CITY AND COUNTY OF COMMISSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT DIRECTOR’S REPORT September 27, 2016 ------This report covers San Francisco Department of the Environment updates for the period of July 1 – August 31, 2016

Residential Programs - SCHOOL EDUCATION: Gave 11 assemblies/presentations to 985 students at six schools and youth programs across the city.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Approved, with conditions, the Safe Drug Disposal Product Stewardship Plan submitted by MED-Project. Plan approval is a major milestone in implementation of the 2015 Ordinance, which requires installation and operation of a minimum of 55 free medicine collection locations for San Francisco residents to safely dispose of their unwanted and expired medicines. The approved Plan commits to installation of all 55 collection locations by the end of 2017.

- ENERGY: The San Francisco BayREN Multifamily program is on track to meet our units-served goal (1,250 units) for 2017. Moreover, projects in other neighboring counties BayREN programs been canceled, resulting in an 800-unit deficit for the regional BayREN (administered by the Association of Bay Area Governments). San Francisco BayREN will help the region make-up that deficit by bringing in an additional 400 units by December 2016.

- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: Working with the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to provide Healthy Homes trainings and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services at two HOPE SF sites, Hunters View (HV) and Alice Griffith. Provided IPM workshop with Pestec at Hunters View in July.

- OUTREACH – ZERO WASTE: The campaign launched in Mid-July and runs through Mid-October. The campaign targets those who are new the city and least aware of the green bin program, with a goal of raising awareness and ultimately keeping organics out of the landfill. Campaign tactics include: Online Banners, Online Video, Online Influencer Marketing, Postcard Mailing, and Bus Shelters Ads. Success will be evaluated based on the campaign's ability to raise awareness among those within the target audience who were exposed to the message. Results of the campaign's success will come in November. So far, anecdotes and initial data analysis point toward success.

- OUTREACH – ENERGY: Hosted two BayREN Home Upgrade workshops, both at capacity, with a combined total of over 60 attendees (West Portal Clubhouse – July 30th & Ingleside Library – August 27th). To promote this program and these events, the Department worked with the SFE/SFPL Greenstacks collaboration, engaged the community using NextDoor and collaborated with individual neighborhood associations, as well as umbrella organizations - each comprising over twenty neighborhood groups. To promote the next workshop at the Ortega Branch Library on September 28th, 500 mailers were sent to homeowners within a half a mile radius of the workshop in addition to engaging the community through NextDoor and

Page 1 associations. These 500 homeowners were identified based on psychographic, demographic and building characteristics using our department’s new audience targeting platform.

- ZERO WASTE: Conducted waste assessments at 7 apartment buildings and gave 2 presentations to seniors on zero waste. (898 units) Worked with Outreach to launch outreach campaign and website including mailing three serial postcards urging increased composting to 20,000 new residents in 121 apartment buildings. Additional online, social media and display advertising to roll-out over next 3 months.

- OUTREACH: SF Environment staff and volunteers participated in total of 15 outreach events- including Giant Sweeps, Sunday Streets, Street Fairs and Back-to-School celebrations.

Commercial Programs

- OUTREACH – TRANSPORTATION: Mailed over 4,000 warning letters to businesses that are subject to the San Francisco Commuter Benefits Ordinance to determine their level of compliance. The Ordinance, passed in 2009, applies to businesses with locations in the city and 20 or more employees nationwide. With the passage of the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program in 2014, businesses with more than 50 employees in the city report to the regional program instead of the San Francisco Ordinance.

- TOXICS REDUCTION/GREEN BUSINESS PROGRAM: There are currently 229 Recognized Green Businesses and 104 businesses in process. The Green Business program has been working very closely with San Francisco International Airport (SFO) airport to recruit retail and restaurants at SFO to the program.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: There are now 37 recognized Healthy Nail Salons in San Francisco and 12 in process, out of a total of approximately 250 nail salons in San Francisco. We have a goal of 50 recognized Healthy Nail Salons by the end of June 2017. To date, approximately 450 nail salon technicians have been trained in SF.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: 45 furniture retailers in San Francisco have now pledged to sell furniture that is free of chemical flame retardants, out of approximately 170 furniture retailers in the City. We are working toward a goal of 50 pledged retailers. There are 144 furniture retailers in who have pledged to sell furniture that is free of chemical flame retardants.

- ENERGY: The San Francisco Energy Watch Co-pay Microloan pilot program (funded through the SF Carbon Fund) has officially (soft) launched. SFEW and Outreach staff are collaborating on implementing a customer engagement plan to make offers to and enroll customers.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Ongoing outreach to small and medium businesses throughout San Francisco about hazardous waste disposal and Very Small Quantity Generator Program. So far Environment Now has interacted with 144 business owners.

- ENERGY: The San Francisco BayREN program secured an additional $40,000 from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to lead development of the regional ABAG BayREN Commercial Business Plan. The Plan is due for review/approval by the California Public Utilities Commission in January. If approved, it will enable BayREN to access funding to expand

Page 2 its energy work to the commercial sector. The Energy Team presented the plan to neighboring energy efficiency programs (i.e. Energy Watch), and was met with wide support.

- ZERO WASTE: Got 43 commercial accounts composting service compliant and two recycling service compliant. Presented to 270 resident assistants and 25 staff at San Francisco State University and Academy of Art University orientations. Met with Warriors, Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, Office of Economic & Workforce Development, SSR, Strada and Stōk regarding zero waste aspects of new arena. Diverted 9195 tons at 10 demolitions. Co- presented with Recology to 45+ BOMA affiliated property managers on mandatory recycling and composting ordinance to improve participation compliance. Presented to LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and participated in BC3 Ideas Hub.

- ENERGY: Via the California Benchmarking Collaborative, a coalition of commercial property owners, market rate and affordable housing owners & advocates, non-governmental organizations, and governments including SF Environment, advocated for the CEC to implement regulations for CA Assembly Bill 802 (Energy Benchmarking) that are consistent with lessons learned implementing San Francisco's Existing Commercial Buildings Energy ordinance.

- ENERGY: Participated in a design charrette with Whole Foods, Arup, and other green building and energy experts from across the country. The day-long event kicked off the 'MarketZero' project to upgrade the Noe Valley Whole Foods Market to zero net energy. The project is funded through a grant from the CEC.

- ENERGY: To support the introduction of FCEVs, SF Environment coordinated a Permitting Summit for the first consumer-facing hydrogen fueling stations to be located in the City. Staff brought together key stakeholders from the Planning, Building, and Fire Departments along with hydrogen subject-matter experts from UC Berkeley, and a hydrogen station applicant to develop a permitting roadmap for siting stations in San Francisco. Pending approval from the CEC, two stations could be operational in the 2018/2019 timeframe. Currently the closest refilling station is located in South San Francisco.

