

TO ENTERTAIN SCHOOLS OF CONDITION Safeway Merges Kntertalnlng skits nnd musical Ruth Roland To STATEMENT IH will combine with serious and in Tin: (tructlonal talks about college With 2 Other d university life In programs Play Next Week n student "Deputations Commlt- Beacon Drug Co " of the University of Southern Torrance Mitfoa! Biilding and Chain Stores , to be presented In niull- At the Orpheum toriums of high schools throughout Consolidated Stores Covo the Pacific southwest this year. Famous Star in* Person as TORRANCE Net Assets IVHlgned to fulfill the desire' for a Vaudeville Feature, Loan Association Ten States; first-hand Information about cam­ Over Five Million pus and classroom, college skits Starting Sunday written «nd enacted hy Trojnn stu­ Of Torrance, Ctfunty. California Ton fli­ nt iii lors, curreli dents. In co-opcratlon with the S. Ruth Roland, the e(aff l .Ime, Involving tlie con. V. School of Speech, will supple­ screen star, after a three year' AS OF Till-. CI.USK (IK Hi;S'INKS« ON (H'TOIUOII 30, 192B sollrtntion of Pacific const nm ment short talks hy representative ahsenee froip the stage, returnn n university men and women In sec­ week, Sunday, November 14, I'uciflr . m thwesl chain store in. ondary school assemblies. Paulin and w with thi headline one of the. brightest terests. is had today Klene, William H enley. Eleanor most promising bills of the $ IS.C'riH joint am iuncr>ment by M. B Loans On Mormusi-K ...... Veale. Grant LaMont, Arthur pheum season. The popular s< I)l.l!>l.il6 Skuggs. in 'sldertt of Skiifrsrs United tson, Pa'rl Welch, Mary ] On Definite, rmitruct ...... c, stress will offer an entirely 250.00 Storns< Company, Ij. I,. Skaggs Brooks and John Atwlll comprise repertoire of soncr-hits In her new On Sharc-s ...... t-iit of SkaKffs Cash Storet Mutual . . 140,812.30 student deputations committee net as well as Rlvc the woi 1,357.84 any. and W. R. H. Weldon, Southern California, with Sam another glance at many .more Cash In Office ...... ent of Safeway Stores, In­ In Bank ...... - - 4,486.20 R. Gates as chairman. her beautiful gowns. Next In In­ 1,499.49 haled, of the successful com­ terest on the new bill will be "Lon­ Furniture and Fixtures ...... -.....----- pletion of negotiations and the Other Assets Supplies ' ...... 1,082.00 EXCUSE IT, PLEASE don, Paris and New York," a lav- erffliiK of the three biK chains Iftly staged miniature musical com ilo iino system, effective as ot T,,,. ll ...... Two mistakes In one of her edy extravaganza. Sixteen artist: ily 1. 1926. In this ottering and th< Net assets of the concerns In- terns Is unusual. If the reporter appear l.l.XHILITIKH does say It herself. , principal entertainers are Jane . » 25,000.00 >lveil in the transactions are given Guarantee Slucl, C:u>il:il ... st week we said that Mrs. Smith, Bud and Jack Pearson, Dor­ 4,833.91 i In excess of five million dollars, othy Mack, Charles Ross and the Surplus ...... -..- - ...id the deal' Includes 784 retail Tom Wlllacy was one of a group Inslallmcnt Shares Pues "'/< ...... -..... 21,292.31 if R-uests at the home of Rev. and eight Fifth Avenue . Qlrls. It was 1,925.63 | grocery stores, 122 meat marketi with Profits ...... activille .fra. E. E. Clark o( Glandale. It produced by Joseph Santley . 96,800.00 six bakeries, and other special music by Cliff Hess and Paid-up and Prepaid Shares Hues 6«, of a similar nature, operating I vasn't Mrs. Tom Wlllacy, It was Dividends Unpa'd ...... 664.92 rlrs. Tom Wlllson; and It wasn't Kenneth Webb and costumes and «,248.4ff the western states. Estimated to by Henry Droyfuss. Oth Full-paid Invest. Cert. I'rlnclp:.! ""/< - tal annual sales of the units In t Olendale, anyhow, because the settings Quar. Inc. Cert. Acct. Payable ...... 302.39 'larks live at 5S?S Sumner avenue, features will be J. Francis Dooley 13,284.66 volved are said to approxlmat In "My-a-l"; Loons Due and Incomplete ...... -...... - - the officials of th Kotrle Rock. and Corrlnc Sales 9,000.00 $60.000,000. and Careno in an entirely new Bills Payable ...... - - - concern state that it is the Inten Odali Unearned Premiums ...... - 149.50 SECOND A. E. F. repertoire of songs than her first 1.734.94 tion to rapidly extend the present week and Roy CummlngK with Reserve Fnn.l Interest ...... - ..