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Table of Contents Great Lives from History: The 20th Century Table of Contents Publisher's Note Contributors Key to Pronunciation Complete List of Contents List of Maps and Sidebars Maps of the Twentieth Century World A Aalto, Alvar Aaron, Henry Abbas, Ferhat Abernathy, Ralph Achebe, Chinua Acheson, Dean Addams, Jane Adenauer, Konrad Adler, Alfred Ailey, Alvin Akalaitis, JoAnne Akhmatova, Anna Akihito Alanbrooke, First Viscount Albright, Madeleine Alfvén, Hannes Ali, Muhammad Allenby, Lord Allende, Salvador Alvarez, Luis W. Ambartsumian, Viktor A. Amin, Idi Amundsen, Roald Anderson, Marian Angelica, Mother Angell, Norman Angelou, Maya Apgar, Virginia Apollinaire, Guillaume Aquino, Corazon Arafat, Yasir Arbus, Diane Arendt, Hannah Arias, Oscar Aristide, Jean-Bertrand Armstrong, Edwin H. Armstrong, Louis Armstrong, Neil Arrhenius, Svante August Arzner, Dorothy Ash, Mary Kay Asquith, H. H. Assad, Hafez al- Astaire, Fred Astor, Nancy Atatürk Attlee, Clement Atwood, Margaret Auden, W. H. Aung San Suu Kyi Aurobindo, Sri Azikiwe, Nnamdi B Baade, Walter Baeck, Leo Bakhtin, Mikhail Balanchine, George Balch, Emily Greene Baldwin, James Baldwin, Stanley Balfour, Arthur Ball, Lucille Ballard, Robert D. Banda, Hastings Kamuzu Banerjea, Surendranath Banting, Frederick G. Bao Dai Barber, Samuel Bardeen, John Barnard, Christiaan Barnes, Djuna Barth, Karl Barthes, Roland Bartók, Béla Baryshnikov, Mikhail Basov, Nikolay Gennadiyevich Bayliss, William Maddock Beard, Charles A. Beatles, The Beauvoir, Simone de Beaverbrook, Lord Beckett, Samuel Begin, Menachem Bell, Jocelyn Bellow, Saul Ben-Gurion, David Benedict, Ruth Benes, Edvard Benét, Stephen Vincent Benjamin, Walter Berg, Alban Bergius, Friedrich Bergman, Ingmar Bergman, Ingrid Bergson, Henri Berlin, Irving Berners-Lee, Tim Bernstein, Eduard Bernstein, Leonard Bethe, Hans Albrecht Bethune, Mary McLeod Bevan, Aneurin Beveridge, Lord Bevin, Ernest Bezos, Jeff Bhumibol Adulyadej Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali Bin Laden, Osama Bjerknes, Vilhelm Black, Hugo L. Blackmun, Harry Blair, Tony Blériot, Louis Bleuler, Eugen Blok, Aleksandr Blum, Léon Boas, Franz Boccioni, Umberto Bogart, Humphrey Bohr, Niels Böll, Heinrich Bondfield, Margaret Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bonnard, Pierre Borden, Robert Laird Borg, Björn Borges, Jorge Luis Borlaug, Norman Born, Max Botha, Louis Bothe, Walther Bottomley, Horatio W. Boulanger, Nadia Boulez, Pierre Bourguiba, Habib Bourke-White, Margaret Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Bradley, Omar Nelson Bradman, Donald G. Bragg, Lawrence Brancusi, Constantin Brandeis, Louis D. Brando, Marlon Brandt, Willy Braque, Georges Braudel, Fernand Braun, Wernher von Brecht, Bertolt Brennan, William Breton, André Breuer, Josef Breuil, Henri-Édouard-Prosper Breyer, Stephen G. Brezhnev, Leonid Bridgman, Percy Williams Britten, Benjamin Broglie, Louis de Brooks, Gwendolyn Brown, Helen Gurley Brown, Margaret Tobin Brundtland, Gro Harlem Brunner, Emil Bryan, William Jennings Buber, Martin Buck, Pearl S. Buckley, William F., Jr. Buffett, Warren Bukharin, Nikolay Ivanovich Bülow, Bernhard von Bultmann, Rudolf Bunche, Ralph Buñuel, Luis Burger, Warren E. Burnet, Macfarlane Burroughs, Edgar Rice Bush, George H. W. Butler, Nicholas Murray Butler, R. A. Byrd, Richard