- ENERGY: SFEW is on target to meet 2016 goal (89% of 800 kilowatt total).

City Department Programs

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Conducted meetings with Treasure Island Development Authority and contractors to bring Treasure Island into compliance with the Citywide Integrated Pest Management Program.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Currently organizing first-ever Spanish language Bay Friendly Landscaping training – four Wednesdays in October, in collaboration with Recreation & Parks Dept. and SFPUC.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Completed the 2015 Green Purchasing Program Annual Report. Out of a total of $8 million dollars the City spent on computers, cleaning products, janitorial papers, lighting, and office supplies, 82% qualified as compliant products (according to sales reports from citywide contracted vendors). We awarded purchasers from SFO for 95% compliance with janitorial cleaners and papers.

- ZERO WASTE: Presented on zero waste to 185 city employees from Laguna Honda Hospital, DPH, SFE, SFPD, Planning and Recreation and Parks. Presented to 30 architects at Public Works-Bureau of Design and Construction on construction and demolition debris recycling Page 3 requirements. Completed 19 recreation center refuse assessment reports and presented results and recommendations to all 9 RPD Park Service Section Managers. Met with head of SF General Hospital Operations and Planning division to discuss improvements to hospital’s recycling and composting. Met with new Sustainability Managers of SFO and BART to discuss zero waste, areas for improvement and partnership opportunities. Met with Toxics, Interface Carpet and city contractor HDR’s green purchasing advisor to develop carpet purchasing specifications for Chapter 7 Green Building amendments. Rolled out recycling and composting to the Port and Police’s Hyde Street Harbor. Coordinated installation of 100 sensors on public refuse receptacles and city department dumpsters, beginning four-month pilot to determine if technology will reduce truck trips, improve routing, reduce overflow and minimize complaints. Provided feedback to SFO on their zero waste plan scope of work.

- ENERGY: Solar + Energy Storage for Resilience has completed the sizing of PV and battery systems for 35 municipal and school buildings, mostly recreation centers, libraries, and schools. City of Oakland is providing data for the sizing and financing analysis of one facility. Next steps are to produce single line drawings, develop financing, and present the projects to the neighborhoods for feedback.

- ENERGY: SFPUC and SFE staff met with Department of Children, Youth and Families about focusing the City’s environmental resources (Energy Watch, CleanPowerSF, and H2O conservation) on the 170 community based organizations funded by DCYF.

- CLIMATE: Completed report on the conversion of natural gas burning equipment in municipal buildings to electronic technologies under a grant from CNCA. Report will be available after review by CNCA.

- CLIMATE: Kicked off project to examine methane leaks in natural gas distribution system and create recommendations. Held kickoff stakeholder meeting to brainstorm project parameters. Project funded by the USDN. Partners include Oakland, Google, and Aclima

- CLIMATE: The SF Carbon Fund hosted a reception for 20 sales staff from the Hilton, who will be marketing the program to conferences held at the Hilton

New/Revised Legislation and/or City Hall activity - ZERO WASTE: Met with Mayor’s Office and Port on Recology Pier 96 rent increase and facility plans. Met with Supervisor Breed’s Chief of Staff and others to discuss legislative solutions for tobacco product litter. Wrote and signed onto group letter to CalRecycle, in response to Carpet America Recovery Effort 2015 annual report, criticizing CARE’s progress in California and urging CalRecycle to enforce the carpet stewardship law (AB 2398). CLIMATE: Completed report on the conversion of natural gas burning equipment in municipal buildings to electronic technologies under a grant from CNCA. Report will be available after review by CNCA. - - ENERGY: An update to the Better Roofs ordinance was introduced in the Board of Supervisors to allow living roofs as a means of compliance alongside solar energy systems.

- ENERGY: San Francisco Green Building Code 2016, maintaining the city's green building requirements beyond California's Energy and Green Building Standards, was recommended by the Building Inspection Commission for approval by the Board of Supervisors.

Page 4

Press and Media Highlights

- TOXICS REDUCTION: The Department held a press and community event on Friday, July 8, 2016 at a San Francisco certified used oil collection center in the Inner Sunset to promote used motor oil recycling among the Chinese-speaking community. The press event supported the second year of the Department’s in-language media campaign targeting Chinese speaking DIY oil changers. Supervisor Katy Tang and Director Raphael spoke at the event. Media coverage included:

- Bay Voice (Sound of Hope): Skylink TV: KTSF 26: oil-recycling/ SFBay.CA:

- Press Release: environment-and-supervisor-katy-tang-highlight-environmental-dangers-of-dumping-used- motor-oil-at

- ENERGY: In late July, the Mayor’s Office held a press event to highlight SF Environment’s new U.S. DOE grant award that will enable the City to work on streamling permitting for hydrogen refilling stations, providing training to first responders and providing general consumer education and outreach. Attendees, included press, were invited to test-drive the Toyota Mirai, the first consumer ready hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, outside of City Hall. Director Raphael was interviewed about the Department’s role in furthering hydrogen refilling infrastructure in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Coverage included:

- CBS: toyota-mirai/ NTDTV: Skylink TV:

- ZERO WASTE: Interviewed by KGO-TV (ABC7) on Food Service and Packaging Waste Reduction Ordinance.

Staff Changes

- Vernon Haney joined the School Education Team as a 9922 Associate. He was previously a 9920 with the Environment Now Team. - Allyn Mcauley joined the Outreach – Transportation team - Harshdeep Dhillon joined the Toxics Reduction Team as a 9922 Residential Toxics Reduction Associate - Kevin Kumataka joined the Toxics Reduction Team as a 3658 Green Business Program Coordinator - Zac Thompson joined the Energy Team as a 9922 Zero Emission Vehicle Associate - Marnie O'Bannion joined the Energy Team as a 5638 Energy Efficiency Specialist - James Slattery accepted Construction and Demolition Recovery Specialist position. Max Wechsler completed internship and will be working at Urban Ore. Page 5

RFP’s posted/ Outgoing Grants and Contracts Awarded (who/amount/ summary)

- OUTREACH: SF Environment announced an Outreach and Marketing RFP for a total contract award of $6,000,000 over a three-year period. Over 60 people attended the mandatory pre- bid meeting and we have received a total 18 proposals from unique agencies.

- ZERO WASTE: Certified San Francisco State University’s $10,000 grant to improve recyclables and compostables recovery from student union and early childhood development center. University of California San Francisco completed our grant, diverting 893 tons of materials which exceeds the goal by 16%, and is hiring 3 zero waste facilitators to maintain and expand the program.

