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J .. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City lP;stalbllS1U~<l in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - At> Leased Wire and Pboto Service Iowa City, la., Fridar, October 12, 1956 is a sort' his legs • I better"I • Olympic ace than · e lots. is short , mile. PS , '~e Says Me:I Can/t Use : 3~ ice ton Republi~ns, ~ HONG KONG (Friday) til - The WASHINGTON It! two-day death toll in tbe riots in Eisenhower said Thursdery Rep~. tbe British Crown Colooy o( Hong Iican Sens· Joseph MeCarlhy (.,.i Kong was set at 44, thoueh the ~ , troubled sectors were reported or· William Jenner (Ind) and GeorJe derly today_ Malone (Nev) do flot aaree wi}h Acting Gov. E. B. David said the him in many things and "I ' ~a.'t worst of the rioting shiftes! Thurs· look to them for help" In 18. day night to the mainland factory to put over a legislatiVe pM village of Tsun Wan, where 30 workers were killed in hand-to-hand grllm "for the good of the countr/" battles between Communist and Mr. Eisenhower said also anti·Communlst Chinese. "there is nothing that I can do Frenzied fighting Petw~1\ Chi say so·and·so , is Republican nese mobs alk1 pollee claimed at so·and-so is not a Republican."" least f4 other Iwe8 el~w\lere. , The President's remorks carne Of the total 44, 10 were known to at a news con{er~nce In response have died Thursdar in the cim~in\l to questions about an article Ing rioting in the northweSt Kow· Collier's mag87.lne, loon section Qf ~hl!\ BritiBh crb~n Raymond P. Brandt of the colony. The mainlan~ ,area borders Louis Post-Dispatch quoted Red China . Four othe,s had been article by Paul Hoffman, killed In the early stJlges of the (oreign aid ' a'dministrator In the rioting. Truman admJnistralion, as say David had said earUer that at Ing Malone, Jenner and McCarthy RIOTING CHINESE BARRICADE strHtt during an anti·Communlst damonstratlon in Sham Shui Pe, least 100 were f~ared slainIft\.loIli! ' have "no place in the new Repub· K_loon, the mainland part of Hong Kong adloin ing Red China Thursday. The rioting in the British Communist factiooQI clashes In Iican party." Crown Colony burst forth from celebrations of th e Chin ... Double Ten holiday, Tsun Wan. All three of the senators will be The new figu,.. wu announced in the new Senate as hold-ove~ after the ,0vlll1J'1lent public rela m2mbers. None is up for re-elec .. tions oCCice made a recheck. lion this year. Holfman is aRe, .. Pep Rally Thousands o( anU-Communist publican. Young GOP Offers Chinese ran amok Wednesday when "Let's remember, there I A Pep R,lIy at 7: 15 in the a Chinese housiiig official· of the national parties in the "Library Parking lot will lend Hong Kon, goveroment starled rip States. There are 48 state t". Hawk\ into the Iowa 'Ping down Nationalist flags. FrOm then they are the ones ' Wllconling~me with win Mock ~ ·Election· Aid clashes with police, the mobs pro· mine the people that ,"Ing spirits. gressed to scattered attacks on for·' those parties," Pdt. Ei!icnI10\l'er I .n The SUI Young Republicaris offered their " full support" Thursday eigners and fll)lIlly engaged il' said. Two car c~ravans, one be- for a campus mock election. bloody battles with Chinese Com· "There is nothing I can. do to 91nning at Fraternity Row Mark Pulney, La, Gladbrook, president oC the Young Republicans, munists. say that no one is. not a Re~PII- ,a~d one at ~rcrternity Circle, said a mock election would: David finally called out BrlUsh cali. rrhe most r can say is at will brin9 ~tudents to the 1. "Bring about a heightening of interest in polilical.goverm'nental troops Thursday ~ght tb help Hong in many things they do nqt a ee rally. ac\ivity. Kong's 6,000 Chinese, British and with me. Theretore. in looklft or Students are ' urged to ~. "Offer a greater awareness" Pakistani poilce and the civilian help to 'get over a program, w h ,lIrln9 their~.ds and dates Knowland To ,Meet to the student of his duly as a citi· police reserves put down the rehel- Is the SQle)lql'po&e bC~I~1 to the Pe" Rally bef"re go zcn. lious mobs, ,'. - leadership, a~ P see It, for tM lng 'on to .