C Calder, Alexander Callas, Maria Calles, Plutarco Elías Calmette, Albert Calvin, Melvin Campbell, Kim Camus, Albert Candela, Felix Cannon, Annie Jump Capek, Karel Capone, Al Capote, Truman Cárdenas, Lázaro Cardoso, Fernando Cardozo, Benjamin N. Carlson, Chester F. Carnap, Rudolf Carson, Rachel Carter, Jimmy Cartier-Bresson, Henri Caruso, Enrico Carver, George Washington Casals, Pablo Cassin, René Cassirer, Ernst Castro, Fidel Cather, Willa Catt, Carrie Chapman Ceausescu, Nicolae Cerf, Vinton G. Césaire, Aimé Chadwick, James Chagall, Marc Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain, Wilt Chanel, Coco Chaplin, Charles Charles, Ray Chen Duxiu Chesterton, G. K. Chiang Kai-shek Chicago, Judy Chisholm, Shirley Chomsky, Noam Chrétien, Jean Christie, Agatha Churchill, Winston Citroën, André-Gustave Claude, Georges Clemenceau, Georges Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Cobb, Ty Cocteau, Jean Coe, Sebastian Coleman, Bessie Colette Collins, Michael Collins, Norman Coltrane, John Compton, Arthur Holly Conant, James Bryant Conrad, Joseph Constantine, Learie Coolidge, Calvin Copland, Aaron Cosby, Bill Cosgrave, William T. Coubertin, Pierre de Cousteau, Jacques Coward, Noël Crane, Hart Crawford, Cheryl Crick, Francis Croce, Benedetto Cronkite, Walter Crosby, Bing Cruz, Celia Cuéllar, Javier Pérez de Cummings, E. E. Cunningham, Merce Cunningham, Imogen Curie, Pierre and Marie Curtin, John Curzon, George Nathaniel Cushing, Harvey Williams D Dalai Lama, Fourteenth Dalí, Salvador Danilova, Alexandra Danjon, André-Louis Darrow, Clarence Davies, Robertson Davis, Bette Dawidowicz, Lucy S. Day, Dorothy Dayan, Moshe De Valera, Eamon De Gasperi, Alcide De Forest, Lee De Mille, Agnes Debs, Eugene V. Debussy, Claude De Klerk, F. W. Delaunay, Robert Delius, Frederick DeMille, Cecil B. Dempsey, Jack Deng Xiaoping Denis, Maurice Derrida, Jacques Dewey, John Diaghilev, Sergei Diana, Princess of Wales Diefenbaker, John Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Dietrich, Marlene DiMaggio, Joe Dirac, Paul A. M. Disney, Walt Djilas, Milovan Dole, Bob Dole, Elizabeth Domagk, Gerhard Doolittle, Jimmy Douglas, Helen Gahagan Douglas, William O. Dreiser, Theodore Dreyer, Carl Theodor Du Bois, W. E. B. Duarte, José Napoleón Dubcek, Alexander Duchamp, Marcel Dulles, John Foster Duncan, Isadora Dunham, Katherine Durkheim, Émile Duvalier, François Dylan, Bob E Earhart, Amelia Eastman, George Eban, Abba Éboué, Félix Eccles, John Carew Eckener, Hugo Edelman, Marian Wright Eden, Anthony Edward VII Egas Moniz, António Ehrenfels, Christian von Ehrlich, Eugen Ehrlich, Paul Einstein, Albert Einthoven, Willem Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenstein, Sergei Elgar, Edward Eliade, Mircea Eliot, T. S. Elizabeth II Ellington, Duke Ellis, Havelock Éluard, Paul Endo, Shusaku Enver Pasa Ephron, Nora Epstein, Jacob Erdrich, Louise Erhard, Ludwig Ernst, Max Erzberger, Matthias Escher, M. C. Eucken, Rudolf Christoph Evatt, Herbert Vere Evert, Chris F Fahd Faisal Faisal I Falla, Manuel de Falwell, Jerry Fanon, Frantz Farouk I Farrakhan, Louis Farrand, Beatrix Jones Faulkner, William Feinstein, Dianne Fellini, Federico Fermi, Enrico Ferrari, Enzo Ferraro, Geraldine Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ella Fleming, Alexander Flexner, Abraham Florey, Baron Fokine, Michel Fonda, Henry Fonteyn, Margot