CONFLICT BAROMETER 2009 Crises - Wars - Coups D’Etat´ Negotiations - Mediations - Peace Settlements

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CONFLICT BAROMETER 2009 Crises - Wars - Coups D’Etat´ Negotiations - Mediations - Peace Settlements HEIDELBERG INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT RESEARCH at the Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg CONFLICT BAROMETER 2009 Crises - Wars - Coups d’Etat´ Negotiations - Mediations - Peace Settlements 18th ANNUAL CONFLICT ANALYSIS +LJK,QWHQVLW\9LROHQW&RQñLFWVLQ $ ! !' !( !$ !& !% *# !! !) $* $" $( !" $) * ' *$ ) !# $% $' " % ( !* $! $$ & $# $& ! #$%$&$ '&()() " *+& ,-$.'/012&($).+33$'2$4.56.7/&$.2-+1. 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