What is most likely the end of the late Harold Camping’s Biblical Calendar according to all he showed that was trustworthy, and what he would have known today based on the his proven ability to be corrected throughout a fifty year ministry? INTRODUCTION: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to the information in his books, and a more faithful understanding of the scriptures, follows a simplified calendar, Table 1, the late Harold Camping could have likely arrived at, had he not repeatedly been pressured to publish his works prematurely. It can be seen today how Mr. Camping’s study on the gospel time line had been sabotaged. The year 2024 A.D. could be the conclusion to Mr. Camping’s study his May 21, 2011 calendar had ultimately been pointing to. By, 2012, my eyes had been fully opened to the two virgin birth dates in Harold’s calendar, [7 B.C. & 1 A.D.]. In, 2015, after reading afresh Harold’s 1994? Book; an exceedingly interesting quote was then found on, page, 440, that clearly exposed the same excess of 7 years that exists between, 1 A.D., and, 7 B.C. His statement from his book 1994? follows: “That is, creation occurred 11,000 years, (remember 11,000 + 6 years), before Christ, (Camping, H. 1994?).” Table 1 Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030 11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. is 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D. 1 A.D. From the first Adam to the Last Adam The statement shown above from Mr. Camping’s 1994? book, on page 440, [amongst other things], shows how Mr. Camping had once seen the biblical earth years from Adam’s sin to Christ’s virgin birth as 11006 years. Because he received no help, and his study had not been allowed to fully mature into what can be known today, when creation began and when sin began was not fully understood by Mr. Camping, at least during the writing of 1994? It is also probable that he may have understood this but in the rushed process to show September 6, 1994 as the last day, according to those who were pressuring him to announce this, his statement we see on page 440 was never fully developed, and forgotten about. For example, we can confidently and biblically assert now that time begins with Adam and Eve’s sin, according to the scriptures (Romans 5:17). By Saija, S. (8/15/17) To continue: when the year, 1 A.D., [which is when the earth is 11013 years old], is removed from the calendar, and, the year, 7 B.C., [when the earth is 11006 years old], becomes, 1 A.D., this act removes the 7 unbiblical years that have existed between, 7 B.C., and, 1 A.D., which now makes the year of Christ’s virgin birth, ‘EARTH 11006 YEARS’. This, simultaneously, is, THE YEAR ZERO, from Adam’s sin which would then be, 11006 B.C., when time begins because of sin and death. Time cannot exist without death (Romans 7:9). Time begins because of mankind’s sin against the law of God, (Genesis 2:16-17). According to proper hermeneutics, no where in the bible can it be proven that time existed prior to sin. But the bible can prove how time is one of the evil consequences of sin manifesting death. Because of sin eternity shall manifest a beginning of life, and an end to life, which will not exist in the New Heaven and the New Earth. Many years after having read Harold’s 1994? book, and then re-reading it afresh, carefully, I see how Harold had been rushed into the way in which he unfolded the information in his books regarding the last day. Because of the influence of the Charismatics that existed around him, [now seen as eBible and others], the spiritualization of numbers would physically take precedence over the spiritual proving of all things, [a calendar is an earthly thing that is compared with the spiritual word of God]. I believe this overwhelmed Tom Even’s attempt to rationalize the end of Harold’s ministry. To continue: Harold maintained the belief that King David began his reign over Israel, [when David was 30], (2 Samuel 5:4), to be a 1000 years before Christ’s virgin birth, which can now be seen to be, 1000 B.C., as seen in Table 2, and not rather, 1007 B.C., which is based on, 7 B.C., when the earth is 11013 years old, [1 A.D.], when Adams sin is 11013 B.C.; the erroneous, May 21, 2011, calendar which exposes two virgin birth dates, 1 A.D., and, 7 B.C., and an excess of 7 unbiblical years. One of my comforts today is in the knowledge and truth of how my attraction to Harold’s study of the time line was not primarily the calendar itself, but the gospel message Harold had the ability to parallel with the unfolding of the time line of history, manifesting the Lord Jesus Christ who saves the sinner from eternal damnation. As far as the physical calendar goes, we as a society look at the worlds calendar every day with our annual and monthly calendars, as our lives, simultaneously, unfold, according to God’s will and good pleasure. So the world calendar is very real, though it is an earthly thing having no spiritual substance in itself to reveal good or evil. As Mr. Camping correctly taught in his books, the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ is proven by the precepts of God, (Psalm 119:93; John 3:3-5). So, in, Precept & Prerequisite 1, we will examine one of those precepts, according to the Spirit of Truth, according to the gospel earth, [physics]: By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 2 Precept & Prerequisite 1: The earth years and the gospel years equally unfold the gospel of Jesus Christ Let’s define some terms: Earth Years: Gospel Years: Begin with Adam’s sin against Years Before and After Christ’s virgin birth, the law of God which unfold to the last day must equal the years from Adam’s sin to the last day. Table 2 Adam’s sin The Exodus King Christ’s The Israel Sep May Yet other Yet other against the Noachian From David’s Virgin Lord’s The Fig 6, 21 Seven Seven Law of God Flood Egypt Israel Birth Atonement Tree 1994 2011 Years Years Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Earth Year Zero 6023 9566 10006 11006 11045 12960 13000 13017 13023 13030 11006 B.C. 4983 B.C. 1440 B.C. 1000 B.C. 0 B.C. = 39 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1994 A.D. 2011 A.D. 2017 A.D. 2024 A.D. 1 A.D. Both, the Earth years, beginning with mankind’s sin, [in the first Adam], against the law of God, and, the Gospel years, before and after Christ’s virgin birth, must perfectly harmonize with the Gospel Message of the Lord Jesus Christ. This includes the fundamentals of the biblical calendar, (John 3:12). While it is true that earthly things in themselves are never looked at as the proof of the Spirit of truth, still, all that is in the earth beneath, and the earth above, and the sea, and all that is there-in, must perfectly harmonize with the Spirit of Truth, and not the spirit of the world, which is founded on earthly things, and the spirit of the world, (1 Corinthians 2:12). The late Harold Camping correctly described it this way: “the unfolding of the time line of history is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the unfolding of the time line of history”. By Saija, S. (02/15/17) 3 King David is an integral part of the eternal gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Subsequently, if Christ’s virgin birth is when the earth is 11006 years old, [1000 years after David began his reign over Israel when David is 30], (2 Samuel 5:4), then Adam’s sin must be identified as, 11006 B.C., when the earth is zero years old, as seen in the Tables above. The ‘year zero’ can be understood as a synonym for eternity that has no beginning and no end, and the spiritual condition in which God exists. Jesus Christ, who is God, on the earth or off earth, never ceased to be eternal God, without beginning and without end, (Hebrews 7:3). This is what the unfolding of the time line of history typifies; because Jesus Christ who is eternal God purchased the same with His Life, which had been ordained before the world began (Matthew 13:44; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2). For example, if Adam’s sin did not begin a specific day, [in the day, manifesting eternal life, and eternal damnation], (Genesis 2:1- 4; Jude 1:4), and Christ’s virgin birth did not justify, ‘in that day’, on a specific day, [from Adam’s sin], (Matthew 1:1-25), then Mary and Joseph, and the three magi never existed on a specific day, which God never ordained from before the foundation of the world.
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