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EVERY Pîoneerlocaicom [VERY [VERY EVERYDAYpîoneerlocaicomDAY DECEMBER 11, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $1 25 24/7 COVERAGE ENTERTAINING IDEAS MOVIES SPORTS Daily news from Musings on pop RèeI Time blog with Heard in the Halls Your Local Source culture and the arts Bruce Ingram athletics blog THIS WEEK NEWS FAMILY FINDER Health concerns prompt 'Baby Jessica' to seek family who abandoned her. PAGE 58 DIVERSIONS MIXED NOTES Skokie saxophone player promotes his new CD, Arm Yang helps her mother brush snow off of th&r car after the first snow storm of John's Mixed Bag.' the season Dec. 1 in Niles. PHOTO BY RUTHJE HAUGP!ONEER PRESS BRUSH HOUR PAGE Bl SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE LCheck outOakton .fromeveryangle. lt S.1Lt'1 r Spring Classes begin January 20, 2009. LS NOI)1'O N09ES is7 I1d 31!N register online j.sIcJ 3I1Jfld S37fN www.oakton.edu fl:1c1aL:ICC iOO Pand ,fr Des PlainesSkokie . 847.635.1629 '( Community College I A Pioneer Press Publication Thursday, December 11, 2008 3 2 Thursday, I)ecember 11, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication : '. I4ANAGING EDrT0R: Marc Alberts _t [email protected] I (847)486-7259 ti, 1 r News '. - "- i, -' '' s . , 2- 24/7: ' Check out Mayoral hopeful Câllero'sbrother skewers - &_ . & :: ";' pioneerlocal.com ,, '; Ç -yy-" trustees in resignation from zoning board i"- :; for more By TONY BERTUCA : - . in the April 7 consolidated- possibly his brother - the mayor (Nicholas have their own best inter- ¿«, : [email protected] .. FOOD election. would step into a Village Blase) has retired, I be- est at heart and not the , t Callero said he was lieve this cohesion will no . people of Nues," he said. -.. .5 Hall rife with mistrust and James Callero an- leaving due to "existing opportunism. longer exist." "So, after the April elec- ' .f,f_. ; : - nounced Dec. 2 he will re- health issues," but the "With past administra- Callero said all of the tion, the newly elected sign as chairman of the zoning chairman of 14 tions you could count on a current trustees, with the mayor will have his hands . -., -' ' t ,__i u -- Nues Zoning Board, a day years did not go quietly. majority of the trustees' exception of Bart Murphy, full trying to control a ; . '' ,' , : after his brother, Acting James Callero leveled se- support, approving our have designs on the Board of Trustees who, in ' : . -;j . ''t , Nues Mayor Robert nous charges against the decisions dealing with mayor's seat. most instances, each î' ::',:n'':-'t., . '.t'. Callero, announced a run Village Board of Trustees, these important zoning is- "In my opinion at least i't. ' " to retain his job as mayor predicting the next mayor sues," he said. "Now that three of the five trustees Callero, PAGE 4 't 4 - -.l,,.-;., .- '- . , , Cookie Cooks '", ol!'1tvJn1 --'Ç u Senior bakers show off their culinary talents. ' , - u'- www.pioneerlocal.co,n t a BLOGS SPORTS : Heard in the Halls 1RO athletic blog. +*. +',-.. blogs.pioneerlocal.cozn/sports Ç, , VALID FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2008 VALID ONLY UNTIL i PM SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2008 ¡ YiA ::) Q )t/\ 2L59'OFF DIVERSiONS a single sale price apparel item a single sale price apparel item :1 - t" ' e r'trlhoi . ortakean EXTRAiio OFF or take an EX I R/.\ a. J /0 OF F STACIA TIMONERE/FOR PIONEER PRESS a single sale price accessory, fine jewelry footwear, a single sale price accessori fine jewelry, footwear, Finished cookies by Rose Deneen fill a plate Dec. 2 at Niles Public Library. intimate apparel, ladies' or men's outerwear or suit, intimate apparel, ladies' or men's outerwear or suit, or men's tailored clothing item or men's tailored clothing item COOKiE CLASS Rose Deneen zests an orange while or,takean EXTFJ\ir1/ J /0 OFF or,taheanEXTRA OFF t., -S, '. demonstrating how to make snowball cookies Dec. 2 at a single sale price home store or luggage item a single sale price home store or luggage item STACIA TIMONERE/FOR PIONEER PRESS Nues Public Library. or,take anE'TRAIO % OF F or,takean EXi"RA10% OFF a single sale price small electrics, health & weilness, furniture, a single sale price small electrics, health & weliness, furniture, mattress, area rug or furniture accessory item mattress, area rug or furniture accessory item ru5ec Biederman throws hat in ring for mayor'sseat INDUBITABLY I OSCAR-BOUND By TONY BERTUCA "We have traditions here after an unsuccessful run. think Callero was a poor as a legislative assistant II I'll'"'"u I' I III 111111111V IIU I III II [email protected] in our community, like low for mayor. choice, she was confident for Congressman Sidney Bruce Ingram reviews A000001 1T7E l A0000011T8C taxes and great services, The fact that Bieder- in her own abilities. Yates in Washington, D.C., Cannot be used in conlunclwn with any Diner COUOfl Dt specaI otter. Coupon will noi be available in :i Cannot be used in conjunduon won any orner