- CLIMATE/ENERGY: Issued an RFP for As-Needed Professional Services expecting to contract to up to three contractors for a total contract capacity of $6 million. Bidders meeting had over sixty in attendance. Proposals are due 9/22.

Proposals Submitted (who/amount/grant summary)

- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: SF Environment, in partnership with San Francisco Department of Public Works, and San Francisco Conservation Corps, applied for a grant for $500,000 from Cal Recycle to address the problem of abandoned waste in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood.

- ENERGY: At the end of August, SF Environment submitted two proposals to DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Multi-Topic funding opportunity.

o The first was a joint proposal with other Smart City Challenge finalists across the U.S. Each city selected projects from our Vulcan proposal for the collaborative DOE proposal ($5M total). San Francisco’s portion of the proposal included a medium duty EV demo and a workplace charging campaign ($700,000).

o The second was a San Francisco specific proposal that also included projects from our Vulcan proposal (ex. EV Grid Integration Roadmap, Multi-Unit Dwelling Charging Solutions; $3.5M). DOE will announce awards in March 2017.

Grants Received (who/amount)

- ENERGY: SF Environment was awarded an $110,040 ($24,000 to SF Environment) grant to collaborate with Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance to develop a market for zero net energy retrofits for existing affordable multifamily buildings.

- ENERGY: Completed negotiation with DOE in support of $1.4M BayREN grant to deliver deep energy efficiency retrofits to small and medium commercial buildings, with support from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and other partners.

Page 6 Public Events/Conferences (e.g., conferences attended, speaking engagements, travel for work, etc) - GREEN BUILDING/ENERGY – Rich Chien co-planned and presented at an energy efficiency financing event with PG&E and others on August 11. Over 70 energy contractors and finance providers in attendance.

- GREEN BUILDING/ENERGY – Rich Chien co-presented at a joint meeting of Prospect Silicon Valley and the San Francisco 2030 District on September 16, discussing opportunities for partnering and collaboration to advance shared energy and water efficiency goals.

- TOXICS REDUCTION – Maggie Johnson presented on implementation of the Safe Drug Disposal Stewardship Ordinance at the California Resource Recovery Association’s annual conference in August.

- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE – Organized a presentation in partnership with SF Environment’s Green Building program and SF Department of Public Health, for USDN Equity and Access group call in August. Rich Chien presented on the Sustainable Chinatown project and Cindy Comerford presented on DPH’s Climate Health program. San Francisco’s presentation resulted in follow-up discussions with several other USDN cities on the need to integrate sustainability with anti-displacement strategies, to protect affordable housing as we advance green building/energy efficiency improvements.

- ZERO WASTE: Presented on zero waste to the Commission on the Environment and staff on tour of Jepsen Prairie Organics composting facility and Hay Road landfill. Attended Recology and Little Hollywood community meeting on facility changes and planning. Presented to Refuse Rate Board on status of old landfill Special Reserve Fund and recommended transfer into new Reserve Fund - Rate Board agreed with our recommendations. Presented and moderated at CRRA conference in Sacramento on Commercial Organics - Maximizing Recovery and Minimizing Contamination, and moderated Reducing Food Waste at Its Source panel. Met with City of Brisbane and Recology to discuss facility and environmental planning. Hosted and discussed zero waste strategies with Manager of Strategic Initiatives for Oxford County, Ontario, Canada. Led meeting of supermarket group to form consortium to increase redemption convenience. Presented on the history and future of the zero waste program to 25 French executives from Bouygues Construction and delegates from New Taipei City.

- ENERGY: Presented on SF Environment’s Solar + Energy Storage for Resilience project funded through a DOE grant at the New Mexico Energy Policy Summit. Following the summit, Senator Martin Heinrich (New Mexico) proposed legislation to extend the Federal renewable energy Investment Tax Credit to storage. Presentations on the same topic were also given at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study in Pacific Grove (note: SFEW staff also attended conference), Intersolar 2016/American Solar Energy Society in San Francisco, the Neighborhood Empowerment Network Hub, the BridgeSF Conference in Berkeley, and at the StopWaste regional meeting in Oakland.

- ENERGY: Presented a peer-reviewed paper of the Solar + Energy Storage for Resilience project at the conference of the American Council for Energy Efficient Economy, Solar Power International, and the World Energy Engineering Congress.

- ENERGY: Attended and presented at the Electric Vehicle Roadmap conference in Portland. Staff was a part of a panel discussion with other Smart City Challenge finalists. Staff also met with the Vulcan Foundation and the other five finalists who did not win the grant award to Page 7 discuss funding next steps. The outcome was the collaborative grant proposal submitted to DOE.

- ENERGY: Attended DOE Clean Cities Coordinator Workshop in Knoxville, an annual three-day training required by our DOE Clean Cities grant. DOE’s Clean Cities program advances economic, environmental and energy security by supporting local actions to cut petroleum use in transportation. Representatives from nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions from across the country also attended. - ENERGY: Hosted and presented at 100% Renewable Energy Dialog with North American cities.

- ENERGY: Attended meetings of the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition developing a proposal for separate administration of all local government energy efficiency programs statewide with the Local Government Commission. This would move the SF Energy Watch program to a local government-run administration.

- ENERGY: Attended the CAEECC meetings developing standards for business plans by administrators of energy efficiency programs.

- CLIMATE: Shawn Rosenmoss participated in conference that brought together climate scientists and artists to create collaborative projects to engage people on climate change and resiliency

- CLIMATE: Shawn Rosenmoss participated in pre-charette to solicit stakeholder input on scientific and technical needs related to advancing community sustainability

Other Noteworthy items (e.g., awards, milestones, open RFPs, outgoing grants, etc)

- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE – Sraddha Mehta joined SF PUC and SF Planning staff at the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) workshops in July and August. GARE representatives also participated at a SFE senior staff meeting and a SF directors’ meeting at City Hall, and provided information about equity training for SF and other cities in northern California and across the U.S.

- Debbie was named “Recycling Champion of the Year” by Californians Against Waste; Mary Williams, former Construction & Demolition Coordinator at the Department, was honored with the Outstanding Construction & Demolition Award at the California Resource Recovery Association’s annual conference in 2016. Read more about both awards in the Department’s press announcement: environment-director-debbie-raphael-named-recycling-champion-of-the-year

- ZERO WASTE: Hosted meeting of most San Francisco supermarkets to discuss container redemption convenience and formation of a consortium to address challenges to opening and operating new recycling options in SF. Submitted CY15 CalRecycle report documenting 14% citywide disposal increase. Recology started operating new optical sorter as part of Recycle Central upgrade and it is significantly improving material recovery. Received letter from Recology initiating refuse rate process. Facilitated two hour-long lunchtime “consumption conversations” with other SFE program areas including Toxics, EN, School Ed and Energy to discuss how to talk about buying-less and preventing waste with our various target audiences. Participated in three DocuSign trainings and spearheaded workgroup to convert paper forms

Page 8 to electronic and train staff on new procedures to reduce paper use and demonstrate best practices for other departments.

