J .. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City lP;stalbllS1U~<l in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - At> Leased Wire and Pboto Service Iowa City, la., Fridar, October 12, 1956 is a sort' his legs • I better"I • Olympic ace than · e lots. is short , mile. PS , '~e Says Me:I Can/t Use : 3~ ice ton Republi~ns, ~ HONG KONG (Friday) til - The WASHINGTON It! two-day death toll in tbe riots in Eisenhower said Thursdery Rep~. tbe British Crown Colooy o( Hong Iican Sens· Joseph MeCarlhy (.,.i Kong was set at 44, thoueh the­ ~ , troubled sectors were reported or· William Jenner (Ind) and GeorJe derly today_ Malone (Nev) do flot aaree wi}h Acting Gov. E. B. David said the him in many things and "I ' ~a.'t worst of the rioting shiftes! Thurs· look to them for help" In 18.­ day night to the mainland factory to put over a legislatiVe pM­ village of Tsun Wan, where 30 workers were killed in hand-to-hand grllm "for the good of the countr/" battles between Communist and Mr. Eisenhower said also anti·Communlst Chinese. "there is nothing that I can do Frenzied fighting Petw~1\ Chi­ say so·and·so , is Republican nese mobs alk1 pollee claimed at so·and-so is not a Republican."" least f4 other Iwe8 el~w\lere. , The President's remorks carne Of the total 44, 10 were known to at a news con{er~nce In response have died Thursdar in the cim~in\l­ to questions about an article Ing rioting in the northweSt Kow· Collier's mag87.lne, loon section Qf ~hl!\ BritiBh crb~n Raymond P. Brandt of the colony. The mainlan~ ,area borders Louis Post-Dispatch quoted Red China . Four othe,s had been article by Paul Hoffman, killed In the early stJlges of the (oreign aid ' a'dministrator In the rioting. Truman admJnistralion, as say­ David had said earUer that at Ing Malone, Jenner and McCarthy RIOTING CHINESE BARRICADE strHtt during an anti·Communlst damonstratlon in Sham Shui Pe, least 100 were f~ared slainIft\.loIli! ' have "no place in the new Repub· K_loon, the mainland part of Hong Kong adloin ing Red China Thursday. The rioting in the British Communist factiooQI clashes In Iican party." Crown Colony burst forth from celebrations of th e Chin ... Double Ten holiday, Tsun Wan. All three of the senators will be The new figu,.. wu announced in the new Senate as hold-ove~ after the ,0vlll1J'1lent public rela­ m2mbers. None is up for re-elec­ .. tions oCCice made a recheck. lion this year. Holfman is aRe, .. Pep Rally Thousands o( anU-Communist publican. Young GOP Offers Chinese ran amok Wednesday when "Let's remember, there I A Pep R,lIy at 7: 15 in the a Chinese housiiig official· of the national parties in the "Library Parking lot will lend Hong Kon, goveroment starled rip­ States. There are 48 state t". Hawk\ into the Iowa­ 'Ping down Nationalist flags. FrOm then they are the ones ' Wllconling~me with win­ Mock ~ ·Election· Aid clashes with police, the mobs pro· mine the people that ,"Ing spirits. gressed to scattered attacks on for·' those parties," Pdt. Ei!icnI10\l'er I .n The SUI Young Republicaris offered their " full support" Thursday eigners and fll)lIlly engaged il' said. Two car c~ravans, one be- for a campus mock election. bloody battles with Chinese Com· "There is nothing I can. do to 91nning at Fraternity Row Mark Pulney, La, Gladbrook, president oC the Young Republicans, munists. say that no one is. not a Re~PII- ,a~d one at ~rcrternity Circle, said a mock election would: David finally called out BrlUsh cali. rrhe most r can say is at will brin9 ~tudents to the 1. "Bring about a heightening of interest in polilical.goverm'nental troops Thursday ~ght tb help Hong in many things they do nqt a ee rally. ac\ivity. Kong's 6,000 Chinese, British and with me. Theretore. in looklft or Students are ' urged to ~. "Offer a greater awareness" Pakistani poilce and the civilian help to 'get over a program, w h ,lIrln9 their~.ds and dates Knowland To ,Meet to the student of his duly as a citi· police reserves put down the rehel- Is the SQle)lql'po&e bC~I~1 to the Pe" Rally bef"re go­ zcn. lious mobs, ,'. - leadership, a~ P see It, for tM lng 'on to .~ Dave 'rubeck 3. "Give a valuable impetus In Kowloon, mainland part oC ' the HEIRESSES TO THE TIfRONE? Ann Cooper, AI, Cedar Rapids, Virginia Catdwetl, A2, Iowa City goqd o( l~ cOuqtry," I ,enn 't,Jook ' C~n~e~ at 'n,e 'Iowa Memor­ Cedar Rapids GOP the educational path of every stu· British crown colony, was onder Ind Sandy BrQwn, . Al; Mechaniclville were .mon g 24 girls .elected by their housing units to be at Ulcm, look to themJ lor By DAVE MITCHEL.L. dent." conditfons resembling marUalla\V. Int.rviewed by the Dolphin ,Club to reign as thei r que,n. But there is no-we ' bav!!' 