November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2489 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE SALVATION ARMY made up of highly trained, dedicated and Champions, and then the regional Champions OF TORRANCE thoughtful people. While they come from dif- for Division I. While at the State Champion- ferent walks of life, they are uniformly com- ships, Jenny Kathe was named Coach of the HON. STEVEN T. KUYKENDALL mitted to ensuring that men and women have Year for Division I volleyball as they went on OF CALIFORNIA access to the care they need. to capture the title of State Runner-up. The Each Planned Parenthood affiliate is a girls closed their season with the dignity and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unique, locally governed health service organi- excellence that makes us all very proud of Thursday, November 18, 1999 zation that reflects the diverse needs of its them. Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise community. PPABC health centers offer a Throughout the year, the girls showed team today to recognize an important organization wide range of services to its 13,000 patients spirit, togetherness, and good sportsmanship. in my district, the Salvation Army of Torrance. each year, including providing comprehensive, This year they were an extremely close knit This year the Salvation Army of Torrance is confidential, reproductive health services; pro- team. There was never a moment when an in- celebrating twenty years of service to the viding education and counseling services dividual was singled out. They shared their South Bay community. which promote healthy human sexuality; and successes together, as well as their few de- The Salvation Army was established in 1865 protecting and advocating for reproductive feats. They showed courage and strength both by an ordained minister. The organization was rights and services. They encourage commu- on and off the court. The team should be a founded upon strong religious beliefs, recog- nication between adolescents and parents to role model for all sports team today. nizing the interdependence of material, emo- help nourish the bonds that hold families to- My fellow colleagues, please join me in con- tional, and spiritual needs. The basic social gether. In our day and age, children and teens gratulating this extraordinary group of girls and services have remained an expression of the must be armed with the knowledge to deal their coaches, parents and classmates who Army's strong religious principles. Throughout with serious issues such as sexuality, drugs, cheered them on and made this year a tre- the years, new programs have been estab- communicable diseases, and, in unfortunate mendous one. lished to address contemporary needs. circumstances, abortion. The men and women f The Salvation Army provides assistance to at PPABC help guide these difficult decisions, millions of people throughout the world. Serv- and the people of Bucks County are better off TRIBUTE TO MIODRAG ‘‘JOE’’ ices range from providing disaster relief to for their assistance. DJOKIC drug and alcohol counseling. They provide an Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks invaluable service to those in need. County is committed to helping people be- HON. SCOTT McINNIS During the last twenty years, the Salvation come active supporters and advocates for re- OF COLORADO Army of Torrance has expanded its program productive health. Quite frankly, Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to include preschool, adult day care, summer they help me understand the needs and con- Thursday, November 18, 1999 day camp, after school programs, outreach cerns of the men and women in my district, ministries, and a family service department. and I am better able to use that information to Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This organization has left a positive impact effectuate change and prevent back peddling tell you an amazing story of a man who con- upon the South Bay, providing assistance to in this Congress. They are a critical resource quered great adversity in life and emerged as thousands. for me, and I am truly thankful for their valued a fine American citizen. Miodrag ``Joe'' Djokic I commend the volunteers and staff of the input. tragically passed away recently in his home in Salvation Army of Torrance for their commit- I congratulate the Planned Parenthood As- Collbran, Colorado. Though he is gone, he will ment and dedication of this charitable cause. sociation of Bucks County for 35 years of live in the hearts of all who knew him and be Congratulations on this milestone. dedicated, tireless service, and wish them remembered for many years by those who f continued success in their next 35 years. have heard his amazing story. f Joe's story begins in 1912, in Sarbanovac, TO HONOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD Serbia. As a young man, he was drafted into ASSOCIATION OF BUCKS COUNTY, IN HONOR OF THE MAGNIFICAT HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM the Yugoslav Army to fight in World War II. PA Soon after the fighting broke out, he was cap- tured by the German Army and taken to a HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH labor camp. He was repeatedly moved from HON. JAMES C. GREENWOOD OF OHIO OF PENNSYLVANIA camp to camp across Central Europe. Eventu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ally, he ended up in a displaced persons camp Thursday, November 18, 1999 in West Germany where he and his wife, Hel- Thursday, November 18, 1999 Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ena, remained until 1951. Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise honor the Magnificat volleyball team for their To fulfill his dream of becoming an Amer- today to congratulate Planned Parenthood As- tremendous accomplishments this year. Their ican citizen, he gathered up his family and sociation of Bucks County (PPABC) on its spirit and good sportsmanship throughout the moved to Colorado. There he worked count- 35th anniversary, and the fine people who season has inspired us all. less hours as a farmer and a dedicated father. work to ensure the men and women in our Magnificat, an all girls, Catholic high school Although his accomplishments in life were area have access to the highest quality health in Rocky River, Ohio, sent their Bluestreaks many, none were as weighty as the legacy services available. I especially want to thank off to the state volleyball tournament for the that he leaves in his family. He is survived by the leadership of Linda Hahn, CEO, and San- first time since 1991. Their theme this year his wife, Helena, their son, Sveto, his wife, dra Trainer, Chair of the Board, for guiding was ``to get the monkey off their back'' and Anne, and their daughter. These fine people PPABC in its efforts. make it out of regionals. Since 1993, when will undoubtedly carry on the legacy of hard PPABC has served Bucks County well. It is Jenny Kathe took over the team, the work and dedication to their family that their dedicated to the principles that every indi- Bluestreaks have made it to regionals each father embodied. vidual has a fundamental right to decide when year, but never advanced. In order to keep Although his life's accomplishments will long or whether to have a child, and that every their goal in focus and still have fun, they in- be remembered and admired, most who knew child should be wanted and loved. corporated monkeys into everything. There him well will remember Joe, above all else, as Each year, Planned Parenthood health cen- were stuffed monkeys everywhere, as well as a friend. It is clear that the multitude of those ters like the five in Bucks County provide high monkey logos on shirts and practice shorts. who have come to know Joe as a friend will quality, affordable reproductive health care The girls were able to truly get the monkey be worse off in his absence. However, Mr. and sexual health information. PPABC is off their back by becoming, first, the District Speaker, I am confident that, in spite of this

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.100 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 profound loss, Joe's family and friends can Toastmasters has done for us and for our cated. The bottom lineÐit's confusing, it's take solace in the knowledge that each is a communities, improving the listening, thinking, costly, it's a practical problem we can fix with better person for having known him. and speaking abilities of millions through their the legislation we are introducing today. f dedication and time. Special thanks to the cur- I would like to stress that this situation is rent officers of Club 705; President Earl born of good faith efforts of state and local TRIBUTE TO THE TOASTMASTERS Berksteiner, Vice Presidents Peggy Keisker governments to apply existing methods. The INTERNATIONAL AND SAVANNAH Gunn and Teresa Martinez, Secretary Debbie problem is that all existing methods do not TOASTMASTERS CLUB 705 Cameron, Treasurer Michael Dubberly, and necessarily work for wireless telecommuni- Sergeants at Arms Mark Stall and Neil cations and, due to that fact, sometimes dif- HON. JACK KINGSTON Bodenstein. Congratulations to Toastmasters ferent methods are applied to the same wire- OF GEORGIA International and to Savannah Club 705Ð less call resulting in double-taxation and con- fusion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Happy AnniversaryÐhere's to you! I would like my colleagues to know that ex- f Thursday, November 18, 1999 tensive discussion of various options to solve Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, since October PERSONAL EXPLANATION this problem has gone on over the past few 1924 over three million men and women have years among several state and local govern- benefitted from the superb communication and HON. MIKE McINTYRE ment organizationsÐincluding the National leadership programs of the Toastmasters. I Governor's Association, the National League am one of those 3 million. Today, I want to OF NORTH CAROLINA of Cities, the Multistate Tax Commission, the recognize Toastmasters International now in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Federation of Tax Administrators and othersÐ their 75th year of existence, and wish to com- Thursday, November 18, 1999 and the Cellular Telecommunications Industry mend the Savannah, Georgia, Toastmasters Association representing the wireless industry. Mr. MCINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, Club 705 on their own 50th anniversary. Together, they have developed a new method- November 16, 1999, I was with my father, who Seventy-five years ago, Dr. Ralph C. ology for dealing with a complex problemÐ had open-heart surgery in the hospital, and Smedley, met with a group of men in the and that new methodology is embodied in the therefore was unavoidably absent for rollcall basement of a YMCA in Santa Ana, California legislation I am introducing today. votes 587 through 595. Had I been present I and formed a club ``to afford practice and Under the Wireless Telecommunications would have voted ``yes'' on rollcall vote 587, training in the art of public speaking and in Sourcing and Privacy Act, all state & local ``yes'' on rollcall vote 588, ``yes'' on rollcall presiding over meetings, and to promote so- telecommunications taxes would be assigned vote 589, ``no'' on rollcall vote 590, ``yes'' on ciability and good fellowship among its mem- to one locationÐthe customer's place of pri- rollcall vote 591, ``yes'' on rollcall vote 592, mary useÐwhich must be either the cus- bers.'' Since 1924 that small group of men has ``yes'' on rollcall vote 593, ``yes'' on rollcall tomer's home or business address. grown into a remarkable non-profit organiza- vote 594, and ``no'' on rollcall vote 595. This new method of sourcing wireless reve- tion with over 174,900 members representing nues offers certainty and consistency in the 8,642 clubs in more than 60 countries around f application of tax law, and does so in a way the world. THE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNI- that does not change the ability of states and Toastmasters International has been re- CATIONS SOURCING AND PRI- localities to tax these revenues. ferred to as ``the world's premier self-improve- VACY ACT I want to also make it clear that this bill in ment club.'' Through seventy-five years, mil- no way provides any determination or has any lions of men and women have improved their HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING impact on the work of the Advisory Commis- leadership skills, self-confidence and commu- sion on Electronic Commerce. OF MISSISSIPPI nications abilities through the public speaking The bill also requires the General Account- programs of Toastmasters International. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing Office (GAO) to examine the Federal Com- ``Home Improvements'' star Tim Allen, Miss Thursday, November 18, 1999 munications Commission's (FCC) implementa- America 1996 Tara Dawn Holland, and Geor- tion of provisions of current law which requires Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today gia Senator Sam Nunn are credited with being the telecommunications industry to pay fees to to introduce the Wireless Telecommunications ``celebrity Toastmasters''. But it is our local recoup costs of regulatory functions. There Sourcing and Privacy Act, and am pleased to businesses, Governments, and communities has been concern that these fees have not in be joined in introducing this legislation by sev- that benefit from the abilities gained by those the past and are not presently being properly eral of my colleagues, including Mr. MARKEY, who chose to become better listeners, think- assessed. While I do not take a position on Mrs. WILSON and Mr. LARGENT. ers, and speakers through involvement in this this matter at this time, I do think it is impor- organization. This legislation is about nothing other than tant to get a thorough examination of the The Savannah, Georgia, Toastmasters Club developing a fairer and simpler way to assign issue. The GAO study will provide such a re- 705, was chartered in 1949 and recently cele- a wireless call to a jurisdiction for tax pur- view. brated their 50th Anniversary. The third oldest poses. Let me be crystal clear at the outsetÐ Furthermore, the bill includes provisions of a of 179 chapters in Georgia, Club 705 mem- this proposal is about how the wireless indus- bill introduced and led through the legislative bers pride themselves on the long history of try administers state and local taxes. It does process in the House by my fellow Commerce the organization, their outstanding members, not reduce or change the wireless industry's Committee colleague, Mrs. WILSON, on the and their standards of conduct that have im- tax obligations. This same simplicity will also issue of improving the privacy protections af- proved many an individuals communications help lower the cost to states and localities of forded users of wireless communications de- and leadership skills. The old stories of the six administering taxes on wireless services. And, vices. This bill, H.R. 514, overwhelmingly foot tall street traffic light that was used as a this all comes together for the wireless con- passed the House earlier this year. Inclusion timer, the Claxon that provided a deafening sumerÐgreater simplicity, lower costs, and re- of these provisions in this bill is a natural overtime sound, or the infamous ``AH Bucket'' duced chances of getting caught in a ``double- partnering of wireless telecommunications a tin can into which marbles were thrown tax'' situation where two tax jurisdictions are issues and will ease member consideration of whenever a speaker used a ``non-word'' reflect seeking to tax the same revenue. these important concepts. some of the tools of the trade to build talent There are some practical problems which Wireless customers will benefit because in a fun, exciting atmosphere. can arise in the administration of state and their monthly bills will be simpler and the pos- Over the passed 50 years the many mem- local governments on wireless phone calls. sibility of double taxation of their mobile calls bers of Club 705 have developed their talents For example, different jurisdictions may follow from competing jurisdictions will be greatly re- over time and have mentioned many a rookie different methodologies making the determina- duced. Tax administration will be simplified for in their communications ability. These are ex- tion of the correct taxation very difficult. De- both government and industry. traordinary members like Fred Stephens, Dick pending on the methodology a call could be I want to thank my colleagues for joining me Piazza, Jack Homans, bill Kearny, Maggie taxed in the town or city where the customer in introducing this legislation. I look forward to Edinfield, Linda Cole, the current senior mem- is located; or, in the city or town where the working with all of them to ensure the full and ber Neil Bodenstein, and many others. Rook- wireless antenna is located; or, even in the speedy consideration of this proposal. I urge ies like myself sincerely appreciate what city or town where the wireless switch is lo- all my colleagues to support this legislation.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.005 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2491 COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE Miami has truly been blessed by Jay Weiss. course of six months, Kaiser and SEIU worked COMPETITION AND PRIVATIZA- f diligently to craft a cooperative solution to their TION ACT OF 1999 employment contract. Throughout the process, A TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER GEN- joint management and union committees met SPEECH OF ERAL PATRICK O. ADAMS, OF weekly to reach agreement on both economic CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI IN and non-economic issues. HON. ALBERT RUSSELL WYNN HONOR OF HIS RETIREMENT OF MARYLAND SEIU #96 and Kaiser Permanente ap- FROM THE U.S. AIR FORCE proached their negotiations in a win-win man- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ner. This collaborative process utilized an In- Wednesday, November 10, 1999 HON. JO ANN EMERSON terest Based Bargaining (IBB) technique fo- Mr. WYNN. Mr. Speaker, today we consider OF MISSOURI cused on creative problem solving and devel- H.R. 3261, the Communications Satellite Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES oping stronger relationships between the two partners. A Mediator from the Federal Medi- petition and Privatization Act. I do not think Thursday, November 18, 1999 that anyone in the House would disagree with ation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) facili- this bill's purpose to create increased competi- Mrs. EMERSON Mr. Speaker, on February tated the process. tion in the global communication satellite in- 1, 2000, Brigadier General Patrick O. Adams, The uniqueness of this labor and manage- dustry. This goal is commendable. However, I Air Force, of Cape Girardeau, ment partnership is that it represents the first would like to express some concern about one Missouri, will retire from active military service, time in the U.S. that IBB has been used on of the provisions in this bill. culminating a long and distinguished career in two contracts simultaneously. The ratified First, let me say that, I am pleased that this the service of his country. His accomplish- agreement includes both technical/clerical staff bill would permit Lockheed Martin and COM- ments touched every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and professional staff bargaining units with SAT to complete their merger. This trans- Marine serving in the US Armed Forces, an Kaiser Permanente. The three year agreement action, which has received approval from the accomplishment few individuals in a career or builds upon the innovation of the IBB negotia- Department of Justice, and has passed the even a lifetime can claim. tion process by including a performance based first phase of FCC approval, has been in need Brigadier General Adams was born in Cape pay system with a bonus program for all em- of enabling legislation for over a year. Gilrardeau, Missouri and was commissioned ployees based upon quality improvements oc- Unfortunately, this bill puts unnecessary with through the Air Force Reserve Officer curring. conditions on the lifting of COMSAT's owner- Training Corps following his graduation from This monumental accomplishment would not ship cap and therefore on the Lockheed Mar- the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1968. have been possible without the foundation es- tin-COMSAT merger. Earlier this year, the Brigadier General Adams has spent the major- tablished by both SEIU and Kaiser's commit- Senate passed satellite reform legislation, ity of his career in personal management posi- ment to cooperation as demonstrated by their which does not contain these restrictions. It is tions. He has been stationed in Alabama, participation in the Labor-Management Council my view that the House should not impose Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado. His overseas of Greater Kansas City. Further on a national new restrictions during this process of creating assignments include Iran, Vietnam, Thailand, level, Kaiser and the AFL±CIO agreed in 1997 open competition. and Bulgaria. to remain neutral during any union organizing In conference, I would urge my colleagues Brigadier General Adams, distinguished card drives. This cooperation has further to support the removal of the conditions on the himself by exceptionally brilliant service while evolved through the signing of this three year Lockheed Martin-COMSAT merger. This merg- serving his country in an exemplary career agreement. er is important for my constituents in Mary- spanning over 31 years. In his final assign- Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring the land, not withstanding American consumers ment as the Director, Manpower and Per- Executive Director of SEIU Local 96, Sherwin who deserve more competition in the satellite sonnel, J±1, the Joint Staff, BG Adams dis- Carroll, and the President of Kaiser services market. played uncommon initiative and leadership in Permanente Kansas City Region, Cynthia f Department of Defense personnel programs. Finter, for their leadership in crafting this coop- He is well known for his enthusiastic, proactive erative process. Finally, Mr. Speaker, please IN HONOR OF JAY W. WEISS approach to implementing the most significant join me in applauding Kaiser Permanente and personnel compensation changes since the SEIU #96 for being pioneers and national role HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN All-Volunteer Force (AVF) was created. BG models in labor-management cooperative part- OF FLORIDA Adams personally crafted, advocated and led nerships. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an effort to avert future personnel shortages. f His efforts in identifying the negative trends in Thursday, November 18, 1999 recruiting and retention and his personal advo- IN HONOR OF THE CAREER AND Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Jay cacy for the necessary pay and compensation CONTRIBUTIONS OF RANDY OWEN Weiss a true philanthropist in my Congres- actions led to the most significant Pay and Re- sional district, who while a successful busi- tirement Reform actions in the last 15 years. HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT nessman, has always believed that it is one's His work is at the core of the benefits package OF ALABAMA duty to give back to the community. that was adopted as part of the FY2000 Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jay has contributed a great deal to our com- tional Defense Authorization Act. Thursday, November 18, 1999 munity and especially to Jackson Memorial I would like to take this opportunity to con- Hospital, located in Miami, Florida. gratulate Brigadier General Adams for his out- Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, I believe that For those associated with Jackson, Jay standing service to his country. it is fitting that we pay tribute to a great Amer- Weiss will always be seen as its patron, as he f ican, who has made outstanding contributions has selflessly devoted himself to promoting to our nation, and its culture. He is an artist; the humanitarian mission of the hospital. SALUTING THE MODEL OF LABOR he is a musician; he is a father; he is a hus- Over the last decade, many of the strides AND MANAGEMENT COOPERA- band; he is a great man who has lived his life and accomplishments of the hospital can be TION BY KAISER PERMANENTE based on principle, and has been a strong and attributed to Jay. AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES beautiful voice from a mountain top, not only It was his vision and foresight which led to INTERNATIONAL UNION in Alabama, but all across this nation, and all the creation of the Ryder Trauma Center. over the world. In this spirit, the Jay W. Weiss Humanitarian HON. KAREN McCARTHY Randy Yeuell Owen was born in Fort Award was established in 1993, to recognize OF MISSOURI Payne, Alabama, on December 13, 1949. He outstanding leadership and selfless service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and his two sisters were raised in a close-knit Jay has also been recognized by the Na- family near Lookout Mountain in DeKalb tional Conference for Community Injustice as Thursday, November 18, 1999 County, Alabama. As a child, Randy, along a Silver Medallion Honoree. Additionally, he Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I with his two young sisters, grew up in the rural has served as a member of the University of rise today to salute and pay tribute to a model South working in the fields and picking cotton. Miami Board of Trustees and chaired the of labor and management cooperation, Kaiser Times were hard and there was no money left Board of Sylvester Cancer Center for the past Permanente and Service Employees Inter- for entertainment after the bills were paid, so seven years. national Union (SEIU) Local 96. Over the the family spent much of their time singing

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.109 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 and playing gospel music. This family enter- Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dr. Pauling is the only person ever to win tainment led to the formation of his first band, Dame from 1952 to 1987, has selflessly de- two unshared Nobel prizes. In 1954 he was ``The Singing Owens.'' By the time that Randy voted his time, energy, visions and dreams on given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the dis- entered the fifth grade, he along with his cous- behalf of furthering higher education in this covery of the nature of the chemical bond, and in, Teddy Gentry, decided to pursue a career country. In addition, his undaunting service to in 1962 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his in country music. the underpriviledged communities all across efforts to end atmospheric testing of nuclear During the early struggling years of the this nation, and the world, has made a signifi- weapons. Congressman Brown believed that band, Randy took odd jobs laying brick and cant impact in the lives of so many. Pauling's commitment to science and to an hanging sheetrock, while also attending col- As an educator, you can find impressions of unwavering idealism make the exhibition on lege. In 1973, Randy received a Bachelor of Father Hesburgh's teachings just about any- his life especially instructive to today's young Arts in English from Jacksonville State Univer- where you look. Father Hesburgh encouraged people. sity. That same year, Randy, along with his high academic standards and preached a uni- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues cousins Teddy Gentry and Jeff Cook, decided versal commitment to the service and helping to join me in honoring Congressman Brown for to devote themselves entirely to their dream. of others. He often inspired his students to his efforts to bring this exhibition to the Na- In the next seven years, Randy, Teddy, and look at the world through opened eyes and tion's Capital, and to express our appreciation Jeff along with various drummers, performed challenged them to go out and make a dif- to the organizing committee for making the ex- as a group in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It ference. His dedication to improving the lives hibit possible: Oregon State University, the was during these years that he met and of others was global in nature and he knew no Linus Pauling family, and the Soka Gakkai courted his wife, KellyÐsomeone who has boundaries for race or ethnicity. Those who International and its founder, Daisaku Ikeda, stood strongy by Randy through his entire ca- have learned these important life lessons from whose friendship with Pauling inspired the ex- reer. Kelly's father, who was stationed near Father Hesburgh are here in Congress, Presi- hibit. Myrtle Beach, was soon transferred abroad, dential Cabinets, Catholic churches, and scat- f and Randy and Kelly's relationship continued tered throughout our local communities. through correspondence. RECOGNIZING THE ARKANSAS In 1980, with drummer Mark Herndon on I am a graduate of Saint Mary's College, the BANKERS ASSOCIATION’S SUP- board, the band's debut album, ``My Home's In sister institution of Notre Dame, and part of PORT FOR FINANCIAL MOD- Alabama,'' was released by RCA and every the student body that Father Hesburgh so ERNIZATION song from it became a #1 hit. In 1981, ``Ala- vastly inspired. For many reasons, I often bama'' was named Top Vocal Group of the think back to my college days, and draw upon HON. ASA HUTCHINSON the values and traditions instilled in me by the Year by the Country Music Association. As the OF ARKANSAS mission of these institutions. I truly believe that years followed, so did the awardsÐ200 major IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what I learned under the leadership of Saint music awards were bestowed upon the group Thursday, November 18, 1999 over the next 15 years. Mary's, Notre Dame and Father Hesburgh will The most well-known of Randy's charity help guide me in the right direction as a public Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, on behalf events, June Jam, is by no means the only servant and make the right decision for those of the Arkansas Bankers Association, I would charitable cause with which Randy has been who put their trust in me. like to submit their remarks regarding a spe- involved. He serves as the Celebrity Spokes- Father Hesburgh was always challenging cific section of S. 900, the Financial Mod- man for the Alabama Sheriff's Boys and Girls those he met to be a better person, and the ernization bill, which has particular interest Ranches. He has received the Tamer Award, Hesburgh Center for Peace studies is a lasting and importance to Arkansas. This section is ti- which is the highest award given for service to and continuing tribute to his good work. In ad- tled ``Interest Rates and Other Charges at St. Jude Hospital on a national level. Cur- dition, his accomplishments from 15 Presi- Interstate Branches.'' rently, he serves as the Spokesperson for the dential appointments have contributed greatly With the passage of the Riegle-Neal Inter- St. Jude's Country Cares Radiothon, raising to our progress as a nation which strives to state Banking and Branching Act several millions for the Research Hospital. provide justice and equality for its people and years ago, the question arose as to which While Randy has traveled all over the world, those throughout the world. state law concerning interest rates on loans and performed all across the United States, as would apply to branches of the interstate Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to salute Father banks operating in a ‘‘host state’’. Would well as abroad, he has never forgotten his Hesburgh and to commend the House of Rep- those branches be governed by the interest community, and his home State, Alabama. resentatives for passing H.R. 1932, which au- rate ceiling of the charter location or that of Randy resides with his wife Kelly, and three thorizes the President of the United States to their physical location? The office of the children who have supported their Dad all the award him with a gold medal on behalf of Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal wayÐAlison, Heath and Randa, near Fort Congress. I can think of none more deserving Deposit Insurance Corporation addressed Payne, Alabama, which I am proud to rep- of this most prestigious honor. this issue with options that basically give branches of interstate banks the option of resent in the Fourth Congressional District. f With all the honors that have been be- being governed by either their home or host stowed over the years, one of the most signifi- HONORING GEORGE BROWN AND state requirements concerning interest rates by structuring the loan process to meet cer- cant awards came to Randy in 1999, when he LINUS PAULING tain requirements. was awarded the Alabama Father of the Year In Arkansas this has had a profound effect by the Alabama Cattlewomen. He says his HON. JERRY LEWIS upon our local banking community. Arkan- sas has a usury ceiling that places the max- long range goals are ``to help my family OF CALIFORNIA achieve a gentle way of living and to be imum rate that can be charged for many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES known as friendly to the fans and have a good classes of loans at 5% above the Federal Re- reputation from fellow musicians.'' Thursday, November 18, 1999 serve Discount Rate. However, over 40% of The profound impact that Randy Owen has our banking locations in the state, those Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I that are branches of non-Arkansas based had on our State, our Nation, and American would like today to call your attention to an ex- interstate banks, are in effect no longer gov- culture cannot be measured. On behalf of my hibition that has recently opened at the Na- erned by this law. The out of state banks are colleagues, I express our gratitude to Randy tional Museum of Health and Medicine: ``Linus free to price according to risk, and thus Owen, and wish him many, many more years. Pauling and the Twentieth Century.'' This exhi- charge lower rates for the better credits and f bition, which was viewed by more than 20,000 higher rates for the lower quality credits. However, local Arkansas banks cannot price AWARDING A CONGRESSIONAL school children at the California Institute of according to risk and are thus placed at a GOLD MEDAL TO FATHER Technology, was brought to Washington large- significant competitive disadvantage. HESBURGH ly through the efforts of our late friend and col- In recognition of this inequity and the fact league, George E. Brown, Jr. that if not corrected our state may lose vir- Congressman Brown, as we all know, held tually all of its local community banks, the HON. ANNE M. NORTHUP a passionate belief that there is a special rela- Arkansas delegation supports language that OF KENTUCKY tionship between excellence in education, provides our local banks with the loan pric- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing parity in all regards with non-Arkansas pushing back the frontiers of scientific knowl- Thursday, November 18, 1999 interstate banks operating branches in Ar- edge, and the pursuit of peace. These themes kansas. Indeed, this is the intent of the sec- Mrs. NORTHUP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today are celebrated by the exhibition on the life, tion concerning Interest Rates at Interstate to honor Father Theodore Hesburgh. Father work and times of Linus Pauling. Branching.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.110 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2493 The entire Arkansas Delegation is on been a number of acres of those lands (in par- prioritize its selections at the time it makes record supporting this section as well as ticular along the coastline) which had been the selections. Elim may not revoke or Governor Mike Huckabee, and Bank Com- conveyed to the Village of Koyuk or which change its priorities. Elim must select a sin- missioner Frank White. Further, a joint gle tract of land adjacent to U.S. Survey No. meeting of the state house unanimously were subject to allotments; (2) of the sensi- 2548, Alaska, that is reasonably compact, passed a resolution requesting the Arkansas tivity of that area to Koyuk; (3) with the knowl- contiguous, and in whole sections except for Congressional Delegation to address this im- edge today that, the rivers to the north of the two situations. The withdrawn lands remain portant issue. original Norton Bay Reservation are of sub- withdrawn until the Department has con- Very simply, the situation of placing local stantial significance to the long-term viability of veyed all the lands that Elim Native Cor- Arkansas banks at a severe competitive dis- the Elim Native Corporation in to the future, poration is entitled to under subsection (c). advantage is a result of the comptroller-gen- the Committee concluded that the area to the Subsection (c)(3)(B) provides that, in addi- tion to being subject to valid existing rights, eral’s interpretation of the Riegle-Neal north of the current of boundary of Elim land Interstate Banking and Branching Act. Elim’s selections may not supercede prior se- holdings was a more appropriate place from lections by the State of Alaska or other Na- Mr. Speaker, from these words it is clear which Elim should select replacement lands tive corporations, or valid entries by private that the legislation is intended to assist com- than the original area deleted in 1929. individuals unless the State, Native Corpora- munity banks in Arkansas and allow Arkan- In addition, provisions were negotiated with tion, or individual relinquishes the selection sans to receive loans and invest funds in their Elim which represent a good faith effort by all entry prior to conveyance to Elim. Subsection (c)(3)(C) provides that, on re- home state. With the passage of S. 900, I sides to remedy the injustice to Elim from want to congratulate my colleagues on a job ceipt of the Conveyance Lands, Elim will many years past as well as to protect the re- have all the legal rights and benefits as land- well done. This legislation will enable our fi- sources of this area with several unique nat- owner of land conveyed under this Act sub- nancial industry to move into the next century. ural features. As a result of those negotiations, ject to the covenants, reservations, terms This bill not only helps states like Arkansas, Elim will have full access to the use of the tim- and conditions in subsection (c). All other but the nation as a whole. ber on the lands to be conveyed for building provisions of this Act that were applicable to f of homes, cabins, lodges, firewood, and other conveyances under subsection (b) are appli- cable to conveyances under subsection (c). PASSAGE OF H.R. 3090 domestic uses on Elim lands, but agreed not Subsection (c)(3)(D) makes clear that se- to cut or remove Merchantable Timber for lection by and conveyance to Elim Native sale. This will permit Elim to make beneficial, Corporation of these lands is in full satisfac- HON. DON YOUNG developmental, and economic use of lands tion of any claim by Elim Native Corpora- OF ALASKA while conserving most of the forested lands for tion of entitlement to lands under section 19 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their wildlife habitat benefits. of this Act. As a part of the balancing of interests, the Subsection (c)(4) provides that the cov- Thursday, November 18, 1999 enants, terms and conditions in this para- Committee agreed to language that would pro- graph and in paragraphs (5) and (6) will run Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I would vide a 300 foot buffer area around Clear like to provide additional explanatory informa- with the land and be incorporated into any Creek and the Tubutulik River should they be interim conveyance or patent conveying the tion regarding the provisions in H.R. 3090. selected by and conveyed to Elim. In that lands to Elim. At the time of passage of H.R. 3090 by the area, there would be no support structures or Subsection (c)(4)(A) provides that Elim has Committee on Resources, the Committee development or activities permitted unless all the rights of landowner to, and to utilize, the timber resources of the Conveyance Members on both sides of the aisle agreed they would not or are not likely to cause ero- that there were likely to be additional changes Lands including construction of homes, cab- sion or siltation that would significantly ad- ins, for firewood and other domestic uses on to this bill prior to its being taken to the floor versely impact the water quality or fish habitat of the House. Such changes were ones that any Elim lands, except for cutting and re- of these two water courses. moving Merchantable Timber for sale and the Committee anticipated would be devel- The Committee believes that the bill as re- constructing roads and related infrastruc- oped between the Department of Interior and ported along with the amendments as brought ture for the support of such cutting and re- Elim as well as with the concurrence of the before the House represents a reasonable and moving timber for sale. majority and the minority of the Committee. Subsection (c)(4)(B) modifies P.L.O. 5563 to responsible approach to dealing with and re- permit selection by Elim of lands encom- Those changes were worked out. A number of solving this issue. It will remedy an injustice to improvements were made to the bill in addition passing prior withdrawals of hot or medic- Elim of many years and do so in a way that inal springs subject to the applicable cov- to some reorganization of the sections to as- is appropriate given the circumstances as they enants, reservations, terms and conditions in sist in providing clarity to the bill. What follows are in 1999. paragraphs (5) and (6). is a brief explanation and a section-by-section Provisions of the legislature are further ex- Subsection (c)(4)(C) provides that if Elim analysis of the bill as it is brought before the plained in the section-by-section analysis that receives conveyance to lands encompassing the Tubutulik River of Clear Creek, or both, House. follows: As I had indicated in my earlier remarks, Elim will not allow activities in the bed or this legislation is long overdue. It is a matter SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS within 300 feet of these water courses which would cause or would likely cause erosion or of equity and fairness that, in furtherance of Section 1. Elim Native Corporation Land Res- toration. siltation so as to significantly adversely im- the underlying goals of the Alaska Native pact water quality or fish habitat. Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), replacement This section amends the Alaska Native Subsection (c)(5)(A) sets forth the first of a lands should be conveyed to the Elim Native Claims Settlement Act by amending Section series of rights to be retained by the United Corporation under Section 19 of ANCSA. The 19 by adding a new subsection (c). States in the conveyances in paragraph (3). Subsection (c)(1) sets out findings regard- Committee's intent is that such conveyances Subparagraph (A) is a retained right to enter ing the background and need for the legisla- the conveyance lands for purposes outlined authorized in this legislation be treated as tion. other conveyances to Elim were treated in the after providing notice to Elim and an oppor- Subsection (c)(2) describes the lands to be tunity to have a representative present. past with respect to other applicable sections withdrawn (‘‘Withdrawal Area’’) by reference Subsection (c)(5)(B) provides for retaining of ANCSA, except that the conveyances under to a map dated October 19, 1999, and with- rights and remedies against persons who cut the bill will additionally have certain covenants, draws the lands from all forms of appropria- or remove Merchantable Timber. reservations, terms, and conditions that are tion or disposition under the public land Subsection (c)(5)(C) provides for the reten- laws for a two-year period. tion of the right to reforest if Merchantable applicable. Subsection (c)(3) authorizes Elim to select It is recognized that the watersheds that are Timber is destroyed by fire, insects, disease and ultimately receive title to 50,000 acres of or other man-made or natural occurrence, likely to be selected under this provision lands from the lands inside the Withdrawal except for such occurrences that occur from (Clear Creek, Tubutulik River, and the Qwik Area. The Secretary of the Interior is au- Elim’s exercise of its rights to use the con- River) are ones which provide a vital source of thorized and directed to convey to Elim the veyance lands as landowner. food in the form of fish as well as sustenance fee to the surface and subsurface estate in Subsection (c)(5)(D) provides for the reten- for wildlife and plants on which the people of 50,000 acres of valid selections, subject to the tion of the right of ingress and egress to the Elim are, in part, dependent. convenants, reservations, terms and condi- public under section 17(b) of ANCSA to allow tions in subsection (c). The Committee considered utilizing the the public to visit, for non-commercial pur- Subsection (c)(3)(A) provides two years poses, the hot springs located on the convey- lands on the eastern edge of the original Nor- after the date of enactment for Elim to make ance lands and to use any part of the hot ton Bay Reservation as replacement lands to its selections. To ensure that it receives the springs that is not commercially developed. Elim for the 50,000 acres which were deleted 50,000 acres, under this subparagraph Elim Subsection (c)(5)(E) provides for retaining in 1929. However, becauseÐ(1) there have may select up to 60,000 acres and must the right to the United States to enter the

