Naval Set at Annapolis West Point Service Set Has Active Social Week Social Notes Personals WEST POINT, N. Y., Nov. 15 — Academy Midshipmen Attend The second dinner dance of the fall Of Note season was held last night in Cul- Informal Musical lum Memorial Hall. Shows; Mrs. Fenn Guests of Maj. Gen. Robert L. Capt. and Dance I leld for Officers of the Eichelberger, superintendent Have Guests in Military Academy, and Mrs. Eichel- ANNAPOLIS, Md Nov. 15.—Informal musical shows were held at berger at the Army-University of the Home Naval Academy this evening for the first three classes of midshipmen. football game this Arlington Also there was a dance at the Naval Academy Country ClubhouS* afternoon were Harold R. Capt. H K. Fenn, U. B N and for the officers, professors and their friends. The dance honored the of- Stark, chief of Naval Operations, Wat- Mrs. Fenn have as their week-end ficers stationed here who have attended Northwestern University of and Mrs. Stark: Admiral A. E. son. commander of the in their home in Arlington, Evanston. 111. « guests Navy Yard, and Mrs. Watson: Rep- Va„ Capt. Fenn's brother and sister- Rear Admiral and Mrs. Arthur St. Clair Smith gave a dinner Tues- resentative and Mrs. J. Buell Sny- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fenn of day evening m honor ol Rear Admiral Russell Willson, superintendent der, Representative and Mrs. D. of the Naval Academy, and Mrs. Willson. Dane Powers and Maj. and Mrs. Wilmington, Del. Count Alfred VillopoLski. formerly of Poland, and Mrs. Parker F. S. Bowen. Richard Arnold of Fort Bel- Mrs. A. M McDowell arrived yes- Murclii” of Boston are the guests of Mrs. J. Harrison Colhoun, wife of Mrs. 1 home in Providence, — the of and from her T ♦ P r\ 1 rvi m nt KaV hfiirtr •** — -- I voir. Va.. is guest Capt. terday Mrs. Ciunnard W. Carlson. R. I.. to spend two weeks with her Comdr. Coi- Windsor Farms. Lt. son and Comrir. Mr. Thomas H. Tulley Spends daughter-in-law houn is recovering from a recent ill- R. in Ar- Relatives Here. and Mrs. L. McDowell ness and is the Naval Winter With at Hospital. Phantom Fete lington. Mrs. Wilton McCarthy entertained Mr. Thomas H. Tulley ol Denver

here next week to ■ at dinner Friday evening for Mrs. will arrive pass mi .1. uri w ii' ui ij' viaitin Colhoun's guests at Carvel Hall. the winter season with his son and A Keller, U. S. N will return to Proves Success and Mrs. Mrs. Murchie will spend the winter daughter-in-law, Maj. Arlington today lrom a week's stay David H In Annapolis. There is every prospect that the Tulley. with Lt. John Dillon and Mrs Dillon Mrs. Staunton L. Brown is pass- Mrs. Yates Stirling of is Air Corps section of the Army Relief in Norfolk. ing this week with her parents. Mr. “—— the guest of Mrs. Amon Brownson, Society, which arranged the "Phan- \ j and Mrs. Charles R. Gidley of East | wife of Capt. Brownson. U. S. N., re- tom Night at Monte Carlo" which Capt. Alfred Tawresey and Mrs. ji Freetown, Mass. tired. at her home at Wardour. will not take place Thursday night, Tawresey of Arlington are spending Mrs. Clare Armstrong is visiting will exceed its quota this year. the week end in Annapolis with Walton her mother. Mrs. William Weber, in I Comdr. and Mrs. I). C. Mrs. H. H. Arnold, wife of Comdr. and Mrs Roswell Blair Maj.;1 i Columbia Ind., for several Visited by Mrs. I’aul West. Gen. Arnold, chief of the Army air City, Yesterday they attended the wed- weeks. Mrs. Paul West of is forces, and Mrs. Carl Spaatz. wife ding of the former Miss Mary and Mrs. W. H. S. visiting her son-in-law and daugh- of the chief of staff of the Air Corps, Capt. Wright's MRS. JOHN H. WOHNER. 1 Teaslev and John Boswell. 1 is mis. juiiii n. ouvie ter. Comdr. and Mrs. Duncan C. with other wives of officers in the guest Before her recent marriage, to Lt. Wohner. U. S. A she Mrs. Boswell is the daughter of Capt. of Alexandria, Va. She is Mrs. Walton at their home at Wardour. air force, have found that their, leas Miss Irene Vassilieff. