
What is most likely the end of the late Harold Camping’s Biblical according to all he showed that was trustworthy, and what he would have known today based on the his proven ability to be corrected throughout a fifty ministry?


According to the information in his books, and a more faithful understanding of the scriptures, follows a simplified calendar, Table 1, the late Harold Camping could have likely arrived at, had he not repeatedly been pressured to publish his works prematurely. It can be seen today how Mr. Camping’s study on the gospel line had been sabotaged. The year 2024 A.D. could be the conclusion to Mr. Camping’s study his May 21, 2011 calendar had ultimately been pointing to. By, 2012, my eyes had been fully opened to the two virgin birth dates in Harold’s calendar, [7 B.C. & 1 A.D.]. In, 2015, after reading afresh Harold’s 1994? Book; an exceedingly interesting quote was then found on, page, 440, that clearly exposed the same excess of 7 that exists between, 1 A.D., and, 7 B.C. His statement from his book 1994? follows:

“That is, creation occurred 11,000 years, (remember 11,000 + 6 years), before Christ, (Camping, H. 1994?).”

Table 1

Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years

Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030

11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. is 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D. 1 A.D. From the first to the Last Adam

The statement shown above from Mr. Camping’s 1994? book, on page 440, [amongst other things], shows how Mr. Camping had once seen the biblical earth years from Adam’s sin to Christ’s virgin birth as 11006 years. Because he received no help, and his study had not been allowed to fully mature into what can be known today, when creation began and when sin began was not fully understood by Mr. Camping, at least during the writing of 1994? It is also probable that he may have understood this but in the rushed process to show September 6, 1994 as the last day, according to those who were pressuring him to announce this, his statement we see on page 440 was never fully developed, and forgotten about. For example, we can confidently and biblically assert now that time begins with Adam and Eve’s sin, according to the scriptures (Romans 5:17).

By Saija, S. (8/15/17) To continue: when the year, 1 A.D., [which is when the earth is 11013 years old], is removed from the calendar, and, the year, 7 B.C., [when the earth is 11006 years old], becomes, 1 A.D., this act removes the 7 unbiblical years that have existed between, 7 B.C., and, 1 A.D., which now makes the year of Christ’s virgin birth, ‘EARTH 11006 YEARS’. This, simultaneously, is, THE YEAR ZERO, from Adam’s sin which would then be, 11006 B.C., when time begins because of sin and death. Time cannot exist without death (Romans 7:9). Time begins because of mankind’s sin against the law of God, (Genesis 2:16-17). According to proper hermeneutics, no where in the bible can it be proven that time existed prior to sin. But the bible can prove how time is one of the evil consequences of sin manifesting death. Because of sin eternity shall manifest a beginning of life, and an end to life, which will not exist in the New Heaven and the New Earth.

Many years after having read Harold’s 1994? book, and then re-reading it afresh, carefully, I see how Harold had been rushed into the way in which he unfolded the information in his books regarding the last day. Because of the influence of the Charismatics that existed around him, [now seen as eBible and others], the spiritualization of numbers would physically take precedence over the spiritual proving of all things, [a calendar is an earthly thing that is compared with the spiritual word of God]. I believe this overwhelmed Tom Even’s attempt to rationalize the end of Harold’s ministry.

To continue: Harold maintained the belief that King David began his reign over Israel, [when David was 30], (2 Samuel 5:4), to be a 1000 years before Christ’s virgin birth, which can now be seen to be, 1000 B.C., as seen in Table 2, and not rather, 1007 B.C., which is based on, 7 B.C., when the earth is 11013 years old, [1 A.D.], when sin is 11013 B.C.; the erroneous, May 21, 2011, calendar which exposes two virgin birth dates, 1 A.D., and, 7 B.C., and an excess of 7 unbiblical years.

One of my comforts today is in the knowledge and truth of how my attraction to Harold’s study of the time line was not primarily the calendar itself, but the gospel message Harold had the ability to parallel with the unfolding of the time line of , manifesting the Lord Christ who saves the sinner from eternal damnation. As far as the physical calendar goes, we as a society look at the worlds calendar every day with our annual and monthly , as our lives, simultaneously, unfold, according to God’s will and good pleasure. So the is very real, though it is an earthly thing having no spiritual substance in itself to reveal good or evil.

