetta and feta salad Issue 38,56 mussels baked tomato snapper and mussels Issue 39, 92 chilli mussel pot Issue 31, 82 chorizo and tomato mussels Issue 49, 137 crumbed lemon and chive mussels Issue 36, 211 garlic and white wine mussels Issue 48, 46 with green garlic, lime and coconut Issue 40, 38 pasta tomato, basil and mussel spaghetti Issue 36, 214 steamed mussels with chilli and lemon zest Issue 1, 126 thai ginger and mussel soup Issue 51, 120 with tomato broth Issue 46, 111 white wine and butter steamed mussels Issue 29, 38 white wine mussels Issue 37, 148 mustard bacon and grain mustard mayonnaise sandwich Issue 14, 174 and brandy gravy Issue 39, 70 cashew chicken salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 19, 56 crispy honey mustard bacon salad Issue 37, 54 crusted beef with thyme butter Issue 45, 49 crusted chicken skewers Issue 13, 110 dijon and oregano butter Issue 42, 153 dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 fennel and onion relish Issue 30, 72 fettuccine with bacon, mustard and broccoli Issue 14, 172 garlic and mustard beef skewers Issue 37, 124 grain mustard and red wine sauce Issue 14, 174 ham and mustard baguette Issue 48, 78 ham and seeded mustard pasta Issue 17, 74 herby mustard chicken with olive oil mash Issue 40, 60 honey glaze Issue 1, 106 honey mustard chicken sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 52 recipe index

honey mustard lamb Issue 37, 159 hot mustard dipping sauce Issue 39, 130 maple and mustard chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 maple syrup and mustard pork Issue 38, 65 mash Issue 33, 32 mint and honey mustard lamb Kids’ Issue 6, 32 mint and mustard roast lamb Issue 21, 109 mustard Issue 19, 49, 50 onions Issue 42, 168 orange and mustard glazed ham Issue 42, 165 pan-fried asparagus with mustard dressing Issue 40, 138 pan-fried mustard lamb Issue 31, 42 parmesan and grain mustard mash Issue 14, 174 pepper-roasted chicken with honey mustard dressing Issue 47, 50 pork fillet and apples with creamy mustard sauce Issue 22, 121 rare beef, cheddar and mustard baguettes Issue 29, 83 rib eye steak with mustard cream sauce Issue 46, 118 roast beef Issue 39, 114 roast beetroot and pumpkin salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 20, 88 roast mustard salmon Issue 27, 76 sage pork with mustard butter Issue 50, 148 shanks on herb and mustard mash Issue 14, 116 sour cream dressing Issue 12, 212 spinach soup with creamy mustard mash Issue 38, 152 and tarragon pork Issue 49, 133 and thyme potatoes Issue 52, 122 veal, mushroom and mustard pasta Issue 39, 30 veal, mustard and pickle toasties Issue 39, 144 vinaigrette Issue 39, 30 with white wine and thyme Issue 15, 139 wholegrain mustard mayonnaise Issue 39, 30 N nachos boats Kids’ Issue 7, 87 chicken nacho pizza Kids’ Issue 2, 111 giant nachos Kids’ Issue 6, 84 lime and chilli chicken nachos Issue 25, 86 nectarine (see also peach) and amaretti tart Issue 49, 54 crispy peach and nectarine pastry Issue 42, 114 french toast Issue 1, 133 granola Issue 25, 24 lemongrass-and-vanilla poached nectarines Issue 42, 116 maple-glazed nectarine and almond bread Issue 49, 148 meringues Issue 25, 24 raspberry sugar-grilled nectarines Issue 31, 128 smoothie Issue 25, 24 summer nectarine cakes Issue 25, 24 tarts Issue 13, 140 tart with orange syrup Issue 25, 119 white nectarine and almond tartlets Issue 13, 136 noodles asian noodle soup Issue 22, 121 asian pork and noodle soup Issue 51, 108 barbecue kebabs with noodles and beans Kids’ Issue 7, 28 beef and oyster mushroom noodles Issue 30, 48 beef coconut noodles Issue 25, 98 beef stock noodle broth Issue 16, 170 chicken, noodle and coconut salad Issue 30, 46 chicken and lemongrass soup with rice noodles Issue 9, 56 chicken pad thai with lime and peanuts Issue 30, 50 chilli and basil noodles with tuna Issue 19, 142 chilli beef noodles Issue 37, 144 recipe index

coconut chicken and mint salad with crispy noodles Issue 41, 102 coconut and lime noodles Issue 37, 143 coconut sweet potato and crispy rice noodles Issue 25, 108 crispy duck noodles Issue 32, 132 crispy noodle cake Issue 46, 126 crispy snapper noodle salad Issue 25, 111; Issue 43, 86 crispy soy and chilli chicken with noodles Issue 49, 123 duck and ramen noodle soup Issue 51, 119 egg noodle soup with chilli pork and asian greens Issue 15, 64 five-spice pork with noodle salad Issue 1, 142 ginger beef patties with lime noodle salad Issue 47, 36 ginger-poached chicken noodles Issue 43, 38 ginger pork noodle stir-fry Issue 22, 116 ginger vegetables and green tea soba noodles Issue 30, 50 green mango noodle salad Issue 49, 70 hoisin sesame-crusted pork noodle salad Issue 13, 86 larb noodle salad Issue 36, 64 lime and chilli chicken noodle stir-fry Issue 36, 30 miso, udon noodle and fish soup Issue 2, 58 mushroom and chilli noodle soup Issue 28, 67 plum and ginger chicken noodles Issue 42, 56 poached chicken noodle salad Issue 41, 52 poached salmon and soba noodles with ginger broth Issue 46, 48 prawn noodle salad with lime dressing Issue 25, 44 prawn noodle soup Issue 30, 50 salmon and soba noodles with mirin dressing Issue 30, 48 salt and pepper tofu with mushroom noodle broth Issue 52, 108 seared tuna on soy noodles Issue 1, 74 sesame and cucumber noodle salad Issue 12, 160 sesame tuna and ginger noodle salad Issue 31, 69 shiitake mushroom stir-fry with bok choy and soba noodles Issue 14, 102 shredded pork and peach noodle salad Issue 13, 99 slurpy chicken noodles Kids’ Issue 3, 52 smoked salmon with sesame somen noodle salad Issue 24, 60 smoked trout noodle salad with ginger fritters Issue 52, 94 soba noodle salad Issue 44, 36 somen noodle and mushroom salad Issue 24, 134 spicy noodle soup Issue 37, 161 spring vegetable and noodle stir-fry Issue 17, 76 steamed prawns with spring noodle salad Issue 29, 40 sticky beef noodles with bok choy Issue 50, 70 summer Issue 30, 46 sweet pork and pea stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 50 tangy chicken noodles Issue 1, 47 teriyaki chicken noodle salad Issue 47, 132 thai chicken and noodle salad Issue 13, 128; Issue 47, 136 thai noodles Issue 37, 148 vietnamese noodle soup Issue 52, 66 wasabi-crusted salmon with rice noodles and chilli Issue 29, 52 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 rolls, ham and lettuce Kids’ Issue 3, 96 wrapped tuna Issue 1, 175 nuts (see also almond; cashew; hazelnut; macadamia; peanut; pecan; pine nut; pistachio; walnut) coffee cake with mixed toffee nuts Issue 38, 103 nut filo stack with rose syrup Issue 34, 141 O oats anzac biscuits Kids’ Issue 4, 79 and coconut crisps Issue 47, 162 fig and oat biscuits Issue 14, 33 maple oat clusters trail mix Issue 50, 47 and raisin cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 62 recipe index

oaty apricot biscuits Issue 20, 35 octopus barbecued octopus salad Issue 25, 111 chilli and mint octopus Issue 43, 124 marinated baby octopus Issue 9, 77 red wine marinated octopus with aïoli Issue 21, 93 oil basil oil Issue 35, 102 cheesy lemons with basil oil Issue 45, 100 garlic and rosemary oil flatbread Issue 34, 66 herb gnocchi with basil oil Issue 28, 60 lemon mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 lemon and olive oil iceberg salad Issue 19, 81 mashed potato with garlic-basil oil Issue 40, 141 olive oil mash Issue 46, 128 porcini oil Issue 22, 32; Issue 52, 33 sumac-marinated feta Issue 35, 87 olive and anchovy pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 caramelised onion and olive tart Issue 49, 139 celeriac soup with black olive crostini Issue 16, 112 char-grilled chicken with tomato and olive salsa Issue 49, 44 chilli and fennel olives Issue 34, 96 and couscous salad Issue 19, 81 caper and anchovy pizza Issue 8, 90 caramelised onion, olive and anchovy bread Issue 52, 94 chicken, tomato and olive salad with preserved lemon Issue 47, 136 chorizo, basil and olive foldover pizza Issue 47, 148 crispy chicken salad with citrus-roasted olives and fennel Issue 49, 52 crumbed mozzarella with olive tapenade Issue 52, 78 crunchy olive polenta fingers with garlic aïoli Issue 34, 60 crunchy potato and green olive salad Issue 36, 50 deep-fried anchovy olives with marinated artichokes Issue 27, 143 fresh olive and tomato lasagne Issue 27, 75 fried mozzarella and olive finger sandwiches Issue 46, 96 garlic-roasted chicken with tomatoes and olives Issue 51, 36 gin and lime olives Issue 12, 160 green bean and olive salad Issue 37, 62 green olive crusted veal with feta mash Issue 34, 100 green olive dressing Issue 1, 78 green olive and lemon pasta Issue 52, 98 herb and olive-roasted potatoes Issue 46, 90 lemon and basil olives Issue 27, 122 marinated olives Issue 1, 46; Issue 8, 77; Issue 9, 194 martini-soaked olives Issue 1, 178 mash Issue 33, 32 mixed olive and ricotta crostini Issue 27, 50 and oregano lamb burgers Issue 14, 64 olive oil, lemon and oregano marinade Issue 1, 118 one-pan chorizo, olive and feta polenta Issue 51, 56 pancetta, caramelised onion and olive pasta Issue 51, 34 tapenade Issue 9, 104; Issue 44, 74 tapenade with baked cheese Issue 34, 95 tuna pâté with marinated olives Issue 40, 124 lamb chops with olive and broccolini risoni Issue 44, 46 pan-fried snapper with basil and green olive Issue 11, 160 pan-fried snapper with black olive and chickpea salsa Issue 31, 56 pasta with green olive tapenade and pancetta Issue 41, 51 pork with chorizo, green beans and olives Issue 22, 118 prawns and chips with green olive aïoli Issue 30, 112 roast cherry tomato, feta and olive bites Issue 15, 178 roasted capsicum, goat’s cheese and olive pizza Issue 8, 92 roasted sweet potato, olive and tomato pasta Issue 50, 72 roman beans with cherry tomatoes and black olives Issue 33, 104 and rosemary breads Issue 14, 160 recipe index

and rosemary grissini Issue 1, 74 slow-baked tomato and olive chicken Issue 44, 113 smashed olive and caper pasta Issue 9, 33 tomato, olive and feta salad Issue 37, 118 tomato, olive, basil and parsley spaghetti Issue 2, 111 tomato and olive simmered chicken Issue 20, 144 tomato salad with goat’s curd and olives Issue 19, 121 tuna, tomato and green olive pasta Issue 19, 143 tuna carpaccio with olive salsa verde Issue 34, 96 two beans and olive salad Issue 31, 62 veal and olive meatballs Issue 49, 127 veal and olive salsa Issue 37, 161 vodka marinated olives Issue 34, 96 warm garlic and rosemary olives with parmesan crispbread Issue 44, 54 zucchini, olive pesto pasta Issue 34, 58 zucchini with olives and thyme Issue 8, 80 omelette (see also frittata) chive omelette Issue 2, 81 chorizo, ham and haloumi oven Issue 30, 64 ham and ricotta omelette Issue 47, 42 mushroom and goat’s curd omelette Issue 38, 136 parmesan omelette Issue 37, 154 puffed cheese omelette Issue 44, 128 sauteed mushrooms with chive omelette Issue 2, 81 spinach and mushroom wafer omelettes Issue 1, 134 stir-fry chicken Kids’ Issue 3, 96 onion (see also spring onion) apple, onion and thyme stuffing Issue 44, 70 bacon, onion and cheese loaf Issue 16, 34 bacon and onion mash Issue 33, 32 baked stuffed onions Issue 20, 108 balsamic onion dressing Issue 43, 68 balsamic onion and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 21, 64 beef, onion and red wine pie Issue 20, 123 beetroot and caramelised onion tarte tatin Issue 38, 108 bread Issue 14, 158 caramelised onion and anchovy tarts Issue 34, 100 caramelised onion and beer relish Issue 15, 142 caramelised onion and blue cheese tarts Issue 46, 106 caramelised onion creamy potato stacks Issue 21, 109 caramalised onion and crispy breadcrumb pasta Issue 42, 54 caramelised onion and fish pies Issue 20, 123 caramelised onion hummus dip Issue 48, 137 caramelised onions Issue 10, 46 caramelised onion, olive and anchovy bread Issue 52, 94 caramelised onion and olive tart Issue 49, 139 caramelised onion and prosciutto chicken Issue 43, 134 caramelised onion relish Issue 30, 68 caramelised onions stuffed with goat’s cheese Issue 15, 164 char-grilled capsicum and onion bruschetta Issue 27, 50 char-grilled pizza with fig, mozzarella and caramelised onion Issue 43, 97 cheat’s caramelised onion and gorgonzola pizzas Issue 51, 134 cheesy chive and onion toasties Issue 20, 32 chicken, parsnip and onion pie Issue 16, 120 chilli and salt crusted onion rings Issue 20, 107 chorizo, caramelised onion and haloumi pizza Issue 49, 134 corn chowder with green onions and ham Issue 28, 34 crispy chicken with green onion pesto Issue 29, 96 crispy onion rings Issue 25, 52 crumbed sardines with fennel and onion salad Issue 27, 147 fennel and onion soup Issue 15, 68 Issue 51, 115 ginger, sesame and green onion fish Issue 11, 72 green onion pancakes Issue 43, 111 green onion pancakes with ginger dressing Issue 29, 93 recipe index

green onion and prawn broth Issue 34, 56 grilled beef skewers and green onion pesto Issue 36, 50 haloumi and red onion bruschetta Issue 16, 66 haloumi salad with caramelised onion dressing Issue 44, 55 iceberg and crispy onion salad Issue 11, 110 jerusalem artichoke, caramelised onion, goat’s cheese and thyme gratin Issue 22, 90 lamb, red onion and pine nut stir-fry Issue 17, 72 lamb and onion soup Issue 14, 114 and lamb simmer Issue 20, 109 mint flatbread with green onion pesto Issue 41, 106 mushroom and onion soup with blue cheese toasts Issue 44, 45 and mushroom orecchiette Issue 20, 108 mustard, fennel and onion relish Issue 30, 72 mustard onions Issue 42, 168 pancetta, caramelised onion and olive pasta Issue 51, 34 pea, pancetta, leek and onion frittata Issue 32, 70 penne with chicken, golden onions and sage Issue 10, 56 pepper and maple syrup crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 pickled onions Issue 20, 107; Issue 49, 117 pickled onions in malt vinegar Issue 2, 26 pink peppercorn beef with pickled green onion Issue 29, 94 plum and onion glazed pork fillet with snow peas Issue 22, 116 pot roast with white wine and red onion Issue 15, 130 potato, onion and gruyère galette Issue 50, 120 potato, rosemary and red onion pizza Issue 25, 64 prosciutto and caramelised onion roasted beef Issue 51, 60 prosciutto-wrapped beef with caramelised onions Issue 15, 130 quick caramelised onion Issue 51, 32 red onion, thyme and lemon relish Issue 30, 72 red onion and potato gratin Issue 16, 166 red onion dressing Issue 15, 162 red wine onion jam Issue 13, 33 roast onions Issue 10, 84 roasted pear and onion stuffed pork loin Issue 50, 144 roast pumpkin and red onion stuffed rolls Issue 16, 34 roast sweet potato and red onion soup Issue 28, 40 roasted apple and onion relish Issue 12, 92 roasted balsamic onions Issue 2, 51 roasted lemon onions Issue 1, 128 roasted onions with stuffing Issue 36, 120 roasted squash, onion and chicken salad Issue 17, 134 sage and onion stuffing Issue 12, 65 salt-roasted onions Issue 39, 118 soup Issue 45, 49 soup with blue cheese sandwiches Issue 20, 107 smoked salmon and green onion mascarpone baskets Issue 30, 170 spicy lamb and caramelised onion baguette Issue 46, 46 steak and onion salad with horseradish dressing Issue 19, 56 steamed miso tofu with green onions and shiitake mushrooms Issue 11, 72 sticky cider onions with pork Issue 20, 109 warm roast potato, red onion and chorizo salad Issue 15, 166 yorkshire puddings with rare beef and caramelised onions Issue 46, 96 orange (see also mandarin) almond and orange blossom cupcakes Issue 41, 94 and almond cookies Issue 20, 90 and almond fingers Issue 17, 37 almond and orange cake Issue 28, 86 balsamic beets Issue 1, 128 blood orange and cinnamon infused vodka Issue 10, 170 blood orange crush Issue 30, 176 blood orange marmalade Issue 16, 134 blood orange tart Issue 16, 132 blossoms Issue 42, 209 blossom and buttermilk sorbet Issue 29, 120 brandy and orange pudding with custard Issue 22, 36 butter cake Issue 4, 87 recipe index

cake Issue 29, 107 cakes with clove syrup Issue 10, 146 candied orange slices Issue 16, 131 candied orange wedges Issue 16, 128 candied peel Issue 16, 128 caramelised orange crème caramels Issue 46, 56 caramelised pears in port and orange sauce Issue 22, 142 chocolate-orange marble cake Issue 44, 141 choc orange Issue 48, 182 choc-orange cupcakes with orange whipped icing Issue 27, 130 curd Issue 11, 128 cream Issue 10, 144 crust (for cocktails) Issue 11, 186 dark chocolate and orange muffins Issue 8, 114 date and orange scones Issue 41, 74 dressing Issue 16, 96 campari with blood orange Issue 10, 168 dried fig and orange stuffing Issue 15, 34 filling Issue 11, 172 granita with passionfruit Issue 25, 130 honey-roasted oranges Issue 10, 143 meringue hearts Issue 36, 143 milk jellies with candied orange zest Issue 35, 143 mini molten chocolate pots with candied orange slices Issue 21, 34 and mustard glazed ham Issue 42, 165 nectarine tart with orange syrup Issue 25, 119 and passionfruit ice cups Issue 19, 106 pecan and orange snowball Issue 36, 146 pleated biscuits Issue 34, 141 and poppy seed butter cake Issue 20, 164 and poppyseed cake Issue 11, 172 pork, spinach and celery salad with orange dressing Issue 19, 61 port and orange roasted quails Issue 33, 126 and raspberry tarts Issue 24, 122 roasted duck Issue 21, 130 roasted turkey with orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 154 and rosemary crumb Issue 47, 80 ricotta, orange and currant fritters Issue 35, 154 soufflé Issue 20, 98 sour cream, orange and raisin pie Issue 38, 120 sticky fruit pastries with orange blossom syrup Issue 34, 89 sticky orange and vanilla upside-down cake Issue 32, 118 sticky orange babas with vanilla syrup Issue 8, 121 sugar-dusted peel Issue 16, 131 summer fruit cake with orange icing Issue 30, 159 syrup Issue 1, 128; Issue 42, 179 syrup cake Issue 35, 72 and tarragon butter Issue 42, 153 trifle Issue 10, 144 whole orange cake Issue 16, 131 oregano baked ricotta with chilli and oregano Issue 46, 87 basic white wine and oregano chicken Issue 14, 114 butter Issue 28, 56 butterflied chicken with oregano and basil dressing Issue 19, 31 cheesy oregano chicken rolls Issue 39, 142 chicken Issue 37, 139 chilli and oregano potato snacks Issue 16, 98 and chive lamb cutlets Kids’ Issue 3, 86 crispy skin fish with cauliflower purée and oregano butter Issue 51, 94 dijon and oregano butter Issue 42, 153 and garlic roasted lamb Issue 37, 115 labna Issue 35, 166 lamb and mushroom kebabs Issue 49, 130 and lemon lamb Issue 43, 134 recipe index

and lemon lamb chops Issue 41, 58 lemon and oregano marinade Issue 25, 26; Issue 31, 109 lemon mushroom and mozzarella toasts with oregano oil Issue 34, 48 olive and oregano lamb burgers Issue 14, 64 brown butter Issue 2, 84 veal chops with white bean salad Issue 17, 192 pan-fried chicken with oregano-buttered beans Issue 32, 49 pan-fried haloumi with oregano Issue 49, 33 pancetta and oregano pasta Issue 34, 45 prosciutto, oregano and parmesan bread Issue 14, 162 rare beef with radish, oregano and lemon Issue 38, 84 spicy oregano chicken Issue 45, 33 steak with tomato and bocconcini salad Issue 41, 52 sticky oregano lamb ribs Issue 45, 114 and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 tomato soup with crispy capers and oregano Issue 22, 140 oven-roasted duck liver salad with baby beetroot Issue 9, 140 oysters with black vinegar and tomato Issue 30, 148 with crisp lemon and eschalot Issue 12, 32 brown butter and garlic oysters Issue 15, 181 ginger and mirin oysters Issue 48, 166 with lemon gin dressing Issue 24, 93 with lemon and vodka granita Issue 42, 97 pancetta-wrapped oysters with worcestershire dressing Issue 36, 184 with red wine and eschalot dressing Issue 36, 185 roast garlic and pepper oysters Issue 27, 103 tempura oysters Issue 36, 184 P pancakes apple pancakes with cinnamon sugar Kids’ Issue 4, 58 apricot breakfast Issue 19, 27 banana pancakes Issue 2, 46 banana pancakes with golden syrup Kids’ Issue 4, 58 basic pancakes Kids’ Issue 4, 54 blueberry pancakes Issue 2, 46 buttermilk pancakes Issue 2, 46 cinnamon pancakes Issue 2, 46 coconut pancakes with banana and passionfruit Issue 49, 86 coconut pancakes with caramel sauce Issue 8, 178 crispy potato pancakes with beetroot and horseradish cream Issue 46, 98 duck and snow pea pancakes Issue 42, 129 green onion pancakes Issue 43, 111 green onion pancakes with ginger dressing Issue 29, 93 mini honey hot cakes with cinnamon butter Issue 17, 178 mini raspberry pancakes Kids’ Issue 4, 58 ricotta hotcakes with maple butter Issue 44, 130 sesame duck pancakes Issue 24, 160 smoked trout with buckwheat pancakes Issue 45, 88 sweet potato and parmesan crisp salad Issue 45, 29 triple-choc pancakes Kids’ Issue 4, 58 pancetta asparagus and mint pasta Issue 35, 64 baked pancetta and ricotta cups Issue 24, 52 baked pea and pancetta risotto Issue 8, 160 baked potatoes with fontina cream, peas and pancetta Issue 10, 96 brussels sprouts with pancetta Issue 8, 76 cannellini bean, rosemary and pancetta spaghetti Issue 2, 113 caper and crispy pancetta pasta Issue 35, 64 caramelised onion and olive pasta Issue 51, 34 chicken with pancetta parcels and tomato salad Issue 46, 120 and chilli chicken couscous Issue 35, 64 chilli feta and crispy pancetta crostini Issue 27, 46 recipe index

chilli, pumpkin and pancetta pizza Issue 47, 150 creamy pancetta and roasted garlic pasta Issue 38, 78 crispy pancetta and chilli pasta Issue 32, 105 green pea and pancetta salad Issue 1, 88 herb and pancetta poached chicken Issue 52, 65 individual pancetta stuffing Issue 30, 138 and kale risotto Issue 45, 64 lemon pork with roast potatoes Issue 35, 60 mozzarella and balsamic sandwich Issue 19, 96 pasta with green olive tapenade and pancetta Issue 41, 51 pasta with pancetta and porcini crumbs Issue 51, 129 and oregano pasta Issue 34, 45 pea, pancetta, leek and onion frittata Issue 32, 70 and pea soup Issue 1, 92 pepper steak sandwich Issue 35, 62 and potato gratins Issue 48, 158 potato and leek gratins Issue 36, 119 and potato salad Issue 24, 96 red lentil and white bean soup with crispy pancetta Issue 50, 77 ricotta, pancetta and pumpkin bake Issue 35, 62 ricotta and pancetta cabbage rolls Issue 22, 110 roast capsicum and basil pizza Issue 35, 64 roast pear and pancetta salad with honey vinaigrette Issue 2, 92 roasted sage and pancetta mushrooms Issue 44, 106 silver beet, pea and pancetta soup Issue 15, 68 spinach, ricotta and pancetta pizza Issue 8, 94 stuffing parcels Issue 42, 155 sweet potato and sage baked risotto Issue 33, 68 tarragon and pancetta roast chicken Issue 35, 60 tuna pasta Issue 19, 144 veal and pork ragú with crispy pancetta Issue 33, 58 warm mushroom, pancetta and feta salad Issue 38,56 wrapped oysters with worcestershire dressing Issue 36, 184 winter greens and pancetta fettuccine Issue 22, 67 wrapped chilli chicken with rosemary potatoes Issue 20, 140 zucchini fritters with feta and pancetta salad Issue 46, 108 panettone little panettone Issue 12, 178 panettone ice-cream sandwich with muscat syrup Issue 12, 132 panforte panforte Issue 42, 214; Issue 48, 182 panini crispy ham panini Issue 1, 110 three cheese panini Issue 2, 150 panna cotta apricot jelly with buttermilk panna cotta Issue 47, 106 basic vanilla bean panna cotta Issue 14, 118 blistered peaches with vanilla panna cotta Issue 25, 119 brown sugar panna cotta with expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 buttermilk panna cotta with vanilla-poached raspberries Issue 48, 120 chocolate panna cotta Issue 14, 122 cinnamon panna cotta with brandy syrup Issue 30, 162 cinnamon panna cotta with poached rhubarb Issue 14, 122 coconut panna cotta with pomegranate jelly Issue 40, 149 coffee syrup panna cotta Issue 33, 112 espresso marbled panna cotta Issue 2, 124 lime yoghurt panna cotta Issue 35, 166 passionfruit jelly panna cotta Issue 14, 122 pear and espresso panna cotta Issue 39, 106 raspberry jelly and panna cotta bites Issue 31, 121 vanilla panna cotta with dessert wine jelly Issue 9, 180 vanilla panna cotta with sparkling campari jelly Issue 46, 140 white chocolate and peach panna cotta Issue 13, 96 white chocolate panna cotta Issue 34, 120 yoghurt panna cotta Issue 16, 132 papaya (see pawpaw) recipe index

paprika aïoli Issue 37, 30 barbecued corn Issue 37, 30 cumin and paprika butter Issue 34, 30 fried potato frittata Issue 21, 95 rubbed fish Issue 37, 28 smoked paprika chicken and lemon bake Issue 32, 62 parmesan apple, rocket and parmesan salad Issue 9, 106 asparagus and ricotta in parmesan filo cups Issue 12, 32 baked fettuccine with ricotta and parmesan Issue 14, 168 basil and parmesan stuffing Issue 12, 65 and basil beef salad Issue 25, 56 beef carpaccio with parmesan cream Issue 46, 108 borlotti bean and parmesan soup Issue 38, 151 cabbage, bacon, potato and parmesan gratin Issue 22, 90 cabbage and parmesan pasta layer bake Issue 22, 107 cauliflower and parmesan soup Issue 32, 49 cheese soufflé with parmesan crust Issue 38, 141 cos salad Issue 30, 99 crisps Issue 8, 194 crisps with salmon pearls and lemon cream Issue 34, 106 crispy parmesan and tomato pork Issue 38, 54 crostini Issue 9, 54 croutons Issue 28, 24 crumbed fish with crushed pea risoni Issue 46, 29 crunchy parmesan chicken salad Issue 35, 49 crunchy parmesan fish fingers Kids’ Issue 4, 39 crusted veal Issue 37, 155 eggplant, ricotta and parmesan bake Issue 46, 31 fennel and parmesan biscuits Issue 46, 142 flatbread Issue 46, 87 fresh figs with prosciutto and parmesan crisps Issue 43, 100 garlic and parmesan bread Issue 27, 106 garlic and parmesan kale Issue 45, 64 and grain mustard mash Issue 14, 174 and herb baked ricotta Issue 15, 178 and lemon thyme parsnip strips Issue 39, 127 lentil mash with lamb Issue 38,62 mash Issue 33, 32 mushrooms and spinach in parmesan butter Issue 8, 76 oatcakes Issue 12, 182 omelette Issue 37, 154 oven-baked balsamic and parmesan risotto Issue 16, 170 pancetta, sweet potato and parmesan crisp salad Issue 45, 29 pan-fried steak with parmesan mash and pan gravy Issue 16, 166 pine nut and parsley stuffing Issue 2, 102 and polenta chicken Issue 31, 99 pork patties with parmesan and lemon crust Issue 12, 160 potato, parmesan and chive fritters Issue 29, 60 potato and parmesan soup Issue 46, 31 prosciutto, oregano and parmesan bread Issue 14, 162 prosciutto and parmesan chicken with tomato salad Issue 43, 44 prosciutto, rocket and parmesan pizza Issue 25, 64 pumpkin, sage and parmesan mash Issue 9, 170 and rosemary crisps Issue 40, 98 rosemary and parmesan flatbreads Issue 46, 126 and rosemary roast potatoes Issue 1, 100 ricotta, basil and parmesan spaghetti Issue 22, 67 ricotta and parmesan chicken with lemon butter and broccolini Issue 11, 72 sage and lemon steaks with parmesan polenta Issue 46, 48 scrambled eggs with prosciutto toast Issue 50, 43 sea salt and parmesan grissini sticks Issue 25, 34 shaved asparagus and parmesan salad Issue 41, 32 straws Issue 1, 46 recipe index

thyme pork with parmesan parsnip mash Issue 44, 45 toasts Issue 16, 170 tomato and fennel soup with parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 tomato and herb salad with parmesan croutons Issue 12, 92 tunnel-boned leg of lamb with sage and parmesan Issue 10, 118 twists Issue 35, 86 veal, roasted tomato and parmesan sandwiches Issue 14, 62 veal and spinach salad Issue 31, 45 veal steaks with tomatoes and pine nuts Issue 25, 40 warm garlic and rosemary olives with parmesan crispbread Issue 44, 54 parsley baby fennel with leek and parsley Issue 8, 74 chive and parsley butter Issue 42, 153 chorizo, goat’s cheese and parsley pasta Issue 15, 162 couscous and parsley-crusted fish Issue 36, 56 dip Issue 12, 68 grilled lobster with lemon and parsley butter Issue 36, 191 haloumi, capers and parsley sandwich Issue 19, 96 and lemon dressing Issue 11, 39 lemon, garlic and parsley grilled lobster Issue 48, 166 lemon and parsley risotto with brie Issue 9, 100 moroccan beetroot, cinnamon and parsley salad Issue 9, 155 pan-fried fish with brown butter and parsley Issue 47, 30 peppered squid and crispy parsley Issue 36, 201 roasted fish with white bean and parsley salad Issue 43, 52 roast lamb with parsley butter Kids’ Issue 4, 36 roasted parsley lamb with creamy potato gratin Issue 46, 122 steamed chicken and asparagus with parsley mayonnaise Issue 29, 40 tuna tabouli Issue 37, 57 veal cutlets with parsley salad Issue 17, 34 warm eggplant with lemon and parsley Issue 10, 82 warm tomato, garlic and parsley pasta salad Issue 19, 58 white bean and parsley beef tarts Issue 30, 176 parsnip bake Issue 33, 30 beef carpaccio with parsnip chips Issue 20, 129 blackened salmon with parsnip hash browns Issue 10, 128 and brown butter soup Issue 33, 92 chicken, parsnip and onion pie Issue 16, 120 crunchy parsnip ribbons Issue 33, 73 fritters Issue 16, 112; Issue 33, 30 grilled parsnips and fennel with garlic mayonnaise Issue 16, 115 honey-roasted parsnip soup Issue 51, 107 lamb cutlets with pears and parsnips Issue 8, 138 maple roasted parsnips Issue 33, 30 mash with sage brown butter Issue 15, 37 parmesan and lemon thyme parsnip strips Issue 39, 127 pork with caramelised pear and parsnip Issue 45, 44 red wine beef skewers and parsnip strips Issue 13, 64 roast parsnip and garlic potato salad Issue 32, 60 roast parsnips with buttered vegetables Issue 22, 36 soup Issue 33, 30 spiced lamb with roasted parsnips Issue 39, 46 and sweet potato gratin Issue 22, 90 thyme pork with parmesan parsnip mash Issue 44, 45 winter salad Issue 33, 30 passionfruit apple, banana and passionfruit crumble Issue 9, 126 banana cake with passionfruit icing Issue 21, 170 cheesecake slice Issue 37, 105 coconut and passionfruit semifreddo Issue 37, 106 cordial Issue 37, 106 crème brûlée Issue 52, 130 cream profiteroles Issue 35, 146 cloud Issue 4, 156 recipe index