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonid and Mrs. W. A. Teaslev of An- Wright’s sister. | Mrs. Carleton C. Champion, wife decision to sell tickets to a non* Nicholas Vassilieff of Rockville, Md. —Hessler Photo. napolis. Mrs. Charles II. I.eavell of Comdr Champion, and their existent party was a great success in F.I Paso. T Talbert have returned to An- with the many busy Washingtonians Visiting Comdr. and Mrs. J. children came to Staunton this who wanted to aid the work of tlie Mrs. Charles H. Leavell of El Washington entertained at a dinner Tues- napolis after a visit ot several Social party Relief but felt that her son-in- Jottings week and were Mrs. Cath- in their home in Ar- months to the West Coast and have Army Society, Paso. Tex., is visiting joined by day evening had no time to attend a fete— law and and Mrs. The was to honor Joined Mrs. Champion > mother. Mrs. they daughter, Capt. Of Interest erine Hamrick Bickle. who is ac- lington. party Hall. Mrs. even lor charity's sake. J. H. Polk. Mrs Elizabeth McDonald of New Phillip Andrew at Carvel companying them on a month's her son. I t. and family will later oc- The money which would have been Mrs. Richard Pruitt of Columbus. Staunton York, who is visiting Champion From motor trip through . in home on King spent in arranging a regular ball Ga., is the guest of her brother-in- William McDonald Washington, cupy their former Va„ Nov. 15.—Judge or other will be saved and Mrs. C. R. STAUNTON. Miss Louise Bryan of Washingtor and to honor Mrs. W. C Gullett, George street now occupied by party law and sister. Capt. and the entire of the ! and Mrs. James Harrison May hate come from the Comdr. and Mrs. Ernest H. von virtually proceeds Revie, for several days. is spending a fortnight with hei who has recently for the returned from a fetv days’ visit in and family. Comdr. von ticket sale will be available Mrs. John H. SafTord of New York Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry West Co?-st and is the guest of Lt. Heimburg and Baltimore. In the parents, use of the Relief a of her Washington Paul D. Gross here. is on duty in Washington. Army Society. City is the guest for month Bryan. and Mrs. Heimburg * latter city thev visited Mrs. May's Social affairs in the air force set son-in-law and daughter, Maj. and Miss Grace Hilliard, daughter of brother-in-law ann lister. Air. and are entirely informal and are being Mrs. L. S. Bork. Mrs. Hilliard and the late Comdr. Mrs. William Allnutt. kept to a minimum during the na- Robert Hilliard is spending the win- Miss Frances Waide. of tional emergency, in line with Mrs. daughter at Carvel Hall. j ter Roosevelt's practice in regard to MRS. CLIFTON FRANKLIN BARR. otes Mr and Mrs. A. B. Waide. has left wife of1 to her home with Mrs. Charles F. Macklm. entertainment at the White House. Married in October. Mrs. Barr formerly mas Miss Avis Hal- Staunton make has taken a home her sister. Miss Helen Waide. m the Comdr. Macklin. This altitude was largely respon- bert McBride, daughter of Col. Allan Cloy McBride. V. S. A., Of Rockville Area on the Severn Gen. Earlv Apartments. Alexandria. at Dreams Landing sible for their decision to hold the is on at and Mrs. McBride. Lt. Barr, U. S. A., duty Brouerwood, ROCKVILLE, Md Nov. 15.—Mr. Va. River. Tex. —Underwood &■ Underwood Photo. and Mrs. Leon Jerolman ol Knox- Mr. and Mrs. A Erskine Miller Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunter and one for Army relief this year. last week ville, Tenn who spent the have as their house at their Hunter of Taylorsville. The ladies in charge of the air guest I Miss Shirley end here with Mrs. Jerolman's Mrs. Edward Vor Individual Distinction few davs the relief cam- have a< their guests this week Mrs home, Caixue. Dough- 111. are here for a force's part in Army father, the Rev. Forest J. stopping Pretty- erty oi Verona. N. J. broth- most of their Items of Interest Anne Williamson of Harrisburg Pa O'J' Fc c V. r?