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.113 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 conveyance lands containing hot springs in pertaining to the issuance and transfer of March of Dimes to recognize excellence in order to conduct scientific research. It also common stock in an Alaska Native Corpora- Washington area radio. Washington area resi- ensures that such research can be conducted tion, which stock is referred to as Settle- dents are especially proud that this is the and that the results of such research can be ment Common Stock. Generally, the holder fourth consecutive year that Metro Connection used without any compensation to Elim. of Settlement Common Stock is not per- This subparagraph also provides an equal mitted to sell, pledge or otherwise alienate is being honored as the best locally produced right to Elim to conduct such research on this stock. However, Section 7(h)(1)(C) of public affairs long-form program. Washing- the hot springs and to use the results of the ANCSA provides certain exceptions to the tonians have long admired the professionalism research without compensation to the general prohibition on the alienation of Set- and wonderfully interesting programming of United States. tlement Common Stock. Under Section those sharing in the honors, including News Subsection (c)(5)(F) provides for the reten- 7(h)(1)(C)(iii), the holder of Settlement Com- Director Kathy Merritt, line producer David tion of a covenant that restricts commercial mon Stock may transfer some or all of the Furst, and reporters Annie Wu, Lakshmi development of the hot springs by Elim to a Settlement Common Stock to a close family Singh, Julianne Welby, and Lex Gillespie. maximum of 15% of the hot springs and 15% member by inter vivos gift. Gifts of Settle- Metro Connection also won the best news se- of the land within 1⁄4 mile of the hot springs. ment Common Stock are permitted to, This subparagraph also provides that any among others, a child, grandchild or great- ries award for its ``20th Century Washington'' commercial development of those hot grandchild. series, a review of the city of Washington as springs will not alter the natural hydrologic Alaska state law has been interpreted to it has evolved during this century. Kathy Mer- or thermal system associated with the hot sever, for all purposes, the relationship be- ritt, David Furst, Annie Wu, Lex Gillespie and springs. The provision makes clear that at tween a family and a child who has been Andrew Pergam, who received this award, least 85% of the lands within 1⁄4 mile of the adopted out, or for whom parental rights take us on a fascinating journey in a 10 part hot springs should be left in their natural have been relinquished or terminated. Thus, series, one story for each decade of the cen- state. under existing law, a holder of Settlement tury, with special features each month. This is Subsection (c)(5)(G) provides that retain- Common Stock may not inter vivos gift ing the right to exercise prosecutorial dis- transfer Settlement Common Stock to a radio at its substantive and interesting best. cretion in the enforcement of any covenant, child who has been adopted by another fam- Those of us fortunate enough to live within lis- reservation, term or condition does not ily. The proposed amendment in Section 2 tening range of WAMU's Metro Connection waive the right to enforce such covenant, will permit the biological family of an Alas- value its focus on us, on where we live, and reservation, term or condition. ka Native child to make an inter vivos gift on what we do. Metro Connection is an espe- Subsection (c)(6)(A) provides for the Sec- to that child of Settlement Common Stock, cially welcome visitor in Washington area retary and Elim, acting in good faith, to regardless of the child’s adoption into a non- homes on Saturday mornings at 11 a.m. enter into a Memorandum of Understanding Native family, or the relinquishment or ter- Mr. Speaker, many Members of the House (MOU) to implement Subsection (c). The sub- mination of parental rights. The enactment and Senate count themselves among WAMU's paragraph requires that the MOU include of the provisions of Section 2 will resolve the reasonable measures to protect plants and problem currently faced by some Alaska Na- 454,000 avid listeners in the Washington area. animals in the hot springs and within 1⁄4 mile tive children who are unable to receive Congressional Members of every political of the hot springs. This subparagraph re- shares in an Alaska Native Corporation be- stripe listen with appreciation to WAMU's vari- quires that the parties agree to meet periodi- cause the relationship with their biological ety of news and public affairs programming, to cally to review the MOU and to amend/re- family has been legally severed under Alaska its celebrated and elegant talk show host place are extended. State law. Diane Rehm, to Public Interest with Kojo Subsection (c)(6)(B) provides for Elim to Section three. Definition of Settlement Nnamdi, and to its bluegrass and other music. incorporate the covenants, reservations, Trust. terms and conditions set forth in subsection Congress enacted the settlement trust op- Now Metro Connection and its creators have (c) in any deed or other instrument by which tion in ANCSA to allow Alaska Native Cor- brought honor to their medium and their Elim divests itself of any interest in all or porations to establish trusts to hold assets hometown station. WAMU is a beacon of portion of the Conveyance Lands. for the benefit of Alaska Native Share- broadcasting excellence. I ask my colleagues Subsection (c)(6)(C) requires that the BLM, holders. As the law currently stands, these to join me in honoring the people who have in consultation with Elim, will reserve ease- trusts may only benefit holders of Settle- made WAMU an award winning resource for ments under subsection 17(b) of this Act. ment Common Stock. The amendments con- the residents of the Washington area. Subsection (c)(6)(D) provides for the reten- tained in Section three will permit Native f tion of other easements by the BLM, in con- Corporation shareholders, by the vote of a sultation with Elim, including the right of majority of shares, to extend this benefit of HONORING THE LATE JOE SERNA the public to enter upon and travel along the ANCSA to all of the Native people in their Tubutulik River and Clear Creek within the community, including the children and Conveyance Lands. This subparagraph pro- grandchildren of the original stockholders, HON. vides that the easements shall include trails regardless of whether they yet own stock in OF CALIFORNIA confined to foot travel along each bank of the Native Corporation. This amendment re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Tubutulik River and Clear Creek. This defines ‘‘settlement trust’’ to permit Native Thursday, November 18, 1999 subparagraph requires also that trails be Corporations to establish settlement trusts twenty-five feet wide and upland of the ordi- in which potential beneficiaries include Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, Joe Serna was a nary high water mark. It also provides for shareholders, Natives and descendants of Na- good man and an outstanding Mayor. I was including one-acre sites along the two water tives. Because ANCSA was enacted to benefit honored to join my colleagues this week and courses referenced, that the sites be selected all Natives, this amendment is in keeping support House Resolution 363, recognizing in consultation with Elim and that they be with the original intent of that legislation. and honoring Sacramento, California, Mayor utilized for launching and taking out water At the same time, the interests of Alaska Joe Serna, Jr., and expressing the condo- craft as well as for short term (twenty-four Native Corporation shareholders are pro- lences of the House of Representatives to his hours) camping, unless Elim consents to a tected because this option is available only longer period. to those Corporations whose shareholders family and the people of Sacramento on his Subsection (c)(6)(E) provides that the vote, by a majority of all outstanding voting death. inholders within the boundaries of the Con- shares, to benefit non-shareholders As a son of an immigrant farm worker, he veyance Lands have rights of ingress and learned the values of hard work which exem- f egress. It provides also that the inholder plified his career. Eager to help others, Joe may not exercise these rights in a manner TRIBUTE TO THE PEOPLE OF entered the Peace Corps in 1966. When he that might result in substantial damage to returned to California, he joined the faculty at the surface of the lands and may not make WAMU any permanent improvements to the convey- California State University, Sacramento, in ance lands without the consent of Elim. HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON 1969 becoming a professor of Government. Subsection (c)(6)(F) provides that the Bu- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA He was so good at energizing and inspiring reau of Land Management may reserve an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his students that in 1991 he received the Dis- easement for the Iditarod National Historic tinguished Faculty Award. Trail in the land conveyance to Elim. Thursday, November 18, 1999 Joe Serna decided to continue serving his Subsection (c)(7) authorizes appropriations Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to community by being first elected to the Sac- as may be necessary to implement sub- ask the House to join me in honoring WAMU ramento City Council in 1981 and reelected in section (c). Section two. Common Stock to Adopted- 88.5 FM's regional public affairs program, 1985 and 1989. He was then elected mayor of Out Descendants. Metro Connection, which recently won not one Sacramento in 1992 and again in 1996. Section 7(h) of the Alaska Native Claims but two Achievement in Radio Awards in the Joe Botz of Sacramento wrote a Letter-to- Settlement Act sets forth the general rules 13th annual competition sponsored by the Editor in the Sacramento Bee last week, which

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.117 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2495 I believe embodies Joe Serna's legacy as a cent campaign finance debateÐprovisions that ties by overturning affirmative action in state political role model and as a leader. Botz are needed and have no real opposition be- college admissions. This will result in exclu- wrote, ``Most citizens look at the day when cit- come tangled up in our debate about how to sion; preventing us from realizing our full po- izen-politicians governed us. Serna was a liv- ensure the integrity of our campaign finance tential as a nation and I urge the Board of Re- ing and working embodiment of those days. system. gents to reject this action. He was brash and arrogant as he looked after But this year we can do it differently. We I also call upon this entire nation to reverse Sacramento and its citizens' best interests in have a solid FEC reform bill that combines the trend toward the subversion of diversity the larger political level. But on an inter- needed changes into one package. We have and equality. Let's take the reins and steer personal level, he expressed deep concern bipartisan support for the bill. this nation forward. and intense compassion of all River City citi- If we fail to act it means that the work that f zens, particularly the poor and disadvan- we did in the House Administration Committee CLOVIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE taged.'' to create this worthwhile bill was just a cynical SALUTE TO BUSINESS Joe Serna possessed an unparalleled com- game to defeat comprehensive campaign fi- mitment to helping others. He fought for the nance reform. I have asked Speaker HASTERT underdog and befriended those who needed to bring H.R. 2668 to the floor on the suspen- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH him the most. For that Mr. Speaker, I will al- sion calendarÐand I urge him to do so again OF CALIFORNIA ways look up to Joe Serna. today. FEC reform standing alone is worth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f while. We have the chance to pass it and we Thursday, November 18, 1999 should. Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise H.R. 2668, STREAMLINING FEC f today to honor the Clovis Chamber of Com- merce 1999 Salute to Business honorees for HON. STENY H. HOYER HONORING DR. JACK TURNER their hard work and accomplishments. The OF MARYLAND honorees are: Anlin Industries, N&N Boats, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BART GORDON Vicki Dobbs, and David Maestas. Thursday, November 18, 1999 OF TENNESSEE Anlin Industries is being honored as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1999 Industrial Company of the Year. Anlin In- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, let's lift FEC re- dustries is a vinyl window and door manufac- Thursday, November 18, 1999 form out of legislative limbo where it has been turer that started eight years ago in October of for twenty years. Before we leave for the year Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 1991 with four employees, and no sales. In let's pass H.R. 2668, a bill to streamline FEC recognize Dr. Jack Turner for 30 years of 1996, Anlin sales were $9.6 million with a procedures and improve FEC reporting. service to Middle Tennessee State University seven figure net profit before taxes with 100 The bill is not controversialÐit has broad as an associate professor of political science. employees. This year Anlin Industries now has support on both sides of the aisle and it is Dr. Turner has had a profound effect on 183 employees with $21 million in sales. needed. There is simply no reason not to pass many Middle Tennesseans. His patience and President Thomas Vidmar attributes all of this bill today. perseverance with the teaching profession Anlin Industries success to the hard work of its In September I wrote to Speaker HASTERT have been invaluable assets to the Middle employees. requesting that this bill be placed on the sus- Tennessee community. Over the years, many Anlin's mission is to be the preeminent re- pension calendar. It is a good billÐsponsored members of my staff have had the benefit of placement window and door manufacturer in by House Administration Chair BILL THOMASÐ his guidance. I, too, have had that privilege as the country, providing their customers with the and voted unanimously out of the House Ad- a student, as well as being a colleague highest quality products and service in the ministration Committee earlier this year. through my own teaching experience at Middle business. Earning a fair return on investment The bill contains most of the provisions in Tennessee State University. and continually reinvesting those profits in the bill introduced earlier this year. It was pre- I ask today that we recognize this man for their people and the business, ensuring Anlin's pared with the support and assistance of the his 30 years of achievement and dedication to long term success and career opportunities for six Republican and Democratic FEC Commis- the teaching profession and to Middle Ten- generations to come. sioners. In addition to the support of the Com- nessee State University. He has certainly ben- N&N Boats and Mr. Rich Lyons is the 1999 mission, H.R. 2668 is supported by Members efitted young minds with his vast knowledge Small Business of the Year Award recipient. on both sides of the aisle. and experience. As a representative of Middle Rich Lyons has been in the boating industry It would: Improve disclosure of State activ- Tennessee, I feel the same regret that the since 1977. He established N&N Boats in April ity; make it easier for contributors to comply community feels to see Dr. Turner retire. I am, 1994 when N&N Marine closed after 27 years with the law; remove obsolete provisions; and however, confident that he will contribute to in the Fresno/Clovis area. Initially the business broaden candidate's commercial lending op- the community in many other ways. So, I ask was repairing boats and selling parts. Today tions. my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- they have a line of new boats and acces- Earlier this year, we voted on this bill on the resentatives today to join me in wishing him sories. N&N Boats has assisted Western Di- floor of the House. Like almost every one of well in his future endeavors. rectory with the sponsorship of the Chamber my Democratic colleagues and a broad group f Golf Tournament for the past two years. of Republicans, I voted against the bill. I voted Vicki Dobbs is the 1999 Professional Busi- against FEC reform because it would have REVERSE TREND OF HATRED AND ness Woman of the year. Vicki is a Realtor, blocked a vote on the bi-partisan campaign fi- ANTI-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION and a native of Fresno graduating from Cali- nance reform bill sponsored by Reps. SHAYS fornia State University, Fresno as one of the and MEEHAN. FEC reform deserves our sup- HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS first women in ag-education in the Valley. Vicki port on its own merits. It should not continue OF MARYLAND is a strong advocate for agriculture and the to be used as a pawn in the larger debate. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need for broad based agricultural education In my opinion, FEC reform should not have programs. She supports the Ag Advisory Com- been a part of that debate. That is becauseÐ Thursday, November 18, 1999 mittee, the Clovis FFA, and serves as a Direc- as Chairman THOMAS has repeatedly stressed, Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I graduated tor on the Board for the Foundation for Clovis H.R. 2668 is not about campaign finance re- from the University of Maryland School of Law Schools. Vicki also supports the Clovis Police formÐH.R. 2668 is about making the routine in 1976. Twenty-three years later, in 1999, Af- Activities League and has been involved with procedural reforms that are needed over the rican Americans attending this University, in the Clovis High Ag Boosters. Vicki is an Exec- course of time by all agencies. the shadow of our nation's capital, are receiv- utive Ambassador for the Clovis Chamber of Unlike other Executive branch agencies that ing racist hate mail and threats. Commerce and was elected to the Board of request and receive noncontroversial legisla- Is it possible that instead of keeping our for- Directors. She has been voted the Best Real- tive changes to aid in the efficient and effec- ward impetus as the most enlightened society tor in Clovis for the past several years by tive operation of the agencyÐchanges re- in the world, the ignorant have taken the reins readers of the Clovis Independent. Vicki quested by the FEC simply don't happen. and are steering us backwards into the new Dobbs is the top producing sales associate for For over twenty years, the FEC has annu- millennium? the Clovis office of Guarantee Real Estate. ally sent to Congress requested statutory Well, recently, Florida Governor Jeb Bush She is definitely tuned into Clovis and its changes. And each yearÐjust like in our re- closed the door of opportunity to many minori- unique way of life.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.120 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 David Maestas is the Einar Cook Leader- mitted band of neighbors resolved to reclaim and his colleagues at PERS. He joined the ship Award recipient. The Einar Cook Leader- the block and worked tirelessly for decades to staff at PERS in 1960, and since then has ship Award was developed to recognize those establish the Ft. Greene neighborhood, and worked diligently to serve the state of Ohio who step forward with a vision and are willing especially South Oxford Street, as one of the and ensure that PERS remains strong far into to work for what they believe in. David premiere blocks in Brooklyn. Working with Mr. the future. Beginning his tenure with PERS as Maestas served eight years in the Army in the Percy Buchannan who was, then, the head of an accountant, he steadily advanced through Military police. He then became active in the the South Oxford Street Block Association, various positions including assistant director, Title-Escrow Industry where he received the along with other long term residents like controller, and deputy director. Finally, in top sales award in the President's Diamond Nancy Johnson, Hazel Slaughter, and William 1991, Richard Schumacher was appointed as Club five years in a row. He also was acting Turner (no relation). Georgianna Turner went the Executive Director of the system. President in the Four Seasons Leads Group from block to block galvanizing community Throughout his career, Richard Schumacher and President of the Optimist Club. David and support, exposing drug activity, and vocifer- has upheld the high standards of the Ohio his wife Jodie moved to Fresno in 1994 both ously advocating for the changes that would Public Employees Retirement System. In per- working for First American Title Company. In make the neighborhood a better place to live. forming the duties of Executive Director, he just a few years, David and Jodie held a tre- Mrs. Turner remembers the years when she has demonstrated the kind of integrity that mendous percentage of sales for the Clovis- had to endure repeated vandalism to her Ohioans expect from our government leaders. Fresno area. With their involvement with the home in response to her activism. She risked His hard work for nearly four decades has Clovis Chamber and the Clovis area, they her life on the line by reporting drug activity. helped PERS flourish into one of the premier were offered a new office location in Clovis, Ever fearless, Georgianna Turner and her co- public employee retirement systems in the providing they could combine their efforts and horts in the South Oxford Street Block Asso- country. Under his strong leadership, PERS increase sales by 5 percent. The Clovis office ciation were not to be stopped. They worked assets have grown from $440 million to $53 became the number 1 Office in Market share hand-in-hand with local politicians, the police billion. In the thirty-nine years Richard in Clovis and has been voted the Best Title- department, the sanitation department, the Schumacher has worked for PERS, he has Escrow office four years in a row by the Clovis Board of Health, local churchesÐespecially watched the system grow to more than 350 Independent. David received the Clovis Cham- Queen of All Saints (where she has been a employees, 125,000 beneficiaries, and ber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year Award faithful member of 40 years), Lafayette Pres- 371,000 contributing public employees. Clear- and was designated as the Ambassador of the byterian ChurchÐand whoever else would ly, Richard Schumacher has undertaken suc- Year for the Chamber. David founded the help them clean up the blocks from South El- cessfully the task of building and growing Chamber's Professional Executives Network liott to Clinton Avenue. She especially recalls PERS for Ohio's public employees. and served as President of the Miss Clovis their concerted effort to ``get rid of the Atlantic Richard Schumacher is an outstanding pub- Scholarship Associaiton. He served as the Avenue meat market that was the scourge of lic servant and a standard bearer in his pro- 1998 Chairman Elect for the Clovis Chamber the neighborhood, get the bums off the street, fession. He has served on numerous boards of Commerce Board of Directors and served and get the trash cleaned up''. and associations including terms as president as President in 1999. Before real estate speculators and the and vice president of the National Association Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I Brooklyn Academy of Music was envisioned, of State Retirement Administrators, the Board rise to honor these recipients as they are the quiet, determined approach of residents of Trustees of the Ohio Government Finance being honored at the Clovis Chamber of Com- like Georgianna Turner paved the way for the Officers Association, and the Government Ac- merce Salute to Business Luncheon. I want to real-estate and economic boom that Ft. counting Standards Advisory Committee. congratulate Anlin Industries, N&N Boats, Greene is experiencing today. Though she Mr. Speaker, it is often said that America Vicki Dobbs, and David Maestas for their hard never sought fame or fortune for her commu- succeeds due to the remarkable accomplish- work and dedication to the community and the nity activism, Georgianna Turner has received ments and contributions of her citizens. It is Clovis Chamber of Commerce. I urge my col- countless accolades for her valiant efforts. Her evident that Richard Schumacher has given of leagues to join me in wishing them many more legacy has been to create a clean, safe, sta- his time and energy to assist Ohio's public re- years of continued success. ble community of which she and her col- tirees. For his efforts, we certainly owe him a f leagues in the South Oxford Street Block As- debt of gratitude that mere words cannot suffi- sociation can be proud. ciently express. At this time, I would ask my A TRIBUTE TO ONE OF FT. On August 18, 1999, Georgianna Turner colleagues of the 106th Congress to stand GREENE’S JEWELS, GEORGIANNA celebrated her 100th birthday. I want to salute and join me in paying special tribute to Rich- TURNER this ``grand old lady'' as we end the last ses- ard E. Schumacher. On the occasion of his re- sion of Congress in the 20th century. She tirement as Executive Director of the Ohio HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS leaves Brooklyn with a legacy that will endure Public Employees Retirement System, we OF NEW YORK long into the next century. I urge my col- thank him for his dedicated service and we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues to join me in acknowledging the wish him all the best in the future. Thursday, November 18, 1999 splendid work of one of Ft. Greene's finest f jewels, Georgianna Turner. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, as we close out f IN CELEBRATION OF THE TENTH the last Congressional session of the 20th ANNIVERSARY OF THE VELVET century, I want to recognize the century of IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF REVOLUTION achievements by one of Brooklyn's finest resi- RICHARD E. SCHUMACHER ON dents, Georgianna Turner. THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIRE- HON. SAM GEJDENSON A native of St. Anne Parish in Jamaica, she MENT FROM THE OHIO PUBLIC OF CONNECTICUT EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYS- was just a young girl of 18, when she immi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grated to the United States with her older sis- TEM ter, Lee, and young niece, Vera around 1915. Thursday, November 18, 1999 While she has lived in the U.S. for 84 years, HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to she has been a resident of Brooklyn's Fort OF OHIO pay tribute to the tenth anniversary of the Vel- Greene neighborhood for 41 years. During IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. these four decades, Mrs. Turner has been an In 1989, the people of Czechoslovakia active participant in the life of her community. Thursday, November 18, 1999 ended 41 years of dictatorship in a non-violent While the Ft. Greene community was re- Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to effort of civil disobedience. The moral authority cently described by New York Magazine as pay special tribute to one of the truly out- of the Czech and Slovak peoples over- undergoing ``a new residential renaissance'', standing individuals from the state of Ohio, Mr. whelmed the discredited regime clinging to the neighborhood was a different place in the Richard E. Schumacher. On December 31, power after the fall of the Berlin Wall. `50's and `60's when Georgianna Turner first 1999, Richard Schumacher will retire from his After World War II, the communist dictator- moved to South Oxford Street. Many of the position as Executive Director of the Ohio ship installed in Prague sought to stamp out brownstones had been converted to rooming Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). the rich tradition of democracy and intellectual houses and flop houses making everyday life For thirty-nine years, Richard Schumacher debate in Czechoslovakia by imprisoning tens quite a challenge. Mrs. Turner and a com- has been a valuable asset to Ohio's retirees of thousands of dissidents and resistance

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.124 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2497 fighters. Thousands of others were killed while Nonetheless, the Slovaks changed direction IN RECOGNITION OF A VISIT BY A serving in jails and labor camps or while at- again and are back on a positive course. Re- RUSSIAN DELEGATION TO THE tempting to flee the country. Asphyxiating cen- lations between the neighboring Czechs and THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DIS- tral economic planning stifled the entrepre- Slovaks have also markedly improved in re- TRICT OF WISCONSIN neurial spirit of the Czech people. cent months. In this sequence of events, I be- As revolutionary ideas swept across the lieve there are lessons to be learned. With HON. RON KIND continent in 1968, the flowers of the Prague freedom comes the ability to make good and OF WISCONSIN Spring emerged from the cracks in the Iron bad choicesÐand bad decisions will be made IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Curtain. Alexander Dubcek's vision of ``social- time to time in any democracy. It is nonethe- Thursday, November 18, 1999 ism with a human face'' gained currency with less eminently preferable to having decisions the Czech population only to be crushed by forced on a populace by a discredited, in- Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, in recent weeks I Soviet tanksÐsent by anxious leaders in Mos- stalled regime. have read many news articles and heard many interviews which paint a very grim pic- cow. What the vibrant Czech and Slovak commu- When the people of Czechoslovakia marked ture of the political and financial situation in nities in the United States remind us each day the first anniversary of the Soviet crackdown Russia. I have seen economic analysts and is never to take our freedom for granted be- in August 1969, it demonstrated that the re- political pundits shake their heads and ask in cause it can be taken away or it can deterio- sistance of that fatal Spring would not soon be very solemn tones, ``Who lost Russia?'' If I rate into a unrecognizable state. They help us forgotten. Nonetheless, resistance against the were to believe the most outspoken American understand the pain that their friends, rel- regime lost momentum for a number of years leaders and experts, it seems we should just atives, and brethern endured when they lost until the eighties when the dissident move- give up on democratic development in Russia this gift. And they help us recall the remark- ment percolated once again in the churches and allow the worst-case scenarios to become able achievement the Czech and Slovak peo- and cafes of Czechoslovakian society. self-fulfilling prophecies. ple accomplished together during a remark- The man who became the symbol of this But while gloomy forecasts cloud this coun- able month, one decade ago. movement would become one of the defining try's media-based perception of Russia's fu- ture, I have good reason to hold out hope for individuals of the last 20th century, Vaclav f Havel. The famous playright who mocked a prosperous Russia and for a strong U.S.- Russian relationship. In September, I hosted a communist duplicity, conformity, and bureauc- HONORING BRANDI DIAS racy was jailed soon after he helped draft and delegation of Russians through the auspices distribute Charter 77, an anti-Communist of the Library of Congress and the American manifesto originally signed by 242 people. HON. LOIS CAPPS Foreign Policy Council. After spending an ex- Havel emerged as a dissident who trumpeted ceptionally enlightening week with these indi- that ``truth and love must prevail over lies and OF CALIFORNIA viduals, I believe the real question facing the hatred.'' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES West is not who lost RussiaÐas if it were the Ten years ago this month in Czecho- West's to loseÐor even whether Russia is slovakia, the temperature of dissent reached Thursday, November 18, 1999 lost. Rather, the question is how can we help the boiling point. Police brutally dispersed pub- enterprising and industrious Russians, like lic rallies in Bratislava and Prague on Novem- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to those I met, work to rebuild their nation. ber 16 and 17. Daily mass gatherings pro- pay tribute to a very brave young woman, The delegation that spent a week in my duced a national general strike on November Brandi Dias. Ms. Dias suffers from acute mye- Congressional district in western Wisconsin 27 rallied by the motto ``End of Governance loid leukemia and recently had a stem cell came from different regions of Russia and dif- for One Party and Free Elections.'' Forced to transplant, using her own marrow to fight the ferent walks of life. As politicians, scientists negotiate with this powerful opposition, the rul- cancer. I am happy to say that she is doing and financial advisors, these men and women ing leadership of Czechoslovakia yielded to well. represented their nation well. They looked the formation of the Government of National After her own experience with trying unsuc- around a typical Wisconsin dairy farm, walked Understanding with Alexander Dubcek elected cessfully to find a bone marrow donor match, in a small town parade, toured a state univer- as Chairman of the National Parliament and Brandi became interested in attracting volun- sity campus and strolled along the banks of Vaclav Havel as President of the Republic. In teers to the National Marrow Donor Program. the Mississippi River. All the while they shared a remarkable month, Havel had gone from the The National Marrow Donor Program facili- with me, with my constituents and with each theater stage to moving into Prague's Castle tates transplants from volunteers and unre- other, their thoughts about their homeland, its as president of a new Republic. lated donors for patients of all racial and so- future, and the future of relations between our Just as few predicted the breakneck pace of cioeconomic backgrounds. Brandi has focused countries. I was struck by the energy and opti- Eastern Bloc dissolution after the fall of the on attracting and retaining volunteers to par- mism of these individuals, and by their sincere Berlin Wall, few envisioned the ``Velvet Di- ticipate in the NMDP Registry, where people desire to see their fledgling democracy flour- vorce'' between the Czech Republic and the can search for matching donors. ish. Slovak Republic in 1993. It was a tribute to Believing that donors are more likely to re- Mr. Sergey Alcksandrovich Klimov is the the peoples of both sovereign nations that the main committed to the program if they partici- deputy head of the Votorynets district adminis- split was non-violent, a sharp contrast to the pate in a thorough education program prior to tration in Nizhney-Novgorod Oblast. Ms. Irina violence which accompanied transition in a joining the NMDP Registry, Brandi submitted a Lovovna Osokina is a deputy of the Moscow number of other post-communist societies in proposal for a pilot program that will include City Duma. Mr. Nikolay Mikhaylovich Tarasov Europe. two-hour seminars covering the process of be- is the Mayor of Orsk in the Orenbugh Oblast I had the honor of sitting down with Vaclav coming a bone marrow donor. and a member of the legislative assembly. Mr. Havel when I accompanied President Clinton Dimitry Valeriyevich Udalov is chairman of the to the NATO Madrid Summit in July of 1997 I am proud to say that Brandi has received board of the agricultural finance company when the Alliance invited the Czech Republic, word that her Bone Marrow Donor Pilot Pro- Russkoye Pole, and deputy of the Saratov re- along with Hungary and Poland to apply for gram proposal has been funded. The funding gional Duma. Each of these individuals has membership. We reflected on the changes will allow for a donor pilot program in San Luis specific reasons for participating in the delega- that had transpired in this society, a subject Obispo County and for four donor drives be- tion to my district, and each had specific inter- which lends itself to further discussion on this ginning in January 2000. The goal of this pilot ests in comparing the institutions, business tenth anniversary as well. program is to encourage and educate the pub- ventures and political processes of our two na- Inevitably, some of the idealism of those lic about the need for bone marrow donors tions. But by the end of their stay, each grew heady days of ten years ago has dissipated, and to assist in retaining donors on the reg- to be friends with the others, as well as with as Czechs and Slovaks grapple with the day istry. me and my staff, and our shared goals for to day challenges of a democracy and a free And so I salute Brandi Dias today. She has peace and prosperity outweighed the dif- market. After opting for separation, the Slo- shown courage in her fight against leukemia ferences between our respective ways of life. vaks chose a repressive leader, Vladamir and transformed this experience into commu- On their way home, the delegation stopped Meciar, who promptly took the fledgling nation nity activism that will benefit patients across here in Washington. They were not only im- on a u-turn away from democratic pluralism San Luis Obispo County. I am proud to rep- pressed by our magnificent capital city, but by and economic reform. resent her in Congress. the fact that the American people have such

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.127 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 direct and open access to their elected lead- lect a large share of the taxes for the federal TRIBUTE TO LORRAINE CLAIR ers and their government. I am glad to say government because visitors come from all that through this exchange program, myself over and spend money to hunt and fish in our HON. MARCY KAPTUR and many other Members of Congress were great state. OF OHIO able to open this CapitolÐthe People's The Fish and Wildlife Service was instructed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HouseÐto our World War II allies as a sign of to distribute the PR-DJ money through the Thursday, November 18, 1999 support for their honorable efforts at home. Federal Aid Program to the states to use for Since the fall of the Iron Curtain and the conservation and wildlife management. Colo- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay end of Soviet Communism in Russia, the Rus- radans pay these taxes without complaint be- tribute to Lorraine Clair, of Delta, OH. Lorraine sian people have strived to reap the fruits of cause they are playing a part in improving passed from this life on October 12, 1999. democracy and capitalism. Many in Russia wildlife and conservation in our state. This Lorraine had been an elected official in Fulton feel that the journey is hopeless and that cap- fund has helped target money to recover spe- County, Ohio since 1983, serving first on the italism will not work for them. I am confident cies in Colorado that would have otherwise village council, then as Vice Mayor, and was that, based on the four outstanding people I been endangered without PR-DJ funds. The elected Mayor beginning in 1986 through her had the honor of hosting, the doubters and problem comes when Fish and Wildlife was al- retirement in 1998. naysayers both in Russia and abroad will be lowed to use up to 6 percent of one fund and Lorraine Clair graduated from Liberty Center proven wrong. 8 percent of the other to cover administrative High School in 1959, went on to study cosme- Mr. Speaker, I submit that we have a duty, costs related to distributing money to the tology at the Toledo Academy of Beauty Cul- not only as legislators, but as Americans and states. Whatever Fish and Wildlife did not use ture, and worked as a beautician for many as citizens of the world, to help our Russian at the end of the year is supposed to go back years, eventually leaving her profession to be friends at this critical time in their history. Let to the states for more recovery programs. a wife and mother. Tapped to run for Delta Vil- us extend a hand both in friendship and as- In the hearings, we heard from the General lage Council in 1983, Lorraine entered the po- sistance. Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Editor-in- Accounting Office (GAO), a non-partisan fed- litical area, a career she clearly enjoyed. As Chief of U.S. News & World Report recently eral auditing agency that the Federal Aid Pro- her daughter noted, ``After she was named wrote: ``Russia is not lost. It is still a much bet- gram within Fish and Wildlife is ``one of the Vice Mayor and then became the Mayor, she ter friend of the West than it was under Com- worst managed programs we've ever encoun- just ran from there.'' At many Fulton County munism.'' Mr. Zuckerman went on to say, tered.'' Fish and Wildlife has been caught red- events, Mayor Clair could be found trying to ``The Russians have, in fact, demonstrated an handed spending funds Congress specifically meet with everyone in the room, charming and extraordinary resilience . . . The United designated to support conservation and wild- gracious, chatting amiably or discussing farm- States and the West will have to appreciate life management. We learned from GAO that ing, business, families, or issues of the day that Russia can only solve its problems its rather than returning money to the States, with ease. own way.'' He concluded, ``Humility will serve over $30 million was spent on trips to Japan, Delta grew and prospered throughout us well. Not everybody needs to be like us.'' expensive hotels and dinners, and other unau- Lorraine's tenure as Mayor. Under her admin- I couldn't agree more. Russia does have a thorized expenses. They had at least separate istration a wastewater treatment plant was bright future, and the United States has the slush funds within Fish and Wildlife used for built, streets were resurfaced and rebuilt, three opportunity to be a friend and partner in that pet projects never approved by Congress. In new housing subdivisions were built, and the future. fact, some of these projects were specifically village park was developed, including a new We will, of course, continue to encourage forbidden. Money was spent on ``International shelterhouse. She led the local effort to bring democracy and openness not only in Russia, Affairs, the Peoples Republic of China,'' ``Inter- new industry to Delta, which now features two but in all nations of the world. In the aftermath national Affairs, NAFTA,'' and other mys- steel mills and the industries which contribute of the Cold War, such participation remains terious items unrelated to conservation. When to the mills. Before she had to retire due to vital to our national interest. America must be the committee asked, Assistant Interior Sec- declining health, Mayor Clair had begun plan- active in the world community to help guide retary Donald Barry, and Director of Fish and ning for a new 50,000 gallon water tower. the many newly independent nations in their Wildlife Service Jamie Clark could not provide Lorraine's drive as Mayor was summed up by democratic development. an explanation on how this money was help- her successor who stated, ``She cared quite a Mr. Speaker, I made new friends in Sep- ing with conservation and wildlife management bit about the community and the overall quality tember; friends I hope learned at least a little in the United States. of life. She was particularly concerned with from me and my community, as I learned so youth activities and about things for our sen- We learned that money was also used to much from them. Perhaps the greatest thing I iors to do.'' This summation is an honorable fund bonuses for employees who weren't even learned is how similar are our goals and legacy for a woman who remained a lifelong working for Fish and Wildlife, and, in some dreams for our countries, our communities, resident of Fulton County, rising to lead one of cases, to people who weren't even working for and our families. I applaud the members of its communities, and working with fellow elect- the federal government. In addition, employ- the Russian delegation that visited my district ed officials to keep the county a viable com- ees who have no authority were signing off for their dedication and loyalty to their nation, munity. and I wish them well in their efforts to build travel well above the federal limits, on trips in In addition to her public legacy, Lorraine stronger communities and homes for their excess of $75,000. Believe it or not, it gets Clair leaves an even greater personal one: her families. worse. They tried to use these administrative children Kirk, Michelle, and Melissa and six funds, meant to pay a phone bill or buy a f grandchildren. We express our heartfelt con- desk, to buy an island near Hawaii. The cost dolences to them, to her mother Rennetta, FEDERAL WILDLIFE AID of this remote island was $30 million. Fish and brothers Calvin and Tim, and sisters Lorrinda Wildlife said it was important to ducks that the and Leann, and leave them with these words HON. BOB SCHAFFER Island be preserved. When Congress looked from poet Haydn Marshall, `` . . . for every joy into the island further we found a total of 10 OF COLORADO that passes something beautiful remains.'' ducks on the Island. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Unfortunately, this is just one program in Thursday, November 18, 1999 one agency within the Department of Interior, IN SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF BEN Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, this legisla- and there are still several million dollars within RICHMOND ON HIS SELECTION tive session, the House Resources Com- Pittman-Robertson, Dingell-Johnson and Fish AS FEATURED ARTIST FOR THE mittee, of which I am a member, held three and Wildlife no one seems to know where it STATE OF OHIO BICENTENNIAL lengthy hearings on how the U.S. Fish and was spent. At the final hearing, I asked for the CELEBRATION Wildlife Service has managed the Pittman- resignation of Ms. Clark and Mr. Barry if they Robertson (PR) and Dingell-Johnson (DJ) could not find out where this money was going HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR funds. These funds are paid for through excise and stop the waste and illegal spending. Rath- OF OHIO taxes collected on all fishing and hunting sup- er than spending $3 million per duck in a re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plies and outdoor gear. Coloradans pay a dis- mote Island, Fish and Wildlife Service should proportionate share of these taxes because of let the people of Colorado use this money to- Thursday, November 18, 1999 the number of sportsmen and women who live ward something that actually helps conserva- Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is with great here. In addition, businesses in Colorado col- tion and wildlife. pleasure that I rise today to pay special tribute