- ENERGY: Completed "Reaching 80x50: Technology Pathways for a Sustainable Future", an analysis by Siemens and SF Environment evaluating the environmental and economic benefits of 34 technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, energy, and transport. Key observation: energy efficiency and public transit are the bedrock of emissions reduction, but shared electric vehicles and replacement of natural-gas burning appliances with electric heat pumps are the two biggest impact actions, and are essential to meeting San Francisco's goals.

- Completed preliminary analysis of natural gas leaks in San Francisco homes. 28 leaks were recorded as part of home performance assessments in 109 homes. Now coordinating with a study by LBNL to determine the amount of natural gas this represents.

- The SFE/SF Public Library Greenstacks collaborative hosted more than 170 events, art installations, films, and workshops during the 2015/16 fiscal year at branch libraries throughout the city.

GLOSSARY ABAG: Association of Bay Area Governments ACCO: Association of Climate Change Officers AOA: Apartment Owners Association BAAQMD: Bay Area Air Quality Management District BOMA: Building Owners and Managers Association BayREN: Bay Area Regional Energy Network BC3: Business Council on Climate Change CAEECC: California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee CAISO: California Independent Systems Operator CalGreen: California State Green Building Code CARB: California Air Resources Board CEC: California Energy Commission CNCA: Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance CPUC: California Public Utilities Commission DBI: SF Department of Building Inspection DER: Distributed Energy Resources DOE: U.S. Department of Energy DPH: SF Public Health FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles ILG: Institute for Local Governments IOU: Investor Owned Utility IPM: Integrated Pest Management HERO: Home Energy Renovation Opportunity LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System LGC: Local Government Commission LGSEC: Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition Page 9 NCRA: Northern California Recycling Association PACE: Property Assessed Clean Energy PEV: Plug-in Electric Vehicle PV: Photovoltaic RAD: Rental Assistance Demonstration SFEECC: SF Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee SFEW: SF Energy Watch SFO: SF International Airport SFMTA: SF Municipal Transportation Agency SFPUC: SF Public Utilities Commission SFPW: SF Public Works Title-24 2016: California Energy Code 2016 version USDN: Urban Sustainability Directors Network USDOE: United States Department of Energy USDOT: United States Department of Transportation U.S. EPA: US Environmental Protection Agency USF: University of San Francisco USGBC: Unites States Green Building Council

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CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO COMMISSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT DIRECTOR’S REPORT July 26, 2016 ------This report covers San Francisco Department of the Environment updates for the period of May 1 – June 30, 2016

Residential Programs

- ZERO WASTE: Did composting and recycling outreach at 5 apartment buildings (818 units) and a presentation at Northridge Community Garden in Bayview Hunters Point, conducted refuse assessments at 13 (2,297 units) and a follow-up meeting at 1, and added composting at 14 and recycling at 8 by forwarding them to SFPW for enforcement.

- SCHOOL EDUCATION: Gave 13 assemblies/presentations to 785 students at eight schools and youth programs across the city (Districts 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11). Gave an office tour and zero-waste training to Mission Girls group.

- OUTREACH-TRANSPORTATION: Completed SF Moves pilot and are currently assessing the impact of the program.

- GREEN BUILDING: Residential PACE program updates: HERO has funded 19 projects worth $464,935 in project value; CaliforniaFIRST has approved 241 projects (either completed or under construction) worth $2,421,778 million in project value.

- OUTREACH-ENERGY: BayREN Single Family: Conducted canvassing outreach to promote the Home Upgrade program in engaged target audience through social media platform NextDoor to promote workshops and organized / led two outreach events: Noe Valley Summer Fest (6/18) and Noe Valley Library Event (6/25). Both events generated over 40 leads for the BayREN program.

- OUTREACH-ENERGY: Developed a second PACE video to share a homeowners perspective of why they chose PACE financing.

- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: Coordinated door-to-door IPM inspections by Pestec of all public housing units, which are being transferred from SF Housing Authority to affordable housing developers under RAD. Conducted model unit inspections for RAD’s Phase I sites, and completed IPM inspections of all Phase II housing units.

- CLIMATE: Participated in launch of planning phase for Owlized, a program to engage communities on Sea Level Rise planning and resiliency

- SF CARBON FUND (SFCF): Shawn Rosenmoss presented at the opening of Sisterhood Way Farm (funded by the SFCF) in the OceanView Merced Ingleside neighborhood (Districts 11 and 7)

- OUTREACH: Participated in 13 events including o Sunday Streets in Potrero Hill (5/1-District 10)

Page 1 o Supervisor Eric Mar’s Health Fair (5/7-District 1) - Toxics Reduction and Environmental Now staff interacted with the public and promoted healthy home tips, HHW disposal options, pharmaceutical take-back program, and zero waste. o Phil Ting’s Bike Fair (5/7: District 11) o Sunset Elementary School Festival (5/10: District 4) o UCSF Green Living Fair (5/12) o Family Fun Triathlon (5/19: District 8)) o Asian Heritage Festival in Civic Center (5/21) – Toxics Reduction Coordinator presented on the topic of used oil recycling to the Chinese speaking community. o Plaza East Housing Resource Fair for low-income families. EJ promoted IPM, Healthy Homes and Safe Medicine Disposal (6/4 District 5). o Summer Fest Zuckerberg General Hospital (6/10; District 9) – Toxics Reduction staff provided information on pharmaceutical take-back program and HHW disposal options to employees and patients at the hospital and the general public. o Sunday Streets Great Highway (6/12: Districts 1 and 4) o Juneteenth Festival at Bayview Opera House (6/17-18: District 10) o Noe Valley Summer Fest (6/18: District 8) o Green Streets 6th Anniversary event with Recology (5/26: District 5) - OUTREACH: Partnered on 3 community events including: o Community Clean Team in Bayview Hunters Point (5/21: District 10) o Carnaval- producers to give out re-usable bags and did outreach at the event of non- toxic cleaning (5/28-29 District 9) o Community Clean Team in Marina Middle School (6/18: District 2) - TOXICS REDUCTION: Conducted 8 Used Oil site visits to our Certified Collection Centers. Recruited 2 new used oil and filter collection sites in the Bayview and Mission District for a total of 24 drop-off sites.TOXICS REDUCTION: Performed an in-house mock inspection of our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility to ensure federal, state, and local compliance of hazardous waste regulatory requirements.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Wrapped up a three-month battery collection pilot program for residents at four San Francisco Public Library Branches, and received great feedback from participating librarians. Discussing next steps to expand the program.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Developed proposed regulations for how outreach and promotion should be performed for the Safe Drug Disposal Stewardship Ordinance, and held a public hearing regarding the proposed regulations.BIODIVERSITY: Delivered presentation to formerly homeless Treasure Island residents about the natural resources and biodiversity on Yerba Buena Island.