As Mr. Camping correctly taught in his books, the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ is proven by the precepts of God, (Psalm 119:93; John 3:3-5). So, in, Precept & Prerequisite 1, we will examine one of those precepts, according to the Spirit of Truth, according to the gospel earth, [physics]:

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 2 Precept & Prerequisite 1:

The earth years and the gospel years equally unfold the gospel of Jesus Christ

Let’s define some terms:

Earth Years: Gospel Years:

Begin with Adam’s sin against Years Before and After Christ’s virgin birth, the law of God which unfold to the last day must equal the years from Adam’s sin to the last day.

Table 2

Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years

Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030

11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. = 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D. 1 A.D.

Both, the Earth years, beginning with mankind’s sin, [in the first Adam], against the law of God, and, the Gospel years, before and after Christ’s virgin birth, must perfectly harmonize with the Gospel Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. This includes the fundamentals of the biblical calendar, (John 3:12). While it is true that earthly things in themselves are never looked at as the proof of the Spirit of truth, still, all that is in the earth beneath, and the earth above, and the sea, and all that is there-in, must perfectly harmonize with the Spirit of Truth, and not the spirit of the world, which is founded on earthly things, and the spirit of the world, (1 Corinthians 2:12). The late Harold Camping correctly described it this way: “the unfolding of the time line of history is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the unfolding of the time line of history”.

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 3 King David is an integral part of the eternal gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Subsequently, if Christ’s virgin birth is when the earth is 11006 years old, [1000 years after David began his reign over Israel when David is 30], (2 Samuel 5:4), then Adam’s sin must be identified as, 11006 B.C., when the earth is zero years old, as seen in the Tables above. The ‘year zero’ can be understood as a synonym for eternity that has no beginning and no end, and the spiritual condition in which God exists. Jesus Christ, who is God, on the earth or off earth, never ceased to be eternal God, without beginning and without end, (Hebrews 7:3). This is what the unfolding of the time line of history typifies; because Jesus Christ who is eternal God purchased the same with His Life, which had been ordained before the world began (Matthew 13:44; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2).

For example, if Adam’s sin did not begin a specific day, [in the day, manifesting eternal life, and eternal damnation], (Genesis 2:1- 4; Jude 1:4), and Christ’s virgin birth did not justify, ‘in that day’, on a specific day, [from Adam’s sin], (Matthew 1:1-25), then Mary and Joseph, and the three magi never existed on a specific day, which God never ordained from before the foundation of the world. But, of course, we know that cannot be the case! Therefore, the unfolding of the time line of history, is, in truth, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Ephesians 1:10-14), who is eternal God, and who is without beginning of days, nor end of life, (Hebrews 7:3). From Adam’s sin to when David begins his reign over Israel, when David is 30, the Bible shows to be, ‘Earth 10006 Years’. According to Genesis chapters 5 & 11, 1 Kings 6:1, and, 2 Samuel 5:4, there is absolutely no doubt about this.

The late Harold Camping of Family Radio Inc., [1959 to 2013], first discovered the gospel time line, from Genesis chapters five and eleven, 1 Kings 6:1, and 2 Samuel 5:4, as these verses compare with all of scripture. Harold first believed Adam’s sin was in, 11013 B.C., and that Christ’s virgin birth was in, 1 A.D., when the earth is, 11013, years old. However, some time after his book, ‘Adam When’, and following much study, Harold found that the year of Christ’s virgin birth had to be corrected to be shown in the year, 7 B.C. “But God chose not to open Harold’s eyes to how the year, 7 B.C., had to be “implemented” into the calendar! That 7 B.C. had to become 1 A.D. when the earth is 11006 years old. Ecclesiastes 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.” Whatever the year that would be settled on as Christ’s virgin birth, that year had to be the first year of the New Testament, [the year zero in Christ from Adam’s sin which was also the year zero in the last Adam]. In other words, Christ who is eternal, without beginning and without end, is the unfolding of His gospel time line (Ephesians 1:10-14). The dispensation of the fulness of manifests the completion of the Old Testament, [the completion of 1 B.C., and the completion of 11006 years], as the 11007th earth year begins, manifesting the beginning of a New Covenant – the New Testament – in Christ who is eternal God!