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.129 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2499 to an outstanding individual from the Fifth HONORING JOHN HIGHTOWER the brightest and most talented players to Congressional District of Ohio. We are fortu- come into the game in years, fielding impres- nate that Ben Richmond makes his home in HON. DALE E. KILDEE sive performances both at the plate and on his our area and is able to share his artistic tal- OF MICHIGAN centerfield beat. Carlos joins a distinguished ents with us. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES group of only eight players in baseball history to begin a promising career by surpassing the Ben Richmond is without question one of Thursday, November 18, 1999 Ohio's premier artists. Concentrating on the 100 benchmark in both RBIs and runs. His rich heritage and natural surroundings of the Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, it is a great honor distinguished colleagues in that group include Great Lakes, Ben Richmond seeks to combine for me to rise before you today to pay tribute such baseball greats as Ted Williams, Joe feeling, personality, and clear relationships in to Mr. John Hightower of Flint, Michigan. On DiMaggio, and another great Kansas City each of his paintings. While his paintings and November 27, local officials, friends, and fam- Royal, Fred Lynn, the last outstanding fresh- artistic creations are produced in wondrous ily will gather to honor this longtime activist man to win the award in 1975. Carlos be- fashion today, in his youth, art class was not and community leader. comes the third Kansas City Royal to win the at the top of Ben's priority list. However, with John Hightower moved to Flint in 1952, Rookie of the Year, joining Lou Pinella in 1969 some guidance from his parents and one of where he began a long tenure with the Buick and Bob Hamelin in 1994. his college professors, Ben embarked upon a Motor Company. He also joined the UAW and Carlos has another, even more important remarkable career as an artist. rose through its ranks, serving as a com- reason to celebrate, and further cause for con- mitteeman, as well as on the executive boards gratulation. Carlos was recently married, and Mr. Speaker, after honing his skills as an for Local 599 and Local 659. John also is presently enjoying his honeymoon in the artist, Ben graduated from college and went to worked as chair of his Local's civil rights com- Caribbean with his new bride, Jessica. work in the business world. But, business sim- mittee, working tirelessly to ensure that his fel- At a young 22 years of age, Carlos has ply did not capture Ben's imagination and tal- low employees were treated with equity and begun an auspicious career both on the base- ents the way painting did. So, one weekend, respect. ball diamond and as a cherished member of while traveling through Marblehead with his John's sense of civil rights extended into his his new and adopted community. Kansas City wife, Wendy, they noticed the picturesque entrepreneurial activities as well. As the owner has warmly welcomed Carlos and encouraged beauty of the Lake Erie region. In 1981, the of Hightower Construction and Hightower him on his personal and professional quest for Richmonds purchased a building in the village Electric Company, John helped build many excellence. As a fellow Kansas Citian and of Marblehead and turned it into an art gallery. prominent churches and other buildings in the longtime fan of the Kansas City Royals, I Thus began the artistry of Ben Richmond. Flint area. He provided training for other Afri- thank Carlos for all his contributions to our Ben Richmond's myriad collection of works can Americans who wished to join the busi- team, to baseball, and to the people of Kan- of art seems to have no end. From his signa- ness world, helping them receive opportunities sas City. ture painting of the Marblehead Lighthouse to that normally would have been denied them in Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- the other limited edition paintings, posters, the America of the 1950's and 60's. lating Carlos on his marriage, and saluting the sculptures, and collectibles, the Richmond When local banks refused to hire qualified 1999 American League Rookie of the Year. Galleries has become known as The Collec- African-Americans for jobs, it was John High- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. tors Choice for custom artwork and framing. tower who organized rallies and marches to f For his accomplishments, Ben Richmond's protest and ultimately eliminate these injus- work has been featured at the Grand Central tices. In later years, John furthered his busi- THE JOURNEY OF THE MAGI Art Galleries in New York, Great Lakes Re- ness experience with another business, Mon- gional Art Exhibition, the Salmagundi Club in tego Travel Office, later known as the Travel HON. TONY P. HALL New York, and many others. As well, Ben has Centre of Flint. OF OHIO received numerous awards and recognitions Our Flint community owes much to John for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National his dedication and generosity. Over the years, Thursday, November 18, 1999 Watercolor Society, U.S. Lighthouse Society, he has helped citizens gain self-sufficiency Ohio Division of Travel and Tourism, and the and self-respect. He has promoted strong fam- Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, as we ap- DeÂcor Magazine Award of Excellence. ilies with strong foundations, and provided proach the new millennium, our focus has been, more or less, with Y2K issues rather Ben Richmond has also been called upon to food and shelter for the needy. Mr. Speaker, the celebration to honor John than the fact that, for Christians around the showcase his work in the interest of public world, it represents the 2000th anniversary of service. By request of the Governor of the Hightower has a theme entitled ``Visions.'' Truly John has been a visionary, as he has the birth of Jesus. state of Ohio, Ben designed the Ohio light- To those and many others, the new millen- house license plate. Through the sale of the li- given much of himself to make our community a better place in which to live. I ask my col- nium provides a rare opportunity for new be- cense plate, more than five million dollars has ginnings and renewed hope which will chal- been generated to help clean and maintain the leagues in the 106th Congress to join me in saluting John Hightower. We owe him a debt lenge all people of goodwill to rededicate Lake Erie coastline. Not only are Ben Rich- themselves to the principles of justice, mercy, mond and his wife, Wendy, outstanding entre- of gratitude. f forgiveness and peaceÐprecepts made more preneurs, they are always more than willing to fundamental by the conflict, turmoil and suf- assist their community. Over the years, the HONORING CARLOS BELTRAN ON fering sadly evident in the lands of the Bible Richmonds have graciously and unselfishly WINNING THE 1999 AMERICAN and throughout the world. given to others. Through grants, scholarships, LEAGUE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR In this spirit, church families of the Middle and other donations, many hospitals, schools, East, both ancient and modern, are inviting and senior centers have benefited from their HON. KAREN McCARTHY peace-loving people to join them in celebrating generosity. Although they seek no recognition, this opportunity and this anniversary com- we applaud their unwavering dedication to OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES memoration. Sponsored by the Holy Land their community. Trust, part of the commemoration will be a his- Mr. Speaker, Ben Richmond has inspired Thursday, November 18, 1999 toric reenactment of the Journey of the Magi, many with his work and has been named the Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I the original pilgrimage of the three wise men Featured Artist for the state of Ohio Bicenten- rise today to honor the new 1999 American over 1,000 miles to Bethlehem to witness and nial Celebration in 2003. Ben Richmond will League Rookie of the Year, Carlos Beltran of honor the birth of Jesus. commemorate this historic event with a limited the Kansas City Royals. Carlos was the nearly This historic undertaking will have pilgrims edition print, minted coin, and sculpture of the unanimous choice for the prestigious award from many nations traveling for 99 days by Ohio Capitol building. I can think of no better after an exceptional season in which he aver- foot, horse and camel along ancient caravan way to recognize the hallmark event of Ohio's aged .293 at the plate with 22 homers, 108 routes through six countries that make up the 200th Anniversary than with the works of Ben RBI, 112 runs, and 25 steals in 35 attempts. holy lands of the Bible, commencing in mid- Richmond. I would urge my colleagues to Carlos is one of those rare players who has September of next year and ending on De- stand and join me in paying very special trib- been able to put together power with speed, cember 25th in Bethlehem. ute to Ben Richmond for his outstanding con- skill with enthusiasm, and an obvious love for Like the three wise men who brought offer- tributions to the world of art. the game. He is widely recognized as one of ings of peace to Bethlehem, the participants in

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.133 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 the Journey of the Magi 2000 will also bear erans organizations, civic groups, educational by China of advanced U.S. missile and nu- modern day offerings. During each day of the and humanitarian organizations, and govern- clear weapons technology. 99 days of the trip, humanitarian assistance ment consortiums. I know that even though But despite the growing threat posed by bal- will be given to the needy people of the coun- Wes is retiring from ``active'' public life, he will listic missiles, President Clinton and his ad- try through which the travelers pass. remain very much in the thick of life in Bowling ministration have consistently opposed the de- This pilgrimage of peace is being coordi- Green and Northwest Ohio. We wish him an ployment of an effective ballistic missile de- nated by the Holy Land Trust and the Middle enjoyable retirement, spent with family and fense. President Clinton especially opposes a East Council of Churches, as an expression of friends, and doing all those things he put off missile defense using space. Yet, a space- the deep-seated desire of church families of until tomorrow. For people in our community, based missile defense could provide the glob- the Middle East to seek peace and peace- Wes Hoffman embodies the finest tradition of al coverage the U.S. needs to defend its makers. We appreciate the spirit and purpose service before self that lies at the heart of armed forces overseas, and its friends and al- of this event, as well as the incredible chal- America's nationhood. lies such as Israel. A space-based ballistic lenge it represents, and believe it deserves f missile defense is technologically feasible, our support. using a combination of miniature interceptors, We trust that all people of goodwill will en- AMERICA IS CONCERNED high energy lasers, and other technologies. courage and support the Journey of the Magi We need a President who will be concerned 2000 and other efforts to relieve suffering and HON. BOB SCHAFFER about our defense, and the defense of our al- promote peace as a fitting entry into the new OF COLORADO lies such as Israel. All the legislation passed millennium. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by Congress cannot take effect without a f President, a Commander-in-Chief, who is will- Thursday, November 18, 1999 ing to work toward, not obstruct, the natural HONORING BOWLING GREEN Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, when Iran's desire of the American people to defend them- MAYOR WES HOFFMAN ON HIS supreme leader, the Ayatollah Aki Khamenei, selves from ballistic missile attack. Flashy pol- RETIREMENT leads thousands of his countrymen in violent icy statements are no substitute for a real de- protests against the United States and Israel, fense. By the year 2000, after eight years of HON. MARCY KAPTUR chanting ``Death to America!'' and ``Death to office, President Clinton will not have deployed OF OHIO Israel,'' America is concerned. When the Rus- a ballistic missile defense, leaving us vulner- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sian Foreign Ministry says as a matter of offi- able to destruction. cial policy that Russia will overcome an Amer- I recently addressed our need to deploy an Thursday, November 18, 1999 ican missile defense by launching more mis- effective missile defense in a series of letters Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to siles, America is concerned. When North to the Secretary of Defense, the Director of honor an exceptional elder statesman in my Korea flaunts agreements with the United the CIA, and Chairman of the House Armed district. Bowling Green Mayor Wes Hoffman States by continuing to develop long range Services Committee. I have addressed our retires from public office at the end of this missiles to attack the U.S., America is con- need to deploy an effective missile defense in year. A native of Philadelphia, Mayor Hoffman cerned. past letters, and in speeches on the floor of served first his country and then his commu- Every American should be concerned with the House. I will continue to speak out on our nity. our lack of missile defense. Our cities are vul- need to deploy an effective missile defense, Wes' pursuit of a college degree at the Uni- nerable to destruction. Our military has no de- especially a defense using space. versity of Pennsylvania's Wharton School was fense against long range ballistic missiles in I am encouraged by the policies of countries interrupted by World War II, when he enlisted spite of the common mis-perception about Pa- such as Israel which recognize the need for in the Army Air Corps in 1943. After his heroic triot which is only for intercepting short range ballistic missile defense. In 1988, Israel and service in the war ended, Wes decided to pur- missiles, not ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic the United States began collaboration on the sue a career with the Army Air Corps, retiring Missiles). The truth is we cannot stop a single Arrow ballistic missile interceptor, linked to from the United States Air Force as a Lieuten- ICBM, whether launched by Russia, China, President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initia- ant Colonel in 1969. Throughout his military North Korea, or even Iran, which is developing tive, popularly known as Star Wars. Today, service, both during World War II and as a ca- long range ballistic missiles to threaten us. Israel's Arrow missile defense program com- reer officer, Wes served our nation with honor Iran has demonstrated its desire to threaten pleted its seventh test launch, successfully hit- and distinction, earning the Distinguished Fly- the U.S. and Israel. Iran is matching its reli- ting its target. I believe America should con- ing Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Asiatic gious zeal with its ballistic missile program. tinue to support Israel in its ballistic missile de- Pacific Campaign Medal with five Battle Stars, Iran's missiles threaten Israel and peace in the fense program. the Air Medal and Air Force Commendation Middle East. Iran's missiles will also eventually America needs to be concerned with its vul- Medal both with Oak Leaf Cluster. threaten American cities. Other countries also nerability to ballistic missile attack. The bal- After retiring from the Air Force, Wes de- threaten us. Russia still has over a thousand listic missile threat posed by Iran and other cided to pursue additional higher education at long range ballistic missiles. China is building countries is real and growing. The threat of Bowling Green State University, where he ob- three new types of long range ballistic mis- ballistic missile attack is also faced by our tained a Masters Degree in 1971. In 1972, he siles. North Korea tested last year a three- friends and allies. Deploying a ballistic missile began his public service with the City of Bowl- stage missile capable of reaching the U.S. defense in space will be our best response. It ing Green as the Safety Service Director and These protestors in Iran burnt the American will provide us the most effective defense pos- later, in 1974, as the city's first Municipal Ad- and Israeli flags. They climbed on top of build- sible, capable of giving global coverage, able ministrator. He retired in 1988. His retirement ings opposite the old U.S. embassy com- to assist our friends and allies such as Israel. was short-lived, however, as he was ap- pound, setting fire to the Stars and Stripes, f proached by local leaders and urged to run for the blue-and-white Star of David flag of Israel, REGARDING MY VOTE ON THE DE- Mayor in 1991. He was elected in 1992, re- and the Union Jack of Great Britain. America FENSE APPROPRIATIONS BILL elected in 1995, and now retires from official is not alone in its need to deploy an effective FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 business. Of his tenure, Mayor Hoffman noted, ballistic missile defense system. Ballistic mis- ``It has indeed been a privilege for me to have siles threaten Israel, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, HON. RON KIND been a part of the deliberations and decision- South Korea, as well as the U.S. Ballistic mis- OF WISCONSIN making processes that have contributed to siles are a global problem requiring a global IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES civic betterment and community well-being.'' solution. Truly, the city of Bowling Green has grown, Congress has recognized the growing threat Thursday, November 18, 1999 prospered and flourished under Wes' tutelage. from long range ballistic missiles. Earlier this Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, when I returned to Visionary, patriotic, mindful of the needs of year, Congress energetically passed legisla- Congress for my second term last January, I others, Wes Hoffman is a true community tion making it the policy of the United States came with the hope that I could believe the leader. His good deeds have not gone unno- to deploy a ballistic missile defense. This leg- House leadership when it said things would be ticed, and he has been honored with awards islation came in the face of North Korea's Au- different in the 106th Congress from the expe- and recognitions too numerous to mention gust 31, 1998 ballistic missile test, the warn- rience of my first term in the 105th. We were from local, state, and national organizations. ings of the Rumsfeld Commission on the bal- told that the appropriations process would fol- He is also a proud member of several vet- listic missile threat to the U.S., and the theft low the rules; 13 separate spending bills

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.136 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2501 brought to the floor for consideration with rea- The House should find the cuts needed to INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION sonable time and access for debate. We were keep spending within the budget caps, rather HONORING THE UNITED STATES told that the bills would be straight-forward, than using money that should be spent paying SUBMARINE FORCE ON ITS 100TH without tricks or gimmicks. We were mislead. down our national debt and preserving Social ANNIVERSARY The House leadership has continued to play Security and Medicare for future generations. tricks with the budget process. This fall, it did These budget gimmicks only serve to erode HON. SAM GEJDENSON so at the expense of the men and women in public confidence in the process and threaten OF CONNECTICUT our armed forces. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have the utmost respect and admiration for the future of Social Security and Medicare. It the American men and women who serve in was fitting that the vote on the defense con- Thursday, November 18, 1999 uniform. My brother is currently serving a tour ference report came just before Halloween. Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to sa- with his Reserve unit in Europe, and I have Congressional leaders tried hard to trick the lute the United States Submarine Force for a made two trips to the Balkans to visit our public into believing the government's budget century of service to America. Today, I have troops there. The young soldiers with whom I is all treat. introduced a resolution stressing the impor- spoke were bursting with pride and con- Ultimately, I am very glad our troops are tance of the Submarine Force to this nation fidence, and universally voiced their commit- getting their pay raises, and I am very glad and commending it on behalf of the House of ment to peace, freedom and their duty. Representatives. A similar resolution has also needed investments were made in the infra- With those men and women in mind, I was been introduced in the Senate. pleased to see my colleagues on the defense structure which maintains our military readi- Earlier this year, I introduced a resolution authorization and appropriations committees ness. I only wish I could have voted in favor urging the Postal Service to issue a com- provide funding our military personnel with the defense appropriations conference report memorative stamp to honor the service of sub- long overdue raises and improved benefits. I as a symbol of my support for our troops and mariners past and present. More than 180 was also glad to see readiness issues appro- our national security interests. But such a other Members of the House of Representa- priately addressed. Accordingly, I voted in symbolic act, when in my heart I believed the tives have co-sponsored that resolution. I am favor of the Department of Defense Appropria- American people were being deceived, would pleased to report that the Postal Service an- tions bill when considered by the House, even have flown in the face of the very ideals for nounced last month that it will issue a series though I had some reservations concerning which our men and women in uniform carry of five submarine stamps honoring ``A Century other provisions of legislation. It was my hope out their duty. of Service to America.'' These stamps portray that, during the conference committee proc- the incredible progress we have made from ess, the bill would be strengthened and f the Navy's first submarineÐthe USS Hol- framed in an honest and responsible manner. landÐto the Ohio and Los Angeles Class sub- Sadly though, I could not vote for the De- HONORING ALEX K. ‘‘BUD’’ GEREN marines of the late Twentieth century. How- partment of Defense Appropriations Con- ever, these stamps honor much more than ference Report. Instead of making a sincere technological prowess. They evoke the self- commitment to our troops and an honest ac- HON. LOIS CAPPS less service of tens of thousands of veterans counting to the taxpayers, the Congressional who patrolled the depths of the world's oceans leadership in both houses resorted to budget OF CALIFORNIA guaranteeing victory over tyranny and security tricks and gimmicks to hide the fact that it had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for all Americans. failed to make the needed difficult decisions The Submarine Force deserves recognition during the entire budget process in order to Thursday, November 18, 1999 by this body. During World War II, the U.S. stick to the 1997 balanced budget agreement. Submarine Force destroyed 55% of all Japa- The defense report designated $7.2 billion of Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to nese shipping although it accounted for only routine operation and maintenance appropria- bring to the attention of my colleagues an ex- 2% of Naval forces. Our nuclear missile sub- tions as ``emergency funding'' and exempts an traordinary man, who will be honored by family marines, endlessly patrolling beneath the additional $10.5 billion from the federal budget and friends on November 20th as he cele- oceans out of sight of the enemy, dramatically caps. Through that bill, the Congressional brates his retirement from the Santa Barbara reduced the threat of nuclear war. And we can leadership tried to convince the public that a Metropolitan Transportation Department and never forget the 3,800 submariners who made $267 billion budget only costs $249 billion. I Spirit of '76 Association. the supreme sacrifice for their nation. These simply could not support that tactic. Alex K. ``Bud'' Geren faithfully served the are true heroes we honor with this resolution, The budget caps were set by Congress to Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transportation Mr. Speaker. In the words of Admiral Chester keep federal spending in check and to help A. Nimitz, a submariner himself before he led Department for twenty-five years. Bud also reach the goal of a balanced federal budget. the U.S. Navy in the Pacific during the Second served as coordinator, recruiter, and volunteer House Republican leaders, in an attempt to world War: ``It is to the everlasting honor and circumvent the budget caps, have repeatedly driver for MTD buses on the Fourth of July. glory of our submarine personnel that they designated traditional budget items as emer- For Bud's dedication to safely transporting never failed us in our days of great peril.'' gency funding. Any spending in excess of the members of the community each year after I urge all Members of Congress to support budget caps threatens our ability to insure the the Fourth of July fireworks, he earned the title this resolution and show their support for long term solvency of Social Security and ``Mr. Fourth of July.'' Too often, people who these brave sailors. Medicare and to pay down the national debt. work in the public transportation community f To call routine operations and maintenance are not given proper credit for the service they THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DE- an emergency item is an insult to every Amer- provide. Without the leadership and service of VELOPMENT FUND IMPROVE- ican. It is the same kind of budget trick the people like Bud, our quality of life would be di- House leadership used when they say the up- MENT ACT minished. coming 2000 Census is an emergency. The taxpayers should not, and will not, be fooled Bud also served the community on the HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS by this accounting slight-of-hand. Board of Directors for the Sparkle and Tradi- OF NEW YORK Furthermore, pork-barrel projects permeated tions Committee. In addition, Bud was co- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the bill, including $1.5 billion for a ship to be founder of the Santa Barbara Family Fourth Thursday, November 18, 1999 built in Mississippi that the Navy did not re- Coordinating Committee. I believe that his quest, and $275 million for F±15 aircraft not dedicated service in these organizations Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- requested. As Senator JOHN MCCAIN said on earned the sincere appreciation and admira- troduce, along with my colleagues, Represent- the floor of the Senate: ``I would have liked to tion of the people of Santa Barbara County. atives TAUZIN, DINGELL, MARKEY, and OXLEY, have been able to . . . support the defense the Telecommunications Development Fund appropriations bill. Unfortunately, the smoke Mr. Speaker, Bud has made immeasurable Improvement Act. and mirrors budgeting at the core of this bill is contributions to his community. I am truly hon- This bill will resolve technical deficiencies too pervasive, the level of wasteful spending ored to represent Mr. Geren in Congress. I that are affecting the operation of the Tele- . . . is too irresponsible for me to acquiesce send my most heartfelt appreciation for his communications Development Fund (TDF), in its passage.'' hard work and dedicated service. enacted as part of the Telecommunications

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.140 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Act of 1996. It will address the following existing site in 1692 and a third structure to label its premium cheese as have ``No Artifi- issues: (1) the need to maximize the interest around 1760. In 1799, the existing structure cial Hormones.'' earning potential of all FCC spectrum auction was built and today we recognize this incred- Mr. Speaker, the Ag Business Award is bidders' deposits; and (2) lack of specific lan- ible 200 year journey. given to an agricultural organization whose guage authorizing TDF's participation in gov- Just as members of the Parish no doubt achievements and impact have significantly ernment-sponsored capitalization programs. celebrated the dedication of their new building contributed to the industry and the Center Val- Specifically, this bill: in 1799 on the verge of a new century, today ley; Joseph Gallo Farms is a excellent rep- Directs the FCC to place all spectrum auc- we celebrate two hundred years of progress at resentation of this. I congratulate JGF for their tion bidders' deposits in interest-bearing ac- Poplar Hill as we count down the remaining accomplishments in the cheese and agri- counts; and days to the new millennium. culture business. I urge my colleagues to join Provides explicit instructions that the TDF The parishioners of St. George's have been me in wishing Joseph Gallo Farms many more may participate in the SBA's SBIC program to witness to extraordinary events and their his- years of continued success. assist it in generating additional capital. tory bridges a time line of critical events in our f Implementing these two items will effectuate Nation's historyÐfrom the fledgling colony of my original intent as the author of the 1996 the 1600s, the rise of revolution in the 1700's, CATHY HUGHES, FROM RAGS TO provision. The TDE provision was intended to the Civil War and the abolition of slavery in RICHES maximize the availability of investment capital the 1800's, and the transformation of St. to entrepreneurs seeking to provide tele- Mary's County from its rural way of life to HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS communications services to underserved com- being the home of the world's premier and OF MARYLAND munities. These technical oversights are de- most advanced aviation testing facility with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priving the TDF of millions of dollars of addi- establishment of Patuxent River Naval Air Sta- Thursday, November 18, 1999 tional revenue. tion. Despite numerous obstacles over the last And through it all, St. George's Episcopal Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, breaking the two years, the TDF continues to remain oper- Parish has been a beacon of faith serving to cycle of past racial discrimination has been a ational. I am pleased to convey that TDF has enrich its parishioners with God's word and mission of African Americans across this reviewed over 300 telecommunications busi- providing a firm foundation to do His work. country. Wishing for only an opportunity, great ness proposals with a staff of less than five I commend St. George's Episcopal Church African Americans, in many fields and indus- people, confined operational overhead ex- on the 200th Anniversary of their building and tries, have struggled to feed to this country penses to 5.2 percent of its total budget, and wish its parishioners all the best in the future. and this world, the fruits of their talents and recently announced funding for small business f labor. In the process, many have tried and entrepreneurs who will provide telecommuni- failed, but a few have beat the odds and have cations services to undeserved communities. HONORING JOSEPH GALLO FARMS made a major impact. Perhaps one of the Remedying the technical deficiencies outlined greatest examples of those who have crum- in the previous paragraphs will ensure the HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH bled the walls of bias and discrimination, is continued viability of the TDF. OF CALIFORNIA one of the Maryland 7th District's brightest Mr. Speaker, I urge you and my House col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stars. Through the storm of discrimination against African Americans and women entre- leagues to join me in ensuring that the Tele- Thursday, November 18, 1999 communications Development Fund is a viable preneurs, Catherine Hughes would not be de- entity in today's ever-evolving telecommuni- Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise feated. She flew to high heights. cations frontier. today to honor Joseph Gallo Farms of Atwater Mrs. Hughes, the founder and chairwoman f for being named the 1999 Baker, Peterson & of Radio One, with her mind set on waking Franklin Ag Business Award. Joseph Gallo America to injustice, bigotry, and discrimina- A TRIBUTE TO ST. GEORGE’S EPIS- Farms is being honored on November 17, tion, has revolutionized the broadcasting in- COPAL CHURCH: 200 YEARS OF 1999 at the AgFRESNO Farm Equipment Ex- dustry from an African American point of view. SERVICE position luncheon. Cathy Hughes had a dreamÐa dream to cre- Joseph Gallo Farms (JGF), family-owned ate an information-based radio program HON. STENY H. HOYER and operated by CEO and co-owner Michael geared towards the African American commu- OF MARYLAND Gallo was named the nation's largest dairy by nity. With very humble beginnings at Howard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Successful Farming in 1995. JGF was found- University's radio station, WHUR±FM, she set ed in 1946; they operate 12,000 acres of land, out to realize this dream. Thursday, November 18, 1999 raising 25,000 head of cattle on five dairies In 1979, Mrs. Hughes and her husband Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and 2,500 acres of wine grapes, Joseph Gallo made their first venture into the unwelcoming pay tribute to the parishioners of the St. Farms also produces a wide array of Joseph world of broadcasting by purchasing WOL George's Episcopal Church as they celebrate Farms cheeses, which are sold in more than (AM) in Washington, DC. She aired a radio the 200th Anniversary of their church building 20 states and in five countries internationally. talk show, which she hosted wiht her husband. on Sunday, November 21st. Located in Valley JGF has played a significant role in cheese Although investors did not share her vision, Lee in the Southern Maryland County of St. becoming the fastest-growing dairy product in Cathy Hughes struggled on in pursuit of her Mary's, St. George's has been serving the California, now the second leading state in dream. faithful since the reign of William and Mary cheese production. In 1986, Mrs. Hughes made her first effort some 360 years agoÐhence it is also known Joseph Gallo Farms is leading the way in its to expand. She attempted to form a ``commu- as the William and Mary Parish. ``Environmentally-Compatible Farming,'' finding nity corporation'' to purchase WKYS (FM) from Following the establishment of the Maryland land usage compromises to benefit both agri- NBC, but couldn't raise the necessary funding Colony by Leonard Calvert in 1634, the settle- culture and the surrounding natural environ- before the company was sold. Still in pursuit ment at St. Mary's began to grow with the es- ment. Operating within the San Joaquin Valley of her dream, in 1997, she purchased WMMI tablishment of St. George's Hundred, a piece Grasslands, one of the most critical wetland (FM) in Washington. She also again pursued of land across the St. Mary's River and west areas left in California, JGF seeks to protect WKYS and in 1994, she finally purchased the of the Capital settlement of St. Mary's City. the environment while still conducting its farm- station. Maryland is known as the birthplace of reli- ing affairs. For these efforts, JGF received an Mrs. Hughes took advantage of her own gious toleration in Colonial America and along environmental award from the Central Valley business skills to build the foundation of her with Catholic settlers and settlers of other Joint Habitat in 1996. JGF has created its own broadcast kingdom, and all the while, Mrs. faiths came followers of the Anglican church. internal Department of Environmental Affairs Hughes never lost sight of her goal to inform. Some of these colonists would establish the to ensure that all operations remain compat- She remained active in protesting social and Poplar Hill ChurchÐthought to have been built ible with critical habitat values. With the con- political issues; so much in fact, that many between 1638 and 1642 just 50 feet from the sumer concern over the rBST/rBGH con- feared she would lose sponsors. However, site of the present building. troversy, JGF made the unprecedented deci- she kept lending her voice to issues of con- Over the years, the William and Mary Parish sion to stop using all artificial hormones on its cern to her community. She was strongly op- would worship in several buildings. A second dairy herd, becoming the first cheese producer posed to Magazine's de- church is believed to have been built on the nationwide to receive governmental approval cision to feature an African American rapper