*• V. ^erv co M while they visit their son and paign are devoting niall. were accompanied home by Dr. of en- and Mr Arthur Hvde Buell, jr., o Miss Linda Todd came here from er. Eugene Hunter time to pushing the sale of the Prettyman who plans to be their ■ From I lerndon the of this week and sparkle the fourth class. gagement calendars among mem- University . for several weeks Dr. Pretty- Washington early ; : guest return Fur e t and abr railored Hats, \ here bers of tlie service set. for tlie bene- HERNDON. Va.. Nov. 15.—Mrs E. upon her accompanied Lt Edwin P Martin, who left man. a retired Methodist minister, with 1 been fit of Army relief, for so many years her two by her sister. Mrs. L. C. Ware, who jai fancy In the spring for .-wa duty, has Barbour Hutchison and was formerly chaplain of the United that have become virtually a will be her guest in Washington for er tr ai d r spending a few days here with they daughters. Miss Anne V. Hutchison M iss Nora 1 hitcher States Senate. feafl gs. J trade-mark for the Air section a few days Mrs. Ware will also Martin at her apartment at the Corps Mrs. John L Brunett. who enter- Mrs. and Miss Audrey Hutchison, will visit her son-in-law and daughter. of the Army Relief Society. Will Be Married Tuesday afternoon, was BACHRACH tained Mr. at These are of a the Thanksgiving holidays in and Mrs. David C Eberhart. f Mrs. John F Meigs, wife of Lt. calendars special spend among Rockville’s bridge party host- :33 llth ST N.W. NAt. 4194 m Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hutcher their Arlington home before return- U. S N.. retired, lias design, created by an Army wife, Lynchburg, Va.. where they will be esses of the week. Comdr. Meigs. ing to Staunton. visit with relatives in so arranged that all of one's engage- of 3811 Veazey street NW. an- left for a the guests of Mrs. Jesse V. And. Mrs. Dean Wilkinson. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of ments for an entire month may be Harry Boston. Mass. Accompanied by Mrs. And ai.d Lt. noun.e the engagement of their County school attendance , is C. Water- seen at a glance. Most of them are Maj. and Mrs. Hawley E Barbour Hutchison. jr„ thev will Miss Nora Hutcher, to on a motor trip to Carson City. Nev. sold to service but riaugh’er. man. U. S M. C and their chil- people, enough attend the V. P. I -V. M. I football Lt Samuel C. Swedarsky of Mr. and Mrs. William A Mar- Duvall and “outsiders” have received them as dren. Hawley, jr.. Hareen game m Lynchburg Thanksgiving Biioxi. Miss. lowe. whos marriage took place in motored from Quali- “bread and butter" gifts and as Fuzanne Moss, Day. Lt. Swedarsky is the son of Mr. Rockville last Saturday, have re- are Mrs. Wa- party favors that there has been i\---:* fied. Va.. *nd visiting Mrs. Calvin Kidwell will entertain and Mrs. Charles Swedarsky of turned from their wedding trip and mother. Mrs. Robert Lee a growing civilian demand for the : terman's at a dessert South Bend. Ind. are their home here Mrs. unusual calendar. Monday afternoon occupying : Duvall, at her home. Moss Haven. Mrs. Hazel * bridge party. The wedding will take place in Marlowe was formerly want the Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. J If you Guests of Miss Katherine Groh and Mrs. the near future. E. Karn. Vincent H. Godfrey at their home “Present to he Lasting" * V\ iYl iVlltNail lfJL IU .sprilu | J on avenue are Mr and Week-Knd Guests Southgate the winter in Florida. Select (iifts of •* of Pitts- J Mrs. William H. Bleecker Dp Lt. Col. and Mrs. Oliver W. Mrs. Fannie Connor is spending * who will stay over the i Distinction burgh. Pa., Gruchy of Arlington have as their two weeks in Buffalo. N. Y where week end. * week-end guests their niece. Miss she is the guest of her brother. Mr. Loveliness * W. Hammond and Miss and During Mrs. E. Hope Mettler. and Miss Gladys Earl Jenkins. of Rochester. N. Y.. Ma,dge Walker Betts of Hartsdale. N. Y. Mr. anij Mrs. Arthur Hyde Buell are guests of Mrs. Hammond's son and