Divers Things: Collecting the World Under Water
Hist. Sci., xlix (2011) DIVERS THINGS: COLLECTING THE WORLD UNDER WATER James Delbourgo Rutgers University I do not pretend to have been to the bottom of the sea. Robert Boyle, 1670 matter out of place Consider the following object as shown in an early eighteenth-century engraving (Figure 1). It is a piece of wood — not a highly worked thing, not ingeniously wrought, though it is an artefact of human labour rather than a natural body. Or is it? In the engraving, the piece of wood disappears: it is visible towards the bottom of the image, a sober pointed stump, but it is quickly subsumed by a second, enveloping entity that swirls about it in an embroidering corkscrew. What elements are here intertwin- ing? The legend beneath the engraving identifies the artefact thus: “Navis, prope Hispaniolam ann Dom 1659. Naufragium passae, asser, a clavo ferreo transfixus, corallio aspero candicante I. B. Obsitus, & a fundo maris anno 1687 expiscatus.” It describes a stake or spar from a ship wrecked off Hispaniola in 1659, which is transfixed by both an iron bolt and rough whitish coral, fished out of the depths in 1687. This collector’s item is neither the cliché of exemplarily beautiful coral nor straightforwardly a historical relic, but an intertwining of the two: the “transfixing” of a remnant of maritime technology by an aquatic agent. It exhibits the very proc- ess of encrustation. The spar is juxtaposed with the image of a jellyfish, and more proximately, engravings of Spanish silver coins, also encrusted with coral: “Nummus argenteus Hispanicus … incrustatus”, one of the labels reads.1 Still another illustra- tion, in a separate engraving, bears the legend “Frustum ligni e mari atlantico erutum cui adhaerescunt conchae anatiferae margine muricata” — a piece of “drift wood beset with bernecle [sic] shells”.
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