November 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2489 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE SALVATION ARMY made up of highly trained, dedicated and Champions, and then the regional Champions OF TORRANCE thoughtful people. While they come from dif- for Division I. While at the State Champion- ferent walks of life, they are uniformly com- ships, Jenny Kathe was named Coach of the HON. STEVEN T. KUYKENDALL mitted to ensuring that men and women have Year for Division I volleyball as they went on OF CALIFORNIA access to the care they need. to capture the title of State Runner-up. The Each Planned Parenthood affiliate is a girls closed their season with the dignity and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unique, locally governed health service organi- excellence that makes us all very proud of Thursday, November 18, 1999 zation that reflects the diverse needs of its them. Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise community. PPABC health centers offer a Throughout the year, the girls showed team today to recognize an important organization wide range of services to its 13,000 patients spirit, togetherness, and good sportsmanship. in my district, the Salvation Army of Torrance. each year, including providing comprehensive, This year they were an extremely close knit This year the Salvation Army of Torrance is confidential, reproductive health services; pro- team. There was never a moment when an in- celebrating twenty years of service to the viding education and counseling services dividual was singled out. They shared their South Bay community. which promote healthy human sexuality; and successes together, as well as their few de- The Salvation Army was established in 1865 protecting and advocating for reproductive feats. They showed courage and strength both by an ordained minister. The organization was rights and services. They encourage commu- on and off the court. The team should be a founded upon strong religious beliefs, recog- nication between adolescents and parents to role model for all sports team today. nizing the interdependence of material, emo- help nourish the bonds that hold families to- My fellow colleagues, please join me in con- tional, and spiritual needs. The basic social gether. In our day and age, children and teens gratulating this extraordinary group of girls and services have remained an expression of the must be armed with the knowledge to deal their coaches, parents and classmates who Army's strong religious principles. Throughout with serious issues such as sexuality, drugs, cheered them on and made this year a tre- the years, new programs have been estab- communicable diseases, and, in unfortunate mendous one. lished to address contemporary needs. circumstances, abortion. The men and women f The Salvation Army provides assistance to at PPABC help guide these difficult decisions, millions of people throughout the world. Serv- and the people of Bucks County are better off TRIBUTE TO MIODRAG ``JOE'' ices range from providing disaster relief to for their assistance. DJOKIC drug and alcohol counseling. They provide an Planned Parenthood Association of Bucks invaluable service to those in need. County is committed to helping people be- HON. SCOTT McINNIS During the last twenty years, the Salvation come active supporters and advocates for re- OF COLORADO Army of Torrance has expanded its program productive health. Quite frankly, Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to include preschool, adult day care, summer they help me understand the needs and con- Thursday, November 18, 1999 day camp, after school programs, outreach cerns of the men and women in my district, ministries, and a family service department. and I am better able to use that information to Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This organization has left a positive impact effectuate change and prevent back peddling tell you an amazing story of a man who con- upon the South Bay, providing assistance to in this Congress. They are a critical resource quered great adversity in life and emerged as thousands. for me, and I am truly thankful for their valued a fine American citizen. Miodrag ``Joe'' Djokic I commend the volunteers and staff of the input. tragically passed away recently in his home in Salvation Army of Torrance for their commit- I congratulate the Planned Parenthood As- Collbran, Colorado. Though he is gone, he will ment and dedication of this charitable cause. sociation of Bucks County for 35 years of live in the hearts of all who knew him and be Congratulations on this milestone. dedicated, tireless service, and wish them remembered for many years by those who f continued success in their next 35 years. have heard his amazing story. f Joe's story begins in 1912, in Sarbanovac, TO HONOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD Serbia. As a young man, he was drafted into ASSOCIATION OF BUCKS COUNTY, IN HONOR OF THE MAGNIFICAT HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM the Yugoslav Army to fight in World War II. PA Soon after the fighting broke out, he was cap- tured by the German Army and taken to a HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH labor camp. He was repeatedly moved from HON. JAMES C. GREENWOOD OF OHIO OF PENNSYLVANIA camp to camp across Central Europe. Eventu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ally, he ended up in a displaced persons camp Thursday, November 18, 1999 in West Germany where he and his wife, Hel- Thursday, November 18, 1999 Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ena, remained until 1951. Mr. GREENWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise honor the Magnificat volleyball team for their To fulfill his dream of becoming an Amer- today to congratulate Planned Parenthood As- tremendous accomplishments this year. Their ican citizen, he gathered up his family and sociation of Bucks County (PPABC) on its spirit and good sportsmanship throughout the moved to Colorado. There he worked count- 35th anniversary, and the fine people who season has inspired us all. less hours as a farmer and a dedicated father. work to ensure the men and women in our Magnificat, an all girls, Catholic high school Although his accomplishments in life were area have access to the highest quality health in Rocky River, Ohio, sent their Bluestreaks many, none were as weighty as the legacy services available. I especially want to thank off to the state volleyball tournament for the that he leaves in his family. He is survived by the leadership of Linda Hahn, CEO, and San- first time since 1991. Their theme this year his wife, Helena, their son, Sveto, his wife, dra Trainer, Chair of the Board, for guiding was ``to get the monkey off their back'' and Anne, and their daughter. These fine people PPABC in its efforts. make it out of regionals. Since 1993, when will undoubtedly carry on the legacy of hard PPABC has served Bucks County well. It is Jenny Kathe took over the team, the work and dedication to their family that their dedicated to the principles that every indi- Bluestreaks have made it to regionals each father embodied. vidual has a fundamental right to decide when year, but never advanced. In order to keep Although his life's accomplishments will long or whether to have a child, and that every their goal in focus and still have fun, they in- be remembered and admired, most who knew child should be wanted and loved. corporated monkeys into everything. There him well will remember Joe, above all else, as Each year, Planned Parenthood health cen- were stuffed monkeys everywhere, as well as a friend. It is clear that the multitude of those ters like the five in Bucks County provide high monkey logos on shirts and practice shorts. who have come to know Joe as a friend will quality, affordable reproductive health care The girls were able to truly get the monkey be worse off in his absence. However, Mr. and sexual health information. PPABC is off their back by becoming, first, the District Speaker, I am confident that, in spite of this · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 29<OCT>99 02:34 Nov 22, 1999 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.100 pfrm04 PsN: E19PT2 E2490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks November 19, 1999 profound loss, Joe's family and friends can Toastmasters has done for us and for our cated. The bottom lineÐit's confusing, it's take solace in the knowledge that each is a communities, improving the listening, thinking, costly, it's a practical problem we can fix with better person for having known him. and speaking abilities of millions through their the legislation we are introducing today. f dedication and time. Special thanks to the cur- I would like to stress that this situation is rent officers of Club 705; President Earl born of good faith efforts of state and local TRIBUTE TO THE TOASTMASTERS Berksteiner, Vice Presidents Peggy Keisker governments to apply existing methods. The INTERNATIONAL AND SAVANNAH Gunn and Teresa Martinez, Secretary Debbie problem is that all existing methods do not TOASTMASTERS CLUB 705 Cameron, Treasurer Michael Dubberly, and necessarily work for wireless telecommuni- Sergeants at Arms Mark Stall and Neil cations and, due to that fact, sometimes dif- HON. JACK KINGSTON Bodenstein. Congratulations to Toastmasters ferent methods are applied to the same wire- OF GEORGIA International and to Savannah Club 705Ð less call resulting in double-taxation and con- fusion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Happy AnniversaryÐhere's to you! I would like my colleagues to know that ex- f Thursday, November 18, 1999 tensive discussion of various options to solve Mr.
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