NEALTINE and Meat De(Lt. Chi^Roll »69 Pot Roast 3 5 5 9 6 9 '
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■t W i ' r ■' V . i >'/: •/ ¥s..I' i ^OBTWmY-FOUB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1966 Avaragir Daily Net PreM Run Tha Waatkar. F m - the W m V Kad#d ^attrliP0t(r lEtt^nins ISmtUt Oot a. itM ' - ■ It .e V. 8. Wi FiUr. Helen Da'vldirdn Lodge, No. M, Miss Zlisabeth Bonturl's first Miaa Jean Macfarlan, Garden u oO tm U m g Daughters .of • Scolla,'wtir hold 'a grade .won the-attendance banner Apta., Had aa weekend guests Mrs. 1 2 ,2 8 3 tonight m M tetn tia y . A bou t Tow n meeting at the Masonic Temple et the Nathan Hale PTA meeting Aghea DeRemer, her, niece and M tm h» mt tk. Avdit tonight. I.OTr S«-«a^ tomorrow night at 7:46., ' this week Instead of the fifth nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bu n m . f OUcalatiMi •a-86. ' "lly faltlj In My Job,” the lec- grade, as previously reported. ^ Hin, and Masters James and ' Pinehurst at PE^Mam.s.O aiid Friday Nights Till 9d)0 M ancheMter-—^A City o f Village Charm oa d ln • ••tie* of dlscuMion*. will Brendan Shea, son of Mr. and George Hln, all of Paterson, N. J. be belli tonight *t « o’clock in the Mrs. William J. Shea. Boulder Rd., The American . Legion ., Auxil yiMlenUon room »t Center Con- has recently been pledged to Alpha iary will meet .Monday nlghj, at 8 The legular weekly meeting of i T0fc^t.xxvf, NO. 11 , / (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER^, 1956 (ClnNlfled Advertlilng on Pago 18) PRICE. PgrECENTR gregetlonal Chui^h. Particijianle Chi Rho at Trinity. College. A' o'clock at the‘ Legion Home. The King David Lodge, No^ 31. lOOF, ' i n ^ e penel, which will be pre- sophomore, he. is active In soccer, two girls Avho attended Girls' will be held tn-,Odd Fellows- Hall elded over ‘by >*r the' R ev^lifford O basketball and baseball. t State last summer, Linda Toth and tomorrow night at 7:30.. The Slmpaon. will be John Cronin. Katherine Fagan, will be guests meeting will be fmlowcd by .a Devld McComb and Edward ,J. A son. 'fhomas Stanyer Latham and Will tlilk on their experiences. social bou^, arid refreshiriehtS^’lU Nind^ined Thome- '’ The , Rev. R. Russell Jr., was born yesterday to Ensign Other guests expected • include be served. , > Peery will lead the -worship and Mrs. Thoipas S. Latham- of Mrs. Frances Burke Redlck of •ttvlce. Anyone Interested Is In- Mercer Island, Wash;,. Mrs. Lath Newington, present department -D r/J, B. Sheia,will attend the Ylted to attend. am Is the former JarUa-. Rogers, director, of Girls’ State; Mrs. NeW England JRegiriri I Chiropody In Th(pft of daughter of Mr. and Mrel Freder Cljarlcs Yerrington df Rocky S c 1 e n c.e - conclave tomorrow A public military whist is be ick 1. Rogers. 33 Wellington Rd. Hill, past director; ■ and fira. through Sunday at Swampscott, ing held in the social hall of Robert Bellinger of Kensington, Hats the Buckingham Congregational Alfred C. Lange, son of Mr. and district chairman of Girls’ ,StalK Church tonlght'at 8 o'clock,-spon Mrs. A. C. Lange; 88 Princeton Miss' Barbara Wallet, local chair ■ Washington Lodge, No. 117„ sored by the young people's Pil St, t*i enrolled at the .University, man o f Glrl.s’ Stale, will be in LOL, will hold its monthly meet London, Oct. 12 (A*)— Nina grim Fellowship for their nils- of Maine, Orono, Maine, for the charge of the program, rSind Mrs. ing tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Ponomareva, Soviet Ol.vmpic Monary ijuota. Everett Tomlin fall semester. He is majoring in Eugene Freerrtan in chgirge of hos in. Orange Hall.‘ All members ara discus champioh, was con pitality. / urged to attend. ' son will be the director of play.’ victed today of shoplifting five dieap hats from a Loo-, don d ir im e n t store but was Cjm n8 giveli absolute discharge on payn^nt of three guineas New C risis ($8.82) chats. SOS H eard; A. Soviet elnbM.y r.pi-Ment.tlvc • paid tha thre^, guineas, loo1r~n~T.- Brewing in S^TtriE MS6IC celpt and left/ The receipt waa 80 Aircraft .made out in NinVa name. The verdict waa. handed down by FOR Magiatrate Clyde/ Wllaon where Middle East PINEHURST SPECIAL $1.00 VALUES the famous ntbletd. made* a aur- Elomb Seas priao appearance to anawer the By JOHN M. HiaHTOWER -(HURSDAY PtCTSWEET FROZEN FRESH charges. London, O ct 12 <jp)r-Difi- Denied Stealing Mata Washington, Oct. 12 (fP)— tress signals spurred a FOR FRIDAY ' She took the atand for 56 min- The turbulent Middle East is tic search today for a .U.S. PEAS. - ' Straight or as utea arid flaQ.v denied* stealing the threatening to explqd^ a new transport, plane miasing'with hats. "Z bought them," she said. crisis. ' . SATURDAY Nina’s arrest on Aug. 3* angered 59 servicemen aboard. There . PEAS and CARROTS sorted as you King Faisal of Iraq ia dui^ to tha Soviet authorltiM ao much send about . 