coconut pancakes with banana and passionfruit Issue 49, 86 crème brûlée with passionfruit topping Issue 25, 122 curd Issue 4, 104; Issue 11, 128; Issue 29, 30 filling Issue 13, 136 jelly panna cotta Issue 14, 122 lemon cake with passionfruit syrup Issue 9, 50; Issue 50, 17 meringue fool Issue 35, 163 orange and passionfruit ice cups Issue 19, 106 orange granita with passionfruit Issue 25, 130 pawpaw and passionfruit popsicles Issue 13, 119 pawpaw with passionfruit gelato Issue 12, 152 poached fruit in passionfruit syrup Issue 37, 100 semifreddo Issue 1, 162; Issue 17, 113 slice Issue 17, 102 soufflé Issue 8, 118; Issue 20, 98; Issue 33, 75 summer puddings Issue 17, 114 syrup Issue 2, 30; Issue 9, 50 strawberry and passionfruit almond kisses Issue 47, 107 strawberry and passionfruit jam Issue 31, 132 tart with coconut pastry Issue 13, 136 vanilla and passionfruit cups Issue 29, 68 yoghurt and passionfruit syrup cake Issue 37, 100 yoyo biscuits with creamy passionfruit filling Issue 37, 105 pasta anchovies and artichoke pasta Issue 33, 61 anchovy and lemon tagliatelle Issue 31, 62 angel hair pasta with bacon, chilli and coriander Issue 28, 52 angel hair nicoise Issue 37, 149 angel hair pasta with pesto and goat’s curd Issue 42, 86 asparagus and herb pasta Issue 46, 86 asparagus and mint pasta Issue 35, 64 asparagus and zucchini risoni salad Issue 41, 61 bake with crunchy ricotta topping Kids’ Issue 4, 46 baked fettuccine with ricotta and parmesan Issue 14, 168 baked tomato and ricotta shells Issue 45, 141 basic egg pasta Issue 22, 94 basil and pine nut pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 bean and chorizo pasta Issue 50, 84 bean and pasta soup with autumn greens Issue 38, 154 bean and tomato pasta bake Kids’ Issue 2, 130 beef and mushroom risoni Issue 39, 74 beef and tomato pasta Issue 25, 52 beefy pasta bake Kids’ Issue 7, 36 brussels sprout pasta with crispy breadcrumbs Issue 45, 27 butter pepper pasta with crispy capers and bug tails Issue 15, 102 button mushroom pasta Issue 17, 222 cabbage, parmesan and pasta layer bake Issue 22, 107 caper and crispy pancetta pasta Issue 35, 64 carbonara Issue 9, 113 caramalised onion and crispy breadcrumb pasta Issue 42, 54 caramelised squash pasta Issue 17, 132 cauliflower, speck and chilli pasta Issue 51, 100 char-grilled vegetable penne Issue 22, 67 cheese, lemon and spinach pasta Issue 10, 60 cheesy pasta shell bake Issue 27, 60 cherry tomato pasta Issue 37, 139 chicken and caper pasta Issue 45, 37 chicken, chilli and feta pasta Issue 43, 46 chicken and fennel with pasta Issue 2, 104 chicken and leek pasta bake Issue 33, 61 chicken and pea bolognaise Kids’ Issue 3, 54 chicken and rocket pasta Issue 37, 147 chicken with risoni, corn and feta Issue 13, 128 chicken, risoni and lemon soup Issue 51, 120 chicken, tomato and mozzarella pasta salad Issue 47, 138 recipe index

chilli chicken pasta Issue 47, 50 chilli-crumbed mac ’n’ cheese Issue 45, 141 chilli, rocket and parmesan pasta Issue 2, 110 chilli clam pasta Issue 29, 135 chorizo, goat’s cheese and parsley pasta Issue 15, 162 chorizo, lentil and goat’s curd pasta Issue 45, 138 crab pasta Issue 37, 155 crab, ricotta and rocket cannelloni Issue 22, 94 creamy chicken pasta bake Kids’ Issue 7, 45 creamy fettuccine with prosciutto Issue 39, 57 creamy fig and chilli pasta Issue 43, 98 creamy lemon and basil pasta Issue 11, 162 creamy linguine with chorizo, pea and feta Issue 32, 60 creamy mushroom and almond pasta Issue 38, 98 creamy mushroom pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 creamy pancetta and roasted garlic pasta Issue 38, 78 creamy speck and borlotti bean rigatoni Issue 45, 135 crispy bacon, cabbage and thyme with pasta Issue 10, 60 crispy bacon and cauliflower pasta Issue 33, 58 crispy bacon, pea and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 6, 17 crispy breadcrumb pasta Issue 29, 138 crispy garlic pasta Issue 37, 159 crispy pancetta and chilli pasta Issue 32, 105 crispy porcini pasta Issue 46, 68 crispy ravioli with tomato salsa Issue 42, 128 crispy sage and brown butter pasta Issue 32, 34 crushed almond and basil pasta Issue 33, 62 crushed cherry tomato pasta Issue 37, 53 crushed tomato and basil pasta Issue 29, 136 eggplant and beef bolognese Issue 44, 48 eggplant, chilli and basil with pasta Issue 10, 60 fettuccine with bacon, mustard and broccoli Issue 14, 172 fettuccine with broccoli green sauce Issue 14, 170 fettucine carbonara Issue 37, 140 fettuccine with chilli and crispy bacon Issue 14, 168 fettuccine with mushrooms, lemon and prosciutto Issue 14, 100 field mushroom and lemon winter pasta Issue 33, 61 fresh herb pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 fresh lemon and herb pasta Issue 17, 218 garden herb pasta Issue 17, 37 gnocchi (see gnocchi) green olive and lemon pasta Issue 52, 98 with green olive tapenade and pancetta Issue 41, 51 ham and seeded mustard pasta Issue 17, 74 herb and goat’s cheese pasta Issue 46, 108 herb and three-cheese penne Issue 22, 68 jerusalem artichoke and chervil ravioli with burnt butter Issue 16, 111 lamb shank pasta Issue 51, 63 lasagne (see lasagne) lemon and broccoli pasta Issue 52, 38 lemon and dill smoked salmon pasta Issue 48, 34 lemon, garlic and basil with pasta Issue 11, 164 lemon and garlic prawn pasta Issue 31, 43 lemon spring vegetable pasta Issue 35, 50 linguine with chilli, tomato, rocket and lime Issue 12, 206 linguini and scampi with lemon garlic butter Issue 34, 106 macaroni (see macaroni) mint pesto pasta Issue 29, 136 mushroom, ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 50, 78 mushroom and thyme creamy pasta Issue 32, 47 olive and anchovy pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 onion and mushroom orecchiette Issue 20, 108 oven-baked feta cannelloni Issue 16, 96 pan-fried cherry tomato and bacon penne Issue 22, 64 pancetta, caramelised onion and olive pasta Issue 51, 34 recipe index

pancetta and oregano pasta Issue 34, 45 with pancetta and porcini crumbs Issue 51, 129 pancetta and tuna pasta Issue 19, 144 paper bag seafood linguine Issue 45, 135 parmesan-crumbed fish with crushed pea risoni Issue 46, 29 pea, ricotta and speck pasta Issue 29, 130 pea and bean orecchiette Issue 27, 144 pea and mint pasta Issue 37, 151 peas, garlic, rocket and feta with pasta Issue 8, 167 with peas and prosciutto Issue 1, 92 penne with broccoli and leek Issue 9, 170 penne with chicken, golden onions and sage Issue 10, 56 penne with gorgonzola and sage Issue 9, 166 penne with lamb fillet, baby rocket and feta Issue 10, 58 penne with shredded chicken, rocket and lime Issue 12, 210 pesto pasta Issue 47, 40 pine nut and basil pasta Issue 37, 151 porcini Bolognese Issue 46, 68 prawn, chilli and coriander pasta Issue 42, 59 prawn and garlic pasta parcels Issue 52, 82 prawn and lemon pasta Issue 37, 155 preserved lemon and salmon Issue 24, 132 prosciutto pasta Issue 34, 28 pumpkin and goat’s cheese ravioli Issue 22, 97 pumpkin gnocchi with oregano brown butter Issue 2, 84 quick marinated feta pasta Issue 1, 48 quick zucchini pasta Issue 17, 136 quickest bolognese ever Issue 22, 64 ricotta and basil ravioli Issue 22, 94 ricotta and chicken pasta Issue 37, 62 ricotta, ham and chilli pasta Issue 48, 78 ricotta and raisin sweet ravioli Issue 16, 31 ricotta, sage and sweet potato shells Issue 46, 108 ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 37, 152 ricotta-stuffed pasta shells Issue 51, 43 with roast cherry tomatoes, artichokes and capers Issue 10, 58 roasted garlic pasta with quail egg Issue 40, 97 roast pumpkin and spinach penne Issue 9, 166 roast pumpkin fettuccine Issue 20, 153 roast sweet potato, garlic and chicken fettuccine Issue 39, 58 roast tomato and chickpea pasta Issue 31, 56 roast vegetable pasta Issue 28, 80 roast zucchini and ricotta tossed fettuccine Issue 30, 80 roasted capsicum and ricotta pasta Issue 43, 33 roasted eggplant and chilli pasta Issue 33, 62 roasted eggplant and ricotta pasta Issue 49, 30 roasted garlic and ricotta pasta Issue 34, 100 roasted pumpkin and kale spaghetti Issue 45, 138 roasted sweet potato, olive and tomato pasta Issue 50, 72 rocket and broccoli pasta Issue 2, 139 with rocket and lemon Issue 1, 56 rocket, lemon and chilli pasta Issue 50, 17 roly-poly pasta Kids’ Issue 4, 90 rustic osso buco pasta Issue 45, 142 sage and ricotta ravioli Issue 32, 34 saucy meatball pasta Kids’ Issue 7, 45 slow-cooked duck pasta Issue 15, 92 slow-cooked lamb shank pasta with pesto Issue 45, 142 smashed olive and caper pasta Issue 9, 33 smoked salmon, lemon and ricotta pasta Issue 24, 62 smoked salmon and caper pasta Issue 12, 148 smoked salmon pasta Issue 37, 144 smoked trout, caper and ricotta linguine Issue 17, 159 smoked trout and ricotta ravioli Issue 42, 34 spaghetti (see spaghetti) recipe index

speedy bolognese Issue 2, 114 spicy pasta Issue 28, 22 spicy pork pasta Issue 42, 68 spicy sausage and spinach pasta Issue 29, 138 spicy tomato and crispy bacon pasta Issue 10, 130 spicy tuna and lemon pasta Issue 37, 58 spinach, bacon and lentil pasta Issue 44, 27 spinach, garlic and anchovy rigatoni Issue 16, 166 spinach and feta pasta Issue 17, 222 spinach, tomato and feta pasta Issue 46, 34 studio pasta Issue 11, 141 sweet potato and pasta frittata Issue 17, 100 sweet potato cannelloni Kids’ Issue 3, 94 tagliatelle with tuna and crisp spiced crumbs Issue 10, 56 three-cheese and caramelised beetroot pasta Issue 33, 62 tomato and basil risoni with ricotta Issue 41, 61 tomato and caper pasta Issue 19, 121 tomato and chilli pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 tomato and crispy garlic fettuccine Issue 39, 57 tomato counting soup Kids’ Issue 4, 90 tomato and seared tuna pasta salad Issue 49, 104 tomato and zucchini pasta Issue 49, 139 tuna, tomato and green olive pasta Issue 19, 143 tuna ‘meatball’ and pesto pasta Issue 45, 44 tuna and rocket pasta Issue 17, 222 tuna and spinach penne salad Issue 13, 157 tuna and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 3, 30 tuna pasta with sage and peas Issue 19, 146 tuna slices and capers and bay leaf and thyme and lemon linguine Issue 24, 83 turkey and prosciutto pasta Issue 12, 106 veal, mushroom and mustard pasta Issue 39, 30 veal and pork ragú with crispy pancetta Issue 33, 58 veal pasta ragout Issue 27, 116 veal shank pasta Issue 14, 116 warm tomato, garlic and parsley pasta salad Issue 19, 58 winter greens and pancetta fettuccine Issue 22, 67 with white beans, tomato and spinach Issue 13, 152 zucchini and chilli pasta Issue 38, 54 zucchini and mint pesto pasta Issue 52, 68 zucchini and ricotta pasta Issue 47, 122 pastry almond and jam tray pastry Issue 36, 164 almond filo stack Issue 20, 132 antipasto with cheesy sticks Kids’ Issue 2, 66 apricot and almond pastries Issue 11, 98 baked bean sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 132 basic choux pastries with custard Issue 47, 68 basic sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 52, 54 basic vanilla pastry Issue 38, 118 cheesy ham filo cups Kids’ Issue 4, 99 chocolate éclairs with chantilly cream Issue 47, 72 chocolate and hazelnut Issue 27, 78 cinnamon apple pastry Issue 35, 34 cinnamon-sugar puffs Issue 47, 72 coconut sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 136 crispy blue cheese and quince pastries Issue 15, 177 crispy peach and nectarine pastry Issue 42, 114 deep-fried goat’s cheese parcels Issue 15, 181 easy flaky pastry Issue 13, 135 egg and bean pots Kids’ Issue 2, 129 flaked almond pastry Issue 35, 34 goat’s cheese and pear pastries Issue 46, 96 hazelnut sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 135 honey mustard chicken sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 52 hot-water pastry Issue 8, 65 recipe index

juggler’s sausage clubs Kids’ Issue 2, 76 lemon cream profiteroles Issue 47, 72 lemon sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 135 milk sorbet with almond and honey pastries Issue 40, 152 mixed berry and coconut pastry Issue 35, 34 nut filo stack with rose syrup Issue 34, 141 paper-baked spiced pastries Issue 34, 73 peach and honey ricotta pastry Issue 35, 34 pear and strawberry jam pastry Issue 35, 34 pork and quince pastries Issue 41, 54 raspberry ice-cream choux sandwiches Issue 47, 72 ricotta and fig croissants Issue 50, 43 ricotta parcels with crispy garlic crumbs Issue 41, 106 roasted garlic and autumn vegetable pasties Issue 14, 35 roasted garlic and vegetable foldovers Issue 39, 76 roll up, roll up chicken Kids’ Issue 2, 75 smoked cheddar and ham squares Issue 36, 82 smoked ham, mozzarella and artichoke pastries Issue 42, 82 spiced beef pastries Issue 17, 218 spicy lamb and feta filo Issue 21, 62 spinach and feta pastries Issue 44, 29 spinach and ricotta triangles Issue 16, 70 sticky fruit pastries with orange blossom syrup Issue 34, 89 sweet shortcrust pastry Issue 13, 13 whipped chocolate pastries Issue 20, 132 zucchini and ricotta puffs Issue 17, 132 pâté chicken liver pâté Issue 21, 66 chicken, thyme and brandy pâté Issue 46, 111 duck, brandy and sage Issue 34, 80 duck liver pâté Issue 21, 129 grilled brioche with pâté and fig Issue 42, 127 pepper and brandy pâté Issue 15, 181 thyme and brandy pâté Issue 10, 124; Issue 15, 52 tuna pâté with marinated olives Issue 40, 124 patties chickpea patties Issue 48, 43 chickpea patties with zucchini and feta salad Issue 48, 44 chilli chickpea patties Issue 14, 62 garlic and lemon lamb patties Issue 49, 131 lamb patties and tomato salad Issue 28, 48 pork patties with parmesan and lemon crust Issue 12, 160 salmon and potato patties Issue 29, 50 pavlova almond pavlova stack Issue 43, 60 brown sugar cupcake pavlovas Issue 43, 60 chocolate and raspberry pavlovas Issue 43, 60 pavlova Issue 43, 56 rosewater pavlovas with blueberries Issue 43, 60 rosewater pavlova with fresh berries Issue 36, 112 pawpaw (papaya) green papaya salad Issue 43, 108 green pawpaw and pork larb Issue 48, 58 and lime frosty Issue 19, 111 lime and lemongrass granita with Issue 25, 130 mango and papaya salad with lime syrup Issue 49, 86 papaya with vanilla bean syrup Issue 48, 120 with passionfruit gelato Issue 12, 152 and passionfruit popsicles Issue 13, 119 sparkling ruby raspberries with papaya Issue 41, 82 peach (see also nectarine) and almond cakes Issue 13, 101; Issue 25, 74 and asparagus salad with mint dressing Issue 19, 58 baked peaches with lime sabayon Issue 13, 100 baked peaches with vanilla meringue Issue 48, 126 blistered peaches with vanilla panna cotta Issue 25, 119 recipe index

brioche ice-cream sandwiches Issue 42, 114 chicken and peach salad with lemon pepper dressing Issue 13, 99 and coconut crumble Issue 42, 113 and coconut granola Issue 31, 80 crispy peach and nectarine pastry Issue 42, 114 crunchy brioche with peaches and plums Issue 31, 122 dessert wine-infused peaches Issue 13, 100 dessert wine peach parfait Issue 13, 100 grilled Cointreau peaches Issue 12, 150 grilled peaches Issue 13, 100 with honey ricotta Issue 1, 47 and honey ricotta pastry Issue 35, 34 lemony peach cake Issue 42, 114 melba Issue 13, 99 papaya and prosciutto salad Issue 43, 84 and raspberries Issue 1, 78 in rosewater jelly Issue 13, 96 with pistachio toffee Issue 13, 99 and raspberry pies Issue 4, 112 and rosewater tartlets Issue 13, 96 and sage pork belly ribs Issue 45, 114 and sake lemonade Issue 42, 130 semifreddo Issue 13, 100 sherbet Issue 12, 222 shredded pork and peach noodle salad Issue 13, 99 skinning peaches Issue 13, 56 vanilla peaches and ice-cream Issue 19, 130 vanilla poached peaches Issue 13, 101 vanilla poached white peaches Issue 31, 135 white chocolate and peach panna cotta Issue 13, 96 white peach bellini Issue 4, 154 white peach and fig granita Issue 42, 113 white peach granita with fresh figs Issue 25, 130 white peaches in pink champagne jelly Issue 42, 113 peanuts chicken pad thai with lime and peanuts Issue 30, 50 chilli chicken and peanut stir-fry Issue 47, 34 chilli pork and peanut stir-fry Issue 49, 62 chocolate stout cake with peanut butter frosting Issue 50, 163 beef with bok choy and beans Issue 37, 47 hoisin peanut dipping sauce Issue 43, 112 peanut butter cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 62 peanut butter and jam stacks Kids’ Issue 3, 40 pad thai Kids’ Issue 2, 65 sauce Issue 19, 78 rare beef, pink grapefruit and crunchy peanut betel leaves Issue 36, 94 pear almond pear tart Issue 8, 134 and almond tart Issue 39, 104 baked blue cheese pears with prosciutto Issue 8, 136; Issue 14, 56 baked pear custards Issue 39, 106 and blue cheese crunchy salad Issue 34, 60 and blue cheese fritters Issue 36, 80 caramel pear pie Issue 38, 124 caramelised pear panettone Issue 2, 154 caramelised pears Issue 8, 138 caramelised pears in port and orange sauce Issue 22, 142 classic poached pears Issue 8, 134 classic poached pears with ricotta Issue 8, 138 dessert wine poached pears Issue 34, 120 and espresso panna cotta Issue 39, 106 and fennel salad with hot mustard dressing Issue 48, 174 and figs in muscat Issue 8, 136 free-form pear and rhubarb tart Issue 8, 134 fresh pear slices with aged gruyère Issue 4, 30 recipe index

fritters Issue 39, 101 glazed pears Issue 17, 180 goat’s cheese and pear pastries Issue 46, 96 with goat’s cheese and prosciutto Issue 20, 150 and goat’s curd parcels Issue 9, 104 and ginger cocktail Issue 8, 100 and ginger jellies Issue 17, 110 and honey cake Issue 14, 36 honey pears in sugared vine leaves Issue 2, 86 lamb cutlets with pears and parsnips Issue 8, 138 macaroon baked pears Issue 8, 136 maple and cinnamon-roasted pears Issue 51, 87 and maple crumble Issue 9, 126 maple-glazed pear meat loaf Issue 51, 67 maple pear tarte tatin Issue 32, 114 maple roasted pears Issue 39, 100 marsala-poached pears Issue 51, 27 mini pear galettes Issue 8, 138 peartini Issue 52, 71 pickled baby pears Issue 32, 90 pickled spiced pears Issue 15, 139 poached pears Issue 28, 28; Issue 39, 105 poached pears with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 8, 138 poached pears with muesli and yoghurt Issue 8, 138 poached pears with rich chocolate sauce Issue 8, 138 poached pears with yoghurt and muesli Issue 8, 138 pork with caramelised pear and parsnip Issue 45, 44 port-baked pears Issue 27, 78 and ricotta tarts Issue 51, 27 roasted pear and onion stuffed pork loin Issue 50, 144 roast pear and pancetta salad with honey vinaigrette Issue 2, 92 roasted pork shoulder with pear and pine nut stuffing Issue 42, 158 roasted witlof and pear Issue 15, 37 savoury pickled pears Issue 22, 32 scrunched filo, rhubarb and pear tart Issue 15, 116 sherry caramelised pears Issue 36, 129 sherry poached pears Issue 32, 144 with smoked chicken and witlof Issue 8, 138 spiced pear butterscotch pudding Issue 39, 100 sticky marmalade pork with pears Issue 51, 33 and strawberry jam pastry Issue 35, 34 tarte tatin Issue 8, 180 upside-down pear and gingerbread slice Issue 39, 105 vanilla risotto with caramelised pears Issue 8, 138 veal with pears and verjuice Issue 8, 136 wafers Issue 39, 103 peas baked bacon and pea risotto Kids’ Issue 7, 45 baked pea risotto Issue 37, 141 baked pea and pancetta risotto Issue 8, 160 baked pea and prosciutto risotto Issue 51, 67 baked potatoes with fontina cream, peas and pancetta Issue 10, 96 and basil soup Issue 28, 38 and basil soup Issue 8, 160 and bean orecchiette Issue 27, 144 chicken, pea and mushroom soup Issue 8, 167 chicken and green pea pies Issue 20, 120 chicken and pea bolognese Kids’ Issue 3, 54 chicken and pea tartlets Kids’ Issue 3, 83 and couscous salad with mint pesto Issue 1, 88 creamy linguine with chorizo, pea and feta Issue 32, 60 crispy bacon, pea and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 6, 17 crispy chicken with pea salad Issue 25, 95 crushed pea and artichoke crostini Issue 49, 50 fennel and mint spaghetti Issue 10, 56 recipe index

feta and lemon dip Issue 36, 159 fish and pea curry Issue 49, 37 and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 1, 90 green pea and pancetta salad Issue 1, 88 and ham brunch bake Issue 30, 64 and herb falafel balls Issue 35, 91 lamb cutlets with pea and feta salad Issue 25, 44 lamb, pea and mint fritters Issue 29, 60 lamb, potato and pea curry Issue 45, 41 little pea tartlets Issue 11, 34 mange tout (see snow peas) mash Issue 1, 92 minted peas Issue 42, 170 and mint pasta Issue 37, 151 and mint soup Issue 32, 91 mixed pea and chilli fried rice Issue 24, 162 pancetta, leek and onion frittata Issue 32, 70 pancetta and pea soup Issue 1, 92 parmesan-crumbed fish with crushed pea risoni Issue 46, 29 pasta with peas and prosciutto Issue 1, 92 potato, pea and chive frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 and prosciutto frittata Issue 20, 66 purée Issue 8, 160 potato, bacon and pea soup Issue 8, 34 potato, pea and bacon soup Issue 2, 59 ricotta and speck pasta Issue 29, 130 risotto cakes Issue 8, 167 salmon, pea and yoghurt salad Issue 29, 48 silver beet, pea and pancetta soup Issue 15, 68 smashed peas Issue 21, 34 smoked salmon and watercress salad Issue 11, 108 smoked trout, cucumber and pea salad Issue 52, 40 snow peas (see snow peas) split pea and ham soup with mint Issue 10, 130 spinach and ham soup Issue 51, 116 spring lamb cutlets with potato, pea and tarragon salad Issue 29, 66 sticky lamb shank pie with malt vinegar peas Issue 40, 136 sugar snap peas (see sugar snap peas) sweet pork and pea stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 50 tuna and pea pilaf Kids’ Issue 2, 66 tuna pasta with sage and peas Issue 19, 146 warm peas with ricotta and mint Issue 40, 142 and zucchini risotto Issue 8, 162 pecan blondie Issue 2, 86 caramel semifreddo with salted maple pecans Issue 43, 147 date and pecan buns Issue 14, 162 ice-cream scoop pecan and cinnamon cookies Issue 33, 144 and orange snowballs Issue 36, 146 sugar-crusted pecans Issue 9, 106 pepper black and white pepper Issue 15, 106 and brandy pâté Issue 15, 181 butter Issue 12, 104; Issue 15, 106 classic pepper-roasted beef Issue 51, 60 classic pepper steak Issue 36, 59 crusted salmon Issue 49, 137 and cumin spiced pork Issue 50, 70 figs with peppered mascarpone and prosciutto Issue 4, 27 five spice bouquet Issue 15, 106 and horseradish rub Issue 31, 110 leek wrapped pink peppercorn terrine Issue 36, 72 lemon carpaccio-style tuna with lemon pepper dressing Issue 27, 140 and maple syrup crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 peppercorn braised duck Issue 21, 132 peppercorn butter Issue 34, 30 recipe index

peppered baked ricotta Issue 35, 154 peppered beef fillet with asparagus and horseradish cream Issue 12, 150 peppered beef rib roast Issue 10, 82 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 peppered squid and crispy parsley Issue 36, 201 pink peppercorn beef with pickled green onion Issue 29, 94 pink peppercorn and horseradish gravy Issue 39, 70 pink peppercorn red wine beef Issue 33, 130 roasted chicken with honey mustard dressing Issue 47, 50 salt Issue 15, 106 salt and pepper chicken Issue 37, 157 salt and pepper lotus chips Issue 36, 93 salt and pepper pumpkin Issue 49, 138 salt and pepper quail Issue 46, 96 seared snapper Issue 34, 48 sichuan and chilli salt prawns Issue 36, 196 sichuan and sesame prawn salad Issue 35, 130 soy and pepper chicken Issue 13, 66 steak Issue 37, 139 steak with peppercorn butter Issue 49, 128 steak with rosemary chips Issue 25, 52 steak sandwich Issue 35, 62 steak with stringy potato pancakes Issue 15, 102 sticky black pepper pork Issue 49, 132 sticky peppered veal cutlets Issue 37, 74 three pepper pork stir-fry Issue 15, 108 veal cutlets with green peppercorn crust Issue 15, 106 pesto and anchovy pizza Issue 47, 150 angel hair pasta with pesto and goat’s curd Issue 42, 86 baked couscous with tomato and pesto Issue 33, 50 beef skewers Kids’ Issue 6, 34 capsicum and pesto pizza Issue 43, 124 chicken with pesto and mushroom crostini Issue 14, 115 crispy chicken with green onion pesto Issue 29, 96 crispy salmon fillet with basil lime pesto Issue 19, 129 endive salad with pesto croutons Issue 41, 81 grilled beef skewers and green onion pesto Issue 36, 50 herb pesto Issue 47, 39 lamb cutlets with pesto potatoes Issue 47, 40 mint Issue 24, 30; Issue 30, 150 mint flatbread with green onion pesto Issue 41, 106 mint pesto Issue 1, 88 mint pesto pasta Issue 29, 136 mushroom, pesto and goat’s cheese rolls Issue 39, 144 pasta Issue 47, 40 pesto Issue 14, 115 pesto lamb with crouton salad Issue 42, 56 pesto lamb cutlets with wilted spinach Issue 20, 66 poached chicken with rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 quick basil pesto Issue 50, 68 roasted chicken and pumpkin with pesto dressing Issue 50, 69 rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 rocket pesto Issue 2, 150 rough chop basil pesto Issue 35, 104 salmon and potato salad with horseradish pesto Issue 49, 29 slow-cooked lamb shank pasta with pesto Issue 45, 142 snapper with zucchini pesto Issue 47, 120 tuna ‘meatball’ and pesto pasta Issue 45, 44 tuna, rocket and mint pesto sandwich Issue 19, 93 warm chilli beef salad with coriander pesto Issue 28, 68 zucchini and mint pesto pasta Issue 52, 68 zucchini, olive pesto pasta Issue 34, 58 pickle crispy fried pickles Issue 47, 58 recipe index

eggplant and chilli pickle Issue 15, 142 pickled baby beetroot Issue 52, 85 pickled baby pears Issue 32, 90 pickled carrot Issue 43, 112 pickled cauliflower bruschetta Issue 51, 101 pickled chillies Issue 49, 117 pickled cucumbers Issue 9, 34; Issue 25, 106; Issue 43, 112 pickled onions Issue 49, 117 pickled onions in malt vinegar Issue 2, 26 pickled spiced pears Issue 15, 139 pickled trout Issue 45, 88 pickled white radish Issue 43, 112 rustic fish burgers and dill pickle mayonnaise Issue 44, 89 veal, mustard and pickle toasties Issue 39, 144 zucchini pickles Issue 47, 120 pies apple and cinnamon pie Issue 33, 89 apple, rhubarb and cinnamon pan pies Issue 50, 108 bacon, bean and egg pie Issue 28, 135 bacon and egg pies Issue 14, 168 bacon, egg and spinach pie Issue 46, 33 basic chicken pie Issue 16, 116 beef, onion and red wine pie Issue 20, 123 beef and guinness pies Issue 10, 124 beef and potato pie Issue 28, 132 beef, tomato and mushroom pot pies Issue 39, 54 blackberry apple Issue 22, 32 blueberry pies Issue 36, 107 brown sugar and cinnamon mince pie Issue 36, 178 caramel pear pie Issue 38, 124 caramelised onion and fish Issue 20, 123 cheesy bean pies Issue 50, 84 cheesy cottage pies Kids’ Issue 7, 36 chicken, leek and mushroom pie Issue 16, 120; Issue 38, 53 chicken, parsnip and onion pie Issue 16, 120 chicken and green pea pie Issue 20, 120 chicken and bacon pie Issue 28, 132 chicken and bacon pies Issue 39, 74 chicken and porcini pie Issue 32, 96 chicken filo pies Issue 2, 104 corned beef pies Issue 44, 66 creamy chicken and mushroom pan pie Issue 45, 42 duck and shiitake mushroom mini pies Issue 20, 118 easy fish pie Issue 46, 38 egg and bacon breakfast pie Issue 20, 120 egg and spinach pie Issue 37, 149 fisherman’s pie Issue 39, 87 flying saucer pies Kids’ Issue 7, 73 free-form rhubarb and blackcurrant pie Issue 28, 95 goblin pie faces Kids’ Issue 4, 110 green curry chicken pie Issue 16, 120 green curry pork pies Issue 34, 56 ham and egg pies Issue 37, 139 ham pie Issue 1, 110 high-top apple and sultana pie Issue 38, 120 lamb and mashed potato pie Issue 28, 128 lamb shank + dumpling pies Issue 51, 63 lamb shank pies with paris mash Issue 50, 115 lattice-crusted chicken pie Issue 14, 36 lemon and fish pie Issue 28, 134 lemon meringue pie Issue 41, 96 little apple pies Issue 2, 74 little custard pies Issue 38, 120 meat pie wall Kids’ Issue 3, 109 milk and honey pies Issue 11, 124 recipe index

mince and ricotta pie Issue 28, 135 minted lamb pot pie Issue 50, 78 name a pies Kids’ Issue 4, 90 peach and raspberry pies Issue 4, 112 periodic table pies Kids’ Issue 6, 113 plum and almond pie Issue 38, 124 pork and chorizo pie Issue 28, 134 pork pies Issue 8, 34 potato, bacon and chicken pie Issue 16, 120 potato and leek pies Issue 10, 30 potato pot pies Issue 38, 70 pumpkin pies Issue 38, 120 pumpkin, spinach and goat’s cheese Issue 20, 118 and pumpkin pot pie Kids’ Issue 3, 86 quiche (see quiche) red curry pork pie Issue 20, 118 rhubarb-and-vanilla lattice pie Issue 38, 124 roast chicken and vegetable pies Issue 44, 93 shank pie Issue 14, 116 sour cream, orange and raisin pie Issue 38, 120 spinach, feta and dill pies Issue 47, 105 spinach and feta pies Issue 37, 115 spinach, marinated feta and potato pie Issue 36, 159 spinach, ricotta and sweet potato pie Issue 49, 46 sticky lamb shank pie with malt vinegar peas Issue 40, 136 stove-top pie Issue 16, 170 tarts (see tarts) tomato-simmered lamb shank pie Issue 20, 120 tray apple pie Issue 16, 31 turkey and cranberry pies Issue 48, 107 pikelets buttermilk and berry pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 caramel apple pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 chocolate banana pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 59 pikelets Kids’ Issue 6, 58 raspberry and vanilla pikelets Kids’ Issue 7, 59 pimm’s and apple punch Issue 30, 95 cocktail Issue 4, 100 effervescent pimm’s and apple Issue 4, 158 ginger and lime Issue 34, 37 punch Issue 35, 41 pine nuts and basil pasta Issue 37, 151 basil and pine nut pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 cake with blood orange syrup Issue 46, 90 chard with raisins and pine nuts Issue 14, 54 crusted haloumi with roasted capsicum Issue 40, 123 herb and pine nut crumbed chicken Issue 50, 70 lamb, red onion and pine nut stir-fry Issue 17, 72 parmesan veal steaks with tomatoes and pine nuts Issue 25, 40 roasted pork shoulder with pear and pine nut stuffing Issue 42, 158 rough chop basil pesto Issue 35, 104 smoked chicken salad with pine nut and garlic dressing Issue 37, 50 spinach, feta and pine nut baked risotto Issue 33, 68 zucchini and pine nut salad Issue 32, 81 pineapple bacon and pineapple burger Kids’ Issue 2, 120 bacon and pineapple foldovers Kids’ Issue 3, 93 with basil and lime sugar Issue 11, 98 caramelised pineapple Issue 43, 89 cheese and pineapple chicken schnitzel Kids’ Issue 3, 50 cheesy ham and pineapple pizza scrolls Kids’ Issue 7, 48 cheesy pineapple schnitzel and mash Kids’ Issue 6, 36 chicken and ginger stir-fry Issue 43, 64 recipe index

and coconut muffins Issue 43, 64 coconut and pineapple granita Issue 13, 120 and coconut splice Issue 19, 106 cucumber, gin and pineapple crush Issue 48, 98 curd Issue 11, 128 granita Issue 25, 129 ham, cheese and pineapple swirls Kids’ Issue 2, 112 ham and cheese jaffles Kids’ Issue 4, 70 ham and mushroom burger Issue 30, 62 hawaiian cheesy scrolls Kids’ Issue 6, 55 and lemongrass salad Issue 43, 64 pork and pineapple burger Issue 41, 136 tarte tatin Issue 17, 113 sugared pineapple crisps Issue 43, 64 sweet and sour chicken and pineapple skewers Kids’ Issue 4, 37 pistachio and almond cakes Issue 44, 141 amaretti Issue 40, 101 cakes Issue 36, 143 chicken, pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 chocolate and pistachio slice Issue 30, 141 cranberry and pistachio toasted muesli Issue 34, 70 cranberry and pistachio shortbread biscuits Issue 48, 68 cranberry biscuit slices Issue 24, 148 and dried cranberry nougat Issue 12, 182 duck and pistachio terrine Issue 15, 37 honey and pistachio wafers Issue 31, 118 honey and raspberry layered yoghurt Issue 29, 124 honey roasted pistachios Issue 17, 182 and lemon bites Issue 22, 82 and lemon crusted lamb Issue 34, 129 macaroons with choc coffee centre Issue 21, 34 nougat semifreddo with marinated raspberries Issue 46, 140 peaches with pistachio toffee Issue 13, 99 raspberry-pistachio sundae Issue 31, 30 rhubarb with pistachio brittle Issue 15, 119 rosewater and ice-cream (lucy & danielle’s) Issue 24, 111 sesame and pistachio snaps Issue 30, 124 spiced prune and pistachio panforte Issue 36, 178 vanilla cupcakes with pistachio praline whipped icing Issue 27, 129 white chocolate Issue 30, 126 pitas balsamic tomato and pita bites Issue 21, 120 chicken and crispy bacon pitas Issue 14, 62 chickpea pita pockets with hummus Issue 48, 44 felafel pita pockets Kids’ Issue 7, 39 feta and lemon dip with crispy pita Issue 42, 82 mexican bean pockets Issue 16, 66 tuna, spinach and torn pita salad Issue 13, 155 pizza anchovy, tomato and basil pizza Issue 44, 74 artichoke and ham spring pizza Issue 35, 79 asparagus and ricotta pizza Issue 41, 32 baked ham and artichoke pizza breads Issue 45, 30 basic margherita pizza Issue 8, 90 basic pizza Issue 25, 60 basic pizza dough Issue 47, 147 bubble pizzas Kids’ Issue 4, 90 cabanossi and capsicum pizza Kids’ Issue 3, 88 capsicum and pesto pizza Issue 43, 124 cauliflower, sage and raclette pizza Issue 51, 98 char-grilled lemon, spinach and feta pizzas Issue 45, 104 char-grilled pizza with fig, mozzarella and caramelised onion Issue 43, 97 cheat’s caramelised onion and gorgonzola pizzas Issue 51, 134 cheesy garlic pizza Issue 47, 148 cheesy ham and pineapple pizza scrolls Kids’ Issue 7, 48 recipe index

