Washington, Saturday, October 3, 1942
FEDERAL REGIST VOLUME 7 *%-, 1934 ¿V NUMBER 195 4 iflV/TED ^ Washington, Saturday, October 3, 1942 Regulations An original petition pursuant to sec CONTENTS tion 4 n (d) of the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, having been duly filed with this REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Division by the above-named party, re B itum inous Coal D iv isio n : Page Chapter I—Farm Credit Administration questing the establishment, both tem Extent of change of costs of porary and permanent, of price classifi minimum price areas; re Snbchapter A—Administrative Provisions cations and minimum prices for the coals view of questions of law and [Order 301] of certain mines in District No. 13; and policy—_________________ 7859 Part 3—F unctions op Administrative It appearing that a reasonable show Farmers Union State Exchange, Officers ing of necessity has been made for the Omaha, Neb.; supplemen FUNCTIONS, POWERS, AUTHORITY, AND DUTIES granting of temporary relief in the man tary order_______________ 7862 OF CHIEF, ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ner hereinafter set forth; and Haney Coal Co.; findings of No petitions of intervention having fact____________________ 7863 Section 3.70, Title 6, Code of Federal been filed with the Division in the above- M in im u m p r ic e schedules Regulations, as amended (6 F.R. 1809), entitled matter; and amended: is further amended to read as follows: The following action being deemed District 3__________________ 7828 § 3.70 Functions, "powers, authority, necessary in Order to effectuate the pur District 13_________________ 7823 and duties of Chief, Administrative Divi poses of the Act; Noeth, Fred; registration sus sion.
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