3,000 troops Into .wag not a hint of succbfii. ^ i s h . that they canceled the Soviet-Bri- Jordan soon at the request of his A t least 80 planes ftom baase^te NEALTINE tiah track aMl'field-meet in which t CORN cousin, Jordan’s King. HusSein, to a half dozen countries — Iqdud- 'Nina was to ba competitor at help stabilize tpat country in. ad ing glint «-snglne UM. Stratejst -BRFAKFAST LUNCH DiNNfR White City Stadium hare. vance of Oct. 2 1 parliamentary bombers— an aircraft earrisr and 2 for 35c The Rtiaalana calUd Nina’s ar sections. , destroyers scoured the area north CHOPPED SPINACH ; rest a “dirty provocation.". of the Azores in an effort to pin 7 ( Nina fafiCd to show ^ in court The-NUnited Stales and Britain down the sonree of the mossagsa. on Aug, 30 and 'Wilacm issued a have giyen at least tacit approval- But barik to boso cams thoso to- LEAF SPINACH warrant for her arreat. The hefty in the interest of preventing a pos-' ports from the sehretaoni:’ -fH i and Meat De(lt. 6 for $1.06 Bible collapse o f law and order in discus, thrower disappeai-ed, pre luck. "Nothing simitod." sumably into the Soviet embassy ; Jordan, but ofllcfals here are; by no . The missing plane, a CU 8 Xift- SWIFTS SELECT WESTERN STEER lEEF FRENCH FRIES which has diplomatic immunity. mean's certain whaf-^he repercus-; master of the yjBi Military Hale’s Fresh' Grb.und Grade A Medium No limit.., U.S. Woman as Spy sions will be. OonslderaMo Tenaptatlpn Transport BwvIm , was duo at 1*- I.«cal Fresh Israel is said'to have advised the Stock up In giving his decision the Magis Jes Air Rbm on, the Axons, yss- BONELESS f0RANCEJUICE(6oz.) United States it cannot view with teiday Jhornlng. It esMsd 48 Air C O ^ E E tral. Mid: "X realise the fsUlbUity indifference what it regards aa of human .nature and the hats at JeruBSlem, Oct. 12 ,0F;. An-»court Would consider whether the JPoTce enlisted men and two oflicsn EGGS American woman sentenced to a aentences.should, begin from the the potential military reinforce returning -to the United RUtsa C. and A. Modes -displayed there ment of the Arab state with which D oz. constitute a considerable tempta year in jail, as a spy for Syria date of her arreat'.\ from duty in Britain and a Navy waa tranferred today. ,to the Despite the secrecy wrrounding it has the longest common border. flight crew o f nine. AND HERE’S ANOTHER "HOT" $1.00 tion to a number Of women; 1 There has been heavy fighting Chi^Roll »69 think the interests of juatice will woman’s Zhristrii in Ramleh, on Is- the proceedings, the embassy . .Alter a long silence a string', e f along the lsi-aeli-J.brdan frontier SOS 'signals were, picked up by SPECIAL . be discharged if I discharge her rael's coastal plane. wes informed and advii hCr fam- For RicttHmor and loost wostt, uso bontlots chuckchui Mb y Frances Hagan. 2D. whose |'*ly in Huntington. They irtedly in recent days.- commertisX siilinen flying ssr^ absolutely on payment of three The reacUon of Egyptian Pres os ir'rBrtMmdrortfwrodbV by Hdo's. famllv Uvea in Huntington, W. j J*".*"®*** ***•■ H ^an a def by Jliree Walked Away from This jGfm h today between Britain and'New guineaa Costs." Va.. waa found guilty on two ' Tel Aviv lasher M « K r i t ^ ident Gamal Abdel. Nasser, central York, Belief was ttqrresssd tha dfin PICTSWEET INDIVIDUAL PIES He said he found the case figure in the Suez Canal dispute, Not one of the Xhree passengersnge In this car were hurt when it bounced off two trailer trucks on tress calls might be eooMng'fnm ’lUTTERIALL" SMALL TURKEYS against her proved. counts on charges she spied for ' ,v,***^*'’X *** *?!** *}"- impredictable. Nasser long has the Wilbur Cross highri^y in Bucktsnd this morning, State Police said. Two girls and a man were Syria With which Israel officially portable transmitters od rubber ARE HERE AGAIN BEEF . TURKEY . CHICKEN -Defense Counsel ICervyit Grif la aa'Mrae* Glaa «\1aa/la.4 1 _♦.»■« tnC CiTCUIKUK&HCGA ^VniCll COUIlSd trjed to increase his own inflqence. sitting in the front seat rear half of tbe car was- almost ripped off during , the double smash, life rafts earrisd hy tbs. mliutaur Grandomther’s Special fith -Jones indicated* Nina had th^ chargM to for the defense put forward and In ovM.^Jqrdan and the Arab world Story on Page Three.