cherry tomato, basil and mozzarella pizza Issue 47, 147 cherry tomato pizza Issue 19, 121 chicken nacho pizzas Kids’ Issue 2, 111 chilli, pumpkin and pancetta pizza Issue 47, 150 chorizo, basil and olive foldover pizza Issue 47, 148 chorizo, caramelised onion and haloumi pizza Issue 49, 134 deep-dish pepperoni pizza Kids’ Issue 6, 84 dough Issue 19, 85 garlic pizza Issue 8, 92 goat’s curd and mozzarella mini pizzas Issue 47, 147 ham and pineapple pizza Issue 25, 64 make-a-wish pizzas Kids’ Issue 3, 115 meatball pizzas Issue 39, 62 mushroom and pecorino pizza Issue 47, 150 olive, caper and anchovy pizza Issue 8, 90 pepperoni and olive fold-over pizza Issue 25, 64 pesto and anchovy pizza Issue 47, 150 pockets Kids’ Issue 3, 39 potato, dill and gorgonzola pizza Issue 47, 148 potato, rosemary and red onion pizza Issue 25, 64 potato and rosemary pizza Issue 8, 92 prosciutto and taleggio pizza Issue 47, 150 prosciutto and wild rocket pizza Issue 8, 90 roast capsicum and basil pizza Issue 35, 64 roasted capsicum, goat’s cheese and olive pizza Issue 8, 92 salami and roasted capsicum pizza Issue 8, 92 salsa verde pizza Issue 8, 94 sauce Issue 19, 85 spicy goat’s cheese pizzas Issue 31, 62 spinach, lemon and artichoke pizza Issue 47, 148 spinach, ricotta and pancetta pizza Issue 8, 94 supremo mini pizzas Kids’ Issue 7, 101 vegetable pizza Issue 37, 149 x-marks-the-spot pizza Kids’ Issue 2, 90 zucchini and spicy salami pizza Issue 47, 147 plum and almond pie Issue 38, 124 blistered plums and vanilla mascarpone tart Issue 25, 120 blood plum and hazelnut tart Issue 13, 138 brown sugar plums Issue 34, 70 caramelised plums Issue 38, 32 and cashew chicken salad Issue 31, 70 chilli and plum chicken Issue 37, 137 chilli plum chicken cakes Issue 30, 179 and chocolate clafoutis Issue 32, 118 and coconut crumble Issue 38, 32 crispy duck salad with plum dressing Issue 25, 107 crunchy brioche with peaches and plums Issue 31, 122 garlic and plum drumsticks Issue 43, 131 and ginger chicken noodles Issue 42, 56 and granola crumbles Issue 50, 43 and green onion dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 jam Issue 38, 32 little plum cakes Issue 22, 79 sauce Issue 13, 85 semifreddo Issue 43, 142 spiced plum chicken Issue 49, 43 spiced plum sauce Issue 31, 136 spicy plum pork stir-fry Issue 36, 52 vanilla and plum tarts Issue 38, 32 polenta basic soft polenta Issue 8, Issue 10; Issue 51, 52 braised borlotti beans with char-grilled polenta Issue 33, 100 cheese and polenta stuffed chillis Issue 35, 121 chicken with goat’s cheese, polenta and red onion dressing Issue 15, 162 recipe index

chilli chive polenta Issue 15, 167 chips with lemon aïoli Issue 52,100 and chorizo terrine Issue 46, 82 creamed corn polenta with crispy skin chicken Issue 51, 57 crispy polenta chicken strips Issue 25, 83 crispy polenta-coated bocconcini Issue 38, 82 crispy polenta salad with balsamic dressing Issue 15, 164 crunchy olive polenta fingers with garlic aïoli Issue 34, 60 crusted chicken Issue 37, 160 crusted potatoes Issue 52, 120 crusted veal with white bean salad Issue 41, 54 fried polenta with garlic chilli oil Issue 8, 144 garlic, thyme and mascarpone polenta Issue 40, 67 goat’s cheese, polenta and spinach bake Issue 15, 162 grilled cheese and basil polenta Issue 40, 68 grilled polenta with balsamic mushrooms Issue 8, 144 grilled polenta with mushrooms and ricotta Issue 51, 56 herbed polenta chips Issue 51, 57 mozzarella and tomato salad Issue 50, 133 with mushrooms and taleggio Issue 27, 144 one-pan chorizo, olive and feta polenta Issue 51, 56 pan-fried veal with soft polenta and blue cheese Issue 33, 47 parmesan and polenta chicken Issue 31, 99 quince-glazed steak with goat’s curd polenta Issue 52, 110 roast beef fillet with soft polenta and mushroom sauce Issue 14, 98 roasted rosemary polenta chips Issue 40, 67 sage and lemon steaks with parmesan polenta Issue 46, 48 sage and polenta madeleines Issue 44, 105 scotch fillet with garlic beans and soft polenta Issue 10, 128 scotch fillet with polenta chips Issue 40, 135 skillet corn bread Issue 35, 112 soft polenta with blue cheese and sage Issue 8, 144 soft polenta with mascarpone and thyme Issue 8, 144 three-cheese polenta with lamb cutlets Issue 27, 56 tomato and anchovy polenta rounds Issue 42, 127 pomegranate and beetroot leaf snapper Issue 24, 132 caprioska Issue 46, 73 coconut panna cotta with pomegranate jelly Issue 40, 149 haloumi, fig and pomegranate salad Issue 43, 97 haloumi with radicchio and pomegranate dressing Issue 52, 108 and meringue trifle Issue 52, 130 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 pomegranate sauce, pan-fried duck breast with Issue 21, 130 popcorn basic popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 big bang popcorn Kids’ Issue 7, 77 caramel popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22; Issue 16, 98 chilli buttered popcorn Issue 51, 41 chocolate popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 cinnamon sugar popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 crowd-pleaser popcorn pleasers Kids’ Issue 2, 75 coconut poppcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 explosions Kids’ Issue 6, 114 lime and chilli popcorn Issue 1, 178 plain buttered popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 rocky road ghosts Kids’ Issue 4, 113 porcini bolognese Issue 46, 68 crispy porcini pasta Issue 46, 68 mash Issue 46, 68 mashed potato with porcini butter Issue 52, 120 and mixed mushroom bruschetta Issue 46, 68 oil Issue 52, 33 pasta with pancetta and porcini crumbs Issue 51, 129 recipe index

potato and leek soup with porcini oil Issue 50, 115 roast chestnut soup with porcini oil Issue 22, 32 salt Issue 46, 68 pork and apple slaw Issue 37, 161 with apple and mint salsa Issue 25, 72 apple and prosciutto steaks Issue 20, 63 apple and thyme meatballs Issue 50, 150 asian pork and noodle soup Issue 51, 108 asian pork parcels Issue 8, 121 bacon (see bacon) bacon-wrapped maple pork with figs Issue 50, 147 bacon-wrapped pork fillet with caramelised apple Issue 28, 52 balsamic pork Issue 37, 157 balsamic pork belly with caramelised figs Issue 43, 100 barbecue pork Issue 32, 128 barbecued pork and chilli parcels Issue 42, 130 barbecued pork lettuce cups Issue 11, 110 basic country style terrine Issue 36, 68 basic pork larb Issue 36, 62 black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 46, 46 and black bean stir-fry Issue 41, 118; Issue 49, 133 bourbon, soy and honey pork ribs Issue 45, 114 caramelised apple and pork terrines Issue 36, 72 with caramelised pear and parsnip Issue 45, 44 caramelised pork Issue 43, 111 caramelised pork with five-spice broth Issue 47, 34 caramelised turnips and apples with barbecued pork Issue 16, 115 cannonballs Kids’ Issue 2, 89 char-grilled spicy pork cutlets Issue 30, 97 chicken, pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 chicken, pork and apple terrines Issue 50, 100 chilli marinated pork spare ribs with salted lemon Issue 35, 119 chilli pork and peanut stir-fry Issue 49, 62 chilli pork salad Issue 1, 58 chinese pork in lettuce cups Kids’ Issue 6, 32 chinese soup with pork dumplings Issue 2, 58 and chive wontons Issue 44, 36 chops with sticky apple sauce Issue 13, 62 with chorizo, green beans and olives Issue 22, 118 and chorizo pie Issue 28, 134 and chorizo in white wine tomato sauce Issue 15, 162 cider roasted pork shoulder Issue 33, 124 classic barbecued pork ribs Issue 45, 112 coriander and chilli butter pork Issue 49, 133 coriander and garlic pork Issue 35, 52 crackle pork with caramelised apple stuffing Issue 1, 99 crispy parmesan and tomato pork Issue 38, 54 crispy pork belly with lentils and baby beets Issue 52, 114 crunchy crackling strips Issue 36, 129 crunchy pork cutlet with autumn slaw Issue 38, 114 crunchy pork cutlet with slaw Issue 46, 120 cutlet with coriander and chilli butter Issue 25, 44 cutlets with mustard cream sauce and sauerkraut Issue 10, 30 cutlets with prosciutto and apples Issue 2, 70 cutlets with spiced butter Issue 50, 144 dumplings Issue 14, 104 egg noodle soup with chilli pork and asian greens Issue 15, 64 fennel-crusted pork with apple mash Issue 52, 38 fennel and rosemary roasted pork Issue 38, 65 fillet and apples with creamy mustard sauce Issue 22, 121 fillets with creamed spinach Issue 46, 33 fillet with mixed herb couscous Issue 22, 116 five-spice pork Issue 37, 151 five-spice pork with noodle salad Issue 1, 142 recipe index

five-spice roasted pork belly Issue 50, 144 five-spice pork with thai broth Issue 12, 150 garlic and sage braised pork neck Issue 50, 140 and ginger meatball stir-fry Issue 40, 57 ginger pork noodle stir-fry Issue 22, 116 ginger pork parcels Issue 37, 70 green curry pork pies Issue 34, 56 green pawpaw and pork larb Issue 48, 58 ham (see ham) harissa pork with herbed couscous Issue 42, 53 herb and salt-crusted pork rack Issue 50, 147 hoisin sesame-crusted pork noodle salad Issue 13, 86 with honey-glazed vegetables Issue 32, 46 honey pork and carrot stir-fry Issue 17, 76 larb Issue 37, 139 larb noodle salad Issue 36, 64 leek wrapped pink peppercorn terrine Issue 36, 72 lemon-crumbed schnitzel with celeriac remoulade Issue 50, 140 lemon and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 lemon pork with roast potatoes Issue 35, 60 lemongrass pork Issue 43, 137 lemongrass wontons Issue 24, 156 with lemon thyme salt Issue 48, 52 love hearts with honey soy slaw Kids’ Issue 4, 93 maple and apple cider vinegar braised pork Issue 51, 90 maple-glazed pork Issue 49, 133 maple syrup and mustard pork Issue 38, 65 marmalade-glazed pork Issue 43, 131 marmalade pork Issue 37, 149 mini meatloaves wrapped in bacon Kids’ Issue 4, 46 mustard and tarragon pork Issue 49, 133 orange marmalade glazed pork kebabs Issue 22, 116 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 pan-fried pork with snow pea slaw Issue 30, 80 pancetta (see pancetta) patties with parmesan and lemon crust Issue 12, 160 peach and sage pork belly ribs Issue 45, 114 pepper and cumin spiced pork Issue 50, 70 peppered pork, horseradish cream and pomegranate crostini Issue 34, 117 pies Issue 8, 34 and pineapple burger Issue 41, 136 plum and onion glazed pork fillet with snow peas Issue 22, 116 pot-sticker pork and coriander dumplings Issue 22, 98 and prawn pot stickers Issue 46, 98 prosciutto (see prosciutto) prosciutto and sage pork Issue 43, 122 pulled pork tacos Issue 49, 114 with quince Issue 37, 146 and quince pastries Issue 41, 54 quesadilla Issue 43, 131 quince-glazed pork with thyme-roasted apples Issue 50, 147 quince roasted pork with prosciutto Issue 36, 130 red curry pork pies Issue 20, 118 with rice paper Issue 12, 168 roast beetroot and cabbage with pork steaks Issue 22, 110 roasted pear and onion stuffed pork loin Issue 50, 144 roast pork loin with chestnuts and brussels sprouts Issue 38, 100 roasted pork with extra crackling Issue 12, 92 roasted pork loin with rosemary Issue 42, 160 roasted pork with salted apple salad Issue 40, 106 roasted pork shoulder with pear and pine nut stuffing Issue 42, 158 rosemary and sumac pork Issue 49, 133 speck (see speck) sage pork with mustard butter Issue 50, 148 sage roasted pork belly Issue 39, 116 recipe index

and sage butter Issue 37, 143 sesame and soy ginger pork Issue 46, 106 shredded pork and peach noodle salad Issue 13, 99 slow-roasted pork belly with cinnamon-spiked apples Issue 48, 174 smoky grilled pork with barbecued corn salad Issue 37, 46 smoky pork chops Issue 43, 122 smoky squid and chilli pork stir-fry Issue 41, 118 snow pea and pork stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 37 soy and chilli pork with snake beans Issue 46, 118 spicy chilli pork soup Issue 38, 152 spicy jerk pork Issue 43, 122 spicy plum pork stir-fry Issue 36, 52 spicy pork burger Issue 49, 133 spicy pork fillets Issue 42, 66 spicy pork pasta Issue 42, 68 spicy pork salad Issue 42, 68 spicy pork tacos Issue 42, 68 spinach and celery salad with orange dressing Issue 19, 61 steamed buns Issue 24, 162 sticky asian pork chops Issue 1, 60 sticky asian pork neck Issue 39, 114 sticky asian pork spare ribs Issue 45, 112 sticky barbecue ribs Issue 31, 112 sticky black pepper pork Issue 49, 132 sticky cider onions with pork Issue 20, 109 sticky ginger pork with asian greens Issue 52, 40 sticky hoisin pork Issue 11, 72 sticky hoisin pork with steamed greens Issue 38, 66 sticky lemon pork stir-fry Issue 17, 74 sticky marmalade pork with pears Issue 51, 33 sticky pork spare ribs Issue 44, 35 sticky pork ribs Issue 36, 90; Issue 37, 41 sticky pork with bok choy Issue 20, 64 sticky quince pork Issue 46, 64 stir-fry Issue 37, 139 sumac pork with apple and celery salad Issue 47, 47 sweet pork and pea stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 50 sweet rosemary pork skewers Issue 50, 148 tangy larb cups Issue 36, 64 three pepper pork stir-fry Issue 15, 108 thyme pork with parmesan parsnip mash Issue 44, 45 thyme pork with cabbage-and-ham mash Issue 39, 45 tomato, salami and chickpea soup Issue 51, 107 veal, pork and fennel meatballs Issue 34, 86 veal and pork ragú with crispy pancetta Issue 33, 58 vietnamese larb rolls Issue 36, 64 with warm apple salad Issue 44, 70 and water chestnut dumpling soup Issue 13, 85 and water chestnut larb Issue 30, 44 zucchini and spicy salami pizza Issue 47, 147 porridge semolina porridge with brown sugar and figs Issue 50, 100 treacle porridge Issue 45, 68 vanilla porridge with honeyed apples Issue 44, 128 port baked pears Issue 27, 78 caramelised pears in port and orange sauce Issue 22, 142 chocolate, port and date slice Issue 2, 163 glaze Issue 21, 34 and grape relish Issue 15, 139 and orange roasted quails Issue 33, 126 potted blue cheese with muscatels and port jelly Issue 52, 132 potted stilton with cornichons relish Issue 13, 34 roast lamb loin with mini goat’s cheese yorkshire puddings and port glaze Issue 27, 96 soaked berries with honey toasts Issue 17, 160 recipe index

potato (see also chips) and artichoke mash with garlic butter Issue 9, 30 asparagus, potato and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 32, 70 baby chickens with rosemary potatoes Issue 9, 140 bacon and avocado stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 bacon and chicken pie Issue 16, 120 bacon and onion mash Issue 33, 32 bacon and pea soup Issue 8, 34 baked bean stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 baked potato with bacon and beans Kids’ Issue 2, 132 baked potatoes with fontina cream, peas and pancetta Issue 10, 96 baked taleggio and potato gnocchi Issue 50, 116 barbecued potatoes and lamb with anchovy vinaigrette Issue 10, 98 basic mash Issue 33, 32 basic potato gratin Issue 22, 86 beef and potato pie Issue 28, 132 beef fillet with porcini mash Issue 21, 33 beetroot, feta and sweet potato salad Issue 31, 42 and broccoli soup with crispy bacon Issue 14, 172 with broad beans, bacon and sage Issue 10, 100 brussels sprout and potato gratin Issue 45, 27 cabbage, bacon, potato and parmesan gratin Issue 22, 90 cakes Issue 16, 170 cakes with tuna and white beans Issue 13, 155 caramelised onion creamy potato stacks Issue 21, 109 cauldron of crispy worms Kids’ Issue 4, 110 celeriac and potato soup Issue 39, 26 char-grilled steak and warm potato salad Issue 32, 47 cheese burgers and galaxy star chips Kids’ Issue 4, 93 chicken and corn stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 53 chicken, potato and tarragon soup Issue 9, 56 chicken potato salad Issue 36, 66 chicken potato salad Issue 36, 66 chilli and oregano potato snacks Issue 16, 98 circus potato scallops Kids’ Issue 2, 72 classic potato salad Issue 37, 144 classic roasted potatoes Issue 42, 170 cooked in foil with garlic and chive butter Issue 19, 28 corned beef hash Issue 44, 66 creamy trout with smashed baked potato Issue 45, 91 crisp potato and veal salad Issue 35, 130 crisp rosemary potatoes Issue 12, 92 crisps Issue 10, 98 crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 crispy herb potatoes Issue 46, 128 crispy potato flip Issue 20, 35 crispy potato pancakes with beetroot and horseradish cream Issue 46, 98 crispy potato salad Issue 43, 52 crispy potato, trout and beetroot salad Issue 50, 131 crispy roast potatoes Issue 10, 64; Issue 27, 96 crispy sage fish with fennel and potatoes Issue 27, 120 crispy sage potatoes with fried eggs Issue 44, 102 crispy sesame seed potato snacks Issue 16, 98 crumbed fish with smashed potatoes Kids’ Issue 7, 46 crunchy baby potatoes Issue 30, 140 crunchy herbed fish and potatoes Issue 51, 70 crunchy potato and green olive salad Issue 36, 50 crunchy roasted potatoes Issue 48, 174 dill and gorgonzola pizza Issue 47, 148 dressing for potato Issue 12, 164 fennel and lemon thyme tart Issue 38, 82 fiesta wedges Kids’ Issue 7, 88 garlic and lemon mash Issue 32, 81 garlic mash Issue 33, 32 garlic potato mash Issue 8, 167 recipe index

garlic and sage crispy potatoes Issue 39, 128 gnocchi with broad beans and tarragon burnt butter Issue 33, 106 and goat’s cheese frittata Issue 50, 115 goat’s cheese and rosemary galettes Issue 4, 27 and goat’s cheese salad Issue 43, 122 gratin Issue 10, 100; Issue 20, 129 green olive crusted veal with feta mash Issue 34, 100 grilled chicken with rocket and potato salad Issue 12, 206 hand-cut potato chips Issue 47, 56 herb and olive-roasted potatoes Issue 46, 90 horseradish potato salad Issue 49, 73 kale and chorizo soup Issue 45, 64 kipfler potatoes Issue 20, 43 lamb cutlets with pesto potatoes Issue 47, 40 lamb and mashed potato pie Issue 28, 128 lamb, potato and pea curry Issue 45, 41 layered beetroot and potato bake Issue 30, 97 and leek pies Issue 10, 30 and leek soup with porcini oil Issue 50, 115 and lemon chicken salad Issue 10, 100 lemon-roasted baby potatoes Issue 40, 139 lemon and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 lemon chicken with bacon and potato mash Issue 28, 52 lemon pork with roast potatoes Issue 35, 60 lime and coriander potato snacks Issue 16, 98 little baked potatoes Kids’ Issue 4, 69 lobster, dill and kipfler potato salad Issue 36, 192 mascarpone mashed potatoes Issue 34, 109 mash Issue 10, 96; Issue 45, 50 mashed potato with porcini butter Issue 52, 120 matchstick rosemary potatoes Issue 39, 130 mint and lemon potato salad Issue 11, 70 mustard mash Issue 33, 32 mustard and thyme potatoes Issue 52, 122 name a-pies Kids’ Issue 4, 90 nests with salmon and watercress Issue 17, 150 new potato parcels Issue 10, 96 olive mash Issue 33, 32 onion and gruyère galette Issue 50, 120 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 pan-fried kipfler potatoes with rocket Issue 40, 141 pan-fried steak with parmesan mash and pan gravy Issue 16, 166 pancetta and potato gratins Issue 48, 158 pancetta, potato and leek gratins Issue 36, 119 and pancetta salad Issue 24, 96 pancetta-wrapped chilli chicken with rosemary potatoes Issue 20, 140 paprika fried potato frittata Issue 21, 95 parcels with lemon and thyme Issue 34, 118 parmesan and grain mustard mash Issue 14, 174 parmesan and rosemary roast potatoes Issue 1, 100 parmesan and chive fritters Issue 29, 60 parmesan mash Issue 33, 32 and parmesan soup Issue 46, 31 pea and bacon soup Issue 2, 59 pea and chive frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 pepper steak with stringy potato pancakes Issue 15, 102 polenta-crusted potatoes Issue 52, 120 pot pies Issue 38, 70 prosciutto-wrapped tarragon potatoes Issue 50, 120 radicchio, potato and prosciutto salad Issue 52, 68 red onion and potato gratin Issue 16, 166 rib-eye with barbecued potatoes Issue 42, 127 roast beef fillet with white wine potatoes Issue 15, 130 roasted balsamic potatoes Issue 43, 68 roasted chicken and potato salad Issue 47, 132 recipe index

roasted duck with sage and garlic potatoes Issue 50, 118 roasted fish, potato and asparagus with dill butter Issue 47, 29 roast garlic potato salad Issue 28, 83 roasted parsley lamb with creamy potato gratin Issue 46, 122 roast parsnip and garlic potato salad Issue 32, 60 rosemary lamb with roasted potato and white beans Issue 42, 63 and rosemary pizza Issue 8, 92 rosemary and red onion pizza Issue 25, 64 rösti Issue 2, 94 rösti with roast tomatoes Issue 1, 132 sage and parmesan crusted chicken with lemon mash Issue 20, 140 salad with barbecued chilli Issue 13, 110 salmon, potato and fennel salad Issue 42, 53 salmon potato parcels Issue 41, 68 salmon and potato patties Issue 29, 50 salmon and potato salad with horseradish pesto Issue 49, 29 salt cod and potato dip Issue 50, 118 salt-crusted potatoes Issue 39, 92 salted potatoes Issue 25, 34 schnitzel and green bean salad Issue 43, 37 shanks on herb and mustard mash Issue 14, 116 smoked salmon, potato and horseradish salad Issue 48, 34 and smoked salmon salad Issue 1, 56 smoked trout and garlic potato croquettes Issue 21, 90 smoked trout, potato and mint salad Issue 41, 105 smoked trout and watercress salad on potato rösti Issue 4, 104 smoked trout and chive soup Issue 28, 40 soufflés Issue 40, 138 soup with crispy bacon Issue 51, 122 sour cream and chive potato bake Issue 20, 86 spicy potatoes Issue 37, 30 spicy potato salad Issue 42, 38 spicy wok chips Issue 1, 178 spinach, marinated feta and potato pie Issue 36, 159 and spinach bake Issue 27, 86 spring lamb cutlets with potato, pea and tarragon salad Issue 29, 66 sticky ribs with potato wedges Kids’ Issue 7, 28 stove-top pie Issue 16, 170 straws Issue 1, 26 stuffed baked potatoes Kids’ Issue 7, 36 stuffed potatoes Kids’ Issue 6, 52 summer potato and mint salad Issue 37, 76 thumbprint potatoes Issue 11, 141 tuna and kipfler potato salad with anchovy dressing Issue 19, 146 vegetable hash browns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 warm roast potato, red onion and chorizo salad Issue 15, 166 warm steamed potato and fennel salad Issue 29, 40 warm baked potato salad Issue 2, 29 warm roast potato salad Issue 16, 168 white anchovy potato salad Issue 21, 31 yoghurt, feta and mint salad Issue 17, 34 praline crushed praline truffle Issue 15, 116 vanilla cupcakes with pistachio praline whipped icing Issue 27, 129 praline Issue 9, 142 prawn crackers, lemon crab salad with prawn crackers Issue 34, 84 prawns artichoke and lemon baked risotto Issue 33, 68 asian crispy prawns Issue 29, 30 and asparagus salad Issue 42, 60 and avocado cocktail Issue 30, 108 avocado and fennel salad Issue 48, 51 and avocado salad Issue 37, 146 baked zucchini flowers Issue 17, 130 and bamboo shoot dumplings Issue 22, 98 recipe index

barbecued prawns with snow peas and mint salt Issue 41, 108 basil and prawn curry Issue 28, 105 beach prawns with dipping sauces Issue 19, 31 beer and chilli prawns Issue 49, 137 with tomato and basil Issue 30, 108 char-grilled butterflied prawns Issue 30, 108 char-grilled prawns with garlic butter Issue 24, 93 and celery salad Issue 41, 36 chicken, prawn and tomato paella Issue 49, 38 chilli and coriander pasta Issue 42, 59 chilli and garlic prawns Issue 30, 110 chilli and lime prawn salad Issue 30, 44 chilli and lemongrass prawns Issue 49, 93 with chilli peanut crust Issue 10, 52 chilli prawn skewers with tomato salad Issue 48, 38 and chips with green olive aïoli Issue 30, 112 classic prawn roll Issue 42, 60 coconut and lemongrass soup with prawns Issue 51, 115 coconut and lime soup Issue 9, 54 cooked prawns Issue 13, 40 corn, chilli and prawn fritters Issue 43, 30 creamy cauliflower and tarragon risotto with prawns Issue 52, 112 crispy prawn and basil parcels Issue 48, 62 crispy prawns with cucumber dipping sauce Issue 28, 67 crispy prawn skewers and mint sauce Issue 52, 100 crispy school prawns with lemon aïoli Issue 40, 124 crunchy sesame prawns Issue 46, 111 cucumber and chilli prawn salad Issue 12, 148 garlic chive prawns Issue 24, 160 and garlic pasta parcels Issue 52, 82 garlic prawns Issue 27, 103; Issue 36, 198; Issue 43, 119 garlic prawns with chilli Issue 21, 95 garlic prawns with honey chilli dipping sauce Issue 13, 64 ginger prawns Issue 37, 151 ginger prawns with snowpea shoots Issue 13, 86 with green chilli dipping sauce Issue 42, 97 green onion and prawn broth Issue 34, 56 grilled prawns Issue 1, 72 and ham fried rice Issue 30, 62 hot and sour prawn soup Issue 15, 64 and lemon pasta Issue 37, 155 lemon Issue 27, 28 lemon and chilli prawn skewers Issue 49, 135 lemon and garlic prawn pasta Issue 31, 43 lemongrass prawns Issue 43, 111 lemon and prawn risotto Issue 27, 58 lemongrass and chilli prawns Issue 37, 130 lime and baby cos prawn cocktail Issue 12, 92 lime and chilli prawns with green mango salad Issue 1, 122 with lime mayonnaise Issue 48, 166 lime prawn skewers Issue 37, 86 and lime cakes Issue 25, 71 noodle salad with lime dressing Issue 25, 44 noodle soup Issue 30, 50 paella with watercress and lemon Issue 30, 112 parcel soup Kids’ Issue 3, 93 pork and prawn pot stickers Issue 46, 98 pot of prawns with grilled baguette Issue 9, 138 rissois (prawn cakes) (justine & vera’s) Issue 24, 110 and rocket baguettes Issue 36, 198 salt and pepper prawns Issue 32, 128 sesame tempura prawns Issue 30, 108 and sesame toasts Issue 36, 79 sichuan and chilli salt prawns Issue 36, 196 sichuan and sesame prawn salad Issue 35, 130 recipe index

smoked salmon and prawn pots Issue 36, 119 snow pea and chilli prawn salad Issue 1, 92 soup with snow peas and asian greens Issue 2, 139 spicy garlic prawn couscous Issue 52, 65 spicy prawn and tomato couscous Issue 50, 80 spicy prawn and watercress salad Issue 25, 108 spring roll skewers Issue 30, 176 steamed prawns with spring noodle salad Issue 29, 40 sticky barbecue prawns Issue 37, 143 sugar cane prawns Issue 9, 78 sushi with pickled cucumber Issue 43, 86 sushi squares Kids’ Issue 7, 33 thai prawn curry Issue 37, 137 with two dipping sauces Issue 13, 30 warm prawn and spring onion salad with wasabi dressing Issue 29, 96 wasabi-coconut prawn stir-fry Issue 41, 114 and watercress baguette Issue 12, 160 and watercress salad Issue 29, 22 zucchini and basil rice Issue 44, 32 preserved lemon and balsamic snake beans Issue 33, 100 chicken and mint salad Issue 35, 38 chicken, haloumi and preserved lemon skewers Issue 37, 129 chicken, tomato and olive salad with preserved lemon Issue 47, 136 and crispy bread salad Issue 31, 55 crispy skin fish with preserved lemon Issue 49, 137 grilled lamb salad with preserved lemon Issue 35, 126 and harissa chicken Issue 49, 124 hummus Issue 35, 86 lemon couscous salad Issue 35, 38 marinated buffalo mozzarella with preserved lemon and crispy basil leaves Issue 34, 117 paper bag snapper with preserved lemon Issue 35, 104 and salmon pasta Issue 24, 132 prosciutto artichoke and prosciutto sandwich Issue 48, 82 baked blue cheese pears with prosciutto Issue 14, 56 baked blue cheese pears with prosciutto Issue 8, 136 baked pea and prosciutto risotto Issue 51, 67 basic country style terrine Issue 36, 68 beef fillet with prosciutto and artichoke purée Issue 21, 114 blue cheese tart with prosciutto Issue 15, 92 bocconcini and prosciutto wrap Issue 16, 68 caesar salad Issue 35, 32 caramelised onion and prosciutto chicken Issue 43, 134 and caramelised onion roasted beef Issue 51, 60 cheese and capsicum foldovers Issue 21, 93 couscous, herb and prosciutto meatloaf Issue 28, 80 creamy fettuccine with prosciutto Issue 39, 57 crispy chicken with prosciutto-wrapped leeks Issue 34, 109 crostini with prosciutto Issue 8, 194 and fennel salad Issue 20, 129 fettuccine with mushrooms, lemon and prosciutto Issue 14, 100 figs with peppered mascarpone and prosciutto Issue 4, 27 fresh figs with blue cheese and prosciutto Issue 21, 62 fresh figs with prosciutto and parmesan crisps Issue 43, 100 grilled asparagus and prosciutto with hollandaise Issue 4, 104 grilled prosciutto and lemon thyme cheese Issue 35, 158 and haloumi bruschetta Issue 27, 48 mozzarella, prosciutto and rocket pesto bruschetta Issue 2, 150 oregano and parmesan bread Issue 14, 162 pan-fried bocconcini with oregano and prosciutto Issue 9, 100 papaya and prosciutto salad Issue 43, 84 and parmesan chicken with tomato salad Issue 43, 44 parmesan scrambled eggs with prosciutto toast Issue 50, 43 pasta Issue 34, 28 recipe index

pasta with peas and prosciutto Issue 1, 92 pear with goat’s cheese and prosciutto Issue 20, 150 peas and prosciutto frittata Issue 20, 66 peppery prosciutto and mozzarella french toast Issue 39, 142 poached egg and prosciutto bagels Issue 14, 62 pork, apple and prosciutto steaks Issue 20, 63 pork cutlets with prosciutto and apples Issue 2, 70 quince roasted pork with prosciutto Issue 36, 130 radicchio, potato and prosciutto salad Issue 52, 68 rare beef, cheese and prosciutto burger Issue 41, 136 red oak with bocconcini and prosciutto Issue 11, 112 rocket and parmesan pizza Issue 25, 64 and sage pork Issue 43, 122 sage and prosciutto corn cakes Issue 48, 150 sage and prosciutto crusted lamb cutlets Issue 15, 94 and spinach gnocchi Issue 28, 60 starter Issue 34, 28 and taleggio pizza Issue 47, 150 turkey and prosciutto pasta Issue 12, 106 and wild rocket pizza Issue 8, 90 white balsamic glazed figs with prosciutto and mozzarella Issue 30, 100 wrapped asparagus with chervil mayonnaise Issue 34, 28 wrapped beef Issue 34, 28 wrapped beef with caramelised onions Issue 15, 130 wrapped beef rounds Issue 45, 41 wrapped bread sticks Issue 24, 52 wrapped with bocconcini Issue 24, 50 wrapped fish Issue 34, 28 wrapped lamb with spring salad and mint dressing Issue 52, 110 wrapped tarragon potatoes Issue 50, 120 puddings (see also soufflés) apple and butterscotch pudding Issue 10, 86 apple pudding with butterscotch sauce Issue 32, 95 bacon and tomato bread puddings Kids’ Issue 7, 48 baked rice pudding Issue 45, 126 banana and coconut pudding Issue 28, 70 berry ice-cream Issue 24, 94 blackberry steamed pudding Issue 32, 147 brandy and orange pudding with custard Issue 22, 36 buttermilk puddings Issue 11, 122 caramel apple puddings Issue 44, 93 caramel self-saucing pudding Issue 8, 174 cheese and tomato bread and butter puddings Kids’ Issue 2, 108 cheesy breakfast bread and butter puddings Issue 20, 86 chocolate bread and butter Issue 32, 147 chocolate Christmas pudding Issue 30, 160 chocolate plum puddings Issue 12, 136 christmas pudding Issue 42, 172 citrus delicious pudding Issue 45, 128 classic cloth-wrapped christmas pudding Issue 48, 150 cloth-wrapped Christmas puddings Issue 1, 102 coffee and chocolate self-saucing Issue 32, 114 drunken rice pudding Issue 9, 178 fig and marsala yorkshire pudding Issue 32, 118 giant yorkshire pudding Issue 50, 103 honey ginger pudding Issue 36, 172 lemon curd puddings Issue 11, 130 malted bedtime puddings Issue 16, 102 marmalade bread and butter pudding Issue 45, 126 mini chocolate puddings Issue 30, 126 mini christmas puddings Issue 36, 122; Issue 42, 174 mini steamed cinnamon chocolate puddings Issue 9, 156 mixed berry trifle (steve & maz’s cointreau) Issue 24, 100 molten chocolate puddings Issue 28, 122 passionfruit summer puddings Issue 17, 114 queen of puddings Issue 45, 123 recipe index

