To what shall we compare the kingdom of ST. ALPHONSUS God? It is PARISH like a mus- 151 ST. ALPHONSUS WAY • CROSSVILLE, TN 38555 tard seed… 151 ST. ALPHONSUS WAY • once it is Phone: 9314842358CROSSVILLE, • Fax: 9314847407 TN 38555 sown, it Email:
[email protected] springs up Website: www.stalonline.orgPhone: 9314842358 • Fax: 931484 and Parish Office Hours: MondayMWednesday: 9:007407 a.m. M3:00 p.m. becomes ThursdayEmail:
[email protected] 9:00 a.m.M2:00 p.m. the largest The office closes at 2pm for Staff Meetings of plants.” As disciples of Jesus Christ, the Catholic community of St. Alphonsus is Mark 4:30a, committed to knowing, loving, and serving God, and His creation. 31a, 32 • JUNE 13, 2021 • St. Alphonsus Happenings Mass Intentions SATURDAY, JUNE 12 SATURDAY, June 12 Mass at 5pm 5:00pm Veronica Solares1 SUNDAY, June 13 SUNDAY, JUNE 13 8:30am Michael Smith Mass at 8:30am & 11am 11:00am For Our Parish Family No Spanish Mass TUESDAY, June 15 TUESDAY, JUNE 15 8:30am Sybil Reynolds Morning Mass, 8:30am THURSDAY, June 17 Office closed at 12pm 8:30am Rita Marvin THURSDAY, JUNE 17 FRIDAY, June 18 Morning Mass, 8:30am 8:30am John Marvin SATURDAY, June 19 FRIDAY, JUNE 18 5:00pm Laura Ann Wenzel Morning Mass, 8:30am SUNDAY, June 20 SATURDAY, JUNE 19 8:30am Eddie Daly Mass at 5pm 11:00am Int. of Jerry Lorenc & Jerry Dabbs 4:00pm Our Parish Family SUNDAY, JUNE 20 TUESDAY, June 22 Mass at 8:30am & 11am 8:30am For all in our world who need prayer Spanish Mass, 4:00pm THURSDAY, June 24 Prayer for the Year of St.