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AWRO'AtDlOR Rti \ D $£. f''T. 'l q .·· .

~·· Sotid~ ..~ Scw.rir~e ~~ Sbrioa: The ttnt ~ ls.aed Pbse­ ~~ 1977- "vela 197811

• The cum:nlly a~."ti'"l: ~ict5.lly ut-6 ~1.-c statioa -a;}S launched ,.>n ~ ScpUI.\.~ful -54.-icntifl\:- Sahut orbited by t~ ~~ ;md rcpr.:sc:n[S their !':'k)).l ambitious manned s;pao: cndc:.1\·or to 1.-c ~incd during the Sal) ut-6 mission probably wiU lod to rontinu..."ltti manning Qf S.p;li."'C suti.ms bycus~u·

Thu:s far. the &lyut-6 mission an be broken d~n into thn."'C :tcti,·e ptusc:;. The first is ddlncrl :ubitr.uily :t.s the period from bunch in September 1977 through 16 ~larch 197:;. when the fim manned phase: {l."t.'mprising St>yuz-25. SQ}uz~!6. -i7. Progrc:s.s- I. and Soyuz-.!S) mdoi. This ~ "-;l.S foHowed by an unmanncl.. iiu~.mc ~ of 91 da) s.. The sn.-ood 3ctive ph:t:sc of the mi:ssioo began on 16 Jwx with t11c: dock in~ of Soy uz-29. and ended with th-e undod:ing :rn