rhubarb bread and butter pudding Issue 28, 96 roasted lamb loin with mini goat’s cheese yorkshire puddings and port glaze Issue 27, 96 rum and raisin puddings Issue 30, 141 sago pudding Issue 11, 122 santa’s rum ’n’ raisin choc puddings Issue 42, 198 self-saucing chocolate puddings Issue 39, 78; Issue 45, 126; Issue 50, 47 semifreddo christmas puddings Issue 48, 174 spiced pear butterscotch pudding Issue 39, 100 steamed rocky road jar puddings Kids’ Issue 4, 75 steamed treacle pudding Issue 45, 126 sticky date pudding Issue 45, 123 sticky date puddings and toffee sauce Issue 52, 134 summer pudding Issue 36, 108 teacup apple bread and butter pudding Kids’ Issue 3, 22 teacup banana puddings Issue 17, 113 thyme yorkshire puddings Issue 10, 84 vanilla and passionfruit cups Issue 29, 68 vanilla rice Issue 32, 144 yorkshire puddings Issue 15, 128 pumpkin autumn spicy rice Issue 32, 58 and beetroot salad Issue 43, 122 blue cheese and sage gratin Issue 22, 90 butternut pumpkin Issue 22, 43 butternut pumpkin and feta loaf Issue 32, 107 chilli pumpkin and bean stir-fry Issue 48, 38 chilli, pumpkin and pancetta pizza Issue 47, 150 chilli roasted pumpkin salad Issue 31, 52 couscous Issue 14, 139 crispy bacon-wrapped pumpkin Issue 39, 118 crispy pancetta and chilli pasta Issue 32, 105 cumin roasted lamb with pumpkin mash Issue 32, 102 and garlic soup Issue 9, 168 gnocchi with oregano brown butter Issue 2, 84 and goat’s cheese ravioli Issue 22, 97 lamb and pumpkin pot pie Kids’ Issue 3, 86 and maple soup Issue 38, 36 maple and thyme roasted pumpkin Issue 38, 100 and marjoram soup Issue 32, 107 and mascarpone risotto Issue 32, 102 with miso Issue 8, 80 pies Issue 38, 120 ricotta, pancetta and pumpkin bake Issue 35, 62 roast beetroot and pumpkin salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 20, 88 roasted chicken and pumpkin with pesto dressing Issue 50, 69 roasted pumpkin and cherry tomato frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 roast pumpkin and feta frittata Issue 32, 70 roast pumpkin fettuccine Issue 20, 153 roasted pumpkin with garlic and sage Issue 32, 102 roast pumpkin, green bean and ricotta salad Issue 9, 168 roast pumpkin and goat’s cheese salad with preserved lemon dressing Issue 19, 136 roasted pumpkin and kale spaghetti Issue 45, 138 roasted pumpkin, lamb and lentil salad Issue 50, 132 roast pumpkin and red onion stuffed rolls Issue 16, 34 roasted pumpkin risotto Issue 14, 138 roast pumpkin salad Issue 1, 102 roasted pumpkin seed, chilli and coriander dip Issue 48, 137 roast pumpkin and spinach penne Issue 9, 166 sage and parmesan mash Issue 9, 170 salad Issue 37, 46 salt and pepper pumpkin Issue 49, 138 silver beet and gruyère gratin Issue 32, 107 slow cooked veal with thyme and pumpkin Issue 32, 107 spicy chicken, pumpkin and roasted garlic rice Issue 46, 45 spinach and goat’s cheese pie Issue 20, 118 recipe index

punch apple and rockmelon punch Issue 30, 176 apple cider punch Issue 35, 41 classic fruit punch Issue 35, 41 fruity apple cider punch Issue 35, 41 grapefruit and cranberry punch Issue 29, 82 grapefruits and cranberry punch Issue 29, 82 non-alcoholic fruit punch Issue 35, 41 pimm’s and apple punch Issue 30, 95 pimm’s punch Issue 35, 41 strawberry and ginger punch Issue 25, 82 watermelon bang punch Issue 35, 41 Q quail chilli quail and spinach salad Issue 27, 149 devilled quail eggs Issue 14, 90 in fig balsamic with roasted beetroot Issue 21, 33 port and orange roasted Issue 33, 126 roasted garlic pasta with quail egg Issue 40, 97 salt and pepper quail Issue 46, 96 quiche ham and rocket quiche Issue 48, 107 ham and tomato quiche Kids’ Issue 2, 65 leek and bacon quiche Issue 27, 56 smoked chicken, feta and dill quiches Issue 41, 81 quince blue cheese biscuits with quince paste Issue 4, 28 candied quince Issue 15, 37 and chocolate petit fours Issue 46, 64 cream Issue 46, 64 crispy blue cheese and quince pastries Issue 15, 177 glazed leg of lamb Issue 10, 118 glazed pork with thyme-roasted apples Issue 50, 147 glazed steak with goat’s curd polenta Issue 52, 110 and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 46, 64 pan-fried goat’s cheese with quince paste Issue 27, 75 poached in dessert wine Issue 9, 182 pork and quince pastries Issue 41, 54 pork with quince Issue 37, 146 relish Issue 8, 37 roasted pork with prosciutto Issue 36, 130 salad dressing Issue 46, 64 sticky quince pork Issue 46, 64 witlof and blue cheese salad with quince dressing Issue 21, 109 R radicchio haloumi with radicchio and pomegranate dressing Issue 52, 108 mushroom risotto with radicchio Issue 14, 102 potato and prosciutto salad Issue 52, 68 risotto with radicchio Issue 14, 102 radish baked salmon with radish and cucumber salad Issue 34, 126 and fennel salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 52, 120 iceberg and radish salad with garlic dressing Issue 47, 54 lobster and radish salad Issue 17, 148 pickled white radish Issue 43, 112 rare beef with radish, oregano and lemon Issue 38, 84 red radish with coriander salt Issue 30, 99 salmon, watercress and radish sandwich Issue 19, 96 and salmon salad Issue 29, 48 raisins recipe index

bread Issue 9, 106 chard with raisins and pine nuts Issue 14, 54 crushed rum and raisin semifreddo Issue 15, 116 oat and raisin cookies Kids’ Issue 3, 62 ricotta and raisin sweet ravioli Issue 16, 31 rum and raisin cake with muscatel syrup Issue 50, 158 rum and raisin pillows Issue 34, 138 rum and raisin puddings Issue 30, 141 sour cream, orange and raisin pie Issue 38, 120 raspberry and almond cake Issue 24, 122 and almond scones Issue 41, 74 and almond slice Issue 20, 166 and brandy custard trifle Issue 12, 96 brownie Kids’ Issue 6, 57 buttermilk panna cotta with vanilla-poached raspberries Issue 48, 120 cake Issue 17, 142; Issue 35, 72 cheesecakes with crushed raspberry Issue 15, 120 chocolate brownie and raspberry trifles Issue 36, 162 chocolate pull-aparts Issue 39, 138 chocolate and raspberry pavlovas Issue 43, 60 coconut and raspberry angel food cake Issue 48, 166 cream Issue 11, 40 crush sponges Issue 24, 118 crushed raspberry semifreddo Issue 1, 161 crushed raspberry tart Issue 13, 136 cupcakes with raspberry cream Issue 11, 40 curd Issue 11, 128 custard Issue 42, 176 easy vanilla cheesecakes with marinated raspberries Issue 42, 86 figs and raspberries with rosewater syrup Issue 52, 134 fool Issue 12, 150 and ginger cheesecake slice Issue 49, 146 and honey smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 ice-cream choux sandwiches Issue 47, 72 ice-cream layer cake Kids’ Issue 7, 107 ice-cream sandwiches Issue 48, 112 icy poles Issue 13, 119 jam shortbread sandwiches Issue 48, 68 lemon curd and raspberry trifles Issue 42, 104 lemon sherbet with raspberries Issue 43, 54 and lime caprioska Issue 1, 175 marbled cheesecake Issue 2, 122 mini raspberry pancakes Kids’ Issue 4, 58 mini raspberry sponge cakes Issue 52, 52 and mint mojito Issue 35, 41 mint soda Issue 11, 40 and orange tarts Issue 24, 122 peach and raspberry Issue 4, 112 peach melba Issue 13, 99 pistachio, honey and raspberry layered yoghurt Issue 29, 124 pistachio nougat semifreddo with marinated raspberries Issue 46, 140 pistachio sundae Issue 31, 30 quick raspberry and banana ice-cream Issue 37, 78 rich raspberry and chocolate dessert cakes Issue 21, 102 and ricotta brioche Issue 47, 108 ripple semifreddo Issue 36, 107 and rosewater flowers Issue 41, 93 semifreddo Issue 30, 146 semifreddo popsicles Issue 43, 147 and shiraz jelly Issue 30, 28 sorbet and raspberry-sugar apple Issue 29, 68 soufflé Issue 20, 98 sparkling framboise jelly with raspberry sorbet Issue 12, 36 sparkling ruby raspberries with papaya Issue 41, 82 recipe index

spiced chocolate mousse Issue 36, 176 sponge fingers with warm liqueur raspberries Issue 21, 109 sponge layer cake Issue 30, 98 sugar-grilled nectarines Issue 31, 128 summer pudding Issue 36, 108 summer sorbet Issue 31, 30 sunset Issue 4, 153 syrup Issue 13, 110 tartlets Issue 17, 148 tiramisù Issue 24, 118 trifle Issue 32, 147; Issue 52, 43 trifle cupcakes Issue 27, 126 and vanilla pikelets Kids’ Issue 7, 59 warm rose-raspberry syrup Issue 30, 28 watermelon bang punch Issue 35, 41 and white chocolate muffins Kids’ Issue 7, 138 white chocolate and raspberry cups Issue 30, 82 redcurrants redcurrant beef ribs Issue 39, 116 spatchcocks with redcurrant glaze and bread sauce Issue 51, 136 red lentils red lentils, chilli and mint soup Issue 9, 56 warm spinach and red lentil salad Issue 1, 56 red oak with bocconcini and prosciutto Issue 11, 112 red wine beef, onion and red wine pie Issue 20, 123 beef skewers and parsnip strips Issue 13, 64 grain mustard and red wine sauce Issue 14, 174 gravy Issue 39, 70 and herb lamb shanks Issue 51, 63 marinade Issue 25, 26 marinated octopus with aïoli Issue 21, 93 onion jam Issue 13, 33 oysters with red wine and eschalot dressing Issue 36, 185 pink peppercorn red wine beef Issue 33, 130 seared beef carpaccio Issue 15, 92 syrup Issue 15, 38 sirloin steak with red wine sauce Issue 27, 68 sparkling red wine and peach cocktail Issue 36, 127 steaks Issue 49, 127 and tomato lamb shanks Issue 33, 124 vinaigrette Issue 14, 100 wonton duck salad with red wine glaze Issue 46, 108 relish beetroot and balsamic relish Issue 15, 139 beetroot relish Issue 12, 35; Issue 38, 114 caramelised onion and beer relish Issue 15, 142 caramelised onion relish Issue 30, 68 chilli cucumber relish Issue 19, 78 cornichons relish Issue 13, 34 corn and tomato relish Issue 47, 106 cranberry, apple and sage relish Issue 30, 72 cranberry and balsamic relish Issue 1, 100 cranberry relish Issue 42, 155 duck rolls with beetroot relish Issue 12, 35 mustard, fennel and onion relish Issue 30, 72 port and grape relish Issue 15, 139 quince relish Issue 8, 37 quince relish and aged cheddar sandwiches Issue 8, 37 red onion, thyme and lemon relish Issue 30, 72 roast tomato relish Issue 15, 90 roasted apple and onion relish Issue 12, 92 spring onion and cherry tomato relish Issue 30, 72 tomato barbecue relish Issue 19, 121 rhubarb recipe index

apple, rhubarb and cinnamon pan pies Issue 50, 108 bread and butter pudding Issue 28, 96 brioche fingers with vanilla custard Issue 52, 130 chutney Issue 15, 142 and coconut crumble Issue 28, 95 crème brûlée Issue 8, 106 crumble slice Issue 51, 146 and currant tarts Issue 14, 86 custard with crackable crust Issue 33, 144 dumplings Issue 28, 96 and fig compote with vanilla yoghurt Issue 20, 86 free-form pear and rhubarb tart Issue 8, 134 free-form rhubarb and blackcurrant pie Issue 28, 95 and hazelnut cake Issue 22, 83 individual rhubarb crumble tarts Issue 22, 142 mascarpone and rhubarb cinnamon tart Issue 52, 59 with pistachio brittle Issue 15, 119 poached rhubarb Issue 14, 122; Issue 28, 96 tart Issue 2, 30 scones Issue 28, 92 scrunched filo, rhubarb and pear tart Issue 15, 116 and strawberry pan tart Issue 32, 114 and vanilla crumble Issue 9, 126 and vanilla jam Issue 28, 92 and vanilla lattice pie Issue 38, 124 waffles with baked rhubarb Issue 44, 58 ribs bourbon, soy and honey pork ribs Issue 45, 114 chilli marinated pork spare ribs with salted lemon Issue 35, 119 classic barbecued pork ribs Issue 45, 112 lemongrass and coconut braised beef ribs Issue 45, 112 peach and sage pork belly ribs Issue 45, 114 redcurrant beef ribs Issue 39, 116 soy and ginger ribs Issue 43, 131 sticky asian pork spare ribs Issue 45, 112 sticky barbecue ribs Issue 31, 112 sticky barbecue and ginger ribs Issue 50, 140 sticky oregano lamb ribs Issue 45, 114 sticky pork spare ribs Issue 44, 35 sticky pork ribs Issue 36, 90 sticky ribs with potato wedges Kids’ Issue 7, 28 thyme and coriander veal ribs Issue 45, 110 rice (see also risotto) autumn spicy rice Issue 32, 58 baked lemon rice custard Issue 50, 59 baked rice pudding Issue 45, 126 basic sushi rice Kids’ Issue 7, 30 cajun-style beef with herbed rice Issue 38, 56 cheat’s chorizo paella Issue 39, 64 cheat’s one-pan paella Issue 17, 100 cherry tomato, rocket and rice salad Issue 19, 28 chicken and lemongrass rice salad Issue 37, 26 chicken and lemon pilaf Issue 49, 124 chicken, prawn and tomato paella Issue 49, 38 chicken with scented rice pilaf Issue 14, 115 chicken and snow pea fried rice Kids’ Issue 7, 26 chilli and snow pea fried rice Issue 17, 218 chinese fried rice Issue 32, 132 chorizo sausage and rice soup Issue 38, 151 coconut and rice salad Issue 37, 151 coconut rice with stone fruit and vanilla honey Issue 42, 113 crispy rice rösti Kids’ Issue 6, 24 drunken rice pudding Issue 9, 178 eggy fried rice Kids’ Issue 3, 30 five-spice pork with sticky mushroom rice Issue 52, 114 recipe index

fried rice Issue 37, 148; Issue 44, 36 ginger-coconut rice with palm sugar Issue 49, 94 lamb shanks with tomato, rice and thyme Issue 8, 162 lemony chicken and rice soup Issue 45, 58 mincy fried rice Kids’ Issue 2, 62 mixed pea and chilli fried Issue 24, 162 one-pan fish curry and jasmine rice Issue 20, 63 paella with watercress and lemon Issue 30, 112 prawn and ham fried rice Issue 30, 62 prawn, zucchini and basil rice Issue 44, 32 sesame rice with salmon and miso dressing Issue 48, 33 spiced pilaf Issue 44, 31 spicy chicken, pumpkin and roasted garlic rice Issue 46, 45 spicy tuna rice salad Issue 43, 43 steamed salmon with lemongrass and coconut rice Issue 50, 80 summer paella Issue 37, 156 rice noodles (see noodles) chicken and lemongrass soup with rice noodles Issue 9, 56 smoked salmon sushi Issue 36, 82 sticky sweet rice and mango sandwiches Issue 31, 122 tomato and rice soup Issue 8, 160 tuna and pea pilaf Kids’ Issue 2, 66 vanilla rice pudding Issue 32, 144 rice paper chicken rice paper rolls Issue 19, 78 chicken and snow pea rice paper rolls Issue 47, 76 crispy rice paper chicken parcels Issue 34, 83 five-spice chicken in rice paper Issue 8, 122 fresh tuna, mint and cucumber rice paper rolls Issue 36, 90 pork with rice paper Issue 12, 168 rolls Issue 43, 107 snow pea rice paper rolls Issue 1, 90 ricotta asparagus and ricotta in parmesan filo cups Issue 12, 32 asparagus and ricotta pizza Issue 41, 32 asparagus and ricotta tarts Issue 29, 65 and bacon cakes with roast tomatoes Issue 28, 50 and chicken pasta Issue 37, 62 baked fettuccine with ricotta and parmesan Issue 14, 168 baked ricotta cakes Issue 29, 83 baked ricotta and bacon breakfast loaf Issue 51, 136 baked ricotta with chilli and oregano Issue 46, 87 baked tomato and ricotta shells Issue 45, 141 with balsamic and basil tomatoes Issue 11, 98 basil and parmesan spaghetti Issue 22, 67 basil ravioli Issue 22, 94 blini with marinated feta Issue 42, 76 cheat’s ricotta, spinach and mint gnocchi Issue 41, 105 cheesecake with moscato figs Issue 43, 98 classic poached pears with ricotta Issue 8, 138 crab, ricotta and rocket cannelloni Issue 22, 94 crushed cherry tomato and ricotta bruschetta Issue 37, 74 cups and baked pancetta Issue 24, 52 eggplant, ricotta and parmesan bake Issue 46, 31 and fennel meatballs Issue 27, 140 and fig croissants Issue 50, 43 filling Issue 13, 96, 136 fritters Issue 40, 58 grilled polenta with mushrooms and ricotta Issue 51, 56 ham, basil and ricotta fritters Issue 29, 60 ham and chilli pasta Issue 48, 78 ham and ricotta omelette Issue 47, 42 and herb baked chicken Issue 20, 144 hearty vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 147 honey Issue 1, 47 recipe index

honey and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 honey-baked ricotta Issue 1, 132 hotcakes with maple butter Issue 44, 130 leek, ricotta and mushroom frittata Issue 39, 53 lemon honey toast with ricotta Issue 17, 180 mince and ricotta pie Issue 28, 135 mini baked ricotta tartlets Issue 27, 113 mixed olive and ricotta crostini Issue 27, 50 mushroom, ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 50, 78 orange and currant fritters Issue 35, 154 pancetta cabbage rolls Issue 22, 110 pancetta and pumpkin bake Issue 35, 62 parmesan chicken with lemon butter and broccolini Issue 11, 72 parmesan and herb baked ricotta Issue 15, 178 parcels with crispy garlic crumbs Issue 41, 106 pasta, smoked salmon andlemon Issue 24, 62 pasta bake with crunchy ricotta topping Kids’ Issue 4, 46 pea, ricotta and speck pasta Issue 29, 130 peach and honey ricotta pastry Issue 35, 34 peaches with honey ricotta Issue 1, 47 pear and ricotta tarts Issue 51, 27 peppered baked ricotta Issue 35, 154 pine nut and herb spaghetti Issue 10, 60 prosciutto, bean and artichoke salad with chilli-baked ricotta Issue 50, 131 raisin sweet ravioli Issue 16, 31 raspberry and ricotta brioche Issue 47, 108 ricotta Issue 35, 153 roast pumpkin, green bean and ricotta salad Issue 9, 168 roast zucchini and ricotta tossed fettuccine Issue 30, 80 roasted capsicum and ricotta pasta Issue 43, 33 roasted eggplant and ricotta pasta Issue 49, 30 roasted garlic and ricotta pasta Issue 34, 100 sage and ricotta ravioli Issue 32, 34 sage and sweet potato shells Issue 46, 108 sesame-coated spinach and ricotta chicken Issue 11, 39 smoked trout, caper and ricotta linguine Issue 17, 159 smoked trout and ricotta ravioli Issue 42, 34 spicy spinach and ricotta lasagne Issue 51, 70 and spinach pasta Issue 37, 152 spinach, ricotta and pancetta pizza Issue 8, 94 spinach and ricotta soufflé Issue 21, 102 spinach, ricotta and sweet potato pie Issue 49, 46 spinach and ricotta triangles Issue 16, 70 spinach and smoked salmon filo tart Issue 16, 34 spinach and tomato lasagne Issue 2, 139 strawberry and ricotta tart Issue 13, 136 stuffed pasta shells Issue 51, 43 sweet honeyed ricotta with brioche Issue 35, 154 tomato and basil risoni with ricotta Issue 41, 61 tomato, ricotta and spinach bread Issue 49, 106 vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 149 warm peas with ricotta and mint Issue 40, 142 and white bean salad Issue 42, 64 zucchini and ricotta pasta Issue 47, 122 zucchini and ricotta puffs Issue 17, 132 risotto baked bacon and pea risotto Kids’ Issue 7, 45 baked lemon and basil risotto with veal Issue 8, 164 baked mushroom, bacon and spinach risotto Issue 39, 54 baked pea risotto Issue 37, 141 baked pea and pancetta risotto Issue 8, 160 baked pea and prosciutto risotto Issue 51, 67 baked risotto teacups Kids’ Issue 6, 22 basic baked risotto Issue 33, 64 cheesy risotto balls Issue 46, 82 recipe index

with chicken and feta, oven Issue 20, 140 chicken and spinach risotto Issue 2, 104 chocolate risotto Issue 16, 31 creamy cauliflower and tarragon risotto with prawns Issue 52, 112 crispy skin barramundi with lemon risotto Issue 40, 132 lemon and parsley risotto with brie Issue 9, 100 lemon and prawn Issue 27, 58 with maple-glazed bacon Issue 51, 83 mixed mushroom baked risotto Issue 33, 68 mushroom risotto with radicchio Issue 14, 102 oven-baked balsamic and parmesan risotto Issue 16, 170 pancetta and kale risotto Issue 45, 64 pancetta, sweet potato and sage baked risotto Issue 33, 68 pea and zucchini risotto Issue 8, 162 pea risotto cakes Issue 8, 167 prawn, artichoke and lemon baked risotto Issue 33, 68 pumpkin and mascarpone Issue 32, 102 roasted cauliflower, sage and almond risotto Issue 44, 106 roasted pumpkin risotto Issue 14, 138 salmon with fennel and lemon risotto Issue 46, 120 silver beet, dill and feta risotto Issue 2, 140 speck and mushroom risotto Issue 44, 89 spinach, feta and pine nut baked risotto Issue 33, 68 vanilla risotto with caramelised pears Issue 8, 138 rocket (arugula) apple, rocket and parmesan salad Issue 9, 106 avocado and rocket salad Issue 25, 71; Issue 31, 28 barbecued chilli squid with mint and rocket salad Issue 36, 200 and broccoli pasta Issue 2, 139 char-grilled eggplant and rocket salad Issue 9, 116 cherry tomato, rocket and rice salad Issue 19, 28 chicken and rocket on bruschetta Issue 12, 208 chicken and rocket pasta Issue 37, 147 chicken and rocket sandwiches Issue 4, 101 chicken sandwich with rocket mayonnaise Issue 19, 93 chilli, rocket and parmesan pasta Issue 2, 110 crab, ricotta and rocket cannelloni Issue 22, 94 fennel and rocket salad Issue 21, 120 garlic beef skewers with rocket tabouli Issue 43, 46 and goat’s cheese and lavash salad Issue 12, 148 grilled chicken with rocket and potato salad Issue 12, 206 grilled ham, rocket and bocconcini salad Issue 1, 110 ham and rocket quiche Issue 48, 107 lemon and chilli pasta Issue 50, 17 and lemon crusted veal cutlets Issue 8, 104 and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 linguine with chilli, tomato, rocket and lime Issue 12, 206 mozzarella, prosciutto and rocket pesto bruschetta Issue 2, 150 pan-fried kipfler potatoes with rocket Issue 40, 141 pasta with peas, garlic, rocket and feta Issue 8, 167 pasta with rocket and lemon Issue 1, 56 penne with lamb fillet, baby rocket and feta Issue 10, 58 penne with shredded chicken, rocket and lime Issue 12, 210 pesto Issue 2, 150 poached chicken with rocket and lime pesto Issue 12, 206 prawn and rocket baguettes Issue 36, 198 prosciutto and wild rocket pizza Issue 8, 90 rare roast beef and rocket pressed sandwiches Issue 14, 35 roast capsicum, rocket and tomato salad Issue 19, 118 salmon and rocket tarts Issue 30, 138 smoked chicken and baby rocket sandwiches Issue 17, 142 tomato, rocket and white bean salad Issue 12, 212 and tomato toasted sandwiches Issue 17, 98 tuna, rocket and mint pesto sandwich Issue 19, 93 tuna and rocket pasta Issue 17, 222 recipe index

rocky road boulders Kids’ Issue 3, 107 brownie Issue 25, 86 cupcakes Issue 27, 136 ghosts Kids’ Issue 4, 113 turkish delight Issue 30, 126 rolls bacon and egg roll , Kids’ Issue 3, 38 bolognese rolls Kids’ Issue 3, 94 cheesy bacon-wrapped sausages in buns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 cheesy bolognese rolls Kids’ Issue 4, 48 cheesy oregano chicken rolls Issue 39, 142 chicken guacamole roll-ups Kids’ Issue 3, 40 chicken and herb spring rolls Issue 40, 123 chilli steak rolls Issue 39, 142 classic prawn roll Issue 42, 60 cucumber rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 30 duck rolls with beetroot relish Issue 12, 35 fennel and coriander rolls Issue 34, 66 ham and cheddar roll-ups Issue 1, 47 ham and lettuce nori rolls Kids’ Issue 3, 96 hide-and-seek Kids’ Issue 2, 26 meatball sub Kids’ Issue 3, 98 mini ham and chive rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 39 mushroom, pesto and goat’s cheese rolls Issue 39, 144 rice paper rolls Issue 43, 107 roast chicken, bacon and spinach rolls Issue 34, 86 roly-poly pasta Kids’ Issue 4, 90 roma tomato topping Issue 8, 86 salmon and snow pea sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 33 sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 6, 71 super sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 103 tuna and chive sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 32 tuna roll-ups Kids’ Issue 7, 40 vietnamese larb rolls Issue 36, 64 romaine lettuce (see cos lettuce) rosemary bacon and rosemary roasted lamb Issue 46, 118 and balsamic lamb Issue 43, 125 coriander, rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 and fennel lamb Issue 49, 130 fennel and rosemary roasted pork Issue 38, 65 and garlic lamb skewers Issue 50, 69 garlic and rosemary lamb Issue 37, 137 garlic and rosemary oil flatbread Issue 34, 66 honey and rosemary chicken Kids’ Issue 2, 65 lamb with roasted potato and white beans Issue 42, 63 lamb and rosemary skewers Issue 37, 129 lemon and rosemary pork with garlic and chilli roast potatoes Issue 22, 118 lemon and rosemary roast chicken Issue 20, 86 matchstick rosemary potatoes Issue 39, 130 oil Issue 2, 113 olive and rosemary breads Issue 14, 160 orange and rosemary crumb Issue 47, 80 pancetta-wrapped chilli chicken with rosemary potatoes Issue 20, 140 and parmesan flatbreads Issue 46, 126 parmesan and rosemary crisps Issue 40, 98 potato, rosemary and red onion pizza Issue 25, 64 roasted chicken with beetroot and feta Issue 44, 48 roasted lamb chops Issue 51, 68 roasted pork loin with rosemary Issue 42, 160 roasted rosemary chicken with lentils Issue 46, 122 roasted rosemary polenta chips Issue 40, 67 roast sweet potato and rosemary chicken Issue 22, 140 rub Issue 42, 158 recipe index

steak with horseradish butter and rosemary chips Issue 52, 108 and sumac pork Issue 49, 133 sweet rosemary pork skewers Issue 50, 148 tied lamb shoulder Issue 39, 116 warm garlic and rosemary olives with parmesan crispbread Issue 44, 54 white bean salad Issue 44, 56 rosewater figs and raspberries with rosewater syrup Issue 52, 134 honey and rosewater yoghurt Issue 17, 182 lollipops Issue 30, 122 and milk jelly Issue 29, 124 nut filo stack with rose syrup Issue 34, 141 pavlovas with blueberries Issue 43, 60 pavlova with fresh berries Issue 36, 112 peach and rosewater tartlets Issue 13, 96 peaches in rosewater jelly Issue 13, 96 and pistachio ice-cream (lucy & danielle’s) Issue 24, 111 raspberry and rosewater flowers Issue 41, 93 rose cupcakes Issue 27, 126 semifreddo Issue 40, 149 vanilla and rosewater madeleines Issue 41, 82 warm rose-raspberry syrup Issue 30, 28 rubs cumin and sea salt Issue 31, 112 fennel and chilli rub Issue 42, 158 garlic and thyme rub Issue 42, 158 peppercorn and horseradish Issue 31, 110 rosemary rub Issue 42, 158 tarragon and horseradish rub Issue 42, 158 rum classic fruit punch Issue 35, 41 crushed rum and raisin semifreddo Issue 15, 116 and currant loaf with rum butter Issue 13, 30 ginger and apple fizz Issue 50, 52 and raisin cake with muscatel syrup Issue 50, 158 and raisin pillows Issue 34, 138 and raisin puddings Issue 30, 141 raspberry and mint mojito Issue 35, 41 white rum and chocolate truffles Issue 36, 146 S sage apple and sage chutney Issue 15, 139 buffalo mozzarella crostini with sage and anchovy butter Issue 52, 98 butter Issue 32, 34 butter and garlic breadcrumb spaghetti Issue 22, 64 cauliflower, sage and raclette pizza Issue 51, 98 celeriac and sage fritters Issue 39, 26 and chilli chicken Issue 49, 124 couscous, veal and sage meatloaves Issue 39, 48 cranberry, apple and sage relish Issue 30, 72 crispy chorizo and sage salad Issue 32, 62 crispy sage Issue 32, 34 crispy sage and brown butter pasta Issue 32, 34 crispy sage fish with fennel and potatoes Issue 27, 120 crispy sage potatoes with fried eggs Issue 44, 102 crumble Issue 32, 34 duck, brandy and sage pâté Issue 34, 80 duck with slow-braised lentils and sage Issue 40, 98 fritters Issue 44, 102 garlic and sage braised pork neck Issue 50, 140 garlic and sage crispy potatoes Issue 39, 128 garlic and sage roast chicken Issue 33, 89 gnocchi with burnt sage butter Issue 44, 105 recipe index

greens with crispy sage butter Issue 48, 158 lavash Issue 2, 84 and lemon steaks with parmesan polenta Issue 46, 48 mushroom, sage and bacon frittata Issue 51, 68 mushroom and sage butter bruschetta Issue 27, 50 mushroom and sage tart with goat’s curd Issue 52, 80 and onion stuffing Issue 12, 65 pancetta, sweet potato and sage baked risotto Issue 33, 68 and parmesan crusted chicken with lemon mash Issue 20, 140 parsnip mash with sage brown butter Issue 15, 37 peach and sage pork belly ribs Issue 45, 114 pine nut and garlic butter Issue 9, 170 and polenta madeleines Issue 44, 105 pork with mustard butter Issue 50, 148 pork and sage butter Issue 37, 143 and prosciutto corn cakes Issue 48, 150 and prosciutto crusted lamb cutlets Issue 15, 94 prosciutto and sage pork Issue 43, 122 pumpkin, blue cheese and sage gratin Issue 22, 90 and ricotta ravioli Issue 32, 34 ricotta, sage and sweet potato shells Issue 46, 108 roasted butter beans with sage and almonds Issue 33, 106 roasted cauliflower, sage and almond risotto Issue 44, 106 roasted chicken with herb sauce and sage salt Issue 44, 106 roasted duck with sage and garlic potatoes Issue 50, 118 roasted pork belly Issue 39, 116 roasted pumpkin with garlic and sage Issue 32, 102 roasted sage and pancetta mushrooms Issue 44, 106 tuna pasta with sage and peas Issue 19, 146 salad (see also dressing, vinaigrette) apple, rocket and parmesan salad Issue 9, 106 apple and celeriac salad Issue 2, 70 asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 asparagus, bean, bacon and poached egg salad Issue 17, 221 asparagus salad with tuna and eggs Issue 13, 156 asparagus and zucchini risoni salad Issue 41, 61 autumn broccoli and spinach salad Issue 14, 170 avocado and basil salad Issue 37, 62 avocado and mint leaf salad Issue 12, 96 avocado and rocket salad Issue 25, 71; Issue 31, 28 baby beetroot and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 15, 34 baby cos salad with tarragon dressing Issue 13, 34 bacon and snow pea shoot salad Issue 47, 76 bacon and snow pea shoot salad with basil dressing Issue 29, 84 baked salmon with radish and cucumber salad Issue 34, 126 balsamic mushroom and goat’s curd salad Issue 50, 128 barbecue duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 barbecued chilli squid with mint and rocket salad Issue 36, 200 barbecued lemon and mint squid salad Issue 13, 109 barbecued octopus salad Issue 25, 111 barbecued salmon fillets with herb and corn salad Issue 25, 42 basil marinated tomatoes Issue 24, 46 bean and fennel salad Issue 8, 104 beef salad with coriander salsa verde Issue 46, 120 beef salad with wasabi dressing Issue 49, 127 beetroot, chickpea and tuna salad Issue 48, 54 beetroot and feta salad Issue 40, 142 beetroot, feta and mint salad Issue 52, 122 beetroot, feta and sweet potato salad Issue 31, 42 berry and mint and coconut Issue 24, 120 bistro salad Issue 42, 140 bocconcini and chilli salad Issue 28, 22 borlotti bean salad Issue 8, 34 bresaola salad Issue 50, 40 brie and crispy bread salad with cranberry dressing Issue 31, 69 recipe index