~ Dave 'rubeck 3. "Give a valuable impetus In Kowloon, mainland part oC ' the HEIRESSES TO THE TIfRONE? Ann Cooper, AI, Cedar Rapids, Virginia Catdwetl, A2, Iowa City goqd o( l~ cOuqtry," I ,enn 't,Jook ' C~n~e~ at 'n,e 'Iowa Memor Cedar Rapids GOP the educational path of every stu· British crown colony, was onder Ind Sandy BrQwn, . Al; Mechaniclville were .mon g 24 girls .elected by their housing units to be at Ulcm, look to themJ lor By DAVE MITCHEL.L. dent." conditfons resembling marUalla\V. Int.rviewed by the Dolphin ,Club to reign as thei r que,n. But there is no-we ' bav!!' 'got ,-j.,1 Union, • remember' that these arc state' or. T". HCI)jV Pep Club will CEDAR RAPIDS - Sen. William A proposal for a mock election A curfeW. was clamped on its Qlle --------------~--------~------------------ F. Knowland (R-Calif.) will arrive was first offered by Paul Carlsten, and one half. million people from ganlzations., and . theTe Is nothing present a ' it on football in Cedar Rapids today to speak G, Iowa City, presiden~ of th SUI 7:30 p.m. to 10 a.m. ~ D.olphin Club 'Meets I can do to say SCHInd-so is ·.Re- 'scouting a~~ its probleml. at a GOP fund raISing dinner. Young Democrals. He suggested The government reported the Martin Says .Industry publJcan and 8O-and-so is not Re· Stubb ~on, member of Knowland, will leave Ottumwa that only students of vOling age. be number of Injured persons in bos· , . ublican." f I , . - P SUI',1913- ootbal t"ams, at noon and arrive at the Cedar allowed to participate in the clec· pita Is at 143. Queen Candidates At Appleton, Wis., McCarthy de- {~iJ1 speak, _ ' e1ined comment on the Ptesident's _____"...... ______ Rapids Moniei· tion. Tsun Wan has a number or' smllll Members of the Dolphin Club in· pal airport at 4:05 Putney, however, proposed that enamelware and textile industries Key to Farm' Problem remarks. He said be ~ad not read terviewed 24 girls Cram women's p.m, in his special all SUI students should vote in the built by refugees from Red Shan. the article by 'Paul HoUman in '-',f',·ze· n' plane, "The Bill election. If recor(i 0(, the ghaL But the biggest indus.try' is housing units Thursday night in By TOM SL.ATTERY l of Adlai Stevenson, such as his Colliers and did not "intend to US••' 'i:,' moc~ a- Knowland Speci· political preferences oC voUng age the South China Iron Works, most their £irst ' step to select the 1956 . Mechanization of farming is pull- extension of medical aid proposals, waste time doing so. ' I ~ ~ . I .. Dolphin Queen. al." students is desired, he suggested of whose employes are pro·COm· ing the farmer ocr the farm, not as evidence of the Democrats be Jenner had this comment: political parties, U.S. Senator Tom onvfCted on F 0 I ] 0 win g a the use of difCetent colored ballots. munist. , . The queen will be announced and lief in "big governml'nt and bur "I support 'President Eisen- · 'presented at the opening of the Martin CRep. ) said in an informal h ' press conference Carlsten, wheo informed of PuC- David, acting governor in Ole abo eaucracy." Martin ~aid that bur hower when I think he is right at 4:30 p,m., he ney's plan Cor separate ballots for !lence of Gov. Sir Alexander Gr~lnt. Dolphin Show, "Festival of Ven talk to SUI Young Republicans in and 1 don't when 1 think he is 'S',p' y' "17'\;. arge' ice," Nov. 1. She will reign with Old Capitol Thusday night. eaucrats are not infallible and that will meet with students under 21 and legally eligi· ham. said the q:ouble "now 'ap wrong." ' \l ',. GOP leaders and ble student voters, said it would pears to involve. inter faction fiiht. her four attendants, over the show A small industry development it is "better for the people to work The Indiana senlltor ' laid J.ERU~LEM, Isracil Sector !M- .running {rom Nov. 1 through at 6:30 p.m., he "be even more advantageous." ing between members of the left program for lowa is the answer to things out for themselv(>~." frequently d1lfered with the Presi- ~ary Frances Ha.gan, 2ll, a U·S. KNOWLAND will be guC!!t of d ri h . Th' Nov. 4. the farm problem, ., Nuclear test bans, favored by dent on foreIgn aid ' aM loreign ~Uz~h, .. wa~ cOlJ,vlcted as ~ §Py honor at the dinner In the Roose- "It would make it possible to de· . an g t,wlDg movements. , IS 1'he 24 entrants, selected by their Martin said. This termine variations in voting be· fighting, is. reported to ,have taken Stevenson, were attacked by Mar- policy but believel his stand is hursday m Jer.usalem DlStrlpt yell Hotel. , I t .. ~"'" f f t d , housing units, were narrowed to 10 would allow many tin, who said that even though we supported by IllbSt of u.e peOple c~r.t.