Commercial Programs

- ZERO WASTE: Diverted 9,541 tons at 6 demolitions (D2, 6, 8, 9 & 10). Conducted facility inspections at Marin Resource Recovery Center, Certified Blue Recycling and Commercial Waste & Recycling. Brought 35 commercial accounts into composting service compliance. Presented to 30 individuals from Webcor, Hotel Driscol, Scarlet Huntington Hotel, Oracle, City College of San Francisco, Cushman & Wakefield and Stanford Court Hotel. Trained 14 employees on zero waste at Parnassus Walgreens.

- OUTREACH-TRANSPORTATION: Revised the rules for the Emergency Ride Home program to allow anyone working in San Francisco to participate. Previously, employees could use the

Page 2 program only if their company had registered. The new program rules are currently being promoted through online ads.

ENERGY: SFE’s BayREN Multifamily program organized and hosted a Zero Net Energy (ZNE) workshop for multifamily property owners across the region. Over 50 building owners, managers, and developers attended, including large portfolio owners that expressed interest to apply the ZNE planning framework presented across multiple buildings. Participants learned about ZNE basics, heard how to finance ZNE projects from Chinatown Community Development Center (CEC ZNE grant recipient & SF BayREN program client). (6/24)

ENERGY: BayREN Commercial Business Plan Development – The BayREN Multifamily team assisted with 5-year budget projections submitted to Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) on June 20.

ENERGY: ABAG and SFE’s BayREN Multifamily Program team presented to the San Francisco Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee to describe ABAG’s role, BayREN and its programs (including SFE’s Multifamily program) and collective achievements to date. (6/20)

ENERGY: SFE and PG&E kicked off discussions on the next 3-year SF Energy Watch contract. SFE expressed desire to not see annual budget change and proposed innovative pilot projects eligible under new state legislation. PG&E was receptive. Next steps include meetings in late July / August with the utility on how best to develop proposed pilots (ex. Pay for Performance). (6/10)

ENERGY: Organized a meeting with the Mayor’s Office, Toyota and U.C. Berkeley to provide the auto manufacturer with an overview of the City’s Alternative Fuel Readiness Planning efforts (including hydrogen station development). Toyota provided an overview for their plans to roll out vehicle options in the next 5 years and provided test drive opportunities to meeting participants in their fuel cell electric vehicle. (6/21)

- ENERGY: Participated in the kickoff of the MarketZero project -- a CEC grant-funded 4-year project to retrofit an existing, operational Whole Foods Market in Noe Valley to near zero net energy using cutting-edge technologies, integrated design, and innovative operations (kickoff 5/13, site visit 6/24).

- ENERGY: As of June 3, compliance with the Existing Commercial Buildings Energy Ordinance requirements – Benchmarking reports due April 2016: 74%. (Excludes municipal facilities).

- GREEN BUILDING: In collaboration with the Department of Building Inspection and with assistance of consultants Urban Fabrick/Atelier 10, drafted update to San Francisco Green Building Code, which would upgrade the City’s requirements to LEED version 4, effective January 1, 2017. Hosted a public workshop reviewing the recommended update on June 20, and presented the recommendations to Department of Building Inspection Green Building Subcommittee for recommendation to the Building Inspection Commission.

- GREEN BUILDING: Collaborated with the Department of Technology and Planning Department to obtain a very detailed inventory of the footprints of all buildings in the city; this dataset will enable improved tracking and targeting of programs, including waste reduction, energy efficiency, water efficiency, and toxics.

Page 3 - CLIMATE: Shawn Rosenmoss presented at the San Francisco Interfaith Council Annual Resiliency Conference on city programs and resources available for faith based organizations—energy, zero waste, toxics reduction, water conservation, greening(5/4)TOXICS REDUCTION/GREEN BUSINESS PROGRAM: There are currently 225 Recognized Green Businesses and 117 businesses in process. On July 21, we have a mixer planned for currently recognized Green Businesses.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: There are now 34 recognized Healthy Nail Salons in San Francisco and 12 in process, out of a total of approximately 250 nail salons in San Francisco. We have a goal of 50 recognized Healthy Nail Salons by the end of June 2017.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: There are now 36 furniture retailers in San Francisco that have pledged to sell furniture that is free of chemical flame retardants, out of approximately 170 furniture retailers in the City. We are working toward a goal of 50 pledged retailers.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Ongoing outreach to small and medium businesses throughout SF about hazardous waste disposal and Very Small Quantity Generator Program. Environment Now spoke with 144 business owners

City Department Programs

- ZERO WASTE: Met with Mayor’s Office, SFMTA, SFPW and Recology on zero waste facility and new bus rapid transit plans. Completed Resource Conservation Ordinance BOS annual report which summarized our City Government zero waste efforts. Met with Supervisor Tang, SFPW, SFPUC, and Lincoln High students and teachers to discuss waste prevention, and public space recycling and composting. Met with SFPW to gain buy-in for upcoming public refuse receptacle Enevo sensor test to determine if they will help reduce overflow, verify collection and make routing more efficient. Met with SFPUC to discuss conducting additional bottled water ban ordinance outreach and education. Met with Recology, Green Streets and SFMTA to launch recycling and composting improvement at latter’s top 17 facilities. Conducted audit of 311’s facilities, reconfigured bin setup and presented to 35 staff. Met with SFO new zero waste committee to discuss improving source separation at airport businesses and presented debris recovery requirements to City representatives and contractors working on Consolidated Administration Campus Project there. Met with Office of Contract Administration to add Treasure Island Development Authority accounts to City refuse agreement and prepare procedures for 7/1 rate increase. Met with Controller’s Office to discuss integrating green purchasing requirements into future Financial Systems Project. Participated in green purchasing behavior change roundtable and put together action plans to address various challenges. Led conference call with two Italian professors who developed equipment to process street sweepings for recycling and composting. Conducted DPH Southeast Mission Geriatric Clinic audit to determine zero waste opportunities and presented to 20 staff. Trained 20 new DPH Laguna Honda Hospital staff on zero waste. Conducted audits at Betty Ann Ong, Gene Friend, Eureka Valley, Mission, Harvey Milk, Upper Noe Valley, Tenderloin, Golden Gate Park, Moscone, St. Mary’s, Sunset, Sharon Arts Studio, Joseph Lee, Richmond, Minnie & Lovie Ward, Hamilton, Palega, Bernal Heights and Potrero Hill Recreation and Park centers.