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.143 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2503 accused of murder on their cover. She pro- decision that upholds a labor agreement under thanked him for ‘‘being on my side.’’ A jan- tested the indictment and imprisonment of the authority of the San Francisco Airport's itor thanks him for ‘‘caring about immi- former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, and the ex- Commission to contract exclusively with union grants and the most disempowered members of society that no one else would care pulsion of Larry Young from the Maryland labor on the airport's multi-billion dollar expan- about.’’ State Legislature. She also spoke out about sion project. A native of New York and a graduate of several FCC telecommunications issues to Throughout his 44-year law career, he ar- Boalt Hall School of Law at the University help ensure that the door to the broadcast in- gued four times before the U.S. Supreme of California, Berkeley, Van Bourg was a dustry would not be closed behind her and Court and made numerous appearances be- former socialist, painter, musician, racon- that others could also pursue their dreams. fore the California Supreme Court. His labor teur and patron of Russian restaurants. The Her dynamic achievements as a business- law firm became the largest labor law firm rep- memorial which lasted more than two hours, woman didn't inhibit her from excelling in other resenting over 400 unions in the United States at times resembled nothing so much as a arenas. Mrs. Hughes is a dedicated mother including the Service Employees International marathon bargaining session. Heineman speculated that Van Bourg was and role model, as evidenced by the recent Union. probably hard at work filing a grievance over takeover of business operations by her son Victor fought unrelentingly for working men his death, calling it an ‘‘arbitrary and capri- Mr. Alfred C. Liggins III. Mr. Liggins, a grad- and women of America and improved the liv- cious act by Management,’’ and no one in the uate of The Wharton School of Business at ing standards of untold numbers of people. He hall was betting against the grievance being the University of Pennsylvania (1995), has will be truly missed by his family, friends, and upheld. taken his mother's company and expanded it colleagues in the San Francisco Bay and na- f to the powerhouse that it is today. He is a tional communities. staunch businessman and makes the well-in- I sadly extend the condolences of my con- SUPPORTING THE PRISON CARD formed decisions that have boosted Radio stituents and my colleagues to the Van Bourg PROGRAM One's stock to over $40 a share. Currently, family. Radio One is the largest chain of African [From the San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 13, HON. KAREN McCARTHY American radio stations. Still, Mrs. Hughes 1999] OF MISSOURI and her son Mr. Liggins are not satisfied and LABOR’S FAREWELL TO A FRIEND: 1,000 AT ´ continue in their flight to even greater achieve- PALACE OF FINE ARTS REMEMBER VICTOR HON. JOSE E. SERRANO ments. VAN BOURG OF NEW YORK Perhaps Mrs. Hughes' efforts are described (By Steve Rubenstein) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Victor Van Bourg, the legendary labor law- best in the words of FCC chairman William Thursday, November 18, 1999 Kennard; ``Her political beliefs and commit- yer who sometimes worked out of his big ment to the community are the most important blue car and wore a miniature meat cleaver Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I for a tie tack, was remembered for four dec- things in her life. She has been able to be a rise today to join my colleague, the distin- ades of sticking up for the little guy. guished Ranking Member of the Appropriation spokesperson for causes and still be success- The little guys of the Bay Area and their ful * * *.'' Hughes lives by a ``Never give up, union leaders and lawyers showed up at the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Stay and fight'' philosophy. She is a true fight- Palace of Fine Arts theater to say farewell State, the gentleman from New York, Mr. er, not only for her dreams, but for her beliefs. to the larger-than-life union man who helped SERRANO, to highlight a successful initiative for Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I, raise their salaries and their morale. more than 25 years, and to urge its continu- on behalf of the 7th District, honor this inspira- ‘‘He was hirsute, 50 to 100 pounds over- ation. The Salvation Army has been working weight, noisy, literate, vulgar and profane,’’ tional American for her relentless refusal to be with the Bureau of Prisons to operate what is said University of San Francisco English known as the Prison Card Program. Under defeated and her efforts to soar to the highest professor Alan Heineman, whose union Van heights. Bourg helped organize in the 1970s. ‘‘He was this highly successful program, greeting cards ``For she believes she can fly, often wrong but never in doubt. are donated to The Salvation Army which are She believes she can touch the sky, ‘‘He was a great, shaggy, menacing bear then given to inmates at correctional facilities She thinks about it every night and day, who became a ballerina at the bargaining across the country. This program allows in- She spreads her wings and has flown away, table.’’ mates to keep in touch with family and She believes she can soar, Van Bourg, 68, whose Oakland law firm friendsÐaffording them the opportunity to stay She has run through that open door, represented 400 unions, collapsed and died in contact not only during the holiday season Yes, Mrs. Hughes you can fly!'' October 26 at San Francisco International Airport. He was rushing back from Wash- and on special occasions, but throughout the f ington, D.C., to be with his gravely ill daugh- year. This clearly benefits the inmates and IN REMEMBRANCE OF VICTOR VAN ter, who died the same day. their loved ones, but we know that the com- BOURG Nearly 1,000 labor leaders, lawyers and munity at large benefits because prisoners other friends of Van Bourg filled the hall, who maintain strong ties are less likely to re- hummed along to ‘‘Solidarity Forever,’’ told turn to prison once their sentence is com- HON. NANCY PELOSI each other the earthy stories that Van Bourg pleted. In short, this a win-win program. OF CALIFORNIA was fond of and trooped to the stage to de- The Department of Justice and the Bureau IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES liver encomiums. Sal Rosselli, the president of Local 250 of of Prisons should be commended for their Thursday, November 18, 1999 the Service Employees International Union, support of this program. The Prison Card Pro- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sadness praised his friend’s ‘‘spirit of defiance and in- gram has the support of Congress and the to pay tribute to the passing of Victor Van your-face unionism. . . . He was afraid of no Department should have confidence in such Bourg, one of the nation's most respected and one.’’ support for this programÐwhich has operated Everything about Van Bourg was big—his for more than a quarter-century. My colleague, legendary labor union lawyers and senior part- waist, stamp collection, ego, client list, ap- ner of the nation's biggest labor law firm. He petite and the sound of his voice across a the gentlemen from New York, Mr. SERRANO, was 68 years old. courtroom or a bargaining table. and I are prepared to work with the distin- Raised by parents who were union orga- ‘‘He had an irreverence for judges, particu- guished Chairman of the Appropriation Sub- nizers, Victor entered the University of Cali- larly federal judges,’’ recalled a former law committee on Commerce, Justice, and State, fornia at Berkeley and graduated from Boalt partner. ‘‘He used to tell me, ‘When you ap- the gentlemen from Kentucky, Mr. ROGERS, Hall School of Law in 1956. He began his pear before them, remember what class they and other Congressional supporters of the represent.’ ’’ program in the coming months to ensure that noted career working in the general counsel's His secretary recalled that most employees office of the California Federation of Labor in the office had been fired by Van Bourg a the Department of Justice receives the con- where he met Cesar Chavez and began work- couple of times but ‘‘generally had the pres- tinuing and specific authority that might be ing for Chavez' National Farm Workers Union ence of mind to come to work anyway.’’ needed to ensure that this important charitable prior to opening his San Francisco law office. When they did, she said, they would often program is sustained well into the future. I can In 1966 he represented Cesar Chavez' find Van Bourg conducting business not from assure the Members of the House that I will unionÐknown then as the National Farm his desk but from the front seat of his car, work with them to develop legislative language which was parked in front of the office. Workers UnionÐin its merger with the Agricul- ‘‘Bicycle messengers would make deliv- if necessary to assure a long term solution on tural Workers Organizing Committee. eries to the car,’’ she said. this issue. The parties involved should be con- One of Victor's most recent victories in- An ironworker thanked Van Bourg for fident that Congress supports programs such cluded a unanimous California Supreme Court ‘‘keeping my a-- out of trouble.’’ An engineer as this.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.146 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 The gentleman from New York, Mr. of their error which was meet. And even as On June 12, 1775, our nation’s Congress ac- SERRANO, and I share the support for this pro- they did not like to retain God in their tually called for ‘‘a day of public humilia- gram and know what a valuable contribution it knowledge, God gave them over to a rep- tion, fasting and prayer,’’ wherein ‘‘ ‘‘[we] robate mind, to do those things which are offer up our joint supplications to the all- has made to the inmates, their family and not convenient; Being filled with all unright- wise, omnipotent and merciful disposer of all friends and the public. The Salvation Army eousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous- events.’’ In initiating this day, Congress at- should be commended for its Prison Card Pro- ness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, de- tended an Anglican service in the morning gram as should the Justice Department and bate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, and a Presbyterian service in the afternoon. the Bureau of Prisons for their continuing sup- Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, Congress even commissioned the printing of port of this important program. boasters, inventors of evil things, disobe- the Bible on October 26, 1780, stating that ‘‘it Mr. Speaker, please join with my colleagues dient to parents, Without understanding, be recommended to such of the states who in supporting the Prison Card Program. covenant breakers, without natural affec- may think it convenient for them that they tion, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing take proper measures to procure one or more f the judgment of God, that they which com- new and correct editions of the Old and New FAITH IN AMERICA—A FOURTH OF mit such things are worthy of death, not testaments to be printed. * * *’’ Later, Con- JULY SERMON only do the same, but have pleasure in them gress allocated money for the Christian edu- that do them. Therefore thou art inexcus- cation of Indians. There are countless exam- able, O man, whosoever thou art that ples of such actions by Congress. So, how can HON. MAC COLLINS judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, our Christian history be so obviously ignored OF GEORGIA thou condemnest thyself; for thou that by those blatantly attempting to demonize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES judgest doest the same things. Christian activism in the modern culture? But we are sure that the judgment of God They look to a simple phrase—‘‘a wall of sep- Thursday, November 18, 1999 is according to truth against them which aration’’ between church and state—that was Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Speaker, as Congress commit such things. And thinkest thou this, once written in a letter from Thomas Jeffer- prepares to recess for the Session, I wanted O man, that judgest them which do such son to a group of Baptist worshipers. (Please things, and doest the same, that thou shalt to commend for the reading of the Members note that this statement does not appear in escape the judgment of God? the Constitution, even though network re- words delivered to a small Mississippi con- Prayer: Lord God, we pray your word be porters frequently refer to the false notion of gregation on the Fourth of July of this year by upon our hearts and your blessings upon our a ‘‘constitutional separation of church and Rev. Ray N. Daniel, Jr. I bring these remarks nation. Amen. state.’’) to your attention now because I believe that How many of you are flying your flag In September 1779, the House of Represent- as we return to the people who sent us here, today? Well those of you away from home atives, after passing a resolution calling for we may have time to reflect on the inspiration and visiting have a good excuse. I bought a a day of national prayer and thanksgiving, of the basic beliefs upon which this Nation flag so that I could fly it. Fly it proudly. My received Mr. Washington’s response: ‘‘It is remarks today are unashamedly patriotic the duty of all nations to acknowledge the was founded. I trust that the views are shared and Christian, what I have to share with you providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, by many across this country. As we close this is not purely Methodist, Presbyterian, or to be grateful for His benefits and humbly to year, and look to a new Session, may the in- Baptist, it’s a Christian view of our country implore His protection and favor * * That spiration of these words cause us to stop and today. great and glorious Being who is the benefi- think about why we are here, what we stand While was President Lyndon cent author of all the good that was, that is, for, and how we will put the words of this ser- Johnson’s press secretary, one day at lunch, or that ever will be, that we may then unite mon into action for the good of ourselves, our Bill said grace (a prayer of thanks or bless- in rendering unto Him or sincere and humble constituents, and the Nation as a whole. ing for food). President Johnson said ‘‘Speak thanks for His kind care and protection of up, Bill, I can’t hear a thing.’’ To which Bill the people. * * *’’ Second President John FAITH IN AMERICA—A FOURTH OF JULY replied quietly, ‘‘I wasn’t addressing you, Adams frequently referred to ‘‘an overruling SERMON Mr. President.’’ providence’’ and ‘‘devotion to God almighty’’ (By Reverend Ray N. Daniel, Jr.) Prayer, a cornerstone of our Faith is under in his writings, and recurrently contended Scripture Reading: Paul’s Letter to the attack. For there are those who would have that human freedom was founded in the ordi- Romans 1:16–2:3 KJV For I am not ashamed us cease talking to God. They would if they nance of the Creator. of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of could banish God from any public forum. Washington and Adams were not alone in God unto salvation to every one that believ- Woodrow Wilson said, ‘‘A nation which their beliefs. These were predominately-held eth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. does not remember what it was yesterday, convictions of our Founding Fathers. Even For therein is the righteousness of God re- does not know what it is today, nor what it Benjamin Franklin, often seen as a vealed from faith to faith: as it is written, is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile secularist member of the group, stated in The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of thing if we do not know where we came from later-life, ‘‘the longer I live, the more con- God is revealed from heaven against all un- or what we have been about.’’ vincing proof I see of this truth—that God godliness and unrighteousness of men, who We will take a few moments to look at governs in the affairs of men.’’ hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because where we have come from, what the faith of The most foundational of documents to our that which may be known of God is manifest our founding fathers was, take stock of society, in fact the document which we cele- in them; for God hath showed it unto them. where we are today, and where we need to go. brate today is— For the invisible things of him from the cre- Where we need to go is to almighty God. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE ation of the world are clearly seen, being un- A FEW QUOTES FROM AMERICA’S BEGINNINGS THIRTEEN COLONIES derstood by the things that are made, even ‘‘It cannot be emphasized too strongly or ‘‘In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 his eternal power and Godhead; so that they to often that this great nation was founded, The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen are without excuse: Because that, when they not by religionists, but by Christians; not on United States of America, knew God, they glorified him not as God, religions, but on the gospel of Jesus When in the Course of human events, it be- neither were thankful; but became vain in Christ.’’—Patrick Henry (2) comes necessary for one people to dissolve their imaginations, and their foolish heart ‘‘We have staked the whole future of Amer- the political bands which have connected was darkened. Professing themselves to be ica’s civilization, not upon the power of gov- them with another, and to assume among wise, they became fools, And changed the ernment, far from it. We have staked the fu- the powers of the earth, the separate and glory of the incorruptible God into an image ture of all our political institutions * * * equal station to which the Laws of Nature made like to corruptible man, and to birds, upon the capacity of each and all of us to and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. govern ourselves according to the Ten Com- respect to the opinions of mankind requires Wherefore God also gave them up to unclean- mandments of God.’’—James Madison that they should declare the causes which ness through the lusts of their own hearts, to ‘‘And can the liberties of a nation be impel them to the separation. dishonor their own bodies between them- thought secure when we have removed their We hold these truths to be self-evident, selves: Who changed the truth of God into a only firm basis—a conviction in the minds of that all men are created equal, that they are lie, and worshipped and served the creature people that these liberties are the gift of endowed by their Creator with certain more than the Creator, who is blessed for God.? That they are not to be violated but unalienable Rights, that among these are ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. unto vile affections: for even their women country when I reflect that God is just: that That to secure these rights, Governments did change the natural use into that which is his justice cannot sleep forever.’’—Thomas are instituted among Men, deriving their against nature: And likewise also the men, Jefferson just powers from the consent of the gov- leaving the natural use of the woman, ‘‘He who shall introduce into the public af- erned. That whenever any Form of Govern- burned in their lust one toward another; men fairs the principles of primitive Christianity ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is with men working that which is unseemly, will change the face of the world.’’—Ben- the Right of the People to alter or to abolish and receiving in themselves that recompense jamin Franklin it, and to institute new Government, laying

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.148 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2505 its foundation on such principles and orga- For protecting them by a mock Trial from State of Great Britain is and ought to be to- nizing its powers in such form, as to them punishment for any Murders which they tally dissolved; and that as Free and Inde- shall seem most likely to effect their Safety should commit on the Inhabitants of these pendent States, they have full Power to levy and Happiness. States: War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, es- Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Govern- For cutting off our Trade with all parts of tablish Commerce, and to do all other Acts ments long established should not be the world: and Things which Independent States may of changed for light and transient causes; and For imposing Taxes on us without our Con- right do. accordingly all experience hath shown, that sent: And for the support of this Declaration, mankind are more disposed to suffer, while For depriving us in many cases of the bene- with a firm reliance on the protection of Di- evils are sufferable, than to right themselves fits of Trial by Jury: vine Providence, we mutually pledge to each by abolishing the forms to which they are For transporting us beyond Seas to be other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sa- accustomed. tried for pretended offenses: cred Honor. But when a long train of abuses and For abolishing the free System of English The signers of the Declaration represented usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing the new states as follows: New Hampshire— object evinces a design to reduce them under therein an Arbitrary government, and en- Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is larging its Boundaries so as to render it at Thorton; Massachusetts—John Hancock, their duty, to throw off such Government, once an example and fit instrument for in- Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat and to provide new Guards for their future troducing the same absolute rule into these Paine, Elbridge Gerry; Rhode Island—Ste- security. Colonies: phen Hopkins, William Ellery; Connecticut— Such has been the patient sufferance of For taking away our Charters, abolishing Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, Wil- these Colonies; and such is now the necessity our most valuable Laws and altering fun- liam Williams, Oliver Wolcott; New York— which constrains them to alter their former damentally the Forms of our Governments: William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Systems of Government. The history of the For suspending our own Legislatures, and Lewis, Lewis Morris; New Jersey—Richard present King of Great Britain [George III] is declaring themselves invested with power to Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hop- a history of repeated injuries and legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. kinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark; Pennsyl- usurpations, all having in direct object the He has adbicated Government here by de- vania—Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Ben- establishment of an absolute Tyranny over claring us out of his Protection and waging jamin Franklin, John Morton, George these States. To prove this, let Facts be sub- War against us. Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James mitted to a candid world. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Wilson, George Ross; Delaware—Caesar Rod- He has refused his Assent to Laws, the Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the ney, George Read, Thomas McKean; Mary- most wholesome and necessary for the public lives of our people. land—Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas good. He is at this time transporting large Ar- Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton; Vir- He has forbidden his Governors to pass mies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the ginia—George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Laws of immediate and pressing importance, works of death, desolation and tyranny, al- Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, unless suspended in their operation till his ready begun with circumstances of cruelty Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Assent should be obtained, and when so sus- and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most Carter Braxton; North Carolina—William pended, he has utterly neglected to attend to barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn; South them. Head of a civilized nation. Carolina—Edward Rutledge, Thomas Hey- He has refused to pass other Laws for the He has constrained our fellow Citizens ward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Mid- accommodation of large districts of people, taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms dleton; Georgia—Button Gwinnett, Lyman unless those people would relinquish the against their Country, to become the execu- Hall, George Walton.’’ right of Representation in the Legislature, a tioners of their friends and Brethern, or to right inestimable to them and formidable to fall themselves by their Hands. Remember these words, for countless tyrants only. He has excited domestic insurrections Americans have fought for them, fought to He has called together legislative bodies at amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on preserve them, fought to keep us free from places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merci- tyranny. from the depository of their public Records, less Indian Savages, whose known rule of We need to exercise our rights, speaking for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into warfare is an undistinguished destruction of freely, worshiping freely, preserving our compliance with his measures. all ages, sexes and conditions. freedoms. We are only about a month away He has dissolved Representative Houses re- In every stage of these Oppressions We from our first primary here in Mississippi, peatedly, for opposing with manly firmness have Petitioned for Redress in the most many are thinking about not voting because his invasions on the rights of the people. humble terms. Our repeated Petitions have ‘‘my vote doesn’t count’’. At the eve of the He has refused for a long time, after such been answered only by repeated injury. A vote for the Declaration of Independence a dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; Prince, whose character is thus marked by vote was taken and those wanting it to pass whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of every act which may define a Tyrant, is were one vote short of having votes from all Annihilation, have returned to the People at unfit to be the ruler of a free people. 13 colonies. Not present was a delegate from large for their exercise; the State remaining Nor have We been wanting in attentions to Delaware, Caesar Rodney. Some one was sent in the meantime exposed to all the dangers our British brethern. to tell Caesar Rodney of the need of his vote, of invasion from without, and convulsions We have warned them from time to time of he left his sick bed on the night of July 2, to within. attempts by their legislature to extend an ride through the night, through storm and He has endeavoured to prevent the popu- unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. mudslides to arrive at Liberty Hall in time lation of these States; for that purpose ob- We have reminded them of the cir- to cast the deciding vote. His one vote made structing the Laws for Naturalization of For- cumstances of our emigration and settle- the difference between tyranny and freedom. eigners; refusing to pass others to encourage ment here. Your one vote can make a difference in our their migrations hither, and raising the con- We have appealed to their native justice upcoming elections. ditions of new Appropriations of Lands. and magnanimity, and we have conjured But there are many who ask this question: He has obstructed the Administration of them by the ties of our common kindred to What Happened to America? What has hap- Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for disavow these usurpations, which would in- pened, what have we become. establishing Judiciary powers. evitably interrupt our connections and cor- It is well said in a poem titled ‘‘What Hap- He has made Judges dependent on his Will respondence. pened to America?’’ by Sharon Lambright alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the They too have been deaf to the voice of jus- Duncan— amount and payment of their salaries. tice and of consanguinity. We must, there- ‘‘What happened to America, He has erected a multitude of New Offices, fore, acquiesce in the necessity, which de- When did we go astray? and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass nounces our Separation, and hold them, as Was it when they told our children our people, and eat out their substance. we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in While in school you must not pray. He has kept among us, in times of peace, War, in Peace Friends. Or maybe it all began when they said Standing Armies, without the consent of our We, therefore, the Representatives of the There’s not right or wrong. legislatures. United States of America, in General Con- Just do what feels the best for you He has affected to render the Military gress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme And everyone else can get along. independent of and superior to the Civil Judge of the world for the rectitud of our in- Or was it when they said power. tentions, do, in the Name, and by the author- You can kill an unborn child? He has combined with others to subject us ity of the good People of these Colonies, sol- After all if it’s not wanted, to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution emnly publish and declare. It would never be worthwhile. and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his That these United Colonies are, and of Or could it be when God’s word was Assent to their Acts of pretended Legisla- Right ought to be Free and Independent ignored, And they said it’s not a sin tion: States; that they are Absolved from all Alle- For women to love other women For quartering large bodies of armed giance to the British Crown, and that all po- And men to be lovers of men. troops among us: litical connection between them and the What happened to America,

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.150 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Where did we go wrong? No the ills of America, can’t be solved at the freedom of the press, trial by jury, habeas When did we lose the principles polls alone, but there is a need for Godly corpus, the substitution of militia for a Our nation was founded on? leadership, for Men and Women who will put standing army, and an express reservation to ‘‘In God we trust’’ no longer seems principles before money and self, who will the States of all rights not specifically To be the motto of our land. put America, before the economy of the granted to the Union. . . . This is all the We’ve become so educated and smart, world and other nations. It is time America, hand I had in what related to the Constitu- So we place our trust in man. to wake up and heed the call, to faith, to tion. What happened to America, faith in the one true God of our fathers. It is Since Jefferson was neither one of the 55 How did we get this way? time America, to repent of accepting sin for individuals at the Convention who drafted the I really think it happened normal behavior and call sin, sin. It is time Constitution nor one of the 90 members of the When God’s people had nothing to say. America, to stand on the truth of God’s First Congress who framed the Bill of Rights, If we’re not willing to speak God’s truth, word, his plan, not our own. And on his words firmly stand, Let us Pray. how, then, can he be considered as an au- Can we expect Him to keep us safe Reverend Ray N. Daniel, Jr. is an elder thoritative voice on either document, especially In His protective hand? serving in the Mississippi Conference of the in preference to the 145 actual participants What WILL happen to America, United Methodist Church, appointed to the who did write that document? Evidently, Mr. Will she come back to God someday? Rose Hill Charge. He has been serving in Edwards chooses to ignore these important Nothing is impossible town and country ministry since 1980. Rev. historical facts and he wrongly elevates Mr. If God’s people will earnestly pray. Daniel graduated from Millsaps College in Jefferson into a position which Jefferson him- Jackson, Mississippi, and obtained a Master self properly refused to accept. Shortly after the shooting fiasco at a of Divinity from the Iliff School of Theology, in Denver, Colorado. Madison, too, similarly disqualified himselfÐ Littleton High School this guest editorial although for different reasons. As he explained appeared in the Dallas Morning News— f to a supporter: [From the Dallas Morning News, May 2, 1999] RESPONSE TO MR. EDWARDS’ You give me a credit to which I have no GENERATION HAS SOME QUESTIONS REMARKS ON H.R. 3073 claim in calling me ‘‘the writer of the Con- (By Marcy Musgrave) stitution of the United States.’’ This was I am a member of the upcoming generation not, like the fabled Goddess of Wisdom, the the one after Generation X that has yet to be HON. TOM DeLAY offspring of a single brain. It ought to be re- given a name. So far, it appears that most OF TEXAS garded as the work of many heads and many people are rallying behind the idea of calling IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hands. us Generation Next. I believe I know why. Thursday, November 18, 1999 Interestingly, Mr. MadisonÐwhile undeni- The older generations are hoping we will able an important influence during the Con- Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, during our chari- mindlessly assume our place as the ‘‘next’’ in stitutional ConventionÐwas often out of step table choice debates on H.R. 3073, The Fa- line. That way, they won’t have to explain with the majority of the other delegates. This why my generation has had to experience so ther's Count Act of 1999, I listened with inter- is proven by the fact that 40 of Mr. Madison's much pain and heartache. est to Mr. Edwards express his reasons why 71 proposals offered during the Convention ‘‘What heartache?’’ You say. ‘‘Don’t you he believes the Constitution and the Founding were rejected by the other delegates. Addition- know you have grown up in a time of great Fathers would have objected to this Body pro- prosperity?’’ Yeah, we know that. Believe ally, the Constitution that Mr. Madison initially viding opportunity for all peopleÐincluding me, it has been drilled into our heads since sought was far removed from the final docu- those in the community of faithÐto participate birth. Unfortunately, the pain and hurt I ment. equally in government opportunities and serv- speak of can’t be reconciled with money. You And what was Mr. Madison's influence on ices. Mr. Edwards set forth several historical have tried for years to buy us happiness, but the Bill of Rights and the religion clauses of it is only temporary. Money isn’t the answer, inaccuracies and argued that they should be the First Amendment? Significantly, when and it is time for people to begin admitting ``precedents'' to be followed by this Body. George Mason proposed at the Constitutional their guilt for failing my generation. Nothing is more certain than that bad history Convention that a Bill of Rights be added to I will admit that I wasn’t planning to write leads to bad policy, and this is certainly true this. I was going to tuck it away in some cor- the Constitution, it was opposed by Mr. Madi- in the case of both the policy and the history ner of my mind and fall victim to your whole son (and on this occasion, Mr. Madison's posi- set forth by Mr. Edwards. ‘‘next’’ mentality. But after the massacre in tion prevailed). When the Constitution arrived First of all, Mr. Edwards cited James Madi- Littleton, Colo., I realize that, as a member in Virginia for ratification, the State proposed son and Thomas Jefferson in support of his of this generation that kills without re- the addition of a Bill of Rights and Mr. Madi- morse, I had a duty to challenge all of my el- church-hostile proposals, and then he argued son again opposed the motion. This time, ders to explain why they have allowed things that these two had framed the Establishment however, he lost. to become so bad. Clause in the Bill of Rights. As historical Virginia insistedÐlike many other StatesÐ Let me tell you this: These questions don’t records clearly prove, Mr. Edwards was that a Bill of Rights be added; and the Virginia represent only me but a whole generation wrong. that is struggling to grow up and make sense ConventionÐlike many other State conven- Consider first the role of Thomas Jefferson. of this world, We all have questions; we all tionsÐproposed its own version for a Bill of During the time that both the Constitution and want explanations. People may label us Gen- Rights. The religious protections sent from Vir- the Bill of Rights and its religion clauses were eration Next, but we are more appropriately ginia to the United States Congress were writ- Generation ‘‘Why?’’ written and approved, Thomas Jefferson was ten not by James Madison but by George overseas. He did not arrive in America until Mason, Patrick Henry, and John Randolph. Remember God’s Word and its truth, in a after the completion of these documents. time when people say the only truth is what In fact, when a biography was written about In Congress, Madison introduced his own I say at the moment is truth. God’s word President Jefferson, Jefferson sent a note to proposal for a Bill of Rights, but very little of says, ‘‘If my people, which are called by my the author requesting that he change or delete his original language on the religion clauses name, shall humble themselves, and pray, one errant claim. Jefferson explained: made it into the final wording. In fact, the and seek my face, and turn from their wick- records of Congress make clear that Fisher ed ways; then will I hear from heaven, and One passage in the paper you enclosed me must be corrected. It is the following, ‘And Ames and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, will forgive their sin, and will heal their John Vining of Delaware, Daniel Carroll and land.; (John 14:6 KJV) Jesus saith unto him, all say it was yourself more than any other I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man individual, that planned and established it,’ Charles Carroll of Maryland, Benjamin Hun- cometh unto the Father, but by me. i.e, the Constitution. I was in Europe when tington, Roger Sherman, and Oliver Ellsworth Jesus said, ‘‘I am the way and the truth the Constitution was planned, and never saw of Connecticut, William Paterson of New Jer- and the life. No one comes to the Father ex- it till after it was established. sey, and many others exerted a significant in- cept through me.’’ Jefferson properly disqualified himself as a fluence on the wording of the religion clauses. This week our congress sought to pass a constitutional authority since he was not in Why, then, did Mr. Edwards cite Mr. Madi- declaration that would implore Americans to America when the Constitution was framed sonÐwhose version was not acceptedÐand repent and turn to the Almighty, it was de- and never saw it until after it was finished. fail to cite those who did produce the final feated, I am assured it will come up again and receive the support it so richly deserves, Furthermore, according to Mr. Jefferson, his wording of the First Amendment? And further- to call on the nation to humble themselves total input on the Bill of Rights amounted to more, why did Mr. Edwards cite Thomas Jef- before the creator, to pray, to repent of their one letter. As Jefferson explained: ferson instead of those who actually wrote the manifold sins. But alas there are those who I wrote [a single letter] strongly urging the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? And why do not believe there is sin, everything is o.k. want of provision of the freedom of religion, did Mr. Edwards fail to cite individuals like

