TTANTAGE Pany Narrowly Escaped Death Recently, T7n Equaled V a a D E 1 1 1 E - Broadway Mt Aider
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TILE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 15, 1918. 3 PORTLAND BOYS SERVING THEIR COUNTRY WHEREVER CALL TO COLORS TAKES THEM t Youth of Pacific Northwest Represented on Shipboard in Training Camps of Home Land and in Far-O- ff France At HEILIG nJ Where Task of Driving Back Enemy Calls for America's Best. , .st? MORRISON AT .1 i lltf ig4THEATER 00? PLAYS THAT PLEASE L I THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON CM Vai TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK t THAT WONDERFUL NEW PLAY '. K-r- teMauaaisiJ t.Minr'jmJ LJti(lltjJ LjJrf IjsJl LA f S&hZj i I eMSsasssa. JOHNNY 4 MATINEES 4 NIGHTS ll Starting Sunday Matinee, September 15 MRS. THOMAS FLORENZE WHIFFEN TEMPEST GET In "Foxy Grandma" America's Most Lovable Boy - a- K2' With , - - and PeBgy Dale Whiff en Vaudeville's Daintiest Girl YOUR EDDIE FOYER The Man of a Thousand Poems STELLA TBACEY & CARL McBRIDE Offering Their Own CLARENCB LIKINS. assistant ond Lieutenant of Field Artillery at that his son, Frank Bino, has been se ' city circulation manager, is the Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. He will be verely wounded in action. The young Exclusive Material GUN c. latest Oregonian employe to stationed, for the present at least, at man was a member of Company F that camp. Third Oregon, before leaving here last ianswer the call to the colors. Last Before enlisting Lieutenant Henshaw December, and was later transferred to tweek he left for Seattle and from there was a Oregon Agricultural 162d to Pa-- , student at the Infantry and thence Com rhe will so to Gettysburg:. to enter College. pany D, 127th Infantry. IT IS hhe Tank Corps service. After six or A BIG NEW YORK TRIUMPH tight weeks' training- - be expects to be Bruca P. Honeyraan, formerly of George Wiederhold, recently made THREE KITARO BROTHERS Superlative Degree of Jap-ane- se to England. Portland, who was commissioned a Captain of a gun crew in the United Dexterity PHONE BROADWAY 37 FOR SEATS Mr. Liklns served a few years ago Captain after attending the first offi- States Navy and who has been sta is superintendent of the Juvenila De- Oregon - cers' training camp at Fort Snelling, tioned on the battleship for the BESSYE CLIFFORD In ?Art Impressions" f MATINEES SUN., WED. AND SAT. trition Home, under Judge Gatens' ad- Minn., and later assigned ranking Cap- last eight months, has been home on He resides at 1184 Ivon tain with the 313th Engineers at Camp furlough, visiting his parents, Mr. and tiinistration. Dodge, Iowa, arrived in France last Mrs. George Wiederhold. 475 East FLORRIE CHARLES EVENINGS 50 AND 60 a week, according to word received here. Seventh street North. 25, Lieutenant 'Francis Jones, United Aiier winning nis commission cap a a a Etates Nary, has been assigned to duty tain Honeyman was sent to Fort Lea G. C. Fretwell, who has Just received MILLERSHIP & O'CONNOR ALL MATINEES 25 ion transport DeKalb, according to Ensign in Naval the venworth, Kan., for further Intensive a commission as the Santley's Musical Globe (word received by his parents, Mr. and training and from there he went to Reserve Force, is a graduate of the In Joseph Miniature Trot Mrs. Charles Fenton Jones, 401 East Camp Dodge. His wife and two chil Government navigation school of this "THE GIRL ON THE MAGAZINE" Fifteenth street North. dren are with Mrs. Honeyman's parents city. He completed his course in April S With a Company of Eight. Six Scenes Serve as the Setting BARGAIN NIGHT MONDAY Lieutenant Jones, who formerly prac in St. Paul. Minn. and went to the East coast on one of for This Dainty Display or Diversity De Luxe., ticed dentistry in this city, with offices the Shipping Board's steamers as I ANY SEAT 25? Bn tha Oregonian building, has been Kay W. Sylvester, 1275 Burrage junior deck officer. He returned here ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY CONCERT ORCHESTRA nerving as a dental surgeon at the na- - street, who Is a member of Company in June and later sailed away on the fval training station at Pelham Park, A. 31st Engineers, has arrived in Point Benito as third mate, making two TE! SHOWS START PROMPTLY AT SllO P. M. AND SECURE YOUR SEASON SEATS BY JN. T. since last June. France. trips to Honolulu. 