broad bean and goat’s curd salad Issue 35, 76 butter lettuce salad with herb dressing Issue 40, 142 caesar salad Issue 11, 108; Issue 35, 32; Issue 42, 146; Issue 43, 129 caprese salad Issue 42, 143 caramelised bacon and fennel salad Issue 28, 50 caramelised lamb and artichoke salad Issue 36, 49 cashew chicken salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 19, 56 cashew duck salad Issue 37, 155 celeriac salad Issue 46, 128 char-grilled artichoke and chicken salad Issue 48, 82 char-grilled asparagus and feta salad Issue 13, 64 char-grilled asparagus, zucchini and chickpea salad Issue 49, 139 char-grilled beef with marinated capsicum salad Issue 43, 34 char-grilled beef with roasted capsicum, bread and basil salad Issue 49, 46 char-grilled bugs with coconut salad Issue 25, 97 char-grilled capsicum, bread and tomato salad Issue 36, 160 char-grilled chicken salad Issue 13, 66 char-grilled corn and spiced chicken salad Issue 43, 29 char-grilled eggplant and rocket salad Issue 9, 116 char-grilled eggplant and zucchini salad Issue 11, 160 char-grilled fennel and haloumi salad Issue 25, 44 char-grilled ham and couscous salad Issue 30, 62 char-grilled steak and warm potato salad Issue 32, 47 char-grilled veal cutlet and capsicum salad Issue 31, 70 char-grilled vegetable and crispy bread salad Issue 19, 60 cherry tomato, rocket and rice salad Issue 19, 28 chervil and grilled haloumi warm salad Issue 31, 56 chicken and asparagus salad Issue 41, 32; Issue 43, 119 chicken, basil and sugar snap salad, with Issue 1, 88 chicken, bean and artichoke salad Issue 46, 37 chicken, celeriac and walnut salad Issue 39, 26 chicken and chickpea salad Issue 13, 128 chicken, coconut and lime salad Issue 43, 82 chicken couscous salad Issue 45, 34 chicken, egg and lettuce salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 47, 136 chicken and fennel salad Issue 37, 155 chicken and lemongrass rice salad Issue 37, 26 chicken and mint salad Issue 35, 38 chicken niçoise salad Issue 52, 65 chicken, noodle and coconut salad Issue 30, 46 chicken with pancetta parcels and tomato salad Issue 46, 120 chicken and peach salad with lemon pepper dressing Issue 13, 99 chicken potato salad Issue 36, 66 chicken with spinach and white bean salad Issue 13, 152 chicken, tomato and mozzarella pasta salad Issue 47, 138 chicken, tomato and olive salad with preserved lemon Issue 47, 136 chickpea and chorizo salad Issue 37, 139 chickpea patties with zucchini and feta salad Issue 48, 44 chilli beef and basil salad Issue 49, 62 chilli chicken with snow pea salad Issue 49, 62 chilli and lime fish cakes with cucumber salad Issue 49, 62 chilli and lime prawn salad Issue 30, 44 chilli pork salad Issue 1, 58 chilli prawn skewers with tomato salad Issue 48, 38 chilli quail and spinach salad Issue 27, 149 chilli roasted pumpkin salad Issue 31, 52 chorizo and haloumi skewers with chickpea salad Issue 49, 33 chorizo and herb chickpea salad Issue 31, 52 chorizo salad Issue 15, 167 classic potato salad Issue 37, 144 coconut chicken and mint salad with crispy noodles Issue 41, 102 coconut and rice salad Issue 37, 151 coleslaw (see coleslaw) couscous-coated chicken and bean salad Issue 35, 128 crab and coconut salad Issue 4, 27 recipe index

crab and corn salad Issue 31, 99 crab with lime and chilli dressing Issue 24, 93 creamy tuna and chickpea salad Issue 37, 57 crisp potato and veal salad Issue 35, 130 crispy chicken salad Issue 19, 56 crispy chicken salad with citrus-roasted olives and fennel Issue 49, 52 crispy chicken with pea salad Issue 25, 95 crispy chopped salad Issue 30, 150 crispy chorizo and sage salad Issue 32, 62 crispy dill and lemon potatoes with lobster and herb salad Issue 36, 129 crispy duck salad with plum dressing Issue 25, 107 crispy goat’s cheese, tomato and basil salad Issue 35, 128 crispy honey mustard bacon salad Issue 37, 54 crispy polenta salad with balsamic dressing Issue 15, 164 crispy potato salad Issue 43, 52 crispy potato, trout and beetroot salad Issue 50, 131 crispy salmon with beetroot and fennel salad Issue 51, 33 crispy skin chicken with warm bean salad Issue 21, 33 crispy snapper noodle salad Issue 25, 111; Issue 43, 86 crumbed sardines with fennel and onion salad Issue 27, 147 crunchy bean salad Issue 37, 75 crunchy fennel salad Issue 35, 91 crunchy parmesan chicken salad Issue 35, 49 crunchy potato and green olive salad Issue 36, 50 crunchy wonton chicken salad Issue 34, 58 cucumber, celery and mint salad Issue 48, 166 cucumber, chickpea and feta salad Issue 11, 164 cucumber and chilli prawn salad Issue 12, 148 cucumber salad with buttermilk dressing Issue 46, 128 cumin-crusted lamb with chickpea salad Issue 35, 52 curd cheese with crispy bread and salad Issue 35, 158 double beet salad Issue 2, 94 easy marinated feta salad Issue 1, 48 endive salad with pesto croutons Issue 41, 81 fennel and mozzarella salad Issue 17, 37 fennel and rocket salad Issue 21, 120 fig and mozzarella salad Issue 49, 52 fish with couscous salad Issue 49, 37 five-spice pork with noodle salad Issue 1, 142 french side salad Issue 11, 108 garlic fish with lemon risoni salad Issue 36, 52 goat’s cheese wontons with caramelised tomato and fennel salad Issue 33, 73 greek lamb salad Issue 1, 58 greek salad Issue 42, 139 green bean and olive salad Issue 37, 62 green bean salad Issue 9, 77 green bean salad with tarragon dressing Issue 24, 96 green coral salad with goat’s cheese toasts Issue 11, 112 green curry beef salad Issue 25, 52 green mango salad Issue 1, 122 green mango noodle salad Issue 49, 70 green papaya salad Issue 43, 108 green pea and pancetta salad Issue 1, 88 green vegetable salad with lemon crème fraîche dressing Issue 36, 130 grilled ham, rocket and bocconcini salad Issue 1, 110 grilled lamb and goat’s cheese salad Issue 40, 63 grilled lamb salad with preserved lemon Issue 35, 126 grilled mushrooms with tomato and basil salad Issue 1, 140 grilled thai chicken salad Issue 1, 60 haloumi and cucumber salad Issue 37, 161 haloumi, cashew and chinese cabbage salad Issue 2, 140 haloumi, fig and pomegranate salad Issue 43, 97 haloumi salad with caramelised onion dressing Issue 44, 55 haloumi, tuna and bean salad Issue 19, 144 haloumi and asparagus salad Issue 1, 139 recipe index

ham and asparagus salad Issue 48, 78 ham salad with basil buttermilk dressing Issue 30, 64 herb and caper couscous salad Issue 36, 55 hoisin sesame-crusted pork noodle salad Issue 13, 86 honey and balsamic lamb cutlets with beetroot leaf and ricotta salad Issue 33, 48 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 horseradish potato salad Issue 49, 73 iceberg and crispy onion salad Issue 11, 110 iceberg and radish salad with garlic dressing Issue 47, 54 Japanese spinach salad with sesame dressing Issue 2, 140 lamb cutlets with pea and feta salad Issue 25, 44 lamb with lime aïoli and spicy chickpea salad Issue 52, 112 lamb patties and tomato salad Issue 28, 48 lamb salad Issue 43, 122 larb noodle salad Issue 36, 64 lemon and garlic grilled lobster with chips and salad Issue 21, 102 lemon and olive oil iceberg salad Issue 19, 81 lemon chicken couscous salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 47, 138 lemon and chilli bread salad Issue 30, 77 lemon couscous and tuna salad Issue 1, 60 lemon couscous salad Issue 35, 38 lemon crab salad with prawn crackers Issue 34, 84 lentil and goat’s cheese salad Issue 37, 139 lime and chilli prawns with green mango salad Issue 1, 122 lime and ginger salmon salad Issue 31, 43 lobster, dill and kipfler potato salad Issue 36, 192 lobster and radish salad Issue 17, 148 lobster salad Issue 12, 32 mango and papaya salad with lime syrup Issue 49, 86 marinated squid and lemon salad Issue 1, 122 marinated zucchini, salmon and caper salad Issue 47, 118 mint and cucumber lamb salad Issue 13, 62 mint tabouli Issue 24, 30 minted lamb and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 mixed tomato salad Issue 35, 91 moroccan beetroot, cinnamon and parsley salad Issue 9, 155 mozzarella veal with roast tomato salad Issue 34, 45 niçoise salad Issue 42, 144 olive and couscous salad Issue 19, 81 oregano veal chops with white bean salad Issue 17, 192 oven-roasted duck liver salad with baby beetroot Issue 9, 140 palm sugar salmon salad Issue 12, 116 pancetta, sweet potato and parmesan crisp salad Issue 45, 29 pan-fried chicken and zucchini salad Issue 31, 62 pan-fried haloumi and zucchini salad Issue 17, 156 pan-fried pork with snow pea slaw Issue 30, 80 pan-fried salmon with fennel salad Issue 29, 50 pan-fried snapper with chickpea and zucchini salad Issue 42, 54 papaya and prosciutto salad Issue 43, 84 parmesan and basil beef salad Issue 25, 56 parmesan cos salad Issue 30, 99 parmesan veal and spinach salad Issue 31, 45 parsnip winter salad Issue 33, 30 pea, smoked salmon and watercress salad Issue 11, 108 pea and couscous salad with mint pesto Issue 1, 88 peach and asparagus salad with mint dressing Issue 19, 58 pear and blue cheese crunchy salad Issue 34, 60 pear and fennel salad with hot mustard dressing Issue 48, 174 pesto lamb with crouton salad Issue 42, 56 pineapple and lemongrass salad Issue 43, 64 plum and cashew chicken salad Issue 31, 70 poached chicken and broad bean salad Issue 8, 100 poached chicken, fennel and asparagus salad Issue 47, 132 poached chicken noodle salad Issue 41, 52 poached chicken and spring onion salad Issue 11, 108 recipe index

polenta, mozzarella and tomato salad Issue 50, 133 pork, spinach and celery salad with orange dressing Issue 19, 61 pork with warm apple salad Issue 44, 70 pork and water chestnut larb Issue 30, 44 and goat’s cheese salad Issue 43, 122 potato, yoghurt, feta and mint salad Issue 17, 34 potato and lemon chicken salad Issue 10, 100 potato, schnitzel and green bean salad Issue 43, 37 potato and smoked salmon salad Issue 1, 56 potato and pancetta Issue 24, 96 prawn and asparagus salad Issue 42, 60 prawn, avocado and fennel salad Issue 48, 51 prawn and avocado salad Issue 37, 146 prawn and celery salad Issue 41, 36 prawn and watercress salad Issue 29, 22 prawn noodle salad with lime dressing Issue 25, 44 preserved lemon and crispy bread salad Issue 31, 55 prosciutto, bean and artichoke salad with chilli-baked ricotta Issue 50, 131 prosciutto and fennel salad Issue 20, 129 prosciutto and parmesan chicken with tomato salad Issue 43, 44 prosciutto-wrapped lamb with spring salad and mint dressing Issue 52, 110 pumpkin and beetroot salad Issue 43, 122 pumpkin salad Issue 37, 46 radicchio, potato and prosciutto salad Issue 52, 68 radish and fennel salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 52, 120 radish and salmon salad Issue 29, 48 ricotta and white bean salad Issue 42, 64 roast baby corn salad Issue 31, 94 roasted beef and sweet potato salad Issue 50, 132 roast beetroot and pumpkin salad with honey mustard dressing Issue 20, 88 roast capsicum salad Issue 37, 157 roast capsicum, rocket and tomato salad Issue 19, 118 roast carrot and zucchini salad with orange dressing Issue 16, 96 roasted cauliflower, speck and chickpea salad Issue 50, 128 roasted chicken and sweet potato salad Issue 51, 67 roasted fish with white bean and parsley salad Issue 43, 52 roast garlic potato salad Issue 28, 83 roasted haloumi, bacon and tomato salad Issue 46, 45 roast parsnip and garlic potato salad Issue 32, 60 roast pear and pancetta salad with honey vinaigrette Issue 2, 92 roasted pork with salted apple salad Issue 40, 106 roast pumpkin, green bean and ricotta salad Issue 9, 168 roast pumpkin and goat’s cheese salad with preserved lemon dressing Issue 19, 136 roasted pumpkin, lamb and lentil salad Issue 50, 132 roast sweet potato and bacon salad Issue 35, 126 roast tomato, chickpea and white bean salad Issue 19, 61 roast tomato, lemon and herb risoni salad Issue 11, 39 roasted chicken and potato salad Issue 47, 132 roasted chicken, tomato and crouton salad Issue 47, 138 roasted squash, onion and chicken salad Issue 17, 134 roasted sweet potato and mint salad Issue 31, 82 roasted vegetable and beetroot salad Issue 38, 111 roasted vegetable couscous salad Issue 36, 56 rocket, goat’s cheese and lavash salad Issue 12, 148 rosemary chicken, brussels sprout and fennel salad Issue 50, 132 rosemary white bean salad Issue 44, 56 salad Issue 19, 44 salmon and fennel salad Issue 36, 204 salmon, pea and yoghurt salad Issue 29, 48 salmon, potato and fennel salad Issue 42, 53 salmon and potato salad with horseradish pesto Issue 49, 29 salmon and snowpea salad Issue 27, 161 sausage, lentil and apple salad Issue 43, 129 savoy cabbage and pecorino salad Issue 40, 142 seared scallops and green mango salad Issue 30, 170 recipe index

seared scallops on thai salad Issue 1, 99 seared scallops with cucumber salad Issue 4, 28 seaweed salad Kids’ Issue 2, 81 sesame and cucumber noodle salad Issue 12, 160 sesame and snow pea salad Issue 47, 76 sesame tuna and ginger noodle salad Issue 31, 69 schnitzel with cabbage salad Issue 43, 37 shaved asparagus and parmesan salad Issue 41, 32 shredded pork and peach noodle salad Issue 13, 99 sichuan and sesame prawn salad Issue 35, 130 smoked chicken and fennel salad Issue 42, 130 smoked chicken and snap pea salad with coconut dressing Issue 19, 56 smoked chicken salad with pine nut and garlic dressing Issue 37, 50 smoked salmon, potato and horseradish salad Issue 48, 34 smoked salmon tabouli Issue 24, 64 smoked salmon with sesame somen noodle Issue 24, 60 smoked trout, crispy bagel and avocado salad Issue 29, 65 smoked trout, cucumber and pea salad Issue 52, 40 smoked trout noodle salad with ginger fritters Issue 52, 94 smoked trout, potato and mint salad Issue 41, 105 smoked trout and watercress salad on potato rösti Issue 4, 104 smoky fish with char-grilled corn salad Issue 41, 51 smoky grilled chicken and crispy fennel salad Issue 35, 128 snapper and coconut ceviche Issue 30, 178 snow pea and chilli prawn salad Issue 1, 92 soba noodle salad Issue 44, 36 soft egg salad with anchovy dressing Issue 17, 221 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spiced lamb cutlets with carrot and sesame salad Issue 52, 37 spicy chicken, corn and couscous salad Issue 48, 51 spicy chicken and mint salad Issue 41, 106 spicy ginger beef salad Issue 25, 107 spicy lamb, snow pea and iceberg salad Issue 19, 60 spicy pork salad Issue 42, 68 spicy potato salad Issue 42, 38 spicy prawn and watercress salad Issue 25, 108 spicy salmon with corn and tomato salad Issue 47, 48 spicy thai fish salad Issue 49, 137 spicy tuna rice salad Issue 43, 43 spinach and egg salad Issue 37, 137 spinach salad Issue 12, 148 spring lamb cutlets with potato, pea and tarragon salad Issue 29, 66 steak and onion salad with horseradish dressing Issue 19, 56 steak with roasted tomato and bread salad Issue 39, 46 steamed prawns with spring noodle salad Issue 29, 40 sugar snap and baby radish salad Issue 11, 39 sumac chicken and watercress salad Issue 52, 37 sumac pork with apple and celery salad Issue 47, 47 summer fruit salad Issue 13, 110 summer potato and mint salad Issue 37, 76 sweet potato salad with ginger dressing Issue 19, 126 tarragon chicken, cauliflower and fennel salad Issue 51, 102 tarragon and speck asparagus salad Issue 52, 82 teriyaki chicken noodle salad Issue 47, 132 thai basil and beef salad Issue 35, 106 thai beef salad Issue 25, 54; Issue 25, 54; Issue 37, 45 thai chicken and noodle salad Issue 13, 128; Issue 47, 136 toasted coconut crab and herb salad Issue 21, 114 tomato, rocket and white bean salad Issue 12, 212 tomato and basil salad Issue 1, 140 tomato and herb salad with parmesan croutons Issue 12, 92 tomato and basil salad with anchovy dressing Issue 35, 106 tomato and feta salad Issue 35, 32 tomato and feta salad with sticky balsamic dressing Issue 43, 68 tomato and mozzarella salad Issue 37, 144 recipe index

tomato, olive and feta salad Issue 37, 118 tomato and steamed lemon chicken salad Issue 29, 40 tomato salad and tapenade bruschetta Issue 12, 148 tomato salad with goat’s curd and olives Issue 19, 121 tomato and seared tuna pasta salad Issue 49, 104 tomato summer salad Issue 31, 84 tuna, spinach and torn pita salad Issue 13, 155 tuna and chickpea salad Issue 37, 151 tuna and kipfler potato salad with anchovy dressing Issue 19, 146 tuna niçoise salad Issue 49, 137 tuna and spinach penne salad Issue 13, 157 tuna salad Issue 11, 144 tuna salad with lemon mayonnaise Issue 11, 162 tuna slices and tomato andspanish onions and black olives and chilli niçoise Issue 24, 83 turkey and asparagus salad with caper dressing Issue 12, 106 tuscan bean salad Issue 46, 90 two beans and olive salad Issue 31, 62 veal cutlets with goat’s cheese and lentil salad Issue 38, 61 veal cutlets with parsley salad Issue 17, 34 veggie salad Issue 43, 131 vegetable and couscous salad Issue 37, 158 vegetable salad Issue 42, 146 vietnamese chicken salad Issue 2, 104 waldorf salad Issue 42, 136 warm artichoke salad Issue 39, 74 warm bean and mushroom salad with roasted garlic dressing Issue 38, 78 warm bean salad with lamb cutlets Issue 20, 153 warm beetroot, chickpea and spinach salad Issue 22, 139 warm brussels sprout salad Issue 45, 25 warm chicken and celeriac salad with horseradish dressing Issue 16, 114 warm chilli beef salad with coriander pesto Issue 28, 68 warm lamb and roasted vegetable salad Issue 14, 114 warm mushroom and haloumi salad with red wine vinaigrette Issue 14, 100 warm mushroom, pancetta and feta salad Issue 38,56 warm prawn and spring onion salad with wasabi dressing Issue 29, 96 warm roast potato, red onion and chorizo salad Issue 15, 166 warm salad of brussels sprouts Issue 14, 138 warm spinach and red lentil salad Issue 1, 56 warm steamed potato and fennel salad Issue 29, 40 warm tomato, garlic and parsley pasta salad Issue 19, 58 watercress and fennel salad with mint dressing Issue 11, 138 white anchovy potato salad Issue 21, 31 white anchovy winter salad Issue 51, 29 wilted cabbage salad Issue 14, 132 witlof and blue cheese salad with quince dressing Issue 21, 109 wonton duck salad with red wine glaze Issue 46, 108 zucchini and broad bean salad with garlic-herb dressing Issue 47, 118 zucchini fritters with feta and pancetta salad Issue 46, 108 zucchini and mozzarella salad with lemon vinaigrette Issue 52, 118 zucchini and pine nut Issue 32, 81 salmon (see also smoked salmon) and baby beans with lime and pepper butter Issue 11, 68 baked salmon with radish and cucumber salad Issue 34, 126 barbecued salmon fillets with herb and corn salad Issue 25, 42 with bean purée and smoky lemon dressing Issue 52, 108 blackened salmon with parsnip hash browns Issue 10, 128 brie and asparagus fingers Issue 41, 81 carpaccio with campari dressing Issue 12, 116 cocktail nibbles Issue 35, 32 char-grilled salmon cutlets Issue 12, 118 char-grilled salmon with herb butter Issue 29, 52 charred lemon thyme salmon with warm celeriac rémoulade Issue 39, 87 and chilli broth Issue 29, 45 and chive parcels Issue 46, 98 with chunky salsa verde Issue 1, 60 recipe index

creamy salmon and caper bean dip Issue 30, 30 creamy scrambled eggs with smoked salmon Issue 44, 124 crispy salmon with beetroot and fennel salad Issue 51, 33 crispy salmon fillet with basil lime pesto Issue 19, 129 crispy salmon on wilted greens Issue 33, 50 crispy skin salmon Issue 37, 145 and dill bites Issue 51, 43 and dill cakes with lime mayonnaise Issue 14, 64 dill and salt-cured salmon Issue 40, 111 and dill triangles Issue 48, 108 easy salmon sushi Issue 12, 116 egg and salmon brunch blini Issue 42, 76 fennel-baked side of salmon Issue 12, 120 with fennel and lemon risotto Issue 46, 120 and fennel salad Issue 36, 204 fresh herb curry Issue 28, 110 gravlax and rye bread with crème fraîche dressing Issue 10, 26 grilled and chervil salad Issue 24, 77 hot whole smoked salmon Issue 12, 120 with lemon cream sauce Issue 12, 116 lime and caper burger Issue 41, 130 lime and ginger salmon salad Issue 31, 43 marinated zucchini, salmon and caper salad Issue 47, 118 with miso dressing Issue 40, 86 miso salmon with sesame salt Issue 41, 117 niçoise Issue 12, 164 oven-roasted asian salmon cutlets Issue 29, 52 palm sugar salmon salad Issue 12, 116 pan-fried salmon with coconut sambal Issue 25, 95 pan-fried salmon with fennel salad Issue 29, 50 paper-wrapped salmon and steamed broccolini Issue 21, 120 parmesan crisps with salmon pearls and lemon cream Issue 34, 106 pea and yoghurt salad Issue 29, 48 pepper-crusted salmon Issue 49, 137 poached salmon and soba noodles with ginger broth Issue 46, 48 poached salmon in tomato and chervil broth Issue 32, 78 potato and fennel salad Issue 42, 53 potato nests with salmon and watercress Issue 17, 150 potato parcels Issue 41, 68 and potato patties Issue 29, 50 and potato salad with horseradish pesto Issue 49, 29 preserved lemon and salmon pasta Issue 24, 132 radish and salmon salad Issue 29, 48 roast mustard salmon Issue 27, 76 and rocket tarts Issue 30, 138 roe Issue 21, 43 salsa verde salmon Issue 43, 133 seared salmon and with tarragon Issue 15, 64 sesame rice with salmon and miso dressing Issue 48, 33 slow-roasted salmon with horseradish dressing Issue 9, 140 smoked salmon (see smoked salmon) and snow pea salad Issue 27, 161 and snow pea sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 33 and soba noodles with mirin dressing Issue 30, 48 soy and sesame salmon Issue 20, 67 spaghetti Issue 2, 114 spicy lime salmon skewers Issue 36, 202 spicy salmon with corn and tomato salad Issue 47, 48 steamed salmon dumplings Issue 12, 118 steamed salmon with lemongrass and coconut rice Issue 50, 80 sugar-cured salmon on crispy gow gees Issue 27, 93 and tarragon broth Issue 51, 122 tea-smoked salmon Issue 40, 95 wasabi-crusted salmon with rice noodles and chilli Issue 29, 52 watercress and radish sandwich Issue 19, 96 recipe index

white wine and caper pan-fried salmon Issue 36, 204 salsa avocado salsa Kids’ Issue 4, 69 beef salad with coriander salsa verde Issue 46, 120 black eye bean and tomato salsa Issue 35, 119 char-grilled chicken with tomato and olive salsa Issue 49, 44 char-grilled chilli salsa Issue 31, 94 cheesy lamb pockets with mint salsa Issue 49, 130 chilli and white bean salsa Issue 24, 52 chunky salsa verde Issue 1, 60 coconut squid with tomato salsa Issue 25, 97 corn and tomato Issue 19, 82 crispy ravioli with tomato salsa Issue 42, 128 cruda Issue 49, 117 fried haloumi with mixed caper salsa Issue 40, 42 lamb and salsa verde Issue 37, 160 lamb skewers with lemon and olive salsa Issue 45, 100 mango, chilli and lemongrass salsa Issue 49, 70 pan-fried snapper with black olive and chickpea salsa Issue 31, 56 pork with apple and mint salsa Issue 25, 72 preserved lemon Issue 19, 136 roast beetroot salsa with crispy flat bread Issue 16, 96 salsa roja Issue 49, 117 salsa verde fish Issue 11, 69 salsa verde pizza Issue 8, 94 semi-dried tomato and olive Issue 24, 50 tuna carpaccio with olive salsa verde Issue 34, 96 veal and olive salsa Issue 37, 161 verde Issue 49, 117 salt barbecued prawns with snow peas and mint salt Issue 41, 108 black pepper salt Issue 10, 112 chilli and salt crusted onion rings Issue 20, 107 chilli marinated pork spare ribs with salted lemon Issue 35, 119 crispy chicken with tarragon salt Issue 40, 106; Issue 52, 94 crusted potatoes Issue 39, 92 cumin and sea salt rub Issue 31, 112 dill and salt-cured salmon Issue 40, 111 fennel and chilli salt Issue 39, 130 hand-cut chips with fennel and lemon salt Issue 42, 101 herb and salt-crusted pork rack Issue 50, 147 lemon salt Issue 10, 112 lime salt Issue 10, 112; Issue 36, 30 miso salmon with sesame salt Issue 41, 117 and pepper chicken Issue 37, 157 and pepper lotus chips Issue 36, 93 and pepper prawns Issue 32, 128 and pepper pumpkin Issue 49, 138 and pepper quail Issue 46, 96 pepper salt Issue 15, 106 and pepper tofu with mushroom noodle broth Issue 52, 108 pickled cucumbers Issue 40, 111 porcini salt Issue 46, 68 roasted chicken with herb sauce and sage salt Issue 44, 106 roasted coriander and garlic beef Issue 40, 112 roasted onions Issue 39, 118 and szechuan pepper chicken Issue 13, 85 crusted grissini Issue 9, 113 crusted whole snapper Issue 40, 112 sesame salt Issue 12, 35 sichuan and chilli salt prawns Issue 36, 196 smoky coriander salt Issue 39, 130 taro chips with lime salt Issue 49, 93 whole baked fish with lemon salt and aioli Issue 46, 118 sandwiches recipe index

almond chocolate sandwiches Issue 4, 160 artichoke and prosciutto sandwich Issue 48, 82 asparagus and goat’s curd sandwiches Issue 47, 105 bacon and grain mustard mayonnaise sandwich Issue 14, 174 bacon and pineapple foldovers Kids’ Issue 3, 93 baguettes (see baguettes) blue cheese pan sandwiches Issue 10, 172 bruschetta (see bruschetta) char-grilled chicken sandwich Issue 49, 125 char-grilled eggplant and spinach Issue 19, 93 char-grilled mushrooms with crispy lavash Issue 22, 139 char-grilled tomato basil sandwiches Issue 12, 32 cheats croque monsieur Issue 50, 43 cheesy chive and onion toasties Issue 20, 32 cheesy steak sandwich Issue 13, 62 cheesy tuna melt Issue 16, 70 chicken and cheese sandwich Issue 27, 62 chicken and chive sandwiches Issue 52, 52 chicken club sandwich Kids’ Issue 7, 40 chicken guacamole roll-ups Kids’ Issue 3, 40 chicken and mustard cress finger sandwiches Issue 14, 90 chicken with rocket mayonnaise Issue 19, 93 chicken and rocket sandwiches Issue 4, 101 chicken sandwiches Issue 49, 73 chicken schnitzel club sandwich Kids’ Issue 7, 46 chicken and slaw fingers Kids’ Issue 7, 40 chicken sourdough pan sandwich Issue 2, 153 classic steak sandwich Issue 43, 119 crab and coriander sandwiches Issue 42, 127 crispy fish sandwiches Issue 1, 26 crunchy brioche with peaches and plums Issue 31, 122 cucumber sandwiches Issue 1, 77; Issue 22, 152 double-decker turkey sandwich Kids’ Issue 3, 38 egg mayonnaise finger sandwiches Issue 47, 76 fancy hot dog Issue 43, 129 flowering sandwiches Kids’ Issue 3, 113 four-cheese toasted sandwich Issue 9, 100 fried mozzarella and olive finger sandwiches Issue 46, 96 garden tea triple layer sandwiches Kids’ Issue 4, 100 haloumi, capers and parsley Issue 19, 96 ham and chutney sandwiches Issue 48, 108 ham and tomato relish toasted sandwiches Issue 17, 98 ham, cheese and basil toasted sandwich Issue 47, 80 ham and cheese hearts Kids’ Issue 7, 59 ham and cheese scrolls Kids’ Issue 3, 98 hawaiian ham sandwiches Kids’ Issue 7, 39 horseradish and onion steak sandwich Issue 25, 56 jaffles (see jaffles) lime crab sandwiches Issue 21, 68 mozzarella pan-fried sandwich Issue 15, 90 mushroom and camembert melt Issue 16, 66 new york deli sandwich Issue 44, 66 ocean trout open sandwich on rye Issue 15, 90 onion soup with blue cheese Issue 20, 107 panini (see panini) pancetta, mozzarella and balsamic Issue 19, 96 pepper steak sandwich Issue 35, 62 pita (see pita) quince relish and aged cheddar sandwiches Issue 8, 37 rainbow galaxy sandwiches Kids’ Issue 7, 74 rare roast beef and rocket pressed sandwiches Issue 14, 35 raspberry ice-cream choux sandwiches Issue 47, 72 roast beef and roast tomato relish sandwich Issue 15, 90 rocket and tomato toasted sandwiches Issue 17, 98 rolls (see rolls) salmon, watercress and radish Issue 19, 96 recipe index

schnitzel sandwich Issue 43, 37 smoked chicken and baby rocket sandwiches Issue 17, 142 smoked salmon, dill and lemon pressed sandwiches Issue 14, 35 smoked salmon and chard finger sandwiches Issue 14, 90 smoked trout sandwiches Issue 46, 98 smoky steak and tomato sandwiches Issue 40, 58 soft-boiled egg with basil mayonnaise Issue 19, 96 spiced lamb and feta sandwich Issue 48, 54 spinach, lemon and feta turkish sandwich Issue 49, 139 steak Issue 19, 93 steak sandwich Issue 11, 144 steak and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 steak sandwich with herb mayonnaise Issue 47, 54 steak with tomato mayo Issue 19, 115 strawberry sandwich Kids’ Issue 3, 42 toast (see toast) toasted chicken sandwich Kids’ Issue 6, 28 toasted egg sandwich Issue 37, 158 tomato and goat’s cheese baked sandwich Issue 16, 68 tortillas (see tortillas) tuna, rocket and mint pesto Issue 19, 93 turkey and cranberry club sandwich Issue 16, 66 turkey and cranberry sandwiches Issue 48, 108 turkey and cranberry stars Kids’ Issue 7, 39 turkey club sandwich with basil mayonnaise Issue 12, 106 veal, roasted tomato and parmesan sandwiches Issue 14, 62 veal steak sandwich with caper béarnaise Issue 10, 128 veal, tomato and spinach open sandwich Issue 50, 72 walk-the-plank toasted Kids’ Issue 2, 89 wraps (see wraps) sauce (see also béarnaise, mayonnaise) applepudding with butterscotch sauce Issue 32, 95 apple sauce Issue 42, 162 asian green sauce Issue 13, 30 asian lime dipping sauce Issue 36, 30 avocado dipping sauce Issue 31, 28 basic caramel sauce Issue 8, 17 basic ragu Issue 38, 69 basic saucy beef mince Kids’ Issue 7, 36 basic tomato sauce Issue 31, 58 basil and pine nut pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 béarnaise sauce Issue 15, 50 beef fillet with mushroom sauce Issue 40, 136 bread sauce Issue 33, 89 butterscotch sauce Issue 10, 86 char-grilled scallops with lemon soy sauce Issue 36, 207 chicken and pea bolognese Kids’ Issue 3, 54 chicken pot stickers with wasabi dipping sauce Issue 34, 58 chilli Issue 28, 22 chilli dipping sauce Issue 12, 168 chinese cooking sauce Issue 36, 33, 34 chocolate sauce for ice-cream Issue 10, 146 creamy mushroom pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 creamy mustard Issue 22, 121 crispy prawns with cucumber dipping sauce Issue 28, 67 crispy prawn skewers and mint sauce Issue 52, 100 crispy seafood with herb dipping sauce Issue 46, 122 dipping sauce Issue 19, 31 doughnuts with chocolate fudge sauce Issue 50, 108 fillet steak with pepper sauce Issue 27, 68 fresh chilli sauce Issue 49, 58 fresh herb pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 grain mustard and red wine sauce Issue 14, 174 green sauce Issue 12, 120 hoisin peanut dipping sauce Issue 43, 112 recipe index

