Royal Albert

The iconic Royal Albert Bridge (1859) stands as testament to the engineering genius of lsambard Kingdom . Unique in design; it still carries the main line railway over the between and .

The Grade I listed wrought-iron structure has performed well over the past 150 years with various repairs and upgrading. However, assessment on behalf of concluded that due to inherent design shortcomings, modifications were required to prevent ongoing, significant and expensive repair works. AECOM proceeded to design sympathetic

Royal Albert Bridge Albert Royal strengthening works which were implemented on site by Taziker Industrial’s team of 70 engineers working 24 hours a day for four years in addition to the scaffolding, blasting and painting of the bridge.

The full condition of the bridge was not fully understood before works commenced and quickly became apparent once the original paint was removed. The inherent defects in the structure of the bridge meant that Taziker Industrial had to adapt quickly to change design details whilst protecting the listed nature of the structure. All this work was carried out whilst

still ensuring that train services across the bridge were not affected.

The restoration of this bridge has repaired the damage caused by the elements and wear

and tear caused by normal train operations; ensuring that it will continue to stand for the next 50 years.

Institution of Civil Engineers Civil of Institution

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