8:10 P. M. a a a Ensign Fretwell s home is in Nampa, II PHONE, LETTER OR AT BOX OFFICE Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Souvaln. S East William M. Ryan, a charter member Idaho, where, before the war, he was Eleventh street, have been enjoying a of tha Mobile, Ala council of the engaged in the wool and grain business. V Isit from their son. Yeoman J. Forest Knights of Columbus and a resident of HJ3 wife is in Portland. s tSouv&in, who is home on a two weeks' Portland for the last 14 years, left a a a this country and appeared in World Huff just a few hours after it had been Kurlough from Mare Island. Yeoman here September 4 for New York to re- Harry H. Williams, of Ionia, Kan., Pictures, has felt the call of war again packed in an uptown candy store. kouvain, who was formerly employed port for overseas duty as a war secre- son of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, of and enlisted with the Canadian army. a fwlth the First National Bank, enlisted tary of the Knights of Columbus. Be- Yamhill. Or., where he was born and ot only was Mr. Fallet gassed at What is believed to be a record for Jtn the Navy last December. fore his enlistment with the K. of C raised, has been selected at Camp Fur-sto- n, Verdun, but he was wounded in other time devoted to a eingle picture was a Mr. Ryan was engaged in Insurance Kan., to serve with the machine battles and received the Croix ae made by "Queen of the Sea," which MUSICAL F. M. Henshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. work here. gun corps. He has lived in Ionia for Guerre for bravery under fire. Ho took nearly a year to film. Scenes tFred Henshaw, 17S East Thirty-fift- h a a the last two years. Some of his an played with Kitty Gordon on the screen. were taken at Bar Harbor, Me.; Ber- STOCK treet; is one of the Portland boys who John Blno, of Shelburn, Or., has re- - cestors took part in the struggle to and is but 17 years old. muda, Jamaica, Southern California and (recently received a commission as Sec- - ceived word from the War Department free the original 13 colonies. a a a Mexico. LYRIC& FLOOD, ' KEATING MANAGERS George Gebhart is known as the overnight some years ago because of is evidence of the sole reason why the greatest portrayer of Indian characters screen. was Dorn in All Week, Starting Sunday Matinee (Today) Paramount-Artcra- ft Local his conception of the Sheriff in statement of his enlistment was inac- the Gebhart "Girl of the Golden West." curate at all. Goodwins played in Basel. Switzerland, in 1879. He came GIRLS Manager a Winner. Keenan enacts a dual role somewhat "AmariUy of Clothesline Alley" and to America in 1886 and settlea in along the same lines in a Pathe West- "Mr. Fix-It- ," and was formerly a mem- ebraska with his people. He ran away GIRLS ern soon to be released. It is cast in ber of the Charlie Chaplin company, from home at the age of 16, joining a C M. Hill Credited With Mack ef the California days of stage coaches, a a a small repertoire company, where he GIRLS OrrKOB SaerfM of Faaou Play, road agents and mining camps. When a beautiful girl rushed up to sang illustrated songs, operating the era-fia- j I orporatlom. Mary Miles Mlnter while she was doing machine and slides from the audience. Ruth Roland, the charming star In Red Cross work in Los Angeles and a the latest of the Pathe serials, "Hands told her how glad she was to meet her Fannie Ward's fund for the Motion big reason for the success of Up," claims to be the champion lady last, Mary her. was Hospital for convalescents in - at thanked There Picture Paramount-Artcra- ft week In Ore- - equestrian of California. Her riding a haunting familiarity about the Los Angeles is benefited by donations supports play- Igon week September 1 is to in the action of this serial this stranger, however, and at the first from nearly every motion picture the of contention. Miss Roland is certainly opportunity Mary asked if they had not er in Filmtown. This is Miss Ward's I be found in the management of the - accomplishments, for TODAY versatile her met before. The stranger smiled and in studios Players-Lask- y Corporation in chief activity life outside the I Famous in "Hands Up" she rides, swims, shoots, said, "I think not, my dear; but per- now. MONDAY Portland. To C M. Hill, who opened wrestles and dangles at the end of a haps you have seen me in pictures. I a a a and TUESDAY Ithe Oregon branch of the film indus- rope hanging over the edge of a deep am Fannie Ward." And Mary regis- Louise Huff received what was prob- try's most powerful production and dis chasm. tered consternation while Miss Ward ably the first box of candy ever de- tributing enterprise, on August 1. 1917, laughed. livered by airplane mail service. It goes much of the credit for the ex An example of the audacity of sharks a a a was sent from New York to Philadel- WILLIAM FOX elusive showing of Paramount-Artcra- ft when they are hungry was recently Maurice Fallet, who upon an honor- phia by United States Air Mail Service, subjects in 82 of the theaters of the given at Catallna Island, Cal.