Subsequently, time can also manifest a false gospel when it’s unfolding fails to harmonize with the biblical work of the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased the same with His Perfect Life that is without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21)! Therefore, the actual year of Christ’s virgin birth could not continue as 7 years before Christ’s virgin birth, as, 7 B.C., indicates. The year, 7 B.C., had to become, the year, 1 A.D., [the year zero], that begins the New Testament; when, according to David’s reign over Israel, the earth is, 11006 years old, [10006 + 1000], not, 11013. This is because, when you implement, 7 B.C., as, ‘the year zero’, [which begins the New Testament], [while 1 A.D. still remains in the calendar when earth is 11013 years old], you maintain an excess of seven years from, 7 B.C. to 1 A.D., which is a total of 7 full years, [11013 – 7 = 11006]. Removing these unbiblical years, supports the biblical precept, that, the year of Adam’s sin, [when time begins], has to match the year of Christ’s virgin birth. For Christ, who is eternal God, who comes in the flesh of His elect, is the unfolding of the time line of history, (1 Corinthians 15:45; 1 John 4:2-3)!

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 4 Initially, [physically speaking], it doesn’t matter what we call the year of Adam’s sin, [the year zero which begins the Old Testament], until we can know absolutely the Earth Year of Christ’s virgin birth. However, once that year is truly known, Adam’s sin must now follow accordingly as the first year of this earths existence under the wrath and mercy of God, according to His only begotten Son in the flesh – the year of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:3-4). Christ establishes the beginning and the end of the gospel earth, [the gospel time line]. Naturally, whenever that year is when Christ is born of a virgin must come from the accumulation of years since Adam’s sin; for the two are eternally linked on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). We recall what God declares in Genesis 5: “And Adam was 130 when be beget Seth”. The only way this truth can be possible is if Adam sinned 130 years earlier when the time line of the wheat and the tare begins – when time begins because of death which is now measure on a clock, whether the world looks at it that way or not. Otherwise, there is no salvation in the last Adam, and Jesus Christ never came in the flesh to die and to rise in order to save His people from their sins, (Matthew 1:21; Romans 8:3-4)! This is why it remains so important what the late Harold Camping correctly trumpeted for many years, “that the unfolding of the time line of history is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the unfolding of the time line of history”. Before we go on lets look at a biblical commentary on this quote:

Romans 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

God’s elect Noah came from the loins of God’s first elect Adam, [… the figure of Him who was to come], (Romans 5:14). came from the loins of God’s elect Noah; and, David from elect Abraham, and, Jesus from David – according to the flesh, (Matthew 1:1). This is the unfolding of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Ephesians 1:10-14). According to God’s gospel deign, it begins with the year zero, (eternity in Christ), which begins the gospel time line of history, [from Adam’s sin which stained eternity in Christ], thus, the beginning of the Old Testament – the law of sin. But we recall in all of this: “eternity never ceases whether it be for good, or whether it be for evil!”

When the years of the patriarchs are correctly interpreted, when King David begins his reign over Israel at 30, the earth is 10006 years old, from the year zero, when mankind, [in Adam], sin against the law of God, (Genesis 3), as shown numerically in Tables 1 & 2. This also means the flood of Noah’s day, which is, EARTH 6023 YEARS, must be 4983 years before Christ, or, 4983 B.C., [6023 + 4983 = 11006]. Therefore, the Exodus, in, EARTH 9566 YEARS, must be, 1440 years before Christ, or, 1440 B.C., [9566 + 1440 = 11006]. When David begins his reign over Israel, in, EARTH 10006 YEARS, must be 1000 years before Christ, or, 1000 B.C., [10006 + 1000 = 11006]. When Christ is born of the virgin Mary, EARTH 11006 YEARS, must be the year zero, or, the completion of 11006 years from Adam’s sin, according to the Assession system completing the Old Testament, [the First Covenant], while, simultaneously, beginning the New Testament, [the Second Covenant]. Further, Christ’s atonement, in, EARTH 11045 YEARS, must be 39 years after His birth, or, 39 A.D., [11045 – 39 = 11006]; and the FIG TREE when Israel becomes a nation again, in, EARTH 12960 YEARS, must be 1954 years after Christ’s virgin birth, or, 1954 A.D., [12960 – 1954 = 11006]. We have to remember; the word of God is our authority here not what the worlds time line shows, [ei., Israel a nation again in 1948 A.D.].

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 5 Table 3

Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years

Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030

11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D.

