Consolidated Character Options List

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Consolidated Character Options List CONSOLIDATED CHARACTER OPTIONS LIST KEY Player’s Handbook PHB Curse of Strahd COS Plane Shift: Innistrad PSI Dungeon Master’s Guide DMG Volo’s Guide to Monsters VGM Plane Shift: Kaladesh PSK Elemental Evil Supplement EES Adventurer’s League ALB Unearthed Arcana Articles UAA Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide SCA Plane Shift: Zendikar PSZ DM’s Guild GLD Unearthed Arcana: Adventurer’s League PDFs: DM’s Guild: RACES Aarakocra EES Goliath EES SPECIAL SUBRACES VGM PHB Aasimar Halfling These subraces can be applied to a Fallen VGM Ghostwise SCA number of the races named above. VGM PHB Protector Lightfoot Scourge VGM Stout PHB Revenant UAA PSK PHB Aetherborn Half-orc Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, VGM VGM Bugbear Hobgoblin Elf (Zendikar), Genasi, Gnome, UAA PHB Changeling Human Goblin (Zendikar), Halfling, PHB PSI Dragonborn Human (Innistrad) Human, Human (Innistrad), PHB PSI Dwarf Gavony Merfolk (Zendikar), Shifter, SCA PSI Gray (duergar) Kessig Tiefling PHB PSI Hill Nephalia Half-Spawn GLD PHB PSI Mountain Stensia Dwarf, Elf, Genasi, Gnome, PSK VGM Dwarf (Kaladesh) Kenku Goblin (Zendikar), Halfling, PHB VGM Elf Kobold Human, Human (Innistrad), PHB PSZ Dark (drow) Kor (Zendikar) Merfolk (Zendikar), Shifter DMG PSZ Eladrin Merfolk (Zendikar) PHB PSZ High Cosi PHB PSZ Wood Emeria PSK PSZ Elf (Kaladesh) Ula PSK UAA Bishtahar and Tirahar Minotaur (Krynn) PSK VGM Vahadar Orc PSZ UAA Elf (Zendikar) Shifter PSZ UAA Joraga Beasthide PSZ UAA Mul Daya Cliffwalk PSZ UAA Tajuru Longstride VGM UAA Firbolg Razorclaw EES UAA Genasi Wildhunt EES VGM Air Tabaxi EES PHB Earth Tiefling EES UAA Fire Abyssal EES UAA Water Infernal PHB VGM Gnome Triton EES, SCA PSZ Deep (svirfneblin) Vampire (Zendikar) PHB PSK Forest Vedalken PHB UAA Rock Warforged VGM VGM Goblin Yuan-ti Pureblood PSZ Goblin (Zendikar) PSZ Grotag Lavastep PSZ Tuktuk PSZ CLASSES Artificer UAA Crescent GLD Vengeance PHB Specialties Deathbloom GLD Pugilist GLD Alchemist UAA Dreams UAA Fight Clubs Gunsmith UAA Fountain GLD Arena Royale GLD Barbarian PHB Land PHB Bloodhound Bruisers GLD Primal Paths Moon PHB Salt & Vinegar GLD Ancestral Guardian UAA Shepard UAA Squared Circle GLD Battlerager SCA Twilight UAA Sweet Science GLD Battle-Scarred GLD Fighter PHB Ranger (Spell-Less Variant) UAA Berserker PHB Martial Archetypes Ranger Archetypes Bloodrage Savage GLD Arcane Archer GLD Beast Master PHB Storm Herald UAA Arcane Archer UAA Deep Stalker UAA Totem Warrior PHB Battle Master PHB Hunter PHB Bear PHB Blood Thrall GLD Skirmisher GLD Eagle PHB Cavalier UAA Ranger (Core & Playtest Elk SCA Champion PHB Revisions) PHB and UAA Tiger SCA Eldritch Knight PHB Ranger Archetypes/Conclaves Wolf PHB Gunslinger GLD Beast UAA Zealot UAA Knight UAA Deep Stalker UAA Bard PHB Monster Hunter UAA Horizon Walker UAA Bard Colleges Purple Dragon Knight SCA Hunter UAA Dance GLD Samurai UAA Primeval Guardian UAA Glamour UAA Scout UAA Monster Slayer UAA Lore PHB Sharpshooter UAA Rogue PHB Satire UAA Wardancer GLD Roguish Archetypes Swords UAA Monk PHB Alchemist GLD Maestro GLD Monastic Traditions Arcane Trickster PHB Valor PHB Shadow PHB Assassin PHB Whispers UAA The Drunken Master UAA Inquisitive UAA Blood Hunter GLD The Four Elements PHB Mastermind SCA Blood Hunter Orders The Kensei UAA