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.152 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2507 George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, the doctrines and administer the rites; it Mr. [Peter] Sylvester [of New York] . . . Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, James must have tests for the submissive and pen- feared [the First Amendment] might be Wilson, and so many other important men who alties for the nonconformist. There never thought to have a tendency to abolish reli- was an established religion without all these. gion altogether. . . . [T]he State[s] . . . drafted those documents? Very simply, it is seemed to entertain an opinion that . . . it because none of them made any statements In 1853, the Senate Judiciary Committee simi- larly reported: enabled [Congress] to . . . establish a na- which Mr. Edwards could possibly twist and tional religion. . . . Mr. Madison thought if misconstrue into a support for his position. The [First Amendment] speaks of ‘‘an es- tablishment of religion.’’ What is meant by the word ‘‘national’’ was inserted before reli- Mr. Edwards does a disservice both to this that expression? It refer[s] without doubt to. gion . . . it would point the amendment di- Body and to the nation by singling out two . . . [1] endowment [of a religious group] at rectly to the object it was intended to pre- Founders with whom he agrees and ignoring the public expense in exclusion of or in pref- vent. 144 others with whom he disagrees! This is erence to any other, [2] giving to its mem- The records are clearÐthe purpose of the not to say, however, that Mr. Madison and Mr. bers exclusive political rights, and [3] com- First Amendment was to prevent the establish- Jefferson were not significant and important pelling the attendance of those who rejected ment of a national denomination by the federal Founding FathersÐthey clearly were. How- its communion upon its worship or religious Congress. The First Amendment was never in- observances. These three particulars con- tended to stifle public religious expressions, ever, they were not the only two voices in stituted that union of church and state of America on religious issuesÐthere were 144 which our ancestors were so justly jealous, nor was it intended to prevent this Body from other Founders who had direct impact on the and against which they so wisely and care- encouraging religion in general or even in as- Constitution and its religion clauses. fully provided. . . . They intended by [the sisting faith institutions. Only in recent years I was further intrigued by another of Mr. Ed- First] Amendment to prohibit ‘an establish- has the meaning of the First Amendment wards comments. He declaredÐand I quote: ment of religion’ such as the English church begun to change at the hands of activists like presented, or anything like it. But they had I think it is time for this House to take a Mr. Edwards who are intolerant of the faith- no fear or jealousy of religion itself, nor did community. stand in saying that we are not going to they wish to see us an irreligious people . .. compromise the meaning of the Establish- they did not intend to spread over all the In fact, Mr. Edwards' approbation of the ment Clause—the first 10 words of the First public authorities and the whole public ac- many extremist groups supporting his position Amendment of the Bill of Rights—not out of tion of the nation the dead and revolting (he specifically lists the ACLU, the Baptist disrespect to religion but out of total rev- spectacle of atheistic apathy. Joint Committee, and Americans United for erence to religion. Further confirmation on what the word ``es- Separation of Church and State) simple con- The ten words alluded to by Mr. Edwards tablishment'' meant in the First Amendment is firms the religion-hostile position he is advo- stateÐand I quote: ``Congress shall make no provided by Justice Joseph Story, a legal ex- cating. law respecting an establishment of religion or pert appointed to the Supreme Court by Presi- Is there any group in America more respon- prohibiting the free-exercise thereof.'' dent James Madison. Justice Story is titled the sible for the current hostility of the courts to- Mr. Edwards believes that to allow chari- ``Father of American Jurisprudence,'' and in ward religion than the ACLU? And Mr. Ed- table-choice provisionsÐthat to allow people his famous Commentaries on the Constitution wards has their support! of faith to participate equally with those of of the United StatesÐa work which is still It was the ACLU which opposed a legisla- non-faith in government programs and serv- cited regularly in this BodyÐJustice Story ex- tive bill in Arizona that permitted schools to icesÐwould violate the First Amendment! Mr. plained: post classic historical documents like George Edwards evidently believes that the First [A]t the time of the adoption of the Con- Washington's Farewell Address. Why did the Amendment requires that the government dis- stitution and of [the First]Amendment . . ., ACLU oppose that measure? Because many criminate against faith. He clearly disagrees the general, if not the universal, sentiment official speeches made by our Founding Fa- with the Supreme Court decision in Zorach v. in America was that . . . [a]n attempt to thers contain religious references, and the Clauson which declared: level all religions and to make it a matter of ACLU felt that to expose students to such reli- When the State encourages religious in- state policy to hold all in utter indifference, gious references in our history would violate struction or cooperates with religious au- would have created universal disapprobation if not universal indignation. . . . the real ob- the ``establishment clause'' of the First Amend- thorities . . . it follows the best of our tradi- ment! And it was the ACLU which opposed tions. For it then respects the religious na- ject of the [First] Amendment was . . . to ture of our people and accommodates the prevent any national ecclesiastical estab- the legislative effort in California to teach sex- public service to their spiritual needs. To lishment which should give to an hierarchy ual abstinence to students. Why? Because the hold that it may not would be to find in the the exclusive patronage of the national gov- ACLU claimed that to expose children to this Constitution a requirement that the govern- ernment. moral teaching would violate the ``establish- ment show a callous indifference to religious The historical sources agree: to have a First ment clause''! There are scores of other cases groups. That would be preferring those who Amendment ``establishment of religion'' there which reflect their radical, intolerant, anti-reli- believe in no religion over those who do be- must be a single, national ecclesiastical group gious agenda. lieve. ... We find no constitutional require- Additionally, the faith-hostile agenda of other ment which makes it necessary for govern- which has the exclusive support of the federal ment to be hostile to religion and to throw government; there must be a defined creed groups supporting Mr. Edwards (such as its weight against efforts to widen the effec- with specified rites and ordinances, and na- Americans United for Separation of Church tive scope of religious influence. . . . We can- tional ministers to teach those creeds; there and State, and the Baptist Joint Committee, not read into the Bill of Rights such a phi- must be exclusive political rights for the mem- etc.) is clearly documented through the legal losophy of hostility to religion. bers of that religion; and the national govern- action they take in courts and in legislatures. Mr. Edwards' reading of the Establishment ment must be able to compel attendance and And Mr. Edwards is pleased to have their sup- Clause of the First Amendment directly con- observance of those rites and impose pen- port! tradicts the interpretation of that Clause given alties for those who do not conform. As the Another comment by Mr. Edwards which by the Founding Fathers (including Mr. Ed- House Judiciary Committee properly noted in was of interest to me was his statement thatÐ wards' two heroes, Mr. Madison and Mr. Jef- 1854, ``There never was an established reli- and I quote: ferson). Furthermore, Mr. Edwards' reading is gion without all these.'' The best way to have religious freedom and opposite of that rendered by legal experts and Those early legal experts reached their con- respect in America is to build a firewall be- governmental bodies for a century-and-a-half clusions because of the Founders' succinct tween government regulations and religion. following the adoption of the Constitution's reli- declarations made during the framing of the And that separation, that wall of separation Constitution's religion clauses. For example, between church and State, has for 200 years gion clauses. worked extraordinarily well. For example, in 1854, our own House Judi- according to the Congressional Records, ciary Committee conducted an investigation on James Madison recommended that the First I wish that Mr. Edwards really believed his what constituted ``an establishment of religion'' Amendment say: ``The civil rights of none shall own statement! If he really thought there under the First Amendment. After a year of be abridged on account of religious belief or should be no government regulations imposed hearings and investigations, the House Judici- worship, nor shall any national religion be es- on the church, then he should aggressively ary Committee emphatically reported: tablished.'' pursue repealing the government tax regula- What is ‘an establishment of religion’? It Subsequent discussions during the framing tions imposed on churchesÐgovernment regu- must have a creed defining what a man must of the First Amendment confirm this goal of lations which limit a minister's ability to voice believe; it must have rites and ordinances preventing the establishment of a national reli- his convictions from the pulpit for fear of run- which believers must observe; it must have gion. For example, the CONGRESSIONAL ning afoul of the IRS or some other govern- ministers of defined qualifications to teach RECORD for August 15, 1789, report: ment body or regulation. And, surely, if Mr.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.154 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Edwards wants to see churches free from gov- tion, the ``separation of church and state'' rhet- which itself brings key business and political ernment regulations, he should aggressively oric so heartily embraced by Mr. Edwards was leaders together. pursue exemptions for church bodies from invoked in federal courts less than a dozen I believe that in article government zoning regulations, from govern- timesÐand on those occasions, the phrase Bill Fugazy summed up the importance of the ment fire regulations, from government health was interpreted to mean that (1) America work of the Children of the World Foundation regulations, from government hiring regula- would establish no national denomination and when he said that the medical procedures tions, from government social-service regula- (2) the federal government would not limit being performed on these children and the tions, and from so many other government public religious expressions or activities. How- ones done previously ``have opened avenues regulations which have resulted in literally ever, in the last 50 years, the federal courts not there before and created new friendships.'' hundreds of lawsuits brought by the govern- have cited the ``separation of church and [From the New York Times, Nov. 7, 1999] ment against churches. state'' principle in over 3,000 cases in order to LITTLE AMBASSADORS WITH HEARTS IN NEED Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards' record proves allow the federal government to regulate pub- that he does not believe in protecting the faith- OF REPAIR lic religious bodies and expressionsÐin direct (By Elsa Brenner) community from government regulationsÐevi- opposition to the original intent of the First Two Siberian toddlers have arrived in the denced by his vote against the Religious Free- Amendment! dom Amendment. That Amendment was spe- United States on an adult-size mission: to In summary, Mr. Edwards claims that ``sepa- serve as emissaries of Russia and symbols of cifically designed (1) to free the community of ration of church and state'' was the goal of the faith from government intrusion into their reli- an effort to improve relations between the First Amendment. It was not. Mr. Edwards two countries. gious expressions and (2) to protect voluntary also claims that Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madi- Because they were born with potentially citizen expressions of faithÐincluding those of son would support his view. They would not. fatal heart defects and faced limited pros- students. In opposing that AmendmentÐan However, even if they had, they were only two pects for reaching adulthood in Russia, So- Amendment which would have ended the gov- among the 145 Founders who framed the phia Ovchinnikova and Sergei Yurinski are ernment regulation of religious expressionÐ at the Westchester Medical Center here to Constitution and drafted the Bill of Rights. And Mr. Edwards amazingly declaredÐand I undergo surgery not available in Russia. quote: unless Mr. Edwards can show that a majority Some political and business leaders are of those framing the Constitution and First In my opinion, th[is] Amendment is the want the two babies, handpicked from among worst and most dangerous piece of legisla- Amendment support his reading, then the thousands of others suffering from con- tion I have seen in my 15 years in public of- views of two cannot be extrapolated to estab- genital heart defects in Russia, will serve as fice. lish the intent of the entire body, especially symbols of healing between nations—par- ticular in the area of nuclear disarmament. Mr. Edwards actually feels that it is ``dan- when the great majority of those FoundersÐ according to their own writings and legislative ‘‘The children show the real human side of gerous'' to end government regulation of pub- the work we’re doing in Russia’s nuclear cit- lic expressions of faith and to allow students actsÐopposed what Mr. Edwards proposes. ies,’’ Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said to participate voluntarily in prayer! No Member of this Body should be part of last week. ‘‘Everyone—Russians and Ameri- Another problem with Mr. Edwards' ``fire- obfuscating the clear, self-evident wording of cans—want what’s best for kids.’’ wall'' quote is that it attaches the phrase ``sep- the Constutition, or misleading the American The United States Department of Energy aration of church and state'' to the require- public by claiming the First Amendment says has been working in the remote Siberian re- ments of the First Amendment. He claims that something it doesn't. We should stick with gions of Tomsk, where Sophia lives, and the ``separation of church and state'' phrase what the First Amendment actually says rather Krasnoyarsk, Sergei’s home on a non- than what constitutional and historical revision- proliferation program aimed at reducing the accurately reflects the intent of those who availability of nuclear material for weapons. framed the First Amendment. Again, official ists like Mr. Edwards wish that it said. Sophia, 13 months old, and Sergei, 22 records prove Mr. Edwards wrong. f months old, arrived at Kennedy Inter- The entire debates surrounding the framing national Airport on Oct. 6 to a red-carpet of the First Amendment are recorded in the IN COMMENDATION OF THE CHIL- welcome and were taken with their mothers CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS from June 7 to Sep- DREN OF THE WORLD FOUNDA- to the Children’s Hospital of the 1,100-bed tember 25, 1789. Over those months, ninety TION Westchester Medical Center. A motorcade in- Founding Fathers in the first Congress de- cluding the New York City Police and Fire bated and produced the First Amendment. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Departments, the Westchester County police and dignitaries and businessmen, accom- And those records make one fact exception- OF NEW YORK panied them. Those present included Kirill ally clear: in months of recorded discussions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Speransky, senior counselor of the Russian over the First Amendment, not one of the Thursday, November 18, 1999 Mission to the United Nations, Edward ninety Founding Fathers who framed the Con- Mastal, director of the Highly Enriched Ura- stitution's religion clauses ever mentioned the Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I wish to bring nium Transparency Program of the United phrase ``separation of church and state''! It to the attention of my colleagues an article States Department of Energy, and Edward A. does seem that if this had been their intent, that appeared in the November 7th New York Stolzenberg, president and chief executive that at least one of them would of said some- Times entitled ``Little Ambassadors with Hearts officer of the Westchester Medical Center. thing about it! None did. in Need of Repair.'' It tells the story of two in- The children’s visit is sponsored by the For this reason, legal scholars committed to fant children from Siberia who were trans- Forum Club’s Children of the World Founda- historical and constitutional accuracy rather ported to the United States to receive life sav- tion, a New York-based organization estab- lished by William Denis Fugazy, a limousine than an activist judicial political agenda have ing heart surgeries. It also tells the story of a magnate and lobbyist, to give ailing young- correctly drawn attention to the type of blunder remarkable public private partnership between sters in different parts of the world access to committed by Mr. Edwards. In fact, one judge the United States and Russia involving our the most advanced medical techniques. The accurately commented: ``[So] much has been Department of Energy, the Russian Ministry of Forum Club, an organization of business and written in recent years . . . to `a wall of sep- Atomic Energy and the Children of the World civic leaders, counts among its members Lee aration between church and State.' . . . that Foundation. This wonderful organization's A. Iaccoca, the former chairman of the one would almost think at times that it is to be Chairman is a great friend of mine: William Chrysler Corporation. found somewhere in our Constitution.'' And Denis Fugazy of New York. Mr. Fugazy and The Siberian babies are the sixth and sev- enth to receive heart surgery in the United Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart similarly the Children of the World Foundation have not States under the sponsorship of Mr. Fugazy’s observed: ``[T]he metaphor [of] the `wall of only sponsored these two Siberian infants for foundation, which was formed last year. separation' is a phrase nowhere to be found in their emergency medical procedures but five Both Mr. Fugazy and Secretary Richardson the Constitution.'' And Chief-Justice William previous children all of whom have received said that because of the mutual humani- Rehnquist also noted: ``[T]he greatest injury of vital heart surgeries. tarian, economic and political benefits to the `wall' notion is its mischievous diversion The heart procedures are being done at the both sides, American offers of medical assist- . . . from the actual intentions of the drafters Children's Hospital of the Westchester Medical ance have been well received. The United of the Bill of Rights. . . . The `wall of separa- Center of New York. I know all of my col- States selected the two Russian children through the medical department of the Rus- tion between church and State' is a metaphor leagues join me in wishing these two young sian Ministry of Atomic Energy. based on bad history. . . . It should be frankly infants the best of luck in these surgeries and In many cases, care at American hospitals and explicitly abandoned.'' a wonderful life to follow. I also commend the specializing in pediatric heart surgery is the It is indeed striking that in the century-and- work of the Children of the World Foundation only opportunity for sick children like So- a-half following the adoption of the Constitu- which is part of the Forum Club of New York phia and Sergei to live normal lives, said Dr.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.158 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2509 Lester C. Permut, the surgeon in charge of In contrast, Sophia is undergoing a correc- hard to smooth out some of the provisions Sophia and Sergei’s cases. The Westchester tion of a hole between the two upper cham- which have caused concern for the many Medical Center is providing its services with- bers of her heart at precisely the correct health care providers and Medicare bene- out charge to the children’s families. time in her life, Dr. Permut said. Her med- ficiaries in my state. During consideration of Dr. Permut said that Sophia and Sergei ical problem is less complex than Sergei’s, suffer from two of the most common heart although the mitral valve in her heart needs the budget resolution for last year, I offered an disorders in children and that in the United to be repaired as well. Without surgery, she amendment which called on Congress to re- States, the prognosis for such cases is excel- might not have lived past her 20’s, he said. store some of the inequitable reductions to lent; a 95 percent survival rate after surgery. In interviews last week, Sophia’s mother, home health care agencies as a result of the ‘‘In this country, we consider these kinds Mrs. Ovchinnikova, and Sergei’s mother, Balanced Budget Act. My amendment to the of pediatric heart surgeries very routine op- Yulia Sergeevna Yurinskaya, said they had Congressional Budget Resolution was ap- erations,’’ he said. been overwhelmed by the kindness New proved and represented the first legislative ac- But in Russia, children having surgery to Yorkers have shown to them and their chil- tion on the road to the eventual restoration of correct congenital heart defects have only a dren. some of the reimbursement rate reductions for 5 percent chance of survival because ad- ‘‘They’ve treated us like family,’’ Mrs. vanced pediatric heart care is not available Yurinskaya, a housekeeper at a Siberian fac- home health care agencies in last year's omni- there. As Olga Victorovna Ovchionikova, tory said, speaking through Dr. Gregory bus budget bill. Sophia’s mother, explained through an inter- Rozenblit, a director of the department that A great number of us recognized last year preter: ‘‘I was told my child could have sur- performs angioplasties at the Medical Cen- that much more needed to be done for health gery in Novosibirsk, but that it was highly ter. Sergei’s bed is littered with toy trucks care providers and seniors, which is why I am experimental and there were no guarantees. and other presents from well-wishers. pleased that we are finally debating this bill on Then we heard about this. It was like a mir- Mrs. Yurinskaya is able to talk by phone the floor. I am disappointed, however, that the acle.’’ every day to her husband Mikhail, who also majority has chosen to consider this measure It is the first time that the Children’s Hos- works in a factory in Siberia, and to her par- pital at the Westchester Medical Center—one ents and inlaws. ‘‘They were very worried by suspending the rules, barring members of only about 10 hospitals in the state li- about the baby, and at first they were crying from offering amendments. Although this legis- censed for pediatric heart surgery—is taking because everything was so bad. But now they lation will pass by a wide margin today, we part in the Children’s Foundation program. are crying because they’re so happy.’’ cannot rest on this accomplishment. We need More than 100 children each day are cared for Sophia lives with her mother, aunts and to continue working to bridge the differences at the center here, which has the region’s grandmother in a small town in Siberia. Ms. between what is included in this piece of legis- only pediatric intensive care and neonatal Ovchinnikova, a single mother who works as lation and what has been included in a sepa- intensive care centers. Next year, the Med- a housekeeper in a gym, said she talks to her ical Center plans to complete construction of rate measure in the other body. As with any relatives only about once a week at a pre-ar- comprehensive piece of legislation, there are its new 257,500-square-foot, four-story Chil- ranged time and place from the United dren’s Hospital. States, because there is no phone in their provisions about which I have concerns within At the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical apartment in Siberia. this bill and would prefer certain provisions of Center in New York earlier this year, Anton When they do talk (the news from Siberia the bill awaiting action by the other body. Kozhedub, 3, of Ukraine and Maria Lucia is that the snow has already begun to fall) While the Senate and we both intend to pro- Miller and Merolyn Roario, infants from the the women discuss their new hopes for So- vide much needed resources to health care Dominican Republic, underwent heart sur- phia and changing relations between the two providers in our states, we have understand- gery. Mr. Fugazy said those medical proce- countries. ably taken different approaches and offered dures, like the others that have been per- ‘‘We can’t believe what is happening,’’ Ms. formed, ‘‘have opened avenues not there be- different solutions. Ovchinnikova said, ‘‘that after all these I look forward to continuing working with my fore and created new friendships.’’ years of cold war tensions, there is now so In particular, Police Commissioner Howard much friendliness.’’ colleagues in both chambers and the adminis- Safir of New York City and law enforcement Sophia is awaiting surgery, and since their tration to ensure we enact positive relief be- officials from the Dominican Republic have arrival in the United States, Sophia and her fore the end of this session of Congress. since exchanged information that has aided mother have lived in a small apartment here f in arresting criminals. And pharmaceutical provided by the hospital, so that Sophia can companies are exploring new business venues recuperate from a cold and ear infection. TRIBAL SELF-GOVERNANCE in the Dominican Republic. Also, George AMENDMENTS OF 1999 Steinbrenner, the principal owner of the f Yankees, helped finance a hospital in the Do- minican Republic, a country that is a rich REMARKS IN SUPPORT OF H.R. SPEECH OF source for American baseball teams. 3075 In the latest partnership with Siberia, the HON. DALE E. KILDEE most immediate and palpable gain is Sergei’s OF MICHIGAN speedy recovery. A hole in his heart has been HON. ROBERT A. WEYGAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES repaired and he is making satisfactory OF RHODE ISLAND progress, Carin Grossman, a hospital spokes- Wednesday, November 17, 1999 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES woman, said. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to Dr. Permut, who performs about 150 open- Thursday, November 18, 1999 be a cosponsor of this important legislation. heart procedures a year, explained that the Last year, the House passed similar legisla- wall that should have formed between the Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- lower left and right chambers of Sergei’s port of H.R. 3075, the Medicare, Medicaid, tion. heart did not completely close when Sergei and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act Since 1992, the Indian Health Service has was in the womb—resulting in an abnormal of 1999 and urge my colleagues to join me in transferred more than $400 million to 211 blood flow and increased pressure in the ar- supporting this important measure. tribes in Alaska and 38 tribes in the lower 48 tery that goes through his lungs. With a wide majority of my colleagues, I States under the self-governance demonstra- Before the operation, the blood pressure in voted for the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 tion project. the artery to Sergei’s lungs was the same as The transfer of programming and budgeting that in his aorta, when it should have been (BBA) after it emerged from the conference one-fourth of the pressure. It has, however, committee two years ago while I opposed ear- authority to tribal governments has proven to finally begun to drop, but not to the level it lier versions of the bill. The final draft of the be successful. Tribes have made significant should be. BBA accomplished many positive things for progress in meeting the needs of their people Under ideal circumstances, the surgery our seniors and our country. It expanded pre- and promoting the growth of their commu- should have been performed before Sergei ventative benefits, such as increased access nities. reached 6 months. ‘‘It is already late to start to mammographies and other cancer It is our responsibility to support the tribes' fixing the problem,’’ Dr. Permut said. screenings, greatly increased health care ac- efforts improving their health care systems. Sergei’s lungs have suffered, although the cess to children through the SCHIP program The demonstration project has allowed tribes damage is probably reversible, Dr. Permut said. Without the surgery, or a heart-lung and enacted several strong anti-fraud and to expand their range of health care services transplant later on, Sergei would have lived abuse provisions within the Medicare program. to their membership. only into his teenage years or perhaps until Since the enactment of this broad and com- I strongly urge each of my colleagues to he was 20. prehensive legislation, I have been working support this bill.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.161 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 RICHARD L. KRZYZANOWSKI; DE- Jack served our great nation in military serv- between each of these firms, and the sheer PARTURE FROM CROWN, CORK & ice, joining the Army in the 1950's, completing complexity of the products being traded raise SEAL a tour of duty in Korea during the war. serious concerns about the potential for de- In 1955, Jack married Eileen McGoldrick, rivatives to contribute to serious disruptions in HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI also the daughter of Irish Immigrants residing the fabric of our financial system. The poten- OF PENNSYLVANIA in my district. Shortly thereafter, Jack was ac- tial for the failure of a key market participant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cepted to the Los Angeles Police Academy, to trigger a meltdownÐor the specter of a po- and embarked on a law enforcement career tential disruption in the financial markets due Thursday, November 18, 1999 which would eventually span 30 years. to highly leveraged and complex investment Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of Jack worked every division within the strategiesÐwas illustrated by last years' near my dear friend Mr. Richard L. Krzyzanowski, L.A.P.D., including the prestigious Metro Divi- collapse of the hedge fund known as Long- as he retires from his position at Crown, Cork sion, were he rose to the rank of Lieutenant. Term Capital Management (LTCM). & Seal, where he has served many years with Before retiring from the police department with The LTCM affair has underscored the need dedication and distinction. 20 years of professional community service, for regulators to minimize the potential for Mr. Krzyzanowski has a long and respect- Jack worked as special assistant to Deputy- OTC derivatives to contribute to a major dis- able history of service to the Polish American Chief Daryl Gates. Jack retired to assume the ruption in the financial markets, either through Community. He was born in Warsaw, and was elected duties as Marshall of Los Angeles excessive speculation and over-leveraging, or later naturalized as an American Citizen. He County, where he diligently served the com- due to inadequate internal controls and risk also received education in the countries of munity for another 10 years. management on the part of major derivatives France and Italy. Mr. Krzyzanowski graduated Jack Mahon's professional reputation is dealers or end-users. Today, Senator DORGAN from the University of Pennsylvania Law matched by his devotion to politics and sports, and I are introducing legislation in both the School. Through hard work and loyal and as he has been a life long member of the Re- House and the Senate which would provide faithful service at Crown, Cork & Seal, he publican Party, and consistently shoots a for certain targeted derivatives market and worked his way up to General Counsel, Mem- round of golf in the 70's. hedge fund reforms in the aftermath of the ber of the Board of Directors and Serrate of In 1981, Jack married Betty Allyn. Since his LTCM affair. Here's what our bill would do: the Corporation. retirement in 1985, Jack and Betty have First, the bill would define ``derivative'' to in- Mr. Krzyzanowski was the founder of the shared themselves between loving friends, clude any financial contract or other instru- Friends of Pope John Paul II Foundation, children, and grandchildren, while remaining ment that derives its value from the value or which devotes its efforts to strengthening the active in their community. performance of any security, currency ex- Catholic faith in Eastern Europe in what were Descendant from his humble Irish roots, change rate, or interest rate (or group of index formerly known as the Iron Curtain Countries. Jack Mahon has lived life committing himself thereof). With respect to instruments based on Through his diligent efforts, chapters have to bettering his family and his community. currency exchange rates, we would exclude been founded in Philadelphia, West Palm Surely, we are all better off having known the most common type of derivative instru- Beach, Houston, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Jack. mentÐforward rate contractsÐbut would in- Honolulu, Jakarta and Singapore. On this day we not only say, Happy Birth- clude foreign currency swaps that have a du- Mr. Krzyzanowski works closely with many day, but we thank Jack: for his selfless service ration greater than 270 days. Securities traded charitable foundations, including the Connelly to God and country, to family and community. on an exchange or on the NASDAQ, futures Foundation, established by the late president Happy Birthday, Jack, and may God bless or options on futures, and bank or savings in- of Crown, Cork & Seal, John Connelly, for you. stitutions deposits also would be excluded. whom his admiration continues unabated. He f Second, the definition of ``security'' in sec- is a loyal citizen and friend to Crown, Cork & tion 3(a)(10) of the Securities Exchange Act of Seal, and America. INTRODUCTION OF DERIVATIVES 1934 (``Exchange Act'') would be amended to Through his service at ``Crown,'' Mr. MARKET REFORM ACT include derivatives based on the value of any Krzyzanowski displayed the type of commit- security. While options on securities already ment and insight necessary for success, and HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY are included within this definition, the amend- he will be missed and remembered when he OF MASSACHUSETTS ment would bring equity swaps explicitly under departs the corporation. Richard L. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the definition of ``security'' and subject trans- actions in equity swaps to regulation under the Krzyzanowski exhibits the qualities of a great Thursday, November 18, 1999 American citizen, and it is the embodiment of Exchange Act. those qualities which serves to make the Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, today I am join- Third, persons defined as ``derivatives deal- United States the great country it is today. I ing with the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. ers'' would become subject to Securities and thank him for his service and wish him the DORGAN) in introducing the Derivatives Market Exchange Commission (``Commission'') regu- best of luck in the coming years. Reform Act. lation. Derivatives dealers that are not (1) reg- f In recent years, over-the-counter (OTC) de- istered broker-dealers or (2) material associ- rivative financial products have become an im- ated persons of registered broker-dealers that TRIBUTE TO JACK MAHON portant component of modern financial mar- have filed notice with the Commission, would kets. They provide useful risk management be required to register with the Commission HON. JAMES E. ROGAN tools for corporations, financial institutions, and would be subject to Commission rule- OF CALIFORNIA and governments around the world seeking to making and enforcement authority. Commis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES respond to fluctuations in interest rates, for- sion rulemaking would focus on financial re- eign currency exchange rates, commodity sponsibility and related recordkeeping and re- Thursday, November 18, 1999 prices, and movements in stock or other finan- porting requirements, as well as on the pre- Mr. ROGAN. Mr. Speaker, today, on behalf cial markets. While OTC derivatives are fre- vention of fraud. Such dealers also would be of the 27th Congressional District; the City of quently used to hedge risks or to lower bor- required to become members of an existing Los Angeles; and the County of Los Angeles, rowing costs, they can also be used by deal- registered securities association, or any reg- I wish to acknowledge the 70th birthday of a ers or end-users to make risky and highly istered securities association that may be es- true American, our dear friend, Mr. Jack speculative synthetic bets on the direction of tablished for derivatives dealers. Rules adopt- Mahon. global financial markets. The potential for such ed by a registered securities association would Born John Francis Mahon, Jr., on December derivatives to contribute to excessive specula- focus on the prevention of sales practice 16, 1929, Jack is the son of Irish immigrants tion or leveraging has raised concerns over abuses and the establishment of internal con- who came to my district in the early part of the potential for OTC derivatives to increase, trols. this century. Jack's parents: John Francis rather than reduce the risk of catastrophic fi- Derivatives dealers that are material associ- Mahon Sr. from County Offaly; and Katherine nancial loss or contribute to a future financial ated persons of registered broker-dealers Fullerton from County Donegal, came to panic or meltdown in global financial markets. would be required, as a general matter, to file America and settled in the City of Pasadena In addition, the concentration of market- a form of notice with the Commission. Alter- where Jack attended St. Andrews Elementary making functions in a small number of large natively, such dealers would be permitted to School. Later, Jack attended Loyola High banks and securities firms, the close financial register as a derivatives dealer. Dealers that School in Los Angeles. inter-linkages OTC derivatives have created file notice would be regulated indirectly

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.168 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2511 through their broker-dealer affiliate. The risk A SALUTE TO MAL WARWICK & Additionally, Dr. Sewell, and Dr. Ralph assessment provisions already in place under ASSOCIATES ON ITS TWENTIETH Vance, another UMC physician, have traveled the Exchange Act, which would be amended ANNIVERSARY to China, to share another new ``cutting-edge'' by this bill, would be utilized for this purpose. technology with medical practitioners in that In addition, the broker-dealer's net capital HON. BARBARA LEE country. The procedure, which was developed would be based, in part, on the derivatives ac- OF CALIFORNIA by Dr. Sewell, and which is known as ``radio- tivities of its affiliated derivatives dealer. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES frequency of the lung tumor ablation,'' utilizes a radiofrequency probe with an Interventional designated examining authority for the broker- Thursday, November 18, 1999 CAT scan to perform lung cancer surgery. dealer would have rulemaking and enforce- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to salute, Mr. Speaker, I am very proud to have a ment authority with respect to the derivatives congratulate and honor Mal Warwick & Asso- connection, through my transplant experience, activities of both the broker-dealer and the af- ciates on celebrating its twentieth anniversary. to the ongoing pioneering efforts at UMC that filiate. The Commission also would be author- Mal Warwick & Associates is a fund-raising are making significant breakthroughs in medi- ized to adopt rules designed to prevent fraud. and marketing agency serving non-profit orga- cine. I would like to include in the CONGRES- Fourth, the bill would require the filing of nizations and socially-responsible businesses. SIONAL RECORD two articles that elaborate on quarterly reports by hedge funds, including a Over the years, they have assisted a wide va- these impressive efforts, which are changing statement of the financial condition of the riety of organizations both large and small; the way cancer is treated. local, state, and national, as well as six Demo- fund, income or losses, cash flows, changes in [From the Medical Post News 2, Oct. 12, 1999] cratic Presidential candidates. NEW MRI GREAT RENAL TUMOUR DE- equity, and a description of the models and Mal Warwick, founder and Chairman of Mal methodologies used to calculate, assess, and STROYER—OPEN MAGNET MRI PROVIDES AL- Warwick & Associates has been a consultant, MOST REAL-TIME IMAGES DURING SURGERY evaluate market risk, and such other informa- author and public speaker for non-profits for (By Andrew Skelly) tion as the Commission, in consultation with more than thirty-five years. Mr. Warwick is JACKSON, MISS.—MRI-guided cryosur- the other financial regulators, may require as very involved in the community affairs of the gery looks like a promising way to destroy necessary or appropriate in the public interest City of Berkeley in California, including serving renal tumours, say doctors at the University or for the protection of investors. The Commis- on the boards of the Berkeley Community of Mississippi Medical Centre. sion is authorized to allow any confidential Fund and the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra. The centre is one of only a handful world- proprietary information to be segregated in a Prior to Mr. Warwick's move to Berkeley, Mr. wide using a new type of ‘‘open magnet’’ MRI that provides almost real-time images dur- confidential section of the report that would be Warwick served for three years as a Peace ing surgery. available to the regulators, but would not be Corps volunteer in the 1960s. The technique takes advantage of the tem- disclosed to the public. Due to the efforts of Mal Warwick & Associ- perature sensitivity of MRI and the avail- ates over the last twenty years, the quality of ability of new nonmagnetic cryosurgical Fifth, the bill would also direct the SEC to life of many non-profits and the communities equipment. use its existing large trader reporting authority they serve, has been enhanced tremendously. Doctors at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec are using the same to issue a final large trader reporting rule. Thanks to these efforts, many voluntary orga- Congress gave the SEC this authority in the equipment to destroy breast tumours (see nizations have built the foundation towards a the Medical Post, Aug. 11, 1998). Market Reform Act of 1990 in order to assure more peaceful, productive and better way of The Mississippi team has treated 13 renal that the trading activities of hedge funds and life for citizens throughout the world. cancer patients so far. All of them had al- other large traders could be tracked by the I proudly join my friends, colleagues and cli- ready had one kidney removed and had de- SEC for market surveillance and other pur- ents of Mal Warwick & Associates in recog- veloped a tumour in the other. poses. Nearly 10 years later, the SEC has nizing its twentieth anniversary and also join in Traditional surgery would have involved removing the entire remaining kidney; but failed to issue a final rule, and the draft rules the celebration of its many years of extraor- the MRI-guided approach allowed the sur- it issued years ago are gathering dust. Our bill dinary service to people and organizations geons to destroy the tumour while leaving would change that. through the Bay Area and the world. the functioning part of the kidney intact, f thus sparing the patients dialysis. Sixth, the bill would reinstate the intermarket ‘‘We’ve been successful in every one so far, coordination reporting requirements estab- THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI without a great deal of difficulty,’’ said as- lished by Section 8(a) of the Market Reform MEDICAL CENTER CONTINUES sistant professor of radiology Dr. Patrick Se- Act of 1990. This reporting requirement, which PIONEERING MEDICAL AD- well in a telephone interview. ‘‘We’ve had no expired in 1995, was intended to promote co- VANCES complications, no bleeding, no blood in the urine, and one patient’s renal function actu- operation by the various financial regulators by ally improved. We actually expected requiring them to report to Congress on an an- HON. FLOYD SPENCE everybody’s to get a little worse but so far nual basis on their efforts to coordinate regu- OF SOUTH CAROLINA no one’s has. We don’t quite understand that, latory activities, protect payment systems and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but we definitely like it.’’ markets during emergencies, establish ade- General anesthetic was used in all but one Thursday, November 18, 1999 patient, who could not tolerate sedation be- quate margin requirements and limits on lever- Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring to cause of pulmonary disease. age, and other matters affecting the sound- the attention of the House exciting medical ad- The patients are being followed with CT ness, stability, and integrity of the markets. vances that are taking place at The University scans at one week, one month, three months, six months and one year post-surgery, and Adoption of this bill would close the regu- of Mississippi Medical Center (UMC), in Jack- then every year thereafter. Their post-sur- latory black hole that has allowed derivatives son, Mississippi. During the last thirty years, gical renal function is also being monitored. dealers affiliated with securities or insurance UMC has gained an international reputation as The longest followup is only about six firms to escape virtually any regulatory scru- a leader in the development of landmark med- months, but so far no patient has shown evi- tiny. It will give the SEC the tools needed to ical procedures. In 1964, the first heart trans- dence of residual tumours after the surgery: plant in the world was performed at UMC. In ‘‘Time is the true test, whether the proce- monitor the activities of these firms, assess dure is totally effective or partially effec- their impact on the financial markets, and as- 1988, I received a double-lung transplant tive,’’ Dr. Sewell stressed. there, which saved my life. At that time, the sure appropriate protections are provided to SIGNIFICANT ADVANCE procedure that I underwent was not being per- their customers against any fraudulent or abu- ‘‘The procedure appears to be a significant sive activities. It would require hedge funds to formed anywhere else in the United States. advance in the minimally invasive surgery provide some public reporting regarding their Most recently, UMC Assistant Professor of field,’’ commented Dr. Joseph Chin, professor Vascular Interventional Radiology and Body holdings. It is not a radical restructuring of the and chairman of the division of urology at Imaging, Dr. Patrick Sewell, has pioneered a the University of Western Ontario, when derivatives market or of the hedge fund indus- revolutionary procedure that offers great prom- reached by e-mail. ‘‘But standardization of try; it is focused laser-like on the real gaps ise for the treatment of cancer patients. This techniques, quality control, proper patient that exist in the current regulatory framework innovative work combines Magnetic Reso- selection and longer-term followup are as yet unavailable.’’ that need to be closed in the aftermath of the nance Imaging (MRI) and cryosurgery tech- LTCM affair. The interventional MRI, manufactured by niques to destroy tumors. This ``cryoablation'' GE Medical Systems of Waukesha, Wis., re- I urge my colleagues to cosponsor and sup- has been successfully performed by Dr. Se- sembles a pair of vertical doughnuts—the pa- port this important legislation. well on cancer patients, with amazing results. tient slides through the doughnut hole and

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.168 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 the surgeon stands between the doughnuts, tumor ablation, at UMC. He is considered the set up parameters for studying the medical watching a video monitor displaying the world’s authority on the procedure. Vance, a outcomes. MRI images—which can be updated as quick- UMC professor of medicine, is designing and After being trained by Sewell, China’s sur- ly as twice per second. directing the related study and its joint re- geons immediately began performing the Because the magnet is configured to allow search by UMC and academic institutions in new lung cancer surgeries on both primary the surgeon access to the patient, the field the People’s Republic of China. and metastasized tumors. ‘‘They could even- strength is less than a regular diagnostic Sewell visited three cities—Beijing, Xian, tually perform hundreds of those lung sur- MRI—0.5 versus 1.5 Tesla—so the resulting and Shanghai—to lecture, demonstrate, and geries per month,’’ Sewell estimates. We’ll image quality is not as good. High-quality perform the surgeries. He went to China Oct. know soon whether this procedure worked to preoperative CT or MRI scans are still re- 4 and returned Oct. 17. Vance set up the pa- treat primary tumors’’ if the cancers have quired to familiarize oneself with the anat- tients and the study in advance, visiting not returned, he says. omy and look for subtle lesions, Dr. Sewell China Oct. 1 through Oct. 8. That’s part of phase II of the China said. Sewell also is nationally known for devel- project. In four to six weeks, Vance will The intra-operative MRI is used to localize oping new surgical procedures using UMC’s choose 10 more patients in China to have pri- the kidney, then plan and monitor the path interventional magnetic resonance imaging mary tumors of the lung removed and Sewell of the cryosurgical probe as the surgeon in- (MRI) unit, which involves procedures very will perform their surgeries. A month later, serts it through a 4 mm incision into the similar to the China procedure. (UMC is one those 10 patients will have positron emission centre of the tumour. of three test sites in the United States for tomography (PET) scans to determine The probe—called Cryo-Hit and designed the vertical twin-magnet interventional whether their cancers are indeed destroyed. by Tel Aviv-based Galil Ltd.—is non- MRI; the other are at the teaching hospitals Since lung cancer is aggressive, about a magnetic, so it doesn’t interfere with MR of Harvard and Stanford Universities.) month after surgery is an ideal time to imaging. The interventional MRI displays magnetic evaluate the outcomes, Vance says. Dr. Sewell uses three cycles of freezing and resonance images in real-time during sur- ‘‘We will evaluate the effects of radio- thawing to rupture the tumour cell mem- gery so the physician can see a surgery’s frequency ablation with and without com- branes. progress and whether tumors are being de- bined chemotherapy and radiation therapy Pressurized argon gas is used for freezing, stroyed. The China radiofrequency tumor ab- . . . to assess overall survival,’’ states producing a temperature of ¥186 °C at the lation surgeries, in which a hot probe is used Vance. Both mid- and late-stage lung cancer tip of the probe, creating an ‘‘ice ball’’ whose for tumor removal, employ an interventional are being treated in the China project. growth can be monitored on the video CAT scanner instead of the interventional ‘‘We’ll collect the data, publish it, and screen. MRI. hope to prove our hypothesis—that this will Pressurized helium gas then heats the tis- In both procedures, a tiny incision in the be an effective way to treat a variety of lung sue to up to 80 °C. patient’s skin enables the physician to insert tumors,’’ Sewell concludes. ‘‘The MRI allows me to see where the a probe into the body to destroy the tumors. f probe tip is and move around and get three In the pioneering interventional MRI proce- dimension views,’’ said Dr. Sewell. ‘‘It’s just dures, a cold CryoHit (freezing) probe most CLEVELAND WILL MISS DON like slicing through the body. It’s a virtual often is used. The interventional CAT scan- WEBSTER surgery, essentially.’’ ner surgeries in China used a hot (laser/ra- In just over an hour, the tumour is a diofrequency) probe to destroy tumors, Se- shrunken mass of inert cellular debris and well says. HON. STEVE C. LaTOURETTE the patient goes home the next day. In China, the procedure also received a new OF OHIO ‘‘You just put a Band-Aid on them and application; it was performed for the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we’re finished. In a couple of months, you time to treat primary tumors of the lung, can’t even find the scar—it’s so small,’’ said ideally to cure the cancers. (Primary tumors Thursday, November 18, 1999 Dr. Sewell. Ordinary naked-eye surgery, he are nonmetastasized tumors, or tumors from Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today added, involves a 10-inch incision, removal of which the cancer has not spread.) Sewell surrounding tissue and weeks of recovery to pay tribute to a Cleveland legend who is notes that, in the United States at UMC, the leaving our fair city and heading south. Don time. procedure only has been used to treat metas- The technology, said Dr. Sewell, could one Webster will no longer give Clevelanders the tasized tumors of the lung that have spread day replace nephrectomy, if it has the same to other parts of the body as a means to pro- lowdown on lake effect snow, water spouts end result. long life and relieve suffering from incurable and other area weather abnormalities from his ‘‘If you’re faced with having your kidney cancer. familiar home at Channel 5, WEWS. removed and going on dialysis because you Since conventional surgery can success- Instead, in retirement he'll spend his days in have a tumour, this is certainly of great ben- fully remove primary tumors of the lung, Se- efit.’’ beautiful Hilton Head, South Carolina, where I well can point to no compelling reason in the have no doubt he'll nurse his golf game and United States to test whether the CAT scan- [From the Mississippi Medical News, Nov. his famed tan. As any Clevelander knows, ner procedure also is a cure. He says he is when it comes to tanning, Don Webster gives 1999] not willing to let a patient forgo conven- UMC PHYSICIANS PIONEER NEW LUNG CANCER tional surgery here to test the results of the George Hamilton a run for his money. My SURGERY IN CHINA new procedure. But in China, where medical guess is he'll also delight the locals and tour- Two physicians from the University of Mis- resources are insufficient to treat the over- ists with his meteorological prowess whenever sissippi Medical Center (UMC) have been in whelming number of lung cancer patients hurricane watches and warnings are an- China treating its overwhelming number of through conventional means, this new proce- nounced, and wax poetic about approaching lung cancer patients—and teaching China’s dure could be a viable means to turn the tide fronts and the effects of El NinÄo and La NinÄa. doctors to do the same. If this medical un- against lung cancer. Vance explains that Don Webster and I first met more than a dertaking is successful, it could change the ‘‘only 15% of China’s population with lung decade ago when I was the Lake County carcinoma’’ undergoes conventional surgery way lung cancer surgery is performed world- prosecutor and he was the grand marshal of wide. for tumor removal. The UMC physicians used a new surgical If indeed the CAT scanner procedure works the Fairport Harbor Mardi Gras Parade, and procedure which was performed for the first on primary tumors in China, it could be our paths have crossed many times since, es- time in the world at UMC and, since then, adopted in the United States and worldwide. pecially at charity events. Don Webster prob- has been practiced only at the Jackson med- Not only are interventional-type lung cancer ably won't enjoy this observation, but I feel like ical center for the past six months. surgeries less expensive and quicker than I've known him since I was about 10 years Surgeon/radiologist Dr. Patrick Sewell and conventional surgery, but the patient also old. oncologist Dr. Ralph Vance taught China’s has a much shorter recovery period after I used to watch Don Webster every Sunday physicians how to perform the new surgery interventional-type surgeries; they also in- to battle lung cancer. In the process, the volve less trauma to the body, Sewell ex- on a small, black-and-white TV in the living UMC physicians are conducting study of the plains. room of my childhood home in Cleveland results, which eventually could benefit pa- Sewell performed 10 radiofrequency abla- Heights as he emceed Academic Challenge. tients in the United States and worldwide. tion surgeries on patients in China, while My hope in mentioning this is that Don will at ‘‘China has 300 million smokers, which is training surgeons there. The 10 surgeries in- least feel a little bit old since he looks roughly more than the entire population of the volved five primary lung tumors, three me- the same today as he did three and a half United States,’’ says Sewell, an assistant tastasized lung cancers, one fibroid tumor, decades ago. It hardly seems fair that Don professor of radiology at UMC. ‘‘So they need and one cancer of the liver ‘‘so they’d know Webster remains the epitome of vigor and per- a cost-effective way to treat lung cancer. how to do that procedure, too,’’ Sewell re- This is a fast and cheap way to destroy tu- ports. petual youth while those of us who grew up mors in the body.’’ Vance served as an epidemiological expert watching him are losing our hair. Sewell pioneered the new surgical proce- on the China trip. He selected lung cancer Don Webster is known to an entire genera- dure, called a radiofrequency of the lung patients in China to receive the surgery and tion of Americans as the host of nationally

