Technical Challenges and Study on Guided Reentry Flight for Capsule
21 JSTS Vol. 27, No. 2 30°and vertical velocity (descending velocity) of 10 m/s, which are nominal conditions for full-scale HRV water landing, were below 10g in the axial Z direction. At this condition, simulation and test Technical Challenges and Study on results showed good agreement. Test accelerometer results at pitch angles below 30° were unreadable or too high, and image analysis results were low compared with simulation results. The test model Guided Reentry Flight for Capsule Spacecraft and/or measurement methods need to be improved for future testing. Trends in maximum acceleration 1) 1) 1) 1) to pitch angle, vertical velocity and horizontal velocity were observed. Shuichi MATSUMOTO , Yoshinori KONDOH , Takane IMADA and Naoki SATO As described in section two, this paper presents the first phase of our research, which is to 1) estimate the magnitude of impact to the vehicle during water landing. In the future, we will also Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 2-1-1, Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8505, Japan evaluate the impact during land landing, investigate the characteristics of impact TEL / FAX: +81-50-3362-7281 / +81-29-868-5969 transmission/attenuation to the vehicle and assess the load to the human body. We would like to progress this research, referring the research of not only manned space vehicle but also automobile crash, etc. ABSTRACT Previously-realized Japanese capsule spacecraft, OREX (Orbital Re-entry EXperiment), USERS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS capsule, and HAYABUSA reentry capsule, were all ballistic reentry capsules, which flew without any The authors express their great appreciation to Ms. Nozaki who designed and manufactured the guidance during reentry and had large splashdown areas.
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