Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Great Britain Read inside: April 2016: Month of the - Life of Saint Martin de Porres p. 4 Blessed Sacrament - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of Christ p. 8 - English and Welsh Martyrs: The Carthusian Martyrs p. 10 - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 12 - Holy Souls Corner p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - Mortal Sin p. 14 2 April 2016 Hostia The Saint Saint Anselm of Archbishop of Canterbury the month (1034-1109) aint Anselm was a native of Pied- man pretends that I violate my faith to mont. When as a boy of fifteen he my king because I will not reject the was forbidden to enter religion authority of the Holy See of Rome, let Safter the death of his good Christian him stand, and in the name of God I mother, for a time he lost the fervour will answer him as I ought.” No one she had imparted to him. He left home took up the challenge; and to the and went to study in various schools in disappointment of the king, the barons France; at length his vocation revived, sided with the Saint, for they respected and he became a monk at Bec in his courage and saw that his cause was Normandy, where he had been studying their own. During a time he spent in under the renowned Abbot Lanfranc. Rome and France, canons were passed in Rome against the practice of lay The fame of his sanctity in this cloister led King William Rufus of England, investiture, and a decree of excommu- nication was issued against offenders. when dangerously ill, to take him for his confessor and afterwards to name him to When William Rufus died, another the vacant see of Canterbury to replace strife began with William's successor, his own former master, Lanfranc, who Henry I. This sovereign claimed the had been appointed there before him. right of investing prelates with the ring He was consecrated in December, 1093. and crozier, symbols of the spiritual Then began the strife which character- jurisdiction which belongs to the ized Saint Anselm's episcopate. The Church alone. Rather than yield, the king, when restored to health, lapsed archbishop went into exile, until at last into his former sins, continued to the king was obliged to submit to the plunder the Church lands, scorned the aging but inflexible prelate. archbishop's rebukes, and forbade him 1 In the midst of his harassing cares, to go to Rome for the pallium. Saint Anselm found time for writings Finally the king sent envoys to Rome which have made him celebrated as the for the pallium; a legate returned with father of scholastic theology, while in them to England, bearing it. The metaphysics and in science he had few Archbishop received the pallium not equals. He is yet more famous for his from the king's hand, as William would devotion to our Blessed Mother, whose have required, but from that of the papal Feast of the Immaculate Conception he legate. For Saint Anselm's defence of was the first to establish in the West. the Pope's supremacy in a Council at He died in 1109. Rockingham, called in March of 1095, the worldly prelates did not scruple to Saint Anselm’s feastday call him a traitor. The Saint rose, and is on 21st April with calm dignity exclaimed: “if any 1 A pallium is a woollen cloak which used to be bestowed by the Pope on the Areshbishops as a symbol of the jurisdiction delegated to them by the Holy See. We can see it on the picture at the top of this page. April 2016 Hostia 3 FROM THE CHAPLAIN Catholic Church in order to extend, to perpetuate the work of Redemption, Dear Crusaders and Friends, and in this way to save many souls. This is done by the means of sanctifi- n this octave of Easter, let me cation such as the Holy Sacrifice of wish you a very Happy Easter. Mass and the teaching of the Holy Indeed, it is Easter every day doctrine taught by Our Lord Himself. Ofor this one week! So, for the whole of this week in the octave, we deeply The devil who has been defeated by rejoice in the Resurrection of Our Our Lord on Calvary can be defeated Lord Jesus Christ and contemplate the by ourselves as well by our prayers tremendous effects of this mystery. and sacrifices in union with Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is especially so I hope the season of Lent was fruitful when we attend Holy Mass. The devil and beneficial for your souls. I hope is still alive and working in order to as well that you all have benefited influence us again. What is more, you from the effects of Easter in your own can imagine how furious he is to soul, that is, that you have corrected know the Church capable of spread- some of your faults and firmly ing this work of Redemption for the renewed your baptismal promises by salvation of the souls. Thus, he does which we renounce Satan and everything he can to damage it and promise to live totally for Our Lord. we must admit that he has done a lot of damage. Yes, the Church has By His Cross and His Resurrection, enemies which are still working hard. Our Lord triumphed over sin and the author of sin, which is the devil. He How shall we defeat them? We shall triumphed because He defeated him do so by asking and praying for the by allowing now the souls to go to triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Heaven. By His work of Redemption Mary. This is the latest means sent by we can and must get rid of the God to us so that we may be secured influence of the devil. ourselves from the influence of these enemies and defeat them for the How can we do this? greater good of Holy Mother Church. We can do this by Be generous for this important drawing abundantly in intention. the treasure of graces merited by Our Lord God bless you all. and confided to His Church. Indeed, Our Father Vianney Vandendaele + Lord established the Chaplain of EC in Great Britain Saint Anselm’s feastday 4 Hostia April 2016 SAINT MARTIN OF PORRES The story of the little doctor of Lima, Peru A BUSY DAY By Mary Fabyan Windeatt he sun was high in the blue out. Only last week, heavens as Anthony, the Indian when he came back from boy, came out of the house of La a walk, he had with him RositaT. He had spent the night here, three sick Indians, a lost close by his mother’s side. Knowing dog, an orphan boy and how sick she was, and that probably she twenty loaves of bread. I would die before morning, he had not tell you, life with Brother been able to sleep. But now the night Martin de Porres is one was over, and his mother was still alive. long chain of surprises.” More than that, she was even beginning to feel quite well. It seemed too good to Anthony was disappointed at not being be true. able to see his good friend, but he thanked Brother Albert just the same “I must run and tell Brother Martin,” the and was about to take his leave when the boy thought, his heart singing with him. latter called to him. “Things have turned out just the way he promised!” “I almost forgot, lad. Brother Martin left something for you. He must have known The convent of Santo Domingo was not you were coming. Here, in this pack- far away from the low, rambling age…” structure that was home to La Rosita. Anthony covered the distance in just a Anthony’s dark eyes widened. “For few minutes. But when he rang the bell me?” at the convent, it was Brother Albert, not Brother Martin, who answered. “For no one else. Open it up.” “I’m sorry, lad,” said Brother Bernard. The boy undid the wrappings with “Your friend isn’t here. I only wish he excited fingers. “It’s a pair of shoes!” he were, for old Brother Thomas is dying exclaimed. “And they’re new shoes! Oh, upstairs.” Brother Albert, I’ve never had new shoes in all my life!” At once some of Anthony’s new-found happiness faded away. “But where is The latter smiled. “Somebody gave them Brother Martin? I want to see him so to Brother Martin, I guess. You can much!” come back this afternoon and tell him how they fit. He should be here by two Brother Albert shook his head. “He told o’clock.” me he was going to see his sister. But of course he’ll do a dozen other things, too. Brother Albert was right. Promptly at He never wastes any time when he goes two o’clock a black and white clad April 2016 Hostia 5 figure turned into the street where stood Catechism to small children. He had the Dominican church and convent. It learned the secrets of medicine. He had was Martin, walking a bit slowly, for he cured hundreds of sick people. He had was tired. But there was a smile on even found homes for stray animals. He Martin’s face. An hour ago Don Mateo had visited prisons and hospitals. He had Pastor had promised to provide dowries fed and clothed countless beggars. Now for no less than twenty-seven poor girls he was to find a lace mantilla for his who wanted to get married, as well as to young niece, so she would not seem less do what he could about the orphanage well-dressed than her friends.
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