daughter-in-law. Prof, and Mrs. Jacques Hammond, at their home on Annual ! Thompson street. | In honor of Miss Elizabeth Mel- rin. debutante daughter of Judge Feminine Chic and Mrs. Ridgely P. Melvin, Aber- CHRISTMAS EVENT deen on South River: Miss Mary I ] in a soft neck- and her father. expressed Washington Speer HANDMADE REPRODUCTIONS > Mr. Taibot Tavlor Speer of Balti- t AUTHENTIC COLONIAL a swathed — + more, will entertain at dinner line, youthful 1 partv at the Elkridge Kennels Club. Baltimore, the night of December 1. lines. trimmed As well as mony other first Grosgrain The dinner will precede the gift items that are cer- bachelors’ cotillion ball, which Miss frock for festive Melvin will attend. Her cotillion crepe tain to be will be Mr. Oscar Webb. partners hours. Black or Brown. Mr. Charles Stewart and Mr. Speer. “Proudly Given— Miss Mary Ellen Keester. daugh- ter of Comdr. and Mrs. George B. 22.95 Proudly Received” Keester. has returned to her home _ after a two months' visit with here are offered at her brother-in-law and sister. Lt. end Mrs. Ernest W. Wood of Miami. Prices that still re- main at W ill Return Home pre-emer- low levels. Mrs. George R Smith, wife of gency Smith, will return to her home Maj. f * at Mitchel Field. N. Y.. today, fol- I » CHIPPENDALE a visit of several days with i lowing Ave. * t Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. C. Moffat in XjkVA^ (021 Connecticut WING CHAIR •* Lyon * Village. Designed by the hand of a great HEPPLEWHITE i *■ man who understood and could, CARD TABLE J therefore, create a chair which, * J This half-round style, with its due to its generous proportions, is equally appropri- •* *■ has particularly strong mascu- pure lines, ate for console use in hallway, * line appeal and J or dining « w. comfort. in living 5C7-50 Quoted SQfVOO a ^ * * room Jj muslin Mahogany Colonial Foot * * Stool, covered in tapestry Figurines_ poir $7.50 I Low English Tea Table, $27.50 or velvet. * * * * « OVER ON * 55.50 « SAVE $50 < * « S A SUPERB BLACK » ★ PERSIAN LAMB COAT « QUEEN ANNE COFFEE TABLE Proud is she to whom $298 the Christmas will mean *350 value* * possession of this lovely Coffee Table of Queen Anne design. ► “| A pretty savings to pocket! But more J than that, Persians of the rare feather- weight quality that drapes so beautifully This OTTOMAN and wears so well. Not an ordinary coat J — makes such an acceptable in the group—every one is a design studio ♦ because its spring-and- The gift OF model worked by a master furrier. hair constructed cushion HEPPLEWHITE NEST J Youthful >). * slimness, the better to makes such a comfortable THREE TABLES group is limited—but all give seat by the fireside. Quoted To moke her home more beau- * for mature the love! And your H support figures— ff you individuality you in muslin. tifUl—her entertaining more J saving more than covers the 10^o Federal delightful. Solid Mahogany * inlaid with sotin- $77-50 * PRACTICAL FRONT Tax that must be added. °' wood X A omfartable for to con'rol | way you tummy-bulge, s'? * e note back stra n. bands of elastic, A "BIGGS rr; Diagonal ^ } EXPRESS YOUR GOOD TASTE AS WELL AS YOUR GOOD WISHES WITH u-'cer laed front, literally "lift" you to fashionable WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. « ■ » SELECTION EARLY s eekness. Supporting and s:,rrv red'Stributmg front GIFT." MAKE YOUR weight, the. remove that pull on vour O'Stressing Authentic * bock. Elastic gnes ea- when you'sit, yet ccn'rpis y) ♦ Makers of Handmade Reproductions heavy thighs. Waist s zes 26 to AC. * for More Than Half a Century— ,* $6.00 to $12.50 | l CONVENIENTS TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED t f 0 ■ «. (0 51 •*. k‘i y j -———“—*Mutuol A {3 Xeli rs of Yesteryear & Equitable I c—__ | AVENUE our r.cnet window d 1230 CONNECTICUT See spiay ■ (l ArltVS.Ap J of antique corsets contrasted witn /!' I e itriMvaMtTHtvtoiLLD’iHorr \tf _ $) j p I *IaA*«************ ************ ************ ***********»**»********»♦+**♦*