- OUTREACH-TRANSPORTATION: Grew the municipal Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits program from 5499 participants to 6290, exceeding our participation goals by nearly 60 percent.

- OUTREACH- ENVIRONMENT NOW: Environment Now has engaged with 632 businesses since the launch of this year’s Zero Waste participation campaign (small-to-medium

Page 4 sized businesses). The team has trained 1,942 owners, managers, and employees throughout all 11 Districts and 25% of the conversations and trainings were delivered in another language. These languages include, , Mandarin, Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese. Overall, 551 of the businesses engaged are actively increasing participation in the Zero waste program or are compliant.

- ENERGY: Toured Thurgood Marshall high school with SFPUC staff planning an energy storage pilot at that municipal facility. Presented SFE’s U.S. DOE Solar + Storage system sizing tool developed by our project consultant Arup. Tool is applicable for sizing a solar + battery system for shelter operations at the school in case of a natural disaster.

- ENERGY: Held Distributed Energy Resources working group meetings (formerly Solar Working Group) at SFPUC to discuss proposed changes to GoSolarSF incentives with external stakeholders.

- GREEN BUILDING: Educating city design and construction professionals on LEED v4 through webinars and study sessions.

- GREEN BUILDING: Advising SF Public Works Green Building Committee on codes and standards.

- GREEN BUILDING: Assisting with instituting an Integrative Design Process at SF Public Works.

- GREEN BUILDING: Updated stormwater management requirements with SFO and SFPUC.

- GREEN BUILDING: Reached agreement with SFO and SFPUC on Non-potable Water reuse requirements.

- GREEN BUILDING: Advising Real Estate Division and SF Public Works on establishing a city specification for Building Management Systems.

- GREEN BUILDING: Commissioned a study to inform building code updates to analyze the commonalities and differences among LEED v4, CalGreen 2016 and Title-24 2016.

- GREEN BUILDING: SF Municipal Green Building Task Force heard presentations on SFPUC Building Commissioning Program; SF Public Safety Building, SF Alternate Water Supply system and Buildings Alive, a human-centric energy efficiency program.

- CLIMATE: City departments have all received their carbon emissions reports. We are waiting for departments to provide their highlights of last year’s activities that reduce emissions.

- TOXICS REDUCTION/GREEN PURCHASING: Completed review of the best rechargeable batteries with Responsible Purchasing Network; published on Will be centerpiece for outreach with City departments in coming months.

- TOXICS REDUCTION/GREEN PURCHASING: Multiple meetings with Financials Systems Project Team at Controllers Office to integrate green purchasing into new city accounting/procurement system. The new Financial Systems Project is projected to be live in Summer 2017.

Page 5 - TOXICS REDUCTION/GREEN PURCHASING: Received 2016 “EPEAT Purchaser Award for Excellence in Sustainable Purchasing of Electronics” from Green Electronics Council at National Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council in DC.

- TOXICS REDUCTION/INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT: Meetings with Rec & Park, Public Works, Airport, and PUC regarding SFE’s request for information on potential for further herbicide reduction

- TOXICS REDUCTION/IPM: Finalized 2015 City pesticide use data for publication on website.

- BIODIVERSITY: Delivered BETA Biodiversity Training at Planning Department to multiple City Departmental representatives for feedback and refinement.

New/Revised Legislation and/or City Hall activity - ZERO WASTE: The Board of Supervisors voted 11-0 in favor of President Breed’s Food Service and Packaging Waste Reduction Ordinance to expand ban on polystyrene foam and require compostable or recyclable products. Assisted CA Legislative Analyst with digest for plastic bag ban proposition. Met with Assemblymember Ting and Senator Leno to support CalRecycle cap & trade funding and sent them letters supporting AB 1577 (food donation tax credits). Testified at CARB meeting and sent letter supporting organics landfill ban in proposed Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy. Met with East Bay Municipal Utility District to facilitate them digesting organics extracted from trash. Presented at Small Business Commission and Council of District Merchants meetings, and received letters of support for failed CA legislative effort to increase redemption convenience.

- GREEN BUILDING: Assisting SFPW Landscape Architecture to adopt SITES v2 rating system for parks and open space design.

- GREEN BUILDING: Municipal Green Building Task Force, which includes representatives from 12 City departments, is reviewing draft and providing input for amending Environmental Code Chapter 7 to adopt LEED v4 for city construction projects.

- GREEN BUILDING: Representing Department on the Port of San Francisco’s Waterfront Land Use Plan update.

Press and Media Highlights

- ZERO WASTE: Jack Macy was guest and debated gasification company rep on KALW radio “Let's Talk Trash” segment. Interviewed by Apolitical on soil carbon sequestration and zero waste contribution to reducing atmospheric CO2. [ energy-california#stream/0]

ENERGY: CleanPowerSF launched on May 1st, and the SF Chronicle highlighted the launch with a story featuring interviews with SFPUC leadership and Director Raphael. [ 7386921.php]

- ENERGY: San Francisco hosted the 7th Clean Energy Ministerial meeting of international energy leaders from June 1-2. Mayor Lee, Director Raphael, and other City agency leaders attended on behalf of the City. San Francisco signed the Pacific Coast Collaborative Agreement

Page 6 committing itself along with the City of Oakland, Los Angeles, Seattle, and the West Coast states to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [ 7957626.php#photo-9740545]

- ZERO WASTE: The Food Service Ware and Packaging Waste Reduction Ordinance, which bans a series of polystyrene foam products, passed a first reading by the Board of Supervisors at the end of June, which drew headlines locally and nationally in such publications as the SF Chronicle, Mother Jones, and Time.

o SF Chronicle: S.F. supervisors OK toughest ban on foam packaging in U.S. o Mother Jones: San Francisco Just Passed the Nation's Toughest Ban on Styrofoam o Time: San Francisco Bans Packing Peanuts, Coffee Cups and Other Foam Products

Staff Changes

- ZERO WASTE: Mary Williams retired after a very productive decade as our Construction and Demolition Debris Recovery Specialist.

- SCHOOL EDUCATION: Josephina Chand has finished her term as 9922 Associate.

- CLIMATE: Sachiko Tanikawa has moved to Department of Real Estate as the Chief Sustainability Officer. - OUTREACH: The Department is hosting two youth from Project Pull, the City’s initiative to expose high school aged youth to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields.