hollandaise Issue 4, 104 honey and ginger dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 honey chilli dipping sauce Issue 13, 64 horseradish Issue 22, 110; Issue 41, 36 horseradish cream Issue 13, 64 hot chocolate fudge sauce Issue 28, 122 hot mustard dipping sauce Issue 39, 130 lamb loin with black bean and garlic sauce Issue 30, 48 lemongrass-coconut dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 lime and chilli dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 lobster ravioli with tarragon sauce Issue 36, 192 mushroom sauce Issue 14, 98 mustard dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 nuoc cham Issue 43, 112 olive and anchovy pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 peanut sauce Issue 19, 78 pizza sauce Issue 19, 85 plum and green onion dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 plum sauce Issue 13, 85 pomegranate sauce Issue 21, 130 port and orange sauce Issue 22, 142 prawns and chips with green olive aïoli Issue 30, 112 prawns with green chilli dipping sauce Issue 42, 97 quickest bolognese Issue 22, 64 spatchcocks with redcurrant glaze and bread sauce Issue 51, 136 rib eye steak with mustard cream sauce Issue 46, 118 roasted chicken with herb sauce and sage salt Issue 44, 106 saucy chicken mince Kids’ Issue 6, 26 saucy spaghetti Kids’ Issue 6, 28 sauerkraut and pork cutlets with mustard cream sauce Issue 10, 30 scotch fillet steak with béarnaise sauce Issue 27, 68 sirloin steak with red wine sauce Issue 27, 68 skordalia with crispy fish Issue 27, 105 sour cream, lime and garlic sauce Issue 12, 212 spiced plum sauce Issue 31, 136 steamed crab with dipping sauces Issue 36, 188 sticky apple sauce Issue 8, 121; Issue 13, 62 sticky date puddings and toffee sauce Issue 52, 134 tamari dipping sauce Issue 36, 34 tangy mint sauce Issue 10, 114 tarragon dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 thai dipping sauce Issue 4, 28 tomato and zucchini pan sauce Issue 17, 136 tomato and chilli pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 vinegar and soy dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 white wine tomato sauce Issue 15, 162 sausage and bean soup Issue 28, 34 borlotti bean soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 cabanossi and capsicum pizza Kids’ Issue 3, 88 and cannellini bean stew Issue 2, 113 cheesy bacon-wrapped sausages in buns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 cheesy hot dogs on a stick Kids’ Issue 6, 90 chorizo (see chorizo) and egg pie Issue 9, 26 fancy hot dog Issue 43, 129 juggler’s sausage clubs Kids’ Issue 2, 76 lentil and apple salad Issue 43, 129 rolls Kids’ Issue 6, 71 spicy sausage and spinach pasta Issue 29, 138 super sausage rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 103 scallion (see spring onion) scallop char-grilled scallops with lemon soy sauce Issue 36, 207 recipe index

coconut scallops with green mango salad Issue 24, 132 and garlic chive gow gees Issue 32, 132 pan-fried, with artichoke hearts Issue 9, 138 pan-fried lemon and garlic scallops Issue 36, 208 pan-seared scallops with xo sauce Issue 13, 82 seared scallops and green mango salad Issue 30, 170 seared scallops on thai salad Issue 1, 99 seared scallops with cucumber salad Issue 4, 28 skewers with basil and dill sauce . Issue 37, 129 steamed ginger scallops Issue 36, 208 scampi ginger scampi with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 30, 148 linguini and scampi with lemon garlic butter Issue 34, 106 schnitzel with cabbage salad Issue 43, 37 cheese and pineapple chicken schnitzel Kids’ Issue 3, 50 cheesy pineapple schnitzel and mash Kids’ Issue 6, 36 lemon and chive veal schnitzel Issue 43, 36 lemon-crumbed schnitzel with celeriac remoulade Issue 50, 140 potato, schnitzel and green bean salad Issue 43, 37 sandwich Issue 43, 37 veal schnitzel Issue 2, 51 scones with baked strawberry jam and cream Issue 24, 122 basic scones Issue 41, 70 blueberry scones Issue 29, 30 cheese and bacon damper scones Issue 50, 100 cheesy scone sticks Issue 39, 87 chocolate swirl scone loaf Issue 41, 74 with clotted cream Issue 35, 163 coconut jam scones Issue 41, 74 date and orange scones Issue 41, 74 date scones Issue 29, 112 farmer’s scones Issue 9, 26 fennel seed scones Issue 33, 92 golden syrup scones Issue 45, 68 herb mop-up scones Issue 10, 112 raspberry and almond scones Issue 41, 74 rhubarb scones Issue 28, 92 scones Issue 22, 152 on a stick Issue 20, 32 with passionfruit curd Issue 4, 104 seafood (see fish) semifreddo apple crumble semifreddo Issue 43, 144 basic semifreddo Issue 43, 147 caramel semifreddo with salted maple pecans Issue 43, 147 chocolate and muscatel semifreddo Issue 9, 180 christmas puddings Issue 48, 174 coconut and passionfruit semifreddo Issue 37, 106 creamy lemon semifreddo Issue 1, 164 crushed raspberry semifreddo Issue 1, 161 crushed rum and raisin semifreddo Issue 15, 116 double chocolate brownie semifreddo Issue 43, 142 double chocolate semifreddo Issue 1, 161 double espresso semifreddo Issue 1, 162 eggnog semifreddo Issue 12, 132 espresso semifreddo sandwiches Issue 43, 142 lemon curd semifreddo with coconut wafer cones Issue 52, 130 lemon curd semifreddo cups Issue 43, 144 mango and toasted coconut semifreddo Issue 1, 164 mint chocolate cookie crush semifreddo Issue 43, 142 mixed berry Issue 24, 167 passionfruit semifreddo Issue 1, 162; Issue 17, 113 peach semifreddo Issue 13, 100 recipe index

pistachio nougat semifreddo with marinated raspberries Issue 46, 140 plum semifreddo Issue 43, 142 raspberry ripple Issue 36, 107 raspberry semifreddo popsicles Issue 43, 147 rosewater semifreddo Issue 40, 149 strawberry swirl semifreddo Issue 49, 146 toffee semifreddo Issue 1, 162 vanilla bean semifreddo Issue 1, 161 semolina roasted spatchcock with goat’s curd semolina Issue 40, 132 sesame asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 chicken Issue 37, 155 chicken and sesame cakes with sweet chilli Issue 25, 107 coriander, sesame and lime tuna skewers Issue 37, 124 crispy sesame seed potato snacks Issue 16, 98 crunchy sesame prawns Issue 46, 111 crusted fish with campari dressing Issue 34, 118 crusted tuna with pickled cucumber Issue 21, 114 and cucumber noodle salad Issue 12, 160 dressing Issue 2, 140 duck pancakes Issue 24, 160 glass biscuits Issue 46, 142 hoisin sesame-crusted pork noodle salad Issue 13, 86 honey and sesame chicken drumsticks Kids’ Issue 6, 51 lime and sesame marinade Issue 25, 26 miso salmon with sesame salt Issue 41, 117 miso steaks Issue 49, 128 and pistachio snaps Issue 30, 124 prawn and sesame toasts Issue 36, 79 rice with salmon and miso dressing Issue 48, 33 salt Issue 12, 35 sichuan and sesame prawn salad Issue 35, 130 and snow pea salad Issue 47, 76 somen noodle with smoked salmon Issue 24, 60 and soy ginger pork Issue 46, 106 soy and sesame salmon Issue 20, 67 soy tuna with sesame crisps Issue 34, 60 spiced lamb cutlets with carrot and sesame salad Issue 52, 37 steamed vegetables with honey sesame dressing Issue 29, 36 tempura prawns Issue 30, 108 tuna and ginger noodle salad Issue 31, 69 vegetable and sesame stir-fry Issue 37, 159 sherry beans with garlic and sherry dressing Issue 52, 120 caramelised pears Issue 36, 129 pan-fried trout in sherry butter Issue 45, 91 poached pears Issue 32, 144 sherry-soaked strawberry tart Issue 36, 132 and vanilla custard Issue 30, 159 short black cupcakes Issue 27, 130 sugared sherry walnuts Issue 38, 96 veal cutlets with sherry mushrooms Issue 50, 103 shortbread basic shortbread Issue 48, 64 chocolate-dipped shortbread Issue 22, 79 cranberry and pistachio shortbread biscuits Issue 48, 68 ginger and chocolate shortbread fingers Issue 48, 68 lemon and lavender shortbread Issue 4, 148 lemon shortbread Issue 47, 164 spiced shortbread squares Issue 48, 68 raspberry jam shortbread sandwiches Issue 48, 68 sichuan (szechuan) and chilli salt prawns Issue 36, 196 pepper squid Issue 15, 104 recipe index

salt and sichuan pepper chicken Issue 13, 85 and sesame prawn salad Issue 35, 130 silverbeet (swiss chard) baked fennel with goat’s cheese and silverbeet Issue 2, 29 chard with raisins and pine nuts Issue 14, 54 dill and feta risotto Issue 2, 140 and gruyère gratin Issue 32, 107 with lemon and garlic Issue 8, 79 pea and pancetta soup Issue 15, 68 smoked salmon and chard finger sandwiches Issue 14, 90 skewers (see also kebabs) char-grilled beef skewers with yoghurt Kids’ Issue 4, 48 chicken maracas skewers Kids’ Issue 7, 87 chicken and mushroom skewers Kids’ Issue 3, 54 chicken, haloumi and preserved lemon skewers Issue 37, 129 chilli and kaffir lime beef skewers Issue 37, 129 chilli prawn skewers with tomato salad Issue 48, 38 chorizo and haloumi skewers with chickpea salad Issue 49, 33 crispy prawn skewers and mint sauce Issue 52, 100 garlic beef skewers with rocket tabouli Issue 43, 46 garlic and mustard beef skewers Issue 37, 124 ginger prawn spring roll skewers Issue 30, 176 grilled beef skewers and green onion pesto Issue 36, 50 lamb and rosemary skewers Issue 37, 129 lamb skewers with lemon and olive salsa Issue 45, 100 lemon and chilli chicken skewers Issue 43, 124 lemon and chilli prawn skewers Issue 49, 135 pesto beef skewers Kids’ Issue 6, 34 rosemary and garlic lamb skewers Issue 50, 69 satay chicken skewers Issue 49, 123 scallop skewers with basil and dill sauce . Issue 37, 129 spiced chicken skewers Issue 37, 130 spicy lime salmon skewers Issue 36, 202 sticky chicken skewers Kids’ Issue 6, 98 sweet rosemary pork skewers Issue 50, 148 sweet and sour chicken and pineapple skewers Kids’ Issue 4, 37 slices apricot slice Issue 31, 131 caramel chocolate slice Kids’ Issue 4, 26 chocolate and caramel slice Kids’ Issue 4, 81; Issue 51, 146 chocolate peppermint slice Issue 51, 145 chocolate and pistachio slice Issue 30, 141 ginger crunch slice Issue 51, 148 hummingbird slice Issue 45, 92 jam coconut slice Issue 51, 146 lemon curd squares Issue 51, 149 mango ice-cream slice Issue 25, 74 passionfruit cheesecake slice Issue 37, 105 raspberry and almond slice Issue 20, 166 raspberry and coconut slice Issue 19, 31 raspberry and ginger cheesecake slice Issue 49, 146 refrigerator choc slice Kids’ Issue 4, 82 rhubarb crumble slice Issue 51, 146 summer fruit macaron slice Issue 37, 91 turkish delight white christmas Issue 36, 97 upside-down pear and gingerbread slice Issue 39, 105 vanilla custard slice Issue 51, 145 slushies adults-only watermelon slushie Issue 19, 31 lychee and pink grapefruit slushie Issue 30, 178 mint slushie Issue 24, 30 smoked salmon bean salad with mustard dressing Issue 24, 58 caper pasta Issue 12, 148 caper spaghetti Issue 22, 68 recipe index

and chard finger sandwiches Issue 14, 90 coriander rice paper rolls Issue 24, 64 dill and lemon pressed sandwiches Issue 14, 35 dill pots with crispy toasts Issue 24, 62 and green onion mascarpone baskets Issue 30, 170 haloumi and couscous cakes Issue 24, 58 on lavash crisps Issue 4, 30 lemon and dill smoked salmon pasta Issue 48, 34 lemon and ricotta pasta Issue 24, 62 pasta Issue 37, 144 pea, smoked salmon and watercress salad Issue 11, 108 pizza Issue 24, 58 potato and horseradish salad Issue 48, 34 potato and smoked salmon salad Issue 1, 56 and prawn pots Issue 36, 119 ricotta, spinach and smoked salmon filo tart Issue 16, 34 with sesame somen noodle salad Issue 24, 60 sour cream tarts Issue 21, 68 spring herb crepe with smoked salmon Issue 17, 221 sushi Issue 36, 82 tabouli Issue 24, 64 smoked trout with buckwheat pancakes Issue 45, 88 cucumber and pea salad Issue 52, 40 caper and ricotta linguine Issue 17, 159 creamy smoked trout and dill dip Issue 48, 137 crispy bagel and avocado salad Issue 29, 65 and dill dip Issue 12, 70; Issue 42 and fennel bruschetta Issue 42, 34 and garlic potato croquettes Issue 21, 90 noodle salad with ginger fritters Issue 52, 94 and ricotta ravioli Issue 42, 34 and watercress salad on potato rösti Issue 4, 104 and zucchini frittata Issue 42, 34 potato and mint salad Issue 41, 105 potato, smoked trout and chive soup Issue 28, 40 sandwiches Issue 46, 98 smoothies banana and apricot nectar smoothie Issue 11, 90 banana and maple syrup smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 coconut smoothie Kids’ Issue 6, 98 malt and vanilla smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 mango and vanilla yoghurt smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 mango yoghurt smoothie Issue 49, 70 nectarine smoothie Issue 25, 24 raspberry and honey smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 tropical fruit smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 snake beans asian chicken salad with snake beans and sesame dressing Issue 30, 100 ham, carrot and snake bean stir-fry Issue 30, 60 with garlic Issue 1, 78 preserved lemon and balsamic snake beans Issue 33, 100 snapper baked tomato snapper and mussels Issue 39, 92 ceviche with tequila dressing Issue 35, 112 with char-grilled beans and caramelised limes Issue 25, 44 and coconut ceviche Issue 30, 178 crisp-skin snapper with preserved lemon and spinach salad Issue 12, 148 crispy snapper noodle salad Issue 25, 111; Issue 43, 86 crispy snapper with warm balsamic vegetables Issue 35, 49 ginger-steamed red snapper Issue 13, 88 lemon butter snapper with wilted spinach Issue 34, 98 pan-fried snapper with basil and green olive Issue 11, 160 pan-fried snapper with black olive and chickpea salsa Issue 31, 56 pan-fried snapper with chickpea and zucchini salad Issue 42, 54 recipe index

paper bag snapper with preserved lemon Issue 35, 104 pepper seared snapper Issue 34, 48 salt-crusted whole snapper Issue 40, 112 snapper with zucchini pesto Issue 47, 120 whole baked snapper Issue 37, 140 with zucchini pesto Issue 47, 120 snow peas (mange tout) bacon and snow pea shoot salad Issue 47, 76 bacon and snow pea shoot salad with basil dressing Issue 29, 84 barbecued prawns with snow peas and mint salt Issue 41, 108 chicken and snow pea fried rice Kids’ Issue 7, 26 chicken and snow pea rice paper rolls Issue 47, 76 and chilli prawn salad Issue 1, 92 chilli chicken with snow pea salad Issue 49, 62 chilli and snow pea fried rice Issue 17, 218 duck and snow pea pancakes Issue 42, 129 duck and snow peas Issue 1, 92 ginger chicken and snow pea broth Issue 1, 92 ginger prawns with snowpea shoots Issue 13, 86 pan-fried pork with snow pea slaw Issue 30, 80 plum and onion glazed pork fillet with snow peas Issue 22, 116 and pork stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 37 prawn soup with snow peas and asian greens Issue 2, 139 rice paper rolls Issue 1, 90 salmon and snow pea salad Issue 27, 161 salmon and snow pea sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 33 sesame and snow pea salad Issue 47, 76 smoked chicken and snap pea salad with coconut dressing Issue 19, 56 spicy lamb, snow pea and iceberg salad Issue 19, 60 sweet potato, chilli and snow pea stir-fry Issue 51, 36 sorbet (see also granita, ices) buttermilk sorbet Issue 11, 124 coconut sorbet Issue 43, 89 honeycomb soufflés Issue 46, 138 jasmine tea and mint sorbet Issue 13, 88 lime and ginger Issue 19, 106 mango sorbet Issue 49, 70 milk sorbet with almond and honey pastries Issue 40, 152 orange blossom and buttermilk sorbet Issue 29, 120 pink grapefruit and champagne sorbet Issue 35, 144 and raspberry-sugar apple Issue 29, 68 raspberry summer Issue 31, 30 sparkling framboise jelly with raspberry sorbet Issue 12, 36 vanilla-coconut yoghurt sorbet Issue 48, 124 soufflé basic lemon soufflé Issue 20, 94 cheese soufflé with parmesan crust Issue 38, 141 chocolate soufflé Issue 10, 144; Issue 20, 98 lemon soufflé Issue 32, 144 mini chocolate soufflés Issue 14, 86 orange soufflé Issue 20, 98 passionfruit Issue 33, 75 passionfruit soufflé Issue 8, 118; Issue 20, 98 potato soufflés Issue 40, 138 raspberry soufflé Issue 20, 98 simple spinach soufflé Issue 17, 218 spinach and ricotta soufflé Issue 21, 102 spinach soufflé Issue 14, 134 twice-baked cheese soufflés Issue 9, 136 zucchini soufflé omelette Issue 17, 132 soup asian broth with pork dumplings, oyster mushrooms and black fungi Issue 14, 104 asian chicken and corn soup Issue 51, 110 asian noodle soup Issue 22, 121 asian pork and noodle soup Issue 51, 108 recipe index

basic chicken soup Issue 45, 54 bean and pasta soup with autumn greens Issue 38, 154 beef pho Issue 43, 107 beef stock noodle broth Issue 16, 170 borlotti bean and parmesan soup Issue 38, 151 borlotti bean soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 broad bean and spicy chorizo soup Issue 51, 120 broccoli soup Issue 2, 56 broth Issue 13, 85 cabbage and chickpea soup with bruschetta Issue 38, 154 caramelised pork with five-spice broth Issue 47, 34 carrot and ginger soup Issue 51, 110 cauliflower and parmesan soup Issue 32, 49 celeriac and potato soup Issue 39, 26 celeriac soup with black olive crostini Issue 16, 112 cheat’s Issue 51, 110 cheat’s tomato, basil and bread soup Issue 2, 56 chicken chilli soup Issue 28, 38 chicken coconut soup Issue 20, 146 chicken and corn wonton soup Kids’ Issue 2, 62 chicken, leek and risoni soup Issue 9, 56 chicken and lemon soup Issue 17, 37 chicken and lemongrass soup with rice noodles Issue 9, 56 chicken miso soup with tofu Issue 51, 107 chicken, pea and mushroom soup Issue 8, 167 chicken, potato and tarragon soup Issue 9, 56 chicken risoni and herb soup Issue 41, 62 chicken, risoni and lemon soup Issue 51, 120 chicken soup with bok choy Issue 2, 58 chickpea soup with basil meatballs Issue 38, 152 chinese soup with pork dumplings Issue 2, 58 chorizo, eggplant and cannellini bean soup Issue 15, 66 chorizo sausage and rice soup Issue 38, 151 chunky tomato and chicken soup Kids’ Issue 3, 88 chunky vegetable soup Issue 20, 32 Issue 51, 116 classic tomato soup Issue 51, 112 coconut, chicken and leek soup, Issue 29, 94 coconut and lemongrass soup with prawns Issue 51, 115 coconut, lime and chicken soup Issue 15, 68 coconut soup Issue 37, 152 corn chowder with green onions and ham Issue 28, 34 corned beef in broth with salsa verde Issue 44, 66 cream of mushroom soup Issue 28, 36 creamy asparagus soup with char-grilled bug tail Issue 27, 93 creamy broccoli soup Issue 51, 119 creamy cauliflower soup Issue 51, 102 creamy mushroom and chicken soup Issue 45, 58 creamy mushroom and chive soup Issue 51, 112 creamy zucchini soup Issue 9, 56 duck and ramen noodle soup Issue 51, 119 duck wontons in spiced broth Issue 21, 130 egg noodle soup with chilli pork and Asian greens Issue 15, 64 fennel and onion soup Issue 15, 68 french onion soup Issue 51, 115 ginger chicken soup with asian greens Issue 45, 58 grandma’s chicken and barley soup Issue 44, 116 green onion and prawn broth Issue 34, 56 hearty vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 147 honey-roasted parsnip soup Issue 51, 107 hot and sour prawn soup Issue 15, 64 jerusalem artichoke soup Issue 10, 26 lamb and onion soup Issue 14, 114 lamb and couscous soup Issue 28, 40 lemon and broccoli Issue 34, 46 recipe index

lemony chicken and rice soup Issue 45, 58 lime and chilli broth Issue 15, 104 miso, udon noodle and fish soup Issue 2, 58 miso soup with mushrooms and tofu Issue 9, 54 mushroom and chilli noodle soup Issue 28, 67 mushroom and onion soup with blue cheese toasts Issue 44, 45 mussels with tomato broth Issue 46, 111 onion soup Issue 45, 49 onion soup with blue cheese sandwiches Issue 20, 107 pancetta and pea soup Issue 1, 92 parsnip soup Issue 33, 30 parsnip and brown butter soup Issue 33, 92 pea and basil soup Issue 8, 160 pea and basil soup Issue 28, 38 pea and mint soup Issue 32, 91 pea, spinach and ham soup Issue 51, 116 poached chicken soup Issue 25, 97 poached salmon and soba noodles with ginger broth Issue 46, 48 poached salmon in tomato and chervil broth Issue 32, 78 pork and water chestnut dumpling soup Issue 13, 85 potato, bacon and pea soup Issue 8, 34 potato and broccoli soup with crispy bacon Issue 14, 172 potato and chive soup Issue 16, 168 potato, kale and chorizo soup Issue 45, 64 potato and leek soup with porcini oil Issue 50, 115 potato and parmesan soup Issue 46, 31 potato, pea and bacon soup Issue 2, 59 potato, smoked trout and chive soup Issue 28, 40 potato soup with crispy bacon Issue 51, 122 prawn, coconut and lime soup Issue 9, 54 prawn noodle soup Issue 30, 50 prawn parcel soup Kids’ Issue 3, 93 prawn soup with snow peas and asian greens Issue 2, 139 pumpkin and garlic soup Issue 9, 168 pumpkin and maple soup Issue 38, 36 pumpkin and marjoram soup Issue 32, 107 red curry sweet potato soup Issue 51, 109 red curry vegetable and coconut soup Issue 2, 56 red lentil, chilli and mint soup Issue 9, 56 red lentil and white bean soup with crispy pancetta Issue 50, 77 roast chestnut soup with porcini oil Issue 22, 32 roast sweet potato and red onion soup Issue 28, 40 salmon and chilli broth Issue 29, 45 salmon and tarragon broth Issue 51, 122 salt and pepper tofu with mushroom noodle broth Issue 52, 108 sausage and bean soup Issue 28, 34 seafood soup with roast capsicum and garlic Issue 27, 108 seared salmon and vegetable soup with tarragon Issue 15, 64 shellfish chowder Issue 15, 58 silver beet, pea and pancetta soup Issue 15, 68 simple chicken and corn soup Issue 2, 58 spiced tomato soup Issue 39, 62 spicy chicken dumpling soup Issue 51, 116 spicy chilli pork soup Issue 38, 152 spicy dumpling soup Issue 41, 66 spicy noodle soup Issue 37, 161 spinach, bacon and lentil soup Issue 51, 112 spinach soup with creamy mustard mash Issue 38, 152 spinach soup with goat’s cheese Issue 2, 56 split pea and ham soup with mint Issue 10, 130 spring minestrone Issue 11, 138 spring soup Issue 17, 130 steamed tofu and gai larn with miso Issue 29, 36 summer laksa Issue 30, 46 sweet potato soup Kids’ Issue 3, 74 recipe index

sweet potato and chickpea soup Issue 15, 64; Issue 51, 115 sweet potato and thyme soup Issue 9, 56 thai ginger and mussel soup Issue 51, 120 tomato, spinach and white bean soup Issue 9, 54 tomato and bean soup Issue 2, 114 tomato, chicken and bean soup Issue 45, 58 tomato and fennel soup with haloumi croutons Issue 45, 42 tomato and fennel soup with parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 tomato and rice soup Issue 8, 160 tomato broth with tarragon Issue 19, 118 tomato counting soup Kids’ Issue 4, 90 tomato, salami and chickpea soup Issue 51, 107 tomato soup with basil oil Issue 15, 66 tomato soup with cheesy croutons Issue 27, 56 tomato soup with crispy capers and oregano Issue 22, 140 tomato soup with macaroni and herbs Issue 28, 40 tomato soup with meatballs Issue 51, 119 vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 149 vietnamese beef soup Issue 15, 68 vietnamese noodle soup Issue 52, 66 white bean and vegetable soup Issue 2, 59 wonton soup Issue 22, 97 zucchini and bacon soup Issue 28, 40 sour cream and chive dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 and chive potato bake Issue 20, 86 lime and garlic sauce Issue 12, 212 filling Issue 13, 136 mayonnaise Issue 12, 206 orange and raisin pie Issue 38, 120 smoked salmon and sour cream tarts Issue 21, 68 vanilla filling Issue 13, 140 soy bourbon, soy and honey pork ribs Issue 45, 114 char-grilled scallops with lemon soy sauce Issue 36, 207 chicken Issue 32, 132, Issue 37, 151 and chilli pork with snake beans Issue 46, 118 crispy soy and chilli chicken with noodles Issue 49, 123 and ginger chicken Issue 44, 31 ginger chicken Issue 13, 128 and ginger ribs Issue 43, 131 and ginger steamed fish Issue 47, 30 grilled fish Issue 1, 142 marinade Issue 36, 34 and pepper chicken Issue 13, 66 and sesame salmon Issue 20, 67 sesame and soy ginger pork Issue 46, 106 steamed soy, lemon and coriander fish parcels Issue 36, 34 sweet soy and ginger chicken Issue 20, 146 tuna with sesame crisps Issue 34, 60 vinegar and soy dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 spaghetti bolognese Issue 38, 70 cannellini bean, rosemary and pancetta spaghetti Issue 2, 113 chicken and zucchini spaghetti Issue 14, 115 classic tomato, basil and chilli spaghetti Issue 22, 67 creamy lemon and basil spaghetti Issue 35, 104 fennel, ham and lemon spaghetti Issue 30, 60 and meatballs Issue 9, 73 pea, fennel and mint spaghetti Issue 10, 56 ricotta, basil and parmesan spaghetti Issue 22, 67 ricotta, pine nut and herb spaghetti Issue 10, 60 roasted capsicum and chorizo spaghetti Issue 40, 60 sage butter and garlic breadcrumb spaghetti Issue 22, 64 salmon spaghetti Issue 2, 114 recipe index

saucy spaghetti Kids’ Issue 6, 28 smoked salmon and caper spaghetti Issue 22, 68 with spring meatballs Issue 29, 136 tomato, basil and mussel spaghetti Issue 36, 214 tomato, olive, basil and parsley spaghetti Issue 2, 111 with vegetable vermicelli Issue 9, 138 vongole (clams) Issue 37, 141 spatchcock char-grilled spatchcocks with spicy tomato jam Issue 49, 106 chinese five-spice roasted spatchcock Issue 46, 118 lemon and garlic roasted spatchcocks Issue 49, 123 lemon thyme spatchcocks with lemon gratin Issue 45, 96 with redcurrant glaze and bread sauce Issue 51, 136 roasted spatchcock with goat’s curd semolina Issue 40, 132 speck creamy speck and borlotti bean rigatoni Issue 45, 135 and mushroom risotto Issue 44, 89 spice crispy five-spice crab Issue 36, 189 nori and five-spice chicken with ginger mayonnaise Issue 36, 88 paper-baked spiced pastries Issue 34, 73 roasted chicken Issue 50, 62 skillet fruit-and-spice cookie Kids’ Issue 2, 26 spice-rubbed steak Issue 36, 59 spiced beef wraps Issue 1, 142 spiced bloody mary Issue 11, 186 spiced brown sugar cookies Issue 12, 98 spiced chocolate mousse Issue 36, 176 spiced coffee cake Issue 44, 138 spiced confit duck Issue 40, 111 spiced custard Issue 42, 176; Issue 45, 123 spiced fruit and nut roll Issue 12, 136 spiced lamb cutlets with carrot and sesame salad Issue 52, 37 spiced lamb pitas Issue 40, 124 spiced lamb rack Issue 49, 129 spiced maple biscuits Issue 51, 87 spiced nuts Issue 10, 172 spiced pear butterscotch pudding Issue 39, 100 spiced pilaf Issue 44, 31 spiced plum chicken Issue 49, 43 spiced prune and pistachio panforte Issue 36, 178 spiced shortbread squares Issue 48, 68 spiced sweet potato couscous Issue 11, 160 spicy noodle soup Issue 37, 161 spicy potatoes Issue 37, 30 spicy tomato and crispy bacon pasta Issue 10, 130 spicy wok chips Issue 1, 178 sugar-dusted spice biscuits Issue 12, 130 sugar and spice baked custards Issue 50, 58 spinach autumn broccoli and spinach salad Issue 14, 170 bacon, egg and spinach pie Issue 46, 33 bacon and lentil pasta Issue 44, 27 baked couscous with tomato and pesto Issue 33, 50 baked mushroom, bacon and spinach risotto Issue 39, 54 beef, spinach and mushroom stir-fry Issue 16, 166 breakfast loaf Issue 31, 80 char-grilled eggplant and spinach sandwich Issue 19, 93 char-grilled lemon, spinach and feta pizzas Issue 45, 104 char-grilled spinach and feta flatbreads Issue 47, 48 cheat’s ricotta, spinach and mint gnocchi Issue 41, 105 cheese, lemon and spinach pasta Issue 10, 60 chicken and spinach risotto Issue 2, 104 chicken baked with spinach, tomato and mozzarella Issue 16, 70 chicken with spinach and white bean salad Issue 13, 152 recipe index

chilli, spinach and ricotta ravioli Issue 34, 60 chilli quail and spinach salad Issue 27, 149 crisp-skin snapper with preserved lemon and spinach salad Issue 12, 148 crispy salmon on wilted greens Issue 33, 50 dressing for spinach Issue 12, 164 and egg salad Issue 37, 137 egg and spinach pie Issue 37, 149 feta and dill pies Issue 47, 105 and feta pasta Issue 17, 222 and feta pastries Issue 44, 29 and feta pies Issue 37, 115 feta and pine nut baked risotto Issue 33, 68 field mushrooms, spinach and goat’s cheese Issue 20, 63 frittata Issue 37, 161 garlic and anchovy rigatoni Issue 16, 166 and goat’s cheese dip Issue 12, 72 goat’s cheese, polenta and spinach bake Issue 15, 162 grilled breakfast baguette Issue 2, 150 herb and spinach fritters Issue 29, 60 japanese spinach salad with sesame dressing Issue 2, 140 lemon and artichoke pizza Issue 47, 148 lemon and feta turkish sandwich Issue 49, 139 lemon and spinach pilaf Issue 37, 143 lemon butter snapper with wilted spinach Issue 34, 98 lemon and garlic wilted spinach Issue 44, 29 lemon spinach with pan-fried haloumi Issue 34, 46 macaroni cheese Issue 39, 48 marinated feta and potato pie Issue 36, 159 and mozzarella veal Issue 37, 148 mushroom, ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 50, 78 mushrooms and spinach in parmesan butter Issue 8, 76 and mushroom wafer omelettes Issue 1, 134 parmesan veal and spinach salad Issue 31, 45 pasta with white beans, tomato and spinach Issue 13, 152 pea, spinach and ham soup Issue 51, 116 pesto lamb cutlets with wilted spinach Issue 20, 66 poached eggs with buttered spinach Issue 32, 60 pork fillets with creamed spinach Issue 46, 33 pork, spinach and celery salad with orange dressing Issue 19, 61 potato and spinach bake Kids’ Issue 3, 86 prosciutto and spinach gnocchi Issue 28, 60 pumpkin, spinach and goat’s cheese pie Issue 20, 118 ricotta and pancetta pizza Issue 8, 94 and ricotta soufflé Issue 21, 102 and ricotta and sweet potato pie Issue 49, 46 and ricotta triangles Issue 16, 70 ricotta and spinach pasta Issue 37, 152 ricotta, spinach and smoked salmon filo tart Issue 16, 34 ricotta, spinach and tomato lasagne Issue 2, 139 roast chicken, bacon and spinach rolls Issue 34, 86 roast field mushrooms with goat’s cheese and spinach Issue 14, 104 roast pumpkin and spinach penne Issue 9, 166 sesame-coated spinach and ricotta chicken Issue 11, 39 silver beet and gruyère gratin Issue 32, 107 simple spinach soufflé Issue 17, 218 soufflé Issue 14, 134 soup with creamy mustard mash Issue 38, 152 soup with goat’s cheese Issue 2, 56 spicy sausage and spinach pasta Issue 29, 138 spicy spinach and ricotta lasagne Issue 51, 70 swiss cheese, spinach and ham brioches Issue 34, 70 tomato and feta pasta Issue 46, 34 tomato, spinach and white bean soup Issue 9, 54 tuna, cheese and spinach pan sandwich Issue 13, 157 tomato, ricotta and spinach bread Issue 49, 106 recipe index