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.172 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2513 syndicated, rock 'n' roll dance show Upbeat. like to share with you today how to develop and as a parent, and let those ‘‘trials make Don Webster hosted the showÐthe second- your character, and exactly why it does perseverance, perseverance your character, longest running show of its kind in historyÐfor count. Moris Mandel tells a story of how the and let character produce in you hope’’ (Ro- forming of our character is like the forming mans 5:3–4). So I’d like to congratulate you seven years. He got to meet just about every of an icicle. He concludes that an icicle class of 1999. We made it and we finished the rock 'n' roll legend along the way. In fact, Up- forms one drop at a time until it is about one ride successfully, but I’d like to leave you beat photos of Webster with Jerry Lee Lewis foot or two long. If the water was clear, the with the words of Abraham Lincoln. He said, and the Outsiders were included in the ``My icicle remains clear and sparkles like dia- ‘‘Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, Town'' exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of monds. If the water was muddy, the icicle and riches take wings. Only one thing en- Fame and Museum in Cleveland. looks foul and its beauty is spoiled. Just so, dures forever and that is your character.’’ In his 35 years with Channel 5, Don Web- our characters are forming one little Thank you. thought at a time, one little action at a ster did a little bit of everythingÐfrom hosting time. In the Bible, in Romans 5:3–4, it states, f It's Academic and The Ohio Lottery Show to ‘‘Trials make perseverance, perseverance our INTRODUCTION OF THE SMALL working in management as station manager. character, and that character produces But most people know his true love was deliv- hope.’’ also stated, ‘‘Character BUSINESS DISASTER ASSIST- ering weather forecasts, which he's done for cannot be developed in ease and quiet, it is ANCE ACT more than two decades. only through experiences of trial and suf- We will miss Don Webster and his familiar fering can the soul be strengthened, vision HON. SUE W. KELLY cleared, ambition inspired, and success presence in our lives, but wish the best for OF NEW YORK achieved.’’ Your character is seen and devel- him and his lovely wife, Candace, in their new oped through the hard times of life. So I’d IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES life in Hilton Head. like for you to think of an experience that Thursday, November 18, 1999 f has helped shape your character. I thought about my basketball team, and how Romans Mrs. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for TRIBUTE TO BRANDI NICHOLE 5:3–4 applied to us in so many ways. We had the purpose of introducing the Small Business GASKEY faced so many trials, from a freshman, soph- Disaster Assistance Act. omore, and junior season all with losing This is a two-part proposal that seeks to records. I thought of countless hours of prac- provide both immediate assistance to viable HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. tice and endless preseason track workouts OF TENNESSEE and sitting in the teamroom after a loss and small businesses and agricultural enterprises IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doing nothing but crying. But those trials when first dealing with the damage wrought by a disaster, and more long-term assistance Thursday, November 18, 1999 taught us perseverance, and we produced character, and that character gave us hope. which seeks to provide them with the needed Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, one of the best Hope for this year in which we proudly fin- lift as they continue to work towards normalcy. students in my district, Brandi Nichole Gaskey, ished with a winning record of 16–12. Or My bill creates a program whereby viable has just graduated from Farragut High School. think of someone you know who has an ex- small businesses and agricultural enterprises She has had an amazing four years in high treme amount of character. It may be some- would be eligible for a grant of up to $30,000 school. She was a member of the National one who loses their wife and daughter, but still lives life in the best way he can, or in order to provide them with the immediate Honor Society all four years, and she was also someone who works so hard and only makes assistance they need when dealing with a dis- President of the Fellowship of Christian Ath- enough money to feed his/her family. Or aster. Additionally, the bill creates a loan pro- letes her junior and senior year. someone who fails so many times but keeps gram that acknowledges the great difficulties Brandi was also involved in sports at Far- on trying and trying again and no one knows small business owners and farmers encounter ragut and was voted most athletic, as well. how bad they’ve hurt or hard they’ve during the first year following a disaster by al- Mr. Speaker, recently Brandi Gaskey was worked. It’s studying so hard for an AP lowing for a one-year deferral on any repay- asked to give the commencement address at Latin test, a math final, or an English exam to realize you make a D, so the next time ments toward the loan, and, furthermore, al- Farragut High School. I have attached a copy you study so much harder and finally make lows the recipient to pay back the principal of of her remarks that I would like to call to the the A. Character is all these things. It is that loan before the interest. attention of my colleagues and other readers formed when you realize you’re at your low- This is a compassionate, reasonable pro- of the RECORD. est, but hey, you gotta keep on going. So I’d posal that seeks to provide small businesses like to challenge you class of 1999 to see each HOPE THROUGH CHARACTER 1999 GRADUATION and farmers with assistance during a time trial you will face as an opportunity to ADDRESS when they need it most. I'd like to thank my produce and reveal your character. All of (By Brandi Nichole Gaskey) these things will ‘‘strengthen your soul, colleague from New Jersey, Congressman Mr. Superintendent, friends, family, distin- clear your vision, inspire your ambition, and BOB FRANKS, for his important contribution in guished guests, faculty, and fellow graduates you will achieve success’’ (Helen Keller). drafting this legislation, and I hope that our of the last class of the century. I stand be- Just like the Bible says, your character pro- colleagues will join us in this effort to assist fore you tonight filled with excitement as I duces hope. Hope through God that we will small business owners and farmers whose welcome you to the 1999 Farragut High make a difference, hope that we are going to lives have been fundamentally diminished by School Graduation Ceremony. As we have be the best future leaders, parents, teachers, natural disaster. come to the end of our formal education, to ministers, and merchants in the history of f for some of us a miraculous occasion, the our nation, hope that what we do matters, question was asked ‘‘Does character count?’’ and hope that our character will count in- ROMANIA Although I could not think of one word to forming a better tomorrow. So be the people define character, I respond with an enthusi- of character you are called to be and work astic YES, character does count. I counts for daily on strengthening your soul and devel- HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ you and me and every person we will ever oping your inner spirit. Margot Isobel once OF TEXAS come in contact with. It counts in a big way said something that reveals the importance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the small things we do or say every of your true heart and true character. She day. Character is who you are in the dark, said, ‘‘I think t’would be lovely to live and Thursday, November 18, 1999 when no one is looking. It’s what’s on the in- do good, to grow up to be the girl that I Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, as Co-Chair of the side, the gutsy stuff you’re made of that no should. A heart full of sunshine and a life one knows about, but one day every one will full of grace are beauty far better than beau- Romanian Caucus, I rise today to enter into see. My pastor, Doug Sager, once said, ‘‘your ty of face. I think t’would be lovely to make the record remarks in support of Romania. Mr. character is your set of values that are non people glad, to cheer up the lonely, discour- Speaker, the Heads of State and Government negotiable. It’s the quality of life given to aged, and sad. What matter if homely or participating in the Istanbul Summit will des- you by God to say what is right and to stand pleasant to see, if lovely in spirit I’m striv- ignate the Chairman-in-Office of the Organiza- up for it.’’ For you see, your character can ing to be.’’ So you see your character can tion for Security and Cooperation in Europe for either make you or break you because every- make a difference in the lives of others. It’s the year 2001. one has character, it’s just a matter of how what’s on the inside, your inner spirit, it’s Romania has been fostering support for its you choose to develop it. For example, two what you’ve developed these last 17 or 18 students at Columbine High School had the years, what you’ve persevered through at candidacy since 1996, when President Emil character to kill their fellow classmates, home and at school, it’s your character that Constantinescu announced his country's bid while other students at Columbine High counts, and yes, character is essential. So let for the OSCE Chair in 2001. Romania enjoys School had the character to stand up for God guide you through your trials you will U.S. support and has succeeded to build con- their faith no matter what the cost. So I’d face in college, your career, your marriage, sensus around its candidacy among full OSCE

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.176 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 members. Romania will be entrusted to chair in order to help promote the achievement of ever, the Pilgrims paused to give thanks to the OSCE in 2001, and it will join Austria and common goals and interest. God for their divine good fortune and salva- Norway in the OSCE Troika, starting January f tion. 2000. The idea of developing a special day to give A TRIBUTE TO MARTIN STEIN The United States and Romania in 1997, thanks for one's prosperity did not originate established a strategic partnership resulting in with the PilgrimsÐin fact such practices date close cooperation and consultations on all HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS back to Greek and Roman times. But that first issues of common interest, particularly: NATO Thanksgiving, in what would later become policies; promoting stability and security in OF NEW YORK America, marked the beginning of a new na- Southeastern Europe, combating non-tradi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, and new form of government, that would tional threats; military and economic reforms in Thursday, November 18, 1999 forever change the world. Romania and its region. Romania has also been a key supporter of U.S. and NATO policy Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Americans in 1999 have much to be thank- in the Kosovo crisis, assisting the U.S. and honor the achievements of Lieutenant Martin ful for too. Prepared to begin a promising new NATO in actions meant to bring stability to the Stein, a member of the New York City Police Millennium, our great nation is the strongest, Balkans. Department. freest, and most prosperous in history. Though Romania's government and Parliament ap- At a time, when police departments around we have plenty of hard work ahead of us, proved without reservation overflight rights for this nation are under attack because of accu- Americans also have much for which to be NATO aircraft at the height of the Kosovo con- sations of brutality, wrongful deaths and gen- thankful and proud. flict. Romania is among the regional countries erally poor community relations, Lt. Stein con- We should be thankful for the strength and which observes the embargo against Former tinues to demonstrate a sense of profes- security of our nation. After years of woeful Republic Yugoslavia, despite significant costs. sionalism and commitment which has made neglect and dangerous budgetary cuts, Con- Romania has proven to be a reliable partner him a credit to law enforcement. He joined the gress is once again committed to properly and of the U.S. and NATO and is consistent in im- police force in 1981 and has held a variety of adequately funding a military structure and na- proving its credentials for future integration positions of increasing responsibility during tional security strategy worthy of our great na- with NATO. All Romanian political forces, as this time period. With a career that has cov- tion. Only through demonstrated military well as a large majority of the people, support ered various precincts in Manhattan and strengthÐand the unequivocal to employ it, if the goals of integration with NATO and the Brooklyn, Lieutenant Stein is currently the necessaryÐwill we have ability to ensure last- EU. In December 1999, Romania will host the Special Operations Lieutenant for the 81st ing peace and the protection of liberty at home Southeast European Defense Ministerial precinct. In this capacity, he is responsible for and abroad, well into the next Millennium. (SEDM), in which the United States partici- the day-to-day operations of the precincts spe- pates. cialized units: Anti-Crime; Street Narcotics; We should be thankful too for our pros- Within this framework, Romania takes part Warrants; Field Training and Community Polic- perous and growing economy. Currently in efforts to operationalize the Southeast Euro- ing Unit. He also ensures that these units boasting the longest peacetime expansion in pean Multinational Peace Force, the first ever work with the patrol force to respond to the our nation's history, and by far the strongest of attempt at peaceful military cooperation in the calls and needs of the community. any nation in the world, our economy seems region. Romania is the Chairman in Office of Under Lieutenant Stein's leadership, the unstoppable. Consumer spending is up, while the Southeast European Cooperation Process 81st Precinct has seen an overall 53% reduc- unemployment rates are down. Small business and, as such, has been instrumental in pro- tion in crime. It is particularly significant that and corporate sector productivity, personal in- moting joint positions and actions of countries homicides have been reduced by 37% and come, and sales of new homes are all on the neighboring Serbia. shootings by 70%. These statistics indicate a rise. The stock market, and the percentage of Active participants in the U.S.-supported real quality of life improvement for my con- Americans investing in it, have both grown ex- Southeast European Cooperative Initiative stituents who reside in the Bedford-Stuyvesant ponentially over just the past five years. (SECI), Romania has lead the efforts to con- section of Brooklyn which is served by the This success is owning mostly to the sound clude a regional Agreement for the fight 81st precinct. and responsible fiscal policies of the Repub- against transborder crime and corruption Lieutenant Stein was recently married to his lican-led Congress. After four decades of which was signed in Bucharest, on 26 May wife, Mary, and has a 14 year old son Peter wasteful government spending, rising taxes, 1999. Romania hosts the SECI Regional Cen- from a previous marriage. After three years at and mounting federal debt, Congress reversed ter for the fight against transborder crime and York College in Queens, he is currently pur- the cycle of unaccountable big government corruption. The Center was inaugurated on 16 suing his Bachelor's degree in the New York and balanced the budget, cut taxes, paid November 1999 and acts as a critical instru- State Regents Degree Program. I commend down the debt, and created budget surpluses ment for promoting a healthy business climate his fine work to the attention of my colleagues. as far as the eye can seeÐall while protecting in Southeastern Europe, combating non-tradi- f the Social Security Trust Fund. Our commit- tional threats and transborder crime. ment to continued fiscal responsibility will en- Therefore, it is suggested that: The United THANKSGIVING sure our ability to foster such economic pros- States Congress expresses support for Roma- perity well into the next century. nia's nomination as OSCE Chair in 2001 and readiness to cooperate with Romania in the HON. BOB SCHAFFER Families this year can be thankful for an un- exercise of the resulting responsibilities. The OF COLORADO precedented level of personal freedom, secu- United States Congress looks forward to send- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rity, and opportunity in their lives. Historic wel- fare reform legislation passed in 1996 has lib- ing a large delegation to the OSCE Parliamen- Thursday, November 18, 1999 tary Assembly in Romania, in July 2000. The erated millions of parents previously trapped in United States Congress acknowledges and Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, three hun- a devastating cycle of government depend- highlights Romania's relevance as a regional dred and seventy-eight years ago, Plymouth ence, allowing them to better care for them- role-model for inter-ethnic cooperation, steady Colony Governor William Bradford ``sent four selves and their families. Americans now have evolution towards mature democracy as well men fowling, so they might in a special man- better access to affordable, high quality health as decisive efforts towards a functioning mar- ner rejoice together after they had gathered care than anytime in history. And legislation ket economy, against the background of dif- the fruit of their labor.'' This event marked the recently passed will help to strengthen Medi- ficult challenges of the reform process. first official Thanksgiving celebration in the care, increase health care access for seniors The United States Congress encourages an New World. and children, and give more flexibility to the enhancement of U.S.-Romanian Strategic Indeed, the colonists had much to be thank- providers who care for them. Partnership, in order to enable Romania to ful for that winter of 1621. Following a long This year on Thanksgiving, as our nation perform as Chairman in Office of the OSCE and treacherous journey across the Atlantic, prepares to enter a promising new Millennium, and to exercise effectively its OSCE area, they landed on a bleak New England coast stronger and more prosperous than ever in which includes the Euro-Atlantic as well as and endured a year marked by hardship and history, we would do well to say a special Eurasian space. The United States Congress hunger in which half of the 101 original word of thanks this ThanksgivingÐto God and expresses openness to expand inter-par- Mayflower passengers died. Finally blessed to the courageous immigrants at Plymouth liamentary links with the Romanian legislature, with bountiful harvest and warm shelter how- who made it all possible.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.180 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2515 TRIBUTE TO THE CITY OF anniversary of the local's charter, and its com- around the world. We sometimes forget that ROSSFORD AND THE AUTHORS mitment to working for decent wages, edu- the U.N. has a very human faceÐand a re- OF ‘‘AS I RECALL’’ cation and training, and civil and human rights. markable number of dedicated employees. Mr. Speaker, it is indeed an honor to recog- The World Food Programme, which provides HON. MARCY KAPTUR nize these special individuals who have dili- food aid to 75 million people in 80 countries, OF OHIO gently served their union and community. Dur- is just one example of the United Nations at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing this time, each one of these UAW mem- work. Since 1988, this organization has lost 51 bers has held various elected positions in the employees to work-related accidents, ill- Thursday, November 18, 1999 union. And there is no question they have rep- nesses, and attacksÐincluding three who died Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, Henry James resented their brothers and sisters well. last week. They died fighting the hunger that once said, ``it takes a great deal of history to It is very fitting that these 25 people be re- gnaws away the lives of one of every seven produce a little literature.'' Today I rise in trib- cipients of the Walter P. Reuther Distinguished people in the world, assisting in projects that ute to the extraordinary people of Rossford, Service Award. Walter Reuther was a man too often exacted the heaviest human cost. Ohio, who have recorded the first hundred who believed in helping working people, and Mr. Speaker, as we look forward to our years of history of their community in a book he believed in human dignity and social justice Thanksgiving meals next week, let us pause a entitled, ``As I Recall.'' for all Americans. The recipients of this award moment to reflect on those who died last week Mr. Speaker, a community is made up of have committed themselves to the ideals and trying to eradicate starvationÐmuch as our neighbors who care, whose spirit makes the principles of Walter Reuther. They are out- dear friend and colleague, Congressman Mick- community what it is. This book, four years in standing men and women who come from ey Leland, did 10 years ago. the making and written by more than twenty every part of our community, and they share Together with Mickey, we remember Ro- members of the community, tells the stories of the common bond of unwavering commitment berto Bazzoni, Paola Biocca, Andrea Curry, these neighbors, their triumphs and tragedies. and service. Velmore Davoli, Nicolas Ian Phillip Evens, It is their history that made Rossford the place Mr. Speaker, I would ask my colleagues in Abdulla Faisal, Marco Gavino, Kevin Lay, it is today. And, as we see how life has the House of Representatives to join me in Raffaella Liuzzi, Miguel Martinez-Vasquez, changed since then, it's also a comfort to honoring Robert Aidif, David Aiken, Dale Jose Maria Martinez, Alam Mirshahidul, J. know that some things just don't change in Bingley, Dennis Carl, Jessie Collins, Russell Perez Fortes, Richard Walker Powell, Daniel RossfordÐit's still a community where neigh- W. Cook, Harvey DeGroot, Patrick Dolan, Rowan, Thabit Samer, Paola Sarro, Laura bors help neighbors and where people try to Larry Farlin, Maurice Felling, Ted Henderson, Scotti, Antonio Sircana, Carlo Zechhi, Julia live up to the legacies of those who came be- James Yaklin, Ken Mead, Don Wilson, Frank Ziegler, Andrea Maccaferro, Antonio fore them. Molina, Shirley Prater, Gene Ridley, John D. Canzolino, and Katia Piazza. The authors of this labor of love include: Jo- Rogers, Dale Scanlon, G. Jean Garza-Smith, They all were heroes to the hungry and suf- sephine Ignasiak; Milo Louis Bihn; Stanley Robbie Stevens, Nick Vuckovich, Jerry J. fering people of the world, and they all de- Brown; Mary Lou Hohl Caligiuri; Virginia Ward, Greg Wheeler, and Tom Worden. I serve our thanks and our prayers for the fami- Craine; Arnold Frautschi; Estelle Heban; Vir- want to congratulate these fine people for all lies they left too soon. ginia (Grod) Heban; Arlene Hustwick; Lucille of the work they have done to make our com- f H. Keeton; Lee Knorek; Frank Kralik; Frank munity a better place to live. CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF Newsom; Eleanor Nye (Mary Kralik). f THE STOWERS INSTITUTE FOR Also Valeria Ochenduszko; Gabriel Palka; MEDICAL RESEARCH IN KANSAS HUMANITARIAN WORK’S HEAVY Sister Janice Peer; Rosalie and Steve Peer; CITY, MISSOURI Sally Plicinski; Jim Richards; Maureen Rich- TOLL ards; Ben Schultz; Stan Schultz; Judy Sikor- HON. KAREN McCARTHY ski; Pat Sloan; Charlotte R. Starnes; Audrey HON. TONY P. HALL OF MISSOURI Stolar; Dr. Don Thomas; the Tisdale Family; OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ed Tucholski; Irene Verbosky; Kim Werner; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 18, 1999 and Marjorie Wilbarger. Thursday, November 18, 1999 For me this book is very special as our fa- Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ther and mother operated a family grocery in Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today rise today to honor Jim and Virginia Stowers Rossford when my brother Steve and I were in memory and in honor of 24 people who lost on the launch of the Stowers Institute for Med- growing up. We were flattered to be asked to their lives last week trying to help those who ical Research located in my district in Kansas include our recollections of Rossford. are suffering in Kosovo. City, MO. Their generous support of biotech Mr. Speaker, may we congratulate Rossford These aid workers and others were on a research will profoundly impact upon the lives reaching this milestone and be inspired by the flight between Rome and Pristina. Wreckage of those who suffer from cancer, and benefit people who gave so much of themselves so of their plane was found only a few miles from the friends and family members of those who that our history would forever be preserved. their destination. They were United Nations battle the disease. On this occasion, I salute f employees and aid workers serving private the Stowers for their selfless contributions to charities, police officers taking time off their the field of science in establishing their insti- HONORING UAW LOCAL 599 regular jobs to help bring peace to Kosovo, tute to bring ``Hope for Life.'' REUTHER AWARD RECIPIENTS doctors and scientists, and the crew that flew To our community, Jim and Virginia Stowers the route regularly for the World Food Pro- are local heroes. To those who will one day HON. DALE E. KILDEE gramme. benefit from their charity, they will no doubt be OF MICHIGAN Mr. Speaker, we have discussed on this referred to as saints. Their remarkable story is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES floor what the onset of winter will mean for ref- triumphant and inspirational. In 1958, Jim ugees who returned to their homes in Kosovo Stowers founded Twentieth Century Investors Thursday, November 18, 1999 to find only rubble. We have worried over their and created what would later be known as the Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, it is my great fate and tried to provide funding for people American Century Companies. Today, Mr. pleasure to pay tribute to 25 members of UAW who would act on our shared concernsÐpeo- Stowers heads the company as chairman of a Local 599, who will be recipients of the Walter ple like those who died Friday. successful multi-billion dollar firm investing in P. Reuther Distinguished Service Award. On In a region riven by bitter clashes between mutual funds across the nation. His wife, Vir- Saturday, November 6, 1999, these individuals ethnic groups, the ethnic background of those ginia, worked as a nurse to support her grow- were honored at the 19th Annual Walter and who have come to their aid is remarkable for ing family and her husband's dream. She May Reuther Twenty Year Award Banquet. its variety. Those who died personify this com- shared her husband's vision and confidence Local 599 has always had a special place in ing together for the sole purpose of easing by working to help her family and those most my heart because my father was one of its suffering: 12 Italians, three Spaniards, two in need in her nurturing professions as nurse, original members. Over the years, Local 599 Britons, an Irishman, a Kenyan, a wife, and mother. has developed a strong and proud tradition of Bangladeshi, an Australian, a Canadian, an Their commitment to cancer research is de- supporting the rights of working people in our Iraqi, and a German. rived from their own hardships and personal community, and improving the quality of life for Theirs are the faces of the United Nations, survival experiences. Mr. Stowers was diag- its membership. This year marked the 60th faces that signify hope to millions of people nosed in 1986 with prostate cancer. Mrs.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.190 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Stowers fought breast cancer in 1993 followed expensive for many families to afford, and profit. On this life and death issue, I urge my by years of treatment, and their daughter, often is of poor quality. When families try to colleagues to consider this woman's words for Kathleen's current encounter with cancer was get child care, they encounter long waiting themselves: the impetus for the creation of the Stowers In- listsÐeven for crummy programsÐor the care [From the Washington Times, Nov. 11, 1999] stitute for Medical Research. Jim Stowers available is unaffordable. The message to low- OFFERING BODY PARTS FOR SALE serves as president with Virginia serving as income families is that they must take any (By Mona Charen) vice president over every aspect of their leg- care they can get. More often than not, par- ‘‘Kelly’’ (a pseudonym) was a medical tech- acy to scientific research. ents end up patching together a number of The Stowers Institute is attracting the most nician working for a firm that trafficked in child care arrangements and go through the baby body parts. This is not a bad joke. Nor highly sought researchers in biology, tech- day anxious that part of the child care chain is it the hysterical propaganda of an interest nology, and engineering who want to join in will fail. Many mothers are reporting that the group. It was reported in the American En- this exciting and worthy venture. World re- child care assigned to them by welfare case- terprise magazine—the intelligent, thought- nowned experts from the University of Wash- workers would place their children in a low- provoking and utterly trustworthy publica- ington, the California Institute of Technology, quality setting that would make them suscep- tion of the American Enterprise Institute. the University of California, Berkeley, the tible to physical harm and do little to prepare The firm Kelly worked for collected fetuses from clinics that performed late-term abor- McLaughlin Institute, and the University of children for school. Missouri-Kansas City are exploring the make- tions. She would dissect the aborted fetuses Working parents need to feel secure about in order to obtain ‘‘high-quality’’ parts for up of our DNA and analyzing the forthcoming the arrangements they've made for their chil- sale. They were interested in blood, eyes, liv- information in a facility where research into life dren during work hours, because the quality of ers, brains and thymuses, among other systems will produce a better understanding of care children receive can make a difference in things. the nature of cancer. Scientists and doctors parents' ability to work. Evaluations of GAIN, ‘‘What we did was to have a contract with would then be able to use this research in de- the job-training program for welfare recipients an abortion clinic that would allow us to go veloping treatments, medicine, and ultimately, in California, found that mothers on welfare there on certain days. We would get a gen- a cure. erated list each day to tell us what tissue re- who were worried about the safety of their searchers, pharmaceutical companies and Our community has watched the construc- children and who did not trust their providers tion of this facility which is anticipated to be in universities were looking for. Then we would were twice as likely to subsequently drop out examine the patient charts. We only wanted complete operation next year. It rescues from of the job-training program. the most perfect specimens,’’ That didn’t urban blight the site of the former Menorah We must increase both the quantity and the turn out to be difficult. Of the hundreds of Hospital near universities and cultural centers. quality of the care offered. My bill, the Child late-term fetuses Kelly saw on a weekly The Stowers endowed to the Institute a gift of Care Quality Improvement Act (H.R. 2175), basis, only about 2 percent had abnormali- $336 million to fund the ongoing research of promotes quality child care by providing incen- ties. About 30 to 40 babies per week were scientists so they can dedicate their valuable around 30 weeks old—well past the point of tive grants to states to help them set and meet viability. time to science instead to raising money for long-term child care quality goals. My bill their work. Investment of the multi-billion dollar Is this legal? Federal law makes it illegal would base a state's eligibility for future fund- to buy and sell human body parts. But there assets in mutual funds, contributions by other ing on the progress made in increasing train- are loopholes in the law. Here’s how one donors, and the gift of the estate of Virginia ing for staff, enhancing licensing standards, body parts company—Opening Lines Inc.— and Jim Stowers is expected to reach $30 bil- reducing the number of unlicensed facilities, disguised the trade in a brochure for abor- lion or more in the next millennium, which will increasing monitoring and enforcement, reduc- tionists: ‘‘Turn your patient’s decision into secure financial support for the Institute. ing caregiver turnover, and promoting higher something wonderful.’’ Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking Vir- For its buyers, Opening Lines offers ‘‘the levels of accreditation. ginia and Jim Stowers for their tremendous highest quality, most affordable, freshest tis- Congress has wrongly refused to require sue prepared to your specifications and de- gift, which assures their ongoing mission for significant quality standards for the billions in ``Hope for Life.'' I look forward to the suc- livered in the quantities you need, when you child care dollars we allocate each year. The need it.’’ Eyes and ears go for $75, and brains cesses of the Stowers Institute for Medical Re- federal government should give states the re- for $999. An ‘‘intact trunk’’ fetches $500, a search and share the same hope they have sources to improve child care quality at the whole liver $150. To evade the law’s prohibi- inspired. local level, but only through a system of meas- tion, body-parts dealers like Opening Lines f urable indicators of desired outcomes. offer to lease space in the abortion clinic to ‘‘perform the harvesting,’’ as well as to ‘‘off- HIGH-QUALITY CHILD CARE CAN As the father of a young son, I know the dif- set [the] clinic’s overhead.’’ Opening Lines HELP PARENTS MOVE TOWARD ficulty families face when searching for a care- further boasted, ‘‘Our daily average case vol- SELF-SUFFICIENCY giver for their children. I believe we must give ume exceeds 1,500 and we serve clinics across families peace of mind by helping states pro- the United States.’’ HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK vide the high quality of care every child de- Kelly kept at her grisly task until some- serves. We must not threaten a parent's thing made her reconsider. One day, ‘‘a set of OF CALIFORNIA twins at 24 weeks gestation was brought to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chance at succeeding on the job and achiev- ing self-sufficiency. us in a pan. They were both alive. The doctor Thursday, November 18, 1999 came back and said, ‘Got you some good f specimens—twins.’ I looked at him and said: Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to address OFFERING BODY PARTS FOR SALE ‘There’s something wrong here. They are the issue of quality improvements in our na- moving. I can’t do this. This is not in my tion's child care centers. As a member of the contract.’ I told him I would not be part of House Ways and Means Subcommittee on HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH taking their lives. So he took a bottle of Human Resources with jurisdiction over the OF NEW JERSEY sterile water and poured it in the pan until federal welfare system, I voted against the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the fluid came up over the mouths and noses, 1996 overhaul of our welfare system because letting them drown. I left the room because Thursday, November 18, 1999 of the dangerous effect it would have on the I could not watch this.’’ But she did go back and dissect them later. health and well-being of children and families Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I would like to commend to the attention of my The twins were only the beginning. ‘‘It hap- in our country. pened again and again. At 16 weeks, all the Congress was warned by advocates for low- colleagues this disturbing article by Mona way up to sometimes even 30 weeks, we had income and poor families that without the Charen, which appeared in the November 11, live births come back to us. Then the doctor proper work supportsÐhealth care, food as- 1999 edition of the Washington Times. As the would either break the neck take a pair of sistance, and child care servicesÐwelfare re- article itself states, ``This is not a bad joke. tongs and beat the fetus until it was dead.’’ form's efforts to push mothers into low-paying, Nor is it the hysterical propaganda of an inter- American Enterprise asked Kelly if abor- low-skill jobs could not succeed. Now as more est group.'' It is comprised of the personal tion procedures were ever altered to provide and more families with children are forced to recollections of a medical technician who specific body parts. ‘‘Yes. Before the proce- dures they would want to see the list of what send both parents (or the only parent) to work, worked for a medical firm engaged in selling we wanted to procure. The [abortionist] the absence of child care hampers the ability the body parts of the victims of late-term abor- would get us the most complete, intact of mothers to successfully make that move. tions. In her most chilling descriptions, she re- specimens that he could. They would be de- Families are stuck between a rock and a lates the means by which children born alive livered to us completely intact. Sometimes hard place. Child care is in short supply, is too are killed, so that their bodies may be sold for the fetus appeared to be dead, but when we