coupon or spociai acer. e,oepon wie nul be available in John Patrick Shanley's Several hours after that need to be protected man's announcement "I think I definitely and also worked for the sietes Coupon elusi be pinsenled al limo nl purchase One coupon poi 1cm. Ouplicale coupons will not be « I alares Coupon most be presenled at lime nl purchase. One coupun per item. Doplicate coupons will nul ho film adaptation of his honored Eucludesonuo Buys, Door Buslers, Incredible Valuo merchandise, Yellow Del Cleatanco, all lureilere :;:I honored Eacludoo Bonus Buys, Dour Buslors, Incredible Value merchandise, Yellow Dol Clearance, all lornilore Acting Nues Mayor as we begin a new chaptercame on the same day as have what it takes," she U.S. Department of Health clearance cooler nrorclranclise, all cosmelics ann fragrances. Anno (loin Brrdto, Brahinin, Brighlon, Calvin Klein I clearance center merchandise, all cosmetica and iragrances, Aune Kleio Bridge, Brahmin,Brighton, Calcio Klein award-winning play handbags, Club Libby Lu, Coach, Columbia apparel, oulerwear A accessories, eleclrnnics, Eileen Fishor, handbags, Club Libby l.u, Coach, Columbia apparel, nelerwear A accessoires, electronics, Eileen Fisher, Robert Callero announced in Nues' history. I've been Callero's is evidence that a said. "My education, my and Human Services. Bie- . I Ellen Tracy, Filio Jewelry special ovonl merchandise, Fine Jewolry Sopor Values, Fine Walchos, Lalayolle46, "I Ellen Tracy, Fine Jnwelry special enenl merchandise, Fine Jewelry Soper Values,Fine Watches, l.atayetle 148, "Doubt." on Dec. 1 that he would talking with a lot of Niles' power vacuum has been background, and my expe- derman was operations Levi's, buben, Malernily, Tire Sierpe Irronge, Sl John, Tech Trek, Tompor.ftdic, lumi, lJgg, Breast Cancer '.. l.ovi'o, l.00hen, Malernity, Tire Sharper lrrrago, St. J01i0, Tech Trek, Tempar4edrc, Taci, Ugg, Breasl Cancer . I Awareness merchandise, regalar price merchandise, service deparlments, special orders and gill cards www.pioneerlocal.com Awareness merchandise, regalar price meicirandise, service dnparlmenls, special oidora and gill carda . run in the Apr. 7 consoli- residents to hear about created in Village Hall in rience make me a good manager for the American Cannol be applied lo pieviaasly purchased merchandise or nrail/phnne/inlornot orders L Cannot be applied to previously purchased merchandise or maivptiunolinternol orders. L ---------- j dated election to retain their priorities and con- the wake of former Mayor person for the job." Association of Oral and ,, ut, ,1', SUBURBODDITY the mayor's seat, Trustee cerns, and have been very Nicholas Blase, who re- A lifelong resident of Maxillofacial Surgeons. k"2' , '' cT' .i' encouraged by the re- CRAZY CRIMES Kim Biedermari an- tired in August after 47 Niles, Biederman served She now operates a small ,, t'Ç./t,S: nounced she was consid- sponse I've received. I years and amid federal on the Niles Plan Commis- business, KSB Organiza- :, ' - 'f', n"1,i:: Find out about wacky Tt)u.,jt ering running for the post hope to make an official corruption charges. Blase sion and Zoning Board of Lion Support Services. '-. 't -T L- crooks and their crimes. herself. decision in the next few has since pleaded guilty to Appeals for four years be- Biederman also de- V,: 'ç www.pianeerlocal.com "I've been giving seri- weeks." counts of mail fraud and fore she was appointed vil-scribes herself as a "full- - v i ous consideration about Her position as trustee tax evasion, and is due to lage trustee by Blase in time mom of two chu- Saturday shop most stores 6am-1 i pm: 6am-midnight Harlem-IrvThg: For the store nearest you, visit us at carsons.com. Sale pdces effective Friday, December 5 and Saturday, Oecombr6, 20DB. running for Mayor of is not in jeopardy for this be sentenced Jan. 29. 2005. She later won re- dren." Regular and erlginal prices 6am-lOpm Aurora Northgate, Michigan City, Northileld Square, Woodmar: t'io price adiuslmests tor previously purchased clearance merchaodise. Entire Stuck otters eeclude Clearance and Incredible Value rnaerctrandise. be based on acluat sales. Niles," she said in an e- election, and she would re- While Biederman was election. 6am-9pm DeKaib: lOam-7pm Furniture Galleries: Gateway closed. lulled ollecing prices in etlect during the 90 days before or alter this sale, but not necessarily during the past 30 days. Savings may nut Intermediate rnarbdowos may llave been laken. Merchandise, style and color availability may vary by store and enligo. 20516A mail to Pioneer Press. main in Village Hall even careful to say she didn't Biederman has served Comment: pioneerlocaLcom 4 A Pioneer Press Publication A Pioneer Press Publication Thursday, December 11, 2008 5 4 IThursday, December 11, 2008 Copssay twosandwich shop starters www.pioneerlocal.com employees stole lots of bread INDEX FORUM 13 MOVIE REVIEW 85 By TONY BERTUCA John's, according to police.
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