2024 – 1954 = 70 YEARS

From God’s word the Bible, God goes out of His way to point at the number 70 as an illustration of the completion of His gospel program on the sin cursed earth. In, Jeremiah 25:11-12, and, 29:10, we read:

Jeremiah 25:11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 12 And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.

Jeremiah 29:10 For thus saith the LORD, that after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.

Precept & Prerequisite II:

The Second Prerequisite that must exist for the Biblical calendar to be true, [Table 1 & 2], is that the Bible must show how Christ’s virgin birth is a 1000 years after King David begins his reign over Israel when David is 30 when the earth is 10006 years old. As previously declared, what can be known thus far is that the earth is in fact 10006 years old when David begins his reign over Israel, per Genesis 5 & 11; 1 Kings 6:1; and, 2 Samuel 5:4. But this in itself does not prove David’s reign over Israel is 1000 years before Christ. In other words, we can know from God’s word the perfect order of His fulness of times as it unfolds on the sin cursed earth UP TO when Babylon destroys Israel in about 580 B.C., when the earth is about, 10426 years old. We may go a little further from the book of Esther and other biblical sources that bring us to about 400 B.C. But from that point to Christ’s virgin birth, [the dark ages where no communication is happening throughout the world], is still unclear. And God may not want us to find it, physically, but to walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). However, the number 400 is very significant as it points to the beginning and ending of God’s testing program which would biblically land on Christ’s virgin birth. That is, Christ’s virgin birth, suffering, death, and resurrection is a guarantee that all of God’s word must come to fruition.

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 6 Could it be that the last 400 years of the Old Testament brings the Light out of Darkness with God’s Son come in the flesh, 1000 years after David, when he is 30, and begins his reign over Israel, in, Earth 10006 Years? All of these numbers, 400, 1000, 30, point to this conclusion. Four hundred, the end of testing for all eternity. One thousand, the completion of whatever is in view throughout the fulness of times. Thirty, the end of the first moon and simultaneous beginning of the new moon – the New Heaven and the New Earth. Ten thousand and six, 10,000, being the absolute completeness of the gospel earth for all eternity, according to the work, (6), of Jesus Christ who is eternal God.

Precept & Prerequisite III:

The earthly, [biblical], calendar, from Alpha to Omega, must mirror God’s spiritual truth that is eternal. This is true for those who shall love God’s appearance at His coming, when He arrives a second time without sin (Hebrews 9:28). The earthly and the spiritual encapsulate the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ from Alpha to Omega (Genesis 2:1-4; Revelation 1:8). In Part III, the study looks at, Genesis 8:6-12, which illustrates this beginning.

¶ And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: 7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; 9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; 11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. 12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more (Genesis 8:6-12).

From, Genesis 8:6-12, the following is learned. The hearing of the Gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He alone begins, and which He alone ends, manifests both the physical and spiritual while the sin cursed earth remains. The end of the forty days, (40), is also a picture of the end of God’s testing program, from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to the last day. It is not the individual numbers that define their meaning, [as many use them to do], but the context in which they are found.

Because the warfare between good and evil did not cease after God destroyed the earth with water, this is typified by the raven that is sent out and that goes to and fro throughout the earth (Job 1:7). The dove typifies the Holy Ghost and God Himself, who works while it is day, until the waters, [the peoples], are separated on the last day, the waters from above, [the wheat], from the water from below, [the tare], who are no longer together on the sin cursed earth; for the elect, having been born again, are qualified to be resurrected a second time without sin, and are taken up to be with the Lord where they shall be forever more (Hebrews 9:28).

However, as the wheat and the tare remain together on the earth the final harvest has not arrived; for the harvest is the end of the world, when God’s elect are ascended up into the New Heaven and the New Earth (Matthew 13:24-44). Until then the elect have no rest for the sole of their feet, [no physical rest from sin], and remain in the ark, typifying the spiritual word of God. God’s olive leaf to her, [His elect], is a new heart and a new spirit, (Ezekiel 36: 2 Corinthians 1:22).

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 7 Twice Noah stayed yet other seven days manifesting the gospel time line in its entirety as fourteen millennia, [7 + 7 = 14]. The Earth would be 13030 years old as of 2024 A.D. The earth at 13030 years encompasses a fourteenth millennia time line from Adam’s sin. The fourteenth millennia actually began upon the completion of the year, 13000, or, the completion of, 1994 A.D, as seen in Table 3 below.