tuna, spinach and torn pita salad Issue 13, 155 tuna and spinach penne salad Issue 13, 157 veal, tomato and spinach open sandwich Issue 50, 72 warm beetroot, chickpea and spinach salad Issue 22, 139 warm spinach and red lentil salad Issue 1, 56 water chestnut wontons Issue 24, 156 wilted spinach with cream and lemon Issue 40, 141 sponge cake Issue 14, 52 custard sponge fingers with sugar-crusted apricots Issue 24, 80 fingers with warm liqueur raspberries Issue 21, 109 kisses Issue 1, 29 kisses with cream Issue 35, 163 mini chocolate sponges with coffee meringue icing Issue 50, 166 mini raspberry sponge cakes Issue 52, 52 raspberry crush sponges Issue 24, 118 raspberry sponge layer cake Issue 30, 98 tiramisù Issue 45, 52 spring onion (scallion) and cherry tomato relish Issue 30, 72 poached chicken and spring onion salad Issue 11, 108 tray bread Issue 29, 93 sweet potato and spring onion pan omelette Issue 17, 221 warm prawn and spring onion salad with wasabi dressing Issue 29, 96 spritzer blood orange spritzer Issue 36, 41 citrus spritzer Issue 36, 41 cranberry white wine spritzer Issue 36, 41 mango and lychee spritzer Issue 36, 41 rosé and strawberry spritzer Issue 36, 41 thyme and lemon spritzer Issue 35, 86 squash caramelised squash pasta Issue 17, 132 roasted squash, onion and chicken salad Issue 17, 134 squid barbecued chilli squid with mint and rocket salad Issue 36, 200 barbecued lemon and mint squid salad Issue 13, 109 coconut squid with tomato salsa Issue 25, 97 coriander and garlic pan-fried squid Issue 36, 200 crispy fennel squid Issue 43, 51 marinated squid and lemon salad Issue 1, 122 peppered squid and crispy parsley Issue 36, 201 salt and pepper squid Issue 24, 91 sichuan pepper squid Issue 15, 104 slow-cooked tomato squid Issue 21, 93 steak (see also beef) balsamic and blue cheese steak Issue 49, 127 balsamic-glazed steak and mushrooms Issue 51, 35 with café de paris butter Issue 39, 30 with cannellini bean mash and rosemary oil Issue 2, 113 char-grilled chilli jam steak Issue 48, 40 char-grilled harissa t-bone Issue 49, 128 char-grilled steak and warm potato salad Issue 32, 47 chilli steak rolls Issue 39, 142 and chips Issue 9, 136 classic pepper steak Issue 36, 59 classic steak sandwich Issue 43, 119 fillet steak with pepper sauce Issue 27, 68 grilled steak with roasted garlic aïoli Issue 38, 78 and haloumi open sandwiches with dill and caper dressing Issue 49, 34 with horseradish butter and rosemary chips Issue 52, 108 horseradish and onion steak sandwich Issue 25, 56 how to cook Issue 1, 52 lemon-garlic tuna steaks Issue 29, 66 and onion salad with horseradish dressing Issue 19, 56 oregano steak with tomato and bocconcini salad Issue 41, 52 recipe index

with peppercorn butter Issue 49, 128 pepper steak Issue 37, 139 pepper steak sandwich Issue 35, 62 pepper steak with rosemary chips Issue 25, 52 perfect steak Issue 27, 64 pork, apple and prosciutto steaks Issue 20, 63 quince-glazed steak with goat’s curd polenta Issue 52, 110 red wine steaks Issue 49, 127 rib-eye with barbecued potatoes Issue 42, 127 rib eye steak with mustard cream sauce Issue 46, 118 with roasted tomato and bread salad Issue 39, 46 rump steak with herbed butter Issue 27, 68 sage and lemon steaks with parmesan polenta Issue 46, 48 sandwich Issue 11, 144; Issue 19, 93 sandwich with herb mayonnaise Issue 47, 54 sandwich with tomato mayo Issue 19, 115 scotch fillet steak with béarnaise sauce Issue 27, 68 sesame miso steaks Issue 49, 128 sirloin steak with red wine sauce Issue 27, 68 smoky steak and tomato sandwiches Issue 40, 58 spice-rubbed steak Issue 36, 59 steakhouse classic Issue 36, 60 sticky barbecue steak with coleslaw Issue 25, 52 sumac steak and eggplant wraps Issue 45, 29 veal steak sandwich with caper béarnaise Issue 10, 128 stir-fry beef stir-fry Issue 37, 160 beef and ginger stir-fry Issue 25, 55 chicken broccolini stir-fry Issue 45, 34 chicken and gai larn stir-fry Issue 50, 39 chicken and lime stir-fry Issue 20, 144 chicken omelette Kids’ Issue 3, 96 chilli beef and snake bean stir-fry Issue 41, 118 chilli chicken and peanut stir-fry Issue 47, 34 chilli pork and peanut stir-fry Issue 49, 62 chilli pumpkin and bean stir-fry Issue 48, 38 chilli stir-fry Issue 28, 22 ginger pork noodle stir-fry Issue 22, 116 ham, carrot and snake bean stir-fry Issue 30, 60 hoisin chicken stir-fry Issue 37, 64 japanese beef stir-fry Issue 27, 116 lemon and ginger chicken stir-fry Issue 41, 118 lime and chilli chicken noodle stir-fry Issue 36, 30 mushroom and ginger stir-fry Issue 41, 117 pineapple, chicken and ginger stir-fry Issue 43, 64 pork, black bean and cashew stir-fry Issue 46, 46 pork and black bean stir-fry Issue 41, 118; Issue 49, 133 pork and ginger meatball stir-fry Issue 40, 57 pork stir-fry Issue 37, 139 smoky squid and chilli pork stir-fry Issue 41, 118 snow pea and pork stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 37 spicy plum pork stir-fry Issue 36, 52 stir-fried cabbage and broccolini Issue 52, 120 stir-fried chicken and gai larn with oyster sauce Issue 2, 140 stir-fried lemongrass broccolini Issue 37, 26 sweet pork and pea stir-fry Kids’ Issue 4, 50 sweet potato, chilli and snow pea stir-fry Issue 51, 36 vegetable and sesame stir-fry Issue 37, 159 vegetable stir-fry Issue 36, 34 wasabi-coconut prawn stir-fry Issue 41, 114 stock chicken stock Issue 45, 54 strawberry cheat’s strawberry trifles Issue 47, 80 and cream Issue 48, 182 recipe index

’n’ cream Kids’ Issue 6, 71 and cream bars Issue 13, 120 cupcakes Issue 41, 142 fizzy strawberry daiquiri Issue 12, 218 free-form strawberry and almond tarts Issue 34, 143 frozen yoghurt and strawberry milk Issue 36, 108 gelato baguettes Issue 31, 122 and ginger punch Issue 25, 82 granita with mango Issue 25, 129 granola with strawberries and sheep’s milk yoghurt Issue 11, 98 ice-cream with caramel sauce Issue 24, 118 ice-cream choc bites Issue 25, 88 jelly tea cups Kids’ Issue 7, 60 kisses Issue 14, 86 mango and strawberry layered popsicles Issue 13, 119 mousse cups Issue 17, 150 mousse milkshakes Kids’ Issue 4, 100 panna cotta Issue 4, 112 and passionfruit almond kisses Issue 47, 107 and passionfruit jam Issue 31, 132 pear and strawberry jam pastry Issue 35, 34 rhubarb and strawberry pan tart Issue 32, 114 and ricotta tart Issue 13, 136 roasted strawberry cheesecake Issue 17, 122 roasted strawberry meringues Issue 29, 122 rosé and strawberry spritzer Issue 36, 41 sandwich Kids’ Issue 3, 42 sherry-soaked strawberry tart Issue 36, 132 sorbet Issue 4, 157 sticky sweet rice and mango sandwiches Issue 31, 122 summer pudding Issue 36, 108 sundae Issue 31, 30 swirl semifreddo Issue 49, 146 tarte tatins Issue 46, 140 and vanilla yoghurt Issue 35, 92 white chocolate and strawberry tart Issue 52, 134 stuffing apple, onion and thyme stuffing Issue 44, 70 bacon and thyme stuffing Issue 12, 65 basic herb stuffing Issue 2, 100 basil and lemon couscous stuffing Issue 2, 102 basil and parmesan stuffing Issue 12, 65 basil and pine nut stuffing Issue 10, 116 breadcrumb, oregano and lemon stuffing Issue 10, 116 breadcrumb and thyme stuffing Issue 10, 116 caramelised apple Issue 1, 99 dried fig and orange stuffing Issue 15, 34 individual pancetta Issue 30, 138 lamb cutlets with chickpea stuffing Issue 31, 55 lemon and parsley Issue 1, 100 lemon and tarragon stuffing Issue 12, 65 pancetta stuffing parcels Issue 42, 155 parmesan, pine nut and parsley stuffing Issue 2, 102 roasted onions with stuffing Issue 36, 120 roasted pork shoulder with pear and pine nut stuffing Issue 42, 158 sage and onion stuffing Issue 12, 65 seasoned stuffing Issue 2, 51 semi-dried tomato and feta stuffing Issue 10, 116 sugar apple pancakes with cinnamon sugar Kids’ Issue 4, 58 barbecue duck salad with palm sugar dressing Issue 36, 94 brown sugar and cinnamon cupcakes Issue 41, 142 brown sugar and cinnamon mince pie Issue 36, 178 brown sugar cupcake pavlovas Issue 43, 60 brown sugar custard Issue 42, 176 brown sugar panna cotta with expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 recipe index

brown sugar plums Issue 34, 70 and cinnamon fritters Issue 33, 91 cinnamon sugar popcorn Kids’ Issue 4, 22 cinnamon-sugar puffs Issue 47, 72 crusted pecans Issue 9, 106 cured salmon on crispy gow gees Issue 27, 93 dusted spice biscuits Issue 12, 130 ginger-coconut rice with palm sugar Issue 49, 94 glaze Issue 12, 130 malt thins with cinnamon-sugar Issue 47, 164 and spice baked custards Issue 50, 58 sugared fruit Issue 28, 33 sugared macadamia biscuits Issue 36, 172 sugared pineapple crisps Issue 43, 64 sugared snowflakes Issue 10, 160 syrup Issue 12, 28 vanilla sugar Issue 28, 28 sugar snap peas chicken, basil and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 minted lamb and sugar snap salad Issue 1, 88 sugar snap and baby radish salad Issue 11, 39 sultana apple and sultana crumble Kids’ Issue 3, 22 high-top apple and sultana pie Issue 38, 120 loaf Issue 29, 107 sumac beetroot and sweet potato fritters with sumac salt Issue 38, 112 chicken and watercress salad Issue 52, 37 eggplant chips Issue 39, 128 lamb with eggplant and tahini dressing Issue 43, 44 pork with apple and celery salad Issue 47, 47 rosemary and sumac pork Issue 49, 133 steak and eggplant wraps Issue 45, 29 sundaes cappuccino sundaes Issue 31, 30 christmas sundaes Issue 30, 100 classic chocolate Issue 31, 30 ice-cream sundae Issue 47, 80 ice-cream sundae cupcakes Kids’ Issue 6, 88 paint bucket sundaes Kids’ Issue 3, 109 raspberry-pistachio Issue 31, 30 strawberry Issue 31, 30 sushi basic sushi rice Kids’ Issue 7, 30 crunchy chicken and avocado cones Kids’ Issue 7, 32 cucumber rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 30 egg and lettuce ‘sushi’ Kids’ Issue 7, 40 kids’ sushi Kids’ Issue 2, 62 prawn sushi with pickled cucumber Issue 43, 86 prawn sushi squares Kids’ Issue 7, 33 rare beef sushi with wasabi Issue 24, 128 salmon and snow pea sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 33 smoked salmon sushi Issue 36, 82 tuna and chive sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 32 sweet potato (kumara) baked sweet potato Issue 39, 118 barramundi steamed on sweet potato Issue 29, 37 beetroot and sweet potato fritters with sumac salt Issue 38, 112 beetroot, feta and sweet potato salad Issue 31, 42 cannelloni Kids’ Issue 3, 94 and chickpea soup Issue 15, 64; Issue 51, 115 chilli and snow pea stir-fry Issue 51, 36 chorizo and sweet potato bake Issue 14, 36 coconut sweet potato and crispy rice noodles Issue 25, 108 pancetta, sweet potato and parmesan crisp salad Issue 45, 29 pancetta, sweet potato and sage baked risotto Issue 33, 68 recipe index

parsnip and sweet potato gratin Issue 22, 90 and pasta frittata Issue 17, 100 red curry sweet potato soup Issue 51, 109 ricotta, sage and sweet potato shells Issue 46, 108 roasted beef and sweet potato salad Issue 50, 132 roast chicken with honey sweet potatoes Issue 28, 48 roasted chicken and sweet potato salad Issue 51, 67 roast sweet potato, garlic and chicken fettuccine Issue 39, 58 roast sweet potato and rosemary chicken Issue 22, 140 roast sweet potato and bacon salad Issue 35, 126 roast sweet potato and red onion soup Issue 28, 40 roasted sweet potato and cheese frittata Kids’ Issue 7, 27 roasted sweet potato and mint salad Issue 31, 82 roasted sweet potato, olive and tomato pasta Issue 50, 72 soft poached eggs with sweet potato hash browns and asparagus Issue 34, 73 soup Kids’ Issue 3, 74 spiced grilled chicken and sweet potato Issue 13, 62; Issue 17, 62 spiced sweet potato couscous Issue 11, 160 spinach, ricotta and sweet potato pie Issue 49, 46 and spring onion pan omelette Issue 17, 221 salad Issue 1, 142 salad with ginger dressing Issue 19, 126 and yam chips Issue 39, 130 and thyme soup Issue 9, 56 sweets (see confectionery) swiss chard (see silverbeet) syrup almond cake with rosewater syrup Issue 4, 114 apple baklava with vanilla syrup Issue 2, 74 apple cakes with red wine syrup Issue 15, 38 babas with lemon syrup Issue 1, 126 banana and maple syrup smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 banana pancakes with golden syrup Kids’ Issue 4, 58 basic vanilla syrup Issue 42, 179 blood orange syrup cake Issue 35, 143 brandy syrup Issue 42, 179 brown sugar panna cotta with expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 cherry and maple syrup waffles Issue 28, 86 chocolate cake with orange syrup Issue 1, 128 cinnamon panna cotta with brandy syrup Issue 30, 162 cinnamon syrup Issue 9, 155; Issue 42, 179 citrus syrup Issue 27, 38 clove syrup Issue 10, 146 coconut puddings with lemon syrup Issue 35, 146 coffee expresso syrup Issue 14, 122 dessert wine syrup Issue 9, 178 figs with balsamic and vanilla syrup Issue 2, 94 figs and raspberries with rosewater syrup Issue 52, 134 fruit salad with kaffir lime syrup Issue 31, 72 ginger syrup Issue 42, 179 golden syrup scones Issue 45, 68 honey and golden syrup meringue cupcakes Issue 41, 150 lemon cake with passionfruit syrup Issue 2, 30; Issue 9, 50 lemongrass syrup Issue 37, 26 lemon syrup tarts Issue 47, 58 mango and papaya salad with lime syrup Issue 49, 86 maple and date syrup cake Issue 51, 84 milk jellies with candied orange zest Issue 35, 143 milk jelly with rosewater syrup Issue 11, 120 moist almond cake with dessert wine syrup Issue 9, 178 muscat syrup Issue 12, 132 nectarine tart with orange syrup Issue 25, 119 nut filo stack with rose syrup Issue 34, 141 orange cakes with clove syrup Issue 10, 146 orange syrup Issue 42, 179 recipe index

orange syrup cake Issue 35, 72 panettone ice-cream sandwich with muscat syrup Issue 12, 132 papaya with vanilla bean syrup Issue 48, 120 pepper and maple syrup crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 pine nut cake with blood orange syrup Issue 46, 90 poached fruit in passionfruit syrup Issue 37, 100 red wine syrup Issue 15, 38 rum and raisin cake with muscatel syrup Issue 50, 158 sticky fruit pastries with orange blossom syrup Issue 34, 89 sticky maple syrup drumsticks Kids’ Issue 3, 48 sticky orange babas with vanilla syrup Issue 8, 121 tamarillos poached in sauternes syrup Issue 29, 120 vanilla dessert wine syrup Issue 12, 134 vanilla syrup Issue 25, 24 warm rose-raspberry syrup Issue 30, 28 szechuan (see sichuan) T tabouli couscous tabouli Issue 35, 91 garlic beef skewers with rocket tabouli Issue 43, 46 mint tabouli Issue 24, 30 simple tabouli Issue 37, 149 smoked salmon tabouli Issue 24, 64 tacos chilli mince tacos Issue 49, 114 chorizo and capsicum tacos Issue 49, 118 fish and coleslaw tacos Issue 49, 114 grilled beef tacos Issue 49, 114 pulled pork tacos Issue 49, 114 soft tacos Issue 38, 70 spicy char-grilled chicken tacos Issue 49, 118 spicy fish taco with green chilli Issue 35, 121 spicy pork tacos Issue 42, 68 tamarind crispy whole fish with tamarind dressing Issue 43, 107 five-spice tamarind duck Issue 41, 117 tapenade crumbed mozzarella with olive tapenade Issue 52, 78 olive tapenade Issue 9, 104 tomato salad and tapenade bruschetta Issue 12, 148 tapenade Issue 13, 33 tapenade, olive tapenade with baked cheese Issue 34, 95 taro taro and beetroot chips Issue 39, 130 tarragon asparagus with tarragon dressing Issue 30, 99 chicken, cauliflower and fennel salad Issue 51, 102 chicken with mushrooms and tarragon Issue 44, 113 chilli and tarragon butter Issue 31, 97 creamy cauliflower and tarragon risotto with prawns Issue 52, 112 crispy chicken with tarragon salt Issue 40, 106; Issue 52, 94 crispy skin tarragon chicken with beans Issue 33, 75 dipping sauce Issue 36, 188 dressing Issue 13, 34 green bean salad with tarragon dressing Issue 24, 96 green beans with tarragon butter Issue 21, 115 and horseradish rub Issue 42, 158 lemon and tarragon fish stew Issue 45, 96 lobster ravioli with tarragon sauce Issue 36, 192 mustard and tarragon pork Issue 49, 133 orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 153 and pancetta roast chicken Issue 35, 60 potato gnocchi with broad beans and tarragon burnt butter Issue 33, 106 recipe index

prosciutto-wrapped tarragon potatoes Issue 50, 120 roasted asparagus Issue 34, 129 roasted turkey with orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 154 roast tarragon and garlic pheasant Issue 22, 36 salmon and tarragon broth Issue 51, 122 seared salmon and vegetable soup with tarragon Issue 15, 64 and speck asparagus salad Issue 52, 82 spring lamb cutlets with potato, pea and tarragon salad Issue 29, 66 tomato broth with tarragon Issue 19, 118 tarts (see also galettes, pies) almond pear tart Issue 8, 134 antipasto tart Issue 37, 144 apple and almond tart Issue 29, 120 apple tarte tatins Issue 52, 134 apricot tarts Issue 13, 138 asparagus and ricotta tarts Issue 29, 65 baked mocha tart Issue 33, 118 balsamic onion and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 21, 64 beetroot and caramelised onion tarte tatin Issue 38, 108 berry tartlets Issue 13, 140 bird’s nest tarts Kids’ Issue 2, 26 blistered plums and vanilla mascarpone tart Issue 25, 120 blood orange curd tartlets Issue 40, 150 blood orange tart Issue 16, 132 blood plum and hazelnut tart Issue 13, 138 blue cheese tart with prosciutto Issue 15, 92 brown sugar custard tart Issue 8, 180 butterscotch walnut tarts Issue 32, 81 caramelised onion and anchovy Issue 34, 100 caramelised onion and blue cheese tarts Issue 4, 100; Issue 46, 106 caramelised onion and olive tart Issue 49, 139 chervil and blue cheese tarts Issue 21, 31 chicken and pea tartlets Kids’ Issue 3, 83 chocolate caramel tart Issue 46, 140 chocolate crème brûlée tarts Issue 40, 100 chocolate ganache tart Issue 52, 59 chocolate and hazelnut tart Issue 2, 96 chocolate butterscotch tart Issue 27, 96 chocolate meringue tarts Issue 16, 142 christmas mince tarts Issue 48, 110 classic french apple tart Issue 2, 70 coconut custard Issue 24, 164 coconut and lemon curd tarts Issue 52, 58 crushed raspberry tart Issue 13, 136 custard tart Issue 30, 162 duck and shiitake mushroom tart Issue 52, 94 fig and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 43, 97 fig tarts with brown sugar mascarpone Issue 20, 154 four-cheese Issue 24, 48 frangipane and lemon tart Issue 52, 58 free-form pear and rhubarb tart Issue 8, 134 free-form strawberry and almond tarts Issue 34, 143 fruit mince tarts Issue 30, 159; Issue 42, 184 goat’s cheese tarts Issue 51, 43 goat’s curd tartlets Issue 52, 52 golden leek and blue cheese tart Issue 9, 104 individual rhubarb crumble tarts Issue 22, 142 jam daisy tarts Issue 41, 90 jam tarts Issue 4, 112; Issue 29, 110 lemon, caper and chicken tartlets Issue 21, 66 lemon curd cups Issue 29, 80 lemon curd tarts Issue 11, 130 lemon meringue tarts with ice-cream Issue 21, 120 lemon syrup tarts Issue 47, 58 lemon tart Issue 35, 144 recipe index

little pea tartlets Issue 11, 34 maple brûlée tart Issue 51, 89 maple pear tarte tatin Issue 32, 114 marsala fig tarts Issue 34, 141 mascarpone and rhubarb cinnamon tart Issue 52, 59 mini baked ricotta tartlets Issue 27, 113 mixed tomato tart Issue 19, 118 mushroom and sage tart with goat’s curd Issue 52, 80 mushroom tarte tatin Issue 15, 90 mushroom tarte tatin with goat’s cheese Issue 42, 123 nectarine and amaretti tart Issue 49, 54 nectarine tart with orange syrup Issue 25, 119 nectarine tarts Issue 13, 140 passionfruit tart with coconut pastry Issue 13, 136 pea and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 1, 90 peach and rosewater tartlets Issue 13, 96 pear and almond tart Issue 39, 104 pear and ricotta tarts Issue 51, 27 pear tarte tatin Issue 8, 180 pineapple tarte tatin Issue 17, 113 potato, fennel and lemon thyme tart Issue 38, 82 quince and goat’s cheese tarts Issue 46, 64 raspberry and orange Issue 24, 122 raspberry tartlets Issue 17, 148 red berries with sour cream tart Issue 24, 122 rhubarb and currant tarts Issue 14, 86 rhubarb and strawberry pan tart Issue 32, 114 rhubarb tart Issue 2, 30 ricotta, spinach and smoked salmon filo tart Issue 16, 34 roasted tomato, basil and goat’s cheese tart Issue 40, 64 salmon and rocket tarts Issue 30, 138 scrunched filo, rhubarb and pear tart Issue 15, 116 sherry-soaked strawberry tart Issue 36, 132 smoked salmon and sour cream tarts Issue 21, 68 strawberry and ricotta tart Issue 13, 136 strawberry tarte tatins Issue 46, 140 sweet carrot tart Issue 14, 136 tangy lemon tart with a burnt sugar crust Issue 25, 119 tiramisù tarts Issue 17, 160 tomato, basil and tuna tarts Issue 19, 143 tomato and goat’s curd tart Issue 49, 104 treacle tarts Issue 45, 68 vanilla custard tarts Issue 29, 120 vanilla and plum tarts Issue 38, 32 white bean and parsley beef tarts Issue 30, 176 white chocolate and strawberry tart Issue 52, 134 white chocolate tarts Issue 11, 40 white nectarine and almond tartlets Issue 13, 136 yellow cherry tomato tarte tatin Issue 19, 122 zucchini and goat’s curd tart Issue 47, 122 tea apple lemon tea Issue 44, 70 fruit tea Issue 12, 184 ginger vegetables and green tea soba noodles Issue 30, 50 iced tea Issue 27, 38 iced vodka tea Issue 41, 43 jasmine tea and mint sorbet Issue 13, 88 lemongrass and mint iced tea Issue 37, 26 tea-smoked salmon Issue 40, 95 tempura broccoli with horseradish dipping sauce Issue 22, 110 cauliflower Issue 51, 98 oysters Issue 36, 184 sesame tempura prawns Issue 30, 108 tequila recipe index

mexican mojito Issue 35, 41 snapper ceviche with tequila dressing Issue 35, 112 watermelon bang punch Issue 35, 41 terrine basic country style terrine Issue 36, 68 caramelised apple and pork terrines Issue 36, 72 chicken, pistachio and cranberry terrine Issue 36, 72 chicken, pork and apple terrines Issue 50, 100 chicken and veal terrine Issue 32, 90 duck and leek Issue 21, 133 duck and pistachio terrine Issue 15, 37 leek wrapped pink peppercorn terrine Issue 36, 72 polenta and chorizo terrine Issue 46, 82 veal terrine with duck breast Issue 36, 72 thai basil and beef salad Issue 35, 106 beef salad Issue 25, 54; Issue 37, 45 chicken and bean curry Issue 42, 70 chicken and noodle salad Issue 13, 128 chicken cakes, baked Issue 4, 28 coconut chicken Issue 11, 69 dipping sauce Issue 4, 28 fish cakes Issue 37, 159 ginger and mussel soup Issue 51, 120 green thai curry paste Issue 28, 100 grilled thai chicken salad Issue 1, 60 mixed greens stir-fry Issue 17, 76 noodles Issue 37, 148 prawn curry Issue 37, 137 red thai curry paste Issue 28, 100 salad dressing Issue 27, 38 spicy thai fish salad Issue 49, 137 style sweet and sour barramundi Issue 40, 57 thyme apple, onion and thyme stuffing Issue 44, 70 balsamic and thyme chickpea and chorizo Issue 21, 90 and brandy pâté Issue 10, 124; Issue 15, 52 butter Issue 2, 102 charred lemon thyme salmon with warm celeriac rémoulade Issue 39, 87 chicken, thyme and brandy pâté Issue 46, 111 and coriander veal ribs Issue 45, 110 and garlic rib roast Issue 15, 130 and garlic roasted chicken Issue 39, 114 garlic and thyme braised cauliflower Issue 51, 102 garlic and thyme lamb with roasted tomatoes Issue 44, 56 garlic and thyme roasted chicken Issue 50, 62 garlic and thyme rub Issue 42, 158 grilled prosciutto and lemon thyme cheese Issue 35, 158 and honey veal cutlets Issue 43, 134 jerusalem artichoke, caramelised onion, goat’s cheese and thyme gratin Issue 22, 90 lemon pork with roast potatoes Issue 35, 60 and lemon spritzer Issue 35, 86 lemon, thyme and white wine chicken Issue 46, 36 maple and thyme roasted pumpkin Issue 38, 100 mushroom and thyme creamy pasta Issue 32, 47 mustard and thyme potatoes Issue 52, 122 mustard-crusted beef with thyme butter Issue 45, 49 mustard with white wine and thyme Issue 15, 139 and olive oil dressing Issue 8, 104 parmesan and lemon thyme parsnip strips Issue 39, 127 pork, apple and thyme meatballs Issue 50, 150 pork with cabbage-and-ham mash Issue 39, 45 pork with lemon thyme salt Issue 48, 52 pork with parmesan parsnip mash Issue 44, 45 potato, fennel and lemon thyme tart Issue 38, 82 recipe index

potato parcels with lemon and thyme Issue 34, 118 quince-glazed pork with thyme-roasted apples Issue 50, 147 red onion, thyme and lemon relish Issue 30, 72 roasted thyme and lemon turkey Issue 42, 153 roast lemon thyme turkey Issue 30, 140 slow cooked veal with thyme and pumpkin Issue 32, 107 speck and maple beans with thyme toasts Issue 51, 90 warm chorizo and thyme lentils Issue 38, 62 warm garlic and thyme artichokes Issue 48, 82 yorkshire puddings Issue 10, 84 toast (see also bruschetta, french toast) borlotti bean soup with crispy sausage and garlic toast Issue 33, 104 cheesy chive and onion toasties Issue 20, 32 four-cheese toasted sandwich Issue 9, 100 fruit toast with caramel apples Issue 39, 144 goat’s cheese pots with walnut toast Issue 12, 164 goat’s curd toasts with wilted kale Issue 51, 132 green coral salad with goat’s cheese toasts Issue 11, 112 grilled cheesy leek toast Issue 39, 144 mushroom and onion soup with blue cheese toasts Issue 44, 45 parmesan scrambled eggs with prosciutto toast Issue 50, 43 smoked ham and cheese toasties Issue 44, 127 soft eggs with peppered toast Issue 38, 136 speck and maple beans with thyme toasts Issue 51, 90 veal, mustard and pickle toasties Issue 39, 144 walk-the-plank toasted sandwiches Kids’ Issue 2, 89 white anchovy toasts Issue 51, 29 toffee apples Issue 2, 72; Issue 32, 89; Kids’ Issue 7, 134 basic toffee Issue 2, 48 brie with bitter toffee Issue 15, 86 chocolate crème caramels with hazelnut toffee Issue 46, 56 coffee cake with mixed toffee nuts Issue 38, 103 crusted fig and date cake Issue 44, 142 espresso sabayon with toffee glass Issue 40, 152 figs Issue 43, 97 hazelnut toffee Issue 8, 178 marbled toffee Issue 2, 122 peaches with pistachio toffee Issue 13, 99 semifreddo Issue 1, 162 sticky date puddings and toffee sauce Issue 52, 134 tofu chicken miso soup with tofu Issue 51, 107 curry Issue 37, 139 miso soup with mushrooms and tofu Issue 9, 54 salt and pepper tofu with mushroom noodle broth Issue 52, 108 steamed miso tofu with green onions and shiitake mushrooms Issue 11, 72 steamed tofu and gai larn with miso Issue 29, 36 tofu and chinese cabbage stir-fry Issue 17, 72 tomato and anchovy bruschetta Issue 27, 47 and anchovy polenta rounds Issue 42, 127 anchovy, tomato and basil pizza Issue 44, 74 avocado and tomato dip Kids’ Issue 2, 31 bacon and tomato bread puddings Kids’ Issue 7, 48 baked couscous with tomato and pesto Issue 33, 50 baked haloumi and tomato in vine leaves Issue 4, 30 baked mozzarella and tomato dip Issue 39, 76 baked tomato and ricotta shells Issue 45, 141 baked tomato snapper and mussels Issue 39, 92 balsamic tomato and pita bites Issue 21, 120 balsamic tomatoes with crisp lavash Issue 13, 109 barbecue relish Issue 19, 121 basic tomato sauce Issue 31, 58 basil marinated Issue 24, 46 recipe index

basil and mussel spaghetti Issue 36, 214 and basil risoni with ricotta Issue 41, 61 and basil salad Issue 1, 140 and basil salad with anchovy dressing Issue 35, 106 basil and tuna tarts Issue 19, 143 and bean soup Issue 2, 114 bean and tomato pasta bake Kids’ Issue 2, 130 beef and balsamic with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 beef, tomato and mushroom pot pies Issue 39, 54 beef and tomato pasta Issue 25, 52 bird’s nest tarts Kids’ Issue 2, 26 bisque with tomato and basil Issue 30, 108 black eye bean and tomato salsa Issue 35, 119 bloody mary Issue 44, 81 bocconcini and tomato melts Issue 21, 68 breakfast loaf Issue 31, 80 breakfast tomatoes with asparagus Issue 19, 121 broth with tarragon Issue 19, 118 bubble pizzas Kids’ Issue 4, 90 canned tomato topping Issue 8, 86 and caper pasta Issue 19, 121 caramelised balsamic tomatoes Issue 37, 54 caramelised tomato tarte tatins Issue 34, 86 char-grilled capsicum, bread and tomato salad Issue 36, 160 char-grilled spatchcocks with spicy tomato jam Issue 49, 106 char-grilled tomato basil sandwiches Issue 12, 32 cheat’s tomato, basil and bread soup Issue 2, 56 cheese and tomato bread and butter puddings Kids’ Issue 2, 108 cheese and olive crumbed chicken with tomatoes and green beans Issue 27, 58 cheesy veal and tomato steaks Issue 43, 131 cherry tomato, basil and mozzarella pizza Issue 47, 147 cherry tomato pasta Issue 37, 139 cherry tomato, rocket and rice salad Issue 19, 28 cherry tomato and fennel crostini Issue 27, 50 cherry tomato pizza Issue 19, 121 cherry tomato roast fish Issue 25, 72 cherry tomato topping Issue 8, 86 chicken and bean soup Issue 45, 58 chicken and feta with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 chicken baked with spinach, tomato and mozzarella Issue 16, 70 and chickpea lamb Issue 32, 46 and chilli pasta sauce Issue 27, 30 chilli prawn skewers with tomato salad Issue 48, 38 chilli tomato crab Issue 36, 188 and chive veal baguettes Kids’ Issue 4, 50 chorizo, capsicum and tomato macaroni Issue 10, 56 chorizo and tomato mussels Issue 49, 137 chunky tomato and chicken soup Kids’ Issue 3, 88 chutney Issue 42, 168 classic tomato, basil and chilli spaghetti Issue 22, 67 classic tomato soup Issue 51, 112 coconut squid with tomato salsa Issue 25, 97 corn and tomato relish Issue 47, 106 corn and tomato salsa Issue 19, 82 counting soup Kids’ Issue 4, 90 crispy goat’s cheese, tomato and basil salad Issue 35, 128 and crispy garlic fettuccine Issue 39, 57 crispy parmesan and tomato pork Issue 38, 54 crostini with goat’s cheese and balsamic dried tomato Issue 2, 150 crushed cherry tomato and ricotta bruschetta Issue 37, 74 crushed cherry tomato pasta Issue 37, 53 crushed tomato and basil pasta Issue 29, 136 egglant and tomato curry Issue 28, 108 and fennel soup with haloumi croutons Issue 45, 42 and fennel soup with parmesan crostini Issue 9, 54 recipe index

