Issue 10. May 2002
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Contra Mundum Volume IV, Issue 10 May 2002 The Congregation of St. Athanasius - Roman Catholic, Anglican Use What can we say about the Chris- NOTES tian Day of Pentecost? It is easier to say what is not true. John Keble got many things right, but his descrip- FROM THE tion of the phenomena of Pentecost (as “softer than gale at morning CHAPLAIN prime” and fires that “gently light, a glorious crown, on every sainted OST of us assume that the head”) was off the mark. When you M great events of Pentecost oc- read Acts 2:1-11, it seems that Pen- curred in the same Upper Room as tecost to the apostles was almost as the Last Supper. But the Scriptures frightening as the giving of the Law do not say. What they DO say is that on Sinai. There it was flashes of the first Christians often met in the lightning and peals of thunder. Here Temple (Luke 24.53). This might a sound from Heaven only to be de- explain the speed with which the scribed as a roaring deafening wind, crowd gathered. It is recorded that and cloven tongues like as flames of these men were not city residents but fire licking over them. Both Mt. Sinai from all over the world. It makes and the Day of Pentecost describe more sense to understand this crowd scenes of holy violence. Both at close by a Pentecost event in the Sinai and at Pentecost, this holy phe- Temple than at or nearby the Upper prophecy in Jeremiah 31: “I will nomena was objectively noticed. At Room, which was probably in a resi- make a new covenant with the house Sinai the people of Israel saw how dential neighborhood. of Israel not according to the cov- Moses’ face shone with the glory of It is important to remember that enant that I made with their fathers God. At Pentecost it was because of the Day of Pentecost was a signifi- but I will put My Law in their in- the sound of the raging wind that cant Jewish festival, originally a ward parts, and write it in their people started converging upon the thanksgiving for the wheat harvest, hearts.” Christians. Even outsiders became but over the years came to celebrate Because of the season of the year, aware of some strange force, and the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai. the Festival of Pentecost was the rushed to investigate. It was therefore the deliberate choice “holy day of obligation” which The second great experience of of Jesus that He gave His waiting brought the largest number of foreign Pentecost was the abnormal language Church the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. Jews and converts to Jerusalem. By the crowd heard when they gathered. (Acts 1:4) The plain purpose of Al- choosing Pentecost for the coming of This was not described as “speaking mighty God was that the Jewish fes- the Holy Spirit, Christ was intend- in tongues.” St. Luke was no doubt tival of the Law should give way to ing His Gospel for all, and making acquainted with this practice. But he the Christian festival of the Holy this obvious right from the start by expressly describes on the occasion Spirit. It was the fulfillment of the the choice of this day. of Pentecost the using of foreign lan- Page 54 Contra Mundum guages, which both astonished the turned now. Proceeds benefit Catho- and after the Protestant Reformation. hearers and convinced many. So here lic Charities. You might consider an Here we continue brief mention of again it is a word from the Lord: extra gift to Catholic Charities right some of these individual martyrs. Christ’s Church is catholic, and from now as their income is down a bit. SAINTS JOHN HOUGHTON, the beginning she speaks to each in- Father Bradford visited the group ROBERT LAWRENCE, AND AU- dividual in his own idiom. interested in Anglican use in Roch- GUSTINE WEBER Priests, Reli- And what can we say about the ester, New York at the end of April. gious and Martyrs (†1535) Holy Ghost Who came to the Church He celebrated Mass and officiated at With parliament’s passing of an in the unique gifts St. Luke de- Evensong in St. Anne’s Church, edict requiring all in England to rec- scribes? Well, He is invisible! Rochester, and met with lay people ognize King Henry VIII as sole head When we think of God’s Son we and clergy. This is his fifth visit to of the English Church, the Carthusian rightly see Jesus. And Jesus once Rochester. monks of London’s Charterhouse said to Philip “He who has seen Me The League of Catholic Women monastery realized that they were has seen the Father.” (John 