'got ,-j.,1 Union, • remember' that these arc state' or. T". HCI)jV Pep Club will CEDAR RAPIDS - Sen. William A proposal for a mock election A curfeW. was clamped on its Qlle --------------~--------~------------------ F. Knowland (R-Calif.) will arrive was first offered by Paul Carlsten, and one half. million people from ganlzations., and . theTe Is nothing present a ' it on football in Cedar Rapids today to speak G, Iowa City, presiden~ of th SUI 7:30 p.m. to 10 a.m. ~ D.olphin Club 'Meets I can do to say SCHInd-so is ·.Re- 'scouting a~~ its probleml. at a GOP fund raISing dinner. Young Democrals. He suggested The government reported the Martin Says .Industry publJcan and 8O-and-so is not Re· Stubb ~on, member of Knowland, will leave Ottumwa that only students of vOling age. be number of Injured persons in bos· , . ublican." f I , . - P SUI',1913- ootbal t"ams, at noon and arrive at the Cedar allowed to participate in the clec· pita Is at 143. Queen Candidates At Appleton, Wis., McCarthy de- {~iJ1 speak, _ ' e1ined comment on the Ptesident's _____"...... ______ Rapids Moniei· tion. Tsun Wan has a number or' smllll Members of the Dolphin Club in· pal airport at 4:05 Putney, however, proposed that enamelware and textile industries Key to Farm' Problem remarks. He said be ~ad not read terviewed 24 girls Cram women's p.m, in his special all SUI students should vote in the built by refugees from Red Shan. the article by 'Paul HoUman in '-',f',·ze· n' plane, "The Bill election. If recor(i 0(, the ghaL But the biggest indus.try' is housing units Thursday night in By TOM SL.ATTERY l of Adlai Stevenson, such as his Colliers and did not "intend to US••' 'i:,' moc~ a- Knowland Speci· political preferences oC voUng age the South China Iron Works, most their £irst ' step to select the 1956 . Mechanization of farming is pull- extension of medical aid proposals, waste time doing so. ' I ~ ~ . I .. Dolphin Queen. al." students is desired, he suggested of whose employes are pro·COm· ing the farmer ocr the farm, not as evidence of the Democrats be­ Jenner had this comment: political parties, U.S. Senator Tom onvfCted on F 0 I ] 0 win g a the use of difCetent colored ballots. munist. , . The queen will be announced and lief in "big governml'nt and bur­ "I support 'President Eisen- · 'presented at the opening of the Martin CRep. ) said in an informal h ' press conference Carlsten, wheo informed of PuC- David, acting governor in Ole abo eaucracy." Martin ~aid that bur­ hower when I think he is right at 4:30 p,m., he ney's plan Cor separate ballots for !lence of Gov. Sir Alexander Gr~lnt. Dolphin Show, "Festival of Ven­ talk to SUI Young Republicans in and 1 don't when 1 think he is 'S',p' y' "17'\;. arge' ice," Nov. 1. She will reign with Old Capitol Thusday night. eaucrats are not infallible and that will meet with students under 21 and legally eligi· ham. said the q:ouble "now 'ap­ wrong." ' \l ',. GOP leaders and ble student voters, said it would pears to involve. inter faction fiiht. her four attendants, over the show A small industry development it is "better for the people to work The Indiana senlltor ' laid J.ERU~LEM, Isracil Sector !M- .running {rom Nov. 1 through at 6:30 p.m., he "be even more advantageous." ing between members of the left program for lowa is the answer to things out for themselv(>~." frequently d1lfered with the Presi- ~ary Frances Ha.gan, 2ll, a U·S. KNOWLAND will be guC!!t of d ri h . Th' Nov. 4. the farm problem, ., Nuclear test bans, favored by dent on foreIgn aid ' aM loreign ~Uz~h, .. wa~ cOlJ,vlcted as ~ §Py honor at the dinner In the Roose- "It would make it possible to de· . an g t,wlDg movements. , IS 1'he 24 entrants, selected by their Martin said. This termine variations in voting be· fighting, is. reported to ,have taken Stevenson, were attacked by Mar- policy but believel his stand is hursday m Jer.usalem DlStrlpt yell Hotel. , I t .. ~"'" f f t d , housing units, were narrowed to 10 would allow many tin, who said that even though we supported by IllbSt of u.e peOple c~r.t.
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