Thus far, Table 1 -3, is true, if, David begins his reign over Israel when David is thirty, when the earth is 10006 years old, and if David’s reign over Israel is a thousand years before Christ’s virgin birth, or, if the bible shows another way that brings Christ’s virgin birth to 11006 earth years from Adam’s sin.

Table 3

Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years

Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030

11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D.

From 1994 on, God is Testifying of the Fourteenth Millennia Gospel, [7 + 7 = 14] Following we may see from 2011 to 2017 is the First OTHER SEVEN YEARS Following we may see from 2017 to 2024 is the Second OTHER SEVEN YEARS Physically, (John 3:12), while, simultaneously, Spiritually, (John 3:12)

Our study continues in Precept & Prerequisite III, with Genesis 29:20, and, 25-28:

20 And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her. … 25 And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? Did not I serve with thee for Rachel? Wherefore then hast thou beguiled me? 26 And Laban said, It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn. 27 Fulfil her , and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years. 28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also. (Genesis 29:20, 25-28).

When reading these passages carefully, we may see how the whole gospel message is on display from Alpha to Omega. The LORD is using the first seven, of the fourteen millennia time line, to illustrate the tare, [Esau], who are under the law, which Christ also purchased when buying the field, [the world], in order to obtain His treasure – His eternal souls the elect (Matthew 13:44).

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 8 God is demonstrating His love for His Son, [who was in Jacob], and Jacobs wife, Rachel, who typifies all of God’s elect throughout the fulness of times, [His invisible church], illustrated by the second seven of the fourteen millennia, [ the gospel time line in its entirety], when Christ shall be united once and for all with all of His born again people who are one body in Christ – His bride – who are one flesh on the sin cursed earth, yet one eternal body forever more. In this context, Christ, typified by Jacob, [God’s elect], shall fulfill her week, [twice], (7 + 7 = 14), as God spiritually seals all of His elect from Adam’s sin to the last day.

In Precept & Prerequisite III, another important passage that clearly supports a fourteen millennia gospel is found in Genesis 2:1-4:

¶ Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 4 ¶ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, (Genesis 2:1-4).

Here in Genesis 2:1-4, God deliberately speaks of His work ending with three seven’s (3 x 7 = 21). On the cross, Christ declared, “it is finished”, just before giving up the ghost. So, first we must understand, the substance of His work is NOT time (Hebrews 11:1). God rested on the seventh day, (7), which is an eternal spiritual rest; and all of God’s work was blessed, on the seventh day (7). These three sevens typify God’s purpose of God’s salvation program in its entirety, according to eternal God who is without beginning of days, nor end of life (21).

These three sevens illustrate the purpose of God, [21 = 2 + 1 = 3], that perpetually points to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ from Alpha to Omega, as it illustrates the beginning to the ending of God’s work, which was, which is, and which is to come (Revelation 1:8). The first seven typifies, “in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God”, before anything had been created (John 1:1).” The second seven typifies the Old Testament, and mankind who begin under the law until salvation might come. The third seven is the promise of that salvation that shall come to all who’s names had been written in the Lamb’s book of life. While the sin cursed earth remains, all of this is manifested physically, ultimately, according to the Spirit of God, but also according to God’s allowance, according to the spirit of the world, (Matthew 13:24-39).

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 9 Table 4

Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years

Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030

11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D.

Final 13 Years, typifying the beginning and end of the 14th Millennia Gospel Final 30 Years, typifying the end of the old moon bringing in of the second resurrection without sin

Final 70 years, typifying the end of tribulation for all of God’s elect

Is it significant, that, from, May 21, 2011, to, 2024 A.D., is 13 years, and that 13 years can typify the gospel of Jesus Christ in its entirety coming to an end, [Christ’s ending all of sin]. That is, if the number 13 has any significant spiritual meaning it is to illustrate God bringing an eternal end to all sin. The elects sin is done away by Christ paying for their sin. The sin of the ungodly is done away by annihilation of the wicked following the last day. Could this be why the world seems to know that the number 13 has an evil meaning for them?