14.9) But holds its 66th Diocesan Congress on soon to be put to the test. In prepa- the Holy Ghost is only LIKE a dove. Thursday, May 9th (which is also ration the Carthusians, led by their His presence was associated with the Ascension Day) at the Dedham Holi- prior Father John Houghton, made a “sound of Heaven” AS OF “a rush- day Inn. The League was founded three-day retreat. At the conclusion, ing mighty wind” and “cloven in 1910 to unite Catholic women for a Mass in honor of the Holy Spirit tongues” LIKE AS OF fire. It is be- the promotion of religious, cultural was celebrated during which a gentle cause the Holy Ghost is invisible that and charitable work. For reserva- wind was witnessed in the chapel, Our Lord said “the world cannot re- tions call Rose Sullivan at 617-734- believed by all to be a sign that the ceive Him.” But Christians know the 5383. Holy Spirit would strengthen them Holy Ghost “for He dwelleth with Father Peter Stravinskas will ob- for the trial to come. Only days later you and shall be in you.” (John serve his 25th anniversary of ordi- Father Houghton along with the pri- 14:17). Faith enables you to detect nation with a Jubilee Mass in New ors of two other Carthusian houses, the presence of the Holy Ghost in York City on May 28th. Congratu- Fathers Robert Lawrence and Augus- your heart. This again recalls the old lations! He is, among many other tine Weber, were arrested and sent to prophecy of Jeremiah. things, editor of The Catholic An- the Tower of London after refusing And because He dwells in our swer, and has been both a preacher to assent to Henry’s takeover of the hearts, the Holy Ghost is “seen” in and retreat leader for our congrega- Church. As the priors were led away His effects: “The fruit of the Spirit tion. to their execution by drawing and quartering on May 4, 1535, Saint is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, Many thanks to Father Robert Thomas More, also imprisoned in the gentleness, goodness, faith, meek- McMillan, S.J., for being celebrant Tower, watched them pass. He com- ness, temperance.” It is that Holy and preacher at our Sunday Mass on mented to his daughter that “these Ghost which St. Peter said Christ April 28th. He is Director of Devel- blessed fathers be now as cheerfully “hath shed forth” on the Church on opment for the Archdiocese of Bos- going to their death as bridegrooms the great Feast of Pentecost. ton. to their marriage.” FATHER BRADFORD Most holy Lord Jesus, have THE BRITISH mercy on me in this hour. SHORT NOTES Final words, Saint John Houghton Reprinted from MAGNIFICAT, May 2001 Vol. 3, issue, No. 3, Page 83 With Many thanks to those who re- MARTYRS permission of MAGNIFICAT® USA, LLC, Dunwoodie - 201 Seminary Av- membered the Bradfords with cards enue, Yonkers, New York 10704 or Web site: All VER the years 200 men and rights reserved. and gifts at Easter. Your kindness is women have been beatified always much appreciated. O BLESSEDS JOHN ROCHESTER for their heroic witness to the Catho- AND JAMES WALWORTH Priests, Lenten coin folders may be re- lic Faith in the British Isles during Religious, and Martyrs († 1537) Contra Mundum Page 55 Following the execution of three AINT Dunstan, Archbishop of According to another legend, Carthusians on May 4, 1535, the re- S Canterbury, received his early Satan returned again as a weary trav- gime of King Henry VIII resorted to education from the Irish monks at eller in need of a horseshoe. Dunstan tactics of intimidation in an effort to Glastonbury, where he received the saw through the disguise once again make the other monks of this order tonsure and later became a and beat the devil until he pleaded in London’s Charterhouse assent to Benedictine monk. He was chosen for mercy, and swore never to enter the royal takeover of the Church in abbot in 940 and is remembered for any house with a horseshoe above the England. The silence in the clois- his reforms of the monastery where door. tered monastery and the recitation of he restored full observance of the In his old age Dunstan retired to the Divine Office were disrupted, the Benedictine Rule. The monastery Canterbury and gave himself over to monks’ cells were invaded and books became famous for its learning and private prayer, besides his regular at- were confiscated. Ruffians wandered hospitality to scholars. Monastic life tendance at Mass and the Office. about within the Charterhouse jeer- had become almost extinct in En- Often he would visit the shrines of th ing at the monks and striking them.