Scout UAA Ghostslayer GLD The Long Death SCA Swashbuckler SCA Profane Soul GLD The Open Hand PHB Thief PHB Lycan GLD The Swift Step GLD Sorcerer PHB Mutant GLD The Sun Soul SCA Sorcerous Origins Cleric PHB Tranquility UAA Draconic Bloodline PHB Divine Domains Mystic UAA Earthshaped GLD Arcana SCA Mystic Orders Favored Soul UAA City UAA Avatar UAA King’s Blood GLD Death UAA Awakened UAA Phoenix Sorcery UAA Forge UAA Immortal UAA Pyromancer PSK Grave UAA Nomad UAA Sea Sorcery UAA Hunt GLD Soul Knife UAA Shadow UAA Knowledge PHB Wu Jen UAA Stone Sorcery UAA Life PHB Paladin PHB Storm Sorcery SCA Light PHB Sacred Oaths Wild Magic PHB Nature PHB Conquest UAA Warlock PHB Protection UAA Devotion PHB Otherworldly Patrons Tempest PHB Equilibrium GLD The Archfey PHB Trickery PHB Oathbreaker DMG The Fiend PHB War PHB Redemption UAA The Ghost in the Machine UAA Druid PHB The Ancients PHB The Great Old One PHB Druid Circles The Crown SCA The Hexblade UAA Beast GLD Treachery UAA The Raven Queen UAA The Seeker UAA BACKGROUNDS FEATS GLD The Shadow Acolyte PHB Actor PHB The Undying SCA Black Fist Double Agent ALB Alchemist UAA UAA The Undying Light Caravan Specialist ALB Alert PHB Wizard PHB Charlatan PHB Athlete PHB Arcane Traditions City Watch SCA Blade Mastery UAA PHB SCA UAA Abjurer Investigator Burglar UAA Artificer Clan Crafter SCA Charger PHB Botany GLD Cloistered Scholar SCA Crossbow Expert PHB SCA Bladesinging Courtier SCA Defensive Duelist PHB Blood Magic GLD Criminal PHB Dragonmark UAA PHB Conjurer Spy PHB Dual Wielder PHB Diviner PHB Cormanthor Refugee ALB Dungeon Delver PHB PHB Enchanter Dragon Casualty ALB Durable PHB Evoker PHB Entertainer PHB Elemental Adept PHB PHB Illusionist Gladiator PHB Fell Handed UAA Lore Mastery UAA Earthspur Miner ALB Flail Mastery UAA PHB Necromancer Faction Agent SCA Gourmand UAA Technomancy UAA Far Traveler SCA Great Weapon Master PHB UAA Theurgy Folk Hero PHB Healer PHB Transmuter PHB Gate Urchin ALB Heavily Armored PHB UAA War Magic Guild Artisan PHB Heavy Armor Master PHB Guild Merchant PHB Inspiring Leader PHB PRESTIGE CLASSES Harborfolk ALB Journeyman Conductor GLD Rune Scribe UAA Hermit PHB Keen Mind PHB Haunted One COS Lightly Armored PHB FIGHTING STYLES Hillsfar Merchant ALB Linguist PHB Archery PHB Hillsfar Smuggler ALB Lucky PHB SCA PHB Close Quarters Shooter UAA Inheritor Mage Slayer Defense PHB Inquisitor PSI Magic Initiate PHB ALB PHB Dueling PHB Iron Route Bandit Magic Adept Great Weapon Fighting PHB Knight of the Order SCA Master of Disguise UAA SCA PHB Mariner UAA Mercenary Veteran Medium Armor Master Protection PHB Mulmaster Aristocrat ALB Mobile PHB PHB PHB Tunnel Fighter UAA Noble Moderately Armored Two-Weapon Fighting PHB Knight PHB Mounted Combatant PHB PHB PHB Outlander Observant ALB PHB Phlan Insurgent Polearm Master ALB PSK Phlan Refugee Quicksmithing PHB PHB Sage Resilient PHB PHB Sailor Ritual Caster PHB PHB Pirate Savage Attacker ALB PHB Secret Identity Sentinel ALB PSK Shade Fanatic Servo Crafting PHB PHB Soldier Sharpshooter ALB PHB Stojanow Prisoner Shield Master ALB PHB Trade Sherriff Skilled ALB PHB Ticklebelly Nomad Skulker SCA UAA Urban Bounty Hunter Spear Mastery PHB PHB Urchin Spell Sniper SCA EES, SCA Uthdardt Tribe Member Svirfneblin Magic SCA PHB Waterdhavian Noble Tavern Brawler PHB Tough PHB War Caster PHB Weapon Master .

—— Preview end. ——

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