- r and volume of the business Profit ami I.nss mdlvlded ...... -- 2,033.60 . California merger is said to make this Jack Kraft and Elsie La Mont In .... largest concern operating wesl merlcan Legion posts are being J183.160.06 llocated their amount of space on "Put Up the Lights"; Bud ; of the Mississippi River. Jack Pearson In "Don't Tell the In making the announcement ol French steamship liner De for the Paris convention Doctor", and Will Ferry, "Th ST.VTK OF CAUI--ORNIA, County of Las Angreles. ss the consolidation, heads of the con­ Orasse ext year. According to George J. Miracle Man," complete the bill. fames \V IVmf. vice-president, and W. E. Bowel isistant cerns inyolved pointed out that the Hutfleld, California representative secirt-uy "1 Torrance Mutual BulldlnB and Loan A being three chains have been and are Paris committee, this Figure with us before you buy. first duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says lie nas a now operating in non-competing n the national late will be permitted to send not Consolidated Lumber Co. Adr. Saturday and Monday twi«>ivil knowledge ot the matters contained in the foregoing chains territory. The two Skaggs to W°™ 'i' <"> IHon and that evt , y allegation, matter ami thing are located jn and around San nore than 1600 representatives I-. true to the l.esl of his knowledge ami belief, ie France gathering. thereininereiu ,'ontiin,,l . JAMKS W. POST. Francisco, in the San Joaquln and Sacramento Valleys in California Our Want Ads November 13 and 15 ^ Vlcc-Pi-esident. and In most of the larger cities and Read Our Want Ads! of the other nine northwest­ W. K. HOWKN, towns VANITY PAIR, Handy "gold case" containing Gem Razor, Assistant Secretary. ern slates, Including Oregon, Wash­ for Best Results Bring Results ington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Ne­ Double Compact for Rouge and Powder, Complete...... _.....98c Severally subscribed and sworn to before in- by both de­ vada. Wyoming, Colorado, and ex­ ponents tills 6th day of November. 19M. tending as far east as Nebraska. MEN'S SAFTEE SHAVING CABINETS, portable. Sanitary W. E. SffHUCK, The gateway Stores operate en­ Notary Public in and for said I,os Angeles tirely in Southern California. cabinets for all shaving materials. Eveready Safety Razor, /Seal) ' County, St&te of California. The reason for the merger, as COLUMBIA My Commission Kxplres Oct. 6. 1930. given by the heads of the different two blades and tube of shaving cream come with dust-proof companies, la. to further a far- reaching effort toward effecting- CAFE cabinet, all for...... _ great economies in food dlsMbu- GILLETTE BLADES, regular $1 package of 10 blades and a tion by assuring one organization (Opposite Steel Mill) MOTOR COACH COMPANY sufficient nt sue Gillette Safety Razor, all for ,...... _ 98c consolidation ot manufnctur 1013 Border Ave. Time Table Effective Oct. 1, 1926 warehoiisin? as might otli BRISTOL POCKET WATCHES, guaranteed one year. Non- STAGES LEAVE TORRANCE he unattainable. Officials < that, i nplj To Open Sunday breakable crystal, Special...... _...... 98c For For concern pointed out For Wil- of good busin San Pedro Redondo Saata Monica 14 DAWN ALARM CLOCKS, run 30 hours without winding. Beach VENICE b< iefits of all nomle November Lonfl Beach •6:30 A.M. lie pi sumer UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT by us at our store. No B 8:47 A.M. Fully guaranteed, replacements made •8:30 A.M. 7:00 B f:20A.M. they are realized. The building hat bean all re-decorated and you will find good •7:45 B*6:51 B10:40 According to th>- announcement waiting for factory adjustments. Special...... 98c 7:00 B12:25P.M. clean, modern restaurant ready for you 8:20 8:20 A 7:£5 no change in the personnel of th 9:15 B 8:13 B 2:25 concerns involved is contemplated HANDY HAIR CLIPPERS for Milady. Save barber bills. C9:15 Bt8:40 10:20 10:20 B 8:47 M. S. Skaggs is president of th ...... 