Abolition: Seeanti-Slavery Academy of Music, Phila., 99 Act of Supremacy
INDEX Abolition: See Anti-slavery American Peace Society, 241 Academy of Music, Phila., 99 American Philosophical Society, 248, 308 Act of Supremacy, 383 American Psychiatric Association, 187 Act of Toleration, 434, 436-437, 439 American Railroad Journal, 168 Act of Uniformity, 284 American Revolution: American Patriots and Adams, Henry, 118 the Ritual of Revolution, by Peter Shaw, Adams, John, 219, 345, 353, 491; Pennsyl- rev., 345-348; The "Centinel": Warnings vania Federal District Court, 311; and of a Revolution, Elizabeth I. Nybakken, Timothy Pickering, 225-226 ed., rev., 217-218; "Controlling the Op- Adams, John, schoolteacher, 67 position in Pennsylvania During the Adams, John Quincy, 119 American Revolution," by Anne M. Ous- Adams, Samuel, The Old Revolutionaries: Po- terhout, 2—34: John Adams and the Diplo- litical hives in the Age of Samuel Adams, by macy of the American Revolution, by James Pauline Maier, rev., 348-350 H. Hutson, rev., 111-114; Letters of Del- Adams, Willi Paul, 351 egates to the Congress, 1774-1789, Paul Addams, Jane, 241, 363 H.Smith, et al., eds., rev., 105-106: Light- Ader, Clement, 324 Horse Harry Lees and the Legacy of the Ahlstrom, Sidney E., 453 American Revolution, by Charles Royster, Aitken, Robert, 355 rev., 495: The Old Revolutionaries: Polit- Alden Park Corporation, Phila., 247 ical Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams, by Alexander, John K., Render Them Submissive: Pauline Maier, rev., 348-350; The Press Responses to Poverty in Philadelphia, and the American Revolution, Bernard Bar- 1760-1800, rev. 109-110 lyn and John B. Hench, eds., rev., Aliens, registration of, 1717, 251-253 350-351; Revolution, Reform and the Pol- Alison, Francis, 218 itics of American Taxation, by Robert A.
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