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Index a-theory of time, 113 n. 13, 114, 115, 116, 118 goods of the afterlife, 473–4 n. 17, 121, 124, 183–6, 187, 191 moral argument, xii abstract objects, 11, 107, 179, 188 n. 94, 193 mystical perception and sense perception, actual infi nite; see also, kalam cosmological 273, 502–3, 504, 512, 520, 530, 531 argument defense treatment of evil, xii, 473–5 dichotomy paradoxes, 119 Anscombe, Elizabeth, xii, 344, 353, 361–2; see existence of, 106–15 also, argument from reason formalist defenders of, 105, 183 ambiguity of Lewis’ sense of “explanation”, formation of, 117–24 357–8 impossibility of, 103–6 explanation-types, 356–8, 376 infi nite regress of events and, 115–16 irrational vs. nonrational causes, 353–4 infi nite series, 118, 119, 120, 121, 145 n. 44, paradigm case argument, 354–6 195, 331 unlimited explanatory compatibilism, infi nite set, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 115, 120, 358–60 125, 250 Anselm, St., 1, 16, 553 see also ontological modality of, 105–6, 293 argument potential infi nite, 103–4, 112, 113, 114, 115, cosmological argument and, 101 116, 118, 144 modal argument, 572–4, 580–1 successive addition and, 117–20, 124–5 Monologion and Proslogium, 554, 558 Stadium paradoxes, 119 ontological argument, 554–65 temporal regress of events, 101, 103, 106, Anthropic Principle objection, 276–7; see also 115, 116, 117 teleological argument Tristram Shandy, 120–1 apologetics, 18, 394, 606, 627, 639; see also Zeno’s paradoxes, 119, 120, 124, 144 natural theology; worldview Adams, Marilyn, xii, 468,COPYRIGHTED 485 Aquinas, Thomas; MATERIAL see also Anselm; natural Adams, Robert, xi, xii, 295–6, 414, 479 theology agnosticism, 20–1, 28, 33, 91, 250–1, 336–7, cosmological argument and, 101, 102 501, 597, 640, 648, 650; see also theism.
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