Early Laces and Costume Bibliography
Early Laces and Costume bibliography Compiled by Helen Bell, LPS Librarian, with assistance from Beth McCasland, LPS President This is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more articles in lace magazines such as Lace, the IOLI Bulletin, PieceWork Magazine, and International Lace Magazine, that relate to early bobbin and needle laces, and further material may be found in the bibliographies of books and articles listed here. (Books and magazines marked with an * are held in the LPS library, and are available to LPS members only for loan.) Lace: -A brief history of lace in the 1500’s. http://www.jps.net/lynnmcm/lace/html *Alnes, A. Lacemaking in Norway, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (3), July-September, 2002, pp 6-9. (Also in French). Anon. From the Powerhouse Collection, in, Australian Lace, 32(3), Autumn 2011, pp 14-5. Anon. Venetianische Musterblaetter aus dem XVI Jahrhundert - Le Pompe, Second Book. 1562. [Venetian Pattern Sheets of the Sixteenth Century], 1879. (Available on-line: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/lace.html ) *Archer, A. Honiton lace, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (4),October-December 2001, pp 6-9. (Also in French). *Azzopardi, C. The history of lace in the Maltese Islands I, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (2), April- June 2002, pp 18-20. (Also in French). *Azzopardi, C. The history of lace in the Maltese Islands II, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (3), July-September 2002, pp 20-1. (Also in French). *Barley, C. English needle lace – Hollie Point, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (1),January-March 2001, p30. (Also in French). *Barley, C. Stumpwork, in, OIDFA Bulletin, (1), January-March 2001, p17.
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