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.186 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2517 opened up the chest cavity, the heart was It is my hope that, come the next legislative ning for the needs of an aging veterans popu- still beating.’’ session, my colleagues will join me in making lation. The moderator, Dr. Lawrence Gary, a The magazine pressed Kelly again: Was the a commitment to preventing and detecting preeminent scholar from Howard University, type of abortion ever altered to provide an intact specimen, even if it meant producing fraud and abuse. led a distinguished panel of experts that in- a live baby? ‘‘Yes, that was so we could sell f cluded doctors, researchers, government offi- better tissue. At the end of the year, they cials, veterans service representatives and would give the clinic back more money be- PERSONAL EXPLANATION community advocates. Participants at the cause we got good specimens.’’ event included: Dr. Eugene Oddone, Dr. Jeff Some practical souls will probably swallow HON. ROBERT E. WISE, JR. Whittle, Georgia State Senator Ed Harbison, hard and insist that, well, if these babies are OF WEST VIRGINIA Dr. Sissy Awoke, Mr. Charles McLeod, Jr., Mr. going to be aborted anyway, isn’t it better that medical research should benefit? No. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ralph Cooper, Mr. Dennis Wannemacher, Mr. This isn’t like voluntary organ donation. Thursday, November 18, 1999 Carroll Williams, Mr. Calvin Gross and Dr. This reduces human beings to the level of Erwin Parson. commodities. And it creates of doctors who Mr. WISE. Mr. Speaker, on November 16 The panel was invited to help focus our at- swore an oath never to kill the kind of peo- and 17, I missed several votes because I was tention on racial disparities in the veterans ple who can beat a breathing child to death home recovering from surgery. Had I been health care arena. The implications of these with tongs. present, here is how I would have voted on preliminary findings, as well as the urgent f the various bills. I would request that you in- need to eliminate racial disparities in veterans sert this at the appropriate place in the health care led Congresswoman BROWN to MEDICARE FRAUD PREVENTION RECORD. call for the creation of a national working AND ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1999 H.R. 3257, State Flexibility Clarification Act: group to develop a series of legislative and I would have voted ``aye''. policy recommendations to address these HON. JUDY BIGGERT H. Con. Res. 222, Condemn Armenian As- issues. OF ILLINOIS sassination: I would have voted ``aye''. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Thomas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. Con. Res. 165, Commend Slovak Repub- Garthwaite, the Acting Under Secretary for Thursday, November 18, 1999 lic: I would have voted ``aye''. Health at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to H. Con. Res. 206, Express Concern Over Dr. Garthwaite stated that the VA is facing introduce the Medicare Fraud Prevention and Chechen Conflict: I would have voted ``aye''. new challenges in the health care arena, spe- H. Con. Res. 211, Support Elections in Enforcement Act of 1999. cifically issues relating to veterans of African- The vast majority of health care providers in India: I would have voted ``aye''. American descent. He noted concerns in the this country are honest. Yet all large health H. Res. 169, Support Democracy and area of long-term care, increased rates of care programs are vulnerable to exploitation, Human Rights in Laos: I would have voted Hepatitis C, behavioral and mental illnesses, and Medicare is no exception. Over the past ``aye''. and homeless veterans. He stated that these few years, Medicare fraud has skyrocketed, H. Res. 325, Importance of Increased Sup- problems are compounded by a rapidly aging depriving millions of seniors quality care and port and Funding to Combat Diabetes: I would veteran population and a continued lack of bilking taxpayers out of literally billions of dol- have voted ``aye''. sufficient funding for veteran-related expendi- lars. Rule to allow suspension bills to be brought tures. According to the Department of Health and up on Wednesday: I would have voted ``no''. Congresswoman BROWN and I agreed that Human Services Inspector General, in fiscal H.R. 2336, United States Marshals Service funding for veterans health care is inadequate. year 1998 alone, waste, fraud, abuse and Improvement Act of 1999ÐAmends the Fed- We believe that we cannot have a budget sur- other improper payments drained as much as eral judicial code to provide for the appoint- plus, if we have not paid our dues to Amer- $13 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund. ment of U.S. marshals for each judicial district ica's veterans. Georgia State Senator Ed How is this happening? Well, according to a of the United States and for the Superior Harbison expressed the sentiment of many at June 1999 General Accounting Office exam- Court of the District of Columbia by the Attor- the Braintrust when he stated, ``It used to be ination of three statesÐNorth Carolina, Florida ney General of the United States (currently, by said, that `old soldiers never die, they just sim- and my home state of IllinoisÐas many as the President), subject to Federal law gov- ply fade away.' But in 2000, its more like `old 160 sham clinics, labs or medical-equipment erning appointments in the competitive civil soldiers never die, they're just ignored to companies have submitted fraudulent claims. service: I would have voted ``no''. death!' '' For example, two doctors who submitted in H.J. Res. 80, Continuing Resolution: I would Dr. Erwin Parson, Vietnam veteran and excess of $690,000 in fraudulent Medicare have voted ``aye''. health care professional, summarized the es- claims listed nothing more than a Brooklyn, S. 440, Provides Support for Certain Insti- sence of the forum by acknowledging, ``We New York laundromat as their office location. tutes: I would have voted ``no''. know too well that little attention has been In Florida, over $6 million in Medicare funds f given to the issue of African American elderly were sent to medical equipment companies health by society. Our elderly veterans, espe- CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS that provided no services whatsoever; one of cially our African American elderly, have im- VETERANS BRAINTRUST these companies even listed a fictitious ad- portant health care needs that are not being dress that turned out to be located in the mid- met satisfactorily. We are aware that the dle of a runway at the Miami International Air- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. stream of scientific studies on comparative port. OF GEORGIA health seem to always reach the same conclu- Phony addresses and bogus providers add IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion: race is a factor in access and quality care for many life-threatening medical condi- up to Medicare fraud and taxpayers being Thursday, November 18, 1999 swindled out of billions of dollars. tions which afflict African Americans.'' In an attempt to change this equation, I am Mr. BISHOP. The Honorable CORRINE We found it disconcerting that studies found introducing the Medicare Fraud Prevention BROWN (D±FL) and I recently convened the that race is often a controlling factor in the as- and Enforcement Act of 1999. This legislation 11th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Vet- sessment and management of many adminis- is designed to prevent waste, fraud and abuse erans Braintrust. Traditionally known as one of trative and clinical decisions in veterans health by strengthening the Medicare enrollment the highlights of the CBCF Legislative Con- care. We all realize that accurate data is vital process, expanding certain standards of par- ference, the Veterans Braintrust has truly be- to evaluating the true health care needs of Af- ticipation, and reducing erroneous payments. come a family affair bringing together African rican American veterans. However, current re- Among other things, my bill gives additional American veterans and supporters from search is much too sparse and fragmented. It tools to the federal law enforcement agencies across the nation. is obvious that we urgently need to get better, that are pursuing health care swindlers. This year's Braintrust forum entitled, ``Vet- more meaningful data on African American el- This bill is by no means a solution to Medi- erans Health Care Issues for 2000 and Be- derly veterans. care fraud. But the Medicare Fraud Prevention yond'' convened with the hope of facilitating a Finally, the reality is simply this: The aging and Enforcement Act of 1999 will make it national dialogue between the veterans com- veterans population is upon us now! We are more difficult for unscrupulous individuals to munity and lawmakers. The Braintrust ad- grateful and will never forget that African enter and take advantage of the Medicare sys- dressed the future course of the veterans Americans have fought gallantly for America, tem. health care system with an emphasis in plan- beginning as far back as the Revolutionary

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.190 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 War. They are our living `Legacy' and, today, Johnson, Leroy Colston, Robert Powell, Calvin HONORING BISHOP ODIS A. FLOYD we honor that legacy when we care for those Gross, Daniel Smith and Brig. Gen. Clara who gave all they had. Therefore, I believe we Adams-Ender, USA, Ret.Ðwere asked to HON. DALE E. KILDEE do owe them a special debt of gratitude. stand and be publicly recognized. OF MICHIGAN Health care is something promised, a promise In closing, I want to personally thank Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that must be paid in full. So let us honor them gressional staff members Brittley Wise and Thursday, November 18, 1999 who honored us, and give them the best Nick Martinelli, Executive Director of the health care to be found anywhere in America, Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you Braintrust Ron Armstead and forum moderator and my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- or the world. Dr. Lawrence Gary for everything they did to At the conclusion of the session, Congress- resentatives today on behalf of not only one of make the event a success. We appreciate the Flint, Michigan's top citizens, but a man whom woman BROWN and Ron Armstead, Executive assistance of forum evaluators Dr. Shari Miles, Coordinator for the Veterans Braintrust, pre- I am happy to call colleague and friend. On Director of the African American Women's In- November 20, the congregation of New Jeru- sided over our 11th annual awards ceremony. stitute, and Michael Tanner, Director of Health This event was conceived by Congressman salem Full Gospel Baptist Church in Flint will and Welfare Studies at the Cato Institute for gather to recognize and honor bishop Odis A. CHARLES RANGEL (D±NY) and begun 11 years all their hard work. ago with General Colin Powell in attendance. Floyd, and celebrate his 30 years of commit- As I have said before and will say again, At this historical gathering General Powell was ment as pastor to spreading the Word of the when veterans answered the call in faithful joined by some of the highest ranking African- Lord. service, the nation in essence wrote them a Odis Floyd came to our community in 1948, American military officers ever to serve this check for certain benefitsÐand it is our duty and has established himself as one of its fa- great Nation: Lt. Gen. Julius Becton, USA, as members of Congress and as American vorite sons. He served his country in the U.S. Ret., Brig. Gen. Hazel Johnson-Brown, USA, citizens to make sure this check never comes Army in 1958. And he has served the Flint Ret., Dr. Roscoe Brown, Vice Adm. Samuel back marked ``insufficient funds!'' They were community for many years as a well-respected Gravely, Jr., USN, Ret., Gen. Frank Petersen, promised more. They have earned more. They man of God. Jr., USMC, Ret., and Col. Fred Cherry, USAF, deserve no less. Bishop Floyd attended Monterey College, Ret. Pensacola Junior College, Mott Community Commenting on the significance and rich f College, Toledo Bible College, and the United tradition of this awards ceremony, Congress- Theological Seminary from which he received man RANGEL noted that each of these recipi- 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. LUCY’S his DD degree in 1990. ents has distinguished themselves as true pa- CATHOLIC CHURCH It was in 1964 that he accepted his call to triots in the war for veterans' rights, and they ministry, for which all of us in the Flint commu- have not allowed racism to hamper their nity are forever grateful. In 1965 he began as- achievements. HON. SANDER M. LEVIN sisting his grandfather, the Rev. L.W. Owens The 1999 awards were presented to twenty- OF MICHIGAN in the organization of the New Jerusalem Mis- nine exemplary veteran supporters. Individual sionary Baptist Church. Bishop Floyd was or- winners of the 1999 CBC Veterans Braintrust IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dained in 1969, and became pastor in Novem- Awards included: Julius Allen, John ``Buddy'' Thursday, November 18, 1999 ber of 1969 when his grandfather retired. In Andrade, Charles Blatcher, III, Delegate Clar- 1991 the church's name was changed to the ence ``Tiger'' Davis, Jeff Hansen, Alex Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on Sunday, De- New Jerusalem Full Gospel Baptist Church. In Holmes, John Howe, Chris Jenkins, Sgt. cember 5, 1999, the community of St. Lucy's 1993 he was consecrated to the office of Henry Johnson (Posthumous), John Johnson, Catholic Church, will gather to celebrate their Bishop by Paul S. Morton, Presiding Bishop of John J. Johnson, Karen Johnson, Ruben 75th Anniversary. I rise today to honor St. the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship. ``Sugar Bear'' Johnson, Phillip ``Jay'' Jones, Lucy's on this special occasion and pay tribute During his tenure at New Jerusalem, Bishop Kathleen Andrews-Lindo, Frankie Manning, to their service to the community. Floyd has presided over a growth in member- Charles McLeod, Jr., Dr. Shari Miles, Wallace Like many other immigrant communities, ship from 450 to more than 3,000. Following ``Wally'' Miles, W. Roy Owens (Posthumous), Croatian immigrants came to the metro- a terrible fire which destroyed the church, Robert ``Pope'' Powell, Larry Smith, Alexander area because of the promise of jobs and op- Bishop Floyd continued to serve the spiritual Vernon, Cordell Walker, Barbara Waiters, and portunities in lumber, mining and the auto- needs of his flock in a temporary facility. It Martha Watts. mobile industry. After their arrival, they real- was under his good guidance that the New Je- Organizations receiving this year's honors ized that a central component of their former rusalem congregation was able to construct a were: The Civil War Memorial Freedom Foun- lifeÐthe community churchÐwas missing. new, beautiful church in Flint. One need only dation, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors They regained this sense of community when step inside this stunning building to feel the Project (CWSS), and the National Minority Mu- Father Oskar Suster was given permission by warmth and the welcome of the people who seum Foundation. Bishop Michael Gallagher to form a new helped make it possible. We also took a moment to recognize Jea- Catholic parish to serve the Croatian ethnic Bishop Floyd is known not only in the Flint nette Boone and Roy Martin from the Office of community. In 1924 they purchased their first community, but throughout the country as a Senator JOHN KERRY (D±MA) for their excel- building at the corner of Melbourne and Oak- dynamic preacher, spiritual leader, moving lent assistance on behalf of African-American land Avenues in Detroit. gospel singer, and community activist. God veterans. has blessed him with a tremendous singing Special citations were given to stalwarts in Following in the name of their patron saint, voice. Indeed, Bishop Floyd has been nomi- the battle for veterans rights. The first award St. Lucy's Catholic Croatian Church has spent nated for a Grammy award for the Best Soul was given to Dr. Erwin Parson, co-founding the last 75 years serving as a radiant light in Gospel Male Performance. His Sunday serv- member of the Congressional Black Caucus the Croatian community. The Church, now lo- ices are broadcast live on the church's radio Veterans Braintrust and renowned expert in cated in Troy, Michigan, includes the sons and station, and are a favorite for those in the trauma/PTSD mental health. He was recog- daughters of those original immigrants as well community who are home-bound or otherwise nized for his 22 years of dedicated service to as many new arriving families. I have enjoyed unable to attend church services. veterans and their families. The second award participating in some of their activities and I and many other local political and commu- went to Congresswoman CORRINE BROWN (D± seeing firsthand the pride parishioners have in nity leaders of all levels have long sought FL) Co-Chair of the CBC Veterans Braintrust their Church and the sense of community it Bishop Floyd's guidance and insight, and after and Ranking Member of the House Veterans represents. I have also enjoyed the oppor- 30 years, he continues to make a tremendous Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Inves- tunity to participate in the community's discus- impact wherever he goes. In addition to New tigation. Ms. BROWN has shown her continued sions on issues of special concern, especially Jerusalem, Bishop Floyd has been found and steadfast commitment to our nation's vet- those touching on events transpiring in the working with groups such as the Community erans. Balkans. Alliance, Resource, Environment [CARE] Drug At the end of the ceremony, the Executive Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Rehabilitation and Prevention Center. Committee members of the Braintrust and in congratulating St. Lucy's Croatian Church Mr. Speaker, our community would not be past awardees in attendanceÐJerry Cochran, on the occassion of their 75th anniversary and the same without the presence and influence Arthur Barham, Morocco Coleman, Joann Wil- wishing them many more years of important of Bishop Odis Floyd. I know that I am a bet- liams, Ralph Cooper, Robert Blackwell, Ruben service to their community. ter person and a better Member of Congress

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.193 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2519 because of his commitment to the Lord's work. THE LEGAL EMPLOYMENT AU- INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW IN- And I know that our community is a better THENTICATION PROGRAM (LEAP) SURANCE COVERAGE EQUITY place to live in because of Bishop Floyd's spir- ACT OF 1999 ACT (NICE ACT) itual mission. I am pleased to ask my col- leagues in the 106th Congress to join in con- HON. DOUG BEREUTER HON. JAMES H. MALONEY OF CONNECTICUT gratulating his 30 years of pastoral service. OF NEBRASKA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Thursday, November 18, 1999 Thursday, November 18, 1999 CENTENNIAL TRIBUTE TO MEMO- Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, today this RIAL UNITED CHURCH OF access to prescription drugs can mean the dif- Member rises with his distinguished colleague, CHRIST ference between life and death, or between the gentleman from Nebraska, Mr. BARRETT, in health and chronic disease, particularly for introducing the Legal Employment and Au- senior citizens. While Medicare covers pre- HON. MARCY KAPTUR thentication program (LEAP) Act of 1999 scriptions administered in hospitals, two-thirds which will provide employers nationwide with of older Americans have no insurance or inad- OF OHIO the tools they need to hire a legal workforce. equate coverage for outpatient medication. As IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While some businesses clearly have flouted a result, millions of seniors must pay high re- the laws prohibiting the employment of illegal tail prices for drugs or inappropriately limit Thursday, November 18, 1999 aliens, many other businesses have indeed their drug use. tried to comply with the laws. Unfortunately, Many seniors who are not able to afford Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the current employment verification programs their prescription dosage only buy part of their recognize an historic occasion. Memorial provided by the INS for compliance with those necessary medication, and take a small por- United Church of Christ in East Toledo cele- laws have fallen short. The programs fail to tion of the required dosage. Others forgo basic brates its 100th anniversary this month. detect sophisticated forms of identity and doc- life necessities such as food and heating fuel In early 1899, Mr. J. Herman Overbeck was ument fraud used by illegal aliens. Also, the to pay for their medicine. inspired to form a mission church of the First current programs are limited to businesses As a strong supporter of modernizing and strengthening Medicare, I am introducing the Reformed Church. On May 7, 1899, shortly based in seven states. New Insurance Coverage Equity Act (the after Mr. Overbeck's death, Reform Church The proposed LEAP Act we are introducing would create a strictly voluntary employment NICE Act) to make sure that all seniors have leaders including Reverend Henry Gersmann, verification program to address those faults. It access to affordable drug coverage. Eberhard Gerkens, John Olrich, Frederick will grant all participating employers access to Time and time again, I have heard from Dahn, August Overbeck, Karl Benner, and Wil- information regarding a newly hired employ- seniors in my district about their difficulty in helm Dahlmeyer came together as a com- ees' eligibility to work in this country, and it will obtaining the critical prescription drugs they mittee to bring Mr. Overbeck's dream to fru- be available to all states. need. One woman told me that she can only ition. The fully paid building was formally dedi- This Member is pleased to be an original afford to pay for a week's worth of medicine cated on November 12, 1899, the church's of- cosponsor of this legislation, urges Members each month instead of filling her entire pre- ficial anniversary date. Services were con- to cosponsor it, and strongly supports the pas- scription. That means that instead of taking ducted and a church school was organized. sage of LEAP early in the next session of the her medication all month long, she spreads On Palm Sunday, April 18, 1900, the German 106th Congress. seven pills out over four weeks. Unfortunately, Evangelical Reformed Memorial Church was she is not alone. formally organized with 37 original members. f I recently spoke to a married couple in my district. Both husband and wife have expen- The membership flourished with the neighbor- HONORING THE HEROISM OF sive prescription medications they must take, hood, and in 1920 the congregation decided to FRANK MOYA OF DENVER but they simply can't afford to pay for both. build a new church. The new building was Because his wife is more ill than he is, the dedicated on February 26, 1922. In 1943, Me- husband stopped taking his medicine in order morial Church became independent, no longer HON. DIANA DeGETTE to pay for his wife's. a mission church. The church grew large in OF COLORADO I have heard similar stories from so many both membership and property. Both the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other seniors. That is why I have developed neighborhood and the church began to Thursday, November 18, 1999 the NICE Act, which creates a comprehensive change in the 1970's, and Memorial grew with prescription drug program that will make es- these changes as well. Women were allowed Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sential medication more affordable for all sen- a more active role in the church beginning in honor the heroic acts of Frank Moya. Earlier in iors. My legislation not only provides access to November, Mr. Moya, a well-known attorney in the 1970's and 1980's, serving as deacons affordable medicine but it also gives older my hometown of Denver, Colorado, thwarted and church elders. The 1990's have brought Americans choices. an attack and saved someone's life. Mr. Moya The NICE Act creates a prescription medi- Reverend Jena Garrison as Pastor, and a re- was leaving the Arapahoe County Justice cine program modeled after the coverage newed spirit among members. Generations of Center when he heard that a woman was available to Members of Congress. It would families now attend the church together, as it being attacked in the parking lot. Without hesi- help seniors pay for all of their prescription has moved from a neighborhood church to a tation, Mr. Moya rushed to the scene where needs at their local drug store. At the same family church. he saw the victim being viciously stabbed by time it would also cover seniors with pre-exist- Throughout its century of worship, the her estranged husband. He saved her life by ing conditionsÐwhich other plans often ex- congregants of Memorial United Church of jumping in and personally subduing the clude. Christ have lived the Ecclesiastes verse ``To attacker. Under the NICE Act, every older American everything there is a season, and a time to In today's often apathetic world, Mr. Moya who chooses to enroll would receive financial every purpose under Heaven . . .'' As the sea- has demonstrated courage and selflessness assistance for their prescription drug cov- by coming to the aid of someone in need of erage. At a minimum, individuals would re- sons changed into decades and then a cen- help. He acted swiftly and without regard to ceive assistance equal to 25% of the cost. For tury, the congregation has grown, flourished, his own safety in order to save the life of an- seniors living at or below 150% of the poverty and redirected itself. It was born at the twilight other. The world could use a hundred more rateÐ$12,075 for an individual and $16,275 of the last century, yet is poised on the dawn like him and I am proud to count him as a fel- for a coupleÐthe NICE Act would cover the of the new century to continue to meet the low Denverite and friend. Colorado's first con- entire premium for their prescription drugs. spiritual needs of the faithful. Its future is chal- gressional district is fortunate to have Mr. Older Americans living between 150% and lenged by its promise as the congregation of Moya as one of its citizens. On behalf of my- 175% of the poverty rateÐ$14,088 for an indi- Memorial United Church of Christ recalls their self as well as other residents of Denver and vidual and $18,988 for a coupleÐwould only journey: the road, the people, the vision and Colorado, I would like to thank Mr. Moya for have to pay as much as they could afford on the faith which brought them to this milestone. his heroic actions. a sliding scale.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.195 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Under my legislation, seniors would also When Art retired in 1985, he and his sons ognition of her achievements. On behalf of have the right to either keep their existing cov- built a log cabin on the banks of West Point Ohio's Ninth District, I would like to wish Cap- erage or participate in the NICE program. No Lake, where he and his wife Dianne live tain Deal every success with her military ca- senior would be forced to change their current today. Fortunately for all of us, Art didn't rest reer and in her current assignment with the coverage. The NICE program is entirely vol- on his laurels, but has kept fighting to make Marine Corps Air Station in Miramar, Cali- untary. his community better. He has truly become fornia. We are truly grateful for her service to Finally, my proposal is funded primarily from proof positive that local activism in American our country and once again congratulate her the on-budget surplus without any tax in- communities is alive and well. for all her achievements. Her virtue and patri- crease. f otism are a shining example to all women, and Mr. Speaker, Congress must act now to indeed, all people in this Nation. TRIBUTE TO U.S. MARINE CORPS help seniors receive the vital prescription drug CAPTAIN SARAH DEAL coverage they rely on to live. As a vigorous f supporter of modernizing and strengthening NATIONAL LABORATORIES Medicare, I will continue to do everything I can HON. MARCY KAPTUR to make prescription drugs accessible for our OF OHIO senior citizens. For that reason, I am intro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TOM UDALL ducing the New Insurance Coverage Equity Thursday, November 18, 1999 OF NEW MEXICO Act today, and I urge all my colleagues to join Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in sponsoring this common sense ap- recognize the achievements of U.S. Marine Thursday, November 18, 1999 proach to making prescriptions affordable for Corps Captain Sarah Deal. Captain Deal de- Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, our seniors. serves the warmest, most heart-felt congratu- f today, I introduce a bill that will allow our Na- lations for her accomplishment of becoming tional Laboratories to more effectively perform the first female pilot in Marine Corps history. ART HOLBROOK their missions while also promoting economic Her achievements reflect her courage, deter- development in the communities that surround mination and self-belief. On behalf of Ohio's the facilities. Specifically, this bill creates a HON. BOB BARR lawmakers and citizens, I wish to pay tribute win/win scenario for both the National Labora- OF GEORGIA to this outstanding young woman. tories and the adjoining communities. The Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Growing up in Pemberville, Ohio, Captain tional Laboratories will advance their missions Thursday, November 18, 1999 Deal always had a passion for flying, in part inspired by her father, a former Marine, who by benefiting from the cutting edge technology Mr. BARR of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, on an worked as an engineer testing jet engines. A possessed by universities and companies near almost daily basis, politicians and news com- graduate from Eastwood High School, she them and the community benefits from the mentators in Washington bemoan the fact that went on to study Aviation at Kent State Uni- creation of needed high quality infrastructure not enough Americans get involved in public versity. From there, she made the tough that will boost innovation and create job debates. Obviously, these people have never choice to join the United States Marine Corps growth. met Art Holbrook. to begin training as an air traffic control officer. In recognizing the potential of involving the First, I'd like to add some background. Even though women were allowed to fly in the national laboratories in technical collaborations Troup County, located in Georgia's Seventh Army, Navy and Air Force, she still chose the with institutions in their surrounding commu- District, is home to West Point Lake. For Marines, knowing that the only way she would nities, Congress has in the past encouraged Troup residents, the lake provides many of be allowed to fly would be recreationally. How- cooperative research and development agree- life's basic necessities, such as sites for ever, her difficult choice was rewarded with ments (known as ``CRADAs''). This legislation homes, sources of income, and recreation op- the landmark Defense Department decision in builds upon the success of the collaborations. portunities. 1993, ordering the armed forces to end their Specifically, this bill will: Create an advocate However, in recent years, those who man- ban on women flying combat missions. Fol- for small business at each national laboratory age the lake have dramatically lowered water lowing the announcement, Captain Deal im- who will focus on increasing the involvement levels to serve downstream water users. The mediately chose to attend Marine flight school of small businesses in the national laboratory's result is that people who live on the lake and despite being the only women there. Her per- procurement and collaborative research; cre- navigate its waters, have found themselves sistence and hard work were rewarded in April ate a technology partnership ombudsman at overlooking muddy flats and navigating non- 1995, when her father had the pleasure of pin- each laboratory who will guarantee that the existent waters. ning her wings to her uniform at her gradua- national laboratory remains a good partner; Most people would look at this situation and tion ceremony in Milton, Florida. allow the Department of Energy to use more complain, but do nothing to change it. Not Art once wrote in a letter to her flexible contracting authority; and streamline Holbrook. Not only did he respond to our re- husband, ``all history and every age exhibit in- current process concerning the cooperative re- quest to serve on our West Point Lake Task stances of patriotic virtue in the female sex; search and development agreements; to make Force, but he took a leadership role in building which considering our situation equals the these agreements more appealing to technical a comprehensive case, with new, innovative, most heroic of yours.'' Captain Deal follows in organizations, such as companies and univer- and scientific data, in support of higher water the footsteps of the legendary , sities. levels in the lake. mathematician and computer pioneer, who be- I have a national laboratory in the district These efforts recently reached a pinnacle, came the first female Rear Admiral in the US that I represent, Los Alamos National Labora- as hundreds of Troup residents attended a Navy. And of , the first female U.S. tory. As with other national laboratories, the weekday meeting about the lake, with one of astronaut. And of Mary Hallaren, champion for Los Alamos National Laboratory has a very the top Army officials responsible for over- permanent status for women in the military important relationship with the people in the seeing lake management. Most meetings after World War II and subsequent director of surrounding communities and the region. As I would attract a few dozen people at best. the Women's Auxiliary Corps from 1947±1953. am sure with all communities that surround However, with Art Holbrook on the scene and All these women have proved there is nothing our national laboratories, there is a need for in charge, an army of activists greeted Deputy that cannot equally be achieved by women in greater economic prosperity. This bill creates Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil our armed forces. Captain Deal's achieve- a long term solution to this problem. Besides Works Michael Davis, when he touched down ments are a proud demonstration of what can assisting the national laboratories in fulfilling in LaGrange. be achieved by women in today's society. Her their missions, this bill also lays the foundation Of course, I would expect no less from a achievements offer hope and encouragement to create high paying jobs that will directly man who left high school so he could serve in to all women to follow their dreams and to pur- benefit our communities. the Army during the Korean War at the age of sue paths that have previously been unjustly This is a companion measure to a bill intro- seventeen; and who upon returning home, re- denied them. Her efforts have been a key fac- duced in the other chamber by Senator JEFF ceived degrees from the University of Florida tor in breaking the gender barrier that existed BINGAMAN from New Mexico. This is an initia- and Emory Dental School, where he served in the armed forces and in opening the eyes tive that he has pursued for many years and for two years as class president. In the proc- of others to more tolerant attitudes. I would like to recognize him for this effort. ess, he also paid his bills by teaching at This month Captain Deal will be inducted Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to support Emory. into the Ohio Women's Hall of Fame, in rec- this worthy legislation.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.199 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2521 COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE On the very same day that we gave the Derby, the General urgently dispatched Con- COMPETITION AND PRIVATIZA- Congressional Medal of Honor to the ``Little gress; ``. . . unless some great and capital TION ACT OF 1999 Rock Nine,'' the Nation was burying Daisy change suddenly takes place . . . this Army Bates, who had recently expired. Without must inevitably be reduced to one or other of HON. RON KLINK , I am not sure that there would these things. Starve, dissolve or disperse, in OF PENNSYLVANIA have been a ``Little Rock Nine.'' Mrs. Daisy order to obtain subsistence in the best manner they can . . .'' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bates was the civil rights leader who helped the nine young people, nine young African The half-naked troops endured famine re- Wednesday, November 10, 1999 Americans to break the color barrier at Little lieved only by sporadic supply deliveries. Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, this bill is an im- Rock Central High School. Washington fully expected mass desertion or portant step toward legislation that will ad- In 1941, Mrs. Bates and her husband, Mr. open mutiny, yet the soldiers remained, re- vance increased competition in the global sat- L.C. Bates, founded the Arkansas State Press. solved by their confidence in Washington him- ellite telecommunications market. They turned the weekly newspaper into the self. Washington's personal strength came It is my fervent hope that we can complete leading voice for civil rights in the State of Ar- from God. action on this bill before Congress leaves this kansas long before the decision was made to A famous account of a Quaker named Isaac Potts emphasized Washington's reliance on year, as I believe the Chairman has said he try and integrate Central High School. prayer at Valley Forge. While passing through intends to do. The sooner Congress enacts As president of the Little Rock NAACP, the woods near camp headquarters, Potts comprehensive satellite reform legislation, the Daisy Bates, was an inspiration, a spark and heard the Commander-in-Chief's voice in the sooner we can let the private sector begin a symbol of hope for smaller chapters which forest. making decisions in this competitive market- were on line or being organized throughout Potts observed Washington on his knees in place. But as we move toward that legislative the state and indeed, in many rural and semi- the act of devotion and interceding for the objective, it is important that we realize that rural communities throughout the Nation. As well-being of his troops and beloved country. certain issues must be addressed before we the struggle in Little Rock intensified and as Potts wrote, ``. . . he adored that exuberant can declare such a victory. Mrs. Bates' profile emerged, she appeared as goodness which, from the depth of obscurity, H.R. 3261 is a good first step and I applaud a regal, thoughtful and fiercely determined had exalted him to the head of a great nation, the Chairman for bringing it forward. However, leader who made tremendous self sacrifices in and that nation fighting at fearful odds for all I do have concerns about the bill as it is intro- order to keep the Little Rock NAACP and the the world holds dear.'' duced that I hope can be resolved as the Arkansas NAACP alive, viable and continuing In orders later issued at Valley Forge, process moves forward. to grow. Washington told troops, ``To the distinguished One distinct improvement is that the call for As the highest profiled African American character of Patriot, it should be our highest a fresh look, or the abrogation or modification leader in the state of Arkansas during that pe- Glory to laud the more distinguished character of private contracts by the federal government, riod of history, Daisy Bates performed excep- of Christian.'' is not in this bill. But there remains in the bill tionally well under intense pressure. She was Col. John Laurens, the General's aide, another important issue known as Level IV di- called upon for guidance, counsel, direction wrote of ``those dear, ragged Continentals rect access that still needs to be resolved. and overall leadership for a people. whose patience will be the admiration of future Level IV direct access would unfairly take She was indeed a mother figure, a big sis- ages.'' Indeed, to this day, Americans take value away from Comsat shareholders. I am ter, a mentor and protector for the Little Rock great inspiration from Valley Forge. The Provi- very concerned that if this provision is not im- Nine; but she was more than that, she was a dential source of the troops' valor is a timeless proved it will result in significant harm to Com- Moses for her people, leading them into a new lesson in faith providing further support for the sat shareholders. Similarly, Congress should era of freedom in their quest for equality and message of Christmas. simply repeal the ownership cap on Comsat justice. First designated a national holiday in reli- without conditions, rather than making it con- Yes, Mrs. Daisy Bates, a pioneering free- gious terms in 1789, presidential orders and tingent upon unrelated events as it does now dom fighter, may you rest in peace. Congressional proclamations have firmly re- in this legislation. f stated the importance of Christmas ever since. Other outstanding differences between the Our nation's greatest leaders have always House and Senate must similarly be resolved CHRISTMAS STORIES found inspiration in the hope of the Christ in conference and I urge the Chairman and Child and the grace of God. Ranking Democrat to work diligently to do so HON. BOB SCHAFFER Thomas Jefferson chose among the works in a consensus manner. Notably, the privatiza- OF COLORADO of Isaac Watts to be taught, in the District of tion criteria should be made more flexible. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Columbia schools, the Christmas carol, ``Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth re- Under the penalty of exclusion from the U.S. Thursday, November 18, 1999 market, we should be very careful not to im- ceive her king.'' pose unrealistic privatization requirements that Mr. BOB SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, soon, Benjamin Franklin wrote, ``Let no pleasure Intelstat will not be able to meet. Excluding the presidential staff will be busy readying the tempt thee, no profit allure thee, no ambition Intelstat from the U.S. market could be ex- White House for Christmas. The annual light- corrupt thee, no example sway thee, no per- tremely harmful to consumers everywhere. I ing of the national Christmas tree is an event suasion move thee to do anything which thou fear that if that happened we would be ``cut- punctuated in Washington, DC by the official knowest to be evil. So shalt thou live jollily, for ting our nose off to spite our face'' because White House Christmas party. a good conscience is a continual Christmas.'' everyone, Intelstat users and their consumers, My wife Maureen and I decided to attend This year, as Americans revel in the joyous would lose. I urge that these issues be exam- last year and find out for ourselves what it's wonder of Christ's birth, we all do well to recall the many examples of God's presence among ined anew to ensure that U.S. consumers will like at the executive residence. The splendor us and His unmistakable answers to our pray- not be harmed by any new restrictions im- of the White House, decked with adornments ers for liberty. May God continue to bestow posed by this bill. of the season, seemed to dwarf the partisan His choicest blessings upon the United States f divisions of politics and reminded guests of the historical significance of Christmas in of America, this Christmas and always. TRIBUTE TO DAISY BATES America. f One of the most compelling American TRIBUTE TO REVEREND DR. LOUIS HON. DANNY K. DAVIS Christmastide stories took place during the RAWLS, PASTOR OF THE TABER- OF ILLINOIS Revolutionary War in 1777. One week before NACLE MISSIONARY BAPTIST IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Christmas, General George Washington orga- CHURCH OF CHICAGO, IL nized his Continental Army at Valley Forge. Thursday, November 18, 1999 Everything important to maintaining the Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, a few Army was lackingÐammunition, clothing, shel- HON. BOBBY L. RUSH OF ILLINOIS days ago we celebrated the Nine Black Ameri- ter, blankets, footgear, and food. Washington IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans who had the courage to integrate Central was unsure whether they would freeze before High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, starving. Thursday, November 18, 1999 thus becoming known as the Little Rock Nine. When called to answer a small British col- Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay umn conducting foraging raids at nearby tribute to and honor the Reverend Dr. Louis