OUTREACH: The Department is hosting two youth from YouthWorks, the Mayor’s summer employment program for high school aged youth.

INTERNS: The Department is hosting seven volunteer interns from local universities in Energy, Environmental Justice, Climate, Biodiversity and Zero Waste.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Harshdeep Dhillon joined the Department on July 11th as the new 9922 Residential Toxics Reduction Associate. He is responsible for managing the network of retail collection sites for Household Hazardous Waste items such as household batteries, fluorescent lights, and paint. - RFP’s posted/ Outgoing Grants and Contracts Awarded (who/amount/ summary)

Proposals Submitted (who/amount/grant summary) - ENERGY: U.S. DOT Smart City Challenge grant (5/24). Seven finalists nationwide competed for $50 million dollar award ($40 million USDOT; $10 million Vulcan Foundation). San Francisco was the only finalist in the State of California. SFE wrote the Vulcan component, which focused on electrifying fleets (public and private) in San Francisco, decarbonizing our electricity supply, supporting PEV infrastructure deployment and creating consumer demand for EVs. Result: The City not selected by U.S. DOT as the U.S. DOT Smart City Challenge winner (Columbus, Ohio) however, Vulcan is seeking additional resources to ensure projects included in SFEs proposal receive funding.

Page 7 - ENERGY: Submitted a proposal to the U.S. DOE Cities- LEAP (Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning) to develop a framework for local governments to perform data-driven integrated Distributed Energy Resource planning, and pilot the framework in San Francisco. SFE and the Center for Sustainable Energy will highlight where and how DER deployment will support societal goals of city planning efforts, net grid benefits, and enable consumer choice. This work will also improve IOU/state load and DER forecasts by incorporating local land use and DER plans into forecasts, which will lead to better accounting for how DERs will contribute to the achievement of state and local climate goals. (6/23; $350,000).

- ENERGY: Submitted a concept paper to U.S. DOE Vehicle Technologies Multi-Topic grant (Area of Interest 3: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Community Partner Projects) for a range of projects including electrifying fleets (public and private) in San Francisco, decarbonizing the electricity supply, supporting PEV infrastructure deployment and creating consumer demand for EVs. The opportunity provides preference to the U.S. DOT Smart City Challenge finalists not selected for its $50 million dollar award. Partners include Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Institute and CALSTART, in addition to the cities of Berkeley, Fremont and Oakland. (Concept paper submitted 7/7; $5 million dollars. Full proposal due 8/29)

- ENERGY: The City has also been included in a second concept paper submitted to U.S. DOE Vehicle Technologies Multi-Topic grant (Area of Interest 3: Alternative Fuel Vehicle Community Partner Projects) being led by the Electrification Coalition and includes the other U.S. DOT Smart City Challenge finalists. Each city will include a project from Vulcan proposal in this joint application. (Concept paper submitted 7/7; $5 million dollars. Full proposal due 8/29)

- ENERGY: Submitted a request to the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance RealIZE to develop a business model for the SF Bay Area that aggregates demand for residential zero net energy retrofits among common building types to manufacturer / package solutions to drive deep energy efficiency measures in existing buildings. Partners include: multiple CNCA cities, neighboring communities (Palo Alto and Oakland), the Rocky Mountain Institute and the Net Zero Energy Coalition. (5/26; final full proposal due 7/14; $110,000)

- CLIMATE: Nominated the SF Carbon Fund for an award from the US Conference of Mayors— first place is a $25,000 grant to a local community based organization.

- ENERGY: Nominated the overall Energy Efficiency program for a C-40 Cities Award.

Grants Received (who/amount)

- ENERGY:The USDOE awarded BayREN/ABAG a $1.4 million dollar grant (of $2 million proposed) grant to identify small and medium commercial buildings that are candidates for deep energy upgrades (up to zero net energy)), provide streamlined financing of those upgrades, and utilize rebates from Energy Watch programs. Partners include Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory who will develop software to support a new BayREN program. SFE led development of the proposal, and San Francisco is the core participating county.

- ENERGY: USDOE awarded a $250,000 grant for the “Advancing Fuel Cell Vehicles in San Francisco and Beyond” project to accelerate the market for fuel cell electric vehicles by conducting education and training to target audiences, provide mechanisms to reduce the

Page 8 cost of purchase for consumers and create streamlined permitting requirements for fueling infrastructure. Funding was provided to only one of the 16 nationally designated Climate Action Champion cities. - - CLIMATE: The Urban Sustainability Directors Network awarded a $40,000 grant to outline the hidden costs and potential carbon emissions of leaks in the natural gas distribution system.

- ZERO WASTE: The Urban Sustainability Directors Network awarded $50,000 for a joint project with Providence, RI and Surrey, BC to prevent plastic pollution.

- SF CARBON FUND: The Green Meeting Industry Council invested $5000 in the SF Carbon Fund to mitigate the emissions related to its annual fundraising event - - TOXICS REDUCTION: As part of a regional application CalRecycle awarded Alameda County, City and County of San Francisco, Marin County, and San Mateo County $59,431 to implement a temporary collection program for pyrotechnic visual distress signaling devices (marine flares).

Public Events/Conferences (e.g., conferences attended, speaking engagements, travel for work, etc) - ZERO WASTE: Presented on zero waste and facilitated Recology tours for 16 Denmark elected officials and industry representatives. Met with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Alternative Biofuels Group and Recology on possible U.S. DOE funded research partnership to develop fuel from black bin recovered organics. Met with U.S. EPA and head of South Australia EPA to share our zero waste story and learn about their efforts. Facilitated Recology tour and meeting with San Carlos Apache Tribe and U.S. EPA. Accepted 40 under 40 award and presented on our organics diversion program at WasteExpo in Las Vegas. Participated in 4th meeting of California Council on Carpet Recycling to assist Carpet America Recovery Effort in developing their plan for recycling improvements. Served as panelist at Women in Cleantech and Sustainability event.. Participated in 2nd Chinatown Zero Waste Community Council and facilitated continued dialog. Held annual Zero Waste planning retreat.

- GREEN BUILDING: Rich Chien presented at the Association of Energy Service Providers (AESP) Lunch and Learn on Commercial PACE June 3.

- GREEN BUILDING: Rich Chien and Barry Hooper spoke at Statewide Energy Efficiency Council (SEEC) conference for local governments June 14-16.

- GREEN BUILDING: Mark Palmer participated in Net Zero Energy at SFO ( 6/2)

- ENERGY: Cal Broomhead hosted the LGSEC quarterly meeting, 55 local government representatives (5/20.