and feta salad Issue 35, 32 and feta salad with sticky balsamic dressing Issue 43, 68 fresh olive and tomato lasagne Issue 27, 75 garlic, chopped tomato and basil crostini Issue 11, 144 garlic-roasted chicken with tomatoes and olives Issue 51, 36 garlic and thyme lamb with roasted tomatoes Issue 44, 56 and goat’s cheese baked sandwich Issue 16, 68 goat’s cheese wontons with caramelised tomato and fennel salad Issue 33, 73 goat’s curd and basil Issue 1, 77 and goat’s curd tart Issue 49, 104 grilled mushrooms with tomato and basil salad Issue 1, 140 haloumi and fennel with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 ham and tomato quiches Kids’ Issue 2, 65 and herb salad with parmesan croutons Issue 12, 92 hide-and-seek rolls Kids’ Issue 2, 26 lamb patties and tomato salad Issue 28, 48 lamb shanks with tomato, rice and thyme Issue 8, 162 linguine with chilli, tomato, rocket and lime Issue 12, 206 marinated teardrop tomatoes Issue 29, 83 mixed tomato salad Issue 35, 91 mixed tomato tart Issue 19, 118 and mozzarella salad Issue 37, 144 mozzarella veal with roast tomato salad Issue 34, 45 mussels with tomato broth Issue 46, 111 olive and feta salad Issue 37, 118 olive, basil and parsley spaghetti Issue 2, 111 and olive simmered chicken Issue 20, 144 oregano steak with tomato and bocconcini salad Issue 41, 52 oregano and tomato pork with creamy mash Issue 32, 62 oysters with black vinegar and tomato Issue 30, 148 pan-fried cherry tomato and bacon penne Issue 22, 64 pan-fried chicken with tomato and bocconcini Issue 20, 64 pan-fried veal with roasted tomatoes and crispy basil Issue 9, 116 parmesan veal steaks with tomatoes and pine nuts Issue 25, 40 pasta with roast cherry tomatoes, artichokes and capers Issue 10, 58 pasta with white beans, tomato and spinach Issue 13, 152 poached salmon in tomato and chervil broth Issue 32, 78 polenta, mozzarella and tomato salad Issue 50, 133 pork and chorizo in white wine tomato sauce Issue 15, 162 potato rösti with roast tomatoes Issue 1, 132 prosciutto and parmesan chicken with tomato salad Issue 43, 44 red capsicum and tomato dip Issue 12, 72 red mullet with cherry tomatoes and garlic crumbs Issue 37, 115 red wine and tomato lamb shanks Issue 33, 124 and rice soup Issue 8, 160 ricotta, spinach and tomato lasagne Issue 2, 139 ricotta and bacon cakes with roast tomatoes Issue 28, 50 ricotta with balsamic and basil tomatoes Issue 11, 98 ringmaster’s cheese and tomato biscuits Kids’ Issue 2, 76 roast capsicum, rocket and tomato salad Issue 19, 118 roast cherry tomato, feta and olive bites Issue 15, 178 roasted chicken, tomato and crouton salad Issue 47, 138 roasted garlic and tomato bruschetta Issue 43, 133 roasted pumpkin and cherry tomato frittata Kids’ Issue 6, 49 roasted tomato, basil and goat’s cheese tart Issue 40, 64 roast tomato, chickpea and white bean salad Issue 19, 61 roasted tomato, eggplant and haloumi burger Issue 41, 130 roasted tomatoes with goat’s curd Issue 52, 100 roast tomato, lemon and herb risoni salad Issue 11, 39 roast tomato and chickpea pasta Issue 31, 56 roast tomato relish Issue 15, 90 roasted wood-fired bread with basil and dill dressing Issue 49, 104 rocket and tomato toasted sandwiches Issue 17, 98 rocket and white bean salad Issue 12, 212 roma tomato topping Issue 8, 86 recipe index

roman beans with cherry tomatoes and black olives Issue 33, 104 salad with goat’s curd and olives Issue 19, 121 salad and tapenade bruschetta Issue 12, 148 salami and chickpea soup Issue 51, 107 scoopy tomatoes Kids’ Issue 3, 78 and seared tuna pasta salad Issue 49, 104 semi-dried and olive salsa Issue 24, 50 semi-dried tomato and feta stuffing Issue 10, 116 simmered lamb shank pies Issue 20, 120 slow-baked tomato and olive chicken Issue 44, 113 slow-cooked tomato squid Issue 21, 93 slow-roasted tomatoes Issue 49, 106 soup with basil oil Issue 15, 66 soup with cheesy croutons Issue 27, 56 soup with crispy capers and oregano Issue 22, 140 soup with macaroni and herbs Issue 28, 40 soup with meatballs Issue 51, 119 spiced crouton, tomato, feta and mint salad Issue 35, 130 spiced tomato soup Issue 39, 62 spicy prawn and tomato couscous Issue 50, 80 spicy salmon with corn and tomato salad Issue 47, 48 spicy tomato and crispy bacon pasta Issue 10, 130 spicy tomato and horseradish mayonnaise Issue 49, 73 spinach and white bean soup Issue 9, 54 spring onion and cherry tomato relish Issue 30, 72 steak with roasted tomato and bread salad Issue 39, 46 and steamed lemon chicken salad Issue 29, 40 summer salad Issue 31, 84 tomato, ricotta and spinach bread Issue 49, 106 tuna, tomato and green olive pasta Issue 19, 143 veal, roasted tomato and parmesan sandwiches Issue 14, 62 veal baked in tomato and parmesan Issue 2, 113 veal cutlets with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 veal with tomato and oregano Issue 1, 56 veal, tomato and spinach open sandwich Issue 50, 72 vodka and lemon-marinated tomatoes Issue 49, 104 warm tomato, garlic and parsley pasta salad Issue 19, 58 white bean, lemon and cherry tomato dip Issue 30, 30 white bean and semi-dried tomato dip Issue 12, 72 yellow cherry tomato tarte tatin Issue 19, 122 and zucchini pan sauce Issue 17, 136 and zucchini pasta Issue 49, 139 tortillas barbecued chicken tortilla Issue 43, 128 bean and cheesy mince tortillas Kids’ Issue 2, 129 chicken tortilla Issue 12, 166 cornmeal tortillas Issue 49, 118 flour tortillas Issue 49, 118 golden tortilla Issue 38, 141 grilled chicken tortilla Issue 1, 140 mexican tortilla cups Kids’ Issue 4, 46 prosciutto, cheese and capsicum foldovers Issue 21, 93 spicy beef tortillas Issue 52, 66 trifle cheat’s strawberry trifles Issue 47, 80 chocolate brownie and raspberry Issue 36, 162 christmas trifle Issue 48, 158 cointreau mixed berry trifle (steve & maz’s) Issue 24, 100 experimental trifle Kids’ Issue 6, 117 lemon curd and raspberry trifles Issue 42, 104 orange trifle Issue 10, 144 pomegranate and meringue trifle Issue 52, 130 raspberry and brandy custard trifle Issue 12, 96 raspberry trifle cupcakes Issue 27, 126 raspberry trifle Issue 52, 43 recipe index

winter trifle with spiced custard Issue 28, 70 trout (see also smoked trout) almond trout Issue 30, 146 creamy trout with smashed baked potato Issue 45, 91 crispy potato, trout and beetroot salad Issue 50, 131 ocean trout and pickled ginger salad on crispy gow gees Issue 24, 128 ocean trout open sandwich on rye Issue 15, 90 pan-fried trout in sherry butter Issue 45, 91 pickled trout Issue 45, 88 potato, smoked trout and chive soup Issue 28, 40 smoked trout with buckwheat pancakes Issue 45, 88 smoked trout, caper and ricotta linguine Issue 17, 159 smoked trout, crispy bagel and avocado salad Issue 29, 65 smoked trout and dill dip Issue 12, 70 smoked trout and garlic potato croquettes Issue 21, 90 smoked trout, potato and mint salad Issue 41, 105 steamed ocean trout green curry Issue 29, 38 sticky roasted ocean trout with caramelised lime Issue 42, 99 zucchini crepes with smoked trout Issue 17, 130 truffles (confectionary) almond truffle biscuits Issue 30, 122 chocolate ginger truffles Issue 45, 52 chocolate truffles Issue 1, 104; Issue 28, 117 chocolate whisky truffles Issue 33, 144 crushed praline truffle Issue 15, 116 white rum and chocolate truffles Issue 36, 146 tuna asparagus salad with tuna and eggs Issue 13, 156 bake with crunchy cheesy topping Kids’ Issue 4, 39 beetroot, chickpea and tuna salad Issue 48, 54 burger with lime mayonnaise Issue 19, 146 carpaccio with citrus miso dressing Issue 52, 100 carpaccio with olive salsa verde Issue 34, 96 carpaccio-style tuna with lemon pepper dressing Issue 27, 140 cheese and spinach pan sandwich Issue 13, 157 cheesy tuna melt Issue 16, 70 and chickpea salad Issue 37, 151 chilli and basil noodles with tuna Issue 19, 142 with chilli-ginger glaze Issue 49, 94 and chive sushi rolls Kids’ Issue 7, 32 chunky dip Issue 24, 48 crunchy potato and green olive salad Issue 36, 50 and egg pasta Kids’ Issue 3, 30 fresh tuna, mint and cucumber rice paper rolls Issue 36, 90 haloumi, tuna and bean salad Issue 19, 144 and horseradish vol-au-vents Issue 14, 90 kingfish sashimi with sesame dressing Issue 24, 134 and kipfler potato salad with anchovy dressing Issue 19, 146 lemon couscous and tuna salad Issue 1, 60 and lemon dip Issue 12, 72 lemon-garlic tuna steaks Issue 29, 66 lettuce cups with tuna and lime mayonnaise Issue 11, 34 ‘meatball’ and pesto pasta Issue 45, 44 niçoise salad Issue 49, 137 nori-wrapped tuna Issue 1, 175 pancetta and tuna pasta Issue 19, 144 pasta with sage and peas Issue 19, 146 pâté with marinated olives Issue 40, 124 and pea pilaf Kids’ Issue 2, 66 potato cakes with tuna and white beans, Issue 13, 155 rocket and mint pesto sandwich Issue 19, 93 and rocket pasta Issue 17, 222 roll-ups Kids’ Issue 7, 40 salad Issue 11, 144 salad with lemon mayonnaise Issue 11, 162 recipe index

seared tuna on soy noodles Issue 1, 74 sesame-crusted tuna with pickled cucumber Issue 21, 114 with sesame and teriyaki dressing Issue 40, 86 sesame tuna and ginger noodle salad Issue 31, 69 slices and tomato andspanish onions and black olives and chilli niçoise Issue 24, 83 slicesand capers and bay leaf and thyme and lemon linguine Issue 24, 83 soy tuna with sesame crisps Issue 34, 60 spicy tuna and lemon pasta Issue 37, 58 spicy tuna rice salad Issue 43, 43 and spinach penne salad Issue 13, 157 spinach and torn pita salad Issue 13, 155 sushi cups with sesame salt Issue 12, 35 tabouli Issue 37, 57 tagliatelle with tuna and crisp spiced crumbs Issue 10, 56 tomato, basil and tuna tarts Issue 19, 143 tomato and green olive pasta Issue 19, 143 tomato and seared tuna pasta salad Issue 49, 104 two beans and olive salad Issue 31, 62 veal with tuna mayonnaise Issue 13, 156 white pepper tuna with chinese omelette Issue 15, 108 wrap Kids’ Issue 3, 42, Issue 37, 152 turkey and asparagus salad with caper dressing Issue 12, 106 club sandwich with basil mayonnaise Issue 12, 106 and cranberry club sandwich Issue 16, 66 and cranberry pies Issue 48, 107 and cranberry sandwiches Issue 48, 108 and cranberry stars Kids’ Issue 7, 39 double-decker turkey sandwich Kids’ Issue 3, 38 herb butter roasted turkey Issue 36, 120 honey-mustard turkey with gravy Issue 48, 150 leek and cranberry pie Issue 12, 106 with lemon and parsley stuffing Issue 1, 100 perfect roasted turkey Issue 12, 102 and prosciutto pasta Issue 12, 106 roasted thyme and lemon turkey Issue 42, 153 roasted turkey with orange and tarragon butter Issue 42, 154 roast lemon thyme turkey Issue 30, 140 turkish delight turkish delight Issue 4, 146 rocky road Issue 30, 126 vanilla ice-cream with turkish delight Issue 12, 36 white christmas Issue 36, 97 turnips caramelised turnips and apples with barbecued pork Issue 16, 115 pickled turnips Issue 16, 111 roast baby turnips Issue 10, 84 V vanilla angles Issue 24, 142 apple crush Issue 34, 83 basic melt and mix vanilla cake Kids’ Issue 7, 124 baked peaches with vanilla meringue Issue 48, 126 basic vanilla bean panna cotta Issue 14, 118 basic vanilla butter icing Kids’ Issue 7, 125 basic vanilla cake Kids’ Issue 4, 118 basic vanilla cake recipe Kids’ Issue 2, 93 basic vanilla crème brûlée Issue 21, 156 basic vanilla icing Kids’ Issue 2, 93 basic vanilla pastry Issue 38, 118 basic vanilla syrup Issue 42, 179 bean semifreddo Issue 1, 161 blancmange with praline Issue 9, 142 recipe index

blistered plums and vanilla mascarpone tart Issue 25, 120 blueberry and vanilla layer cake Issue 21, 170 butter cake basic, Issue 4, 87 buttermilk panna cotta with vanilla-poached raspberries Issue 48, 120 cake Kids’ Issue 6, 124 candied vanilla cumquats Issue 16, 132 cinnamon and vanilla madeleines Kids’ Issue 2, 82 classic baked vanilla custard Issue 50, 54 classic vanilla milkshake Issue 28, 28 coconut yoghurt sorbet Issue 48, 124 coeur à la crème Issue 48, 120 coffee custard Issue 33, 118 cream cupcakes Issue 41, 148 cupcakes Kids’ Issue 7, 104 /125 cupcakes with pistachio praline whipped icing Issue 27, 129 custard fingers Issue 52, 52 custard slice Issue 51, 145 custard tarts Issue 29, 120 dessert wine syrup Issue 12, 134 easy vanilla cheesecakes with marinated raspberries Issue 42, 86 glazed rosy apples with cinnamon mascarpone Issue 9, 178 hazelnut-spiked coffee with vanilla cream Issue 51, 48 hazelnut and vanilla soft meringue Issue 34, 143 honeydew and vanilla frozen yoghurt Issue 19, 106 ice-cream with turkish delight Issue 12, 36 icing Issue 28, 28 lemongrass-and-vanilla poached nectarines Issue 42, 116 lemon mousse with vanilla meringue Issue 46, 138 and macadamia crumble cheesecake Issue 17, 122 madeleines with lemon icing Issue 52, 132 malt and vanilla smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 mango and vanilla yoghurt smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 marshmallows Issue 36, 144 panna cotta with dessert wine jelly Issue 9, 180 panna cotta with sparkling campari jelly Issue 46, 140 papaya with vanilla bean syrup Issue 48, 120 and passionfruit cups Issue 29, 68 peaches and ice-cream Issue 19, 130 and plum tarts Issue 38, 32 poached peaches Issue 13, 101 poached white peaches Issue 31, 135 porridge with honeyed apples Issue 44, 128 raspberry and vanilla pikelets Kids’ Issue 7, 59 rhubarb brioche fingers with vanilla custard Issue 52, 130 rhubarb and fig compote with vanilla yoghurt Issue 20, 86 rhubarb and vanilla jam Issue 28, 92 rhubarb and vanilla lattice pie Issue 38, 124 rice pudding Issue 32, 144 risotto with caramelised pears Issue 8, 138 and rosewater madeleines Issue 41, 82 sherry and vanilla custard Issue 30, 159 sour cream vanilla filling Issue 13, 140 spiked egg nog custard Issue 48, 126 sticky orange and vanilla upside-down cake Issue 32, 118 sugar Issue 28, 28 syrup Issue 25, 24 thickshake with marshmallow snowman Issue 12, 98 and vodka jellies with chantilly cream Issue 48, 126 wafers Issue 20, 132 whipped vanilla cream Issue 28, 28 whipped vanilla icing Kids’ Issue 6, 125 white chocolate and vanilla fudge cakes Issue 48, 126 veal baked lemon and basil risotto with veal Issue 8, 164 baked in tomato and parmesan Issue 2, 113 basic country style terrine Issue 36, 68 recipe index

basic veal shanks Issue 14, 115 black ale slow-cooked veal Issue 33, 130 camping stew with herb dumplings Issue 20, 35 and caper butter Issue 37, 152 char-grilled veal cutlet and capsicum salad Issue 31, 70 cheesy veal and tomato steaks Issue 43, 131 chicken and veal terrine Issue 32, 90 couscous, veal and sage meatloaves Issue 39, 48 crisp potato and veal salad Issue 35, 130 cutlets with goat’s cheese and lentil salad Issue 38, 61 cutlets with green peppercorn crust Issue 15, 106 cutlets with parsley salad Issue 17, 34 cutlets with sherry mushrooms Issue 50, 103 cutlets with tomato pan sauce Issue 17, 191 and fennel salt Issue 37, 142 green olive crusted veal with feta mash Issue 34, 100 gremolata-crumbed veal cutlets Issue 49, 126 herb-crusted veal loin Issue 11, 34 larb Issue 43, 122 leek wrapped pink peppercorn terrine Issue 36, 72 lemon and chive veal schnitzel Issue 43, 36 mozzarella veal with roast tomato salad Issue 34, 4 mushroom and mustard pasta Issue 39, 30 mustard and pickle toasties Issue 39, 144 and olive meatballs Issue 49, 127 and olive salsa Issue 37, 161 oregano veal chops with white bean salad Issue 17, 192 osso buco Issue 40, 71 pan-fried veal with roasted tomatoes and crispy basil Issue 9, 116 pan-fried veal with soft polenta and blue cheese Issue 33, 47 parmesan-crusted veal Issue 37, 155 parmesan veal and spinach salad Issue 31, 45 parmesan veal steaks with tomatoes and pine nuts Issue 25, 40 pasta ragout Issue 27, 116 with pears and verjuice Issue 8, 136 polenta-crusted veal with white bean salad Issue 41, 54 pork and fennel meatballs Issue 34, 86 and pork ragú with crispy pancetta Issue 33, 58 with preserved lemon and mint Issue 8, 114 roasted tomato and parmesan sandwiches Issue 14, 62 rocket and lemon crusted veal cutlets Issue 8, 104 rustic osso buco pasta Issue 45, 142 saltimbocca Issue 27, 149; Issue 44, 102 schnitzel Issue 2, 51 shank pasta Issue 14, 116 shank pie Issue 14, 116 shanks on herb and mustard mash Issue 14, 116 slow cooked veal with thyme and pumpkin Issue 32, 107 spinach and mozzarella veal Issue 37, 148 steak sandwich and caper béarnaise Issue 10, 128 steak sandwich with tomato mayo Issue 19, 115 sticky peppered veal cutlets Issue 37, 74 terrine with duck breast Issue 36, 72 thyme and coriander veal ribs Issue 45, 110 thyme and honey veal cutlets Issue 43, 134 tomato and chive veal baguettes Kids’ Issue 4, 50 tomato and spinach open sandwich Issue 50, 72 with tomato and oregano Issue 1, 56 with tuna mayonnaise Issue 13, 156 vegetables and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 149 balsamic greens Issue 46, 128 barbecued lamb rack with caramelised vegetables Issue 27, 113 basic vegetable rolls Issue 37, 66 bean and vegetable crunchy top gratin Kids’ Issue 2, 128 recipe index

char-grilled vegetable and crispy bread salad Issue 19, 60 char-grilled vegetable penne Issue 22, 67 cheat’s minestrone Issue 51, 110 chunky vegetable soup Issue 20, 32 and couscous salad Issue 37, 158 crisps Issue 10, 130 crispy snapper with warm balsamic vegetables Issue 35, 49 curry Issue 28, 106 garden vegetable gratin Issue 27, 60 ginger vegetables and green tea soba noodles Issue 30, 50 gnocchi bake Kids’ Issue 6, 34 greens with crispy sage butter Issue 48, 158 green vegetable salad with lemon crème fraîche dressing Issue 36, 130 green vegetable stir-fry with seared sirloin Issue 14, 168 grilled vegetable and feta bruschetta Issue 37, 48 hash browns Kids’ Issue 4, 70 hearty vegetable and bacon soup with ricotta dumplings Issue 38, 147 lasagne Kids’ Issue 3, 84 lemon spring vegetable pasta Issue 35, 50 mint yoghurt dip with vegies Kids’ Issue 2, 26 mixed plate with marinated white beans Issue 13, 155 pan wilted greens Issue 46, 87 pizza Issue 37, 149 pork with honey-glazed vegetables Issue 32, 46 roast chicken and vegetable pies Issue 44, 93 roast parsnips with buttered vegetables Issue 22, 36 roast vegetable pasta Issue 28, 80 roasted garlic and autumn vegetable pasties Issue 14, 35 roasted garlic and vegetable foldovers Issue 39, 76 roasted vegetable and beetroot salad Issue 38, 111 roasted vegetable and chorizo frittata Issue 44, 38 roasted vegetable couscous salad Issue 36, 56 root vegetable fritters Issue 17, 192 salad Issue 42, 146 seared salmon and vegetable soup with tarragon Issue 15, 64 and sesame stir-fry Issue 37, 159 spring vegetable and noodle stir-fry Issue 17, 76 steamed vegetables with honey sesame dressing Issue 29, 36 stir-fry Issue 13, 54; Issue 36, 34 tender vegetables with tapenade Issue 13, 33 thai mixed greens stir-fry Issue 17, 76 tray-roasted vegetables Issue 48, 150 veggie salad Issue 43, 131 wilted asian greens Issue 46, 130 warm lamb and roasted vegetable salad Issue 14, 114 vietnamese beef soup Issue 15, 68 chicken roll Issue 37, 151 chicken salad Issue 2, 104 larb rolls Issue 36, 64 noodle soup Issue 52, 66 nuoc cham Issue 43, 112 poached chicken coleslaw Issue 12, 166 rolls Issue 43, 107 vinaigrette (see also dressing) anchovy vinaigrette Issue 10, 98 asian vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 basic vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 ; Issue 13, 52 garlic vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 green beans with french vinaigrette Issue 34, 109 herb vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 honey vinaigrette Issue 2, 92 italian vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 lemon or lime vinaigrette Issue 11, 110 maple syrup vinaigrette Issue 38, 36 recipe index

mustard vinaigrette Issue 39, 30 red wine vinaigrette Issue 14, 100 zucchini and mozzarella salad with lemon vinaigrette Issue 52, 118 vinegar (see also balsamic) duck confit with red wine vinegar dressing Issue 21, 129 garlic and vinegar roasted cabbages Issue 39, 118 green beans with french vinaigrette Issue 34, 109 maple and apple cider vinegar braised pork Issue 51, 90 oysters with black vinegar and tomato Issue 30, 148 red wine vinegar dressing Issue 21, 129 salt and vinegar chunky chips Issue 30, 150 and soy dipping sauce Issue 37, 68 vodka cranberry vodka crush Issue 48, 185 iced vodka tea Issue 41, 43 and lemon-marinated tomatoes Issue 49, 104 mandarin vodka with citrus crust Issue 27, 179 marinated olives Issue 34, 96 oysters with lemon and vodka granita Issue 42, 97 rosé Issue 27, 176 tall lemongrass and lychee vodka Issue 48, 185 tonic with mint syrup Issue 27, 176 vanilla and vodka jellies with chantilly cream Issue 48, 126 W wafers coconut wafers Issue 13, 88 honey and pistachio wafers Issue 31, 118 honey wafers Issue 15, 119 lemon curd semifreddo with coconut wafer cones Issue 52, 130 pear wafers Issue 39, 103 vanilla wafers Issue 20, 132 vanilla ice-cream finger sandwiches Kids’ Issue 4, 99 waffles with baked rhubarb Issue 44, 58 caramelised with brown sugar mascarpone Issue 24, 80 cherry and maple syrup Issue 28, 86 waffles Issue 16, 52 walnut biscuits Issue 8, 100 butterscotch walnut tarts Issue 32, 81 chicken, celeriac and walnut salad Issue 39, 26 and fig bread Issue 38, 96 lemon and walnut biscuits Issue 17, 95 sugared sherry walnuts Issue 38, 96 wasabi beef fillet with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 19, 129 beef salad with wasabi dressing Issue 49, 127 chicken pot stickers with wasabi dipping sauce Issue 34, 58 coconut prawn stir-fry Issue 41, 114 crusted salmon with rice noodles and chilli Issue 29, 52 ginger scampi with wasabi mayonnaise Issue 30, 148 and lime mayonnaise Issue 29, 24; Issue 49, 73 warm prawn and spring onion salad with wasabi dressing Issue 29, 96 wasabi swede crisps Issue 39, 127 water chestnut dumpling soup, pork and water chestnut Issue 13, 85 pork and water chestnut larb Issue 30, 44 and spinach wontons Issue 24, 156 watercress and fennel salad with mint dressing Issue 11, 138 paella with watercress and lemon Issue 30, 112 potato nests with salmon and watercress Issue 17, 150 prawn and watercress salad Issue 29, 22 recipe index

salad and smoked trout on potato rösti Issue 4, 104 salmon, watercress and radish sandwich Issue 19, 96 spicy prawn and watercress salad Issue 25, 108 sumac chicken and watercress salad Issue 52, 37 watermelon adults-only watermelon slushi Issue 19, 31 bang punch Issue 35, 41 cubes Issue 19, 111 granita with rockmelon Issue 25, 130 spider Issue 12, 220 white beans (cannellini beans) artichoke and white bean purée crostini Issue 27, 48 chicken with spinach and white bean salad Issue 13, 152 chilli and white bean salsa Issue 24, 45,52 crumbed artichokes with white bean dip Issue 40, 124 dip Issue 42, 63 lamb and fennel with white bean purée Issue 27, 76 lamb with white bean puree Issue 13, 155 lemon and cherry tomato dip Issue 30, 30 mixed plate with marinated white beans Issue 13, 155 oregano veal chops with white bean salad Issue 17, 192 and parsley beef tarts Issue 30, 176 pasta with white beans, tomato and spinach Issue 13, 152 potato cakes with tuna and white beans Issue 13, 155 purée Issue 13, 155 red lentil and white bean soup with crispy pancetta Issue 50, 77 ricotta and white bean salad Issue 42, 64 roast tomato, chickpea and white bean salad Issue 19, 61 roasted fish with white bean and parsley salad Issue 43, 52 roasted garlic and white bean dip Issue 36, 159 rosemary lamb with roasted potato and white beans Issue 42, 63 rosemary white bean salad Issue 44, 56 spread Issue 13, 157 and semi-dried tomato dip Issue 12, 72 tomato, rocket and white bean salad Issue 12, 212 tomato, spinach and white bean soup Issue 9, 54 and vegetable soup Issue 2, 59 white chocolate almond and white chocolate macaroons Issue 36, 151 blackberry and white chocolate cheesecake Issue 17, 122 cake with roses Issue 21, 168 and cinnamon crème brûlée Issue 21, 160 daisy angel food cake Issue 21, 168 dark and white chocolate cookies Issue 47, 162 filled layer cake Issue 16, 144 filling Issue 11, 40 ivory towers Issue 42, 208 layered vanilla cake with whipped white chocolate cream Issue 4, 87 macaroons Issue 17, 142 melt-and-mix white chocolate cake Issue 4, 84 white chocolate mousse with cocoa snaps Issue 40, 152 mud cake Issue 16, 146 panna cotta Issue 34, 120 and peach panna cotta Issue 13, 96 and pistachio white chocolate Issue 30, 126 and raspberry cups Issue 30, 82 raspberry and white chocolate muffins Kids’ Issue 7, 138 and sour cherry cookies Issue 10, 158 and sour cherry nougat Issue 8, 118 strawberries and cream Issue 48, 182 strawberries ’n’ cream Kids’ Issue 6, 71 and strawberry tart Issue 52, 134 sugar plum fairies Issue 42, 191 white chocolate and vanilla fudge cakes Issue 48, 126 whipped white chocolate cream Issue 4, 92 white christmas Issue 42, 214 recipe index

tarts Issue 11, 40 white wine basic white wine and oregano chicken Issue 14, 114 and butter steamed mussels Issue 29, 38 and caper pan-fried salmon, Issue 36, 204 chardonnay gravy Issue 36, 119 cranberry white wine spritzer Issue 36, 41 garlic and white wine mussels Issue 48, 46 lemon, thyme and white wine chicken Issue 46, 36 mussels Issue 37, 148 mustard with white wine and thyme Issue 15, 139 pork and chorizo in white wine tomato sauce Issue 15, 162 pot roast with white wine and red onion Issue 15, 130 roast beef fillet with white wine potatoes Issue 15, 130 steamed white wine mussels Issue 36, 212 wine (see champagne, red wine, rosé, white wine) witlof and blue cheese salad with quince dressing Issue 21, 109 grilled witlof with thyme and olive oil Issue 8, 104 pears with smoked chicken and witlof Issue 8, 138 roasted Jerusalem artichokes and witlof Issue 40, 141 roasted witlof and pear Issue 15, 37 soft scrambled eggs with caramelised witlof Issue 38, 141 with zucchini, mint and feta Issue 30, 99 wonton apple and dark chocolate wonton parcels Issue 38, 86 beef with crispy wontons + mango slaw Issue 52, 98 chicken and corn wonton soup Kids’ Issue 2, 62 chicken pot stickers with wasabi dipping sauce Issue 34, 58 chilli wonton chips Issue 42, 130 crispy ice-cream cups Issue 36, 97 crunchy wonton chicken salad Issue 34, 58 duck wontons in spiced broth Issue 21, 130 duck salad with red wine glaze Issue 46, 108 goat’s cheese wontons with caramelised tomato and fennel salad Issue 33, 73 horseradish, apple and fennel salad Issue 36, 79 love hearts with honey soy slaw Kids’ Issue 4, 93 pear and blue cheese crunchy salad Issue 34, 60 pork and chive wontons Issue 44, 36 pork and lemongrass Issue 24, 156 soup Issue 22, 97 spinach and water chestnut Issue 24, 156 zucchini, olive pesto pasta Issue 34, 58 wrap bocconcini and prosciutto wrap Issue 16, 68 char-grilled mushrooms with crispy lavash Issue 22, 139 lavash wraps with lime-marinated chicken Issue 12, 206 spiced beef wraps Issue 1, 142 sumac steak and eggplant wraps Issue 45, 29 tuna wrap Kids’ Issue 3, 42 Y yoghurt apricot and yoghurt swirl Issue 13, 120 banana roll with honey yoghurt Kids’ Issue 3, 42 beetroot and yoghurt dip Issue 12, 68 char-grilled beef skewers with yoghurt Kids’ Issue 4, 48 chocolate coeur à la crème Issue 52, 132 coriander, rosemary and garlic lamb with minted yoghurt Issue 36, 160 cranberry and vanilla yoghurt popsicles Issue 42, 104 cucumber and yoghurt dip Issue 19, 81 do-it-yourself fruit dippers Kids’ Issue 2, 31 dressing Issue 13, 62 eggplant fritters with spiced yoghurt Issue 30, 77 recipe index

frozen yoghurt and strawberry milk Issue 36, 108 and garlic dressing Issue 14, 62 garlic yoghurt dip Issue 48, 132 granola with strawberries and sheep’s milk yoghurt Issue 11, 98 honey and rosewater yoghurt Issue 1, 134; Issue 17, 182 labna Issue 35, 166 lamb and feta burgers with minted yoghurt Issue 49, 44 lamb and yoghurt turkish bites Issue 30, 170 lemon chicken couscous salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 47, 138 lemon curd frozen yoghurt Issue 35, 144 lemon yoghurt with blistered apricots Issue 25, 122 lime and yoghurt loaf cake Issue 11, 142 lime yoghurt panna cotta Issue 35, 166 mango and vanilla yoghurt smoothie Kids’ Issue 3, 24 mango yoghurt smoothie Issue 49, 70 mint yoghurt dip with vegies Kids’ Issue 2, 26 panna cotta Issue 16, 132 and passionfruit syrup cake Issue 37, 100 pistachio, honey and raspberry layered yoghurt Issue 29, 124 poached pears with yoghurt and muesli Issue 8, 138 potato, yoghurt, feta and mint salad Issue 17, 34 radish and fennel salad with yoghurt dressing Issue 52, 120 rhubarb and fig compote with vanilla yoghurt Issue 20, 86 salmon, pea and yoghurt salad Issue 29, 48 spring fruit compote with yoghurt Issue 35, 166 strawberries and vanilla yoghurt Issue 35, 92 strawberry and cream bars Issue 13, 120 tzatziki Issue 37, 112; Issue 48, 132 vanilla-coconut yoghurt sorbet Issue 48, 124 yorkshire pudding fig and marsala yorkshire pudding Issue 32, 118 with rare beef and caramelised onions Issue 46, 96 roast lamb loin with mini goat’s cheese yorkshire puddings and port glaze Issue 27, 96 thyme yorkshire pudding Issue 10, 84 yorkshire pudding Issue 15, 128 Z zucchini (courgette) asparagus and zucchini risoni salad Issue 41, 61 asparagus and zucchini stir-fry Issue 17, 134 and bacon soup Issue 28, 40 baked zucchini flowers Issue 17, 130 and broad bean salad with garlic-herb dressing Issue 47, 118 and capsicum kebabs Issue 19, 28 char-grilled asparagus, zucchini and chickpea salad Issue 49, 139 char-grilled eggplant and zucchini salad Issue 11, 160 char-grilled zucchini with crispy whiting Issue 17, 130 chicken, chorizo and zucchini fritters Issue 42, 84 chicken and zucchini spaghetti Issue 14, 115 chicken, zucchini and basil rolls Issue 37, 88 and chickpea fritters Issue 47, 120 chickpea patties with zucchini and feta salad Issue 48, 44 and chilli pasta Issue 38, 54 corn and zucchini fritters Kids’ Issue 7, 27 couscous-stuffed zucchini flowers Issue 35, 106 creamy zucchini soup Issue 9, 56 crêpes with smoked trout Issue 17, 130 feta and chilli bruschetta Issue 43, 51 fritters with feta and pancetta salad Issue 46, 108 and goat’s curd tart Issue 47, 122 grated zucchini frittata Issue 32, 70 ham, basil and ricotta fritters Issue 29, 60 and horseradish fritters Issue 41, 36 and lamb roast Issue 17, 134 recipe index

lemon and zucchini puffs Issue 35, 76 marinated zucchini Issue 17, 136 marinated zucchini and mozzarella parcels Issue 47, 122 marinated zucchini, salmon and caper salad Issue 47, 118 and mint lamb Issue 37, 157 and mint pesto pasta Issue 52, 68 and mozzarella salad with lemon vinaigrette Issue 52, 118 olive pesto pasta Issue 34, 58 with olives and thyme Issue 8, 80 pan-fried haloumi and zucchini salad Issue 17, 156 pan-fried snapper with chickpea and zucchini salad Issue 42, 54 pea and zucchini risotto Issue 8, 162 pepper and maple syrup crusted lamb with roasted red onion and zucchini Issue 15, 102 pickles Issue 47, 120 and pine nut salad Issue 32, 81 prawn, zucchini and basil rice Issue 44, 32 quick-simmered chorizo, zucchini and chickpeas Issue 15, 166 quick zucchini pasta Issue 17, 136 and ricotta pasta Issue 47, 122 and ricotta puffs Issue 17, 132 roast carrot and zucchini salad with orange dressing Issue 16, 96 roast zucchini and ricotta tossed fettuccine Issue 30, 80 smoked trout and zucchini frittata Issue 42, 34 snapper with zucchini pesto Issue 47, 120 soufflé omelette Issue 17, 132 and spicy salami pizza Issue 47, 147 stuffed zucchini flowers Issue 47, 122 tomato and zucchini pan sauce Issue 17, 136 tomato and zucchini pasta Issue 49, 139 witlof with zucchini, mint and feta Issue 30, 99