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.205 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Rawls on the occasion of the celebration his In 1992, he was recognized as the PBA small knowledged this problem. He stated, ``As the tenure as Pastor of the Tabernacle Missionary contractor of the year, an award I know he supply of Treasuries dwindles in the future, as Baptist Church of Chicago, Illinois. cherishes. we gradually reduce the debt held by the pub- Dr. Rawls was born July 16, 1905 in Union, Mike has visited my Washington DC office lic, there would be a ready supply of other se- Mississippi to the union of James Rawls, Sr. on a number of occasions in his role as a curities of other issuers including high quality and Louiza Donnell. Dr. Rawls accepted the member of the PBA's legislative committee corporations and government sponsored en- call of the Lord at the age of twenty-six. He and as a trustee for the National Association. terprises that would likely become benchmarks served as pastor of Canaan Baptist Church for Needless to say, he has been professional for the broader securities markets.'' Deputy nearly ten years. In 1941, the Lord directed and convincing in his presentation on behalf of Secretary Eizenstat further said that, ``The Dr. Rawls to organize the Tabernacle Baptist the home building industry. It is not surprising Federal Reserve currently uses Treasury se- Church, where he has served as Pastor, that he was chosen as a delegate for the curities to conduct open market operations, preacher and teacher for the past fifty-eight White House Conference on Small Business but it has not always been that way, nor would years. With the power of the Holy Spirit, Dr. in Washington DC. it have to be in the future. As with other mar- Rawls has felowshipped more than 23,000 Therefore, I am pleased to be among those ket participants, the Federal Reserve would souls into the church. to honor Mike as he assumes his duties as adapt to such a changing environment by sub- Dr. Rawls graduated from Wendell Phillips the President of the Pennsylvania Builders As- stituting other debt securities for Treasuries.'' High School in 1928 and Moody Bible Institute sociation. Mike, I wish you success in this post Mr. Speaker, that is exactly what this legis- in 1934. Dr. Rawls is the recipient of eight and as always, I look forward to working with lation does. It substitutes the 90-day commer- earned degrees and six honorary degrees. Dr. you and your association as we move into this cial paper rate, with an appropriate adjustment Rawls was a founding member of the Chicago millennium. I am proud that you are one of my determined by the Congressional Budget Of- Baptist Institute and the founder of the Illinois 20th Congressional District constituents. fice to reduce federal outlays by tens of mil- Baptist State Convention. He has served on f lions of dollars, for the 91-day Treasury bill. numerous boards including, the NAACP, the This change is as important for students National Association of Evangelists and the STUDENT LOAN INTEREST RATE and their families as it is for providers of stu- National Religious Broadcasters of America. INDEX dent loans. Without this change, the private Building a ministry that focuses on the total sector will experience periods of time, such as man, Dr. Rawls founded the Willa Rawls HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI the majority of last year, when it cannot issue Manor and the Tabernacle Community Hos- OF PENNSYLVANIA asset backed securities to fund student loans. pital and Health Center. Dr. Rawls has worked IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Because the private sector finances roughly extensively in the civil rights movement with Thursday, November 18, 1999 two out of every three dollars of student loans, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jack- we must stabilize this important source of son, the NAACP and the Urban League. Dr. Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today funding. Stability and liquidity in the market Rawls is a devoted and loving family man to to speak about H.R. 1180, the Work Incen- help all participants, including students and his wife, Willa and his three children, Lou, tives Improvement Act. As a senior member of their families, and colleges and universities. Samuel, and Julius Lee. the House Committee on Banking and Finan- Today, our fiscal and economic climate is Mr. Speaker, I am proud to join with thou- cial Services, I want to provide my colleagues dramatically different from what it was when sands of family and friends who will gather in with an explanation of one provision in this the 91-day Treasury bill was selected as the Chicago on November 27, 1999 to recognize conference report. index for the student loan program. Twenty- the life achievements of Reverend Dr. Louis Specifically, this legislation updates the five years ago, the federal deficit and the Rawls, Pastor of the Tabernacle Missionary funding formula for the Federal Family Edu- Treasury bill market were both quite large, Baptist Church and I want to encourage Dr. cation Loan Program by changing the lender while the student loan and commercial paper Rawls to continue to be steadfast and index from the 91-day Treasury bill rate to the markets were relatively small. Today the situa- unmovable always abounding in the work of 90-day commercial paper rate. The interest tion is reversed. The government has a budg- the Lord. I am truly honored to pay tribute to rate index switch has a strong bipartisan back- et surplus, and the size of the Treasury bill this outstanding Servant of God and am privi- ing, including the supporter of the Chairman market is less than half of what it was as re- leged to enter these words into the CONGRES- and ranking Democratic member of both the cently as 1996. Moreover, the volume of out- SIONAL RECORD of the United States House of Committee on Education and Workforce and standing student loans has grown from $7 bil- Representatives. its Subcommittee on Postsecondary Edu- lion to $120 billion, and the commercial paper f cation, Training and Life-Long Learning. Addi- and London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) tionally, this change will not in any way affect markets have exploded in size. MICHAEL J. SCHULTZ the interest rate paid by individuals on their The simple truthÐas anyone on Wall Street student loans. This change only affects the will attest, is that the overwhelming majority of HON. FRANK MASCARA index for lenders. private sector commercial loans are based on OF PENNSYLVANIA Importantly, this switch will not cost the tax- LIBOR and commercial paper rates, not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES payers a dime. According to the Congres- Treasury bill rates. The federal government sional Budget Office, it will reduce taxpayer should recognize this change in the market- Thursday, November 18, 1999 expenditures by tens of millions of dollars over place and revise its statutes accordingly. Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the next decade. The Office of Management Changing the interest rate index will not harm recognize a special constituent from my dis- and Budget concurs that this change will not students, and it will not harm the federal gov- trict, Michael J. Schultz. Mike is a good friend increase costs to the federal government. ernment. Instead it will help both by ensuring and serves as a shining example of what can This change flows from the agreement that a large and liquid market remains avail- be accomplished through dedication and hard made on lender yields during last year's de- able for student loans. work. bate over the Higher Education Act. The con- Finally, Mr. Speaker, some people have Mike was recently elected by his peers to ferees on the Higher Education Act recognized tried to use this issue to reopen the debate lead the 12,000 employer-member Pennsyl- that there were serious questions about between the merits of direct lending and guar- vania Builders Association (PBA) into the next whether the Treasury bill was still the appro- anteed lending. That is a red herring. This century. Based upon our personal and profes- priate index to use. Consequently, the Higher change will not adversely affect the direct loan sional relationship, I do not believe PBA could Education Act asked for a study. Over the last program or the competitive balance between be placed in more capable hands. year, a great majority of the people who have direct and guaranteed loans. This change is Mike Schultz is a small businessman. He is intensively examined this matter have con- simply a technical fix to reflect transformations the owner of Michael J. Schultz Construction cluded that the Treasury bill index has serious in the marketplace that scores of financial ex- and has been in the home building business shortcomings, which will worsen as the federal perts have acknowledged. for 32 years. In a long and distinguished his- government continues to run a budget surplus It is time to switch the interest rate index tory with the PBA, Mike has served as vice and the market diminishes for Treasury securi- used to calculate lender returns for the Fed- president, secretary and treasurer. Addition- ties. eral Family Education Loan Program. I en- ally, he has served as the southwestern Penn- Furthermore, in June 1999 testimony before courage all my colleagues to read the fol- sylvania regional vice president and chairman the Senate Committee on Finance, Deputy lowing recommendations from the Chairmen of the public relations/public affairs committee. Secretary of the Treasury Stuart Eizenstat ac- and ranking Democratic members of the

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.206 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2523 House Committee on Education and Work- dated November 3, 1999, the Independent which are able to carry more than 6 pas- force and its Subcommittee on Postsecondary Community Bankers of America (a trade as- sengers, leaving U.S. Virgin Islands waters Education, Training and Life-Long Learning. sociation that exclusively represents this na- and relocating to the nearby British Virgin Is- tion’s community banks) raised the index COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE lands. change, stating that it ‘‘maximizes commu- According to Virgin Islands charter boat in- WORKFORCE, HOUSE OF REP- nity banker participation in the program.’’ RESENTATIVES, RAYBURN HOUSE This provision will not cost students a dustry officials, approximately one third of all OFFICE BUILDING, dime. It in no way affects the interest rates charters on crewed yachts carry more than six Washington, DC, November 8, 1999. paid by students. passengers and less than twelve. Just about Hon. BILL ARCHER, The bottom line is that changing the index all of this type of business has relocated to Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee, for determining lender yields for the FFEL other areas, primarily the British Virgin Islands Longworth House Office Building, Wash- program is sound policy, and it enjoys the bi- ington, DC., which is located only 12 miles from St. Thom- partisan support of our Committee leader- as. Additionally, it is estimated that each char- Hon. TOM BLILEY, ship. It will increase the efficiency and sta- ter yacht and their clientele spend over Chairman, House Commerce Committee, Ray- bility of the program. By basing the index on burn House Office Building, Washington, a private sector funding mechanism such as $500,000 annually. DC., commercial paper, lenders can more easily Because the international standards for the inspection of passenger vessels only apply to Hon. DICK ARMEY, borrow money from the private sector and Majority Leader, House of Representatives, the fund more student loans. This change simply vessels that carry more than 12 passengers, Capitol, Washington, DC. ensures that student loans will be readily foreign registered vessels cannot comply with available for all students. Hon. CHARLES RANGEL, U.S. laws and enter U.S.V.I. waters carrying Ranking Minority Member, House Ways and In closing, we urge you to maintain Sec- more than six passengers. Guests who might Means Committee, Longworth House Office tion 409 in conference. If you have any ques- otherwise enjoy visiting the U.S.V.I. while Building, Washington, DC. tion, please do not hesitate to contact us or chartering in the BVI are not able to visit us have your staff call George, Conant (Major- if their charter numbers more than six pas- Hon. JOHN DINGELL, ity) at ext. 5-6558, or Maryellen Ardouny (Mi- Ranking Minority Member, House Commerce nority) at ext. 6-2068. sengers. Committee, Ford House Office Building, Sincerely, Mr. Speaker, enactment of this bill is impor- Washington, DC. BILL GOODLING, tant to the Virgin Islands because of its poten- DEAR CONFEREE, We are writing to clear up Chairman, Committee tial to help revitalize our currently stagnant some misinformation regarding Section 409 on Education and economy. As recently as 1988, U.S.V.I. ma- of H.R. 1180, the Work Incentives Improve- the Workforce. rine businesses generated more than $85 mil- ment Act. HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ At issue is a provision that was added to lion in revenue. But that figure has dropped to MCKEON, H.R. 1180 that would update the index on less than $15 million today, because of the Chairman, Sub- which lender returns are based in the Fed- decline in the industry due to the change in committee on Post- eral Family Education Loan Program law. secondary Edu- (FFELP). Last year, as we reauthorized the cation, Training and I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Higher Education Act of 1965, the Committee Life-Long Learning. porting this bill which is vitally important to the became concerned that the 91-day Treasury BILL CLAY, economy of the U.S. Virgin Islands, due to its bill, which is the index used for the last 25 Ranking Member, heavy dependence on tourism. years to determine the interest rate on guar- Committee on Edu- f anteed student loans, was becoming an out cation and the of date tool for determining lender yields. T- Workforce. THE ISSUE IS PROTECTING THE bill based payments made sense when the MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, RULE OF LAW loan program was conceived. However, finan- Ranking Member, Sub- cial markets have evolved, and most lenders committee on Post- now fund their portfolios using more com- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. secondary Edu- monly traded instruments such as commer- OF MICHIGAN cation, Training and cial paper (CP) or London interbank offered Life-Long Learning. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rate (LIBOR) rates. While the Committee was willing to ex- f Thursday, November 18, 1999 plore other mechanisms for determining Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I am lender yields during reauthorization, the THE CHARTER BOAT INDUSTRY pleased to submit for the RECORD a memo- complexity of the issue required us to form a randum on the importance of the rule of law study group, made up of a broad range of HON. DONNA MC CHRISTENSEN in our constitutional democracy written by Pro- stakeholders in the program, to determine fessor Harold Norris. Widely regarded as one the financial instrument that would be most OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS efficient and cost effective. Unfortunately, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of our Nation's foremost constitutional law ex- perts, Professor Norris is an emeritus pro- the study group failed to reach consensus on Friday, November 19, 1999 an appropriate alternative index. To date, fessor of constitutional law at the Detroit Col- the only proposal that has been put forth Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise lege of Law at Michigan State University. A came from the lending community. The pro- today to introduce a bill to help to revitalize man of honor and great integrity, Professor vision in Section 409 is based on that rec- the charter boat industry in my district by giv- Norris shaped the careers of many of Michi- ommendation. ing charter boat operators the ability to com- gan's foremost attorneys and members of the We are seriously concerned that, in an at- pete against their competitors in the neigh- tempt to stall this important change, some State and Federal judiciary. Throughout his are spreading a set of contrived ‘‘what if’’ boring non-U.S. jurisdictions. In the almost long life, Professor Norris has been an inde- numbers, which are not based on sound as- three years that I have served as the elected fatigable defender of the Bill of Rights and the sumptions or supportable data. The facts, representative of the people of the U.S. Virgin equality under law of all persons. Among his are as follows. Islands in the House of Representatives, there many accomplishments was the pivotal role he Changing the FFELP index for lender have been few other issues that have gen- played in the writing of Michigan's revised yields will not cost the federal government erated more passion and concern among the State constitution in 1963. Professor Norris money. CBO scoring shows that this provi- Virgin Islands business community than this has provided insight on constitutional issues sion will actually save the government $20 million in reduced payments to lenders. one. throughout my congressional career, most re- These are savings that will help to pay for Mr. Speaker, the Passenger Vessel Safety cently during the impeachment proceedings benefits provided for disabled workers under Act, which was enacted on December 20, against President Clinton. Professor Norris' H.R. 1180. 1993, made several changes to the laws for commitment to the spirit of our Constitution Changing the index won’t create a windfall passenger vessels. One such change, which and the Bill of Rights and his zealous defense for lenders. The fact of the matter is that required uninspected vessels weighing less of our civil liberties should be heeded by all had this change been in effect over the last than 100 gross tons to carry not more than 6 Americans. 10 years, lender return would have been passengers, has had a significant negative im- [From the Bradenton Herald, Oct. 19, 1998] slightly lower than the returns that were earned using the current T-Bill based index. pact on the charter boat industry, as well as THE ISSUE IS PROTECTING THE RULE OF LAW Changing the index will not drive smaller the overall economy of my district. The limita- (By Professor Harold Norris) lenders or community banks from the pro- tion of only six passengers for uninspected On two separate occasions, the American gram. In fact, in a letter to Senator Lott vessels has resulted in virtually all vessels, people have decided that William Jefferson

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.208 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Clinton is fit to be President of the United Jones involved the president as a private in- Corporal Powell, 27, was a two year veteran States by electing him to that office. dividual and had nothing whatsoever to do of the department, and had been promoted to To proceed to nullify a presidential elec- with the presidential office. As President Corporal one month prior to his death. Jasper tion on the basis of authoritarian, privacy- Theodore Roosevelt cogently observed, ‘‘in invading questions about sex, questions the the United States, no person can be above Police Chief Frank Osborn shared with me government does not have the legal power to the law but no person can be below the law, that Powell put himself through school to be- ask, is producing irreparable harm to our na- either.’’ The president must therefore be come an officer, and while he was only on the tion and to its Constitution. There is no judged according to constitutional principles force for two years, he carried himself as crime of perjury arising out of questions the and the rule of law, nothing else. though he was a ten year veteran. Corporal government doesn’t have and should not There has been no suggestion that any- Powell loved his job and was very well liked have the legal authority to ask. We must thing the independent counsel is inves- by the entire force, he will be sorely missed. tigating involves the president’s constitu- stop this terrible carnal carnival, this tragic, There are many lessons we can take from malevolent, partisan, anguishing national tional duties. Unless the independent counsel experience. has substantial evidence that President Clin- the tragic and senseless loss of Corporal Pow- Electing a president under our Constitu- ton has violated his constitutional duties, ell. Police officers put their lives at risk every- tion is the most important expression of the Mr. Starr has no basis whatsoever for mak- day in order to ensure our safety, security and political sovereignty of the whole of the ing a report to Congress suggesting that im- peace of mind. When a death such as this oc- American people. To diminish, countermand peachment be contemplated. Any suggestion curs, particularly in a closely knit community or nullify the legitimacy of a presidential that the president could be impeached for like Jasper, it shakes us to the core. Each election for behavior rooted in personal pri- conduct occurring as a private individual or day, we need to reflect on the sacrifices made vate conduct diminishes, debases and abuses because some members of Congress might our Constitution, our nation, the office of dislike his character or image and consider by our officers and truly appreciate just how the president, the rule of law itself. The pur- him ‘‘unfit for office’’ is clearly contrary to vital the role of these brave men and women pose of the Constitution to unify the nation the intent of the framers and the explicit are to our own lives. in opposing to autocracy and to abuse of con- language of the Constitution. Mr. Speaker, we mourn the loss of Corporal stitutional authority is being dangerously We must resist as vigorously and effec- Powell along with his family and the Jasper undermined and diminished by the presently- tively as possible any effort by the inde- Community. Our prayers are with his wife and invoked processes of political and unconsti- pendent counsel to rewrite the Constitution two children during this difficult time. He will to serve a palpable political end. The ulti- tutional impeachment. be missed beyond any expression of words. Perjury and subornation of perjury, rooted mate sacrifice made by millions of men and and based exclusively upon an illegal inva- women to preserve the integrity of the Con- f sion of personal privacy like sex, is not stitution for more than 200 years requires TICKET TO WORK AND WORK IN- ‘‘treason, bribery, or high crimes and mis- nothing less. demeanors.’’ Elizabeth Holtzman, former There has been a tabloidization of the CENTIVES IMPROVEMENT ACT U.S. representative and former New York whole range of the American press and tele- OF 1999 City prosecutor, concluded in an Op-Ed in vision. In a full self-mesmerized frenzy on the New York Times that perjury in the the possibilities of titillation, the constitu- SPEECH OF Clinton matter is a ‘‘manufactured’’ crime. tional requirements of due process in grand She wrote (Aug. 10): juries, investigations and impeachments HON. TOM BLILEY ‘‘As one of the authors of the original Inde- have been ignored, and fairness has been sub- OF VIRGINIA pendent Counsel Act, I never dreamed that a ordinated to a persistent partisan political IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES special prosecutor would be using his enor- purpose. Trial by and for the sex-focused Thursday, November 18, 1999 mous powers to investigate accusations press has displaced decency, dignity, civility about a president’s private (and legal) sexual and respect. Unless the Constitution and rule Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker, earlier today, the conduct. Starr is manufacturing the cir- of law genuinely prevail, the country will in- House passed a consolidated appropriations cumstances in which criminal conduct may exorably move to continual constitutional act funding a number of agencies for fiscal occur. . .;’’ crises and indeed, disunity and disintegra- year 2000. Moreover the investigation and prosecu- tion. Only a citizenry aware of the Constitu- Among the legislative items attached to that tion of Mr. Starr using methods short of due tion’s priorities can prevent the unraveling process has undermined the credibility of the of the nation and preserve its sovereignty. measure was a provision imposing a morato- fact-finding process itself. The President of Our Constitution will not survive the crim- rium on the Administration's organ allocation the United States should be as protected by inalization of the privacy of a president. regulations. Under the legislation we passed the Bill of Rights as any person, or else faith In a democratic non-totalitarian country earlier today, that moratorium extends for 42 and confidence in our law will be seriously that protects the liberty, privacy, and dig- days. damaged. nity of a person, there can be no crime of That moratorium is not a sufficient amount Upon assuming office, President Clinton perjury for failing or refusing to answer of time for Congress to complete its work in took an oath, as provided by the Constitu- question about sex, questions the govern- legislating changes in the National Organ tion, that he would faithfully execute the Of- ment has no right to ask. As a 34-year vet- fice of President and that he would preserve, erans member of Congress, John Conyers of Transplant Act. protect, and defend the Constitution. Michigan, devoted constitutionalist and Accordingly, the legislation we currently Since the president is elected by all the Democratic leader of the House Judiciary have under consideration, the Ticket to Work people to a four-year term of office, the Committee, put the question before Congress and Work Incentives Improvement Act of framers made it very difficult for him to be and the country: ‘‘The issue is not Mr. Clin- 1999, goes a step further. This legislation ex- removed from office. According to Article II, ton; the issue is to preserve, protect, and de- tends the moratorium an additional 90 days. I Section 4 of the Constitution, the president fend the rule of law and the integrity of the fully expect that President Clinton will sign the may only be removed from office upon im- Constitution. Without law, there is tyranny consolidated appropriations measure into law peachment and conviction for ‘‘treason, brib- and anarchy.’’ ery, or other high crimes and mis- in the near future. When he does so, under f demeanors.’’ The term ‘‘high crimes and mis- the terms of that law, the first moratorium of demeanors’’ had a very clear meaning for the TRIBUTE TO CALVIN JERRY 42 days will begin. framers. It meant a serious abuse of the POWELL I further anticipate that the President will president’s official power or a serious breach sign the Work Incentives legislation after he of the president’s discharge of the official signs the appropriations bill. When he does duties of office. Those duties are set forth in HON. ALLEN BOYD so, it is my firm belief that H.R. 1180's 90-day Article II, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitu- OF FLORIDA moratorium will then begin. As the legislative tion. The framers were acutely aware that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES language of the bill states: ``The final rule enti- abuse of the impeachment process by Con- Friday, November 19, 1999 gress would upset the balance of power be- tled `Organ Procurement and Transplantation tween the three branches of American gov- Mr. BOYD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Network', promulgated by the Secretary of ernment if any president could be toppled at tribute to the life and work of Corporal Calvin Health and Human Services on April 2, 1998 will by the Congress. Jerry Powell. Corporal Powell, a member of (63 Fed. Reg. 16295 et seq.) (relating to part The Supreme Court determined in the the Jasper Police Department in Northern 121 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations), Paula Jones case that a distinction must be drawn between incidents involving the presi- Florida, was killed in the line of duty in late together with the amendments to such rules dent in his capacity as a private citizen and September of this year. He lost his life after promulgated on October 20, 1999 (64 Fed. those occurring in the course of the exercise being hit almost head on during a high-speed Reg. 56649 et seq.) shall not become effective of his constitutional duties. Everything con- car chase. Needless to say, his death has before the expiration of the 90-day period be- nected with Monica Lewinsky and Paula grieved the entire Jasper community. ginning on the date of the enactment of this

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19NO8.001 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2525 Act.'' As the Chairman of the Committee with President and in 1998 was the President of Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. exclusive jurisdiction of the matter, and the au- the Massachusetts Association of City and Kahn has made significant scientific contribu- thor of this provision, my legislative intent is Town Councillors. tions to advancing the understanding and that, when the Work Incentives legislation is In his most recent term as Mayor, Mayor treatment of diabetes and its complications. signed into law, it will begin a new 90-day Duehay was Chairman of the Cambridge Kids Diabetes affects an estimated 16 million Amer- moratorium period. Council, Chairman of the Welfare Reform icans, about one-third of whom do not know In the unlikely event that President Clinton Task Force, and successfully administered the they have the disease. It is a leading cause of signs the consolidated appropriations measure Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program, heart disease, blindness, stroke, nerve dam- after the Work Incentives measure, I also want which provide jobs to 400 Cambridge resi- age, kidney disease and other serious com- to be clear about my legislation intent. Be- dents. During his term as Mayor, Frank plications. cause Congress acted on the appropriations Duehay presided over the City Council with ci- In the years that Dr. Kahn has served as measure first, the Secretary of Health and vility and dignity. He brought a true sense of Research Director at Joslin, the Center's re- Human Services should view the moratorium professionalism to the body and with his de- search has truly achieved preeminence on a set forth in the Work Incentives measure as parture, an era of Cambridge government will worldwide basis. Dr. Kahn's immense energy, Congress' last statement. In other words, if the come to a close. talent, and intellect have helped Joslin achieve Work Incentives measure is signed after the Mayor Duehay will now retire to the role of preeminence in the study of diabetes and care appropriations bill, Congress' intent is that a private, yet active citizen. He has the great of people with diabetes. 90-day moratorium remain in effect from the fortune of being married to Jane Kenworthy Scientific contributions by Dr. Kahn and his date of enactment of H.R. 1180. Lewis, an attorney and Decision Reporter with colleagues have contributed greatly to the un- f the Massachusetts Supreme Court. derstanding of cellular mechanisms that lead Mayor Duehay will be sorely missed as he to diabetes and related complications. A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF FRANCIS steps away from the public window. It was an Throughout his academic career, he has H. DUEHAY, MAYOR OF THE CITY honor for me to serve alongside this true gen- trained numerous research fellows who are OF CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHU- tleman. now making their own scientific contributions SETTS f in laboratories around the world. A native of Louisville, Kentucky and a resi- A TRIBUTE TO DR. C. RONALD dent of Newton, Massachusetts, Dr. Kahn re- HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO KAHN OF MASSACHUSETTS ceived his undergraduate and medical de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grees from the University of Louisville. After HON. GEORGE R. NETHERCUTT, JR. training in internal medicine at Washington Friday, November 19, 1999 OF WASHINGTON University's Barnes Hospital, he worked at the Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES National Institutes of Health for 11 years. knowledge the forthcoming retirement of Friday, November 19, 1999 There he rose to head the Section on Cellular Francis H. Duehay, Mayor of the City of Cam- Mr. NETHERCUTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise and Molecular Physiology of the Diabetes bridge, Massachusetts. today to pay special tribute to one of our na- Branch of the National Institutes of Health's Frank Duehay has been an elected official tion's leading research scientists, Dr. C. Ron- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive in the City of Cambridge for 36 consecutive ald Kahn of the Joslin Diabetes Center in Bos- and Kidney Disorders. years, having first won a seat on the Cam- ton, Massachusetts. Dr. Kahn has dedicated Dr. Kahn is a member of numerous distin- bridge School Committee in 1963. After having his highly distinguished professional career to- guished professional organizations. He has served four terms on the School Committee, ward the elimination of diabetes, and has published numerous scientific papers over the he ran for the Cambridge City Council in 1971 made significant strides in contributing to our years and has served on the editorial boards and has served continuously since that time. understanding and treatment of this debili- of many of the most prestigious medical jour- Mayor Duehay first served as Mayor of the tating and vicious disease. nals. City of Cambridge for the 1980±1981 term, Dr. Kahn's numerous awards and achieve- Dr. Kahn has received many awards and and in 1985 when he was elected to complete ments include elected membership to the Na- honors. These include highest scientific and the term of Mayor Leonard Russell, who died tional Academy of Sciences. The Academy is research awards from the American Federa- in office. a private organization of distinguished sci- tion of Clinical Research, the American Diabe- As an elected member of the School Com- entists and engineers dedicated to furthering tes Association, the Juvenile Diabetes Foun- mittee, Mayor Duehay introduced the Commu- science and its use for the general welfare. In dation and the International Diabetes Federa- nity Schools Program, which involved parents October, Dr. Kahn was elected membership to tion. He holds honorary Doctorate of Science in the hiring of teachers and principals. He the Academy's prestigious Institute of Medi- degrees from the University of Paris and the also was Chairman of the School Committee cine, of which there are only 588 currently in University of Louisville. at the time when Cambridge successfully de- active status. As a member of the Institute, Dr. In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I believe all will segregated its school system. While on the Kahn will be involved in protecting and ad- share in the appreciation we extend to Dr. City Council, Mayor Duehay chaired the vancing the health professions and science, Kahn for his tireless efforts toward the allevi- Health and Hospitals Committee and oversaw promoting research related to health, improv- ation of pain and suffering from diabetes. Dr. the evolution of the Cambridge Health System, ing the nation's health care and addressing Kahn's outstanding achievements serve to in- as it has now become one of the country's fin- critical issues affecting public health. spire others in his profession, as well as those est health care systems. He has been active Dr. Kahn is currently Executive Vice Presi- of us who are not trained in the medical pro- in issues relating to municipal finance, zoning dent and Director of the internationally known fession, to do all that we can to find a cure for and planning, provision of neighborhood serv- Joslin Diabetes Center, a 100 year old diabe- diabetes and stop the tremendous toll this dis- ice, environmental protection, affordable hous- tes treatment, research and education institu- ease is taking on humanity. ing, historic preservation and economic devel- tion affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Dr. f opment. Most recently, he has led Council ef- Kahn is the Mary K. Iaccoca Professor of PROCLAMATION NO. 2526 forts to design and fund new affordable hous- Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. ing programs. Dr. Kahn chaired the Diabetes Research Mayor Duehay has served as Chair of the Working Group, which was established by HON. MATT SALMON OF ARIZONA Trustees of First Parish (Unitarian Universalist) Congress to provide recommendations on how IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church in Cambridge where he is a long time Federal dollars for diabetes research can be member. He is a board member of Tutoring spent most effectively to reverse the diabetes Friday, November 19, 1999 Plus, The Cambridge Homes, and the Phillips epidemic. In this landmark study, Dr. Kahn re- Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, the severe Brooks House at Harvard University; and is an ported that the death rate from diabetes has treatment of Japanese Americans and aliens active member of several committees with the increased by 30 percent since 1980, killing during World War II has been extensively de- National League of Cities and the Massachu- one American every three minutes. The tailed. Not as chronicled is the less pervasive, setts Municipal Association (MMA). Moreover, DRWG recommended an increase of $385 but still serious discrimination on the basis of he has served as Chairman of the Cambridge- million over present NIH funding for diabetes ethnicity suffered by Americans or aliens of Yervan, Armenia Sister City Committee. Cur- research, for a total of $827 million annually Italian and German descent. To this end, Con- rently, Mayor Duehay is serving as MMA Vice through all NIH institutes. gressman RICK LAZIO's Wartime Violation of

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19NO8.004 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 Italian Americans Civil Liberties Act, which 264 Italians by February 16, 1942. Moreover, focuses the agency's mission to become the passed the House last week, would provide the Commission's report contains evidence focal point for supporting federal health care Americans with a sharper account of the dis- that German Americans were considered to be research and quality improvement activities. crimination suffered by Italian Americans dur- more of a threat than Italian Americans. For The new Agency for Healthcare Research ing World War II. But, history would still lack instance, the Secretary of War in 1942 in- and Quality will: promote quality by sharing in- a clear picture of the German-American expe- structed the military commander in charge of formation regarding medical advances; build rience. implementing Executive Order 9066 to con- It's clear that certain Americans of German sider plans for excluding German aliens, but to public-private partnerships to advance and descent experienced injustices similar to other ignore the Italians. And later in the year, the share true quality measures; report annually ethnic groups during World War II. For exam- Attorney General announced that Italians on the state of quality, and cost, of the na- ple, consider the case of Arthur D. Jacobs, an would no longer be considered ``aliens of tion's healthcare; aggressively support im- American of German descent, who now lives enemy nationality.'' No such clarification was proved information systems for health quality; in my district. Mr. Jacobs published a book ever issued for German Americans. Finally, support primary care research, and address earlier in the year, The Prison Called President Franklin Roosevelt dismissed the issues of access in underserved areas and Hohenasperg that details his account of intern- threat of those of Italian descent living in among priority populations; facilitate innovation ment in the United States and Germany. Mr. America, referring to them as ``a lot of opera in patient care with streamlined evaluation and Jacobs and his family spent time at Ellis Is- singers.'' assessment of new technologies; and coordi- land, Crystal City, TX, and finally a prison As we reach the end of the century, I urge nate quality improvement efforts of the federal camp in Germany. The event that put Mr. Ja- my colleagues to pursue a full historical ac- government to avoid disjointed, uncoordinated, cobs ordeal in motion was the leveling of un- counting of the experiences of all Americans or duplicative efforts. substantiated, anonymous charges against his who suffered discrimination during the Second AHCPR fills a vital federal role by investing father. World War as expeditiously as possible. in health services research to ensure we reap The book has generated national interest. f The November 1st edition of the American Li- the full rewards of our investment in basic and brary Association's Booklist offered the fol- HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND biomedical research. AHCPR takes these lowing review of the book: QUALITY ACT OF 1999 medical advances and helps us understand how to best utilize these advances in daily There has been very little written about SPEECH OF the terrible punishment that was meted out clinical practice. The Agency has dem- to thousands of German Americans during HON. TOM BLILEY onstrated their ability to close this gap be- World War II. That’s why Jacob’s book is an OF VIRGINIA tween basic research and clinical practice. important one. This modest tome opens up a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hidden and disgraceful chapter in our history As I noted earlier, S. 580 contains some for all to see. Thursday, November 18, 1999 modifications that reflect agreement between the authorizing House and Senate commit- The internment of Mr. Jacobs and his family Mr. BLILEY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that was not an isolated case. Arnold Kramer, a we are witnessing today the passage of legis- tees. I will not list all of the changes we have Texas A&M professor specializing in European lation that is critical to improving the quality of made, but I would like to highlight a few. history and author of Undue Process: The Un- health care in this country. The Healthcare First, I am pleased that our bill has an in- told Story of America's German Alien Intern- Research and Quality Act of 1999 will signifi- creased emphasis on research regarding the ees, observed in his book that about 15 per- cantly increase health care research and delivery of health care in inner city and rural cent of the 10,905 German aliens and Ameri- science-based evidence to improve the quality areas and of health care issues for priority cans interned were committed Nazis, while the of patient care. populations including low-income groups, mi- rest ``were ordinary American citizens.'' The health care system is a dramatically dif- nority groups, women, children, the elderly, In the 48 hours following the bombing of ferent system today than a decade ago when and individuals with special health care needs Pearl Harbor President Franklin Roosevelt the Congress established the Agency for including individuals with disabilities and indi- issued Proclamation 2525, 2526, and 2527, Health Care Policy and Research. The financ- viduals who need chronic care or end-of-life which authorized restrictive rules for aliens of ing and delivery of health care has changed health care. The legislation will ensure that in- Japanese, German, and Italian descent, re- as we have moved to more complex systems dividuals with special health care needs will be spectively. These proclamations coupled with such as managed care. At the same time, addressed throughout the research portfolio of Executive Order 9066, which authorized the there has been an explosion of new medical the Agency. War Department to exclude certain persons information stemming from our biomedical re- from designated military areas, resulted in search advances. As a result, patients and A second provision included in the bill which hardships and the deprivation of certain funda- providers face increased difficulty in tracking I believe is extremely important for improving mental rights for the targeted populations. A and understanding the latest scientific findings. the health of our nation's children is the au- 1980 Congressional Research Service Report, The legislation we are passing today rep- thorization to provide support for payments to The Internment of German and Italian Aliens resents the joint efforts of Senators FRIST, JEF- children's hospitals for graduate medical edu- Compared With the Internment of Japanese FORDS and KENNEDY, together with Represent- cation programs. The bill authorizes funding to Aliens in the United States During World War atives BILIRAKIS, DINGELL, and BROWN. Senator the 59 freestanding children's hospital across II: A Brief History and Analysis, revealed that FRIST introduced the first version of this bill in the country that do not receive any GME the War Department would not support the June of 1998, and until last week this legisla- funds today. These 59 hospitals represent ``collective evacuation of German and Italian tion was considered (and passed) as part of over 20 percent of the total number of chil- aliens from the West Coast or from anywhere the Patient's Bill of Rights Act in that body. In dren's hospitals in the U.S. and they train else in the United States'' but would authorize the House, Representative BILIRAKIS intro- nearly 30 percent of the nation's pediatricians, individual exclusion orders ``against both duced a companion bill, H.R. 2506, on Sep- about 50 percent of all pediatric specialists, aliens and citizens under the authority of Ex- tember 14, 1999. Following Commerce com- and over 65 percent of all pediatric specialists. ecutive Order 9066.'' In other words, German mittee hearings and mark-ups, the House I believe this is a strong addition to our bill and Italian Americans and aliens could still be voted overwhelminglyÐ417 to 7Ðto pass H.R. which will ensure the training of pediatric phy- denied basic civil liberties because of their 2506 on September 28, 1999. Late last week, sicians to improve the quality of health care heritage. the Senate separated the AHCPR legislation for our children. Ideally, Congress would address both the from its Patients' Bill of Rights, and passed S. Italian American and German American expe- 580 by unanimous consent. This bill, which is Mr. Speaker, this legislation would not have rience during World War II. On a per capita before us today, reflects agreement between come to fruition without the contributions of basis, it appears that significantly more Ameri- the authorizing House and Senate committees many individuals. I would like to take this mo- cans or aliens of German descent were in- on legislation that each body has acted on ment to express my gratitude to Representa- terned than Italian Americans. According to with the broadest bipartisan support. tives BILIRAKIS, DINGELL, and BROWN, and to personal Justice Denied, a report of the Com- S. 580 reauthorizes the Agency for Health Senator FRIST and his colleagues. I look for- mission on Wartime Relocation and Intern- Care Policy and Research for fiscal years ward to witnessing the enactment of S. 580 ment of Civilians issued in 1982, the Justice 2000±2005, renames the agency the ``Agency into law this year which will greatly improve Department had interned 1,393 Germans and for Healthcare Research and Quality,'' and re- the quality of health care for all Americans.

VerDate 2999 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19NO8.007 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2