- ENERGY: Kacia Brockman presented on U.S. DOE Solar + Storage for Resilience project at the LGSEC Quarterly meeting.

- ENERGY: Kacia Brockman conducted a stakeholder work session to explore financing strategies for Solar + Storage installations.

Page 9 - ENERGY: Barry Hooper presented at the Statewide Energy Efficiency Conference in a panel discussion about leading cities’ innovative energy policies including benchmarking, and participated in a plenary discussion of city innovation and sustainability. (6/15-16)

- ENERGY: Barry Hooper presented San Francisco’s suite of energy policies and lessons learned at the launch of Building Research Enterprise (BRE)’s launch in the United States of the BREEAM In Use rating system. BREEAM in Use intends to provide a simple and low-cost means for any commercial building owner or tenant to engage in continuous improvement of energy performance, indoor air quality, water use, and clean materials.

- ENERGY: Jessie Denver presented at the ACT Conference in Long Beach on the City’s alternative fuel / electrification of transportation goals and achievements. The City also participated in a closed door meeting with auto manufacturers and the West Coast cities of LA, Portland, Seattle and the State of CA to discuss a pending RFI for municipal fleet procurement, and the need for the industry to produce a plug-in light duty truck. (5/4-5)

- ENERGY: Shawn Rosenmoss was selected by USDOE as one of 15 women to participate in an international STEM Educators training as part of the Clean Energy Ministerial. (5/31-6/1)

- ENERGY: Jessie Denver joined SFMTA (6 representatives’ total) to present the City’s Smart City Challenge grant application to the U.S. DOT/Vulcan evaluation committee in Washington D.C. on 6/8-9. The City was not awarded funding.

- ENERGY: Jessie Denver attended the annual Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance meeting in Oslo, Norway providing two brief presentations on current and pending CNCA grants and participating in a two-day leadership workshop. (6/18-22)

- ENERGY: Cal Broomhead and Kacie Brockman attended U.S. DOE Solar Market Pathways Leadership Academy for grant awardees to increase the impact and reach of our projects. Built relationship with New York project team also working on Solar + Storage for Resilience (6/7-8).

- ENERGY: Barry Hooper presented San Francisco’s suite of energy policies and lessons learned at the Bay Area Advancement of Zero Net Energy kickoff in Palo Alto, where Ed Mazria of Architecture 2030 presented an initial analysis indicating energy efficiency upgrades at time of sale are necessary in order to meet long-term GHG reduction targets.

- ENERGY: Cal Broomhead presented the Solar + Energy Storage project at the Distributed Energy Development and Deployment conference, Washington DC.

- ENERGY: Kacia Brockman and Debbie Raphael presented at, and Cal Broomhead and Shawn Rosenmoss attended the Solar + Energy Storage project at the conference of the American Solar Energy Society, San Francisco.

- CLIMATE: Cal Broomhead presented SFE’s climate program at the Climate Officer Certificate training program by the Association of Climate Change Officers.

- CLIMATE: Shawn Rosenmoss presented on the SF Carbon Fund to the Marin Climate and Energy Partnership, which is interested in starting a similar program in Marin. (5/5)

- CLIMATE: Shawn Rosenmoss introduced the Climate Music Project concert at Grace Cathedral, a project for which SFE is a content partner. The project brings climate data Page 10 scientists and composers together to interpret the data through music. Other partners include Interfaith Power and Light and Episcopal Charity Services. (6/3)

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Chris Geiger gave two presentations at National Conference of Urban Entomologies in Albuquerque, NM: On SF’s pest prevention activities in low-income housing, and on the incorporation of pest prevention and integrated pest management into the US Green Building Council’s LEED checklists.

- TOXICS REDUCTION: Jen Jackson and Jessian Choy presented draft regulations for reducing toxics in building materials and furniture at the July 14 Green Building Task Force.


o Shawn Rosenmoss presented to international sustainability professionals hosted by the State Dept. on the overlap between resiliency and sustainability (6/10) o Mei Ling Hui presented on urban forest policies to government officials from Korea (6/10) o Presented zero waste overview to 16 USF international freshman students.

Other Noteworthy items (e.g., awards, milestones, open RFPs, outgoing grants, etc) - ENERGY: SF Energy Watch Program is 55% to goal (800 kilowatts by November 2016) per PG&E contract with enough applications in the pipeline currently to meet / exceed goal.

- GREEN BUILDING: Good Eggs San Francisco at SF Wholesale Produce Market (8,847 square feet), SFO Delta Sky Club (10,336 square feet) and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (538,280 square feet) received new municipal LEED Gold certifications bringing total certified area to 6.8 million square feet.

- ALL PROGRAMS: Provided a training workshop to all program staff on unconscious bias. Launched a Department working group, which will identify training resources, host workshops and invite guest speakers to promote equity.

- CLIMATE: Completed the submittal to the Compact of Mayors on policies and programs– (organized during the lead up to the 2015 Paris climate talks, COP21).

- OUTREACH: SFE has launched its faith-based initiative that uses the 0-15-100-Roots Climate Action framework to provide comprehensive marketing all of the city’s environmental resources (Energy, Zero Waste, Toxics, Roots) to the 800 faith based institutions in San Francisco.

GLOSSARY ABAG: Association of Bay Area Governments ACCO: Association of Climate Change Officers AOA: Apartment Owners Association BAAQMD: Bay Area Air Quality Management District BOMA: Building Owners and Managers Association BayREN: Bay Area Regional Energy Network BC3: Business Council on Climate Change CAEECC: California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee

Page 11 CAISO: California Independent Systems Operator CalGreen: California State Green Building Code CARB: California Air Resources Board CEC: California Energy Commission CNCA: Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance CPUC: California Public Utilities Commission DBI: SF Department of Building Inspection DER: Distributed Energy Resources DPH: SF Public Health ILG: Institute for Local Governments IOU: Investor Owned Utility IPM: Integrated Pest Management HERO: Home Energy Renovation Opportunity LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System LGC: Local Government Commission LGSEC: Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition NCRA: Northern California Recycling Association PACE: Property Assessed Clean Energy PEV: Plug-in Electric Vehicle RAD: Rental Assistance Demonstration SFEECC: SF Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee SFO: SF International Airport SFMTA: SF Municipal Transportation Agency SFPUC: SF Public Utilities Commission SFPW: SF Public Works Title-24 2016: California Energy Code 2016 version USDOE: United States Department of Energy USDOT: United States Department of Transportation USF: University of San Francisco U.S. EPA: US Environmental Protection Agency USGBC: Unites States Green Building Council USDN: Urban Sustainability Directors Network

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