Could Adam’s sin to, 2024 A.D., when the earth is, 13030 years old, manifest a fourteen millennia gospel program when God finishes all of His work which God created and made (Genesis 2:1-4)? If the late Harold Camping’s gospel time line is ordained to manifest two major warnings, [7 B.C. and 1 A.D.], this would support the doubling God perpetuates throughout His Gospel Program, from the Garden of Eden, and the tree of the knowledge of (1) good and (2) evil. And lets recall: after the year 2011 passed there would be no further dates set by the late Harold Camping.

Is it biblically significant, that, from 1994 to 2024 is 30 years that points to the destruction of the old moon and appearance of the new moon; when God’s elect are resurrected a second time without sin (Hebrews 8:28)?

Is it biblically possible that the 70 years from 1954 when Israel becomes a nation again, [according to the unfolding of the time line of Jesus Christ, not the time line of mankind, {May 21, 2011}], will show the last 24 hour day of this earths existence?

Two of the most significant days of the biblical calendar is when Israel the fig tree becomes a nation again, [comes into leaf], and the last day itself – which also has everything to do with becoming born again!

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 10 Israel coming into leaf again points to Babylon the bride of Satan who must boast of her kingdom without end just before the Lord’s return. Is this where we are now in the world? For God’s elect, the last 24 hour day shall be the fulfillment of the last day of sin which spiritually began in His elect when in an instant they were born again. From that instant it was guaranteed that the last 24 hour day could no longer harm them in any way. Not so however for those who’s names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Following the correction of the earthly biblical calendar that contained two virgin birth days manifesting, 7 B.C., and, 1 A.D, two significant breakdowns of days come into view! One represents what has proven to be man’s calendar, while the other appears to support the most accurate calendar thus far. Let’s look at these!

It was thought that the earth year 13023 was the last day of this earths existence, and that this earth year was the gospel year 2011. After removing the years between, 7 B.C. and 1 A.D., the earth year 13023 is clearly shown to be the gospel year 2017. However, perhaps a more significant attribute of the year 13023 is how it breaks down: 13023 = 3 x 3 x 1447.

What’s so significant about this? The fact is, this equation points to the May 21, 2011 calendar where Adam’s sin is in, 11013 B.C., and Christ’s virgin birth is, 7 B.C., but, while, 1 A.D., remains in the calendar, which, subsequently, shows the Exodus as 1447 B.C. Is this a coincidence? Or is God showing this for a perfect reason ordained before the world began?

But now lets look at the Fig Tree as National Israel when she becomes a nation again in the earth year 12960, which can be proven from the scriptures. This earth year breaks down as: 12960 = 3 x 3 x 1440. So, what’s significant about this? This equation points to the Corrected Calendar of 11006 B.C. and 1 A.D., when the earth is 11006 years old upon Christ’s virgin birth, which shows the Exodus as 1440 B.C. Is this also a coincidence? Again, we see a precept throughout the gospel of, “other seven years”, or, “her week”, [7 + 7 = 14], as God’s unfolding of His gospel program doubled via the first warning from the May 21, 2011 calendar designed to blind those who follow earthly things, and the corrected calendar which is based on King David a man after God’s own heart who is called to fulfill all of God’s will, manifesting the last day. Is that last 24 hour day in 2024?

Until that last 24-hour day arrives who can say who of us is going to be here to find out? None of us have a guarantee that we will be here tomorrow, or the next day. Rather, the biblical language says, “now is the day of salvation; NOW! If we will hear His voice harden not your hearts” …

It so happens that the May 21, 2011 Calendar manifests: 13023 – 11013 = 2010. Likewise, the corrected calendar manifests: 13030 – 11006 = 2024. Interestingly, the completion of, 2010, as figured from the Exodus in the Corrected Calendar, [1440 B.C.], is the 70th jubilee, when, simultaneously the year, 2011 began, which is the first of, “other seven years”, to, 2017, which is the second, “other seven years”, to, 2024, which is 70 years from 1954 when God’s Israel becomes a nation again, [not the earths Israel 1948], but His elect lady.

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 11 All of God’s earthly numbers to mankind work together simultaneously spiritually according to the gospel which always tells of one event, one story, one faith, one baptism, one spirit, one hope, one faith, no matter what number or combination of numbers are witnessed : Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.

If we don’t have Him now how may we have Him on that day? If we have Him now it is guaranteed we will have Him on that day which for now is TO DAY, as we obediently send out the gospel of Jesus Christ as He leads according to the scriptures.

By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 12