98c 11:30 B 9:40 B 3:25 consolidated companies, and 1.. Best of Foods Regular $1.75 values for...... 11:30 B 6:25 —AND— 12:20 P.M. 12:20 P.M. 810:40 Sklijrss and Edward Dale will c BILL FOLDS in gift boxes. Guaranteed GENUINE LEATHER. 1:20 1:20 611:25 directing heads of 2:20 2:20 6-12:25 P.M. merchandl W. Regular $1.75 values for...... 98c 3:20 3:20 B 1:25 R. FT. Weldon will assist in Home Cooking 4:20 4:20 B 2:25 financing and the formulatln POCKET FLASKS, half pint, very attractive. Special ,.98c. 5:20 5:20 B 3:25 policies. Edward M. Selby In American and Spanish Dishes Regular $1.25 6:25 6:25 A 4:30 Angeles and W. R. Gris ild ICY HOT VACUUM BOTTLES, pint size. 7:40 7:40 B 5:35 Oakland are the attorneys . Open 6 A. M. to 1 P. M. bottles, for ...... :...... ,.. .._._ . 98c 9:45 8:45 B 6:23 new concern. t11:25 9:45 B 7:53 Drop Around to Our LEIHY'S "EL PATIO" CHOCOOLATES, Fruit flavored. Full 10:45 B 8:40 While the road over the summit 811:25 B 9:53 Carson Pass is still open to 21b boxes, Special...... :...... 98c f12:20 B*10:40 ifflc, it is not advisable to at- Spanish Kitchen 611:39 npt tills trip beyond Silver Lake, STATIONERY and ENVELOPES, 24 of each. Popular "Club" •Daily except S-jndays and Holidays. at this season of the year a After the Show $1 boxes for...... 63c tSunday. only. A Vi, Carton St. size. Excellent quality linen. C Connect* for Catalina Island. B Vii Redondo Blvd. i road overnight, according to Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos RUBBER HOUSEHOLD GLOVES, regular 75c values for49c {Saturdays only. National Automobile Club. The S Saturday! and S/ndays only. id, however, is in good condition For Your Convenience HAIR BRUSHES, with Slip Sanitary backs. oughout at the present time. 75c Brushes for...... 49c I $1.00 Brushes for ...._...... ,...... 67c KEY 'TAINERS, genuine calf skin, packed in gift boxes Special ...... 49c 4 —————————————— 1 HOSPITAL ABSORBENT COTTON, full pound package. Regular 69c value, Special...... 49c Owl Drug Co. Owl Drug Co. BEEF, WINE & IRON MILK OF MAGNESIA Reg. $1 bottle Reg. 50c pint bottles THE style of a master­ 79c 39c piece of custom design. The stamina of a quiet BodyhyPiiktr Studebaker L-head SIXwNationally motor whose mileage records read like the The Owl Agent 1519 C&brillo Torrance figures of a Foreign Known Jor Inexpensive Upkeep WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Thousands of user* are en- la to slight as to be negligible, Debt! r*>MTIAC«IX joying, the qualities of power. -^ yiew of (he a^^g per. stamina, acceleration and corn- , ...... , , , , . ° . .', , ,. , , T, . formance abdmes with which it fort which rstablish the Pontiac , . . . , STUDEBAKER .1 r i tionarv combined, such inexpensive c- STANDARD SIX v.luc.' And in addition, they upkeep is an expressive example .re dis. .^.ring that it either ofthebrilliantengineeringwhich CUSTOM SEDAN Aqmel c«is let- to operate the Pontiac has helped *o make the.Pontiac A VITAL S/ REMEDIAL FOOD Six than smaller cars of less re- Six the most popular car of itt r.o. t. faffmy ccr.i JeMtjn, or that the difference type ever introduced. *1385 { Blch In, YlUmUue, ornnlo mloer- for !». BMWKl riute and tfmvoM. California v»omen have a reputation r>im»t !>i« LuiiUau Scdun, JS95. OaUand Sit, camtianton to Ponltav SU. 11025 lot 1 295, CoBUlu NO DRUGS NOK ALCO­ Over $100 worth of accessory equip­ HOL. Pbyilclan* prenrlbe It. Buo- doing their own thinking. A half million At lr>"< <" Inilurt. l:aij I. paj on the liberal General MiMort Time Pa>nunt Plan. ment is included without extra colt of them, who know Nucoa for the fine^ Diabetes N. GRIFFIN wholesome, economical food it is, recom­ H. Stomach TronblM it highly to others. And so the num­ 1912 Carson St. Phone 88 Torrance, Calif P. E. HENNIS mend Palm and Menlo, Phone 1231 Garden* Kidney Disorder* Temporary Location Antlers Hotel Building Hl«h Blood ber of homes where Nucoa is used grows HENNIS AUTO CO and grows. 350 Camino Real, Phone 5844 Redondo And otlpr dlMuu of Malnutrition rKtfcI?D1?I? yasUftSSff*Valuable, imimtor. and For9cJ.br )-PONTIA,CGENERAL MOTORS STUDEBAKER Nucoa BEACON DRUG CO. 'I'll* POOD of At HilllRt' Torranc.