Ford, Betty Ford, Gerald R. Ford, Henry Forester, C. S. Forster, E. M. Fosse, Bob Francis Ferdinand Franco, Francisco Frank, Anne Frankenthaler, Helen Frankfurter, Felix Franklin, Aretha Franklin, Rosalind Frazer, Sir James George Freud, Sigmund Freyssinet, Eugène Friedan, Betty Friedman, Milton Frisch, Karl von Frisch, Max Frobenius, Leo Fromm, Erich Frost, Robert Fry, Roger Fugard, Athol Fujimori, Alberto Fuller, R. Buckminster Fuller, Loie G Gable, Clark Gagarin, Yuri Galbraith, John Kenneth Gallant, Mavis Gamow, George Gance, Abel Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Mahatma Garbo, Greta García Lorca, Federico García Márquez, Gabriel Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner, Isabella Stewart Garland, Judy Garneau, Marc Garnier, Tony Garvey, Marcus Gates, Bill Gaudí, Antonio Gaulle, Charles de Geddes, Norman Bell Gehrig, Lou Gehry, Frank Geiger, Hans Geiger, Rudolf Genet, Jean Gentile, Giovanni George V George VI Gershwin, George Gershwin, Ira Gesell, Arnold Getty, Sir John Paul Giacometti, Alberto Giap, Vo Nguyen Gibson, Althea Gide, André Gillespie, Dizzy Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Gilson, Étienne Giraudoux, Jean Gish, Lillian Glenn, John Godard, Jean-Luc Goddard, Robert H. Gödel, Kurt Goebbels, Joseph Goethels, George Washington Goldman, Emma Goldwyn, Samuel Goodman, Benny Gorbachev, Mikhail Gordimer, Nadine Gore, Al Gorgas, William Crawford Göring, Hermann Gorky, Maxim Gould, Glenn Gould, Stephen Jay Graham, Billy Graham, Katharine Graham, Martha Gramsci, Antonio Grant, Cary Grass, Günter Greene, Graham Greenspan, Alan Gretzky, Wayne Grey, Edward Griffith, Arthur Griffith, D. W. Gris, Juan Gromyko, Andrei Gropius, Walter Guderian, Heinz Guevara, Che Guggenheim, Daniel Guillaume, Charles-Édouard Guo Moruo H H. D. Habash, George Haber, Fritz Habermas, Jürgen Hahn, Otto Haile Selassie I Hale, George Ellery Halide Edib Adivar Hallaren, Mary A. Halsey, William F. Hamer, Fannie Lou Hammarskjöld, Dag Hammerstein, Oscar, II Hamsun, Knut Hand, Learned Handy, W. C. Hansberry, Lorraine Harding, Warren G. Harmsworth, Alfred and Harold Harnack, Adolf von Harriman, William Averell Harris, Barbara Hart, Lorenz Hartmann, Nicolai Hassan II Hatoyama Ichiro Hatta, Mohammad Havel, Václav Hawke, Bob Hawking, Stephen Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl Hayek, Friedrich Hayes, Helen Hayslip, Le Ly Hayworth, Rita Hearst, William Randolph Heath, Edward Heidegger, Martin Heinkel, Ernst Heisenberg, Werner Hellman, Lillian Hemingway, Ernest Henie, Sonja Henze, Hans Werner Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hernandez, Aileen Clarke Herriot, Édouard Hertz, Gustav Herzberg, Gerhard Hess, Harry Hammond Hesse, Hermann Hevesy, George von Heyerdahl, Thor Hilbert, David Hillary, Sir Edmund Himmler, Heinrich Hindemith, Paul Hindenburg, Paul von Hirohito Hiss, Alger Hitchcock, Alfred Hitler, Adolf Ho Chi Minh Hobby, Oveta Culp Hobhouse, Leonard T. Hockney, David Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Holiday, Billie Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Honda, Soichiro Hoover, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hope, Bob Hopkins, Harry Hopper, Edward Hopper, Grace Murray Horney, Karen Horowitz, Vladimir Houdini, Harry Hounsfield, Godfrey Newbold Houphouët-Boigny,
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